Adventure Travel Conference - Headline sponsors - Abta

Page created by Carrie Willis
Adventure Travel Conference - Headline sponsors - Abta
Adventure Travel
                       19 November 2019 • Japan House, 101-111 Kensington High Street, London, W8 5SA

Headline sponsors                            Co-sponsor                  Drinks partner

                                             Media partner               Drinks sponsor

                                             Contributor   020 3693 0199          @ABTAevents        
Adventure Travel Conference - Headline sponsors - Abta
Adventure Travel Conference
          19 November 2019 • Japan House, 101-111 Kensington High Street, London, W8 5SA

          09:20 Registration, tea and coffee                             11:30 Networking tea and coffee break
          09:50 W
                 elcome and opening remarks from the                    New and growing product trends and travel
                moderator                                                experiences
                Giles Hawke, Chief Executive, Cosmos, and               Short presentations followed by a panel discussion on
                 former Chair, The Association of Touring and            wider adventure trends within the industry.
                 Adventure Suppliers (ATAS)                              12.00 Solo travel
          10.00 K
                 eynote; understanding the global adventure                        	Who are solo travellers and why is the trend
                traveller and adventure travel market                                 growing?
                  	What is adventure travel and who is the                         	Exploring the benefits and myth busting safety
                    adventure traveller?
                                                                                 Liesa Bissett, Product and Operations Director,
                  	Trends driving expansion                                      Just You and Travelsphere
                  	Quality indicators: safety and sustainability
                                                                         12:10 Expedition cruising
                Chris Doyle, Executive Director, Europe & Central                  	The growing appeal of experiential and
                 Asia, Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA)                      immersive exploration of the world via cruise
          10.30 The UK adventure travel market                                      	Understanding and selling the growing
                 	Understanding the UK adventure traveller and                       expedition travel market
                   adventure travel market                                        Anthony Daniels, General Manager, UK & Ireland,
                 	Hot destinations, itineraries and activities
                                                                         12:20	Adventure travel for persons with reduced
                John Corellis, Business Strategist, Accord
                                                                                   mobility (PRMs)
                                                                                    	Inclusive adventure travel products
          Addressing sustainability in adventure travel                             	Responding to the changing desires of older clients
          10:40	Sustainability considerations for adventure                          and assessing abilities, safety and suitability
                travel                                                             Elspeth Knight, Director, EnCompass
                  	Creating a global, sustainable and authentic         12:30	The future of adventure
                    adventure travel offering                                       	Predictions for the trends and consumer demands
                  	Practical methods to meet the United Nations                      likely to shape the future ofadventure travel
                                                                                   Jenny Southan, Founder, Globetrender
                    Sustainability Goals by 2030
                  	Tackling over tourism – safeguarding and             12:40	Panel discussion: wider trends within
                    developing destinations                                     adventure travel
                                                                         	Moderated by: Giles Hawke, Chief Executive,
                Rachel McCaffery, Senior Advisor – Global
                                                                                Cosmos, and former Chair, ATAS
                 Responsible Travel, G Adventures
                                                                         	     Sarah Wheetman, Head of Sales, Just You and
          11:00 Panel discussion: responsible adventure travel                  Travelsphere
                     	Selling the business case for sustainability             Anthony Daniels, General Manager, UK & Ireland,
                     	Promoting the sustainability work you are                 Hurtigruten
                       doing and raising customer awareness                      Elspeth Knight, Director, EnCompass
                                                                                 Jenny Southan, Founder, Globetrender
                     	Ensuring a sustainable and ethical supply chain
                     	Tackling over-tourism and other concerns for      13:10 Networking lunch
                                                                         Connecting with the adventure traveller
                     	Key sustainability concerns/focus for 2020
          	Moderated by: Giles Hawke, Chief Executive,                  14:10 D
                                                                                eveloping your brand to include adventure
                Cosmos, and former Chair, ATAS
                                                                                	Repositioning your brand to include adventure
                Rachel McCaffery, Senior Advisor – Global                        experiences and products
                 Responsible Travel, G Adventures                               	Crafting your brand story, values and unique
                 Clare Jenkinson, Senior Destinations and                        identity to align with the adventure and
                  Sustainability Manager, ABTA                                    experiential industry
                  Owen Denton, Head of Operations, Tucan Travel                	Examples of successful branding and why they
                   Mladen Ljubišić, Head of Tourism UK and Ireland,              work
                    Slovenian Tourist Board                              	    Ant Stone, Director of Marketing UK & Ireland,
                                                                               G Adventures              020 3693 0199                     @ABTAevents                    
Adventure Travel Conference - Headline sponsors - Abta
The conference
14:40 C
       ontent marketing: understanding what your                  ABTA’s new Adventure Travel Conference will look at
      customers want                                               the trends and challenges associated with one of the
       	The adventure travel ‘content funnel’ and customer        fastest growing sectors in the travel industry.
         journey                                                   Attend to hear the latest destination, traveller and
       	Consumer habits on the path to purchase                   product trends and stay one step ahead of your
       	Strengthening storytelling as marketing content to        competitors. Explore how the travel industry can
                                                                   work together to sustainably safeguard and develop
         captivate customers, partners and media
                                                                   destinations and local communities. Discuss how to
       	Using social media – influencers/celebrities and          mitigate your business against specific risks facing the
         user generated content                                    adventure travel sector including over-tourism, global
      Jon Bezalel, Digital Strategist, Accord                      political and economic risks and safety during adventure
15:00 Selling adventure travel: an agent’s perspective
                                                                   The rise of experiential and adventure travel doesn’t
        	The role travel agents play in selling adventure         appear to be slowing. Customers continue to request
          travel                                                   more experience-led and immersive travel experiences,
        	Improving partnerships with adventure tour               and an increase in consumer awareness around
          operators and developing adventure travel-specific       sustainability and responsible tourism has led to a
          knowledge and training                                   demand for more meaningful travel experiences. They
        	Top tips for selling, securing new business and          are seeking experiences that resonate with them on
                                                                   a personal level and to connect with local cultures in
          opportunities for agents in this market
      Lisa McAuley, Managing Director, Tour Operations
                                                                   Travel companies must ensure that they are continuously
       B2B, Dnata Travel Europe, Gold Medal & Travel 2
                                                                   innovating their product offering and marketing strategies
15:20 Networking tea and coffee break                              to meet this demand alongside other key emerging
                                                                   adventure trends including health and wellbeing activities,
15:40	Delivering personalised, relevant and timely                solo travel and cruise expeditions.
      messages across email, web and mobile                        Learn how to effectively tailor your branding, marketing
       	Intelligent personalisation of website experiences        and sales to understand, inspire and connect with
         and email campaigns based on consumer behaviour           adventure travellers and explore the growing demand for
      Komal Helyer, Marketing Director, Pure360                    experiential travel.

