Effect of food processing on the antioxidant activity of flavones from Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce

Page created by Jaime Pratt
Open Life Sciences 2021; 16: 92–101

Research Article

Guanghui Xia, Xinhua Li*, Zhen Zhang, Yuhang Jiang

Effect of food processing on the antioxidant
activity of flavones from Polygonatum odoratum
(Mill.) Druce
received September 21, 2020; accepted November 21, 2020
                                                                       1 Introduction
Abstract: Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce (POD) is a                Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce (POD) is a perennial
natural plant widely used for food and medicine, thanks                herb belonging to the family Liliaceae. The root of POD
to its rich content of a strong antioxidant agent called               serves both as a food source and a medicinal constituent.
homoisoflavones. However, food processing methods                       With a sweet and mild taste, POD root can act as a muco-
could affect the stability of POD flavones, resulting in                 lytic agent in the lungs, mitigate intestinal problems [1],
changes to their antioxidant activity. This study attempts             ease Yin deficiency-related dryness, and engender liquid
to evaluate the antioxidant activity of POD flavones sub-               to allay thirst [2].
ject to different processing methods and determines which                    There are various active substances in POD, namely,
method could preserve the antioxidant activity of POD                  amino acids, polysaccharides, glycosides, and flavones
flavones. Therefore, flavones were extracted from POD                    [3,4]. Among them, flavones are antioxidants capable of
samples, which had been treated separately with one of                 slowing down aging, suppressing virus activity, curbing bac-
the four processing methods: extrusion, baking, high-                  teria reproduction, and preventing cancers [5,6], as well as
pressure treatment, and yeast fermentation. After that,                enhancing the immune system [7]. Moreover, flavones
the antioxidant activity of the flavones was subject to                 are regarded as a functional factor in healthy foods [8].
in vivo tests in zebrafish embryos. The results show that                    The antioxidant activity of flavones varies from
yeast fermentation had the least disruption to the anti-
                                                                       material to material, owing to the difference in chemical
oxidant activity of POD flavones, making it the most
                                                                       structure. Therefore, some flavones could exhibit higher
suitable food processing method for POD. By contrast,
                                                                       antioxidant activity than vitamin C or vitamin E [9,10].
extrusion and high-pressure treatment both slightly wea-
                                                                       The flavones in POD are mainly classified as homoisofla-
kened the antioxidant activity of the flavones and should
                                                                       vones [11]. These homoisoflavones boast high antioxidant
be avoided in food processing. The research results pro-
                                                                       activity for the high content of phenolic hydroxyl groups.
vide a reference for the development and utilization of
                                                                       However, their antioxidant activity is affected by many
POD and the protection of its biological activity.
                                                                       factors, ranging from processing temperature, pressure to
Keywords: Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce, homo-                    heating time. Any change in these factors could easily
isoflavone, food processing methods, flavone antioxidant                 denature POD flavones, thereby changing their antioxi-
activity                                                               dant activity.
                                                                            Currently, POD is used as a raw material for many
                                                                       kinds of foods, such as bread, cake, wine, sauce, tea, and
                                                                     candy [12]. In recent years, POD has been used as a raw
* Corresponding author: Xinhua Li, College of Food Science,
Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866, China,
                                                                       material for making rose cake, donkey-hide gelatin nutri-
e-mail: lxh68lxh@163.com                                               tion powder, and sheet jelly in China. These foods are
Guanghui Xia: College of Food Science and Engineering, Tonghua         produced by processing methods such as extrusion,
Normal University, Tonghua 134001, China; College of Food Science,     fermentation, baking, and high-pressure treatment.
Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866, China               Nevertheless, few scholars have explored how different
Zhen Zhang: College of Food Science, Shenyang Agricultural
                                                                       processing methods affect the antioxidant activity of
University, Shenyang 110866, China
Yuhang Jiang: College of Food Science and Engineering, Tonghua         POD flavones. To improve POD food products' health
Normal University, Tonghua 134001, China                               function, it is necessary to identify the appropriate

