Climate Statement August, 2020 - Deutsche Bank

Page created by Rodney Holmes
Climate Statement August, 2020 - Deutsche Bank
August, 2020
Climate Statement August, 2020 - Deutsche Bank

Why we’re issuing a Climate
Deutsche Bank has been very active on climate-relat-
ed issues over the last 12 months and is continuing
to implement changes across all businesses.

Deutsche Bank was early to recognise         through to how we encourage our employees to iden-
the fight against climate change as a        tify with our drive towards greater sustainability.
major challenge of our time.                         The renowned climate expert Stefan Rahms­
        Our own business operations          torf provides an introduction to the topic. In an
have been climate neutral since 2012 –       interview our CEO Christian Sewing explains the role
making us one of the first financial ser-    that climate protection plays in our business model.
vice providers to embark on this path.       In addition, senior managers from the bank describe
But this was only the beginning. As a        how our commitment to sustainability is changing
signatory to the Paris Pledge for Action     their day to day jobs.
in 2016, the bank made an explicit                   Our Group Sustainability team has supported
commitment to contribute to achieving        and coordinated this transformation for many years
the targets of the Paris Climate Agree-      and together with the Sustainability Council chaired
ment. In July 2019, Deutsche Bank            by Christian Sewing, it is laying the groundwork for
made a broader, long-term commitment         the bank-wide transformation to pick up pace. Our
to sustainability, placing it at the heart   aim with this statement is to communicate this irre-
of its business strategy. Even though we     versible shift towards climate protection and sustain-
have focused on this issue for years, we     ability which we are experiencing within our bank and
have made significant progress over the      observing among our clients and those around us. We
last 12 months. We have set ourselves        hope you will find it informative and interesting.
specific targets for sustainable business
and formulated bank-wide criteria for
what we define as sustainable. As a          Viktoriya Brand
signatory to the German financial sec-       Head of Group Sustainability
tor’s commitment on climate action we
have pledged to structure our lending
portfolios in line with the targets of the
Paris Agreement on Climate Change. At
the same time we have tightened our
policy governing business activities in      Viktoriya Brand: ”We are expe-
                                             riencing an irreversible shift                    ›
the fossil fuels sector.
                                             towards climate protection
        This Climate Statement outlines
                                             and sustainability within the
how our bank contributes to sustainable      bank and in the environment
and climate-friendly economic activity.      in which we operate.”
It covers the entire spectrum from sus-
tainable finance and managing climate
risk and our own carbon footprint right
Climate Statement August, 2020 - Deutsche Bank
Frank Thiel
Perito Moreno #01, 2012/13
© VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2020
Climate Statement August, 2020 - Deutsche Bank
Our approach                                                                                      Our Carbon Footprint
  Sustainability approach and climate change                                                 8      A win-win-win situation                                                         44
                                                                                                    A smaller carbon footprint, more modern workplaces, lower costs – Jörg Salzer
  »Giving up is not an option for me«                                                        10     demonstrates that a green approach makes sense on many counts.
  Professor Stefan Rahmstorf is one of the most prominent campaigners
  seeking to educate people about the fight against climate change.                                 Our own carbon footprint                                                        46
                                                                                                    We see it as an integral part of our responsibility as a corporate citizen to
  »We’re ideally positioned for sustainability as a bank«                                    12     minimise the environmental impact of our business operations.
  Christian Sewing talks about climate strategy and climate targets.

                                                                                                  Employee Engagement
  Our sustainability and climate risk governance                                             17

Sustainable Finance                                                                                 We’re all members of the project team
                                                                                                    Nicola Gill is Deutsche Bank’s Global Head of Internal Communications.
                                                                                                    She wants to convince as many employees as possible to go green.

  Deutsche Bank: part of the green revolution                                                20     Water creates life anew                                                         52
  Henrik Johnsson, Global Co-Head of Capital Markets, discusses the reasons why the                 Rosette D’souza, COO Finance Center India, explains how Deutsche Bank is
  short-term expense of transitioning to a green economy will be worth it in the long run.          building sustainable rural communities with Swades Foundation.

  »If we don’t act now, we’ll have passed up an opportunity«                                 23     What if we told you we could change the way 4.5 million                         54
  Gerald Podobnik is Chief Financial Officer of our Corporate Bank and a member of the              people think about sustainability ... overnight?
  German government’s Sustainable Finance Advisory Council.                                         Hackathon winner Peter Suggitt builds an app to help you track – and
                                                                                                    lower – your carbon footprint.
  Sustainable finance – examples                                                             26
                                                                                                  Thought Leadership
  Carbon-intensive sectors

Climate Risks                                                                                       »We are looking for allies«
                                                                                                    Jörg Eigendorf, Head of Communication and Sustainability,
                                                                                                    on the important role of networks

  »We need to make the climate risk assessment                                               36     Thought leadership – memberships and initiatives                                61
  clear and explicit«
  Chris Jaques, Head of Enterprise Risk Portfolio Management and Stress Testing,
  on the challenge of creating a framework for climate risk from scratch.

  Climate Risks                                                                                     The Deutsche Bank Collection                                                    62
  The further development of our climate risk management framework                           38
  is a key pillar of our approach to Sustainability and Climate Change.                             Imprint                                                                         64

                                              6                                                                                                  7
Climate Statement August, 2020 - Deutsche Bank
Sustainability approach                        Based on our long-standing commit-
                                               ments, in July 2019, sustainability has
                                               become a central component of our
                                                                                                 electricity was from renewable sources and we
                                                                                                 have committed ourselves to expanding this
                                                                                                 to 100% by 2025.

and climate change                             corporate strategy, "Compete to win”.

                                               To embed sustainability holistically
                                                                                              → Thought leadership: Being a leading voice
                                                                                                 in the public debate on climate change and
                                                                                                 sustainable growth as well as actively engag-
                                               throughout the bank, we are focusing              ing in regulatory discussion and innovative
Deutsche Bank’s commitment to sustain­         on four dimensions:                               initiatives.

ability is long-standing. Early on, in 2000,      → Sustainable finance: Making                 As a member of the Banking Environment
                                                     sustainability an integral part of          Initiative (BEI), in 2019, we collaborated in
we committed ourselves to the Ten Princi-            our client offerings, as well as
                                                     offering products and services
                                                                                                 Bank 2030, a project that set out to under-
                                                                                                 stand how banks can accelerate the financing
ples of the UN Global Compact as one of the          that help our clients to trans-             of a low-carbon economy and develop a vision
                                                     form business models towards a              for climate-progressive banks. Deutsche Bank
early signatories, and we are a member               low-carbon future.                          is also represented in the Sustainable Finance

of the United Nations Environment Pro-               In May 2020, we set ourselves
                                                     the target to increase the volume
                                                                                                 Advisory Council, inaugurated in 2019 by the
                                                                                                 German Federal Government to support the
gramme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI). As a            of sustainable financing and our
                                                     portfolio of sustainable invest-
                                                                                                 development of a national sustainable finance
                                                                                                 strategy. Moreover, in 2020, we launched
signatory to the United Nations’ Principles          ments under management to                   dbSustainability, a dedicated sustainability re-
                                                     over 200 billion euros by 2025.             search platform providing thought-provoking,
for Responsible Banking as well as its            → Policy and commitments: Inte-               value-added and aligned content spanning

