CIO SURVEY IT key to unlocking value 2 12 - ITWeb

Page created by Katie Hayes
CIO SURVEY IT key to unlocking value 2 12 - ITWeb
Column                             Insight                     Plus
EDUCATION SYSTEM               2   AND BEYOND             12

FEBRUARY 2020   |   Issue 60

IT key to unlocking value
CIO SURVEY IT key to unlocking value 2 12 - ITWeb
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                326 Rivonia Boulevard, Rivonia, South Africa
CIO SURVEY IT key to unlocking value 2 12 - ITWeb
                                                    2019 was a challenging year for South African businesses
                                                    and given the level of unemployment, the need for skilled
Publisher                                           personnel along with ongoing economic difficulty, we can
JOVAN REGASEK                                       anticipate even more challenges in 2020.                                   Key business leaders like chief information officers
                                                    (CIOs) are naturally under the spotlight and in this edition
Editorial Director                                  we explore this further. According to Brainstorm’s recent
RANKA JOVANOVIC                                     CIO Survey, lack of skills and legacy systems constraining                                  new developments are cited as the main reasons for CIOs
                                                    not being able to deliver on their mandate.
Editor                                                 On the positive side, the results showed that in 45%
CHRIS TREDGER                                       of organisations IT budgets were up above CPI in 2019,                               mainly driven by increased spend on cyber security.
                                                    Approximately a third say they’re spending time on
Sub Editors                                         security and risk management, with just as many CIOs
SIMON FOULDS                                        spending time on governance and compliance.
HEIDI HURWITZ                                          Unsurprisingly, skills availability remains a recurring
                                                    theme and on page 2 Riaz Moola, CEO and founder of
Production Manager                                  HyperionDev and CoGrammar, debates the issue of tech
SINDISO KHUPE                                       and innovation being underserved within South Africa’s                                 education system.
                                                       2020 is likely to test the resolve of business, the quality of IT
Designers                                           strategy and the strength of C-suite business leaders. Time will
SANE LOUW                                           tell if the country, and specifically the ICT sector, has learnt
ANA GOLIJANIN                                       anything from past experience.

Circulation Manager
PETER CALORE                                        Chris Tredger                                   Editor

Business Development Director


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Opinions expressed in this publication              Business                3, 11, 22         Networking       10, 16, 20, 22       Hardware           5, 16, 21
are not necessarily those of the editors,           Channel                        10         Security          5, 11, 17, 22       Enterprise         4, 17, 20
publisher, or advertiser.                           Industry Solutions      4, 10,16,         Software                 10, 21       Financial                 17
                                                                                   20         TechForum         5, 16, 20, 22       Telecoms                  10

                                                                                                                           February 2020   |                 1
CIO SURVEY IT key to unlocking value 2 12 - ITWeb

Tech, innovation industry
underserved by SA education system
Sadly, the answer is unlikely to come from government, which is facing a crisis of its
                       own: spikes in the matric dropout rate.

                                                      institutions that are building coding and         my own have a clear space in the education
                                                      software skills into their curriculum.            sphere given the growing global tech skills
                                                      However, for the most part – if you were to       gap, and the insufficient efforts of other
                                                      walk into a classroom, it’s likely to be a time   sectors to address that skills shortage.
                                                      warp back to your own years in front of the          Given the time and money commitments
                                                      chalkboard. The curriculum itself is not built    required by traditional education providers –
                                                      to support the workforce of our time now,         time and funds that people don’t have – there
                                                      never mind in 30-odd years’ time.                 is a clear space for bootcamp models which
                                                         There needs to be a shift from teaching        teach practical, job-ready skills at a fraction of
                                                      children how to use technology (basic             the time and cost investment.
                                                      computer skills) to teaching children how to         Sadly, in South Africa, the answer isn’t
                                                      essentially build technology. Concurrently,       likely to come from government, which is
                                                      the skill of problem-solving and creative         facing a crisis of its own: spikes in the matric
                                                      thinking outside of the traditional art           dropout rate even as the Department of
RIAZ MOOLA, CEO and founder of HyperionDev            environment is required to dream and              Education cheers its reported 78.2% pass rate.
and CoGrammar.
                                                      innovate even further. The current status quo        In a country where there are schools

I  n South Africa, the decline in education
   levels and its inevitable effects on youth
employability have been a reality for years
                                                         There needs to be a shift from teaching children how
   There needs to be a shift from teaching               to use technology (basic computer skills) to teaching
children how to use technology (basic
computer skills) to teaching children how to                 children how to essentially build technology.
essentially build technology.
   Last year the unemployment rate in SA hit
29.1%, the highest rate to date. Worse yet,
youth unemployment is skyrocketing. Over
half (55.2%) of all youth aged between 15             relegates computer science to after-school        without plumbed toilets and adequate
and 24 are unemployed. What’s more, these             extra-curricular groups and clubs, but it         classroom facilities, it’s not surprising
youth can’t even afford to get the education          should be brought into the classroom for all to   that integrating computer science into the
they desperately want so that they can be             experience and learn.                             curriculum is not a top priority. Added to this
employable.                                              Although few countries have mandated           extremely limited connectivity, inadequate
   Government stats say that of the youth not         computer science classes in senior years          upskilling of educators and resistance to new
attending educational institutions, more than         of high school education, the number of           technology, and you have a problem that will
half (51%) do not have the financial means to         countries offering this has been growing          only be exacerbated by time.
pay for their tuition fees. People need jobs, and     steadily. In the European Union (EU), 15             Thankfully, there are answers out there,
people need an education in preparation for           countries have already integrated computer        and the government’s focus on 4IR shows
the workforce. South Africa is in a precarious        science into their senior curriculum in some      the growing recognition of alternative
position that needs bold and determined               form, while nine countries in the EU have         educational models that aim to take advantage
solutions to address its problems.                    integrated or will integrate computer science     of the opportunities created by widespread
   One of the many answers might lie in               education at a primary school level.              digitisation.
education far earlier than university level. A           In the UK, the subject of ICT has recently        It’s my hope that the youth of South Africa
scholar starting in grade one in 2020 is likely to    been replaced with ‘computing’ across             realise there are alternatives out there that
graduate university around 2035. We’d need            schools and millions of pounds put forward by     will help them to build a brighter future for
a crystal ball to adequately forecast what the        the Department for Education to work with a       themselves.
requirements from employers will be at that           group known as Computing at School to head           You don’t necessarily need to spend a
time, but it’s likely to be vastly different to our   up the retraining of UK educators in the field.   quarter of a million rand and four years of
needs of today.                                          Then there are upskilling programmes           your life at University to perhaps find a job in
   At a school level, there are pockets of            offered by the private sector. Companies like     the SA technology sector.

