5TH EDITION The Bay Foundation California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways

Page created by Jared Lucas
5TH EDITION The Bay Foundation California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways
The Bay Foundation
       California State Parks
Division of Boating and Waterways
            5TH EDITION

5TH EDITION The Bay Foundation California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways
To order additional copies of this guide
contact The Bay Foundation or visit:

The Bay Foundation                       California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways
8334 Lincoln Blvd. #310                  P.O. Box 942896
Los Angeles, CA 90045                    Sacramento, CA 94296
(888) 301-2527                           (888) 326-2822
www.santamonicabay.org                   www.dbw.parks.ca.gov


The information and maps contained in this guide are not intended to be used for
navigation. Information in this guidebook is based on authoritative data available at the
time of publication. Channel conditions, hazards, depths, aids to navigation, and almost
all on-the-water navigational information is subject to change at any time.

It is the boater’s responsibility to contact the local harbor authorities for current
conditions, weather, and warnings at each location prior
to cruising.


This publication is funded by the California State Parks Division of Boating
and Waterways Clean Vessel Act Education Program and a federal Clean
Vessel Act Grant through the Sport Fish Restoration Program.

                                                                                                            The Bay Foundation
                                                                                                           California State Parks
                                                                                                    Division of Boating and Waterways
                                                                                                                5TH EDITION
5TH EDITION The Bay Foundation California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways

The Southern                            Oceanside Harbor, Mission Bay
                                        Harbor, San Diego Bay, AMEC Earth
                                                                                The contents of this document do
                                                                                not necessarily reflect the views and
                                                                                                                            4    ABOUT THIS GUIDE               39    HARBORS BY COUNTY
California Boater’s                     & Environmental, City of Los Angeles,   policies of California State Parks,
                                        City of Oceanside, City of Redondo      The Bay Foundation, or any other            7    GREEN BOATING                  41    Santa Barbara County
Guide, 5th Edition,                     Beach, City of San Diego—Mission        contributing organization. Reference
                                        Bay Harbor Unit, City of Santa          to any specific commercial product,                                             42    Santa Barbara Harbor
was created by                          Barbara, County of Orange, Los          process, business, or service by trade      7    Overview
                                        Angeles County Fire Department—         name or manufacturer does not
The Bay Foundation                      Lifeguard Division, Marina Harbor       constitute or imply its endorsement         9    Legal Discharge Limits         47    Ventura County
for the California                      Anchorage, Marine Animal Rescue,
                                        Orange County Sheriff Department—
                                                                                or recommendation for use. California
                                                                                State Parks and The Bay Foundation,
                                                                                                                                 for Boating Wastes             48    Ventura Harbor
State Parks                             Marine Operations Bureau, Pier          their employees, and contractors            10   Hazardous Waste                52    Channel Islands Harbor
                                        44 Marina, San Diego Police             assume no responsibility and disclaim            Disposal                       56    Channel Islands
Division of Boating                     Department—Harbor Unit, United          any liability for any injury or damage
                                        States Fish and Wildlife Service,       resulting from the use or effect of any     11   Plastics & Trash                     National Park
and Waterways                           Ventura Port District, Kelly Banach,    product or information specified in         12   Oil & Fuel                           & Marine Sanctuary
                                        Josh Baugh, Greg Benoit, Shannan        this publication.
Clean Vessel Act                        Chadek, Kris Delano, Jun Dolor, Pat                                                 14   Sewage Discharges
Boater Education                        Douglass, Terrisa Duenas, Roberto
                                        Dupre, Holly Fisher, Charles Franz,
                                                                                This Guide contains nautical
                                                                                information reproduced from
                                                                                                                            17   Smart Shopping                 63    Los Angeles County
Program.                                Damian Gadal, Joel Gitelson, Joseph     National Oceanic and Atmospheric            18   Boat Maintenance               64    Marina del Rey Harbor
                                        Harvell, Patrick Henry, Brian Hogue,
                                        John Hollenbeck, Diana Honicker,
                                                                                Administration, National Ocean
                                                                                Service Charts, from local area harbor
                                                                                                                                 & Repair                       68    King Harbor
The Bay Foundation’s Boater Education
Program is part of the California       Grace Huizar, Horia Ispas, Leigh        maps, and website information. The          21   Greywater                      72    Los Angeles Harbor
State Parks (Division of Boating and    Taylor Johnson, Paul Lawrence,
                                        Fabian Lewkowicz, Miss Lindy, Jason
                                                                                information in maps contained within
                                                                                this guide are not for use in navigation.
                                                                                                                            22   Aquatic Invasive Species       76    Long Beach Harbor
Waterways) Clean Vessel Act sponsored
boater education program that           Lockwood, Lee Louis, Vivian Matuk,                                                  25   Who to Call                    82    Catalina Island —
promotes the installation and proper    Bruce Medoff, Scott Mickelson, Jason
                                        Middlekauff, Scott Miller, William
                                                                                Project Manager: victoria gambale
                                                                                Project Coordinator: georgia tunioli
                                                                                                                                                                      Avalon & Two Harbors
use of sanitary pumpout and dump
stations in marinas and harbors.        Nelson, Rene Oliver, Doug Oudin,        Project Coordinator: kimberly riley         27   SAFE BOATING
                                        Jesse Padilla, Jack Peveler, Frank
                                        Quan, Robyn Raggio, Ann Sacks, Mike
                                                                                Design and Art Direction: yuju yeo
                                                                                Aerial Map Photography: i.k. curtis
                                                                                                                                                                 93   Orange County
Through local initiatives and
partnerships, The Bay Foundation’s      Scalise, Jeff Schnell, Kaylea Schule,   service, inc.                               27   Safe Boating Practices         94    Huntington Harbour
Boater Education Program provides       Jim Sinasek, Jim Slikker, Christopher
                                        Staffield, Amanda Suttles, Sokhavibol
                                                                                Cover Photo: john hollenbeck                29   Communications                  98   Newport Harbor
outreach and education to the
Southern California recreational        Ty, Harry Varnes, Fritz Von Rettberg,    Paddleboarding
                                                                                 PHOTO BY JOHN HOLLENBECK
                                                                                                                            30   Marine Channels                102   Dana Point Harbor
boating community in order to reduce    Carol Walker, Peter Wallerstein,
                                        Mel Widawski, Veronica Wolkow,
                                                                                                                            31   In and Emergency
boat generated non-point source
pollution. The Southern California      Michelle Woo, Lynne Wood, Nick Wray,                                                32   Navigation                     107   San Diego County
Boater’s Guide would not have been      Prescott Yee.                                                                       34   Rules & Regulations            108   Oceanside Harbor
possible without the support and
assistance of the Division of Boating   The Bay Foundation is a nonprofit                                                   36   Vessel Equipment               112   Mission Bay
and Waterways and many other            501(c)(3) environmental organization
                                        based in Los Angeles. The Bay
                                                                                                                                 Requirements                   116   San Diego Bay
partners. We would like to thank all
of the agencies, organizations, and     Foundation works in a public private                                                37   Vessel Registration
individuals whose support, expertise,   partnership with the United States
                                        Environmental Protection Agency,
                                                                                                                                 & Operation                    122   REFERENCE
and financial contributions have
made this Guide possible: I.K. Curtis   State of California, and Loyola                                                     37   Vessel Assistance
Services, Inc., California Coastal      Marymount University to advance
                                        the goals of the Santa Monica Bay
                                                                                                                                 & Towing Services
Commission, Santa Barbara Harbor,
Ventura Harbor, Channel Islands         National Estuary Program. The focus
Harbor, Marina del Rey Harbor,          of our work is the improvement of
King Harbor, Los Angeles Harbor,        water quality, enhancement of natural
Long Beach Harbor, Avalon Harbor,       resources, and sustainable coastal
Two Harbors, Huntington Harbour,        economies. To learn more find us on
Newport Harbor, Dana Point Harbor,      the web at www.santamonicabay.org.