Principles for Responsible Investment, the           grating environmental and social
                                                     considerations into the bank’s
                                                                                                 thematic, macro, quantitative and individual
                                                                                                 company analysis (
bank is committed to responsible banking             risk management framework.
                                                     In doing so, we follow interna-       Sustainability covers a broad spectrum of environ-
and investment practices.                            tionally recognised principles        mental and social matters, with climate change be-
                                                     and standards. In June 2020, we       ing one of the defining challenges of our time. As a
                                                     articulated our commitment to         leading global financial institution, we recognise the
                                                     align our lending portfolios to the   role we have to play in addressing this challenge and
                                                     targets set by the Paris Agree-       helping to shape the global change to a sustainable,
                                                     ment. In addition, in July 2020,      climate-neutral and social economy.
                                                     we expanded our fossil fuel
                                                     policies and formally joined the      By signing the Paris Pledge for Action in 2015, we
                                                     Equator Principles Association.       articulated our commitment to contribute to the
                                                  → Our own environmental foot-           goals of the Paris Agreement. We reinforced this
                                                     print: Continuously reducing our      statement by joining the German Financial Sector’s
                                                     own environmental footprint. We       collective commitment to Climate Action in June
                                                     have been operating carbon neu-       2020. We welcome the European Union’s ambition
                                                     trally since 2012. As part of this    of becoming carbon-neutral, and will support efforts
                                                     commitment, we have been re-          in advancing the European Commission’s action
                                                     ducing our energy consumption         plan on sustainable finance as well as transitioning
                                                     and greenhouse gas emissions.         the economy, as laid out in the Commission’s EU
                                                     Compared to 2010, we have             Green Deal.                                        ›
                                                     reduced our energy consump-
                                                     tion by more than 25% and cut
                                                     our greenhouse gas emissions by
                                                     half. In 2019, about 80% of our

                        8                                                                    9
Climate Statement August, 2020 - Deutsche Bank
»Giving up is not an
option for me«
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Stefan Rahmstorf is
                                                                                                                                                                                                               a climatologist and
                                                                                                                                                                                                               departmental head at
                                                                                                                                                                                                               the Potsdam Institute
                                                                                                                                                                                                               for Climate Impact
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Research and Profes-
Professor Stefan Rahmstorf is one of the most                                                                                                                                                                  sor of Ocean Physics
                                                                                                                                                                                                               at the University of
prominent campaigners seeking to educate people                                                                                                                                                                Potsdam. His main
                                                                                                                                                                                                               areas of research

about the fight against climate change.                                                                                                                                                                        are climate changes
                                                                                                                                                                                                               in the history of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               earth and the role of
                                                                                                                                                                                                               the oceans in climatic

“The Doomsday Glacier has reached tipping point”
was the headline of a news story in February of this                                                                             experience the painful consequences        confronting those who deny reality with pseudo-ar-
year. It is one of mightiest glaciers in the Antarctic.                                                                          of climate change if humanity does not     guments. The subject of his undergraduate thesis
A research project now aims to establish whether it                                                                              take rapid action. Global CO2 emissions    was the theory of relativity. He always wanted to be
has already passed this tipping point, meaning that                                                                              need to be halved in just the next ten     a naturalist but it turned out not to be astrophysics
all its ice will melt. Since the glacier holds back the                                                                          years (in order to then reduce them        after all: “I wanted to work on something that is not
entire mass of ice that makes up the West Antarctic                                                                              continuously towards zero) if global       only academically interesting but that is useful to
Ice Sheet, the consequences would be dramatic. If it                                                                             warming is to be halted at well below      mankind.”
were to drift into the ocean, writes the Süddeutsche                                                                             two degrees. If this warming exceeds               His voice and those of many other scientists
Zeitung newspaper, “it would even put Hamburg un-                                                                                two degrees – compared to pre-in-          are being heard, slowly but surely. “Very many young
derwater.” Stefan Rahmstorf retweeted that article,                                                                              dustrial levels – the consequences of      people have understood how dire our situation is,”
sharing it with his 50,000-plus followers.                  FACTS ABOUT CLIMATE                                                  climate change can no longer be kept       Rahmstorf says. And the impression he gained at the
         This is only one of many almost inconceiv-         CHANGE                                                               in check. If instead the Paris Agree-      last World Economic Forum in Davos was that “atti-
able scenarios for the impact of climate change.            The volume of CO2 in the atmosphere is                               ment is observed, then sea levels will     tudes have also changed in the financial world.” After
The departmental head at the Potsdam Institute              currently higher than it has ever been in                            rise more slowly, coastal towns will be    all, every individual can do something. Rahmstorf
for Climate Impact Research uses direct language            the last three million years.                                        rescued, famine crises and catastroph-     doesn’t own a car and doesn’t use fossil fuels like gas
to reach as many people as possible. His creed is to                                                                             ic droughts, and probably even wars,       heating at home. Instead, he has solar panels on his
make clear statements instead of using long-wind-           Never during the last 120,000 years has                              will be averted. People often don’t        roof and consumes just half of the power they gener-
ed jargon: “Believing in soothing fairy tales is not a      the global temperature been higher than it                           realise that: “The main objective is not   ate for his own household. “The most important thing
solution. You need to calmly face up to inconvenient        is today.                                                            to protect the environment but, first      is to get involved in climate-related policymaking pro-
facts as well.”                                                                                                                  and foremost, to prevent an existential    cesses. And of course to choose green investments
         For example: the acts already perpetrated by       At the end of the last ice age, global sea                           crisis for mankind,” says Rahmstorf.       that apply the strictest criteria, letting your money
mankind will have consequences for all time. “Our           levels rose by 120 metres after warming of                                   The professor, who is also         work for a sustainable future.” Ultimately though, says
CO2 emissions are a cumulative phenomenon, which            between 4 and 5 degrees. Today there is                              interested in ocean physics, is truly      Rahmstorf, the fight against climate change has to
means that CO2 collects in the atmosphere and               still enough ice on earth to raise sea levels                        tireless in his campaign to raise aware-   be a concerted effort between consumers, politicians
remains there,” says Rahmstorf. The effect of this:         by another 65 metres.                                                ness about this topic. Whether on          and the business community.
“50,000 years from now the level of emissions we                                                                                 Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, in his             Achieving this end requires the general
                                                                                                            Photo: Nick Cubbin

have already generated will still be so high that the       Around 100 per cent of modern-era global                             “Klimalounge” blog, or as a speaker        public to be educated – that is his staunchly held
next natural ice age will fail to occur.”                   warming has been man-made. The figure                                and regular contributor to the German      belief. Rahmstorf will therefore continue to conduct
         But you don’t have to look that far into the       is probably even slightly higher than that                           news magazine Der Spiegel, he shares       lectures, give interviews, tweet and write blog posts.
future. What we can already say is that anyone not          because natural processes have helped                                information supported by scientific        “Giving up is not an option that I could justify to the
yet old enough to collect their pension will            ›   counteract the warming a little.                                     facts and reports and is not above         world or my children.”                                ›

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Climate Statement August, 2020 - Deutsche Bank
We’re ideally positioned
for sustainability as a bank
Christian Sewing talks about climate
                                                                                                                 Christian Sewing: “We play a
targets as part of Deutsche Bank's                                                                              crucial role: we can and must
                                                                                                               help companies to do business
sustainability strategy.                                                                                                    more sustainably.”