2                            | February 2020
CIO SURVEY IT key to unlocking value 2 12 - ITWeb

                                               Embracing product                               Cashless schools
                                               management lessons                              It was a stellar year for the d6 Cashless School initiative. From the
                                               Product management is a growing                 humble beginnings of managing only project payments at a handful
                                               and maturing trend in South                     of pilot schools in 2018, to offering a full cashless suite, encompassing
                                               Africa, says Calton Nhando,                     all relevant payment points, 2019 was undoubtedly a year of growth.
                                               digital consultant at IndigoCube.               The top accomplishments were: cash on campuses reduced by R7
                                               “The three lessons we’ve seen                   million; over 250 schools committed to reducing cash; 10 tuck-shops
                                               organisations learn demonstrate                 offered tap or scan-to-pay payments; high school learners used mobile
                                               that. They have been learning                   payments; and pupils learnt the importance of a tap when paying.
                                               to change their thinking from         
                                               projects to products; to organise
                                               their teams to be closer to
                                               customers; and to be accountable                ITWeb Governance, Risk & Compliance 2020
                                               to customer value propositions                  ITWeb has secured Tichaona Zororo, a digital transformation and
Calton Nhando, digital consultant at
                                               linked to business outcomes.”                   innovation advisory director at EGIT (Enterprise Governance of IT),
                                                                 as keynote speaker for this event. Zororo is the first COBIT 5 Certified
                                                                                               Assessor in southern Africa and the 40th worldwide. According to
                                                                                               Angela Mace, CRM and events director at ITWeb, securing Zororo is a real
                                               Cost-effective Office                           coup, as he is one of the top governance, risk and compliance experts on
                                               365 backup solutions                            the continent, as well as the first person from Africa to not only sit on the
                                               “There’s a common                               ISACA board of directors, but to chair its Audit & Risk Committee.
                                               misconception that Microsoft          
                                               fully backs up Office 365 data as
                                               part of the subscription, but this
                                               is not actually the case. Microsoft             ITWeb Business Intelligence Summit 2020
                                               is responsible for providing the                Data is only valuable if it can be translated into actionable insights,
                                               necessary infrastructure and                    but many businesses don’t know how to go about gleaning this
                                               ensuring Office 365 works, but                  information from their data, says Angela Mace, customer relationship
                                               it’s your responsibility to protect             management and events director at ITWeb. With this in mind, ITWeb
                                               your Office 365 data,” says Hannes              Business Intelligence Summit 2020 will be holding two half-day
                                               Rheeder, GM: Enterprise Systems                 workshops that will unpack how to harness the power of analytics and
                                               Management and Cloud at                         AI: "A deep dive into the world of analytics: how to deliver business
Hannes Rheeder, GM: Enterprise
Systems Management and Cloud at
                                               Networks Unlimited Africa.                      insight from data", and "Finding AI: helping organisations find that
Networks Unlimited Africa.                               game-changing use for AI in their business".

ITWeb’s Digital Economy Summit
To help businesses navigate the digital revolution, ITWeb is holding                           Partnering with industry experts
a Digital Economy Summit on 20 March at The Forum in Bryanston.                                Lexmark, a global imaging solutions leader, has launched the Lexmark
“This event will highlight the opportunities that go hand-in-hand with                         Industry Advantage (LIA), a new offering that equips Lexmark partners
digital transformation, as well as innovative business strategies to help                      with the vertical industry expertise needed to better serve their
organisations move into the digital future,” says Angela Mace, CRM and                         customers and grow their business. “Generating the knowledge needed
events director of ITWeb. In addition, the summit will help demystify                          to approach customers in a targeted, industry-specific way is beyond the
the digital challenges faced by South African businesses and will                              resources of most dealers,” Sammy Kinlaw, Lexmark vice-president,
explore how disruptive technologies are driving new business models.                           worldwide channel and OEM sales said. “And yet that is exactly what
“Finally, it will bring together leading industry experts to deliver keen                      their customers expect. Lexmark Industry Advantage provides our
insights and strategies to help organisations accelerate their digital                         partners access to the deep industry expertise Lexmark has developed
transformation journeys.”                                                                      over nearly 30 years, so they can differentiate and grow their business.”                                                                      

                                                                COMPANY NEWS
                                                                 To read the FULL company releases, visit
                                                                   Contact for any sales enquiries.

  3                                    | February 2020
CIO SURVEY IT key to unlocking value 2 12 - ITWeb

  ENTERPRISE                                                                                   INDUSTRY SOLUTIONS
Take a closer look                                                                          Championing IT women
SYSPRO embarked on a campaign: "Take A Closer Look", targeting                              Altron Bytes Managed Solutions is utilising its female employees
manufacturers and distributors in the food and beverage industry, to                        to inject some out-of-the-box solutions into the current retail
drive enterprise resource planning (ERP) awareness. The campaign                            environment in South Africa. “Retail is a strategic focus of our business.
looked at non-traditionalists and innovative thinkers, namely chief                         It made sense to match women and retail because of our interaction and
information officers (CIOs), driving the message: "From one visionary                       association to retail in general,” says Shahana Jooma, channel manager
to another". Fotini De Keizer, head of Marketing and Communications                         at Altron BMS and co-ordinator of the fledgling forum. “We have a very
at SYSPRO – Africa, says: “CIOs are visionaries, ambitious forward-                         dynamic group of women who each bring a special skill set with them,
thinkers. That is why we felt the messaging was so apt and in line with                     and we invite more women in the IT arena to join us for an exciting
cutting-edge ERP systems that increase operational efficiencies and                         opportunity to showcase and present potentially game-changing
create forward-thinking, streamlined organisations.”                                        ideas”.                                                                    

                                           Gaining a competitive                                                                    Certificate process
                                           edge                                                                                     improved by
                                           The Zambia National Data Centre                                                          digitilisation
                                           (ZNDC) is a dedicated data centre                                                        Fintech software specialist
                                           wholly owned by the government                                                           e4 recently rolled out a rates
                                           of Zambia who took the decision                                                          clearance solution for Msunduzi
                                           to obtain Payment Card Industry                                                          Municipality in KwaZulu-
                                           Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)                                                         Natal, as the company aims
                                           certification. Says Simeon Tassev,                                                       at alleviating the backlog
                                           MD and qualified security assessor                                                       of requests currently being
                                           at Galix, "The ZNDC is now the                                                           experienced at the council.
                                           only PCI DSS certified data centre                                                       Says Clive Bredenkamp, Head
                                           in Zambia, and their clients have                                                        of e4’s Legal Studio division.
Simeon Tassev, MD and qualified
                                           the assurance that their systems                                                         “This is a national challenge and
security assessor at Galix.                and data are protected according                                                         technology is readily available to
                                           to global best practice standards.”                                                      help make this process fast, easy
                                                                                             Clive Bredenkamp, Head of e4’s
                                                                      Legal Studio division.                 and reliable.”

