Alchemy: A structured task distribution for meta-reinforcement learning

Page created by Irene Maldonado
Alchemy: A structured task distribution for meta-reinforcement learning
Alchemy: A structured task distribution for
                                                                        meta-reinforcement learning
                                                       Jane X. Wang* † 1 , Michael King* 1 , Nicolas Porcel1 , Zeb Kurth-Nelson1,2 ,
                                                      Tina Zhu1 , Charlie Deck1 , Peter Choy1 , Mary Cassin1 , Malcolm Reynolds1 ,
                                                        Francis Song1 , Gavin Buttimore1 , David P. Reichert1 , Neil Rabinowitz1 ,
                                                     Loic Matthey1 , Demis Hassabis1 , Alexander Lerchner1 , Matthew Botvinick‡1,2
arXiv:2102.02926v1 [cs.LG] 4 Feb 2021

                                                                                              DeepMind, London, UK
                                                                                      University College London, London, UK

                                                                                                February 8, 2021

                                                                  Abstract                                  et al., 2020) to realtime strategy (Vinyals et al., 2019; Ope-
                                               There has been rapidly growing interest in meta-             nAI, 2018) to first person 3D games (Jaderberg et al., 2019;
                                               learning as a method for increasing the flexibil-            Wydmuch et al., 2018). However, despite these successes,
                                               ity and sample efficiency of reinforcement learn-            poor sample efficiency, generalization, and transfer remain
                                               ing. One problem in this area of research, how-              widely acknowledged pitfalls. To address those challenges,
                                               ever, has been a scarcity of adequate benchmark              there has recently been growing interest in the topic of meta-
                                               tasks. In general, the structure underlying past             learning (Brown et al., 2020; Vanschoren, 2019), and how
                                               benchmarks has either been too simple to be in-              meta-learning abilities can be integrated into deep RL agents
                                               herently interesting, or too ill-defined to support          (Wang, 2020; Botvinick et al., 2019). Although a bevy of in-
                                               principled analysis. In the present work, we in-             teresting and innovative techniques for meta-reinforcement
                                               troduce a new benchmark for meta-RL research,                learning have been proposed (e.g., Finn et al., 2017; Xu et al.,
                                               which combines structural richness with struc-               2018; Rakelly et al., 2019; Stadie et al., 2018), research in
                                               tural transparency. Alchemy is a 3D video game,              this area has been hindered by a ‘problem problem,’ that
                                               implemented in Unity, which involves a latent                is, a dearth of ideal task benchmarks. In the present work,
                                               causal structure that is resampled procedurally              we contribute toward a remedy, by introducing and pub-
                                               from episode to episode, affording structure learn-          licly releasing a new and principled benchmark for meta-RL
                                               ing, online inference, hypothesis testing and ac-            research.
                                               tion sequencing based on abstract domain knowl-
                                                                                                            Where deep RL requires a task, meta-RL instead requires
                                               edge. We evaluate a pair of powerful RL agents
                                                                                                            a task distribution, a large set of tasks with some form of
                                               on Alchemy and present an in-depth analysis of
                                                                                                            shared structure. Meta-RL is then defined as any process
                                               one of these agents. Results clearly indicate a
                                                                                                            that yields faster learning, on average, with each new draw
                                               frank and specific failure of meta-learning, pro-
                                                                                                            from the task distribution (Thrun & Pratt, 1998). A clas-
                                               viding validation for Alchemy as a challenging
                                                                                                            sic example, leveraged in numerous meta-RL studies (e.g.,
                                               benchmark for meta-RL. Concurrent with this re-
                                                                                                            Wang et al., 2016; Duan et al., 2016) is a distribution of
                                               port, we are releasing Alchemy as public resource,
                                                                                                            bandit problems, each with its own sampled set of action-
                                               together with a suite of analysis tools and sample
                                                                                                            contingent reward probabilities.
                                               agent trajectories.
                                                                                                            A straightforward way to generalize the problem setting
                                                                                                            for meta-RL is in terms of an underspecified partially ob-
                                        1. Introduction                                                     servable Markov decision problem (UPOMDP; Dennis
                                        Techniques for deep reinforcement learning have matured             et al., 2020). This enriches the standard POMDP tuple
                                        rapidly over the last few years, yielding high levels of per-       hS, A, Ω, T, R, Oi, respectively a set of states, actions, and
                                        formance in tasks ranging from chess and Go (Schrittwieser          observations, together with state-transition, reward and ob-
                                           * Equal contribution                                             servation functions (Sutton & Barto, 1998), adding a set of
                                             Correspondence to:                         parameters Θ which govern the latter three functions. Im-
                                             Correspondence to:                        portantly, Θ is understood as a random variable, governed
Alchemy: A structured task distribution for meta-reinforcement learning
by a prior distribution and resulting in a corresponding distri-    and strategic action sequencing. Because Alchemy levels
bution of POMDPs. In this setting, meta-RL can be viewed            are procedurally created based on a fully accessible gen-
in terms of hierarchical Bayesian inference, with a rela-           erative process with a well-defined parameterization, we
tively slow process, spanning samples, gradually inferring          are able to implement a Bayesian ideal observer as a gold
the structure of the parameterization Θ, and in turn sup-           standard for performance.
porting a rapid process which infers the specific parameters
                                                                    In addition to introducing the Alchemy environment, we
underlying each new draw from the task distribution (Ortega
                                                                    evaluate it on two recently introduced, powerful deep RL
et al., 2019; Grant et al., 2018; Duff, 2003; Baxter, 1998). In
                                                                    agents, demonstrating a striking failure of structure learning.
meta-RL, the latter process is an active one, involving strate-
                                                                    Applying a battery of performance probes and analyses to
gic gathering of information or experimentation (Fedorov,
                                                                    one agent, we provide evidence that its performance reflects
2013; Dasgupta et al., 2019).
                                                                    a superficial, structure-blind heuristic strategy. Further ex-
This perspective brings into view two further desiderata            periments show that this outcome is not purely due to the
 for any benchmark meta-RL task distribution. First, the            sensorimotor complexities of the task, nor to the demands
 ground-truth parameterization of the distribution should           of multi-step decision making. In sum, the limited meta-
 ideally be accessible. This allows agent performance to            learning performance appears to be specifically tied to the
 be compared directly against an optimal baseline, which is         identification of latent structure, validating the utility of
 precisely a Bayesian learner, sometimes referred to as an          Alchemy as an assay for this particular ability.
‘ideal observer’ (Geisler, 2003; Ortega et al., 2019). Second,
 the structure of the task distribution should be interesting, in   2. The Alchemy environment
 that it displays properties comparable to those involved in
                                                                    Alchemy is a 3D environment created in Unity (Juliani et al.,
 many challenging real-world tasks. Intuitively, in the limit,
                                                                    2018; Ward et al., 2020), played in a series of ‘trials’, which
 interesting structure should feature compositionality, causal
                                                                    fit together into ‘episodes.’ Within each trial, the goal is to
 relationships, and opportunities for conceptual abstraction
                                                                    use a set of potions to transform each in a collection of visu-
(Lake et al., 2017), and result in tasks whose diagnosis and
                                                                    ally distinctive stones into more valuable forms, collecting
 solutions require strategic sequencing of actions.
                                                                    points when the stones are dropped into a central cauldron.
Unfortunately, the environments employed in previous meta-          The value of each stone is tied to its perceptual features, but
RL research have tended to satisfy one of the above desider-        this relationship changes from episode to episode, as do the
ata at the expense of the other. Task distributions such as         potions’ transformative effects. Together, these structural as-
bandit problems have furnished accessibility, allowing for          pects of the task constitute a ‘chemistry’ that is fixed across
principled analysis and interpretation of meta-learning per-        trials within an episode, but which is resampled at the start
formance (Wang et al., 2016; Duan et al., 2016; Ortega              of each episode, based on a highly structured generative
et al., 2019), but have failed on the interestingness front by      process (see Figure 1). The implicit challenge within each
focusing on very simple task parameterization structures.           episode is thus to diagnose, within the available time, the
At the other end of the spectrum, tasks with more inter-            current chemistry, leveraging this diagnosis to manufacture
esting and diverse structure (e.g., Atari games) have been          the most valuable stones possible.
grouped together as task distributions, but the underlying
structure or parameterization of those distributions is not         2.1. Observations, actions, and task logic
transparent (Bellemare et al., 2013; Parisotto et al., 2015;        At the beginning of each trial, the agent views a table con-
Rusu et al., 2016; Nichol et al., 2018; Cobbe et al., 2019; Yu      taining a cauldron together with three stones and twelve
et al., 2020). This makes it difficult to be confident (beyond      potions, as sampled from Alchemy’s generative process
human intuition) whether any sample from the task distri-           (Figure 1a). Stone appearance varies along three feature
bution in fact supports transfer to further sampled tasks, let      dimensions: size, color and shape. Each stone also displays
alone to construct Bayes-optimal performance baselines for          a marker whose brightness signals its point value (-3, -1,
such transfer.                                                      +1 or +15). Each potion appears in one of six hues. The
In the present work, we introduce a task distribution that          agent receives pixel-level (96x72 RGB) observations from
checks both boxes, offering both accessibility and inter-           an egocentric perspective, together with proprioceptive in-
estingness, and thus a best-of-both-worlds benchmark for            formation (acceleration, distance of and force on the hand,
meta-RL research. Alchemy is a 3D, first-person perspec-            and whether the hand is grasping an object). It selects ac-
tive video game implemented in the Unity game engine                tions from a nine-dimensional set (consisting of navigation,
( It has a highly structured and non-trivial         object manipulation actuators, and a discrete grab action).
latent causal structure which is resampled every time the           When a stone comes into contact with a potion, the latter is
game is played, requiring knowledge-based experimentation           completely consumed and, depending on the current chem-
                                                                    istry, the stone appearance and value may change. Each trial
Alchemy: A structured task distribution for meta-reinforcement learning
a)                                                    c)
                                                                       Variables determining potion/stone mappings
                                                                            between perceptual and latent space                        Placement

