Washington State Human Rights Commission - Project ...

Page created by Jim Wright
Washington State Human Rights Commission
             Feasibility Study for Case Management Database (CMDb) Modernization

                                                   Deliverable 1: Requirements

                                                                                   Date:    04/01/20
                                                                          Revision Level:        1.1

Author: Mike Davis
State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Technology Solution Group
Phone: 360-556-2423
Revision History
      Revision Level              Date                    Description           Change Summary
            1.0                 03/25/20              Initial Submission
            1.1                 04/01/20         Updates received by 03/31/20

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 1: Requirements                     Page 2 of 11
Table of Contents
Revision History ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................. 3
1      Purpose .................................................................................................................................................... 4
2      Users......................................................................................................................................................... 4
3      Solution Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 5
4      Systems Integrator Scope of Work ........................................................................................................... 9
5      Glossary .................................................................................................................................................. 11

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 1: Requirements                                                                                   Page 3 of 11
1 Purpose

This deliverable establishes the Washington State Human Rights Commission (HUM) requirements for a
modernized Case Management Database (CMDb) solution to replace the existing legacy CMDb. These
requirements will enable HUM to determine if potential solutions meet agency requirements and allow for
potential solutions to be compared.

This Deliverable will not provide the needed details for solution implementation. Requirements elaborated to
the level needed for implementation would include:

    •   Comprehensive Visio workflows for each case type which describe each unique role involved.
           o Decision points are reflected and the resulting flows from decision outcomes.
           o Narrative description of the flows.
                 ▪ The logic and rules of case processing are documented.
           o Data descriptions are provided.

    •   Data Migration requires documentation of existing source data, the new schema or target, mapping
        from the source to target and clarifying the transformations required.

2 Users

The selected solution must provide access to the following numbers of Users and Types.

                                        Average                  Maximum #          Maximum #
              User Types             # Monthly Users            Monthly Users       Annual Users
             Internal Users                  31                          31                31
             External Users                 600                        1,200             7,000
             Administrators                   3                           3                 3

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 1: Requirements                             Page 4 of 11
3 Solution Requirements
The selected solution should meet the following requirements.


3.1.1     Ability for internal and external users to use mobile devices to perform the same functions as users
          who are a desktop client and browser.

3.1.2     Compatible with standard web browsers.


3.2.1     Ability to create, add and remove users from solution.

3.2.2     Ability to configure groups and roles.

3.2.3     Ability to add and remove users from groups and roles.

3.2.4     Ability to view current and past user activity.

3.2.5     Ability to see licensing and billing data history.

3.2.6     Ability to see uptime and response time history.

3.3     SECURITY

3.3.1     Integration with Active Directory      Solution allows for Employees to be loaded into and activated in the Cloud Solution from Active
             Directory by the Administrator role.      Solution allows for Employees to be terminated in the Cloud Solution from Active Directory by the
             HUM Administrator role.           Solution allows for groups and users to be move around in Active Directory by the HUM
                  Administrator role and for these changes to be reflected in the Cloud Solution.

3.3.2     Ability to integrate with SAML 2.0 with Secure Access Washington.           Ability to provide multi-factor authentication.           Ability to provide multi-factor authentication by configuration only. No designing or building is
                  needed to deliver the multi-factor authentication.

3.3.3     Ability to control access with Role Based Security.

3.3.4     Ability to provide 2 Factor Authentication optionally for users to create and update their password
          protected account information.

3.3.5     Office of Cyber Security (OCS) Requirements TBD.

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 1: Requirements                                 Page 5 of 11
These requirements will be added as soon as they are clarified by OCS.


3.4.1    Provide a seamless transition from the HUM website (www.hum.wa.gov) to the Cloud Solution.

3.4.2    Ability to configure the External User Portal to have a similar look and feel as the HUM website.

3.4.3    Ability to provide a Spanish version of the portal that is identical to the English version except for the
         language used.

3.4.4    Ability for External Users to easily create their own secure password protected account using 2-Factor

3.4.5    Ability for External Users to add up to 1 other Authorized User for their own account.

3.4.6    Ability to save in-progress work.

3.4.7    Ability to create complaints, track status, receive all case related correspondence, view frequently ask
         questions and log a question.

3.4.8    Automatically performs address validations.

3.4.9    Automatically validates data in required fields on entry and validation of data types on save (e.g. no
         text in a date field).

3.4.10 Applicants can easily create a secure account, file a complaint, respond to a complaint, receive all case
       related communication, respond to investigator communications, upload electronic documents and
       images, make payments, etc. all online.

3.4.11 Provide the ability for users to change and recover their username and passwords using 2-Factor

3.4.12 Automatically generates an email and/or text notice to External Users when there is a change to their
       case, a requested action or correspondence needing their attention.

3.4.13 Ability for users to provide an Electronic Signature.

3.4.14 Ability for users to upload files to their case such as videos, pictures and documents.

3.4.15 Automatically generate Late Notices for overdue actions and display such notices prominently.

3.4.16 Ability for user to invite an Authorized Representative to have access to their case. Authorized Representative will have their own unique secure username and passwords. Authorized Representative actions will always be distinguishable from the User.

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 1: Requirements                                   Page 6 of 11

3.5.1    Ability to configure workflow for up to six (6) different types of cases.

         Case types include:

             1. Employment

             2. Housing

             3. Public Accommodation

             4. Credit & Insurance

             5. Nursing Home

             6. Elevator/Escalator

         Case types vary from year to year based upon the current laws of the State of Washington.

3.5.2    Ability to automate, route and perform tasks in alignment with HUM legislative mandate, statutes and

3.5.3    Ability to create and apply business rules.

3.5.4    Ability to dynamically prioritize an entire case or specific actions such that reprioritized work and due
         dates are reflected in worker and manager dashboards.

3.5.5    Automatically generate dashboards for workers with a view of their tasks across all their assigned
         cases and the associated due dates.

3.5.6    Tasks shall be listed in priority order and in order of the applicable due dates.

3.5.7    Create a calendar view of assigned work with due dates.

3.5.8    Integrate with Microsoft Outlook to create a single view of all scheduled activities including time away
         from work.

3.5.9    Automatically update dashboards when applicable case actions and status change.

3.5.10 Ability to define key metrics for Workload Management and render the metrics against the most
       current data in the case files.

3.5.11 Automatically provide a Manager’s view of defined metrics with thresholds that define when a case or
       employee’s performance requires management attention and/or action.

