Page created by Judy Oliver


               13 - 21 NOVEMBER 2018

                     Main partner

PREFACE                                                                         CONTENT
                                                                                          1.    Preface                      24. Aegon
You are holding the profiler for the sixth edition of the Econometric Career Days. With
over 25 companies participating in almost 30 activities, we have set out to make          2.    Content                      25. ANWB
this year’s ECD the biggest on-campus recruitment event for econometricians, yet
                                                                                          3.    Programme                    26.
                                                                                          5.    The Grand Opening            27. Deep Blue Capital
Our goal is simple: we want to connect you with prestigious companies or help you
find out which type of companies you actually have an interest in. We feel like we        8.    Masterclass                  28. Deloitte
have created a truly unique program. It will not only give you the chance to meet
appealing companies, but also the opportunity to learn from the best and visit            9.    Field Trip to Schiphol       29. Gupta Strategists
places that you would otherwise never get to see.
                                                                                                                             30. IMC Trading
For the first time in the history of the ECD, a masterclass is part of the program.           Main Partner:                  31. ING
Dr. Angelien Kemna will teach you all about a career in Quantitative Finance with
some qualitative advice. Seize this rare opportunity and meet one of the most             11. Optiver                        32. KLM
powerful women in the Netherlands!
                                                                                                                             33. Ortec Finance
Due to the great success of last year’s Field Trip, we decided to keep this addition
to the program. Previously we went seaward to visit the harbor of Rotterdam, but
                                                                                                Premium Partners:            34. PGGM
this year we will take you to the sky! Schiphol opens its doors to give you a rare        13.   ABN AMRO                     35. Pipple
glimpse of what exactly goes on at the third busiest airport in Europe.
                                                                                          15.   EY                           36. Pointlogic
It is time to ‘Step Up Your Game’!
                                                                                          17.   MIcompany                    37. RTL Nederland
You get the chance to kick start your career or to find out in which direction you        19.   Milliman                     38. Tata Steel
would like to continue your studies at the Econometric Career Days 2018. Is your
CV ready when applications start on the 18th of October? Ready to suit-up? Visit          21.   Nationale-Nederlanden        39. TBA
our website to see which events you would like to attend at the ECD. We hope to
see you there!                                                                                                               40. Torqx
On behalf of the Econometric Career Days Committee 2018,
                                                                                              Basic Partners:
                                                                                          23. Ab Ovo                         41. Workshops

Maarten de Ruiter


                                           1                                                                             2
PROGRAMME                                                                       PROGRAMME
                   TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY         THURSDAY            FRIDAY                  MONDAY                  TUESDAY          WEDNESDAY
                   November                  November          November          November                 November                November          November
                      13th                      14th              15th              16th                     19th                   20th               21st

                                                 Case             Case               Case                      Case                  Case               Case
                                                Aegon          Pointlogic       ABN AMRO               Ortec Finance                 Ab Ovo
                                                 p. 24             p. 36             p. 13                     p. 33                  p. 26             p. 23
 MORNING                                                       Presentation
                                              Presentation                         Workshop                                          Case             Workshop
                                                                Gupta          E-Assessment                 Field Trip             Optiver            LinkedIn
                                            RTL Nederland     Strategists
                                                  p. 37           p. 29              p. 41                 to Schiphol                p. 11              p. 41
                  The Grand                      Case             Case             Laser Tag                Group                    Case               Case
                                             Deep Blue         Tata Steel        ABN AMRO                                        IMC Trading          Milliman
                  Opening &                   Capital
                                                                                                                p. 9
                                                                  p.   38             p. 13                                           p. 30              p. 19
                 Opening Drink                   p. 27
                  ANWB p. 25                     Case             Case            Masterclass                  Case               Presentation       Presentation
                  Pipple p. 35               MIcompany          Deloitte      Angelien Kemna             Nationale-                  TBA                KLM
                                                  p. 17            p. 28              p. 8
                                                                                                        Nederlanden                   p. 39              p. 32
               14:00-18:00, Paviljoen                                                                           p. 21

                                             Company diner                                                Finance Diner
                                                                                                         ING, PGGM,
                                                                                                                                  Wine tasting     Closing Drink
 EVENING                                       Ab Ovo                                                                                 EY
                                                 p. 23                                                      Torqx                     p. 15
                                                                                                                                                   21:00-00:30, NRC
                                                                                                            p. 31, 34, 40

   BSc 1
   BSc 2
   BSc 3
    CV                                                                                                 (Optiver)

                                        3                                                                                    4
The Grand Opening                                                                                      The Grand Opening
Koen The                                                                                             Dr. Job Elders
The first speaker at our opening ceremony                                                            Hereby we would like to give you a short
will be Koen The, CEO at Lendahand, an                                                               introduction on Job Elders, the second
online impact investing platform. Please                                                             speaker of our opening ceremony:
read Koen’s introduction about himself:
                                                                                                     Job Elders is currently partner at Greenfield
I obtained my master’s degree in                                                                     Capital Partners, an investment company
econometrics at the VU Amsterdam in 1999                                                             focusing on supporting Dutch and Belgian
when it was still a bit of a field for nerds that                                                    firms in their growth objectives. Furthermore,
didn’t know what to make of life. It definitely                                                      he is chairman of the board of Micronit B.V.
didn’t have the sex appeal it has now ;).                                                            (NL), a company active in micro-technology
Like most of my classmates I followed the                                                            solutions, and advisor to several (listed)
money and started my career in the financial                                                         funds and Zenzium, a biomedical data
sector. As a quant I was able to apply                                                               science company.
textbook knowledge in real life. Monte Carlo
simulations, stochastic volatility… life was                                                         After obtaining his Ph.D. in Physical
wild.                                                                                                Chemistry from the UvA, he has built an
                                                                                                     extensive track record as serial entrepreneur
As I advanced in my career I noticed I was                                                           focusing on technology companies, industrial
missing the bigger picture and decided to do                                                         and B2B companies in growth stage. As
an MBA. I enrolled in Berkeley, known for its                                                        such, he founded among others TMP
left-ish ideology, proximity to Silicon Valley,     that technology would catch up and upset         (Twente Microproducts) and C2V (telecom              spoken at several investor events and
and good weather. From there I went to              the business models of both investment           applications), and directed these companies          MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems)
London, known for its make-money culture,           and commercial banks. I wanted to be part        until their acquisition (TMP by Kymata Ltd,          events.
the City, and bad weather. Quite a change in        of the change. I also realized that if capital   C2V by Thermo Fisher Scientific). In addition,
scenery.                                            markets would reinvent itself, it’d present a    together with its founders he co-directed            He is also involved in several initiatives
                                                    huge opportunity to make the world a more        Xsens untill the acquisition by Fairchild            aimed at supporting talented students
I started on the trading floor of Barclays          level playing field. I co-founded Lendahand.     Semiconductor in 2014.                               from countries with upcoming economies
Capital, working in the Structured Solutions        We bring financing to those who can use it                                                            / developing countries (e.g. Erik Bleumink
team. This was late Summer of 2008. You             to create true value (such as jobs, access to    Furthermore, he was active as executive              foundation and Kipaji scholarschip fund).
all know what happened. It was the start of         renewable energy, etc). All they are missing     director of Enschede Innovation Fund,
chaos in the financial markets and during           are the financial means. That is why we          and served as Vice President and General             In his speech, Dr. Elders will share his
the six years I worked in the City it would         connect retail investors with awesome and        Manager of Alcatel Optronics Netherlands.            experience in investing by discussing
remain like that.                                   well-run companies in emerging markets.          Additionally, Dr. Elders is the author of more       the perspective of an investor and an
                                                    And so I remain in the financial industry, and   than 80 technical and business publications          entrepreneur.
Markets are supposed to be efficient, but           I still love it.                                 as well as patents and has chaired and
banks definitely aren’t. I had a strong belief

