Advancing sharing of phenotypic data through - FHIR Year 1 Final Briefing December 17th, 2020 - HL7 ...

Page created by Guy Simmons
Advancing sharing of phenotypic data through - FHIR Year 1 Final Briefing December 17th, 2020 - HL7 ...
Advancing sharing of
phenotypic data through   Year 1 Final Briefing
FHIR                      December 17th, 2020
Advancing sharing of phenotypic data through - FHIR Year 1 Final Briefing December 17th, 2020 - HL7 ...
Our Team
           Principal Investigators

 Bob Fre imuth - Mayo Clinic

                                            Moni Munoz-Torre s (PM) - OSU

   Melissa Haendel - OHSU

                                            Shahim Essaid - OHSU

Pe te r Robinson - Jackson Lab

                                            Yiqing Zhao - Mayo Clinic

         Matt Brush - OHSU
Advancing sharing of phenotypic data through - FHIR Year 1 Final Briefing December 17th, 2020 - HL7 ...
More GA4GH Contributors
 Allison He ath - CHOP (KF)
                               Jules Jacobsen -
                               Ge nomics England/QMUL

Natasha Singh - CHOP (KF)
                               Harold Solbrig -
                               Johns Hopkins Unive rsity

 Ale jandro Me tke Jime ne z
              - CSIRO (AU)
                                 Lindsay Smith - GA4GH
Advancing sharing of phenotypic data through - FHIR Year 1 Final Briefing December 17th, 2020 - HL7 ...
●   Proje ct Obje ctive & Scope
●   GA4GH Phe nopacke ts Sche ma Update
●   Ye ar 1: Major De live rable s
     ○   Domain Analysis Docume nt

     ○   Core FHIR Imple me ntation Guide

     ○   Re port of Pilot Te st Findings

●   Ye ar 2: Planne d Scope and De live rable s
Advancing sharing of phenotypic data through - FHIR Year 1 Final Briefing December 17th, 2020 - HL7 ...
Project Objective
  Increase the availability of high-quality standardized phenotypic information for
   genomic research and genomic medicine by advancing sharing of phenotypic
information using the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® (FHIR®) standard

     ● Re pre se ntation of phe notypic information for clinical ge ne tics in FHIR
        ○ Base d on the Phe nopacke ts standard
        ○ Supporting e xchange into/out of EHRs and othe r clinical syste ms
     ● Use cases we re de ve lope d so that the y de scribe phe notypic information
       ne e de d for clinical ge ne tics spe cifically and translational re se arch ge ne rally.
     ● This work is focuse d on cre ating a FHIR core Imple me ntation Guide and
       provide s fe e dback to both the FHIR and GA4GH communitie s.
Advancing sharing of phenotypic data through - FHIR Year 1 Final Briefing December 17th, 2020 - HL7 ...
                                                                                           Approve d on 20 20 -0 7-0 8

1. Coordinate with the appropriate HL7 FHIR work group(s) and develop aFHIR Implementation
   Guide (IG) base d on the data mode le d in the GA4GH Phe nopacke ts sche ma

2. Ide ntify se ts of translational re se arch partne rs to demonstrate data exchange using FHIR
   application programing inte rface s (APIs) for se le cte d use case s

3. De ve lop Driver Use Cases to inform IG de ve lopme nt and for pilot-te sting

4. Support pilot -testing

5. Compile pilot test results into a re port

6. Provide feedback to HL7 to re vise re le vant FHIR re source s, profile s, and/or IGs

7. Provide feedback to GA4GH on Phe nopacke ts sche ma and application to use case s

8. Disseminate deliverables and obtain fe e dback for future de ve lopme nt.
Advancing sharing of phenotypic data through - FHIR Year 1 Final Briefing December 17th, 2020 - HL7 ...
Phenopackets Schema Update
Primary Entities      Referenced Entities (e.g. in other   Features for next release v2.0
 ● Individual         standards/EHR locations)             ●Te mporality standardization
 ● Biosample            ● Ge nomics (variants, WES/WGS)          ○ E.g., additional fie lds for
 ● Phe notype           ● Pe digre e                               COVID-19 re se arch
    ○ Onse t                                               ● Fe ature s for cance r (Phe nopacke ts
    ○ Se ve rity                                             Cance r Task Force ; GA4GH)
 ● Cohort                                                        ○ Tre atme nt
 ● Family                                                        ○ Me dical actions
 ● Inte rpre tation                                        ● Incorporation of VRS hash
Advancing sharing of phenotypic data through - FHIR Year 1 Final Briefing December 17th, 2020 - HL7 ...
Use Cases
 Kids First Data Resource Center:                                               Phe notype -Drive n Mole cular
 Pe diatric Cance rs and Structural                                                 Ge ne tic Diagnostics
            Birth De fe cts
An infant with cardiac defects (abnormal atrial septum and                Communicate relevant clinical information (a Phenopacket)
pulmonary valve) was diagnosed with an atrial septal defect.              from the provider’s office to a laboratory and medical
As part of the diagnostic process, genomic testing was                    geneticist when an exome analysis is ordered, to aid in the
performed. Compare VUS to other patients with similar                     interpretation of the results and identification of an underlying
phenotypes to identify potential causative genomic factors.               genetic cause.

