Page created by Bradley Bryant
                                                     Section on Hematology/Oncology
                                                             Committee on Genetics

                 Health Supervision for Children With Sickle Cell Disease

ABSTRACT. Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a group of                                        OVERVIEW OF GENETICS AND
complex genetic disorders with multisystem manifesta-                                        PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
tions. This statement provides pediatricians in primary                           SCD is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder
care and subspecialty practice with an overview of the                         characterized by the presence of sickle hemoglobin
genetics, diagnosis, clinical manifestations, and treat-                       (HbS) in red blood cells. Heterozygous individuals
ment of SCD. Specialized comprehensive medical care
                                                                               have sickle cell trait, a generally benign, asymptom-
decreases morbidity and mortality during childhood.
                                                                               atic genetic carrier state. Homozygous and com-
The provision of comprehensive care is a time-intensive
endeavor that includes ongoing patient and family edu-
                                                                               pound heterozygous individuals have symptomatic
cation, periodic comprehensive evaluations and other                           disease. Four genotypes—sickle cell anemia (HbSS),
disease-specific health maintenance services, psychoso-                        sickle-hemoglobin C disease (HbSC), and 2 types of
cial care, and genetic counseling. Timely and appropriate                      sickle ␤-thalassemia (S␤⫹-thalassemia and S␤o-
treatment of acute illness is critical, because life-threat-                   thalassemia)—account for most SCD in the United
ening complications develop rapidly. It is essential that                      States. Less common forms of SCD are caused by
every child with SCD receive comprehensive care that is                        coinheritance of HbS with other hemoglobin vari-
coordinated through a medical home with appropriate                            ants, such as hemoglobin D-Punjab. Genes for SCD
expertise.                                                                     are common in persons of African, Mediterranean,
                                                                               Middle Eastern, and Indian ancestry and persons
                                                                               from the Caribbean and parts of Central and South
ABBREVIATIONS. SCD, sickle cell disease; HbS, sickle hemoglo-
bin; HbF, fetal hemoglobin; HbSS, sickle cell anemia; HbSC, sickle-
                                                                               America. SCD is the most prevalent disorder identi-
hemoglobin C disease; HbF, fetal hemoglobin; HPLC, high-per-                   fied by neonatal blood screening, with approxi-
formance liquid chromatography; AAP, American Academy of                       mately 2000 affected infants born in the United States
Pediatrics; CNS, central nervous system; CBC, complete blood                   each year.12 Overall, the incidence of SCD exceeds
cell; TCD, transcranial Doppler; HbA2, hemoglobin A2; MCV,                     that of most other serious genetic disorders, includ-
mean corpuscular volume; Hib, Haemophilus influenzae type b; TIA,              ing cystic fibrosis and hemophilia.
transient ischemic attack.
                                                                                  The protean clinical manifestations of SCD result
                                                                               from variable degrees of hemolysis and intermittent
                         INTRODUCTION                                          episodes of vascular occlusion that cause tissue isch-
                                                                               emia and acute and chronic organ dysfunction. Con-

       he term sickle cell disease (SCD) describes a                           sequences of hemolysis may include chronic anemia,
       group of complex, chronic disorders character-                          jaundice, predisposition to aplastic crisis, cholelithi-
       ized by hemolysis, unpredictable acute compli-                          asis, and delayed growth and sexual maturation.
cations that can rapidly become life-threatening, and                          Vaso-occlusion and tissue ischemia can result in
the variable development of chronic organ damage.                              acute and chronic injury to virtually every organ of
Expert, comprehensive medical care decreases mor-                              the body. Important clinical manifestations of SCD
bidity and prolongs life expectancy for individuals                            during childhood and adolescence are shown in Ta-
with SCD.1–5 Many children with SCD in the United                              ble 1. Generally, children with HbSS and S␤o-thalas-
States receive much of their medical care from pedi-                           semia are more severely affected than are children
atricians. This statement is intended to provide pe-                           with HbSC or S␤⫹-thalassemia. However, each ge-
diatricians in primary care and subspecialty practice                          notype is characterized by marked and largely un-
with an overview of the essential components of                                predictable variability in clinical expression and se-
comprehensive care for children with SCD and their                             verity.13–16
families. A detailed discussion of the treatment of
individual acute and chronic complications of SCD is                               NEONATAL SCREENING AND DIAGNOSIS
beyond the scope of these guidelines but is available
elsewhere.6 –11                                                                   Most infants with SCD are healthy at birth and
                                                                               become symptomatic later in infancy or childhood
                                                                               after fetal hemoglobin (HbF) levels decrease. Most
                                                                               infants with SCD born in the United States are now
The recommendations in this statement do not indicate an exclusive course      identified by routine neonatal screening.9,17,18 Af-
of treatment or serve as a standard of medical care. Variations, taking into
account individual circumstances, may be appropriate.
                                                                               fected infants not identified through neonatal screen-
PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 2002 by the American Acad-            ing generally present clinically during infancy or
emy of Pediatrics.                                                             early childhood with painful swelling of the hands

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TABLE 1.     Important Clinical Manifestations of SCD During          less of gestational or postnatal age),19 and that the
Childhood and Adolescence                                             results of neonatal screening tests be routinely and
Acute Manifestations                                                  promptly documented for all infants.18 In states that
  Bacterial sepsis or meningitis*                                     have not yet implemented universal screening, neo-
  Recurrent vaso-occlusive pain (dactylitis, musculoskeletal or
    abdominal pain)
                                                                      natal screening for SCD should be requested for all
  Splenic sequestration*                                              high-risk infants (those of African, Mediterranean,
  Aplastic crisis*                                                    Middle Eastern, Indian, Caribbean, and Central and
  Acute chest syndrome*                                               South American ancestry). Any high-risk infant not
                                                                      screened at birth, or for whom neonatal screening
  Hematuria, including papillary necrosis                             results cannot be documented, should be screened by
Chronic manifestations                                                hemoglobin electrophoresis as soon as possible after
  Anemia                                                              birth. For infants with positive screening results, con-
                                                                      firmatory testing should be accomplished before 2
  Functional asplenia                                                 months of age so that parental education, penicillin
  Cardiomegaly and functional murmurs                                 prophylaxis, and arrangements for comprehensive
  Hyposthenuria and enuresis                                          care can be promptly initiated.9,18
                                                                         Confirmatory testing of infants with positive neo-
  Delayed growth and sexual maturation                                natal screening results and diagnosis of older pa-
  Restrictive lung disease*                                           tients who present with symptoms require hemoglo-
  Pulmonary hypertension*                                             bin separation by electrophoresis (cellulose acetate
  Avascular necrosis
  Proliferative retinopathy
                                                                      and citrate agar), isoelectric focusing, and/or high-
  Leg ulcers                                                          performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).18 In se-
  Transfusional hemosiderosis*                                        lected cases, DNA analysis or testing of parents can
* Potential cause of mortality.                                       be helpful. Neonatal screening and diagnostic test
                                                                      results for the 4 most common genotypes of SCD are
                                                                      shown in Table 2. Solubility testing has no place in
and feet (dactylitis), pneumococcal sepsis or menin-                  the diagnosis of SCD, because it does not differenti-
gitis, severe anemia and acute splenic enlargement                    ate SCD from sickle cell trait and because high levels
(splenic sequestration), acute chest syndrome, pallor,                of HbF cause false-negative results in infants with
jaundice, or splenomegaly. Clinical presentations in                  SCD.
