User Manual DA16200 AT Command - Dialog Semiconductor

Page created by Lance Burton
User Manual DA16200 AT Command - Dialog Semiconductor

  User Manual
DA16200 AT Command
User Manual DA16200 AT Command - Dialog Semiconductor
DA16200 AT Command                                                                                                                               FINAL


Contents ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Figures .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Tables ................................................................................................................................................... 3
1    Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 4
2    AT Command Development Environment Configuration ......................................................... 4
     2.1 DA16200 connecting the board ............................................................................................ 4
     2.2 Configure the serial port for UART ........................................................................................ 5
3    AT Command Format .................................................................................................................... 7
     3.1 Basic Command Format ....................................................................................................... 7
     3.2 Extended Command Format ................................................................................................. 7
     3.3 Response Format.................................................................................................................. 7
4    Basic Function Commands .......................................................................................................... 8
5    Network Function Commands ................................................................................................... 10
6    Wi-Fi Function Commands ......................................................................................................... 13
7    Advanced Function Commands ................................................................................................ 19
     7.1 MQTT Commands............................................................................................................... 19
          7.1.1  MQTT Client Connection Example ...................................................................... 21
          7.1.2  MQTT TLS Connection Example ......................................................................... 22
8    Transfer Function Commands ................................................................................................... 22
     8.1 Socket Commands .............................................................................................................. 22
     8.2 Data Transfer Commands ................................................................................................... 24
9    RF Test Function Commands .................................................................................................... 25
10 System & Peripheral Function Commands .............................................................................. 27
   10.1 SPI Commands ................................................................................................................... 27
   10.2 OTP Commands ................................................................................................................. 28
   10.3 XTAL Commands ................................................................................................................ 29
   10.4 Flash Dump Commands ..................................................................................................... 30
   10.5 GPIO Commands ................................................................................................................ 30
   10.6 Sleep Commands................................................................................................................ 32
11 Examples ...................................................................................................................................... 32
   11.1 Data Transfer Test .............................................................................................................. 32
        11.1.1 TCP Server Socket Test ...................................................................................... 33
        11.1.2 TCP Client Socket Test ....................................................................................... 34
        11.1.3 UDP Socket Test ................................................................................................. 35
Appendix ............................................................................................................................................ 36
Revision History ................................................................................................................................ 37

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DA16200 AT Command                                                                                                                  FINAL

Figure 1: AT Command Development Environment ............................................................................. 4
Figure 2: Check COM ports on Device Manager .................................................................................. 5
Figure 3: Terminal Configuration ........................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4: IO Ninja - TCP Client Socket Setting ................................................................................... 33
Figure 5: IO Ninja - TCP Server Socket Setting .................................................................................. 34
Figure 6: IO Ninja - UDP Socket Setting ............................................................................................. 35

Table 1: Error response codes ....................................................... 8
Table 2: Basic Function Command List ................................................................................................. 8
Table 3: Network Function Command List .......................................................................................... 10
Table 4: Certificate Command ............................................................................................................. 13
Table 5: Wi-Fi Function Command List ............................................................................................... 13
Table 6: Wi-Fi Function Response List ............................................................................................... 18
Table 7: MQTT Command List ............................................................................................................ 19
Table 8: MQTT Response List ............................................................................................................ 21
Table 9: Socket Command List ........................................................................................................... 22
Table 10: Socket Connection Response List ...................................................................................... 23
Table 11: Data Transmission Command ............................................................................................. 24
Table 12: Data Reception Responses ................................................................................................. 24
Table 13: RF Test Command List ....................................................................................................... 25
Table 14: SPI Command List .............................................................................................................. 27
Table 15: OTP Command List ............................................................................................................. 28
Table 16: OTP Memory Address for writing MAC address ................................................................. 29
Table 17: Size of memory by XTAL offset ........................................................................................... 29
Table 18: XTAL Command List ........................................................................................................... 29
Table 19: Flash Dump Command List ................................................................................................. 30
Table 20: GPIO Command List ........................................................................................................... 30
Table 21: Sleep Command List ........................................................................................................... 32

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User Manual DA16200 AT Command - Dialog Semiconductor
DA16200 AT Command                                                                                    FINAL

1     Introduction
The DA16200 AT Command is a command to control smart modem products of Hayes
Microcomputer and other compatible modems. AT Command is applied to almost all standardized
modems that are available at present. The original title is 'Hayes Command' and is also called 'AT
Command' since the command begins mostly with AT. AT is an abbreviation of 'attention', which
means to take note of or fix one's sight upon something. An example of an AT Command is ATZ. With
this command the modem becomes initialized and returns to a state with no command input.
Hayes Command has a quite simple command structure of 'AT+Command'. This is convenient as
you can just put any desired command right after 'AT,' even more than one command in a row. In
addition, model commands are quite simple as well.
Most of the Hayes Modem Commands have a command right before 'AT' except '+++', which is an
independently used command. You may put a series of commands together whether they contain a
capital letter, a small letter, or a blank.

2     AT Command Development Environment Configuration

2.1       DA16200 connecting the board
This section describes the installation procedure for the drivers, the configuration of the serial port,
and all necessary steps to set-up and check the connection with the PC.

                        Figure 1: AT Command Development Environment

On first connection to a host PC with Microsoft Windows as operating system, the system will detect
several devices and will automatically install all necessary drivers. If the driver is not automatically
installed, then get the driver from the following url:
There are two virtual COM ports created by the Windows driver. The first COM port (lower number,
COM35 in Figure 2) provides a UART interface for debugging or firmware download between the PC
and the DA161200. The second (higher number, COM36 in Figure 2) is used for ATCOMMAND as
shown in Figure 2.

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                         Figure 2: Check COM ports on Device Manager

2.2       Configure the serial port for UART
On a Windows Host the utility Tera Term is used to fully validate the connection to the DA16200
Tera Term is a free software terminal emulator (communication program) that supports multiple
communication including serial port connections.
1. Download Tera Term from
2. Run the teraterm-x.yy.exe.
3. Follow the installation wizard.
To make sure that the communication between the DA16200 EVK and the host PC is established
correctly, check the UART connection between the two nodes. Do the following steps:
1. Use a USB cable to connect the DA16200 EVK to the PC.
2. Make sure that the PC discovered the two serial ports in Windows Device Manager as shown in
   Figure 2. The highest COM port number is connected to UART1.
3. Open Tera Term from the Windows Start menu.
4. In the Tera Term: New connection dialog:
   a. Select Serial.
   b. Select the COM Port to use.
   c. Click OK.
5. Select Setup > Serial Port and configure the UART port with the parameters as shown in Figure
   3. For choosing COM port, open COM port which is checked Step 2.

