Page created by Benjamin Logan

Version V06.03
June 2019

1   WebStamp web service: SOAP
                  1       Introduction                         5
                  1.1     SOAP specification                    5

                  1.2     Definition of terms                   5

                  2       General                              6
                  2.1     Encoding                              6

                  2.2     Versions                              6

                  2.3     Currently available versions          6

                  2.4     Adjustments when changing versions    6

                  2.5     Detailed description                  7

                  2.6     WebStamp server                       7

                  2.7     Access data                           7

                  2.7.1   Application identification            7
                  2.7.2   User ID                               7
                  2.7.3   Signed connection                     8

                  3       Authentication                       9
                  3.1     wsws_identification                   9

                  4       Options                              10
                  4.1     wsws_category                        10

                  4.2     wsws_product                         10

                  4.3     wsws_addition                        11

                  4.4     wsws_media_type                      11

                  4.5     wsws_media                           12

                  4.6     wsws_zone                            12

                  4.7     wsws_country                         12

                  4.8     wsws_license                         12

                  4.9     wsws_product_list                    13

                  4.10    wsws_customer_data                   13

2   WebStamp web service: SOAP
5       Order                                              14
5.1     wsws_address                                       14

5.2     wsws_order                                         15

5.3     wsws_stamp                                         15

5.4     wsws_message                                       16

5.5     wsws_cash_on_delivery                              16

5.6     wsws_custom_media                                  17

5.7     wsws_order_item                                    18

5.8     wsws_price_detail                                  18

5.9     wsws_consignments                                  18

6       Info                                               19
6.1     wsws_receipt                                       19

6.2     wsws_receipt_info                                  19

6.3     wsws_delivery_receipt                              19

6.4     wsws_journals                                      20

6.5     wsws_journal                                       20

7       SOAP methods                                       21
7.1     Options                                            21

7.1.1   get_categories                                     21
7.1.2   get_products                                       21
7.1.3   get_media_types                                    22
7.1.4   get_medias                                         22
7.1.5   get_zones                                          22
7.1.6   get_countries                                      23
7.1.7   get_licenses                                       23
7.1.8   get_product_lists                                  24
7.1.9   get_customer_data                                  24

7.2     Order                                              25

7.2.1   new_order_preview                                  25
7.2.2   new_order                                          27
7.2.3   copy_order_by_id                                   29
7.2.4   previous_order                                     29

                                WebStamp web service: SOAP   3
7.3     Info                          30

                  7.3.1   get_info_receipt              30
                  7.3.2   get_info_delivery_receipt     30
                  7.3.3   get_info_journal              30

                  8       Error handling                31
                  8.1     System error messages         31

                  8.2     Example response              36

                  9       Attachments                   37
                  9.1     WSDL                          37

                  9.2     Example call                  37

                  9.2.1   Request                       37
                  9.2.2 Response                        38

                  10      Information for integrators   39

4   WebStamp web service: SOAP
1       Introduction

The Web service WebStamp allows you to fully integrate WebStamp into another application.
The interface is available in the variant: SOAP.

 1.1    SOAP specification

Detailed descriptions of each SOAP method, such as field data type, can be found in the WSWL and are not repeated in this document.

 1.2    Definition of terms

Term                          Description

Customer                      A customer is a user of the WebStamp online service via the WebStamp web service or Webstamp light interfaces.
                              The customer must be registered with Swiss Post in order to use WebStamp.

Integrator,                   A company, organization or person who has connected WebStamp to their own platform using WebStamp web service
platform provider             or Webstamp light.

Application ID,               Each application identifies itself to WebStamp with a unique key:
provider number               – WebStamp web service access uses the application ID

Customer Centre Log-in        Various online services are grouped under the Swiss Post “Customer Center” and can be accessed with a single
                              username and password.
                              Only one centralized registration is required for the Swiss Post “Customer Center”, and this also allows you to use

WS                            Abbreviations for “WebStamp”

WSWS                          Abbreviations for “WebStamp web service”

                                                                                                              WebStamp web service: SOAP   5
2         General

 2.1      Encoding

The character coding for SOAP communication is always UTF-8.

 2.2      Versions

The interface is available in a range of versions. This allows for better delimitation of existing and older interface versions as the product
is developed. Over time, older versions will be discontinued by Swiss Post following prior notification of the end date.

Please ask for exact details of the versions when managing the WebStamp application.

The respective version numbers of the data fields are indicated in the tables. If there is no version number, they apply to all versions.
Where a version number is specified, it applies to the specified version and all subsequent versions. If multiple versions are specified,
the data field applies to the specified versions only.

Attempting to call a version that is no longer valid returns HTTP status code 410.

 2.3      Currently available versions

V6           Current and maintained version.

V5           Available previous version. We recommend migrating to the latest version.

 2.4      Adjustments when changing versions

Each time you update to a newer version, the URL must be adapted to the new version (see 2.7 Access data). New functions offered
as a part of an audit can be activated by updating the WSDL.

If the adjustment is not marked as mandatory, it provides additional functionality but is not necessarily required.

Version        Audit           Mandatory        Description

V6             03              NO               –   Additional creation of labels in ZPL2 format
                                                –   Optional specification of resolution for receiving the labels (dpi)
                                                –   Ordering of WebStamp using printing service
                                                –   Processing of individual letters and mailshots

V6             02              NO               – Checking and redeeming discount codes
                                                – Detailed price information

V6             01              NO               – International recipient addresses can now be submitted without a postcode (zip).
                                                – Receipts can be obtained as XMLs

V5                             Yes              – Transition to new endpoints
                                                – Review of all implemented SOAP methods
                                                – Removal/migration of disabled WSWS functions (e.g. for parcels)
                                                – Adjustment of SOAP fault handling
                                                – Review of data structure names, which sometimes contained the API version

6   WebStamp web service: SOAP
2.5    Detailed description

Default values are shown in italics in property lists.

 2.6    WebStamp server

Two independent infrastructures are available for the connection.

https://wsredesignint1.post.ch     Continuously expanded test environment for new releases of WebStamp.

https://wsredesignint2.post.ch     Stable test environment for new integrators or for test systems (production release level).
                                   This is the preferred platform for integrators.

https://webstamp.post.ch/          Productive system

 2.7    Access data

The interface can be accessed using the following URL:


/wsws/soap/v6                                            Identification with WS customer ID / web service password


/wsws/soap/v5                                            Identification with WS customer ID / WSWS-Passwort

2.7.1   Application identification

An application ID is required for access by each application you want to connect to. This is assigned by Swiss Post.

2.7.2 User ID

The user must also be authenticated with a customer ID / WSWS-Passwort. The WS customer ID can be found on the WebStamp
homepage under WebStamp Settings / WebStamp web service. This page can also be used to store the WSWS password.

