2018 Business Discount Directory - NT Seniors Card www.ntseniorscard.org.au - COTA NT

Page created by Dustin Jordan
2018 Business Discount Directory - NT Seniors Card www.ntseniorscard.org.au - COTA NT
University Avenue Veterinary Hospital, Palmerston

NT Seniors Card
2018 Business Discount Directory
Information and discounts for Territory seniors
www.ntseniorscard.org.au                                                                i
2018 Business Discount Directory - NT Seniors Card www.ntseniorscard.org.au - COTA NT
Minister’s Message
The 2018 NT Seniors Card Discount                Seniors play a vital role in community and
Directory is a great way to acknowledge          family, in the preservation of long-standing
and honour our Senior Territorians.              traditions and the building of new ones.
It is your guide to discounts and special        Seniors also continue to contribute to
offers from over 300 participating               the economic growth of the Territory.
businesses across the Northern Territory
                                                 That is why the Northern Territory
and online.
                                                 Government has invested in the Seniors
As a Seniors Card member you are one of          Card program by funding Council on the
more than 20 000 Territory seniors with          Ageing NT to manage this program for
access to these exclusive business discounts     the next five years.
for a wide range of goods and services.
                                                 We are proud to have so many local
Your NT Seniors Card also entitles you to free   businesses who are willing to be part of
bus travel on the public network in Alice        the program and I congratulate COTA
Springs and Darwin; and a $55 discount           NT for their success in obtaining the
on your annual vehicle registration.             support of many new businesses for this,
                                                 their first printed directory. Certainly
                                                 one of the key goals for the program
                                                 is to increase the participation and
                                                 promotion of Territory businesses.
                                                 I would like to take this opportunity
                                                 to acknowledge and thank all of the
                                                 participating businesses for their valuable
                                                 contribution and I look forward to seeing
                                                 the program grow in the coming years.
                                                 I would also like to pay my respects to you,
                                                 our Territory Seniors, for your contribution
                                                 to our community.

                                                                        Dale Wakefield MLA
                                                              Minister for Territory Families
2018 Business Discount Directory - NT Seniors Card www.ntseniorscard.org.au - COTA NT
About the Northern Territory Seniors Card Directory.....................................2
About COTA NT....................................................................................................................4
Palmerston......................................................................................................................... 22
Darwin Rural...................................................................................................................... 25
Alice Springs...................................................................................................................... 30
Tennant Creek................................................................................................................... 35
Katherine............................................................................................................................ 36
Nhulunbuy......................................................................................................................... 39
Online................................................................................................................................... 40

2018 Business Discount Directory - NT Seniors Card www.ntseniorscard.org.au - COTA NT
About the Northern Territory
    Seniors Card Directory                                                  J. SEN

    About NT Seniors Card                             Where to Use
    The Northern Territory Seniors Card Program       Your NT Seniors Card
    was established in 1999 to celebrate and          NT Seniors Card provides you with discounts
    recognise senior Territorians. It is part of an   at over 300 participating businesses in the
    Australia-wide initiative. In the Northern        Territory and online.
    Territory, Seniors Card is managed by             In the Northern Territory, your Seniors Card
    Council on the Ageing NT and supported            will also provide you with a $55 annual
    by the Northern Territory Government and          discount on your motor vehicle registration
    private enterprise.                               and free bus travel on the public transport
    Being a member of Seniors Card gives you          network in Darwin and Alice Springs.
    access to discounts from participating            The most up to date information for
    businesses for a wide range of goods              businesses where you can get discounts is
    and services.                                     the online Seniors Card Discount Directory
    The Seniors Card program aspires to               at www.ntseniorscard.org.au.
    promote healthy and active lifestyles for its
    members whilst encouraging support for            How to Use Your NT Seniors Card
    local Territory businesses.
                                                       For Business Discounts
    Who is Eligible for NT                            • Look for the “Seniors Card logo” or the
    Seniors Card?                                       “Seniors Card Welcome Here” signs. Many
                                                        businesses will provide a Seniors Card
    To be eligible for a Northern Territory
                                                        discount even if they are not listed as a
    Seniors Card you must be a permanent
                                                        business partner, just ask.
    resident of the Northern Territory and have
    reached 60 years of age.                          • Check the normal price or ask for a
                                                        quote before asking for the Seniors
    Applicants must sign a declaration on the
                                                        Card discount. Show your Seniors Card
    application form stating that they:
                                                        at the time of booking or prior to making
     Are 60 years of age or older.                     a payment.
     Are a permanent resident of the                 • If you shop at a business that is not listed
      Northern Territory.                               as a business partner feel free to suggest
     Agree to advise Seniors Card if their             they contact us to join the program.
      circumstances change.                           Note: Business partners are not obliged
                                                      to give a Seniors Card discount once a
    How to Apply…                                     transaction or service has been completed.
    Complete the NT Seniors Card application          If you have difficulties in obtaining discounts
    form found at libraries, electoral                from business partners, please contact the
    offices, Territory Families shopfronts,           Seniors Card office on freecall 1800 441 489.
    seniors’ organisations or COTA NT,
                                                       For Bus Travel
    or downloaded from our website at
    www.ntseniorscard.org.au. Call us on              • The NT Seniors Card provides all holders
    freecall 1800 441 489 if you need us to             with free bus travel on the public network
    post out an application form to you.                in Darwin and Alice Springs. Simply show
                                                        your card when you board the bus.
2018 Business Discount Directory - NT Seniors Card www.ntseniorscard.org.au - COTA NT
For Motor Vehicle Registration                 We may from time to time send information
• All NT Seniors Card holders receive a $55     on special offers to members.
  annual discount on their motor vehicle        Your Information to Northern
  registration. When you receive your           Territory Government
  Seniors Card, contact your local motor
                                                The NT Seniors Card membership
  vehicle registration office to provide your
                                                database is held by the Northern Territory
  Seniors Card number, this will be placed
                                                Government. This is to protect members’
  on file and the discount can be applied
                                                privacy and ensure that the information
  when you pay your annual registration.
                                                is secure.
 Interstate and Overseas
• You can use your NT Seniors Card for          Terms and Conditions
  discounted fares on most interstate public    The NT Seniors Card is available to
  transport in Australia and New Zealand.       permanent NT residents aged 60 years
  Every jurisdiction has different rules.       and older. The Seniors Card is for personal
  Check before you travel.                      use. You can’t transfer it to other people,
• Many participating businesses accept          including family members, friends or
  Seniors Cards from interstate. However,       colleagues. The card is a lifetime card,
  it is at their discretion and you should      it does not need to be renewed.
  always check first.                           Please make sure you advise the
• In New Zealand, the Super Gold program        Seniors Card office if your circumstances
  is linked to the Australian Seniors Card      change, including your contact details
  Program. This means that most businesses      and particularly if you move away from
  will accept Australia Seniors Cards.          the Territory.
• It is worth taking your Seniors Card with     The discounts listed in this directory are
  you when travelling overseas. It is often     valid until 30 June 2019. A participating
  accepted by businesses internationally as     business can withdraw from the program
  a matter of goodwill. There is evidence of    at any time and is therefore not required
  the card being accepted in Hong Kong,         to provide the listed discount. The website
  Singapore, USA, Canada and UK.                will have the most up to date information.
                                                If there is a business listed that no longer
Confidentiality of Personal                     provides a discount, please ask them to
Information                                     contact us to have them removed from
                                                the program.
Seniors Card holders can be assured
that COTA NT maintains absolute                 Business Partners
confidentiality with personal information
stored on the NT Seniors Card Database.         COTA NT acknowledges the support of local
You can view our privacy statement              businesses in the program and encourages
online at www.ntseniorscard.org.au or           all businesses to consider joining. All
call us on 1800 441 489 if you have any         businesses that provide a 10% discount
questions or concerns regarding use of          or equivalent have a free standard listing
your personal information.                      in the printed and online directory.
                                                For more information email
Your Information to Businesses                  seniorscard@cotant.org.au or
COTA NT will never provide your contact         phone 1800 441 489.
information to businesses without
your permission.

