A GENUINE - Dubai Camel Racing Club

Page created by Kimberly Mitchell
A GENUINE - Dubai Camel Racing Club
Monthly Magazine Inspired by Camel Racing and Heritage Issue 41 Jan / Feb / 2018

                                                                                    A GENUINE

                                                                THE GRAND
                                                                A CONNOTATION
                                                                OF LOYALTY         THE CREATIVE AWARD …
                                                                AND GIVING         A GREATEST MOTIVATIONAL ONE FOR ATHLETES
A GENUINE - Dubai Camel Racing Club
A GENUINE - Dubai Camel Racing Club
                       Crown Prince Of Dubai

    A Decade Of Great
    And Unceasingly Initiatives
I t is indeed a great pleasure and an honor for us to extend our warm congratulations to His Excellency Sheikh
  Hamdan Bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Dubai Execu-
tive Council of Dubai Government, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of His Excellency’s Accession Day.

The celebration of His Excellency this year is special and distinguished, as we began celebrating His Excel-
lency Generous Gesture, the launch of the First Edition of His Excellency Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed bin
Rashid Al Maktoum, Pure-Bred Arabian Camel Races Festival.

This Generous Gesture, comes in line with His Excellency unlimited support to revive traditional and heritage
sports, it also represents a good opportunity for camels’ owners to verify and readiness of their camels for the
final festivals.

The launch of this unique challenge aimed at safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage and encouraging all
UAE nationals to participate in traditional sports in an atmosphere that exudes a sense of national pride and
community spirit, and His Excellency firm belief that sport is one of the most important means having a sig-
nificant role in shaping the human being and formulating the renaissance of the nations and their civilization.

His Excellency has always stated that , camel racing sport, does mean a lot to me, not in a winning level, but
most important to me, is to revive this heritage and traditional sport of our fathers and grandfathers among all
UAE nationals and the GCC Couturiers as well.

At the Dubai Camel Racing Club, and as usual, all the necessary preparations and arrangements were made
on all levels, in order to produce this distinguished event in an elegant style.

We wish His Excellency Sheikh Hamdan, more happy decades to come.

                               We ask Almighty Allah Reconcile and Repay

                                                                                   Ali Saeed Bin Saroud
A GENUINE - Dubai Camel Racing Club
cellency Crown Prince of Dubai proceeded
                                                                                                             to honour the winners. The UAE’s Minister
                                                                                                             of Tolerance Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al
                                                                                                             Nahyan, picked up the top award at the Ninth
                                                                                                             Edition of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Creative
                                                                                                             Sports Awards. His Excellency was chosen
                                                                                                             as the winner of the UAE Sports Personality
                                                                                                             Award for his contribution to the sports sector
                                                                                                             especially in his previous portfolio as Chair-
                                                                                                             man of the General Authority of Youth and
                                                                                                             Sports Welfare.
                                                                                                             Her Royal Highness Princess Reema Bint Ban-
                                                                                                             dar bin Sultan Al Saud , won the Arab Sports
                                                                                                             Personality Award for her role played in the em-
                                                                                                             powerment of women in the Kingdom through
                                                                                                             her spirit of entrepreneurship and philanthro-
                                                                                                             py and also for her serious and sincere ef-
                                                                                                             forts to introduce and enrol physical education
                                                                                                             classes for girls in the Governmental School.
                                                                                                             His Excellency Crown Prince of Dubai, and
                                                                                                             within the first launch of the Olympic Creative
                                                                                                             Sports Award Category His Excellency hon-
                                                                                                             oured the Tunisia Athlete Mohammed Gam-
                                                                                                             moudi for scoring 04 Olympic Medals (Tokyo
                                                                                                             1964) golden and silver Medals (Mexico 1968)
                                                                                                             and Silver one ( Munich 1998).
                                                                                                             On the other hand,, His Excellency Sheikh
                                                                                                             Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Mak-

                                                                                                             toum, Chairman of Mohammed bin Rashid
                                                                                                             Al Maktoum Foundation, President of the Na-

                                                                                                             tional Olympic Committee and Chairman of
                                                                                                             Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Creative
                                                                                                             Sports Award honoured six UAE emerging

     9TH EDITION                                                                                                                  THE WINNERS OF THE 9TH MBR CREATIVE SPORTS AWARD
                                                                                                               UAE Sports Personality Award                     HE Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan (UAE)
His Excellency Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak … Her Royal Highness Princess Reema Bint                              Arab Sports Personality Award              HRH Princess Rima bint Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud (KSA)
Bandar Win The Top Honours At Mbr Creative Sports Awards                                                      UAE Outstanding Athlete Award                        Omar Abdul Rahman Al A Moodi (Football)
                                                                                                                    UAE Referee Award                             Ebrahim Yousef Al Mansoori (Beach Soccer)
                                                                                                                     UAE Coach Award                              Saeed Bin Suroor Al Khaldi (Horse Racing)
H   is Excellency Sheikh Hamdan
    Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al
Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai
                                    entities that falls under The Mo-
                                    hammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
                                    Global Initiatives announced in
                                                                        President of the Saudi Federation
                                                                        for Community Sports, has deliv-
                                                                        ered a speech on behalf of all the
                                                                                                                  UAE Organisation Award
                                                                                                              Arab Outstanding Athlete Award
                                                                                                                                                                           UAE Jiu Jitsu Federation
                                                                                                                                                                    Nour Atef El Sherbini (Egypt - Squash)
, Chairman of the Dubai Execu-      2010 by His Highness Sheikh Mo-     winners in which she thanked His          Arab Administrator Award                         Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed Al Gannas (KSA)
tive Council of Dubai Government    hammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum,       Excellency Crown Prince of Dubai
                                                                        and the organizers of the Award.            Arab Referee Award                                Tarek Bin Mohamed Souei(Tunisia)
and Chairman of Dubai Sports        Vice-President and Prime Minister
Council, and the patronage of Mo-   of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai as    She said that Arab youth are driv-           Arab Coach Award                                   Faris Ibrahim Al Assaf(Jordan)
hammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum        part of the ‘UAE Vision 2021’.      ing creativity and progress in the            Arab Team Award                                   Iraqi Youth Football Team U16
Creative Sports Award , honoured    Her Royal Highness Princess         region, and the values and ethos
                                                                                                              International Organisation Award           (Association of Summer Olympic International Federations)
the winners of the 9th Mohammed     Reema bint Bandar bin Sultan Al     that Arab sportsmen share are
bin Rashid Al Maktoum Creative      Saud, Deputy President of Sau-      helping them succeed in various       Union Cycliste International (UCI)     International Organisation Award (Association of IOC Recognised
Sports Award at a glittering cer-   di Arabia’s Sports Authority for    international competitions.                                                                   International Sports Federations)
emony. The Award is one of the      Planning and Development and        Following the speech, His Ex-        International Cricket Council (ICC)