                                                         ●     Patie nt de mographics (age , se x)
                               Data types
                                                         ●     Phe notypic fe ature s (obse rve d clinically)
                               represented:              ●     Diagnosis
                                                         ●     Spe cime n
                                                         ●     Ge nomic re sults from WES
Advancing sharing of phenotypic data through - FHIR Year 1 Final Briefing December 17th, 2020 - HL7 ...
Domain Analysis Document (DAD)
        Each domain entity is studied and discussed in partnership with
        collaborators from the GA4GH and HL7 communities. While time
        consuming, these discussions better enable us to represent the domain
        modeled in the Phenopackets schema.
Advancing sharing of phenotypic data through - FHIR Year 1 Final Briefing December 17th, 2020 - HL7 ...
Domain Analysis Document (DAD)

                ● De scription of e ntitie s and conce pts
                  inde pe nde ntly of any particular
                  imple me ntation.
                ● This de fine s the core se mantics of the
                  obje cts (but not the re lationships
                  be twe e n the m).
                ● Links to public discussion forum on
                  this topic.

                While the domain e ntity Individualhas not yet
                been profiled in FHIR, we have created profiles
                for Phenotypeand Karyotypic Sex
                                              . Their DAD pages
                guided their profiling implementation in the IG.
Domain Analysis Document (DAD)

                ● De scribe s how the se e ntitie s and
                  conce pts are use d and re pre se nte d
                  within the Phe nopacke ts spe cification,
                  the core FHIR spe cification, and the
                  initial Phe nopacke ts FHIR IG.
                ● Docume nts de sign choice s and
                  highlights diffe re nce s.
Domain Analysis Document (DAD)

                ● Summarize s our analysis of the de fine d
                  e ntitie s and conce pts, re vie ws de sign
                  choice s and discussions, and pre se nts a
                  brie f narrative about our chose n
                  re pre se ntation for the ne w
                  Phe nopacke ts FHIR IG.
                ● The targe t audie nce are domain
                  e xpe rts; FHIR e xpe rts and te chnical
                  audie nce s should re fe r to the FHIR IG.
Core FHIR Implementation Guide

                Phe nopacke ts         FHIR Re source s,
                   Sche ma              Profile s, & IGs

  Driver       Scope      Domain Analysis
                                                            PP Core IG
Use Case s                Document (DAD)

             GA4GH initial mapping Phe nopacke ts FHIR IG
                        (Clinical Picture v0 .1.0 )
Core FHIR Implementation Guide


Core FHIR Implementation Guide
                        Phenotypic abnormality profile
● Phenotypic abnormality
                       is an Observation (O)
● Profiled to capture a phenotype’s presence or
  absence with
    ○ O.code for an HPO code
    ○ O.value Boole an for pre se nt/abse nt
    ○ O.dataAbse ntRe ason for missing value
         re ason
● Additional aspe cts of a phe notype as
  compone nt “slice s”
    ○ O.compone nt:Se ve rity
    ○ O.compone nt:ClinicalModifie r
    ○ O.compone nt:Onse t

●   Group phe notype Obse rvation instance s
     ○ O.cate gory
Core FHIR Implementation Guide
                                Vocabulary content
● Prototyping a HPO Code Syste m
    ○ Issue for full HPO CodeSystem

● Phenopacket’s KaryotypicSex as a

● Define and expand ValueSets
   ○ Phenotypic abnormalities
   ○ Clinical modifiers
Pilot Testing: Year 1
FHIR Resources:                                       Kids First (Use Case 1):
 ● Patie nt                                            ● Query: patie nt phe notypic profile
 ● Obse rvation                                        ● Response: bundle of re cords re pre se nting
 ● DiagnosticRe port                                       patie nts that match the que ry parame te rs,
 ● Se rvice Re que st                                      and the ir full se t of phe notype s and
 ● Spe cime n                                              conditions.
 ● Bundle
                                                      Molecular Diagnostics (Use Case 2):
Pilot Testing:                                         ● Submit lab request : Se rvice Re que st
 ● KF-like data in a simulate d e nvironme nt             (orde r for a ge nomic te st), including
 ● FHIR Profile s de fine d by the Core IG                instance s of Obse rvation that spe cify
 ● GitHub re po: profile s, config, data, que rie s       patie nt phe notype s
                                                       ● Retrieve lab results : e nhance d FHIR
                                                          bundle that include s ge ne tic findings
Use Case 1 (KF): Demonstration and Testing
The initial input consisted of two FHIR Bundle instances, as a representation of
what could be returned from a Kids First FHIR server. Code found at the link
below performs the following functions:
ig/blob/master/projects/ig -

