Effect of Three Irrigation Frequencies - Polish Journal of Environmental Studies

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Effect of Three Irrigation Frequencies - Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. Vol. 28, No. 4 (2019), 2363-2370
DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/86124                                                        ONLINE PUBLICATION DATE: 2019-01-23

         		                    			                         		                  		                       Original Research
      Effect of Three Irrigation Frequencies
 on Physiological-Biological Aspects of Young Olive
      Trees (Olea europaea L. cvs ‘Koroneiki’
 and ‘Picholine’): Vegetative Growth, Leaf Turgor
            Pressure, and Fluorescence

     Abderrahman Sghaier1, 2*, Hechmi Chehab3, Feten Aissaoui3, 4, Kamel Naggaz2,
                     Mohamed Ouessar2, Dalenda Boujnah3
                            Faculty of Sciences of Gabes, University of Gabes, Gabes, Tunisia
                                      Institut des Régions Arides (IRA), Médenine, Tunisia
                  Laboratoire d’Amélioration de la Productivité de l’Olivier et de la Qualité des Produits,
                              Institut de l’olivier, Unité Spécialisée de Sousse, Sousse, Tunisia
                             Institut Supérieur Agronomique de Chott Mariem, Sousse, Tunisia

                                                Received: 17 January 2018
                                                 Accepted: 1 March 2018


                In arid and semi-arid areas, farmers are experiencing unprecedented water scarcity, which is likely
            to increase by the perspective of global warming. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect
            of three irrigation frequencies on vegetative growth, leaf turgor pressure, and photosynthesis of young
            olive trees (Olea europaea L. cvs ‘Koroneiki’ and ‘Picholine’). We found that throughout the experiment
            and for all irrigation treatments, Picholine cultivar showed a higher rate of vegetative growth.
            In addition, the leaf turgor pressure for this cultivar showed fewer signs of stress overall as it recorded
            less Pp curve inversions during summer. However, during this season the photochemical efficiency
            in Picholine for the frequencies T1 and T2 were lower than Koroneiki by 9.53% and 10.63%,
            respectively. Which implied that the non-stomatal limitation of photosynthesis has an impact on
            Picholine photosynthetic production, which in turn indicates that this cultivar is more sensitive
            to high temperature. Moreover, irrigation frequency has little effect on the Koroneiki cultivar.

            Keywords: olive trees, irrigation management, water stress, chlorophyll fluorescence

*e-mail: abderrahman.sghaier@gmail.com
2364                                                                                                  Sghaier A., et al.