Redefining business automation
ConnectWise, the leading provider of business automation software                           Blazingly fast WordPress Hosting launched
for technology solution providers (TSPs), has acquired Continuum and                        Absolute Hosting embarked on an ambitious task to build SA's fastest
IT Boost, as well as a strategic partnership with Webinfinity. Together,                    WordPress hosting platform. It spent a month refining and tweaking its
these moves put more problem-solving resources, tools for efficiency                        new SuperMicro Servers with the latest SSD hard drives, CloudLinux
and fuel for growth in the hands of partners, while transforming                            Operating Systems, LiteSpeed Enterprise Web Server and DirectAdmin
ConnectWise into a technology and services platform for the entire                          Control Panel. The combination of expertise and the latest enterprise-
technology channel – from vendors to distributors to TSPs and their                         grade hardware has been successful and has been welcomed by
customers. In addition, the company announced it is launching a                             WordPress clients, who have reported an impressive Time to First Byte
security initiative calling for the entire industry to fight back against                   (TTFB) decrease of up to 300% and a 10-point increase in PageSpeed
cyber security threats. The resulting solution suite redefines business                     Insights scores. Google's proposed "speed badging" may see Chrome
automation.                                                                                 identify sites that typically load fast or slow for users with clear badging                                                                         and labelling.

                                                             COMPANY NEWS
                                                              To read the FULL company releases, visit
                                                                Contact for any sales enquiries.

4                                 | February 2020
CIO SURVEY IT key to unlocking value 2 12 - ITWeb

  SECURITY                                                                              TECHFORUM
                                                Uniting humanity                     Films and Publications Amendment Act
                                                against phishing                     The Act – though still to officially be promulgated into law - introduces
                                                Cofense has a new battle cry:        significant changes to our law, including the regulation of harmful content
                                                ‘Uniting humanity against            and hate speech. The Act affects persons that distribute online content
                                                phishing’. Stefan van de Giessen,    and it regulates commercial distributors of content (including people
                                                GM: cyber security at Networks       who distribute content online for commercial purposes) as well as non-
                                                Unlimited Africa, a distribution     commercial distributors (who distribute content for their own private
                                                partner with Cofense in sub-         use). The Act also places new obligations on Internet service providers
                                                Saharan Africa, says, “No one        (ISPs) to remove and report certain content or be subject to a fine.
                                                is immune to cyber attacks 
                                                through phishing attempts, and
                                                a moment of inattention can
Stefan van de Giessen, general
manager: cyber security at Networks             result in awful consequences.”                                                   Why finance should
Unlimited Africa.
                                                                                           embrace Industry 4.0
                                                                                                                                 Companies risk losing ground
                                                                                                                                 if they do not understand the
Security across a multi-cloud environment                                                                                        changes and opportunities
Once businesses put data and workloads in the public cloud, they                                                                 Industry 4.0 brings. Instead of
become personally responsible for securing them. “The secret to                                                                  seeing all these new developments
effective public cloud security is improving your overall security                                                               in isolation, finance must focus
posture. You need to ensure your architecture is secure and configured                                                           rather on connection points,
correctly, and that you have visibility into both your architecture                                                              finding ways to optimise them
and who is accessing it. In addition, irrespective of where your                                                                 to provide greater value to the
infrastructure and data is held, you need to demonstrate compliance                                                              organisation, says Mark Wilson,
with relevant regulations, including CIS, HIPPA, GDPR, and PCI, or                                                               MD at SYSPRO Africa.
you will risk regulatory non-compliance,” says Andre Kannemeyer,                     Mark Wilson, MD at SYSPRO Africa  
CTO at Duxbury Networking.
                                                                                     Building resiliency to risk and disruption
                                                                                     Gaining a complete understanding of organisational and operational
                                                Utility outages: looking             resilience requires a holistic and comprehensive understanding of
                                                at the big picture                   the context of the organisation - relating to meeting organisational
                                                “The cyber attack on the City of     objectives and strategy, in order to be able to manage risk and
                                                Johannesburg systems in 2019         disruption in the pursuit of achieving overall business objectives.
                                                was as a vivid demonstration         According to RubiQ an integrated information and technology
                                                of the fact that cyber risk also     architecture is critical for organisations to build a more thoughtful
                                                threatens important systems,         and strategic approach to operational risk strategy. The company
                                                like power,” warns Nadia             explains that resiliency requires that the organisation manage the
                                                Veeran-Patel, manager: Cyber         interconnection of risk functions such as information management,
                                                Resilience, ContinuitySA . “We       third-party management, compliance, operations, performance, etc.
                                                have to start thinking about,
                                                and laying plans for, the real
                                                possibility that the whole grid is
Nadia Veeran-Patel, manager: Cyber              somehow compromised.”                  HARDWARE
Resilience, ContinuitySA
                                                                                                                                Dispelling the myth
                                                                                                                                The huddle room has replaced
Keep calm and focus on security                                                                                                 the meeting room for quick team
Attacks are ramping up globally, so the number of South African                                                                 strategy and brainstorm sessions.
organisations being impacted is increasing as a result, says Ignus de                                                           “People think installing audio and
Villiers, Divisional Manager, Cybersecurity at Nexio. He says each                                                              video hardware into huddle rooms
threat needs specific defences to stop an attack from succeeding, so it’s                                                       is complicated and expensive, but
no wonder organisations that don’t have dedicated security teams are                                                            we are here to dispel that myth,”
feeling overwhelmed. The good news, he says, is that South African                                                              says Nielle Truter, COO and director
companies have access to all the tools and expertise they need to put                                                           at Headset Solutions. “New plug-
effective defences in place. The bad news is that until local companies                                                         and-play technology allows your
prioritise security investments, they will remain less mature, and thus                                                         teams to use any video or audio-
more vulnerable than global counterparts.                                            Nielle Truter, COO and director at         conferencing software.”
                                                                                     Headset Solutions.                                                                                                       

  5                                   | February 2020                                                                     February 2020   |                      5
CIO SURVEY IT key to unlocking value 2 12 - ITWeb

CIO Survey 2019: IT budgets beat inflation
    Once a year, ITWeb and Brainstorm magazine take a snapshot of the IT industry;
     this year, it shows the industry in a state of flux, with economic headwinds and
                           increased demands from the business.