                                                                       Graphs                                            12             Lighting


            b)                                                                               Chemistry
                      Resample stones, potions, etc.
                                                                       NEpisode                                          Ntrial
                 Trial 1   2   3         1   2   3
                                                                                Constraint rules                        Reward rules      Potion
                           Episode 1         Episode 2                                                                                 color pairings

                                       Resample chemistry                                                        Size

                                                 y                       e)                              Shape
            d)                                       x

Figure 1. a) Visual observation for Alchemy, RGB, rendered at higher resolution than is received by the agent (96x72). b) Temporal
depiction of the generative process, indicating when chemistries and trial-specific instances (stones, potions, placement, lighting) are
resampled. c) A high-level depiction of the generative process for sampling a new task, in plate notation. Certain structures are fixed for
all episodes, such as the constraint rules governing the possible graphs, the way rewards are calculated from stone latent properties, and
the fact that potions are paired into opposites. Every episode, a graph and a set of variables determining the way potions and stones are
mapped between latent and perceptual space are sampled to form a new chemistry. Conditioned on this chemistry, for each of Ntrial = 10
trials, Ns = 3 specific stones and Np = 12 potions are sampled, as well as random position and lighting conditions, to form the perceptual
observation for the agent. See Appendix A.1 and Figure 5 for a detailed description of all elements. d) Four example chemistries, in
which the latent axes are held constant (worst stone is at the origin). e) The same four chemistries, this time with perceptual axes held
constant. Note that the edges of the causal graph need not be axis aligned with the perceptual axes.