06                   Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                                                                                                                              Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                          07
A GENUINE - Dubai Camel Racing Club
UAE Emerging Athlete Award (Nominees – voting to continue until Dec 31)
 1                        Hussain Yousuf Anwar                               (Football)
 2                     Ammar Mohammed Al Sedrani                              (Chess)
 3                         Maitha Abdulla Hasan                                (Judo)
 4                        Wadima Saeed Abdulla                               (Jiu Jitsu)
 5                       Omar Mohammed Alwan                                 (Jiu Jitsu)
 6                     Abdalla Guhloom Al Maazimi                          (Taekwondo)

Arab Emerging Athlete Award: Mohammed Mustafa Al Sowaiq (KSA - Taekwondo)
Distinguished Athletes Achievement Sports Award: Farida Hisham Osman (Egypt - Swimming)
Difficult Challenges Award (People of Determination Category)

 1        Abdellatif Baka (Algeria - Athletics)
 2          Fouad Baka (Algeria - Athletics)

 1   Mohammed Gammoudi (Tunisia - Athletics)
 2     Hicham El Guerrouj (Morocco - Athletics)

The Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Crea-
tive Sports Award is the first of its kind in the Arab
world, offered to creativity in any of the various
fields of Arab sports. The award aims to educate
the sports sector by highlighting the standards of
corporate excellence in local and Arab institutions,
pave the way for sports researchers at both the
local the Arab levels, and link research to sports
creativity. It contributes to the ongoing march of the
athletic achievements and contributions at the local
and Arab levels.

08                      Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018
A GENUINE - Dubai Camel Racing Club
HIS EXCELLENCY SHEIKH                                                                          TYPES OF
                                                                                                                                         THE PRIZES IN- KIND
 HAMDAN BIN MOHAMMED BIN RASHID AL MAKTOUM                                                                                                    AWARDS

            CAMELS RACES FESTIVAL                                                                                                                               12
                                                                                                                                          HIS HIGH EXCELLENCY
                                                                                                                                        CROWN PRINCE OF DUBAI

            ST N
                                     10 TO 20 FEBRUARY 2018
        I R
       F TIO
                                                PS A N D TITLE
                                                               S…                                                                              DAGGERS
                                                                                                                                                        02                                                       NUMBERS
                                F LA
LAPS                                                                                                                                                                                                        PRIZEMONEY AWARDS
 No.                         S

                                                                                     HAUL & ZUMOOL

                                                                                                     HAUL & ZUMOOL FOR

                                                                                     FOR SHEIKHS
                                                                                                                                        HIS HIGH EXCELLENCY

323                    BE
                                                                                                                                               CROWN PRINCE
                                                        THA EIKHS

                                                                                                                                           OF DUBAI’S SWORD
                                           YEZ BESM

                                                                                                                                                                                                     NUMBERSOF PRIZES MONEY ..............

                                                                            YA FOR

                                              ZAA EN

                                                              A FO
                             YE HEIK

                                                                                                                         CAMELS FOR


                                                                                                                                                                                                     PRIZES MONEY LAPS ALLOCATED



                                  AA HS
                  LA IBE

                                                                                                                                                                                                     FOR CAMELS OWNED BY

                     QA SM

                                                                                                                                                                                                     THEIR HIGHNESSES THE SHEIKHS .......
                       YA EN


  LA H


    QA EIK

                                                                                                                         CAMELS FOR

      YA HS

                                                                                                                                                                                                     PRIZES MONEY LAPS ALLOCATED
        HA RIB


           Q ES


                                                                                                                                                                                                     FOR CAMELS OWNED BY TRIBESMEN ...
             AQ M
               A EN

          55       R

                                                                                                                                                                                   VEHICLES LAPS                VEHICLES LAPS ALLOCAT-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ED FOR CAMELS OWNED
                                                                                                                                                                                  183                           BY THEIR HIGHNESSES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                THE SHEIKHS
                                                                                                                                                                                 LAPS FOR                       56
                                                                                                                                                                                 THE 4 WHEEL
  PRIZES IN - KIND                                                                                                                                                               DRIVE VEHICLES

                                                                                                                                                                                       VEHICLES LAPS ALLOCATED FOR CAMELS
                                                                                                                                                                                       OWNED BY TRIBESMEN

                                                                                                                                        At A Glance
                                                                                                                                        WHAT:    His Excellency Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Camel Races Festival-First Edition.

 THE TRIBESMEN’S PRIZES IN- KIND       20                                                                                                                           WHEN:       From 10 to 20 February 2018 at Al Marmoum Smart Camel Racing Track.
                                                                                                                                                                                  TIMING:       07:00 am To 10:00 am, and from 02:00 pm to 05.30 pm.
 REPRODUCTIVE CAMELS’ PRIZES IN- KIND           10                                                                                                                   VENUE:       Al Marmoum Smart Camel Racing Track, Dubai-Al Ain Rd. – Al Lusaily
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ADMISSION:          Free

10                      Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                                                                                                                                                  Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                             11
A GENUINE - Dubai Camel Racing Club
Mohammed Al Nahyan, Advisor to       December 4th up to Sunday De-
                                                                                                                                                            the UAE President, President of      cember10th.
                                                                                                                                                            the Camel Racing Federation and      The event was mainly consisted
                                                                                                                                                            Chairman of the Organizing Com-      of 176 rounds of races brought to-
                                                                                                                                                            mittee of the Festival and Head
                                                                                                                                                                                                 gether more than 10,000 camels
                                                                                                                                                            of the Presidential Camel Racing
                                                                                                                                                                                                 competed in various categories
                                                                                                                                                            Team,     His Excellency Sheikh
                                                                                                                                                            Maktoum Bin Hamdan Bin Rashid        each allocated with numbers of
                                                                                                                                                            Al Maktoum, Sheikh Fahad bin         races i.e.; ( Yezzaa- 32 Rounds) ,
                                                                                                                                                            Falah bin Hethleen, Chairman of      ( Laqaya - 36 Rounds) (Thanaya –
                                                                                                                                                            Camel Club in Saudi Arabia, and      24 Rounds) ( Haul & Zumool- 30
                                                                                                                                                            a number of Sheikhs, camel own-      Rounds) and ( Haqaqa- Abkar &
                                                                                                                                                            ers and breeders from the UAE        Jeadan 50 Rounds).
                                                                                                                                                            and GCC countries attended the       The Organizing Committee, allo-
                                                                                                                                                            launch ceremony.                     cated boundless and lavishly pre-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 cious prizes in kind i.e.; swords,
                                                                                                                                                            Participants and Prizes …            daggers, shields, luxury cars and
                                                                                                                                                            The weeklong heritage and cul-       lucrative in cash prizes been dis-
                                                                                                                                                            tural festival staged from Monday,   tributed to the winners.
 T H E                        U N M A T C H A B L E
 2017 – 2018