                                                 for innovation as they are busy supporting       says she spends a large part of her day
                                                 current systems. In the private sector,          concentrating on cyber security, ‘to make
                                                 on the other hand, just over a third of          sure we’re not the next COJ’.
                                                 CIOs have an IT budget specifically for             Mothibi Ramusi, CIO at the National
                                                 innovation as well as formal processes to        Lotteries Commission, says he spends most
                                                 incubate new ideas.                              of his time engaging with his colleagues
                                                    However, across the board, about a third      around technology and has just upgraded
                                                 of CIOs say 'there's a lot of talk, but little   his organisation’s infrastructure.
                                                 action' in terms of innovation.                     Nomonde White, the joint CIO of
                                                    If one question laid bare the inherent        infrastructure services at ABSA, says she
                                                 contradictions in business today, it was         spends a lot of time making sure the bank’s
                                                 the one which respondents were asked to          staff are focused on the objectives they
                                                 describe the level of their organisation’s       need to deliver.
                                                 digital maturity. Only 6% describe their            “It’s critical to make sure you take your
                                                 organisation’s maturity level as ‘fully          people on the journey,” she says. “Most

                                                   About a third of CIOs say 'there's a lot of talk, but
                                                         little action' in terms of innovation.

T    hese insights come from the country’s
     top technologists who completed the
annual ITWeb Brainstorm CIO Survey, run          mature’; 38% say they are ‘advanced', and        of the time we assume that everyone in
in partnership with MTN Business, on how         more than half (54%) admit to it being           the business, from the most junior staff
IT intersects with business.                     ‘basic’.                                         member, understands what you’re trying
   Key findings of the survey show that it          So what’s getting in the way of CIOs          to do, and that might not be the case.”
has never been more important that IT            delivering on their mandate?
help unlock value for the business. While           Again, lack of skills is the main concern,
a half of IT chiefs now have a seat on the       followed by conflicting priorities among           About the survey
executive board, a quarter don't even have       stakeholders as well as legacy constraining
direct access to the board.                      new developments. Unrealistic                      The ITWeb Brainstorm CIO Survey, run
   This was the first year in which the          expectations over delivery time lines is also      in partnership with MTN Business, is
public and private sectors were compared,        a factor.                                          now in its sixth year. It captures input
the contrasts of which were startling.              The results also showed that in 45%             from South African CIOs and provides
   Asked to describe their relationship with     of organisations, IT budgets were up               unique insights into the tech strategies
the business, 22% of private sector CIOs         above CPI in 2019, mainly driven by                of the country’s top private- and
say it is ‘challenging’, and 32% believe it is   increased spend on cyber security. About           public-sector organisations.
‘excellent'. Asked the same question, 59%        a third (34%) say they’re spending time               The 2019 survey was conducted
of public sector CIOs report a challenging       on security and risk management, and               during August – October and captured
relationship, and only 6% describe it as         governance and compliance is at 33%.               input from close to 200 CIOs. The key
excellent.                                          These results are echoed in the                 findings were revealed at the annual
   In the same vein, in the public sector IT     technology investments driving budget              Brainstorm CIO Banquet, on 31 October
is most often perceived as just ‘technical       increases: cyber security tops the list at         2019.
support’, as opposed to being a 'strategic       65%, followed by data analytics (46%) and             The full research report will be
business partner'.                               ERP/core business applications (45%).              released in February 2020.
   When it comes to innovation, most             Automation and RPA are at 38%.
public sector CIO lament there is no time           Sandra La Bella, Alexander Forbes CIO,

6                          | February 2020
CIO SURVEY IT key to unlocking value 2 12 - ITWeb
CIO SURVEY                                                                                                                                        CIO SURVEY 2019

     What do you believe to be the main attributes                                                 How do you interact with the exco board?
     of a successful CIO?

     75%   Business influencer/strategist                                                           I don't have a seat on                                             I have a seat
                                                                                                    the board, but I have                                              on the board
     61%   Leader/ people manager/ builds high-performance teams                                    direct access when
                                                                                                    27%                                                        45%
     46%   Visionary/ innovator
                                                                                                    I have indirect
     29%   Communicator                                                                             access via
     26%                                                                                            28%
           Organiser/ delivering results

     22%   Tech-minded/ having a depth of tech knowledge

     18%   Always-learning mentality
                                                                                                   How does the rest of the organisation perceive IT?
     9%    Cost/ budget-conscious
     5%    Calm under pressure
                                                                                          30                                     28%


                                                                                          10                                                                                       9%

                                                                                                               Strategic        Technical      Driver of         Driver of     Cost centre    Unrespon-
                                                                                                               business          support      innovation       revenue and                     sive and
                                                                                                                partner                                           profit                     slows down

     Which activities take up most of your time?


                                33%           32%       31%           30%
      30                                                                           28%
                                                                                                     25%            25%

      20                                                                                                                             19%


                Optimising/   Discussing   Security/   Developing   Governance   Supporting         Managing         Digital       Dealing with    Recruiting       Discussing
                 digitising    business/     risk         new          and       infrastruc-          staff        migration         service      and training     budget and
                  business        tech     manage-      products,   compliance       ture                          strategies       providers       IT skills      cost with the
                 processes      strategy     ment       services                                                                                                    CFO/CEO/
                                with the                                                                                                                              board
                              CEO board

 7                       | February
                           | February
                                       2020                                                                                             February 2020      |                                   7
CIO SURVEY IT key to unlocking value 2 12 - ITWeb
CIO SURVEY 2019                                                                                                                           CIO SURVEY

    What is the size of your IT budget compared to the                       Who is ultimately responsible for leading and
    previous year?                                                           executing digital strategy in your organisation?
                                                                                                                                       CMO 3%
                                                   Up - above CPI                                   CDO 6%
      Down 13%

      Flat 16%                                   44%
                                                                                       CEO 21%

      Up - in line
      with CPI only 27%                                                                                                                       CIO or equivalent

    What will be your most important                     Which major technology investments are driving the budget increase?
    focus areas in the next 24 months?


                                                             70                        ty






                                                                                                                   ns si

    46%                                                      50
                                                                                                                io u

           Develop/ execute digital strategy for

                                                                                                             at b



                                                                                                           ic re

                                                                                                        pl /co

           the business

                                                                                                    ap RP




    37%                                                                                            et

           Company-wide process automation


                                                                                                                                                   /t y
                                                                                                                                               lls e

                                                                                                                                             ki f k

                                                                                                                                           ts o

                                                                                                                                        lis on

    28%    Strengthen security                                                                                                       ia iti
                                                                                                                                  ec uis

                                                                                                                                sp cq





    28%    Support new business/ develop new

           products and services

    24%                                                                                                                                              H
           Improve customer experience

    22%                                                      10                                                                                                    IO
           Optimise cloud strategy/ consolidate
    20%                                                             67%      62%           46%       43%      41% 41%        29%         27%        19%            13%
           Cost-optimisation                                  0

    17%    Maintain IT operations

                                                              Where are you at when it comes to using hyper-scale cloud
    16%    Develop/implement AI/ML strategy
                                                              services/ infrastructure?
    15%    Prepare the business for
           POPIA/GDPR compliance                                                                               40%      Using it already
    13%    Increase employee productivity
                                                                                                               27%      Considering
    12%    Recruit key technical skills
                                                                                                               18%      Plan to use within 12 - 24 months
    7%     Develop/ implement IOT strategy
                                                                                                                9%      No plans to use
    7%     Skills development
                                                                                                                7%      Not sure
    3%     Personal career development
           (education/new job/new direction)

                                                                                                                        February 2020    |                               xx
8                              | February 2020
Covering the continent
    Daily news and analysis of Africa’s key ICT markets.