lasts sixty seconds, simulated at 30 frames per second. A vi-            tached to each appearance, and, crucially, the transformative
sual indicator in each corner of the workspace indicates time            effects that potions have on stones. The specific chemistry
remaining. Each episode comprises ten trials, with the chem-             for each episode is sampled from a structured generative
istry fixed across trials but stone and potion instances, spatial        process, illustrated in Figure 1c-e and fully described in
positions, and lighting resampled at the onset of each trial             the Appendix. For brevity, we limit ourselves here to a
(Figure 1b). See                            high-level description.
for a video illustration of game play.
                                                                         To foreground the meta-learning challenge involved in
                                                                         Alchemy, it is useful to distinguish between (1) the aspects
2.2. The chemistry                                                       of the task that can change across episodes and (2) the ab-
As noted earlier, the causal structure of the task changes               stract principles or regularities that span all episodes. As
across episodes. The current ‘chemistry’ determines the                  we have noted, the former, changeable aspects include stone
particular stone appearances that can occur, the value at-
Alchemy: A structured task distribution for meta-reinforcement learning
appearances, stone values, and potion effects. Given all                 2.3. Symbolic version
possible combinations of these factors, there exist a total              As a complement to the canonical 3D version of Alchemy,
of 167,424 possible chemistries (taking into account that                we have also created a symbolic version of the task. This in-
stone and potion instances are also sampled per trial yields             volves the same underlying generative process and preserves
a total set of possible trial initializations on the order of 124        the challenge of reasoning and planning over the resulting
billion, still neglecting variability in the spatial positioning         latent structure, but factors out the visuospatial and motor
of objects, lighting, etc).1 The principles that span episodes           complexities of the full environment. Symbolic Alchemy
are, in a sense, more important, since identifying and ex-               returns as observation a concatenated vector indicating the
ploiting these regularities is the essence of the meta-learning          features of all sampled potions and stones, and entails a
problem. The invariances that characterize the generative                discrete action space, specifying a stone and a container
process in Alchemy can be summarized as follows:                         (either potion or cauldron) in which to place it, plus a no-op
                                                                         action. Full details are presented in the Appendix.
  1. Within each episode, stones with the same visual fea-
     tures have the same value and respond identically to
     potions. Analogously, potions of the same color have                2.4. Ideal-observer reference agent
     the same effects.                                                   As noted in the Introduction, when a task distribution is
                                                                         fully accessible, this makes it possible to construct a Bayes-
  2. Within each episode, only eight stone appearances can               optimal ‘ideal observer’ benchmark agent as a gold standard
     occur, and these correspond to the vertices of a cube               for evaluating the meta-learning performance of any agent.
     in the three-dimensional appearance space. Potion                   We constructed just such an agent for Alchemy, as detailed
     effects run only along the edges of this cube, effectively          in the Appendix (Algorithm 1). This agent maintains a
     making it a causal graph.                                           belief state over all possible chemistries given the history of
  3. Each potion type (color) ‘moves’ stone appearances in               observations, and performs an exhaustive search over both
     only one direction in appearance space. That is, each               available actions (as discretized in symbolic Alchemy) and
     potion operates only along parallel edges of the cubic              possible outcomes in order to maximize reward at the end
     causal graph.                                                       of the current trial. The resulting policy both marks out the
                                                                         highest attainable task score (in expectation) and exposes
  4. Potions come in fixed pairs (red/green, yellow/orange,              minimum-regret action sequences, which optimally balance
     pink/turquoise) which always have opposite effects.                 exploration or experimentation against exploitation.3 Any
     The effect of the red potion, for example, varies across            agent matching the score of the ideal observer demonstrates,
     episodes, but whatever its effects, the green potion will           in doing so, both a thorough understanding of Alchemy’s
     have the converse effects.                                          task structure and strong action-sequencing abilities.
  5. In some chemistries, edges of the causal graph may be               As further tools for analysis, we devised two other reference
     missing, i.e., no single potion will effect a transition            agents. An oracle benchmark agent is always given privi-
     between two particular stone appearances.2 However,                 leged access to a full description of the current chemistry,
     the topology of the underlying causal graph is not ar-              and performs a brute-force search over the available actions,
     bitrary; it is governed by a generative grammar that                seeking to maximizing reward (see Appendix, Algorithm 2).
     yields a highly structured distribution of topologies               A random heuristic benchmark agent chooses a stone at
     (see Appendix A.1 and Figure 6).                                    random, using potions at random until that stone reaches the
Because these conceptual aspects of the task remain in-                  maximum value of +15 points. It then deposits the stone into
variant across episodes, experience gathered from across a               the cauldron, chooses a new stone and repeats (Appendix,
large set of episodes affords the opportunity for an agent to            Algorithm 3). The resulting policy yields a score reflecting
discover them, tuning into the structure of the generative               what is possible in the absence of any guiding understanding
process giving rise to each episode and trial. It is the ability         of the latent structure of the Alchemy task.
to learn at this level, and to exploit what it learns, that corre-          3
                                                                               Our ideal observer does not account for optimal inference over
sponds to an agent’s meta-learning performance.                          the entire length of the episode, which would be computationally
                                                                         intractable to calculate. However, in general, we find that a single
