Colombian Beef Climate Transition Risk Analyst Brief - Navigating climate transition risks

Colombian Beef Climate Transition Risk Analyst Brief - Navigating climate transition risks
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Navigating climate transition risks

Climate Transition Risk Analyst Brief

Colombian Beef

Colombian Beef Climate Transition Risk Analyst Brief - Navigating climate transition risks
Navigating climate transition risks

Climate Transition Risk
Analyst Brief
Colombian Beef

TABLE OF        03   Section I: Key Findings
CONTENTS        05   Section II: Industry Exposure to Climate Transitions
                07   Section III: Financial Implications of Climate Transitions
                10   Section IV: Climate Transition Opportunities
                13   Section V: Recommendations

What we cover in this Brief:
1. How Colombian beef cattle actors are exposed to climate
transition risks. 2. How these risks can have material, yet
varying, impacts on different actors in the industry value chain.
3. How silvopastoral farms reduce vulnerability to transition
risks while also increasing market access and profitability.

Colombian Beef Climate Transition Risk Analyst Brief - Navigating climate transition risks

Section I
Key Findings

The Colombian beef industry is                                    Modest, and Aggressive--each                                           • Deforestation restrictions that
an important part of the country’s                                representing varying levels of                                           drive up land competition and
economy and cultural heritage, yet                                global and Colombian ambition to                                         land values.
suffers from low financial returns,                               address the climate crisis through                                     • Emissions costs on forest to
suboptimal land use, and limited                                  public policies, corporate actions,                                      pasture conversion and cattle
quality standards relative to peers.                              and consumer dietary shifts. The                                         production.
Under the spectre of slowing                                      analysis draws from a preceding report,
demand growth, warming                                            “Transition Scenarios for Tropical                                 • Faced with these drivers,
temperatures and society’s                                        Agriculture,”2 which projects changes in                             we project:
inevitable shift toward lower                                     global commodity prices, agricultural
                                                                                                                                       • Declining domestic production
carbon pathways, these challenges                                 yields, emissions costs, and land use
                                                                                                                                         as rising land and production
will only grow.                                                   competition under different global
                                                                                                                                         costs spur conversion to higher
                                                                  climate transition pathways.
                                                                                                                                         margin agricultural uses. For
This report specifically examines
                                                                                                                                         example, converting clear
how “climate transitions” are                                     The topline results from our
                                                                                                                                         pastures to palm oil cultivation
poised to materially influence                                    analysis are:
Colombia’s beef industry1 in the                                                                                                         currently provides 15 times
coming decades. These transitions                                 • The industry’s high emissions                                        higher margins.
range from government policies                                      intensity, suboptimal land use,                                    • Rising local beef prices (up to
to shifts in consumer demands,                                      and association with deforestation                                   2.3 times higher in our Aggressive
and could disrupt the industry                                      expose it to three climate                                           scenario) and production
status quo.                                                         transition trends:                                                   costs even as demand growth
                                                                    • Declining global and regional                                      slows, leave the industry
We examine three climate                                               growth in consumer demand                                         vulnerable to import and
transitions pathways--Historical,                                      for beef.                                                         product substitution.

    Figure 1:

               Sustainable farming- especially silvopastoral systems                                             New emissions costs: production, transportation, and land
               Increasing productivity of existing ranches
                                                                                                                                       Land use and deforestation restrictions
               Land conversion to higher margin agriculture
                                                                                                                                  Declining demand growth for beef products

                Cultural and political support for cattle ranching                                                     Low production margins, especially among producers

                Concentrated midstream and downstream market                                                                                High transportation costs per unit
                power can efficiently incentivize upstream change at
                scale                                                                                                             High cultural barriers to changing practices

   Source: Concordian. Note: This figu e does not consider social, labor, and community concerns, which are important threats and weaknesses for the Indonesian palm oil industry and may be
   exacerbated by climate risks.

Colombian Beef Climate Transition Risk Analyst Brief - Navigating climate transition risks

Key Findings

• Large, carbon-intensive upstream           with guidance from the Financial      While greater ambition broadly
  producers face the greatest risks          Standard Boards’ (FSB) Task Force     has more material consequences
  of cost increases. Large commercial        on Climate-related Financial          for Colombia’s cattle producers,
  breeders could face greenhouse gas         Disclosures (TCFD).                   it also means the industry has
  (GHG) emissions costs of                 • Predicate lending to, and             a better shot at avoiding the
  up to six times higher than                investment in, beef producers         much worse physical and
  projected production costs                 on their adoption of sustainable      economic impacts of warming
  within 20 years. Smaller                   practices and sourcing from           temperatures. The Colombian
  producers are not likely to be             sustainable suppliers, including by   government, industry actors like
  subject to emissions pricing.              providing technical and               FEDEGAN, and financiers like
                                             capital assistance to small and       FINAGRO have an important
• An influx of low cost imports              medium ranchers.                      opportunity to scale up ISPS
  could fundamentally alter                • Further broaden silvopastoral         deployment--including through more
  industry supply chains, including          investment programs, financial        flexible and subsidized financing--
  by cutting into the market power           products, and technical               which provide triple bottom line
  of domestic midstream traders              assistance to small- and medium-      returns to both public and
  and wholesalers.                           sized producers.                      private investment.

• Industry actors--such as Grupo
  Nutresa (including El Corral), Grupo
  Exito, Presto, and McDonald’s--can

                                               This report specifically examines how
  counteract these risks by adopting
  sustainable strategies, particularly
  intensive silvopastoral systems
  (ISPS) (Figure 1):
  • Conversion to ISPS can generate
                                               “climate transitions” are poised to
     internal rates of return (IRR) as
     high as 32% to 37% on a ~$2,000/          materially influence Colombia’s beef
     ha investment--a payback period
     of just three to four years.3
  • Under climate transitions, ISPS
                                               industry in the coming decades.
     relative benefits are even greater.
     For an indicative average-sized
     dual purpose farm, relative to
     traditional techniques:
     • Emissions and associated
         costs are up to 44% lower for
         industrial actors.
     • Sustainably-certified price
         premiums boost revenues by
         up to 23%.
     • New carbon sequestration
         revenues--available to small
         and commercial operations-
         -are as high as $485 per

• Given the industry’s material
  exposure to climate transitions
  alongside the significant
  opportunities offered by sustainable
  practices, we recommend that
  investors and lenders:
  • Request investees assess and
     disclose climate transition
     exposure and vulnerability inline

Colombian Beef Climate Transition Risk Analyst Brief - Navigating climate transition risks

Section II
Industry Exposure to Climate Transitions

   KEY TAKEAWAYS                             Figure 2:
                                             COLOMBIAN BEEF CATTLE VALUE CHAIN
   Colombia’s domestically
   focused beef industry is
   dominated by small, extensive
   upstream production with low
   profit margins.

   The industry’s high emissions
   intensity and suboptimal
   land use exposes it to several
   sources of climate transition
   risks, including rising imports
   and poultry substitution.