3.5.12 Ability to track settlements payments received and disbursements made by capturing images of checks
       and payments and saving those images as attachments to worker indications in the system that these
       actions have occurred in fact.

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 1: Requirements                                  Page 7 of 11

3.6.1    Solution must use agency formatted templates to automatically generate letters, notices, emails,
         notifications, and other correspondence.

3.6.2    Correspondence, notices and written communications will be in a PDF format.

3.6.3    Correspondence must be retained in a comprehensive and chronological log within the applicable case

3.6.4    The Log must be permanently stored to create an exact historical record of all communication.

3.6.5    Email and text notices must be automatically generated to notify external users that their case file has
         new correspondence for them to respond to.

3.6.6    When a user opens a correspondence in a case file, the correspondence status will be changed to
         “Read” and be given a date/time stamp to record this access and by whom.

3.6.7    User written responses will be saved as permanent records to the case file and saved in a PDF format
         with date/time stamps.

3.6.8    Ability for authorized internal users to edit an existing template or create a whole new template for
         system use using an intuitive, industry content editor.

3.6.9    The Solution will allow authorized internal users to view and edit the content of any individual
         correspondence before it is published.


3.7.1    Ability to query and create reports for all data and metadata.

3.7.2    Reports generated by the system are presented on screen, generated within the templates and
         exported to desired formats (PDF, Excel).

3.7.3    Users can generate ad-hoc reports and queries by using a menu driven reports screen.


3.8.1    Ability to identify which data will be archived, when it will be archived and when it will be destroyed.

3.8.2    Ability to automatically apply data archival rules

3.8.3    Provide low-cost storage option for very large case attached files such as video clips, images,
         document scans, etc.

3.8.4    Solution complies with WORM which means the ability of a record keeping solution to store files in a
         format that cannot be tampered with in any way possible. This approach can prevent anyone, even
         archives administrators, from making any changes to the data before an expiration date or event.

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 1: Requirements                                 Page 8 of 11
4 Systems Integrator Scope of Work
The selected solution will be implemented by a Systems Integrator and their scope of work is listed below. This
Scope of Work will be executed according to a mutually agreed upon schedule that will be part of the contract
with the Systems Integrator.

The Systems Integrator will perform this work as a Fixed Price Deliverables Based Contract. The following
Deliverables establish the contract pay points once HUM has signed the formal acceptance document for each
Deliverable. The Systems Integrator will provide a preview of each Deliverable to establish mutually agreed to
expectations for each Deliverable before submission.

          1.   Delivery Schedule
          2.   Baseline Requirements and Workflow
          3.   Data Migration Plan
          4.   Completed Training and Video(s)
          5.   Final Test Results including and defects
          6.   Data Migration Verification Results
          7.   Deployment to Production

All Travel and Living expenses will be included in the pricing of the Deliverables. No Travel and Living expenses
will be submitted to HUM for payment.

The Scope of Work is described in the sections below.


4.1.1    Discover and document requirements and workflow to be submitted to HUM for verification and

4.1.2    Document Solution Design.


4.2.1    Configure solution in accordance with approved requirements and workflow.


4.3.1    Base documentation and delivery upon the HUM unique instance of the cloud solution.

4.3.2    Train users to perform their role they will perform.

4.3.3    Deliver Training Video(s) and

4.3.4    Schedule and deliver training.

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 1: Requirements                                Page 9 of 11
4.4     TEST

4.4.1    Train HUM testers how to execute test plans/cases and document results.

4.4.2    Prepare test cases, scripts and data.

4.4.3    Schedule and lead testing.

4.4.4    Capture tester feedback and produce a list of defects and severities.

4.4.5    Resolve defects and promote updated solution to Test.

4.4.6    Obtain HUM verification of test results and defect remediation.


4.5.1    Create Data Migration Plan including all sources, targets, transformation logic, Testing Plans and Post
         Migration Verification Steps.

4.5.2    Receive source extract data from HUM, transform and load data according to plan.

4.5.3    Perform testing and provide the documented Test Results for HUM review and acceptance.


4.6.1    Schedule and execute the deployment to production.

4.6.2    Execute verification tests that production deployment is successful.

4.6.3    Obtain HUM email verification that Production Deployment is complete.

4.6.4    Provide ongoing elevated support to HUM after Production Deployment for a mutually agreed to


4.7.1    Ongoing support will be coordinated by a dedicated resource familiar with all aspects of HUM’s cloud

4.7.2    Dedicated resource will coordinate the involvement of other resources to meet the ongoing cloud
         solution needs of HUM.

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 1: Requirements                                Page 10 of 11
5 Glossary
                 Term                                                    Definition
 Accessibility                  People with disabilities can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the
 Address validation             Verifies that an entered address exists and is deliverable.
 Browser compatibility          The system is accessible through latest browser versions available.
 Flexibility                    Solution is easily configurable and customizable
 Maintenance by vendor          Vendor is responsible for system upgrades, versioning, code changes, and ongoing
 Mobile device compatibility    The use of mobile devices utilizing the same underlying system components as the
                                CMDb modernized system, empowering staff in the field and the public to perform
                                activities, submit and/or access information.
 Mobility                       Solution’s functionality is accessible from anywhere. Ability to use technology
                                untethered, access to information or applications from occasionally connected,
                                portable, networked computing devices.
 Records retention              System data, or records, are managed according to retention schedules, and the
 management                     process to expire the data is intuitive.
 Security Assertion Markup      SAML is an open standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data
 Language (SAML)                between parties, in particular, between an identity provider and a service provider.
                                An important use case that SAML addresses is web-browser single sign-on (SSO).
 Secure Access Washington       A central login that lets you access the online services of multiple state agencies.
 Security                       Ability to meet Office of Cyber Security (OCS) criteria and policies.
 Software viability             The software is maintained and updated to keep up with best practices and changes
                                in technology.
 System reliability             The probability that a system, including all hardware, firmware, and software, will
                                satisfactorily perform the task for which it was designed or intended, for a
                                specified time and in a specified environment.
 System                         An interconnecting network which has a direct impact on the delivery of services to
                                department/agency employees, clients or consumers.
 Systems integrator             A person or company that specializes in bringing together component subsystems
                                into a whole and ensuring that those subsystems function together, a practice known
                                as system integration.
 Vendor viability               Financially stable, long-term survival and ability to sustain profits over a period.
                                System ownership can be transferred if vendor is unable to provide support or

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 1: Requirements                                      Page 11 of 11
Washington State Human Rights Commission
             Feasibility Study for Case Management Database (CMDb) Modernization