The coronavirus pandemic has diverted public at-          DEUTSCHE BANK’S
tention away from the fight against climate change.
Has the topic become less important?
                                                          CLIMATE GOALS
   No, on the contrary. The coronavirus is making         →S  ustainable Finance target
   us aware of certain things for the first time. We’re     of 200 bn euros by 2025
   all suddenly realising what it feels like when the
   air is cleaner and how valuable it is when nature
                                                          →E  nd of global business
   is more intact. Moreover, the fear of major disas-       activities in coal mining by       and social bonds for our clients                     target. And so now we have a yardstick against
   ters has increased as a result of the coronavirus        2025                               with a volume of roughly 4.2 billion                 which we can measure ourselves, and the trans-
   pandemic. This will also be reflected in policy-                                            euros.                                               parency to see how we’re doing in the individual
                                                          →E  nd of financing new oil
   making. So climate change is an issue that will                                                                                                  businesses quarter by quarter.
   grow rather than diminish in importance.                 and gas projects in the         For the first time, Deutsche Bank has
                                                            Arctic region or new oil        issued specific targets. Is this primarily           Then why is the bank only reporting once a year
What does this mean for banks?                                                              a signal to the outside world, or is it              instead of every quarter?
                                                            sand projects - effective
  Specifically, this means that simply observing                                            directed inhouse?                                       I want to see for myself first exactly how quickly
  from the sidelines isn’t an option; we have to            immediately                         To me, the signal to our staff is                   we obtain the figures at the end of the quarter,
  promote the topic ourselves. On the one hand,           → I ntroduction of methods for       much more important. This target is                 what the data quality is and where we need to
  because political thinking with regard to sus-            measuring climate impact            the product of an interplay between                 improve the process. The goal must be to have
  tainability is increasingly reflected in how we                                               the businesses. All their represent-                an automatic process in place: from the granting
  are regulated as banks. But on the other hand,
                                                            by the end of 2022                  atives on the Sustainability Council                of sustainable loans and issuing of sustainable
  mainly because we understand that we as a bank          →S  olely use renewable              were asked to submit growth plans                   bonds right through to sales and marketing,
  have a responsibility and the opportunity to take         electricity by 2025                 and to demonstrate the contribu-                    including financial reporting.
  action. We play a crucial role: we can and must                                               tions they can make. We then val-
  help power companies, airlines and carmakers to                                               idated the plans with market data                How does your target compare to those of your
  do business more sustainably.                                                                 and our market share. We have a                  peers?
                                                                                                good base, as we’ve been trending                   We’re very good by comparison. It’s not just
How?                                                                                            upwards in sustainable finance and                  about how high the target is, but also about the
  We’re the gateway to the capital market. We have                                              investments for two years already.                  timescale in which we aim to achieve it. We have
  the necessary investment capital. In the first                                                We’re therefore very confident                      no reason to be shy about either the absolute
  half of 2020, we have placed environmental     ›                                              that we can achieve this ambitious                  figure or the timescale.                       ›

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Climate Statement August, 2020 - Deutsche Bank
› One single figure doesn’t make a                have specific targets for our own            ­ overing our business with energy firms. There
              strategy. How are you incorporating              business operations. And fourth,             we commit ourselves to not finance new pro-
              sustainability into your business                thought leadership – that is, we             jects in the Arctic region or oil sand projects. In
              strategy?                                        look at how we can shape discourse           addition, we pledged ourselves to end our global
                  When we talk about sustainability,           with our actions. We’ve made                 business activities in coal mining by 2025. Since
                  we think in four categories. First, for      progress on every count. The target          2016, we reduced our involvement in financing
                  us as a bank it’s about sustainable          of 200 billion euros only applies to         of coal mining companies, comfortably exceeding
                  finance, that is, the sustainable            the sustainable finance – just like          our 2016 goal of 20 percent.
                  financing solutions and financial            issuing our own first green bond.
                  investments we provide to our                                                          For you as CEO, what’s the aim of this sustainability
                  clients. Second, we also have to say      How was the issuance this May?               drive? Is it more about showing that the bank
                  what we intend to do – our inhouse          It was a big success – it was multi-       is aware of its responsibility in this context, or do
                  guidelines and policies. Then we            ple times oversubscribed. This was         you see it as a business model that brings
                                                              another key element of our sustain-        revenues and profit?
                                                              ability strategy with which we aim to          It’s both. Of course, we consider it our duty that
                                                              cover the entire value chain – from            Deutsche Bank is a responsible corporate citizen.
                                                              loan approval to structuring and               But we also see it as a tremendous opportunity
                                                              design and then on from marketing              for the bank to grow. And we have the best pos-
                                                              right through to refinancing.                  sible foundation in place: our business divisions
                                                                                                             – primarily our Investment Bank and our Corpo-

The challenge is
                                                            What about Deutsche Bank’s inhouse               rate Bank – can generate the kind of assets that
                                                            policies? Deutsche Bank is facing                our institutional and private clients want to invest
                                                            criticism for still doing business with          in. As a global financier with a loan book of more
                                                            energy firms from the coal, oil and gas          than 440 billion euros, we have an advantage over
                                                            sectors.                                         all other European banks.

to help companies
                                                                What annoys me about this criti-
                                                                cism is that it’s only ever black or     So there’s no danger of this sustainability drive
                                                                white, along the lines of: it’s an oil   costing shareholders because turnover and profit
                                                                company, so doing business with it       could drop?

cut their CO2 emis-
                                                                shouldn’t be allowed. That’s a bit          I don’t think so. If we say “no”, it does of course
                                                                like saying no one’s allowed to fill        cost revenues initially. But that’s no different to
                                                                their car up any more because it’s          what we do every day when we’re assessing our
                                                                bad for the environment. What we            risks in other areas of the bank. We don’t want to
                                                                need is a transformation that not           enter into any kind of business that means a high

sions as quickly as
                                                                only makes sense but is also realis-        risk for our clients, the environment or society –
                                                                tic. We want to help companies cut          and that’s why we have guidelines and policies
                                                                their CO2 emissions as quickly as           which we continue to refine. I do think, though,
                                                                possible. That’s the real challenge,        that there’s a more important factor: the transi-
                                                                and we sense this whenever we               tion to a low-carbon economy offers great op-