                                              5                                                                                                       6
The Grand Opening                                                                                            Masterclass
                                                                                                                          by Dr. Angelien Kemna
Peter Frans Pauwels                                                                                Career in Quantitative Finance
The third speaker will be Peter Frans                                                              How to be successful in QF?
Pauwels, Co-Founder of TomTom:                                                                     After finishing her PhD in Econometrics,
                                                                                                   Quantitative Economics and Finance at
Peter Frans Pauwels was the original product                                                       Erasmus University, Dr. Angelien Kemna has
developer at TomTom, and one of the small                                                          built up an impressive Career in Quantitative
team of four friends who founded TomTom                                                            Finance. Currently, she is active as non-
26 years ago. His expertise and vision for                                                         executive director at the AXA Group, after
product development played a decisive role                                                         holding various top management functions
in TomTom’s growth from a small startup                                                            at Robeco (1992-2001), as CEO of ING
into a leading global brand.                                                                       Investment Management Europe (2002-
Peter Frans managed the development and                                                            2007), Chief Investment Officer at APG
execution of the first navigation system – the                                                     Group (2009-2014) and Chief Financial &
TomTom Navigator. It ran on Personal Digital                                                       Risk Officer at APG Group (2014-2017),
Assistants (PDAs), providing people with an                                                        which led her to be proclaimed as “Most
easy-to-use, affordable navigation solution                                                        powerful woman in The Netherlands” by
for the very first time. This paved the way                                                        magazine Opzij in 2011. During this period,
for the launch of the TomTom GO in 2004,                                                           she was also active in academia by working
the very first portable navigation device,                                                         as part-time Professor of Financial Markets
which revolutionized the way people move.                                                          at the University of Maastricht and Professor
The TomTom GO became the fastest selling                                                           in Corporate Governance at Erasmus              •   How to develop the right hard and soft
consumer device in history and is featured in                                                      University (2007-2011).                             skills?
TIME magazine’s list of the most influential     Peter Frans holds a Master’s Degree in            Dr. Kemna has close ties to the Quantitative    • How to optimally use the analytical skills
gadgets in history.                              Computer Science from the University of           Finance Master at ESE, having contributed           and insight gained in econometrics?
Today, Peter Frans makes sure TomTom’s           Amsterdam. In his keynote he will focus on how    to the formation of the programme herself.      Students are very welcome to bring up their
engineers – many of whom are working on          TomTom handles big data and how TomTom            As such, she will return to her alma            own questions, as we strive to create a vivid
an autonomous future – never lose sight of       uses it to transform mobility. Furthermore he     mater during the ECD for an interactive         interaction. The masterclass will finish with
what made the company famous: a laser            will discuss artificial intelligence and how it   masterclass. In this session, Dr. Kemna will    some drinks.
focus on creating innovative technology that     is applied in autonomous driving.                 not only share her own experience, but will
is incredibly easy to use.                                                                         also accommodate for an interactive Q&A         Application procedure
                                                                                                   in which students can ask everything they       Subscriptions are open for all MSc students,
                                                                                                   would like to know about Dr. Kemna’s career,    but we are looking for interested students
                                                                                                   career decisions in general, management         that are eager to participate. Students who
                                                                                                   functions, but also broader (contemporary)      provide example questions for Dr. Kemna in
                                                                                                   topics in QF. As such, the masterclass will     their application will be favoured.
                                                                                                   revolve around questions such as:
                                                                                                   • How to make the transition from a             Time and location
                                                                                                       function as quantitative researcher to a    November 16, 14.00-16.00, H17-02
                                                                                                       managing position?

                                           7                                                                                                   8
Schiphol Group                                                                                           The Field Trip to Schiphol
About us                                                 What can we offer                                   •    We offer a range of internal courses on          information that is valuable to a traveller’s
Royal Schiphol Group is an aviation company              We offer a good salary and a wide range of               important topics for all of us, such as          experience, our security systems, baggage
with a social mission. We want to optimally              benefits. These are just some we chose to                the Airports and Airlines Strategy Course        handling, and our strive to continuously
connect the Netherlands to the rest of the               highlight for you:                                       and Agile masterclasses.                         improve – fact based & data driven.
world, in order to contribute to prosperity and                                                              •    Thanks to our cooperation with
well-being in this country and elsewhere. By             •   Develop yourself to the max. We believe              international   airports     and    other        Description of the field trip
joining forces with our many stakeholders,                   it’s important that you live up to your              companies at Schiphol, we offer some             Get a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes at
we aim to achieve our ambition to further                    potential. Next to our range of in- and              of our employees the opportunity to take         Schiphol International Airport. During the
develop Mainport Schiphol as a multi-                        external courses, we offer a free (training)         part in an (international) secondment            Field Trip to Schiphol you will get a lifetime
modal hub and secure Amsterdam Airport                       budget of 2% of your annual salary.                  program                                          opportunity to visit such places as the airside
Schiphol’s position as Europe’s Preferred                    And you can count on our management             •    many of our departments actively use             area and the baggage basement.
Airport – the first choice of travellers, airlines           and your colleagues to be challenging,               360 degrees feedback
and logistics service providers.                             supportive and give feedback. At                                                                      If you have always been wondering about
We conduct our domestic and international                    Schiphol unusual career moves are no            Description of activities                             the career opportunities you have as an
operations in a balanced manner, and in                      exception. We make sure that every              We have clustered our core activities in 4            econometrist at Schiphol International
doing so reflect our key values of reliability,              employee changes roles (at least) every         business areas:                                       Airport, this is also your chance to know
efficiency, hospitality, inspiration and                     seven years.                                    • Aviation: infrastructure and facilities             more! You will take a few deep dives in the
sustainability.                                          •   Healthy, happy employees. We offer you             for airlines and passengers. Safety and            way flow forecasting works at Schiphol and
                                                             to participate in our ‘working keeps you           Security at Schiphol. 24 hours per day             how it adjusts the parking yield to balance
Possibilities                                                moving’ program. A yearly health check-         • Consumer Products and Services:                     capacity and demand. Additionally, you
Royal Schiphol Group Traineeship 2019                        up, discounts on many sport activitities           products and services for travellers and           will see how Schiphol uses data analysis to
Over the course of two years, you will get                   and online tips and courses on a healthy           business at Schiphol                               constantly improve their business.
to know Schiphol through individual and                      diet, healthy sleeping habits, a healthy        • Real Estate: operational and commercial
group assignments and in depth courses.                      mind and more.                                     real estate at Schiphol and other airports         Link to recruitment page
Supported by an intensive personal                       •   Full reimbursement of public transport          • Alliances and participations: participating
development program. Our next traineeship                    costs. You can park your car free of               interest in airports in the Netherlands and        schiphol/
starts in sept 2019.                                         charge in one of our staff car parks.              abroad
Entry-level jobs                                             However, we’d prefer it if you use public                                                             Day details
If you want a job in which your will take full               transport (did you know 42,6% of our            And of course, we are a company where                 Field trip:
responsibiity for specific results from day                  passengers come to Schiphol using               IT is central to everything we do. Take all           November 19th, 9:30-18:00
one, keep a lookout for our job vacancies or                 public transport?!).
register for the email service.
Internships & graduation projects                        Development possibilities
Schiphol Aviation Community is the work                  Development possibilities are an important                               5                        2180         AGE          45               69,5/30,5
placement office for Royal Schiphol Group.               part of our offer (see above). Let’s elucidate
Check it out on our website.                             a bit more:                                        Number of countries          Employees in NL               Average age        m/f ratio
                                                                                                              in which active