      Note that this corresponds to the sample space for the parame-     trial is enough to narrow down the number of possible world states
ter set Θ mentioned in the Introduction.                                 to a much smaller number, and thus searching for more than one
      When this is the case, in order to anticipate the effect of        trial does not confer significant benefits.
some potions the player must attend to conjunctions of perceptual
features. Missing edges can also create bottlenecks in the causal
graph, which make it necessary to first transform a stone to look
less similar to a goal appearance before it is feasible to attain that
goal state.
Alchemy: A structured task distribution for meta-reinforcement learning
3. Experiments
                                                                    Table 1. Benchmark and baseline-agent evaluation episode scores
3.1. Agent architectures and training                               (mean ± standard error over 1000 episodes).
As a first test of Alchemy’s utility as a meta-RL benchmark,
we tested two strong distributed deep RL agents.                               AGENT                    E PISODE SCORE
VMPO agent: As described in (Song et al., 2019) and                            IMPALA                       140.2 ± 1.5
(Parisotto et al., 2019), this agent centered on a gated trans-                VMPO                         156.2 ± 1.6
former XL network. Image-frame observations were passed                        VMPO (S YMBOLIC )            155.4 ± 1.6
through a residual-network encoder and fully connected                         I DEAL OBSERVER              284.4 ± 1.6
layer, with proprioceptive observations, previous action and                   O RACLE                      288.5 ± 1.5
                                                                               R ANDOM HEURISTIC            145.7 ± 1.5
reward then concatenated. In the symbolic task, observa-
tions were passed directly to the transformer core. Losses
were included for policy and value heads, pixel control
(Jaderberg et al., 2017b), kickstarting (Schmitt et al., 2018;      tions, or to the challenge of sequencing actions in order to
Czarnecki et al., 2019) and latent state prediction (see Sec-       capitalize on inferences concerning the task’s latent state. A
tion 3.3) weighted by βloss type . Where kickstarting was           clear answer is provided by the scores from a VMPO agent
used (see below), the loss was KL(πstudent kπteacher ) and the      trained and tested on the symbolic version of Alchemy,
weighting was set to 0 after 5e8 steps. Further details are         which lifts both of these challenges while continuing to im-
presented in Appendix Table 2.                                      pose the task’s more fundamental requirement for structure
                                                                    learning and latent-state inference. As shown in Table 1,
IMPALA agent: This agent is described by (Espeholt et al.,          performance was no better in this setting than in the canon-
2018), and used population-based training as presented by           ical version of the task, again only slightly surpassing the
(Jaderberg et al., 2017a). Pixel observations passed through        score from the random heuristic policy.
a residual-network encoder and fully connected layer, and
proprioceptive observations were concatenated to the in-            Informal inspection of trajectories from the symbolic ver-
put at every spatial location before each residual-network          sion of the task was consistent with the conclusion that the
block. The resulting output was fed into the core of the            agent, like the random heuristic policy, was dipping stones
network, an LSTM.4 Pixel control and kickstarting losses            in potions essentially at random until a high point value
were used, as in the VMPO agent. See Appendix Table 3               happened to be attained. To test this impression more rigor-
for details.                                                        ously, we measured how many potions the agent consumed,
                                                                    on average, during the first and last trials within an episode.
Both agents were trained for 2e10 steps (4̃.44e6 training           As shown in Figure 3a, the agent used more potions dur-
episodes; 1e9 episodes for the symbolic version of the task),       ing episode-initial trials than the ideal observer benchmark.
and evaluated without weight updates on 1000 test episodes.         From Figure 3b, we can see that the ideal observer used a
Note that to surpass a zero score, both agents required kick-       smaller number of potions in the episode-final trial than in
starting (Schmitt et al., 2018), with agents first trained on       the initial trial, while the VMPO baseline agent showed no
a fixed chemistry with shaping rewards included for each            such reduction (see Appendix Figure 9 for more detailed
potion use. Agents trained on the symbolic version of the           results). By selecting diagnostic actions, the ideal observer
task were trained from scratch without kickstarting.                progressively reduces its uncertainty over the current latent
                                                                    state of the task (i.e., the set of chemistries possibly currently
3.2. Agent performance                                              in effect, given the history of observations). This is shown
Mean episode scores for both agents are shown in Table 1.           in Figure 3c-d, in units of posterior entropy, calculated as
Both fell far short of the gold-standard ideal observer bench-      the log of the number of possible states. The VMPO agent’s
mark, implying a failure of meta-learning. In fact, scores for      actions also effectively reveal the chemistry, as indicated
both agents fell close to that attained by the random heuristic     in the figure. The fact that the agent is nonetheless scoring
reference policy. In order to better understand these results,      poorly and overusing potions implies that it is failing to
we conducted a series of additional analyses, focusing on the       make use of the information its actions have inadvertently
VMPO agent given its slightly higher baseline score.                revealed about the task’s latent state.
A first question was whether this agent’s poor performance          The behavior of the VMPO agent suggests that it has not
is due either to the difficulty of discerning task structure        tuned into the consistent principles that span chemistries
through the complexity of high-dimensional pixel observa-           in Alchemy, as enumerated in Section 2.2. One way of
   4                                                                probing the agent’s ‘understanding’ of individual principles
     Recurrent state was set to zero at episode boundaries, but
not between trials, enabling the agents (in principle) to utilise
                                                                    is to test how well its behavior is fit by synthetic models
knowledge of the chemistry accumulated over previous trials.        that either do or do not leverage one relevant aspect of the
                                                                    task’s structure, a technique frequently used in cognitive
Alchemy: A structured task distribution for meta-reinforcement learning
a)                      No auxiliary tasks                      b)                         Auxiliary task Predict: Features