                                                                speak to our clients who come to us         portunities to those who embark on it. After all,
                                                                for advice.                                 climate-friendly business is increasingly impor-
                                                                                                            tant to clients and investors – and it’s something
                                                            But there must be some lines of busi-           our colleagues are noticing in their meetings with
                                                            ness that the bank should already have          clients and investors every day. I expect that in
                                                            stopped pursuing?                               just a few years sustainability ratings will be just
                                                               Yes, there are. And that’s why we            as important as traditional credit ratings from
                                                               have bank-wide policies – also               agencies like Fitch, Moody’s and S&P.                ›

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Climate Statement August, 2020 - Deutsche Bank
› Clients and investors will closely monitor whether         is governed by uniform and reliable
                                                                                                        Our sustainability and
 Deutsche Bank’s own operations are climate-friend-
 ly. How much progress has the bank made
 on this count?
                                                             conditions. And we’ll only manage
                                                             it if lawmakers, regulators and also
                                                             private companies all work together
                                                                                                        climate risk governance
     We’ve come a very long way, although I have to          closely. Here, too, we as a bank want
     admit that it’s easier for us than for many tradi-      to be part of the solution. That’s why     We have been strengthening our governance
     tional industrial companies when it comes to our
     carbon footprint. Our operations have, in fact,
                                                             we maintain an ongoing dialogue with
                                                             politicians, business representatives,     for managing and overseeing sustainability
     been climate-neutral since 2012; we’ve reduced
     our CO2 emissions by 60 per cent since 2011
                                                             trade associations and non-govern-
                                                             mental organisations.                  ›
                                                                                                        matters, including those particularly related
     and almost 80 per cent of our electricity comes                                                    to climate change.
     from renewables. We use certificates to offset
     the rest. But we can do more, which is why we’ve
     set specific targets for our own business opera-
     tions. One of these is that by 2025 we intend to                                                   The Group-wide Sustainability Coun-        Climate-related risks to the bank’s infrastructure,
     power our operations exclusively using electricity                                                 cil, established in 2018, acts as the      employees, and key processes are monitored by our
     from renewable energy sources. We’re working                                                       main advisory body to the Manage-          Non-Financial Risk Committee, another sub-com-
     on making changes to our company car fleet                                                         ment Board on current and emerg-           mittee of the bank’s Group Risk Committee.
     that will benefit the environment, and we aim                                                      ing sustainability topics. Chaired by
     to reduce our business travel by air. And when                                                     Christian Sewing, our Chief Executive      Group Sustainability, our central sustainability
     we look at our branches and offices, there’s still                                                 Officer, the council is composed of        function, is responsible for developing and coor-
     plenty we can do to help the environment: for                                                      senior representatives from relevant       dinating the bank’s strategic approach to sustain­
     example, how much paper we use. This is where                                                      business and infrastructure functions.     ability. Sustainability-related governance struc-
     we’re counting on our employees worldwide, on                                                                                                 tures, policies and processes, as well as dedicated
     their ideas and on their involvement.                                                              Mandated by our Group Risk Commit-         sustainability teams in our business divisions, help
                                                                                                        tee, the Enterprise Risk Committee         us to anticipate client demands and continually
 Will the Management Board be setting the rules                                                         assumes the overall responsibility for     expand our ESG offerings.
 here?                                                                                                  holistic climate risk management. This
    The Management Board doesn’t want to have to                                                        includes overseeing the development        Our Management Board and our Supervisory Board
    continually issue decrees on what climate-friend-                                                   of a climate risk framework, as well as    are regularly updated on sustainability, with a par-
    ly operations look like. We prefer to rely on every-                                                the approval of sectoral risk appetite     ticular focus on sustainable finance.                ›
    one joining in. One example here is that we got                                                     limits and restrictions to manage cli-
    rid of disposable coffee cups and plastic contain-                                                  mate risks to the bank.
    ers at all our locations in Germany last year. That
    was a fantastic initiative!                                                                         Potential reputational risks from client
                                                                                                        transactions, including those linked to
 Over the past decade, the financial industry’s repu-                                                   climate-related issues, are governed
 tation has been severely dented. In the fight against                                                  by our Group-wide reputational risk
 climate change, why on earth should                                                                    framework. The Group Reputational
 policymakers and society trust banks?                                                                  Risk Committee is responsible for
     It can’t be achieved without banks. Our balance                                                    ensuring oversight, governance and
     sheets give us a unique lever, which we can                                                        management of these risks. Chaired by
     deploy to support the transition towards a more                                                    our Chief Risk Officer, the committee
     climate-friendly and more social world. We want                                                    receives quarterly updates on environ-
     to fulfil this responsibility. But we won’t manage it                                              mental and social issues, including on
     on our own – not as Deutsche Bank and not as an                                                    climate change. It is a sub-committee
     industry. We need standards so that competition                                                    of the Group Risk Committee.

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Climate Statement August, 2020 - Deutsche Bank
Pavel Pepperstein
     Europa V, 2005
     © Pavel Pepperstein

Deutsche Bank: part of
the green revolution
Henrik Johnsson, Global Co-Head of Capital
Markets, discusses why the short-term expense                                                                          Henrik Johnsson: “In future, when
                                                                                                                       an investor buys debt, he’ll consid-
of transitioning to a green economy will be worth                                                                        er the company’s credit and ESG
                                                                                                                                          ratings equally”
it in the long run.