                      Introduction                             greenhouse at the specialized unite the Olive Tree
                                                               Institute of Sousse in Tunisia (35°49’34”N; 10°38’24”E)
    Climate change poses a significant challenge for the        from March to November 2015. During the experiment,
entire global world. It’s mainly translated by an increase     the plants continued to grow without particular
in temperature and a decrease in rainfall [1]. Thus it has     problems.
different effects on environmental degradation, water              The experiment was laid out following a split-plot
efficiency, and agricultural productivity [2-4]. Potential     design; the main plot units had a 3*2 factorial design
effects of predicted changes are more dramatic for             with three irrigation frequencies and two olive cultivars.
arid and semi-arid regions. Reduced water availability         Irrigation frequency was the main factor. The split-plot
is among major environmental factors that can greatly          units within each main plot consisted of five olive trees.
affect plant production [5]. The most vulnerable plants,           Irrigation was designed to deliver 100% of
under extreme drought conditions, are those slow to            the available water content (AWC). The irrigation
adapt – like perennial fruit trees [6]. One of the most        treatments consisted of irrigating every other day (T0),
important perennial crops at risk in the Mediterranean         and irrigating every 4 days (T1) and every 8 days (T2).
region is the olive tree [7] (Olea Europea L.), which is
native to the Mediterranean basin that has considerable                        Measurement Methods
socio-economic importance. Olive is cultivated in
rainfall conditions due to its minimal requirements                                  Soil Moisture
in water [8]. Olive is well adapted to overcome water
shortages. However, the ability of the olive tree to adapt         The volumetric water content of the soil (θv) was
to different drought conditions involves a metabolic cost      measured using an SM150T soil moisture (Delta-T
characterized by the diversion of reserves from growth         Devices Ltd., Cambridge,UK) probe every other day
and a reduction in leaf area, which cause a significant        throughout the experiment period for all pots. It was
reduction in productivity [9]. On the other hand, the          measured with a soil moisture sensor.
severity of future drought projections due to fast global
environmental change puts the olive in serious danger             Plant Growth and Environmental Measurements
[10]. So it is necessary to adapt olive crops to a situation
of sustainability that obtains a certain trade-off between         Apical growth was measured every 2 weeks from
productivity and water availability.                           the 15th of May to the 15th of November 2015. The
    In recent decades, several studies have been               measurements were performed on all the trees.
carried out to propose solutions to grow olives under              Air temperature and relative humidity in the
water scarcity so that we can adapt olive crops to a           greenhouse were measured instantaneously throughout
situation of sustainability that obtains a certain trade-      the period of the experiment using sensors installed
off between productivity and water availability. Most          in the middle of the greenhouse. The data was saved
of those studies focused either on comparing different         by a data logger equipped with a wireless transmitter
deficit irrigation levels on olive tree [11-13], comparing     connected to a control unit in the laboratory.
how different genotypes cope with water stress [14-
16], or on the physiological response to sustained water                         Leaf Turgor Pressure
deficit and subsequent re-watering [17, 18], despite many
studies having shown that irrigation frequency affects             Two trees per treatment were equipped with an
photosynthesis, leaf gas exchange, vegetative growth,          LPCP probe (probes provided by ZIM Plant Technology
and yield of other species under water stress [19]. The        GmbH, Hennigsdorf, Germany). The probes were
effect of irrigation frequency has not yet been studied on     clamped on leaves on the Northeast side of the tree.
vegetative growth and olive tree yield. The aim of this        Installation was done as recommended by Zimmermann
study was to evaluate the effect that irrigation frequency     [20]. The output pressure probes were adjusted to be
has on vegetative growth, leaf turgor pressure, and            between 10 and 25 kPa by adopting an appropriate
fluorescence of olive tree (Olea europaea L.) cultivars        distance between the two magnets. The probes were
Koroneiki and Picholine.                                       clamped between the central nerve and the leaf margins
                                                               to establish a uniform contact with the leaf tissue.
                                                               The magnets containing the pressure sensor were placed
                Material and Methods                           on the abaxial leaf surface. Probes pressure recordings
                                                               were sent every 5 minutes via a wireless transmitter to
                  Experimental Setup                           a base station, which is connected to an Internet server
                                                               of the company ZIM Plant Technology GmbH. This
   One-and-a-half-year-old rooted cuttings of the olive        allows monitoring and control of experimentation
(Oleaeuropaea L.) cultivars Koroneiki and Picholine            through any computer connected to the Internet.
were grown in 20-L plastic pots containing freely              Certain probes were accidentally detached because of
drained light soil, with a pH of 7.6, a field capacity         the usual work in the greenhouse. Also, wind and dust
of 35%, and permanent wilting point of 15% in a                accumulation caused poor contact between the probes
Effect of Three Irrigation Frequencies...                                                                               2365