                                                     9                                                                                                            10
About us                                           Possibilities
Over thirty years ago, Optiver started             • (Algorithmic) Trader
business as a single trader on the floor of        • Execution Trader
Amsterdam’s European Options Exchange.             • Quantitative Researcher
Today, we are a leading global electronic          • Data and/or Risk Analyst
market maker, focused on pricing, execution        • Trader Assistant (part-time job for
and risk management. We provide liquidity             students)
to financial markets using our own capital,
at our own risk, trading a wide range of           What can we offer
products: from listed derivatives, cash            • A competitive compensation and bonus
equities, ETFs and bonds to foreign                  structure
exchange. Our independence allows us to            • A good work life balance
objectively improve the markets and provide        • A diverse work environment
efficiencies for market participants.
With 1000 Optiverians globally in Amsterdam,       Development possibilities
Chicago, Shanghai and Sydney our diverse           • Learn from the best in the industry
team is united by our mission to improve           • An intensive and structured training for
the market. Thriving in a high performance           various role
environment, we pioneer our own trading            • Take classes in Python or develop your
strategies and systems using clean code              soft skills
and sophisticated technology. The technical
challenges that this fast environment              Case description
presents is what really motivates and              How would you explain trading to a friend?
challenges people at Optiver. To help us           Wall Street, staring at screens and pushing
achieve what we want to attract, develop           buttons? The reality is, there is more to
and empower top talent with a down to earth        Trading than you think. Hands-on experience
mentality, in order to sustain our future.         is the best way to learn and that is exactly
What really sets Optiver apart from other          what we provide during our case. In a playful
companies is its openness, honesty and             and inter-active way, we will cover topics
our colleagues. People have very strong            such as Optiver’s history and culture, Market
opinions, but they are also open to listen and     Making, Option Theory, our recruitment
to change their mind if the facts presented        processes and how to prepare in order to
by others have more value. The team shares         increase your chances of success.
the same goal, meaning that we are all
pulling in the same direction and you as an        Meet us at ECD
individual care about how the person next to       Case: November 20th, 9:30-13:30, H10-18
you is doing their job.                            (CV required)

                      4                     400         AGE          27                86/14
Number of countries       Employees in NL              Average age         m/f ratio
  in which active

                                                  11                                               13
Reinventing the world of banking together               en waar jij de vrijheid hebt om je eigen
De financiële wereld is nog nooit zo uitdagend          weg te banen, zowel op professioneel
geweest als nu! Dit is het juiste moment om             als op persoonlijk vlak. We willen dat jij je
onze krachten te bundelen en bankieren                  verantwoordelijk voelt voor je eigen werk,
sneller, eenvoudiger en slimmer te maken.               omdat je graag een belangrijke bijdrage
Technologie evolueert snel en de kracht van             levert!
innovatie is bijna overal zichtbaar binnen
ABN AMRO. Blockchain, Internet of Things,               Aan jou de keus, wat is jouw toekomst bij
Artificial Intelligence, Design Thinking,               de bank?
Cybersecurity, Chatbots en de Circulaire                Je bent klaar met je studie en je wil gelijk een
Economie hebben invloed op het financiële               vliegende start maken?, kijk dan bij onze
systeem en we hebben jouw talenten nodig                Talent Programmes en startersfuncties. Ben
om onze bank toekomstbestendig te maken.                je nog steeds aan het studeren, maar wil
                                                        je de theorie graag in de praktijk brengen?
Wij willen een positieve impact maken                   Word dan stagiair bij ABN!
en willen een bank zijn die bijdraagt aan
een betere wereld. Bij alles wat we doen,               Case beschrijving
denken we eerst aan de gevolgen voor onze               Curious how life could be as a data Scientist
mensen, onze klanten, de maatschappij en                at ABN AMRO? Put yourself in the seat of a
onze planeet. Door altijd kritische vragen te           data scientist helping the marketing team of
stellen aan onszelf en mee te veranderen met            Tikkie, ABN AMRO’s bill splitting app.
de maatschappij, proberen wij onze talenten
te benutten om de wereld te verbeteren. We              You will be provided a dataset with hashed
richten ons op de toekomst! ‘Banking for                transactions from the first months the app
better, for generations to come’, wat is jouw           was launched and you are asked to come
bijdrage?                                               up with an effective marketing strategy.
                                                        Experience with Python or R will help you,
Een creatieve en dynamische                             but is not a must.
Wat je interesses of achtergrond ook zijn,              Meet us at ECD
wij dagen je uit om jouw creativiteit en drive          Case:
voor innovatie te gebruiken om impact te                November 16th, 9:30 - 13:30, H17-02
hebben op onze toekomst. We bieden een                  Laser tag:
werkomgeving waar een ondernemende                      November 16th, 15:00 - 18:00
houding van onze collega’s belangrijk is

                      17                      16.500            AGE               35                    54/46
Aantal landen warin        Werknemers in NL                 Gemiddelde leeftijd        m/v verhouding

Over ons                                                Wij zijn op zoek naar
EY is wereldwijd toonaangevend op het                   Ons actuariaat is op zoek naar nieuwe
gebied van advisory, transactions, assurance            (aankomende) advisors. Ons actuariaat
en tax. Onze mensen delen wereldwijd                    houdt zich bezig met financiële en actuariële
dezelfde waarden en staan voor kwaliteit.               modellen en je ondersteunt EY audit teams
Wij maken het verschil door onze mensen,                onder meer bij het controleren van de
onze klanten en de samenleving te helpen                solvabiliteitspositie van verzekeraars.
hun mogelijkheden optimaal te benutten.                 Lijkt het jou leuk om in een multidiciplinair
                                                        team te werken en te adviseren over
Mogelijkheden                                           bijvoorbeeld de inrichting en waardering
• Meeloopstage                                          van financiële producten en derivaten, risk
• Scriptiestage                                         en capital measurement en management,
• Werkstudentschappen                                   risicomanagement         voor    pensioenen,
• En natuurlijk starterposities                         de (nieuwe) pensioenregeling of de
                                                        waardering van pensioenverlichtingen of
Ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden                              optiebeloningen in de jaarrekening? Dan
Bij EY hebben we een tal van                            ontmoeten wij je heel graag!
ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden. Qua trainingen
bieden wij voor alle werknemers zowel                   Link naar recruitment pagina
online- als offline trainingen aan.           
Ook wordt je vanaf dag 1 begeleid door een
counselor die je carrière stappen monitort              Meet usECD
en zorgt dat jij het beste uit jezelf kan halen.        Wine Tasting:
                                                        November 20th

                      150                      4.287            AGE               31                    60/40
Aantal landen warin         Werknemers in NL                Gemiddelde leeftijd        m/v verhouding