   Open Access. © 2021 Guanghui Xia et al., published by De Gruyter.      This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
Food processing effects on P. odoratum       93

processing method that preserves POD flavones' anti-              dihydrohomoisoflavone, 5,7,4ʹ-trihydroxy-6,8-dimethyl dihydro-
oxidant activity.                                                homoisoflavone, 5,7,4ʹ-trihydroxy-6-methyl-8-methoxy-
     Zebrafish, a cypriniform teleost of the chordate phylum,     dihydrohomoisoflavone, and 5,7-dihydroxy-6-methyl-
share 87% of genes with human and possess similar bio-           8,4ʹ-dimethoxy-dihydrohomoisoflavone were prepared
logical structures and physiological functions to those of       by preparative high-performance liquid phase in our
mammals [13]. The cellular signal transduction pathways          lab (structural appraisal was completed by Shanghai
of zebrafish bear a high resemblance with those of human,         Tongtian Biotechnology Co.).
suggesting that the results of experiments on zebrafish help          Zebrafish were purchased from the Institute of
predict the feasibility of human trials. In 2003, the National   Evolution & Marine Biodiversity, Ocean University of
Institute of Health (NIH) in the United States designated        China. Malondialdehyde (MDA), reactive oxygen species
zebrafish as an important experimental animal. Since              (ROS), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) testing kits were
then, the NIH has recognized the toxicity and functions          purchased from the Nanjing Jiancheng Bioengineering
of compounds evaluated through zebrafish experiments              Institute, Nanjing, China.
[14]. Zebrafish have been widely used by researchers
engaging in molecular biology, developmental research,
cancer, obesity, infectious diseases, and environmental
studies [15,16]. Additionally, the zebrafish model has            2.2 Preparation of POD powder
become increasingly popular in the evaluation of pharma-
cological and functional foods. Nonetheless, no report eval-     POD was cleaned before being placed in an air drying
uates the antioxidant activity of POD flavones through            oven to be dried at 70°C. The dried material was ground
in vivo tests on in vivo zebrafish.                               into powder and then filtered through a sieve with a pore
     Based on the zebrafish model, this study evaluates           size of 425 µm.
the antioxidant activity of POD flavones subject to dif-
ferent processing methods and determines which method
could preserve the antioxidant activity of POD flavones.          2.3 POD treatments
The research results provide a reference for the develop-
ment and utilization of POD and the protection of its            2.3.1 Extrusion
biological activity.
                                                                 POD powder was extruded in a three-stage temperature-
                                                                 controlled extruder, using a granular cutter head at the
                                                                 outlet. The first, second, and third stages were set to be
                                                                 45, 70, and 105°C, respectively. Before extrusion, 5,000 g
2 Materials and methods                                          of POD powder was spread on the flat surface of the
                                                                 extruder and evenly sprayed with water till the water
2.1 Materials and reagents                                       content reached about 5%. Then, the wet POD powder
                                                                 was extruded for 80 s in the extruder. After that, the
POD was purchased from Songjianghe Town, Baishan                 extruded products were cooled to room temperature
City, northeastern China’s Jilin Province. Methanol (chro-       and then ground with the said sieve.
matographic grade) was procured from Tedia Company,
Inc., Farfield, Ohio, USA. Yeast was obtained from Angel
Yeast Co., Ltd, Yichang, China. 2,2-Azobis(2-methyl-             2.3.2 Yeast fermentation
propyl)dihydrochloride (AAPH) was acquired from Sigma-
Aldrich, Missouri, USA. Sodium chloride, potassium               Yeast (50 g) was placed in distilled water (500 g) at 26°C
chloride, calcium chloride, dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO),          along with 3 g sugar for activation. After 15 min, 5,000 g
alchlor (AlCl3), ethanol, glacial acetic acid, and magne-        of POD powder was placed in a glass tank and the yeast
sium sulphate, all of which are analytically pure, were          activated aqueous solution and 3,500 g of distilled water
bought from Shanghai Experiment Reagent Co., Ltd,                was added. After mixing to a smooth dough, the tank was
Shanghai, China.                                                 placed into a constant-temperature incubator for fermen-
    5,7,4ʹ-Trihydroxy-6-methyl dihydrohomoisoflavone              tation at 28°C for 6 h. After that, the dough was dried in a
was supplied by Shanghai Tongtian Biotechnology Co.,             hot-blast stove at 70°C [17]. The dried dough was ground
Shanghai, China. 5,7,6ʹ-Trihydroxy-6,8-dimethyl-4ʹ-methoxy       as previously mentioned.
94        Guanghui Xia et al.