                                              Deliverable 2: Market Research

                                                                                  Date:    05/04/20
                                                                         Revision Level:        1.1

Author: Mike Davis
State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Technology Solution Group
Phone: 360-556-2423
Revision History
  Revision Level      Date                Description                           Change Summary
       1.0          04/29/20          Initial Submission
       1.1          05/04/20      Added Executive Summary        Provide overall perspective on results and

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 2: Market Research                              Page 2 of 31
Table of Contents
Revision History .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................................. 3
1      Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 4
2      Research Approach ....................................................................................................................................... 5
3      Peer Implementations List ............................................................................................................................ 7
4      Peer Implementation Descriptions ............................................................................................................... 8
5      Requirements Gap Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 21
6      Comparisons of Vendors ............................................................................................................................. 26
7      Lessons Learned .......................................................................................................................................... 27
8      List of Contacts ............................................................................................................................................ 28
9      Glossary ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
10         Appendix A: Cloud Computing Architecture ........................................................................................... 30
11         Gartner CRM Magic Quadrants 2019 ...................................................................................................... 31

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 2: Market Research                                                                              Page 3 of 31
1 Executive Summary
The Washington State Human Rights Commission (HUM) has authorized this Feasibility Study to determine
options to replace and modernize the agency’s Case Management Database (CMDb) and the agency's capacity
to manage, resource, and successfully complete a project.

This purpose of this deliverable is to document the results of research activities to understand the case
management solution options providing the best alternatives to HUM.

The Human Rights Commission is a very small agency that is not IT oriented. The only existing IT staff member
is extremely busy already. This demands that HUM select a solution that will require a minimal amount of time
and energy to obtain a successful outcome.

We considered early on evaluating software solutions used in other Human Rights agencies, but it became
apparent through the requirements analysis that the HUM workflow needs were basic while the requirements
for integrating with SAW and passing a Security Design Review were challenging.

With this information, we determined that a solution must be proven in the State of Washington’s IT
environment and must have the ability to integrate with Secure Access Washington (SAW).

Inseparable from the success of your selected cloud solution is the Systems Integration Partner that will
interact with HUM to understand your requirements, configure the solution, lead your testing, train you and
support you after Go Live.

SalesForce has emerged as the leader because they have many more installation in Washington with high
customer satisfaction ratings and successful SAW integrations. SalesForce has been the most responsive to
interact with during this Market Research because of the knowledge and quick turnaround of their Systems
Integration Partner, eightCloud. eightCloud also has high customer satisfaction ratings.

ServiceNow and Microsoft Dynamics both offer viable solutions. They will also be reviewed in depth in the
Options Analysis Deliverable where other factors such as cost, maintenance, schedule, and risk will be

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 2: Market Research                            Page 4 of 31
2 Research Approach

HUM is a small agency and must purchase a solution which requires very little Agency resource to manage and
maintain. This demands that HUM select a cloud solution so that the needed functionality and data are
available to HUM while the underlying infrastructure to varying degrees is managed by a solution provider.

Within cloud computing there are different types of offerings and these are explained in Appendix A. HUM will
need to select a PaaS (Platform as a Service) or SaaS (Software as a Service) offering so that the solution
provider will provide all or nearly all of the management of the solution components.

Within the context of PaaS or SaaS solutions, HUM is looking for solutions that most closely align with case
management and workflow functions which are at the core of HUM’s business. The selected solution will be
configured to meet HUM needs.

Customer Resource Management Systems (CRMs) were originally built for sales organizations to manage their
customers and sales processes. However, over time they have been recognized for their configurability and
today CRM’s are used in almost every industry to manage processes, workflows, data, and analytics.

The research approach is accordingly as follows:

    1.) Identify the universe of CRM Cloud Solutions from Gartner.
    2.) Identify, research and document peer Washington State Government agencies that have implemented
        CRM Cloud Solutions.
            a. Identify which of these solutions have working integrations with Active Directory and Secure
                 Access Washington (SAW).
                      i. Identify which of these solutions are OCS Approved Solutions.
    3.) Perform a Requirements Gap Analysis for each CRM Solution.
    4.) Document the significant contrasts apparent from the Peer Implementations.
    5.) Compile the significant Lessons Learned shared by each Peer Implementation.

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 2: Market Research                           Page 5 of 31
2.1   Solutions to be Researched
In the table below, the first column lists solutions that have been Pre-Approved by the State of Washington
Office of Cyber Security (OCS). These solutions have been approved via a completed design review and may
follow an expedited process for future implementations by other customers. This early and deep knowledge of
vendor solutions greatly reduces HUM’s risk of choosing a solution that will be difficult or impossible to
implement in the unique Washington technical and authorizing environment. Column 2 lists the top CRM
solutions according to Gartner’s 2019 Magic Quadrant. Column 3 lists those solutions that have already
successfully deployed an application utilizing Secure Access Washington (SAW). Presence in 2 or 3 of these
columns indicates a solution that will be researched.

                   OCS Approved Solutions:                        Gartner CRM            Existing SAW
                     General SaaS/PaaS                              Systems               Integration
 Adobe Cloud Suite ADFS SSO
 Adobe Sign
 Atlassian Cloud
 ESRI ArcGIS Online
 GovDelivery Communications Cloud
 LastPass Enterprise
 LobbyGov Bill Tracking Solution
 Microsoft DevOps Services (formerly VSTS)
 Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Dynamics CRM                    Microsoft Dynamics 365
 SalesForce                                                 SalesForce               SalesForce
 ServiceNow                                                 ServiceNow
 SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business
 Tableau Online
 Trello Enterprise
                                                            Verint Systems
                                                            BPM’ online

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 2: Market Research                            Page 6 of 31
3 Peer Implementations List
The following list contains those known installations of SalesForce, ServiceNow and Microsoft Dynamics in the
State of Washington. These installations were researched, and the results compiled below.