The identification using WS customer ID and WSB password must be transmitted with each request (except for the Options

  Please note
  For an order (request), the following three attributes must be transferred to WebStamp:
  – Application ID
  – WS customer ID
  – WSWS password

                                                                                                                WebStamp web service: SOAP   7
2.7.3 Signed connection

In special cases, access can be implemented using signatures. In this case, Swiss Post issues a certificate to the integrator, which must
be used to sign the connection (TLS) to WebStamp WebService.

When using signed access, WebStamp only allows calls with a valid signature. Invalid or unknown signatures are rejected.

For the connection, the host name for the WebStamp server is preceded by “cert.”. The following is an example of a signed call from
a command line:
curl https://cert.webstamp.post.ch/wsws/soap/v6
--cert certificate.pem:”*******”
--data @soap-request.xml

  Please note
  The default method is identification of the user with WS customer ID and WSWS password without signing. Implementation
  with signing must always be agreed in advance with those responsible.

  If this method of identification is chosen, the system can be set so that the WSWS password does not have to be transmitted.

8   WebStamp web service: SOAP
3          Authentication

Each request to WebStamp must contain an identification container, which is used to authenticate the user.

The customer ID and WSWS password must be used to verify the user’s identity.

 3.1       wsws_identification

Name                  Data type   Description

application           string      Identification hash of the calling application.

language              token       Two-character language code. Determines the response language of the interface when texts are returned.
                                  Possible values:
                                  – de
                                  – fr
                                  – it
                                  – en

[userid]              string      WS customer ID.

[password]            string      WSWS password.

[encryption_type]     token       Encryption of the WSWS-Passwort: md5 or sha1. If encryption_type is left empty or the attribute is not available,
                                  the WSWS-Passwort is transmitted as plain text.
                                  – md5
                                  – sha1
                                  – (Empty)
                                  Empty or attribute hash type not available (WSWS-Passwort is transmitted in plain text)

                                                                                                             WebStamp web service: SOAP   9
4        Options

The Options interface returns all supported product information and its configuration. This makes it easy to integrate new WebStamp
products into a third party application and to query changes to products (e.g. price changes). If the products are not kept up to date,
problems can arise when products are changed (for example a message to the customer that a requested product is no longer available).

Unless otherwise noted, all functions in the Options interface can also be queried without a username and WSWS-Passwort.
The application ID /provider number are sufficient.

 4.1     wsws_category

Swiss Post products are grouped into product categories (e.g. domestic letters). The object wsws_category displays a product category
with the relevant details.

Name                      Data type       Description

number                    int             Unique product category ID.

name                      string          Name of the product category.

recipient_mandatory       boolean         Determines whether the recipient’s address is mandatory or not.

valid_days                int             Product validity in days.

 4.2     wsws_product

The object wsws_product contains a Swiss Post product with the relevant details.

    Please note
    –– Swiss Post recommends the use of “post_product_number” for product identification. This changes less often than “number”.
       Regardless of which number is used, the integrator must recognize changed numbers in the application. The valid numbers are
       available from the Options interface. It is recommended to check this from time to time and react accordingly in the event of
    –– If a subsystem or subsystem/segment is specified for a product, a franking licence is required for the order (see section 4.8).
    –– Product queries in the past are not supported.

10   WebStamp web service: SOAP
Name                       Data type      Description

number                     int            Unique ID for the product. Changes each time the product is changed.

category                   string         Alias for the product category.

category_number            int            Unique category number. For the values allowed, see 4.1. wsws_category

post_product_number        int            Swiss Post number (level number for Swiss Post’s own applications).
                                          Similar to the number attribute. Unlike the number attribute, the Swiss Post number does not always
                                          change when a product is changed.

price                      float          Price of the product, including VAT.

name                       string         Name of the product.

additions                  array          Array with wsws_addition objects.

delivery                   string         Delivery type (e.g. A Mail, B Mail).

format                     string         Format (e.g. standard letter, midi letter).

size_din                   string         DIN ISO format (e.g. A4).

max_size_length            int            Maximum length in mm.

max_size_height            int            Maximum height in mm.

max_edge_length            int            Maximum total dimensions.

max_scale                  int            Maximum scale (for bulky goods).

max_weight                 int            Maximum weight in grams.

zone                       int            Country zone
                                          For the values allowed, see 4.6 wsws_zone

product_list               string         Name of the product range in the user’s language.

product_list_number        int            Number of the product range.

subsystem                  int            Subsystem from which a franking licence is required.

segment                    int            Segment that describes a franking licence uniquely in conjunction with the subsystem.

barcode                    boolean        Indicates whether this is a letter with barcode (BMB) product. This information can be used to determine
                                          the print medium.

 4.3       wsws_addition

The object wsws_addition displays all supported value-added services for a product.

Name                       Data type      Description
code                       string         Optional addition code.

short_name                 string         Addition short name.

 4.4       wsws_media_type

The object wsws_media_type contains a print media type (e.g. labels, envelopes, etc.).

Name                       Data type      Description

number                     int            Unique ID of the media type.

name                       string         Name of the media type.

image_possible             boolean        Indicates whether or not an image is allowed.

printservice_possible      boolean        Indicates whether the medium type for the WebStamp printing service can be used.

categories                 array          An array with wsws_category objects. Specifies the category for which this media type is available.

                                                                                                        WebStamp web service: SOAP   11
4.5      wsws_media

The object wsws_media contains a print medium (e.g. Zweckform 3659 label, C5 envelope, etc.).

Name                         Data type        Description

number                       int              Unique medium number.

name                         string           Name of the medium.

type                         int              Medium type. For the values allowed, see 4.4 wsws_media_type

 4.6      wsws_zone

Swiss Post groups countries into a range of different zones. The object wsws_zone contains one of these zones.

Name                         Data type        Description
number                       int              Unique zone ID.
name                         string           Name of the zone.
zone                         int              1: Zone 1 (Europe)
                                              2: Zone 2 (remaining countries)
                                              3: In Switzerland

 4.7      wsws_country

The object wsws_country contains a country and its details. Countries return all known country codes and their names. The zone is
also included. The country name is used with a table of countries to evaluate the relevant zone.

Name                         Data type        Description

alias                        string           International country alias.

zone                         int              Number of the corresponding zone. For the values allowed, see 4.6 wsws_zone

name                         string           Country name (in full).

 4.8      wsws_license

The object wsws_license displays the franking licence and the customer comments associated with it. Customers can identify their
franking licence using the combination of “number” and “comment” displayed to them. The “number” attribute is used for the
handover to the “new_order” method.

