Europe's future aviation landscape - The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

Page created by Scott Leonard
Europe's future aviation landscape - The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040
Europe’s future
aviation landscape
The potential of zero-carbon
and zero-emissions aircraft on
intra-European routes by 2040
April 2021
Europe's future aviation landscape - The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040
Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

         Introduction                                                    Aviation Technology                                     Intra-EU Market                        Comparing Modes                   Key Takeaways and
                                                                         Roadmap by 2040                                         Potential for Passenger                of Transport                      Drivers for Success
                                                                         (for short-haul flights)                                Air Travel in 2040

         The context for the                     04                      The road to zero-carbon                 09              The key market segments for       12   Comparing conventional       17   Action is needed now             26
         decarbonization                                                 and zero-emissions                                      zero-carbon and zero-emissions         kerosene aircraft with
         of the aviation sector                                          commercial passenger                                    aircraft in 2040                       zero-carbon and zero-             Repositioning aviation           27
                                                                         aircraft on intra-European                                                                     emissions alternatives            on very short-haul travels
         The non-CO2 global warming              06                      short-haul routes                                       The Intra-EU passenger            13
         effect of aviation                                                                                                      air travel market in 2040              Comparing different modes    19   Sources & List of contacts       28
                                                                         Key features of zero-carbon             10                                                     of transport for routes of
         Focus of this report and key            07                      and zero-emissions                                      The climate impact reduction      14   500 km / 1000 km / 2000 km        Appendix: List of data sources   29
         questions to be answered                                        aircraft by 2040                                        potential of zero-carbon and                                             and assumptions used for the
                                                                                                                                 zero-emissions aircraft in 2040                                          different numerical analysis

                                                                                                                                 Electric propulsion to unlock     15
                                                                                                                                 the regional short-haul market

Europe's future aviation landscape - The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040
Imagine if...
You could fly across Europe
without worrying about your
environmental footprint.
Europe's future aviation landscape - The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040
Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

The context for the decarbonization
of the aviation sector

The need for disruption                                                                                    Powering aircraft sustainably                                                 are yet to become cost competitive and it will take several years before
Globally, aviation connectivity is a strong driver of economic growth,                                     Energy efficiency improvements to current technologies, operations            the production of sustainable synthetic fuels is available at large-scale.4
jobs, trade and mobility. At the same time, the growth in air traffic                                      and infrastructure are part of the solution to decarbonize the aviation
demand needs to be concomitant with maintaining high standards of                                          sector, but incremental improvements of existing systems won’t                Most importantly, the combustion of SAFs still causes in-flight CO2
aviation safety as well as reducing aviation’s environmental footprint.                                    suffice to reach the decarbonization ambitions put forth by the EU            and NOx emissions that are similar to those of kerosene-powered
The aviation industry is one of many industries that has a heavy impact                                    Commission in its European Green Deal within reasonable timelines. As         aircraft and consequently SAFs only partially solve the sector’s
on global human-made emissions. While aviation accounts for 2-3%                                           most of aviation emissions are related to the combustion of kerosene,         environmental challenge. Scalable and truly sustainable innovation is
of global carbon emissions today, if no changes are made in the                                            it is crucial to focus on how airplanes are powered and uncover new           required to reduce emissions from aviation and decrease the industry’s
sector this will increase to as much as 27% by 2050.1 Based on                                             and sustainable ways to propel aircraft.                                      GHGs footprint in the long-term.
planned reductions and “more efficient” fossil fuel technology, the
industry is still projected to consume over 12% of the annual CO2                                          Replacing kerosene with sustainable alternatives (also called                 Batteries and hydrogen
budget.                                                                                                    Sustainable Aviation Fuels, or SAFs) could help reduce the net-               Promising technologies have emerged to help decarbonize the aviation
                                                                                                           emissions of air travel, even in the short term. Indeed, technologies         sector in the long-term.
Increased public pressure                                                                                  using biomass to produce jet fuels are already existing and several
The past few years have seen an increase in public pressure on the                                         airlines started using biofuels (or a kerosene-biofuel blend) on different    The first one leverages recent advances in the automotive
sector, especially in Europe, with a growing media attention given to                                      routes, including long-haul ones.3 However, scaling up the production         industry and consists of using batteries to power electric motors
the “flight shaming” movement as well as discussions within different                                      of biofuels significantly (which currently represents less than 1% of         and spin propellers or ducted fans to generate thrust. While today’s
European governments about promoting a significant shift towards                                           global jet fuel demand) will increase the biomass demand, which in turn       battery energy densities can only power small aircraft for a short
more sustainable modes of transport, such as rail. Under increased                                         will lead to a critical competition for feedstock, land use, and water with   period of time, the current rate of improvement will make it possible
scrutiny, and following pledges made by other emission-intensive                                           other industries, such as food and feed production.                           for larger passenger aircraft to be powered by batteries for journeys
sectors, the European aviation sector adopted several resolutions to                                                                                                                     of several hundreds and even thousands of kilometres in the future.5
significantly reduce its emissions and a proposed approach to reach                                        A solution potentially scalable would be to produce synthetic SAFs            The development of this technology is crucial, as battery-powered
carbon-neutrality by 2050.2 To achieve these targets, the aviation                                         through the reaction of hydrogen and CO2. Hydrogen will need to be            aircraft don't produce any in-flight emissions, therefore removing
industry is currently shifting from focusing solely on technological                                       produced by using renewable energy to split water into hydrogen and           any in-flight global warming effects. For a truly carbon neutral cycle,
and operational improvements towards developing new systems and                                            oxygen, whereas CO2 will need to be captured from the air or as an            batteries need to be charged with renewable electricity.
alternatives to kerosene to significantly reduce the emissions of the                                      output of industrial processes. However, the underlying technologies
Europe's future aviation landscape - The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040
Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