  #          Solution               Systems             WA                          Description
                                   Integrator          State
 4.1    SalesForce           eightCloud                ACB      CPA Online Licensing Modernization
 4.2    SalesForce           eightCloud                DNR      Mooring Buoy License Renewals
 4.3    SalesForce           eightCloud                DNR      Public Disclosure Requests
 4.4    SalesForce           eightCloud                DNR      AIMS
 4.5    SalesForce           eightCloud                PLIA     LPGMS in 2019, 3 Other programs in 2021
 4.6    SalesForce           eightCloud                OSPI     Case Management
 4.7    SalesForce           eightCloud                OCIO     Project Dashboard
 4.8    SalesForce           Vertiba                   DCYF     Childcare Licensing and Monitoring System
 4.9    SalesForce           Vertiba                   PERC     Case Management
 4.10   ServiceNow           CompuCom                  DSHS     ITSM
 4.11   ServiceNow           Fruition Partners         DOH      ITSM
 4.12   ServiceNow           CompuCom, Evergreen       HCA      ITSM / CSM
 4.13   Microsoft Dynamics   Microsoft                  ESD     Paid Family Medical Leave

3.1     Abbreviations for Table Above

 Abbreviation                                                  Definition
 ACB            Accountancy Board
 AIMS           Agricultural Information Management System
 CSM            Customer Service Management (in this context) is a ServiceNow capability that includes Case
                Management functions.
 DCYF           Department of Children, Youth and Families
 DNR            Department of Natural Resources
 DOH            Department of Health
 DSHS           Department of Social and Health Services
 ESD            Employment Security Department
 HCA            Health Care Authority
 ITSM           Information Technology Service Management - ITSM refers to the entirety of activities – directed by
                policies, processes, and procedures – that are performed to design, plan, deliver, operate, and control
                information technology services offered to customers. ITSM is where ServiceNow has emerged from.
 LPGMS          Loan Portfolio & Grant Management System
 OCIO           Office of the Chief Information Officer
 OSPI           Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction
 PERC           Public Employment Relations Commission
 PLIA           Pollution Liability Insurance Agency

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 2: Market Research                                     Page 7 of 31
4 Peer Implementation Descriptions
4.1   SalesForce – ACB –CPA Online Licensing

            Field                                                        Data
 Sources                      Phone Interview with Michelle Tuscher, http://waocio.force.com/
 Contact(s)                   Michelle Tuscher, CIO, (360) 664-9192
 Location                     711 Capitol Way S, Olympia, WA 98501
 Applications                 CPA Online Licensing Modernization
 Status                       Active
 Project Cost                 $1,742,000
 Procurement Method           DES Master Contracts, Cloud Solution, Contract # 05116
 Start Date                   07/2019
 Go Live                      05/2021 Approximately
 End Date                     06/2021
 Duration                     24 Months
 Scope                        Replace the current CPA Online Licensing system.
 Internal Users               10 Internal Users
 External Users               Mobile access to approximately 19,000 CPA’s, 2,000 firms
 OCS SDR                      01/17/20 Security Design Approval Letter received. This was the completion of the
                              SalesForce Deployment Criteria Checklist.
 SAW Integration              Yes, planned for later in 2020. CPA licensees are required in the existing legacy system to
                              register with SAW to gain access.
 Community Facing Portal?     Yes
 Conga used?                  No (Not on Carahsoft Quote)
 DocuSign included?           No (Not on Carahsoft Quote)
 Training                     To be provided by Systems Integrator.
 Customer Ratings of          Not installed yet
 Customer Ratings of          Have only performed a portion of their work so far
 Systems Integrator

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 2: Market Research                                    Page 8 of 31
4.2    SalesForce – DNR - License Renewals

          Field                                                      Data
 Sources                 4/3/20 Phone interview with Vickie Diamond and Demonstration on 4/9/20.
 Contact(s)              Vickie.Diamond@dnr.wa.gov
 Location                1111 Washington St SE, Olympia, WA 98504
 Applications            Online License Renewal for Moorings and Buoys (paper based before)
 Status                  Completed
 Project Cost            $80,000 approximately for initial build. $70,000 for addition of Community Portal
                         $28,369/Yr. for Licensing and Maintenance
 Procurement Method      RFP
 Start Date              2014
 Go Live                 2014
 End Date                2018 for addition of Community Portal
 Duration                8 Months
 Scope                   Replace internal complex paper-based license renewals with modern workflow tool.
                         Includes approvals, reporting, dashboard, and statistics. No customer billings.
                         Expansion of SalesForce to include Community customer facing Portal for better service
                         to users to renew licenses online, update address, contact info. Take payments online.
                         SalesForce creates record, provides DocuSign functionality and routes for signatures.
 Internal Users          60 Approximately from management, technicians, and staff.
 Internal User Sign On   Soon DNR Users will sign into Windows desktop and they will also be logged into
                         SalesForce via EAD and ADFS integration.
 External Users          100 Approximately. For users who already have a buoy and need to renew. Salesforce
                         sends them an email at renewal time, and they follow the link in the email to the
                         Community Portal. Users then fill out and submit reauthorization form. Provides users
                         with 30, 60- and 90-day notices for expiration. These emails have all the needed
                         information in them.
 OCS SDR                 No, predated the design review requirement
 SAW Integration         No
 Community Facing        Yes. Through SAW an existing customer can be granted access to the Community. It is an
 Portal?                 outward facing service that DNR authorizes access to. Very slick service. Customer signs
                         up, DNR authenticates them in a day or two. Once authenticated, then the customer.
 Conga used?             Yes. Conga Composer generates contracts and use authorization documents. Once
                         signed into SalesForce the User is also signed into Conga automatically.
 DocuSign included?      Yes. DNR wants to expand use. Users can draw their signature with their mouse OR
                         select a signature. Docusign signatures can be validated and linked directly back to the
                         person’s email. Can sign DocuSign document on a cell phone using your finger or
                         Desktop via browser. Signatures validated through DocuSign creates PDF. If edited, then
                         the signature loses its validation.
 Integration(s)?         Yes with SAP which is the agency System of Record to pull customer data from. Nightly
                         batch pulls a flat file from SAP
 Training                Provided by Systems Integrator.
 Customer Ratings of     Very highly. Great support for questions through User Community, You Tube and Google.
 Software                Only had to submit a ticket 3 times.
 Customer Ratings of     Very highly, incredibly busy and couple of the little sticky points when they were over
 Systems Integrator      extended and now restructured. Incredibly nice, no arrogance when dealing with non-
                         tech staff. Organized with sprints and daily meetings done remotely.