U     nder the patronage of His High-
      ness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed
 Al Nahyan, President of the United
                                        Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Nahy-
                                        an, Advisor to the UAE President,
                                        President of the Camel Racing
                                                                               proud history as a gateway to the
                                                                               future. It is an annual celebration
                                                                               and fusion of Emirati heritage and
                                                                                                                       our nation and among our brothers
                                                                                                                       in the GCC countries who partici-
                                                                                                                       pated in this great sporting cham-
 Arab Emirates, The Zayed Camel         Federation and Chairman of the         voyage through time that encom-         pionship.
 Race Grand Prix 2017 – 2018 is         Organizing Committee of the Fes-       passes the nation`s past, present
 held under the guidance and sup-       tival and Head of the Presidential     and future.                             The Launch …
 port of His Highness Sheikh Mo-        Camel Racing Team.                     The Zayed Camel Race Grand Prix         Deputy Prime Minister and Min-
 hammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan,                                                   was one of Sheikh Zayed’s priori-       ister of Presidential Affairs, His
 Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and          The Aim …                              ties to preserve the customs of a       Excellency Sheikh Mansour bin
 Deputy Supreme Commander of            This traditional and heritage sports   country that was modernizing at         Zayed Al Nahyan,watched the in-
 the UAE Armed Forces; and un-          event is part of the Sheikh Zayed      breakneck pace, because Camel           auguration of this historical and
 der the direct supervision of His      Heritage Festival 2017 2018.           Racing is a sport rooted in the cul-    immortal tournament, that took
 Excellency Sheikh Mansour bin          The festival is named in honour        ture and traditions of the country.     place on Monday, December 4th at
 Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime          of the UAE`s founding father, the      It is also shapes and constitutes       Al Wathba camel racetrack on the
 Minister and Minister of Presiden-     late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al        social and cultural activities that     outskirts of the capital Abu Dhabi
 tial Affairs; and close follow up of   Nahyan, in recognition of his piv-     play a great role, morally, socially,   and in the presence His Excellen-
 His Excellency Sheikh Sultan bin       otal role in preserving the nations    economically and educationally in       cy Sheikh Sultan bin Hamdan bin

12                      Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                                                                                                                                  Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                            13
A GENUINE - Dubai Camel Racing Club
E V E N T S              O F       A N     U N M A T C H A B L E                    F E S T I V A L               PRESIDENTIAL CAMELS PREVAIL…

                                                                                                                   The fourth day allocated for cam-   Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown         Mohammed Al Nahyan, Advisor
                                                                                                                   els “Laqaya and Yezzaa , owned      Prince of Dubai and Chairman of      to the UAE President, President
                                                                                                                   by their Highnesses the Sheikhs     the Executive Council of Dubai       of the Camel Racing Federation
                                                                                                                   , has witnessed His Excellency      Government, attending the ac-        and Chairman of the Organizing
 PRESIDENTIAL AND ZABEEL CAMELS DOMINATE THE FINAL DAY…                                                            Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed          tivities along with His Excellency   Committee of the Festival, His
                                                                                                                                                       Sheikh Sultan bin Hamdan bin         Excellency Sheikh Maktoum Bin
                                                                                                                                                                                            Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum,

I n a unique and thrilling conclusion
  of the tournament, attended by
 His Excellency Sheikh Maktoum
                                        the final eight awards of the fes-
                                        tival allocated for camels owned
                                                                             ciation. The final day, witnessed a
                                                                             strong and competitive challenge
                                                                                                                                                                                            and Sheikh Saeed Bin Juma Bin
                                                                                                                                                                                            Maktoum Al Maktoum.
                                                                                                                                                                                            On day four the race witnessed
                                        by their Highnesses the Sheikhs.     between the three magnificent
 Bin Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Mak-          The two swords allocated for Local   empires, the Presidential Camels,
 toum , distributed prizes among        Haul on the 5th race and the Hy-     Al Asifa and Zabeel Camels, but
 the winners, and Abdulla Mubarak       brid Haul on the 6th race + three    the headmost dominated the final
 Saeed Al Muhairi, Director Gener-      daggers on the 1st, 2nd and 7th.     day by grasping five titles out of
 al of the UAE Camel Racing Asso-

        RACE NO:                                                                                 FINISHING
       CATEGORY          WINNER           OWNER                       TRAINER                      TIME
 Local Abkar .01        Matfiah     Presidential Camels   Rashid Moh’d Bal Sam Al Mansouri     minutes 12:23:8
 Hybrid Abkar .02       Al Kourah   Presidential Camels   Mohammed Bin Zaitoun Al Muhairi      minutes 12:14:2
 Local Jeadan .03       Dhibian     Zabeel Camels         Rashid Mohammed Muroushid            minutes 12:23:3
 Hybrid Jeadan.04       Mukkaram    Zabeel Camels         Rashid Mohammed Muroushid            minutes 12:32:5
 Local Houl .05         Hamloolah   Presidential Camels   Ali Jameel Al Waihabi                minutes 12:21:9
 Hybrid Houl .06        Khairah     Presidential Camels   Mohammed Bin Zaitoun Al Muhairi      minutes 12:16:9
 Local Zumool.07        Al Wash     Presidential Camels   Ali Jameel Al Waihabi                minutes 12:38:0
 Hybrid Zumool.08       Sawghan     Zabeel Camels         Rashid Mohammed Muroushid            minutes 12:48:8

 Best Time Recorded
        RACE NO:                                                                                 FINISHING
       CATEGORY          WINNER           OWNER                       TRAINER                      TIME
     Hybrid Abkar .02   Al Kourah   Presidential Camels   Mohammed Bin Zaitoun Al Muhairi      minutes 12:14:2

14                        Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                                                                                                                           Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                          15
A GENUINE - Dubai Camel Racing Club
a strong challenge and excellent       The 2nd, 3rd ,4th, 5th and the        owned by His Excellency Sheikh
 display demonstrated by the Pres-      7th races were snatched by the        Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Mak-
 idential Camels, when they smart-      Presidential Camels and received,     toum, and received a dagger and
 ly snatched five titles out of the     a dagger and AED300, 000, a           AED300, 000.
 eight awards.                          shield and AED200, 000, a shield      The eighth and the final race was
 Zabeel Camels won the 1st race         and AED200, 000, a dagger and         won by Al Asifa Camels, and re-
 and seized the dagger and re-          AED300, 000 and a shield and          ceived a shield and AED200, 000,
 ceived AED300, 000.                    AED200, 000 respectively.             here are the final results in detailed:
                                        The sixth race was won by camels

        RACE NO:                                                                                    FINISHING
       CATEGORY          WINNER           OWNER                         TRAINER                       TIME
 Local Laqaya .01       Al Sciha     Zabeel Camels         Rashid Mohammed Muroushid              minutes 07:12:1
 Hybrid Laqaya .02      Tasreeh      Presidential Camels   Mohammed Bin Zaitoun Al Muhairi        minutes 07:16:4
 Local Laqaya .03       Al Afreet    Presidential Camels   Mohammed Bin Zaitoun Al Muhairi        minutes 07:11:9
 Hybrid Laqaya .04      Badran       Presidential Camels   Mohammed Bin Zaitoun Al Muhairi        minutes 07:13:2
 Local Yezzaa .05       Al Nahda     Presidential Camels   Ali Jameel Al Waihabi                  minutes 08:55:1
 Hybrid Yezzaa .06      Al Sayeha    Sheikh Hamdan Bin     Saeed Mohammed Muroushid               minutes 08:46:0
 Abkar                               Rashid Al Maktoum
 Local Yezzaa.07        Al Shami     Presidential Camels   Ali Jameel Al Waihabi                  minutes 08:59:2
 Hybrid Yezzaa .08      Nayef        Al Asifa Camels       Geyath Al Hilali                       minutes 08:35:6