                                             Source: Concordian based on Nelson et al 2015 (USDA Forest Carbon Markets and
Colombia produces 1.2% of the                Communities Program)
world’s beef, almost exclusively
for domestic consumption. The
17th largest global and 4th largest          Figure 3:
regional producer, Colombia produced         COLOMBIA BOVINE CENSUS BY FARM SIZE
886,000 metric tons of beef in 2018:
a 42% increase over thirty years ago.4,5
Last year, 96% of Colombian
beef was consumed domestically and
4% was exported6 to several Middle
Eastern countries, Russia and Vietnam,
among others.7 Exports have grown
slowly and are limited by Colombia’s
quality and sanitation practices.
Imports--primarily from the U.S.
and Argentina-- are similarly limited
but growing, reaching 23 million USD
in 2019.8

The industry (Figure 2 illustrates
the value chain) is characterized
by extensive systems on unsuitable
land. The country has 34 million
hectares of pasture land--28% of
which is classified as unmanaged             Source: ICA 2020
pasture--where 28 million cattle
graze9,10 on 655,661 sites.11 Only 15
million hectares of total land cover is
identified as suitable for cattle          majority own less than 50 head.13                              land claims (including by aggregating
ranching.12 Most production occurs         Only 1% of producers run                                       and buying campesino-developed
within extensive systems with low          commercial-scale operations with                               farms en bloc) with minimal effort.
stocking rates and low productivity,       more than 500 animals (Figure 3).14                            For these wealthy ranchers, profitable
and is mainly based on grazing.            Smaller ranches are often operated                             operations are not always the highest
                                           by poor subsistence farmers--                                  priority. Smaller ranches are less
Upstream cattle production                 “campesinos”--with low access to                               productive and face 1.5 times (or more)
in Colombia is dominated by                capital and low margins.15 Others                              higher costs per head.16
small producers: half have less            are operated from afar by wealthy                              Midstream traders and
than 10 animals and the vast               landowners as a means to secure                                wholesalers have significant


Industry Exposure to Climate Transitions

                                                                                                                                  market power. These middlemen
    Figure 4:                                                                                                                     are paid immediately by downstream
    MARKET SHARE OF COLOMBIAN BEEF PROCESSORS                                                                                     purchasers but take their time to
                                                                                                                                  pay sellers. Some middlemen take
                                                                                                                                  advantage of this dynamic to lend to
                                                                                                                                  (and earn interest from) cattle sellers,
                                                                                                                                  often earning more from these cash
                                                                                                                                  and lending services than commodity
                                                                                                                                  margins. Middlemen take animals to
                                                                                                                                  (or buy from) one of 507 authorized
                                                                                                                                  slaughterhouses,17 many of which
                                                                                                                                  are close to major cities.18,19 From
                                                                                                                                  there, the meat enters downstream
                                                                                                                                  butchering or processing through
                                                                                                                                  94 meat cutting and packing
                                                                                                                                  establishments (Figure 2).20

                                                                                                                                  Downstream sales are
                                                                                                                                  dominated by local butchers selling
                                                                                                                                  unprocessed beef. 80% of slaughtered
                                                                                                                                  and deboned cattle are sold
    Source: LaNota 2018. Notes: Aggregate market value used was 3,640 million USD reported by FEDEGAN, cited by Chain
                                                                                                                                  unprocessed, mainly via local
    Reaction Research                                                                                                             butchers like Koller.21 20% is processed
                                                                                                                                  and sold mainly via independent
                                                                                                                                  retailers, and large supermarkets,
    Figure 5:
                                                                                                                                  primarily Grupo Exito.22 Beef
                                                                                                                                  processors Grupo Nutresa (17%
                                                                                                                                  market share) and Minerva Foods
                                                                                                                                  (4% market share) are the only
                                                                                                                                  publicly-listed companies in the
                                                                                                                                  value chain. Most processors have
                                                                                                                                  less than 1% market share (Figure 4).23

                                                                                                                                  Colombia’s small beef industry
                                                                                                                                  is the world’s second most
                                                                                                                                  emissions-intensive (Figure 5)24.
                                                                                                                                  Around 43% of Colombia’s
                                                                                                                                  greenhouse gas emissions are
                                                                                                                                  related to agriculture, forestry and
                                                                                                                                  land use change; almost 30% of
                                                                                                                                  those emissions are related to
                                                                                                                                  enteric fermentation from cattle,
                                                                                                                                  and around 35% are related to
                                                                                                                                  deforestation (particularly in Meta,
    Source: FAO 2017
    Notes: These emissions intensities are significantly higher than emissions intensity estimates used for specific ranches in   Caquetá, and Guaviare).25,26,27,28
    this paper; part of this discrepancy is due to the inclusion of land clearing in FAO statistics.

                                                                                                                                  To meet Colombia’s domestic
                                                                                                                                  climate goals, it will need to
                                                                                                                                  reduce emissions from its cattle
Colombia‘s beef industry is the                                                                                                   industry. Colombia’s contribution
                                                                                                                                  to Paris Agreement is to reach 20%
world‘s second most emissions-intensive.                                                                                          below business as usual by 2030,
                                                                                                                                  with another 10% in reductions
This will need to change for it to meet                                                                                           achievable with international support.
                                                                                                                                  The cattle industry is its largest
its climate goals.                                                                                                                source of agricultural GHG


Industry Exposure to Climate Transitions

                                                                                                       emissions. Therefore, in its low
  Figure 6: CLIMATE TRANSITION RISKS FOR COLOMBIAN CATTLE INDUSTRY                                     carbon growth strategy, the
                                                                                                       government identifies livestock
                                                                                                       intensification and addressing
   TCFD                                                           Example or Potential                 pasture conversion as important
                       Risk Event
   Risk Category                                                  Source                               emissions reduction strategies.29
                                                                                                       Across the economy, Colombia
   Policy & Legal      Government restrictions on defores-        The Supreme Court has passed         has enacted a carbon tax, with
                       tation.                                    laws to restrict deforestation in
                                                                  Amazonia.                            an emissions trading system
                                                                                                       planned, and Supreme Court has
                       Introduction of greenhouse gas (GHG)       Colombia has committed to redu-      passed laws to conserve Amazonian
                       taxes or pricing systems that cover        ce its greenhouse gas emissions
                       agricultural producers.                    by 20% below BAU by 2030.
                                                                                                       forests. These policies will impact
                                                                                                       the cattle industry, either directly
                                                                                                       or indirectly by affecting the
   Technology          New planting technologies enable           Emerging agroforestry techniques
                       higher yields                              like intensive silvopastoral sys-    market for inputs like fuel or
                                                                  tems (ISPS) provide opportunities    agricultural land.
                                                                  to boost yields, diversify income,
                                                                  and reduce emissions.
                                                                                                       In addition to government
                                                                                                       policy, domestic consumer
   Market              Declining demand for carbon intensive      Both current trends and future
                                                                                                       demand is poised to follow a
                       protein sources like beef.                 transition scenarios project in-
                                                                  creasing consumer substitution of    global trend toward beef
                                                                  ruminant meats in favor of lower     substitutes. Meat consumption
                                                                  carbon protein sources.
                                                                                                       in Colombia has grown in line
                                                                                                       with GDP growth; but Colombians
                       Retailers or wholesalers require new       Colombian Tropical Forest Alli-
                       environmental standards from their         ance partners Grupo Exito and        are increasingly shifting toward
                       suppliers                                  Alqueria have committed to zero      poultry consumption-- which
                                                                  deforestation supply chains
                                                                                                       has doubled since 2002. In 2019,
                                                                  Grupo Nutresa, Minerva, Burger       beef consumption in Colombia
                                                                  King and other large beef actors
                                                                                                       was 18.6 kilograms per person
                                                                  have expressed interest in sustai-
                                                                  nable beef sourcing.                 while poultry consumption was
                                                                                                       35.6 kilograms per person.30
                       Corporate and consumer demand for          Studies indicate that sustainable
                       sustainable palm oil grows                 beef can command a price pre-
                                                                  mium in Colombian markets.