2018 Business Discount Directory - NT Seniors Card www.ntseniorscard.org.au - COTA NT
    Council on the Ageing (Northern
    Territory) – known as COTA NT – is the
    peak policy development, advocacy and
    lobby organisation for senior Territorians
    in the Top End and has been since 1969.
    We help raise awareness of the
    contributions senior Territorians make       Members enjoy our programs, meet and
    to the community.                            connect with others and are provided
                                                 with information, invitations to events
    We provide programs, services and
                                                 and workshops including Harmony Day,
    support for senior Territorians.
                                                 Seniors EXPO and Seniors Month, COTA NT
    We administer the NT Seniors Card            Newsletters, ONECOTA national members’
    Scheme in the Northern Territory.            magazines, insurances and more.
    We provide Territory seniors with online     Members’ views shape our work and
    information including the Territory          influence our stance on key issues
    Seniors Calendar.                            including aged care, transport, housing,
    We inform and influence Territory and        employment, information, community
    local government, the business sector        support and participation.
    and general community to deliver better
    outcomes for senior Territorians.            Find out more online
                                                 Follow us on Facebook
                                                 Contact us by email
                                                 Give us a call
                                                 08 8941 1004 (COTA)
                                                 Freecall 1800 441 489 (Seniors Card)
                                                 By post
                                                 COTA NT, GPO Box 852, Darwin NT 0801
                                                 Or come in to see us
                                                 S pillett House, 65 Smith Street,
                                                  Darwin NT 0800 (Monday to Friday,
                                                  9am – 3pm ex public holidays)
                                                  lice Springs 50 Plus Community Centre,
                                                 11 Wills Terrace, Alice Springs NT
                                                 (Tuesday and Thursday mornings only)

                                  COTA NT – The Voice of Senior Territorians
2018 Business Discount Directory - NT Seniors Card www.ntseniorscard.org.au - COTA NT
             ALICE SPRINGS
2018 Business Discount Directory - NT Seniors Card www.ntseniorscard.org.au - COTA NT
Automotive                                            City Gardens Apartments
                                                               15% off published rack rates, subject
         A & K Maintenance & Mechanical                        to availability.
         10% off any service.                                  93 Woods Street, Darwin
         5/38 McKinnon Road, Pinelands                         (08) 8941 2888, 1800 891 138
         0413 193 094, 0403 712 537                            info@citygardensapts.com.au
         cnzmechanical@hotmail.com                             www.citygardensapts.com.au
                                                               City Of Darwin Cruises
         Battery World Darwin                                  30% off BBQ dinner and drinks sunset cruise;
         10% off RRP off batteries – free fittings in store.   20% off nibbles and drinks sunset cruise.
         Unit 1, 273 Bagot Road, Coconut Grove                 B8, C6380.2 Marina Blvd, (Marina Gate
         (08) 8985 1991                                        next to Lola’s Pergola), Cullen Bay
         darwin@batteryworld.com.au                            0428 480 090
         www.batteryworld.com.au                               tours@cityofdarwincruises.com.au,
         Prompt Auto Repairs                                   www.cityofdarwincruises.com.au
         10% off labour.
         14 Travers Street, Coconut Grove                      Crocodylus Park
         (08) 8985 6733                                        $30 for Seniors Card holders.
         promptnt@bigpond.net.au                               815 McMillans Road, Berrimah
         www.promptauto.com.au                                 (08) 8922 4500
         Windscreens Territory                                 www.crocodyluspark.com
         10% of RRP for all vehicle glass
         replacement and tinting.                              Crocosaurus Cove
         2 Totem Road, Coconut Grove                           Seniors Card entry $28, normally $35.
         (08) 8948 1288                                        58 Mitchell Street, Darwin
         reception@windscreensterritory.com                    (08) 8981 7522
         www.windscreensterritory.com                          info@croccove.com

         Holidays & Travel                                     Darwin Aviation Museum
                                                               Seniors discount of $10 entry fee.
         Alatai Holiday Apartments                             557 Stuart Hwy, Winnellie
         20% off rack rate on direct bookings only.            (08) 8947 2145
         Cnr McMinn and Finniss Streets, Darwin                info@darwinaviationmuseum.com.au
         (08) 8981 5188, 1800 628 833                          www.darwinaviationmuseum.com.au
         www.alataiapartments.com.au                           Grand Touring Buses & Coaches
                                                               10% off all charters in Darwin and Palmerston.
         Avis Australia

                                                               1/3 Duke Street, Stuart Park
         5th Day Free or 3% off the daily base rate.           (08) 8947 5383
         136 333 Reservations                                  sales@grandtouringcoaches.com
         Darwin City                                           www.grandtouringcoaches.com
         Darwin Airport
                                                               Greyhound Australia
         www.avis.com.au/seniors                               10% off fares.
                                                               9/14 Knuckey St, Darwin
                                                               1300 473 946
2018 Business Discount Directory - NT Seniors Card www.ntseniorscard.org.au - COTA NT
Palms City Resort                               Carla Furniture Court
25% discount off the rack rate. Not available   Free delivery in local area Darwin
from June to August.                            and Palmerston.
64 The Esplanade, Darwin                        532 Stuart Highway, Winnellie
(08) 8982 9200, 1800 829 211                    (08) 8984 4900
fom@palmcityresort.com                          adrian@carlafurnishers.com.au
www.palmscityresort.com                         www.carlafurnishers.com.au

Sacred Earth Safaris                            Flick Anticimex
10% off scheduled safaris – direct bookings.    10% off residential pest control packages.
0415 692 855, 08 8536 2234                      121 Coonawarra Road, Winnellie
info@sacredearthsafaris.com.au                  131 440, (08) 8914 1600
www.facebook.com/SacredEarthSafaris             darwin@flick-anticimex.com.au
www.sacredearthsafaris.com.au                   www.flick-anticimex.com.au

Thrifty Car Rentals                             Forty Winks Darwin
10% off the rate of the day.                    10% off storewide. Excludes sale items.
64 Stuart Highway, Stuart Park                  Homemaker Village, 2/356-362 Bagot Rd,
1300 367 227, thrifty@rentacar.com.au           Millner
www.rentacar.com.au                             (08) 8923 1118
Top Oz Travel                                   www.fortywinks.com.au
25% off domestic and international
travel insurance.                               Godfreys Vacuum
90 Mitchell Street, Darwin                      Cleaning Specialists
(08) 8941 7222                                  5% off recommended retail store wide.
topoztravel@bigpond.com.au                      Unit 16, Homemaker Village,
                                                356 Bagot Road, Millner
                                                (08) 8948 2084, godfreys@ozemail.com.au
Household Needs                                 www.godfreys.com.au
Beacon Lighting                                 Harvey Distributors
10% off RRP. Excludes sale items and            12.5% discount.
online sales.                                   18 Winnellie Road, Winnellie
Homemaker Village; 356-362 Bagot Rd,            (08) 8932 2900
Millner                                         sales@harveydistributors.com.au
(08) 8985 1533                                  www.harveydistributors.com.au
www.beaconlighting.com.au                       HydroKleen
                                                10% discount. Services Darwin, Palmerston
Bill Warren’s Painting Services                 and Darwin Rural.