                                                          2                                                                                                 3
5TH EDITION The Bay Foundation California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways
ABOUT THIS GUIDE                                    ABOUT THIS GUIDE

                   The Bay Foundation created this                 Legend For Symbols Used In Guide
                   user-friendly, interactive Boater’s Guide
                                                                   The legend below indicates the symbols
                   for those embarking on a Southern               used on the maps in this Guide to help identify the locations
                   California cruising adventure. The Guide        of public facilities and services available in each harbor.
                                                                   Availability of facilities and services are marked by a dark,
                   provides comprehensive information              shaded “x” in the “Facilities & Services” tables.
                   about each harbor in Santa Barbara,
                   Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange, and
                   San Diego Counties, including each              Public Restrooms
                   harbor’s unique features, how to get
                   a guest slip, locations of waste disposal
                   and fueling facilities, what to see             Public Parks And Recreation Areas
                   and do in and around the harbor,
                   and much more. It also contains an aerial
                   photograph and a detailed map of each           Launch Ramps
                   harbor. Please note that the maps in
                   this Guide are not intended to be used
                   for navigational purposes, but rather           Fueling Docks
                   are meant to provide boaters with a
                   visual representation of where pertinent
                   facilities are located. Additionally,           Pumpout And Dump Stations
                   the Guide has a selection of website
                   addresses with additional information
                   about each harbor. Surf them as part            Used Motor Oil Recycling
                   of your pre-trip preparations to learn
                   even more about the adventures that
                   await you and your cruising companions.         Boat Maintenance Service Facilities

                   In addition to highlighting Southern
                   California’s harbors, this Guide also           Guest & Tenant Showers
                   provides general information that
                   boaters will find useful for ensuring
                   a safe, pleasurable, and environmentally-       Laundry Facilities
                   friendly outing.

                                                                   Harbor, Pier, & Breakwater Fishing

       4                                                       5
5TH EDITION The Bay Foundation California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways

                                OVERVIEW                                     Pollutants enter the ocean from a wide
                                                                             range of sources, including chemical,
                                                                                                                          WHAT CAN YOU DO?
                                                                             oil, fuel, and sewage discharges from        BE PART OF THE
                                WHY PRACTICE CLEAN                           recreational boats. Many boaters             SOLUTION!
                                BOATING?                                     feel as though environmental and
                                                                             regulatory efforts unfairly single           Whether you do all the work yourself
                                Southern California’s recreational           them out and that efforts should             or hire someone else to maintain your
                                boaters enjoy one of the most popular        focus on pollution discharges from           boat, follow the top 10 clean boating
                                settings on the West Coast for boating,      large industry and sewage from               tips to make a difference.
                                swimming, windsurfing, sailing, and          municipalities, i.e., “the big polluters.”
                                fishing. From Santa Barbara to San           However, these point source
                                Diego, this region offers hundreds           dischargers have long been regulated
                                of miles of navigable waterways and          by federal and state governments. The
                                a vast coastline of natural beauty.          impacts resulting from many non-
                                The ecosystem here is intricate and          point sources of pollution must also
                                delicately balanced. From the tiniest        be recognized. Such sources include
                                microscopic plants and animals to the        urban and agricultural runoff, failing
                                largest marine creatures, life in Southern   septic tank systems, commercial
                                California coastal waters depends upon       shipping, and recreational boaters, all
                                the health of each organism in the food      of which can significantly contribute
                                chain. Destruction of wetlands, loss         to contamination of our inland and
                                of spawning grounds, impaired water          coastal waters.
                                quality, and declining food sources can
                                have devastating effects on the entire       By preventing oil and sewage
                                food chain, which threaten many species,     discharges, managing hazardous
                                including humans.                            and solid waste safely, and using less
                                                                             toxic products, you can help preserve
                                                                             the beauty and bounty of Southern
                                                                             California’s coastal waters.

                                                                                                                          FACT With over 179,243 registered
                                                                                                                          recreational vessels in Santa Barbara,
                                                                                                                          Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego
                                                                                                                          counties, your boating habits CAN make a
                                                                                                                          difference! (California Department of Boating
                                                                                                                          & Waterways, 2012

    Mackerel                     Alamitos Bay

6                                                                                                7
5TH EDITION The Bay Foundation California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways
GREEN BOATING                                                                                                              GREEN BOATING

  Top 10 Clean Boating Tips                                                                                                                        LEGAL DISCHARGE LIMITS
                                                                                                                                                   FOR BOATING WASTES
                   1                                                                           6
 Non-toxic doesn’t mean non-effective                                                                                                              The table, below, highlights the legal disposal distance for various types of boating waste. Keep this
                                                                                          Plan ahead                                               information on board at all times for easy reference. The U.S. Coast Guard and the Division of Boating
Most marine stores carry a full line of effective, less toxic                                                                                      and Waterways offer free stickers and handouts containing the information found in this table.
                                                                    Use sewage pumpouts, dump stations, mobile pumpout
products for boat cleaning and repair. Choose phostphate-           services, or shore-side facilities whenever possible.
free, chlorine-free, biodegradable, and non-toxic products.         Never discharge untreated sewage anywhere within the                                Inland                                          Ocean Waters
Avoid holding tank disinfectants and deodorizers that               3-mile territorial limit or into shallow waters, and never
contain chlorine, formaldehyde, and quaternary ammonia.             discharge treated sewage into shallow waters, bays,
                                                                    harbors, or marinas.
            Keep it out of the water                                                         7
                                                                                                                                                    Lakes,       Less than                     3–12 miles         12–25 miles         More than
                                                                                        Pump it right                                               reservoirs,  3 miles                       offshore           offshore            25 miles
Be careful to not let dust from vacuum sanders, debris,                                                                                             fresh-water  offshore                                                             offshore
or liquids from maintenance activities enter the water.             Don’t overflow or top off the gas tank, and remember to                         impoundments
Use tarps or other covers to safely contain dust, debris,           wrap an oil absorbent or fuel bib around the gas nozzle. Use
and cleaners when doing slip-side maintenance.                      an overflow capture device over the air vent to catch any      Sewage           No Discharge        Permitted              Discharge
                                                                    spills. Keep saturated absorbent and fuel bibs away from                        permitted           through Type I         permitted
                     3                                              sources of ignition. Dispose of saturated absorbents and                                            or II MSD
                                                                    fuel bibs at a HHW facility.
       Don’t throw it away — recycle                                                                                               Oil              Discharge permitted if less than 15 ppm, no sheen             Permitted if less than
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  15 ppm with an OWS, monitor, & alarm
Recycle oil, oil filters, paint, lead-acid batteries, paper,                              8
aluminum, plastic, and glass. Use biodegradable, refillable,                   Stow it — don’t throw it                            Food waste       No Discharge permitted                     Discharge          Discharge permitted
and reusable items whenever possible. Start a materials                                                                                                                                        permitted
share program in your marina or talk to your dockmaster             Keep trash and other disposable items on board and                                                                         if ground to
about starting one.                                                 securely stowed for shore-side disposal. Pay special                                                                       less than one
                                                                    attention to plastics, polystyrene, cigarette butts, fishing                                                               cubic inch
                     4                                              line/nets, and other non-biodegradable products that may
                                                                                                                                   Trash            No Discharge permitted                                        Discharge           Discharge
                                                                    blow overboard.
 Spills aren’t slick — soak or wipe it up                                                                                          (non-plastic)                                                                  permitted if        permitted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ground to less
Practice preventative engine maintenance. Use an                                          9                                                                                                                       than one cubic
oil absorbent in the bilge to prevent oily bilge water                         Keep your dock box clean                                                                                                           inch
discharges, and always use an oil absorbent during an oil
change. Never apply detergents to an oil sheen on the               Line the bottom of your dock box with tarps and                Plastic &        It is illegal to discharge any plastic or floatable materials into inland, coastal
water; violators are subject to criminal and civil penalties        absorbent pads to contain spills. Make sure all chemicals      floatables       or ocean waters.
of up to $40,000 per incident. Avoid using bilge cleaners           are clearly and properly labeled, and store them safely
as they may get discharged overboard. Save major bilge              in closed containers. Dispose of saturated tarps and           Hazardous        It is illegal to discharge any hazardous substance into inland, coastal,
cleaning for when the boat is on land. Keep your bilge              absorbent pads at a HHW facility or consider use of less       Waste            or ocean waters.
clean and dry.                                                      toxic products.
                                                                                                                                                   The information on this chart is provided only as a guide. United States and California laws place many
                       5                                                                   10                                                      additional restrictions on discharges. For more information, contact your local U.S. Coast Guard office
                                                                                                                                                   or call the U.S. Coast Guard Environmental Standards Division at 202/372–1402 or visit www.uscg.mil.
                Know where it goes                                              Don’t keep it to yourself
Dispose of hazardous wastes at a Household Hazardous                Share your knowledge of environmentally-safe products                          TO REPORT ILLEGAL DISCHARGES ANYWHERE,
Waste (HHW) collection center or event. See “Who to Call”           and practices with others. Ask them what alternatives                          CALL TOLL–FREE 800/424–8802
at the end of the Clean Boating section.                            they’ve found. Remember, “pier pressure” really works.