                       Land competition from lower carbon         As security risks abate and land
                                                                                                       Colombia‘s environmental
                       crops                                      values rise, conversion cattle
                                                                  ranchers may convert or sell land
                                                                  to higher margin, lower carbon
                                                                                                       policies will impact the
                                                                                                       cattle industry both
                       Capital providers link financing to
                       improvements in greenhouse gas
                                                                  FINAGRO provides specialized
                                                                  financing for ISPS conversions.      directly and indirectly via
                                                                                                       input costs.
   Reputation          Shareholders or capital providers divest   Seven major European invest-
                       or express concerns about environmen-      ment firms have threatened to
                       tal commitments.                           divest from nearby Brazil’s beef
                                                                  producers and grains traders over    As ambition to address the
                                                                  deforestation concerns.
                                                                                                       climate crisis intensifies, these
                       Increased NGO and stakeholder con-         NGOs play a highly active role       trends will also intensify, creating
                       cern about issues such as deforestation    in monitoring deforestation in       material risk events for Colombian
                       or climate change increase scrutiny of     Colombia, particularly around
                                                                                                       producers, whether driven by
                       tropical commodity supply chains.          Amazonia.
                                                                                                       new climate and land use
                                                                                                       policies, market purchasing
  Source: Concordian and Reuters, June 2020. 31
                                                                                                       shifts, or technology developments
                                                                                                       as outlined in Figure 6.


Section III
Financial Implications of Climate Transitions

    KEY TAKEAWAYS                          Figure 7:
                                           CLIMATE TRANSITION SCENARIO ASSUMPTIONS
    Emissions costs and land use
    restrictions would squeeze                                                          Historical                 Modest                     Aggressive
                                                                                        Ambition                   Ambition                   Ambition
    already tight margins--
    especially for large cattle
                                            Warming Target                              4+                         3                          1.5
    breeders--and impede                    (Degrees Celsius)
    geographic expansion.
                                            Global Carbon Price                         None                       $3 in 2030                 $14 in 2030
                                            Land Sector*                                                           $7 in 2040                 $69 in 2040
    Greater land competition and            (2019 USD per ton CO2)
    tighter margins are likely to
    spur land sales and ranch               Regional Carbon Price:                      None                       $1 in 2030                 $10 in 2030
    conversion to higher margin             Land Sector*                                                           $7 in 2040                 $64 in 2040
    agricultural activities like            (2019 USD per ton CO2)
    palm oil.
                                            Global Protected                            352                        352                        2,707
                                            Natural Areas** (Mha)

                                            Colombian Land                              Deforestation              No Deforestation           No Deforestation
                                            Development Restrictions                    allowed

To assess the effect of future climate      Bioenergy Pathways                          27                         70                         70
                                            (EJ by 2100)
transitions on Colombian cattle ran-
ching, we evaluate three scenarios:         Ruminant Meat                               No reduction               No reduction               No reduction
Historical Ambition (“Historical”),         Consumption***
Modest Ambition (“Modest”), and
                                            Maximum Price Premiums for                  None                       10%                        23%
Aggressive Ambition (“Aggressive”).         Sustainable Beef****
As summarized in Figure 7, each tran-
sition scenario considers both global      Source: Concordian and Vivid Economics, based on MAgPIE assumptions and REMIND carbon price modeling results from
and corresponding local pathways--in-      the report “Transition Scenarios for Tropical Agriculture.” Notes: *Carbon prices presented are averages in 2019 USD; this
                                           report’s financial analysis uses regional GHG prices. GHG emissions prices reflect land sector GHG prices, rather than ener-
cluding consumer trends--to achieve        gy or economy-wide GHG prices which may be higher. **Global Protected Natural Areas are defined by the International
                                           Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The Historical and Modest Scenarios protect IUCN Categories I and II while
global warming temperature targets.32      the Aggressive Scenario protects IUCN Categories I to VI, both designated and proposed. ***Ruminant meat fadeout – this
Specifically, we assume the following      is a gradual decrease in the role of ruminant meats (beef, lamb, mutton and goat) as a protein source. Fadeout scenarios
                                           replace ruminant meat with less carbon intensive protein sources, including poultry, fish, eggs, and alternative meats.
Colombian actions in line with global      **** Price premiums are based on Charry et al 2019.34


• Historical: The Historical scenario
  assumes limited global and local
                                         • Aggressive: The Aggressive scenario                              pricing trends reflect underlying
  ambition to address the climate
  crisis. In Colombia, we project a        amplifies the Modest scenario, with                              assumptions in each scenario.
  pathway that reflects the status quo     higher GHG pricing, significant local                            In the Historical and Modest
  in which agricultural emissions are      demand for certified-sustainable                                 scenarios producers see limited
  neither regulated nor taxed and in       beef, as well as significant declines                            cost increases and production rises
  which deforestation restrictions are     in global and regional ruminant meat                             to meet growing demand, thereby
  not enforced.                            consumption.                                                     moderating price increases. In the
                                                                                                            Aggressive scenario, emissions
• Modest: In this scenario, the          Our models broadly project rising                                  pricing and area protections raise
  world pursues modest GHG               beef prices while production and                                   production costs, leading to
  pricing33 alongside investment in      demand growth slow with greater                                    production declines and higher prices
  bioenergy pathways, among other        climate ambition (Figure 8, on                                     even in the face of declining demand.
  factors. In Colombia, we assume        next page). Over the next 15 years,
  very modest GHG pricing, increased     global and regional beef prices and                                After 2035, regional (Central and
  consumer interest in certified-        production under the Historical and                                South American) beef prices under
  sustainable beef, as well              Modest scenarios track each other                                  the Aggressive scenario spike
  as deforestation restrictions that     closely, while the Aggressive scenario’s                           much higher while production falls
  cover industrial cattle producers.     results diverge immediately. These                                 faster than global trends. By 2040,


