Page created by Sylvia Palmer
Please complete the following checklist during the June holidays and submit
the completed checklist to your teacher to exchange for a small token after
school re-opens:

 Breeding Site Type                     Checked Date       Checked Date

 Flower Vases/Bowls

 Pails/Pail Rims and
 Ornamental Fountains

 Plant/Flower Pot Plates

 Bamboo Pole Holders
 (ask adult to help)

 Roof Gutters (ask adult to help)

 Gully Traps (ask adult to help)

 Dish Rack Tray

 Hardened Soil

                                                                              DENGUE HOTLINE 1800-x-Dengue (1800-9336483)
                                                        Signature             EMAIL
Name:                         School:                   of Parent             WEBSITE
GENERAL INFORMATION                                                                   LIFE CYCLE OF
ON DENGUE                                                                             MOSQUITOES
DENGUE SITUATION                                                                      Under optimal conditions, the egg of an Aedes mosquito
                                                                                      can hatch into a larva in less than a day. The larva then
•    There are 4 serotypes of                                                         takes about four days to develop into a pupa, from which an adult mosquito will
     dengue viruses in Singapore.                                                     emerge after two days. Three days after the mosquito has bitten a person and
     The predominant serotype has                                                     taken in blood, it will lay eggs, and the cycle begins again.
     been dengue virus serotype V2
     (DENV2) since 2007.
•    Historical records show that
     a switch in the predominant                                                               1-2 days                                               2-3 days
                                           DENV1       DENV2    DENV3        DENV4
     dengue serotype occurs every
                                                   Dengue Situation (2007)
     few years and is usually
     accompanied by a significant                                                                                           Mosquito
     increase in dengue cases. This is
     because populations have lower
     immunity to the non-dominant
     serotypes and are therefore more
     susceptible to infections with
     these serotypes.                                                                            Pupae                                                Eggs
•    Mosquitoes carrying the dengue
     virus are able to bite and infect     DENV1       DENV2    DENV3        DENV4
     many people in the neighbourhood,             Emerging Trend (2013)
     and thus continue the chain of                                                            3-4 days                                                 1 day
     disease transmission.

                                                                                                                      Stagnant Water
                                                                                     HOW IS DENGUE TRANSMITTED
                                                                                     1. A female Aedes mosquito becomes         3. The previously infected person
                                                                                        infective after biting and sucking         eventually recovers and becomes
                                                                                        blood from an infected person              immune to the serotype that he/she
                                                                                        carrying the virus in his/her blood.       was infected with.

    High Fever      Severe        Muscle Pains        Rashes        Nausea and       2. The virus is then passed on to          4. However, the recovered person
                   Headache           and                            Vomiting           healthy people when the infective          can still be infected with the other
                                   Joint Pains                                          Aedes mosquito bites them.                 3 serotypes as he/she does not have
                                                                                                                                   immunity against them.
                                                                                                                                                           Change water in
DO THE 5-STEP MOZZIE WIPEOUT                                                                                                                               vases/bowls on
                                                                                                                                                           alternate days

  Change water in vases/bowls on                   Turn over all water
                                                                                                                                                           Change water in
         alternate days                            storage containers              Change waaltteerrniantvases/bowls   Change waaltteerrniantvases/bowls   vases/bowls on
                                                                                        on               e days             on               e days
                                                                                                                                                           alternate days

   Remove water from flower pot               Cover bamboo pole holders                                                                                    Turn over all
                                                                                   Change waaltteerrniantvases/bowls                                       water storage
     plates on alternate days                      when not in use                      on               e days

                                        If you stay in a dengue cluster area,

                                        •   Spray dark corners such as under
                                            the bed, behind the cabinet, around
                                            curtains and around toilets with
                                            aerosol cans (insecticide) to kill
                                            adult mosquitoes

                                        •   Apply insect repellent or wear light                                                                           Turn over all
     Clear blockages and put Bti            coloured clothing with long pants                                                                              water storage
 insecticides in roof gutters monthly       and sleeves
Turn over all        Cover bamboo
  water storage         pole holders
   containers          when not in use

  Turn over all        Cover bamboo
  water storage         pole holders
   containers          when not in use

Remove water from     Clear blockages and
 flower pot plates   put Bti insecticide in
 on alternate days   roof gutters monthly

Remove water from     Clear blockages and
 flower pot plates   put Bti insecticide in
 on alternate days   roof gutters monthly
                 MOSQUITO BREEDING
  Remove all
stagnant water   PRIOR TO A VACATION
                 Before going on your vacation, please take the following measures to safeguard
                 your home and your neighbours.

  Remove all
stagnant water                                              Seal off the                 Cover all floor traps
                     Cover all toilet bowls in         overflow pipe of the
                           your home                     flushing cistern

  Remove all
stagnant water

                      Add sand granular
                    insecticides to places
                   that mosquitoes could               Clear blockages and               Turn over all water
                 potentially breed, such as            add Bti insecticide in            storage containers
                  flower vases and places                  roof gutters
                    where stagnant water
                   could not be removed

  Remove all     •      Ask a relative or close friend to check your home regularly for stagnant water if you
stagnant water          are going away for a long period of time
                 •      Leave your contact with your neighbours or the neighbourhood police post/centre so
                        that you can be reached easily
DENGUE COMMUNITY                                                                                      DENGUE PREVENTION
ALERT SYSTEM                                                                                          CHECKLIST
GET TO KNOW THE DENGUE ALERT COLOUR CODES                                                             Please complete the following checklist during the June holidays and submit
                                                                                                      the completed checklist to your teacher to exchange for a small token after
A three-colour coded (yellow, red, green) dengue community alert system has                           school re-opens:
been set up to inform residents on the localised situation and precautionary
actions to take.
                                                                                                       Breeding Site Type                 Checked Date           Checked Date
                                                                      Alert: YELLOW
                                                                    “There are less than               Flower Vases/Bowls
                                                                      10 cases in your
                                                                                                       Pails/Pail Rims and
                                                                                                       Ornamental Fountains

                                        TAKE ACTION!                                                   Plant/Flower Pot Plates
    Do the mozzie wipeout        Apply repellent & wear long-        Spray insecticide in dark
    once a week                  sleeved shirts and pants            corners such as under the bed,    Bamboo Pole Holders
                                                                     sofa and curtains at home         (ask adult to help)

                                                                          Alert: RED                   Roof Gutters (ask adult to help)

                                                                     “There are more
                                                                   than 10 cases in your               Gully Traps (ask adult to help)
                                                                                                       Dish Rack Tray
                                        TAKE ACTION!
    Do the mozzie wipeout        Apply repellent & wear long-        Spray insecticide in dark
                                                                                                       Hardened Soil
    every alternate day          sleeved shirts and pants            corners such as under the bed,
                                                                     sofa and curtains at home
    Take part in NEA campaign
    activities in the area

                                                                       Alert: GREEN
                                                                “Thank you for your efforts
                                                                 to fight against dengue.
                                                                  Please remain vigilant”

                                        TAKE ACTION!
    Continue to do the mozzie wipeout once a week                Spray insecticide in dark corners
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