                                                                8                                                                                                                          9
5TH EDITION The Bay Foundation California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways
GREEN BOATING                                                                                                                         GREEN BOATING

HAZARDOUS      Reduce / Reuse /                                                                                                          PLASTICS &                                      MARPOL 73/78 specifically prohibits
                                                                                                                                                                                         the dumping of any plastics into the        Don’t Trash
WASTE DISPOSAL Recycle                                                                                                                   TRASH                                           ocean or navigable waters. Dumping
                                                                                                                                                                                         of other types of refuse, including         the Ocean
                                                                                                                                                                                         garbage and food, is not permitted          CLEAN BOATING SOLUTIONS
Many of the products used to maintain              Oil & oil filters                                                                     Marine debris and beach litter are              anywhere within the three-mile
boats are considered hazardous                     Recycle used oil and drained used oil                                                 serious problems. Many types of marine          territorial limit and is restricted         Leave it ashore
to human health and the aquatic                    filters. Most harbors and marinas                                                     life, including fish, sea turtles, sea lions,   outside that limit (refer to the table
                                                                                               Alamitos Bay                                                                                                                          Whenever possible, remove
ecosystem. These products, like the                offer oil recycling services for their      PHOTO BY PAUL LAWRENCE                    and seabirds, often mistake plastics            on page 9 for various discharge             unnecessary packaging before
products we use at home, must be                   tenants and guests. If not, call 800/       Zincs                                     and other trash for food. According to          limitations).                               leaving shore, pack food in reusable
disposed of in an environmentally-safe             CLEAN–UP (253–2687) for the                 When having the zinc anode removed        the Marine Mammal Center, commonly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     containers, and recycle what you can.
manner at a hazardous waste collection             location of an oil recycling center near    from your boat, either at a boat          mistaken items include cigarette butts,         All boats over 26 feet must prominently
center, facility, or roundup event.                your home or the harbor. Don’t throw        yard or by a diver, ask that the zinc     six-pack rings, plastic bags, discarded         display a MARPOL Annex V placard.           Avoid excess packaging
Additionally, some cities offer regular            oil-soaked rags and absorbents into         be saved and recycle it. Scrap metal      nets, polystyrene, bottle caps, fishing         These placards address federal marine       Purchase items in bulk. Choose
curbside collection programs for specific          trash receptacles or dumpsters; they        recyclers may pay for the metal.          line, and other refuse. In addition to          pollution prevention laws and are           products with recyclable or minimal
hazardous wastes, such as motor oil.               are also considered hazardous waste         Installing a corrosion control system     eating these items, birds and mammals           available at most marine supply stores,     packaging.
                                                   and must be disposed of safely.             will reduce the corrosion rate of         often feed them to their young. Either          if your boat does not already have one.
Reduce/Reuse/Recycle, is a familiar                                                            zincs. Talk to a marine supplier for      way, the result is the same – starvation,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Prevent overboard disposal
motto, but did you know that                       Antifreeze                                  information about corrosion control       suffocation, or poisoning. Some types           Boats over 40 feet that are ocean-          Don’t let fishing lines, polystyrene,
the 3 “Rs” are listed in order of                  Antifreeze is usually recyclable and        systems.                                  of debris, such as discarded nets, fishing      going, equipped with a galley or            plastic bags, or six-pack rings get
environmental impact?                              must be kept separate from other                                                      tackle, and plastics also cause death           berthing, or engaged in commerce            released or blown overboard. Stow
                                                   wastes to be recycled. All antifreeze       Paints, varnishes, & wood                 by entanglement.                                are required by MARPOL 73/78 to             trash securely and always bring
Buy only what you need                             recyclers will accept ethylene glycol       preservatives                                                                             have a written waste management             it back to shore. Cigarette butts
                                                   (blue or green), and some will also         Many bottom paints, varnishes,                                                            plan describing the procedures for          are the most common type of
                                                   accept propylene glycol (pink). Use         and wood preservatives contain                                                            collecting, processing, storing, and
REDUCE the amount of hazardous                     your marina’s collection program if
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     litter found washed up on beaches
materials used, both on your boat                                                              chemicals that are toxic to marine                                                        discharging garbage, and designate the      and are not biodegradable. Place
                                                   one is available. If not, bring these       life and can even be carcinogenic                                                         person who carries out the plan.            extinguished cigarette butts in the
and at home. Using less saves energy
                                                   wastes to a local HHW disposal site         if ingested. Limit the use of these                                                                                                   trash. Take used monofilament
and resources.
                                                   or collection event.                        products by purchasing only the                                                           Violators are subject to a maximum          fishing line back to a recycle bin at
                                                                                               amount needed to get the job done.                                                        penalty of six years imprisonment and/      a participating boating facility. For
REUSE any leftover products —                                                                                                             fact Over 267           fact Broken and
                                                   Transmission & hydraulic fluids             For more information, see “Boat            species worldwide,      degraded plastic       or fine up to $250,000 for an individual,   locations of fishing line recycling
save them or give them to someone                                                                                                         including 86% of all    pieces outweigh
                                                   Some oil recyclers allow transmission       Maintenance & Repair”.                                                                    $500,000 for an organization, and civil     stations, go to www.dbw.parks.
else. Sharing means no new energy                                                                                                         sea turtle species,     surface zooplankton
                                                   or hydraulic fluid to be mixed with                                                    44% of all seabird      in the central         penalties of up to $32,500 (33 USC 1908).   ca.gov/fishingline.
and resources are needed to make
                                                   waste oil for recycling. Check with                                                    species, and 43% of     North Pacific gyre
new product.                                                                                  It is illegal to dispose of hazardous       all marine mammal       by 6 to 1. Today,
                                                   the collection service before mixing                                                   species, have           plastic debris can     For more information on MARPOL              Clean up litter and debris
                                                                                              materials into a dumpster or trash
                                                   transmission or hydraulic fluid with                                                   been reported to        be found in all five   73/78 placards, contact the Marine          While on your boat, pick up any litter
RECYCLE everything possible.                       any other fluids or products.
                                                                                              can, on the ground, or in the water.        ingest or become        major Gyres of our
                                                                                              Leftover oils, batteries, antifreeze,                                                      Safety Office of the U.S. Coast Guard       or marine debris that can safely be
Everything we recycle prevents the                                                                                                        entangled in floating   oceans. (Algalita
                                                                                              paints, varnishes, strippers, thinners,     debris resulting        Marine Research        at 800/221–USCG (8724) or the               reached with a net and dispose of
need for new products to be created                Lead acid batteries                                                                    in impaired             Foundation, 2009,
                                                                                              wood preservatives, turpentine,                                                            Division of Boating and Waterways           it properly (recycle if possible). On
with virgin materials.                             Never store old batteries on the                                                       movement and            5 Gyres Institute,
                                                                                              cleaners, pesticides, fluorescent           feeding, reduced        2011)                  at 888/326–2822.                            shore, participate in a local beach
                                                   dock or where they may be exposed                                                      reproductive                                                                               or marina cleanup event. Call 800/
                                                                                              lights, propane tanks, zinc, and other      output, lacerations,
                                                                                                                                                                  PHOTO BY
                                                   to stormwater or wash water. If your                                                                           CALIFORNIA COASTAL     In addition to the adverse effects          COAST4U (262–7848) or visit www.
                                                                                              chemicals should always be reused           ulcers, and death.      COMMISSION
                                                   marina does not collect batteries                                                      Stow it. Don’t                                 marine debris can have on marine life,      coast4u.org for organized events in
                                                                                              or properly disposed of at an               throw it! (Laist
                                                   for recycling, they can be brought                                                                                                    it can threaten the safety of boaters       your area.
                                                                                              appropriate facility.                       1997, Deraik 2002,
                                                   to a local recycling center or HHW                                                     Gregory 2009)                                  and result in costly repairs. Discarded
                                                   collection event. Any retailer selling                                                                                                nets and monofilament fishing               Report sightings of marine debris
                                                                                              For more information about disposal         PHOTO BY
                                                   new batteries must accept old ones                                                     PETER WALLERSTEIN                              lines have been known to obstruct           (if you can’t pick it up)
                                                                                              of these and other hazardous wastes,
                                                   for disposal and recycling.                                                                                                           propellers, and plastic sheeting and        Better yet, take a video or
                                                                                              contact your local city or county
                                                                                              Household Hazardous Waste Collection       The ocean is not a dump                         bags can block cooling intakes. The         photograph, and contact the U.S.
                                                   Freon                                                                                                                                 California Department of Boating            Coast Guard on Channel 16 or
                                                                                              Program, (in Los Angeles County, 888/
                                                   Venting Freon into the atmosphere is                                                  A treaty known as the Marine Pollution          and Waterway’s 2008–2010 statistics         the National Response Center at
 PHOTO BY VICTORIA GAMBALE                                                                    CLEAN–LA (253–2652)) or call 800/
                                                   illegal. Only certified technicians may                                               Act (MARPOL 73/78) was enacted in 1973          show that boat collisions with floating     800/424–8802.
 FACT The U.S. Environmental Protection                                                       CLEAN–UP (253–2687) nationwide.
                                                   purchase Freon, service units using                                                   and updated in 1978 to protect the ocean        objects or other submerged objects
 Agency (EPA) has established a hotline to help                                               Additional local reference numbers are
 residents nationwide identify hazardous waste     Freon, and remove or dispose of old                                                   environment. As of December 2010, 150           resulted in 54 accidents, 21 injuries, 2
                                                                                              located at the end of this section under
 recycling and disposal opportunities. Call 800/   units using this agent.                                                               countries, including the United States,         fatalities, and approximately $440,000
 CLEAN–UP (253–2687) to learn more.                                                           Who to Call.
                                                                                                                                         have signed this international treaty.          in property damage.