 Best Time Recorded
        RACE NO:                                                                                    FINISHING
       CATEGORY          WINNER           OWNER                         TRAINER                       TIME
     Local Laqaya .03    Al Afreet   Presidential Camels   Mohammed Bin Zaitoun Al Muhairi        minutes 07:11:9
  Hybrid Yezzaa .08      Al Sayeha   Sheikh Hamdan Bin     Saeed Mohammed Muroushid               minutes 08:46:0
       Jeadan                        Rashid Al Maktoum

16                        Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                                                                         Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018   17
A GENUINE - Dubai Camel Racing Club
  The festival inauguration was designated for the reproductive Haqaqa-
  Abkar camels owned by tribesmen, here is the result:

  20 Races... 04 Kilometers

            RACE NO:                                                                         FINISHING
           CATEGORY                 WINNER       THE PRIZE                OWNER                TIME
 Reproductive Haqaqa- Abkar.01     Munnoh     a dagger and      Hamad Nafie Al Mansouri      05:50:4
                                              AED300, 000                                    minutes
 Reproductive Haqaqa- Jeadan .02   Mulhim     a dagger and      Mubarak Hamad Al Shamsi      06:00:9
                                              AED300, 000
 Reproductive Haqaqa- Jeadan .04   Al Tayer   a shield and      Hamad Rashid Al Amrie        05:58:8
                                              AED200, 000                                    minutes

 Best Time Recorded
           RACE NO:                                                                          FINISHING
          CATEGORY                 WINNER         THE PRIZE                 OWNER              TIME
 Reproductive Haqaqa- Abkar.01     Munnoh     a dagger and AED300, Hamad Nafie Al Mansouri   05:50:4
                                              000                                            minutes

18                     Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                                                             Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018   19
8 Races ... 5 Kilometers

           RACE NO:                                                                          FINISHING
          CATEGORY                 WINNER     THE PRIZE                OWNER                   TIME
 Reproductive Haqaqa- Abkar .01 Ashahiniya a dagger and    Aldahba Ghnazil Hamroor Al        07:31:1
                                           AED300, 000     Amrie                             minutes
 Reproductive Hybrid Haqa� .022 Mukheefa a dagger and      Saeed Mohammed Salmeen Al         07:23:6
 qa- Abkar                                 AED300, 000     Mansouri                          minutes
 Reproductive Haqaqa- .03       Shaheen    a shield and    Khalfan Hilal Mohammed Al         07:27:5
 Jeadan                                    AED200, 000     Nuaimi                            minutes
 Reproductive Hybrid Haqaqa- .4 MaYahab    a shield and    Saeed Saif Ali Rashid Al Katabi   07:27:4
 Jeadan                                    AED200, 000                                       minutes
 Reproductive Haqaqa- Abkar .5 Ashahiniya a dagger and     Mansour Hamad Salim Al Katabi     07:27:2
                                           AED300, 000                                       minutes

Best Time Recorded
            RACE NO:                                                                         FINISHING
           CATEGORY                WINNER      THE PRIZE                OWNER                  TIME
 Reproductive Hybrid Haqaqa- .02   Mukheefa a dagger and     Saeed Mohammed Salmeen Al       07:23:6
 Abkar                                      AED300, 000      Mansouri                        minutes

20                     Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                                                             Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018   21
8 Races … 6 Kilometers

           RACE NO:                                                                        FINISHING
                                  WINNER       THE PRIZE              OWNER
          CATEGORY                                                                           TIME      THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMEL RACING TEAM…
 Local Reproductive Yezzaa .01   ALNusaiba   a dagger and   Saeed Obaid Al Sabousi         09:11:1     WELL DONE …
 - Abkar                                     AED300, 000                                   minutes     His Excellency Sheikh Sultan bin Hamdan bin Mohammed
 Local Reproductive Hybird .02   Manakh      a dagger and   Salim Saeed Manana Al Katabi   09:10:9     Al Nahyan, Advisor to the UAE President, President of the
 Yezzaa - Abkar                              AED300, 000                                   minutes     Camel Racing Federation and Chairman of the Organizing
 Local Reproductive Yezzaa .03   Manbaa      a shield and   Mohammed Aldahba Ghnazil       09:05:5     Committee of the Festival and Head of the Presidential Cam-
 - Jeadan                                    AED200, 000    Hamroor Al Amrie               minutes     el Racing Team, has extended his warm congratulations to
                                                                                                       President His Highness Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan,
 Open Race For Local Yez� .055   Nawadir     a dagger and   Hadif Hamad Afsan Al Man-      09:04:5
 zaa - Abkar                                 AED300, 000    souri                          minutes     and His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan,
                                                                                                       Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Command-
Best Time Recorded                                                                                     er of the UAE Armed Forces, and to Deputy Prime Minister
                                                                                                       and Minister of Presidential Affairs, His Excellency Sheikh
           RACE NO:                                                                        FINISHING
                                  WINNER       THE PRIZE              OWNER                            Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, on the superb performances
          CATEGORY                                                                           TIME
                                                                                                       that achieved during this unique festival by The Presidential
 Open Race For Local Yez� .055   Nawadir     a dagger and   Hadif Hamad Afsan Al Man-      09:04:5     Camel Racing Team, resulted in winning ten precious prizes
 zaa - Abkar                                 AED300, 000    souri                          minutes     in kind.

22                     Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                                                                    Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                            23

ec e m b e r H
               a r v e s t
                                                          CHALLENGE RACES
C    rown Prince of Dubai and Chairman
     of the Executive Council of Dubai
Government His Excellency Sheikh
Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid
Al Maktoum, witnessed the fifth round
of Al Marmoum Challenge Races with
the attendance of their Excellences the
Sheikhs, a large number of camel own-
ers, lovers of this heritage and traditional
sport, and tourists who are interested in
the UAE heritage as well.
Al Marmoum Challenge Races Round                          help the tournament be successful.
five, aim to graduate the potential camel                 In our updated story prepared to you
- stars that going to represent their own-                by The Media Center of The Dubai
ers during the coming qualifying races                    Camel Racing Club, we are going
lead to Al Marmoum Finale 2018 partic-                    to shed some light on the races
ipations.                                                 that took place during the month of
The Dubai Camel Racing Club (DCRC)                        December on Al Marmoum Smart
continues with extreme sincerity and de-                  Camel Racing Track and been allo-
votion, offering full support and discharg-               cated to all different camels’ catego-
ing all the requirements and assistance to                ries, owned by their Highnesses the
                                                          Sheikhs and Tribesmen

24                        Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                                                    Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018   25
RACES                                                                                                                                              1