2.3.3 Baking                                                   ultrasonic dissolution, and then transferred to a 100 mL
                                                               volumetric flask. After cleaning solution was added to the
POD powder (5,000 g) was put into a basin and turned           volumetric flask, 50% chromatographic methanol solu-
into a dough by adding 4,000 g of distilled water. The         tion was used to make the volume constant to produce
dough was spread onto a baking plate and placed in             a 1 mg/mL standard solution. Then, the standard curves
the oven to be dried at 200°C. The dried dough was             of 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6 mg/mL were prepared
cooled to room temperature and ground with a screener.         with 1 mg/mL standard solutions. Each standard sample
                                                               (1 mL) was added to a colorimetric tube with 1 mL of 1%
                                                               AlCl3 solution, shaken well, and heated in a water bath
2.3.4 High-pressure treatment                                  at 45°C for 30 min. After that, the absorbance of each
                                                               sample was determined at 415 nm with a spectrophot-
POD powder (5,000 g) was moistened with 4,000 g of             ometer [18,19]. Taking absorbance (A) as the ordinate
distilled water and placed in a portable autoclave in          and concentration (C) as the abscess abscissa, a standard
batches. The high-pressure treatment lasted 15 min at          curve was drawn (as shown in Figure 1). The measured
121°C. After that, the powder was dried in a hot-blast         absorbance was substituted in the standard equation y =
stove at 70°C. The dried powder was cooled to room tem-        0.9066 × −0.0001 (correlation coefficient, R2 = 0.9999) to
perature and ground as previously described.                   obtain the flavone content. Since the higher the flavone
                                                               concentration is, the greater the absorbance value is, the
                                                               total flavonoid concentration in the sample can be calcu-
                                                               lated according to the standard curve.
2.4 Extraction and purification of flavones

The POD powder processed by each method was dis-
solved in 95% ethanol at the ratio of 1:10 (weight to          2.6 Zebrafish feeding and embryo collection
volume), thoroughly mixed, and ultrasonically extracted
for 20 min. Then it was filtered, the filtered residue was       Zebrafish were raised and fed brine shrimp in a special
repeat extracted twice, and the filtrate was merged. Then,      breeding tank under the following conditions described
the filtrate was rotary-evaporated to volatile ethanol and      in Westerfield [20]: temperature = 26–30°C; ventilation =
the extractum was obtained. The extractum was diluted          10 times/h; light/dark cycles = 14 h (light)/10 h (dark);
with distilled water two times and decolorized with the        daylight intensity ≥150 lux; pH of water = 6.8–7.2; dis-
same volume of petroleum ether five times. The decolor-         solved oxygen = 10 mg/L; electrical conductivity = 500 S;
ized solution was added prior to filtration in treated macro-   water replacement: 10% per day; and feeding frequency =
porous resin D101 columns at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. Each      twice per day (once in the morning and once at night).
sample was pumped into its corresponding column and                Healthy adult fish, half male and half female, were
kept on the resin for 2 h. Next, each column was washed        raised for more than 3 weeks, before being relocated to
with 30, 70, and 100% ethanol solution, respectively. After    mating tanks and then artificial incubators. The tempera-
washing, the 70% ethanol solution was collected, and           ture was controlled at 28°C, and feeding was stopped for
most of the ethanol was rotary-evaporated from the
sample. The residual solution was freeze-dried in vacuum
to obtain the sample powder of POD flavone.                                      0.50

                                                               Absorbance (A)


2.5 Plotting of standard curves and                                             0.20
    determination of flavone content                                             0.10

The standard of 5,7,4ʹ-trihydroxy-6-methyl dihydro-                                    0   0.1   0.2        0.3         0.4         0.5
homoisoflavone was weighed to 100 mg and placed in a                                               Homoisoflavone concentration (mg/mL)
clean small beaker, before adding 50 mL of 50% chromato-
graphic methanol solution. The mixture was subject to          Figure 1: Homoisoflavone standard curve.
Food processing effects on P. odoratum      95

1 day. The barrier between the mating tanks was removed       group, and 2 mL of sample solution was successively
during light hours, allowing the males and females to         added into the 24-well culture plate. In the blank control
mate and lay eggs. Once laid, the eggs fell to the bottom     group, 2 mL of culture solution containing 0.001% DMSO
of the cylinder and were immediately collected, put into a    was added. Six normally developed zebrafish embryos
clean petri dish, and cleaned with a culture solution.        8 h post fertilization were added to each of the sample-
After the impurities were removed, the eggs were added        containing wells. Then, the culture plate was quickly
to the culture solution at 28°C under constant tempera-       transferred to a constant-temperature incubator at 28°C.
ture. Around 4 h post fertilization, the dead eggs were       An hour later, 2 mL of 8 mg/mL AAPH solution was added
removed, and the remaining eggs were washed again             to each well to induce oxidative stress. After incubation
and allowed to continue culturing.                            for 3 h, the survival rates and normal development rates
     The culture solution was prepared by the follow-         of the embryos were counted, and the ROS content, MDA
ing mix ratio: 10% sodium chloride, 0.3% potassium            activity, and SOD activity were measured to evaluate the
chloride, 0.3% calcium chloride, and 0.8% magnesium           antioxidant effect.
sulphate in ultrapure water.