Another promising solution to decarbonize aviation is to use                                              From a road perspective, the recent progress in electric vehicle              zero-carbon and zero-emissions technologies for the aviation sector
hydrogen-based technologies. While hydrogen has been studied for                                          technologies has greatly extended the range and flexibility of EV             are therefore needed. However, support for these measures might
decades, the growing share of renewable energy production has led                                         cars and intercity buses. Whereas their potential for long-distance           compete with funds potentially allocated to the development of
to a particular interest in hydrogen6 as it can be used as an effective                                   travel is limited, their immediate availability offers a concrete and cost-   other sustainable transport or policies advocating for a modal shift,
energy carrier or storage medium to mitigate the intermittent effects                                     effective solution to reduce the climate impact of the transport sector.      for example towards rail transport. While the current arguments in
of solar or wind energy production. Hydrogen could therefore become                                       From a rail perspective, the development of the high-speed train              favour of electric vehicles and rail rely on their low climate footprint,
the link between renewable energy and energy intensive industries,                                        network is likely to impose a significant competitive pressure                the advent of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft could
such as aviation.                                                                                         on air transport. Furthermore, from an environmental point of view,           significantly impact the discourse and drive government support
                                                                                                          current short-haul flights are typically much more carbon-intensive per       for the aviation sector.
Hydrogen can be used in two main ways to power aircraft: either                                           kilometre than rail as a large proportion of an airplane’s fuel is burnt
in a fuel cell to provide electricity for electric motors (the same                                       during the take-off and climbing phases (which represent a greater
way as batteries), or by combusting it in modified jet engines                                            part of the flight on short routes). However, the extent to which the
to generate thrust. Hydrogen propulsion could significantly reduce                                        rail network can support a significant shift of passenger volumes from
the climate impact of the aviation industry by completely eliminating                                     air to rail travel is uncertain and important infrastructure investment               While the current arguments in
carbon emissions. It is, however, important to note that hydrogen
propulsion technologies still emit water vapour and NOx (in case of
                                                                                                          would be required to increase the network capacities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                favour of electric vehicles and rail
combustion), which both promote non-CO2 related global warming                                            The need for (EU & public) investments                                                rely on their low climate footprint,
effects (see dedicated section on the next page).                                                         On top of the ongoing discussions around the climate impact
                                                                                                          of aviation, the Covid-19 crisis highlighted the benefits of empty                    the advent of zero-carbon and
The busy short-haul mobility ecosystem                                                                    skies and highways on air quality and reinvigorated the debate on
The current aviation technology roadmap suggests that such                                                whether governments should use public money to bail out polluting                     zero-emissions aircraft could
battery- and hydrogen-powered commercial passenger aircraft
(also designated as zero-emissions and zero-carbon aircraft,
                                                                                                          industries, aviation included. While certain governments incorporated
                                                                                                          requirements to cut emissions in their funding agreements with
                                                                                                                                                                                                significantly impact the discourse
respectively) will enter into service by 2040, with expected                                              airlines,8 or even ban flights shorter than 2 hours and 30 minutes                    and drive government support
performances that would allow them to compete on the short-                                               where rail is available,9 public bailouts also need to address airlines’
haul market segment (with different key sub-segment for battery-5                                         unprecedented liquidity difficulties and long-term solvency challenge.                for the aviation sector.
and hydrogen7 -powered aircraft). Given this, synergies with the road                                     Additional investments and policies supporting the development of
and rail sectors need to be considered.
Europe's future aviation landscape - The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040
Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

