Page created by Willard Fleming


       OF EVENTS
Table of Contents
    Letter from the Mayor__________________________________________________________________________________________ 2
    City Council____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3
    City Attorney___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4
    City Treasurer__________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4
    Information Technology________________________________________________________________________________________ 4
    Economic Development_________________________________________________________________________________________ 4
    Community Affairs_____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4
    Human Resources______________________________________________________________________________________________ 4
    City Auditor____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5
    Division of Police_______________________________________________________________________________________________ 6
    Division of Fire_________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8
    Service Department ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 9
    Building Department __________________________________________________________________________________________12
    Animal Control & Code Enforcement __________________________________________________________________________13
    2018 Reimbursement Programs________________________________________________________________________________14
    Parks & Recreation ____________________________________________________________________________________________15
    Whitehall City Schools _________________________________________________________________________________________16
    Local Civic Partners____________________________________________________________________________________________17
    Community Resources & Services______________________________________________________________________________18
    Community Events at a Glance_________________________________________________________________________________24
    Important Whitehall Contact Information_______________________________________________________________________31

    From the Mayor
                         Welcome to the City of Whitehall’s 2018 Resident Guide. With tangible results in our parks,
                         economic development, police and fire - in all departments - tremendous progress is being made
                         toward our overall strategic goals.

                         These goals include strengthening the financial position of the City, enchancing the quality of
                         life for residents and stakeholders, improving public safety and providing additional economic
                         opportunities throughout the community.

                         You may or may not recognize the front and back covers as our most notable intersection - Broad
                         Street and Hamilton Road; I am excited to share with you an aerial rendering of Norton Crossing,
                         the progress coming to this important gateway for our community. This $50 million mixed-use
                         redevelopment is the largest of its kind in our city and I cannot wait to watch it take shape.

    In the back of this guide, you will find a comprehensive community calendar of City events and other happenings hosted
    by different organizations around Whitehall. Visit our website,, to subscribe to our e-Update
    and receive the latest news right in your inbox, along with articles spotlighting local businesses and a full listing of
    upcoming events.

    Of course, we hope you will also regularly visit our website for reimbursement program announcements, tax help,
    information about the many changes happening in all five of our parks and more. It is also where you can find contact
    information for all City employees.

    Join us on social media, too. The City is active on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and now SnapChat, using
    social media to engage residents on a daily basis. Search for the City of Whitehall and follow us; it is a great place to
    share your questions and thoughts with the City.

City Council

The regular meetings of City Council are held at 7:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays                          Jim Graham
of each month to conduct official business of the Council. Council members welcome                                  President of Council
and encourage public participation. There are two opportunities for the public to speak                   
during regular voting meetings; please see the City website for poll public rules. All City                         614-866-6688
Council voting meetings are video recorded and available to view on the City website at, the morning after the meeting.                                                                 Robert Bailey
                                                                                                                    At Large; President Pro Tempore
The Standing Committees of Council meet at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays                    
of each month. Each of the committees meets to discuss issues and legislation related                               614-237-7013
to the operation, health, welfare and safety of the City. As part of Council’s commitment
toward the improvement of the City and implementation of the 2009 Strategic Plan, the                               Karen Conison
Standing Committees of Council have been realigned with the core areas of focus.                                    At Large
Standing Committees of Council                   (as Council pictured L to R, excluding President of Council)   :   614-236-9674
Administration and Financial Management, Chairperson Bob Bailey - works to
ensure the City’s financial stability with long-range planning and forecasting, aligning                            Wesley P. Kantor
both financial and administrative resources with community and organizational needs,                                At Large
and implementing codes to support those initiatives.                                                      
Community Standards and Enforcement, Chairperson Chris Rodriguez - works to
improve both commercial and residential neighborhoods, beautify streetscapes and                                    Chris Rodriguez
promote environmentally-friendly codes and policies.                                                                Ward I
Community and Elder Advocacy, Chairperson Lori Elmore - works to enhance                                            614-578-7784
partnerships with various community organizations and promotes the wellbeing and
wellfare of the elderly citizens of Whitehall.                                                                      JoAnna Heck
                                                                                                                    Ward II
Public Safety, Chairperson Karen Conison - works to improve effectiveness of crime
fighting techniques, engage businesses and citizens in community policing and safety
and mitigate causes of crime.

Parks & Recreation, Chairperson Wes Kantor - works to ensure that all of the citizens’                              Larry Morrison
parks and recreation needs are met, enhance community events and improve facilities.                                Ward III
Infrastructure, Maintenance and Services, Chairperson JoAnna Heck - works to                                        614-286-8262
ensure that the City provides services responsive to community needs, establishes
codes to upgrade and improve infrastructure and confirms utility compliance.                                        Lori Elmore
                                                                                                                    Ward IV
Economic Development, Chairperson Larry Morrison - works to expand the City’s                             
job base, develop technological infrastructure for the 21st century and encourage                                   614-670-3196
additional commercial development and redevelopment.
                                                                                                                    Mary Freimark
Please contact the City Council office at 614-237-8614, visit the website at                                        Council Clerk, or plan to attend the next City Council regular meeting to learn                               614-237-8614

City Administration
    City Attorney                                                   Economic Development
                       Michael T. Bivens                                                Zachary Woodruff
                       City Attorney                                                    Director of Economic Development &
                                                Public Service
                       Bradley S. Nicodemus
                       Assistant City Attorney                                          Joe Ryan
                                                                                        Economic Development Manager
                       Lorena Lacey                                           
                       Domestic Violence Victims’ Advocate
                                                                    The Whitehall Economic Development department strives
    The City Attorney’s Office provides legal advice and            to build strong relationships, execute critical projects
    services to City Officials relating to all legal matters        and help businesses move from vision and strategy
    affecting the City. The office also prosecutes criminal,        to implementation. The City’s administration works
    traffic, tax and environmental cases on behalf of the City      aggressively to help ensure that Whitehall businesses can
    in Mayor’s Court and Franklin County Municipal Court.           grow and thrive. Whitehall’s location makes it an extremely
                                                                    attractive place for businesses to start up, relocate or
    The Domestic Violence Victims’ Advoocate assists victims        expand because of its infrastructure, accessibility to
    in the court process by helping them obtain protection          markets, well-trained workforce, as well as an exceptional
    orders, provides resources, assists with safety planning        quality of life at an affordable cost.
    and appears with victims at all court hearings.