older children include anemia, severe or recurrent
musculoskeletal or abdominal pain, aplastic crisis,
acute chest syndrome, splenomegaly or splenic se-                           OVERVIEW OF COMPREHENSIVE CARE
questration, and cholelithiasis.                                         SCD is a complex disorder with multisystem man-
  Forty-four states, the District of Columbia, Puerto                 ifestations that requires specialized comprehensive
Rico, and the Virgin Islands currently provide uni-                   care to achieve an optimal outcome. Appropriate
versal neonatal screening for SCD; screening is avail-                treatment requires the active involvement of health
able by request in the other 6 states. It is essential that           care professionals with expertise in the management
pediatricians be familiar with their particular state’s               and treatment of SCD, usually a pediatric hematolo-
screening program, that a screening sample always                     gist-oncologist working in conjunction with a multi-
be obtained before any blood transfusion (regard-                     disciplinary team.

TABLE 2.        SCD: Neonatal Screening and Diagnostic Test Results
     Disorder        Approximate     Neonatal      Hemoglobin        Serial CBC and          Hematologic Studies by Age 2 Years
                     Percentage of   Screening    Separation by    Reticulocyte Counts
                      US Patients     Results*    Age 6 Weeks*                                     MCV†              HbA2‡     HbF
                      With SCD                                                                                        (%)      (%)

 HbSS                     65         FS                FS         Hemolysis and anemia     Normal or increased§      ⬍3.6§     ⬍25
                                                                   by age 6–12 mo
 HbSC                     25         FSC               FSC        Mild or no anemia by     Normal or decreased        NA㛳      ⬍15
                                                                   age 2 y
 S␤⫹-thalassemia            8        FSA or FS¶        FSA        Mild or no anemia by     Normal or decreased       ⬎3.6      ⬍25
                                                                   age 2 y
 S␤°-thalassemia            2        FS                FS         Hemolysis and anemia     Decreased                 ⬎3.6      ⬍25
                                                                   by age 6–12 mo
Table shows typical results— exceptions occur. Rare forms of SCD, such as SD-Punjab, SO-Arab, SC-Harlem, S␦␤-thalassemia, SE, and
SLepore, not included.
* Hemoglobins reported in order of quantity (eg, FSA ⫽ F⬎S⬎A).
† Normal or reference range of MCV is ⬎ 70 fL at age 6 –12 mo; lower limits of reference range subsequently increase with age to 80 fL
during adolescence.
‡ HbA2 results vary somewhat depending on laboratory methodology.
§ HbSS with coexistent ␣-thalassemia may show decreased MCV and HbA2 ⬎3.6%; however, neonatal screening results from such infants
usually show Bart’s hemoglobin.
㛳 NA ⫽ not applicable— quantity of HbA2 usually not measured in presence of HbC.
¶ Quantity of HbA at birth is sometimes insufficient for detection.

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Medical Home                                                  agnosis. The ultimate goal is to enable families to
  It is essential that every child with SCD receive           functionally cope with the child’s complex chronic
care that is provided and coordinated through an              illness and enhance the child’s potential for success-
appropriate medical home.17 For many patients, the            ful transition to adulthood.
most appropriate medical home is a multidisci-
plinary sickle cell clinic that coordinates all aspects of    Health Maintenance
comprehensive care in collaboration with the child’s            In addition to ensuring compliance with “Recom-
primary care pediatrician or that provides specialty          mendations for Preventive Pediatric Health Care” of
and primary care in 1 setting. In other cases, the            the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP),20 the
medical home may be provided by a knowledgeable               following SCD-related issues should be addressed
primary care pediatrician or other health care pro-           periodically.
fessional from whom patients receive day-to-day
care, with periodic referrals to sickle cell specialists      Prophylactic Medications
for comprehensive evaluations and for the manage-               All infants with HbSS and S␤o-thalassemia should
ment and treatment of severe, life-threatening com-           receive penicillin V potassium prophylaxis, 125 mg
plications. Some SCD programs support primary                 orally, twice a day, initiated by 2 months of
care pediatricians by conducting outreach clinics in          age.6,9,21,22 The dose is increased to 250 mg orally,
communities distant from tertiary care centers. The           twice a day, at 3 years of age and continued at least
location of the medical home and the extent to which          until the fifth birthday.22,23 Erythromycin prophy-
the care outlined in this statement is provided by the        laxis may be used as an alternative for children with
primary care pediatrician versus the multidisci-              suspected or proven penicillin allergy. The routine
plinary SCD team will vary among patients and com-            use of penicillin prophylaxis for infants and children
munities and will depend in part on the expertise of          with HbSC and S␤⫹-thalassemia is controversial.24
the primary care pediatrician, access to a multidisci-        Folic acid supplementation is also controversial.25
plinary SCD team, family preference, and the fre-
quency and severity of disease manifestations. Ap-            Immunizations
propriate management of many aspects of SCD                      Timely administration of routine immunizations
requires time and expertise beyond levels provided            recommended by the AAP is essential.26 Children
by most primary care pediatricians. In some cases,            with SCD should receive the 7-valent pneumococcal
ongoing access to the pediatric hematologist-oncolo-          conjugate and 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccha-
gist and other subspecialists may require advocacy            ride vaccines.22,27 Yearly influenza immunization is
by the primary care pediatrician with managed care            recommended.28 The AAP 2000 Red Book also recom-
organizations or other payers.5                               mends immunization with quadrivalent meningo-
                                                              coccal polysaccharide vaccine.28
Family and Patient Education                                  Comprehensive Medical Evaluations
   Identification of an infant with SCD through neo-             All patients should have regularly scheduled com-
natal screening provides an opportunity to educate            prehensive medical evaluations to review previous
parents and other caregivers about the child’s disor-         disease manifestations, document important baseline
der before symptoms develop.9,18 Initially, the focus         physical findings and laboratory values, monitor
should include the genetics (including the availabil-         growth and development, detect early signs of
ity of carrier testing and prenatal diagnosis) and            chronic organ damage, and develop individualized
basic pathophysiology of SCD and the importance of            patient care plans.18 Blood pressure should be eval-
regularly scheduled health maintenance visits, peni-          uated in light of the observation that values for per-
cillin prophylaxis, and immunizations, including              sons with SCD are somewhat lower than for hema-
pneumococcal vaccines. Education about the need               tologically normal individuals.29 Relatively elevated
for urgent medical evaluation for and treatment of            blood pressures have been associated with an in-
febrile illness, acute splenic sequestration, aplastic        creased risk of stroke and may warrant additional
crisis, and acute chest syndrome is critical. Education       evaluation and treatment.29 Other potential prob-
about splenic sequestration includes the need to seek         lems include splenomegaly and the detection and
medical attention immediately if the child is pale and        treatment of central nervous system (CNS) disease,
listless and instruction about abdominal palpation            proliferative retinopathy, restrictive lung disease,
for determining spleen size. Recognition and appro-           pulmonary hypertension, cholelithiasis, proteinuria,
priate management of dactylitis and other painful             avascular necrosis of the hip or shoulder, and leg
events should be reviewed. As the child ages, other           ulcers. School performance should be monitored for
topics such as stroke, enuresis, priapism, cholelithi-        evidence of neurodevelopmental problems. Compre-
asis, delayed puberty, proliferative retinopathy,             hensive evaluations also provide an ideal setting for
avascular necrosis of the hip or shoulder, and leg            providing age-appropriate family and patient educa-
ulcers are introduced. During middle childhood and            tion and for evaluating and addressing psychosocial
adolescence, education is increasingly directed to-           issues. The frequency of comprehensive evaluations
ward the patient in addition to the parents, and              will vary somewhat depending on the patient’s age,
during adolescence, it includes the genetic basis of          genotype, and disease manifestations.
