Page created by Ralph Mccarthy
                                                             CONTACT US
                                                                                     Asa Foster, Chair    April 2019
 (508) 358 -3660                               Recreation Director
                                                Katherine Brenna                     Chris Fay            April 2020
 41 Cochituate Road                            kbrenna@wayland.ma.us                Kelly Pierce         April 2021
                                                                                     Frank Krasin      April 2019
@ rec@wayland.ma.us                             Assistant Director
                                                                                     David Pearlman       April 2021
                                                Christine Baldwin
waylandrec.com                                cbaldwin@wayland.ma.us
wayland.ma.us                                 Program Coordinator
                                                Paul McCarthy
Monday                 8:00am-7:00pm
                                                Recreation Assistant
Tuesday to Thursday 8:00am-4:00pm
                                                Ward Russell
Friday                 8:00am-12:30pm           wrussell@wayland.ma.us
*Town Building Closed on
Feb 18, April 15, May 27, July 4


                                               MISSION The mission of the Wayland Recreation Department is
                                               to provide programs, facilities, and services designed to enhance
                                               the individual and community values of physical, social, creative,
                                               cultural and intellectual growth and development. Our contribu-
                                               tions are measured by community participation.

                                               Wayland Recreation is committed to enhancing our community
                                               through quality activities, events, and parks that provide worthwhile
                                               recreation experiences. We strive to offer “Something For Everyone”.

DID YOU KNOW? 100% of the production, printing and mailing of this program brochure
is paid for with advertisers and program fees, and not by your tax-dollars.

                                                                6:30 PM         Beach Buddies
          SUMMER CAMP                   7:00 PM
                                                                                (Ages 3.5 to 5.5)
                                                                                Summer Adventure
                                                                                (Grades K to Grade 2)
 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 at waylandrec.com 7:30 PM                                 Summer Adventure
           Register for the Grade that a camper                                 (Grades 3 to Grade 5)
                will be ENTERING next Fall.
                                                                8:00 PM         Wayland Escapes & CIT
             (Registration is first-come first-served.)                         (Grade 6 and up)

      REGISTRATION OPENS TUESDAY FEBRUARY 12                                                          3

                                                 Register at
                                      click RED REGISTER NOW button

ONLINE REGISTRATION IS PREFFERED. New Users must register an email address to login. Please be sure
to keep your email address updated as most of our communications for program notices and cancellations
are sent via email. You can also register by calling or visiting the Recreation Office.
You will receive an email confirmation/receipt with the details of the program at the email address you
provide at the time of registration It will include locations, dates, times, and other program information.
For some programs this may be the only confirmation you receive prior to start date.
All refund requests require written notice in advance of ten business days of the start of the program.
Registrations are non-transferable. No refunds are given for misconduct; Recreation Department has sole
discretion regarding participation. Refunds may take up to ten business days for processing, and are
subject to administration fees.
Refunds less administrative fees are granted if written notice of cancellation is received in advance of ten
(10) business days of the start of the program.
Program Fee: $10 per participant per program.
Summer Programs: $20 per participant per program.
Recreation Camps: $50 per camper per session.
Programs cancelled by the Recreation Department for instructor absence, weather, facility conflicts, or
some unforeseen reason may not be refunded. Wayland Recreation reserves the right to re-schedule, post-
pone, combine, change or cancel any offerings. You will be notified via email or phone call if your class is
cancelled, otherwise plan on attending.

                                                             Do you                  Recreation?
                                                         Do you have a talent or specialized skill?
                                                     Do you want to be part of a fantastic team?
                         We are always looking for staff, instructors or vendors to help us offer new
                             programs. Contact us for a vendor packet to share your ideas with us.
                                                    Dance! Wellness! Tech! Theater! Art! Culinary! Music!
                                                                               The possibilities are endless!
ONLINE REGISTRATION                   MAKE-UP CLASSES                           TRIAL CLASSES
(preferred)                           All attempts will be made to re-          In most cases, trial classes are not
                                      schedule classes that have been           permitted. It is recommended to
Go to www.waylandrec.com and          cancelled due to inclement weather,       visit and observe the current ses-
click the RED ‘REGISTER NOW’          instructor absence, or other unfore-      sion if you are unsure if your child
button. New Users must register an seen circumstance. Typically a pro-          may be ready for the next session.
email address to login. Please be     gram that meets weekly will extend
sure to keep your email address up- another week at the same day and            INCLEMENT WEATHER
dated as most of our communica-       time, check with your instructor to       No programs will be held when
tions for program notices and can- confirm. Classes missed due to               Wayland Public Schools are can-
cellations are sent via email.        participant absence for scheduling        celled, unless otherwise noted.
                                      conflicts or personal reasons cannot      Every effort will be made to notify
PAYMENTS                                                                        and reschedule cancellations as
All major credit cards and cash are be made up.                                 soon as possible. It is common for
accepted. Checks made payable to PHOTO / VIDEO POLICY                           weekly programs to be extended an
“Town of Wayland.” There will be an The Recreation Department may               additional week on the same day
additional $25 fee for                make, have, use, publish and repro-       and time, check with your instruc-
returned checks.                      duce photographs and/or video of          tor. If the full program session is
RESIDENTS / NON RESIDENTS             participants for its record, public re-   cancelled you will receive a full
Our programs are supported solely lations purposes, recognition, and/           refund.
by user fees, and residents have pri- or other projects related to the          TOWN BEACH MEMBER CARDS
ority registration periods. Registra- wholesome promotion of its pro-           KEEP YOUR CARDS FROM LAST
tion is first-come first served; Way- gram unless permission is denied in       SEASON! There is a $5 fee per card
land Residents have priority          writing.
                                                                                for replacement cards. Membership
through advance enrollment peri-      ABSENCES                                  Cards will be mailed to New Mem-
ods. Unless noted programs are        Recreation and Vendors are not            bers ONLY after May 15. Renewed
available for non-residents.          responsible for making up classes         Memberships can pick up a Season
AGE POLICY                            that are missed due to the partici-       Sticker at the Rec Office or Beach
Children must meet the age re-        pants’ inability to attend. For sum-      Gate upon your first visit.
quirement for a program by the        mer camps and ski program, email          Memberships are non-refundable,
FIRST DAY of a class. Children must rec@wayland.ma.us if you will miss          non-transferrable.
be toilet trained to attend programs a day.                                     LOW ENROLLMENT
unaccompanied by an adult.            WAITLISTS                                 Classes that do not meet the mini-
FINANCIAL AID                         Some popular programs will fill to        mum enrollment are not the best
Some programs are able to offer fi- capacity quickly. We will make eve-         use of our limited resources, and
nancial assistance or scholarships to ry effort to expand the program or        usually are not very fun for the kids;
qualifying applicants, in many cases provide additional programs when           Classes with low enrollment will be
the most recent tax forms, and oth- applicable. If we are able to move a        cancelled within 48 hours prior to
er supporting documentation is re- registrant off a waitlist, we will con-      the scheduled start date, unless
quired. Contact us for more infor- tact the waitlist in the order in            other accommodations have been
mation.                               which registrants enrolled. Once          made; and a full refund will be is-
                                      contacted, waitlisted registrants         sued. The Recreation Department
MEDICAL REFUNDS                       typically have a prescribed time          reserves the right to reschedule,
A refund will be issued if a partici- frame to respond before offering to       postpone, combine or change clas-
pant is unable to attend a class due the next registrant. We do actively        ses. You will be notified via email
to an unexpected prolonged illness maintain waitlists; our goal is to           or phone call if your class is can-
or injury. This request must be       serve as many participants as possi-      celled, otherwise plan on attending.
made prior to the end of the pro-     ble. You will be contacted when a
gram session and may require a        spot becomes available.
doctor’s note. Medical refunds may
be prorated for classes missed.
Classes missed due to common ill-
ness or schedule conflicts cannot be

                             NEW SNOW SHOE RENTALS
                                                           If you’ve never experienced the beauty or serenity of hiking in freshly
                                                           fallen snow, you’re in for an adventure! Borrow Wayland Recreation’s
                                                           snowshoe gear for the day.
                                                           Snowshoeing is an easy-to-learn activity for all ages, and a great way
                                                           to exercise while exploring Wayland in the winter. Go at your own
                                                           pace. Our snowshoes are lightweight aluminum, great for walking and
                                                           hiking. Take time to enjoy the beautiful trails that the Town of Way-
                                                           land has to offer. Trail Maps provided.

