User Manual Demo Kit for the Smart Bus Converter Test-Chip D2852

Page created by Cory Young
User Manual Demo Kit for the Smart Bus Converter Test-Chip D2852
User Manual
         Demo Kit for the Smart Bus
         Converter Test-Chip D2852

This user manual describes how to connect and use the D2852 test chip. The D2852 introduces
Dialog's ground breaking HyPer Converter technology and the corresponding upcoming smart bus
converter product DA9513.


This Demo-Kit is manufactured without final inspection. It is using ICs that has NOT been checked in
production. By that your sample may not work as described in the appendix. In this case please
contact the Dialog Semiconductor customer support for replacement. The test chip implements only
limited protection features and contains a wrong setting in the control logic and by that may be
destroyed during certain test cases. So please read the user manual carefully BEFORE applying
power to your Demo-Kit!
User Manual Demo Kit for the Smart Bus Converter Test-Chip D2852
Demo-Kit of Test-Chip D2852

Abstract ................................................................................................................................................ 1
Contents ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Figures .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Tables ................................................................................................................................................... 2
1    Terms and Definitions ................................................................................................................... 3
2    References ..................................................................................................................................... 3
3    Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 4
4    Input/Output Connections ............................................................................................................ 4
5    Operating Instructions .................................................................................................................. 5
     5.1 Connect a DC Power Supply ................................................................................................ 5
     5.2 Connect the Load .................................................................................................................. 5
     5.3 Turn On the Input Power Supply ........................................................................................... 5
     5.4 Turn On the Electronic Load ................................................................................................. 5
     5.5 Turn Off the Electronic Load ................................................................................................. 5
     5.6 Shut Down the Converter ...................................................................................................... 6
6    Conclusions ................................................................................................................................... 6
Appendix A - Demo-Kit D2852 Typical Performance ....................................................................... 7
   A.1 Electrical Characteristics ....................................................................................................... 7
   A.2 Efficiency ............................................................................................................................... 7
   A.3 Transient Load Response ..................................................................................................... 9
Appendix B - BOM Customisation ................................................................................................... 10

Figure 1: D2852 Input/Output Connections ........................................................................................... 4
Figure 2: Demo-Kit Dimensions on Scale ............................................................................................. 6
Figure 3: Converter Efficiency @ VIN = 6V ............................................................................................ 7
Figure 4: Converter Efficiency @ VIN = 9V ............................................................................................ 8
Figure 5: Converter Efficiency @ VIN = 12V .......................................................................................... 8
Figure 6: Transient Load Response @ VIN = 7.6V (CBUS = 100uF) ....................................................... 9
Figure 7: D2852 BOM Customisations ................................................................................................ 10

Table 1: Electrical Characteristics ......................................................................................................... 7

User Manual                                                       Revision 1.0                                                      

CFR0012                                                                 2 of 11                                          © 2021 Dialog Semiconductor
User Manual Demo Kit for the Smart Bus Converter Test-Chip D2852
Demo-Kit of Test-Chip D2852

1      Terms and Definitions
2S                 Battery Pack with 2x (Li-Ion) Cells connected in series
3S                 Battery Pack with 3x (Li-Ion) Cells connected in series
BOM                Bill Of Material
CCM                Continuous Conduction Mode
DCM                Discontinuous Conduction Mode
DC-DC              Direct Current to Direct Current Converter
FET                Field Effect Transistor
IC                 Integrated Circuit
Li-Ion             Lithium-Ion
OTP                One Time Programmable Memory
PCB                Printed Circuit Board
PFM                Pulse Frequency Mode

2      References
[1]   D2852 Databrief, Rev. 1.0, Dialog Semiconductor, 2021
[2]   D2852 Welcome Note, Dialog Semiconductor, 2021

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Demo-Kit of Test-Chip D2852

3     Introduction
Dialog Semiconductor (now part of Renesas Electronics Corporation) is introducing a new family of
patent protected Hybrid Power-efficient regulating Converters, subsequently called
HyPer ConverterTM.
For the provision of regulated output power @ conversion efficiency up to 99% the
HyPer ConverterTM combines switched-capacitor and inductive conversion within a single DC-DC
topology. The D2852 is the first test chip in this family of converters. It is an easy to use smart
intermediate bus converter that supports input voltages between 4V and 13.5V and produces varying
output voltages between 2.8V to 5V, effectively implementing a battery pack de-serializer. Across
multiple decades of load current the D2852 delivers the maximum energy from multi-cell battery
packs, thus make the upcoming product chip most suitable for 2S & 3S battery powered applications.
It converts up to 50W of peak power, offers fully integrated power switches and requires only small
and low-profile external components, allowing minimum PCB footprint implementation in compact

4     Input/Output Connections
Figure 1 shows the input/output connections of the D2852 Demo-Kit.

 Kelvin Connection of                                                       Kelvin Connection of
   Output Voltage                                                              Input Voltage

    External Load                                                                Connection to
       Output                                                                    Power Supply

                           Figure 1: D2852 Input/Output Connections

Please ensure correct polarity (see pad labels printed to the board). The wires soldered to the pads
for the supply and the external load need to be capable of handling the target currents (  1.5mm).
The wires need to soldered carefully, so that other PCB components are not lifted or shorted.