                                                                                                                                                 Input: None
                                                                                                                                                 Input: Belief state

                                                                    Episode reward
    Episode reward

                                                                                                                                                 Input: Ground truth

                                                 3D with symbolic                                                             3D with symbolic
                     3D          Symbolic                                                3D               Symbolic
                                                   observations                                                                 observations

Figure 2. Episode reward averaged over 1000 evaluation episodes, for VMPO agent, on 3D Alchemy, symbolic Alchemy, and 3D Alchemy
with additional symbolic observations, for a) no auxiliary tasks and b) feature prediction auxiliary tasks. The gray dashed line indicates
reward achieved by the ideal observer; the dotted line indicates that achieved by the random heuristic benchmark agent. Filled black
circles indicate individual replicas (5-8 per condition).

science to analyze human learning and decision making.                               what factors might be holding the agent back.
We applied this strategy to evaluate whether agents trained
                                                                                     Given the failure of the VMPO agent to show signs of identi-
on the symbolic version of Alchemy was leveraging the
                                                                                     fying the latent structure of the Alchemy task, one question
fact that potions come in consistent pairs with opposite ef-
                                                                                     of clear interest is whether the agent’s performance would
fects (see Section 2.2). Two models were devised, both
                                                                                     improve if the task’s latent state were rendered observable.
of which performed single-step look-ahead to predict the
                                                                                     In order to study this, we trained and tested on a version of
outcome (stones and potions remaining) for each currently
                                                                                     symbolic Alchemy which supplemented the agent’s obser-
available action, attaching to each outcome a value equal to
                                                                                     vations with a binary vector indicating the complete current
the sum of point-values for stones present, and selecting the
                                                                                     chemistry (see Appendix for details). When furnished with
subsequent action based on a soft-max over the resulting
                                                                                     this side information, the agent’s average score jumped dra-
state values. In both models, predictions were based on
                                                                                     matically, landing very near the score attained by the ideal
a posterior distribution over the current chemistry. How-
                                                                                     observer reference (Figure 2a ‘Symbolic’). Note that this
ever, in one model this posterior was updated in knowledge
                                                                                     augmentation gives the agent privileged access to an oracle-
of the potion pairings, while the other model ignored this
                                                                                     like indication of the current ground-truth chemistry. In a
regularity of the task. As shown in Figure 4, when the fit
                                                                                     less drastic augmentation, we replaced the side-information
of these two models was compared for the behavior of the
                                                                                     input with a vector indicating not the ground-truth chem-
ideal observer reference agent, in terms of relative likeli-
                                                                                     istry, but instead the set of chemistries consistent with ob-
hood, the result clearly indicated a superior fit for the model
                                                                                     servations made so far in the episode, corresponding to the
leveraging knowledge of the potion pairings. In contrast,
                                                                                     Bayesian belief state of the ideal observer reference model.
for the random heuristic reference agent, a much better fit
                                                                                     While the resulting scores in this setting were not quite as
was attained for the model operating in ignorance of the
                                                                                     high as those in the ground-truth augmentation experiment,
pairings. Applying the same analysis to the behavior of the
                                                                                     they were much higher than those observed without aug-
baseline VMPO agent yielded results mirroring those for the
                                                                                     mentation (Figure 2a ‘Symbolic’). Furthermore, the agent
random heuristic agent (see Figure 4), consistent with the
                                                                                     furnished with the belief state resembled the ideal observer
conclusion that the VMPO agent’s policy made no strategic
                                                                                     agent in showing a clear reduction in potion use between
use of the existence of consistent relationships between the
                                                                                     the first and last trials in an episode (Figure 3a-b).5 Model
potions’ effects.
                                                                                     fits also indicated the agent receiving this input made use of
                                                                                     the opposite-effects pairings of potions, an ability not seen
3.3. Augmentation studies
A standard strategy in reinforcement learning research is                                  In contrast, when the agent was furnished with the full ground
to analyze the operation of a performant agent via a set of                          truth, it neither reduced its potion use over time nor so effectively
                                                                                     narrowed down the set of possible chemistries. This makes sense,
ablations, in order to determine what factors are causal in the
                                                                                     however, given that full knowledge of the current chemistry allows
agent’s success. Confronted with a poorly performing agent,                          the agent to be highly efficient in potion use from the start of the
we inverted this strategy, undertaking a set of augmentations                        episode, and relieves it from having to perform diagnostic actions
(additions to either the task or the agent) in order to identify                     to uncover the current latent state.
Alchemy: A structured task distribution for meta-reinforcement learning
a)               b)                           c)                            d)


         Input: Belief state
         Input: Ground truth
         Predict: Features

        3D Alchemy

Figure 3. Behavioral metrics for different agents trained in symbolic alchemy (top) and 3D alchemy with symbolic observations (bottom).
a) Number of potions used in Trial 1. b) Difference between number of potions used in trial 10 vs trial 1. c) Posterior entropy over world
states, conditioned on agent actions, at end of trial 1. d) Posterior entropy over world states at the end of the episode. The gray dashed
line indicates the result of the Bayes ideal observer; the solid line indicates the result of the oracle benchmark. Filled black circles are
individual replicas.

in the baseline VMPO agent (Figure 4).                                  random reference policy (Figure 2a ‘3D with symbolic ob-
                                                                        servations’). However, adding either the ground-truth or
The impact of augmenting the input with an explicit rep-
                                                                        belief-state input raised scores much more dramatically than
resentation of the chemistry implies that the VMPO agent,
                                                                        when those inputs were included without symbolic state
while evidently unable to identify Alchemy’s latent struc-
                                                                        information, elevating them to levels comparable to those
ture, can act adaptively if that latent structure is helpfully
                                                                        attained in the symbolic task itself and approaching the ideal
brought to the surface. Since this observation was made in
                                                                        observer model, with parallel effects on potion use (Figure
the setting of the symbolic version of Alchemy, we tested
                                                                        3a-b). These results suggest that the failure of the agent to
the same question in the full 3D version of the task. Inter-
                                                                        fully utilize side information about the current chemistry
estingly, the results here were somewhat different: While
                                                                        was not due to challenges of action sequencing in the full 3D
appending a representation of either the ground-truth chem-
                                                                        version of Alchemy, but stemmed instead from an inability
istry or belief state to the agent’s observations did increase
                                                                        to effectively map such information onto internal represen-
scores, the effect was not as categorical as in the symbolic
                                                                        tations of the current perceptual observation.
setting (Figure 2a ‘3D’). Two hypotheses suggest them-
selves as explanations for this result. First, the VMPO agent           While augmenting the agent’s inputs is one way to impact its
might have more trouble capitalizing on the given side in-              representation of current visual inputs, the recent deep RL
formation in the 3D version of Alchemy because doing so                 literature suggests a different method for enriching internal
requires composing much longer sequences of action than                 representations, which is to add auxiliary tasks to the agent’s
does the symbolic version of the task. Second, the greater              training objective (see, e.g., Jaderberg et al., 2017b). As
complexity of the agent’s perceptual observations might                 one application of this idea, we added to the RL objective
make it harder to map the side information onto the struc-              a set of supervised tasks, the objectives of which were to
ture of its current perceptual inputs. As one step toward               produce outputs indicating (1) the total number of stones
adjudicating between these possibilities, we augmented the              present in each of a set of perceptual categories, (2) the
inputs to the agent in the 3D task with the observations that           total number of potions present of each color, and (3) the
the symbolic version of the task would provide in the same              currently prevailing ground-truth chemistry (see Appendix
state. In the absence of side information about the currently           B.1 for further details of this augmentation).6
prevailing chemistry, this augmentation did not change the                 6
                                                                             Prediction tasks (1) and (2) were always done in conjunction
agent’s behavior; the resulting score still fell close to the
                                                                        and are collectively referred to as ‘Predict: Features’, while (3) is
Alchemy: A structured task distribution for meta-reinforcement learning
1.0                                                               ing and latent-state inference, the core abilities at stake in
  relative likelihood