About us                                          Case description
Become a leader in Data Analytics for             Everybody is talking about Big Data! It is the
an ambitious organization with the Data           number one board topic in many blue chip
Analytics Talent Program of MIacademy.            companies. But how do you get beyond big
With the amount of data growing at an             words? How do you really create impact with
exponential rate, Data Analytics is one of the    data? How do you transform a company to a
hottest fields of this century. Do you want to    data driven organization? With more than 10
be part of this exciting field and start your     years of experience in this field, MIcompany
career as a Data Scientist? For the past          is the number one agency in creating
10 years, MIacademy has raised over 200           sustainable impact with Data Analytics. And
starting analytical talents to become Data        this is your chance to experience what we
Analytics leaders. Now is your chance to be       really do. In our Data Analytics case you will
part of the next generation!                      perform a MIcompany project from start to
                                                  finish – extremely rapidly! Will you discover
                                                  your own analytical X-factor that we are
                                                                                                   Page to fill
What we offer
• Based on your personal strengths and            looking for?
  ambitions, we will help you find the
  perfect job within the Data Analytics           Link to recruitment page
  field, at Micompany or one of our partner       You can always apply via
  organizations. All of these organizations
  are industry leaders that have made Data        or contact us via
  Analytics a board priority.           
• A guaranteed spot in the Data Analytics
  Talent Program, where you will build            Meet us at ECD
  deep, integrated skills in all four domains     Case:
  of Data Science: Data & Technology              November 14th, 14:00 - 18:00, H17-18
  skills, Analytical Methods & Techniques,
  Business Domain Expertise, and Impact
  & Advisory skills.
• A kick-start of your career as a Data
  Scientist through online and classroom
  training, analytical exchange projects in
  another business line or another partner
  organization, and personal coaching.

                      2                     60         AGE          28                  67/33
Number of countries       Employees in NL             Average age           m/f ratio
  in which active

Over ons                                           •      Een flexibele werkomgeving, je beheert
Milliman is een van de grootste onafhanke-                je eigen agenda;
lijke actuariële consulting firma’s ter wereld.    •      Professionele vrijheid, je hebt de ruimte
Milliman is opgericht in 1947 in Seattle en               om je eigen specialisatierichting te kie-
heeft wereldwijd meer dan 3,000 werkne-                   zen;
mers verdeeld over 59 kantoren. Onze kan-          •      De mogelijkheid om jezelf te ontwikkelen
toren in Amsterdam, Brussel en Luxemburg                  middels post-masters of onderzoekspro-
werken nauw samen en bestaan in totaal uit                jecten;
ongeveer 50 consultants, allen met hun ei-         •      Een marktconform salaris met een resul-
gen specialisme.                                          taatsafhankelijke bonus.
Naast projecten op het vlak van actuariële
wetenschappen zijn we ook actief binnen            Ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden
quantitative finance, werken we aan toepas-        Onze consultants hebben veel vrijheid om
singen van data science en zijn we regelma-        hun eigen ontwikkeling vorm te geven. Naast
tig betrokken bij M&A-projecten in de ver-         onze interne trainingstrajecten is onder an-
zekeringssector. Tot onze opdrachtgevers           dere het volgen van een relevante post-mas-
behoren naast verzekeraars onder andere
ook banken, overheidsinstellingen, en ande-
                                                   ter bij onze junioren erg gebruikelijk. Verder
                                                   behoort na een aantal jaar werkervaring een
                                                                                                       Page to fill
re corporates en partijen in de gezondheids-       secondment bij een van onze buitenlandse
zorg.                                              kantoren ook zeker tot de mogelijkheden.

Mogelijkheden                                      Beschrijving van de case
Wij zijn altijd op zoek naar excellente stu-       In onze case op de ECD ga je zelf aan de
denten met sterke sociale vaardigheden en          slag met een probleem gebaseerd op een
de drive om zich verder te ontwikkelen bin-        van onze echte projecten, en zal je een goe-
nen quantitative finance, data science of ac-      de indruk krijgen van het type werk dat wij
tuariële wetenschappen. Denk jij binnen ons        doen. Neem voor de case je eigen laptop
team te passen, dan kun je altijd solliciteren     mee!
om ons team te komen versterken als juni-
orconsultant.                                      Link naar recruitment pagina
Ook bieden wij de mogelijkheid om bij ons          Wij zijn altijd op zoek naar goede en ambi-
een stage te lopen of je masterscriptie te         tieuze studenten met een passie voor wis-
schrijven om ons beter te leren kennen en te       kunde om ons team te komen versterken.
kijken of je enthousiast wordt van ons werk.       Ga voor meer informatie naar nl.milliman.
                                                   com/Amsterdam-careers of stuur een e-mail
Wat wij aanbieden                                  naar
Samengevat betekent werken voor Milliman
het volgende:                             Leer ons kennen op ECD
• Getalenteerde en gemotiveerde collega’s Case:
   die altijd bereid zijn je te helpen;   November 21, 14:00 - 18:00, H17-10

                   59                      40              AGE           32                    70/30
 Aantal landen warin    Werknemers in NL               Gemiddelde leeftijd    m/v verhouding
About us                                               What we offer
NN Group is a financial services company               To optimize your quantitative skills, we
active in 18 countries, with a strong presence         offer different career opportunities. Some
in a number of European countries and Japan.           examples of projects you could be working
NN Group includes Nationale-Nederlanden,               on:
NN and NN Investment Partners. We are                  • Hedge programs that require precise and
ambitious, building on our long heritage and               frequent calculations
we want to help people secure their financial          • Pricing of disability insurance
futures with our products and services.                • Investment policy which should be based
We aim to make financial services more                     on the interaction between assets and
personal and relevant for our customers,                   liabilities
which is why we need people like you:                  • Building reporting systems to monitor
people who care about others, who are used                 our position
to taking initiative and responsibility and who
don’t give up until they succeed. Together             Development possibilities
we can make a difference. In a working                 Our business is fast-moving. We are a large
environment where your personality, talent             organisation and you will be given every
and ideas really matter.                               opportunity to gain relevant experience, but
                                                       we are also personal enough to give young
Possibilities                                          professionals like you the right support. At
Internships                                            NN you will find plenty of opportunities to
An ideal way of gaining important practical            discover and prove your value.
experience during your education, while
discovering a possible career at NN Group.             Case description
Traineeship                                            The NN Investment Game simulates reality.
If you are a talented graduate and looking for         It requires you to react to a constant stream
a place to develop and challenge yourself,             of economic developments and information
the two-year traineeship programme at NN               with maximum alertness and agility. In
Group is the perfect start of your career.             doing so, you gain experience in building
The programme offers roles in one of the               a balanced portfolio and keeping it up-to-
following areas: General Management,                   date. The goal of the investment game is
Finance, Risk or Investments, with multiple            to outperform the market using analysis,
rotations and the possibility to start or finish       interpretation and reaction. In short, it’s
the traineeship in one of the 18 offices               interesting, educational and challenging!
around the world.
Starting positions                                     Link to recruitment page
For graduates in various areas and business            See our website for all possibilities: https://
units. Discover our quantative starter        For
positions at                       any questions about quantative opportunities
                                                       within NN:

                      18                     15.000    Meet us at ECD
Number of countries        Employees in NL             November 19th, 14:00 - 18:00, H17-10
  in which active