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 2: Market Research                                  Page 9 of 31
4.3   SalesForce – DNR - Public Disclosure

           Field                                                   Data
 Sources                 4/22/20 Phone interview with Ann Lowe,
 Contact(s)              Ann.Lowe@dnr.wa.gov, Public Records Officer,
 Location                1111 Washington St SE, Olympia, WA 98504
 Applications            Public Disclosure Requests Management
 Status                  Completed
 Project Cost            $30,000 initially for the build and training.
                         $ 3,200 per year for licensing
 Procurement Method      RFP
 Start Date              2017
 Go Live                 June 2018 approximately
 End Date                June 2018
 Duration                Approximately 9 months
 Scope                   Deploy an online Public Records Request Form. When submitted send an email to the
                         Public Disclosure Email Inbox. Respond back to citizen via Outlook. SalesForce tracks
                         requests, creates activity log, and generates report for JLARC.
 Internal Users          6
 Internal User Sign On   Not specified
 External Users          Open to all citizens
 OCS SDR                 Not required since application is public.
 SAW Integration         No. Configured to be anonymous so anyone can login.
 Community Facing        Not specified.
 Conga used?             No
 DocuSign included?      No
 Integration(s)?         No
 Training                Provided by eightCloud
 Customer Ratings of     Fabulous. It is a 10
 Customer Ratings of     They are wonderful
 Systems Integrator

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 2: Market Research                                   Page 10 of 31
4.4    SalesForce – DNR - AIMS

         Field                                                      Data
 Sources                 4/22/20 Phone interview with Eric Aubert and demonstration
 Contact(s)              Eric.Aubert@dnr.wa.gov , Project Technical Lead
 Location                1111 Washington St SE, Olympia, WA 98504
 Applications            Agricultural Information Management System (AIMS)
 Status                  Active
 Project Cost            eightCloud Services $75,000 prototype + build $250-300,000.
                         Licenses Cost ($420/Yr. x 50 Users = $21,000 + Tax)
 Procurement Method      RFI then Master contract
 Start Date              03/2019
 Go Live                 07/01/2020. Not in production yet, scheduled for summer 2020, July 1st for phase 2
                         standard contracts. Subsequent Go Lives for Phases 3 and 4
 End Date                06/30/2021
 Duration                27 Months
 Scope                   Creation and storage of up 12 different types of contracts for Uplands Program
 Internal Users          50
 Internal User Sign On   Not specified
 External Users          No
 OCS SDR                 Yes and DNR submitted the SalesForce Deployment Checklist
 SAW Integration         No
 Community Facing        No
 Conga used?             Yes. Now have Conga Sign is so much easier to integrate, easier, more native. Reached
                         out to Conga if OCIO had given theme the blessing. They did not know what they were
                         talking about. Perplexed, no clients. Contact OCIO process.
 DocuSign included?      No
 Integration(s)?         SAP Daily extracts. SAP script extracts data to text file and uploaded nightly.
 Training                Learned how to do it all themselves. Using eightCloud as tech support. Since 01/2020
                         doing it ourselves.
 Customer Ratings of     SalesForce is quick! Conga is great. Approval process is great. SalesForce weakness is
 Software                with document storage and lack of an organized file structure.
 Customer Ratings of     eightCloud is a small company that was over extended and then adjusted by deploying a
 Systems Integrator      new team. Then it became apparent that another technical resource was needed.
                         eightCloud listened and adjusted again. Team has performed well since October 2019.

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4.5   SalesForce – PLIA - LGPMS

         Item                                                        Data
 Sources               4/9/20 Phone Interview with Casandra and Xyzlinda, http://waocio.force.com/
 Contacts              Casandra Garcia, Deputy Director
                       Xyzlinda Marshall, Administrative Services Director, 360-407-0509
 Location              300 Desmond Dr SE, Lacey, WA 98503
                                           Initial                                         Expansion
 Applications          Loan & Grant Portfolio Management System         Heating Oil Insurance, Technical Assistance and
                       (LGPMS) replaces paper, spreadsheets and a       Commercial Underground Storage Tank
                       1990’s Microsoft Access database                 Programs
 Status                Complete                                         Active
 Project Cost          $724,000                                         $820,000
 Procurement           Master Contract 05116                            Master Contract 05116
 Start Date            08/2017                                           07/2019
 Go Live               11/2018                                           06/2021
 End Date              03/2019                                           06/2021
 Duration              17 Months                                         24 Months
 Scope                 Achieved
 Internal Users        10+ new consultant users                          50+ new consultant users
 Internal User Sign
 External Users        25+ new applicant users                           400+ new customers
 OCS SDR               Completed a system/security design review
 SAW Integration?      Yes
 Community Facing
 Conga used?           Yes
 DocuSign included?    Yes
 Training              - Vendor assisted PLIA - Webinar Training
                         sessions for all PLIA users (instructor-lead)
                         and in-person sessions.
                       - Contractor provided resources for on-site
                         coaching as needed
                       - PLIA’s coordinator conducts follow-up
                         training with employees and external
                         partners as needed.
                       - Contractor provided detailed user guide for
                         external users
 Customer Ratings of   Very pleased
 Customer Ratings of   Very pleased
 Systems Integrator

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4.6   SalesForce – OSPI - Case Management

         Field                                                     Data
 Sources                 4/22/20 Phone interview with Steve Young
 Contact(s)              Steve.Young@k12.wa.us , CIO (360-725-6134 /), used to be at DNR
 Location                600 Washington St. S.E. Olympia, WA 98504-7200
 Applications            Special Education Citizen Complaints
 Status                  Active, not open to public yet
 Project Cost            Approximately $50,000
 Procurement Method      DES Master Contracts, Cloud Solution, Contract # 05116
 Start Date              February 2020 approximately
 Go Live                 May 2020
 End Date                May 2020
 Duration                Approximately 4 months
 Scope                   Create an application to capture and track complaints about the treatment of Special
                         Education students.
 Internal Users          5 or 6
 Internal User Sign On   No
 External Users          Not open to the community yet
 SAW Integration         Planned, not yet implemented
 Community Facing        Not yet, this is a planned future enhancement
 Conga used?             No
 DocuSign included?      No
 Integration(s)?         No
 Training                Not provided
 Customer Ratings of     Excellent
 Customer Ratings of     Not provided
 Systems Integrator

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4.7   SalesForce – OCIO - Project Dashboard

         Field                                                     Data
 Sources                 4/28 Phone interview with Derek Puckett
 Contact(s)              Derek Puckett (derek.puckett@ocio.wa.gov), (360) 407-7989, Project Lead
 Location                1500 Jefferson St SE Olympia, WA 98504
 Applications            OCIO Dashboard
 Status                  Completed
 Project Cost            $95,000 approximately
 Procurement Method      DES Master Contract with Carahsoft for licenses, RFQ for EightCloud support
 Start Date              July 2019
 Go Live                 January 2019
 End Date                January 2019
 Duration                6 months
 Scope                   Moved from an old Salesforce web page to a Tableau dashboard populated with data
                         input into Salesforce.
 Internal Users          10 to 12 within OCIO
 Internal User Sign On   No auto login or single sign on
 External Users          Public
 OCS SDR                 Just OCS Checklist
 SAW Integration         No, publicly available.
 Community Facing        Yes but it is very underutilized. Skeleton portal now.
 Conga used?             No
 DocuSign included?      No
 Integration(s)?         Data load from Jitterbit, cloud data loader
 Training                Available thru SalesForce. EightCloud provided a basic operational guide.
 Customer Ratings of     8 out of 10
 Customer Ratings of     9 out of 10
 Systems Integrator