                                                                     10                                                                                                                                     11
5TH EDITION The Bay Foundation California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways
GREEN BOATING                                                                                                                                  GREEN BOATING

OIL & FUEL                                                                                     until they can be brought to a HHW
                                                                                               disposal facility or collection event.
                                                                                                                                            maintenance. This will reduce leakage
                                                                                                                                            and save money in the long run.
                                                                                                                                                                                          automobile antifreeze, ethylene glycol
                                                                                                                                                                                          (blue or green). Some antifreeze
                                                                                                                                                                                          recyclers will accept propylene glycol,
Large oil spills, such as the British                                                          Do not add detergents or bilge cleaning      Bring your waste oil and used oil filters     and all accept ethylene glycol for
Petroleum spill, have received much                                                            chemicals to bilge water before              to a used oil recycling center. For           recycling.
public attention. However, according                                                           pumping it out. These chemicals merely       information on oil and other hazardous
to the National Research Council, these                                                        disperse the oil in bilge water and foul     waste recycling, call 800/CLEAN–UP            Recycle transmission and
large spills account for only about ten                                                        bilge pumps and absorbent pads.              (253–2687) or 888/CLEAN–LA (253–
percent of all the oil that ends up in                                                                                                                                                    hydraulic fluids                                                                      PHOTO BY BOATUS
                                                                                                                                            2652) in Los Angeles County.                  Transmission and hydraulic fluids can
our waters each year. The other 90                                                             If the problem is too large for an                                                                                                            TIPS FOR ABSORBENT MATERIALS
percent comes from contaminated                                                                                                                                                           be recycled. Some waste oil recyclers              Check your marine supply store for absorbent
                                                                                               absorbent, use a bilge pumpout               Don’t mix waste oil with water, paint,        permit mixing transmission or                      pads, booms, and pillows. To be legal in
urban runoff and other non-point                                                               service.                                     gasoline, solvents, antifreeze, or                                                               California, these products must be either
sources, which can include used                                  PHOTO BY MICHELLE STAFFIELD                                                                                              hydraulic fluid with waste oil, but check          chemically inert (like polypropylene) or be
                                                                                                                                            other substances as it makes the              with the collection center or recycler             listed on the Environmental Protection
oil products, bilge water, outboard         FACT It is illegal to discharge fuel, oil, oily    Precautions: When using absorbents           oil non-recyclable and increases the                                                             Agency’s National Contingency Product
motors, and careless fueling habits.        wastes, and hazardous waste into the                                                                                                          prior to mixing these wastes. If they
                                                                                               in the bilge, secure them to prevent         disposal cost.                                                                                   Schedule and licensed by the State of
                                            navigable waters of the U.S. or the waters                                                                                                    can’t be recycled at your marina, keep             California. For a list of licensed oil spill cleanup
                                            of the contiguous zone (up to 12 miles from        clogging or fouling the bilge pump and
Oil pollution causes severe damage to       shore) if the discharge causes a film, sheen, or                                                                                              them separate from other fluids until              agents, visit www.wildlife.ca.gov/OSPR.
                                            discoloration of the water surface or causes a     the bilge pump float or sensor. Oil and      Be careful at the fuel dock                   they can be brought to a HHW disposal
the marine environment. A single pint       sludge or emulsion beneath the surface of the      fuel are flammable. Keep oil and fuel-       Topping off the tank at the fuel pump         center or collection event. Hydraulic
of oil released into the water can cover    water. Under federal law, violators are subject
                                                                                               saturated absorbents away from heat          means waiting for fuel to spill out of        fluid can also be very harmful to the
one acre of a waterbody. It creates a
sheen on the water and kills surface
                                            to the cost of the cleanup and substantial
                                            civil and criminal penalties. Criminal penalties   or sources of ignition and in a well-        the overflow vent. There’s no need to         marine environment if it leaks into the            Greener Engines
                                            range from 1 to 15 years imprisonment and          ventilated area.
                                            fines between $2,500 to $500,000 and civil
                                                                                                                                            cause this type of discharge, just follow     bilge or if it’s accidentally spilled. Try
dwelling organisms such as plankton,                                                                                                                                                                                                         Use the premium TC-W3 oil
                                            penalties of up to $40,000 per incident                                                         these tips.                                   to find an option that is less toxic.
which are part of the first link in the     can be imposed for unlawful discharges (33         Keep a clean machine                                                                                                                          recommended by your engine’s
aquatic food chain. Toxic heavy metals      USC 1321 [b][5]). In addition, under state
                                            law, the California Department of Fish and         Whether doing the work yourself or           Learn to gauge your boat’s fuel tank
in engine oil can also be absorbed by                                                                                                                                                                                                        Premium TC-W3 oils contain more
                                            Wildlife code 5650 prohibits the discharge of      using other maintenance services,            capacity, slow down the fuel pump,
aquatic organisms and bioaccumulate         petroleum or any other substance harmful to                                                                                                                                                      detergents and burn cleaner than
                                            fish, plants, and birds. Violators can receive a   make sure the following practices are        and keep a watchful eye during fueling.
in the food chain, contributing to                                                                                                                                                                                                           older type TC-W2 oils, so look for a
                                            penalty of $25,000 per incident.                   implemented for maintaining your             Know the capacity of your tank, and
the problem of seafood and shellfish                                                                                                                                                                                                         less toxic TC-W3 oil. Clean burning
                                                                                               boat’s engine.                               leave it at least ten percent empty
contamination.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               is especially important for an engine
                                                                                                                                            because fuel expands as it warms.
                                           Fluid Handling Solutions                            Keep your boat’s engine tuned and                                                                                                             that runs only intermittently and sits
In addition, improper handling and
storage of oil and fuel may pose risks
                                           For All Boaters                                     operating at peak efficiency. Check          Ask your marina or fuel dock manager                                                             idle for long periods (like a sailboat
                                                                                               lines and hoses for possible chafing or      to install an automatic shut-off valve                                                           auxiliary). If the engine is used only
to your own health and safety. Solvent                                                                                                                                                                                                       occasionally, add fuel conditioner to
                                           Don’t pump oily bilge water                         deterioration. Rubber fuel lines tend to     on the fuel pump.
or oil soaked rags and absorbents can                                                                                                                                                                                                        the gas at operational concentration
                                           overboard                                           quickly deteriorate due to the alcohol
be extremely flammable if not stored                                                                                                                                                                                                         to keep it from going stale (refer to
                                           Practice preventive engine                          content of unleaded fuels. Signs of          Install a fuel/air separator, a fuel gauge,
properly. Read the directions on the                                                                                                                                                                               PHOTO BY DIANA HONICKER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             instructions on the container).
                                           maintenance. Regularly inspect lines                deterioration include dry and cracked        or a tank whistle in the fuel tank vent
container of any chemical for proper                                                                                                                                                       FACT The Federal Clean Water Act requires
                                           and hoses for deterioration, and fix                or soft and mushy spots. Replace hoses       line. These devices help prevent fuel
storage recommendations.                                                                                                                                                                   all boats 26 feet or longer to display an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             If your engine does not have oil
                                           small leaks that drip oil into the bilge.           in poor condition with any hose marked       spills and are available at most marine        Oily Waste Discharge Placard in the engine
Otherwise, put these rags and                                                                                                                                                                                                                injection, carefully measure oil
                                                                                               “USCG Type A.” The U.S. Coast Guard          supply stores.                                 compartment or near the fuel tank. (California
absorbents into a metal container with                                                                                                                                                     Department of Boating and Waterways, 2012)        before mixing it with gasoline
                                           Repair water leaks to reduce the                    has approved an alcohol resistant fuel
a tightly closed lid until they can be                                                                                                                                                                                                       Use funnels for pouring oil, and keep
                                           volume of water entering the bilge and              line hose, identified as SAEJ1527, which     Always have an absorbent ready to
properly disposed. Where spontaneous                                                                                                                                                                                                         a supply of absorbent pads on board
                                           mixing with oil drips.                              is now widely used.                          wipe up any fuel spills.
combustion can be a problem, keep all                                                                                                                                                      TIPS FOR DEGREASERS To remove grease,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             for cleaning up spills. Remember
                                                                                                                                                                                           make a paste of lemon juice and borax. When
flammable products away from heat                                                                                                                                                                                                            that too much oil causes inefficient
                                           Oil-only absorbents absorb oil while                Avoid or reduce use of engine cleaners.      Use a long dipstick to check the boat’s        shopping for degreasing products, look for
and flames.                                                                                                                                                                                water-based detergents or citrus-based
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             burning, while too little oil can cause
                                           repelling water and are the least                   Steam cleaning, if available, is a better    gas tank.                                      degreasers. Avoid products which contain
                                                                                               alternative.                                                                                methylene chloride (known to cause cancer in      engine damage.
Hydrocarbons and heavy metals, which       expensive method boaters can use to                                                                                                             laboratory animals).
are present in petroleum products, are     control oily discharge.                                                                          Recycle antifreeze
                                                                                               If you change your own oil, use a closed     Antifreeze can be recycled if it’s kept        Don’t use gasoline to clean marine parts.
toxic even in minute quantities. Always                                                                                                                                                    Gas contains benzene (carcinogenic to
                                           Use an oil absorbent in the bilge                   system — a portable vacuum oil               separate and not mixed with any other
be careful when using any petroleum                                                                                                                                                        humans), and evaporating gas contributes to
                                           to capture unexpected leaks. The                    change pump that drains into a closed        wastes. Although few marinas collect           air pollution. Kerosene or diesel fuel may be
products around the water!
                                           absorbents will capture oil before                  container to prevent spills during           antifreeze, some boat repair yards do.         adequate for your degreasing needs and are
                                                                                                                                                                                           less dangerous and flammable to store than
                                           the bilge pump discharges it into the               transfer of oil to a recycling facility or   Local HHW collection programs will             gasoline.
                                           water. Discard oil-soaked absorbents                used oil collection center (available at     also accept and recycle antifreeze.
                                           as hazardous waste. Ask your marina                 most marine supply stores). Replace          Where manufacturer specifications
                                           to collect used absorbents if it doesn’t            oil pan gaskets and oil seals whenever       permit, use less toxic propylene
                                           already. Otherwise, safely store them               the motor has been removed for               glycol (pink) rather than the standard