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                     Figure 3: Terminal Configuration

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3      AT Command Format

3.1       Basic Command Format
● Write CMD
Basic command execution.
For example: ATZ
● Read CMD
Get the parameter values of the command.
For example: ATQ=?
Display result on

3.2       Extended Command Format
● Write CMD
Extended command execution.
For example: AT+NWIP=0,,,
If comma(s) or single-quote(s) is used in the parameter, single-quote is required before and after.
For example: AT+WFJAP='ssid,comma'single-quote',3,1,'password'
Note: The use of the phrase ', in the parameter is prohibited.
● Read CMD
Get the parameter values of the command.
For example: AT+NWIP=?

3.3       Response Format
● Startup response
The AT command response when DA16200 is reset.
● Basic response

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DA16200 AT Command                                                                                           FINAL

Basic response gives the command result and is accompanied by a carriage return and a line feed.
■ Normal response
■ Error response
● Extended response
Extended response gives the command setting values and is followed by basic response.
● Error response codes

Table 1: Error response codes
    Code                           Description
     -1      Unknown command
     -2      Insufficient parameter
     -3      Too many parameters
     -4      Wrong parameter value
     -5      Unsupported function
     -6      Not connected to an AP
     -7      No result
     -8      Response buffer overflow
     -9      Function is not configured
     -10     Command timeout
     -11     NVRAM write failure
     -12     Retention memory write failure
     -99     Unknown error

4          Basic Function Commands
Table 2: Basic Function Command List
           Command            Parameters                                    Description
 ?                         (none)                Same with “Help” command.
 help                      (none)                Show AT command usage.
 AT+                       (none)                AT command list.
 ATZ                       (none)                Initialize AT command.
 ATF                       (none)                DA16200 factory reset.
 ATE                       (none)                ECHO On/Off.
 ATQ                       (none)                Set displaying result On/Off.

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     Command       Parameters                                Description
 AT+RESTART    (none)           System restart.
 AT+RESET      (none)           System reset. Go to the boot mode ([MROM] prompt).
 AT+VER        (none)           Get version info.
                                Response: +VER:,,
 AT+TIME       ,    Set the current time.
                                : yyyy-mm-dd
                                : hh:mm:ss
                                Response: OK or ERROR
                                For example: AT+TIME=2016-12-14,11:40:00
               ?                Get the current time.
                                Response: +TIME: 
 AT+RLT        (none)           Get system running time
                                Response: +RLT:,
 AT+TZONE                  GMT Time zone setting (-43200 ~ 43200)
                                : Time zone setting parameter
                                Response: OK or ERROR
                                For example: AT+TZONE=32400 (+09:00; KR)
               ?                Get GMT Time zone parameter
                                Response: +TZONE:
 AT+DEFAP      (none)           Factory reset and setup Soft-AP mode with default configuration.
                                ●    SSID: DA16200_xxxxxx (using a part of the MAC addr)
                                ●    Authentication: WPA2/CCMP
                                ●    IP address:
                                ●  DHCP server: Enabled
                                ●  …
                                Response: OK or ERROR (reboot)
 AT+BIDX                   Set Boot index.
                                : Boot index (0 or 1)
                                Response: OK or ERROR
                                For example: AT+BIDX=1
               ?                Get the current Boot index.
                                Response: +BIDX:
 AT+DPM                    Set DPM On/Off.
                                : 0 (Off), 1 (On)
                                Response: OK or ERROR
                                For example: AT+DPM=1
               ?                Get the current DPM setting.
                                Response: +DPM:
 AT+DPMKA               Set DPM keepalive period.
                                : keepalive period (millisecond, 1000 ~ 180000)
                                Response: OK or ERROR
                                For example: AT+DPMKA=30000

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       Command            Parameters                              Description
 AT+                             Set DPM TIM wakeup count.
 DPMTIMWU                               : TIM wakeup count (1 ~ 65535)
                                        Response: OK or ERROR
                                        For example: AT+DPMTIMWU=10
 AT+                              Set DPM user wakeup time.
 DPMUSERWU                              : user wakeup period (second, 0 ~ 86400)
                                        Response: OK or ERROR
                                        For example: AT+DPMUSERWU=3600
 AT+                 (none)             Set the user application not to enter DPM mode in case of
 CLRDPMSLPEXT                           external wakeup. The AT command host system should execute
                                        this command within 200 ms after waking up DA16200 by
                                        external wakeup pin, otherwise DA16200 will go into DPM mode.
                                        Response: OK or ERROR
 AT+                 (none)             Set the user application to be ready to enter into DPM mode in
 SETDPMSLPEXT                           case of external wakeup. The AT command host system should
                                        execute this command after finishing jobs when waking up
                                        DA16200 by an external wakeup pin.
                                        Response: OK or ERROR
 AT+                 (none)             Set user application ready to enter into DPM Sleep 2 mode in
 SETDPMSLP2EXT                          case of external wakeup. AT command host system should
                                        execute this command after finishing jobs when waking up
                                        DA16200 by external wakeup pin.
                                        Response: OK or ERROR

5      Network Function Commands
Table 3: Network Function Command List
    Command          Parameters                                  Description
 AT+NWIP         ,,    Set IP address.
                 ,        : WLAN interface. 0 (WLAN0, STA), 1 (WLAN1, Soft-AP)
                                       : IP Address
                                       : Subnet mask
                                       : Gateway
                                       Response: OK or ERROR
                                       For example:
                 ?                     Get IP address of the current WLAN interface.
                 (none)                Response: +NWIP: ,,,

 AT+NWDNS                      Set DNS server IP address of STA interface.
                                       : DNS server IP address
                                       Response: OK or ERROR
                                       For example: AT+NWDNS=
                 ?                     Get DNS server IP address of STA interface.
                 (none)                Response: +NWDNS:

