CALCS 2021 Shared Task: Machine Translation for Code-Switched Data

Page created by Gerald Solis
CALCS 2021 Shared Task: Machine Translation for Code-Switched Data
                                         Shuguang Chen 1 , Gustavo Aguilar 1 , Anirudh Srinivasan 2 , Mona Diab 3 and Thamar Solorio 1
                                                                             University of Houston 1
                                                                       The University of Texas at Austin 2
                                                                                   Meta AI 3
                                                                   {schen52, gaguilaralas, tsolorio} 1

                                               To date, efforts in the code-switching literature
                                               have focused for the most part on language
arXiv:2202.09625v1 [cs.CL] 19 Feb 2022

                                               identification, POS, NER, and syntactic pars-
                                               ing. In this paper, we address machine transla-
                                               tion for code-switched social media data. We
                                               create a community shared task. We pro-
                                               vide two modalities for participation: super-
                                               vised and unsupervised. For the supervised
                                               setting, participants are challenged to translate
                                               English into Hindi-English (Eng-Hinglish) in
                                               a single direction. For the unsupervised set-
                                               ting, we provide the following language pairs:
                                               English and Spanish-English (Eng-Spanglish),
                                               and English and Modern Standard Arabic-             Figure 1: Examples from the dataset. The irregular
                                               Egyptian Arabic (Eng-MSAEA) in both direc-          grammar and non-standard syntactic rules make it diffi-
                                               tions. We share insights and challenges in cu-      cult to translate from one language to the other.
                                               rating the "into" code-switching language eval-
                                                                                                   the large multilingual pre-trained models such as
                                               uation data. Further, we provide baselines for
                                               all language pairs in the shared task. The          mBART (Liu et al., 2020) and mT5 (Xue et al.,
                                               leaderboard for the shared task comprises 12        2021). At the same time, the growing adoption of
                                               individual system submissions corresponding         smart devices and automated assistants that rely on
                                               to 5 different teams. The best performance          speech interfaces makes it even more pressing for
                                               achieved is 12.67% BLEU score for English to        the NLP field to deal with code-switched language
                                               Hinglish and 25.72% BLEU score for MSAEA            data.
                                               to English.
                                                                                                      In this work, we present the new task of ma-
                                           1   Introduction                                        chine translation (MT) from and to Code Switched
                                                                                                   language. We create a community task, defining
                                           Linguistic code-switching refers to the linguistic      and curating datasets and evaluation metrics. We
                                           phenomenon of alternating between two or more           leverage already existing standard code-switching
                                           languages or varieties of language both across sen-     datasets that were created in the community as used
                                           tences and within sentences (aka intra sentential       in the previous workshops on Computational Ap-
                                           code-switching, which is the type we focus on in        proaches to Linguistic Code-Switching (CALCS).
