Building Deconstruction Plan for the Luckey Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program Remediation Project U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ...

Page created by Sean Arnold
Building Deconstruction Plan for the Luckey Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program Remediation Project U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ...
                                                                   Rev. 0

Building Deconstruction Plan for the Luckey Formerly
Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program Remediation

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Buffalo District, Buffalo, New York

Applicability: Luckey FUSRAP   Effective Date: 12/16/2020
Building Deconstruction
Building Deconstruction Plan for the Luckey Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program Remediation Project U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ...
BUILDING DECONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR THE                         Identifier:   PLN-60066-001
 LUCKEY FORMERLY UTILIZED SITES REMEDIAL                       Revision:     0
   ACTION PROGRAM REMEDIATION PROJECT                          Page:         2 of 67

                Completion of Independent Technical Review
This document has been produced within the framework of the North Wind Site Services quality
management system. As such, an independent technical review (ITR), appropriate to the level of
risk and complexity inherent in the project, has been conducted. This included review of
assumptions (methods, procedures, and material used in analyses), alternatives evaluated; the
appropriateness of data used and level of data obtained; and reasonableness of the results,
including whether the product meets the project objectives. Comments and concerns resulting
from review of the document have been addressed and corrected as necessary.

 Document: Building Deconstruction Plan for the Luckey Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial
 Action Program Remediation Project
 Developed by: North Wind Site Services, LLC

 ITR performed by:

 Title: Alternate Project Manager

 Company: North Wind Site Services, LLC

 Signature:                                                                  Date: 12/16/2020
Building Deconstruction Plan for the Luckey Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program Remediation Project U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ...
BUILDING DECONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR THE            Identifier:   PLN-60066-001
  ACTION PROGRAM REMEDIATION PROJECT             Page:         3 of 67

                          History of Revisions

  Revision   Issue Date           Action                   Description
     0       12/16/2020      New document.   Initial issue.
Building Deconstruction Plan for the Luckey Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program Remediation Project U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ...
BUILDING DECONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR THE                                                       Identifier:       PLN-60066-001
 LUCKEY FORMERLY UTILIZED SITES REMEDIAL                                                     Revision:         0
   ACTION PROGRAM REMEDIATION PROJECT                                                        Page:             4 of 67

                                                 Table of Contents
1.   INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................10

     1.1       Purpose .....................................................................................................................10

     1.2       Scope of Work and Approach ..................................................................................10

     1.3       Deconstruction Plan Organization ...........................................................................12

2.   SITE DESCRIPTION ..........................................................................................................13

     2.1       Site Location ............................................................................................................13

     2.2       Site History ...............................................................................................................13

     2.3       Buildings ..................................................................................................................17

     2.4       Underground Utilities ...............................................................................................17

     2.5       Drainage Ditches ......................................................................................................18

     2.6       Organic Contaminants ..............................................................................................18

     2.7       Existing Conditions ..................................................................................................18

     2.8       Regulatory Compliance ............................................................................................19

               2.8.1          Regulatory Requirements ........................................................................19
               2.8.2          Permitting ................................................................................................19
               2.8.3          Administrative Record.............................................................................20

3.   ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES ..................................................................20

     3.1       USACE Responsibilities ..........................................................................................20

     3.2       North Wind Site Services Responsibilities ..............................................................20

     3.3       Subcontractor Responsibilities .................................................................................21

4.   PROJECT SCHEDULE .......................................................................................................22

     4.1       Schedule Summary ...................................................................................................22
Building Deconstruction Plan for the Luckey Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program Remediation Project U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ...
BUILDING DECONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR THE                                                         Identifier:        PLN-60066-001
 LUCKEY FORMERLY UTILIZED SITES REMEDIAL                                                       Revision:          0
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     4.2      Work Hours ..............................................................................................................26

5.   TECHNICAL APPROACH .................................................................................................31

     5.1      Mobilization and Preparatory Work (331XX01) .....................................................31

              5.1.1           Submittals/Implementation Plans (331XX0103) ....................................33

     5.2      Monitoring, Sampling, Testing, and Analysis (331XX02) ......................................34

              5.2.1           Air Monitoring, Sampling, Testing, and Analysis ..................................35
              5.2.2           Wastewater Monitoring, Sampling, Testing, and Analysis .....................36
              5.2.3           Waste and Debris Monitoring, Sampling, Testing, and Analysis ...........36

     5.3      Site Work (331XX03) ..............................................................................................36

              5.3.1           Pre-remediation Land Survey, Inspection, and Photographic
                              Documentation ........................................................................................36
              5.3.2           Haul Routes, Parking Areas, and Support Areas .....................................37
              5.3.3           Debris Staging Area ................................................................................37
              5.3.4           Security ....................................................................................................37

     5.4      Surface Water Collection and Control (331XX05) ..................................................39

     5.5      Liquids/Sediments/Sludges Collection and Containment (331XX09).....................40

     5.6      Drums/Tanks/Structures/Miscellaneous Deconstruction and Removal (331XX10)

              5.6.1           General Deconstruction Approach ..........................................................40
              5.6.2           Excavation and Backfill ..........................................................................42
              5.6.3           Building Deconstruction Implementation ...............................................43

     5.7      Disposal (Commercial) (331XX19) .........................................................................45

     5.8      Site Restoration (331XX20) .....................................................................................46

     5.9      Demobilization (331XX21)......................................................................................46