 1.     Finds Observationinstances that match the search criteria.
 2.     Returns one Patientreference in the returned observation.
 3.     Patientinstance is retrieved from the server.
 4.     Searches for all Observationand Conditioninstances for that patient.
 5.     Another similarity search is done to find patients by a Conditionparameter.
 6.     One Patientreference is found with the Condition.
 7.     Step 3-4 is repeated for this second patient.

Use case:
Input data 1:
Code: -tools/src/main/java/org/phenopackets/coreig/tools/command/kf/
Screen output: -tools/savedMessages/kidsfirst-usecase/_screen-output.txt
Use Case 2 (Clinical): Demonstration and Testing
 Test Client                                       FHIR Server                       Test Client                                                      FHIR Server
                                                                                                                         Query for request and
                                                                                 Lab searches for                        attached phenopacket
                                                                                 ServiceRequest and                      bundle
                          Create Patient                                         related phenopacket data                                              Server searches
                                                    Patient instance                                                                                   stored data
   Patient Data
                                                                                 Search parameters
                                                         Link Bundle             - Bundle type
                                                         to Patient              - Status
                    Submit Phenopacket Data                                      - Patient ID                           Update request to complete,
                                                                                                                        create Observation and
                                                                                                                        Diagnostic report
 Phenopacket data                                                                Lab performs test                                                     Server updated
   (FHIR Bundle)                                                                 Lab updates data                                                      with results
                                                  FHIR Bundle instance
                                               containing the phenopacket
                                                                                 3. Lab querying FHIR Server for ServiceRequest and Phenotype Observations
 1. Clinician submits patient and Phenopacket data to the FHIR server

    Test Client                                        FHIR Server
                                                            Specimen instance,           Test Client                                             FHIR Server
                             Create Specimen                 linked to Patient                                  Search for Observation and
Create blood                                                                               Search for           DiagnosticReport that are
 specimen                                                                                  results with         “basedOn” the indicated
                                                                                           Request ID           ServiceRequest
                                                                                           from previous                                          Server searches
Create Service Request
                                                                                           request                                                stored data
(FHIR)                     Create ServiceRequest
- Patient ID                                                ServiceRequest                                      Server returns prototype
                                                           instance linked to                                   Observation and Diagnostic
- Test Code (lab order)
                                                           Patient, Specimen,                                   report instances
- Specimen ID
                             Request ID returned               and Bundle
- Bundle ID
                                                                                                            4. Clinician retrieves test results
           2. Clinician submits exome order to the FHIR server
       ○    Home:
       ○    Reference implementation:
       ○    Documentation:
       ○    Mailing lists
              ■    phe nopacke ts-de
              ■    phe nopacke ts-use
       ○    Slack
              ■ | #phe nopacke ts
Zulip - FHIR community chat:
Phenopackets FHIR Implementation Guide:                        http://phe nopacke -ig/maste r
 ●   De ve lopme nt file s on GitHub nopacke ts/core -ig
       ○ IG source file s nopacke ts/core -ig/tre e /maste r/ig-root
       ○ Re late d tooling nopacke ts/core -ig/tre e /maste r/proje cts
       ○ Issue tracke r nopacke ts/core -ig/issue s
       ○    Publishe d ve rsion(s) nopacke ts/core -ig/tre e /gh-page s
              ■ Late st http://phe nopacke -ig/maste r/
                     ●     IG artifacts http://phe nopacke -ig/maste r/artifacts.html
Thank you
   Me lissa Hae nde l     Lindsay Smith
   Pe te r Robinson
   Robe rt Fre imuth      Kids First
   Matthe w Brush         Allison He ath
                                           ●   GitHub Re pository:
   Monica Munoz-Torre s   Natasha Singh        ○ nopacke ts
   Shahim Essaid          De anne Taylor   ●   Mailing lists
   Yiqing Zhao            Adam Re snick        ○ phe nopacke ts-de
                                               ○ phe nopacke ts-use
                          CD2H             ●   Slack
                          Harold Solbrig       ○
                          Chris Chute             #phe nopacke ts
                          Dazhi Jiao
         National Library of Medicine 75N97019P00280
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