   Please note
   –– The WS customer ID and WSWS password are required to query the franking licence.
      (If working with signing, see 2.7.3).
   –– If a subsystem or subsystem/segment is specified for a product (see section 4.2), a franking licence is required for the order.

Name                         Data type        Description

number                       string           Customer’s franking licence (franking licence assigned by Swiss Post to the customer).

comment                      string           Customer’s comments on the franking licence (can be left empty).

subsystem                    int              Subsystem for mapping to products.

segment                      int              The segment is used in conjunction with the subsystem.

12   WebStamp web service: SOAP
4.9     wsws_product_list

Describes a queried product range.

Name                       Data type       Description

number                     int             ID of the product range.

name                       string          Description of the product range.

customer_type              token           Customer type of the product range. (bc = business customers, pc = private customers)

 4.10 wsws_customer_data

Describes basic billing data and the product range for a customer.

Name                       Data type       Description

license_state              string          Status of the customer’s franking licence (FrL):
                                           none       Does not have own FrL
                                           pending FrL application open
                                           rejected FrL application rejected
                                           ok         Valid FrL

payment_type               string          Customer’s billing method:
                                           prepaid In advance
                                           kurepo Invoice customer

product_lists              array           Array of IDs of the customer’s product ranges.

                                                                                                       WebStamp web service: SOAP   13
5          Order

All complex data types listed below belong to the actual order itself. They group together all the information required for an order or
define the response structure for an order.

 5.1       wsws_address

The object wsws_address represents an address.

Name                        Data type       Description

[organization]              string          Company or organization.

[company_addition]          string          Company suffix

[title]                     string          Salutation

[firstname]                 string          First name

[lastname]                  string          Last name

[addition]                  string          Additional details

[street]                    string          Street, including number.

[pobox]                     string          P.O. Box including optional number.
                                            The P.O. Box number can be appended or the attribute “pobox_nr” can be transmitted.

[pobox_lang]                string          Language code for the P.O. Box:
                                            de German (Postfach)
                                            fr    French (case postale)
                                            it    Italian (casella postale)
                                            en English (P.O. Box)
                                            The language code is only used if the attribute “pobox” is not specified.

[pobox_nr]                  string          P.O. Box number
                                            The number is only transferred if one of the attributes “pobox” or “pobox_lang” contains a valid value.

[zip]                       string          Postcode

city                        string          Town

[country]                   string          Country code (default: ch) or name of the country.
                                            These values are not case-sensitive.

[reference]                 string          The reference transmitted here refers to the order and is returned in the order result.
                                            It is used as the implementer’s own order reference. The value transmitted has no other function on the
                                            WebStamp site. It is transmitted only by the request to the response.

[company_addition]          string          Additional details for companies and organizations.

[cash_on_delivery_amount]   float           COD charge for each recipient address for cash on delivery.
                                            For floating point numbers, the amount must be rounded off for accounting purposes.

[cash_on_delivery_esr]      string          ISR reference number for each recipient address for cash on delivery with ISR.

[print_address]             string          Multiple line address for the recipient overprint. If transmitted, it is used instead of the individual fields.

14   WebStamp web service: SOAP
5.2       wsws_order

The object wsws_order contains the order with the relevant details.

Name                       Data type        Description

order_id                   int              Unique order number.

print_data                 base64           If the order is a PDF or ZPL, which is ordered by specifying a print medium and with the attribute single
                                            TRUE, the print data is outputted at order level. Otherwise, the individual print data is held in the stamps

stamps                     array            Array with wsws_stamp objects.

consignments               array            Array with wsws_consignments objects.

messages                   array            Array with wsws_message objects.

reference                  string           Reference value transmitted for the order. Used to identify the order to the integration software.
                                            Has no other function in WebStamp, simply transmitted.

price                      float            Total order price including VAT.

price_details              array            Array with wsws_price_detail objects.

item_price                 float            Item price per product including VAT.

valid_days                 int              Number of days until the postal prepayment impressions for the order become invalid.

valid_until                dateTime         Expiry date for the postal prepayment impressions in this order.

delivery_receipt           base64           Delivery note as a PDF (if available).

product_number             int              Internal WebStamp product ID for this order that is effectively used.

post_product_number        int              Swiss Post product number for this order that is effectively used.

 5.3       wsws_stamp

This object represents the actual postal prepayment impression with the relevant details.

Name                       Data type        Description

stamp_id                   int              Unique postal prepayment impression number.

tracking_number            string           For letters with barcode, the consignment number is returned for the Track & Trace system.

print_data                 base64           Individual postage paid impression per stamp. Is empty if the query was made by specifying a print
                                            medium and using the single TRUE attribute.

compression                token            Image compression (gzip or empty).

mime_type                  string           Mime type for franking.

image_width_mm             int              Width of the image in millimetres.

image_height_mm            int              Height of the image in millimetres.

image_width_px             int              Width of the image in pixels.

image_height_px            int              Height of the image in pixels.

reference                  string           Reference value transmitted for the recipient’s address.

                                                                                                           WebStamp web service: SOAP   15
5.4    wsws_message

wsws_message is used to send messages to the customer (for example new General Terms and Conditions).

Name                       Data type       Description

message_type               string          The type indicates the type of message:
                                           – announcement
                                           – error
                                           – confirm

customer_message           string          Message to be displayed to the user.

system_message             string          Technical message for the integrator.

system_message_code        int             Number of system_message.

url                        string          Additional link if the message must be confirmed, for example in a web GUI.

confirm_until              dateTime        Date by which a message of the type “confirm” must be confirmed.

Messages of the type “confirm” contain important information and must be confirmed by the customer within a specified period
(for example new General Terms and Conditions). If the deadline expires, the customer cannot place any further orders until the
message is confirmed. The integrator must be capable of handling this functionality.

Messages of the type “announcement” do not need to be confirmed. This type is used to send important information for end

 5.5    wsws_cash_on_delivery

This object contains the information for a COD order.

Name                       Data type       Description

transaction_type           token           Account type for the beneficiary. ’post_bank’ or ’esr’ are supported.

esr_customer_ number       int             ISR participant number of the beneficiary for transaction_type ’esr’.

iban                       string          IBAN of the beneficiary for transaction_type ’post_bank’.

beneficiary                wsws_address    Address information for the beneficiary for transaction_type ’post_bank’.

16   WebStamp web service: SOAP
5.6     wsws_custom_media

This object is required to transmit a custom print medium. All dimensions are in mm.

   Please note
   –– The print area required for a label depends on a range of components (e.g. product selection, use of recipient addresses, use
      of images, etc.). The minimum dimensions for the print area depend on how the various components are used.
      For custom formats, a check is made to ensure that the minimum dimensions are available. If they are not, the print area is too
      small and a message is output.