Financial Implications of Climate Transitions

Aggressive regional beef prices are                                 Emissions costs will squeeze                   within 10 years (Figure 9, next page).
1.6 times higher, and global beef                                   already tight margins. Charging                Within 20 years, emissions costs
prices are 2.3 times higher, relative                               emissions costs directly to small              rise to over 6 times the projected
to the Historical scenario. Notably,                                ranchers may not be administratively           production costs. Smaller breeders,
regional price increases may be                                     or politically feasible. But larger,           while more emissions-intensive than
moderated by future imports in the                                  commercial breeders, finishers, and            larger breeders, are not likely to be
absence of import restrictions.                                     dual purpose farms will likely face            subject to GHG pricing policies and their
                                                                    significant operational emissions costs.       associated costs.
B. IMPACTS ON PRODUCERS                                             Traders and wholesalers will also face
                                                                    higher transportation costs (Colombia’s        Producers and processors can’t easily
Climate transitions will incentivize                                rural-urban transportation routes              pass these costs downstream and
emissions-intensive and inefficient                                 are already notoriously inefficient)           still compete with higher margin
producers to leave the market.                                      as diesel and other fossil fuels face          crops and cheaper international
Depending on the level of climate                                   carbon taxes or pricing.                       substitutes. Colombian beef prices are
ambition and the nature of policy                                                                                  currently low but profits are low relative
mechanisms,35 commercial                                            Cattle breeders will be particularly           to both beef imports and common
operators in Colombia’s beef value                                  hard hit due to their emissions                domestic agricultural crops. Palm oil,
chain could face:                                                   intensity. Cattle breeders achieve             for example, is 15 times more profitable
• Higher production and transportation                              comparatively high margins among               than beef cattle per hectare (Figure 10
  costs related to GHG emissions.                                   beef producers, but are also some              next page). Meanwhile, beef imports are
• New GHG emissions costs on                                        of the most emissions-intensive                cheaper due in part to their relatively
  converting forests to pasture.                                    within the beef value chain. Under an          cheaper transportation costs. For exam-
• Laws preventing deforestation or                                  Aggressive climate transition, large           ple, FEDEGAN states that it is cheaper
  other area protections, and                                       breeders (over 250 head) could see             to send a container from Shanghai
• Land competition from higher margin                               emissions costs rise to the same               to Cartagena than from Bogotá to
  agricultural uses.                                                level as projected production costs            Cartagena. Subject to trade policies, if
                                                                                                                   Colombia continues to produce high
                                                                                                                   emissions- and transportation-intensive
                                                                                                                   beef, it will likely face an influx of lower-
                                                                                                                   cost imports.
  Figure 8:
                                                                                                                   C. GROWTH CONSTRAINTS
                                                                                                                   Land use restrictions alongside GHG
                            Global                                                       Regional                  pricing spur increases in net forest
                                                                                                                   areas, reducing the potential for legal
                                                                                                                   and economically feasible cattle ex-
                                                                                                                   pansion. If the Colombian government
                                                                                                                   were to restrict deforestation alongsi-
                                                                                                                   de even the Modest scenario’s carbon
                                                                                                                   price, we project forest cover gains of
                                                                                                                   1.3 million hectares by 2030 and 2.6
                                                                                                                   million hectares by 2040 (Figure 11, next
                                                                                                                   page). The zero deforestation restric-
                                                                                                                   tion alongside the “Modest” carbon
                                                                                                                   price reduces total available commer-
                                                                                                                   cial cattle-suitable land38 (i.e., contigu-
                                                                                                                   ous tracts of over 200 hectares)39 from
                                                                                                                   13.7 million hectares (Historical) to 11.9
                                                                                                                   million hectares of land by 2040. For
                                                                                                                   smaller operators (i.e., land tracts less
                                                                                                                   than 50 hectares), expansion potential
                                                                                                                   shows little variation relative to that for
                                                                                                                   commercial operators, though zero de-
  Source: Concordian, based on modeling results from the report “Transition Scenarios for Tropical Agriculture.”
                                                                                                                   forestation policy enforcement may be
                                                                                                                   more lax for small scale operations.


Financial Implications of Climate Transitions

  Figure 9:                                                    Figure 10:

  A. Historical Ambition

  B. Modest Ambition

                                                               Source: FEDEGAN, 2015

                                                               Figure 11:
                                                               FOREST COVER EXPANSION: MODEST AMBITION SCENARIO

                                                                                           2020 to 2030                                              2020 to 2040
  B. Aggressive Ambition

  Source: Concordian using data from Gonzalez et. al
  2019.36 Notes: See technical annex for methods, data
  sources, and caveat37s related to these projections.
  These projections reflect a “steady state,”i.e., they do
  not reflect projected cash flows or income over time;
  rather they provide a snapshot in each year of relative
  production and emissions-related costs based on the
  prevailing GHG prices for the land sector in that time
  step. Emissions costs are based on an estimated emis-
  sions intensity for larger breeders (251-500 head) of 37.3
  kg CO2eq per kg of live weight gain (LWG).
  • Projected production costs also assume increases in
      factor costs including labor, energy, and equipment;
      they do not consider increases in fertilizer nor land
      costs; we assume fertilizer-related cost increases       Source: Authors. Forest cover projections at 5.5 km x 5.5 km spatial resolution are based on the OSIRIS model.37 Plotted
      are driven by emissions costs within the farm gate       values indicate the percentage of the grid cell area that has experienced an increase in forest cover over the 10- or 20-
      rather than fertilizer prices.                           year time period; changes

Financial Implications of Climate Transitions

                                                                                                                                Even in scenarios where deforestation
   Figure 12:                                                                                                                   is permitted, GHG pricing could
   REGIONAL LAND VALUES                                                                                                         make forest-to-pasture conversion
                                                                                                                                prohibitively expensive. As security
                                                                                                                                risks abated following the peace deal
                                                                                                                                with the Revolutionary Armed Forces
                                                                                                                                of Colombia (FARC), cattle ranching
                                                                                                                                proliferated on previously forested
                                                                                                                                lands in Amazonia as a means to
                                                                                                                                secure land ownership. Under climate
                                                                                                                                transitions, clearing forest to establish
                                                                                                                                a cattle ranching operation would result
                                                                                                                                in $584 (Modest) to $5,840 (Aggressive)
                                                                                                                                in upfront GHG emissions costs
                                                                                                                                per hectare by 2030.41 At the current
                                                                                                                                average net income of US$38 per
                                                                                                                                hectare for a dual purpose farm, it
                                                                                                                                would take 15 years (on a cash basis,
                                                                                                                                i.e., no interest considered) to recover
                                                                                                                                this upfront cost in even the Modest
                                                                                                                                scenario. Within 20 years, these
   Source: Concordian, based on modeling results from the report “Transition Scenarios for Tropical Agriculture.”
                                                                                                                                clearing-related emissions costs
   Figure 13:                                                                                                                   rise to $4,088 (Modest) and $37,000
   CATTLE SUITABILITY MAP AND MAJOR CATTLE FARMING REGIONS                                                                      (Aggressive) per hectare.