     5.10     General Requirements (331XX22)...........................................................................47

              5.10.1          Supervision and Management (331XX2201) ..........................................47
              5.10.2          Asbestos Hazard Evaluation Specialist ...................................................50
Building Deconstruction Plan for the Luckey Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program Remediation Project U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ...
BUILDING DECONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR THE                                                     Identifier:      PLN-60066-001
  LUCKEY FORMERLY UTILIZED SITES REMEDIAL                                                   Revision:        0
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                  5.10.3         Engineering, Surveying, and Quality Control (331XX2204) ..................50
                  5.10.4         First Aid, Fire Protection, Traffic Control, and Security (331XX2206) .50
                  5.10.5         Health and Safety (331XX2207) .............................................................51
                  5.10.6         Radiation Protection ................................................................................54
                  5.10.7         Radiation Safety Officer ..........................................................................54
                  5.10.8         Temporary Construction Facilities ‒ Ownership (331XX2208) .............55
                  5.10.9         Temporary Construction Facilities – Operation (331XX2209)...............55
                  5.10.10        Project Utilities (331XX2210) ................................................................56

6.      DOCUMENTATION ...........................................................................................................57

7.      REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................58

APPENDIX A Critical Path Method Schedule

ATTACHMENT 1 Professional Engineer Certification
ATTACHMENT 2 Pre-Deconstruction Engineering Survey Form

Figure 2-1. Site Location Map ...................................................................................................... 14
Figure 3-1. Project Organizational Chart. ..................................................................................... 21
Figure 4-1. Preliminary Site Work and Site Preparation .............................................................. 27
Figure 4-2. Maintenance Office Building Deconstruction ........................................................... 28
Figure 4-3. Production and Main Office Building Deconstruction .............................................. 29
Figure 4-4. Complete Building Deconstruction ............................................................................ 30

Table 4-1. Activity, Personnel, Equipment, and Subcontractors for the Work ............................ 22
Building Deconstruction Plan for the Luckey Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program Remediation Project U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ...
BUILDING DECONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR THE                  Identifier:   PLN-60066-001
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                      ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS

ACM      asbestos-containing material
AEC      Atomic Energy Commission
AED      automated external defibrillator
AHA      activity hazard analysis
AHES     asbestos hazard evaluation specialist
ALARA    as low as reasonably achievable
APP      Accident Prevention Plan
ASSP     American Society of Safety Professionals
BBC      Brush Beryllium Company
Be       beryllium
BeLPT    beryllium lymphocyte proliferation testing
BMP      best management practice
CBDPP    Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program
CCP      Contamination Control Plan
CCTV     closed-circuit television
CERCLA   Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
CFR      Code of Federal Regulations
CIH      certified industrial hygienist
COC      constituent of concern
CPR      cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CQCP     Contractor Quality Control Plan
CQCSM    construction quality control system manager
CRZ      contamination reduction zone
Building Deconstruction Plan for the Luckey Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program Remediation Project U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ...
BUILDING DECONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR THE                   Identifier:   PLN-60066-001
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EM           engineer manual
EZ           exclusion zone
ft           foot (feet)
FTP          File Transfer Protocol
FUSRAP       Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program
GPR          ground-penetrating radar
IH           industrial hygiene
IP-1         Industrial Package 1
IPR          Industrial Properties Recovery, LLC
KO           Contracting Officer
NCP          National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan
NWP          North Wind Portage
ODH          Ohio Department of Health
ODOT         Ohio Department of Transportation
OSH          occupational safety and health
OSHA         Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OU           operable unit
PBZ          personal breathing zone
PCB          polychlorinated biphenyl
PM           project manager
PPE          personal protective equipment
QA           quality assurance
QC           quality control
RFP          request for proposal
Building Deconstruction Plan for the Luckey Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program Remediation Project U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ...
BUILDING DECONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR THE                   Identifier:   PLN-60066-001
 LUCKEY FORMERLY UTILIZED SITES REMEDIAL                 Revision:     0
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RI       remedial investigation
RMS      Resident Management System
RPP      Radiation Protection Plan
RSO      radiation safety officer
SAP      Sampling and Analysis Plan
SHM      Safety and Health manager
SPCC     Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure
SSHO     site safety and health officer
SSHP     Site Safety and Health Plan
SVOC     semivolatile organic compound
SWPPP    Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
SZ       support zone
TRPH     total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons
UFGS     Unified Facilities Guide Specifications
USACE    United States Army Corps of Engineers
VOC      volatile organic compound
WAC      waste acceptance criteria
WMTDP    Waste Management, Transportation, and Disposal Plan
Building Deconstruction Plan for the Luckey Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program Remediation Project U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ...
BUILDING DECONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR THE                              Identifier:   PLN-60066-001
 LUCKEY FORMERLY UTILIZED SITES REMEDIAL                            Revision:     0
   ACTION PROGRAM REMEDIATION PROJECT                               Page:         10 of 67


The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Buffalo District, has contracted North
Wind Site Services, LLC, (North Wind Site Services) under Contract Number W912P420C0013
to perform deconstruction and removal of the production, maintenance office, and main office
buildings at the Luckey site. The site is being remediated under the USACE’s Formerly Utilized
Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP).

The site was used for beryllium processing in support of the national defense program. Atomic
Energy Commission (AEC)-related production activities and operations occurred at the site from
1949 to 1961. Beryl ore (beryllium aluminum silicate), scrap metal, and radioactive
contaminated scrap metal were brought to the site during this period. The site has been identified
as having materials contaminated with FUSRAP-related constituents of concern (COCs), which
include beryllium (Be), lead, radium-226, thorium-230, uranium-234, and uranium-238. The
buildings to be deconstructed and removed under Contract Number W912P420C0013 likely
have asbestos-containing materials and lead-based paint.

1.1       Purpose

The purpose of this Building Deconstruction Plan is to present the approach for the safe
deconstruction and removal of the production, maintenance office, and main office buildings’
components and debris. It presents the approach, means, methods, requirements, safety
precautions, and documentation required.