                                           this work)(Joshi, 1982). The wide use of social me-     We created a series of shared tasks focusing pri-
                                           dia platforms (e.g, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc.)    marily on enabling technology for code-switching,
                                           where users communicate with each other more            including language identification (LID) (Solorio
                                           spontaneously, rendering significantly more writ-       et al., 2014), part of speech (POS) tagging (Molina
                                           ten code-switched data. Accordingly, this raises        et al., 2016), and named entity recognition (NER)
                                           an increasing demand for more tools and resources       (Aguilar et al., 2018). In our task, we leverage
                                           to process code-switched data. However, current         previously created data sets and extend them for
                                           NLP technology is lagging in the development of         the task of machine translation (MT) under code-
                                           resources and methodologies that can effectively        switching settings in multiple language combina-
                                           process such phenomena. This is true for even           tions and directions. General challenges to the
processing of code-switched language persist in          speakers (Joshi, 1982). It tends to be more com-
this setting but notably, the following challenges       mon in informal settings such as social media plat-
are especially significant to the MT problem space:      forms where interactions are more casual. Previ-
1) irregular grammar and spelling of utterances;         ous work has studied code-switching for many lan-
2) non-standard syntactic rules; and 3) ambiguous        guages from different perspectives. Toribio (2001)
words (e.g, ‘car‘ in French and English), etc. For       presents new methodologies for gathering code-
example, in Figure 1, the irregular grammar and          switched data, examining permissible and unac-
non-standard syntactic rules make it difficult to        ceptable language alternations. Goyal et al. (2003)
translate from one language to the other. With this      introduces a bilingual syntactic parser that oper-
in mind, we host a new community task for ma-            ates on input strings from Hindi and English and
chine translation on code-switched data. The goal        develops grammars for Hindi and English. Lately,
is to provide code-switched MT datasets and to           researchers mainly focus on exploring this phe-
continue to motivate new research and energize the       nomenon at the core level of NLP pipelines, in-
NLP community to take on the challenges posed            cluding language identification (Solorio and Liu,
by code-switched data.                                   2008; Aguilar and Solorio, 2020), language model-
   For the community task, we provide two modes          ing (Garg et al., 2018; Gonen and Goldberg, 2019),
for participation: supervised and unsupervised. For      and Named Entity Recognition (Winata et al., 2019;
the supervised setting, we ask participants to trans-    Aguilar et al., 2018), etc.
late English into Hindi-English (Eng-Hinglish) in           Recent advances in large pre-trained models (De-
a single direction. For the unsupervised setting, we     vlin et al., 2019; Lewis et al., 2020) have led to
provide the following language pairs: English and        significant performance gains in many multilingual
Spanish-English (Eng-Spanglish), and English and         tasks. Without further pre-training and extra neu-
Modern Standard Arabic-Egyptian Arabic (Eng-             ral network components, these large pre-trained
MSAEA) in both directions. We received 12 indi-          models (e.g, mBART (Liu et al., 2020) and mT5
vidual public system submissions from 5 different        (Xue et al., 2021)) can be easily adapted to code-
teams. The best performance achieved is 12.67%           switching tasks. However, the pre-training tasks of
BLEU score for English to Hinglish and 25.72%            these models are performed on monolingual text
BLEU score for MSAEA to English. Our contribu-           without language alternation. Applying these tech-
tions are multi-fold:                                    niques to the task of code-switching machine trans-
                                                         lation may not result in a good performance due to
    1. We introduce the novel task of translating into
                                                         the challenges mentioned in Section 1.
       code-switched language;
                                                            Machine translation on code-switched data has
    2. We create new standard datasets for               been recently receiving increasing attention in the
       evaluating MT for code-switched data:             NLP community. For this task, there are two main
       English→Hinglish, English-Modern Standard         focused efforts: 1) data resources, and 2) efficient
       Arabic-Egyptian Arabic, and English-              methods. For data resources, Srivastava and Singh
       Spanglish;                                        (2020) presents a parallel corpus for Hindi-English
                                                         (Hinglish) and English and proposes a translation
    3. We provide baseline systems for MT for sev-       pipeline built on top of Google Translate. Tarunesh
       eral pairs of languages: English-Hinglish,        et al. (2021) adapts a neural machine translation
       English-Spanglish;                                model to automatically generate code-switching
                                                         Hindi-English data. However, due to the lack of
    4. We present and discuss some of the chal-
                                                         resources, this phenomenon remains challenging,
       lenges of generating evaluation data for code-
                                                         especially for social media genres where anno-
       switched language.