                                                                                                                                Greater land competition and
                                                                  Region                                                        tighter margins will spur land
                                                                                                                                sales and conversion to higher
                                                                                          Magdalena Valley                      margin agricultural activities. In
                                                                                                                                the Aggressive scenario where
                                                                                                                                deforestation is restricted, regional
                                                                                                                                land values are projected to nearly
                                                                                                                                double within 20 years (Figure 12)
                                                                                                                                as a result of both emissions pricing
                                                                                                                                and area protections. Given both
                                                                  and Caquetá                                                   cattle ranching’s currently thin
                                                                                                                                profit margins and suboptimal land
                                                                                                                                use (Figure 13), we expect climate
   Source: Concordian, on left, combining IDEAM 2012 land use map42 and SIPRA 2020 suitability map43 to show overlap of
                                                                                                                                transitions to incentivize the conversion
   existing pastures and cattle-suitable land. SIPRA defines suitability based on a number of factors including biophysical     of inefficient, emissions-intensive
   suitability, socio-economic considerations, and ecological considerations. For these maps we defined “Unsuitable” as any
   areas with low or no suitability as defined by SIPRA. Administrative boundaries are from GADM,44 The map on the right        pasture lands either back into forests,
   shows the locations of cattle herds, with values indicating heads of cattle in 2019 from ICA 2020.45 For more details, see
   Technical Annex.                                                                                                             and/or into higher margin agricultural
                                                                                                                                activities such as palm oil, sugar
   Figure 14:                                                                                                                   cane, or coffee.
   AND MAJOR CATTLE FARMING                                                                                                     63% of the country’s existing
   REGIONS                                                                                                                      pasture overlaps with land that is
                                                                                                                                biophysically suitable for palm--a
                                                                                                                                crop which provides 15 times higher
                                                                                                                                margins (Figure 14). The impact of
                                                                                                                                this conversion on midstream beef
                                                                                                                                processing, trading, and wholesaling will
   Source: Concordian, combining a land use
   map from IDEAM 201246 and an oil palm                                                                                        largely depend on trade restrictions--
   biophysical suitability map from Pirker et
   al. 2016.47 Administrative boundaries are
                                                                                                                                without restrictions, lower cost, lower-
   from GADM.48 See Technical Annex for more                                                                                    emissions imports are likely to flood the
                                                                                                                                market and moderate domestic price


Section IV
Climate Transition Opportunities

                                            One study found that
                                            Colombian consumers may                        BOX 1:
     Sustainable farming                    be willing to pay a 23% price                  SILVOPASTORAL
     techniques like intensive                                                             FARMING EXPLAINED
     silvopastoral systems protect          premium for eco-friendly
     against future cost increases          beef; 25% for animal welfare                   Silvopastoral farming is an
     and price volatility by                                                               agroforestry approach that
     reducing emissions, increasing
                                            friendly-beef; and 10% for                     integrates trees, bushes, pasture
     productivity, diversifying             beef labels that addressed                     and livestock in a mutually-
                                                                                           beneficial way. Depending on its
     income sources, and expanding          environmental impacts.                         execution, this technique can
     market access.
                                                                                           provide ecosystem services,
                                                                                           boost dairy and beef productivity,
                                            The relative profitability of
                                                                                           and diversify producers’
                                            sustainable approaches would
                                                                                           incomes. In Colombia, ISPS
Embracing a “local and sustainable”         be even higher under climate                   typically combines live fences,
beef label can counteract slowing           transitions, bolstered by emissions            trees, fodder crops, and plants
demand... Such an approach would            cost savings, sequestration                    that keep soil fertile with
play into the cultural heritage of          payments, and potential price                  cattle pastures. Compared to
ranching in Colombia while also             premiums. As shown in Figure 16,               pastures with no trees, ISPS
creating a premium product that             average methane emissions per                  systems store more carbon,
                                            produced kilogram of meat are 44%              improve soil properties, enhance
justifies higher prices. One study
                                            lower in ISPS relative to traditional          environmental resilience, reduce
found that Colombian consumers                                                             runoff, and promote greater
may be willing to pay a 23% price           techniques, resulting in relative
                                                                                           biodiversity. ISPS systems
premium for eco-friendly beef; 25%          savings. In addition, ISPS’ carbon
                                                                                           provide more nutrient-dense
for animal welfare friendly-beef; and       sequestration could generate
                                                                                           and diverse fodder for livestock
10% for beef labels that addressed          revenues of up to $485 per hectare
                                                                                           which boosts meat and milk
environmental impacts. A maximum            in 2040 under the Aggressive scenario.         productivity. Greater fodder
price premium of 50% could be               Sustainable techniques also reduce             density also enables producers
achieved by addressing multiple             dependence on, and thus costs                  to stock more cattle per hectare,
                                            related to, fertilizer and weed killers,       enabling more efficient land use.
consumer concerns.49
                                            cutting operational costs by an                Though ISPS systems allow for
                                            estimated 70%.56                               denser production by providing
… while sustainable techniques
                                                                                           an improved diet, they also lower
like intensive silvopastoral systems                                                       greenhouse gas emissions per
(ISPS) boost profitability and
diversify income sources. Sustainable
                                            Under climate transitions,                     animal, and by providing shade
                                                                                           they improve cattle welfare
farming techniques range from               converting to silvopasture                     and reduce health risks from
simple investments in fences and            becomes substantially more                     overheating, ticks, and anxiety
dispersed trees, to highly productive                                                      from lack of concealment.53 ISPS
ISPS, which carefully combine trees,        profitable                                     farming also improves economic
pasture, and livestock (Box 1). The                                                        outcomes for producers by
                                                                                           increasing milk and beef
dry Caribbean region of Colombia            The profitability of ISPS conversion
                                                                                           productivity and adding additional
is particularly promising for private       substantially rises relative to                sources of revenue, such as
investment in ISPS.50 Here, one ISPS        traditional techniques. Figure 16              timber sales, while reducing the
conversion generated 6 times higher         illustrates the relative cost, productivity,   need for costly inputs such as
income and reversed net losses              and price premium benefits achievable          fertilizer and weed killers.
to 8 times the profit in absolute           under each transition scenario for an
terms.51 This implies a 32-37% IRR          illustrative dual purpose farm (based on       Source: Chará, Julian, Ernesto Reyes,
and a payback period of just 3-4 years                                                     Pablo Peri, Joachim Otte, Fritz Schneider,
                                            Figure 16’s data) that is subject to GHG
                                                                                           and Eduardo Arce, “Silvopastoral
on $2,000-$4,000 of initial capital         emissions pricing. In the Aggressive           Systems and their Contribution to
investment depending on the mix of          scenario, ISPS profits per hectare are         Improved Resource Use and Sustainable
trees and shrubs used.52 Profit gains are   up to 8 times and 13 times higher              Development Goals: Evidence from Latin
                                                                                           America” FAO, CIPAV, and Agri Benchmark,
driven by greater productivity (Figure 15   than conventional systems by 2030
shows statistics for a dual-purpose         and 2040, respectively. Notably, these         ca2792en.pdf.
farm) and new sources of revenue            results may be less relevant to large
from timber or fruit sales.                 scale operations that have higher


Expansion Challenges Under Climate Transitions

   Figure 15:

    Measure                                    Conventional              “Improved        ISPS- With
                                               Extensive                 Pastures” - No   Trees
                                               Pastures                  Trees

    Animal Load (large animals                 0.5                       1                3
    per ha)

    Weight Gain (kg per animal,                0.37                      0.5              0.75
    per day)