Ab Ovo                                                                                             Aegon
About us                                                  Our company is doing well. We offer an             About us                                              Development possibilities
Ab Ovo delivers Supply Chain Planning and                 excellent overall package of employee              Aegon is a leading financial services                 Aegon has a pleasant working environment
Optimization solutions planners want to use               benefits and are keen to invest in a long-         provider that helps around 40 million                 where personal development and growth
every day. The goal is to have a seamless fit             term, stable partnership with our workforce.       clients worldwide in asset management,                are of great importance. You get plenty of
to business for today, but also for the future.                                                              pensions and insurance. We want to enable             opportunities to follow training courses and
                                                          Development possibilities                          customers to make conscious choices for a             fulfill different positions within the business.
Possibilities                                             We use an extended on-the-job training             healthy financial future. This means that we
Ab Ovo provides internship assignments                    program consisting of e-learnings and              feel responsible for the financial awareness          Case description
for master students regularly. Our goal for               certifications. Next to that we provide a career   and development of people.                            Aegon Asset Management – Investment
providing these assignments are twofold.                  path planning which includes mandatory                                                                   Challenge
One, in our experience internships provide                and optional (own initiative) courses.             Possibilities                                         During the Investment Challenge, each
us good new employees (100% graduate,                                                                        The financial services market is changing             team will be in charge of the asset allocation
50% get and accept a job offer) and two,                  Case description                                   rapidly, so there are possibilities for everyone      of a large fund. The teams will have to
keeping in contact with universities through              The case deals with an assignment problem,         that can uphold these digital changes. Beta           determine the asset allocation of their fund
internships keep us sharp.                                where we have a factory which creates pro-         talents who have the guts, have strong                based on the information provided. Part of
                                                          duct, which will be shipped to several dis-        analytical skills, communicate clearly                the challenge is to determine which asset
What we offer                                             tribution centers. For the distribution cen-       and take initiative. Motivated students               classes are attractive. There are several
Meaningful work in large-scale and                        ters, there are two levels of centers: regional    of econometrics, computer science,                    rounds during which we will introduce our
challenging projects for attractive clients;              distribution centers, which are directly ser-      mathematics or physics who want to use                approach to asset allocation. In the end, we
Opportunities for personal development                    ved by the factory, and distribution centers,      their knowledge for a wonderful approach -            will see which team will be able to take the
as part of a successful and fast-growing                  which are served by the regional distributi-       for themselves, for our clients and for Aegon.        investment trophy home. As always with
company. Content is key in our business.                  on centers. From these (local) distribution                                                              investing: common sense, skill and a bit of
Hence, we attach great value to your                      centers, the products are distributed to the       What can we offer                                     luck are helpful!
personal and professional development.                    customers in the region of the distribution        We value collegiality and cooperation. An
We facilitate this in every way possible. Lots            center. The main goal of the case is to deter-     atmosphere that employees experience                  Meet us at ECD
of opportunity to learn in an open culture                mine which of the distribution centers (given      as dynamic, honest and sincere. We also               Case: November 14th, 9:30 - 13:30, H17-18
with experienced colleagues and a strong                  a set of existing centers) should function as      offer excellent primary and secondary
embedding of knowledge development in                     regional distribution centers. After the stu-      employment conditions.
practice groups. We are proud of our culture              dents have presented their solution, we will
of loyalty, in which we know each other                   also show our solution in the software.
well, and in which we respect each other.
We cherish positive relationships, which                  Link to recruitment page
translates into social events, a company        
weekend and other social activities besides               eers,
People at Ab Ovo cherish freedom and take                 Meet us atECD                                                            20                     35.000        AGE          35                   60/40
responsibility. We believe in your strength               Company Diner:
and judgment. We are not confined to                      November 14th, 19:00-22:00                         Number of countries        Employees in NL                Average age            m/f ratio
blueprints. There is room to organize the                 Case:                                                in which active

work in a way that suits you best;                        November 21st, 9:30 - 13:30, H17-10

                   Offices in 5,                         58       AGE          38                 75/25
                   customers in 10+

 Number of countries                  Employees in NL            Average age          m/f ratio
   in which active

                                                         23                                                                                                    24
     About us                                                  What we offer                                         Over ons                                              Ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden
     For 135 years the ANWB has made it                        We give you the room and the freedom to               In 1999 openden wij onze virtuele deuren              Je start bij met een uitgebreid
     possible for everyone to enjoy carefree                   come up with new ideas and to carry them              als eerste online boekwinkel in Nederland.            onboardingsprogramma waarin je
     travel, by means such as a smart app that                 out. We offer you variety in the work you do          Inmiddels zijn we met bijna 1400’ers,         beter leert kennen. Tijdens je werk zijn er
     links drivers to their connected car and                  today and the position you occupy tomorrow,           die elke dag het leven van onze klanten               voldoende mogelijkheden om trainingen
     social projects such as AutoMaatje, which                 in an inspiring environment with committed,           makkelijker en leuker willen maken. We zijn           te volgen. Naast je werk zijn er voldoende
     helps senior citizens to become mobile                    friendly colleagues. The employment                   een e-commerce/tech bedrijf, gevestigd in             sociale activiteiten, waaronder iedere
     again. The ANWB leads the way with up-to-                 conditions and fringe benefits are excellent.         het mooie Utrecht.                                    vrijdagmiddag een borrel in onze eigen bar.
     the-minute solutions in the field of mobility,            Trainees get a permanent contract straight
     road safety, leisure time and holidays. And               away.                                                 Mogelijkheden                                         Beschrijving van de case
     it makes a contribution to achieving social                                                                     We hebben ontzettend veel stage                       In de online wereld waar actief is
     goals relating to climate, sustainability and             Development possibilities                             mogelijkheden (circa 250 per jaar) waarbij            zijn prijzen heel transparant en veranderen
     community care.                                           We foster your professional and personal              het zeker ook mogelijk is om hiernaast                continu. De concurrent is daarnaast vaak
                                                               development. Tell us what your ambition               een scriptie te schrijven (https://banen.bol.         maar 1 klik verwijderd. Kortom, het hebben
     Possibilities                                             is, what your strengths are and what                  com/stages/). Hiernaast bieden we veel                van goede prijzen is van cruciaal belang.
     Working for the ANWB means working for                    inspires you. As a trainee you follow a               startersposities richting data & analytics,           Deze case gaat over het bepalen van de
     a unique organisation. Whether you do an                  programme that offers you the opportunity             bijvoorbeeld in rollen als Data Analist, Data         beste pricing strategie, voor onze producten
     internship, are a graduate, take an entry-level           to strengthen your personal leadership and            Scientist, Marketing Intelligence Analist,            en promoties, op basis van al onze
     position or follow a challenging traineeship,             personal effectiveness and to widen your              Pricing Analist (              data…
     we have a variety of opportunities for you to             organisational perspective.
     help us build the member-based organisation                                                                     Wat wij aanbieden                                     Link naar recruitment pagina
     of the future. Nowadays developments take                                                                       Bij heerst er een informele werksfeer,
     place more quickly than ever before, giving               Link to recruitment page                              een werkomgeving waar iedereen elkaar kan   
     rise to new issues and solutions. But we                                          aanspreken. Wij vinden het belangrijk dat
     don’t have all the answers, which is why we                                                                     iedereen zichzelf is en net even anders durft         Leer ons kennen op ECD
     are looking for you. At the ANWB you have                 Meet us at ECD                                        te zijn. Daarnaast werken we bij              Case:
     a significance.                                           Grand Opening & Opening Drink:                        in veel multidisciplinaire teams. Doordat             November 21, 9:30 - 13:30, H17-10
                                                               November 13th, 14:00 - 18:00, Paviljoen               er meerdere teams zijn is er een sociale
                                                                                                                     dynamiek waarbij je mensen van andere
                                                                                                                     afdelingen leert kennen. Er samen echt voor
                                                                                                                     gaan dat is waar wij in geloven.