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Demo-Kit of Test-Chip D2852

5     Operating Instructions

5.1       Connect a DC Power Supply
The power supply should be set for a minimum output voltage of 4V and a maximum output voltage
of 13.5V and capable of supplying up to 20A (ensure good margin to the target peak load power).

5.2       Connect the Load
The load should be capable of handling the target load current range with some margin (10A peak).

5.3       Turn On the Input Power Supply
The Demo-Kit automatically powers up as soon it detects a valid supply voltage in the range of 4V –
13.5V. For the start-up configure the power supply to a voltage larger than 6V. At this point no load
should be applied to the Demo-Kit (the upcoming product DA9513 will support start-up load currents
up to 2A). The smart bus converter selects for any applied input voltage automatically the output
voltage with optimum converter efficiency (in the range of 2.8V to 5V). The varying output voltage is
applied in steps of ~60mV. Ripple in the supply voltage and certain load currents may trigger an
alternation of the output voltage between adjacent steps. The smart bus converter supervises output
voltage and efficiency and continuously optimizes the DC-DC switching sequence for optimum

5.4       Turn On the Electronic Load
As soon as the output voltage has fully ramped up, load current may be applied. The maximum
continuous load current is 8A, with peaks up to 10A. After applying load current the supply voltage
may be adjusted to a different level (within 4V and 13.5V).
As it may trigger damage do not actively pull the input voltage DOWN, in particular when
there is no load connected on the output. Instead, make sure to apply a minimum load current
of 2A when reducing the input voltage quickly! Because of a wrong logic setting in the test
chip it is generally not recommended to test fast line transients.
As short voltage drops at the converter input may trigger the activation of the embedded Under-
Voltage protection special care must be taken during high load currents applied at low supply
voltages and when ramping up the supply voltage from its minimum level. In the same way spikes in
the supply voltages higher than 13.5V may trigger the Over-Voltage protection followed by an
immediate shut-down of converter operation. This shut-down is uncritical in combination with natural
and electronic loads (that stop pulling current as soon as the output voltage reaches zero). Do not
use source-meters that may actively drive the output towards negative voltages as this may harm the
DC-DC converter (especially during shut-down at high load currents). To become less dependent on
the power supply and instead emulate a battery pack at the input a large decoupling cap (several
mF) may be used.
The Demo-Kit includes a power resistor for converter evaluation with non-ideal sources (emulation of
50mΩ battery pack impedance). At high load currents this source impedance is furthermore heating-
up the small PCB to emulate typical application temperature rise from sinks dissipating the converter
output power. With that the tiny Demo-Kit implements a more realistic performance than conventional
evaluation boards. Please note that a third protection mechanism terminates converter operation if
overloading the Demo-Kit for a longer duration (towards excessive junction temperature).
For efficiency estimations Kelvin connected pads are provided at the top of the PCB, enabling
accurate measurements of converter input and output voltage. For the evaluation of transient load
responses it is recommended to connect a large bulk capacitor (>20mF) to the power supply pads.

5.5       Turn Off the Electronic Load
Decrease the load current to zero and then turn off the load.

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CFR0012                                        5 of 11                         © 2021 Dialog Semiconductor
Demo-Kit of Test-Chip D2852

5.6       Shut Down the Converter
Turn off the Power Supply after disabling load current. In case the converter has been disabled by an
embedded protection circuit the supply voltage needs to reach zero for converter reset.
Note 1    For converter reset ensure that input capacitance is fully discharged (VIN_S < 2V)

6        Conclusions
This Demo-Kit of the D2852 test chip introduces the industry leading combination of power density
and efficiency from Dialog’s new family of smart HyPer ConvertersTM:

                                Figure 2: Demo-Kit Dimensions on Scale

To enable customer access as soon as possible the Demo-Kit has been manufactured with the first
test ICs, so that some care is required during operation. The ICs and the boards have not received
any final production checks, so that your sample may not implement the typical performance as
presented in the appendix. In this case please contact the Dialog Semiconductor Customer Support
for replacement.