and leaves. This malfunction of the probes led to the
loss of data from these probes for short periods. In these
cases, the probes were removed, cleaned, and attached
to the leaves well.
    Fernandez [21] revealed a correspondence between
the midday stem water potential (ψswp) and changes
of the Pp value over a period of several days. He
found three states of stress corresponding to three
specific ranges of ψswp. Furthermore, Ehrenberger [22]
characterized these states with more details:
–– State 1: low water stress, the leaf is in a turgescent
    state characterized by a reciprocal dependency of Pp
    on turgor pressure (Pc values larger than 50 kPa).
    This state corresponded to a ψsw under −1.2 MPa.
–– State 2: moderate water stress, the turgor pressure
    in the leaf is low. This state is characterized by
    an unfavorable ratio of air to water in the leaf. It
    represents an intermediate state between States 1 and
    3, and the Pp curve is semi-inversed. It corresponded
    to a ψsw ranging from −1.2 to −1.7 MPa.
–– State 3: severe water stress, the leaf is significantly    Fig. 1. Average apical growth of the two olive cultivars
    dehydrated (air is accumulated in the leaf tissue) and    (Koroneiki and Picholine) at irrigation frequencies T0, T1, and
    the turgor pressure values close to zero: this state is   T2 (means with the same letter are not significantly different at
    denoted by the inversion of the Pc curves (Pp records
    minimum values at noon and maximum values
    during the night). This state corresponded to a ψsw
    below −1.7 MPa.                                           significant for nearly all dates and times in the day, so
                                                              their effect can be assumed to be independent enough to
            Photochemical Efficiency of PSII                  allow the study of each factor separately.
                                                                  For frequencies T1 and T2, the Koroneiki cultivar
    The fluorescence parameters (F0: initial fluorescence     showed a close vegetative growth rate (Fig. 1).
and Fm: maximal fluorescence) were measured with                  These results were supported by the results of leaf
a mobile chlorophyll fluorometer (OS1-FL Opti-                turgor pressure (Koroneiki cultivar showed state 3 under
Sciences) on two leaves by olive-tree and two olive-          both T1 and T2 treatments; Fig. 2).
trees by irrigation treatment [23]. These parameters              Picholine, on the other hand, showed a significant
were taken at noon at a suitable angle for ambient light      difference depending on the irrigation schedule. Thus
to penetrate up to the leaf surface. The probe is kept        for this cultivar, the growth rate was in clear correlation
stable during measurements to avoid disturbance [24].         with the water treatment. These results fit with the
The photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (PS II)        results of the leaf turgor pressure for this cultivar where
was estimated from a ratio of variable fluorescence to        state 3 appeared only in trees under T3 treatment. The
maximum fluorescence (Fv / Fm = (Fm-F0) / Fm) [25].           vegetative growth in Picholine cultivar is consistent with
                                                              that found by Aïachi-Mezghani [26]. Irrespective of the
                  Statistical Analysis                        time lag between irrigation, Picholine cultivar showed
                                                              growth rates higher than the Koroneiki cultivar. Those
    A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used           higher rates can be explained by the genetic background
to examine the effect of cultivars and doses of irrigation    of each cultivar [27]. Moreover, Picholine appears to have
on all parameters studied. The differences between            higher rates even when subjected to water stress [16, 28,
irrigation treatments were compared using Tukey’s test        29]. The different growth dynamic may be due to the
calculated at p
2366                                                                                                                    Sghaier A., et al.

Fig. 2. Daily curves of the output probe’s pressure (Pp) in Koroneiki (a, c, and e) and Picholine (b, d, and f) cultivars for frequency of
irrigations T0 , T1, and T2; the tree state per irrigation treatment and cultivar are shown here by horizontal color bars through State 1 (low
water stress: green), State 2 (moderate stress: yellow), and State 3 (severe stress: red).

by the result of the soil moisture, where means of soil                   three seasons of the experimentation for Picholine and
moisture are higher in pots of Koroneiki cultivar than                    Koroneiki.
in pots of Picholine for all irrigation frequencies (Fig.                     During the springtime, a high positive correlation
3). The lack of correlation between the growth rate and                   was recorded between the pressure peaks of leaf
the water treatment among the Koroneiki cultivar can be                   turgidity (TFP) and water treatment in both cultivars.
explained by the effect of annual alternation, which can                  The peaks of diurnal pressure, the minimum values
be accentuated under water deficit conditions [31].                       of nocturnal pressure, and amplitudes of leaf turgor
    As discussed by Fernández [32], the ZIM system                        pressure are indicators of moderate water stress [35].
is a practical technique for monitoring water stress. In                  For T1 these indicators were very close to the control
addition, it is capable of detecting the stress in early                  treatment (T0) in both cultivars. They are similar to that
stages when it was still possible to prevent their effects                recorded by Ehrenberge [22] in non-stressed trees. In
on growth [17, 33, 34].                                                   addition, the irrigation event in the fourth day induces a
    The result of the leaf turgor pressure shows                          slight decrease in both diurnal and nocturnal extremities
significant changes in both absolute values and Pp                        for both cultivars. This result suggests that treatment T1
curves depending on the season. Fig. 2 represents a Part                  does not induce stress in suitable climatic conditions.
of the long-term Pp measurements recorded during the                      For the irrigation schedule T2, the daily means of turgor
Effect of Three Irrigation Frequencies...                                                                            2367