                                                                                                           4,5                                                                 AGE
                  4                     3.713    AGE          43                   56/44                                                   2                      1.400                          35                    50/50
Number of countries   Employees in NL           Average age            m/f ratio           Number of members         Aantal landen warin       Werknemers in NL            Gemiddelde leeftijd        m/v verhouding
  in which active                                                                                                            atief

                                                              25                                                                                                      26
Deep Blue Capital                                                                                                    Deloitte
About us                                          trading decisions made by the computer            Over ons                                             Mogelijkheden
Deep Blue Capital is a highly automated           programs.                                         What impact will you make?                           Je kunt bij ons aan de slag in de volgende
proprietary trading firm specialized in                                                             Als ambitieus talent wil je natuurlijk een           vakgebieden:
statistical arbitrage that only trades with its   Possibilities                                     baan met impact. Bij een werkgever waar
own capital (no clients). We have achieved        • Graduate Internship                             jij het verschil kunt maken. Deloitte is zo’n        •    Consultancy
consistently high returns and continue to         • Junior Quantitative Trading Developer           werkgever. Met onze audits, fiscale en               •    Financial advisory
grow strongly as we invest in new markets                                                           financiële adviezen, risk en consultancy             •    Tax & Legal
and new trading strategies.                       What can we offer                                 diensten maken we de wereld elke dag                 •    Accountancy
Our story begins in 2002 when our founders,       • Being part of an ambitious young team in        veiliger, slimmer, efficiënter en duurzamer.         •    Risk Advisory
two associate professors in mathematics,            a company that is going places                  Dat kunnen we alleen als de beste mensen
established a separate R&D department             • Opportunities for development and               voor ons kiezen. Professionals met een               Beschrijving van de case
at an existing trading firm. What started           advancement                                     brede blik, die in multidisciplinaire teams          Escape room inside out!
out as a part-time project has turned, after      • Excellent remuneration package                  werken aan uitdagende opdrachten en                  Deloitte nodigt je uit om de data gedreven
many years of hard work, into a flourishing       • Training on the job                             daardoor hun kennis en ervaring verrijken.           projecten waar wij elke dag mee te maken
enterprise. We separated from the trading                                                                                                                hebben te ervaren. Kom er via deze escape
firm in 2008 and established our own              Case description                                  Bij Deloitte willen we weten wie je bent,            room achter wat je met je econometrie
company, Deep Blue Capital, named after           During the ECD we will introduce you to one       wat je kunt en wat jij belangrijk vindt. Of          achtergrond kan doen bij Deloitte.
the IBM computer that beat Garry Kasparov         of the most fundamental Strategies of Deep        dat nu ervaring opdoen in het buitenland,            Gedurende de case zal je verschillende
at chess in 1996. The firm operates out of a      Blue Capital. You will have to work in teams      het opzetten van een start-up of het                 analytische     puzzels     moeten   kraken.
single office in Amsterdam and is mid-sized.      to develop and execute an autonomous              combineren van een baan met een opleiding            Onderzoek met je team de invloed van
                                                  algorithm based on this strategy. The             is, niets is onbespreekbaar. Zie ons als het         een storm op een verzekeraar, maak
What we do                                        algorithm will be developed using historical      navigatiesysteem voor je carrière: je kunt           verkoopschommelingen zichtbaar voor
We are a highly automated proprietary             data. Afterward, it will be tried on an out-of-   overal naartoe, je moet alleen wel zelf op de        een grote internationale retailer & adviseer
trading firm that operates without clients,       sample period to see which one performs           knoppen drukken.                                     twee samengaande banken die een droom
using only our own capital. We operate a          best. Knowlegde about Matlab or Python                                                                 hebben om data-driven te worden. Als je
number of statistical arbitrage strategies that   will be useful, a winning mentality essential.    Wat wij aanbieden                                    deze puzzels allemaal weet op te lossen
trade on over 30 equity and futures markets                                                         Met kantoren in heel Nederland en ruim               verkrijg je de juiste informatie om de beste
worldwide. The strategies are implemented         Link to recruitment page                          6.000 medewerkers is Deloitte de grootste            consultant van Deloitte te worden!
using our in-house software platform. They                       organisatie in Nederland op bovenstaande             Dus breng je beste analytische skills, en
do not rely on low latency. Given our high                                                          vakgebieden. Bovenal is Deloitte een                 escape the room inside out. Make an impact
degree of automation, we have no human            Meet us at ECD                                    werkgever die zich verdiept in wat jou               that matters!
traders, only risk managers that monitor the      Case: November 14th, 14:00 - 18:00, H17-10        motiveert, en die je in staat stelt om die
                                                                                                    motivatie elke dag om te zetten naar impact          Leer ons kennen op ECD
                                                                                                    voor jezelf, je klanten en de maatschappij.          Case: November 15, 14:00 - 18:00, H17-18

                      1                     25         AGE          30                  88/12                           150                      6000        AGE               31                    60/40
Number of countries       Employees in NL             Average age           m/f ratio                 Aantal landen warin     Werknemers in NL           Gemiddelde leeftijd        m/v verhouding
  in which active                                                                                             atief

                                                 27                                                                                                     28
Gupta Strategists                                                                                                      IMC Trading
Heb jij het in je om strategieconsultant           gezondheidszorg. Altijd met het idee om de              About us                                           Development possibilities
te worden? Wil je bij een gerenommeerd             producten en/of dienstverlening van onze                IMC is a market maker and one of the world’s       We run on insatiable curiosity. We value
adviesbureau aan de slag? En weet jij              klanten beter te maken. Onze adviezen                   leading trading firms. We are mathematicians,      collaboration, creativity and openness, and
je dankzij je analytische denkkracht te            zijn gebaseerd op feiten, waarbij ook de                makers, and mavens. Traders, technologists,        our training and development programs
onderscheiden? Maak kennis met Gupta               door onszelf uitgevoerde (big data) studies             and tacticians. We think globally, commit          reflect those values. Bring the talent and
Strategists – We zijn het hele jaar door op        inzichten verschaffen. Ons werk vraagt                  locally, solve problems methodically and           we’ll provide every opportunity to develop it.
zoek naar nieuw talent.                            om flexibele werktijden, maar de collega’s              give back seriously.                               Bring the ideas and we’ll reward them.
                                                   ervaren volop voldoening en veel werkplezier.
Zo werken wij                                                                                              Possibilities                                      Case description
Op maandag tot en met donderdag werk je            Solliciteren of kennismaken                             • Graduate Trader                                  We’ll challenge you with an assignment that
in jouw projectteam bij een opdrachtgever en       Weet jij je dankzij je analytische denkkracht           • Trader Intern                                    will help you see how your skills apply to
op vrijdag komen we samen op wisselende            en nieuwe ideeën te onderscheiden? Wil jij              • Trader Assistant (part-time)                     financial markets. Together with two of our
locaties in het land. Dan vinden collega’s         het verschil maken voor onze klanten? En                                                                   traders, you’ll develop a trading strategy (in
altijd tijd om je te helpen of even mee te         ben je benieuwd naar ons team, wat we doen              What we offer                                      Python) and test it on real-world data – a
denken. Er is veel aandacht voor ieders            en welke kansen we bieden? Solliciteren of              Being smart gets you in the door.                  perfect opportunity to better understand the
persoonlijke ontwikkeling. Daarom spreek           informeel kennismaken kan gedurende het                 Continuously striving for improvement and          complexities in designing trading algorithms,
je elke zes weken met je mentor, krijg je          hele jaar.                                              a restless curiosity will help you succeed.        and what it’s like to do this at IMC.
regelmatig trainingen die je vaardigheden                                                                  If you have a passion for problem solving,
als strategieconsultant aanscherpen, stel          Link naar recruitment pagina                            technology, and innovation, we have the            Link to recruitment page
je bij elk project ontwikkeldoelen vast, is                   work culture, training and environment   
er elk half jaar een evaluatie en bieden                                                                   to help you realise your potential. At IMC,
we programma’s van excellente business             Leer ons kennen op ECD                                  anyone can make an impact and everyone             Meet us at ECD
schools aan.                                       Presentatie met lunch:                                  is encouraged to do so.                            Case:
                                                   November 15, 11:00 - 14:00, H17-10                                                                         November 20th, 14:00 - 18:00, H17-10
Werken als strategieconsultant
Gupta Strategists biedt oplossingen
voor complexe vraagstukken. Werken
bij Gupta betekent dat je als all round
strategieconsultant wordt opgeleid, binnen
een klein team aan grote projecten werkt
en jezelf continu uitdaagt en ontwikkelt
tot een strategisch expert binnen de