10% discount on all domestic painting.          Darwin/Palmerston
(08) 8984 3394, 0455 910 038                    1300 608 318
office@bwpd.com.au                              service@hydrokleen.com.au
www.billwarrenpainting.com.au                   www.hydrokleen.com.au/where-are-we/

2018 Business Discount Directory - NT Seniors Card www.ntseniorscard.org.au - COTA NT
iStore Self Storage                        Paradise Nursery
         10% discount on storage costs.             10% off all nursery plants only.
         104/28 Bishop Street, Woolner              100 Thorak Road, Knuckey Lagoon
         (08) 8942 2105, admin@istoredarwin.com     (08) 8947 2447
         www.istoredarwin.com                       nursery@paradisegroupnt.com.au
         Jape Furnishing Superstore
         5% off furniture, 10% off accessories.     Pete’s Glass & Aluminium
         Excludes sale items.                       10% off glass, mirrors and aluminium.
         Jape Homemaker Village, Shop 10,           1 Sadgroves Crescent, Winnellie
         356/366 Bagot Road, Millner                (08) 8947 0128, petesglass@bigpond.com
         (08) 8923 1188, japefurn@jape.com.au       www.petesglass.com.au
                                                    Quack Pest Control Pty Ltd
         Kennon SG & Co Hardware Stores             10% off all treatments excluding termites.
         10% discount. Excludes lathe tools.        10 Downes St, Winnellie
         5 Menmuir Street, Winnellie                (08) 8947 2288, info@quackpest.com.au
         (08) 8984 3088, sgkennon@bigpond.com       www.quackpest.com.au

         NT Screens                                 Radio Rentals
         10% discount.                              10% off near new products.
         1/74 Dick Ward Drive, Coconut Grove        247 Trower Road, Casuarina Square
         (08) 8985 6546, ntscreens@bigpond.com.au   1300 617 862, Darwin@radio-rentals.com.au
         www.ntscreens.com.au                       www.radio-rentals.com.au

                                                      We stock a wide range
                                                       of mulching products
                                                      and landscape supplies
                                                               Mahogany woodchip
                                                                     Forest mulch
                                                                  Screened mulch

           10%                                                 Sand, soil and gravel

                                                            Delivery service available
                                                      Open to the public 6 days a week
         DISCOUNT                                      (closed Sundays and Public Holidays)
         ON PLANTS
                                                    100 Thorak Road, Knuckey Lagoon
                                                               8947 2447
System Homes Pty Ltd                              Leisure & Lifestyle
     10% discount.
     6 Tang Street, Coconut Grove                      Adult Night Classes
     (08) 8948 2441, admin3@systemhomes.com.au         10% off listed courses Monday to Thursday.
     www.systemhomes.com.au                            Excludes Saturday workshops. NT Seniors Card
                                                       holders only.
     Territory Pest Control                            Casuarina Senior College,
     5% off pest treatments for general pests,         Trower Road, Casuarina
     cockroaches, ants and spiders.                    (08) 8983 7400
     (08) 8947 3255, darwin@tpc1965.com.au             csc.nightclasses@ntschools.net
     www.territorypestcontrol.com.au                   www.adultnightclasses.com.au
     Wigg Plumbing                                     Ally’s Barber Shop
     10% off labour (personal residential property).   $18 seniors cuts, reduced from $24.
     151 Coonawarra Road, Winnellie                    Week days only.
     (08) 8947 0321                                    Nightcliff Village, 4B/38 Progress Drive,
     admin@wiggplumbing.com.au                         Nightcliff
     www.wiggplumbing.com.au                           (08) 8985 4499, kathy.zaf@hotmail.com

                                                                   5% OFF
s                                                                for Seniors
                                                                Card holders
                                                                       (Excludes specials)


on      Proud to sell only                                 Retail Shop: 22 Francis Bay Drive,
           Australian                                         Fisherman’s Wharf Darwin
Alternative Body Works                      BCC Cinemas Casuarina
         1 hour consultation $88 for seniors         Seniors priced tickets available when you
         ($110 full price).                          show your NT Seniors Card.
         Suite 3, 53 Ross Smith Avenue, Parap        Casuarina
         (08) 8941 0810                              Casuarina Square Shopping Centre,
         admin@alternativebodyworks.com.au           247 Trower Road, Casuarina
         www.alternativebodyworks.com.au             Casuarina_manager@evt.com
         Ask Darryl in Darwin                        Darwin City
         Seniors Card holders $45 transfer from      72 Mitchell Street, Darwin
         Northern Suburbs to City, normally $60.     Darwin_manager@evt.com
         311 McMillans Road, Anula                   www.eventcinemas.com.au
         0417 832 836, info@askdarryl.com.au
         www.askdarryl.com.au                        Brown’s Mart Theatre
                                                     Discount prices for Seniors Card holders.
         Balance for Life Retreats                   12 Smith Street, Darwin City
         10% discount for seniors.                   (08) 8981 5522, admin@brownsmart.com.au
         2/2 Shepherd Street, Darwin                 www.brownsmart.com.au
         0412 543 205, info@balanceforlife.com.au

                                         There’s never been a better
                                         time to get online.
                                         The City of Darwin Libraries can help you to
                                         develop your digital skills and confidence with
                                         computers and other devices. The Be
                                         Connected program provides easy to follow
                                         instructions for beginners on topics such as:
                                         • using email
                                         • shopping online, and
                                         • using your smartphone or tablet.
                                         You can book a one-on-one session with our

                                         helpful staff or join in a group class.
                                         Visit or call your local City of Darwin Library
                                         and find out how we can assist you.
                                         T: 8930 0200

Carmel’s Seafood Market                          City of Darwin Libraries
(formerly Darwin Fish Market)                    NT residents can join the Library free for
5% off. Excludes specials.                       access to more than 100,000 items including
30 Francis Bay Drive, Fisherman’s Wharf,         books, spoken word books, large print books,
Darwin                                           magazines, newspapers, travel guides, and
admin@carmelsseafood.com.au                      online collections with ebooks, eaudiobooks
                                                 and emagazines.
Caryota Book Exchange                            Members and non-members can use the
10% of sale price (not for promotional items).   library spaces to get online and you can also
10/10 Caryota Court, Coconut Grove               book one-on-one sessions with the library
0455 747 220                                     staff to help you develop your digital skills and
sharon.ninham@bigpond.com                        confidence with computers and other devices.
www.caryotabookexchange.com.au                   The library provides a home-delivery services
Casuarina All Sports Club                        for Darwin residents who are unable to visit
10% off all meals excluding starters             the library due to health reasons. There are
and desserts.                                    also programs and events at the libraries
269 Trower Road, Casuarina                       including monthly seniors catch ups at
(08) 8926 6900                                   Karama Library and the Knit and Natter
marketing@casclub.com.au                         group. Please visit or contact your local library
www.casclub.com.au                               to find out more about any of these free
                                                 services and programs.
Charles Darwin University Library                Casuarina Library
10% off community borrower membership.           T: 8930 0200
Evidence of a local address required for         17 Bradshaw Tce, Casuarina
interstate cardholders.                          Darwin City Library
Ellengowan Drive, Casuarina                      T: 8930 0230
(08) 8946 7016, askthelibrary@cdu.edu.au         Civic Centre, Harry Chan Ave, Darwin City
                                                 Karama Library
                                                 T: 8927 2505
                                                 Karama Shopping Centre
                                                 Kalymnos Drive, Karama
                                                 Nightcliff Library
                                                 T: 8930 0480
                                                 Pavonia Place, Nightcliff

                                                 City of Darwin Swimming Pools
                                                 $3.40 entry fee to Council’s public pools for
                                                 all Seniors Card holders.
                                                 (08) 8927 9091


                                                 10% discount.
                                                 23 Wescombe Court (Corner of
                                                 Wescombe and Dalwood), Malak
                                                 0419 013 002
Genealogical Society Of The NT inc
                                                10% discount on family and single full memberships.
                                                84 Smith Street (opposite in and out ramp
                                                Chinatown Carpark), Darwin
                                                (08) 8981 7363, 0412 018 015, gsntinc@bigpond.net.au

         Darwin Entertainment Centre                           Deckchair Cinema
         Seniors discounts available to most shows.            $12 concession priced tickets (ID required),
         93 Mitchell Street, Darwin                            $50 annual membership.
         (08) 8980 3333, boxoffice@yourcentre.com.au           Below Parliament House, Jervois Road,
         www.yourcentre.com.au                                 Darwin Waterfront Precinct, Darwin
                                                               (08) 8981 0700, info@deckchaircinema.com
         Darwin Human Resource                                 www.deckchaircinema.com
         & Computer Academy
         20% discount on all computer                          Dermal Essence
         training courses.                                     10% off services only Tue – Thurs.
         Suite 2/2 Shepherd Street, Darwin                     1/ 93 Mitchell Street; located in the
         (08) 8941 2344, carole@dhrca.com                      breezeway of Double Tree by Hilton,
         www.dhrca.com                                         The Esplanade, Darwin
                                                               (08) 8981 7425
         Darwin Squash Centre                                  darwin@dermalessence.com.au
         10% off court hire plus buy 1 coffee, get one free.   www.dermalessence.com.au
         9 Marrara Drive, Marrara
         (08) 8945 7362, manager@squashnt.com.au               Equinox Fishing Charters
         www.darwinsquashcentre.com.au                         10% discount (not available with any
                                                               other offer).
         Darwin Turf Club                                      Shop 2 /64 Marina Boulevard, Cullen Bay
         35% discount on full and single memberships.          (08) 8942 2199
         Discounted entry on racedays.                         fishing@equinoxcharters.com.au
         Dick Ward Drive, Fannie Bay                           www.equinoxcharters.com.au
         (08) 8923 4222, dtc@darwinturfclub.org.au
         www.darwinturfclub.org.au                             Fernwood Women’s Health
                                                               Club Darwin
         Darwin Wave Lagoon                                    No joining fee. 10% discount on membership.
         $5 wave lagoon entry.                                 Unit 6, Homemaker Village East,
         19B Kitchener Drive, Darwin                           356 Bagot Road, Millner