First with IT news. Every day.
326 Rivonia Boulevard, Rivonia, South Africa
Tel: + 27 11 807 3294
Fax: + 27 11 807 2020

  INDUSTRY SOLUTIONS                                                           TELECOMS
Revolutionising processing, storage capacity                                 Software AG Innovation Tour
with innovative solution                                                     Software AG’s CTO: Global Alliances & Channels, Patrick Shields,
When the South African Mint started to run out of capacity on its            said cloud’s inevitability strengthens the need for integration and
existing storage and replication started to fail intermittently, a request   partnerships. “Demand is moving from central data stores to real-
for proposal (RFP) was issued to address these challenges. After             time integration,” he said. “At Software AG, it is our job to partner
First Technology National conducted an in-depth assessment of the            with our customers. Starting with product integration, we can
environment, it became clear that the RFP requirements would not             create a path for them to innovate.” He was speaking at the South
resolve the issues. As a result, First Technology National responded with    African leg of the global Innovation Tour. The global enterprise
an innovative proposal that included a federated cluster design that         software business hosted keynote addresses from Software AG
would revolutionise the storage architecture at the South African Mint.      customers like Avbob CIO, Helen Constantinides; Flux Trends
Since the implementation, the South African Mint has increased storage       Trend Translator and Futurist, Bronwyn Williams; and MOTUS Car
capacity in both server rooms catering for at least five years of growth.    Rental CIO, Luyanda Ntuane.                                                

                                                                                                                 Supporting Joyce’s
  NETWORKING                                                                                                     Soup Kitchen
                                                                                                                 During the festive season,
                                                                                                                 employees at global data
Managing your own AWS environment                                                                                management SaaS specialist
The self-service capabilities of cloud services like AWS have simplified                                         Redstor provided much needed
the lives of business users and technical teams. However, those same                                             financial support to Aunty Joyce,
self-service capabilities are creating new challenges for companies                                              the lady who runs Joyce’s Soup
trying to manage their ecosystem on their own. Using an AWS channel                                              Kitchen in Sir Lowry’s Pass, a
reseller like iOCO will save you time and money. Using the AWS                                                   critical community service she has
                                                                             Redstor decided to help make a
Console offers some measure of insight into activities and spend, but        difference to Aunty Joyce and the   provided for 15 years.
it only covers the AWS environment. A managed service provider               Sir Lowry’s Pass community.
(MSP) will be able to provide you with a view into your entire cloud
ecosystem. With a single point of contact for both technical and billing
requests, you gain easy access to the expertise you need.                    Cloud adoption accelerates                                                                Enterprise customers are accelerating their cloud transformation
                                                                             initiatives, revealed Veritas Technologies, a worldwide leader in
                                                                             enterprise data protection and software-defined infrastructure.
                                                                             Over the past year alone, Veritas has seen a four-fold increase in
 SOFTWARE                                                                    the amount of data moving from on-premises environments to the
                                                                             two leading public clouds. This is in addition to a dramatic increase
Africa Code Week                                                             in the number of NetBackup workloads that have moved to the
Enterprise software development company Software AG partnered                cloud in that same time frame. The cloud, as an enabler of modern
with the Sakhikamva Foundation to celebrate Africa Code Week by              digital business, is a primary driver of this acceleration.
visiting five underprivileged schools across Gauteng and KwaZulu-  
Natal. Armed with laptops, gadgets and knowledge, over 1 000 learners
were inspired after being introduced to the power and potential of
coding. Learners were exposed to foundational coding languages,
known as block-based code, and were shown how to create simple,
tangible outcomes using their own code. The software company also              CHANNEL
gave a R100 000 to the Sakhikamva Foundation and donated 40 tablets
and laptops to be used in Sakhikamva’s outreach programmes, which
includes Africa Code Week.                                                     UiPath Gold Partner                                                             Cornastone, a robotic process automation (RPA) services leader in
                                                                               South Africa, has been honoured as being named a Gold Partner of
                                                                               UiPath, the leading RPA software company. “We are excited to be

      ICT INSIGHT                                                              playing our role in the fourth industrial revolution,” says Vishal
                                                                               Phlad, CTO at Cornastone. “The team have worked intensively
                                                                               to gain this quality label, which is particularly important for our
                                                                               current and future customers in their journey towards digital
           To read the FULL company releases, visit
                                                                               transformation.” Jan Ursi, VP of Partnerships EMEA at UiPath,
                                                      said: “We are happy to strengthen our regional partner ecosystem
                                                                               and welcome Cornastone as the first gold partner in South Africa.”
             Contact for any sales enquiries.

10                         | February 2020

  BUSINESS                                                                      SECURITY
Fifth Best Global Brand for two years in a row                                Security can accelerate digital transformation
Advantech a leader in intelligent systems, has again been ranked as one       Companies are constantly searching for ways to stay ahead of
of the top five of Taiwanese international brands for 2019. Since 2003,       competitors. Recent research by Cisco found that 71% of executives
Advantech has been consistently listed in the top 10 by Interbrand and        believe cyber security concerns impede innovation at their
has been ranked fifth on the list of Best Taiwan Global Brands for the        organisation. “It’s no longer sustainable for organisations to forgo
past two years.                                                               digital transformation or security integration as a means to enable                                                             the other. Digital transformation and security must be planned and
                                                                              deployed in tandem – and if they are, security can become one of the
                                                                              greatest enablers of digital transformation,” says Ignus de Villiers,
                                                                              divisional manager of cyber security at Nexio. He adds that businesses
                                                                              that curtail innovation over security concerns will be unable to
                                                                              innovate fast enough to stay competitive.