    This office continues to work with first-time offenders by      Community Affairs
    partnering with the Columbus Urban League in Mayor’s                              Kaitlin King
    Court to provide alternative sentencing options that will                         Community Affairs Manager
    give offenders a second chance. They are also working in                
    collaboration with other City Officials to start a drug court
    that they believe will be beneficial to the community and                         614-237-8613
                                                                                      The office of Community Affairs is
    Whitehall Yearling High School allows their staff to help                         responsible for developing, implementing
    Mock Trial students in preparing for the annual state                             and overseeing all public relations and
    competition that takes place in January, as well as their                         communications for the City.
    own Mock Trial they will present on May 17th at 6:00 p.m.
    at City Hall.

    City Treasurer                                                  Human Resources
                                                                                      Ann Lund
                       Steven Quincel                                                 Director of Human Resources
                       City Treasurer                                       
                                                                                      April Ricciardo
                    The City Treasurer is the official
                                                                                      Human Resources Generalist
                    depository agent of the City and is
                    responsible for the investment of
                    interim City funds and works hand-in-                             The department of Human Resources
                    hand with the City Auditor. This is to          is responsible for the administration of employee health
    ensure the maximum security and minimum oversight of            benefits, ensuring compliance with applicable employment
    public dollars.                                                 laws, managing workers’ compensation, promoting safety
    Information Technology                                          awareness in the workplace, facilitating employee and
                       Bret Henninger                               labor relations and attracting, developing, motivating
                       Director of Information Technology           and retaining qualified employees to ensure high-quality
                            service for our community.

                       614-246-7861                                 The City of Whitehall is an equal opportunity employer
                                                                    and is always interested in identifying highly-qualified
                     The       Information     Technology           candidates to help better serve the community. The City
                     Department is committed to serving             accepts online applications for current job openings
                     the business operations of the City by         or when advertising for a Civil Service examination.
                     providing enterprise-wide integrated           For more information, please visit the city’s website,
                     system solutions and high-quality    , to view current postings, upcoming
    customer service to ensure the efficient utilization of         Civil Service examinations or to complete a job interest
    technology resources and investments.                           card.

City Auditor
                    Dan Miller                                                        City of Whitehall
                    City Auditor                                                    Income Tax Division
                                                 360 S. Yearling Rd.
                                                                                    Whitehall, Ohio 43213
                    614-237-7902 Fax                             Can I pay my taxes online?
                                                                 The City of Whitehall is pleased to offer an additional
                    Hours of Operation                           payment option for paying your income tax. The City’s
                    7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.                       third-party automated payment service accepts Visa,
                    Monday through Friday                        MasterCard, Discover and electronic check. Advantages to
                                                                 using online payment options are:
The Auditor is the Chief Financial Officer of the City            ƒƒ You may make your payment anytime, any day, 24/7.
of Whitehall. As Chief Financial Officer, the Auditor             ƒƒ The Whitehall Income Tax Division receives instant
performs the functions of a controller, cash manager,                notification of your payment and will post it to your
budget director, tax commissioner and internal auditor.              account the next business day. For each payment,
In the performance of these functions, the Auditor is                you will receive a confirmation number and an email
responsible for the collection of all revenue, the payment           confirmation.
of bills, assuring that expenditures are appropriated and        *A small convenience fee will be incurred for each transaction.
authorized, payroll oversight and planning for the future
finances of the City.                                            Can I still pay my taxes with a credit card if I don’t have
                                                                 access to the online website service?
An in-depth report of City revenue can be accessed               Yes! This can be accomplished by:
through the city’s website at                ƒƒ Using the computer kiosk located just inside the
                                                                     Auditor’s office to log onto the website and personally
Income Tax Division                                                  make your payment.
The Income Tax Division is overseen by the Auditor’s             *A small convenience fee will be incurred for each transaction.
office. This division is responsible for the processing
and auditing of all tax returns and the billing for payroll      Important Information
(withholding), personal and business taxes. Tax forms            Withholding accounts will no longer be mailed with
can either be downloaded from the website or picked up           withholding booklets. We provide online filing for
at the Municipal Building located at 360 S. Yearling Rd.         employer withholding of Whitehall Income Tax. The tax
                                                                 tool will provide general information, instructions for
The City of Whitehall has mandatory tax filing for anyone        completing the forms, forms for quarterly, monthly and
who is 18 years of age or older, has lived in the City during    semi-monthly remittance of withholding tax due, and your
the year and earned income.                                      Reconciliation of Returns.
What is the City income current tax rate?                        Can I still receive assistance in preparing my city of
2.5% of gross income.                                            Whitehall tax return?
                                                                 Yes! Income Tax Division personnel can assist you either
What is the income tax website?
                                                                 by mail or in person at 360 S. Yearling Rd. The Income
To find the forms, visit
                                                                 Tax office is open Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to
Can I prepare my City of Whitehall income taxes online?          5:00 p.m. Please bring a copy of your Federal Income Tax
Yes! Full-year residents may use the City’s web tool             Return and all W-2(s) and 1099(s). For more information,
to prepare their tax return if they meet the following           call (614) 237-9803.
 ƒƒ Had only W-2 income and lived and worked within
    Whitehall corporate limits, or
 ƒƒ Had only W-2 income and worked outside of the
    City. If this is your situation, you must send in a
    copy or copies of W-2s after filing electronically.

Whitehall residents and individuals who are required to
file Whitehall income tax returns, but do not meet the
above criteria, may use our fill-in return option on our
online tax preparation tool. Account numbers and website
information are mailed to all active account holders
in January. Please log onto the website and choose the
electronic filing option or navigate to the fill-in form, type
in the necessary information, print it and mail it along
with the appropriate attachments to:

Division of Police
                       Chief Mike Crispen                   Emergency Calls Only _____________________________________ 911
                       Chief of Police
                      Non-Emergency Calls and Information____________ 614-237-6333

                                                            Fax_____________________________________________ 614-237-6455
                       365 S. Yearling Rd.
                       Whitehall, OH 43213                  Twitter __________________________________________ @WhitehallPD


    Message from the Chief:

    The mission of the Whitehall Division of Police is to reduce, solve and prevent crime, to enforce the laws in a fair and
    unbiased manner, to develop organizational excellence, and to form strong community relationships. We accomplish
    this mission by maintaining a culture of excellent policing based in a community-oriented, mission-driven form of
    service. The community is a key ingredient in the ability of the police department to be successful.