SCD and issues related to contraception, carrier test-           Some patients will develop complications or show
ing of partners, genetic counseling, and prenatal di-         laboratory or imaging evidence of disease manifes-

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tations that warrant more intense, specific therapy,        nition, appropriate medical evaluation, and treat-
such as chronic transfusions, hydroxyurea, or hema-         ment of common acute complications.9,18
topoietic stem cell transplantation. The usual goal of         Examples of acute illnesses that require urgent
chronic transfusions is to suppress erythropoiesis          evaluation and treatment are outlined briefly below.
and provide normal red blood cells to maintain the          More than one of these acute complications may be
percentage of the patient’s cells (ie, those containing     present simultaneously, and the information pro-
HbS) at less than 30%.6,30,31 This approach signifi-        vided here lacks many important details about the
cantly decreases the risk of recurrent stroke and           management of each. Additional details are pro-
other SCD-related complications, such as vaso-occlu-        vided in references cited throughout this statement.
sive pain and acute chest syndrome.30 –32 Strategies        Because blood transfusions play a central role in the
for preventing and treating transfusion complica-           treatment of some acute complications, the patient’s
tions, including alloimmunization to minor red              red blood cell antigen phenotype should be deter-
blood cell antigens and hemosiderosis, need to be           mined ahead of time if minor antigen-matched red
carefully considered.6,30,33–37 Daily oral administra-      blood cells, selected to prevent alloimmunization,
tion of hydroxyurea increases HbF levels, decreases         are available locally.6,30,33–35
leukocyte counts, and decreases the frequency of
episodes of pain and acute chest syndrome.38 Hy-            Fever
droxyurea may be appropriate for selected children             Because patients with SCD develop splenic dys-
and adolescents with frequent or severe disease man-        function at as early as 3 months of age, they are at
ifestations but requires frequent monitoring for my-        high risk for septicemia and meningitis with pneu-
elotoxicity and other drug-related complications by a       mococci and other encapsulated bacteria.44 Thus, all
physician with expertise in SCD and chemothera-             patients with temperature greater than 38.5°C re-
py.39 Successful stem cell transplantation provides a       quire rapid triage and physical assessment, urgent
hematologic cure for SCD,40 but its use has been            CBC and reticulocyte counts, blood culture (plus
limited by the paucity of HLA-matched sibling do-           cerebrospinal fluid analysis and other cultures as
nors and by the challenge of balancing SCD severity         indicated), and prompt administration of a broad-
criteria with transplantation-related morbidity and         spectrum parenteral antibiotic, such as ceftriaxone
mortality.41 The clinical course of each patient with       sodium, cefuroxime, or cefotaxime sodium.6,9,11 Be-
SCD should be regularly reviewed by a pediatric             cause of its long half-life, ceftriaxone is usually cho-
hematologist-oncologist generally at the time of com-       sen for selected cases in which outpatient manage-
prehensive evaluations, and the possibilities of            ment with close follow-up may be appropriate.45 The
chronic transfusions, hydroxyurea, and stem cell            presence of a focus of infection (eg, viral upper re-
transplantation should be considered.                       spiratory illness, otitis media) does not alter the ur-
                                                            gency of administering parenteral antibiotics. Be-
Acute Illness                                               cause of the prevalence of resistant pneumococci,46
   Acute illness characterized by relatively common         vancomycin hydrochloride should be added for
childhood signs and symptoms, such as fever, cough,         proven or suspected meningitis and other severe
abdominal pain, pallor, and limp, can rapidly be-           illness. Infections such as osteomyelitis that are often
come life-threatening. Unfortunately, delayed or in-        caused by Staphylococcus aureus or other organisms,
adequate evaluation and treatment of acute illness          such as Salmonella species, should be treated with a
remains an important cause of preventable morbid-           broad-spectrum antibiotic and vancomycin pending
ity and mortality.42 Thus, it is imperative that every      the results of bacteriologic culture and sensitivities.
child with SCD have a plan for around-the-clock             Other acute complications of SCD, such as acute
access to a medical facility where knowledge and            chest syndrome, splenic sequestration, and aplastic
perspective about SCD is available and where eval-          crisis, need to be excluded during febrile illness.