                      1                      30            AGE               31                    60/40                         3                     203         AGE          32                  90/10
Aantal landen warin       Werknemers in NL             Gemiddelde leeftijd        m/v verhouding           Number of countries       Employees in NL              Average age           m/f ratio
        atief                                                                                                in which active

                                                  29                                                                                                         30
ING                                                                                               KLM
 Creating a differentiating customer                make a real difference at ING. Because at        About us                                         What we offer
 experience: our starting point                     ING, your traineeship revolves around your       Founded on October 7, 1919, KLM Royal            Passenger Services, Cargo and Engineering
 ING Bank is a global financial institution with    development.                                     Dutch Airlines is the oldest scheduled           & Maintenance are the core business of
 a strong European base, offering banking                                                            airline in the world still operating under its   KLM. KLM employees are proud of their
 services. We draw on our experience and            As a trainee at ING you can have a direct        original name. We are a very large, dynamic,     company and their job. Whether you work
 expertise, our commitment to excellent             impact on the financial future of our clients.   innovative, and internationally orientated       on the platform or in the luggage cellar,
 service and our global scale to meet the           Interested in the stories of our trainees?       organization, with currently over 32.000         at the engineering and maintenance or
 needs of a broad customer base, comprising         Follow them in their own traineeblogs.           staff members, which makes us one of the         within cargo, at one of our offices or in our
 individuals, families, small businesses, large     Do you also have an innovative view on           largest employers in the Netherlands. KLM        daily operations, every KLM employee is
 corporations, institutions and governments.        banking? Think beyond borders. Jump on.          has a strong focus on sustainability, and has    important.
 Our customers are at the heart of what we                                                           been ranked the most sustainable airline in      When you work at KLM, you’re part of our
 do. Our more than 51,000 employees offer           We are looking for                               the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the       big blue family. KLM employees trust each
 retail and wholesale banking services to           Talented master graduates who want to            last decade. Our corporate culture is down       other’s enthusiasm, flexibility and strength
 customers in over 40 countries.                    make a difference in financial services. We      to earth, direct, informal, and open-minded.     because together they make a difference.
                                                    are looking for customer-oriented and result-                                                     With everyone’s individual commitment, KLM
 A traineeship at ING: allow your talent to         driven candidates with a desire to become        Possibilities                                    can be at the forefront of the international
 flourish                                           leaders within ING. Choose the track that        To realize our ambitions for a healthy future, aviation industry.
 Are you considering a traineeship? ING offers      suits you best. The ING traineeship provides     we are always interested in new talents who
 promising master’s graduates the chance to         a good foundation for the future. Want to        have something extra to offer our company. Development possibilities
 make the absolute most of their talent on          know what impact you can make?                   KLM offers around 200 internships for Trainings, working abroad, possibility of a
 a traineeship within the bank: International                                                        Bachelor and Master students annually. MBA after a few years etc.
 Talent Programme (ITP). We believe that            Discover your possibilities                      Occasionally, it is possible to combine your Working at KLM, you are responsible for
 you have the talent and potential to help          ing.nltraineeship                                internship with drafting your thesis.            your personal development.
 us turn the financial sector around, making                                                         We also have several opportunities for KLM stimulates the personal development
 it more sustainable and customer-centric.          Meet us at ECD                                   working students and starters vacancies in of its employees through a wide range of
 Expectations are high but, in return, you          Finance diner:                                   lots of different fields of expertise. For young training courses and programmes offered at
 have the opportunity to shine. During this         November 19th, 19:00 - 22:00                     graduates with management potential various educational institutes. Opportunities
 four-year traineeship, you’ll receive intensive                                                     we offer great opportunities within our are available for every single employee.
 training and ongoing support to ensure                                                              management traineeships within Corporate The management training programmes are
 that you can fulfil your true potential and                                                         Management, Finance or IT.                       often international in character due to KLM’s
                                                                                                                                                      collaboration with Air France, and are often
                                                                                                     Meet us at ECD                                   held at locations outside the Netherlands.
                                                                                                     21 November, 14:00 - 16:00, C2-6                 Link to recruitment page
                                                                                                                                                      Check for additional
                                                                                                                                                      information and our current vacancies and
                  44                     13.000          AGE          43                60/40                             2                  32.000 internships. Other questions? Please contact
                                                                                                                                                      us via 020-64 96100 or klm.recruitment@
Number of countries    Employees in NL                  Average age         m/f ratio                 Number of countries    Employees in NL
  in which active                                                                                      in which active

                                                                                                         AGE             50               50/50
                                                                                                       Average age            m/f ratio