The Covid-19 pandemic still has countries around            model.” He cites coal as a clear exam-        because people really care about this               by green bonds jumped from 1 billion US dollars in
the world in its grip. In its aftermath, the global         ple: big energy companies are divesting       issue. Not making a concerted effort                2012 to 35 billion in 2014; and over 80 billion dollars
economy will come out of lockdown into a financial          their coal assets and many investors          to cater to the green needs of this new             raised by 2016. In 2019, global green bond issuance
crisis. As the focus turns to rebuilding, what place        won’t invest in it. Looking ahead, the        generation means companies risk be-                 topped more than 190 billion dollars. Deutsche Bank
will sustainable finance hold in the economy?               same could happen to oil, power gener-        coming obsolete.”                                   not only holds a leading position as an advisor to
        “People talk about the green revolution, and        ation, combustion engines etc.                                                                    others in this business, it just successfully placed its
I definitely think it’s coming,” says Henrik Johnsson,              “A lot of our clients are tran-       DOES CLIMATE PROTECTION                             own first green bond in the market. Underlining its
Global Co-Head of Capital Markets. “Has it only been        sitioning to a low-carbon-footprint           EQUAL GREEN BONDS?                                  sustainability strategy, the bank recently set ambi-
paused by Covid-19, or will the pandemic accelerate         model, and they have to do it quickly, or     Ten years ago, Deutsche Bank helped                 tious targets to increase its volume of ESG financing,
it? I’m not sure – but I am sure that it will not reverse   they could disappear.”                        the World Bank issue the first green                plus its portfolio of sustainable investments under
its trajectory.”                                                    The advent of Covid-19 disrupt-       bond. “We were a pioneer in sustain-                management, to over 200 billion euros in total by the
        Johnsson, who has worked in sustainable fi-         ed this transition for many clients, but      able finance, creating what was then                end of 2025.
nance for the past five years, believes this revolution     Johnsson believes it will return to the       a very specialised, niche offering that                    This demand for green financial products has
may be costly, but that the costs of transitioning to a     forefront post pandemic, particularly as      saw a maximum three or four issues                  now expanded into new financial instruments called
green economy are balanced by its long-term goals:          the new generation of investors refocus       per year, with relatively small volumes,”           ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) bonds,
increased prosperity, longer life spans by reducing         on green investing.                           Johnsson says.                                      SDG (Social Development Goal) bonds and Factor
pollution, better impacts on the environment and                    “If you’re 25 and you’re starting            The Swede, who joined                        bonds, which are more comprehensively aligned with
social progress.                                            to save for a pension online, you’ll have     Deutsche Bank as an intern in 2001,                 the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
        “In 2019, we saw companies and issuers of           ten alternatives for bond funds to put        looks back to 2017 when Debt Capital                       “A company issuing a traditional green bond
capital waking up to the fact that their social and         your money into – and young people            Markets (DCM) started focusing on sus-              would need to find a specific portfolio of green
environmental activity isn’t about PR, it’s about their     consistently choose the environmental-        tainable finance as investors discovered            assets on the balance sheet and issue debt on those
entire business models long-term,” he explains. “If the     ly friendly options,” Johnsson says.          it was easy to raise funds that invest              assets,” Johnsson explains. “The proceeds from that
demand for environmentally responsible investment                   “This is what I find most exciting:   in green assets. “Suddenly, we started              debt could only be used for specific projects that
continues to grow at this pace, a company in, let’s say,    it’s no longer about companies getting a      seeing much more demand for green                   must be validated by a third-party provider.”
the energy sector won’t be able to raise capital if it      good headline for their ESG efforts, it’s     and ESG products,” says Johnsson,                          ESG/SDG and Factor bonds, on the other
doesn’t make significant ESG changes to its business        about changing a company’s behaviour          explaining that the total amount raised             hand, are not limited to specific projects but instead ›

                                                    20                                                                                                         21
»If we don’t act now,
                                                                                                        we’ll have passed up an
› linked to specific climate change key performance                 That is why Deutsche Bank is
 indicators (KPIs). A company can raise as much as it       working to standardise products to
 wants and use it for whatever it wants, as long as in-
 vestors are willing to buy. But if the company misses
                                                            make it easier to analyse and com-
                                                            pare companies – balancing this need
                                                                                                        Gerald Podobnik is Chief Financial Officer
 its KPIs, it pays a financial penalty via the coupon on    for cohesion with the impact on the         of our Corporate Bank and a member of the
 its debt increasing.                                       businesses. Johnsson is hopeful that
         Deutsche Bank issued one such bond last            ESG standardisation will become as          German government’s Sustainable Finance
 year for Enel, an Italian power generating company
 that also drills for oil. The 2.5 billion US dollar bond
                                                            commonplace – and as important – as
                                                            credit ratings are now.                     Advisory Council.
 is the first SDG from a corporate of significant scale.            “Sustainability is five or ten
 There is a substantial financial penalty if Enel fails     years behind credit ratings,” he says,
 to achieve the goals attached to the bond, which           explaining how credit agencies came         Mr Podobnik, up until just a few years
 include creating renewable capacity of more than 55        together years ago to build a framework     ago, the whole “sustainable finance”
 per cent in four- and seven-year increments.               for analysing different companies. Now,     concept was seen as more of a market-
         This doesn’t mean that green bonds will            businesses need to present informa-         ing ploy. Has that changed?
 become obsolete. They are good for investors in that       tion in this way in order to receive a          That definitely came into it in the
 they are measurable, trackable and have an under-          credit rating. Standardisation is the way       beginning. The first issuers wanted
 standable, upfront set of criteria. However, there         forward for ESG, Johnsson says: “In             to send a message: look at us, we’re
 aren’t nearly enough green bonds available to satisfy      future, when an investor buys debt, he’ll       committed to operating sustainably.
 investor demand, which is why there has been such a        consider the company’s credit and ESG           But the Paris Climate Agreement,
 big increase in volumes of ESG and Factor bonds.           ratings equally. It’s a work in progress,       the supplementary One Planet
         With more flexible instruments like these,         but this is where we’re headed.” ›              Summit in 2017 and ultimately the
 banks and issuers can create things like Covid bonds                                                       European Commission’s Sustain­
 that fund hospitals or provide essential goods to                                                          able Finance Strategy gave the
 families in need. Fourteen billion US dollars of Covid                                                     idea a tremendous boost. From
 bonds has been issued so far, including one co-man-                                                        that moment on, everyone noticed
 aged by Deutsche Bank for USA Capital Corporation,                                                         that it had been given a regulatory
 with proceeds going towards affordable housing,                                                            framework. And that in turn sped
 renewable energy and Covid-19 relief.                                                                      up its development.
         “My team and I are proud to work on ESG
 deals,” Johnsson says. “It’s also about being part of                                                  That means the marketing phase is
 something good.”                                                                                       behind us?
                                                                                                           Yes, because investors are gradually
 IT’S NOT EASY BEING GREEN …                                                                               changing their behaviour as well.
 The biggest challenge in sustainable finance now is                                                       Firms are coming under increasing
 finding common KPIs that entire industries accept.                                                        pressure to embed sustainability             Gerald Podobnik: “Companies have
                                                                                                                                                        to deliver vastly improved and more
 “Look at the oil industry – all of the oil majors are                                                     criteria in their governance prac-
                                                                                                                                                        transparent reporting on how they
 now transitioning their business models, but using                                                        tices. More and more institutional           plan to become more sustainable”
 different KPIs as the criteria,” Johnsson says. “This                                                     investors use sustainability criteria
 makes it difficult for investors to compare the differ-                                                   to manage their portfolios and
 ent efforts. It’s not cohesive.”                                                                          are enquiring after sustainability ›

                                                    22                                                                                             23
› ratings. Retail investors are now also warming to           climate rating could be exempted
   the topic. There are studies showing that firms            from fulfilling certain requirements.
   with a stronger focus on ESG (Environmental,
   Social and Governance) criteria are also more re-       What else needs to be done for
   silient in times of crisis. That’s a strong message.    compan­ies to operate more sustain­
Deutsche Bank aims to facilitate 200 billion euros            Companies have to deliver vastly

                                                                                                         A climate stress
of sustainable financing and investments by 2025.             improved and more transparent re-
Why weren’t we faster setting such targets?                   porting on how they plan to become
    We had been criticised for not having any spe-            more sustainable – and of course
    cific targets. However, we wanted to adopt an             on what they have already achieved
    orderly, structured and clear approach. We also           as well. After all, it’s standards