Name                        Data type       Description

type                        enum            – label
                                            – envelope
                                            – letter
                                            – paper
page_width                  int             Page width
page_height                 int             Page height
[margin_top]                int             Top margin

[margin_bottom]             int             Bottom margin
[margin left]               int             Left margin
[margin right]              int             Right margin
[cols]                      int             Labels per row (only for type=label)

[rows]                      int             Labels per column (only for type=label)
[colspacing]                int             Bar width (only for type=label)
[rowspacing]                int             Bar height (only for type=label)
[recipient_orientation]     enum            Recipient orientation to one of the following points
                                            – top/left
                                            – top/right
                                            – bottom/left
                                            – bottom/right

[recipient_x]               int             Recipient position horizontal (only if type!=label)

[recipient_y]               int             Recipient position vertical (only if type!=label)

[sender_orientation]        enum            Sender orientation to one of the following points
                                            – top/left
                                            – top/right
                                            – bottom/left
                                            – bottom/right

[sender_x]                  int             Sender position horizontal (only for type!=label)

[sender_y]                  int             Sender position vertical (only for type!=label)

[franking_orientation]      enum            Franking orientation to one of the following points
                                            – top/left
                                            – top/right
                                            – bottom/left
                                            – bottom/right

[franking_x]                int             Franking position horizontal (only for type!=label)

[franking_y]                int             Franking position vertical (only for type!=label)

                                                                                                   WebStamp web service: SOAP   17
5.7       wsws_order_item

The object contains the relevant information for a single postal prepayment impression.

Name                         Version     Data type       Description

stamp_id                     V6          int             Unique ID of the postal prepayment impression.

label_number                 V6          int             Serial number, which is printed on the postal prepayment impression.

tracking_number              V6          string          For letters with barcode, the consignment number is returned for the Track & Trace system.

 5.8       wsws_price_detail

The object contains the price details per order. The sum of all amounts equals the total order amount.
This information is required if discount codes or additional services are offered.

Name                         Version     Data type       Description

type                         V6          enum            The type of order item. The following values are possible:
                                                         –– webstamp: the order item of the WebStamp labels at list price (postage amount)
                                                         –– discount: the reduction granted when a discount code is redeemed
                                                         –– charge: a value-added service on the order which is not included on the price list
                                                            (e.g. printing service charges)

quantity                     V6          int             The quantity of the order item.

amount                       V6          float           The amount of the order item. When a discount code is used, a negative amount
                                                         will be returned.

description                  V6          string          The description of the order item, e.g. the product name or the name of the
                                                         discount group.

 5.9       wsws_consignments

Within an order of individual letters and mailshots, the object supplies information concerning the consignments found in the docu-
ment and their pages, and shows the allocation of consignments to stamps.

Name                         Version     Data type       Description

stamp_id                     V6          int             Assigned label ID from the wsws_stamps objects

number                       V6          int             Serial number per consignment

pages                        V6          array           Array with page objects in which the pages of the consignment are present with a
                                                         serial page number.

window                       V6          string          Position of the located recipient address in the transparent window:
                                                         left        On the left-hand side of the window area
                                                         right       On the right-hand side of the window area

state                        V6          string          Consignment status:
                                                         valid    The consignment is compatible with the used
                                                         invalid  The consignment cannot be processed

reason                       V6          string          If the status of a consignment is invalid, the reason for non-processing is returned.

18   WebStamp web service: SOAP
6          Info

Information about past order processes can be obtained using the following complex data types.

 6.1       wsws_receipt

This object contains the information for single or batch receipts. The data is returned by default in PDF format in the receipt
container. Alternatively, the data can be requested in a structured form using the get_info_receipt method and returned in the
receipt_info container.

Name                        Version       Data type             Description

order_id                                  int                   Unique ID for the order.

receipt                                   base64                Receipt as PDF. Returned empty if the output for the request is requested in xml format.

receipt_info                V6            array                 Array of wsws_receipt_info objects, hence receipt data for the order. Returned empty
                                                                if the output for the request is requested in xml format.

 6.2       wsws_receipt_info

This object contains the detailed information including the order items for a receipt..

Name                        Version       Data type             Description

address                     V6            wsws_address          The billing address for the receipt.

journal                     V6            wsws_journal          Summary order data.

product                     V6            wsws_product          The product used for the order.

order_items                 V6            array                 Array of wsws_order_item objects.

 6.3       wsws_delivery_receipt

This object contains the online delivery note.

Name                        Data type           Description

order_id                    int                 Unique ID for the order.

delivery_receipt            base64              Delivery note as PDF.

                                                                                                             WebStamp web service: SOAP   19
6.4       wsws_journals

The journal contains the details of past orders. It can be ordered with restrictions on type (order via interface, order via GUI) and
using a date horizon.

Name                        Data type        Description

journals                    array            Array with wsws_journal objects. Returned empty if the output for the request is requested in url format.

messages                    int              Array with wsws_message objects if the journal is requested in url format.

 6.5       wsws_journal

In this object, the summary information for a previous order is returned.

Name                        Data type        Description

date                        dateTime         Date of order.

order_id                    int              Unique ID for the order.

quantity                    int              Number of postal prepayment impressions.

price                       float            Item price including VAT.

total_price                 float            Total price including VAT.

valid_until                 dateTime         Date up to which the order is valid.

order_comment               string           The order note saved with the order.

20   WebStamp web service: SOAP
7        SOAP methods

 7.1     Options

The options request can be used to query all options available in WebStamp web service. A separate SOAP method is available for
each option group. To query all options, all SOAP methods must be called up. It is recommended to store the options locally and
query them only occasionally.

The timestamp and categories parameters is always optional. If they are not transmitted, the current time is assumed for timestamp
and all available categories are assumed.

7.1.1    get_categories

Returns all supported categories.


Name                      Data type             Description

identification            wsws_identification   Identification object.


Name                      Level                 Description

categories                array                 Array with wsws_category objects.

7.1.2    get_products

Returns the available products. The data returned can be limited by product category and timestamp.


Name                      Data type             Description

identification            wsws_identification   Identification object.

[timestamp]               dateTime              Time of validity of the requested data. This can be used for example to query data in the future.

post_product_number       int                   Internal Swiss Post product number.

customer_type             token                 Customer type of the product range. (bc = business customers, pc = private customers)

product_lists             array                 One or more product range numbers to limit the product search.


Name                      Data type             Description

products                  array                 Array with wsws_product objects.

                                                                                                         WebStamp web service: SOAP   21
7.1.3    get_media_types

Returns the available media types. The data returned can be limited by product category and timestamp.


Name                     Data type             Description

identification           wsws_identification   Identification object.