                                                                                                                       Phishing season - don’t
                                                                                                                       take the bait
                                                                                                                       Organisations are well-advised
                                                                                                                       to remind their employees of the
                                                                                                                       dangers of phishing e-mails, and
                                                                                                                       give them the required training
                                                                                                                       and technical support they need
                                                                                                                       to avoid falling prey to scams. This
Advantech has achieved top ranking among Taiwanese international brands for                                            is according to Marcel Fouché,
2019.                                                                                                                  networking and storage GM at
                                                                                                                       Networks Unlimited Africa, a channel
                                                                              Marcel Fouché, networking and            partner of F5 in sub-Saharan Africa.
                                                                              storage GM at Networks Unlimited
IRMSA Award with Resilience 2.0                                               Africa.                        
ContinuitySA was named the winner of the IRMSA 2019 Industry
Specific Initiative Award for the category: "Professional Services,
Training Providers, Consultants and Auditors”, for outstanding                                                        Is Cloud Security the
contribution to risk management. The company won the award                                                            Future?
for its approach and methodology, Resilience 2.0, which takes                                                         South African organisations need
business continuity beyond the confines of an organisation and                                                        to step up their cyber security, but
addresses the cumulative requirements for an industry sector or                                                       also be cognisant that, unlike in the
complex supply chain web. It enhances the ability of participating                                                    past, their applications no longer
organisations to anticipate and respond to disruptive events                                                          reside within their network and their
through structured and directed collaboration. In receiving this                                                      users have become more mobile.
IRMSA Award, ContinuitySA moves forward again in driving                                                              Stuart Hardy, director at OneSecure,
awareness of and diligence in business continuity for African                                                         distributor for Zscaler in Africa says
companies on a broader level.                                                                                         the only logical solution to this is                                                                                                to deploy their security in the same
                                                                                                                      place their users and applications are
                                                                                                                      - the cloud.
Remote Cloud Connect services in Africa                                       Stuart Hardy, Director at OneSecure
Global network service provider Workonline Communications
has launched Remote Cloud Connect, facilitating access to cloud
services for Workonline customers over a dedicated Ethernet
Virtual Private Line service. This low latency cloud solution enables
customers to connect to leading cloud services such as AWS Direct
Connect, Microsoft Azure Express Route, Google Cloud, Oracle                                COMPANY NEWS
and IBM cloud platforms more securely and transparently from
any country where Workonline has a presence. Benjamin Deveaux,
Head of Business Development at Workonline Communications,                                     To read the FULL company releases, visit
says the aim is to empower customers by enabling them to connect
to the cloud through their use of the high performance Workonline
                                                                                                 Contact for any sales enquiries.

 11                             | February 2020                                                                     February 2020   |                   11

What tech brings to healthcare in
Africa and beyond
 Tech-savvy healthcare providers will reap the benefits of cost reductions,
        better management of risk and more satisfied customers.

A     perfect storm is brewing in the
      healthcare sector. What trends are
driving the adoption of technology in
                                                     The best example we have seen of this is
                                                  the use of mainstream communication media
                                                  such as WhatsApp, to coordinate the care
                                                                                                  information is pivotal to the coordination,
                                                                                                  delivery and measurement of value-based
healthcare? Why has technology adoption in        of patients. The ubiquity and simplicity of        Role-players within the healthcare sector
this sector been slower than other sectors?       WhatsApp has led to it being widely adopted     that embrace it, will reap the benefits of
How are these trends and technologies             for coordination of clinical discussions        cost reductions, better management of risk,
applicable to our continent?                      between practitioners about patients.           improved efficiencies and more satisfied
                                                     Healthcare delivery is complex,              customers.
Opposing forces                                   fragmented and broken. Fixing that is hard         Those that don’t… well the graveyard is full
Escalating costs across the spectrum of care      but not impossible.                             of people (and organisations) that thought
are driving the need for healthcare providers        However, WhatsApp has distinct               they were irreplaceable.
to be more efficient, absorb increased            limitations when applied to healthcare. These
healthcare funding risk and implement more        include integration, record-keeping and         Consumers at forefront of driving
effective and sustainable models of care.         most importantly data privacy.                  shifts
   Information management and                        What lessons can enterprises and             Surrounded as they are by a plethora of
communication technologies have the               technology vendors learn from these tools       tech-based solutions in many aspects of their
potential to drive efficiencies, mitigate risks   and how users experience them? How can          daily lives, consumers are now demanding
and enable new profitable models of care.         we take these lessons and apply them to         more convenience from their healthcare
However, there are a number of opposing           providing simplified, more integrated care      services and are taking more control – this is
forces at work and adoption of enterprise
technology in healthcare has been poor
globally and in South Africa.
   Local practitioners do not work directly for
enterprises (such as hospitals and managed
care organisations). Moreover, there is a
discrepancy in the pace at which healthcare          Healthcare delivery is complex, fragmented and
practitioners are willing to adopt technology-
driven solutions and the pace at which
                                                      broken. Fixing that is hard but not impossible.
healthcare enterprises can provide them
with solutions to meet their professional
   In response to this, we have seen a trend
toward practitioners taking matters into their    coordination experiences in keeping with        generally referred to as the consumerisation
own hands using mainstream technologies           compliance regulation?                          of healthcare.
such as mobile apps and software as service                                                          New engagement models are emerging,
tools to assist them in getting the job done.     Shift toward value-based care                   including online appointment bookings
   For all the benefits, the shift toward the     The global as well as local trend towards       and tele-consultations. Consumers of
distributed use of mainstream technologies        value-based healthcare is forcing providers     care are tapping online communities and
can be problematic when it comes to               of care, both individuals and enterprises, to   knowledge resources ranging from basic
coordination of care, ethics and legal            be more accountable for successful outcomes     Web-based information repositories to more
compliance. It also has the potential to          while at the same time containing costs.        sophisticated engagements with machines
exacerbate the coordination of care in an            Technology will play a defining role in      using interfaces such as chatbots.
already fragmented eco-system.                    enabling this trend. Communication of              The result: consumers are becoming

12                         | February 2020

better informed, demanding transparency in         players in the healthcare ecosystem. That is          Again, the role of effective
how costings are structured, the treatment         why conversation is such an important part         communication is vital – providers need
options available as well as actionable data       of the care coordination process.                  to put themselves where people are and
and advice.                                           We have entered an era in which people          offer engagement on tools consumers
   A shift in thinking is required from treating   are mobile first and any effort to connect         understand and already use.
consumers like… well patients… to engaging         people has to be mobile, simple to use,               Healthcare delivery is complex,
with them as customers.                            easily adopted and deliver an integrated           fragmented and broken. Fixing that is hard
   The ubiquitous nature of mobile phones,         experience that adds real value to the users of    but not impossible.
particularly in emerging markets, has              technology.                                           There are a number of seismic shifts
spurred us as technology solution providers                                                           happening in healthcare right now:
to make mobile the operating platform of           The future of Africa is mobile                     more informed consumers who want
choice for our development initiatives.            We live on a continent where access to             to be engaged differently, a shortage
   A complex network of communication              healthcare facilities is challenging at best and   of healthcare workers in the system,
channels sit behind providers of care (the         at worst deficient.                                providers under pressure to deliver
patient’s primary point of contact) to enable         What’s more, there is a significant             good outcomes, funders under pressure
the delivery of healthcare services. This          shortage of skilled healthcare workers and         to manage escalating costs, all while
network involves administrators and a range        limited funds available to deliver care. There     mainstream digital technology is levelling
of service providers such as pathologists,         is huge scope for working with technology to       social and institutional hierarchies.
specialist equipment and consumable                innovate around access.                               Innovation in product design, created in
suppliers, radiologists, etc. Connecting these        While the status quo may appear daunting,       collaboration with consumers, healthcare
parties together is essential to the successful    given the technology advances and with             providers and the networks that sit
delivery of healthcare for the patient.            the application of new skill sets and “out         behind them, will enable technology
   Closed loop, process-driven enterprise          the box” thinking, many of the challenges          solution providers to offer products that
systems, often requiring desktop input, are        around access to healthcare in Africa can          will, over time, reduce costs, improve
not the silver bullet. Dealing with complex        be overcome and new models of healthcare           communications between all the role-
scenarios requires agility and strong              services will be delivered via the mobile          players and, ultimately, improve patient
communication between the different role-          phone.                                             care.