    The implementation of the Safer Whitehall initiative led to some extraordinary results in 2017. Violent crime in the city
    decreased by 26%, robberies decreased by 18% and burglaries decreased by 35% - the lowest in 20 years. The objective
    to reduce theft opportunities has led the agency toward a more focused mission on enforcing theft laws. As a result,
    these arrests have increased by 64%. The department also collaborated with several outside agencies to conduct special
    operations to address human trafficking, narcotics, and retail theft within the city. These “blitzes” have been highly
    effective and will continue in the coming year. Thanks to the support of the community, the City and the hard work of
    the men and women in the Whitehall Division of Police, Whitehall has become a safer place in which to live, work and
    raise a family.

    We remain committed to the Safer Whitehall initiative and ask that residents follow the police department on Twitter
    and Facebook, where we share information and provide tips you can take to help keep yourself safe. Please consider
    signing up for our Citizen’s Police Academy this fall, attending a quarterly Town Hall Meeting, or joining the Mobile
    Community Watch. We would love to hear from you.

    The Division of Police will also be able to count three additional police officers among our force. These new officers will
    be hired this year and help to further reduce the crime in our city. Plus, two new school resource officers were placed in
    Whitehall City Schools in 2017, totalling three full-time officers in our schools. The additional SROs were well received
    by the school district, students and community in general.

    In addition to more officers, you will see our new
    K9 unit deployed this year. The unit is comprised
    of two narcotics search dogs and one bomb search
    dog, with a fourth dog on the way. The K9 unit
    serves a distinct need and has quickly become a
    great asset to the Division. You may see one in
    the parks, as our officers and K9 unit will begin
    to collaborate with the Parks Department’s new
    ranger program to make our parks safer.

    Register Your Private Property                                 Whitehall Mobile Community Watch
    Residents are encouraged to register private                   The Whitehall Mobile Community Watch program uses
    property to make stolen items more easily returnable.          trained volunteers as an extra set of eyes and ears in the
    This online service is designed to make it easier for police   city. You will find Community Watch volunteers patrolling
    to locate the rightful owners of lost or stolen property.      the city in a specially-marked vehicle, promoting a safe
    Registering property in advance of an incident may also        environment and volunteering at city events.
    make it easier to process potential insurance claims or
                                                                   Volunteers are graduates of the Citizen’s Police Academy
    file future police reports.
                                                                   and an integral part of our Safer Whitehall initiative. For
                                                                   additional information, please visit the City website at
    Information that is submitted will reside in the     
    Department’s secure records management system.

Get to know your “GEO” Officer
The Whitehall Division of Police has divided the community into eight geographical or “geo” areas. At least one officer
per shift is assigned to each of these Geo Areas as a method to assist in addressing and resolving residents’ safety
concerns that are quality-of-life issues. Neighborhood disputes, physical safety and neighborhood traffic or parking
concerns are examples of issues that can be addressed by the officers assigned to your Geo Area.

Residents are encouraged to contact their Geo Officers for non-emergencies and neighborhood concerns. Your Geo
Officer is also your resource for organizing block watches, community meetings or facilitating a community education
program or presentation. Please refer to the map below to find your Geo Area and Officers. For more information on
your GEO area, please visit our website at

GEO Officers by Shift
First Shift (7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.)             Second Shift (3:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.)            Third Shift (11:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m.)
GEO 1      Officer Anthony Fields (Badge #59)   GEO 1    Officer Jesse Hackney (Badge #25)       GEO 1     Officer Tanner Williams (Badge #94)
GEO 2      Officer Jeremy Brown (Badge #81)     GEO 2    Officer Chad Nunemaker (Badge #97)      GEO 2     Officer Noah Fullerton (Badge #85)
GEO 3      Officer Jeffrey Goble (Badge #42)    GEO 3    Officer Christopher Hevezi (Badge #100) GEO 3     Officer Jason Kubinski (Badge #91)
GEO 4      Officer Thomas Brown (Badge #75)     GEO 4    Officer Brett Biggs (Badge #99)         GEO 4     Officer Kyle Jacobs (Badge #93)
GEO 5      Officer Dustin Willis (Badge #86)    GEO 5    Officer Matthew Parr (Badge #101)       GEO 5     Officer Enrique Ortega (Badge #83)
GEO 6      Officer Gary Baker (Badge #82)       GEO 6    Officer Luke Schwarz (Badge #102)       GEO 6     Officer Ryan Dompier (Badge #98)
GEO 7      Officer David Nicol (Badge #77)      GEO 7    Officer Tammi Scott (Badge #84)         GEO 7     Officer John Chiriac (Badge #96)
GEO 8      Officer Clayton Adams (Badge #80)    GEO 8    Officer Andrew Smith (Badge #88)        GEO 8     Officer Colton Stock (Badge #95)

 File Police Reports Online
 Residents are able to file police
 reports online for misdemeanor
 crimes committed in Whitehall;
 student reports are forwarded to the
 School Resource Officers. In addition
 to making in-person reports at the po-
 lice department, tips and reports can
 be filed using the self-service kiosk
 in the lobby of the police department
 or by selecting “File a Report” on the
 City’s website at

 Options under “File a Report” include
 assault, harassing phone calls, lost
 property, theft, court orders/
 custody violations, hit and run
 incidents, private property or minor
 accidents, student reports, criminal
 damaging, identity theft, narcotics tips
 and private property registration.

 There are some limitations to using
 the self-reporting system. If you know
 the suspect, have evidence that needs
to be collected, the incident involves a firearm, license plate, prescription medication, hazardous material or check or
credit card, you will not be able to file your report online. If you are reporting a theft of more than $3,000, it qualifies
as a felony and cannot be reported online. If you have any problems using the online reporting, please contact the
Division of Police at 614-237-6333 to file a report with an officer.