    Weight Gain (kg per hectare)               0.185                     0.5              2.25

    Average Methane Emissions                  15.5                      38               105
    (kg per hectare per year)

    Annual Meat Production - live              67.5                      182.5            821.3
    weight (kg per ha per year)

    Methane Emissions per tonne                229.5                     208.2            127.9
    of meat (kg per ton)

                                               No reduction              No reduction     No reduction

    Fattening Days                             514                       380              253

   Source: Broom et al 201354, using CIPAV data and Murgueitio et al 2008;55 FEDEGAN.

carrying capacities and productivity;                            ISPS requires technical knowledge,
for these types of operators,                                    upfront capital, and time. Many
alternative sustainable farming                                  ranchers in Colombia are resistant
techniques like industrial-scale                                 to giving up the extensive ranching
intercropping may make better sense.                             traditions of recent generations.
Additionally, not all ranches are ideal
                                                                 Smaller ranchers also struggle to
candidates for conversion to ISPS.
                                                                 access capital without clear land titles.
                                                                 Finally, many ranchers do not have the
Despite clear financial benefits
even in today’s market, only 2 to                                patience either to wait for returns or to
3 million hectares of land utilize                               invest more resources in their ranches
silvopastoral systems.58 The World                               when losses are already piling up.
and many others, have introduced
several sustainable cattle ranching                              Uptake of silvopasture has
pilot and scaling programs. Many of
these programs support favorable,
                                                                 been slow because of lack of
subsidized, financing instruments. But                           capacity, cultural resistance to
uptake of these financing options, and
the adoption of silvopastoral systems
                                                                 new techniques and unclear
generally, have been slow. Instituting                           land titles.


Expansion Challenges Under Climate Transitions

   Figure 16:

   A. Historical Ambition Scenario: No ISPS Price Premium

                                         Traditional                                                                         ISPS                                         Legend
                 $5,000                                                                          $5,000                                                                   GHG costs

                                                                                                                                                                          Interest costs
                 $4,000                                                                          $4,000
                                                                                                                                                                          Costs of Production
   USD 2019/ha

                                                                                   USD 2019/ha
                                                                                                                                                                          Revenues Sequestration
                 $3,000                                                                          $3,000
                                                                                                                                                                          Revenues Timber

                 $2,000                                                                          $2,000                                                                   Revenues Meat

                 $1,000                                                                          $1,000

                     0                                                                           0
                          2020   2025        2030        2035         2040                                2020   2025        2030        2035         2040

   B. Modest Ambition Scenario: Up to 10% ISPS Price Premium

                                         Traditional                                                                         ISPS                                         Legend
                 $5,000                                                                          $5,000                                                                   GHG costs

                                                                                                                                                                          Interest costs
                 $4,000                                                                          $4,000
                                                                                                                                                                          Costs of Production
   USD 2019/ha

                                                                                   USD 2019/ha

                                                                                                                                                                          Revenues Sequestration
                 $3,000                                                                          $3,000
                                                                                                                                                                          Revenues Timber

                 $2,000                                                                          $2,000                                                                   Revenues Meat

                 $1,000                                                                          $1,000

                     0                                                                           0
                          2020   2025        2030        2035         2040                                2020   2025        2030        2035         2040

   C. Aggressive Ambition Scenario: Up to 23% Price Premium

                                         Traditional                                                                         ISPS                                         Legend
                 $5,000                                                                          $5,000                                                                   GHG costs

                                                                                                                                                                          Interest costs
                 $4,000                                                                          $4,000
                                                                                                                                                                          Costs of Production
   USD 2019/ha

                                                                                   USD 2019/ha

                                                                                                                                                                          Revenues Sequestration
                 $3,000                                                                          $3,000
                                                                                                                                                                          Revenues Timber

                 $2,000                                                                          $2,000                                                                   Revenues Meat

                 $1,000                                                                          $1,000

                     0                                                                           0
                          2020   2025        2030        2035         2040                                2020   2025        2030        2035         2040

   Source: Concordian, based on data from FEDEGAN, Broom et al 2013, Nelson and Durschinger 2015, Charry et al 2019, and Cardona et al. 2012. See technical annex for additional details regar-
   ding calculations and data sources.
   • This chart only includes methane emissions, largely related to enteric fermentation due to data constraints.
   • This chart’s intention is to give an indication of the cost differences for ISPS versus traditional systems. Not all producers will face these costs. The calculation makes several simplistic
       assumptions as outlined in the Technical Annex.
   • This figure’s underlying data assumes an average-sized dual purpose farm that is subject to emissions pricing, using land sector GHG prices.

Analyst Brief / DECEMBER 2020

Section V

Sustainable farming represents          Financiers:
a clear opportunity for Colombia’s      Commercial-scale investors and
beef industry to boost returns          banks must tie investment and          BOX 2:
while also mitigating vulnerability     lending to:                            CORPORATE
to climate transition risks. But        • Sustainable practices that allow     SUSTAINABILITY
scaling up these approaches               for market differentiation and       STRATEGIES
requires significant upfront              thus, reduce repayment losses
                                                                               Colombian beef value chain
capital--up to $17.5 billion to           under climate transition pathways.   actors are increasingly
convert 14 million hectares by          • Disclosure of climate transition     recognizing the importance of
some estimates59--alongside               risks and how these risks will       sustainability:
sustained technical assistance            be mitigated.                        • Grupo Nutresa--the country’s
and outreach. The Colombian                                                       largest beef processor--
                                        Policymakers:                             has identified silvopastoral
government has a unique
                                                                                  systems as an important
opportunity to align industry           ISPS and other sustainable cattle         sustainability strategy.60
incentives and environmental            ranching techniques provide a          • Minerva--Colombia’s second
goals through carbon pricing,           triple bottom line win, reducing          largest beef processor--has
land use restrictions, and other        Colombia’s emissions, maintaining         made a public commitment to
climate regulations.                    livelihoods, and increasing the           deforestation-free cattle in its
                                        industry’s economic value. A strong       supply chains.61,62
                                                                               • Nestle--the third-largest
                                        carbon price on a wide range of           buyer of milk in Colombia--
Scaling up sustainable farming          emissions-intensive sectors could         has a Dairy Development Plan
                                        provide the scale of revenues
in Colombia requires up to $17.5        necessary for policymakers to
                                                                                  that promotes silvopastoral
                                                                                  management to improve the
billion in capital investment.          provide much needed technical             quality and quantity of milk.63
                                        assistance, grants, subsidized         • Grupo Exito--the country’s
                                                                                  largest supermarket retailer--
As such, our research underscores       financing, and public guarantees
                                                                                  has expressed interest in more
the following recommendations:          that leverage further private             sustainable supply chains.64
                                        investment.                            • Cargill, McDonald’s, Restaurant
                                                                                  Brands International (the
                                                                                  parent company of Burger
Large corporate producers and
buyers should immediately
                                        The Colombian government                  King), the WWF, Mesa
                                                                                  Ganadería Sostenible
institute, and allocate capital to      has a unique opportunity                  Colombia, and Minerva Foods,
                                                                                  among others, are part of
supporting, sustainable livestock       to align industry incentives              the Global Roundtable on
purchasing policies (see Box 2 for
context). This will require adjusting   and environmental goals                   Sustainable Beef (GRSB).65

corporate policies, educating           through carbon pricing,                Nevertheless, as most of these
suppliers, and providing direct                                                corporate strategies lack
education and technical assistance
                                        land use restrictions, and             measurable capital and/or
to poorer farmers.                      other climate regulations.             corporate policy commitments
                                                                               to sustainable practices, they
                                                                               are unlikely to result in the
                                                                               meaningful shifts companies
                                                                               must make to effectively address
                                                                               climate transition risks.