 13                           | February 2020                                                             February 2020   |                 13

Data quality framework: Necessity or
discretionary practice?
  Companies that have a functional data quality framework are more likely to
   be at an advanced maturity level with regards to analytical capabilities.

                                                  the caller and receiver to continue conversing?    A data quality framework is comprised of
                                                     If you are thinking along the lines of data     many data quality dimensions, namely (to
                                                  engineering pipelines, streaming analytics,        table a few):
                                                  analytical models and actionable intelligence,     ● Accuracy – is the data correctly

                                                  you are on the right track! However, apart             representing what transpired?
                                                  from the heavy lifting data engineering and        ● Currency – are the values up to date?

                                                  data science practices, there is a fundamental     ● Completeness – are all the required fields

                                                  component that is often overlooked: data               populated? Any missing data records?
                                                  quality.                                           ● Consistency – are values across datasets

                                                     In the above-mentioned use case, the                consistent?
                                                  service provider makes use of a combination        ● Conformity – do the values conform to the

 Windsor Gumede, Principal Consultant at
 PBT Group.                                        Data-driven organisations thrive on using data and
                                                         analytics to gain a competitive-edge.
T    hree decades ago, organisations could
     probably get away with not having an
abundance of clean, reliable and accurate
data, and driving the business purely from
an operational perspective.                       of internal (subscriber behaviour “data user”          expected format?
  The adoption of business intelligence           and location) and external (handset data           ● Privacy – are the necessary controls
and analytics, however, has revolutionised        “smartphone” and WiFi zone) data sources.              implemented for access management and
ways of working in the past few decades.          If any of the data points needed to decide             usage monitoring?
Organisations now need to be more tactical        on the next best offer are incorrect or data       ● Reasonableness – is the data sensible

and strategic, especially in saturated            is not readily available, the service provider       within an operational context?
markets, where customer centricity,               might not be able to capitalise on the available   ● Referential integrity – are the relationships

satisfaction and experience are the core          opportunity.                                         between objects/entities intact?
drivers for customer acquisition and                 Data-driven organisations thrive on using       ● Uniqueness – are there any duplicated

customer retention today.                         data and analytics to gain a competitive-            records?
  Let’s have a look at a practical example:       edge.                                              ● Timelines – does the age of data meet the

Telecommunications service providers                 A data quality framework is an industry-          user requirement in terms of availability
can no longer assume that customers will          developed best practice guide for monitoring,        and accessibility?
want to recharge as soon as their airtime is      maintaining and maturing the quality of data            Data quality dimensions roll up to a data
depleted, after making a call. The caller may     a business has. A data quality framework           quality index which is what organisations
be more of a data user, with a smartphone         spans across the entire data lifecycle             use to provide them with an enterprise
and currently in a location that has free WiFi.   from data creation, data acquisition, data         view of the overall data quality. Robust
The receiver may also have a smartphone           transformation, data preservation and              data quality framework engines allow
but no data and not in a free WiFi zone. So,      data access/use. The aim is to continuously        organisations to control which data elements
how does the service provider collect and         improve the quality of data by measuring,          are critical to the organisation and based on
combine this information in order to offer        monitoring and controlling/resolving               defined thresholds the data can be pushed
the receiver a data package that will enable      identified data issues.                            into the “system” for further processing

14                         | February 2020

while raising an alert to caution the end-
users or third-party tool of the data quality
issue that has been identified. The record
can also be rejected and stored in an error
bucket, depending on the criticality of the                       Organisations now need to be more
data element that is not in line with the
agreed standard of quality.                                             tactical and strategic.
Implementing a successful data quality
framework entails:
● Understanding the organisation’s data and

    its intended use.
● Identifying key attributes or data elements

    that are critical for the organisation.         to automatically raise incidents to the           Data-driven organisations thrive on using
● Understanding how the quality impacts           appropriate teams when a data issue is         data and analytics to gain a competitive-edge.
    analysis and decision-making for data           identified.                                    The quality of data used in decision-making or
    consumers.                                    ● Finally, a culture that cultivates            analytical (descriptive, predictive, prescriptive,
● Identifying data owners and stewardships.        collaboration and a consensual strategic       etc) models must be of the quality that is
● Collaboration between data owners and           vision throughout the organisation that        relative to its intended use. Data quality has a
    data consumers regarding the critical           data as an asset is pivotal to the company’s   significant impact on the analytics maturity
    success factors.                                success.                                       level of an organisation. Organisations that
● Defining service level agreements between         The benefits of implementing a successful     have an established and functional data quality
  IT and data owners, data consumers on           data quality framework include, but are          framework are more likely to be at an advanced
  resolution times for identified data issues     not limited to, accurate data available for      maturity level with regards to analytical
  based on agreed categories and severity.        strategic and critical business decisions,       capabilities than organisations that have a
● Implementing a data quality management         reduction of operational risks, increased        non-established data quality framework. Data
  tool that can inspect the data at various       customer loyalty, enhanced marketing             quality is one of the criteria measured on the
  points in the data life cycle, across           intelligence that reduces marketing costs        TDWI Analytics Maturity Assessment Model.
  departments or subject areas.                   by targeting only those customers that need         Viewing a data quality framework
● Ensuring the data quality management           to be targeted and builds trust within the       as a discretionary practice could be
  tool can report (in the form of dashboards),    organisation so that internal users don’t seek   counterproductive to your organisation if your
  alert and integrate with the organisation’s     or build data stores in silos (outside of the    strategy is leaning towards being a data-driven
  incident/problem management tool,               framework).                                      company.