                                                                                          meta-learning. In short, our first-step experiments provide
                        0.8                                                models
                                                                         no potion pair
                                                                                          strong validation for Alchemy as a sensitive and specific
                        0.6                                              knowledge        assay for meta-learning ability in RL.
                        0.4                                              potion pair
                        0.2                                                               4. Discussion
                        0.0                                                               We have introduced Alchemy, a new benchmark task envi-



                                                       ideal                              ronment for meta-RL research. Alchemy is novel among
                                                                                          existing benchmarks in bringing together two desirable fea-
                                                                                          tures: (1) structural interestingness, due to its abstract,
                                                                                          causal and compositional latent organization, which de-
Figure 4. Bayesian model comparison. Maximum likelihood was                               mands experimentation, structured inference and strategic
used to fit two probabilistic models to each agent or benchmark’s
                                                                                          action sequencing; and (2) structural accessibility, conferred
actions: (1) a model that does not assume potions come in pairs
                                                                                          by its explicitly defined generative process, which furnishes
with opposite effects (blue bars), and (2) a model that does make
this assumption (red bars). Comparing the goodness of fit between                         an interpretable prior and supports construction of a Bayes-
these models, we found that the baseline agent was better fit by                          optimal reference policy, alongside many other analytical
model (1), which does not know about potion pairs. Similarly,                             maneuvers. With the hope that Alchemy will be useful
the random heuristic benchmark was also better fit by this model.                         to the larger community, we are releasing, open-source,
Meanwhile, the agent which had as input the ideal observer’s belief                       both the full 3D and symbolic versions of the Alchemy
state, was better fit by model (2), and thus appeared to exploit the                      environment, along with a suite of benchmark policies, anal-
existence of potion pairs, in line with the ideal observer benchmark.                     ysis tools, and episode logs (
All agents were trained on symbolic Alchemy.                                              deepmind/dm_alchemy).
Introducing these auxiliary tasks had a dramatic impact on                                As a first application and validation of Alchemy, we tested
agent performance, especially for (1) and (2) (less so for (3),                           two strong deep RL agents. In both cases, despite master-
see Appendix). This was true even in the absence of aug-                                  ing the basic mechanical aspects of the task, neither agent
mentations of the agent’s observations, but it also yielded                               showed any appreciable signs of meta-learning. A series of
the highest scores observed so far in the full 3D version                                 analyses, which were made possible by the task’s accessible
of Alchemy with input augmentations providing either the                                  structure, clearly demonstrated a frank absence of struc-
ground-truth chemistry or Bayesian belief state (Figure 2b                                ture learning and latent-state inference. Whereas a Bayes-
‘3D’). Indeed, in the presence of the auxiliary tasks, fur-                               optimal reference agent pursued strategic experiments and
ther supplementing the inputs with the symbolic version                                   leveraged the resulting observations to maximize its score,
of the perceptual observations added little to the agent’s                                deep RL resulted in a shallow, heuristic strategy, uninformed
performance (Figure 2b ‘3D with symbolic observations’).                                  by the structure of the task distribution. Leveraging a sym-
Adding the auxiliary tasks to the objective for the VMPO                                  bolic version of Alchemy, we were able to establish that
agent in symbolic Alchemy had a striking effect on scores                                 this failure of meta-learning is not due purely to the visual
even in the absence of any other augmentation. In this case,                              complexity of the task or to the number of actions required
scores approached the ideal observer benchmark (Figure 2b                                 to achieve task goals. Finally, a series of augmentation stud-
‘Symbolic’), providing the only case in the present study                                 ies showed that deep RL agents can in fact perform well if
where the VMPO agent showed respectable meta-learning                                     the latent structure of the task is rendered fully observable,
performance on either version of Alchemy without privi-                                   especially if auxiliary tasks are introduced to support repre-
leged information at test.7                                                               sentation learning. These insights may, we hope, be useful
                                                                                          in developing deep RL agents that are capable of solving
3.4. Conclusions from experiments                                                         Alchemy without access to privileged information.
This first set of agent experiments with Alchemy indicates
that the task is hard, and hard for the right reasons. We found                           It is worth stating that, in our view, the main contributions of
that two otherwise performant deep RL agents displayed lit-                               the present work inhere not in the specific concrete details of
tle evidence of meta-learning the latent structure of the task                            Alchemy itself, but rather in the overall scientific agenda and
despite extensive training. Rather than reflecting difficulties                           approach. Ascertaining the level of knowledge possessed
in perceptual processing or action sequencing, the agents’                                by deep RL agents is a challenging task, comparable to
poor performance appears tied to a failure of structure learn-                            trying to ascertain the knowledge of real animals, and (as
                                                                                          in that latter case) requiring detailed cognitive modeling.
referred to as ‘Predict: Chemistry’.                                                      Alchemy is designed to make this kind of modeling not
      Potion use in this setting, as well as world state uncertainty,                     only possible, but even central, and we propose that more
also showed a reduction over trials (see Figure 3).
Alchemy: A structured task distribution for meta-reinforcement learning
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                                                                  Espeholt, L., Soyer, H., Munos, R., Simonyan, K., Mnih,
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                                                                    V., Ward, T., Doron, Y., Firoiu, V., Harley, T., Dunning,
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A. Alchemy mechanics                                               table to find the color. We call this linear mapping the potion
A.1. The chemistry                                                 map P : P → P.
We consider three perceptual features along which stones
can vary: size, color, and shape. Potions are able to change
                                                                                       P (p) = Preflect Ppermute p              (4)
stone perceptual features, but how a specific potion can af-
fect a particular stone’s appearance is determined by the
stone’s (unobserved) latent state c. Each potion determin-         where Preflect is drawn from the same distribution as Sreflect
istically transforms stones according to a hidden, underly-        and Ppermute is a 3x3 permutation matrix i.e. a matrix of