                                                           Rental includes a pair snowshoes, poles and carry bag.
                                                           Kids rent FREE with an Adult Rental ($20 per day)
                                                           Return rentals to the Recreation Office by 10:00am the next day.

                                      INSTRUMENT PETTING ZOO
                                                with Leonard's Music
                                                 Saturday, June 8
                                                 2:00pm - 4:00pm
If your child is interested in joining the school band in the fall, here is a chance to experiment with
instruments such as the flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, French horn and percussion,
violin, cello and viola. Introduce your child to the world of music and actually play band and orchestra
instruments. Join us for a fun and informative afternoon.
Demonstration begins at 2:00pm and then children can try the instruments.
With Mike and Becky Leonard at Wayland Art Center
14 Plain Street
(Corner of Route 27 & West Plain Street in the Cochituate Fire Station building)
No charge but you must pre-register on line at www.waylandrec.com
Seating is limited so be sure to register early.

                          Wayland Recreation offers a FREE day-parking pass to any Massachusetts State Parks
                          FREE for Wayland Residents (a $60 value!)
                          Through the Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR) Wayland
                          residents can use a free day-parking pass to any of the 440 Massachusetts State Parks
                          and properties statewide. Pick up the pass by 10:00am on a weekday and return it the next
                          day by 10:00am. For weekends pick up the pass after 10:00am on Friday and return it by
                          10:00am on Monday.

 Check www.mass.gov/dcr for a list of state parks
 or see Wayland’s Conservation Dept. for local maps and trail info.

 Call the Recreation office at (508) 358-3660 to reserve
 the pass. Pick up the pass at the Recreation Office.
                                  ONE DAY EVENTS & WORKSHOPS

        FAMILY SCIENCE NIGHT                                         COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID
                                                                       PARENT SEMINAR
              with Top Secret Science                                        with Don Anderson
                 Monday, April 8                                         of College Funding Advisors
                6:30pm - 8:00pm                                           Wednesday, February 6
                                                                              6:30pm - 8:30pm
Come join this very cool and fun program! Each family
will explore 6 - 8 weird and wacky hands-on science       You PLAN in advance, you UNDERSTAND the financial aid pro-
experiments and will make and take home most of these     cess, and you ACT early enough to be successful-before Decem-
                                                          ber of the student’s sophomore year of high school. It is im-
projects. The scientists are fast paced and funny, and    portant to know your options and opportunities.
your kids will be thoroughly entertained (they’ll even
                                                          Topics Include:
learn some interesting things, too!) We will explore       Course Outline
weird motions, crazy chemistry, crystals, and science      Introduction and Cost of College
magic. Be prepared for lots of fun stuff!                  The Financial Aid System
                                                           College Forms and Formulas
Fee: $10 per child                                         The Financial Aid Formulas
(Parents are free!)                                        Timeline for Getting Aid
Ages: Kindergarten to Grade 5                              College Savings Plans (i.e.: 529s)
Location: Wayland Middle School, 201 Main Street           Myths and Truths about Financial Aid
                                                           The Home (Real Estate) and Family Strategy
Please Note:                                               What Constitutes Financial Aid
this is NOT a “drop-off” event. Pre-registration is re-    Questions and Answers
                                                          Fee: $30 per family
                                                          Location: Wayland Town Building Large Hearing Room,
                                                          41 Cochituate Road, Wayland

         DAD & ME CAMPOUT                                  FINDING TIME & ENERGY FOR YOU
            with Wayland Dads                               with Experienced Life Coach, Gabriella Feingold
    Saturday, June 15 - Sunday, June 16
                                                                              Tuesday, April 9
Join us for our 3rd Annual Dad & Me Campout!                                  7:00pm - 8:30pm
Features activities such as sports, crafts, BBQ dinner,   It’s not so simple to “make time for yourself” when you’re tak-
s’mores around the bonfire, outdoor movie on the big      ing care of others, juggling work and commitments, or just
screen and camping out overnight out on the fields!       trying to keep up with our fast-paced world. Join life coach
Wake up to a Father’s Day Breakfast!                      Gabriella Feingold (gabriellafeingold.com) for an engaging
                                                          workshop to learn how to shift your perspective and take steps
                                                          toward a more balanced and sustainable approach to your life.
                                                          Bring a pen and paper to take notes.

                                                          Fee: $26.00
                                                          Location: Wayland Town Building Activity Room,
                                                          41 Cochituate Road


               ONE DAY EVENTS & WORKSHOPS                                                                                7

      FISHING DERBY at MILL POND                                        BABYSITTING WORKSHOP
             Organized & Sponsored by:
                                                                                with Trainer Beth Oleson
                                                                                   Monday, May 20
       with support from many local businesses
                                                                                   5:15pm - 7:45pm
                     Saturday, April 27                          This class introduces children to all aspects of babysitting.
                     8:00am - 10:00am                            Learn strategies for the babysitter, first aid and choke sav-
               The derby will be held rain or shine…             ing techniques as well as mealtime, bedtime, diapering and
                 the fish don’t care if it’s raining!            discipline. Issues of contracts and ethics are also covered. A
                                                                 police presentation on safety issues includes door and tele-
                                                                 phone answering techniques, and accident and fire preven-
                                                                 tion. Participants should bring a “bag dinner” or snack.
   Fun for the whole family
                                                                 Min 6 /Max 15.
   Open to all Wayland children up to Grade 8
                                                                 Ages: 11 years to 13 years
   No entry fee to fish
                                                                 Fee: $47
   Bring your own gear and bait                                 Location: Wayland Town Building Council on Aging
   Mill Pond is stocked with many trout—even 2 “special fish”   Room, 41 Cochituate Road

   Coffee, donuts, hot cocoa and more!
   Raffle Prizes for adults and children
   Ribbons for all children
   Mill Pond in Wayland, MA (accessible from Plain Road or            HOME ALONE WORKSHOP
    Millbrook Road)
                                                                                with Trainer Beth Oleson
Thanks to our many generous sponsors, participation is FREE
ALL PROCEEDS FROM CONCESSIONS WILL BE DONATED TO VERNON                             Tuesday, April 30
                                                                                    5:15pm - 7:15pm
Follow the event on Facebook!                                    This course is designed for children who are unattend-
                                                                 ed at home for short periods of time. Children learn
                                                                 telephone and door answering techniques, accident
                                                                 and fire prevention, and first aid skills. A police
                                                                 presentation on safety issues includes door and tele-
                                                                 phone answering techniques, and accident and fire
                                                                 prevention. The class includes a variety of teaching
                                                                 methods, including active discussion, a video and role
                                                                 playing. Participants should bring a “bag dinner” or
                                                                 snack. Min 6/Max 15.

                                                                 Ages: 8 years to 11 years
                                                                 Fee: $47
                                                                 Location: Wayland Town Building Council on Aging
                                                                 Room, 41 Cochituate Road
                                        FEBRUARY FUN HOOPS
                       with Coach Dennis Doherty, WHS Boys Varsity Basketball Coach
                               Tuesday February 19 to Friday February 22
Come join our annual February Fun Hoops basketball program during the upcoming February school vaca-
tion. The goals of February Fun Hoops are fundamentals, friendships, and FUN! Each morning will focus on bas-
ketball skill development: shooting, dribbling, passing, defense, and rebounding. During the afternoon, players will
participate in a 3 on 3 tournament, 5 on 5 games, and end each day with a contest with prizes. Play-
ers will be grouped by age and ability. Bring lunch and water bottle. Min 15/Max 30.