Ethical approval: The research related to animal use has
been complied with all the relevant national regulations      2.8 Calculation of ROS content, MDA
and institutional policies for the care and use of animals.       activity, and SOD activity

                                                              2.8.1 Calculation of ROS content

2.7 Measurement of antioxidant activity of                    After the zebrafish embryos had been cultured, the
    POD flavones                                               embryos were filtered out and washed with normal
                                                              saline. Each embryo was then homogenized with a tissue
Studies have shown that the 4 mg/mL AAPH could                homogenizer, producing 10% tissue homogenate. Then,
induce an oxidative stress reaction in zebrafish embryos       1 mmol/L 2ʹ,7ʹ-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-
[21–23]. The reaction produces an excessive amount of         DA) working solution and phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)
ROS, which damages embryo cells. The cell damage is           solution were prepared.
typically represented by the surging MDA and SOD con-              Following the instructions of the ROS test kit, a 48-
tents. If unable to clear the soaring ROS levels, an embryo   well plate was prepared by adding 380 μL of tissue homo-
will die.                                                     genate and 20 μL of 1 mmol/L DCFH-DA working solution
     To measure the antioxidant capacity of POD flavones,      into the sample wells. Meanwhile, 380 μL of tissue homo-
an appropriate concentration of POD flavones can inhibit       genate and 20 μL of PBS solution were added to the con-
the production of ROS and keep the MDA and SOD in the         trol wells. After mixing, the plate was placed in a con-
embryo at normal levels. The antioxidant activity of POD      stant-temperature incubator at 37°C for 1 h incubation in
flavones is negatively correlated with its concentration       darkness. Then, the absorbance was measured at 485 and
required to maintain the normal levels of MDA and SOD.        525 nm with a microplate reader to derive the ROS content
     Flavones of four different concentrations (10, 20, 50,    by: ROS content (U/mL) = fluorescence intensity/intersti-
and 100 μg/mL) were prepared from the processed sam-          tial fluid volume.
ples by the culture solution (it was confirmed that the
200 µg/mL solution was toxic to zebrafish embryo). To
improve the solubility of POD flavones, 0.001% DMSO            2.8.2 Calculation of MDA activity
was added in each solution preparation (this concentra-
tion has been proved nontoxic to zebrafish embryos).           The 10% tissue homogenate obtained from zebrafish
     The experiments were divided into fermentation           embryos in Section 2.8.1 was centrifuged at 4,000 rpm
group (PDCO-F), high-pressure treatment group (PDCO-H),       for 10 min, and the supernatant (S solution) was
extrusion group (PDCO-E), baking group (PDCO-B), non-         obtained. Three 10 mL centrifuge tubes were taken and
treatment group (PDCO-N), and a blank control group.          labelled as sample tube, standard tube, and blank control
During the experiments, three parallel tests were con-        tube, respectively. The sample tube was added with
ducted for sample of each concentration in each test          0.2 mL of S solution, the standard tube with 0.2 mL of
96         Guanghui Xia et al.