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   Command        Parameters                                 Description
 AT+NWHOST                   Get the host IP address by name.
                                   : Domain name
                                   Response: +NWHOST:
                                   For example: AT+NWHOST=https://www.dialog-
 AT+NWPING    ,,    Ping test.
                            : WLAN interface. 0 (WLAN0), 1 (WLAN1)
                                   : Target IP address
                                   : The number of ICMP message transmissions
                                   Response: +NWPING:,,
                                   For example: AT+NWPING=0,,4
 AT+NWDHC                   Set DHCP client.
                                   : 0 (stop), 1 (start)
                                   Response: OK or ERROR
                                   For example: AT+NWDHC=1
              ?                    Get DHCP client status.
              (none)               Response: +NWDHC:

 AT+NWDHR     ,                    : Starting IP address assigned by DHCP server
                                   : Ending IP address assigned by DHCP server
                                   Response: OK or ERROR
                                   For example: AT+NWDHR=,
              ?                    Get IP address range of DHCP server.
              (none)               Response: +NWDHR:,

 AT+NWDHLT             Set IP lease time of DHCP server.
                                   : IP lease time
                                   Response: OK or ERROR
                                   For example: AT+NWDHLT=1800
              ?                    Get IP lease time of DHCP server.
              (none)               Response: +NWDHLT:

 AT+NWDHDNS                Set DNS server IP address of DHCP server.
                                   : DNS server IP address
                                   Response: OK or ERROR
                                   For example: AT+NWDHDNS=
              ?                    Get DNS server IP address of DHCP server.
              (none)               Response: +NWDHDNS:

 AT+NWDHS                   Start DHCP server.
                                   : 0 (stop), 1 (start)
                                   Response: OK or ERROR
                                   For example: AT+NWDHS=1

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   Command        Parameters                                  Description
              ,             Start DHCP server with options.
              ,,                   : Starting IP address for DHCP client
              ,        : Ending IP address for DHCP client
                           : IP lease time (optional, second, default is 1800)
                                   : DNS server IP address (optional)
                                   Response: OK or ERROR
                                   For example:
              ?                    Get DHCP client status.
              (none)               Response: +NWDHS:

 AT+NWSNS               Set SNTP server IP address.
                                   : SNTP server IP address
                                   Response: OK or ERROR
                                   For example: AT+NWSNS=
              ?                    Get SNTP server IP address.
              (none)               Response: +NWSNS:

 AT+NWSNUP                 Set SNTP client update period.
                                   : SNTP client update period
                                   Response: OK or ERROR
                                   For example: AT+NWSNUP=86400
              ?                    Get SNTP client update period.
              (none)               Response: +NWSNUP:

 AT+NWSNTP                   Set SNTP on/off.
                                   : 0 (stop), 1 (start)
                                   Response: OK or ERROR
                                   For example: AT+NWSNTP=0
              ,              Start SNTP with options.
              ,         : 1 (start)
                           : SNTP server IP address (or domain)
                                   : SNTP client update period (optional, second, default is
                                   Response: OK or ERROR
                                   For example: AT+NWSNTP=1,,86400
              ?                    Get SNTP status.
              (none)               Response: +NWSNTP:

 AT+NWTLSV                    Set TLS version.
                                   : TLS Version. 0 (TLSv 1.0), 1 (TLSv1.1), 2 (TLSv1.2)
                                   Response: OK or ERROR
                                   For example: AT+NWDTLS=0
              ?                    Get the current TLS version
              (none)               Response: +NWTLSV=

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    Command           Parameters                                  Description
 AT+NWCCRT         (none)            Check if certificate exists.
                                     (Root CA (bit 2) / Cert (bit 1) / Key (bit 0))
                                     For example: if DA16200 has the Root CA and Certificate, return
                                     value is 6.
                                     Response: +VER:
 AT+NWDCRT         (none)            Delete all TLS certificates including private key.
                                     Response: OK or ERROR

Table 4: Certificate Command
     Escape             Parameters                                   Description
 C        ,    Store certificate or private key.
                                           Max length is 2048.
                                           : Certificate ID. 0 (Root CA), 1 (Client Certificate), 2
                                           (Private Key)
                                           : Certificate data.
                                           : Indication of the end of content (Ctrl+C, 0x03).
                                           Response: OK or ERROR
                                           For example:
                                           C1,----- BEGIN CERTIFICATE -----

6     Wi-Fi Function Commands
Table 5: Wi-Fi Function Command List
    Command             Parameters                                   Description
 AT+WFMODE                           Set Wi-Fi mode.
                                           : 0 (STA), 1 (Soft-AP)
                                           Response: OK or ERROR
                                           For example: AT+WFMODE=1
               ?                           Get the current Wi-Fi mode.
               (none)                      Response: +WFMODE:

 AT+WFMAC                             Write user MAC address in the NVRAM.
                                           The last digit should be an even number.
                                           Response: OK or ERROR
                                           For example: AT+WFMAC=EC:9F:0D:90:00:48
               ?                           Get the current MAC address of the activated WLAN
                                           DA16200 provides 3 types of MAC address (OTP MAC
                                           address, user MAC address and spoofing MAC address).
                                           The priority is OTP < User < Spoofing.
                                           Response: +WFMAC:

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   Command             Parameters                             Description
 AT+WFSPF                       Write spoofing MAC address in the NVRAM.
                                     The last digit should be an even number.
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
                                     For example: AT+WFSPF=EC:9F:0D:90:00:48
 AT+WFOTP                       Write MAC address in the OTP memory. An old MAC
                                     address in the OTP will be invalidated if it exists. (There are 4
                                     mac address slots available in OTP, hence allows writing
                                     only 4 times in total at production.)
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
                                     For example: AT+WFOTP=EC:9F:0D:90:00:48
                                     The last hex of  should be an even number.
                                     The MAC address written in the OTP is used as WLAN0
                                     MAC address and then WLAN’s MAC+1 will be used as
                                     WLAN1 MAC address.
 AT+WFSTAT    (none)                 Get Wi-Fi configuration.
                                     Response: +WFSTAT:…
 AT+WFPBC     (none)                 Run WPS PBC method.
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
 AT+WFPIN                       Run WPS PIN method.
              (none)                 : PIN (8 digits)
                                     (none): Generate a random PIN
                                     Response: +WFPIN:
                                     OK or ERROR
                                     For example: AT+WFPIN
              ?                      Get the current PIN.
                                     Response: +WFPIN:
 AT+WFCWPS    (none)                 Cancel WPS (both PBC and PIN).
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
 AT+WFCC                       Set country code.
                                     : Country code (defined by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
                                     standard) (e.g. KR, US, JP, CH …)
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
                                     For example: AT+WFCC=KR
              ?                      Get the current country code.
              (none)                 Response: AT+WFCC=