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4.8   SalesForce – DCYF – WA Compass Project

         Field                                                       Data
 Sources                 4/30/20 Interview of Meaghan, http://waocio.force.com/
 Contact(s)              Meaghan.Thompson@dcyf@wa.gov , (360) 789-5348, Project Manager
 Location                1500 Jefferson St SE, Olympia, WA 98501
 Applications            Childcare licensing and monitoring system
 Status                  Complete
 Project Cost            $11,394,589
 Procurement Method      Department of Enterprise Services (DES) convenience contract to secure the Salesforce
                         platform as well as the services of a 3rd party implementation contractor. DES Master
                         Contracts for Information Technology Services Management (ITSM)
 Start Date              08/01/2016
 Go Live                 09/2019 was the last Go Live
 End Date                12/31/2019
 Duration                41 Months
 Scope                   WA Compass project replaced two aging internal systems, two outdated COTS systems
                         and the agency’s use of a legacy system supported by another Washington State Agency
                         with one data-driven solution built on the Salesforce platform.
 Internal Users          Approximately 500 Users currently, licenses purchased for 840 to scale up
 Internal User Sign On   Auto sign on used, using SSO from WaTech, link routes thru WaTech into SalesForce
 External Users?         Approximately 65,000 active external customers logging in and over 400,000 public users
                         who do not login but use site.
 OCS SDR                 Yes
 SAW Integration         Yes
 Community Facing        Yes
 Conga used?             Yes
 DocuSign included?      Not DocuSign, Vertiba provided custom forms from VIP Forms which are less expensive
                         than DocuSign.
 Integration(s)?         Yes, with FamLink application
 Training                SalesForce provided Train-the-Trainer training for a permanent DCYF staff trainer.
 Customer Rating of      Great for less complicated forms, stretched the boundaries of what SalesForce was
 Software                intended to do. Enhancements created but these enhancements are not always done
 Customer Rating of      Vertiba is an 8 or. They worked with DCYF for 3 years and our business was not quite
 Systems Integrator      sure what we wanted and lacked vision. Vertiba technicians were excellent in spite of

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4.9   SalesForce – PERC – Case Management

         Field                                                       Data
 Sources                 4/28 Phone interview with Robbie Duffield
 Contact(s)              Robbie Duffield, IT Manager, 360-701-6550, robbie.duffield@perc.wa.gov
 Location                112 Henry St NE, Olympia, WA 98504
 Applications            Internal Case Management Application
 Status                  Completed
 Project Cost            Approximately $100,000 initially. Lots of upgrades done since 2015.
 Procurement Method      DES Master Contract with Carahsoft and Vertiba
 Start Date              2015
 Go Live                 2015
 End Date                2015
 Duration                4.5 months
 Scope                   Case management application for disputes, mediations, and adjudications. Tracks case
                         data and associated documents, PDF’s.
 Internal Users          29
 Internal User Sign On   Login to windows and then SSO screen offered
 External Users?         How to integrate to add docs directly, 5,000 users in past 5 years.
 OCS SDR                 Working with them OCIO
 SAW Integration         Not yet, get public users to use system in the future
 Community Facing        Not yet
 Conga used?             Yes
 DocuSign included?      No
 Integration(s)?         No
 Training                Vertiba for 1 week
 Customer Rating of      8 out of 10, very customizable, very useful, transition to Lightning had a lot of growing
 Software                pains from the Legacy.
 Customer Rating of      8 to 10, they did a really good job.
 Systems Integrator

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4.10 ServiceNow - DSHS - ITSM

         Field                                                       Data
 Sources                 2/5/20 In person interview with Scott Reese and Jan Hentze
 Contact(s)              Scott Reese, Chief, ESA Division of Child Support
                         Jan Hentze, Special Projects Manager
 Location                724 Quince ST NE, Olympia WA 98501
 Applications            IT Service Management including Incident, Change and IT Request Management.
                         Manuals are now online. Used “Accelerators” but mostly out of the box functionality.
 Status                  Completed
 Project Cost            Not provided
 Procurement Method      Not provided
 Start Date              Not provided
 Go Live                 Not provided
 End Date                Not provided
 Duration                Not provided
 Internal Users          90 Fulfiller Licenses and 1100 User licenses. Unique ID is the email address
 Internal User Sign On   Users are authenticated, after they log in using Active Directory. We integrated with
 External Users?         No
 OCS SDR                 Yes in 2018
 SAW Integration         No
 Community Facing        No
 Conga used?             Not Applicable
 DocuSign included?      No
 Integration(s)?         No
 Training                DCS developed own training, based on how we configured the system.
 Customer Rating of      Excellent! Staff adopted the application very quickly because it is so intuitive.
 Customer Rating of      CompuCom – No rating given.
 Systems Integrator

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4.11 ServiceNow - DOH – ITSM

           Field                                                     Data
 Sources                 4/28 Phone interview of Torie Hernandez, IT System Admin
                         ServiceNow Customer Summary: https://www.servicenow.com/customers/wa-doh.html
 Contact(s)              Torie.Hernandez@doh.wa.gov , (360) 789-8315 IT System Admin
 Location                101 Israel Road SE Tumwater, WA 98501
 Applications            IT Service Management
 Status                  Complete
 Project Cost            Approximately $300,000
 Procurement Method      Master contract thru Carahsoft
 Start Date              September 2016
 Go Live                 December 2016
 End Date                December 2016
 Duration                3 months
 Scope                   ITSM including Incident, Asset, Configuration, Change, Request, Discovery, and
                         Knowledge Management. Created one place to go for IT services to automate the
                         delivery of 90 services. Retired various request systems used in 20 different programs
                         and services. With IT-as-a-Service, customers choose services from a catalog of service
                         offerings and only pay for what they use. “Our goal is to make IT easy to use,
                         transparent, and cost-effective–strengthening the department’s efforts to serve the
                         people of Washington State.”
 Internal Users          1,800 DOH employees
 Internal User Sign On   Windows sign in, SSO authenticate thru WaTech
 External Users?         No
 OCS SDR                 Yes
 SAW Integration         No
 Community Facing        No
 Conga used?             N/A
 DocuSign included?      No
 Integration(s)?         HRMS and Active Directory
 Training                ServiceNow provided
 Customer Ratings of     10+
 Customer Ratings of     Fruition Partners was the Systems Integrator.
 Systems Integrator?     Torie declined to rate Fruition Partners