[timestamp]              dateTime              Time of validity of the requested data. This can be used for example to query data in the future.


Name                     Data type             Description

media_types              array                 Array with wsws_media_type objects.

7.1.4    get_medias

Returns the available media. The data returned can be limited by timestamp.


Name                     Data type             Description

identification           wsws_identification   Identification object.

[timestamp]              dateTime              Time of validity of the requested data. This can be used for example to query data in the future.

[type]                   int                   Restriction of the print media to one media type. The number of the media type is queried using
                                               the get_media_types method.


Name                     Data type             Description
medias                   array                 Array with wsws_media objects.

7.1.5    get_zones

Returns the available country zones.

Name                     Data type             Description

identification           wsws_identification   Identification object.


Name                     Data type             Description

zones                    array                 An array with wsws_zone objects.

22   WebStamp web service: SOAP
7.1.6      get_countries

Returns the available countries. The zone is also included. The country name is used with a table of countries to evaluate the relevant


Name                       Data type              Description

identification             wsws_identification    Identification object.


Name                       Data type              Description

countries                  array                  Array with wsws_country objects.

7.1.7      get_licenses

Business customers can now specify a personal franking licence for certain products. Franking licences allow the customer to order
certain additional products, and are also used for billing the order. Each franking licence can be used for one product type only.
It is not possible for the integrator to make this distinction – customers must select the appropriate franking licence themselves. Alter-
natively, a product number (type: post_product_number) can be specified in the franking licence query to limit the selection of
licences. Theoretically, a customer’s franking licences can change with every order, so they should be stored with care.


Name                       Data type              Description

identification             wsws_identification    Identification object.
[post_product_number]      int                    Internal Swiss Post product number (level number)


Name                       Data type              Description

licenses                   array                  Array with wsws_license objects.

                                                                                                      WebStamp web service: SOAP   23
7.1.8    get_product_lists

Returns the various product ranges. The product ranges are divided into two main categories in WebStamp: “pk” (private customers –
pc) and “gk”(business customers – bc), and there are further subdivisions in each category. A customer can be assigned to multiple
product ranges, but only to one main category (pc or bc). By specifying customer_type, you can query the product ranges relevant for
your users. If the parameter is transmitted empty, all product ranges are returned.
If a valid user login is specified in the identification object, customer_type is ignored and the product ranges assigned to the cus-
tomer are returned instead. Queried product range numbers can be included with get_products to limit the product query by
All queries are limited to currently valid product ranges.


Name                     Data type               Description

identification           wsws_identification     Identification object.
[customer_type]          token                   Customer type of the product range. (bc = business customers, pc = private customers)


Name                     Data type              Description

product_lists            array                  Array with wsws_product_list objects.

7.1.9    get_customer_data

Provides basic information about a customer’s billing method and product ranges. This data is not confidential, so no customer pass-
word is required.


Name                     Data type               Description

identification           wsws_identification     Identification object. Here, the WS customer ID is mandatory, but the WSWS password is optional.


Name                     Data type               Description

customer_data            wsws_customer_data      Customer data object.

24   WebStamp web service: SOAP
7.2        Order

Messages of the type «confirm» contain important information and must be confirmed by the customer within a specified period
(for example new General Terms and Conditions). If the deadline expires, the customer cannot place any further orders until the mes-
sage is confirmed. The integrator must be capable of handling this functionality.

7.2.1 new_order_preview

Returns a new order as a free preview.


Name                    Data type                Description
identification          wsws_identification      Identification object.
product                 int                      Number of the required product.
single                  boolean default: FALSE   Determines whether the output is as a single file.
                                                 TRUE      All postage paid impressions outputted to one file (single)
                                                           It is mandatory to specify a medium.
                                                           Only the file formats PDF and ZPL are supported.
                                                           The data is returned on the order level.
                                                 FALSE     The postage paid impressions are outputted in
                                                           individual files (multiple)
                                                           The data is returned on the stamp level.
file_type               token                    The parameter defines the desired file format for outputting the postage paid impressions:
                                                 - png
                                                 - gif
                                                 - bmp
                                                 - pdf
                                                 - zpl
[dpi]                   int                      Defines the resolution in dots per inch for the postage paid impressions. Values between 72 and
                                                 600 are permitted. If no resolution is specified, the labels will be generated with a resolution of
                                                 300 dpi.
[print_zone]            token                    Defines where the postal prepayment impression is used, thereby determining the correct display.
                                                 1 Franking zone (as for stamp)
                                                 2 Address zone (for recipient’s address)
                                                 Specification allowed only for single=FALSE. If not specified, the appropriate print zone is selected
[media]                 int                      ID of the required print medium.
[quantity]              int                      Number of postal prepayment impressions to be created. If an address is transmitted, this parameter
                                                 is ignored.
[a_addresses]           array                    Array with one or more wsws_address objects.
[sender]                wsws_address             A wsws_address object with the sender’s address.
[media_startpos]        int default: 1           The start_pos attribute can be set if the medium is a label format and defines the start label.
                                                 Ignored for all other media.
[image]                 base64                   Base64 (RFC 2045) embedded image for the postal prepayment impression.
                                                 The following formats are supported: GIF, PNG and JPG.
[document]              base64                   Base64 (RFC 2045) embedded PDF file with an individual letter or mailshot. The file must have at
                                                 least one recipient address in the window area of an envelope.
[printservice]          boolean                  Determines whether the output via the printing service is verified for the preview:
                        Default: FALSE           TRUE      Calculates the additional costs of the printing service,
                                                           verifies the address of individual letters or mailshots.
                                                           In contrast to new_order, the preview returns
                                                           the documents to the customer for checking
                                                 FALSE     The data is outputted as before and is processed
                                                           by the customer
[printservice_info]     wsws_address             The delivery address to which the WebStamp postage paid impressions created via the printing
                                                 service are sent. May only be used in conjunction with printservice TRUE.
                                                 Cannot be used for processing individual letters or mailshots.

                                                                                                          WebStamp web service: SOAP   25
[post_product]            boolean /               This parameter defines which product number is specified.
                          default: FALSE          FALSE: WebStamp internal number
                                                  TRUE: Swiss Post number (level number, mostly for Swiss Post’s internal applications).
[reference]               string                  The reference transmitted here refers to the order and is returned in the order result. It is used as
                                                  the implementer’s own order reference. The value transmitted has no other function on the
                                                  WebStamp site. It is transmitted only by the request to the response.
[order_comment]           string                  An order note can be included with the order. This also appears in the WebStamp GUI and in the
[license_number]          string                  Number of the franking licence.
[discount_code]           string                  The discount code can be checked using the new_order_preview method. In the response, the
                                                  prices are returned with the reduction taken into account.
[cash_on_delivery_info]   wsws_cash_on_delivery   COD object with the relevant COD information.
[custom_media]            wsws_custom_media       Custom print medium.