                                                                   12                                                                                                                                            13
5TH EDITION The Bay Foundation California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways
GREEN BOATING                                                                                                                              GREEN BOATING

SEWAGE                                     U.S. Coast Guard approved MSD. There
                                           are three types:
                                                                                       The Y-Valve                                        No Discharge Zones and                                                                    If your marina doesn’t have a pumpout
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    station, encourage the installation of
                                                                                                                                          Restricted Waterbodies
DISCHARGES                                 Type I MSDs chemically treat sewage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    such services. Clean Vessel Act grant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    funds are available to construct and
                                                                                                                                          In most cases, it’s legal to discharge                                                    renovate pumpout or dump facilities.
                                           so that the discharged effluent meets
                                                                                                                                          treated wastes from Types I and II
The Southern California coastline
offers boaters a variety of on-the-
                                           specified standards for bacteria
                                                                                                                                          MSDs directly overboard. Always avoid
                                                                                                                                                                                          THE NATIONAL                              For more information on grant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    guidelines, contact the California
water experiences, from exploring the
                                           content and contains no visible
                                           floating solids.
                                                                                                                                          discharging near sensitive shellfish           PUMPOUT SYMBOL                             State Parks Division of Boating
region’s bays, inlets, and estuaries to                                                                                                   beds and in shallow coves. It is illegal         Look for this symbol and                 and Waterways at P.O. Box 942896
sailing the open ocean. Unfortunately,                                                                                                    to discharge treated and untreated
                                           Type II MSDs are similar to Type                                                                                                                      remember:                          Sacramento, CA 94296, call 916/263-
recreational boaters add to the                                                                                                           waste while in “restricted waters”
                                           I MSDs, but meet a higher sewage                                                               such as a marina, swimming/wading
                                                                                                                                                                                             Dump at the Pump                       1331, or visit www.dbw.parks.ca.gov.
pollution problem when they don’t
dispose of boat sewage properly.           treatment standard. Type II MSDs                                                               areas, a sanctuary, poorly flushed
                                           are typically found on larger boats.                                                           areas, lakes, reservoirs, or freshwater                                                   Clean Waterways
                                           Without treatment, discharge from           Y-valves are used as part of the                   impoundments. If operating in these          Places to Dump
The Effects of                             a Type I or II MSD is considered raw        MSD system to direct waste either                                                                                                            Keeping California waterways clean
                                                                                                                                          waters, your Type I or II MSD must be        at the Pump
Recreational Boat Sewage                   sewage – an illegal discharge within        overboard, into the holding tank, or to            connected to a holding tank or secured                                                    and healthy has never been more
Discharges                                 the three-mile territorial limit.           a deck pumpout fitting. If your holding            to prevent any sewage discharge.                                                          important. By properly disposing of
                                                                                                                                                                                       When it’s time to empty your holding
                                                                                       tank (Type III) is plumbed with a Y-valve          Also keep in mind, it’s illegal to release                                                human sewage from your boat, you
                                                                                                                                                                                       tank, look for the national pumpout
Human sewage from boats creates            Type III MSDs (holding tanks) retain        for overboard discharge and you’re                 even treated wastes into a federally         symbol to guide you to a pumpout             make a real water quality difference
environmental and human health             sewage for shore based disposal at          operating within the three-mile limit,             designated No Discharge Zone.                                                             and help protect the resources along
                                                                                                                                                                                       facility. Additionally, public pumpout
problems, especially in shallow or         a pumpout station or for overboard          you must either secure the Y-valve                                                                                                           the Southern California coastline we all
                                                                                                                                                                                       locations can be found in each harbor
poorly flushed inlets or marinas,          discharge beyond the three mile             in the closed position with a padlock              Federally designated NO DISCHARGE                                                         enjoy so much.
                                                                                                                                                                                       section of this Guide or by calling
because this type of discharge             territorial limit.                          or non-releasable wire tie or remove               ZONES and restricted waters in               the local harbor master or patrol. To
introduces disease-carrying bacteria                                                   the handle entirely to prevent the                 Southern California include the              find the location of pumpout stations
and viruses into the water. Swimming,      Vessels 65 feet or less in length may       possibility of a discharge overboard.              following:                                   throughout California go to www.dbw.
skiing, or surfing in polluted waters or   install a Type I, II, or III MSD. Vessels                                                      • Avalon Bay and Two Harbors                 parks.ca.gov/pumpouts or download
eating raw or partially cooked shellfish   over 65 feet must install a Type II         Additive Advice                                    • Channel Islands Harbor                     the free Pumpout Nav app from you
taken from contaminated waters can         or III MSD.                                                                                    • Dana Point Harbor                          Android or Applie device.
make you sick. Untreated boat sewage                                                   Chemical disinfectants and deodorizers             • Huntington Harbour
also lowers oxygen levels in water,        Connecting your marine toilet to an         used in many MSDs can contain                      • King Harbor                                It only takes a few minutes to pump the
making it more difficult for fish and      MSD is a fairly straightforward process     chlorine, quaternary ammonia, and                  • Long Beach Harbor                          waste from your holding tank. If you’ve
other aquatic life to survive, and it      that doesn’t require removing the           formaldehyde — all harmful to aquatic              • Los Angeles Harbor                         never used a pumpout before, follow
creates an aesthetic problem as well.      boat from the water. For more specific      life. It only takes one-tenth of a part            • Marina del Rey Harbor                      posted instructions or ask the marina
                                           information, ask your marine retailer,      per million of chlorine to harm or kill            • Mission Bay                                manager for help. If the pumpout
Although it’s illegal to discharge         consult recent boating magazines, or        aquatic organisms in the vicinity of               • Oceanside Harbor                           appears to be out of order, it’s possible
untreated sewage into any navigable        visit the “Resources” section of the        a discharge. Read labels carefully,                • San Diego Bay                              that the previous user did not properly
U.S. waters, some recreational             Boat U.S. website at www.boatus.com.        and take advantage of the many                     • Santa Barbara Harbor                       flush the line. To do this, simply put the    TIPS FOR FINDING A PUMPOUT STATION
boaters still discharge raw wastes                                                     environmentally-friendly products now              • Upper/Lower Newport Bay                    hose into the water, open the valve,          To find a pumpout station in your area
into coastal and inland waterbodies.       An alternative way to deal with vessel      available without these ingredients.               • Ventura Harbor                             and flush the line for 45 seconds. A          download the free Pumpout Nav app or visit
                                           sewage on small boats is to keep a                                                                                                                                                        www.dbw.parks.ca.gov/pumpouts
You might think an individual                                                          Use only the amount recommended to                                                              pumpout line should always be flushed
boater’s contribution to the overall       portable toilet on board. Portable          ensure adequate treatment.                         Boaters should also note that some           both before and after use to prevent
pollution problem is small, but when       toilets require minimal space; have the                                                        harbors and marinas have local               clogging and breakdown.
you consider that there are over           added advantages of being inexpensive,       TIPS FOR CLEANING THE HEAD                        ordinances preventing the discharge
                                                                                        To clean and deodorize the boat’s head, use
four million recreational boaters in       reliable, and simple to operate;             a mix of 1/2 cup borax per 1 gallon of water.     of other wastes, such as greywater,          Call a mobile pumpout service if you
California, it’s easy to see that those    and can be emptied at pumpout or             Clean frequently with a solution of baking soda   into their waters. If unsure, check with     don’t want to pump the tank yourself.
                                           dump stations.                               and water, and sprinkle baking soda around
individual contributions can add up to a                                                the rim.                                          the marina manager or harbor master          For mobile pumpout services near you,
significant total.
                                           Environmentally speaking, a Type
                                                                                                                                          for a complete list of local ordinances.     go to www.dbw.parks.ca.gov/pumpouts.                   1 = 10,000
                                           III MSD or a portable toilet may be
Preventing Pollution with                  best because sewage can be retained
                                                                                                                                                                                       Empty portable toilet waste at one of
                                                                                                                                                                                       the local pumpout/dump stations or
Marine Sanitation Devices                  on board until it’s conveyed to a                                                                                                           into your toilet at home.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     FACT One toilet flush of untreated sewage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     from a boat can cause the same environmental
                                           treatment plant and on board chemical                                                                                                                                                     impacts as 10,000 flushes of a home owner’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     toilet where the waste is processed by a
A Marine Sanitation Device (MSD) is        use is minimized.                                                                                                                                                                         municipal sewage treatment system. (San
designed to keep untreated sewage out                                                                                                                                                                                                Francisco Regional Water Quality Control
of the water. All boats with installed                                                                                                                                                                                               Board, 2009)
marine toilets must have an operable