         (08) 8941 7260, darwinwaterfront@nt.gov.au            (08) 8985 2623
         www.waterfront.nt.gov.au                              darwin@fernwoodfitness.com.au
         Darwin Yoga Space
         10% off all classes.
         10 / 11 & 12 Caryota Court, Coconut Grove
         (08) 8948 2299, office@darwinyogaspace.com

Tracy Village Social & Sports Club
                             Monday to Friday – Seniors Lunch $6. Free tea, coffee,
                             hot chocolate and biscuits. Annual membership fees;
                             Seniors $10 for a single person and $15 for a couple.
                             28 Tambling Terrace, Lyons
                             (08) 8980 4777, admin@tracyvillage.com.au

Fitness Works Lifestyle Centre                     Jacksons Drawing Supplies
Seniors membership rates;                          10% discount. Excludes specials and
3 months $250; 6 months $452 and                   nett items.
12 months $614 and $8 for casual visits.           7 Parap Place, Parap
Alawa                                              (08) 8981 2779, darwin@jacksons.com.au
Level 1, 55 Alawa Crescent, Alawa                  www.jacksons.com.au
(08) 8948 5683, alawa@fitnessworksnt.com.au
                                                   Just Cuts
                                                   $5 off haircuts on weekdays.
Nightcliff                                         GD036/247 Trower Rd, Casuarina Square,
69 Progress Drive, Nightcliff, (08) 8948 1061      Casuarina
nightcliff@fitnessworksnt.com.au                   (08) 8945 4126, justcuts.casuarina@gmail.com
www.fitnessworksnt.com.au                          www.justcuts.com.au
Flametree Yoga Studio                              NT Rugby Union
10% off all yoga classes.                          Free entry to all club rugby matches at rugby
19b Bishop Street, Woolner                         park and home games at clubs.
(08) 8941 8918, 0448 112 251                       71 Abala Road, Marrara
chris@flametreeyogastudio.com.au                   (08) 8945 1444, info@ntrugby.com.au
www.flametreeyogastudio.com.au                     www.ntrugby.com.au
Flight Path Golf and                               Om Yoga
Outdoor Recreation                                 $5 off yoga classes in Nightcliff.
20% discount on practice balls.                    22 Bauhinia Street, Nightcliff
Vanderlin Drive, Berrimah                          (08) 8985 1024, omyoga@mac.com
(08) 8947 1257, fpgolfnarchery@bigpond.com         www.facebook.com/OMYOGADARWIN
                                                   Parap Fine Foods
Greenies Real Food                                 5% off purchases.
5% off fresh organic fruit and veg over $20.       40 Parap Road, Parap

12/48 Trower Rd, Rapid Creek                       (08) 8981 8597, neville@parapfinefoods.com
(08) 8985 1922                                     www.parapfinefoods.com.au

Salvatore’s                                      Professional Services
         10% discount, not available with other offers.
         21 Knuckey Street, Darwin                        Arthritis and Osteoporosis NT
         (08) 8941 9823                                   Discount on membership for Seniors.
         salvatores@salvatorescafe.com                    50% on individual memberships.
         www.salvatorescafe.com                           48 Trower Rd, Millner
                                                          (08) 8948 5232, info@aont.org.au
         Scottish Country Dancing                         www.aont.org.au
         20% off 12 week beginners dance courses
         Feb and Aug.                                     Bardens Amcal Pharmacy
         Malak Community Centre,                          5% off full priced items. Excluding
         Malak Crescent, Malak                            prescriptions.
         (08) 8927 9203, anguka@internode.on.net          Shop 1-2, The Galleria, 35-37 Smith Street,
         www.scottishcountrydance.net                     Smith Street Mall, Darwin
                                                          (08) 8981 2333, darwin1@amcal.net.au
         Smarttask Home & Office                          www.amcal.com.au
         IT Solutions
         10% off standard hourly rate.                    Casuarina Square Amcal
         29 Graham Street, Stuart Park                    Pharmacy
         (08) 8942 1825, 0419 034 379                     10% on discountable products.
         john@smarttask.com.au                            Casuarina Square, Shop 15,
         www.smarttask.com.au                             247 Trower Road, Casuarina
                                                          (08) 8927 1431
         Tactile Arts                                     www.amcal.com.au
         Concessional membership $55 (General $80),
         concessions on workshops.                        De Silva Hebron
         19 Conacher Street, Fannie Bay                   10% off legal services.
         (08) 8981 6616                                   47 Knuckey Street, Darwin
         www.tactilearts.org.au                           (08) 8924 4944
         Top End Mustangs                                 www.desilva-hebron.com
         Line Dancing
         Discount for seniors $2 off the class prices.    Eyewise Optometrists
         Coconut Grove Seniors Hall,                      10% off frames, lenses and sunglasses.
         Musgrave Crescent, Coconut Grove                 4/20 Knuckey Street, Darwin
         0438 852 998                                     (08) 8981 0755, info@eyewise.com.au
         info@topendmustangs.com.au                       www.eyewise.com.au

         Walk Darwin
         10% off 2 hour guided walks when

         booked direct.
         0428 183 444

               Personal Plan

                LIFE IS A HIGHWAY...

At De Silva Hebron we understand how hard it is to contemplate, let
alone talk about an individual’s ultimate life long journey.
Planning what shall happen with YOUR ESTATE is one of the most
important things you can do to ENSURE YOUR WISHES ARE CARRIED
OUT and the people you LOVE are looked after.
Whilst you shall be on life’s ultimate journey, it shall be a hard time for
your family and friends.

        Save 15% off the above services: Promo Code Sen18
De Silva Hebron has been assisting people in the Northern Territory
to manage estates for over 25 years. We pride ourselves in not just
providing a stress free service, but in providing understanding and

genuine support to those giving instructions and those trying to
understand them.
We are skilled and experienced in Wills and Probate and we can
answer any questions you have.
We look forward to talking to you today 08 8924 4944.
New Age Mobility
                                  10% discount on purchases from $100 to $1000.
                                  26/16 Charlton Court, Woolner
                                  (08) 8942 1549, newage1@bigpond.com

         H & R Block                                   Northern Legal Services
         10% discount.                                 15% discount on professional fees.
         13 23 25                                      5 Thompson Crescent, Moil
         Leanyer                                       (08) 8945 5557, 0447 820 801
         Shop 17A Hibiscus Shopping Centre,            ronhope@northernlegal.com.au
         8 Leanyer Drive, Leanyer                      www.northernlegal.com.au
                                                       NT Mobility Equipment
                                                       5% off RRP on all Pride Mobility Scooters.
                                                       8/51 Pruen Road, Berrimah
         Darwin                                        (08) 8947 1227 (We Sell Fun)
         Shop 6, Cavenagh Centre,                      ntmobilityequipment@bigpond.com
         43 Cavenagh Street, Darwin                    www.pridemobility.com.au
         www.hrblock.com.au/locator/nt/                NT Optometrists
         darwin/darwin                                 10% discount.
         Berrimah                                      Shop 24a Karama Shopping Plaza,
         Unit 18/641 Stuart Highway, Berrimah          Kalymnos Drive, Karama
         Corporate Park, 631 Stuart Highway,           (08) 8945 1111, ntoptometrists@bigpond.com
         Berrimah                                      www.ntoptometrists.com.au
                                                       10% off all spectacles. Excluding specials.
         Helen Summers Optometrist                     Shop 6/39 Smith St Mall, Darwin
         10% off optical lenses and frames.            (08) 8941 1577
         Shop 105, The Avenue,                         Casuarina
         12 Salonika Street, Parap                     Shop 89 Casuarina Square,
         (08) 8995 9595                                247 Trower Rd, Casuarina
         admin@helensummersoptometrist.com.au          (08) 8927 9377