Fee:        $175 (includes shirt)
Ages:       Grades 3 to Grade 8 (all skill levels welcome - beginner to advanced)
Time:       8:30am - 2:00pm
Location: Wayland High School Fieldhouse

                                           with Play-Well TEKnologies
                                 Tuesday February 19 to Friday February 22
Explore the magic of Harry Potter using LEGO®! Find Platform 9 ¾, build Hogwarts Express Train, work coopera-
tively to construct the mysterious Hogwarts Castle, and soar on the wings of a Norwegian Ridgeback Dragon. Travel
to a world of wizardry and hone your magical skills while learning about Muggle (STEM) concepts. Please bring a
nut-free snack and water bottle. Min 11/Max 16.

Ages & Times: Kindergarten to Grade 2 from 9:00am - 12:00pm
                 Grades 3 to 5 from 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Fee: $149        Location: Wayland Art Center, 14 East Plain Street, Wayland

                                 with Sciensational Workshops for Kids, Inc.
                               Thursday February 21 and Friday February 22
How about becoming an architect and electronics scientist? Make endless combinations of brick construction and
electronics. Invent anything and make it work all by doing it the Sciensational Way! How about building your own
light post with color effects? Build and design your own brick tower, light it up, play music, and turn on your
LED'S. Now it is your time to design, think, and use your inventors skills. The sky is the limit! All of this you take
home. STEAM your way to the future! Min 8/Max 20

Ages: 7 years to 12 years           Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Fee: $170
Location: Wayland Town Building Activity Room, 41 Cochituate Road
STEM FUNDAMENTALS USING LEGO™                                        MISSION TO MARS
           with Play-Well TEKnologies                                 with Sciensational Workshops for Kids, Inc.
       Tuesday April 16 to Friday April 19                         Tuesday April 16 & Wednesday April 17
Power up your engineering skills with Play-Well               Build and keep your own 7 in 1 Mars Mini Lander. Build
TEKnologies and tens of thousands of LEGO® parts!             a space rover, space explorer, space dog, astronaut,
Apply real-world concepts in physics, engineering, and        space station- each powered by either solar energy or
architecture through engineering-designed projects            batteries. On our way to Mars you will experiment in
such as: Hot Air Balloons, Space Stations, Tugboats, and      many different ways and all STEAM-based activities are
the Eiffel Tower. Design and build as never before, and       the Sciensational way! You will see Mars’ surface using
explore your craziest ideas in a supportive environment.      3D glasses. You will make your own 3D drawing, a color
Please bring a nut-free snack and water bottle.               changing UV bracelet, and take them home! Even build
Min 11/Max 16.                                                and launch a mini paper rocket. On the last day, you will
Ages: 5 years to 9 years                                      return to Earth after learning on Mars all week, having
Fee: $149                                                     learned so many interesting things! Min 8/Max 20.
Times: 9:00am - 12:00pm
                                                              Ages: 7 years - 12 years
Location: Wayland Art Center, 14 East Plain Street
                                                              Fee: $173
                                                              Times: 9:00am - 4:30pm

                   APRIL                                      Location: Middle School, 201 Main Street

                                            CHESS WIZARDS CLUB
                                               with Chess Wizards
                                        Tuesday April 16 to Friday April 19
 Join us for tons of challenging chess lessons, exciting games, and cool prizes. You'll improve your chess skills, meet
 new friends, and work out your most powerful muscle - your brain! Includes fun team chess games (like bughouse),
 recess time (of course!), snacks, tournaments, and puzzles. Each child receives a t-shirt, trophy, and puzzle folder.
 Please bring a nut-free lunch and snacks. Min 10/Max 15.
 Ages: 6 years - 12 years           Fee: $293              Times: 9:00am - 3:00pm
 Location: Wayland Town Building Activity Room, 41 Cochituate Road

                                              ZIP TENNIS CLINICS
                                       with Longfellow Youth Sports Zone Staff
                                        Tuesday April 16 to Friday April 19

                    Location: Longfellow Youth Sports Zone, 522 Boston Post Road
     Please wear sneakers, and bring a bathing suit and towel. Racquets will be provided. Min 4/Max 6.
    LEVEL                                LEVEL DESCRIPTION                                  AGE        TIME         FEE

              Using lower compression balls and smaller courts, children are intro-        4 to 8     9:00am-
              duced to the exciting sport of tennis. Focus on developing motor skills,                              $221
     BALL                                                                                  years      1:00pm
              agility, balance, and coordination as well as racquet and rallying skills.

              Using large compression balls and 60 ft. courts, children are taught to      8 to 10    9:00am-
              play tennis immediately. The focus will be on stroke development, rally-                              $161
    BALL                                                                                    years     11:00am
              ing, and match play.

              Designed for the junior player looking for fun and wanting to learn to
    GREEN                                                                                10 to 12     9:00am-
              play tennis. Skill development will be the focus using full court and low-                            $161
     BALL                                                                                 years       11:00am
              compression balls.
                                                 SPORTS & DANCE
     PRE-ZIP TENNIS                            PRE-K TEE BALL                       PRE-K MINI SPORTS
           Sundays                                    Sundays                                 Sundays
  with Longfellow Sports Staff                  with F.A.S.T. Athletics                 with F.A.S.T. Athletics
Clinics are designed for 4-5 year         Come learn how to throw, catch,        This program is a combination of
olds with little or no tennis experi-     and hit! Skills taught will be com-    warm-up games and sports like
ence. Classes focus on motor              plimented with a variety of fun and    soccer and t-ball. It will ease chil-
skills, balance, coordination, agility,   exciting games. Please wear            dren into learning the basics of
and racket drills. Please wear            sneakers and bring glove and wa-       some great games, as well as teach-
sneakers - racquet provided.              ter bottle. Min 8/Max 16.              ing them the value of teamwork!
Min 4/Max 8.                                                                     Each class F.A.S.T. Athletics will have
                                          Ages: 3-6 years                        new and exciting games. Please
Ages: 4-5 years
                                          (with parent/caregiver)                wear sneakers and bring glove and
Fee: $113
                                          Fee: $98                               water bottle. Min 8/Max 16.
Dates: April 28 - June 9
                                          Spring Dates: April 28 - June 16
(No class May 26)                                                                Ages: 3-6 years
                                          (No class May 26)
Times: 2:30pm - 3:15pm                                                           (with parent/caregiver)
                                          Summer Dates: July 7 to Aug 18
Location: Longfellow Youth                                                       Fee: $98
                                          Times: 1:00pm - 1:45pm
Sports Zone, 522 Boston Post Road                                                Spring Dates: April 28 - June 16
                                          Location: Town Building Gym/
                                                                                 (No class May 26)
                                          Side Field, 41 Cochituate Road
                                                                                 Summer Dates: July 7 to Aug 18
                                                                                 Times: 2:00pm - 2:45pm
                                                                                 Location: Town Building Gym/
                                           PRESCHOOL SOCCER                      Side Field, 41 Cochituate Road