                                                                                                         test for banks
    wanted to use the European Union’s sustainabil-           and scalability that make capital
    ity standard, the EU Taxonomy, as the basis for           markets work. What I mean is: there
    developing understandable criteria. It simply has         must be quantifiable and compara-
    to be clear which activities help towards reaching        ble metrics to identify how sustain-
    our targets and which ones do not. For topics             ably businesses operate. If we as

                                                                                                         would be a good
    such as renewable energies, sustainable produc-           banks have to be evaluated, then
    tion or sustainable farming, the criteria are based       we must also be able to classify the
    on internationally recognised standards and so            business of our clients accordingly.
    are quite easy to define.                                 And this requires standards similar
    For other areas, the EU stipulations are quite            to those for financial reporting.
    complex, but they provide a very good framework

    for how the assessment should be conducted.            You’re a member of the German
    There are other areas, especially in the social        government’s Sustainable Finance
    sphere, where we had to stipulate the crite-           Advisory Council. Is progress being
    ria ourselves. In the next step, we had to then        made on this count?
    assess what we already have in our portfolio              The EU is currently revising its
    that complies with our inhouse taxonomy. Doing            directive on non-financial reporting
    so demonstrated how much we had already                   for companies. We’re on the right
    achieved. The consultancy ISS ESG has scruti-             track with that. And on the govern-
    nised our ESG criteria and ranked us eighth of            ment’s Sustainable Finance Adviso-          priority is to look after the economy     nominated in my personal capacity. And I’m re-
    281 firms in the category financial institutions/         ry Council, our objective is to make        and think the climate should take         quired to draw a strict distinction between the two
    banks and capital market.                                 Germany a leading light in this field.      second place. We see things differ-       roles. But leaving that aside: when we talk to our
                                                              Its members are representatives             ently, however: we have to make the       corporate clients, their interests are always up-
Yet you’re calling on politicians to create more              from the financial sector and the           transformation into a more sustain-       permost in our minds when we consider applying
incentives for the financial sector to smooth the way         real economy, civil society and ac-         able economy, one that is much            sustainable criteria. We are currently seeing two
for sustainable finance. Why is that necessary?               ademia. We are convinced that the           more resilient to the risks of climate    trends shaping entrepreneurial developments:
    The only way to help the financial sector make            current crisis provides an opportu-         change, for example. If we fail to act    digitalisation and sustainability. Those who fail to
    a huge shift towards sustainable finance in a             nity to take interventionary action to      during this crisis, then we will have     take a strategic view early enough will suffer long-
    short space of time is by offering incentives and         link growth and sustainability. The         passed up an opportunity.                 term consequences. So we always strive to ensure
    through regulatory requirements. The question is          energies and resources we mobilise                                                    that acute problems are also addressed with a
    also how to get all banks pulling in this direction.      now will have long-lasting effects.      As a banker who always has to                view to long-term success. When the coronavirus
    As a big bank, we are already being watched by            So we also have to help to solve         represent the interests of his corporate     crisis began, we all saw that parts of our econo-
    the capital market, analysts and investors. Small-        long-term challenges – chiefly the       clients, don’t you find yourself             my lack resilience. This shows how important a
    er or regional banks, however, are not – they             transformation to a climate-neu-         wrestling with the conflict between          sustainably oriented economy can be. As a bank,
    would need some easing of capital requirements,           tral economy. That’s the direction       sustainability and economic efficiency?      we can provide a decisive boost by supporting
    for example. A climate stress test for banks              we aim to take. Of course, there’s           On the government’s advisory coun-       sustainability from every angle – for example by
    would also be a good idea: those with a good              no shortage of people whose first            cil, I don’t represent the bank; I was   issuing our own green bonds.                    ›

                                                   24                                                                                               25
Sustainable finance                                                                                Examples for sustainable
The OECD estimates that until 2030, more                                                           finance 2019
than 6 trillion euros of investment will be
required every year to fight climate change
globally. Naturally, as a global financial inter-
                                                                                                   Corporate Bank and                           This positive trend is continuing in 2020. In the year
mediary, we have a role to play here, by de-                                                       Investment Bank                              to 31 May 2020, Deutsche Bank advised clients on
                                                                                                                                                22 transactions, placing sustainable bonds with an
veloping investment products and financing                                                                                                      underwriting volume of nearly 3.5 billion euros, rank-

solutions and by providing advice to compa-                                                        In 2019, we helped clients across the
                                                                                                   globe to raise 4.5 billion euros through
                                                                                                                                                ing Deutsche Bank number 10 in the global ranking
                                                                                                                                                for sustainable bonds (May 2020; source: Dealogic).
nies on how they can make the transition to                                                        issuing ESG bonds, including green           For example, Deutsche Bank acted as joint bookrun-
                                                                                                   bonds, social bonds, sustainable bonds       ner on BASF’s inaugural 1 billion euro green bond,
more sustainable business models.                                                                  and bonds linked to sustainability crite-    and as joint lead manager of two 500 million euro
                                                                                                   ria. Of that, 3.7 billion euros was raised   Climate Awareness Bond taps issued by the Europe-
                                                                                                   through issuing dedicated green or sus-      an Investment Bank.
                                                                                                   tainability-linked bonds, most of which
                                                                                                   had a strong focus on solutions mitigat-     Further, in 2019, we acted as coordinator for eight
Building on our long-standing expertise and             In May 2020, we issued our first own       ing or adapting to climate change. For       sustainability-linked loans including the German
involvement in financing sustainable economic           green bond with a volume of 500 mil-       example, in 2019, we provided support        companies Continental, LANXESS and Zeppelin,
activities, in May 2020, we announced the target to     lion euros. Based on our Green Bond        to:                                          the British company NEPI Rockcastle and the US
generate at least 200 billion euros in sustainable      Framework, the proceeds will be used                                                    company Crown, where we led the first leveraged
financing and ESG investments by our Private Bank       to support the development of renew-          → The Italian utility company Enel       sustainability-linked loan agreement in the US
as at the end of 2025. The target of 200 billion        able energy, energy efficiency projects,         to introduce a new format known        market.
euros does not include our asset manager DWS.           and so-called green buildings. The               as a sustainability-linked bond.
As a listed company, DWS sets its own targets and       framework follows the ICMA Green                 It was the first-ever public bond      In the area of infrastructure development financing,
already has around 70 billion euros of sustain­able     Bond Principles and the EU Technical             format to attach contractual           in 2019, we were mandated lead arranger and sole
assets under management, per year-end 2019. We          Expert Group’s latest guidance on                consequences to the fulfilling of      rates hedge arranger for the largest offshore wind
have also signed the climate commitment of the          the EU Taxonomy and will continue                certain predefined sustainability      transaction in Asia Pacific at deal closure. The 82
German financial sector. By doing so, we pledge to      to evolve following the development              key performance indicators.            billion new Taiwanese dollars (2.3 billion euro equiv-
gradually align our lending portfolios with the goals   of these principles and standards.            → Assicurazioni Generali in issuing      alent), 640 megawatt Yunlin offshore wind farm
of the Paris Agreement.                                 Our Green Bond Framework and the                 the first green-subordinated           project financing, developed by a consortium led by
                                                        corresponding Second Party Opinion               benchmark transaction by a             Wpd AG, provided a viable financing template for
We have developed an internal Sustainable Fi-           provided by ISS ESG are disclosed on             financial institution in Europe.       large-scale offshore wind projects to facilitate the
nance Framework to establish a bank-wide con-           our Investor Relations website.      ›        → Vattenfall in issuing their inaugu-    gradual phase-out of nuclear energy and coal-fired
sistent definition of what constitutes sustainable                                                       ral green bond, and Republic of        power generation in Taiwan.
finance. It links to the EU taxonomy for environ-                                                        Indonesia in issuing their second
mental criteria but also includes social criteria we                                                     green sukuk bond, a sharia-com-        We have been active in financing renewable en-
have set up following international principles, such                                                     pliant investment in renewable         ergy projects since the mid-2000s, when projects
as the International Capital Market Association                                                          energy and other environmental         reached industrial scale. In 2019, we arranged full
(ICMA) Social Bond Principles. Our Framework,                                                            assets.                                or partial finance for such renewable energy projects
including the Second Party Opinion by Institutional                                                                                             totalling around 2.5 billion euros and generating
Shareholder Services ESG (ISS ESG) is publicly                                                                                                  over 2,200 megawatts.                            ›