Site buildings are being deconstructed for the following reasons:

      •   The USACE modeled extent of FUSRAP soil contamination extends beneath the
          production building.
      •   Deteriorated conditions of the production building, maintenance office building, and
          main office building present safety hazards to site workers when conducting
          investigations to determine the presence of FUSRAP contamination underneath the

1.2       Scope of Work and Approach

The scope of work as presented in the Performance Work Statement, Luckey Building
Deconstruction, Luckey FUSRAP Site, Luckey, Ohio (USACE 2020a), and further defined in
North Wind Site Services’ Revised Technical Proposal dated August 24, 2020 (North Wind
2020), is summarized as follows:

      •   Provide for worker safety, including a beryllium monitoring program.
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   •   Provide radiation protection and health physics support during the performance of the
   •   Installation, operation, and maintenance of permanent and mobile air monitoring stations.
   •   Environmental sample collection, handling, analysis, and reporting.
   •   Water treatment system maintenance as needed (the system will not be utilized as part of
       the deconstruction effort).
   •   Wastewater storage and disposal off-site.
   •   Operation and maintenance of the Potable Water System.
   •   Database programming and maintenance.
   •   Waste classification, manifesting, shipping, and disposal.
   •   Building deconstruction and debris disposal.
   •   Site restoration.
   •   Preparation of project plans, reports, and documentation.

The deconstruction approach involves plan preparation and approval, deconstruction of the
buildings, sizing of the debris, loading of debris into containers, transportation of the loaded
containers to the licensed disposal facility, monitoring, site restoration, and closeout. The effort
begins with mobilization and the preparation and approval of this Deconstruction Plan and
associated work plans (adapted from the existing Luckey Site Soils Operable Unit [OU] work
plans prepared under Contract Number W912P4-15-D-0006) addressing the work activities
associated with the deconstruction. Following approval of the planning documents, field
activities will be performed in three phases.

Preliminary site work includes stand-up of field operations and safety training of personnel;
identification of underground utility locations; identification of the support, contamination, and
exclusion zones; construction of haul routes around the perimeter of the buildings to be
deconstructed; cutting and capping of utilities; preparation of existing staging/laydown areas;
installation of storm water erosion prevention materials; and installation of perimeter air
monitoring stations.

Site preparation includes full mobilization of the project team, additional safety training,
termination of utilities, establishing support areas, controls, and monitoring. Building
deconstruction includes conducting an internal readiness review, installation of dust controls and
means to capture any runoff, deconstruction of the buildings, sizing of the debris and loading
into containers for transportation to the licensed disposal facility, site restoration, and closeout.
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It is important to recognize that, due to their current condition, the buildings have been deemed
unsafe for entry and will be deconstructed without conducting a hazardous material survey or
any abatement of hazardous materials. Accordingly, it is assumed that all of the debris generated
will be regulated asbestos containing material per the state of Ohio Environmental Protection
Agency regulations. Therefore, the deconstruction activities will proceed utilizing the
appropriate health, safety, environmental, and contamination controls. North Wind Site Services
will deconstruct the buildings so as to provide a level of protection to the public and remediation
workers consistent with applicable exposure limits and with the objective of maintaining
chemical and radiological exposure levels as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).
1.3       Deconstruction Plan Organization

This Building Deconstruction Plan presents methods, procedures, and facilities that will be used
to complete the building deconstruction in accordance with USACE guidelines, maintaining a
safe and productive work environment. It describes the overall plan for completing the
mobilization, deconstruction, and restoration of the site and provides information as required by
the Performance Work Statement (USACE 2020a). The remainder of this Plan is broken up into
the following sections:

      •   Site Description – includes the site location, a brief site history, existing conditions, and
          regulatory compliance.
      •   Organization and Responsibilities – presents the project team organization and
          responsibilities, including USACE, North Wind Site Services, and subcontractors.
      •   Project Schedule – presents the project schedule.
      •   Technical Approach – covers the project plans, site layout and preparation, monitoring,
          the deconstruction of the buildings, material processing, packaging and staging of the
          debris, transportation, disposal, and site restoration.
      •   Documentation – includes the record keeping and reporting performed to properly
          document the deconstruction of the buildings.
      •   References – includes a listing of the applicable reports and documents associated with
          this plan and the completion of the deconstruction work.
      •   Appendix – includes the project critical path schedule.
      •   Attachments ‒ include the professional engineer certification of the structural safety of
          the deconstruction process, and the pre-deconstruction engineering survey form.

This Plan is based on information available at the time of its preparation. Future modifications,
conditions encountered, and findings as deconstruction progresses may necessitate revision to
this Plan. If modifications become necessary, they will be justified, documented, and approved
by the USACE before implementation. This Plan focuses on the technical approach for
BUILDING DECONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR THE                             Identifier:   PLN-60066-001
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deconstruction. It is supported by ancillary project-specific plans and includes a summary of the
applicable requirements to provide a more complete understanding of the deconstruction


2.1    Site Location

The site is located at the corner of Gilbert and Luckey roads at 21200 Luckey Road, northwest of
the Village of Luckey in Wood County, Ohio. The Village of Luckey is 22 miles southeast of
Toledo, Ohio (see Figure 2-1). The site encompasses approximately 40 acres and contains the
large production building and warehouse, two abandoned railroad spurs, and several smaller
process and support buildings. The area surrounding the site to the west, north, and east is
primarily farmland with several residential properties and a former quarry to the south. From
1949 to the early 1960s, the Brush Beryllium Company (BBC), as a contractor to the AEC, used
the site for beryllium processing to support the national defense program. Beryllium production
brought different types of source media and potential contaminants to the site. Primary source
media included materials delivered for processing or reprocessing: beryl ore from Africa and
South America, scrap beryllium, and radiologically contaminated scrap steel.