uation and treatment can be promptly delivered.9,18
For example, a child with fever or pallor and listless-     Pain
ness should always be initially evaluated, if possible,        Unpredictable episodes of severe and sometimes
at a site where complete blood cell (CBC) and reticu-       excruciating pain are characteristic of SCD.16,47 Many
locyte counts, blood cultures, intravenous antibiotics,     uncomplicated episodes of pain can be managed at
and red blood cell transfusions are readily available.      home with oral fluids; oral analgesics, such as ibu-
Health care professionals who treat acute illness           profen, acetaminophen, and codeine; and comfort
need ready access to baseline information about the         measures, such as heating pads. When home man-
patient (eg, SCD genotype, the presence or absence          agement measures fail to adequately alleviate pain, it
of splenomegaly, and baseline CBC and reticulocyte          is essential that patients receive rapid triage, physical
counts). Strategies for ensuring the availability of        assessment, and aggressive, appropriately moni-
baseline information about individual patients in-          tored analgesia.47 For severe pain, parenteral opi-
clude computerized patient databases and the provi-         oids, such as morphine, are indicated and usually
sion of baseline information directly to patients and       administered by scheduled around-the-clock dosing
families on medical alert cards or on emergency in-         or patient-controlled analgesia.6,47 Opioids should
formation forms recommended by the AAP.43 The               not be withheld because of the unfounded fear of
goal of ensuring timely medical treatment for acute         addiction. Other issues include maintenance of ade-
illness also is facilitated by providing anticipatory       quate (but avoidance of excessive) hydration, moni-
guidance to patients and families about early recog-        toring of oxygenation and cardiopulmonary status,

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use of incentive spirometry to encourage deeper in-            Stroke
spiratory effort,48 and close observation for the de-             Any acute neurologic symptom other than mild
velopment of other complications, particularly acute           headache, even if transient, requires urgent evalua-
chest syndrome.49,50 During episodes of severe pain,           tion. Common presenting symptoms and signs of
life-threatening complications may develop rapidly             stroke include hemiparesis, aphasia or dysphasia,
and often are heralded by relatively sudden clinical           seizures, monoparesis, severe headache, cranial
changes, such as an increasing oxygen requirement,             nerve palsy, stupor, and coma.54 Initial evaluation
altered mental status, or decreasing hemoglobin                includes CBC and reticulocyte counts and noncon-
level or platelet count.49 –51                                 trast computed tomography or magnetic resonance
                                                               imaging to exclude hemorrhage.6 Red blood cell
Acute Chest Syndrome                                           minor antigen phenotype, if not previously docu-
   Acute chest syndrome is an illness characterized            mented, should be determined so that transfusions
by a new infiltrate identified on a chest radiograph,          can be matched to prevent alloimmunization.29,30,33–35
accompanied or preceded by lower respiratory tract             Magnetic resonance angiography to document large
symptoms and/or hypoxemia.49,50 The syndrome                   vessel vasculopathy is often performed. Treatment
may be present initially during an acute illness or            includes anticonvulsants if necessary, other support-
may develop after 2 to 3 days of severe vaso-occlu-            ive care for seizures or increased intracranial pres-
sive pain. Acute chest syndrome is also a common               sure if present, and a program of chronic transfu-
complication of general anesthesia and surgery.52              sions, usually initiated acutely by partial exchange
Causes include infection (viral and bacterial, includ-         transfusion or erythrocytapheresis.6,30 Ischemic CNS
ing Mycoplasma or Chlamydia species), pulmonary in-            injury can also present with nonfocal or “soft” signs,
farction, and pulmonary fat embolism.50 Patients               such as developmental delays or poor school perfor-
may deteriorate rapidly with progression to pulmo-             mance.55 Children at highest risk of stroke can be
nary failure and death. Early recognition and aggres-          identified by screening with transcranial Doppler
sive treatment with oxygen, analgesics, antibiotics,           (TCD) ultrasonography.56 Those with positive find-
and often simple or exchange transfusions are essen-           ings on TCD ultrasonography may be candidates for
tial and may be life saving.6,30,49,50,53 The availability     primary stroke prevention with chronic transfu-
of a pediatric intensive care unit is critical in some         sions.57
Splenic Sequestration
                                                                  Priapism is a prolonged painful erection of the
  Splenic sequestration is an acute illness character-         penis that commonly occurs in children and adoles-
ized by an acutely enlarging spleen and hemoglobin             cents with SCD, often starting during the early morn-
level more than 2 g/dL below the patient’s baseline            ing hours.58 It occurs in 2 forms: 1) stuttering epi-
value.6,9 Mild to moderate thrombocytopenia is often           sodes that last fewer than 2 to 4 hours but are often
present. Severe cases progress rapidly to shock and            recurrent and may precede a severe episode, and 2)
death. Prompt recognition and treatment with red               severe episodes that last more than 2 to 4 hours and
blood cell transfusions may be life saving.30 Surgical         may eventually result in impotence. Severe episodes
splenectomy to prevent recurrence is often recom-              require urgent evaluation and treatment that may
mended after recovery from life-threatening or re-             include hydration, analgesics, aspiration and irriga-
current episodes of sequestration.6                            tion by a urologist, and sometimes blood transfu-
Aplastic Crisis                                                sions.59
   Aplastic crisis is characterized by an exacerbation
                                                               Psychosocial Care
of the patient’s baseline anemia with a substantially
decreased reticulocyte count, typically less than                 Comprehensive care includes periodic psychoso-
1%.6,9 Most cases are caused by acute infection with           cial assessments and access to services needed to
human parvovirus B19, usually without the charac-              optimize the patient’s and family’s adaptation to
teristic rash. Less commonly, parvovirus infection             chronic illness.6,18 Personal and cultural beliefs about
causes other acute complications of SCD that may               illness and existing stresses and support systems
occur with aplastic crisis, including severe pain, bone        may greatly impact the ability to cope with SCD.
marrow necrosis, acute chest syndrome, splenic se-             Patient support groups and community-based orga-
questration, and stroke.6 Recognition requires com-            nizations can be important resources. Relevant issues
parison of CBC and reticulocyte counts obtained                include health insurance coverage, transportation for
during acute illness with baseline values. Red blood           health care, and education of school personnel about
cell transfusions are often needed to prevent heart            SCD.
failure in patients with uncomplicated aplastic crisis
or to urgently treat other coexistent complications.30              GENETIC EDUCATION AND COUNSELING
Because parvovirus is contagious, isolation from at-              The pediatrician may be called on to provide ed-
risk persons,28 such as pregnant health care profes-           ucation and counseling to a couple at risk of having
sionals and those with immunodeficiency or chronic             a child with SCD. In some cases, such couples will be
hemolysis, and testing of siblings with SCD for con-           identified by the diagnosis of SCD, sickle cell trait,
current and subsequent aplastic crisis are recom-              hemoglobin C trait, or ␤-thalassemia minor in a pre-
mended.                                                        vious child. In other cases, couples may be identified

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because of ethnic background or previous laboratory           3. Review the importance of regularly scheduled
testing. It is important that education and genetic              health maintenance visits, penicillin prophylaxis,
counseling be provided by professionals with exper-              and immunizations, including pneumococcal
tise in genetics and in the clinical manifestations and          vaccines.