Industry risks and challenges                                      Benefits of attending
                                                                     nderstand who the adventure traveller is and how to
16:00 Adventure travel risk management                              reach them
       	Global and specific risks for the adventure travel          Learn about the fastest growing destination and product
         industry                                                    trends for adventure travellers
       	Developing proactive risk mitigation systems,              Safeguard your business against potential risks and
                                                                     challenges facing the industry
         robust emergency response and incident
         management plans                                             Network with travel agents and tour operators who sell
                                                                     holidays to the adventure travel market
16:30	Moderator’s closing remarks and close of
      conference                                                   Who should attend?
                                                                   The event is ideal for tour operators, travel agents and key
16:40 Networking drinks                                            industry partners such as airlines, train operators, hotels
                                                                   and tourist boards including:
                                                                        Managing directors, executive directors and senior
                                                                      Adventure travel specialist teams
    For information on sponsorship and exhibition                    Tour managers and group tour organisers
    opportunities please contact Matt Turton on                          Marketing, product and sales teams
    020 3693 0194 or email                          Customer services, operations and legal teams.                     020 3693 0199       @ABTAevents                
Adventure Travel Conference - Headline sponsors - Abta
Adventure Travel
 19 November 2019 • Japan House, 101-111 Kensington High Street, London, W8 5SA

                                                                 How to register
                                                                 You can book online and make payment by credit or debit card. UK
                                                                 VAT will be applied. ABTA Members can also request an invoice.
                                                                 Visit to book.
                                                                 You can view our terms and conditions on the event webpage at

                                                                 ABTA Member/Partner             £255 plus VAT
                                                                 Non-Member/Partner*             £375 plus VAT
                                                                 *To qualify for the ABTA Member/Partner discount you must have a current ABTA
                                                                 Member/Partner number or your application must be in progress when the event
                                                                 takes place. For details on becoming an ABTA Member or Partner visit

                                                                 Group booking discounts
                                                                 Book three places and get 50% off the third place
                                                                 This discount will be automatically applied when you book online.
                                                                 If you are looking to book for a larger group, please contact
                                                        for a bespoke discount

                                                                  A limited number of complimentary places are available for
                                                                  ABTA Member travel agents including senior managers,
                                                                  team leaders and business development teams. Please email
                                                         for more information.

ABTA Conferences and Events                                      Upcoming events
ABTA Conferences and Events delivers practical training for      Advanced Social Media in Travel
the travel industry. Our aim? To keep the industry up to         21 November, London
date on the most important, business critical issues, with a
key focus on practical learning outcomes.                        Travel Trends 2020
                                                                 25 November, London
ABTA is the UK’s leading travel association with a
membership of around 1,200 travel companies.                     Crisis Communications
Our vision is to enable the British public to travel with        5 December, London
confidence – supporting our Members as they build
their businesses and acting as an emblem of quality and
assurance for their customers.
Our level of brand recognition and trust among consumers
is high. 75% of people feel more confident booking with an
ABTA Member.                   020 3693 0199             @ABTAevents                            
Adventure Travel Conference - Headline sponsors - Abta Adventure Travel Conference - Headline sponsors - Abta Adventure Travel Conference - Headline sponsors - Abta Adventure Travel Conference - Headline sponsors - Abta Adventure Travel Conference - Headline sponsors - Abta Adventure Travel Conference - Headline sponsors - Abta
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