Name                      Data type               Description

order                     wsws_order              Order object.

                                                                                                            WebStamp web service: SOAP   26
7.2.2 new_order

new_order can be used to make an order in WebStamp. Returns a new order.


Name                   Data type                Description

identification         wsws_identification      Identification object.

product                int                      Number of the required product.

single                 boolean default: FALSE   Determines whether the query result is a single file.
                                                TRUE      All postage paid impressions outputted to one file (single)
                                                          It is mandatory to specify a medium.
                                                          Only the file formats PDF and ZPL are supported.
                                                          The data is returned on the order level.
                                                FALSE     The postage paid impressions are outputted in
                                                          individual files (multiple)
                                                          The data is returned on the stamp level.

file_type              token                    The parameter defines the desired file format for outputting the postage paid impressions:
                                                - png
                                                - gif
                                                - bmp
                                                - pdf
                                                - zpl

[dpi]                  int                      Defines the resolution in dots per inch for the postage paid impressions. Values between 72 and
                                                600 are permitted. If no resolution is specified, the labels will be generated with a resolution of
                                                300 dpi.

[print_zone]           int (1/2)                Defines where the postal prepayment impression is used, thereby determining the correct display.
                                                1 Franking zone (as for stamp)
                                                2 Address zone (for recipient’s address)
                                                Specification allowed only for single=FALSE. If not specified, the appropriate print zone is selected

[media]                int                      ID of the required print medium.

[quantity]             int                      Number of postal prepayment impressions to be created. If an address is transmitted, this parameter
                                                is ignored.

[a_addresses]          array                    Array with the wsws_address object.

[sender]               wsws_address             Address object with the sender’s address.

[media_startpos]       int default: 1           Position of the first label.

[image]                base64                   Base64 (RFC 2045) embedded image for the postal prepayment impression.
                                                The following formats are supported: GIF, PNG and JPG.

[document]             base64                   Base64 (RFC 2045) embedded PDF file with an individual letter or mailshot. The file must have at
                                                least one recipient address in the window area of an envelope.

[printservice]         boolean default: FALSE   Determines whether the output via the printing service is processed:
                                                TRUE      The WebStamp postage paid impressions or individual letters/
                                                          mailshots are forwarded to a print shop
                                                          and delivered in printed form.
                                                FALSE     The data is outputted as before and is processed
                                                          by the customer

[printservice_info]    wsws_address             The delivery address to which the WebStamp postage paid impressions created via the printing
                                                service are sent. May only be used in conjunction with printservice TRUE.
                                                Cannot be used for processing individual letters or mailshots.

[post_product]         boolean /                This parameter defines which product number is specified.
                       default: FALSE           FALSE: WebStamp internal number
                                                TRUE: Swiss Post number (level number, mostly for Swiss Post’s internal applications).

27   WebStamp web service: SOAP
[reference]               string                  The reference transmitted here refers to the order and is returned in the order result. It is used as
                                                  the implementer’s own order reference. The value transmitted has no other function on the
                                                  WebStamp site. It is transmitted only by the request to the response.

[order_comment]           string                  An order note can be included with the order. This also appears in the WebStamp GUI and in the

[license_number]          string                  Number of the franking licence.

[discount_code]           string                  Discount code to use for this order.

[cash_on_delivery_info]   wsws_cash_on_delivery   COD object with the relevant COD information.

[custom_media]            wsws_custom_media       Custom print medium.


Name                      Data type               Description

order                     wsws_order              Order object.

28   WebStamp web service: SOAP
7.2.3 copy_order_by_id

Creates a new order with identical settings from a previous order ID. The method cannot be used if the last order concerned an indi-
vidual letter or mailshot.


Name                     Data type               Description

identification           wsws_identification     Identification object.

order_id                 int                     ID of a previous order.

[reference]              string                  The reference transmitted here refers to the order and is returned in the order result. It is used as
                                                 the implementer’s own order reference. The value transmitted has no other function on the
                                                 WebStamp site. It is transmitted only by the request to the response.

[quantity]               int                     The number of stamps to be created if different from the original order.

[order_comment]          string                  The order note if different from the original order.

[file_type]              token                   This parameter defines the output format:
                                                 - png
                                                 - gif
                                                 - bmp
                                                 - pdf
                                                 - zpl


Name                     Data type               Description

order                    wsws_order              Order object.

7.2.4 previous_order

Returns the data from a previous order for reprinting.

Name                     Data type               Description

identification           wsws_identification     Identification object.

order_id                 int                     ID of a previous order.

stamp_id                 int                     ID of a postal prepayment impression from a previous order. Used to re-order an order (the entire
                                                 order) in which this postal prepayment impression was used.


Name                     Data type               Description

order                    wsws_order              Order object.

                                                                                                           WebStamp web service: SOAP   29
7.3       Info

7.3.1      get_info_receipt

Returns a single receipt for an order if an Order_ID was transmitted or a batch receipt for multiple orders if the start and end dates
were transmitted.
You can choose whether the information is returned as a PDF document or as XML.

Name                      Version         Data type                    Description

[output]                  V6              token                        Specifies whether the output is returned as an XML response or as a PDF
                                                                       Possible values::
                                                                       – pdf (default)
                                                                       – xml

[label_number]            V6              int                          Creates a receipt for an order which contains the corresponding postal prepayment


Name                      Data type                   Description

information               wsws_receipt                Returns the receipt for a transmitted order ID or a batch receipt for the period entered.

7.3.2 get_info_delivery_receipt


Name                      Data type                   Description

information               wsws_delivery_receipt       Returns the online delivery note for the order ID transmitted.

7.3.3 get_info_journal

  This method is no longer available in later versions of the API because the same data can be obtained in more detail using
  the get_info_receipt method.


Name                      Data type                   Description

information               wsws_journals               Returns a container with the journals as specified in the filter criteria in the request.

30   WebStamp web service: SOAP
8      Error handling

Errors are returned as SoapFaults. The “get_error_codes” method can be used to query all supported error codes.