10 nmol/L tetraethoxypropane solution, and the blank              diluted 100 times with 60% methanol and were filtered
control tube with 0.2 mL of anhydrous ethanol. Then,              prior to HPLC analysis. The injection volume and column
0.2 mL of solution A, 3 mL of solution B, and 1 mL of solu-       temperature were 20 μL and 25°C, respectively.
tion C were added into the sample tube, standard tube,
and blank control tube, respectively. Each centrifuge tube
was well mixed with a vortex mixer and kept in a water
bath at 95°C for 40 min. After rapid cooling with running
water, the tubes were centrifuged at 4,000 rpm for 10 min,
                                                                  3 Results and discussion
and the supernatant was collected to determine the absor-
bance of each tube at 532 nm (solution A, solution B, and         3.1 Flavone contents of the samples treated
solution C were all special solutions in MDA test kit):               by different methods
 MDA content (nmol/L) = 100 × (OD value of sample
  − OD value of blank control)/(OD value of standard              The total flavonoid contents of POD flavone samples treated
  − OD value of blank control).                                   by different methods were determined (Table 1) after the
                                                                  samples were purified by D101 macroporous resin.
                                                                      Table 1 shows that, after passing through D101
                                                                  macroporous resin, the flavones were the main compo-
2.8.3 Calculation of SOD activity                                 nents in each sample, for the total flavone content sur-
                                                                  passed 75% in every sample. This means flavones are an
Two 5 mL centrifuge tubes were taken and labelled as a            important factor affecting the results of the subsequent
sample tube and a blank control tube, respectively. The           antioxidant tests.
sample tube and the blank control tube were added with
1 mL of solution D. Then, the sample tube was added
with 0.05 mL of solution S, while the blank control tube
with 0.05 mL of distilled water. Afterwards, 0.1 mL of solu-      3.2 Results on the antioxidant activity of
tion E, 0.1 mL of solution F, and 0.1 mL of solution G were           POD flavones after different treatments
added into the sample tube and the blank control tube,
respectively. The centrifuge tubes were well mixed with a         3.2.1 Effect of POD flavones on embryo survival rate and
vortex mixer and kept in a water bath at 37°C for 40 min.               malformation rate
Subsequently, to each tube 2 mL of chromogenic agent
solution H was added. After standing for 10 min, the absor-       As shown in Figures 2 and 3, zebrafish embryos grew
bance of each tube was measured at 550 nm (solutions D,           regularly in Control Group 1 after 3 h of culture (survival
E, F, G, and H were all special solutions in the SOD test kit):   rate: 100%; malformation rate: 0). In Control Group 2,
                                                                  however, malformations and deaths were observed, as
SOD activity of sample (U/mL) = 0.5
                                                                  evidenced by large yolk cysts and abnormal body seg-
  × (total volume of reaction solution/sampling volume)
                                                                  mentation. These phenomena resulted from the oxidative
  × dilution ratio of sample × (OD value of control
                                                                  stress induced by 4 mg/mL AAPH. The survival rate was
  − measured OD value)/OD value of control.
                                                                  88%, and the malformation rate was as high as 20% of
                                                                  cultured embryos.
                                                                       Any concentration of POD flavones could mitigate the
2.9 Qualitative analysis of extracted POD                         oxidative stress reaction of zebrafish embryos to AAPH.
    flavones with HPLC                                             The greater the flavone concentration, the higher the sur-
                                                                  vival rate, and the lower the malformation rate. The inhi-
The concentrations of the flavones in the treated POD              bition of oxidative stress was most effective when flavone
flavone samples were determined by high-performance                concentration reached 100 μg/mL. It can also be observed
liquid chromatography (HPLC) on a 4.6 mm × 250 mm                 from Figure 3 that both the untreated POD flavone sample
(5 μm) YMC-Pack ODS-AM column using an Agilent                    in the control group and four kinds of processed POD
G7111A pump and a UV detector at 297 nm. The mobile               flavone samples can lead to an increase in the malforma-
phase consisted of methanol and 0.1% glacial acetic acid          tion rate of zebrafish embryos at low concentrations,
solution (60/40, v/v) with a flow rate of 0.8 mL min−1.            which may be caused by the impurities in the samples
The treated POD flavone samples (not lyophilized) were             (referring to Table 1, there are still some impurities
Food processing effects on P. odoratum                97

Table 1: Total flavonoid content of samples treated by different methods

Sample name                                                               Sample            Solution                                        Absorbance                  Flavone               Total flavones
                                                                          mass (mg)         volume (mL)                                     (A)                         concentration         content (%)

Nontreatment sample (control sample)                                      5                 10                                              0.375                       0.414                 82.8
High-pressure treatment sample                                            5                 10                                              0.344                       0.379                 75.8
Extrusion sample                                                          5                 10                                              0.343                       0.378                 78.21
Baking sample                                                             5                 10                                              0.303                       0.334                 75.6
Yeast fermentation sample                                                 5                 10                                              0.353                       0.389                 77.8