                                                   31                                                                                                 32
Ortec Finance                                                                                                  PGGM
About us                                                  our organization evolves in the process. This     Over ons                                        Wat wij aanbieden
Ortec Finance is a fast-growing, international            creates opportunities for our employees.          PGGM       is   een  van     de   grootste      Lekkere koffie drink je in ons Grand Cafe en
company. We are active in very dynamic                    We offer you plenty of room to fully apply        pensioenuitvoeringsorganisaties         en      als het lekker weer is, lunch je buiten in onze
markets. Markets that often have great                    your talents and highly value an enterprising     vermogensbeheerders ter wereld. Wij             tuin aan een van onze picknicktafels. Om
social importance as well. In essence we                  spirit. At Ortec Finance you can transfer to      beheren de pensioenen van verschillende         andere jonge PGGM’ers te leren kennen,
enable our clients to make better investment              other positions in different countries, or you    pensioenfondsen, de daarbij aangesloten         kan je deelnemen aan de activiteiten van
decisions and, as a result, reach their goals.            can choose for a more specialized career.         werkgevers en hun werknemers met een            Jong PGGM. We hechten aan een open en
                                                          The possibilities are many.                       beheerd pensioenvermogen van meer               eerlijke bedrijfscultuur, bieden je werk dat er
Possibilities                                                                                               dan 215 miljard euro voor ruim 3,1 miljoen      toe doet en hechten eraan met respect voor
Visit our website,                                        Case description                                  deelnemers. Nederland kent één van de           mens en omgeving te opereren. Kies je voor,                     Making decisions while facing uncertainty         beste pensioensystemen ter wereld waarbij       PGGM, dan kies je ook voor jezelf.
to see all our internships, traineeship and               is a challenging task. However, this is           toekomstige pensioenen in grote mate
job opportunities.                                        almost daily reality for financial institutions   afhankelijk zijn van de rendementen die         Ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden
                                                          such as banks, insurance companies and            PGGM op kapitaalmarkten kan realiseren.         PGGM biedt je een professionele,
What can we offer                                         pension funds. They have to decide on             Onze missie is mensen helpen bij het            daadkrachtige en inspirerende werkomgeving
We offer you a suitable internship/job                    how to allocate the available capital to          realiseren van een waardevolle toekomst.        met volop kansen om je vakmanschap uit
within a challenging and inspiring work                   different asset classes. At Ortec Finance we      Een goed pensioen is meer dan geld alleen.      te bouwen. Bij ons staan samenwerken,
environment with excellent career and                     develop models and software which enables         Werken aan een waardevolle toekomst is          kennis delen en zelfstandigheid hoog in het
professionalization opportunities, both in                boards to make these complex financial            niet denkbaar zonder respect voor mens,         vaandel. Dit komt goed tot uiting in onze
different specializations and in project and              decisions. Providing a good estimate of the       milieu en maatschappij. Duurzaamheid zit in     cultuur, onze agile manier van werken, en
account management. Ortec Finance gives                   uncertainty of the different asset classes        ons DNA.                                        volop opleidingsmogelijkheden binnen onze
you the chance to combine IT, mathematical                through stochastic economic scenarios is                                                          eigen Academy.
models and specific market knowledge in                   an important part of this. With the advice        Mogelijkheden
your work.                                                of Ortec Finance the board then makes the         Altijd al willen weten hoe het is om            Link naar recruitment pagina
                                                          trade-off between the expected return and         te werken voor één van de grootste    
Development possibilities                                 risk of the various asset classes.                pensioenuitvoeringsorganisaties en meest
Ortec Finance operates in                      dynamic    During this case you will take on the role of     duurzame         vermogensbeheerders     ter    Leer ons kennen op ECD
markets that have great social                relevance   a consultant hired by the board of a pension      wereld? Wil jij impact hebben op onze           Finance Diner:
and impact. Because we deliver                the high-   fund to advise on the investment strategy.        samenleving? Meedenken over de toekomst         November 19, 19:00 - 22:00
quality solutions these markets                demand,    In order to give a good advice you will           van het Nederlandse pensioenstelsel?
                                                          learn how the balance sheet of the pension        In      de      voortdurend   veranderende
                                                          fund works and which consequences the             pensioenwereld en een dynamische
                       5                      250         different strategic decisions have for the        financiële sector zoeken wij toptalenten                              1                       1.478
                                                          various stakeholders, including pensioners,       die samen met ons het verschil willen
 Number of countries        Employees in NL               employers       and    employees.        Which    maken. Voor academisch (afgestudeerde)          Aantal landen warin        Werknemers in NL
   in which active                                                                                                                                                  atief
                                                          considerations have to be made in order to        toptalenten bieden we zowel corporate,
                                                          achieve a good decision?                          investment als quant traineeships, leerzame
                                                                                                            afstudeer- en meewerkstages en uitdagende                                                     62/38
     AGE               32                     65/35       Meet us at ECD                                    startersfuncties. Aan jou de keuze: wat doe
                                                                                                                                                                AGE               43
                                                          Case: November 19th, 9:30 - 13:30, H17-10         jij straks bij PGGM?
    Average age                 m/f ratio                                                                                                                   Gemiddelde leeftijd         m/v verhouding

                                                      33                                                                                                   34
Pipple                                                                                           Pointlogic
About us                                             What can we offer                                 About us                                                   •   Time for socializing and fun,
Pipple was born in 2016 and we are growing           • Energetic, creative, social, entrepreneurial    Pointlogic, A Nielsen Company is a global                  •   Flexibility in working hours and location,
crazy ever since. We are now with 25 pro-              and highly skilled colleagues                   market leader in strategic marketing                           etc.
active and entrepreneurial data scientists/          • Good money and as bonus part of the             solutions and provides customized decision-
consultants, working on various projects in            profit you generate                             support systems to improve marketing                       Development possibilities
finance and logistics. Besides commercial            • Drinks, parties and winter sports with          effectiveness. Our products are backed                     Trainings, personal and professional
projects, we make the world a better place             colleagues                                      by powerful analytical methods, extensive                  development opportunities, etc.
by offering our expertise for free to non-profit     • A lot of Pipple gadgets                         research and (big) data to enhance and
organisations. We like variety in projects, so                                                         enrich our customers’ marketing tools and                  Case description
we create custom made algorithms using               Development possibilities                         processes. The combination of software and                 Our client is an automotive brand that wants
machine learning, artificial intelligence,           • Qualified personal development coach            analytics allows our customers to make more                to optimise their brand positioning and com-
optimization and anything else we think is           • Coaching on the job by experienced              informed strategic and tactical business                   munication strategy. During the Brandpoint
cool.                                                  senior consultant                               decisions, ultimately leading to greater ROI               automotive case, we will work with actual
                                                     • Freedom and budget to develop yourself,         from marketing budgets.                                    consumer research data on brand preferen-
Our goal is to have happy Pipple employees,            in a professional or personal way               We have product users in more than 80                      ces and opinions. The available data con-
happy customers and to make the world a                                                                countries around the globe, and with our                   sists of a set of respondents that have all
little bit better.                                   Link to recruitment page                          tools, we support the decisions of large                   been asked about eight random car brands.
                                                                               advertisers, media owners, and media                       The KPI is “Would you consider this brand
Pipple is econometrics with a human touch.                                                             agencies, both on a tactical and strategic                 when buying a car”.
                                                     Meet us at ECD                                    level. Our expertise in these areas led to                 Other data we have are some socio-demos
Possibilities                                        Pitch at the Opening & Opening Drink:             Nielsen acquiring us in 2016 to strengthen its             (like age and gender), and performance va-
Every year we have multiple internships and          November 13th, 14:00 - 18:00, Paviljoen           data and planning capabilities. Pointlogic’s               riables on a number of drivers. Drivers are
starting positions available. Please have a                                                            head office is in Rotterdam, and we have                   aspects about a car that would make a car
look at our current vacancies at                                                            further offices in London, New York,                       more attractive in the eyes of a consumer.
                                                                                                       Singapore and Sao Paulo.                                   Examples of drivers: Low price, Low main-
                                                                                                                                                                  tenance costs, Luxury type car, interior de-
                                                                                                       Possibilities                                              sign, exterior design, safety features, etc.
                                                                                                       • job opportunities                                        The respondent will have answers for each
                                                                                                       • full-time/part-time internships                          of the brands whether they think that brand
                                                                                                       • thesis-writing internship + work on                      does well on these drivers.
                                                                                                          internal projects                                       You will be asked to analyse this data and
                                                                                                                                                                  use modelling and other statistical techni-
                                                                                                       What can we offer                                          ques to find relations between consumer
                                                                                                       • Competitive salary and benefits,                         preferences and opinions. The results need
                                                                                                       • Exciting development projects and                        to be translated to a strategic advice for the
                                                                                                         clients,                                                 client.
                                                                                                       • An open, respectful and multicultural
                                                                                                         atmosphere,                                              Meet us at ECD
                                                                                                                                                                  Case: November 15th, 9:30 - 13:30, H17-02

                         1                     25         AGE          27                70/30                          5                     100    AGE          33                     65/35
   Number of countries       Employees in NL             Average age         m/f ratio                Number of countries   Employees in NL         Average age              m/f ratio
     in which active                                                                                    in which active

                                                    35                                                                                                       36
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