2.2    Site History

In 1942, a magnesium reduction facility was built at the site on U.S. government land. National
Lead operated the facility for the U.S. government during World War II until 1945. In 1949, the
AEC built a beryllium production facility at the site that was operated by BBC, which later
became Brush Wellman. The facility produced beryllium oxide, beryllium hydroxide, and
beryllium pebbles that were shipped to other facilities for further processing. The site facilities
were owned by the AEC and operated by BBC from 1949 to 1958. During nonpeak use of the
facilities, BBC leased portions of the plant for commercial uses.

In late 1951 and early 1952, the AEC sent approximately 1,000 tons of radiologically
contaminated scrap metal to the site in anticipation of resuming magnesium processing. The
scrap metal, which contained radioactivity levels within guidelines at the time, was stored at the
site and never used for its intended purpose. Records also indicate that radiologically
contaminated beryllium scrap from other AEC operations may have been sent to the site. BBC
ceased beryllium production in 1958. Sintering and powder blending operations, established at
the Luckey facility in 1957, continued until 1960.
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Figure 2-1. Site Location Map
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In 1961, the General Services Administration sold the site to the privately owned Aluminum and
Magnesium, Inc., with the government retaining access rights to remove any remaining
beryllium ore. In 1962, Luckey Industries, Inc., purchased the facility, hoping to reclaim
magnesium from World War II incendiary bombs. The reclamation process was unsuccessful,
and the property reverted to Aluminum and Magnesium, Inc. The facility was then used to
recover zinc from byproducts of the steel industry. In 1967, Aluminum and Magnesium, Inc.,
transferred the property to its parent company, the Vulcan Materials Company.

In 1968, the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company purchased the site and began producing
automotive foam seating and other urethane products. In 1983, the Motor Wheel Company
leased the property from Goodyear, later purchasing it in 1988. Motor Wheel used the site to coat
steel automotive steering wheels with polyurethane foam and to manufacture other automotive
products. Hayes Lemmerz International, Inc., is the successor company to Motor Wheel. From
1995 to 2004, Hayes Lemmerz leased about 23 acres of the site to Uretech International, Inc.,
which manufactured urethane parts for the automotive, sporting goods, and health-care

In 2006, Hayes Lemmerz sold the property to Industrial Properties Recovery, LLC (IPR), an
industrial scrapping business. Shortly after purchase, IPR began demolishing several ancillary
buildings, including the former production annex building. During December 2006, the Ohio
Department of Health (ODH) issued an Emergency Adjudication Order to IPR, to cease
demolition of buildings and handling of radioactive material.

The Wood County Combined General Health District deemed the site a public health and safety
concern, and the Wood County Court issued an injunction against IPR in June 2009. The
injunction required IPR to either demolish or make necessary repairs to site structures and
salvage or properly dispose of all debris, rubbish, and garbage. IPR resumed demolition and
salvage activities during late 2013. In December 2013, the ODH issued another Emergency
Adjudication Order against IPR to halt demolition activities again.

There are several large buildings and smaller structures at the site that had been built to house or
support magnesium production activities and subsequently were used during beryllium
processing and sintering activities. The following is a listing of all of the buildings, (some have
since been removes and are noted as such).

Large buildings at the site:

   •   Production building.
   •   Production annex (removed).
   •   Melting, alloying, and shipping building.
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    •   Laboratory building.
    •   Maintenance office building.
    •   Main office.
    •   Employee activity building.

Small structures at the site:
    •   Pump house (for fire protection water – removed).
    •   East and west well houses (removed).
    •   Guard house.
    •   Shack (removed).
    •   Sewage treatment plant.
The large buildings were constructed with brick and concrete with some metal sheathing over
steel supports. The building roofs are steel trusses that are generally triangular in shape. The
small structures (guard shacks and pump houses) are a mix of concrete block, brick, and wood
framing. Elevation, section, and miscellaneous details of the production building are provided in
historical documents and facility drawings. The production annex building has been demolished
and only the building floor slab and demolition debris remain.
The sewage treatment plant consisted of a wet well and pump room, dosing chamber, aeration
tank, settling tank, septic tank, and sand filters. Two water supply wells are also present on-site.
Media contaminated by FUSRAP-related constituents include soils, sediments, fill, and debris.
The contamination of these media exceeds the established cleanup values in the Luckey Site
Record of Decision for Soils Operable Unit, Final (USACE 2006). Documented material
handling and disposal areas at the site included:
    •   Lagoons that received beryllium processing sludges.
    •   Waste disposal pits located in the eastern section of the site.
    •   A diked disposal area located in the northeast section of the site.
    •   A sewage treatment plant.
    •   Material handling areas adjacent to railroad sidings and production buildings.
    •   Scrap metal storage areas.
    •   Spoils areas in the vicinity of the sewage treatment plant.
    •   A settling basin for solids produced from softening of extracted groundwater.
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2.3       Buildings

Previous surveys and analyses conducted as part of the characterization to investigate the
potential for FUSRAP contaminants within the on-site buildings included a radiological survey,
beryllium and radionuclide swipe surveys, and analysis of bulk dust samples. Results of these
surveys and analyses are summarized below.

Radiation surveys identified several areas within the production annex (now demolished) and
two isolated areas in the production building that contained activity above Nuclear Regulatory
Commission surface contamination guidelines. Most these areas were in the building’s structural
components (i.e., beams).