The error messages are as follows:

 8.1   System error messages

Code        Notification
2000        de: Die XML-Anfrage ist fehlerhaft.
            fr: La requête XML est erronée.
            it: La richiesta XML è errata.
            en: The XML request contains errors.
2003        de: Die Empfängeradresse %address_nr% ist nicht vollständig oder zu lang.
            fr: L’adresse du destinataire %address_nr% est incomplète ou trop longue.
            it: : Indirizzo del destinatario %address_nr% è incompleto o troppo lungo.
            en: The recipient address %address_nr% is incomplete or too long.
2004        de: Es können nur %max_stamps% Frankiervermerke pro Bestellung generiert werden.
            fr: Seuls %max_stamps% timbres peuvent être générés par commande.
            it: : È possibile generare solo %max_stamps% segni di affrancatura per ogni ordine.
            en: A maximum of %max_stamps% postal prepayment impressions may be generated per order.
2006        de: Das ausgewählte Produkt ist nicht mehr verfügbar und wurde ersetzt.
            fr: Le produit sélectionné n’est plus disponible et a été remplacé.
            it: Il prodotto selezionato non è più disponibile ed è stato sostituito.
            en: The selected product is no longer available and has been replaced.
2007        de: Bitte wählen Sie ein Druckmedium.
            fr: Veuillez sélectionner un support d’impression.
            it: Scegliere un supporto di stampa.
            en: Please select a print medium.
2008        de: Das ausgewählte Druckmedium ist nicht mehr verfügbar und wurde ersetzt.
            fr: Le support d’impression sélectionné n’est plus disponible et a été remplacé.
            it: : Il supporto di stampa selezionato non è più disponibile ed è stato sostituito.
            en: The print medium selected is no longer available and has been replaced.
2009        de: Bitte geben Sie die Anzahl ein.
            fr: Veuillez indiquer la quantité.
            it: : Indicare la quantità.
            en: Please enter the quantity.
2012        de: Die maximale Bildgrösse von %bytes% Bytes wurde überschritten.
            fr: La taille maximale de l’image (%bytes% octets) a été dépassée.
            it: Le dimensioni massime dell’immagine (%bytes% Bytes) sono state superate.
            en: The maximum image size of %bytes% bytes has been exceeded.
2015        de: Das Druckmedium wird mit den gewählten Optionen nicht unterstützt. Wählen Sie ein anderes Druckmedium oder ändern Sie die Auswahl.
            fr: Le support d’impression n’est pas pris en charge avec les options sélectionnées. Veuillez choisir un support différent ou changer la sélection.
            it: Il supporto di stampa non è supportato con le opzioni selezionate. Scegliere un supporto diverso o modificare la selezione.
            en: The print medium is not supported with the selected options. Select another print medium or make a different selection.
2016        de: Eine Adresse kann mit dem ausgewählten Produkt nicht verwendet werden.
            fr: Une adresse ne peut pas être utilisée avec le produit sélectionné.
            it: Un indirizzo non può essere utilizzato con il prodotto selezionato.
            en: An address cannot be used with the product selected.
2017        de: Für das gewählte Produkt sind Empfängeradressen erforderlich. Bitte erfassen Sie Ihre Adressen.
            fr: Des adresses de destinataires sont requises pour le produit sélectionné. Veuillez saisir vos adresses.
            it: Per il prodotto selezionato sono necessari degli indirizzi di destinatari. Inserire i vostri indirizzi.
            en: Recipient addresses are required for the product selected. Please enter your addresses.
2022        de: Für dieses Produkt ist eine Absenderadresse erforderlich.
            fr: Une adresse d’expéditeur est nécessaire pour ce produit.
            it: Per questo prodotto è necessario l’indirizzo del mittente.
            en: A sender’s address is required for this product.

                                                                                                                    WebStamp web service: SOAP   31
Code      Notification
2025      de: Bestehende Bestellungen mit belegloser Nachnahme und ESR-Referenznummern können nicht als Grundlage für weitere Bestellungen
          verwendet werden. Bitte beginnen Sie eine neue Bestellung und erfassen Sie neue ESR-Referenznummern.
          fr: Des commandes existantes avec des remboursements sans titre et numéro référence BVR sans document ne peuvent pas être utilisées
          comme base pour d’autres commandes. Veuillez commencer une nouvelle commande et saisir un nouveau numéro de référence BVR.
          it: Gli ordini esistenti con rimborso senza giustificato e numero di riferimento PVR non possono essere utilizzati come base per ulteriori
          ordini. Iniziare un nuovo ordine e immettere un nuovo numero di riferimento PVR.
          en: Existing orders with electronic cash on delivery and ISR reference numbers cannot be used as a basis for further orders. Please start a
          new order and enter new ISR reference numbers.
2029      de: Die Frankierlizenz im verwendeten Auftrag ist nicht mehr verfügbar.
          fr: La licence d’affranchissement correspondant à cet ordre n’est plus disponible.
          it: La licenza di affrancatura relativa a questo ordine non è più disponibile.
          en: The franking licence in the order used is no longer available.
2200      de: Der Auftrag wurde nicht gefunden.
          fr: L’ordre n’a pas été trouvé.
          it: L’ordine non è stato trovato.
          en: The order has not been not found.
2202      de: WS-Kunden-ID, Passwort oder Applikations-ID sind ungültig.
          fr: L’ID de client WS, le mot de passe ou l’ID de l’application ne sont pas valables.
          it: L’ID del cliente WS, la password e l’ID dell’applicazione non sono validi.
          en: WS customer ID, password or application ID are invalid.
2208      de: Das Dateiformat ist unbekannt und kann nicht verwendet werden.
          fr: Le format de fichier est inconnu et ne peut pas être utilisé.
          it: Il formato del file è sconosciuto e non può essere usato.
          En: The file format is unknown and cannot be used.
2210      de: Adressen können nicht in die Frankierzone gedruckt werden.
          fr: Les adresses ne peuvent pas être affranchies dans la zone d’affranchissement.
          it: Gli indirizzi non possono essere stampati nello spazio per l’affrancatura.
          en: Addresses cannot be printed in the franking area.
2211      de: Die Verwendung von Bildern in der Adresszone ist nicht möglich.
          fr: L’utilisation d’images dans la zone d’adresse est impossible.
          it: Utilizzo di immagini non è possibile nello spazio per l’indirizzo.
          en: : The use of images in the address area is not supported.
2212      de: Der Ausgabetyp «Single» ist nur für Bestellungen mit PDF zulässig.
          fr: Le type d’émission «Single» est autorisé seulement pour des commandes avec PDF.
          it: Il tipo di emissione «Single» è consentito solo per ordini con PDF.
          en: The “Single” issue type is only permitted for orders with PDF.
2216      de: Die Transaktion ist fehlgeschlagen. Die Bestellung wurde nicht ausgeführt.
          Verwendung von Guthaben: Laden Sie Ihr Konto.
          Verwendung von Rechnung: Versuchen Sie es bitte später noch einmal. Bei weiteren Problemen melden Sie sich beim Kundendienst.
          fr: La transaction a échoué. La commande n’a pas été exécutée.
          Utilisation d’avoirs: veuillez charger votre compte.
          Utilisation de facture: veuillez essayer une nouvelle fois ultérieurement. Si les problèmes persistent, veuillez vous adresser au Service à la
          it: La transazione non è riuscita. L’ordine non è stato eseguito.
          Utilizzo del credito: caricare il conto.
          Utilizzo della fattura: riprovare più tardi. In caso il problema persista, contattare il Servizio Clienti.
          en: The transaction has failed. The order was not executed.
          Use of credit balance: Top up your account.
          Use of invoice: Please try again later. If you encounter further problems, please contact Customer Service.
2221      de: Das Feld «%field%» in der «%address%» ist ungültig.
          fr: L’adresse de l’expéditeur n’est pas valable.
          it: L’indirizzo del mittente non è valido.
          en: : The “%field%” field in the “%address%” is invalid.
2223      de: Die Angabe eines Druckmediums ist im Ausgabetyp «Multiple» nicht möglich.
          fr: L’indication d’un support d’impression est impossible dans le type de sortie «Multiple».
          it: Nel tipo di emissione «Multiple» non è possibile indicare il supporto di stampa
          en: Entering a print medium is not possible for the “Multiple” issue type.
2224      de: Das Produkt wurde nicht gefunden.
          fr: Le produit n’a pas été trouvé.
          it: Il prodotto non è stato trovato.
          en: The product was not found.