(1) While this report focuses only on beef,      sation.pdf. (23) “Colombia Informe Sectorial
the country’s dairy industry--including large      cios/epidemiologia-veterinaria/censos-2016/       Standard 2019: Sector productos cárnicos
companies like Alquería, Colanta, Alpina,          censo-2018. Note: Updated this from the           (res y cerdo),” La Nota, 2019, https://lanota.
Coolechera, and Parmalat--faces similar            2017 census information. (12) IGAC [Instituto     com/index.php/CONFIDENCIAS/ranking-
exposure to climate transitions since much         Geografico Agustin Codazzi], „Colombia, un        2018-lideres-productos-carnicos-de-colom-
of the industry’s upstream production is           país con una diversidad de suelos ignorada y      bia.html. Note: Other downstream channels
dual purpose. (2) This report, accompanying        desperdiciada,” October 2019,   include fast food Chains like El Corral (over
Technical Guidance, and other reports within       co/es/noticias/colombia-un-pais-con-una-di-       200 locations, owned by Grupo Nutresa);
the Orbitas climate transition series are          versidad-de-suelos-ignorada-y-desperdiciada.      Presto (160 locations); McDonalds (80 loca-
available at (3) Not all   (13) Nelson, Nora and Leslie Durschinger,.        tions); and smaller chains like Burger King;
ISPS conversions would provide this rate of        „Supporting Zero-Deforestation Cattle in          The Chef Burger Company; Sierra Nevada;
return. The marginal benefits of conversion        Colombia,“ USAID-supported Forest Carbon,         Home Burger; El Rodeo; and La Pampa.
to ISPS will depend on multiple biophysical        Markets and Communities Program, February         (24) Food and Agriculture Organization of the
factors, access and cost of capital, as well       2015,    United Nations, FAOSTAT Statistical Database,
as the ranches baseline productivity. Data         default/files/Colombia%20Zero%20Deforesa- (25)
based on Nelson, Nora and Leslie Durschin-         tion.pdf. (14) ICA [Instituto Colombiano Agro-    95% of Colombia’s livestock-related emis-
ger,. „Supporting Zero-Deforestation Cattle in     pecuario], “Censo Pecuario año 2020,” Censo       sions inventory is related to cattle; owing to
Colombia,“ USAID-supported Forest Carbon,          Pecuario Nacional, 2019,     its deforestation for pastures (45%), enteric
Markets and Communities Program, Februa-           co/areas/pecuaria/servicios/epidemiologia-        fermentation (32%), animal urine and manure
ry 2015,        veterinaria/censos-2016/censo-2018.               (20%), and manure management (4%).
sites/default/files/Colombia%20Zero%20             (15) World Bank, “Business Case: Mainstrea-       (26) IDEAM, PNUD, MADS, DNP, CANCILLERIA,
Deforesation.pdf. (4) Ritchie, Hannah and Max      ming Sustainable Cattle Ranching Project,”        “Inventario nacional de gases de efecto inver-
Roser „Meat and Dairy Production“, Our World       September 2019,          nadero (GEI) de Colombia,” 3ra Comunicacion
In Data (based on FAOStat 2018 data), 2019,           Nacional de Cambio Climatico, 2015, http://        pdf/Mainstreaming-Sustainable-Cattle-Ran-
(5) Regionally, Colombia is the fourth largest     ching-Project-Business-Case.pdf. (16) Based       bvirtual/023421/cartilla_INGEI.pdf. (27) Tapa-
beef producer after Brazil, Argentina, and         on interviews with cattle breeders and indus-     sco, Jeimar, Jean Fracois Le Coq, Alejandro
Mexico; but its beef exports are significantly     try experts and data from FEDEGAN’s eco-          Ruden, Juan Sebastian Rivas, and Javier Ortiz,
smaller than these three countries. Source:        nomic research office (https://www.fedegan.       „The livestock sector in Colombia: Toward a
Williams, Gary and David Anderson, “The Latin (17)      program to facilitate large-scale adoption of
American Livestock Industry: Growth and            Though not a focus of this report, it is worth    mitigation and adaptation practices,“ Frontiers
Challenges,” Choices, Agricultural and Applied     noting that there exists a significant amount     in Sustainable Food Systems 3 (2019): 61.
Economics Association, 2019, https://www.          of illegal cattle ranching and slaughtering          activities in Colombia. (18) Instituto Nacional   fsufs.2019.00061/full#B12. (28) Tapasco,
mitted-articles/the-latin-american-livestock-      de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos,        Jeimar, Jean Fracois Le Coq, Alejandro Ru-
industry-growth-and-challenges. (6) DANE           „Plantas de Beneficio Animal,“ Invima, https://   den, Juan Sebastian Rivas, and Javier Ortiz,
[Departamento Nacional de Estadística], “IV          „The livestock sector in Colombia: Toward a
trimestre de 2019,” Encuesta de Sacrificio de      ficio-animal.html#preguntas-frecuentes.           program to facilitate large-scale adoption of
Ganado, 2019,       (19) de Wilde, Joeri, Tim Steinweg, and Matt      mitigation and adaptation practices,“ Frontiers
php/estadisticas-por-tema/agropecuario/            Piotrowski, „Deforestation Risk in Colombia:      in Sustainable Food Systems 3 (2019): 61.
encuesta-de-sacrificio-de-ganado/encuesta-         Beef and Dairy Sectors May Expose Inves-
de-sacrificio-de-ganado-esag-historicos. (7)       tors“, Chain Reaction Research, 2018, https://    fsufs.2019.00061/full#B12. (29) Tapasco,
TRASE finance (8) United Nations, UN Com-          Jeimar, Jean Fracois Le Coq, Alejandro Ru-
trade Database,     loads/2018/12/Deforestation-Colombia-1.pdf.       den, Juan Sebastian Rivas, and Javier Ortiz,
Note: These figures are from both 1. Meat of       (20) Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de          „The livestock sector in Colombia: Toward a
bovine animals; fresh or chilled and 2. Meat       Medicamentos y Alimentos, „Plantas de             program to facilitate large-scale adoption of
of bovine animals; frozen (9) ICA [Instituto       Beneficio Animal,“ Invima, https://paginaweb.     mitigation and adaptation practices,“ Frontiers
Colombiano Agropecuario], “Censo Pecuario        in Sustainable Food Systems 3 (2019): 61.
año 2020,” Censo Pecuario Nacional, 2019,          html#preguntas-frecuentes. (21) Nelson, Nora       and Leslie Durschinger,. „Supporting Zero-De-     fsufs.2019.00061/full#B12. (30) FEDEGAN [Fe-
cios/epidemiologia-veterinaria/censos-2016/        forestation Cattle in Colombia,“ USAID-sup-       deracion Colombiana de Ganaderos]. “Consu-
censo-2018. Note: Updated this from the 2017       ported Forest Carbon, Markets and Commu-          mo aparente per capita anual (origen formal),”
census information. (10) DANE [Departamen-         nities Program, February 2015, http://www.        2019,
to Nacional de Estadística], “Censo Nacional       consumo-0. (31)
Agropecuario 2014” Bogotá: Departamento            Colombia%20Zero%20Deforesation.pdf.               articles/exclusive-european-investors-threa-
Administrativo Nacional de Estadística, 2014,      (22) Nelson, Nora and Leslie Durschinger,.        ten-brazil-divestment-over-deforestati-            „Supporting Zero-Deforestation Cattle in          on-2020-06-19 (32) Please visit http://orbitas.
disticas-por-tema/agropecuario/censo-na-           Colombia,“ USAID-supported Forest Carbon,         finance for detailed information regarding our
cional-agropecuario-2014.(11) ICA [Instituto       Markets and Communities Program, February         detailed global scenario modeling results, our
Colombiano Agropecuario], “Censo Pecuario          2015,    overall methodology, and a summary of all of
año 2020,” Censo Pecuario Nacional, 2019,          default/files/Colombia%20Zero%20Defore-           our industry reports.