                                                26                                                                                               27
Key highlights 2019                                                                                                                                      Private Bank
In € bn                                             Overall volume 2019              Overall volume 2018             Deutsche Bank contribution
                                                                                                                                                         In 2019, we began offering an equity                                      construction loan BHW Express Darlehen was made
ESG bonds                                                   >22                              >8                      Supported ESG bond transactions     fund to our Private Bank clients that                                     available throughout the first quarter of 2020 at a
Bond issuances with dedicated use of                                                                                 (fund raising)                      invests in companies that contribute                                      reduced rate of interest applicable to such sustain­
proceeds for sustainable causes, be it
green, social, sustainable or linked to                                                                                                                  to the objectives set out in the United                                   able modernisation projects. Based on the success
dedicated sustainability KPIs                                                                                                                            Nations Sustainable Development                                           of this product in the market, BHW is currently work-
                                                                                                                                                         Goals (SDGs). After the launch of the                                     ing on KlimaDarlehen – a form of lending designed
Sustainability-linked loans                                 >50                              >10                     Participated in over 20 (2018: 9)   equity fund, we generated gross inflows                                   particularly for sustainable energy construction
Instruments and/or facilities incentivising                                                                          sustainability-linked loans
borrower’s achievement of ambitious,                                                                                                                     of approximately 248 million euros                                        projects.
predetermined sustainability KPIs                                                                                                                        (equivalent to around 22% of gross
                                                                                                                                                         flows into equity thematic funds). Ad-                                    In Wealth Management, we manage assets under
Financing of renewable energy                               2.5                              1.2                     Arranged full or partial project    ditionally, we started offering a green                                   ESG mandates of nearly 500 million euros. Currently,
projects                                                                                                             finance
                                                                                                                                                         bond fund whose target is to invest into                                  we have 19 ESG funds on our global approved list.
                                                                                                                                                         bonds to support environment-related                                      Client assets in ESG funds grew by 56% in 2019. ›
Financing infrastructure projects                          >3.4                             n/a1                     Arranged or participated in
                                                                                                                     infrastructure finance
                                                                                                                                                         projects. For our international private
with strong development credentials
and positive contribution to local                                                                                                                       and commercial business, we active-
communities                                                                                                                                              ly recommended four thematic ESG
                                                                                                                                                         funds to clients in Belgium. This took
    Overall volume not reported in 2018; please refer to Non-Financial Report 2018, p. 33 for individual examples.
                                                                                                                                                         the total number of recommended ESG
                                                                                                                                                         funds to nine.

                                                                                                                                                         BHW, Deutsche Bank’s building
                                                                                                                                                         society, is keen to further expand
                                                                                                                                                         its core business area of real estate
                                                                                                                                                         modernisation and strongly supports
In line with our broader strategy to grow and expand                                                                                                     our clients in financing sustainable
our ESG products and solutions to all client groups,                                                                                                     energy modernisation. To this end, the
we are strengthening divisional and regional struc-
tures to anchor a holistic approach to sustainability.
We have allocated additional ESG resources both in
our Investment Bank and Corporate Bank, including
a newly created sustainable finance team within
Capital Markets. The team will support our clients
and our global coverage teams to better understand
the impact of ESG on market access and business                                                                                                          Key highlights 2019
development. Additionally, we have established
                                                                                                                                                         In € m                                                                                                  2019                        2018
an ESG Competence Team in our Corporate Bank,
acting as a specialist partner for product develop-                                                                                                      State-subsidised mortgages (loan volume)1                                                                490                        360
ment and client coverage, to ensure that Corporate                                                                                                       for financing agreements of low-energy houses or for construction and mod-
                                                                                                                                                         ernisation projects that meet higher energy standards than those required by
Bank customers have access to ESG advisory and                                                                                                           Germany’s Energy Saving Ordinance
sustainability-related commercial banking products
that support them in their sustainability transition.                                                                                                    Discretionary ESG mandates in Wealth Management (AuM)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  500                        500
We have also appointed a regional Head of ESG                                                                                                            (Based on a best-in-class approach, with certain sectoral exclusions and utilising
                                                                                                                                                         MSCI ESG rating criteria)
to develop and coordinate our ESG business strat­
egy across all business divisions in the Asia-Pacific                                                                                                    1
                                                                                                                                                             Total volume of state-subsidised mortages through cooperation with Germany’s nationwide development bank Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau in 2019: €1.2 bn.
region.                                            ›