                                                                14                                                                                                                                        15
5TH EDITION The Bay Foundation California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways
GREEN BOATING                                                                                              GREEN BOATING

You & Sewage Management                                                                                     SMART                                     Vote with Your Dollars
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Become a Smart
                                                                                                            SHOPPING                                  As an informed consumer, you                     Consumer
                     Know the law                                                                                                                     can encourage manufacturers to
                                                                                                                                                      develop less toxic products for both
                                                                                                            Hazardous Boating                         recreational boating and home use.               Use elbow grease instead
It is against federal and state law to discharge untreated
sewage anywhere within the three-mile territorial limit                                                     Products                                  By purchasing less toxic or non-toxic            of more product
(including lakes, rivers, reservoirs, or coastal waters                                                                                               alternatives, you send a powerful
within three miles of shore) or treated sewage into any                                                     Some boating products contain             message to manufacturers and
                                                                                                            ingredients that have the potential       encourage them to produce safer                  Use less toxic alternatives
designated No Discharge Zone. Fines of up to $2,200 can
be imposed for illegal discharges (CWA §312 [f](3)).                                                        to harm people or the environment         alternatives to hazardous boat and               whenever possible
                                                                                                            because of their chemical properties.     household products. Avoid products
                                                                                                            In addition to the materials identified   with ingredients known to cause
                    Get equipped                                                                            under “Hazardous Waste Disposal”,         cancer or reproductive harm as listed            Take time to read the label
                                                                                                            other types of hazardous products are     in California’s Proposition 65. For more
Get a U.S. Coast Guard-approved MSD for your boat                                                           typically used for:                       information on Prop 65, visit www.
or consider using a port-a-potty. When used correctly,                                                                                                                                                 Buy only the amount
                                                                                                            • Boat maintenance & repair               oehha.ca.gov/prop65.html.
portable toilets are the best choices for the environment                                                   • Boat cleaning                                                                            that you need
because the waste can be discharged into an on-shore                                                        • Hull cleaning & antifouling coating    If your local marine supply store does
sewage treatment system, and there is no need to use                                                        • Sewage treatment                        not stock less toxic products, ask the
toxic additives or chemicals.                                                                                                                                                                          Properly handle and store
                                                                                                                                                      store manager to make them available.
                                                                                                                                                      If products are sold in much larger              hazardous materials
                                                                                                            Personal Protection
             Use shoreside facilities                                                                                                                 quantities than you need, ask the store
                                                                                                            Even though products used in              to stock smaller containers.                     Check stored products
Even if you have a Type I, II, or III MSD, consider using                                                   daily boat operations can be easily
restroom facilities at your marina before and after                                                                                                   It is important to note that some                every six months and
                                                                                                            purchased at your local boat supply
your outings or at locations along the way. Type I or II                                                    or hardware store, many of the            of the materials recommended                     properly dispose of
discharges, although treated, add chemicals and organic                                                     cleaners, solvents, degreasers, paints,   throughout this section may not be               those that are old or
matter to the marine environment.                                                                           strippers, and other products used        non-toxic, but rather are less toxic and
                                                                                                                                                      safer alternatives to products believed          unnecessary
                                                                                                            to refinish or clean a boat are toxic
    Don’t discharge in sensitive areas                                                                      both to you and the environment if        to be more hazardous.
                                                                                                            used or disposed of improperly. These                                                      Dispose of hazardous
Never discharge treated or untreated wastes into small                                                      products contain chemicals that are                                                        waste legally and safely
bays, harbors, marinas, areas with low tidal flushing, or near                                              poisonous, corrosive, flammable, and
recreational swimming, fishing, and shellfish bed areas.                                                    chemically reactive, and many have not                                                     Federal law requires that most
                                                                                                            been tested for potential long-term                                                        hazardous products include specific
                      Read labels                                                                           health effects on humans or the marine                                                     types of information on their labels.
                                                                                                            environment. Always wear protective                                                        Signal words, such as “danger/
Make sure that the holding tank deodorizers and                                                             clothing and a respirator, gloves, and                                                     poison,” “warning,” or “caution,” can
disinfectants you purchase do not contain formaldehyde,                                                     proper eye protection when handling                                                        give you a general indication of the
ammonia, or chlorine, and use only the specified amount.                                                    these products to prevent direct                              B ak in g S od
                                                                                                                                                                                                       toxicity of a product. If you want
                                                                                                            contact. Remember, proper disposal                                                         more information on a product’s
                                                                                                            of all household products and boating
       Use enzyme-based treatments                                                                          supplies is necessary to protect both
                                                                                                                                                                                                       contents, ask your retailer or
                                                                                                                                                                                                       contact the manufacturer for the
                                                                                                            yourself and the environment, in and                                                       Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
Instead of chemical additives, use enzyme-based                                                             out of the water.
treatments to break down solids and reduce odor.                                                                                                                                                       The MSDS will list any constituents
                                                                                                                                                                                                       considered a hazardous substance by
                                                                                                            Recreational boaters can make a            TIPS FOR TOP SIDE CLEANING                      the federal government. Remember
          Buy the right toilet tissue                                                                       difference! The cumulative impact of       Try using a combination of baking soda and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       to use biodegradable, less toxic, and
                                                                                                            small sources of pollution can have        water. When shopping for general cleaning
                                                                                                                                                       products, look for vegetable or citrus-based    safer cleaning products whenever
Choose rapidly dissolving toilet tissue, preferably made                                                    a significant impact on the marine         soaps. Avoid aerosol cleaners and degreasers.   possible. Cross check product
from recycled paper. This approach not only helps the                                                       environment. Choosing less toxic           This will reduce the amount of solvents and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       contents with the information found
                                                                                                                                                       cleaners that become airborne and eventually
environment, but it also helps prevent potential clogging                                                   products for cleaning, maintenance,        end up polluting waterways. Try wiping with     in the Proposition 65 list.
in your boat’s sewage system.                                                                               and repair of your boat will help          rags and pump sprays instead of aerosols
                                                                                                                                                       whenever possible.
                                                                      Pearl Cove Tide Pool, Laguna Beach.   protect the marine environment.
                                                                      PHOTO BY YUJU YEO