treatment of SCD.9,18 The availability of prenatal di-        4. Discuss the need for urgent medical evaluation
agnosis using DNA analysis of samples obtained                   for and treatment with parenteral antibiotics of
from chorionic villous sampling or amniocentesis                 febrile illness (temperature greater than 38.5°C).
should be discussed. In many cases, referral to a             5. Discuss signs and symptoms of acute splenic
hematologist-oncologist or a clinical geneticist or ob-          sequestration and teach abdominal palpation for
stetrician associated with a prenatal diagnosis center           determining spleen size.
is appropriate. The pediatrician may be called on to          6. Discuss recognition and appropriate manage-
review the information and to support the family in              ment of dactylitis and other painful events.
the decision-making process.                                  7. Discuss the significance of respiratory symptoms
   Education and counseling should include review                possibly indicative of acute chest syndrome.
of autosomal recessive inheritance and the provision          8. Recommend avoidance of exposure to pet rep-
of accurate information about genetic risk and the               tiles to decrease the risk of salmonellosis.62
clinical course, medical complications, and treatment         9. Discuss medical home options (primary care pe-
of the specific SCD genotype relevant to the family.             diatrician vs comprehensive sickle cell program).
Genetic risk cannot be assumed from the diagnosis of             Stress the need for coordinated care and commu-
SCD in a previous child or from the family’s memory              nication among the family, pediatrician, and sub-
of test results; documentation of adequate parental              specialists. The roles and responsibilities of fam-
testing is essential. Such testing includes a CBC count          ily and providers should be discussed and
and hemoglobin separation by electrophoresis (cel-               defined.
lulose acetate and citrate agar), isoelectric focusing,      10. Provide written materials to reinforce education.
and/or HPLC.18 Most individuals with heterozy-
gous ␤-thalassemia show a decreased mean corpus-             Health Maintenance
cular volume (MCV) and increased levels of hemo-              1. Begin prophylactic administration of penicillin V
globin A2 (HbA2) and/or HbF. Thus, accurate                      potassium, 125 mg orally, twice a day, by 2
quantitation of HbF by alkali denaturation, radial               months of age for infants with HbSS and S␤o-
immunodiffusion, or HPLC and of HbA2 by column                   thalassemia.6,9,21,22,27 The routine use of penicil-
chromatography or HPLC is needed if the MCV is                   lin prophylaxis for infants with HbSC and S␤⫹-
decreased or borderline decreased.18 Solubility test-            thalassemia is controversial.24
ing is inadequate and should never be used for car-           2. Provide routine immunizations, including Hae-
rier testing, in part because it will not identify indi-         mophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and 7-valent
viduals with hemoglobin C trait or ␤-thalassemia.                pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, beginning at 2
The results of parental testing should be reviewed by            months of age.22,26 –28 Yearly influenza immuni-
an individual with expertise in the diagnosis of he-             zation is recommended for children 6 months
moglobinopathies.                                                and older.28
   Adolescents with SCD should receive accurate in-           3. Provide comprehensive medical evaluations ev-
formation about the genetic transmission of SCD and              ery 2 to 4 months. Critical issues during the first
the availability of carrier testing for partners, genetic        year include the documentation of spleen size
counseling, and prenatal diagnosis. They should be               and baseline CBC and reticulocyte counts, which
counseled about avoiding unwanted pregnancies                    may change significantly as HbF levels decrease.
and offered appropriate contraceptive services.                  Baseline information should be provided to par-
When an adolescent with SCD becomes pregnant,                    ents. Red blood cell minor antigen phenotype
comanagement by a hematologist with expertise in                 should be determined if transfusions that may be
SCD and by a high-risk obstetrician is essential. Op-            needed for treatment of acute illness can be
tions for partner testing, genetic counseling, and pre-          matched to prevent alloimmunization.30,34,35 De-
natal diagnosis should be reviewed. Pregnancy is                 velop and modify as needed an individualized
often associated with an increased frequency of com-             patient care plan.
plications of SCD, but most appropriately managed
pregnancies in women with SCD have a successful              Acute Illness
outcome for the mother and infant.60,61                       1. Develop a plan for around-the-clock access to a
                                                                 medical facility that can provide urgent evalua-
                                                                 tion for and treatment of acute illness character-
                                                                 ized by fever (temperature greater than 38.5°C),
             OF AGE: INFANCY
                                                                 pallor, lethargy, abdominal distention or enlarg-
Family Education                                                 ing spleen size, or tachypnea or other signs of
 1. Review the results of neonatal screening and                 respiratory illness.
    confirmatory testing (Table 2).                           2. Arrange immediate access at the acute care facil-
 2. Discuss the basic pathophysiology and genetics               ity to baseline information about the patient.
    of SCD, including the availability of carrier test-       3. Anticipate and address any insurance barriers to
    ing and prenatal diagnosis.                                  the receipt of appropriate care for acute illness.

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Psychosocial Care                                               4. Document baseline CBC and reticulocyte counts
 1. Explore personal beliefs about illness and exist-              (every 6 –12 months for patients with HbSS and
    ing sources of stress and support.                             S␤o-thalassemia and at least yearly for patients
 2. Review insurance coverage and provide assis-                   with HbSC and S␤⫹-thalassemia).
    tance with application for public support, if ap-           5. Baseline renal and liver function tests, urinalysis,
    plicable.                                                      chest radiography, pulse oximetry, electrocardi-
 3. Discuss transportation issues, particularly for ep-            ography, echocardiography, and/or TCD ultra-
    isodes of acute illness.                                       sonography may be indicated.
 4. Provide information regarding support groups
    and other community-based organizations.                  Acute Illness
                                                                1. Develop a plan for around-the-clock access to a
                                                                   medical facility that can provide urgent evalua-
                                                                   tion for and treatment of acute illness character-
Family Education                                                   ized by fever (temperature greater than 38.5°C),
 1. Review disease manifestations to date, if any,                 pallor, lethargy, abdominal distention or enlarg-
    and the parents’ response.                                     ing spleen size, tachypnea or other signs of re-
 2. Review the importance of penicillin prophylaxis,               spiratory illness, or any neurologic sign or symp-
    if applicable, and of urgent medical evaluation                tom.
    for and treatment of febrile illness (temperature           2. Arrange immediate access at the acute care facil-
    greater than 38.5°C).                                          ity to baseline information about the patient.
 3. Review signs, symptoms, and appropriate man-                3. Anticipate and address any insurance barriers to
    agement of splenic sequestration and other ane-                the receipt of appropriate care for acute illness.
    mic crisis, dactylitis and other manifestations of
    pain, and acute chest syndrome.