      •   Beryllium swipe samples identified removable contamination in the production annex
          (now demolished), production building, laboratory, and maintenance office building.
          Lower concentrations of beryllium were also identified in the former melting, alloying,
          and shipping building; shack; east/west extraction well buildings; fire pump house, guard
          house; production annex; sewage treatment plant pump house; and employee activity
      •   Bulk dust samples contained beryllium at concentrations that were interpreted to indicate
          that there is a potential to exceed the USACE Occupational Exposure Limit of
          0.2 micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m3) and Action Level of 0.1 μg/m3 if dust is
          resuspended during disruptive activities.
      •   Buildings that contain significant concentrations of beryllium within the construction
          materials (paint, brick, and concrete) include the former laboratory, maintenance office
          building, production building, and production annex (now demolished).

Elevated beryllium has also been detected in subsurface soil samples collected adjacent to and
beneath the production annex. The extent of contaminated soil beneath the buildings has not
been fully delineated.

2.4       Underground Utilities

FUSRAP contaminants have been identified in manholes and in soil surrounding underground
utility lines, as identified below:

      •   Sediment from within a manhole (MH09) located west of the melting, alloying, and
          shipping building contained beryllium above the site cleanup goal.
      •   Sediment from within manholes (MH28 and MH11) south of the sewage treatment plant
          contained beryllium above the site cleanup goal.
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      •   Soil surrounding an underground utility line in the vicinity of Lagoons B and C contained
          beryllium and radionuclides above the site cleanup goals.

2.5       Drainage Ditches

FUSRAP-contaminated sediment is present within and adjacent to the main drainage ditch on the
site and north of the property boundary. FUSRAP contaminants occur within the upper 1 ft of
sediment/soil within the ditch and on the bank immediately east of the ditch. The contaminated
soil/sediment east of the ditch may represent materials that were previously excavated from
the ditch.

2.6       Organic Contaminants

Organic contaminants were detected in site soils during the remedial investigation (RI). The
concentrations and depths of these compounds in soil are identified in the RI Report
(USACE 2000) and are summarized below:

      •   Three volatile organic compounds (VOCs), dichloromethane, toluene, and xylenes (total),
          were widely detected in site soils during the RI.
      •   Various semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) were detected near a former
          underground storage tank and sewage treatment plant filter beds.
      •   Total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPHs) were detected in soil samples
          collected from a former oil pump house.
      •   SVOCs, TRPHs, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were detected in soil samples
          from a former transformer room.
      •   PCBs were detected in soil samples from a former electrical substation.

VOCs, SVOCs, TRPHs, and PCBs are not FUSRAP COCs, and the extent of the soil remedial
action is not determined by these contaminants or by other contaminants that may be present at
the site.

2.7       Existing Conditions

Currently the site is set up to support the Soils Remediation effort being performed by North
Wind Portage (NWP). Considerable soils removal and restoration work will have been
completed prior to the start of building deconstruction. This includes the restoration of the
lagoon area south of the production building. However, the soils work will be suspended during
the deconstruction effort, and respective infrastructure will be transitioned over to North Wind
Site Services during mobilization for deconstruction. This includes the following:
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      •   Exclusion, Contamination Reduction, and Support Zones for the excavation, loading, and
          staging of contaminated soil.
      •   Administration Operations Area.
      •   Wastewater Treatment Plant (except for the reverse-osmosis treatment unit).
      •   Potable Water Treatment Plant.
      •   Staging areas.
      •   Decontamination and access control facilities.
      •   Haul roads.
      •   Electrical utilities.
      •   Fencing.

All but the Wastewater Treatment Plant will be used.

2.8       Regulatory Compliance

2.8.1      Regulatory Requirements

USACE is the lead federal agency for this remedial action and has overall responsibility for
execution of the project in accordance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and its implementing regulations found in the
National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP), Title 40 of the Code
of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 300.

North Wind Site Services will comply with all federal, state, and local regulations while
performing work under this contract. The project regulatory compliance requirements are
provided in detail in PLN-60066-006, Regulatory Compliance Plan.

2.8.2      Permitting

Pursuant to Section 121(e) of CERCLA (42 USC 9621[e]), permits typically required under
federal and state laws or statutes (such as the Federal Clean Water Act [33 USC § 1251 et seq.]
or Clean Air Act [42 USC § 7401 et seq.]) are not required for the portion of remedial actions
conducted on-site. However, on-site operations completed by USACE and its contractors must
comply with all substantive requirements of federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

Permits required for off-site operations (e.g., solid waste transport) will be obtained through the
appropriate regulating entity and the U.S. Department of Transportation. Additional details on
the permits associated with off-site waste management and handling are discussed in
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PLN-60066-008, Waste Management, Transportation, and Disposal Plan (WMTDP). Ohio
Department of Transportation Special Hauling Permits may be necessary in the delivery and
demobilization of facilities and equipment to/from the site, and vendors will identify them during
the procurement process.

2.8.3     Administrative Record

The administrative record file for the Luckey site is at the following locations:

         U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
         1776 Niagara Street
         Buffalo, New York 14207

         Luckey Public Library
         228 Main Street
         Luckey, Ohio 43443


This section presents the organizational chart for the project and summarizes responsibilities by
organization. Supervision and management responsibilities are described in Section 5.10.1. A
project organization chart is provided as Figure 3-1.

3.1      USACE Responsibilities

USACE, Buffalo District, is the lead federal agency for this remedial action and has overall
responsibility for execution of the project in accordance with CERCLA and its implementing
regulations found in the NCP, Title 40 CFR Part 300.

3.2      North Wind Site Services Responsibilities

North Wind Site Services will provide personnel to support all activities, including on-site
resources and corporate reach-back support as necessary. Designated key personnel will be on-
site during field activities as required. Direct oversight and management of work will be led by
the project manager and matrixed through the site superintendent, site safety and health officer
(SSHO), and construction quality control system manager (CQCSM).