                                                         tated data is limited. In this work, in addition to
2     Related Work                                       the Hinglish-English dataset, we further propose
                                                         standardized datasets for translating from mono-
Code-switching is a phenomenon where multi-              lingual data to code-switched data. Critically, we
lingual speakers communicate by switching back           are proposing standard datasets for evaluating to
and forth between the languages they speak or            and from code-switched data. For efficient meth-
write when communicating with other multilingual         ods, Singh and Solorio (2017) employs the n-best-
list generation approach to address the spelling                  monolingual/code-switched sentence, the goal is to
variation in the text and also enrich the resource                translate it into a code-switched/monolingual sen-
for translation. Yang et al. (2020) proposes a sim-               tence, respectively. In this shared task, we provide
ple yet effective pre-training approach to align the              the following two settings for participation:
cross-lingual information between the source and
                                                                  Supervised settings We primarily focus on trans-
target language. Xu and Yvon (2021) designs a new
                                                                  lating from monolingual text to code-switched text.
method to simultaneously disentangle and trans-
                                                                  This setting only has one language pair with a sin-
late the two mixed languages. In this paper, we
                                                                  gle direction, i.e, English→Hinglish. We provide
compare different systems from the participating
                                                                  parallel training data and participants are required
teams in terms of methodology (e.g, model archi-
                                                                  to build systems for translating an English sentence
tecture and training strategy) and performance. We
                                                                  to a Hinglish sentence.
further provide in-depth analysis. In the spirit of
reproducibility, we make our data and experiments                 Unsupervised settings This setting comprises
publicly available to support future research in this             two language pairs: English to/from Spanish-
area.                                                             English (Eng-Spanglish), and English to/from
                                                                  Modern Standard Arabic-Egyptian Arabic (Eng-
3       Task Description                                          MSAEA). We focus on machine translation in two
                                                                  directions, either from monolingual text to code-
The goal of the community task is to motivate new
                                                                  switched text or from code-switched text to mono-
research and energize the community to take on
                                                                  lingual text. To this end, we provide raw data with
challenges posed by code-switched data. Most re-
                                                                  no reference translations (no parallel data). Partici-
search to date has focused on translation from code-
                                                                  pants are required to provide translations for both
switched language to monolingual language, albeit
                                                                  directions for either or both language pairs.
without establishing standard data sets for the task.
In our work, we establish standard datasets in three                 Additionally, in both settings, participants are al-
different language pairs. Moreover, we introduce                  lowed to use any external resources. We employ the
the novel task of translating into code-switched                  BLEU score metric for evaluation as proposed by
language. Generating plausible code-switched lan-                 Post (2018). Participants can submit their predic-
guage is a challenge for systems in general and it                tions for test data to the Linguistic Code-switching
is still an untapped novel territory in NLP. As men-              Evaluation (LinCE) platform (Aguilar et al., 2020).
tioned earlier, code-switching is pervasive among                 The leaderboard in the LinCE platform averages
multilingual speakers as well as among even mono-                 the BLEU scores across multiple language pairs
lingual speakers given the global nature of com-                  and directions to determine the position. Partici-
munication. Catering to such users requires sys-                  pants can submit their results while comparing with
tems that are able to produce more natural lan-                   others in real-time.
guage consistent and coherent with their manner
of speaking, e.g. in conversational AI. We con-                   4     Datasets
tend that such natural language interactions with                 4.1    Eng-Hinglish
code-switching understanding and generation will
                                                                  Data Curation The CMU Document Grounded
be the next frontier in human language technology
                                                                  Conversations Dataset (Zhou et al., 2018) contains
interaction. Hence an initial challenge is to cre-
                                                                  a set of conversations between users, with each
ate standardized evaluation datasets that reflect the
                                                                  conversation being grounded in a Wikipedia article
code-switched phenomenon. Machine translation
                                                                  about a particular movie. A subset of this dataset
serves both ends exemplifying understanding and
                                                                  is translated into Hinglish (code-switched Hindi-
generation. With this in mind, we hosted a new
                                                                  English) and is available as the CMU Hinglish
shared community task on machine translation for
                                                                  Document Grounded Conversations Dataset (Gupta
code-switched language. The shared task mainly
                                                                  et al., 2019). The English sentences from the for-
focuses on translating a source sentence into a tar-
                                                                  mer dataset and their corresponding Hinglish trans-
get language while one of the directions contains
                                                                  lations make up the parallel corpus used for our
an alternation between two languages.1 Given a
                                                                  task, however, we plan on extending the datasets to include
    We constrain the problem space to code-switching being        code-switched data source to code-switched data target in the
on one side of the directions for this initial iteration of the   near future.