                                                 with Viking Soccer
                                                                                     BUMBLIN BALLET
                                          This fun program will give children
  TINY TYKES SOCCER                       a chance to learn some basic soc-                  Saturdays
           Thursdays                      cer skills while playing fun soccer           with House of Dance
     with Challenger Sports               related games and drills. Focus is
                                          on introducing kids to soccer          Bumblin Ballet is the foundation for
Parents will see their young soccer       through a fun, positive approach.      all types of dance techniques. This
stars with huge smiles on their           Players should bring a soccer ball,    class enhances students’ physical
faces as we use a combination of          shin guards and a water bottle. All    and mental discipline while improv-
fun games and story telling to            players will receive a Viking Sports   ing posture, placement, flexibility,
teach soccer skills. This program is      T-shirt. Min 6/Max 20.                 and strength. Students learn per-
a great introduction for young                                                   formance skills and music funda-
players into the sport of soccer.         Ages: 3-5 years
                                                                                 mentals while cultivating self -
Min 4/Max 20.                             Fee: $83
                                                                                 confidence and presence.
                                          Dates: April 20 - June 1
Ages: 2-5 years                                                                  Min 6/Max 12.
                                          (No class May 25)
Fee: $89                                  Times:                                 Ages: 2.5 - 4 years
Dates: April 25 - May 30                  1:00pm - 1:50pm (Age 3 - young 4)      Fee: $149
Times:                                    2:00pm - 2:50pm (Ages 4-5) or          Dates: April 6 - May 18
1:00pm - 1:45pm (Ages 2 - 3)              3:00pm - 3:50pm (Ages 4-5) or          (No class April 20)
2:00pm - 2:45pm (Ages 4 - 5)              4:00pm - 4:50pm (Ages 4-5)             Times: 9:30am - 10:15am
Location: Wayland Town Build-             Location: Wayland Town Build-
                                                                                 Location: House of Dance
ing Side Field (Gym in raining), 41       ing Side Field (Gym if raining), 41
                                                                                 365 Boston Post Road, Sudbury
Cochituate Road                           Cochituate Road

                                ARTS & SCIENCE                                                                 11

                                                                   MUSICAL EXPLORATION
                   Tuesdays                                                    Fridays
             with Puddlestompers                                     with Wayland School of Music
Explore the wonders of nature this spring with        Share the joy of exploring music with your child! Learn new and
your young naturalist! Learn how flowers grow         traditional songs while singing, dancing, playing simple instru-
and dig for worms and other creatures under           ments, and developing a sense of rhythm and ear training. A
the soil. Explore the various amazing open            class for caregivers and children to bond, as they experience the
spaces Wayland has to offer. Weekly classes           enjoyment and love of music. Min 3/Max 8.
include hands-on nature exploration, active
                                                      Ages: 6 mos. - 4 years (with parent/caregiver)
movement and play, snack and a story.
                                                      Fee: $175
Min 4/Max 10.                                         Dates: March 29 - May 24
                                                      (No class April 19)
Ages: 2.5 - 5 years (with parent/caregiver)           Times: 10:15am - 11:00am
Fee: $125                                             Location: Wayland Town Building Activity Room
Dates: April 30 - May 28                              41 Cochituate Road
Times: 9:30am - 10:30am
Location: Wayland Town Building,
Activity Room, 41 Cochituate Road

                                                      SMALL GROUP INTRODUCTION TO VIOLIN
                                                                      with Wayland School of Music
        with Wayland School of Music                  Think your child is too young to learn violin? Think again! In
                                                      our upbeat class, children build strong beginner skills through
Not sure which instrument is right for your           creative, playful activities including games, movement and
child? Explore piano, violin, cello and guitar with   song. Brain plasticity for music and language is at a peak and
                                                      supple young bodies adapt easily to violin. Our instructor uses
hands-on games, singing and listening exercis-        a developmentally-appropriate approach and works with chil-
es. We will also learn about the Suzuki Method        dren and parents together - no experience is needed, and
of music education for young children. This           there's plenty of individual attention! Violins provided for class
class is a wonderful interim step between gen-        and home use, plus book and CD to keep. Min 3/Max 5.
eral music classes and private lessons! Min 3/        Ages: 4 - 5 years (with parent/caregiver)
Max 8.                                                Fee: $220
                                                      Spring Dates: March 24 - June 2
Ages: 3.5 - 5 years (with parent/caregiver)           (No class April 14, 21, and May 26)
Fee: $175
                                                      Times: 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Dates: March 29 - May 24
                                                      Ages: 4 - 6 years (with parent/caregiver)
(No class April 19)
                                                      Fee: $220
Times: 11:00am - 11:45am
                                                      Summer Dates: July 16 - August 8 (Tuesdays & Thursdays)
Location: Wayland Town Building Activity
Room, 41 Cochituate Road                              Times: 4:00pm - 4:50pm
                                                      Location: Town Building Activity Room
                                                       41 Cochituate Road

                                           FUN WITH MESSY PLAY                       JUMP, TUMBLE, SING
       FREE PLAY
                                                       Thursdays                                 Fridays
      with the WCPA                                with Muriel Sypek                        with Muriel Sypek
  on Mondays in the TB Gym at
                                           Let your little one get messy with-     Enjoy games, exercise, movement
                                           out worrying about clean up! En-        with use of equipment and tum-
        Feb. 4, 11, 25
                                           joy sand play, water play, finger       bling mats. Parents should be
       Mar. 4, 11, 18, 25
                                           painting, bubbles & more.               dressed to participate with their
   Wayland Children & Parents              Please bring smocks.                    children. Min 6/Max 15
    Association hosts Monday               Min 6/Max 10.
 mornings of fun at the Wayland                                                    Fee: $125
 Town Building Gym. Lots of toys           Ages: 1's & 2's (with adult)            Location: Town Building Gym,
  available, including riding toys.        Fee: $110                               41 Cochituate Road
    Bring your children ages 5             Dates: April 4 to May 30                Dates: April 5 to June 7
             and under.                    (No Class April 18 or May 23)           (No class April 19, May 24)
 Children must be accompanied              Times: 9:30am - 10:15am
  by an adult. All are welcome.            Location: Wayland Town Build-           Ages: Walking to 2 years
             No charge.                    ing Activity Room, 41 Cochituate        Time: 11:00am - 11:45am
                                                                                   Ages: 2 - 4 years
                                                                                   Time: 11:45am - 12:30pm

 JUNIOR ELITE SOCCER                            SPORTS, GAMES & FUN with COACH ADAM
           Tuesdays                                                         Thursdays
with Be Ahead of the Game, LLC                                          with Coach Adam
If your player age 6 - 10 seems a bit       This class emphasizes FUN while learning various athletic skills. We keep
beyond the others on the team and           the young athletes moving and engaged as they master and learn proper
is passionate about playing soccer,         form. We are able to cultivate cognitive growth using numbers, colors,
then our Jr. Elite Soccer programs          cooperation and teamwork. Children will refine a variety of skills
are for you. We place a strong focus        through running, jumping, bear crawls and dribbling, just to name a few.
on developing each player’s individ-        Together, all of these activities strengthen various sports skills, enhance
ual skills, training them in all aspects    participation and promote teamwork. Best of all it’s in a FUN and exciting
of soccer, and having fun! Our clin-        environment! Min 5.
ics emphasize technique training
intended to strengthen dribbling,           Ages: 2.5 - 4 years
passing, ball control, and creativity.      Early Spring Dates: 5 weeks, Mar. 14 - April 11
                                            Late Spring Dates: 6 weeks, April 25 - May 30
Ages: 6 to 10 years
                                            Ages: 2 to 3 years: 10:30am - 11:15am
Fees: $130
                                            Ages 3 to 5 years: 11:15am - 12:00pm
Dates: April 30 to June 18
                                            Location: Town Building Gym, 41 Cochituate Road
Time: 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Location: Town Building Field/
Gym, 41 Cochituate Road

                                         ACTIVITIES                                                                       13

                                         NITEHAWKS TRACK & FIELD
                                              NITEHAWKS New England Athletics
Want to learn more and become a better all-around athlete? Increased speed, strength and agility are
yours. With Nitehawks, you will be instructed and trained by USATF certified coaches to improve your
running, jumping and throwing ability. It's a great way to try new things and have fun. Practices will be
held every Monday and Thursday as a team at the Wayland High School track. Athletes will be divided
into appropriate age and event groups for practice and training. Individual workouts will be provided to
those who want to do more on their own. Thursdays will feature some mini-meets with other towns and
will be held both home and away. These are fun events and give young athletes a chance to learn about
track meets. There are several other meets during the season in which anyone can participate, including
the USATF Junior Olympics! Min 16 / Max 30.
Ages: Kindergarten to Grade 4 or Grade 5 to Grade 8
Dates: 10 weeks, Mondays and Thursdays, April 22-June 27
Time: 6:00pm -7:30 pm
Fee: $185
Location: Wayland High School Track