The North Wind Site Services Project Management team will manage the day-to-day field
activities during the building deconstruction. Key project personnel and their responsibilities are
identified in Section 5.10.1.
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3.3    Subcontractor Responsibilities

North Wind Site Services will build upon the existing Soil Remediation infrastructure in place
and will utilize subcontractors familiar with the project requirements and working at the site.
This includes Civil and Environmental Consultants, Inc., for quality assurance (QA) inspection
and air monitoring, NCES for asbestos oversight, I.C.E. Service Group for waste transportation,
US Ecology for waste disposal, and BCA Express for yard trucking services.

Figure 3-1. Project Organizational Chart. North Wind Site Services employees are represented in
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4.1     Schedule Summary

A Critical Path Method schedule for the project is presented in Appendix A of this plan. This
schedule will be tracked and updated as required. This plan includes the baseline schedule
current at the time of plan approval. Modifications to the schedule will be provided and
documented independent of the deconstruction plan (e.g., there is no need to reissue this plan if
the scheduled is modified).

The schedule starts with the preparation and approval of the work plans followed by site
preparation and then building deconstruction.

The work identified and resources anticipated are presented in Table 4-1, and a more detailed
description is provided in Section 5. Figures 4-1 to 4-4 illustrate the planned progression of the

Table 4-1. Activity, Personnel, Equipment, and Subcontractors for the Work
                   Activity                            Personnel           Equipment         Subcontractors

 Work Plans
 This will include preparation of a draft,         The plans will be      Not Applicable     Not Applicable
 USACE review and comment, addressing              coordinated by the
 USACE comments and revision to the draft,         Project Manager with
 USACE review and acceptance of the revised        support from the
 plan, and preparation and issuance of the final   project team in
 plan. Most of the plans are adapted from          various remote
 current plans developed for the Soil OU; also,    locations.
 several new plans will be developed
 specifically for the deconstruction project.
 Activity hazard analyses (AHAs) will be
 developed for each task and included in the
 Accident Prevention Plan (APP)/Site Safety
 and Health Plan (SSHP). Job steps, hazards,
 and controls are listed within the AHA for
 each task.
 North Wind Site Services will participate in
 site meetings with NWP (the Soil OU
 contractor) and the USACE to get a complete
 understanding of the site conditions, available
 facilities, current work practices and plans,
 and to prepare for the site transition.
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Table 4-1. (continued)
                   Activity                           Personnel              Equipment        Subcontractors

 Preliminary Site Work
 •   Establishment of on-site management and      •   Project Manager    •     Gators         •   Structural
     controls                                                                                     Engineers
                                                  •   Site Safety and    •     Pickup             (Matrix)
 •   Personnel training and safety reviews            Health Officer           Trucks
                                                                                              •   Utility
 •   Run on-site potable water treatment          •   Site               •     Excavator          Locators
     system                                           Superintendent                              (Matrix)
                                                                         •     Haul Truck
 •   Establish wastewater storage and             •   Radiological
     management                                       Superintendent     •     Skidsteer

 •   Complete review of available information     •   Radiological
     and the status of the building utilities         Technician
 •   Confirm status of utilities for each         •   Foreman
     building and identify unknowns
                                                  •   Mechanic
 •   Perform limited clearing and grubbing to
     allow inspection of building utilities       •   Operator

 •   Use ground-penetrating radar (GPR) to        •   Truck Driver
     locate underground utilities as needed       •   Laborers (2)
 •   Cut/cap/plug utilities                       •   BeFinder Tech
 •   Confirm protection plan for the north wall   •   Project Engineer
     of the maintenance office (to protect the
     ModuTank during deconstruction)              •   Quality Control
 •   Install storm water pollution prevention
     controls in accordance with PLN-60066-       •   Industrial
     012 as needed                                    Hygiene (IH)
 •   Install perimeter asbestos-containing
     material (ACM) air monitoring stations
     and maintain/monitor meteorological
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Table 4-1. (continued)
                   Activity                         Personnel              Equipment        Subcontractors

 Site Preparation
 •   Personnel training/safety reviews          •   Project Manager    •     Gators         •   Structural
                                                •   Site Safety and                             Engineers
 •   Airgap and confirm building as cold and                           •     Pickup             (Matrix)
     dark                                           Health Officer           Trucks
                                                •   Industrial                              •   3rd-Party
 •   Construct laydown staging areas specific                          •     Excavator          Asbestos
     for building deconstruction                                                                Subcontractor
                                                    Technician         •     Haul Truck
 •   Install additional best management                                                         (NCES)
                                                •   Safety             •     Skidsteer
     practices (BMPs) and dust controls as          Technician                              •   QA & Air
     needed                                                                                     Monitoring
                                                •   Construction                                (Civil and
 •   Collect samples from groundwater               Quality Manager                             Environmental
     monitoring wells, production wells, and    •   Quality Control                             Consultants,
     water supply for analysis at off-site          Technician                                  Inc.)
                                                •   Site                                    •   Storm Water
 •   Relocate site truck scale                      Superintendent                              Pollution
                                                •   Radiological                                Prevention
                                                    Superintendent                              Plan (SWPPP)
                                                •   Radiological
                                                    Technicians (2)
                                                                                                (Civil and
                                                •   Chemist                                     Consultants,
                                                •   Laboratory                                  Inc.)
                                                •   Waste Manager
                                                •   Waste
                                                •   Project Engineer
                                                •   Project
                                                •   Data Manager
                                                •   Project Controls
                                                •   Foreman
                                                •   Welder/Mechanic
                                                •   Operator (4)
                                                •   Truck Driver
                                                •   Laborers (4)
                                                •   BeFinder Tech
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Table 4-1. (continued)
                    Activity                            Personnel                 Equipment         Subcontractors