 AT+WFSCAN    (none)                 Scan APs.
                                     Response: +WFSCAN:…
 AT+WFJAP     ,           Connect to an AP.
              (sec=0)                : AP SSID
              ,,          : Security protocol. 0 (OPEN), 1 (WEP), 2 (WPA), 3
                                     (WPA2), 4 (WPA+WPA2)
                                     : Key index for WEP. 0~3

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   Command             Parameters                           Description
              ,,          : Encryption. 0 (TKIP), 1 (AES), 2 (TKIP+AES)
              ,            : Passphrase
              (sec=2|3|4)            Response: OK or ERROR
                                     For example: AT+WFJAP=DA16200_OPEN,0
              ?                      Get the current AP information.
              (none)                 Response: +WFJAP:'',0
 AT+WFJAPA    ,           Connect to an AP.
                                     If  exists, then security protocol is WPA+WPA2 and
                                     encryption is TKIP+AES.
                                     if  is omitted, then security protocol is OPEN.
                                     : AP SSID
                                     : Passphrase
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
                                     For example: AT+WFJAPA=DA16200_OPEN
              ?                      Get the current AP information. (SSID & Passphrase only)
              (none)                 Response: +WFJAPA:''
 AT+WFCAP     (none)                 Connect to an AP with the current WLAN0 interface
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
 AT+WFQAP     (none)                 Disconnect from the currently associated AP.
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
 AT+WFROAP                     Operate STA roaming.
                                     : 1 (run), 0 (stop)
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
                                     For example: AT+WFROAP=1
              ?                      Get the roaming status.
              (none)                 Response: +WFROAP:

 AT+WFROTH                     Set STA roaming threshold.
                                     : Roaming threshold value (0 ~ -95 dBm)
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
                                     For example: AT+WFROTH=-80
              ?                      Get the STA roaming threshold.
              (none)                 Response: +WFROTH:

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   Command             Parameters                             Description
 AT+WFDIS                  Set the Wi-Fi profile unused. If set to 1, DA16200 will not
                                     start to connect to the AP configured when rebooting.
                                     : 1 (Unused), 0 (Used)
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
                                     For example: AT+WFDIS=1
              ?                      Get the use of Wi-Fi profile
              (none)                 Response: +WFDIS:

 AT+WFENTAP   ,,,    Set AP information for WPA Enterprise (EAP).
              ,      : AP SSID
                                     : Authentication. 0 (WPA), 1 (WPA2), 2 (WPA+WPA2)
                                     : Encryption. 0 (TKIP), 1 (AES), 2 (TKIP+AES)
                                     : EAP Phase 1 Type. 0 (PEAP), 1 (TTLS), 2
                                     (FAST), 3 (TLS)
                                     : (Optional) EAP Phase 2 Type. 0 (MSCHAPV2), 1
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
                                     For example: AT+WFENTAP=DA16200_ENT_AP,1,1,0,0
              ?                      Get the current AP information of WPA Enterprise (EAP).
              (none)                 Response:
                                     +WFENTAP=,,,3 (EAP-TLS)
 AT+WFENTLI   ,              Set Enterprise log-in information.
                                     : ID
                                     : (Optional) Password
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
                                     For example: AT+WFENTLI=peap,12345678
              ?                      Get the current Enterprise log-in information.
              (none)                 Response: +WFENTLI=,
                                     +WFENTLI= (EAP-TLS)
 AT+WFSAP     ,,          Setup Soft-AP interface.
              ,            : AP SSID
              (sec=0)                : Security protocol. 0 (OPEN), 2 (WPA), 3 (WPA2), 4
                                     : Encryption. 0 (TKIP), 1 (AES), 2 (TKIP+AES)
                                     : Passphrase
                                     : (Optional) Operating channel (Default is 1 or uses the
              (sec=2|3|4)            current channel if Soft-AP is operating)
                                     : (Optional) Country code. If exists,  is essential.
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
                                     For example: AT+WFSAP=DA16200_OPEN,0
              ?                      Get the Soft-AP interface configuration.

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   Command             Parameters                            Description
              (none)                 Response:
 AT+WFOAP     (none)                 Operate Soft-AP interface.
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
 AT+WFTAP     (none)                 Stop Soft-AP interface.
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
 AT+WFRAP     (none)                 Restart Soft-AP interface.
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
 AT+WFLCST    (none)                 Get connected station information.
                                     Response: +WFLCST:…
 AT+WFAPWM                     Set IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi mode of Soft-AP interface.
                                     : 0 (B/G/N), 1 (G/N), 2 (B/G), 3 (N), 4 (G), 5 (B)
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
                                     For example: AT+WFAPWM=1
              ?                      Get IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi mode of Soft-AP interface.
              (none)                 Response: +WFAPWM:

 AT+WFAPCH                       Set operating channel number of Soft-AP interface.
                                     : Operating channel (0 ~ 14, 0 is auto)
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
                                     For example: AT+WFAPCH=6
              ?                      Get operating channel number of Soft-AP interface.
              (none)                 Response: +WFAPCH:

 AT+WFAPBI                 Set AP beacon interval.
                                     : Beacon interval (ms)
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
                                     For example: AT+WFAPBI=100
              ?                      Get AP beacon interval.
              (none)                 Response: +WFAPBI:

 AT+WFAPUI                  Set station disconnection timeout in Soft-AP mode.
                                     : Disconnection timeout (sec)
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
                                     For example: AT+WFAPUI=300
              ?                      Get station disconnection timeout in Soft-AP mode.
              (none)                 Response: +WFAPUI:

 AT+WFAPRT                Set AP RTS threshold.
                                     : RTS threshold (1 ~ 2347)
                                     Response: OK or ERROR
                                     For example: AT+WFAPRT=2347
              ?                      Get AP RTS threshold.
              (none)                 Response: +WFAPRT:

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DA16200 AT Command                                                                                   FINAL

   Command               Parameters                                 Description
 AT+WFAPDE                           Send de-authentication frame to the connected station.
                                          : MAC address of the connected station
                                          Response: OK or ERROR
                                          For example: AT+WFAPDE=f8:a9:d0:49:b1:ba
 AT+WFAPDI                           Send disassociation frame to the connected station.
                                          : MAC address of the connected station
                                          Response: OK or ERROR
                                          For example: AT+WFAPDI=f8:a9:d0:49:b1:ba
 AT+WFWMM                            Set WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) on/off.
                                          : 0 (off), 1 (on)
                                          Response: OK or ERROR
                                          For example: AT+WFWMM=1
                ?                         Get WMM status.
                (none)                    Response: +WFWMM:

 AT+WFWMP                          Set WMM-PS (WMM Power Save) on/off.
                                          : 0 (off), 1 (on)
                                          Response: OK or ERROR
                                          For example: AT+WFWMP=0
                ?                         Get WMM-PS status.
                                          Response: +WFWMP:

Table 6: Wi-Fi Function Response List
  Response          Parameters                                    Description
 +WFJAP        ,,   The result of AP connection in STA mode. (The result of
                                      AT+WFJAP or AT+WFJAPA or AT+WFCAP.)
                                      : 0 (failed), 1 (succeeded)
                                      : SSID of the AP when succeeded.
                                      : IP address of the station when succeeded.
                                      For example: +WFJAP:0
 +WFDAP                     Disconnected from the AP.
                                      : 0
                                      For example: +WFDAP:0
 +WFCST                          A Wi-Fi station connected in Soft-AP mode.
                                      : MAC address of the connected station
 +WFDST                          A Wi-Fi station disconnected in Soft-AP mode.
                                      : MAC address of the disconnected station

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7      Advanced Function Commands

7.1       MQTT Commands
Table 7: MQTT Command List
      Command            Parameters                             Description
 AT+NWMQCL                 Enable/disable the MQTT client.
                                        : 0 (disable), 1 (enable)
                                        Response: OK or ERROR
                                        For example: AT+NWMQCL=1
                 ?                      Get the MQTT client status.
                 (none)                 Response: +NWMQCL:

 AT+NWMQMSG      ,          Publish an MQTT message.
                                        : message to be published (max length: 256 bytes)
                                        : MQTT topic (optional)
                                        Response: OK or ERROR
                                        For example: AT+NWMQMSG=Hello World
 AT+NWMQBR       ,            Set the IP address and the port number of MQTT Broker.
                                        : Broker’s IP address
                                        : Broker’s port number
                                        Response: OK or ERROR
                                        For example: AT+NWMQBR=,1883
                 ?                      Get the IP address and the port number of MQTT Broker.
                 (none)                 Response: +NWMQBR:,

 AT+NWMQQOS                        Set the MQTT QoS level.
                                        : 0 (at most once), 1 (at least once), 2 (exactly once)
                                        Response: OK or ERROR
                                        For example: AT+NWMQQOS=1
                 ?                      Get the MQTT QoS level.
                 (none)                 Response: +NWMQQOS:

 AT+NWMQTLS                        Enable/disable MQTT TLS function.
                                        : 1 (enable), 0 (disable)
                                        Response: OK or ERROR
                                        For example: AT+NWMQTLS=1
                 ?                      Get MQTT TLS status.
                 (none)                 Response: +NWMQTLS:

 AT+NWMQTS       ,,       Set the topic(s) of the MQTT subscriber.
                 ,             : the number of topics
                 …                      : MQTT subscriber topic(s)
                                        Response: OK or ERROR
                                        For example: AT+NWMQTS=2,da16k,dialog

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    Command         Parameters                                 Description
               (none)                  Get the MQTT subscriber topic(s).
                                       Response: +NWMQTS:,,,…
 AT+NWMQTP                      Set the topic(s) of the MQTT publisher.
                                       : MQTT publisher topic
                                       Response: OK or ERROR
                                       For example: AT+NWMQTP=da16k
               ?                       Get the MQTT publisher topic.
               (none)                  Response: +NWMQTP:
 AT+NWMQPING                   Set MQTT ping period.
                                       : Ping period (second)
                                       Response: OK or ERROR
                                       For example: AT+NWMQPING=600
               ?                       Get the current MQTT ping period.
               (none)                  Response: +NWMQPING:
 AT+NWMQCID                 Set MQTT Client ID
                                       : Client ID
                                       Response: OK or ERROR
                                       For example: AT+NWMQCID=MQTT_00F3
               ?                       Get the current MQTT Client ID
               (none)                  Response: +NWMQCID:
 AT+NWMQLI     ,             MQTT login information.
                                       : ID
                                       : password
                                       Response: OK or ERROR
                                       For example: AT+NWMQLI=da16k_user,12345678
               ?                       Get the MQTT login information.
               (none)                  Response: +NWMQLI:,
 AT+NWMQWILL   ,,     Set MQTT will message.
                                       : Will topic
                                       : Will message
                                       : Will QoS. 0 (at most once), 1 (at least once), 2
                                       (exactly once)
                                       Response: OK or ERROR
                                       For example: AT+NWMQWILL=da16k_will,bye,0
               ?                       Get the MQTT will message.
               (none)                  Response: +NWMQWILL:,,
 AT+NWMQDEL    (none)                  Reset MQTT configurations.
                                       Response: OK or ERROR

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     Command                  Parameters                               Description
 AT+NWMQTT           ,,              Run MQTT subscriber and publisher with options. This
                     ,              command sets options, reboots and starts subscriber and
                     ,              publisher.
                     ,,              : Broker’s IP address
                     ,               : Broker’s port number
                                               : MQTT subscriber topic
                                               : MQTT publisher topic
                                               : MQTT QoS level
                                               : Enable/disable MQTT TLS. 1 (enable), 0 (disable)
                                               : Login ID (optional)
                                               : Login password (optional)
                                               Response: OK or ERROR
                                               For example: AT+NWMQTT=,1883,da16k_sub,

Table 8: MQTT Response List
    Response             Parameters                                   Description
 +NWMQCL                             The result of MQTT client connection.
                                             : 0 (disconnected), 1 (connected)
                                             For example: +NWMQCL:1
 +NWMQMSG          ,,    Received MQTT message.
                                             : message data
                                             : received topic
                                             : message length

7.1.1     MQTT Client Connection Example
Configure the parameters and start the subscriber.
     (After Wi-Fi Connection)

If the connection is successful, the following text is shown:

If DA16K receives a PUBLISH from a broker, the following text is shown:
     +NWMQMSG:Hello World,da16k,11

DA16K can send a PUBLISH to a broker. Input the following command:
     AT+NWMQMSG=Hello I'm DA16K

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7.1.2      MQTT TLS Connection Example
Configure the MQTT parameters.

