Criminal History in Underwriting: Closing the Gaps with Improved Screening

Page created by Crystal Santiago
Criminal History in Underwriting: Closing the Gaps with Improved Screening
May 2021

US Underwriting News

                                A new criminal history screening tool
                                offers improved results for underwriting

     Criminal History in Underwriting: Closing
     the Gaps with Improved Screening
     Studies show tha t morta lity experience is less fa vora ble          regula tory complia nce. Ha nnover Re’s underwriting team
     a mong individua ls with crimina l histories tha n those without      continues to eva lua te new sources of da ta a nd risk selection
     crimina l records. Due to the stigma rela ted to ha ving a            tools to solve insurers’ cha llenges. Through existing
     crimina l record a nd the desire to obta in a policy a t the best     pa rtnerships, Ha nnover Re is a ble to experiment a nd test
     ra te possible, there is a propensity for a pplica nts to concea l    va rious new tools resulting in substa ntive lea rnings that
     this informa tion when a pplying for life insura nce. As life         benefit clients. For crimina l history screeni ng, Ha nnover Re
     insurers continue to evolve their a ccelera ted a nd a utoma ted      ha s identified severa l key a spects tha t ca rriers should
     underwriting processes, it will be critica l for them to              consider when implementing a crimina l records screening
     incorpora te effective third pa rty da ta services tha t ena ble      tool. These key considera tions include:
     comprehensive screening for crimina l histories.                            1. Ra pid results a nd technology ena bled a ccess to
                                                                                     screening informa tion
     The industry ha s struggled to find a n effective tool to screen            2. Verified records sea rches tha t return confident
     for crimina l histories. This is due to the complexity of                       ma tched results
     na viga ting court filing systems a cross va rious jurisdictions,           3. Structured da ta retrieva l for a utoma tion a nd
     issues with ma tching a pplica nts to records a nd ensuring                     a ccelera tion
Criminal History in Underwriting: Closing the Gaps with Improved Screening
Over the la st twenty-four months, Ha nnover Re ha s worked
closely with Choice Screening, a Denver ba sed globa l
                                                                         Case 1
a ccredited ba ckground check compa ny, to ga in a deep
understa nding of their products a nd their a pplica tion in the
                                                                         46 year old male | $250,000 face amount
life insura nce spa ce. A felony ca se review resulted in nota ble
                                                                         Admitted criminal history on application: none
                                                                         Other products reporting criminal history: clear

    Felony Case Review Highlights                                        Choice Screen results: July 2007 – first-degree felony
                                                                         statutory rape (two counts) and child molestation
    Sampled 2000 cases looking for felony records                        (victim less than 12 years old). Sentenced to ten years
                                                                         in prison. Currently on the Sex Offender Registry and
    Reportable felony record hit rate between 4-5%                       lifetime probation due to severity of crime.

    Approximately 75% of the felony criminal hits
    reported by the Choice Screening product were not
    picked up by commonly used products in the
                                                                      Verified Searches
    industry.                                                         Ma ny of the screening products a va ilable on the ma rket opt
                                                                      not to report a finding if they a re uncerta in of a ma tch,
    The quality of data in the reporting provided by                  crea ting ma teria l ga ps. Choice Screening employs certified
    Choice Screening was more complete and accurate,                  resea rchers who ca n verify records to ensure tha t life
    providing greater protective value. While there may               insurers receive a n a ccura te a nd complete history of ea ch
    have been a parallel hit with another product, the                a pplica nt. The verifica tion process confirms a lega lly
    quality of the data was more robust, in particular the            reporta ble record tha t is up to da te, complete a nd complia nt.
    severity of the crime (misdemeanor versus felony), as             The Enha nced Verified Na tiona l Crimina l Sea rch combines
    well as the dates used.                                           SSN va lida tion, a ddress history, a lia s na me sea rches, plus
                                                                      a ccess to over 1,000 sources a nd over 800 million criminal
    Based on Hannover Re’s findings, Choice Screening                 records. All records a re verified by the resea rcher directly at
    performs better at identifying current registered sex             the source prior to reporting. In a ddition, Choice Screening
    offenders than other products on the market. In the               provides sta te a nd county level sea rches for those sta tes that
    sample there were eight individuals currently                     do not report to the Na tiona l Da tabase.
    registered that were not flagged in comparable