ing transition graph sampled from the set of all connected         the form [e(π(0)) , e(π(1)) , e(π(2)) ]T , π ∼ U (Sym({0, 1, 2}))
graphs formed by the edges of a cube (see Figure 6a). The          where Sym({0, 1, 2}) is the set of permutations of
corners of the cube represent different latent states, defined     {0, 1, 2}.
by a 3-dimensional coordinate c ∈ {−1, 1}3 . Potion effects        The directly observable potion colors are then assigned ac-
align with one axis and direction of the cube, such that one       cording to:
of the coordinates c is modified from -1 to 1 or 1 to -1. In
equations:                                                                         
                                                                                      (0)     (0)
                                                                                   (e , −e ) → (green, red)
                                                                         Pcolor   = (e(1) , −e(1) ) → (yellow, orange)          (5)
                 c = c + 2p1(c,c+2p)∈G (c)                  (1)                    
                                                                                    (2)
                                                                                    (e , −e(2) ) → (turquoise, pink)
where p           ∈     P is the potion effect P             :=
{e(0) , e(1) , e(2) , −e(0) , −e(1) , −e(2) } where e(i) is the    Note that this implies that potion colors come in pairs so that,
ith basis vector and G is the set of edges which can be            for example, the red potion always has the opposite effect to
traversed in the graph.                                            the green potion, though that effect may be on color, size, or
                                                                   shape, depending on the particular chemistry of that episode.
The latent state of the stone also determines its reward           It can also have an effect on two of those three perceptual
value R ∈ {−3, −1, 1, 15}, which can be observed via               features simultaneously in the case where Srotate 6= I3 . This
the brightness of the reward indicator (square light) on the       color pairing of potions is consistent across all samples of
stone:                                                             the task, constituting a feature of Alchemy which can be
                                                                   meta-learned over many episodes. Importantly, due to the
                    (                P                             potion map P , the potion effects p in each episode must be
                     15,           if i ci = 3
              R(c) = P                                      (2)    discovered by experimentation.
                            i ci , else.
                                                                   G is determined by sampling a graph topology (Figure 6d),
                                                                   which determines which potion effects are possible. Potions
The agent only receives a reward for a stone if that stone is
                                                                   only have effects if certain preconditions on the stone latent
successfully placed within the cauldron by the end of the
                                                                   state are met, which constitute ‘bottlenecks’ (darker edges
trial, which removes the stone from the game.
                                                                   in Figure 6d). Each graph consists of the edges of the
The latent coordinates c are mapped into the stone percep-         cube which meet the graph’s set of preconditions. Each
tual feature space to determine the appearance of the stone.       precondition says that an edge parallel to axis i exists only
We call this linear mapping the stone map or S and define it       if its value on axis j is a where j 6= i and a ∈ {−1, 1}. The
as S : {−1, 1}3 → {−1, 0, 1}3 :                                    more preconditions, the fewer edges the graph has.
                                                                   Only sets of preconditions which generate a connected graph
                    S(c) = Srotate Sreflect c               (3)    are allowed. We denote the set of connected graphs with
                                                                   preconditions of this form G. Note that this is smaller than
where Srotate denotes possible rotation around                     the set of all connected graphs, as a single precondition can
1 axis and rescaling.               Formally:       Srotate   ∼    rule out 1 or 2 edges of the cube. As with the potion color
U ({I3 , Rx (45◦ ), Ry (45◦ ), Rz (45◦ )}), where I is the         pairs, this structure is consistent across all samples and may
identity matrix, and Ri (θ) denotes an anti-clockwise              be meta-learned.
rotation transform
                     around axis i by θ = 45◦ , followed by
              2                                                    We find that the maximum number of preconditions for any
scaling by 2 on all other axes, in order to normalize values
                                                                   graph G ∈ G is 3. We define Gn := {G ∈ G|N (G) = n}
to be in {−1, 0, 1}. Sreflect denotes reflection in the x, y and
                                                                   where N (G) is the number of preconditions in G. The
z axes: Sreflect = diag(s) for s ∼ U ({−1, 1}3 ).
                                                                   sampling distribution is n ∼ U (0, 3), G ∼ U (Gn ). Of
The potion effect p is mapped to a potion color by first           course, there is only one graph with 0 preconditions and
applying a linear mapping and then using a fixed look-up           many graphs with 1, 2, or 3 preconditions so the graph with
0 preconditions is the most common and is sampled 25% of                               B. Training and hyperparameters
the time.
A ‘chemistry’ is a random sampling of all variables {G,                                   Table 2. Architecture and hyperparameters for VMPO.
Ppermute , Preflect , Sreflect , Srotate } (subject to the constraint
rules described above), which is held constant for an episode                               S ETTING                                 VALUE
(Figure 5). Given all of the possible permutations, we cal-                                 I MAGE RESOLUTION :                   96 X 72 X 3
culate that there are 167,424 total chemistries that can be                                 N UMBER OF ACTION REPEATS :                     4
                                                                                            AGENT DISCOUNT:                             0.99
                                                                                            R ES N ET NUM CHANNELS :           64, 128, 128
                                                                                            T R XL MLP SIZE :                            256
                                                                                            T R XL N UMBER OF LAYERS :                      6
         Ppermute     Preflect       Sreflect   Srotate                                     T R XL N UMBER OF HEADS :                       8
                                                                                            T R XL K EY /VALUE SIZE :                     32
                                                                                            η :                                         0.5
                                                                                            α :                                      0.001
                                                          12               Lighting         TTARGET :                                    100
                                                                                            βπ :                                         1.0
                                                              Stones                        βV :                                         1.0
                                                                                            βPIXEL CONTROL :                          0.001
                                                                                            βKICKSTARTING :                             10.0
                                 Chemistry                                                  βSTONE :                                     2.4
        NEpisode                                          Ntrial
                                                                                            βPOTION :                                    0.6
                                                                                            βCHEMISTRY :                                10.0
                 Constraint rules                                  R(c)       Pcolor