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4.12 ServiceNow – HCA - ITSM and CSM

         Field                                                        Data
 Sources                 Phone interview with Ben Snyder on 4/27/20.
 Contact(s)              Jerry.Britcher@hca.wa.gov , Asst Director/CIO, 360-725-1241, cell: 360-688-8607
                         Ben.Snyder@hca.wa.gov , Lead Technician
 Location                626 8th Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98501
 Applications            ITSM and CSM (Customer Service Management) modules for a variety of projects.
 Status                  Active
 Project Cost            $300,000 / year
 Procurement Method      DES Master Contract
 Start Date              2016
 Go Live                 First Go Live Jan 2017
 End Date                Ongoing
 Duration                Ongoing
 Scope                   Ticketing for IT service requests; Discovery function to actively identify assets on the
                         network and who they are assigned to; Medical Provider enrollments for Call Centers.
                         Providers send emails to shared inbox and HCA Staff will create a ticket for that email so
                         that it can be managed in ServiceNow.
 Internal Users          110 – 120 Licenses to Work Request, all HCA staff can submit via internal portal.
 Internal User Sign On   Single Sign On: Once logged into Windows, click on the URL and automatically logged in.
                         This is the same URL that license staff use. ServiceNow senses if you are a licensed user
                         and logs in or of a non-licenses user it directs user to the portal.
 External Users?         No Portal set up yet, submit via email
 OCS SDR                 Yes.
 SAW Integration         In the future, HCA plans to use the Customer Service Module to setup an external portal
                         but this is not done yet.
 Community Facing        In the future this will be done with CSM.
 Conga used?             N/A
 DocuSign included?      No
 Integration(s)?         Synchronized with Active Directory and Orchestration. When a new employee is hired
                         an AD object is created to add them to security groups and notifies Manager of the initial
                         password. Offboarding is the same, a ticket is submitted, all groups the user is a member
                         of are documented, member is deactivated, and tickets created for IT staff to perform
                         other deactivations. A Departed Employee folder is created.
 Training                Mostly provided by ServiceNow as online training.
 Customer Ratings of     Very pleased. It is a lot and can do a lot, we are barely using its full potential. Very
 Software                flexible.
 Customer Ratings of     CompuCom was OK. Evergreen is a good company.
 Systems Integrator

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4.13 Microsoft Dynamics – ESD – PFML

            Field                                                     Data
 Sources                 Phone Interview, http://waocio.force.com/
 Contact(s)              Linda Kleingartner, Project Manager, (360) 970-5585 lkleingartner@esd.wa.gov
 Location                212 Maple Park Ave SE, Olympia, WA 98501
 Applications            Paid Family Medical Leave
 Status                  Active
 Project Cost            $57,989,493
 Procurement Method      RFP
 Start Date              08/01/2017
 Go Live                 01/02/2020
 End Date                08/15/2020
 Duration                36 Months
 Scope                   Create an entirely new statewide program for Paid Family and Medical Leave.
 Internal Users          Approximately staff 200. 15 working on the accounting side and the rest working on the
                         CRM side.
 Internal User Sign On   2 step login process. Login to Windows and then login to Dynamics.
 External Users?         Employers and workers in the State of Washington
 OCS SDR                 Yes
 SAW Integration         Yes
 Community Facing        Not provided by Microsoft Dynamics. Rather developed and deployed by Deloitte
 Portal?                 Consulting.
 Conga used?             N/A
 DocuSign included?      No
 Integration(s)?         ESD Enterprise Content Management, AFRS, Office of the State Treasurer, DSHS, DOR,
                         Printing, Data Warehouse, etc.
 Training                Initially Microsoft provide the basic training for their COTS product. As customization
                         grew, the State Project Team members developed their own training. Today, 75% of
                         training is provided by State Project Team.
 Customer Ratings of     Currently using On Premises (non-Cloud) solution and this has caused problems because
 Software                Microsoft constantly updates Dynamics. Rated a 6 out of 10. Moving to the cloud to
                         resolve this problem.
 Customer Ratings of     Microsoft has been a great partner in supporting Dynamics and the project.
 Systems Integrator

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5 Requirements Gap Analysis
5.1       Detail
An “X” in the table below indicates that the requirement can be met by the configuring the solution with
standard configuration options.

                                                                                                  Sales    Service MS
      #                                       Requirement
                                                                                                  Force     Now Dynamics
3.1.1      Ability for internal and external users to use mobile devices to perform the
                                                                                                   X          X           X
           same functions as users who are a desktop client and browser.
3.1.2      Compatible with standard web browsers.                                                  X          X           X
3.2        HUM ADMINISTRATOR                                                                                              X
3.2.1      Ability to create, add and remove users from solution.                                  X          X           X
3.2.2      Ability to configure groups and roles.                                                  X          X           X
3.2.3      Ability to add and remove users from groups and roles.                                  X          X           X
3.2.4      Ability to view current and past user activity.                                         X          X           X
3.2.5      Ability to see licensing and billing data history.                                      X          X           X
3.2.6      Ability to see uptime and response time history.                                        X          X           X
3.3        SECURITY
3.3.1      Integration with Active Directory.                                                      X          X           X       Solution allows for Employees to be loaded into and activated in the Cloud
                                                                                                   X          X           X
              Solution from Active Directory by the Administrator role.       Solution allows for groups and users to be move around in Active Directory
              by the HUM Administrator role and for these changes to be reflected in the           X          X           X
              Cloud Solution.       Solution allows for groups and users to be move around in Active Directory
              by the HUM Administrator role and for these changes to be reflected in the                                  X
              Cloud Solution.
3.3.2      Ability to integrate with SAML 2.0 with Secure Access Washington.                       X          X           X       Ability to provide multi-factor authentication.                                      X          X           X       Ability to provide multi-factor authentication by configuration only. No
                                                                                                   X          X           X
              designing or building is needed to deliver the multi-factor authentication.
3.3.3      Ability to control access with Role Based Security.                                     X          X           X
3.3.4      Ability to provide 2 Factor Authentication optionally for users to create and
                                                                                                   X          X           X
           update their password protected account information.
3.3.5      Office of Cyber Security Requirements                                                  To be addressed in Options
                                                                                                      Analysis Deliverable
3.4.1      Provide a seamless transition from the HUM website (www.hum.wa.gov) to the
                                                                                                   X          X           X
           Cloud Solution.
3.4.2      Ability to configure the External User Portal to have a similar look and feel as the
                                                                                                   X          X           X
           HUM website.
3.4.3      Ability to provide a Spanish version of the portal that is identical to the English
                                                                                                   X          X           X
           version except for the language used.
3.4.4      Ability for External Users to easily create their own secure password protected
                                                                                                   X          X           X
           account using 2-Factor Authentication.
3.4.5      Ability for External Users to add up to 1 other Authorized User for their own
                                                                                                   X         NO           X
3.4.6      Ability to save in-progress work.                                                       X          X           X