(33) Note that the GHG prices here are those       the 2030 or 2040 carbon price for each policy     Enrique and Muhammad Ibrahim, “Ganadería
applied to the land sector, which typically,       scenario. We assume all CO2 emissions occur       y medio ambiente en América Latina,” Gana-
lag those applied to the energy sector. (34)       in the year in which deforestation occurs. For    dería del Futuro, pp. 19–39, Fundación CIPAV,
Charry, Andrés, Manuel Narjes, Karen Enciso,       more information on the OSIRIS model, see         January 2008,
Michael Peters, and Stefan Burkart, “Sustaina-     the Technical Annex. (42) Dataset available at:   publication/237495139_Ganaderia_y_medio_
ble Intensification of Beef Production in Co-       ambiente_en_America_Latina. (56) FEDEGAN,
lombia – Chances for product differentiations (43) Dataset       Beef Production and Silvopastoral Systems.
and price premiums,” Agricultural and Food         “Aptitud_Carne_Bovina_Dic2019,” available at:     Opportunities for Colombia. Presentation
Economics, 7, 22, December 2019, https://agri- (44) Administrati-     given by FEDEGAN’s Executive President, José        ve boundaries are from GADM [Version 3.6.         Félix Lafaurie Rivera at the Agri Benchmark
s40100-019-0143-7                         (45) Dataset available at:      Beef and Sheep Conference 2015. (57) Note
(35) Including which operators are and are      the difference in scales used for the charts
not subject to emissions reductions policies.      cios/epidemiologia-veterinaria/censos-2016/       between Conventional and ISPS systems.
(36) González-Quintero, R., Sánchez-Pin-           censo-2020/bovinos-censo-2020.aspx                (58) Nelson, Nora and Leslie Durschinger,.
zón, M.S., Bolívar-Vergara, D.M., Chirinda, N.,    (46) Dataset available at: http://bart.ideam.     „Supporting Zero-Deforestation Cattle in
Arango, J., Pantévez, H.A., Correa-Londoño,          Colombia,“ USAID-supported Forest Carbon,
G., Barahona-Rosales, R., 2019. Technical and (47) Pirker, J., Mosnier, A.,    Markets and Communities Program, Februa-
environmental characterization of Colom-           Kraxner, F., Havlík, P., and Obersteiner, M.      ry 2015,
bian beef cattle-fattening farms, with a           (2016). What are the limits to oil palm ex-       sites/default/files/Colombia%20Zero%20
focus on farm size and ways of improving           pansion? Global Environmental Change, 40,         Deforesation.pdf. (59) Nelson, Nora and Leslie
production. Outlook Agric. 1–10. https://doi.      73–81. doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.06.007       Durschinger,. „Supporting Zero-Deforestation
org/10.1177/0030727019884336                       (48) Version 3.6. (49) Charry,   Cattle in Colombia,“ USAID-supported Forest
(37) González-Quintero, R., Barahona-Ro-           Andrés, Manuel Narjes, Karen Enciso, Michael      Carbon, Markets and Communities Program,
sales, R., Chirinda, N., Arango, J., Pantevez.     Peters, and Stefan Burkart, “Sustainable          February 2015, http://www.terraglobalcapital.
H.A, Bolívar-Vergara, D.M., & Sánchez Pinzón,      Intensification of Beef Production in Colom-      com/sites/default/files/Colombia%20Zero%20
M. S. 2019. Huella de carbono en sistemas          bia – Chances for product differentiations        Deforesation.pdf. (60) Rojas Salazar, Laura,
de producción de cría bovina en Colombia.          and price premiums,” Agricultural and Food        Camila Cammaert. “Recomendaciones estra-
In XV Encuentro Nacional y VIII Internacional      Economics, 7, 22, December 2019, https://agri-    tégicas hacia la sostenibilidad ambiental en la
de Investigadores de las ciencias pecuarias.       producción primaria de carne bovina,” World
Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias,          s40100-019-0143-7. (50) World Bank,               Wildlife Fund, 2019, https://alimentoscarnicos.
32 (supl). (38) As defined by UPRA: Colom-         “Business Case: Mainstreaming Sustainable
bia’s rural planning department. See https://      Cattle Ranching Project,” September 2019,         sostenible.pdf. (61) BDO. “Third-party audit for technical definitions of          report to meet ‘undertaking to adopt mini-
suitability; For our calculations we consider      en/324381569396107123/pdf/Mainstreaming-          mum criteria for industrial-scale operations
UPRA-defined “Medium” and “High” suitable          Sustainable-Cattle-Ranching-Project-Busi-         with cattle and beef products in the Amazon
land areas as suitable for cattle ranching. This   ness-Case.pdf. (51) Nelson, Nora and Leslie       Biome’,” BDO, 2020, https://portal.minerva-
suitability definition considers several factors   Durschinger,. „Supporting Zero-Deforestation
including biophysical suitability as well as       Cattle in Colombia,“ USAID-supported Forest       peace_minerva_vf_ingles.pdf.
social, economic, and ecological factors.          Carbon, Markets and Communities Program,          (62) Minerva. “2019 Sustainability Report,” Mi-
(39) Gonzalez, Ricardo, Maria Solange              February 2015, http://www.terraglobalcapital.     nerva, 2020,
Sánchez-Pinzón, Diana María Bolívar-Vergara        com/sites/default/files/Colombia%20Zero%20        files/rs2019_minerva_foods.pdf. (63) Nelson,
Ngonidzashe Chirinda, Jacobo Arango, Heiber        Deforesation.pdf. (52) Nelson, Nora and Leslie    Nora and Leslie Durschinger,. „Supporting
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