Additional Offerings from the Division of Police
• Free Gun Locks                              • Neighborhood Speed Watch
• Home & Business Security Surveys            • Tours of the Police Department
• Safety Town                                 • Law Enforcement Speakers
• Block Watch Assistance                      • S.A.I.L. Program
• Operation Identification                    • National Night Out
• Crime Prevention Specialist

Division of Fire
                        Chief Preston Moore                Emergency Calls Only _____________________________________ 911
                        Chief of Fire
                    Alternate Emergency Number ___________________ 614-231-3626

                                                           Fire Prevention Office____________________________ 614-231-3627
                        390 S. Yearling Road
                        Whitehall, OH 43213                Business, Non-Emergency Calls, Information______ 614-237-5478

                                                           Chief’s Office___________________________________ 614-237-0831

                                                           Fax Line________________________________________ 614-237-0236

    Message from the Chief:

    In calendar year 2017, the Division of Fire responded to
    7,497 calls for service. Eighty percent of the responses
    were of an Emergency Medical nature. The other twenty
    percent were mixed fire and public service natures.

    In the spring of 2017, the Division of Fire launched a
    Community Paramedic program for the City of Whitehall.
    Community Paramedicine is an innovative and evolving
    model of community-based healthcare. Community
    Paramedicine allows paramedics to function outside of
    their traditional emergency response and transport roles.
    They help facilitate more appropriate uses of emergency
    care resources, while enhancing access to primary care for
    medically underserved populations.

    Community Paramedics are licensed paramedics who have
    received specialized training and will work within a designated Community Paramedicine program under local medical
    control. The Community Paramedic will be able to respond to needs on a non-emergency basis.

    Public Education                                               Weather Disasters
    Today we live in a world where terrorism, the actions of       Weather disasters continue to cause periods of high activity
    unstable people, and the dangerous impulses of friends         for the Whitehall Division of Fire. During these times phone
    and relatives are very real and becoming increasingly more     systems can be overwhelmed and communication difficult.
    frequent.                                                      Here are some helpful tips:

    However, anyone at the scene can act as an immediate           Before a Disaster Strikes
    responder and save lives if they know what to do. Massive      1. Maintain a list of emergency phone numbers.
    bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active       2. Keep charged batteries and vehicle-compatible phone
    shooter or explosive event where a response is delayed,        chargers available for back-up power for your cell phone.
    can result in death. Similar to how the general public         3. If you have a traditional landline, keep at least one
    learns and performs CPR, the public must learn proper          non-cordless phone as it will work if you lose power.
    bleeding control techniques, including how to use their        4. Prepare a family contact sheet. This should include at
    hands, dressings, and tourniquets. Victims can quickly         least one out-of-town contact who may be able to reach
    die from uncontrolled bleeding within five to 10 minutes.      family members in an emergency.
    The Division of Fire will be offering some public education    5. Program “In Case of Emergency” (ICE) contacts into your
    classes in conjunction with               cell phone so emergency personnel can contact those
                                                                   people for you if you are unable to use your phone. is an initiative of the American College
    of Surgeons and the Hartford Consensus and contains             After a Disaster
    diagrams, news, videos, and other resources contributed         1. If you have a life-threatening emergency, call 911.
    by a variety of other private and nonprofit partners to help    2. For non-emergency communication, use text messaging,
    prepare you in the event you are witness to one of these        email or social media to avoid tying up networks. You may
    unspeakable events.                                             also use social media to post your status to let family and
                                                                    friends know you are OK, as well as resources such as the
    The Division of Fire will also be offering the Kids Firefighter American Red Cross’ Safe and Well program
    Combat Challenge at community events and during Fire (
    Prevention Week from October 7th - 13th. Please visit 3. Keep all phone calls brief. for more information.                       4. If you are unsuccessful in completing a call using your
                                                                    cell phone, wait 10 seconds before redialing.
                                                                    5. Conserve your cell phone battery by reducing screen
                                                                    brightness, placing your phone in airplane mode and
                                                                    closing apps that draw power.

Service Department
                      Zachary Woodruff                           Exception — during Spring Clean-Up, which will run
                      Director of Economic Development &         from April 22nd - May 6th, 2018, the City or Local Waste
                      Public Service                             Services will pick up your building materials on the two
                       Wednesdays of the Clean-Up period once all nails are
                                                                 removed and the pieces are cut or broken up into sizes that
                      Jeff Hart                                  will fit into a trash can, sturdy box or garbage bag. If you
                      Public Service Superintendent              are disposing of carpeting, we request that you please cut
                              and bundle your carpeting/padding into manageable 4-foot
                                                                 lengths for easier removal.
                      360 S. Yearling Rd.
                                                                 Scrap Tires
                      614-237-8612                               Scrap tires are only collected during Spring Clean-Up,
                                                                 which will run from April 22nd - May 6th, 2018. During
                    Hours of Operation                           the two Thursdays of the Spring Clean-Up, Liberty Tire
                  7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.                         Recycling will collect residents’ old scrap tires. Set your tires
                  Monday through Friday                          (off rims) at the front of your property the days before and
                                                                 separate from your regular trash. Only those tires generated
The City of Whitehall’s website,                                                                      by the resident at the, has many                                                                         residence will be picked
valuable resources. There you will                                                                    up. Excessive numbers
find links to the forms required                                                                      of tires, as determined
to register contractors, building/                                                                    by the Code Enforcement
zoning permit applications and                                                                        Officer, may not be
“No-Fee Garage Sale” applications.                                                                    picked up. Other than
Garage Sale applications are also                                                                     during the Spring Clean-
available at City Hall. We welcome                                                                    Up, scrap tires will not
your comments and suggestions                                                                         be collected.
to enhance the information
provided on our website to better                                                                   H a z a r d o u s
serve you.                                                                                          Waste Disposal
                                                                                                    Homeowners may
Yard & Garage Sales                                                                                 dispose of their
The        Whitehall       Codified                                                                 hazardous waste free
Ordinances      require    property                                                                 of charge by taking it to
owners and/or tenants to obtain                                                                     a SWACO (Solid Waste
permits to have home sales (yard                                                                    Authority of Central
sales, garage sales, etc.). Sales                                                                   Ohio) drop location at
are limited to two occasions per                                                                    645 E. 8th Ave. SWACO
calendar year. One sign no larger than 3 square feet may         also offers off-site hazardous waste collection. For drop-off
be placed on the property where the sale is taking place.        times and dates call 614-294-1300 or visit
Signs may not be placed on utility poles, street signs or in
any location other than the address where the home sale is       For your safety, please follow these instructions:
being conducted. Exception — during Spring Clean-Up,              • Store material in original container.
which will run from April 22nd - May 6th, 2018, no Home           • Label contents clearly, if known.
Sales Permit is required; however, all other provisions of        • Do not mix unknown materials.
the City’s Home Sale regulations apply to these permit-free       • Check for tight lids and leaks.
sales. This sale will not count toward your limit of two sales    • Pack securely in plastic lined box or bucket. Pack firmly
per year.                                                            or surround with crumpled paper to avoid spills.
                                                                  • Do not transport in passenger area of vehicle.
Bulk Pick-Up, Building Materials, Tires,                         Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Units
Hazardous Materials & Refrigeration                              For your convenience, Local Waste Services will, for a fee,
The Whitehall Service Department and Local Waste do not          remove and/or dispose of non-operating refrigeration and
collect bulk pickup, building materials, tires, hazardous        air conditioning units. Contact Local Waste Services at 614-
materials or refrigeration units. Building materials are         409-9375 for further information and to schedule a pick up;
defined in part as roofing materials, concrete, blacktop,        the cost of this removal will be added to the quarterly bill for
plumbing fixtures, wall board, lumber, carpeting materials,      that address. Any refrigerator set out for removal must have
etc.                                                             the doors removed for safety purposes.