 Building Deconstruction
 •   Personnel Training/Safety Reviews              •   Project Manager       •     Gators          •   Structural
                                                    •   Site Safety and                                 Engineers
 •   Perform Final Readiness Review                                           •     Pickup              (Matrix)
                                                        Health Officer              Trucks
 •    Set up deconstruction work area               •   Industrial                                  •   3rd-Party
     perimeter air monitoring, and personnel            Hygiene               •     Excavators          Abatement
     air monitoring for Be, asbestos,                   Technician (2)              (4)                 Subcontractor
     radiological, and dust prior to the start of                                                       (NCES)
                                                    •   Safety                •     Haul Truck
     any building deconstruction work.
                                                        Technician                  (# will         •   QA & Air
 •   Run on-site potable water treatment            •   Construction                vary)               Monitoring
     system                                             Quality Manager                                 (Civil and
                                                                              •     Yard Trucks
 •   Perform deconstruction, waste mixing,          •   Quality Control             (1 to 2)            Environmental
     and packaging                                      Technician                                      Consultants,
                                                    •   Site Superintendent
                                                                              •     Water Truck         Inc.)
 •   Perform dust control
                                                    •   Radiological          •     Dust
                                                                                                    •   SWPPP
 •   Collect impacted water, sample, and                Superintendent              Control
     dispose of off-site                            •   Radiological                Misters (4)
                                                                                                        (Civil and
 •   Load and assay Industrial Package 1 (IP-           Technicians (4)       •     Lifts for           Environmental
     1) containers                                  •   Chemist                     Misters (1)         Consultants,
                                                    •   Laboratory                                      Inc.)
 •   Transport released containers to US                                      •     Fork Lifts
     Ecology for disposal                               Technician                  (1)             •   Waste
                                                    •   Waste Manager                                   Transportation
 •   Clean and stabilize building foundations       •   Waste Technician
                                                                              •     Added Frac          (I.C.E Service
                                                                                    Tanks (3)           Group)
 •   Evaluate samples using BeFinder and on-        •   Project Engineer
     site radiological instrumentation              •   Field Engineer        •     Pumps,          •   Waste
                                                                                    generators,         Disposal (US
 •   Collect groundwater samples for off-site       •   Project
                                                                                    and piping          Ecology)
     analysis                                           Coordinator
                                                    •   Data Manager
 •   Decontaminate and assay trucks and
     equipment prior to demobilization              •   Project Controls
                                                    •   Project
 •   Demobilization
                                                    •   Foreman
                                                    •   Welder/Mechanic
                                                    •   Operator (5)
                                                    •   Truck Driver
                                                    •   Laborers (8)
                                                    •   BeFinder Tech
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4.2    Work Hours

Standard work hours for the site will be 6:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and
based on daylight conditions. Any changes to workday start times will be coordinated with the
USACE and project personnel. The site will be closed for the following holidays: New Year’s
Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, day
after Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas.
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Figure 4-1. Preliminary Site Work and Site Preparation
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Figure 4-2. Maintenance Office Building Deconstruction
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Figure 4-3. Production and Main Office Building Deconstruction
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Figure 4-4. Complete Building Deconstruction
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The overall approach to the deconstruction begins with the preparation and approval of the
required plans. Following approval of planning documents, field activities will be performed.
This section presents the technical approach in the HTRW Remedial Action work breakdown
structure, which is consistent with the layout of the project schedule.

      •   Mobilization and Preparatory Work (331XX01)
             o Submittals/Implementation Plans (331XX0103)
      •   Monitoring, Sampling, Testing, and Analysis (331XX02)
      •   Site Work (331XX03)
      •   Surface Water Collection and Control (331XX05)
      •   Liquids/Sediments/Sludges Collection and Containment (331XX09)
      •   Drums/Tanks/Structures/Miscellaneous Deconstruction and Removal (331XX10)
             o Deconstruction Work Plan Implementation
      •   Disposal (Commercial) (331XX19)
      •   Site Restoration (331XX20)
      •   Demobilization (331XX21)
      •   General Requirements (331XX22)
             o Supervision and Management (331XX2201)
             o Engineering, Surveying, and Quality Control (331XX2204)
             o First Aid, Fire Protection, Traffic Control, and Security (331XX2206)
             o Health and Safety (331XX2207)
             o Temporary Construction Facilities – Ownership (331XX2208)
             o Temporary Construction Facilities – Operation (331XX2209)
             o Project Utilities (331XX2210)

5.1       Mobilization and Preparatory Work (331XX01)

North Wind Site Services will work closely with the USACE and NWP (contractor with facilities
on-site) to identify efficiencies in the sharing of infrastructure needs at the site. Due to space
constraints and limited utility infrastructure, North Wind Site Services will share infrastructure
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where appropriate. Primary facilities expected to be utilized are shown on Figure 4-1 and
include, but are not limited to:

   •   Personnel shower facilities.
   •   Access control trailer.
   •   Decontamination pad and Rubb® structure.
   •   Potable water treatment system.
   •   On-site laboratory (only the BeFinder® instrumentation and Protean smear counters).
   •   On-site truck scale.
   •   Office and break facilities.

Mobilization will commence following USACE approval of the appropriate planning documents.
A description of the planning document activity is provided in Section 5.1.1. Initial mobilizations
will include required equipment, materials, and subcontractors needed to support pre-
deconstruction activities.

Equipment mobilization will be sequenced to ensure that equipment is delivered and ready for
use to minimize any delays or costs associated with under-utilization. All equipment arriving on-
site will be inspected and surveyed to ensure that all safety components are in place (cages, fire
extinguishers, etc.), and that the equipment is operationally sound (e.g., no leaks). An incoming
radiological survey will be conducted on all arriving equipment.