although the main component of each sample is flavone).                                                3.2.2 Effect of POD flavones on ROS content, SOD
These impurities may be new compounds formed during                                                         activity, and MDA activity
processing or reagent residues left in the extraction of
flavone. In addition, the four kinds of processed POD                                                  The ROS content in the untreated zebrafish embryos
flavone samples exert less impact on the survival rate of                                              was about 4.2 × 105 U/mL. Following AAPH induction,
zebrafish embryos, indicating that the cytotoxicity of                                                 the ROS content reached 7.56 × 105 U/mL (the blank con-
impurities in the samples is relatively lower; the cytotoxi-                                          trol), about twice the normal level. This means 4 mg/mL
city of impurities can be completely inhibited along with                                             AAPH successfully induced oxidative stress reaction. The
the increase in flavone concentration.                                                                 higher the ROS content, the greater the damage to the
     However, the embryos cultured in processed POD fla-                                               embryos [24].
vone solutions had a lower survival rate and a higher mal-                                                 As shown in Figure 4, the POD flavone solutions
formation rate than those in the control group (PDCO-N),                                              treated by all four methods could reduce the ROS content
which contains untreated flavone solution. Among the                                                   in zebrafish embryos. The decrement of ROS content
four groups of processed flavone solutions, the yeast fer-                                             increased with flavone concentration. At each flavone
mented flavones (PDCO-F) were the most effective at                                                     concentration, PDCO-F boasted the most significant ROS
improving survival rate. In PDCO-F, the malformation                                                  suppression effect. When the flavone concentration
rate decreased with the flavone concentration.                                                         reached 100 μg/mL, the ROS content in the embryos
                                                                                                      was slightly above that in the control group PDCO-N,
                                                                                                      but much lower than that induced by AAPH in Control

                             100                                                                                                       43
                              98                                                                                                       38
                                                                                                      Malformation rate of zebrafish

                                                                                          10 μg/mL
Survival rate of zebrafish

                                                                                                                                       33                                                             10 μg/mL
                              94                                                                                                       28
                                                                                          20 μg/mL
                                                                                                             embryos (%)
      embryos (%)

                              92                                                                                                                                                                      20 μg/mL
                              90                                                          50 μg/mL                                     18
                              88                                                                                                                                                                      50 μg/mL
                              86                                                          100 μg/mL
                              84                                                                                                       8                                                              100 μg/mL

                              82                                                                                                       3
                              80                                                                                                       -2
                                   Control   Control PDCO-N PDCO-F PDCO-H PDCO-E PDCO-B                                                     Control    Control   PDCO-N PDCO-F PDCO-H PDCO-E PDCO-B
                                   group 1   group 2                                                                                        group 1    group 2

Figure 2: The effect of POD flavones on survival rate of zebrafish                                       Figure 3: The effect of POD flavones on malformation rate of zebra-
embryos. Note: zebrafish embryos were cultured in flavone solu-                                         fish embryos. Note: zebrafish embryos were cultured in flavone
tions, in which the flavones were extracted from POD samples                                           solutions, in which the flavones were extracted from POD samples
treated by different methods, or in control solutions, followed by                                     treated by different methods, or in control solutions, followed by a
a comparison between the effects of incubation in the various cul-                                     comparison between the effects of incubation in the various culture
ture solutions on the survival rate. Control Group 1: culture solution                                solutions on the malformation rate. Control Group 1: culture solution +
+ 0.001% DMSO; Control Group 2: culture solution + AAPH; PDCO-N:                                      0.001% DMSO; Control Group 2: culture solution + AAPH; PDCO-N:
untreated POD flavone solution + AAPH; PDCO-F: yeast fermented                                         untreated POD flavone solution + AAPH; PDCO-F: yeast fermented
POD flavone solution + AAPH; PDCO-H: high-pressure treated POD                                         POD flavone solution + AAPH; PDCO-H: high-pressure treated POD
flavone solution + AAPH; PDCO-E: extruded POD flavone solution +                                        flavone solution + AAPH; PDCO-E: extruded POD flavone solution +
AAPH; PDCO-B: baked POD flavone + AAPH.                                                                AAPH; PDCO-B: baked POD flavone + AAPH.
98                        Guanghui Xia et al.

                  8                                                                                      8
                7.5                                                                                    7.5


                                                                           10 mg/ml                                                                               10 mg/ml
                  7                                                                                      7
                6.5                                                                                    6.5
                                                                           20 mg/ml                                                                               20 mg/ml
                  6                                                                                      6
ROS content (

                                                                                       ROS content (
                5.5                                                                                    5.5
                                                                           50 mg/ml                                                                               50 mg/ml
                  5                                                                                      5
                4.5                                                                                    4.5
                                                                           100 mg/ml                                                                              100 mg/ml
                  4                                                                                      4
                3.5                                                                                    3.5
                      Control Control PDCO-N PDCO-F PDCO-H PDCO-E PDCO-B                                     Control Control PDCO-N PDCO-F PDCO-H PDCO-E PDCO-B
                      group 1 group 2                                                                        group 1 group 2

Figure 4: The effect of POD flavones on ROS content.                                     Figure 5: The effect of POD flavones on SOD activity.