 Wayland-Weston Rowing Association offers summer rowing programs on Lake Cochituate for students and
 Sessions will include Learn-To-Row opportunities as well as programs for experienced rowers. wwcrew.org

 Grade 7-12 Morning Rowing Camp
 Dates: June 18 – August 24; offered weekly Monday to Friday.
 Half-Morning Sessions: 8:00am-10:00am. $170
 Full-Morning Sessions: 8:00am-12:00pm. $270
 This camp is ideal for 7th - 8th graders who want to give rowing a try and who are considering crew in the fall as well as high
 school students that may or may not already know how to row. It will give you a sense of what crew is like. It is also useful for
 those who plan on rowing in the Fall but will miss the preseason.
 Junior Competitive
 Dates: June 18 – August 12
 This program is for experienced High School and College aged rowers that want to train and race in Canada,. Athletes will train in
 doubles, pairs, fours and eights; the goal is sharp technical improvements and to participate in a high-intensity regatta.
 Junior Development
 Dates: June 18 – July 12 & July 16 - August 19
 This program is for High School and College aged rowers that want to keep rowing through the summer to keep working on
 their technique and stay in shape for the fall season. This is a perfect time to introduce yourself to pairs and doubles.
 Adult (Master’s Rowing)
 *Learn To Row (Weekends) (check our website for dates and price)
 *Masters Rowing
 Starting May 7th (program runs every 5 weeks)
 Schedules vary with the season. (Daylight)
 Middle School Spring Break Program (April 15 - April 19) 5 day program for middle school students
              · Half session (2 hours/day): 8:00am-10:00am $170 · Full session (4 hours/day): 8:00am-10:00am $270
                                            ARTS, MUSIC & SCIENCE

     SMALL GROUP                            CHESS WIZARDS CLUB                             DISCOVERY LAB
    INTRO TO VIOLIN                                       Thursdays                              Wednesdays
                                                     with Chess Wizards                    with Wicked Cool for Kids
   with Wayland School of Music             Chess Wizards is a premier chess edu-     Six of our favorite science lessons
                                            cation company providing fun, in-         wrapped up into the one fun-filled
Think your child is too young to learn
                                            formative and challenging chess les-      program! Explore the Earth by mak-
violin? Think again! In our upbeat class,
                                            sons to students. We teach children       ing Mesozoic volcanoes and delve
children build strong beginner skills
                                            many important life concepts, such as     deep into the ocean to the coral reefs.
through creative, playful activities in-
                                            learning, the ability to win graciously   Get electrified creating simple light up
cluding games, movement and song.
                                            and accept defeat with dignity and        circuits and be a chemist to make
Brain plasticity for music and language
                                            sportsmanship. Students will be divid-    rainbow slime. Each program we’ll get
is at a peak and supple young bodies
                                            ed into groups according to their chess   into fun engineering challenges – all
adapt easily to violin. Our instructor
                                            experience. At the end of this program    tried and true favorites. Min 8/Max 14.
uses a developmentally-appropriate
                                            each student will have had the chance
approach and works with children and
                                            to participate in a mini-chess tourna-    Ages: Grades 1 to Grade 5
parents together - no experience is
                                            ment. Min 10/Max 15.                      Fee: $135
needed, and there's plenty of individual
attention! Violins provided for class                                                 Dates: March 20 - May 1
                                            Ages: 6 - 12 years
and home use, plus book and CD to                                                     (No class April 17)
keep. Min 3/Max 5.                          Fee: $149
                                                                                      Times: 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Ages: 6 - 7 years                           Dates: April 11 - June 6
                                                                                      Location: Wayland Art Center,
(with parent/caregiver)                     (No class April 18)
                                                                                      14 East Plain Street
Fee: $220                                   Times: 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Dates: March 24 - June 2                    Location: Town Building Activity
(No class April 14 & 21, May 26)            Room, 41 Cochituate Road
Times: 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Location: Town Building Activity
Room, 41 Cochituate Road

     BUMBLIN BALLET                               TEEN POTTERY                               HIPPITY HOP
             Saturdays                                   Thursdays                                 Fridays
        with House of Dance                     with Earth Changes Pottery                   with House of Dance
Bumblin Ballet is the foundation for all    For all experience levels, this program   Learn to “dance like the big kids!”
types of dance techniques. This class       will teach you the fundamentals of        These classes focus on rhythm, body
enhances students’ physical and mental      pottery making with a focus on wheel      awareness, simple choreography, and
discipline while improving posture,         thrown and hand-built pottery. The        high-energy fun - all set to cool funky
placement, flexibility, and                 program is taught by Lisa Dolliver,       music! Min 6/Max 12.
strength. Students learn performance        WGBH Fine Art Auction featured artist.
skills and music fundamentals while         Min 4/Max 10.                             Ages: 4 - 12 years
cultivating self-confidence and pres-
                                                                                      Fee: $227
ence. Min 6/Max 12.                         Ages: 11 - 16 years                       Dates: April 5 - May 31
                                            Fee: $179 (plus $55 materials fee         (No class April 19)
Ages: 4 - 6
                                            paid at 1st class)                        Times:
Fee: $149
                                            Dates: April 4 - May 16                   3:45pm - 4:30pm (Ages 4 - 6)
Dates: April 6 - May 18
                                            (No class April 18)                       4:30pm - 5:30pm (Ages 7 - 9)
(No class April 20)
                                            Times: 6:00pm - 7:30pm                    5:30pm - 6:30pm (Ages 10 - 12)
Times: 10:15am - 11:00am
                                            Location: Wayland Art Center              Location: House of Dance, 365
Location: House of Dance, 365
                                            14 East Plain Street                      Boston Post Road, Sudbury
Boston Post Road, Sudbury

                                                 SPORTS                                                                           15

              FENCING                                   SUPER SPORTS                                         ARCHERY
             Thursdays                                         Thursdays                                        Fridays
  with Fencing Academy of Boston                         with F.A.S.T. Athletics                       with On The Mark Archery

Youth will learn the fundamental ac-             Do you wish you had more gym classes           Patience, focus and repetition are all that
tions, skills, and etiquette of fencing, the     in the school week? Come and enjoy             is required to succeed and become
recreational sport of swordplay, in this         many exciting games such as Dodge              consistent in your shooting. Classes
introductory class. Min 4/ Max 10                Ball, Capture the Flag, Asteroid Ball,         balance drills and individualized
                                                 Sharks & Minnows, Wall Ball and more.          attention with games/competition to
Ages: 8 to 12 years                              The games are designed to give                 help participants learn by playing. All
Fee: $197                                        children an aerobic workout while              equipment provided. Certified USA
Dates: April 25 - May 30                         playing with friends.                          Archery/(NFAA) instructors. Min 10/Max
Times: 3:30pm - 4:30pm                                                                          16. Sneakers ONLY - No Flip-Flops!
                                                 Participants meet FAST Athletic staff in
Location: Town Building Gym                      the front lobby of the building right          Ages: 10+ years
                                                 after school. There is NO indoor               Fee: $149
                                                 location in case of rain. If a class is        Dates: May 3 - June 7
   BASKETBALL CLINIC                             cancelled for rain, the school will make
                                                                                                Times: 5:30pm - 6:30pm
              Tuesdays                           an announcement during the day so
                                                                                                Location: Wayland Town Building
                                                 kids are aware they must go home on
   with Be Ahead of the Game, LLC                                                               Gym, 41 Cochituate Road
                                                 the bus. Cancellations due to weather
Our basketball clinics will focus on the         will be made up after the last session, if
fundamentals of basketball through skills        possible, and are NOT guaranteed.
sessions, station work and competition.          Min 3/Max 30.
We will emphasize shooting, ball                 Ages: Kindergarten to Grade 5
handling and individual offensive and
                                                 Fee: $98
defensive skills. The clinics will stress the
                                                 Dates: April 25 - June 13
importance of fundamentals, smart
                                                 Times: 3:20pm - 4:20pm
decision-making and hard work while
having fun along the way.
                                                 Location: Claypit Hill Fields,
                                                 40 Adams Lane
Ages: Kindergarten to Grade 3
Fees: $130
Dates: 8 weeks, April 30 - June 18
Time: 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Location: Town Building Gym

                             WAYLAND LITTLE LEAGUE - BASEBALL & SOFTBALL
    The mission of Wayland Little League Baseball and Softball is to provide skills development opportunities to kids of all abilities in a
    fun, engaging, and safe environment. We offer numerous programs during spring, summer, fall, and winter for children in grades
    Pre-K – 12. To learn more about which program is right for you, visit www.waylandlittleleague.org.