                                                                the Pp curve. As the semi-inversion, the full-inversion
                                                                is reversible too [40]. Nevertheless, if the plant did not
                                                                rehydrate soon, permanent damage can occur. This
                                                                phenomenon was more frequent in Koroneiki cultivar.
                                                                The reason behind this behavior could be the tendency
                                                                of the Koroneiki cultivar to have less dense mesophyll
                                                                cells compared to other cultivars when subjected to
                                                                water stress [16]. Hence, there are more air spaces in the
                                                                spongy mesophyll tissue in Koroneiki’s leaves, which
                                                                is the main reason for the inverse diurnal Pp curves
                                                                [40]. Nevertheless, if the plant did not rehydrate soon,
                                                                permanent damage can occur. This phenomenon was
                                                                more frequent in Koroneiki cultivar. The reason behind
                                                                this behavior could be the tendency of the Koroneiki
                                                                cultivar to have less dense mesophyll cells compared
                                                                to other cultivars when subjected to water stress
                                                                [16]. Hence, there are more air spaces in the spongy
                                                                mesophyll tissue in Koroneiki leaves, which is the main
                                                                reason for the inverse diurnal Pp curves [40].
                                                                    During autumn, Pp curves showed a pattern similar
                                                                to that recorded during the spring. Thus, state one was
                                                                dominant within a few days of state two. However,
Fig. 3. Changes in soil water content (%) in Koroneiki a) and   the Pp recorded values higher than expected. This can
Picholine b).                                                   be explained by the changes in the structure and the
                                                                mechanical characteristics of the olive leaf throughout
                                                                the experiment. Thus, as the experiment was conducted
                                                                during a relatively long and stressful period, the absolute
pressure was higher for both cultivars. In the sixth and
                                                                Pp values may be affected by the damaged palisade
seventh days after irrigation, daytime peak pressures
                                                                parenchyma due to water stress [34].
increased to reach values over 80 kPa and basic turgor
                                                                    Picholine cultivar shows averages of the
recorded values close to 50 kPa, indicating moderate
                                                                photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) between
stress state [21, 36]. In addition, the rate of the decrease
                                                                0.658 and 0.851, while averages of the photochemical
in patch pressure afternoon peaking rises along with
                                                                efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) for the Koroneiki cultivar
the decrease in water content. According to Bramley
                                                                appear between 0.696 and 0.843 (Fig. 4). During spring
[37], this indicates slight water stress. Therefore, state
                                                                and autumn, the photochemical efficiency was higher in
one was observed in the majorities of the days and state
                                                                Picholine cultivar than in Koroneiki. On the other hand,
two was observed a few days before re-watering. In
                                                                during summer the fluorescence activity was more
both irrigation frequencies T1 and T2, the trees recover
                                                                affected in Picholine cultivar. These results fit with the
quickly after irrigation and return to state one.
                                                                result of vegetative growth, leaf turgor pressure, and soil
    During the summer, when the temperature can
                                                                water content. This photochemical efficiency behavior
reach 50°C, Koroneiki and Picholine exhibited different
                                                                supports the suggestion given above that the inhibition of
reactions. Picholine cultivar under T1 treatment showed
                                                                photochemical reactions has a greater impact on limiting
that extreme temperature only induces an increase in
                                                                the development of this cultivar. The photochemical
both daytime peak pressures and basic turgor following
                                                                efficiency for the Koroneiki cultivar appeared to be less
the irrigation schedule. However, Koroneiki under
                                                                sensitive to the season rather than the water treatment.
the same water treatment showed that as it becomes
                                                                These results show clear accordance with the results
more difficult for leaves to rehydrate with increasing
                                                                discussed above. From the results obtained in both
soil water deficit, Pp values recorded a peak value
                                                                cultivars, during the summer there was a dramatic
during the afternoon, followed by an increase during
                                                                decrease in the photochemical efficiency of PSII
the night – a phenomenon known as semi-inversion of
                                                                (Fv/Fm) proportional to water availability (Fig. 4). The
the Pp curve [38]. Even though this is reversible when
                                                                same phenomenon was observed in the work in other
the plant rehydrates depending on the schedule, it can
                                                                olive cultivars [41]. Any time this reduction was greater
affect the productivity of the plan [39]. Unsurprisingly,
                                                                in the Picholine cultivar. According to Angelopoulos
under treatment T2 where the rehydration of trees was
                                                                [18] and Sofo [42], such as the reduction of the ratio (Fv/
less frequent, both cultivars recorded minimum values
                                                                Fm), shows that the plant is under a severe water stress,
during daytime, which can be explained by large air
                                                                which can induce a certain level of photo-inhibition.
spaces in the leaf and a maximum value during night-
                                                                The tree can recover partially four to five days after re-
time due to the reduction of the air spaces volume by
some water. This behavior indicates a full inversion of
2368                                                                                                      Sghaier A., et al.

                                                                                    Conflict of Interest

                                                                         The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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