                                                                                                                       3                                                                                                  ROUND

Friday Afternoon, 01 December 2017
                                                             3                                  ROUND
                                                                                                                     Saturday Afternoon, 02 December 2017
                                                                                                                     Category: Yeatha … 16 Races … 6 kilometers
Category: Laqaya … 18 Races … 5 kilometers                                                                           The second race again witnessed the magnificent Al Asifa Camels proficiently recorded a hat trick by winning the
With brilliant super hat trick Al Asifa Camels succeeded in grasping the first eight races and later added another   first three races and added another two i.e.; 09th and 16th. Camels owned by His Excellency Sheikh Hamdan
three winnings totaling 11 wins out of 18, the mighty Presidential camels won two races, camels owned by His         Bin Rashid Al Maktoum captured three races; Nad Alsheda Camels won three races also. Presidential Camels
Excellency Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum camels, snatched the 15th race; Zabeel Camels won the 17th            captured two races. Sheikh Nahyan Bin Diab Al Nahyan won the 4th race, Sheikh Khalid Bin Hamdan Al Nuaimi
race. The tenth race was won by Prince Faisal Bin Ahmed Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud’s camel, here are the results:        won the 6th race and finally race 15th was won by Sheikh Zayed Bin Saif Al Nahyan, here are the results:

     CATEGORY           WINNER                 OWNER                       TRAINER                    TIME                CATEGORY        WINNER                     OWNER                              TRAINER             TIME
 01. Local Abkar       AShahiniya          Al Asifa Camels              Giyath Al Hillali            07:33:9          01. Local Abkar    AShahiniya               Al Asifa Camels                   Giyath Al Hillali      09:03:7
 02. Hybrid Abkar      AShahiniya          Al Asifa Camels              Giyath Al Hillali            07:33:4          02. Hybrid Abkar   AShahiniya               Al Asifa Camels                   Giyath Al Hillali      09:19:1
 03. Local Jeadan       Shaheen            Al Asifa Camels              Giyath Al Hillali            07:37:3          03. Local Jeadan    Shaheen                 Al Asifa Camels                   Giyath Al Hillali      09:25:8
 04.Hybrid Jeadan       Shaheen            Al Asifa Camels              Giyath Al Hillali            07:38:8          04.Hybrid Jeadan    Ainawe         Sheikh Nahyan Bin Diab Al Nahyan       Al Sadiq Fadul Al Ameen    09:34:1

Best Time Recorded                                                                                                   Best Time Recorded
     CATEGORY         WINNER                 OWNER                         TRAINER                    TIME                CATEGORY           WINNER               OWNER                          TRAINER                   TIME
 02. Hybrid Abkar    AShahiniya          Al Asifa Camels                Giyath Al Hillali            07:33:4           01. Local Abkar      AShahiniya         Al Asifa Camels                Giyath Al Hillali            09:03:7

26                       Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                                                                                                                                       Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                           27


 2                                                                                                                                                                            4

 4                                                          3                                                            3

Friday Afternoon, 29 December 2017
                                                                                                       6                Saturday Afternoon, 30 December 2017                                                                 6
Category: Laqaya … 18 Races … 5 kilometers                                                                              Category: Yeatha … 18 Races … 5 kilometers
                                                                                                                        This day witnessed the final stage of the seventh preliminary race at Al Marmoum Smart Camel Racing Track.
The magnificent Al Asifa Stable           The second race for Hybrid Abkar ,     Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Mak-       These races were allocated for Yeatha Category. Al Asifa Camels dominated the event by winning nine races.
continues displaying fabulous per-        won by Al Asifa she – camel, “Asha-    toum, won the 11th race for Local      Camels owned by His Excellency Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, won five races, the other two were won
formances and achievements, by            hiniya” when she came first record-    Jeadan, through “ Mukhtar “ trained    by the Presidential Camels and Saudi Prince Turki Bin Mohammed Bin Fahd Al Saud, and here are the results:
winning 15 races out of the 18 ones       ing 07:29:7minutes.                    by Ahmed Sultan Bel Rasheed, and
allocated for Laqaya Category.            The he-camel “Shaheen” owned           race 14 for Hybrid Abkar via “Maaz-         CATEGORY         WINNER                 OWNER                          TRAINER                   TIME
The first race for Locak Abkar ,          by al Asifa Stable, won the third      za” trained by Faisal Talib Shirame.    01. Local Abkar     AShahiniya          Al Asifa Camels                 Giyath Al Hillali           09:28:7
watched the first three ranks were        and fourth races, and recorded         The Presidential Camels won race        02. Hybrid Abkar    AShahiniya          Al Asifa Camels                 Giyath Al Hillali           09:22:7
won by Al Asifa Camels when the           07:32:8minutes and 07:36:1min-         10 for Hybrid Abkar, through the
she – camel “Ashahiniya” recorded         utes respectively                      female- camel “Hamloula” trained        03. Local Jeadan     Shaheen            Al Asifa Camels                 Giyath Al Hillali           09:26:9
07:24:9minutes.                           Camels owned by His Excellency         byAli Jameel Al Wihaibi.                04.Hybrid Jeadan     Shaheen            Al Asifa Camels                 Giyath Al Hillali           09:32:0

Best Time Recorded                                                                                                      Best Time Recorded
                                                                                                                             CATEGORY       WINNER                      OWNER                             TRAINER             TIME
      CATEGORY            WINNER                 OWNER                          TRAINER                   TIME
     01. Local Abkar     AShahiniya          Al Asifa Camels              Giyath Al Hillali              07:24:9         07. Local Jeadan    Getras       Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum,       Faisal Talib Shirame     09:03:7

28                      Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                                                                                                                                      Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                             29
                                                        2                                                        3                                                 4

RACES                                                                               ROUND                       Tuesday Morning, 05 December 2017
                                                                                                                Category: Laqaya … 25 Races … 05 kilometers

Monday Morning, 04 December 2017
Category: Haqaqa … 25 Races … 3 kilometers
                                                                                          5                      The second race for Local Abkar witnessed, the she – camel “ Al Ain “ owned by Marwan Faraj Bin Hamoudah
                                                                                                                Al Dhaheri, crossed the finishing line smartly in 07:37:0 minutes. The she – camel “ AlTulaila “ owned by Mansour
                                                                                                                Nasir Saroud Al Kkailie, succeeded in winning the second race designed for Hybrid Abkar, clocked 07 minutes
The Tribesmen’s 25 races also threw up strong competition. The first race designed for Haqaqa Abkar witnessed   29 : 5 seconds.
the fastest female- camel “Hafla” owned by Hassan Ahmed Hassan Al AMrie, beat its rivals in a superb style      The third race for Local Jeadan, was won by the he-camel “ Mahak” owned by Mubarak Juma Mattar Al Kkail-
recording the best timing, and clocked 04 minutes31:9 seconds in the 4-km race. The second race allocated for   ie,crossed the 5 kilometer in 07 minutes 31 : 0 seconds.
Haqaqa Jeadan ,it was the strong male- camel “AShababi “ owned by Abdulla Saeed Musabah Al Nuaimi, who          The third race for Local Jeadan, was won by
beat its challengers, and clocked 04 minutes32:2 seconds. The fantastic she- camel “ Waad” owned by Badhy        The male-camel “ Nahab” owned by Ali Obaid Salim Al Kkailie, won the fourth race for Hybrid Jeadan ,crossed
Turkey Badhy Al-Dosari came first to win the third race in 04 minutes36:6 seconds.                              the 5 kilometer in 07 minutes 30 : 0 seconds.
Best Time Recorded                                                                                              Best Time Recorded
       CATEGORY          WINNER                             OWNER                                TIME                  CATEGORY           WINNER                              OWNER                                  TIME
     01. Haqaqa Abkar     Hafla                  Hassan Ahmed Hassan Al AMrie                    09:03:7             25. Hybrid Jeadan     Munzir            Mubarak Rashid Mohammed Sabit Al Kkailie               07:27:5