To check the validity of a certificate, the DA16K should set the exact current time.

And store the certificate and private key if needed. (C in chapter 5)

After all settings are done, start the client.

8       Transfer Function Commands

8.1       Socket Commands
Table 9: Socket Command List
      Command            Parameters                                    Description
 AT+TRTS                        Open a TCP server socket.
                                            : Local port number of the socket
                                            Response: OK or ERROR
                                            For example: AT+TRTS=88
 AT+TRTC            ,            Open a TCP client socket and connect to a TCP server.
                    ,          : IP address of TCP server to be accessed
                                : Port number of TCP server
                                            : Local port number of the socket (optional, 0: auto)
                                            Response: OK or ERROR
                                            For example: AT+TRTC=,88
 AT+TRUSE                       Open a UDP socket.
                                            : Local port number of the socket
                                            Response: OK or ERROR
                                            For example: AT+TRUSE=89
 AT+TRUR            ,            Set remote IP and port of the UDP socket.
                               : Remote IP address
                                            : Remote port number
                                            Response: OK or ERROR
                                            For example: AT+TRUR=,90
 AT+TRPRT                              Get session information by CID.
                                            : 0 (TCP server), 1 (TCP client), 2 (UDP)
                                            Response: ,[TCP|UDP],,,
                                            For example: AT+TRPRT=1

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   Command          Parameters                                Description
 AT+TRPALL      (none)             Get all session information.
                                   Response: ,[TCP|UDP],,,
 AT+TRTRM                     Close (terminate) a session by CID.
                                   : 0 (TCP server), 1 (TCP client), 2 (UDP)
                                   Response: OK or ERROR
                                   For example: AT+TRTRM=1
 AT+TRTALL      (none)             Close (terminate) all sessions.
                                   Response: OK or ERROR

Table 10: Socket Connection Response List
   Response         Parameters                                Description
 +TRCTS         ,              A remote TCP client is connected to the TCP server which was
                ,        opened by AT+TRTS.
                       : 0 (TCP Server)
                                    : TCP client IP address
                                    : TCP client port number
                                    For example: +TRCTS:0,,3713
 +TRXTS         ,              A remote TCP client is disconnected from the TCP server which
                ,        was opened by AT+TRTS.
                       : 0 (TCP Server)
                                    : TCP client IP address
                                    : TCP client port number
                                    For example: +TRXTS:0,,3713
 +TRXTC         ,              The TCP client socket which was opened by AT+TRTC is
                ,        disconnected.
                       : 1 (TCP Client)
                                    : TCP server IP address
                                    : TCP server port number
                                    For example: +TRXTC:1,,3713

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8.2       Data Transfer Commands
Table 11: Data Transmission Command
       Escape            Parameters                                  Description
 S            ,             Transmit data through a socket of CID.
                                  : the escape character (0x1B)
                   ,      : 0 (TCP server), 1 (TCP client), 2 (UDP)
                                              : Data length (If this is 0 then read the command
                                              until ‘\r’ or ‘\n’ comes. Max length is 2048 bytes but data
                                              will be fragmented by MTU).
                                              : Remote IP number.
                                              : Remote port number.
                                              - For TCP Server,  and  of a
                                              TCP Client should be given. Maximum 4 TCP Clients can
                                              be connected to the TCP Server.
                                              - For TCP Client, 0, 0 is given (as the destination is the
                                              - For UDP: if you give 0,0, the data is sent to the
                                              destination that AT+TRUR has specified. if non-0
                                               and  are given, UDP
                                              temporarily sends to the destination  and
                                              Response: OK or ERROR
                                              For example: S00,,3713,da16200\r

Table 12: Data Reception Responses
      Response           Parameters                                  Description
 +TRDTS            ,                     Receive data through TCP server socket.
                   ,,       : 0 (TCP Server)
                   ,            : Source IP address
                                              : Source port number
                                              : Data length
                                              : Received data
                                              For example:
 +TRDTC            ,                     Receive data through TCP client socket.
                   ,,       : 1 (TCP Client)
                   ,            : Source IP address
                                              : Source port number
                                              : Data length
                                              : Received data
                                              For example: +TRDTC:1,,88,10,

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     Response              Parameters                                Description
 +TRDUS           ,                     Receive data through UDP server socket.
                  ,,       : 2 (UDP Session)
                  ,            : Source IP address
                                             : Source port number
                                             : Data length
                                             : Received data
                                             For example:

9     RF Test Function Commands
Table 13: RF Test Command List
     Command           Parameters                                  Description
 AT+                                Set boot mode.
 TMRFNOINIT                               : 0 (normal boot), 1 (RF test mode boot)
                                          Response: OK or ERROR
                                          For example: AT+TMRFNOINIT=1
 AT+              (none)                  Initialize LMAC (for test mode).
 TMLMACINIT                               Response: OK or ERROR
 AT+RFTESTSTART   (none)                  Start RF test mode.
 AT+RFTESTSTOP    (none)                  Stop RF test mode.

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     Command       Parameters                              Description
 AT+RFTX       ,              Start RF TX test.
               ,              : Carrier frequency (2412 ~ 2484 MHz)
               ,       : Carrier bandwidth. 20 MHz fixed.
               ,        : Number of frames to transmit
               ,          : Length of frame (bytes)
               ,         : Data rate
               ,        b1: 11b DSSS 1 Mbps
               ,           b2: 11b DSSS 2 Mbps
               ,        b5_5: 11b DSSS 5.5 Mbps
               ,              b11: 11b DSSS 11 Mbps
               ,      g6: 11g 6 Mbps
               ,    g9: 11g 9 Mbps
               ,       g12: 11g 12 Mbps
               ,       g18: 11g 18 Mbps
               ,       g24: 11g 24 Mbps
               ,        g36: 11g 36 Mbps
                             g48: 11g 48 Mbps
                                  g54: 11g 54 Mbps
                                  n6_5: 11n 6.5 Mbps (7.2 Mbps @Short GI)
                                  n13: 11n 13 Mbps (14.4 Mbps @Short GI)
                                  n19_5: 11n 19.5 Mbps (21.7 Mbps @Short GI)
                                  n26: 11n 26 Mbps (28.9 Mbps @Short GI)
                                  n39: 11n 39 Mbps (43.3 Mbps @Short GI)
                                  n52: 11n 52 Mbps (57.8 Mbps @Short GI)
                                  n58_5: 11n 58.5 Mbps (65 Mbps @Short GI)
                                  n65: 11n 65 Mbps (72.2 Mbps @Short GI)
                                  : TX power (0 ~ 15), 0.8 dB step
                                  : MAC address to send packet
                                  : BSSID
                                  : N/A
                                  : [short|long]. Guad interval. 11n mode only
                                  : [on|off]. Set greenfield mode on/off
                                  : [short|long]. Preamble type @DSSS mode
                                  : [on|off]. MAC header QoS control
                                  : [NO|NORM|BA|CBA]
                                  : N/A
                                  : [0 ~ 15]. Indicate the AIFS in units of slots after
                                  SIFS that HW should wait for before starting backoff, for
                                  access category
                                  : [0]. Fixed.
 AT+RFTXSTOP   (none)             Stop RF TX test.