    **Baseball Programs**                         **Softball Programs**                         **T-Ball Programs**
    Paw Sox Baseball:                             Rookie Softball:                              Little Sluggers T-Ball Division:
      Ages 8 and Under                              Ages 9 and Under                              Ages 6 and Under
    Minors Baseball:                              Juniors Softball:                             Big Sluggers T-Ball Division:
      Ages 10 and Under                             Ages 11 and Under                             Ages 7 and Under
    Majors Baseball:                              Seniors Softball:
      Ages 12 and Under                             Ages 15 and Under
    Babe Ruth Baseball:
      Ages 15 and Under
                                                         GOLF & TENNIS
    BEGINNER TENNIS                          RED BALL TENNIS I/II                              RED BALL TENNIS III
 (HANDI-RACQUET TENNIS I)                                                                                 Sundays
            Saturdays                           With Longfellow Sports Staff                     With Longfellow Sports Staff
    With Longfellow Sports Staff
                                            Designed for 6 & 7 year olds with a           Designed for 7 & 8 year olds with at least
NOTE: This is an adaptive program.          wide range of tennis skills/experience.       one year of Red Ball tennis experience (or
Come and learn to play the great sport      The focus of this program is to develop       other tennis experience). The focus of this
of tennis - no experience necessary!        motor skills, rallying skills, serving, and   program is to develop rallying skills, serving,
You'll learn tennis skills, rules of the    point play. Min 4/Max 6.                      tactics, point play, and advanced techniques.
game, and start playing matches!                                                          Min 4/Max 6.
                                            Please wear soft-soled shoes
Please bring sneakers; wear comforta-       (sneakers). Racquets are provided.            Please wear soft-soled shoes (sneakers).
ble clothes (no jeans) and bring tennis                                                   Racquets are provided.
racquet if you have one.                    Ages: 6 - 7 years
                                            Fee: $113                                     Ages: 7 - 8 years
Ages: 12+ years                                                                           Fee: $125
                                            Dates: April 28 - June 9
Fee: $125                                                                                 Dates: April 28 - June 9 (No class May 26)
                                            (No class May 26)
Dates: April 20 - June 1                                                                  Times: 4:00pm - 5:00pm
                                            Times: 3:15pm - 4:00pm
(No class May 25)                                                                         Location: Longfellow Sports Club, 524
                                            Location: Longfellow Sports Club,
Times: 3:00pm - 4:00pm                                                                    Boston Post Road, Wayland
                                            524 Boston Post Road, Wayland
Location: Longfellow Sports Club,
524 Boston Post Road, Wayland
                                                                                          MIDDLE SCHOOL TENNIS
ORANGE BALL TENNIS                            GREEN BALL TENNIS                                        Wednesdays
                                                                                                With Longfellow Sports Staff
             Tuesdays                                   Thursdays
    With Longfellow Sports Staff                With Longfellow Sports Staff              Players learn the skills necessary to be suc-
                                                                                          cessful at the high school level. This pro-
Orange Ball I: Designed for the jun-        Green Ball I: Using a low compres-            gram will focus on understanding the tactics
ior player looking for fun. Played on       sion ball that is 25% slower than a           and strategies of the game, and stroke pro-
60' courts with low compression balls       yellow ball, players will have fun learn-     duction. Min 4/Max 6.
that are 50% slower than yellow balls.      ing to play tennis. The focus of this         Please bring sneakers and racquet.
Focus on the basics - stroke develop-       program is to teach participants to
ment and racquet skills. Min 4/Max 6.                                                     Ages: 12 - 14 years
                                            serve, rally, and other essential skills to
                                                                                          Fee: $185
                                            play the great game. Min 4/Max 6.
Orange Ball II: Designed for the jun-                                                     Dates: April 24 - May 29
ior player looking for fun and more         Green Ball II: Players learn the skills       Times: 3:30pm - 5:00pm
competitive play. Played on 60' courts      necessary to be successful at the high        Location: Feeley Courts
with low compression balls that are         school level. This program will focus         220 Raymond Road, Sudbury
50% slower than yellow balls. Along         on understanding the tactics and strat-
with basic strokes, players learn tactics   egies of the game, and stroke produc-
and strategies for match play. Min 4/
Max 6.
                                            tion. Min 4/Max 6.                                JUNIOR GOLF CLINIC
                                            Please bring sneakers and tennis rac-
Please bring sneakers and tennis rac-       quet.
quet.                                                                                      with Wayland Country Club Golf Pros
                                            Ages: 11 - 12 years
                                            Fee: $125                                     Learn putting, chipping, pitching, irons,
Ages: 9 - 10 years                          Dates: April 25 - May 30                      woods, etiquette and rules of the game.
Fee: $125                                   Orange Ball I: 4:00pm - 5:00pm                Weekly review. Equipment is available.
Dates: April 23 - May 28                    Orange Ball II: 5:00pm - 6:00pm               Please note at registration. Bring warm
Orange Ball I: 4:00pm - 5:00pm              Location: Feeley Courts,                      clothing, sneakers, and clubs (if you have
Orange Ball II: 5:00pm - 6:00pm             220 Raymond Road, Sudbury                     them). Min 5/Max 9.
Location: Feeley Courts,
220 Raymond Road, Sudbury                                                                 Fee: $197
                                                                                          Dates: April 24 - May 22
                                                                                          Ages: 7 - 11 years: 3:00pm - 4:15pm
                                                                                          Ages: 12 - 14 years: 4:15pm - 5:30pm
                                                                                          Location: Wayland Country Club

                                   ADULT SPORTS                                                                       17

                         VOLLEYBALL                                                           CARDIO TENNIS
            WAYLAND RECREATION DROP-IN ADULT SPORTS                                        Mondays, Fridays & Saturdays
       Thursdays at 7:00pm—10:00pm and Sundays 4:00pm—7:00pm                                With Longfellow Club Staff
  The spring is a great time to get moving and try something new! This is               This is a high-energy fitness activity
  an on-going co-ed program. At Wayland Town Building Gym,                              that combines the best features of the
  41 Cochituate Road New players always welcome.                                        sport of tennis with cardio activity.
                                                                                        This class is for anyone at any playing
  Ages:     18 years & over                                                             level looking for a great way to work
  Fee:       $5 / day (residents)                                                       that heart rate while having fun with
            $6 / day (non-residents)                                                    some games and drills.