                                                                                          Table 3. Architecture and hyperparameters for Impala.
Figure 5. The generative process for sampling a new task, in plate
notation. Constraint rules G, Pcolor , and R(c) are fixed for all
episodes (see Section A.1). Every episode, a set {G, Ppermute ,                              S ETTING                               VALUE
Preflect , Sreflect , Srotate } is sampled to form a new chemistry. Condi-                   I MAGE RESOLUTION :                 96 X 72 X 3
tioned on this chemistry, for each of Ntrial = 10 trials, Ns = 3                             N UMBER OF ACTION REPEATS :                   4
stones and Np = 12 potions are sampled, as well as random place-                             AGENT DISCOUNT:                           0.99
ment and lighting conditions, to form the perceptual observation                             L EARNING RATE :                     0.00033
for the agent. For clarity, the above visualization omits parameters                         R ES N ET NUM CHANNELS :           16, 32, 32
                                                                                             LSTM HIDDEN UNITS :                        256
for normal or uniform distributions over variables (such as lighting
                                                                                             βπ :                                       1.0
and placement of stones/potions on the table).                                               βV :                                       0.5
                                                                                             βENTROPY :                              0.001
                                                                                             βPIXEL CONTROL :                           0.2
                                                                                             βKICKSTARTING :                            8.0
Figure 6. a) Depiction of an example chemistry sampled from Alchemy, in which the perceptual features happen to be axis-aligned
with the latent feature coordinates (listed beside the stones). Stones transform according to a hidden transition structure, with edges
corresponding to the application of corresponding potions, as seen in b). c) For example, applying the green potion to the large purple
stone transforms it into a large blue stone, and also increases its value (indicated by the square in center of stone becoming white). d) The
possible graph topologies for stone transformation. Darker edges indicate ‘bottlenecks’, which are transitions that are only possible from
certain stone latent states. In topologies with bottlenecks, more potions are often required to reach the highest value stone. If the criteria
for stone states are not met, then the potion will have no effect (e.g. if topology (v) has been sampled, the yellow potion in the example
given in (a) will have no effect on the small purple round stone). Note that we can apply reflections and rotations on these topologies,
yielding a total of 109 configurations.

Algorithm 1 Ideal Observer                                                    Algorithm 2 Oracle
   Input: stones s, potions p, belief state b                                   Input: stones s, potions p, chemistry c
   Initialise rewards = {}                                                      Initialise rewards = {}
   for all si ∈ s do                                                            for all si ∈ s do
      for all pj ∈ p do                                                            for all pj ∈ p do
          sposs , pposs , bposs , bprobs   =          simulate          use            s0 , p0 = simulate use potion(s, p, si , pj , c)
          potion(s, p, si , pj , b)                                                    rewards[si , pj ] = Oracle(s0 , p0 , c)
          r=0                                                                      end for
          for all s0 , p0 , b0 , prob ∈ sposs , pposs , bposs , bprobs do          s0 , r = simulate use cauldron(s, si )
             r = r + prob * Ideal Observer(s0 , p0 , b0 )                          rewards[si , cauldron] = r + Oracle(s0 , p, c)
          end for                                                               end for
          rewards[si , pj ] = r                                                 return argmax(rewards)
      end for
      s0 , r = simulate use cauldron(s, si )
      rewards[si , cauldron] = r + Ideal Observer(s0 , p, b)                  number of potions of each color, or 3) predicting the ground
   end for                                                                    truth chemistry. Auxiliary tasks contribute additional losses
   return argmax(rewards)                                                     which are summed with the standard RL losses, weighted by
                                                                              coefficients (βstone = 2.4, βpotion = 0.6, βchem = 10.0).
                                                                              These hyperparameters were determined by roughly bal-
B.1. Auxiliary task losses                                                    ancing the gradient norms of variables which contributed
Auxiliary prediction tasks include: 1) predicting the number                  to all losses. All prediction tasks use an MLP head, (1)
of stones currently present that possess each possible percep-                and (2) use an L2 regression loss while (3) uses a cross
tual feature (e.g. small size, blue color etc), 2) predicting the             entropy loss. Prediction tasks (1) and (2) were always done
Algorithm 3 Random heuristic                                             C. Additional results
   Input: stones s, potions p, threshold t                               Training curves show that VMPO agents train faster in the
   si = random choice(s)                                                 symbolic version of Alchemy vs the 3D version (Figures 7
   if reward(si ) > t or (reward(si ) > 0 and empty(p)) then             and 8), even though agents are kickstarted in 3D.
      return si , cauldron                                               As seen in Figure 8, the auxiliary task of predicting features
   end if                                                                appears much more beneficial than predicting the ground
   pi = random choice(p)                                                 truth chemistry, the latter leading to slower training and
   return si , pi                                                        more variability across seeds. We hypothesize that this
                                                                         is because predicting the underlying chemistry is possibly
                                                                         as difficult as simply performing well on the task, while
in conjunction and are collectively referred to as ‘Predict:             predicting simple feature statistics is tractable, useful, and
Features’, while (3) is referred to as ‘Predict: Chemistry’ in           leads to more generalizable knowledge.
the results.
The MLP for 1) has 128x128x13 units where the final layer
represents 3 predictions for each perceptual feature value e.g.
the number of small stones, medium stones, large stones and
4 predictions for the brightness of the reward indicator. The
MLP for 2) has 128x128x6 units where the final layer repre-
sents 1 prediction for the number of potions of each possible
color. 3) is predicted with an MLP with a sigmoid cross
entropy loss and has size 256x128x28 where the final layer
represents predictions of the symbolic representations of
the graph and mappings (Srotate , Sreflect , Preflect , Ppermute , G).
More precisely, Srotate is represented by a 4 dimensional
1-hot, Sreflect and Preflect are represented by 3 dimensional
vectors with a 1 in the ith element denoting reflection in axis
i, Ppermute is represented by a 6 dimensional 1-hot and G is
represented by a 12-dimensional vector for the 12 edges of
the cube with a 1 if the corresponding edge exists and a 0
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