Group 2. Hence, the POD flavones after yeast fermenta-                                  nificantly reduced the MDA activity in the embryos.
tion have a strong inhibitory effect on ROS.                                            The reduction is positively correlated with the flavone
    PDCO-B, in which the flavones were extracted after                                  concentration.
baking, ranked the second in ROS inhibition. PDCO-E and                                     In each of the four POD flavone solutions, the inhibi-
PDCO-H were weaker in ROS inhibition than PDCO-F and                                   tory effect on MDA activity increased with the flavone con-
PDCO-B, even as the concentrations of all flavones were                                 centration. PDCO-F stood out for the strongest inhibitory
increased. Compared with PDCO-E, PDCO-H showed a                                       effect. At each concentration, the inhibitory effect of group
relatively strong inhibitory effect, but weaker than that                               PDCO-F was only slightly behind that of control group
of PDCO-B. The four groups of treated POD flavones can                                  PDCO-N. Despite being significantly lower than that of
be ranked as PDCO-F, PDCO-B, PDCO-H, and PDCO-E in                                     PDCO-F, the inhibitory effect of PDCO-B was more promi-
the descending order of ROS inhibition.                                                nent than that of PDCO-H and PDCO-E. In PDCO-E, the
    SOD, which naturally exists in human and other ani-                                inhibitory effect on MDA activity was poor, even when
mals, is a beneficial enzyme that eliminates harmful O2−                                the flavones were of high concentration. The MDA activity
produced during normal metabolism. As oxidative stress                                 in zebrafish embryos of this group was as high as 9 mmol/mL,
causes growing damage, SOD activity will be stimulated                                 far exceeding that in the untreated control group.
and continue to increase [25]. Thus, the abnormal increase                                  To sum up, the inhibitory effect of POD flavones on
of SOD activity helps identify whether the body is under                               the oxidative stress reaction of zebrafish embryos, which
increased oxidative stress.                                                            mirrors the strength of antioxidant activity, depends on
    As shown in Figure 5, after AAPH induced oxidative                                 flavone concentration and treatment method.
stress reaction, the SOD activity in zebrafish embryos
surpassed 3.5 U/mL, far higher than that in the untreated
control group (about 1 U/mL). The SOD activity plunged                                 3.2.3 Analysis of antioxidant activity of POD flavones
deeply after the use of POD flavones. The higher the                                          treated by different methods
flavone concentration, the sharper the decline of SOD
activity.                                                                              In the aforementioned experiments, the POD flavones
    In group PDCO-N, the SOD activity reached the                                      treated by different methods demonstrated different anti-
normal level at the flavone concentration of 100 μg/mL.                                 oxidant activities. To disclose the mechanism behind the
In group PDCO-F, the SOD activity approached the normal                                difference, five different homoisoflavone standard mate-
level also at the flavone concentration of 100 μg/mL. In                                rials were taken as references. HPLC was used to detect
group PDCO-E, however, POD flavones demonstrated a                                      the changes to the flavones in the treated POD flavone
weaker effect on inhibition of the abnormal increase of                                 samples. The molecular structures of the five POD homo-
SOD activity (P < 0.05).                                                               isoflavones are shown in Figure 7.
    MDA is an end product of membrane lipid peroxida-                                       The yeast fermented, high-pressure treated, baked,
tion in vivo. The activity of MDA is an indicator of the                               extruded, and untreated samples were analysed by HPLC.
severity of cell stress. A high MDA activity often indicates                           Then, the chromatogram of each sample is shown in
serious cell damage [25]. As shown in Figure 6, the MDA                                Figure 8.
activity in the zebrafish embryos after AAPH induction                                       As shown in Figure 8, the yeast fermented sample,
was over two-fold higher that in the untreated control                                 like the untreated control sample, contained a small
group, and the treatments with POD flavones sig-                                        amount and number of the five flavones. After high-
Food processing effects on P. odoratum       99

                         12.5                                                                        treatment conditions. Under high pressure or changing pres-
                                                                                         10 μg/ml    sure, flavone molecules might crack or react with some com-
MDA activity (nmol/mL)