                                                                                28                                                                                                                                                   29
Asset Management (DWS)
In 2019, our asset manager DWS reported 69.7 bil-                                            class research data from DWS’s            extending a clean energy fund        report published by the UK campaign group Share-
lion euros of ESG assets under management (AuM),                                             proprietary ESG Engine. “Smart            to invest in climate solutions in    Action, DWS finished among the leading asset man-
the bulk of which (51.6 billion euros) is managed                                            Integration” enables DWS to               China in the context of the China    agers globally in voting on shareholder resolutions
across active and passive mandates. The remain-                                              specifically identify and ob-             Clean Energy Fund.                   linked to climate change.                         ›
der includes sustainable investment funds/impact                                             jectively analyse the risks and        → Promotion of retail distribution
investments (715 million euros); real estate invest-                                         opportunities associated with a           campaigns for DWS Invest Green
ments in certified green-labelled buildings (16.5 bil-                                       transition to a low-carbon econo-         Bond fund and DWS Invest SDG
lion euros); infrastructure assets in renewable assets                                       my for each issuer.                       Global Equities fund to scale up
(862 million euros). In 2019, DWS total assets under                                      → Launch of the first DWS Invest            capital market investment.
management (AuM) were 767.4 billion euros.                                                   QI Global Climate Action Fund,         → DWS’s first Group Sustainability
                                                                                             designed to meet the growing              Officer will start work in August
ACTIVITY IN 2019/2020 INCLUDED                                                               investor demand for strategies            2020 and will focus on driving
  → Introduction of Climate Transition Risk                                                 that aim to reduce carbon emis-           DWS sustainability strategy
     Scorings to identify risks and opportunities                                            sions.                                    forward and putting ESG at the
     associated with the transition to a low carbon                                       → Extension of the ESG leaders              core of everything we do.
     economy. Access to the scores is provided                                               low carbon product suite of
     globally to DWS portfolio managers and ana-                                             exchange traded passive funds       DWS has piloted ESG Key Perfor-
     lysts for liquid/listed assets.                                                         with MSCI.                          mance Indicators, for example on CO2
  → Publication of climate transition risk and                                           → Conversion of the DWS Invest       emissions and information on climate
     water risk on a sector level.                                                           Climate Tech into an ESG ver-       change indicators of a fund, to give
  → Introduction of “Smart Integration” into the                                           sion.                               investors transparency on the ESG
     investment platform, an advanced approach                                            → Continued partnership with a        contributions of the DWS Invest SDG
     to ESG integration that leverages best-in-                                              significant corporate client by     Global Equities fund. Furthermore,
                                                                                                                                 DWS continues to develop its ESG
                                                                                                                                 methodology, especially with regard
                                                                                                                                 to carbon and climate risk sensitivity,
                                                                                                                                 opportunities from impact investing
                                                                                                                                 and the SDGs, by integrating them into
                                                                                                                                 the ESG Engine.
Key highlights 2019
                                                                                                                                 To further strengthen its commitment
In € bn                                                                                     2019                2018
                                                                                                                                 to ESG in real estate investments, DWS
ESG assets under management                                                                 69.7                47,1             aims at halving carbon emissions by
Classification follows the methodology of the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance
                                                                                                                                 2030 against the reference year 2017
                                                                                                                                 for its entire portfolio of European of-
                                                                                                                                 fice properties held by funds managed
   ESG within Active investments                                                            40.7                28,9             by the European real estate business.
   Portfolios based on client-specific exclusions for institutional clients, retail and
   institutional assets managed according to uniformly defined investment stand-                                                 This is estimated to result in an annual
   ards or client-specific derivations, particular sustainability themed ESG prod-                                               reduction of 61,000 metric tons of car-
   ucts, and third-party initiated mutual funds applying external ESG approach
                                                                                                                                 bon dioxide emissions – the equivalent
                                                                                                                                 of taking approximately 24,000 diesel
   ESG within Passive investments                                                                                                cars off the road and saving around 23
                                                                                            10.9                3,3
   Exchange traded funds or products, passively managed funds for institutional
   clients                                                                                                                       million litres of diesel.

   ESG within Alternatives                                                                                                       When engaging with corporates, DWS
                                                                                            18.1                14,9
   Sustainable investment funds/impact investments, Real Estate,                                                                 places greater emphasis on a board’s
   infrastructure investments
                                                                                                                                 responsibility for ESG. According to a

                                                                      30                                                                                                     31
Carbon-intensive sectors                                                                           Oil and gas
                                                                                                   In addition to our current enhanced
                                                                                                   environmental and social due dili-
Our commitment to sustainable finance                                                              gence process, we will review by end

also includes questioning our involvement in                                                       of 2020 our existing exposure to the
                                                                                                   oil and gas sector globally, consider-
certain sectors, including those that are                                                          ing environmental and social perfor-
                                                                                                   mance, carbon intensity, and transi-
carbon-intensive.                                                                                  tion plans. Based on this review, we
                                                                                                   will subsequently aim to reduce our

                                                                                                   Additionally, we will not finance:
In this context, the general provisions of our Envi-
                                                        Coal power                                   →O   il or gas projects via hydrau-
ronmental and Social Risk Framework define pro-                                                          lic fracturing in countries with
cedures and responsibilities for risk identification,                                                    extremely high water stress
assessment, and decision-making. The Framework          Since 2016, we have had a policy in          →N   ew oil or gas projects in the
also covers deal-independent risk screening, the        place prohibiting the financing of the           Arctic region; Arctic region
identification of companies with a controversial        development of new coal-fired power              being defined based on a 10°C
environmental and social (ES) profile and the           plants and the expansion of existing             July isotherm boundary, mean-
definition of sensitive sectors, and specifies the      coal-fired power plants, irrespective            ing the area does not experi-
requirements for ES due diligence including criteria    of their location. In addition to this           ence temperatures above 10°C
for mandatory referral to Group Sustainability, our     commitment, we will review our coal          →N   ew projects involving explo-
central sustainability team.                            power exposure, and for all clients de-          ration, production or transport/
                                                        pending more than 50% on coal – be it            processing of oil sands
The due diligence process regarding project             energy capacity or energy output – we
finance is based on the IFC Performance Stand-          will subject the provision of financial    Financing means the lending and
ards underlying the due diligence process of the        services to the availability of credible   capital market, where the majority of
Equator Principles. To confirm our commitment,          diversification plans. Accordingly,        the use of proceeds is explicitly linked
Deutsche Bank formally joined the Equator Princi-       we will review all clients in Europe       to the listed projects.
ples in July 2020.                                      and the US by the end of 2020 and
                                                        gradually phase out existing exposure
The following restrictions are in place to reduce our   if there are no diversification plans in   Fossil fuel policy
climate risk exposure and focus the provision of        place. Starting in 2022, we will extend
financial services to companies in transition.          this review and phase-out to Asia and      The outlined changes to our fossil
                                                        selected developing markets. With this     fuel policies announced in July 2020
                                                        staged timing, we acknowledge the ad-      underline our aspiration to contribute
Coal mining                                             ditional time required by some regions     to climate protection and to the goal
                                                        to prepare for the transformation.         of the European Union to become
Since 2016, we have had a policy in place prohib-                                                  net-zero-carbon by 2050. These
iting financing of greenfield thermal coal mining                                                  changes are in addition to our recent-
and associated infrastructure, and we committed to                                                 ly announced commitment to align
reducing our coal lending exposure and set a three-                                                the carbon intensity of our lending
year reduction target of 20% in 2016. As of the end                                                portfolios with the targets of the Paris
of 2019, we achieved that target, and we are now                                                   Agreement, which we have pledged by
further committed to phasing out coal exposure by                                                  joining the German financial sector’s
2025 worldwide (including both lending and capital                                                 collective commitment to climate
markets).                                                                                          action in June 2020.                  ›

                                                32                                                                                            33
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