         National Hearing Care
         10% off selected models up to $500.
                                                       Praescius Financial Consultants
                                                       Free interview and 10% off a financial plan.
         No further discount.
                                                       Level 11, 19 Kitchener Drive, Darwin
         Shop 19, The Village Shopping Centre,
                                                       (08) 8941 2916
         54 Bradshaw Terrace, Casuarina
         1800 705 262, (08) 8998 5001
Robyn Harrison                                       Tax, Accounting and Super Centre
  Marriage Celebrant                                   10% discount.
  Generous discounts off weddings, namings,            Shop 2, 293B Trower Road, Casuarina
  other ceremonies.                                    (08) 8941 3900
  PO Box 42118, Casuarina (phone for appt)             reception.parap@tascentre.com.au
  (08) 8927 3777, 0450 785 338                         www.tascentre.com.au
                                                       TerryWhite Chemmart Hibiscus
  Save Mart Pharmacy                                   10% off normal priced items excluding
  10% off normal priced items excluding those on       those on special, prescription items and
  special, prescription items and milk formula.        milk formula.
  Shop 18, Winnellie Shopping Centre,                  Shops 1, 3 & 4, Hibiscus Shopping Centre,
  347 Stuart Highway, Winnellie                        8 Leanyer Drive, Leanyer
  (08) 8981 6888                                       (08) 8945 5955
  savemart@countrywellness.com.au                      hibiscus@countrywellness.com.au

  Stuart Park Pharmacy
  10% discount. Excludes prescriptions
  and specials.
  4/5 Westralia Street, Stuart Park
  (08) 8981 8075

                                        WANT GLASSES
                                        EVERY 2 YEARS?
                                         Eligible pension card holders may
                                         obtain spectacles every 2 years*
                                                   Choose from our:
                                                   · $88 frame range
                                                   · Single Vision, Bifocals or Multifocals
                                                   · Photochromic lenses (if required)

       *Subject to 2 yearly entitlements under
       the Northern Territory Concession Scheme.
                                                          SUPER SERVICE. SUPER SAVINGS.

Casuarina S/C             Gateway S/C                   Darwin Mall   Alice Plaza 17
Ph: 8945 7211            Ph: 8932 2235                 Ph: 8941 7072 Ph: 8953 0955
nieFa Bay
                    rm       et M e
                                         Fannie Bay Meats
                                         10% discount on meat purchases.
                                         3A Fannie Bay Place, Fannie Bay
                                         (08) 8981 2647

         The Optical Superstore                                        Country Classics
         50% off spectacle frames in store.                            10% discount on full priced items.
         Casuarina                                                     Shop 4/38 Parap Road, Parap
         Shop GD 094, Casuarina Square,                                (08) 8981 3377, joy.passmore@bigpond.com
         247 Trower Road, Casuarina                                    www.facebook.com/countryclassicsdarwin
         (08) 8945 7211
                                                                       Darwin My Vet Service
         Darwin                                                        10% discount on veterinary services.
         Shop 14, 41 The Mall                                          Shop 2/5 Wulagi Place, Wulagi
         (Opposite Dolce Cafe), Darwin                                 (08) 8927 3657, info@darwinvets.net
         (08) 8941 7072                                                www.darwinmyvetservice.com.au
                                                                       Foxfire Designs
         Tropic Optics                                                 10% off products and services. Free inspection.
         20% off spectacle frames.                                     Shop 13a/34 Parap Rd, Parap
         Shop 8, 159 Dick Ward Drive, Nightcliff                       (08) 8981 0855, foxfirejeweller@hotmail.com
         (08) 8985 5766, tropic.optics@mail.com                        www.facebook.com/foxfirejeweller
                                                                       House of Fulton Jewellery
         Tschirpig Conveyancing                                        20% of all stock (excludes sale items).
         We will pay all government fees excluding                     45 Smith Street Mall, Darwin
         stamp duty.                                                   (08) 8981 3090, 0408 276 531
         13 Travers Street, Coconut Grove                              patfultonhof@hotmail.com
         (08) 8948 4600, reception@sirpig.com.au                       www.houseoffulton.com.au
         www.sirpig.com.au                                             Leanyer Newsagency
                                                                       10% off cards, stationery and magazines.
         Yellow Brick Road
                                                                       Shop 18 Hibiscus Shopping Town,
         Wealth Management                                             8 Leanyer Drive, Leanyer
         Free consultation to discuss insurance,                       (08) 8927 4932
         superannuation or financial planning.                         leanyernewsagency@bigpond.com
         Parap Shopping Village, 36 Parap Rd, Parap
         (08) 8941 3900, 1800 927 927                                  Little Miss Flowers
         darwin@ybr.com.au                                             10% discount.
         www.ybr.com.au                                                Shop 3/7 Parap Place

                                                                       (behind the post office), Parap
                                                                       0410 290 557, jules@littlemisschef.com.au
         Shopping                                                      www.littlemissflowers.com.au
         Arafura Catering Equipment                                    newsXpress Karama
         10% discount. Excluding specials.                             10% off cards, stationery and gifts.
         5 Parap Place, Parap                                          37 Kalymnos Drive, Karama
         (08) 8981 6655, sales@arafuracatering.com.au                  (08) 8945 0090
         www.arafuracatering.com.au                                    karama@newsxpress.com.au
National Flags
                                             10% discount on coats of arms on flags.
                                             1 Edmunds Street, Darwin
                                             (08) 8981 6343, flagman@nationalflags.com.au

Parap Newsagency                                 RSPCA Darwin Regional Branch
5% off gift cards.                               20% off adoption fees (does not include
42 Parap Road, Parap                             special campaigns).
(08) 8981 3541                                   80 Boulter Road, Berrimah
parapnewsagency@bigpond.com                      (08) 8984 3795, reception@rspcadarwin.org.au
Parap Veterinary Hospital
10% discount on veterinary services.             Safari Leisurewear
Cnr Gregory and Vickers Street, Parap            5% off all full priced items.
(08) 8981 9767, manager@parapvet.com.au          Shop 21, The Galleria, 33 Smith Street, Darwin
www.parapvet.com.au                              (08) 8981 5001, safari@ozemail.com.au
Paraphernalia                                    753676081338146
10% discount on full priced stock.
Shop 3/3 Parap Shopping Village, Parap
(08) 8981 0614, paraphernalia@iinet.net.au

                                       • Medical & Surgical Services
                                       • Radiology Services
                                       • Export Services
                                       • In-house Pathology
                                       • Monthly Mobile Visits
                                       • Hydrobath
                                       Shop 2/5 Wulagi Pl, Wulagi NT 0812


                         Ph: 8927 3657
    After Hours Emergency: 0409 331 682                                                            19
we also

                     specialising in
         Commercial Greenery Solutions
         Residential Floral Arrangements
         Celebration Arrangements
                                       bring your
         Weddings                      own vase
                                    into the studio
         Floral Selfie Walls          for a floral
         Gift Vouchers


               mob: 0410 290 557
         Little Miss Flowers is located in Parap, behind the
20                       Parap Post Office.
Savvas Footwear Pty Ltd                                        The Athlete’s Foot
10% discount on all items. Excludes sale items.                5% discount.
46 Progress Drive, Nightcliff                                  Shop GD 28, Casuarina Square,
(08) 8985 1463, savfoot@bigpond.com                            247 Trower Road, Casuarina
www.savvasshoes.com.au                                         (08) 8945 3833, tafcas@bigpond.com
Spotless Dry Cleaning
and Laundry                                                    The Rugby Shop
10% off dry-cleaning, laundry and alterations.                 5% discount on non-sale items.
11 Bishop Street, Woolner                                      56 Smith Street, Darwin
(08) 8981 7488, helen.truscott@spotless.com.au                 (08) 8981 1433, bruce@therugbyshop.com.au
www.spotless.com                                               www.facebook.com/therugbyshopdarwin

Strandbags                                                     Tigers Pots & Water Gardens
10% off full-priced items.                                     10% off all pots and water features.
Casuarina                                                      Excludes sale items.
Casuarina Square, Shop GD76/77,                                14/18 Skelton St, Millner
247 Trower Road, Casuarina, (08) 8927 3682                     (08) 8985 3388
Darwin                                                         www.tigerpots.com.au
The Mitchell Centre, Shop 2/27,
55-59 Mitchell Street, Darwin, (08) 8981 4225



                             5% OFF

                CIRRUS                                          TWILITE WALKER                                 WORLD TOUR

                Womens                                          Womens                                         Mens

                                      28/247 Trower Road, Casuarina Square
                                                 (08) 8945 3833                                                              21
                    *Offer available at The Athlete’s Foot Casuarina store only. Terms and conditions apply.