30                      Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                                                                                                                              Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                              31





Wednesday Morning, 06 December 2017
                                                                                           5                   3

Category: Yezzaa … 20 Races … 06 kilometers
It was “Wesam “who won the first race allocated for Local Yezzaa Abkar. The strong female- camel owned by
Mohammed Hamad Muslih Al Ahbabi, reached the finishing line in 09 minutes 19: 0 seconds.
                                                                                                              Thursday Morning, 28 December 2017
                                                                                                              Category: Haqaqa … 25 Races … 03kilometers
The title of the second race” Hybrid Yezzaa Abkar” was grasped by “Ehtikar” belonged to Nasir Ali Saroud Al   Tribesmen races continue in full swing, when Al Marmoum Smart Camel Racing Club hosted the 25 races
Kkailie, the she - camel recorded 09 minutes 17: 9 seconds to cross the06 kilometers.                         designated for Haqaqa Category. The she-camel “Mazoon”owned by Ahmed Mohammed Salim Al Maliki,
The third and fourth races were allocated for Local Yezzaa Jeadan and Hybrid Yezzaa Jeadan and were won       snatched the first race allocated for Abkar, crossed the 03 kilometers in 04:35:1 minutes. The second race
respectively by “ Shy” owned by Khalifa Humaid Saif Al Falasi “ clocked 09 minutes 24: 9 seconds and “        allocated for Haqaqa Jeadan ,it was the fastest male- camel “Sarab “ owned by Saif Ali Salmeen Al Mazrouie,
Mukalif” owned by Mohammed Salim Suliman Al Duhaini, clocked 09 minutes 17: 6 seconds.                        who beat its challengers, and clocked 04 minutes33:9 seconds. The smarty she- camel “ Bushra” owned by
                                                                                                              Hadif Mohammed Afsan Al Mansouri, came first to win the third race in 04 minutes34:1 seconds.
Best Time Recorded
            CATEGORY                   WINNER                      OWNER                       TIME           Best Time Recorded
         12. Hybrid Jeadan             Al Shababi        Salim Saeed Rashid Al Muhairi         09:12:4             CATEGORY        WINNER                              OWNER                                   TIME

     13.Local Reproduction Abkar       Al Wariah        Sultan Khalaf KhatimAl Rumaithi        09:12:4         02. Haqaqa Jeadan     Sarab                   Saif Ali Salmeen Al Mazrouie                      04:33:9

32                  2018 ‫فبراير‬   /‫ يناير‬41 ‫العدد‬                                                                                                                              2018 ‫فبراير‬   /‫ يناير‬41 ‫العدد‬             33



                                                            4                                ROUND
Friday Morning, 29 December 2017
Category: Haqaqa … 25 Races … 05 kilometers
                                                                                                6                   3

Bel Ziwaib Al Amri grasped the first race designed for Local Haqaqa Abkar via the female- camel “Samha” clocked   Saturday Morning, 30 December 2017
07 minutes30:1 seconds in the 5-km race. The second race allocated for Hybrid Haqaqa Abkar, was won by “
Sakhi “ owned by Abdul Hadi Rashid Abdul Hadi Al Marie, who beat its challengers, and clocked 07minutes27:0
                                                                                                                  Category: Yeatha … 25 Races … 06 kilometers
seconds.                                                                                                          “Muhimma” the she- camel inaugurated the first race allocated for Local Abkar, when she finally beat her rivals in
The third race for Local Jeadan was won by The fantastic He - camel “ Mahak” owned by Mubarak Juma Mattar         the 6kilometere distance and reached the final line in 09:12:3minutes, the winner belonged to Saeed Yassir Ali
Al Khailie, crossed the distance in 07 minutes31:1 seconds.                                                       Al Afari.
The Hybrid Jeadan race, won by “ Shagmoum” owned by Abdulla Nafie Al Shidi, crossing the final line in 07 min-    The main race for Yeatha Jeadan, was won by the strong male- camel “ Errtijal “ owned by Salih Mohammed
utes28:7 seconds.                                                                                                 Annouda Al Amrie, beating its challengers and crossed the finishing line in 09:12:7minutes.
Best Time Recorded                                                                                                Best Time Recorded
                 CATEGORY               WINNER                    OWNER                            TIME                   CATEGORY                  WINNER                            OWNER                             TIME
         22. Local Reproduction Abkar   Munzir    Mubarak Rashid Mohammed Sabit Al Kkailie         07:26:5              10. Hybrid Abkar           Mash- hoona            Hadif Hamad Affsan Al Mansouri               09:10:3

34                           Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                                                                                                                              Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                            35
It’s all about camel

B A T C H B               “ “
                                                                 5 CAMEL                                            AUCTION FOR FATAMEEN
T    he auction for racing camels is
     meant to highlight the histori-
cal, social, cultural and economic
                                       Shababi Al Asifa and others with
                                       strong pedigree and of high quality
                                       breeds. The auction did prove a big
                                                                              second day AED640,000 and
                                                                              the final day fetched 1.82 million.
                                                                              The third and final day of the auc-
                                                                                                                    and from the GCC countries
                                                                                                                    as well, the final event fea-
                                                                                                                    tured aggressive bidding from
importance of these animals in the     success with 20 camels being sold      tion did witness a huge attend-       prominent camel owners and
Arab world. The aim behind organ-      for a total of AED 2.885million, the   ance and succeeded in attracting      witnessed the top bid paid on
izing camel auctions is to help with   first day fetched AED 425, 000,the     large number of bidders from UAE      the auction by the pioneer bid-
cultural preservation and sustaina-                                                                                 der, Kasib Salim Al Musafri,
bility of camel, and also to improve                                                                                for a male – camel a son of
the original feature of purebred                                                                                    “Al Shababi Al Asifa “and from
camels.                                                                                                             the mother “Muhajrah” who
During the period 28 – 30 Decem-                                                                                    fetched AED550, 000.
ber 2017, and at its headquarter in                                                                                 The second highest bid went
Dubai , the Dubai Camel Racing                                                                                      to a female – camel, a daugh-
Club (DCRC), and with all dedi-                                                                                     ter descended from the ped-
cation and responsibility has suc-                                                                                  igree of “Munawir “ and from
cessfully organized the second                                                                                      the mother “Sudania ” who
camel auction of the season, titled                                                                                 fetched AED330,000, paid by
“Al Marmoum Fifth Camel Auction                                                                                     Salim Rashid Saif Bal Shawi
for Fatameen (camels under the                                                                                      Al Ghafli, The third highest bid
age of two) Batch B” designated for                                                                                 daughter descended from the
the individual reproduction camels.
                                                                                                                    progeny of “ Al Shababi Al As-
The auction included 300 lots -
                                                                                                                    ifa “ and from the mother “Bint
divided into three days- of cam-
                                                                                                                    Shaheen” who also fetched
els of both “Abkar” (female) and
“Jeadan” (male) variety from some                                                                                   AED530, 000 and paid by Ka-
of the UAE’s most prized race track                                                                                 sib Salim Al Musafri.
winners, i.e.; Nasi Al Mukhtabr ,Al

38                     Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                                                                                                           Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018   39
                                                      U    nder the patronage of His
                                                           Highness Sheikh Saud bin
                                                      Saqr Al Qasimi, Supreme Coun-
                                                                                         Sheikh Saud praised the attention
                                                                                         paid by President His Highness
                                                                                         Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahy-
                                                                                                                                Khaimah, headed by Sheikh
                                                                                                                                Jamal bin Saqr bin Sultan Al
                                                                                                                                Qasimi for the great achieve-
                                                      cil Member and Ruler of Ras Al     an to preserve UAE’s heritage          ment that granted the festival a
                                                      Khaimah, and close follow up       and traditional sports, especially     tremendous success..