Supervised                                             Unsupervised
                      Eng→Hinglish               Eng→Spanglish        Spanglish→Eng        Eng→MSAEA           MSAEA→Eng
                  Train      Dev        Test     Raw       Test       Raw       Test      Raw       Test      Raw       Test
 Sentences        8,060      960        942      15,000    5,000      15,000    6,500     15,000    5,000     12,000    6,500
 Tokens           93,025     11,465     11,849   166,649   212,793    228,484   189,465   166,649   104,429   219,796   303,998
 Eng tokens       33,886     4,273      4,333    116,617   97,646     43,869    100,000   116,617   38,967    -         181,890
 Non-Eng tokens   58,381     7,130      7,420    -         62,587     98,412    41,839    -         36,676    149,087   80,780
 Other tokens     758        62         96       50,032    52,560     86,203    47,626    50,032    28,831    70,709    41,328

Table 1: Distribution Statistics for the data sets for each language pair. Only English-Hinglish had training and
development data. English-Spanglish and English-MSAEA both had test data with associated gold translations,
as well as raw data. For the raw sets, we just provide the raw data in one of directions without gold translations.
Other tokens refer to social media special tokens, e.g, username mentions, emoji expressions and urls.

current task. The dataset has multiple translations                  in Table 1. The idea for providing the raw data is
for some of the English sentences. These sentences                   to provide the participants with a sense of the data
are pre-processed to remove newline and tab char-                    genres and domains and the code-switching style of
acters. These parallel sentences could be used for                   the data used in the task. As shown in Table 1, it is
machine translation in either of the 2 directions                    worth noting that there are no Spanish tokens in the
(English → Hinglish or Hinglish → English). We                       raw data for Eng → Spanish. Likewise, the ratios
chose the former as it involves the generation of                    of English tokens for Spanglish → Eng in raw and
code-switched text and represents a more challeng-                   test data are 19.2% and 19.5%. The skewed dis-
ing task overall. It is worth noting that this setup                 tribution poses a great challenge considering that
renders a single Hinglish translation per English                    the model may not see enough words in the target
sentence.                                                            language. However, we think that the skewness
                                                                     can be reasonably handled with the provided data.
Data distribution: The data statistics are shown
                                                                     Moreover, the raw and test sets draw a very simi-
in Table 1. We use the same train/dev/test splits as
                                                                     lar data distribution, which can also help adapt the
originally created by Zhou et al. (2018).
                                                                     learning from training to testing.
4.2   Eng-Spanglish
Data Curation For the Eng-Spanglish language                         4.3   Eng-MSAEA
pair, we leverage the English-Spanish language
identification corpus introduced in the first CALCS                  Data Curation For the Eng-MSAEA language
shared task Solorio et al. (2014) and the second                     pair, we combine the datasets introduced in the
CALCS shared task Molina et al. (2016). We ran-                      CALCS-2016 (Molina et al., 2016) and CALCS-
domly sample a subset from this dataset where we                     2018 (Aguilar et al., 2018) as the new corpora for
add translations for both directions, namely the                     the current machine translation shared task. The
task for this language pair comprises two direc-                     data was collected from the Twitter platform and
tions: Eng → Spanglish and Spanglish → Eng.                          Blog commentaries. The tweets that have been
As the original data was collected from Twitter,                     deleted or belong to the user whose accounts have
we normalized some social media special tokens,                      been suspended were removed and eliminated. We
e.g, replace username mentions with ‘’.                    also perform normalization on each tweet to reduce
Since this data is used in the unsupervised setting,                 the impact of social media special tokens. Similar
we do not provide training data. We only provide                     to the Eng-Spanglish setting, we provide only test
test data. For the latter data, we curate reference                  data and raw data.
translations for both directions from three transla-
                                                                     Data distribution We have two directions for
Data distribution The data statistics for both di-                   Eng-MSAEA language pair: Eng → MSAEA and
rections Eng → Spanglish and Spanglish → Eng                         MSAEA → Eng. The data statistics for each direc-
are shown in Table 1. We also provide raw data                       tion are listed in Table 1. From Table 1, we can see
from the code-switched Spanglish data from pre-                      that there are no tokens from the target language in
vious collections. Those statistics are also shown                   the raw data.