Rubber tire backhoes, skidsteer loaders, bulldozer, aerial lifts, and other supporting equipment
will be mobilized during the initial mobilization. Site setup and deconstruction will require
additional equipment, materials, and subcontractors to support the deconstruction, processing,
loading, transportation, and disposal of the production building and annex building debris. It is
anticipated that this will include two 110,000-pound class excavators (or similar) with
deconstruction cage, which will be used for the deconstruction of the production building
superstructure. Smaller, 80,000-pound class excavators with various attachments, such as bucket
and thumb, grapple, metal shear, concrete pulverizers, and hammers, will be used for the size
reduction and loading of the waste into containers for disposal. Additional support equipment
including, but not limited to, a yard container truck, skidsteer with attachments, water trucks,
manlifts, and misters, will also be utilized.

Equipment and logistics associated with packaging and transportation of the waste will be
provided by the existing subcontractors US Ecology and I.C.E. Service Group and utilize the
same approach used by the current NWP team for packaging, transportation, and disposal of
contaminated soil.
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5.1.1    Submittals/Implementation Plans (331XX0103)

All submittals will go through an internal review by a multifunctional review team, have an
Independent Technical Review performed, and a final technical edit (formatting) performed prior
to submission to USACE. All submittals will be uploaded to and tracked via the USACE
Resident Management System (RMS). For files of significant size, North Wind Site Services will
utilize a separate File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site to allow ease of uploading and downloading
for the project team. Access to the FTP site is 24/7 and has effectively been used on the NWP
project for sharing of large files. The electronic sharing of documents is also a green and
sustainable practice that minimizes printing, shipping energy, and resource consumption during
plan development.

North Wind Site Services does not expect to perform soil remediation in completing the
deconstruction of the buildings. However, North Wind Site Services will review the current work
plans associated with the NWP remediation project and adapt plans to align with the
deconstruction project requirements for cutting and capping existing utilities, clearing and
grubbing, access route construction, etc., where impacted soils may be encountered. The
applicable deconstruction project plans will be submitted to USACE for review and approval.
The following is a list of plans and reports North Wind Site Services will develop specific to this
project and submit to USACE for review and approval:

   •    Preliminary, initial, and monthly schedules.
   •    Building Deconstruction Plan (PLN-60066-001).
   •    Deconstruction Summary Report.
   •    Site Operations Plan (PLN-60066-002) – This plan will include activities associated
        with building deconstruction. Much of the same infrastructure utilized for the Soil OU
        will be utilized by North Wind Site Services for deconstruction.
   •    APP/SSHP (PLN-60066-003) – This plan will address hazards associated with building
        deconstruction activities in compliance with Engineer Manual (EM) 385-1-1
        (USACE 2014).
   •    Contractor Quality Control Plan (CQCP) (PLN-60066-004) – This plan will address
        quality control in a similar manner to that documented in the Soil OU CQCP (USACE
        2020b) but will include deconstruction project résumés and submittal requirements.
   •    Uniform Federal Policy Quality Assurance Project Plan/Sampling and Analysis
        Plan (UFP QAPP SAP; PLN-60066-005) – This plan will address deconstruction
        QAPP/SAP activities, and is anticipated to be less detailed than the Soil OU UFP
        QAPP/SAP (USACE 2020c).
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      •   Regulatory Compliance Plan (PLN-60066-006) – This plan’s content will be very
          similar to that in the Soil OU RCP (USACE 2016a) but will also include deconstruction-
          specific regulations.
      •   Water Management Plan (PLN-60066-007) – This plan will address the specifics of
          managing stormwater and wastewater associated with the deconstruction effort.
      •   Waste Management, Transportation, and Disposal Plan (PLN-60066-008) – This
          plan will be based on the overall approach adopted by the project following the issuance
          of the subcontracts for transportation and disposal. This process will include the
          development of requests for proposal (RFPs) for each of these services and review and
          approval by the USACE prior to issuance. After the RFPs are issued and proposals are
          received, North Wind Site Services will evaluate the proposals and develop a consent
          package for submission to and approval from the USACE.
      •   Contamination Control Plan (CCP) (PLN-60066-010) – The content of this plan will
          be very similar to that of the Soil OU CCP (USACE 2018) since similar contaminants
          (radiological, lead, and Be) are expected during building deconstruction. If additional
          contamination sources are identified during hazards assessment, PLN-60066-010 will be
          updated to address those hazards and mitigation practices.
      •   SWPPP (PLN-60066-012) – The plan will identify and implement controls associated
          specifically with the work area around the buildings to be deconstructed. The anticipated
          controls include silt fence, wattles, berms, and isolation of drains.
      •   Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program (CBDPP) (PLN-60066-013) ‒ The
          content of this plan will be very similar to that of the Soil OU CBDPP (USACE 2016b).
      •   Radiation Protection Plan (RPP) (PLN-60066-014) ‒ Due to the similar radiological
          contaminants and control measures, the content of this plan will be very similar to that of
          the Soil OU RPP (USACE 2020d).
      •   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Tier 1 Qualified Facility Spill Prevention,
          Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan (PLN-60066-015) – The content of this
          plan will be very similar to that of the Soil OU SPCC Plan (USACE 2020e), but PLN-
          60066-015 will identify responsible personnel and locations of equipment for the
          building deconstruction project.
      •   Limited Operations Plan (COVID-19) (PLN-60066-019) ‒ The content of this plan
          will be very similar to that of the Soil OU Limited Operations Plan (USACE 2020f).
5.2       Monitoring, Sampling, Testing, and Analysis (331XX02)

Monitoring, sampling, testing, and analysis have been identified as required for air, wastewater,
waste, and debris. The following provides a summary of these activities.
You can also read