The non-CO2 global warming
effect of aviation

The climate impact of kerosene aircrafts' non-CO2 emissions is estimated
to be from 2 to over 4 times that of CO2 alone

The global warming impact of the aviation sector due to its CO2                                           Most of these phenomena are difficult to measure, and large
emissions is well known. However, other emissions arising from                                            uncertainties remain regarding their exact magnitude, but
the combustion of kerosene have been identified as significant                                            recent studies estimate that the impact of non-CO2 emissions
contributors to global warming: nitrogen oxides (NOx), soot                                               ranges from 2 to over 4 times that of CO2 alone.11 Despite the
particles, oxidized sulphur molecules (SOx), and water vapour.                                            uncertainties, it is therefore evident that non-CO2 emissions
These emissions result in changes in the chemical composition                                             and their related effects are significant contributors to global
of the atmosphere and influence the formation of clouds, a                                                warming.
combination which results in a net positive radiative warming
force.10                                                                                                  It is important to note that the impact of non-CO2 emissions strongly
                                                                                                          depends on atmospheric conditions, such as temperature, humidity
Most of the impact of these non-CO2 emissions occurs during the                                           and local concentrations of particles. Therefore, mitigation strategies
cruise phase of a flight, when an aircraft flies at high altitudes. For                                   could be adopted,11 mainly: reducing soot and sulphur particle
example, contrails, which are the lines of cloud that can be observed                                     emissions by using cleaner aviation fuels, or via changes in air traffic
behind a moving airplane, are formed when water vapour from its                                           management, such as avoiding contrail cirrus-forming regions of
exhaust condenses on particle emissions (such as soot or sulphur                                          the atmosphere. Ultimately, the advent of zero-carbon and
particles). These contrails then slowly spread to form cirrus-like                                        zero-emissions propulsion systems represent the only viable
clouds that trap and release it into the atmosphere. The emissions                                        options to significantly reduce the global warming impact of the
of nitrogen oxides also have a global warming effect: NOx emissions                                       aviation sector. Battery-powered aircraft produce no emissions,
promote the rapid formation of ozone – a strong greenhouse gas                                            and hydrogen propulsion systems are expected to reduce in-flight
(GHG), but also the decomposition of methane particles (CH4,                                              climate impact12 by 75% to 90% for fuel-cell-powered aircraft and by
another GHG), however at a lower rate compared to the creation of                                         50% to 75% for hydrogen combustion-powered aircraft.
ozone, resulting in a net warming effect.
Europe's future aviation landscape - The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040
Focus of this report                                                                                                What role should zero-carbon and
and key questions                                                                                                   zero-emissions aircraft play in European
to be answered                                                                                                      mobility strategies towards 2040?