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     Command          Parameters                               Description
 AT+RFCWTEST      ,                Start CW test.
                  ,                : Carrier frequency (2412 ~ 2484 MHz)
                  ,           : Carrier bandwidth. 20 MHz fixed
                  ,               : TX power (0 ~ 15), 0.8 dB step
                              : [0]. Fixed
                                       : [1|2|4|5|8|10] MHz
 AT+RFCWSTOP      (none)               Stop CW test.
 AT+RFPER         (none)               Display PER state,
                                       Indicate number of Valid packets, FCS Errors packets, PHY
                                       Errors packets, Overflow Errors
 AT+RFPERRESET    (none)               Reset PER count.
 AT+              ,            Start RF continuous TX test.
 RFCONTSTART      ,           : Data rate. Refer to AT+RFTX command
                                   : TX power (0 ~ 15), 0.8 dB step
                                       : Carrier frequency (2412 ~ 2484 MHz)
 AT+RFCONTSTOP    (none)               Stop RF continuous TX test.
 AT+RFCHANNEL                      Change RF channel.
                                       : Carrier frequency (2412 ~ 2484 MHz)

10 System & Peripheral Function Commands

10.1 SPI Commands
Table 14: SPI Command List
     Command             Parameters                             Description
 AT+SPICONF       ,           Configure SPI.
                              : Clock polarity [0|1]
                                        : Clock phase [0|1]

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10.2 OTP Commands
Table 15: OTP Command List
     Command           Parameters                                 Description
 AT+UOTPRDASC     ,             Read OTP data.
                                           DA16200’s physical OTP offset range is h0~h7FF; at each
                                           offset, 4 bytes are stored / read.
                                           For accessing OTP using this command, 4-byte aligned
                                           address should be given. For example: h0, h4, h8 ...
                                           : OTP address to read 4-byte aligned
                                           : bytes to read
                                           Response: OK or Error
                                           A string of 4-bit HEXA value represented by the ASCII code
                                           For example: Reading 4 bytes at offset h100 ➔ h100 * 4 =
 AT+UOTPWRASC     ,,     Write OTP data.
                                           DA16200’s physical OTP offset range: h0~h7FF; at each
                                           offset, 4 bytes are stored / read.
                                           For accessing OTP using AT-COMMAND, 4-byte aligned
                                           address should be given: For example: h0, h4, h8 ...
                                           : OTP address to write  4-byte aligned
                                           : bytes to write
                                           : A string of 4-bit HEXA value represented by the
                                           ASCII code
                                           Response: OK or Error
                                           For example: Writing h12345678 to OTP Address 0x400:
                                           For MAC address read / write, AT+WFOTP (write) and
                                           AT+WFMAC (read) must be used. Please do not use
                                           AT+UOTPRDASC/ AT+UOTPWRASC for this purpose.
                                           OTP offset from 0x00 ~ 0x2b should not be written as this
                                           section is for “secure” boot.

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DA16200 provides 4 slots to store MAC addresses and 8 bytes are allocated for each slot.

Table 16: OTP Memory Address for writing MAC address
                Slot                OTP Address                Description                     Size(Byte)
                                         0x100              MAC Address Low                         4
           MAC Address #0
                                         0x101              MAC Address High                        4
                                         0x102              MAC Address Low                         4
           MAC Address #1
                                         0x103              MAC Address High                        4
                                         0x104              MAC Address Low                         4
           MAC Address #2
                                         0x105              MAC Address High                        4
                                         0x106              MAC Address Low                         4
           MAC Address #3
                                         0x107              MAC Address High                        4

DA16200 provides 2 slots to store XTAL offset in the OTP memory. Slot #0 is the primary slot while
Slot#1 is for back-up, which is used when overriding Slot #0.

Table 17: Size of memory by XTAL offset
    Slot        OTP Address                Description                               Size (Bytes)
   XTAL            0x10A              XTAL Offset #0 value                                 2
  Offset #0
   XTAL            0x10B              XTAL Offset #1 value                                 2
  Offset #1

10.3 XTAL Commands
These commands are used for XTAL calibration and the usage is described in DA16200 Module Production

Table 18: XTAL Command List
     Command                Parameters                                   Description
 AT+XTALWR                                Write XTAL Offset to DA16200 system register. This value
                                                 will be erased after system reset and the register is set with
                                                 the OTP XTAL offset value.
                                                 : 7-bits to Write [h'1 ~ h'7f]
                                                 Response: OK or Error
                                                 For example:

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     Command             Parameters                                 Description
 AT+XTALRD          (none)                  Read XTAL Offset from DA16200 System.
                                            OK or Error
                                            For example:

10.4 Flash Dump Commands
Table 19: Flash Dump Command List
     Command             Parameters                                 Description
 AT+FLASHDUMP       ,              Dump serial flash data.
                                    : Start address [h’0 ~ h’3fffff]
                                            : data length [d’]
                                            0x[crc[7] crc[6] crc[5] crc[4] crc[3] crc[2] crc[1]
                                            crc[0]] OK
                                            or Error
                                            For example: Following example reads 32KB from 0x0.

10.5 GPIO Commands
Table 20: GPIO Command List
          Command            Parameters                               Description
 AT+GPIOSTART           ,                Configures the GPIO pin mux and the direction of a
                        ,                GPIO.
                                    : GPIO port number.
                                               * 0: GPIOA
                                               * 1: GPIOC
                                               : GPIO pin number. This is a hexadecimal value
                                               and indicates a GPIO bitmap.
                                               : GPIO pin direction.
                                               * 0: sets the pin as an input
                                               * 1: sets the pin as an output
                                               Response: OK or Error.