Service Department
     Trash Collection/Curbside Recycling
     Local Waste Services collects trash and recycling for
     the City of Whitehall every Wednesday. Empty trash
     cans, yard waste containers and recycling bins should be
     brought in by sundown on the day of collection. Residents
     who leave containers out after this time are subject to be
     summoned to court. The appropriate location for placing
     refuse is at the curb or street in front of your property.

     Head of households, at least 62 years of age, are eligible to
     receive a 10% discount off of their quarterly service fee after
     providing a copy of his/her driver’s license to the Service
     Department at City Hall. You may use your own trash can/
     container, or you may rent a wheeled container from Local
     Waste Services for an additional fee. Every residence within
     the City of Whitehall has also been provided with a recycling
     container; for a replacement or additional container, visit
     the Service Department at City Hall.

     Please call Local Waste Services at 614-409-9375 with             Leaf Collection
     questions.                                                        The City of Whitehall is split into three zones for leaf
                                                                       pick-up. The City crew’s schedule will allow you to
     Brush, Tree Trimmings & Yard Waste                                know the exact week when crews will be in your area to
     Only brush and tree limbs from normal property                    plan your yard maintenance accordingly. Their pick-up
     maintenance performed by the resident will be collected.          schedule for Zone 1 includes October 15th, November
     If a tree service is hired, they are solely responsible for       5th and 26th; Zone 2 includes October 29th, November
     that removal. Whole trees cut down either by the resident         19th and December 10th; Zone 3 includes October
     or by a tree service will have to be removed by private           22nd, November 12th and December 3rd. Please visit
     haulers.                                                 for a searchable map.

     The City’s Service department will pick up brush, tree            Snow Removal
     limbs and other yard waste (from normal property                  Residents are asked to remove snow and ice from their
     maintenance) bi-weekly during the summer and autumn               sidewalks. Snow and ice-covered sidewalks are hazardous
     months. Their pick-up schedule includes May 21st, June            for the handicapped, the elderly and children walking
     4th and 18th, July 2nd, 16th and 30th, August 13th and            to and from school. Please also remember to remove
     27th, September 10th and 24th, and October 8th and                the snow from nearby fire hydrants. In addition, please
     22nd. For collection by Local Waste Services, all limbs           remember the needs of your neighbors when shoveling
     MUST be cut in lengths no longer than 4 feet and tied by          your own sidewalks.
     string or twine into manageable bundles no more than 2
     feet in diameter, and placed at the curb with your normal
     trash. Brush and other yard waste may also be placed              Sewer Backups
     into containers clearly marked with a yellow “Yard Waste          If you experience sewer blockage in your home or
     Only” sticker (available from the Service Department), or         business or have unexplainable water in your basement,
     in organically biodegradable bags specifically designed           please call the Whitehall Service Department before you
     for this purpose. Plastic garbage bags are not acceptable.        call a plumber. We will send a crew out to check to see
                                                                       if the main line is blocked. If it is, the service crew will
     Brush and tree limbs not accepted by Local Waste will be          unblock the line. Once the main line is running normally,
     picked up or chipped by the City. However, this does not          the water in your basement should dissipate. If it does
     include whole trees or excessive amounts of brush or              not, your service line is probably blocked. At that time you
     limbs. The Street Superintendent or his representative will       should call a plumber or rooter service. During periods
     determine what constitutes excessive amounts. Crews are           of heavy rain, main lines may take on extra water, to the
     sent out on a routine schedule so that there is no need to        extent that wastewater from your house draining into the
     call for a pickup.                                                sanitary sewer has nowhere to go; that water may then
                                                                       back up into your basement. This water will drain as the
     Logs or stumps larger than 14 inches in diameter or 3 feet        main line returns to normal flow. One way to prevent any
     in length cannot be picked up by City forces. Any logs or         water from backing up into your basement is to purchase
     stumps which do not conform to these requirements must            a drain plug from a hardware or home improvement store.
     be removed by a private hauler.                                   This drain plug fits inside the floor drain and tightens with
                                                                       a wing nut until it is snug and watertight. The plug can be
                                                                       removed anytime, costing less than $10.