4.4   General Translation Guidelines                          of the distribution of language tags in a corpus
The following are some of the overall guidelines              of at least two languages;
used for curating translations: The translators are         • Integration Index (I-Index): A proportion of
required to follow the standard grammar rules and             how many switch points exist relative to the
typos should be corrected in the translation. The             number of language-dependent tokens in the
translated text should also be normalized. Slang,             corpus;
special forms, and expressions are to be translated
to literal equivalents or to a more formal/standard         • Language Entropy (LE): the number of bits of
form. The typos should be eliminated in transla-              information are needed to describe the distri-
tion, e.g, “Happo Birthday" should be translated              bution of language tags;
to “Feliz Cumpleaños". Additionally, speech ef-
fects should not be reflected in translation, e.g,          • Span Entropy (SE): the number of bits of infor-
“Happy Birthdayyy" should be translated to “Feliz             mation are needed to describe the distribution
Cumpleaños". Social media special tokens, includ-             of language spans;
ing username mentions, URLs, hashtags, and emo-             • Burstiness: A measure of quantifying whether
jis, should not be translated even if they are trans-         switching occurs in bursts or has a more peri-
ferable/translatable. Moreover, measurement units             odic characteristic.
should not be converted or localized, e.g, “2LB"
should not be translated to “1kg". When translat-         The code-switching evaluation statistics of our
ing from Spanglish into English, The translators        datasets are shown in Table 2.
were instructed to reword the English fragments
when the translation warrants it. For translation       5    Methods
from code-switched text to monolingual text, we
                                                        We received submissions from five different teams.
requested one gold reference. For the case where
                                                        Four teams submitted system responses for Eng-
the target translation is in the code-switched lan-
                                                        Hinglish, making this language pair the most popu-
guage, we requested three gold references. It is
                                                        lar in this shared task. On the other hand, we had
worth noting that we did not prescribe how and
                                                        no external submissions for Spanglish-Eng.
when the translations should include a code-switch.
                                                           Below we provide a brief description of the two
We only emphasized that we expect the resulting
                                                        baselines as well as participant systems:
language to be a plausible code-switching of the
two languages. We also provided ample examples              • baseline1 We use mBART (Liu et al., 2020)
per language pair. We expect there to be signifi-             as the baseline model trained for 5 epochs
cant variation among the translations, as different           with a batch size of 8 and a learning rate of
translators would choose to code-switch at different          5e-5. For the supervised setting, we simply
points. We hope that this elicited data set could be          fine-tune it on the parallel data. For the unsu-
eventually compared to naturally occurring code-              pervised setting, we directly generate transla-
switched data to investigate where and how they               tions without fine-tuning.
                                                            • Echo (baseline) This baseline simply passes
4.5   Dataset Evaluation                                      inputs as outputs and the goal is to measure
To measure the quality of the datasets we created,            how much the overlap in input/output can con-
and understand the inherent characteristics of code-          tribute to the final performance. It is inspired
switched corpora, we evaluate our datasets follow-            by preliminary observations that there is a
ing the statistics proposed by Guzmán et al. (2017)           high token overlap between the source and tar-
and Gambäck and Das (2014), including:                        get sentences. Also, many tokens common in
                                                              social media (e.g, username mentions, URLs,
   • Code-Mixing Index (CMI): The fraction of                 and emoticons) have no clear translations and
     total words that belong to languages other than          annotators left them unchanged.