                                                                                        Please bring sneakers and a tennis
                                                                                        racquet. Min 4/Max 6.
         BADMINTON                              ADULT BEGINNER                          Fee: $113
     WAYLAND RECREATION                             TENNIS
     DROP-IN ADULT SPORTS                                                               Saturdays:
                                                        Thursdays                       April 20 - June 1 (No class May 25)
    Wednesdays and Saturdays                     With Longfellow Club Staff             7:30am - 8:30am
    Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm                  This clinic is designed for adult players   Mondays
                                            who have little or no previous experi-      April 22 - June 3 (No class May 27)
Ages: 18 years & over
                                            ence with tennis. The clinic will intro-    11:00am - 12:00pm
Fee: $5 / day (residents)                   duce the fundamental concepts of
      $6 / day (non-residents)              tennis.                                     Fridays:
                                                                                        April 26 - May 31 11:00am - 12:00pm
                                            Please wear sneakers and bring a ten-       Location: Wayland Longfellow Club,
                                            nis racquet. Min 4/Max 6.                   524 Boston Post Road
     WAYLAND RECREATION                     Fee: $185
     DROP-IN ADULT SPORTS                   Dates: April 25 - May 30
                                            Times: 11:30am - 1:00pm                       ADVANCED HANDI-
Sundays from 7:00pm - 9:00pm                Location: Wayland Longfellow Club,
Ages: 18 years & over                       524 Boston Post Road
                                                                                          RACQUET TENNIS II
Fee: $5 / day (residents)                                                                            Saturdays
      $6 / day (non-residents)                                                               with Longfellow Club Staff
                                               ADULT ADVANCED
                                                                                        NOTE: This is an adaptive program.
                                               BEGINNER TENNIS                          Come and enjoy playing the great
         GOLF CLINIC                                                                    sport of tennis, improve your tennis
                                                         Tuesdays                       skills, and meet new friends - all in a
           Wednesdays                            With Longfellow Club Staff             relaxed and friendly environment. This
  with Wayland Country Club Pros                                                        class is for tennis players with some
                                            This clinic is for adults who have played   previous experience. You'll improve
Learn putting, chipping, pitching, irons,   some tennis or who have completed an        your skills and learn the rules of the
woods, etiquette and rules of the game.     adult beginner level tennis program.        game in both singles and doubles play.
Weekly review. Equipment is available to    Focus on fundamentals, doubles strate-
                                                                                        Please wear sneakers; wear comfortable
borrow if needed, please note at            gy and tactics.
                                                                                        clothes (no jeans); bring a tennis rac-
registration. Min 5/Max 9.                                                              quet if you have one. Min 4/Max 6.
                                            Please wear sneakers and bring a ten-
Please bring warm clothing, sneakers,       nis racquet. Min 4/Max 6.
                                                                                        Fee: $125
clubs (if you have them).
                                                                                        Dates: April 20 - June 1
                                            Fee: $185
Fee: $197                                                                               (No class May 25)
                                            Dates: April 23 - May 28                    Times: 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Dates: April 24 - May 22                    Times: 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Times: 1:00pm—2:15pm                                                                    Location: Wayland Longfellow Club,
                                            Location: Wayland Longfellow Club,          524 Boston Post Road
Location: Wayland Country Club              524 Boston Post Road

             PIYO                        BARRE WORKOUT                         BONNIE’S BOOT CAMP
          Thursdays                              Fridays                           Tuesdays & Thursdays
with Steven SanSoucie Fitness         with New England Ballet Studio               with Core Conditioning
Who says you have to jump, grunt,     Get stronger and improve your            A fun, fast-paced, 45-minute, full
strain, and punish your body to get   posture at the Barre! The Barre          body workout that uses only your
amazing results from your             workout is the fastest, most effec-      bodyweight. A great mix of
workout? Not with PiYo…PiYo           tive way to change the shape of          strength, agility, and flexibility,
combines the muscle-sculpting,        your body. Using Pilates principles      with a big focus on core training.
core-firming benefits of Pilates      and small isometric movements at         High-intensity interval training for
with the strength and flexibility     the ballet, barre is set to motivat-     maximum calorie burn and results.
advantages of yoga. And, we crank     ing music; this energizing class lifts   All fitness levels can be accommo-
up the speed to deliver a true fat-   your seat, tones your thighs, abs,       dated in this workout, and exercis-
burning, low-impact workout that      and arms and burns fat. Get re-          es can be modified as needed. If
leaves your body looking long,        sults!                                   you are looking to finally get in
lean, and incredibly defined.                                                  good shape, then this is the
                                      Bring a yoga mat, water; workout
Please bring a yoga mat, water,       barefoot, wear sticky socks or           workout that you need!
towel and a smile! Min 4.             dance sneakers. New students are         Please bring a jump rope, yoga
                                      welcome; no dance experience             mat, sweat towel, water, and lots of
Fee: $101
                                      necessary.                               energy and motivation! Strict 8
Dates: April 4 - May 23
(No class April 18)                   Fee: $108 for 6 class card (come         person minimum for class to run.
Times: 7:00pm - 8:00pm                6 out of 8 classes)                      Max 30.
Location: Wayland Town Build-         Dates: May 3 - June 21                   Fee: $221
ing Large Hearing Room, 41            Times: 9:15am - 10:15am                  Dates: April 23 - May 30
Cochituate Road                       Location: New England Ballet             (12 classes)
                                      Studio, 302 Boston Post Road             Times: 9:15am - 10:00am
                                                                               Location: Wayland Town Build-
                                                                               ing Gym, 41 Cochituate Road

                                      PROGRAMS                                                          19

PORCELAIN COLORED                          ADULT POTTERY                           GENTLE YOGA
  CLAY AND SLIPS                                  Thursdays                              Tuesdays
                                         with Earth Changes Pottery             with Trinity Yoga Therapy
     Monday & Thursday
                                       Students will learn to color porce-   Release stress and tension in the
     Two-Day Workshop
                                       lain and try many wheel thrown        body and warm up with a gentle
  With Earth Changes Pottery           and hand-built techniques. You        yoga class. Learn to listen to and
This workshop will give you every-     will be amazed at what you can        move the body by engaging in the
thing you need to learn and refine     create! This class will be tailored   following class elements: begin-
your pottery skills with a focus on    to all experience levels. Taught by   ning the class with setting an in-
colored porcelain and colored          Lisa Dolliver, WGBH Fine Art Auc-     tention; learning yoga postures,
slips. Min 6/Max 7.                    tion featured artist. Min 8/Max 10.   modifications for postures if appli-
                                                                             cable for your body, and a se-
Ages: 16+ years                        Ages: 16+ years                       quence of yoga postures you can
Fee: $149                              Fee: $313                             use at home; learning to use props
Dates: June 10 & June 13               (plus $75 for supplies paid to in-    such as blankets, blocks, and
Times: 6:00pm - 9:00pm                 structor at 1st class)                straps to support the body in re-
Location: Wayland Art Center,          Dates: April 4 - May 30               storative postures, stretching,
14 East Plain Street                   (No class April 18)                   strengthening, balancing, and be-
                                       Times: 7:30pm - 9:30pm                ing; and ending the class with a
                                       Location: Wayland Art Center,         guided meditation. All levels are
                                       14 East Plain Street                  welcome. Min 6/Max 15.
                                                                             Fee: $113
                                                                             Dates: March 26 - May 7
                                                                             (No class April 16)
                                                                             Times: 4:30pm - 5:30pm
                                                                             Location: Town Building,
                                                                              Large Hearing Room,
                                                                              41 Cochituate Road
                                     About Wayland Recreation Camps
                                                                  6:30 PM             Beach Buddies
   Camp Registration                     7:00 PM
                                                                                      (Ages 3.5 to 5.5)
                                                                                      Summer Adventure
                                                                                      (Grades K to Grade 2)
  TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 at waylandrec.com 7:30 PM                                      Summer Adventure
            Register for the Grade that a camper                                      (Grades 3 to Grade 5)
                 will be ENTERING next Fall.
                                                                  8:00 PM             Wayland Escapes & CIT
              (Registration is first-come first-served.)                              (Grade 6 and up)

We offer seven fun-filled week-long camper sessions from June 24 to August 9 for children
ages 3.5 years through entering Grade 10.