 15                           | February 2020                                                           February 2020   |                      15

  NETWORKING                                                                        TECHFORUM
                                         Transforming                             Making time for curiosity
                                         connectivity                             Many IT organisations fail to recognise that nurturing a learning
                                         Syrex has migrated the entire South      culture is a business imperative, not a nice-to-have. Learning should
                                         African network infrastructure of        be interwoven into the fabric of the organisation’s daily operations. In
                                         Sappi to a new environment that          this dynamic technology landscape, learning is core to what Singular
                                         provides complete uptime to all its      Systems does. It does not simply build software. It builds the most
                                         sites, even those in remote areas that   suitable software solutions for a client’s unique business needs, based
                                         previously struggled to connect. And     on its knowledge of what technologies exist at any given time. To do
                                         even though 4 500 users had to be        this effectively, curiosity and a consistent desire to know more must
                                         moved nationwide, the company            form the nucleus of their organisational culture.
                                         never experienced any downtime 
                                         during the implementation.
Ralph Berndt, Director for Sales and
Marketing at Syrex.
                                                                                    INDUSTRY SOLUTIONS
Cloud management solution
NETGEAR has added new features to its award-winning Insight™                      Moving to Catalina
management solution, including a new 4-port integrated gigabit                    No, this is not about real estate it is the mac OS 10.15, otherwise known
Ethernet switch, WiFi mesh access point, an Insight supported 10-                 as Catalina. The mac 10.15 Catalina OS is the newest OS for the Mac
port gigabit switch with greater Power over Ethernet (PoE) capacity,              and marks the first Apple OS that requires 64-bit apps. The newest
Insight support on more Smart Pro Managed switches, and the                       operating system for the Apple Mac was was released in October
addition of Instant Captive Portal for all Insight managed wireless               2019. Most of the drivers for the new OS have been released and can
products. “NETGEAR Insight cloud management solution has proven                   be found on the support pages for the printers. Please check for the
to be a powerful tool for small businesses to manage their networks               drivers before you upgrade your OS to avoid any printing issues from
remotely, or for managed service providers to better keep tabs on the             upgrading with no drivers available.
health of their client networks,” says Tobie van Schalkwyk, product     
manager for NETGEAR at Duxbury Networking.
                                                                                                                     Record demand
                                                                                                                     The new conference phone is based
                                                                                                                     on a fresh platform that offers a whole
  HARDWARE                                                                                                           host of innovative features, with a
                                                                                                                     sharp focus on audio quality, ease
                                                                                                                     of use and design. Even before its
                                          Summer awards                                                              market launch, the Konftel 800 has
                                          Keypoint Intelligence - Buyers                                             received several design awards, and
                                          Lab, has awarded Kyocera with           The Konftel 800 offers a host of   expectations are sky-high among
                                                                                  innovative features.
                                          five Summer 2019 Copier MFP                                                retailers and distributors.
                                          Pick awards. The accolades were                                  
                                          awarded to three colour and two
                                          black-and-white MFPs within
                                          Kyocera’s TASKalfa range. “It is
                                          an honour for Kyocera to have our
                                          devices recognised by Buyers Lab,”
                                          says Sharon Peché, Marketing and                                           Investment in AI
                                          Communications Manager.                                                    solutions
Sharon Peché, Marketing and                                              Argility – a member of the Argility
Communications Manager at Kyocera
Document Solutions South Africa.                                                                                     Technology Group – has made a
                                                                                                                     substantial investment in AI solutions
                                                                                                                     business Ashanti AI, a BBBEE level
                                                                                                                     two start-up. Argility CEO Marko
               COMPANY NEWS                                                                                          Salic says due to the alignment of
                                                                                                                     a mutual vision and mission, the
                                                                                                                     company sees this as a strategic
                 To read the FULL company releases, visit                                                            investment to bring Ashanti AI into
                                                                                                                     the Argility ecosystem.
                    Contact for any sales enquiries.            Argility CEO Marko Salic

16                                | February 2020

  ENTERPRISE                                                                         FINANCIAL
Navigating with Open Collaboration                                                                                        Improved interim results
Companies make use of open collaboration through open source                                                              Etion CEO Teddy Daka, says: “Our
in order to accelerate the pace of innovation and take technologies                                                       focus on integrating the LawTrust
further than they are able to alone. It enhances their service                                                            acquisition, reducing the cost base
offerings to their customers and provides an engine for growth.                                                           and implementing our strategy has
Huawei has committed to open collaboration, and has developed                                                             resulted in a significant improvement
a ‘tree of collaboration’ business model, which represents how                                                            in our performance. As promised,
different industries can contribute within an open ecosystem                                                              we have improved working capital
to maximise the end-user experience. The model embraces                                                                   and moved from making a loss
open source providers, telecoms operators, professional service                                                           to achieving a profit after tax of
companies and vertical industries that all come together to create                                                        R5.4million.”
one common product or service.                                                                                  

                                                                                  Teddy Daka, Etion CEO

  BUSINESS                                                                        Financial habits of wealthy millennials
                                                                                   “Our main focus at Revix is to make investing easier so that many more
                                                                                  people have access and can take advantage of the massive opportunities
                                      New appointment at                          in today's markets. We believe that gaining diversified exposure to
                                      Globetom International                      a bundle of cryptocurrencies is the most responsible approach to
                                      As a further extension of its               investing in this emerging investment class,” says Sean Sanders, the
                                      globalisation strategy, Globetom            CEO and co-founder of the index-tracking crypto-investing platform,
                                      recently appointed Dr Sonja Fourie as       Revix. "Crypto Bundles are also unique in that they automatically
                                      an affiliate Non-Executive Director         rebalance once a month, so that customer investments stay up to date
                                      of Globetom International. Fourie           with the latest crypto market developments.”
                                      also provides strategy consulting to
                                      Globetom in working with industry
                                      bodies such as the TM Forum and
                                      Gartner, to continue to refine
                                      Globetom's global go-to-market                SECURITY
Dr Sonja Fourie, affiliate Non-       approach.
Executive Director of Globetom
International                                                                                   Be cautious when
                                                                                                                          shopping online
                                                                                                                          Stefan van de Giessen, General
Crucial element of all business operations                                                                                Manager: Cybersecurity at value-
Business Intelligence tools can benefit organisations of every type.                                                      added distributor Networks
At ITWeb’s Business Intelligence Summit 2020, themed: ‘Enabling                                                           Unlimited Africa, says, “Key is
actionable insights through data, analytics and AI’, which will be                                                        ensuring the site is enabled by
held from 3 to 5 March at the Sandton Convention Centre, expert                                                           reputable companies such as PayFast,
speakers will unpack a range of other topics, which will help delegates                                                   Visa, American Express and so on.
navigate best practices, as well as the tools and solutions available                                                     Look out for these icons on the Web
today. During the event, local and international speakers will discuss                                                    site. It’s important to be vigilant
a range of topics, from data preparation and management, to analytics                                                     about the payment gateway to ensure
and visualisation, and even further ahead to artificial intelligence and                                                  that it is secured by a provider of good
                                                                                  Stefan van de Giessen, General
machine learning.                                                                 Manager: Cybersecurity at Networks      standing.”                                                                   Unlimited Africa              

                                                    ICT INSIGHT
                                                     To read the FULL company releases, visit
                                                       Contact for any sales enquiries.

  17                              | February 2020                                                                      February 2020   |                     17
You can also read