                                                                                                     ponents in food, bringing changes to antioxidant activity.
                                                                                         20 μg/ml
                                                                                                     Apart from the five homoisoflavones selected here, the other
                                                                                         50 μg/ml    POD flavones identified in the literature may denature during
                                                                                                     food processing, and thus, alter the antioxidant activity of
                          6.5                                                            100 μg/ml
                                                                                                     total flavones. This area requires further investigation.
                                                                                                          How to avoid harmful denaturation is of great impor-
                                Control   Control   PDCO-N PDCO-F PDCO-H PDCO-E PDCO-B               tance to preserve the antioxidant activity of POD flavones.
                                group 1   group 2
                                                                                                     Our research reveals that the antioxidant activity of POD
Figure 6: The effect of POD flavones on MDA activity.                                                  flavone samples treated by yeast fermentation remained
                                                                                                     relatively unchanged. The result is consistent with that of
                                                                                                     Ravisankar et al. [28] since the authors found that the
pressure treatment, POFd, POFb, and POFc contents in                                                 sourdough fermentation process commonly employed
total flavones of POD powder decreased (low concentra-                                                in rye bread processing did not negatively affect the
tion led to difficulty in detection), while POFe content                                               flavone profile. Therefore, yeast fermentation is recom-
increased. After extrusion, the contents of all five fla-                                              mended for the production of POD foods.
vones exhibited a decrease. Cardoso et al. [26] also found
that the contents of flavanones and flavones decreased
sharply after extrusion cooking. After baking, the con-
tents of POFd, POFb, and POFc in POD powder were on                                                  4 Conclusions
the decline.
     Therefore, the variety and content of POD flavones                                               This study carries out flavone extraction, purification,
changed following high-pressure treatment, extrusion,                                                and antioxidant activity tests on the POD powder pro-
and baking, which may account for the change of anti-                                                cessed by baking, high-pressure treatment, extrusion,
oxidant activity. A total of 11 flavones have been reported                                           or yeast fermentation. The antioxidant tests on zebrafish
in the literature [27]. The antioxidant activity of these                                            embryos show that the POD flavones, treated by the four
flavones could change with the positions and quantities                                               different methods, improved the survival rate of embryos
of functional groups (e.g., phenolic hydroxyl groups). In                                            after AAPH induced oxidative stress, reduced the malfor-
addition, the stability of flavone molecules is affected by                                            mation rate, lowered ROS content, and normalized MDA

Figure 7: The molecular structure of five POD homoisoflavones. Note: (a) 5,7,6ʹ-trihydroxy-6,8-dimethyl-4ʹ-methoxy dihydrohomoisoflavone
(POFa); (b) 5,7,4ʹ-trihydroxy-6,8-dimethyl dihydrohomoisoflavone (POFb); (c) 5,7,4ʹ-trihydroxy-6-methyl-8-methoxydihydrohomoisofla-
vone (POFc); (d) 5,7,4ʹ-trihydroxy-6-methyl dihydrohomoisoflavone (POFd); and (e) 5,7-dihydroxy-6-methyl-8,4ʹ-dimethoxy-dihydro-
homoisoflavone (POFe).
100        Guanghui Xia et al.

                                                                 or reduce oxidative stress damage. However, the treat-
                                                                 ment method brought changes to the type and content
                                                                 of flavones, which in turn altered antioxidant activity.
                                                                      Compared with the untreated control group, the
                                                                 treated POD flavones had relatively low antioxidant
                                                                 activity. The least decrease in antioxidant activity was
                                                                 observed in the POD flavones treated by yeast fermenta-
                                                                 tion, and the greatest decrease in those treated by
                                                                      The POD flavones treated by yeast fermentation
                                                                 maintained the strongest inhibitory effect on the oxida-
                                                                 tive stress reaction of zebrafish embryos, which mirrors
                                                                 the strength of antioxidant activity, followed by those
                                                                 treated by baking, those treated by high-pressure treat-
                                                                 ment, and those treated by extrusion.
                                                                      To preserve the antioxidant activity of POD flavones,
                                                                 extrusion and high-pressure treatment are not recom-
                                                                 mended for food processing. The optimal treatment
                                                                 method is yeast fermentation; suitable products include
                                                                 POD bread, POD nutrition powder after fermentation,
                                                                 sheet jelly made of POD powder after fermentation, and
                                                                 so on.

                                                                 Funding: This work was supported by the Natural Science
                                                                 Fund of Jilin Province of China (No. JJKH20210546KJ).

                                                                 Conflict of interest: The authors state no conflict of

                                                                 Data availability statement: The datasets generated
                                                                 during and/or analysed during the current study are
                                                                 available from the corresponding author on reasonable

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