Any costs associated with damage or cleanup as a result of             runoff. Other hazardous chemicals generated by
a sewer backup are not reimbursable by the City, except                a construction site may include paint, solvents,
in rare circumstances. The City of Whitehall has initiated             adhesives, caulks and wood preservatives. Any of
a number of proactive and reactive steps to ensure our                 these chemicals can degrade water quality and may
main sewer lines run as efficiently as possible. Main line             have toxic effects upon not only aquatic life, but also
blockages have decreased dramatically in the past few                  land animals and humans using these waterways for
years, but blockages may occur when people place                       drinking water.
non-biodegradable items in their toilets and drains. We
will do our best to clear the lines as soon as possible           Regulations & Requirements
after we receive a report to minimize inconvenience to            The NPDES Storm Water Program addresses storm water
the resident.                                                     discharges, which adversely affects the quality of our
                                                                  nation’s waters. In Ohio, this program is enforced by the
Protecting Streams & Rivers                                       Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA). To help
The majority of water-quality problems in Ohio are the result     prevent soil erosion and control the amount of sediment
of non-point source pollution (NPS). NPS is pollution that        and other pollutants that leave construction sites, the OEPA
cannot be traced to a single source, such as a pipe outfall.      requires storm water management permits for construction
Storm water runoff is a major source of NPS. Contaminants         projects. Construction site operators engaged in clearing,
within this runoff are carried by storm water straight into       grading and excavating activities 1 acre or larger must
rivers and lakes.                                                 obtain a NPDES storm water permit. Construction activities
                                                                  less than 1 acre must also obtain coverage if they are part
Lawn chemicals, such as pesticides, herbicides and                of a larger common plan of development or sale that totals
fertilizers, not only contaminate recreational and drinking       at least 1 acre.
water sources, but also harm fish and other aquatic
life. Motor oil, antifreeze, paints, detergents and other         To get a storm water permit, the construction site operator
household chemicals can poison waters if we allow them to         submits an application form called a Notice of Intent
enter storm drains. Even pet waste can contribute excess          (NOI) to the OEPA. The operator must also develop and
nutrients and bacteria to waterways when not properly             implement a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, which
disposed.                                                         includes a description of the best management practices
                                                                  (BMPs) that will be used to minimize the amount of storm
As a private citizen, there are many ways in which you can        water pollution from the site. There are numerous types of
reduce your NPS contribution: do not litter, take your car        construction storm water BMPs that may be used, including:
to a car wash, get a tune-up so your car does not leak,
dispose of pet waste, properly dispose of household                •   Seeding and Mulching Disturbed Areas
hazardous waste (see page 9) and limit use of lawn and             •   Covering Stockpiles
garden chemicals.                                                  •   Installing Silt Fences and Sediment Traps
                                                                   •   Stabilizing Construction Entrances
You are the eyes of our community. To report a water               •   General Good Housekeeping (proper waste and debris
pollution concern, contact the Service Department at                   disposal, covered trash bins, safe storage of chemicals
614-237-8612.                                                          and regular vehicle maintenance to prevent leaks)

NPDES - National Pollutant Discharge                              How Can You Help?
Elimination System                                                Citizens are urged to take an active role in reducing storm
Construction Site Stormwater Runoff                               water pollution. You can help by reporting any potential
Construction sites are potential sources of polluted              construction storm water violations you observe to the City.
stormwater runoff. As rainwater flows over a construction         Keep a look out for:
site, it can pick up contaminants like sediment, debris,
automotive fluids and hazardous chemicals, transporting            •   Water that looks muddy, discolored or has an oily
them to local waterways. This contaminated runoff can                  sheen running directly into a storm drain, stream or
significantly affect water quality, which has many adverse             wetland;
effects on plants, fish, animals and people.                       •   Dirt and rock being deposited on the street by vehicles
                                                                       leaving construction sites;
 •   Sediment clouds streams and lakes, making it difficult        •   Uncontained trash or debris sitting or blowing around
     for aquatic plants to grow. It can also destroy aquatic           a construction site;
     fish and insect habitat.                                      •   Construction vehicles that appear to be leaking fluids.
 •   Debris, such as plastic bags and demolition materials,
     can wash into waterways and choke, suffocate or              Contact the Service Department at 614-237-8612 to report
     disable aquatic life, like ducks, fish, turtles and birds.   potential construction storm water violations. Remember
 •   Automotive fluids, such as gasoline and antifreeze           that construction sites are often dangerous places! Please
     leaking from improperly maintained construction              do not trespass onto private construction sites – only report
     vehicles, can reach waterways through storm water            what you can observe safely from the sidewalk or street.

Building Department
     Mike Hulsey                                                        may also need replaced. With just a few inexpensive items,
     Building Inspector                                                 you can make your home warm and cozy, even when it’s                                        freezing outside.
                                                                        Permit Information
     Roofs, Gutters & Downspouts                                        Most home improvement projects require a permit before
     The spring thaw is your opportunity to inspect your house          beginning work. Permits are required if you remove or
     and garage roof for damaged or missing shingles and                replace any structural, electrical or mechanical part of a
     remove all debris from your gutters and downspouts. All            building.
     houses and garages must have gutters and downspouts
     installed in good working condition. Repairs to your gutters       Listed below are just some of the projects requiring permits:
     and downspouts do not require a permit; however, a permit
     is required if you tear off and replace your roof shingles. If      •   Replace the Roof of a House or Garage
     your roof has only one layer of shingles, you may add a layer       •   Replace Siding
     without a permit, but more than two layers of shingles may          •   Replace or Install a Fence or a Portion of a Fence with at
     cause structural damage to the building.                                Least One Post Hole
                                                                         •   Replace Driveways or Public Sidewalks
     Sheds & Accessory Buildings                                         •   Construction of a New Deck, Patio or Swimming Pool
     Prior to placing a building on your property, a permit              •   Construction of a New Garage, Carport or Room Addition
     is required. Buildings must be a minimum of 5 feet from             •   Replace Electric Service
     the property line. Larger buildings require foundation and          •   Replace a Furnace or Air Conditioning Unit
     building construction approvals.                                    •   Replace a Hot Water Tank