     the most dominant language in the text;
                                                            • UBC_HImt (Jawahar et al., 2021). They pro-
   • Multilingual Index (M-Index): A word-count-              pose a dependency-free method for generating
     based measure that quantifies the inequality             code-switched data from bilingual distributed
Code-switching Evaluation Metrics
                                      CMI      M-Index    I-Index     LE     SE      Burstiness
                   Eng→Hinglish       36.81     0.90        0.53     0.95   2.13       -0.07
                   Eng→Spanglish      49.99     2.13        0.40     1.06   1.60       -0.19
                   Spanglish→Eng      48.98     2.19        0.39     1.06   1.57       -0.15
                   Eng→MSAEA           9.54     0.71        0.62     0.59   2.31       -0.10
                   MSAEA→Eng          10.07     0.52        0.76     0.58   3.72       -0.03

                               Table 2: Code-switching statistics on each dataset.

     representations and adopt a curriculum learn-        from scratch while two of them (UBC_HImt, LTRC-
     ing approach where they first fine-tune a lan-       PreCog) fine-tuned the models with pre-trained
     guage model on synthetic data then on gold           knowledge on monolingual data. To tackle the
     code-switched data.                                  challenge of low-resource data, two teams (IITP-
                                                          MT, LTRC-PreCog) transliterated Hindi to De-
   • IITP-MT (Appicharla et al., 2021). They pro-         vanagari during training to fully utilize monolin-
     pose an approach to create a code-switching          gual resources available in the native Devanagari
     parallel corpus from a clean parallel corpus         script, and then back-transliterated Devanagari to
     in an unsupervised manner. Then they train           Hindi to improve performance. Additionally, four
     a neural machine translation model on the            teams (UBC_HImt, IITP-MT, UBC_ARmt, LTRC-
     gold corpus along with the generated synthetic       PreCog) leveraged external resources (e.g, parallel
     code-switching parallel corpus.                      datasets and text processing libraries). Moreover,
                                                          two teams (UBC_HImt, IITP-MT) applied data aug-
   • UBC_ARmt (Nagoudi et al., 2021). They                mentation techniques to generate synthetic data to
     collect external parallel data from online re-       increase the size of the training data.
     sources and fine-tune a sequence-to-sequence
     transformer-based model on external data then        6     Evaluation and Results
     on gold code-switched data.
                                                          6.1    Evaluation Metric
   • CMMTOne (Dowlagar and Mamidi, 2021).                 The evaluation of the shared task was conducted
     They present a gated convolutional sequence          through a dedicated platform, where participants
     to sequence encoder and decoder models for           can obtain immediate feedback of their submis-
     machine translation on code-switched data.           sions after uploading translations for the test data.
     The sliding window inside the convolutional          The platform then scores the submissions and pub-
     model renders it able to handle contextual           lishes the results in a public leaderboard for each
     words and extract rich representations.              language pair direction.
                                                             We use BLEU Papineni et al. (2002) to rank par-
   • LTRC-PreCog (Gautam et al., 2021). They              ticipating systems. BLEU is a score for comparing
     propose to use mBART, a pre-trained multi-           a candidate translation of the text to one or more
     lingual sequence-to-sequence model and fully         reference translations.
     utilize the pre-training of the model by translit-
     erating the roman Hindi words in the code-           6.2    Results
     mixed sentences to Devanagri script.                 As listed in Table 4 5 teams participated in this
                                                          shared task. 4 teams submitted systems for
   In Table 3, we listed the main components and          Eng→Hinglish language directions, and one team
strategies used by the participating systems. Most        submitted systems for the MSAEA→Eng language
systems are based on transformer architectures,           direction.
including multilingual transformers such as mT5
and mBART. It is worth noting that all teams ap-          Baselines For the supervised task (i.e,
plied deep neural networks techniques. Among              Eng→Hinglish), baseline1 achieves a BLEU
the five participating teams, three of them (IITP-        score of 11.00%. It outperformed the Echo
MT, UBC_ARmt, CMMTOne) trained the model                  baseline by 4.16%, indicating that the multilingual
System          Base Model           Training          Transliteration    Ext Resources   Data Augmentation
    UBC_HImt            mT5        two-stage fine-tuning                           X                 X
    IITP-MT         transformer        from scratch                X               X                 X
    UBC_ARmt        transformer        from scratch                                X
    CMMTOne           seq2seq          from scratch
    LTRC-PreCog       mBART             fine-tuning                X               X

Table 3: The comparison of the main components and strategies used by the participating systems. Ext Resources
stands for external resources such as parallel datasets and text processing libraries.