             Household Needs                                Charles Darwin University Library
                                                            10% off community borrower membership.
             Palmerston Betta Home Living                   Evidence of a local address required for
             Up to 10% off RRP for electrical appliances,   interstate cardholders.
             bedding and BBQs.                              Palmerston
             Shop B01, Gateway Home,                        University Avenue, Palmerston
             1 Roystonea Avenue, Palmerston
                                                            Darwin Waterfront
             (08) 8932 7740
                                                            Kitchener Drive, Waterfront, Darwin
             www.betta.com.au                               askthelibrary@cdu.edu.au


             Leisure & Lifestyle                            Event Cinemas Palmerston
                                                            Seniors priced tickets available when
             Cazalys Palmerston Club                        you show your NT Seniors Card.
             Free membership. 10% off bistro meals          Gateway Shopping Centre,
             and drinks. Free morning tea – third           1 Roystonea Ave, Yarrawonga
             Tuesday monthly.                               Palmerston_manager@evt.com
             10 Temple Terrace, Palmerston                  www.eventcinemas.com.au
             (08) 8932 8688, marketing@cazalysnt.com.au
Palmerston Tavern                              TerryWhite Chemmart
 10% off main course lunch – 7 days per week.   10% off normal priced items excluding
 1110 Chung Wah Terrace, Palmerston             those on special, prescription items and
 (08) 8932 1637                                 milk formula.
 palmerstontavern@alhgroup.com.au               Palmerston Gateway
 www.palmerstontavern.com.au                    Shop MM06, Gateway Shopping Centre,
                                                Roystonea Avenue, Palmerston
 Professional Services                          (08) 8932 1170
 H & R Block                                    Zuccoli
 10% discount.                                  T11, Zuccoli Plaza, 1 Zuccoli Parade, Zuccoli
 Shop 22b, Palm City Oasis Shopping Centre,     (08) 8932 4594
 15 Temple Terrace, Palmerston                  zuccoli@countrywellness.com.au
 13 23 25, palmerston@hrblock.com.au
 www.hrblock.com.au/locator/nt/                 The Optical Superstore
 darwin/palmerston                              50% off spectacle frames in store.
                                                Shop 61, The Gateway Shopping Centre,
 OPSM                                           1 Roystonea Avenue, Palmerston
 10% off all spectacles. Excluding specials.    (08) 8932 2235
 Chung Wah Terrace & Temple Terrace, Shop 9,    www.opticalsuperstore.com.au
 Palmerston Shopping Centre, Palmerston
 (08) 8932 7320

 Open 7 Days: 8:30am - 8:30pm

                  Public Holidays: 10am - 3pm

                    NDSS Sub Agent
                  Seniors 10% Discount
                       excluding prescriptions & specials

Shop 20-21Oasis Shopping Village, Palmerston
               Ph: 8935 9600                 23
Tschirpig Conveyancing                           Shopping
              We will pay all government fees excluding
              stamp duty.                                      Palmerston Veterinary Hospital
              Shop C3, Palm Plaza,                             10% discount on vet services.
              17 University Avenue, Palmerston                 7 Rolyat St, Palmerston
              (08) 8932 1600, reception@sirpig.com.au          (08) 8932 2344
              United Chemists Palmerston                       10% off full-priced items.
              10% discount. Excl prescriptions and specials.   Shop T13, Gateway Shopping Centre,
              Oasis Shopping Village, Temple Terrace,          Roystonea Avenue, Palmerston
              Palmerston                                       (08) 8931 3355
              (08) 8935 9600                                   www.strandbags.com.au
              www.unitedchemists.net.au                        University Avenue
                                                               Veterinary Hospital
                                                               10% discount on vet services. Services
                                                               Palmerston and Rural.
                                                               66 University Avenue, Durack
                                                               (08) 8931 0455
                                                               0409 331 682 (AH Emergencies)

                                               • Medical & Surgical
                                               • Ultrasound, Endoscopy
                                                 & Radiology Services
                                               • Export Services
                  ... committed to caring • In-house Pathology

             66 University Ave, Durack NT 0830 • Visiting Specialists
                               info@univets.com.au                    (Orthopaedic, Dermatologist
                               www.univets.com.au                     & Opthamologist)

                                         Ph: 8931 0455
                   After Hours Emergency: 0409 331 682

Darwin Rural
                         P 08 8988 6347 F 088988 6355

       LOCAL MECHANICS                                                                 Book Direct and Save
                                                                             10% off powered or unpowered campsites
         HERE TO HELP                                                             and 5% off cabin reservations.
                                                                                 Seniors Card Holders Only. Subject to availability.
                                                                                       Not valid with any other offer or deal.

                                  ROAD SERVICE

                     24 HOUR TILT TRAY TOWING SERVICE
                               P 0477 746 044

                               Trust, experience and knowledge
                                                                                            14km past Batchelor, Top End, NT
                               YOU CAN RELY ON REPCO AUTHORISED SERVICE
                                                                                   Living next door to Litchfield National Park

                  Automotive                                              Douglas Daly Tourist Park
                                                                          Discount of $2 per night on powered
                  Berry Springs Mechanical                                caravan sites.
                  10% off labour.                                         Oolloo Road, Douglas Daly
                  795 Cox Peninsula Road, Berry Springs                   (08) 8978 2479
                  (08) 8988 6347                                          info@douglasdalypark.com.au
                  bspringsmechanical@bigpond.com                          www.douglasdalypark.com.au
                                                                          Jenny’s Orchid Garden
                                                                          Entry fee $7.00 for seniors and pensioners

                  Holidays & Travel                                       ($1 discount).
                                                                          10 Niel Court, Howard Springs
                  Butterfly Farm                                          (08) 8983 1641
                  $8.00 entry into Butterfly House,                       tropicalorchids@ozemail.com.au
                  $10.00 discount on accommodation.                       www.jennysorchids.com.au
                  8 Meneling Road, Batchelor
                  (08) 8976 0110

Household Needs
                                                     Crystal Pool Maintenance
                                                     & Supplies
                                                     10% discount.
                                                     Shop 12a Coolalinga Shopping Village,
                                                     (08) 8983 3500

s                                                    www.crystalpoolsnt.com.au

                                                     Humpty Doo Plumbing
                                                     10% off normal charges.
                                                     535 Strangways Road, Humpty Doo
                                                     0408 898 491 – Greg
             AND PET GARDENS                         humptydooplumbing@bigpond.com
          Cabins                  Homestay
        Restaurant                Attractions        Leisure & Lifestyle
                                                     Adelaide River Show Society
            www.butterflyfarm.net.au                 Discounts for seniors apply at all events.
d, NT
 Park        Contact Chris 8976 0110                 Dorat Road, Adelaide River
                                                     0407 271 357
         Litchfield Tourist Park
         10% off powered and unpowered sites.        Curl Up & Dye
         5% off cabins.                              Discounted haircuts Mon – Fri only.
         705 Litchfield Park Road, Finnis Valley     Shop 5/12 Vereker Street, Humpty Doo
         (08) 8976 0070                              (08) 8988 1838
         relax@litchfieldtouristpark.com.au          www.facebook.com/Curl-Up-Dye
                                                     The Last Tucker B & B
         Oasis Tourist Park                          and Coffee Shop
         Seniors rates available on powered sites.   10% discount.
                                                                                                  DARWIN RURAL
         $38 full price. $36 seniors.                64 Stuart Highway, Adelaide River
         Morgan Road, Virginia                       0429 633 319
         (08) 8983 1048                              patriciawhiteley@hotmail.com

With over 25 years experience of
       helping families in their time of need.
       h Free advice on funeral needs            h Weekend services available
       h Friendly & compassionate staff          h Funeral bonds and insurance available
       h We are happy to come to you             h Pre-planning of funerals

       Caring for you and your family in your time of need
       Our services are personalised and tailored for families to celebrate the life of their loved ones. We
       listen to what each family needs and wants are and ensure we carry out their wishes. We help guide
       families throughout each stage of the funeral process. We help take the stress away at this difficult time.