                                                                 16                                                                                                          17
GREEN BOATING                                                                                                                                   GREEN BOATING

BOAT                                         Top Side Maintenance                         Sensible surface preparation
                                                                                          With any kind of surface preparation,
                                                                                                                                               • Keep absorbent pads or rags within
                                                                                                                                                  reach to wipe up spills.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Preserve your boat’s wood
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           For more information on less-toxic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           antifouling coatings, companion
MAINTENANCE                                  Save it for the boat yard
                                             Plan for maintenance to be done all
                                                                                          the goal is to prevent all fugitive dust,
                                                                                          paint, or wood chip particles, chemical
                                                                                                                                               • Suspend a tarp or visquine sheet
                                                                                                                                                  between the boat and the dock to
                                                                                                                                                                                             To minimize the use and harmful
                                                                                                                                                                                             impact of varnishes, consider having
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           strategies, and DPR approved chlorine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           products, visit ucanr.org/sites/coast
& REPAIR                                     at once, when your boat is out of the
                                             water. Most maintenance can wait until
                                                                                          strippers, and metal shavings from
                                                                                          falling into the water. Here are some
                                                                                                                                                  catch any spills, dust, or debris that
                                                                                                                                                  would otherwise end up in the water.
                                                                                                                                                                                             covers made for exposed wooden
                                                                                                                                                                                             parts, such as teak railings.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and www.dbw.ca.gov/UsingHullPaints.

                                             the end of the season.                       tips for keeping toxics and debris out               • Turn the boat around in the slip to        While the initial investment may seem         Frequent cleaning
Maintaining a boat is not only                                                                                                                    avoid the challenge and the mess of
                                                                                          of the water:                                                                                      costly, you may save money on the             Minimize fouling growth and extend
necessary, it’s never-ending. As soon as                                                                                                          working on the far side of the boat.
                                             Limit in-water activities to                                                                                                                    cost of refinishing the wood. You can         the life of your bottom coating by
you’ve finished one project, the list of                                                                                                       • Mix paints and cleaners on land,
                                                                                          • Save the project for when the boat is                                                           also feel good about supporting a             giving the bottom a thorough wipe
things that need attention has grown         those which can be contained                    hauled out, and do the work in a boat                not on the dock. Use drip pans and                                                       with a soft, non-abrasive sponge.
two-fold. However, many products             Marina tenants should check                                                                                                                     local marine business and protecting
                                                                                             yard.                                                containment trays. Always mix              the environment!                              Use environmentally-friendly hull
for boat cleaning, maintenance, and          whether or not their marina has                                                                      paints on a tarp or another form of
                                                                                          • Do not sand in heavy wind. Sand                                                                                                               cleaning companies that use best
repair can be particularly harmful to        established guidelines for the type                                                                  containment.
                                                                                             with vacuum sanders or grinders                                                                                                               management practices, monitor their
the marine environment. Typically,           of boat maintenance work that can
                                                                                             (not steel wool), which automatically             • Use smaller containers (e.g., one          Bottom Side Maintenance                       divers, and use non-abrasive scrubbing
these products are more toxic than           be done in the slip. Always limit slip-                                                              gallon cans). The smaller the can, the
                                                                                             collect and store paint, varnish, or                                                                                                          agents, soft sponges, or pieces of
most household cleaners because they         side maintenance to projects that
                                                                                             wood dust before it can get into the                 smaller the potential spill and the less   Choose the right bottom paint                 carpets, to reduce the sloughing of
contain potent caustics and corrosives.      do not cause harmful discharges to                                                                   leftover. Limit the amount of paint or     Use less toxic hull paint. Antifouling
                                                                                             marine environment (or eyes and                                                                                                               paint and debris.
These items must be used cautiously          the water. All other projects should                                                                 other product open at any one time         paints historically contained toxic
                                                                                             lungs). Some boat yards have these
and conservatively.                          be performed in a boat yard that is                                                                  to one gallon, and make sure the can       metals, such as tin and copper, which
                                                                                             tools for rent.
                                             equipped to control air emissions while                                                              is in a containment tray that can hold     have been shown to pollute harbors.
                                                                                          • Avoid products with phosphates,
For example, soaps and detergents            painting, collect and treat waste from                                                               all the paint if it spills.                Conventional antifouling paints release
                                                                                             ammonia, lye, sodium
contain phosphates, which can cause          hull cleaning, and recycle or properly                                                                                                          biocides to inhibit marine growth.
                                                                                             hypochlorite (bleach), chlorinated
excessive algae growth and thereby           dispose of all types of hazardous                                                                                                               There are two types of paints that do
                                                                                             hydrocarbons (methylene                           Teak decks? Think Grey
deplete the oxygen necessary to sustain      wastes.                                                                                                                                         this: 1) contact leaching paints, which
                                                                                             chloride, perchloroethylene, or                   Many people love the look of bleached
aquatic life. A high concentration of                                                                                                                                                        leach biocide from an insoluble paint
                                                                                             trichloroethylene), and petroleum                 teak decks. However, the teak cleaners
phosphate soaps can also cause fish          Frequent cleaning                               distillates.                                      used to restore the bleached look are         mixture and 2) ablative paints, which
to suffocate by destroying the natural       In addition to phosphates and heavy                                                                                                             are designed to be soft-sloughing –
                                                                                                                                               mostly hazardous acid-based products.
oil on fish gills that help them take in     metals, boat cleaning products often                                                                                                            that is, both the paint and the biocide
                                                                                                                                               Their impact on aquatic life,
oxygen. Many detergents also contain         contain other toxics such as arsenic                                                                                                            are water soluble and begin to dissolve
                                                                                                                                               if improperly used or disposed of,
heavy metals, which bioaccumulate            and degreasing agents, which are lethal                                                                                                         when immersed in water. Copper
                                                                                                                                               can be devastating. In addition, teak
through the food chain.                      to fish. To lessen the impact of boat                                                                                                           compounds are primarily used as the
                                                                                                                                               cleaners can wear away the grain of the
                                             cleaning:                                                                                         wood and damage seam compounds.               biocide or antifouling agent in these
Boaters don’t want to pull their                                                                                                                                                             paints and, when released, directly
                                                                                                                                               Here are some alternatives to
boat out of the water every time the         • Reduce the need for soap by                                                                                                                  contribute to the contamination of
                                                                                                                                               bleaching teak:
brightwork, decks, or cabin sides need          scrubbing and rinsing with freshwater                                                                                                        shellfish beds and bottom sediment.
to be refinished or an engine needs             after each trip.                                                                                                                                                                           PHOTO BY GRACE LEE
                                                                                                                                               • Learn to appreciate grey. Untreated
servicing. To help minimize the impact       • Use a power washer instead of                                                                                                                Less-toxic antifouling coatings,
                                                                                                                                                  grey teak makes an excellent non-skid                                                    TIPS FOR METAL SURFACES
of maintenance and repair tasks on the          cleaning products to save money and                                                                                                          which are more environmentally-               Aluminum
surrounding marine environment, follow          the environment.                                                                                                                             friendly than copper-based bottom             Mix 1 tablespoon of cream of tartar in 1 quart
                                                                                                                                               • Rinse teak with saltwater to remove                                                      of hot water.
these tips to reduce the need for heavy-     • Use only phosphate-free and chlorine-                                                                                                        paints, include epoxy-based coatings,
                                                                                           PHOTO BY VICTORIA GAMBALE
                                                                                                                                                  dirt or, for a freshly sanded look,
duty cleaning products; to control              free biodegradable soaps.                                                                                                                    silicone-based coatings, or polymer-          Brass
                                                                                           TIPS FOR WOOD TREATMENT                                scrub decks with salt water and let                                                      Use a paste made of equal parts salt, vinegar,
leaks, spills, and discharges; and to find   • Use products conservatively. Rather        Teak cleaner                                                                                      based coatings. Because a non-toxic
                                                                                                                                                  the sun bleach decks to preserve the                                                     and water. Or try Worcestershire sauce.
alternatives to toxic products.                 than dousing the deck with soap and        Use a biodegradable soap to remove the dirt                                                       coating will not slow fouling growth,
                                                                                           and saltwater. Try using a mild powder soap            natural oils of the wood.                                                                Chrome
                                                hosing it off, apply small amounts with    and scrub with bronze wool.                         • Try using a mild, biodegradable            a companion strategy must be used,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Wipe with cider vinegar to clean and rinse with
                                                a cloth and wipe it up.                                                                           powder soap with bronze wool to            such as mechanical cleaning or the            water. Use baby oil to polish.
                                                                                           Wood preservatives
                                                                                           Avoid products that contain                            clean teak.                                use of a slip liner or boat lift.
                                             Avoid aerosol cleaners and                    pentachlorophenol (PCP), creosote, tributyltin
                                                                                                                                               • If you must use teak cleaners in           There are 11 chlorine products                Use a paste of lemon juice, water, and salt.
                                                                                           oxide, or folpet. Water-based preservatives                                                       approved by the California Department
                                             degreasers                                    that seal the wood and protect it from water           the slip, look for ones that are                                                         Stainless steel
                                             This reduces the amount of solvents           rot and insects are readily available. Look for        environmentally-safer.                     of Pesticides Regulation (DPR) for use        Clean and polish with a paste of baking soda
                                             and cleaners that become airborne,
                                                                                           borax-based wood preservatives. A water-
                                                                                                                                               • If you must use more caustic teak          with boat slip liners in California. If the   and water.
                                                                                           based sealer or polyurethane can help to
                                             which can eventually pollute                  prevent wood rot.                                      cleaners, save the job for the boat        boat is stored in saltwater, freshwater
                                             waterways. Instead, administer                                                                       yard.                                      can be used in the boat slip liner.
                                                                                           Wood stains and finishes                                                                          However, some marinas do not allow
                                             cleaners to rags directly, then wipe          Use finishes derived from natural sources such
                                             with the rag. Whenever possible, use          as shellac, tung oil, and linseed oil. Use water-                                                 these companion strategies.
                                                                                           based stains. Try less-toxic wood working
                                             pump sprays instead of aerosols.              compounds.