    System            Eng → Hinglish   Spanglish → Eng     Eng → Spanglish      MSAEA → Eng      Eng → MSAEA
    baseline1             11.00              33.97                 55.05               1.55          36.11
    Echo                   6.84              43.86                 65.46               1.80          40.83
    Participating Systems
    UBC_HImt              12.67
    IITP-MT               10.09
    UBC_ARmt                                                                         25.72
    CMMTOne                2.58
    LTRC-PreCog           12.22

Table 4: The results of the participating systems in all language pairs. The scores are based on the average BLEU
metric. The highlighted systems are the best scores for each language pair.

model has acquired some useful knowledge                     sideration, which may potentially result in a higher
about code-switching during pretraining. This                score. Additionally, the overall results are arguably
is aligned with findings in literature about the             lower compared to results achieved by the state-of-
usefulness of pretraining transformer models with            the-art systems on monolingual data for these lan-
in domain data (Doddapaneni et al., 2021). For               guage pairs, i.e. in the absence of code-switching.
the unsupervised tasks, we simply use the model              We conduct error analysis to understand and ex-
to make predictions based on the pre-trained                 pose the bottleneck of machine translation on code-
knowledge it has learned on monolingual data.                switched data.
Surprisingly, on all four unsupervised tasks, the
results from baseline1 are lower than the ones from          7.1       Evaluation Metrics
Echo, suggesting that the pre-trained knowledge
from the monolingual data cannot be effectively              In Table 4, it is worth noting that the Echo sys-
adapted to the code-switched data.                           tem, with inputs as outputs, could outperform the
                                                             transformer-based baseline1 system in four out of
Participating systems Table 4 shows the BLEU                 five language translation directions. We suspect the
score results for all the teams/systems. For                 high scores from the Echo system are because of
Eng→Hinglish, two teams (UBC_HImt, LTRC-                     the high overlap between the training and testing
PreCog) outperform the baseline. The best perfor-            data. Therefore, to minimize such impact, we nor-
mance achieved was from UBC_HImt with a BLEU                 malize the text by removing the overlapping tokens
score of 12.67%, outperforming the baseline by               from the data, including username mentions, emoji
1.67%. For the task of MSAEA→Eng, the only one               expressions, and URLs. The results of BLEU and
submission received was from UBC_ARmt with a                 normalized BLEU scores on each system for the
BLEU Score of 25.72%, outperforming the base-                task of Eng→Hinglish are shown in Table 6 where
line by 23.92%.                                              we note significant drops in performance ranging
                                                             from 0.43% to 6.13 BLEU score. After normaliz-
7     Analysis
                                                             ing the text, the Echo system can only reach 0.71
Although most of the scores reported by the                  BLEU points, which is far lower than the perfor-
participants outperformed the baselines for both             mance of baseline1. Although the performances
Eng→Hinglish and MSAEA→Eng, we notice that                   of participating systems also decrease drastically,
the BLEU metric takes overlapped tokens into con-            some can still outperform the baseline1.