                                                              Psychosocial Care
 4. Discuss CNS manifestations of SCD and stress
    the importance of urgent evaluation for signs or            1. Explore personal beliefs about illness and exist-
    symptoms suggestive of stroke or transient isch-               ing sources of stress and support.
    emic attack (TIA). Discuss screening with TCD               2. Review insurance coverage and provide assis-
    ultrasonography, if available.                                 tance with application for public support, if ap-
 5. Discuss enuresis and relationship to SCD.                      plicable.
 6. Discuss activities, including the need to avoid             3. Discuss transportation issues, particularly for ep-
    temperature extremes and to maintain adequate                  isodes of acute illness.
    hydration.                                                  4. Provide information regarding support groups
 7. Recommend avoidance of exposure to pet rep-                    and other community-based organizations.
    tiles to decrease the risk of salmonellosis.62              5. Discuss child care or preschool arrangements
 8. Reinforce the rationale and importance of peri-                and offer to assist in educating child care provid-
    odic comprehensive evaluations.                                ers or educators about SCD.
 9. Reconsider the patient’s medical home model
    depending on family preference and frequency                HEALTH SUPERVISION FROM 5 TO 13 YEARS OF
    and severity of complications.                                       AGE: LATE CHILDHOOD
                                                              Patient and Family Education
Health Maintenance
 1. Continue prophylactic administration of penicil-            1. Review disease manifestations to date and pa-
    lin V potassium, 125 mg orally, twice a day, for               tient’s and family’s response.
    children        with    HbSS     and     S␤o-thalasse-      2. Stress the continued importance of urgent med-
    mia. 6,9,21,22,27 At 3 years of age, increase the dos-         ical evaluation for and treatment of febrile illness
    age to 250 mg orally, twice a day.22,27 The routine            (temperature greater than 38.5°C).
    use of penicillin prophylaxis for children with             3. Review home management of painful events.
    HbSC and S␤⫹-thalassemia is controversial.24                4. Reinforce anticipatory guidance regarding ane-
 2. Complete immunization with Hib and 7-valent                    mic crisis (including splenic sequestration for pa-
    pneumococcal conjugate vaccines.22,26 –28 Admin-               tients with HbSC and S␤⫹-thalassemia), acute
    ister the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide                chest syndrome, stroke, and TIA. Discuss screen-
    vaccine at 2 and 5 years of age but no earlier than            ing with TCD ultrasonography, if available.
    6 to 8 weeks after the last dose of pneumococcal            5. For boys, discuss priapism, initial home manage-
    conjugate vaccine.22,27 Yearly influenza immuni-               ment, and the need for urgent evaluation for and
    zation is recommended.28                                       treatment of prolonged episodes.
 3. Provide comprehensive medical evaluations at                6. Discuss enuresis, if applicable, and its relation-
    least every 6 to 12 months and modify the pa-                  ship to SCD.
    tient’s care plan as needed. Important issues in-           7. Discuss issues related to activity, including par-
    clude growth and development; jaundice; sleep                  ticipation in athletics, avoidance of temperature
    apnea; cardiopulmonary status, including sys-                  extremes, and maintenance of hydration.
    temic hypertension and functional heart mur-                8. Recommend avoidance of exposure to pet rep-
    murs; spleen size; and neurologic status.                      tiles to decrease the risk of salmonellosis.62

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                                  from     DISEASE
                                                                    by guest on May 25, 2021
9. Reinforce the rationale and importance of peri-        Psychosocial Care
    odic comprehensive evaluations.                         1. Explore personal beliefs about illness and exist-
10. Reconsider the patient’s medical home model                ing sources of stress and support.
    depending on family preference and frequency            2. Review insurance coverage and provide assis-
    and severity of complications.                             tance with application for public support, if ap-
Health Maintenance                                          3. Discuss transportation issues, particularly for ep-
 1. Continuation of prophylactic administration of             isodes of acute illness.
    penicillin V potassium, 250 mg orally, twice a          4. Provide information regarding support groups
    day, after the fifth birthday may be appropriate           and other community-based organizations.
    in selected patients, including those with a his-       5. Review school attendance and performance and
    tory of invasive pneumococcal infection or sur-            consider formal neurocognitive testing.
    gical splenectomy.22,23,27,28                           6. Offer assistance with education of school person-
 2. Administer Hib and 7-valent pneumococcal con-              nel about SCD.
    jugate vaccines if not previously immunized.
    Administer second 23-valent pneumococcal               HEALTH SUPERVISION FROM 13 TO 21 YEARS AND
                                                            OLDER: ADOLESCENCE TO EARLY ADULTHOOD
    polysaccharide vaccine at 5 years of age but no
    earlier than 3 years after the first pneumococcal      Patient and Family Education
    polysaccharide vaccine and 6 to 8 weeks after the       1. Review disease manifestations to date and pa-
    last pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.22,27 A third          tient’s and family’s response.
    dose of pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine             2. Discuss the nature of SCD with the patient and
    may be given no earlier than 5 years after the             review concerns and issues related to the impact
    second pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine                 of the disease throughout adolescence.
    and 6 to 8 weeks after the last pneumococcal            3. Review principles of pain management.
    conjugate vaccine. Yearly influenza immuniza-           4. Review need for urgent medical evaluation for
    tion is recommended.28                                     and treatment of febrile illness (temperature
 3. Provide comprehensive medical evaluations ev-              greater than 38.5°C).
    ery 6 to 12 months and modify the patient’s care        5. Provide anticipatory guidance regarding anemic
    plan as needed. Important issues include growth            crisis (including splenic sequestration for HbSC
    and development; sleep apnea; cardiopulmonary              and S␤⫹-thalassemia), acute chest syndrome,
    status, including systemic hypertension and                stroke, TIA, and priapism.
    functional heart murmurs; hepatosplenomegaly;           6. Discuss sexuality and the availability of contra-
    cholelithiasis; proteinuria; pubertal develop-             ception options, such as barriers, intramuscular
    ment; enuresis; avascular necrosis of the hip and          medroxyprogesterone, and low-dose estrogen
    shoulder; and neurologic status. Screening for             oral contraceptives.
    proliferative retinopathy with periodic retinal         7. Discuss genetics, including partner testing, ge-
    examinations beginning at 10 years of age is               netic counseling, and prenatal diagnosis.
    often recommended, especially for patients with         8. Discuss issues related to physical activity, in-
    HbSC.                                                      cluding athletics, avoidance of temperature ex-
                                                               tremes, and maintenance of hydration.