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 2: Market Research                                           Page 21 of 31
Sales   Service MS
   #                                       Requirement
                                                                                             Force    Now Dynamics
3.4.7    Ability to create complaints, track status, receive all case related
                                                                                              X       X           X
         correspondence, view frequently ask questions and log a question.
3.4.8    Automatically performs address validations.                                          X       NO          X
3.4.9    Automatically validates data in required fields on entry and validation of data
                                                                                              X       X           X
         types on save (e.g. no text in a date field).
3.4.10 Applicants can easily create a secure account, file a complaint, respond to a
         complaint, receive all case related communication, respond to investigator
                                                                                              X       X           X
         communications, upload electronic documents and images, make payments,
         etc. all online.
3.4.11 Provide the ability for users to change and recover their username and
                                                                                              X       X           X
         passwords using 2-Factor Authentication.
3.4.12 Automatically generates an email and/or text notice to External Users when
         there is a change to their case, a requested action or correspondence needing        X       X           X
         their attention.
3.4.13 Ability for users to provide an Electronic Signature.                                  X       X           X
3.4.14 Ability for users to upload files to their case such as videos, pictures, and
                                                                                              X       X           X
3.4.15 Automatically generate Late Notices for overdue actions and display such
                                                                                              X       X           X
         notices prominently.
3.4.16 Ability for user to invite an Authorized Representative to have access to their
                                                                                              X       X           X
         case.     Authorized Representative will have their own unique secure username and
                                                                                              X       X           X
             passwords.     Authorized Representative actions will always be distinguishable from the
                                                                                              X       X           X
3.5.1    Ability to configure workflow for up to six (6) different types of cases. Case
         types include:
               1. Employment
               2. Housing
               3. Public Accommodation
                                                                                              X       X           X
               4. Credit & Insurance
               5. Nursing Home
               6. Elevator/Escalator
         Case types vary from year to year based upon the current laws of the State of
3.5.2    Ability to automate, route and perform tasks in alignment with HUM legislative
                                                                                              X       X           X
         mandate, statutes, and requirements.
3.5.3    Ability to create and apply business rules.                                          X       X           X
3.5.4    Ability to dynamically prioritize an entire case or specific actions such that
         reprioritized work and due dates are reflected in worker and manager                 X       X           X
3.5.5    Automatically generate dashboards for workers with a view of their tasks across
                                                                                              X       X           X
         all their assigned cases and the associated due dates.
3.5.6    Tasks shall be listed in priority order and in order of the applicable due dates.    X       X           X
3.5.7    Create a calendar view of assigned work with due dates.                              X       X           X
3.5.8    Integrate with Microsoft Outlook to create a single view of all scheduled
                                                                                              X       X           X
         activities including time away from work.
3.5.9    Automatically update dashboards when applicable case actions and status
                                                                                              X       X           X

Feasibility Study for CMDb Modernization-Deliverable 2: Market Research                                   Page 22 of 31
Sales   Service MS
   #                                       Requirement
                                                                                              Force    Now Dynamics
3.5.10   Ability to define key metrics for Workload Management and render the metrics
                                                                                               X       X           X
         against the most current data in the case files.
3.5.11   Automatically provide a Manager’s view of defined metrics with thresholds that
         define when a case or employee’s performance requires management attention            X       X           X
         and/or action.
3.5.12   Ability to track settlements payments received and disbursements made by
         capturing images of checks and payments and saving those images as
                                                                                               X       NO          X
         attachments to worker indications in the system that these actions have
         occurred in fact.
3.6.1    Solution must use agency formatted templates to automatically generate
                                                                                               X       X           X
         letters, notices, emails, notifications, and other correspondence.
3.6.2    Correspondence, notices, and written communications will be in a PDF format.          X       X           X
3.6.3    Correspondence must be retained in a comprehensive and chronological log
                                                                                               X       X           X
         within the applicable case file.
3.6.4    The Log must be permanently stored to create an exact historical record of all
                                                                                               X       X           X
3.6.5    Email and text notices must be automatically generated to notify external users
                                                                                               X       X           X
         that their case file has new correspondence for them to respond to.
3.6.6    When a user opens a correspondence in a case file, the correspondence status
         will be changed to “Read” and be given a date/time stamp to record this access        X       X           X
         and by whom.
3.6.7    User written responses will be saved as permanent records to the case file and
                                                                                               X       X           X
         saved in a PDF format with date/time stamps.
3.6.8    Ability for authorized internal users to edit an existing template or create a
                                                                                               X       X           X
         whole new template for system use using an intuitive, industry content editor.
3.6.9    The Solution will allow authorized internal users to view and edit the content of
                                                                                               X       X           X
         any individual correspondence before it is published.
3.7      REPORTING
3.7.1    Ability to query and create reports for all data and metadata.                        X       X           X
3.7.2    Reports generated by the system are presented on screen, generated within the
                                                                                               X       X           X
         templates, and exported to desired formats (PDF, Excel).
3.7.3    Users can generate ad-hoc reports and queries by using a menu driven reports
                                                                                               X       X           X
3.8.1    Ability to identify which data will be archived, when it will be archived and when
                                                                                               X       X           X
         it will be destroyed.
3.8.2    Ability to automatically apply data archival rules.                                   X       X           X
3.8.3    Provide low-cost storage option for very large case attached files such as video                      SharePoint
         clips, images, document scans, etc.                                                   X       X        or Azure
3.8.4    Solution complies with WORM which means the ability of a record keeping                                   via
         solution to store files in a format that cannot be tampered with in any way
                                                                                               X       X       or records
         possible. This approach can prevent anyone, even archives administrators, from                          storage
         making any changes to the data before an expiration date or event.                                     solutions

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