       We offer:
       Burials h Cremations h Memorial Urns & Jewellery h Interstate & Overseas Repatriations

       1/13 Butler Place, Holtze NT 0829                          www.territoryfunerals.com.au                       0438 637 258

               Professional Services                                                H & R Block
                                                                                    10% discount.
               Berry Springs Country                                                Shop 3, Coolalinga Village,
               Wellness Pharmacy                                                    452 Stuart Highway, Coolalinga
               10% off normal priced items excluding                                13 23 25
               those on special, prescription items and                             coolalinga@hrblockdarwin.com.au
               milk formula.                                                        www.hrblock.com.au/locator/nt/darwin/
               Shop B4, Berry Springs Shopping Village,                             coolalinga
               Berry Springs

               (08) 8988 6575                                                       Territory Funerals
               berrysprings@countrywellness.com                                     Discount available to Seniors Card member.
                                                                                    1/13 Butler Place, Holtze
               Davison Legal Barristers                                             0438 637 258
               and Solicitors                                                       admin@territoryfunerals.com.au
               10% discount on all services for seniors.                            www.territoryfunerals.com.au
               PO Box 656, Humpty Doo
               0450 326 733

                                                                        • Civil Litigation
                                                                        • Contracts & Deeds
                                                                        • Wills & Probate
                                                                        • Binding Financial
                                                                        • Workplace Law
       Contact Judith Davison 0450 326 733
                                                                        • Ex Gratia Payments
         www.davisonlegal@bigpond.com                                   • Real Estate

              Experienced Legal Service
                based in Humpty Doo

     Shopping                                       Mad Harry’s
                                                    10% discount on all purchases.
     Berry Springs IGA                              Coolalinga Central, Stuart Highway,
     5% discount.                                   Coolalinga
     10 Doris Road, Berry Springs                   (08) 8992 9746
     (08) 7905 6180                                 info@madharrys.com.au
     admin@berryspringsiga.com                      www.madharrys.com.au
                                                    The Rugby Shop
                                                                                              DARWIN RURAL
     Helga’s Pet Resort                             5% discount on non-sale items.
     10% discount.                                  Coolalinga Central, Stuart Highway,
     25 Francesca Circuit, Virginia                 Coolalinga
     (08) 8983 1717, admin@helgaspetresort.com.au   (08) 8983 2563
     www.helgaspetresort.com.au                     www.facebook.com/therugbyshopdarwin

     Howard Springs Veterinary Clinic
     10% on services and products.
     43 Smyth Road, Howard Springs
     (08) 8983 1458, 0428 810 596 (AH)

Alice Springs
Automotive                                         Avis Australia
                                                   5th Day Free or 3% off the daily base rate.
Indervon 24 Hr Service Station                     Ayers Rock Airport
3c per litre discount off all petrol and diesel.
                                                   Ayers Rock
44A Stuart Highway, Alice Springs
(08) 8952 2465                                     Alice Springs Airport
www.indervon.com.au                                Alice Springs Double Tree Hilton Hotel
Holidays & Travel                                  136 333 Reservations
A Good Rest B&B
10% off direct bookings only.                      Cavenagh Lodge B&B
51 Dixon Road, Alice Springs                       10% discount on accommodation.
(08) 8952 5272, 0418 652 506                       4 Cavenagh Crescent, East Side
agoodrest@bigpond.com                              (08) 8952 2257, 0414 287 599
www.agoodrest.com.au                               cavenaghlodge@ozemail.com.au
Alice On Todd Apartments
10% off rack rate accommodation only.              Desert Palms Resort
1-11 Strehlow Street, Alice Springs                10% off rack rate, accommodation only.
(08) 8953 8033                                     NT Seniors Card only.
reservations@aliceontodd.com                       74 Barrett Drive, Alice Springs
www.aliceontodd.com                                (08) 8952 5977
Alice Springs Desert Park                          www.desertpalms.com.au
Seniors Card entry $25.50
(normal adult price $32.00).                       Desert Rose Inn
Larapinta Drive, Alice Springs                     10% off rack rate, direct bookings only.
(08) 8951 8788                                     15 Railway Terrace, Alice Springs
asdp@nt.gov.au                                     (08) 8952 1411, info@desertroseinn.com.au
www.alicespringsdesertpark.com.au                  www.desertroseinn.com.au

Alice Springs Reptile Centre                       Kathy’s Place Bed and Breakfast
$15 entry fee.                                     Stay 2 nights, 3rd free. Mention when booking.
9 Stuart Terrace, The Gap                          4 Cassia Court, Alice Springs
(08) 8952 8900                                     0407 529 791, kathy@kathysplace.com.au
enquiries@reptilecentre.com.au                     www.kathysplace.com.au
                                                                                                    ALICE SPRINGS
                                                   Kings Creek Station
Araluen Cultural Precinct                          10% off direct bookings only.
$10 precinct pass for Interstate Seniors           Luritja Road, Kings Canyon, Petermann
Card holders. NT residents free entry.             (08) 8956 7474
Access to the Araluen Art Centre, Museum           www.kingscreekstation.com.au
of Central Australia and the Central Australia     Lasseters Hotel Casino
Aviation Museum.                                   Present your Seniors Card for a FREE
Cnr Larapinta and Memorial Drive,                  Match’n’Play voucher. $10 Lunch Monday
Alice Springs                                      to Friday at Casbah Café.
(08) 8951 1120                                     93 Barrett Drive, Alice Springs
www.araluenartscentre.nt.gov.au                    (08) 8950 7777
National Pioneer Women’s                        CKS Electrical
                Hall Fame                                       5% discount except on specials,
                Seniors card entry fee $7 (normally $10).       discounted items and vouchers.
                2 Stuart Terrace, Old Alice Springs Gaol        28 Kidman Street, Alice Springs
                (next to RFDS), Alice Springs                   (08) 8952 3344
                (08) 8952 9006                                  www.lightsrus.com.au/cks-electrical
                www.pioneerwomen.com.au                         Flavell Plumbing
                                                                10% discount on labour rate.
                National Road Transport                         18 Fogarty Street, Alice Springs
                Hall Of Fame                                    (08) 8953 1330
                NT Seniors Card $8 entry fee (standard $20).    office@flavellplumbing.com.au
                Yearly membership $33 (standard $75). One       www.flavellplumbing.com.au
                for one (accompanying person free). All other
                Seniors Cards 25% off standard entry fee.
                                                                Flick Anticimex Alice
                                                                10% off residential pest control packages.
                92 Norris Bell Avenue, Alice Springs
                                                                4/66a Smith Street, Alice Springs
                (08) 8952 7161
                                                                (08) 8914 1600, darwin@flick-anticimex.com.au

                Outback Ballooning                              Home Timber & Hardware
                                                                Generally 10% (some exceptions).
                10% off cardholders and
                                                                11 Smith Street, Alice Springs
                accompanying guests.
                                                                (08) 8952 2488
                35 Kennett Ct, Alice Springs
                (08) 8952 8723, 1800 809 790
                sales@outbackballooning.com.au                  HydroKleen
                www.outbackballooning.com.au                    10% discount.
                                                                1300 608 318, service@hydrokleen.com.au
                Thrifty Car Rentals
                10% off the rate of the day.
                Alice Springs                                   Lights n fanz r us
                71 Hartley St, Alice Springs                    5% discount. Excludes sale items and vouchers.
                Ayers Rock                                      28 Kidman Street, Alice Springs
                Ayers Rock Airport, Terminal Building           (08) 8952 3344
                1300 367 277, thrifty@rentacar.com.au           www.lightsrus.com.au
                                                                Local Locksmiths