#     Sentence                                       Gold Standard/Reference Translation             System Prediction
1     Yes you definitely should                      haan tumhe definitely dekhna chahiye            haan, [jarur aapako]
2     It’s about a mute cleaner and she works at a   ye ek mute cleaner ke baare mein hai jo         yah ek mute cleaner ke baare mein hai aur
      secret government lab                          secret government lab mein work karti hai       [wo] secret government lab par kaam karta
3     I wasn’t sure about those two to start out     mujhe un donon ke baare mein nishchit           mujhe un dono ke baare mein [start out
      with, they just didn’t seem like they’d be     nahin tha ki ve shuroo kar sakate hain, un-     mein sure nahi tha], unhe aisa [lagta hai
      good together                                  hen aisa nahin lagata tha ki ve ek saath        wo acche sath mein rehne nahin lagte
                                                     achchhe honge                                   hain]
4     I mean not rated well                          mujhe lagta hai ki ise thik se rate nahi kiya   mera mathalab [yah nahem tha ki]
5     The shape of water is a great movie            The shape of water ek bahut achchi movie        [shailee] kee ek mahaan philm hai

Table 5: Poor translation Examples for the task of Eng→Hinglish. Errors in translations from participating systems
are highlighted in bold in brackets (e.g, [shailee]). Reference translations are provided for comparison.

         System            BLEU       BLEU_norm        Drop                translated partially. Understanding the semantics of
         Baseline1         11.00      6.05             4.95
                                                                           code-switching is difficult as the model has to learn
         Echo              6.84       0.71             6.13                the word representations and dependencies for all
         Participating Systems                                             involved languages. This may result in incomplete
         UBC_HImt          12.67      7.58             5.09                or irrelevant translations.
         IITP-MT           10.09      6.33             3.76
         CMMTOne           2.58       2.15             0.43
         LTRC-PreCog 12.22            6.70             5.52                8     Conclusion
Table 6: The BLEU and the normalized BLEU scores                           This paper summarizes the insights gained from
on the task of Eng→Hinglish. The largest number for
                                                                           creating a task on MT for code-switched lan-
each column is in bold.
                                                                           guage. Given a monolingual/code-switched sen-
                                                                           tence, the goal is to translate it into a code-
7.2     Error Analysis                                                     switched/monolingual sentence. We introduced
                                                                           a machine translation dataset focused on code-
Although most of the scores reported by the par-                           switched social media text for three language
ticipants outperform the baseline, there are many                          pairs: English-Hinglish, English-Spanglish, and
mistakes made by the models. Thus, we manually                             English-Modern Standard Arabic-Egyptian Arabic
inspect the predictions from participating systems.                        with one or two directions for each pair. We re-
Table 5 shows some cases where the participating                           ceived 12 submissions from 5 teams, 4 of them
systems produce low quality translations for the                           submitted to English→Hinglish and 1 of them
task of Eng→Hinglish.                                                      submitted to Modern Standard Arabic-Egyptian
   Based on our findings, there are two main er-                           Arabic→English. While the participating systems
rors among the predictions: grammar errors and                             are different, we observed that there is a strong
semantic errors. For the grammar errors, we                                trend favoring the use of transformer-based models
find that many predicted sentences have incorrect                          (e.g, mBART) as a key ingredient in the proposed
word/phrase orders. Although linguistic theories                           architectures. The best performances achieved
of code-switching argue that code-switching does                           were 12.67% BLEU score for English→Hinglish
not violate syntactic constraints of the languages                         and 25.72% BLEU score for Modern Standard
involved (Poplack, 1980, 2013), it may still impact                        Arabic-Egyptian Arabic→English. Compared to
models ability to correctly capture grammatical                            monolingual formal text, the reported BLEU scores
structures from the involved languages. Moreover,                          are significantly lower, which highlights the dif-
we observe that some translations may have extra                           ficulty of both, the linguistic properties in code-
punctuation or incorrect pronouns. Gender trans-                           switched data, and the noise attributed to the social
lation errors are also common in MT systems for                            media genre. More investigations need to be car-
monolingual data (Stanovsky et al., 2019; Saun-                            ried out to disentangle the effects of each factor.
ders and Byrne, 2020). For the semantic errors, it                         However, this shared task demonstrates that per-
is worth noting that many sentences can only be                            forming machine translation on code-switched data
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