                                                      of His Excellency Sheikh Mo-       pure-bred Arabian camel races,
                                                      hammed Bin Saud bin Saqr Al        He said that “camel racing is a        Participants and Prizes …
                                                      Qasimi, Crown Prince of Ras Al     legacy gleaned from the heritage       The Organizing Committee

                                                      Khaimah, Chairman of the Exec-     of fathers, forefathers and the        for the festival, has allocat-
                                                      utive Council of Ras Al Khaimah    deep-rooted and long Arab history      ed unbounded, extravagantly
                                                      Government, Assawan Race-          as well as following the legacy of     and precious prizes in kind,12
                                                      track -20 minutes south of Ras     the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan
                                                                                                                                elite prizes of trophies, rifles,
                                                      Al Khaimah-witnessed The Final     Al Nahyan, who paved the way
                                                      Annual Camel Races Festival for                                           spears, daggers and luxury
                                                                                         for pure-bred camel races in the
                                                      Pure-Bred Arabian Camels Rac-                                             4 Wheel Drive Vehicles and
                                                                                         UAE, He also worked to instill and
                                                      es – 25th Edition, i.e.; Assawan   entrench that spirit in the UAE’s      lucrative prizes in cash. The

 FOR ASSAWAN                                          Final 2017.                        citizens by preserving and encour-     tournament consisted of 112
                                                      The four-days heritage and cul-    aging this traditional sport for the   laps, brought together more
                                                                                                                                than 10,000 camels competed

 2   0           1           7
                                                      tural festival conducted from      future generations.
                                                      Sunday, December 24th up to        The RAK Ruler also appreciat-          in various camels’ categories
                                                      Wednesday December27th and         ed the efforts of the Camel Rac-       ,Yezzaa, Laqaya ,Thanaya,
                                                      it did watch a very competitive    ing Higher Committee in Ras al-        Haul, Zumool, Haqaqa-Abkar
                                                      and challenge races.                                                      & Jeadan.

40   Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                                                                                   Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                             41
                                                                                                          ENZAR WON RAK RULER CUP …
                                                                                                          The she – camel “ Enzar “ belonged to
                                                                                                          His Excellency Sheikh Saud bin Rashid
                                                                                                          Al Mualla, Crown Prince of Umm Al Qai-
                                                                                                          wain and trained by Tarish Rashid Tarish
                                                                                                          Al Musafri, brilliantly seized His High-
                                                                                                          ness Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi’s
THEIR HIGHNESSES THE SHEIKHS RACES                                                                        Cup for race allocated for Haqaq catego-

                                                                                                          ry, clocked 05:57:7 minutes.
                                                                                                          The Dubai Crown prince Cup, His Excel-
                                                                                                          lency Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed
                                                                                                          Bin Rashid Al Maktoum ,allocated for
                                                                                                          Laqaya category was won by the strong
                                                                                   The brilliant female   he – camel “ Al Ghazab “ owned by His
                                                                                   -camel “Al Nasi-       Excellency Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid
                                                                                   ba “owned by His       Al Maktoum, and trained by Obaid Ham-
                                                                                   Excellency Sheikh      ad Brake Al Marie ,crossing the race dis-    ENZAR
                                                                                   Hamdan Bin Rashid      tance in 07:21:9 minutes.
                                                                                   Al Maktoum, trained
                                                                                   by Saeed Moham-
                                                                                   med     Saeed     Al   THE RAK CROWN PRINCE CUP TRAVELED TO KSA…
                                                                                   Muroshid, grasped
                                                                                   the President Cup      The Ras Al Khaimah Crown Prince Cup, His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed Bin Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi ,
                                                                                   allocated for Yezzaa   travelled to Saudi Arabia by the she – camel “ Razam” owned by Prince Faisal Bin Abdullah Al Saud, and
                                                                                   Category, clocked      trained by Faheed Mohammed , when she won the Haqaqa Category race in 05:54:2 minutes.
                                                                                   08:55:5 minutes.
                                                                                                          Monday Evening, 25 December 2017
AL HUDDA SEIZED                                                                                           Category: Haqaqa … 10 Races … 04 kilometers
THE VICE PRESIDENT CUP…                                                                                   Camels owned by Sheikh Mohammed bin Butti Al Hamid,
The smart female- camel “Al Hudda” owned by His High-                                                     trained by Mukhtar Ahmed, dominates the evening session
ness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice                                                          when they seized four laps out of the 10 ones allocated for
President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, and                                                      Haqaqa category, as follow: the second and third races were
trained by Rashid Khamis Al Guais Al Suwaidi, snatched                                                    won by “Samran“ and “Sowgah” who registered the best
The Vice President Cup, in the private race that desig-                                                   time of 05:53:7 minutes.
nated for Laqaya Category, clocked 07:20:8 minutes.


                                                          MUNZIR PREVAILS IN
                                                          ABU DHABI                                                                                                     SOWGAH

                                                          CROWN PRINCE CUP                                                                                              The female – camel “Takreem “owned by
                                                                                                                                                                        Sheikh Humaid Bin Khalid Al Nuami, won
                                                          The strong male – Camel “Munzir “ owned by                                                                    the first lap, clocked 06:08:6 minutes.
                                                          Sheikh Khalid Bin Hamdan Al Nuaimi ,trained                                                                   The male – camel “Mushgil” owned by His
                                                          by Saeed File Rashid Al Zarrie, won the Abu                                                                   Excellency Sheikh Ammar Bin Humaid Bin
                                                          Dhabi Crown Prince Cup, His Highness Sheikh                                                                   Rashid Al Nuaimi, Crown Prince of Ajman,
                                                          Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan,The race                                                                         snatched the 8th lap. The ninth lap was
                                                          was allocated for Yezzaa Category,the winner      SAMRAN                                                      won by “Aghani“ owned by Sheikh Faisal
                                                          crossed the final line in 09:08:2 minutes.                                                                    Bin Abdullah Al Mualla.