 4. Document baseline CBC and reticulocyte counts
                                                            9. Discuss the importance of avoiding drugs, such
    at least yearly.
                                                               as alcohol, tobacco, and cocaine, which may pre-
 5. Baseline pulse oximetry, renal and hepatic func-
                                                               cipitate or exacerbate complications of SCD.
    tion tests, chest radiography, pulmonary func-
                                                           10. Discuss chronic manifestations of the disease,
    tion tests, electrocardiography, echocardiogra-            including proliferative retinopathy, cholelithia-
    phy, and/or TCD ultrasonography may be                     sis, avascular necrosis of the hip and shoulder,
    indicated.                                                 leg ulcers, and delayed growth and puberty.
 6. Abdominal ultrasonography to detect cholelithi-        11. Recommend avoidance of exposure to pet rep-
    asis may be indicated.                                     tiles to decrease the risk of salmonellosis.62
                                                           12. Reinforce rationale and importance of periodic
Acute Illness                                                  comprehensive evaluations.
 1. Develop a plan for around-the-clock access to a        13. Reconsider patient’s medical home model de-
    facility that can provide urgent evaluation for            pending on patient and family preference and
    and treatment of acute illness characterized by            frequency and severity of complications.
    fever (temperature greater than 38.5°C), pallor,       14. Discuss options for adult-oriented health care
    lethargy, abdominal distention or enlarging                providers and develop with the patient a plan for
    spleen size, tachypnea or other signs of respira-          transition from pediatric to adult medical care.
    tory illness, prolonged priapism, or any neuro-
    logic sign or symptom.                                 Health Maintenance
 2. Arrange immediate access at the acute care facil-       1. Yearly influenza immunization is recom-
    ity to baseline information about the patient.             mended.28
 3. Anticipate and address any insurance barriers to        2. Provide comprehensive medical evaluations ev-
    the receipt of appropriate care for acute illness.         ery 6 to 12 months and modify the patient’s care

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plan as needed. Important issues include adoles-                     Staff
    cent maturation and development; sleep apnea;                        Laura Laskosz, MPH
    cardiopulmonary status, including systemic                           Committee on Genetics, 2000 –2001
    hypertension, restrictive lung disease, and pul-                     Christopher Cunniff, MD, Chairperson
    monary hypertension; hepatosplenomegaly; cho-                        Jaime L. Frias, MD
    lelithiasis; proteinuria; pubertal development;                      Celia Kaye, MD, PhD
    avascular necrosis; and neurologic status. Peri-                     John B. Moeschler, MD
    odic retinal examinations are often recom-                           Tracy L. Trotter, MD
    mended, especially for patients with HbSC.                           Liaisons
 3. Document baseline CBC and reticulocyte counts                        James W. Hanson, MD
    at least yearly.                                                       American College of Medical Genetics
 4. Baseline pulse oximetry, renal and liver function                    Michele Lloyd-Puryear, MD, PhD
    tests, chest radiography, pulmonary function                           Health Resources and Services Administration
                                                                         Cynthia A. Moore, MD, PhD
    tests, electrocardiography, and/or echocardiog-                        Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    raphy may be indicated.                                              Lee P. Shulman, MD
 5. Abdominal ultrasonography to detect cholelithi-                        American College of Obstetricians and
    asis may be indicated.                                                 Gynecologists
Acute Illness                                                            Lauri Hall
 1. Develop a plan for around-the-clock access to a
    facility that can provide urgent evaluation for
    and treatment of acute illness characterized by            1. Vichinsky E, Hurst D, Earles A, Kleman K, Lubin B. Newborn screening
                                                                  for sickle cell disease: effect on mortality. Pediatrics. 1988;81:749 –755
    fever (temperature greater than 38.5°C), pallor,           2. Vichinsky EP. Comprehensive care in sickle cell disease: its impact on
    lethargy, abdominal distention or enlarging                   morbidity and mortality. Semin Hematol. 1991;28:220 –226
    spleen size, tachypnea or other signs of respira-          3. Wong WY, Powars DR, Chan L, Hiti A, Johnson C, Overturf G. Poly-
    tory illness, prolonged priapism, or any neuro-               saccharide encapsulated bacterial infection in sickle cell anemia: a thirty
                                                                  year epidemiologic experience. Am J Hematol. 1992;39:176 –182
    logic sign or symptom.
                                                               4. Lee A, Thomas P, Cupidore L, Serjeant B, Serjeant G. Improved survival
 2. Arrange immediate access at the acute care facil-             in homozygous sickle cell disease: lessons from a cohort study. BMJ.
    ity to baseline information about the patient.                1995;311:1600 –1602
 3. Anticipate and address any insurance barriers to           5. Lane PA. Sickle cell disease. Pediatr Clin North Am. 1996;43:639 – 664
    the receipt of appropriate care for acute illness.         6. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Management and Therapy of
                                                                  Sickle Cell Disease. 4th ed. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health;
                                                                  2002. In press
Psychosocial Care                                              7. Embury SH, Hebbel RP, Mohandas W, Steinberg MH, eds. Sickle Cell
                                                                  Disease: Basic Principles and Clinical Practice. New York, NY: Raven Press;
 1. Explore personal beliefs about illness and exist-             1994
    ing sources of stress and support.                         8. Sergeant GR. Sickle Cell Disease. 2nd ed. Oxford, England: Oxford Uni-
 2. Review insurance coverage and provide assis-                  versity Press; 1992
    tance with application for public support, if ap-          9. Sickle Cell Disease Guideline Panel. Sickle Cell Disease: Screening, Diag-
                                                                  nosis, Management, and Counseling in Newborns and Infants. Rockville,
    plicable.                                                     MD: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, US Department of
 3. Discuss transportation issues, particularly for ep-           Health and Human Services; 1993. AHCPR Publ. No. 93-0562
    isodes of acute illness.                                  10. Charache S, Johnson CS, eds. Sickle cell disease. Hematol Oncol Clin
 4. Provide information regarding support groups                  North Am. 1996;10:1221–1382
    and other community-based organizations.                  11. Lane PA, Buchanan GR, Hutter JJ, et al. Sickle Cell Disease in Children and
                                                                  Adolescents: Diagnosis, Guidelines for Comprehensive Care, and Protocols for
 5. Review school attendance and performance and                  Management of Acute and Chronic Complications. Denver, CO: Mountain
    consider formal neurocognitive testing.                       States Genetics Network and Texas Genetics Network; 2000
 6. Offer assistance with education of school person-         12. The Council of Regional Networks for Genetics Services (CORN). Na-
    nel about SCD.                                                tional Newborn Screening Report—1992. New York, NY: The Council of
                                                                  Regional Networks for Genetic Services; 1995
 7. Discuss educational and vocational goals.                 13. Gill FM, Sleeper LA, Weiner SJ, et al. Clinical events in the first decade
                                                                  in a cohort of infants with sickle cell disease. Blood. 1995;86:776 –783
        Ad Hoc Writing Committee                              14. Platt OS, Brambilla DJ, Rosse WF, et al. Mortality in sickle cell disease:
        Peter A. Lane, MD, Chairperson                            life expectancy and risk factors for early death. N Engl J Med. 1994;330:
        George R. Buchanan, MD                                    1639 –1644
        Franklin Desposito, MD                                15. Miller ST, Sleeper LA, Pegelow CH, et al. Prediction of adverse out-
        Charles H. Pegelow, MD                                    comes in children with sickle cell disease. N Eng J Med. 2000;342:83– 89
        Elliott P. Vichinsky, MD                              16. Platt OS, Thorington BD, Brambilla DJ, et al. Pain in sickle cell disease:
        Doris L. Wethers, MD                                      rates and risk factors. N Engl J Med. 1991;325:11–16
        Gerald M. Woods, MD                                   17. Newborn Screening Task Force. Serving, the family from birth to the
                                                                  medical home. Newborn screening: a blueprint for the future—a call for
                                                                  a national agenda on state newborn screening programs. Pediatrics.