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GREEN BOATING                                                                                                                                  GREEN BOATING

Save it for the boat yard
Underwater hull cleaning can cause
                                            General Clean Boating                                                                                  GREY WATER                                If it’s not “clean and clear,” do
                                                                                                                                                                                             not discharge overboard
a release of copper and other
                                                                                                                                                                                             The legality of discharging greywater
pollutants that can contaminate                                                                                                                    What Is Boat Greywater?                   into a marina or within three miles of
sediment. Hull maintenance work             Elbow grease is cheaper
                                                                                                                                                                                             the coast varies from place to place. In
should be performed in a boat yard          The more caustic a cleaner is, the                                                                     Greywater is the soapy water from         some areas, there are local ordinances
that has a proper waste collection          greater the potential hazard to you                                                                    boat sinks and showers. The term is       and codes that allow harbor patrol
and treatment system. However, if           and the environment. Use more elbow                                                                    also used to describe the dirty rinse     to issue citations for any discharge
you do choose to have underwater            grease and go easy on caustic cleaners.                                                                water created when washing a boat.        that is not “clean and clear.” To avoid
hull cleaning performed on your boat,                                                                                            PHOTO BY BOATUS                                             any potential fines and to protect the
hire a diver who uses environmental         Remember the law                                                                                       While many of the bleaches,               aquatic environment, do not discharge
                                                                                                TIPS FOR GENERAL CLEANING
best management practices for boat          California’s Regional Water Quality                 Dishes                                             detergents, and soaps used aboard         greywater overboard.
bottom cleaning. A diver should not         Control Boards may impose a penalty                 Use less toxic, biodegradable, vegetable oil-      may be the same as those you use at
                                                                                                based soaps and detergents that are free of
create a colored plume when cleaning        of up to $5,000 per violation for                                                                      home, some boat cleaning products
                                            discharge of a hazardous substance
                                                                                                chlorine and phosphates.                                                                     Use shore-side facilities
the bottom of your boat.                                                                                                                           are even more caustic or corrosive
                                            into any state waters.                              Fiberglass stain remover
                                                                                                                                                   than household cleaners. As mentioned
                                                                                                                                                                                             whenever possible
                                                                                                Use a paste of baking soda and water.                                                        If you’re just out for a day trip, bring
Consider storage alternatives                                                                                                                      previously, soaps and deck cleaners can
                                                                                                                                                                                             home any dirty dishes and take your
If your boat isn’t used often, consider     Control runoff contamination                        Floors                                             contain a variety of toxins, including
                                                                                                To clean vinyl tile and linoleum, use 1/4 cup of                                             shower at home in order to minimize the
keeping it in dry storage or installing a   Don’t use the street or parking lots for            white vinegar in 1 gallon of warm water and        chlorine, phosphates, inorganic salts,
                                                                                                                                                                                             amount of boat-generated greywater.
hoist that floats in the slip to minimize   boat maintenance and repair. These                  add 1/4 cup washing soda.                          and metals.
fouling marine growth. Otherwise,           areas often have no drainage control                Glass
                                            and contaminated discharges almost                  Use 1/4 cup of white vinegar in 1 quart of         Even though household and boat            Less is more
surround the hull in the slip with a                                                                                                                                                         When washing the boat, use less
                                            always enter nearby storm drains,                   water.                                             cleaning products may be similar,
boat liner or bath. Filling the bath with                                                                                                                                                    product and more elbow grease. A
freshwater suppresses marine growth,        which then lead directly into local                 Mildew remover                                     the environmental impact of boat-
                                            waterways, bays, and the ocean.                     Make a paste of equal parts of either lemon        generated greywater is much worse for     quick freshwater rinse and scrub
and taking your boat into saltwater                                                             juice and salt or vinegar and salt and then                                                  after each trip minimizes the need for
kills freshwater growth.                                                                        scrub. For more severe problems, scrub             one simple reason...home-generated
                                                                                                                                                                                             harsh cleaners. When using cleaning
                                            Prevent and always report                           mildew spots with a borax and water mix using      shower, laundry, and dish water is
                                                                                                a nylon scouring pad.                              diverted to the sanitary sewer system     products, use the smallest amount
Choose paints with low VOC                  accidental spills                                                                                                                                possible to get the job done.
                                            If you do accidentally dump paint or                Scouring powders                                   for treatment (unless you have a
content                                                                                         Try using baking soda. Otherwise, try a non-       septic system) prior to being released
Use non-chlorinated paint and paint         varnish into the water, it must be
                                            treated as a hazardous waste spill.
                                                                                                chlorinated cleanser.
                                                                                                                                                   into local waterways. Boat-generated      Use only phosphate-free and
related materials with low volatile                                                                                                                                                          biodegradable soaps
                                            Report spills of oil or other hazardous                                                                greywater is not! Most boats do not
organic compound (VOC) content. Use                                                                                                                                                          Check the shelves of your local
                                            substances to the National Response                                                                    have the technology required for
aqueous coatings when possible. Avoid                                                                                                                                                        supermarket or marine supply store
                                            Center at 800/424–8802.                                                                                containing greywater in order to
tints with heavy metals.                                                                                                                                                                     for phosphate-free and biodegradable
                                                                                                                                                   prevent its discharge. Therefore, to
                                                                                                                                                   minimize the impact of greywater on       soaps. These products are no longer
Read the paint can label                                                                                                                           the marine environment, remember:         hard to find.                              PHOTO BY © CHAD KING
Once bottom paint is applied, don’t
clean the bottom of the hull before the
amount of time prescribed by the paint

Use only what you need
If purchasing bottom paint at a boat
yard and doing the work yourself, you
may be allowed to return the unused
                                             PHOTO BY GRACE LEE
portion for credit.
                                             TIPS FOR PAINTING AND STRIPPING
                                             Avoid strippers containing methylene
                                             chloride, trichloroethylene (TCE), benzene,
                                             1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA), xylene, or toluene.

                                                                                                                                                    PHOTO BY © HAL BERAL

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