          BEACH BUDDIES                        SUMMER ADVENTURE & CIT                         WAYLAND ESCAPES

We are now a licensed summer camp! Wayland Recreation Camps comply with all of the standards and requirements of the
Massachusetts Department of Public Health Department to operate a summer camp for children. All staff are background
checked, trained, and our camps are licensed by the Local Board of Health .
Registration opens for residents Tuesday evening, February 12, 2019. (non-residents February 19, 2019)
Camps sell out FAST! Visit waylandrec.com and click the red 'Register Now" button.
Register for the Grade that a camper will be ENTERING in September (school year 2019‐2020).
Camper healthy history, immunization record, photo and full payment are required to attend.
Registration is first-come-first-serve and staff cannot take any registrations over the phone or in person on Tuesday February
12. We use the same online system you do. If a program is sold out, be sure to utilize the waitlist. We moved lots of campers
off the waitlist last year. *All other program registrations (sports clinics, etc.) will open at 9:00am on February 13.
• Camps cannot be prorated. • No refunds for absentee participants. • Participants cannot make-up missed days. • Session
dates will not be individualized. • Camper substitutions/transfers cannot be allowed. • Many programs have limited enrollment
and fill quickly, we make every effort to fill vacant spaces with participants on a waitlist. •Wayland Recreation has sole discretion
to cancel, reschedule, relocate or combine a class, clinic, course or camp due to low enrollment, facility conflicts or weather
related concerns.

                                Beach Buddies                                     21

Every day features exciting new adventures at our beautiful Town Beach. We offer
a variety of age-appropriate activities in line with our weekly themes and include
circle time, stories, songs, art projects, active games, swimming, and nature walks.
Swimming and water play is always supervised by our trained counselors and certi-
fied lifeguards. Swimmers wear life jackets. Camp staff are EEC Preschool qualified.

             Campers ages 3.5 years to 5.5 years, must be toilet-trained
             Wayland Town Beach, 25 Parkland Drive, Wayland, MA
              (held at Wayland Creative Preschool on rain days)
             Monday through Fridays 9:00am – 1:00pm
             Seven Weeks : June 24 to August 9
             Fees: $150/week (includes one youth beach membership!)

     SESSION                     DATES                   THEME

          1          Mon June 24 - Fri June 28        At the Beach!

                     Mon July 1 - Wed July 3
          2                                             4th of July
                     *3 day week, Closed July 4,5

          3          Mon July 8 - Fri July 12        Nature & Bugs

          4          Mon July 15 - Fri July 19         Pirate Week

          5          Mon July 22 - Fri July 26          Sail Away!

          6          Mon July 29 - Fri Aug 2          Flower Power

          7          Mon Aug 5 - Fri Aug 9           Tell Me a Story
                                                   Our Staff
                      ABOUT SUMMER CAMP STAFF (Age 16 and up)
                          We consider the selection of our staff to be our most important responsibil-
                            ity as directors. We select sensitive and enthusiastic individuals who are
                              dedicated to working with children. Our staff undergo many hours of
                                mandatory trainings that involve an in-depth examination of program
                                policies, emergency procedures, curriculum planning, behavior man-
                                agement, bully prevention, team building, character building and child
                                development. Training and certifications in Safety, CPR & AED and
                               Basic First Aid are mandatory. All staff submit a written application with
                             work history and references and are screened, interviewed and back-
                          ground checked prior to hire.

 Interested in working at one of our Summer Programs OR at the Wayland Town Beach?
  We hire Beach Staff, Lifeguards, Swim Instructors, Snack Bar Staff, Summer Camp Counselors, and
 Specialists. All applicants must be 16 years old by June 15, 2019. A photo ID, bank account and First
 Aid & CPR Certification are required for all employees. School IDs are acceptable, and certification
 courses are available through the Wayland Rec Dept.. Work Permits are required for all employees
 under the age of 18 years.
 Fill out an application at www.waylandrec.com and send it in to us! Applications are accepted begin-
 ning February 1. It is strongly recommended for candidates to communicate with the camp inde-
 pendently, without the help of the candidates’ parent.
 Already submitted an application? Now you’re a candidate! Thank you for your application and inter-
 est in becoming a part of Wayland Recreation this summer! The hiring committee will review all ap-
 plicants. You will be contacted for an interview between February 1 and May 31 if you are selected for
 an interview for the position you’ve applied. Interviews are sometimes meetings with our Recreation
 Admin team, OR fun and active group interviews with other candidates, camp-style!

 To download an application or for more information visit www.waylandrec.com.

                                 Wayland Escapes                                  23

There's no such thing as a typical day! Every day has exciting new trips & adventures, and
regularly weekly trips to the Wayland Town Beach. When not away on trips Escapes camp-
ers can enjoy indoor and outdoor activities at Wayland High School. Destinations include
beaches, zoos, amusement parks, trampoline parks, laser tag, Water Country, and more!
           Campers entering Grade 6 to Grade 8
           Wayland High School, 264 Old Connecticut Path
           Monday through Friday, 8:30am – 3:30pm
           Seven Weeks : June 24 to August 9
           Fees: $303/week
           Extended day option 3:30pm to 5:00pm; $50 per week

TRIP SCHEDULE *Schedule subject to change

 WEEK                 DATES                MON        TUE       WED      THU        FRI
                                          KIMBALL     PINZ     CANOBIE   TOWN
   1       Mon June 24 - Fri June 28                                              LAUNCH
                                           FARM     BOWLING      LAKE    BEACH

           Mon July 1 - Wed July 3        FENWAY    MEL’S FUN-  WATER    HAPPY     CAMP
           *3 day week, Closed July 4,5     PARK      WAY      COUNTRY    4TH!    CLOSED

                                          AQUARI-    PATRIOT   CANOBIE   TOWN
   3       Mon July 8 - Fri July 12                                                APEX
                                            UM        PLACE      LAKE    BEACH
                                                     TREE TOP  WATER     TOWN      BODA
   4       Mon July 15 - Fri July 19      SKYZONE
                                                    ADVENTURE COUNTRY    BEACH     BORG
                                           MEL’S     ROLLER    CANBOIE   TOWN
   5       Mon July 22 - Fri July 26                                              LAUNCH
                                          FUNWAY    KINGDOM      LAKE    BEACH
                                                                                 ROCK ON
                                          KIMBALL    SOUTH-     WATER    TOWN
   6       Mon July 29 - Fri Aug 2                                                ADVEN-
                                           FARM     WICK ZOO   COUNTRY   BEACH
                                           JUMP      TREE TOP CANOBIE    TOWN
   7       Mon Aug 5 - Fri Aug 9                                                   APEX
                                           ON IN    ADVENTURE   LAKE     BEACH
                                          Summer Adventure
Campers will enjoy indoor and outdoor activities each day of the week, and each
week has a fun and exciting theme with outrageous dress-up days and lively events.
Tuesdays are Field Trip days. Each week also includes two walking trips to the Way-
land Community Pool and a field trip to the Wayland Town Beach!
           Entering Kindergarten to Fifth Grade
           Wayland High School, 264 Old Connecticut Path, Wayland, MA
           Monday through Friday, 8:30am – 3:30pm
           Seven Weeks : June 24 to August 9
           Fees: $240/week
           Extended day option available from 3:30pm to 5:00pm; $50 per week
CITs will embark on a two week adventure of exciting and fun activities, but also
challenges to develop leadership skills. Each will learn a great deal about the art of
managing groups– really energetic groups. Our campers look up to their counselors,
but they especially admire the CITs as role models. CITs find this program incredibly
rewarding and, if they do it right, a whole lot of fun too.
(While successful completion of CIT Program will prepare CITs for employment at any camp, it does not
guarantee employment.)

           Entering Grade 9 or Grade 10
           Offered in three 2-week sessions Week 1 & 2; Week 3 & 4, Week 5 & 6
           Registration is limited to one session per CIT (Max 10 participants)
           Fees: $220 for Session 1*; $273 for Sessions 2 and 3
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