                                               For example:
                                               To configure GPIOA[3:0] output:
                                               To configure GPIOC[8:6] input:

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          Command         Parameters                              Description
 AT+GPIORD            ,               Reads the GPIO input level.
                                       : GPIO port number.
                                            * 0: GPIOA
                                            * 1: GPIOC
                                            : GPIO pin number. This is a hexadecimal value
                                            and indicates a GPIO bitmap.
                                            : [h'0 ~ h'1fff]
                                            OK or Error
                                            The read value indicates GPIO bitmap. If the value is
                                            0x1c0, it means GPIO #6, #7, #8 high.

                                            For example:
                                            To configure GPIOC[8:6] input:
                                            To read GPIOC[8:6] input level:
 AT+GPIOWR            ,               Configures the output level of GPIO pins.
                      ,                : GPIO port number.
                                     * 0: GPIOA
                                            * 1: GPIOC
                                            : GPIO pin number. This is a hexadecimal value
                                            and indicates a GPIO bitmap.
                                            : GPIO output level.
                                            * 0: low
                                            * 1: high
                                            Response: OK or Error.

                                            For example:
                                            To configure GPIOC[8:6] output:
                                            To write GPIOC[8:6] high level:
 AT+SAVE_PININFO      (none)                Save pin mux information.
                                            Response: OK or Error.
 AT+RESTORE_PININFO   (none)                Restore pin mux information.
                                            Response: OK or Error.

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10.6 Sleep Commands
Table 21: Sleep Command List
     Command               Parameters                              Description
 AT+SLEEPMS                          Make DA16200 go to sleep mode 3 and wake up after
                                             : Wakeup time in millisecond.
                                             Response: OK or Error
                                             For example: AT+SLEEPMS=5000

11 Examples

11.1 Data Transfer Test
This section describes how to test the transfer function commands with a data terminal emulator.
Here are some applicable terminal applications.
● IO Ninja: http://
      – HEXA data & file transmitting function.
● Socket Test:
      – Text data transmittable only.
● Script Communicator:
      – Socket communication, UART Rx/Tx data color-distinguished output function and HEXA
          data transmission.
Here are some test procedures for socket communication between DA16200 and PC with IO Ninja.
You can run DA16200 AT commands on a serial terminal application on your PC. The terminal must
be connected to UART1 interface of DA16200.

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11.1.1    TCP Server Socket Test
1. DA16200 AT command:
   a. AT+TRTS=1234  Open a TCP server socket of which the port is 1234.
2. PC:
   a. Select TCP Connection Socket (1, Figure 4).
   b. Fill in the IP address and the port number of DA16200 (2, Figure 4).

   c. Click      to connect the socket (3, Figure 4).
3. DA16200 AT command:
   a. +TRCTS:0,,3713  A TCP client socket connected and IP address is and port is 3713.
4. PC:
   a. Send data (4, Figure 4).
5. DA16200 AT command:
   a. +TRDTS:0,,3713,10,DIA_AT_TCP  Received 10 bytes of data “DIA_AT_TCP”.

                         Figure 4: IO Ninja - TCP Client Socket Setting

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11.1.2    TCP Client Socket Test
1. PC:
   a. Select menu TCP Listener Socket (1, Figure 5).
   b. Enter the port number to be used (2, Figure 5).

   c. Click     to start to “Listen” (3, Figure 5).
2. DA16200 AT command:
   a. AT+TRTC=,1234,2300  Open a TCP client socket and set the server IP
      (, port (1234) and the local port (2300).
   b. S18,12345678  Send 8 bytes of data “12345678”.
3. PC:
   a. Received data.
   b. Send data (4, Figure 5).
4. DA16200 AT command:
   a. +TRDTC:1,10,DIA_AT_TCP  Received 10 bytes of data “DIA_AT_TCP”.

                        Figure 5: IO Ninja - TCP Server Socket Setting

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11.1.3    UDP Socket Test
1. PC:
   a. Select UDP Socket (1, Figure 6).

   b. Enter the port number to be used and click        to open the socket (2, Figure 6).

   c. Enter the IP address and port of the counterpart’s UDP socket, click        and get ready for
      data transmission (3, Figure 6).
   d. Enter data and click Send to transmit (4, Figure 6).
2. DA16200 AT command:
   a. AT+TRUSE=4567  Open a UDP socket and set the local port (4567).
   b. AT+TRUR=,1234  Set the remote IP ( and port (1234).
   c. S210,1234567890  Send 10 bytes of data “1234567890”.
   d. +TRDTC:0,10,DIA_AT_UDP  Received 10 bytes of data “DIA_AT_UDP”.

                             Figure 6: IO Ninja - UDP Socket Setting

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     and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
● Neither the name of the Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
Nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
software without specific prior written permission.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
UMAC GPL License
Linux kernel 3.9.0 rc3 version (backport 4.2.6-1)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

User Manual                                              Revision 1.6                                                 29-Apr-2020

CFR0012                                                       36 of 38                                   © 2020 Dialog Semiconductor
DA16200 AT Command                                                                             FINAL

Revision History
 Revision     Date          Description
                            Added AT+WFDIS and AT+SETDPMSLP2EXT
 1.6          29-Apr-2020   Updated MQTT commands to operate with one-port
                            Updated to process the comma in the parameters
                            Added AT+BIDX for changing boot index in Chapter 4.
                            Added example code of MQTT command in Section 7.1.1 ~ 7.1.3
 1.5          03-Apr-2020
                            Updated RF Test function commands in Chapter 9.
                            Updated GPIO commands in Section 10.5
 1.4          21-Oct-2019   Updated 2.2 Serial Port configuration steps. Removed draft status
                            Error correction
 1.3          15-Oct-2019
                            Added explanation to serial program at page 6
 1.2          07-Oct-2019   Editorial review and add code: UM-B-111
 1.1          25-Jul-2019   Added OTP Memory Address for writing MAC address in page 27
 1.0          03-Jul-2019   Preliminary DRAFT Release

User Manual                       Revision 1.6                                         29-Apr-2020

CFR0012                               37 of 38                              © 2020 Dialog Semiconductor
DA16200 AT Command                                                                                                                         FINAL

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 Status                 Definition

                        The content of this document is under review and subject to formal approval, which may result in modifications or
                        The content of this document has been approved for publication.
 or unmarked

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CFR0012                                                             38 of 38                                       © 2020 Dialog Semiconductor
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