42                    Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                                                                                                                      Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                       43
                                                                                                    THE TRIBESMEN RACES
                                                                                                     Sunday Morning, 24 December 2017
                                                                                          Category:            RACE    WINNER                 THE PRIZE                             OWNER                     TIME/m

                                                                                          Haqaqa                1      Onwan                A 4 Wheel Car            Al Tamakim Salmeen Kardous              05:52:1

                                                                                          20 Races
                                                                                          4 kilometers
                                                                                                                2      Shaheen              A 4 Wheel Car            Nasi Maeouf Sarhan Al Darie             05:58:9

                                                                                          BEST TIME RECORDED
                                                                                                 RACE                            Winner                                    Owner                         Finishing Time
                                                                                            Haqaqa Abkar .01                     Onnwan                       Al Tamakim Salmeen Kardous                     09:03:7

                                                                                          Sunday Afternoon, 24 December 2017
                                                                                          Category:            RACE   WINNER                     THE PRIZE                               OWNER                   TIME/m

                                                                                          Haqaqa                1      Mihna               A Cup and A 4 Wheel Car                Ahmed Salim Bel Sherqi         05:47:6

Tuesday Evening, 26 December 2017
Category: Laqaya … 10 Races … 04 kilometers
                                                                                          20 Races              2       Mardi             A Sword and A 4 Wheel Car             Mohammed Suhail Ewidan           05:50:4

                                                                                          4 kilometers          3      Mazoun                   A 4 Wheel Car                    Mohammed Salih Habtour          05:51:6

The third day allocated for Laqaya Catego-
ry, witnessed camels owned by His Excel-
lency Sheikh Hazza Bin Sultan Bin Zayed                                                   Monday Morning, 25 December 2017
Al Nahyan, succeeded in seized three laps
and the fourth lap was won by His Excellen-                                               Category:            RACE   WINNER                     OWNER                                 TRAINER                    TIME

cy Sheikh Khalid Bin Sultan Bin Zayed Al                                                                        1     Bashaier                  The Cup                       Khalifa Sultan Bel Rasheed         07:21:2
Nahyan, under the supervision of the skill-                                                                     2        Rai                    The Sword                     Ali Talib Al Faheed Al Marie
                                                                                          20 Races
ful trainer Ahmed Khalfan Bel Sayegh,                                                                           3      Nashra                 A 4 Wheel Car                    Mohammed Suhai Ewadan             07:25:9
The first lap and the car were seized by
“Ashahiniya” owned by His Excellen-
cy Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Mak-
                                                                                          4 kilometers          4     Al Dhabi                A 4 Wheel Car                    Mohammed Ali Khaseeba              07:30

                                                                                          Monday Morning, 25 December 2017
                                                                                          Category:            RACE     WINNER                          OWNER                               TRAINER               TIME

                                                                                                                1       The Cup            Rashid Saif Mohammed Al Mansouri                  09:09:4             07:21:2
                                                                                                                2      The Sword                Mansour Nasir Al Junaibi
                                                                                          16 Races
                                                                                                                                                                                             09:07:2             07:22:9
                                                                           ASHAHINIYA                           3     A 4 Wheel Car          Hamad Matouq Shams Al Amrie                     09:23:5             07:25:9

                                              toum, trained by Saeed Mohammed Saeed       4 kilometers          4
                                                                                                                      A 4 Wheel Car
                                                                                                                      A 4 Wheel Car
                                                                                                                                               Sultan Salim Nayie Al Ghafli
                                                                                                                                              Salim Saeed Manana Al Katabi
                                                                                                                                                                                             09:21:0              07:30
                                              Al Muroshid, clocked 07:25:3 minutes.
                                              The second lap was won by “Ashahini-
                                              ya” owned by Zabeel Stablesand trained
                                              by Rashid Mohammed Muroshid, clocked        Best Time Recorde
                                              07:29:5 minutes.                                       RACE                                            Owner                                         Finishing Time
                                              “ Waleef ” owned by Sheikh Zayed Bin Ham-
                                              dan Bin Rashid Al Nahyan,snatched the 3rd
                                                                                                   Mulebi .02                               Mansour Nasir Al Junaibi                                   09:07:2
                                              lap in 07:30:8 minutes.

44                    Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                                                                                                             Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                                             45
RACING CAMEL HEALTH                                                         tious and high-energetic foods.
                                                                            Camels are not designed to live on

                                                                            rich, concentrated feeds; they are
                                                                            superbly adapted to deriving nutri-
                                                                            tion from coarse forages. High car-
                                                                            bohydrate, high protein diets are
                                                                            not in your camels’ best interest,

                                                                            even if they are tasty to the camel
                                                                            and gratifying to you.

                                                                            Overfeeding may causes …
                                                                            Stomach high acidity - an acidic
                                                                            stomach - when you feed the rac-
                                                                            ing camel with a large quantity of
                                                                            Dyspepsia – when you overfeed-
                                                                            ing the racing camel a lot of fat.
                                                                            Hypertrophy and abdominal dis-
                                                                            tension – when you feed the camel
                                                                            a lot of fiber.
                                                                            Although minerals and vitamins
                                                                            are needed in a very small per-
                                                                            centage as dietary nutrients, they
                                                                            are very important in camel nutri-
                                                                            tional programs for proper animal
                                                                            The Minerals, like Phosphorus,
                                                                            Calcium, Magnesium, can be ob-
                                                                            tained from the fiber, on the other
                                                                            hand, other minerals like copper,
                                                                            iron, and cobalt can also affect the
                                                                            performance of a racing camel.
                                                                            The vitamin, the soluble Vitamin A,

                                                                            is very important during training,
    amels are very tuff and hearty animals, but like any
                                                                            because it protects the body from
    other animal they still require care and maintenance.
                                                                            harmful incidences, while Vitamin
The healthy and good feeding in the racing camel nutrition
                                                                            E and vitamin D, both are impor-
system plays a fatal role in giving the camel the sufficient
                                                                            tant for the functions of the body.
energy and stamina enabled him to display a satisfactory
                                                                            Soluble vitamins, such as Vitamin
                                                                            C, known as an anti tension vita-
The racing camel needs balanced nutrition from differ-
                                                                            min, play an important role while
ent energy sources of carbohydrates (grains) fibers, fat,
in balanced quantities to avoid any disorder or deficien-
                                                                            Camels racing need Folic Acid; it
cies, also the racing camel needs protein for building and
                                                                            is a vital vitamin for the production
growth of the body as the protein is a core function to
                                                                            of red blood cells.
provide the body with amino acids needed to build the
                                                                            A balanced diet contains the
bones, muscles and tiny tissues.
                                                                            above mentioned elements is the
Deficiency of minerals and/or vitamins in the diet of the
                                                                            ideal nutrition key.
camels or any disturbances in the absorption from the
                                                                            Proper attention to racing camel
body tissues, leads to the appearance of different clinical
                                                                            nutrition, by following a systematic
                                                                            regular program to use balanced
                                                                            food supplements containing all
Don’t overfeed your racing camel…                                           the vitamins and minerals is ex-
Overfeeding racing camel may be more harmful than                           pected to prevent nutritional defi-
under feeding, the less food is the best for them, not                      ciencies.
even moderate, of course, not these highly nutri-

46                     Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                   Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018                          47
48   Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018   Issue 41 JAN/FEB 2018   49
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