     Portable Storage Units                                             All contractors working in Whitehall are required to have
     Portable storage units may not be placed upon any property         proper registration issued by the City of Whitehall. If you
     in the City without first obtaining a permit through the Service   need to hire a contractor, we recommend you ask to see
     department. Portable storage units are only permitted for          their registration when you receive their estimate. City of
     seven consecutive days or 14 days within a 180-day period.         Whitehall code prohibits any contractor who does not have
     Please call the Service department at 614-237-8612 for             a City of Whitehall registration to work within the City limits.
     questions regarding permits.                                       It is the contractor’s responsibility to obtain the required
                                                                        permit(s) before they start work on your project. If you are
     Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors                                  in doubt whether a contractor is properly registered or if
     Remember to perform a monthly                                                            the required permits were obtained,
     test and change the batteries in your                                                    call the City Building department at
     detectors when the time changes in                                                       614-237-8612 for verification. DO NOT
     the spring and fall. Also, when any                                                      make any final payment until the final
     interior construction or gas appliance                                                   inspection has been signed off on your
     changes occur, you are required to                                                       permit.
     install a carbon monoxide detector to
     be tested by the inspector. These are                                                  Commercial property owners and new
     very important in the event of a gas leak                                              commercial tenants should also be
     or poor ventilation of the appliances.                                                 aware that an Occupancy Registration
                                                                                            or Certificate of Occupancy is required
     Weatherproofing Tips                                                                   before you can open for business.
     Fall is a good time to start the process of winterizing your       Anyone considering purchasing or leasing property in
     home. Remember to remove leaves from your gutters. If left,        Whitehall should contact the City to determine the proper
     rain can flow over the gutter and collect around a house’s         zoning uses for that location. The Building department will
     foundation, causing damp spots inside. If the gutters are full     advise you of any additional permits that are necessary.
     of leaves, it may also cause an ice dam, which in turn may         Permit information is available on the City’s website at
     cause water infiltration into your roof and ceilings.    

     The most important item to prepare is your heating system.
     Call a professional to check your system for proper operation
     before it gets cold. Change your filter every two or three
     months during the heating season and more often if you
     have pets.

     You should also check the weather stripping around your
     windows and doors - replace it if necessary. Look at the
     bottom of the door at the door sweep. If you see light, it

Animal Control & Code Enforcement
Steven Brown
Code Enforcement & Animal Control Officer

Walt Sural
Code Enforcement Officer

The Animal Control Officer responds to City of Whitehall
citizens’ requests for service year round and is on-call
for emergencies dispatched by the Whitehall Division of
Police. The Animal Control Officer also works with Code          Barking
Enforcement and the Public Service department to enforce         Dogs and other animals may NOT bark or make repeated
Property Maintenance codes.                                      noises that disrupt the comfort of our community or
                                                                 citizens. Maximum allowed duration is 15 minutes, day or
The Animal Control Officer responds to animal-related calls      night.
such as:
 • Animals running at large                                      Animals at Large
 • Sick or injured animals                                       Other than on an owner’s property, animals, including
 • Animal bites                                                  dogs and cats, are not permitted to run at large. Dogs must
 • Tracing license or rabies tags                                be under direct control by means of a leash and properly
 • Barking dog complaints                                        picked-up after. If you feed a “stray” cat, under law, you
 • Nuisance conditions                                           are considered the owner and can be held responsible. If
 • Cruelty complaints                                            you want to help control the feral cat problem, there are
                                                                 free programs available for spay/neuter to reduce the
Dog Licenses and Tags                                            number of nuisance animals. Contact the Animal Control
Residents must have their dogs licensed through the              Officer for more information.
Franklin County Auditor’s Office. Dogs and cats more
than three months of age must have current rabies                Bites
immunizations; tags denoting the immunizations must be           ALL animal bites, even from your own pet, MUST be reported
displayed at all times. Dogs found, even on the owner’s          to the Animal Control Officer or to the police within 24
property, not displaying current tags, can be impounded.         hours, no matter how minor the injury.
Dog licenses can be purchased online at or at the Franklin County          Wildlife
Dog Shelter & Adoption Center, in Columbus. For more             If you come across wildlife in or around your home, please
information, call 614-525-4361.                                  note that only in emergency instances or when there is
                                                                 a threat of public safety will the Animal Control Officer
Confinement                                                      respond. Private pest control numbers can be found in the
Dogs must be confined at all times. They may be kept             Yellow Pages and online.
in a secured fenced yard or kennel or be controlled by
appropriate tethering with a chain or trolley system as          If you have any questions, want to report general animal code
outlined in section 505.21 of the Whitehall Codified             enforcement issues or want ideas on how to help, the Animal
Ordinance. No dog shall be chained or tethered for more          Control Officer can be contacted at 614-237-8612 or through
than 12 consecutive hours in a 24-hour period and no dog         the Police Dispatch center at 614-237-6333, ext. #0.
shall be tethered while unattended between the hours of
10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.                                         Code Enforcement
                                                                 Common issues dealt with by the City Code Enforcement
No dog shall be tethered in the event of a severe cold or heat   Officer are junk and trash, high grass and weeds, inoperative
advisory issued by a local, state or national weather service    and unlicensed vehicles and deteriorated structures, to
for the area in which the animal is harbored. Monitor your       name a few. You may address concerns of this nature by
pets to protect them from accidental strangulation and/          calling Walt Sural at 614-237-8612 or via e-mail at
or injuries. Please note: If you replace or install a fence,
you are required to get a permit first through the Building
Department. Any dog kept outside, even temporarily, must
have access to shelter and water at all times.