32   WebStamp web service: SOAP
Code   Notification
2242   de: Ihre Angaben sind nicht bestätigt. Bitte führen Sie ein Login bei der Post durch (http://webstamp.post.ch/) und geben Sie die erhaltenen
       Verifikationscodes ein.
       fr: Vos données ne sont pas confirmées. Veuillez effectuer un login à la Poste (http://webstamp.post.ch/) et saisir le code de vérification que
       vous avez reçu.
       it: I vostri dati non sono confermati. Vi invitiamo a effettuare il login presso la Posta (http://webstamp.posta.ch/) e immettere i codici di verifica
       en: Your details are not confirmed. Please log in to Swiss Post (http://webstamp.post.ch/) and enter your verification code.
2243   de: Der Zugriff auf WebStamp ist nur für Benutzer mit Wohnsitz Schweiz oder Liechtenstein möglich.
       fr: L’accès à WebStamp n’est possible qu’aux utilisateurs domiciliés en Suisse ou au Liechtenstein.
       it: L’accesso a WebStamp è possibile solo per gli utenti residenti in Svizzera o nel Principato del Liechtenstein.
       en: : Access to WebStamp is only possible for users resident in Switzerland or Liechtenstein.
2244   de: Für diese Bestellung wurde kein Lieferschein generiert. Lieferscheine werden nur für Produkte generiert, die einen Lieferschein erfordern.
       fr: Aucun bulletin de livraison n’a été généré pour cette commande. Un bulletin de livraison n’est généré que pour les produits nécessitant un
       bulletin de livraison.
       it: Per questa ordinazione non è stato generato alcun bollettino di consegna. I bollettini di consegna vengono generati unicamente per i prodotti
       che lo richiedono.
       en: A delivery note has not been created for this order. Delivery notes are only generated for products that require a delivery note.
2247   de: Der Lieferschein für dieses Produkt ist nicht mehr verfügbar. Kontaktieren Sie bitte den Kundendienst.
       fr: Le bulletin de livraison de ce produit n’est plus disponible. Veuillez prendre contact avec le Service à la clientèle.
       it: Il bollettino di consegna per questo prodotto non è più disponibile. Si prega di contattare il Servizio clienti.
       en: The delivery note for this product is no longer available. Please contact Customer Service.
2248   de: Der maximale Nachnahmebetrag für %country% ist CHF %max_value% (Mindestbetrag CHF 0.05).
       fr: Le montant maximal du remboursement pour %country% est de %max_value% CHF (montant minimal 0.05 CHF).
       it: L’importo massimo del rimborso per %country% è di CHF %max_value% (importo minimo CHF 0.05).
       en: The maximum amount to be collected on delivery for %country% is CHF %max_value% (minimum amount: CHF 0.05).
2249   de: Die ESR-Referenznummer «%esr%» ist ungültig.
       fr: Le numéro de référence «%esr%» n’est pas valable.
       it: Il numero di riferimento PVR «%esr%» non è valido.
       en: The ISR reference number “%esr%” is invalid.
2250   de: Der Nachnahmebetrag ist nicht korrekt.
       Nachnahmebeträge müssen auf fünf Rappen genau erfasst werden. Verwenden Sie keine Sonderzeichen.
       Korrigieren Sie den eingegebenen Betrag.
       fr: Le montant du remboursement est incorrect.
       Les montants des remboursements doivent être enregistrés à cinq centimes près. N’utilisez pas de signes spéciaux.
       Veuillez corriger le montant indiqué.
       it: L’importo del rimborso non è corretto.
       Gli importi dei rimborsi devono essere arrotondati e registrati a cinque centesimi. Non utilizzare caratteri speciali.
       Correggere l’importo inserito.
       en: The amount to be collected on delivery is incorrect.
       COD charges must be rounded off to five centimes. Do not use special characters.
       Please correct the amount entered.
2251   de: Die IBAN-Nummer fehlt oder die Angaben zum Endbegünstigten sind nicht vollständig (Endbegünstigter und PLZ/Ort).
       fr: Le numéro IBAN fait défaut ou les indications relatives au bénéficiaire final sont incomplètes (les coordonnées du bénéficiaire final,
       le NPA et la localité).
       it: Il numero IBAN manca o i dati relativi al beneficiario finale sono incompleti (beneficiario finale e NPA/località).
       en: The IBAN number is missing or the information for the end beneficiaries is incomplete (end beneficiary and postcode/location).
2252   de: ESR-Teilnehmernummer fehlt oder ist ungültig.
       fr: Le numéro d’adhérent BVR fait défaut ou n’est pas valable.
       it: Il numero di aderente PVR manca o non è valido.
       en: : ISR participant number is missing or invalid.
2253   de: Die IBAN-Nummer ist ungültig.
       fr: Le numéro IBAN n’est pas valable.
       it: Il numero IBAN non è valido.
       En: The IBAN number is invalid.
2256   de: Der Nachnahmebetrag fehlt oder ist nicht möglich.
       fr: Montant du remboursement absent ou impossible.
       it: : L’mporto del rimborso manca o non è ammesso.
       en: The amount to be collected on delivery is missing or not possible.
2257   de: Eine gültige Frankierlizenz ist erforderlich.
       fr: Une licence valable d’affranchissement est requise.
       it: È necessaria una licenza di affrancatura valida.
       en: A valid franking licence is required.

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