                                                                10% discount on all materials and labour.
                Household Needs                                 Alice Springs
                                                                (08) 8953 1233, locknt@outlook.com
                Alice Pool & Spa Centre                         www.locallocksmithsnt.com.au
                10% off all pool chemicals and equipment.
                Excludes pool cleaning.                         Radio Rentals
                Corner of Larapinta Drive and                   10% off near new products.
                George Crescent, Alice Springs                  Yeperenye Centre, 36-38 Hartley Street,
                (08) 8952 5444                                  Alice Springs
                sales@alicepoolandspa.com.au                    1300 617 862
                www.facebook.com/pg/alicepoolandspa             alicesprings@radio-rentals.com.au

Territory Dry Cleaners                             Country Bliss
20% off each article. Excl other offers.           10% discount. Excludes sale items.
Must present card.                                 Shop 1-2/64 Gregory Terrace, Alice Springs
1 Wills Terrace, Alice Springs                     (08) 8953 6866
(08) 8953 0009                                     www.countrybliss.com.au

Territory Pest Control                             Headlines Hair & Beauty
5% off pest treatments for general pests,          10% discount on service. Excl products.
cockroaches, ants and spiders.                     9 Parsons Street, Alice Springs
(08) 8953 1029, alicesprings@tpc1965.com.au        (08) 8952 3484

Leisure & Lifestyle                                Jacksons Drawing Supplies
                                                   10% discount. Excludes specials and nett items.
Alice Springs Aquatic and                          1/24 Parsons Street, Alice Springs
Leisure Centre                                     (08) 8952 5552, alicesprings@jacksons.com.au
50% off entry, 3 & 12 month and 10 visit passes.   www.jacksons.com.au
14 Speed Street, The Gap
(08) 8950 4360, info@asalc.com.au                  The Bean Tree Cafe
www.alicesprings.nt.gov.au/recreation/             10% discount on food and drinks, excl specials.
alice-springs-aquatic-and-leisure-centre           Olive Pink Botanic Garden,
                                                   Tuncks Road, Alice Springs
Alice Springs Cinema                               (08) 8952 0190
Seniors single movie ticket price $11.50 (adults   www.opbg.com.au/bean-tree-café
normal price $18.50) Movie Club annual fee
$25.00 (normal adult price $40).                   The Gapview Hotel
11 Todd Mall, Alice Springs. (08) 8953 2888        10% discount on main meals. Excl specials.
admin@alicespringscinema.com.au                    123 Gap Road, Alice Springs
www.alicespringscinema.com.au                      (08) 8952 6578, info@gapviewhotel.com.au
Central Craft
30% discount on membership fees.                   Todd Tavern
Araluen Cultural Precinct, Corner Larapinta        10% off main menu. 12-2pm lunchtimes.
Drive and Memorial Avenue, Alice Springs           1 Todd Street, Alice Springs
(08) 8952 4417, centralcraftasp@iinet.net.au       (08) 8952 1255, info@toddtavern.com.au
www.centralcraft.org.au                            www.toddtavern.com.au/todd-tavern-
Centred in Choice
                                                                                                     ALICE SPRINGS

10% off resources and classes.                     Watertank Café
(08) 8952 3638, 0412 179 957                       10% off meals and beverages.
info@centredinchoice.com                           16B Wilkinson Street, Millner Road entrance,
www.centredinchoice.com                            Alice Springs
                                                   0408 854 472, watertankcafe@gmail.com
Charles Darwin University Library                  www.facebook.com/WatertankCafe
10% off community borrower membership.
Evidence of a local address required for
interstate cardholders.
Grevillea Drive, Alice Springs

YMCA of the Northern Territory –                Mad Harry’s
                Central Australia                               10% discount on all purchases.
                Concessional rates to gym. Discounts on         1 Parsons Street, Alice Springs
                annual membership.                              (08) 8953 6266
                Kilgariff Recreation Centre,                    info@madharrys.com.au
                71 Sadadeen Road, Sadadeen                      www.madharrys.com.au
                (08) 8952 5666
                reception.ca@ymca.org.au                        Mavik’s Menswear
                www.nt.ymca.org.au                              10% discount on cash sales. Excl sale items.
                                                                Shop 6 Yeperenye Centre, Alice Springs
                                                                (08) 8953 1232
                Professional Services                           www.maviks.tripod.com

                Alice Audiology                                 Northern Territory
                10% discount on professional fees.              Veterinary Services
                Level 1, 54 Reg Harris Lane, Alice Springs      10% discount on professional services.
                (08) 8952 3110                                  1/74 Elder Street, Alice Springs
                info@arafuraaudiology.com.au                    (08) 8952 4353, info@ntvet.com.au
                www.aliceaudiology.com.au                       www.ntvet.com.au

                Alice Springs Pharmacy                          Novita Gifts
                5% discount. (Northern Territory Seniors Card   10% discount. Excl sale items.
                holders only).                                  33 Todd Mall, Alice Springs
                Yeperenye Shopping Centre,                      (08) 8952 7606
                19/36-38 Hartley Street, Alice Springs          anndemarcox12@hotmail.com
                (08) 8952 1554                                  www.novitagifts.com.au
                                                                Pets ‘R’ Us
                The Optical Superstore                          5% discount on everything except live animals.
                50% off spectacle frames in store.              9/74 Lovegrove Drive, Alice Springs
                Shop 36 Alice Plaza Shopping Centre             (08) 8952 8652
                (Next to Target), Alice Springs                 www.petsrus.com.au
                (08) 8953 0955
                will@opticalsuperstore.com.au                   Red Kangaroo Books
                www.opticalsuperstore.com.au                    10% off. Excl sale items and gift vouchers.
                                                                79 Todd Mall, Alice Springs
                                                                (08) 8953 2137

                A Home Like Alice
                10% off ALL stock.                              Wonderland in Alice
                Shop 26/36 Todd Mall Alice Plaza,               5% off; excludes sale items.
                Alice Springs                                   1B/24 Parsons Street, Alice Springs
                (08) 8953 4666                                  (08) 8955 0000
                ahomelikealice14@internode.on.net               desatwonderland@yahoo.com

Tennant Creek
Holidays & Travel                               Shopping
Battery Hill Mining Centre                      Tennant Creek Emporium
Australian seniors only. 10% off tours.         & Total Sports
Historic Mining Precinct and Visitor Centre,    10% off. Excludes sale items, firearms
Peko Road, Tennant Creek                        and ammo.
(08) 8962 1281, info@barklytourism.com.au       94 Paterson Street, Tennant Creek
www.barklytourism.com.au                        (08) 8962 1440, admin@tcsports.com.au
Bluestone Motor Inn
Stay in a deluxe room at standard room price.
Depending on availability.
1 Patterson Street (Stuart Highway),
Tennant Creek, (08) 8962 2617

Thrifty Car Rentals
10% off the rate of the day.
12 Davidson Street, Tennant Creek
1300 367 277, thrifty@rentacar.com.au

Household Needs                                     Furniture • Electrical • The Lott
                                                   Jewellery • Giftware • Interflora
                                                                                                      TENNANT CREEK
Enterprise Electrics
10% off. Excluding sale and electrical items.       Servicing the Barkly since 1980
40 Paterson Street, Tennant Creek
(08) 8962 2280, enterprise@ruger.com.au
www.facebook.com/Enterprise-Electrics-            SENIORS GET
                                                 10% OFF

Territory Pest Control
5% off pest treatments for general pests,
cockroaches, ants and spiders.                          excluding sale and electrical items, lotto,
                                                         power card, phone credit and flowers
(08) 8962 1092
www.territorypestcontrol.com.au                 40 Paterson Street, Tennant Creek •(08) 8962 2280

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