Parks & Recreation
                       Shannon Sorrell                         All concerts in the series feature great Central Ohio bands,
                       Director of Parks & Recreation          food trucks and is a relaxing way to start (or end) your
                      week! Flip through our Community Calendar on page 25
                                                               for a full listing of dates, times and bands.
                       402 N. Hamilton Road
                       Whitehall, OH 43213                     Park Parties
                                                               Park Parties at Lamby Lane, Norton Field and Robinwood
                       614-863-0121                            Park are coming later in the season! Each neighborhood
                                                               is invited to join us in celebrating your park. Visit
                       Hours of Operation             for more information!
                       8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
		                     Monday through Friday                   YMCA Programs
                                                               Check out the amazing afterschool and summer
The Parks and Recreation Department is committed to            programs offered in partnership through the YMCA,
creating a great park and recreation experience here           Whitehall City Schools and Parks and Recreation. Spaces
in Whitehall! They want you to enjoy all there is to find      are limited in all programs. Questions? Call Joanna Heck
in your local parks, with improved facilities on the way       at 614-999-5859 or email
this year. Bring the family to relax at a Sunday night
tradition at Music in the Park and join us for exciting new    YClub Offered after school for kindergarten through
programming with the Park Rangers and cool creative            5th grade students at C. Ray Williams Early Childhood
experiences.                                                   Center from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. daily. Homework help
                                                               is provided for 20-30 minutes. Ongoing enrollment.
Parks and Recreation Commission
The Commission meets on the second Wednesday                   Afterschool    Enrichment   Program   Offered for
of each month at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall.                       2nd grade through middle school students at
Meeting agendas and minutes are available at                   multiple schools from 3:00     -  6:00 p.m. daily. 2018 Commissioners include: Mike          Homework help, tutoring and food provided     for
Adkins, Chris Bolich, Tiffanie Charles, John Fetters, Katie    participants. Sign up prior to November annually.
Quincel, Mark Schieber and Zach Wright.
                                                               After-School Middle School and High School Study Tables
City Park Locations and Facilities                             and Meals Offered for the first hour after school. High school
Whitehall Community Park		         402 N. Hamilton Road        students can also stay for an additional hour on select days.
We are reinvesting in this location from 2017-2019 to
improve trails, meadows, play areas and the activity center!   YMCA Summer Camp Enroll in mid-April for this daily
Areas of the park will be closed during this renovation.       8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. program offered in a local school.
John Bishop Park		                        4815 Etna Road
Home to the Splashpad, LaCorte Amphitheater, youth             Programming (Updated Online Monthly)
baseball, softball and football. Rent the open-air picnic      Adult Yoga, $3/Class
shelter May - September.                                       Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
The Splashpad at John Bishop Park opens Memorial Day           To register, call 614-863-0121 or
weekend. Features designed for residents ages 10 and           visit via MindBody or in-person.
under. All users must be accompanied by adults. Visit for registration, hours and more.          Youth and Family
Lamby Lane Park		                        701 Lamby Lane        Walk with a Ranger through Whitehall Community Park.
A great family play area with swings and a picnic shelter.     Paint in the Park with the pros from “Paint Parties for Fun.”
Norton Park		                         4464 San Jose Lane       For up-to-date programming, visit
Nestled in the center of town, Norton Field was the site of
Ohio’s first airport!                                          55+
Robinwood Park                     Corner of Robinwood         In partnership with the Whitehall Senior Center and
                                     and Elbern Avenues        local agencies, we are bringing nutrition, fun and
Recently     updated    Robinwood      offers    a    small    wellness opportunities to the entire 55+ community. Call
play and picnic area perfect for young families.               614-863-0121 to learn more.
Senior Citizen Center			                  4924 Etna Road
Open to Whitehall residents, 55 and older. Annual              Independent Youth Sports Leagues
membership fee of $10.                                         Whitehall Youth Athletic Association Baseball and
                                                               Softball - Ages 3-18
Summer Events                                                  614-620-7675 & on Facebook @ WYAA Sports
Music in the Park at John LaCorte Amphitheater                 Whitehall Bantam Football Association
This year’s 10-concert Music in the Park line-up kicks off & on
with a family celebration in John Bishop Park with bounce      Facebook @ Whitehall Bantam Football Association
houses, activities and live music!                             Whitehall Youth Basketball League
                                                               On Facebook @ Whitehall Youth Basketball League

Whitehall City Schools
                              Brian Hamler

                              Whitehall City Schools
                              District Administration Office
                              625 S. Yearling Road
                              Whitehall, OH 43213


     Whitehall Board of Education:
     (pictured at the right from left to right)
     Darryl Hammock
     Blythe Wood, President                                                                        Whitehall Board of Education
     Leo Knoblauch
     Joy Bivens, Vice President                                      including work productivity tools, email and Internet
     Michael Adkins                                                  access. All classrooms are equipped with “smart”
                                                                     technology to enhance the learning experience of the
     The Whitehall City School District provides a safe,             students.
     positive, student-centered environment focused on
     quality learning. It is the mission of the school district to   The district is a charter member of the Eastland/Fairfield
     continually increase the achievement of all. The Whitehall      Career and Technical Centers, which provide career
     Board of Education is committed to individual student           training programs for business, technology, agriculture,
     achievement, growth and development by providing a              medical and dental assistance, trade and industrial
     curriculum that is rich, varied and designed to prepare         occupations. In addition, Whitehall Schools provides an
     students to become effective members of society. The            award winning fine arts program, including visual and
     district serves approximately 3,200 students and provides       performing arts, vocal and instrumental music.
     a wide variety of programming designed to meet the
     needs of a diverse population. These programs include a         Less than five years ago, the Whitehall City School District
     solid curriculum in core subject areas aligned with state of    completed construction of five new school buildings,
     Ohio expected learning outcomes.                                thanks to the support of the community of Whitehall.
                                                                     These new facilities are state of the art in terms of the
     Other services include:                                         learning spaces they provide for our students.

     •    Full-Day Kindergarten Program for All Students             The district welcomes you to visit any or all of its schools
     •    Services for Students who Speak English as a Second        to view the many outstanding learning opportunities. If
          Language                                                   you would like more information with regard to Whitehall
     •    Services for Gifted and Talented Students                  City Schools, please visit our website at
     •    After-School Program for Academic Intervention and
     •    Services for Students with Special Needs
     •    Social Work, Counseling and Guidance
     •    Summer School

     Whitehall-Yearling High School students
     have the opportunity to take Advanced
     Placement classes, as well as college classes
     from Columbus State Community College.
     Students at Rosemore Middle School have the
     opportunity to take high school classes for
     high school credit in math, English and foreign
     language. Virtual learning classes for credit
     recovery are also available for students.

     Whitehall City Schools are well equipped for
     preparing students for the information age.
     The district maintains 2,000 computers and an
     extensive network for staff and student use,

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