        Section on Hematology/Oncology, 2000 –2001                2000;106:383– 422
                                                              18. Pass KA, Lane PA, Fernhoff PM, et al. US newborn screening system
        Roger L. Berkow, MD, Chairperson
                                                                  guidelines II: follow-up of children, diagnosis, management, and eval-
        Charles S. August, MD                                     uation. J Pediatr. 2000;37(suppl):S1–S46
        James Corrigan, MD                                    19. Reed W, Lane PA, Lorey F, et al. Sickle-cell disease not identified by
        Stephen A. Feig, MD                                       newborn screening because of prior transfusion. J Pediatr. 2000;136:
        John Hutter, Jr, MD                                       248 –250
        Gerald M. Woods, MD                                   20. American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Practice and Ambula-

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tory Medicine. Recommendations for preventive pediatric health care.            42. Vichinsky E, Rust D, Lubin B. A possible disparity between standard of
      Pediatrics. 1995;96:373–374                                                         care and delivery of care in sickle cell disease, as assessed from sickle
21.   Gaston MH, Verter JI, Woods G, et al. Prophylaxis with oral penicillin              cell centers. Int J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 1999;6:189 –197
      in children with sickle cell anemia: a randomized trial. N Engl J Med.          43. American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Pediatric Emergency
      1986;314:1593–1599                                                                  Medicine. Emergency preparedness for children with special health care
22.   American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Infectious Diseases.                   needs. Pediatrics. 1999;104(4). Available at:
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      cluding the use of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (Prevnar), pneumo-            44. Zarkowsky HS, Gallagher D, Gill FM, et al. Bacteremia in sickle hemo-
      coccal polysaccharide vaccine, and antibiotic prophylaxis. Pediatrics.              globinopathies. J Pediatr. 1986;109:579 –585
      2000;106:362–366                                                                45. Wilimas JA, Flynn PM, Harris S, et al. A randomized study of outpatient
23.   Falletta JM, Woods GM, Verter JI, et al. Discontinuing penicillin pro-              treatment with ceftriaxone for selected febrile children with sickle cell
      phylaxis in children with sickle cell anemia. J Pediatr. 1995;127:685– 690          disease. N Engl J Med. 1993;329:472– 476
24.   Rogers ZR, Buchanan GR. Bacteremia in children with sickle hemoglo-             46. Whitney CG, Farley MM, Hadler J, et al. Increasing prevalence of
      bin C disease and sickle beta⫹-thalassemia: is prophylactic penicillin              multidrug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae in the United States.
      necessary? J Pediatr. 1995;127:348 –354                                             N Engl J Med. 2000;343:1917–1924
25.   Rodriquez-Cortes HM, Griener JC, Hyland K, et al. Plasma homocys-               47. American Pain Society. Guideline for the Management of Acute and Chronic
      teine levels and folate status in children with sickle cell anemia. J Pediatr       Pain in Sickle Cell Disease. Glenview, IL: American Pain Society; 1999
      Hematol Oncol. 1999;21:219 –223                                                 48. Bellet PS, Kalinyak KA, Shukla R, Gelfand MJ, Rucknagel DL. Incentive
26.   American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Infectious Diseases.                   spirometry to prevent acute pulmonary complications in sickle cell
      Recommended childhood immunization schedule—United States, 2002.                    diseases. N Engl J Med. 1995;333:699 –703
      Pediatrics. 2002;109:162–164                                                    49. Quinn CT, Buchanan GR. The acute chest syndrome of sickle cell
27.   Overturf GD and American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on                        disease. J Pediatr. 1999;135:416 – 422
      Infectious Diseases. Technical report: prevention of pneumococcal in-           50. Vichinsky EP, Neumayr LD, Earles AN, et al. Causes and outcomes of
      fections, including the use of pneumococcal conjugate and polysaccha-               the acute chest syndrome in sickle cell disease. N Engl J Med. 2000;342:
      ride vaccines and antibiotic prophylaxis. Pediatrics. 2000;106:367–376              1855–1865
28.   American Academy of Pediatrics. 2000 Red Book: Report of the Committee          51. Hassell KL, Eckman JR, Lane PA. Acute multi-organ failure syndrome.
      on Infectious Diseases. Pickering LK, ed. 25th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL:           A potentially catastrophic complication of severe sickle cell pain epi-
      American Academy of Pediatrics; 2000                                                sodes. Am J Med. 1994;96:155–162
29.   Pegelow CH, Colangelo L, Steinberg M, et al. Natural history of blood           52. Vichinsky EP, Haberkern CM, Neumayr L, et al. A comparison of
      pressure in sickle cell disease: risks for stroke and death associated with         conservative and aggressive transfusion regimens in the preoperative
      relative hypertension in sickle cell anemia. Am J Med. 1997;102:171–177             management of sickle cell disease. N Engl J Med. 1995;333:206 –213
30.   Vichinsky EP, ed. Transfusion-related iron overload in sickle cell ane-         53. Emre U, Miller ST, Gutierez M, Steiner P, Rao SP, Rao M. Effect of
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31.   Pegelow CH, Adams RJ, McKie V, et al. Risk of recurrent stroke in                   1995;127:901–904
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39.   Kinney TR, Helms RW, O’Branski EE, et al. Safety of hydroxyurea in                  Pregnancy in sickle cell disease: experience of the cooperative study of
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