                                                                         Case 2

                                                                         42 year old male | $1,000,000 face amount
Rapid Checks                                                             Resident of Colorado
Choice Screening ha s developed a dva nced technology a nd
                                                                         Admitted criminal history on application: none
softwa re to help life insura nce ca rriers a nd underwriters
                                                                         Other products reporting criminal history: clear
strengthen their screening pra ctices by ena bling them to
connect to the Choice Screening pla tform via API.
                                                                         Choice Screening results: Passed Enhanced Verifie d
Additiona lly, robust        reporting     ca pa bilities provide
                                                                         National Criminal Search (Colorado does not report
a ccelera ted a ccess to get a clea r depiction of the a pplica nt.
                                                                         records to the national database). Colorado State
                                                                         Search – October 2020 (two days prior to application)
                                                                         second-degree felony kidnapping (two counts).

Hannover Re | 2
Criminal History in Underwriting: Closing the Gaps with Improved Screening
Accelerated Underwriting & Automation                                 a ccelera ted a nd informed decisions. Conta ct Ha nnover Re to
                                                                      lea rn more a bout the eva lua tion of Choice Screening a nd its
The structured da ta received from Choice Screening ca n be           benefits in life underwriting.
incorpora ted a s a nother third pa rty da ta source within
a utoma ted decisioning such a s hr | ReFlex, Ha nnover Re’s          Contact for more information
a utoma ted underwriting solution. When included in
a ccelera ted/a utoma ted  underwriting      progra ms,   in
combina tion with other third pa rty da ta sources, Choice
                                                                                                Susan Mayer, FALU, FLMI
Screening will support holistic underwriting decisions.
                                                                                                Vice President, Underwriting
                                                                                                Specia lty Products

   Case 3                                                                                       Ha nnover Re
                                                                                                Tel. (720) 279-5092
   30 year old female | $1,000,000 face amount                                                  susa yer@hlra merica .com

   Admitted criminal history on application: none
   Other products reporting criminal history: clear

   Choice Screening results: March 2019 – first-degre e
   felony domestic      battery, first-degree    felony                                         Mikele Oldani
   aggravated assault and first-degree misdemeanor,                                             Enterprise Sa les Executive
   interference with emergency communication.
                                                                                                Choice Screening
                                                                                                Tel. (720) 974-4747
Summary                                                                                         Follow @ChoiceScreening on
The insura nce industry fa ced countless cha llenges over the                                   Twitter a nd LinkedIn
la st twelve months. With these cha llenges ca me ma ny
opportunities, ca ta pulting the ma rket, a s a whole, into a new
era of underwriting much fa ster tha n would ha ve been ha d
the globa l pa ndemic not been present. Ma ny ca rriers ha d to
quickly implement cha nges to their workflow a nd buckets of
requirements ha d they not a lrea dy done so. It will be
importa nt to continue to monitor these cha nges very closely,
ma king sure to close a ny ga ps tha t ma y exist.

Ha nnover Re ha s been a t the forefront resea rching new data
sources a nd risk selection tools. Working with a pa rtner that
is flexible a nd ca n provide ta ilored solutions is pa ra mount in
toda y’s environment. Choice Screening offers a n a rra y of
products a nd da ta sources tha t ca n be used to refi ne a nd
enha nce both process a nd a utoma ted underwriting
progra ms, providing protective va lue a nd a considera ble
a mount of flexibility a long the wa y.

As illustra ted in the ca se studies a bove, Choice Screening
methodologies uncover critica l informa tion key to ma king

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