We would be more than happy to receive feedback from your first hand experience. And if you like it,
you are welcome to always have this Demo-Kit with you as your new Limited Edition Key-Fob…

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Demo-Kit of Test-Chip D2852

Appendix A - Demo-Kit D2852 Typical Performance

A.1       Electrical Characteristics
Table 1: Electrical Characteristics

 Symbol                              Parameter                       Test Conditions            Min     Typ      Max      Unit
   VDD                              Input Voltage                                               4                13.5       V
   VOUT                            Output Voltage                                               2.8               5.5       V
   COUT                       Output Capacitance                    Including Derating          60                         F
 IOUT_MAX                     Max. Output Current                                               8                           A
 IOUT_PEAK                   Peak Output Current               Pulses of < 20ms duration
                                                                                                10                          A
                                                                  @ duty cycle < 30%
   fSW                        Nominal Converter                  Fixed frequency mode
                                                                                                520     570       630     kHz
                             Switching Frequency
  ηPEAK                            Peak Efficiency         1x 47uF 0805 per phase, VDD = 9V,
                                                                                                        99.0               %
                                                                      IOUT = 1A
   ηCCM                     High Current Efficiency        1x 47uF 0805 per phase, VDD = 9V,
                                                                                                        97.8               %
                                                                      IOUT = 5A
   ηPFM                      Light Load Efficiency         1x 47uF 0805 per phase, VDD = 9V,
                                                                                                        98.5               %
                                                                  IOUT = 10 – 1000mA
Note 2           Inductor Coilcraft XGL4020-601

A.2       Efficiency
                                                 VIN = 6V (CF = 47uF, L = XGL4020-601)



          Efficiency [%]







                                0,01                          0,1          IOUT [A]        1                      10

                                                    Figure 3: Converter Efficiency @ VIN = 6V

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                                       VIN = 9V (CF = 47uF, L = XGL4020-601)



          Efficiency [%]







                                0,01               0,1          IOUT [A]        1                        10

                                       Figure 4: Converter Efficiency @ VIN = 9V

                                       VIN = 12V (CF = 47uF, L = XGL4020-601)



          Efficiency [%]







                                0,01               0,1          IOUT [A]        1                        10

                                       Figure 5: Converter Efficiency @ VIN = 12V

Note 3           At load currents < 2.5A the DC-DC Converter may operate in either CCM or PFM (automatically
                 selected depending on the load current and slewing direction). The above plots show the higher value
                 of the corresponding efficiency results.
Note 4           Efficiency may be further improved via additional flying capacitors

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CFR0012                                                     8 of 11                          © 2021 Dialog Semiconductor
Demo-Kit of Test-Chip D2852

A.3       Transient Load Response

                  Figure 6: Transient Load Response @ VIN = 7.6V (CBUS = 100uF)

Note 5    ILOAD Start = 100mA, ILOAD (duration) = 1.3A (200us), 6A (100us), 0.9A (100us), 8A (100us), 4A
          (150us), 10A (100us), 2.3A (150us), 0.3A (200us), 3A (100us), 0.1A (100us)

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Demo-Kit of Test-Chip D2852

Appendix B - BOM Customisation

       Combi-Pad for
   alternative inductors

                                                                                  Flying capacitors

     Combi-Pads for
  output capacitance

                                                                          Space for additional
                                                                           input capacitance
                              Figure 7: D2852 BOM Customisations

This revision of the Demo-Kit has been manufactured with the inductor XGL4020-601 (offering
current ratings sufficient for DC-DC converter load up to 10A). This is a deviation against the 470nH
standard inductance of the D2852 and caused by the world-wide component shortage. Applications
with reduced current demand may be evaluated with alternative 470nH inductors of reduced current
rating and footprint. A Combi-Pad is prepared to enable the replacement of the populated inductor
with inductors down to 2.5x2.0mm or even 2.0x1.6mm footprint. Furthermore the converter
performance may be checked with additional input and output capacitance. The flying and the output
bus capacitors are soldered to Combi-Pads so that the populated components may be replaced with
capacitors of e.g smaller footprint. Please note that larger changes of BOM parameters require ICs
with changed converter settings, which can only be implemented by the Dialog Application

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Demo-Kit of Test-Chip D2852

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Dialog Semiconductor products (and any associated software) referred to in this document are not
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Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Dialog Semiconductor does not give any representations or
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Dialog Semiconductor reserves the right to change without notice the information published in this document, including, without limitation, the
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Applications, software, and semiconductor products described in this document are for illustrative purposes only. Dialog Semiconductor makes
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Dialog Semiconductor’s suppliers certify that its products are in compliance with the requirements of Directive 2011/65/EU of the European
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Contact Dialog Semiconductor
General Enquiry:                                                                       Local Offices:
Enquiry Form                                                                 

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