In this context, this report aims at providing clarity regarding                                                             Aviation Technology                 Intra-EU Market                     Comparing Modes
several questions surrounding the future of zero-carbon and                                                                  Roadmap by 2040                     Potential for Passenger             of Transport
zero-emissions aircraft in Europe, in order to understand the                                                                (for short-haul flights)            Air Travel in 2040
true potential of these technologies and the place they should
occupy in European mobility roadmaps, policy frameworks,
and investment strategies. In order to do this, the report looks
                                                                                                                    1. What is the current              3. What market segments can        6.   How do zero-carbon and
at the projected aviation technology roadmap and expected
                                                                                                                       technology roadmap for              be captured by zero-carbon           zero-emissions aircraft
performance, as well as the distance segments that could be
                                                                                                                       zero-carbon and zero                and zero-emissions aircraft          compare to other modes
captured by zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft in the
                                                                                                                       emissions propulsion                in 2040?                             of transport in terms of:
intra-European passenger travel market i in 2040, the date by
                                                                                                                       technologies (for short-haul     4. How many passengers could            • Climate impact?
which these new aircraft are expected to enter into service.
                                                                                                                       flights)?                           be transported with zero-            • Travel time?
Zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft are then compared
                                                                                                                    2. What are the key features           carbon and zero-emissions            • Travel price?
to other conventional modes of transport (air and ground) to
                                                                                                                       of zero-carbon and zero-            aircraft in 2040?
better understand the benefits and trade-offs associated with
                                                                                                                       emissions airplanes?             5. What is the climate impact
these new technologies in terms of climate impact, travel costs
                                                                                                                                                           reduction potential of zero-
per passenger, and overall travel time.
                                                                                                                                                           carbon and zero-emissions
                                                                                                                                                           aircraft in 2040?

Notes:   i)   i.e., excluding: flights from or to an airport outside the EU, freight transport and VTOL aircraft
Europe's future aviation landscape - The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040
Aviation Technology
Roadmap by 2040
(for short-haul flights)
Battery and hydrogen propulsion technologies
represent the most promising paths towards a
zero-carbon and zero-emissions aviation industry.
Europe's future aviation landscape - The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040
Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

The road to zero-carbon and zero-emissions commercial
passenger aircraft on intra-European short-haul routes
The road to truly zero-emissions aviation will take incremental steps, from making current aircraft more efficient, to replacing kerosene with hydrogen or integrating all-electric
propulsion systems into new aircraft designs, while offsetting equivalent GHG emissions and introducing hybrid systems along the way. The different technologies will coexist
for a certain period of time until a complete switch towards zero-carbon and zero-emissions aviation can be achieved.

Timeline to start large-
scale implementation in
the short-haul commercial
passenger market i
                                    Today                                                     2020-2025                                                             2030-2035                                                              2035-2040                                                             as of 2040

    I. Efficient aviation                                             II. Net-zero aviation                                                     III. Hybrid-electric aviation                                           VI. Zero-carbon aviationii                                       V. Zero-emissions aviationii

    Reduce GHG emissions through technological                        Offset equivalent GHG emissions via carbon                                Implement hybrid-electric powertrains to                                Replace kerosene with non-carbon                                 Replace all propulsion systems with fully electric
    and operational efficiency, such as propulsion                    offsetting investments (e.g. renewable energy, carbon                     partially reduce GHG emissions. Done via                                emitting fuels (e.g. hydrogen), which can be                     propulsion systems. Combustion engines are
    system and aerodynamic efficiency                                 sequestration) or reduce net emissions by replacing                       the integration of electric motors powered                              combusted in modified turbines or reacted in                     replaced by electric motors powered by batteries
    improvements, electrification of control systems,                 kerosene with sustainable aviation fuels (e.g. biofuel                    by batteries or fuel cells to complement                                fuel cells to power an electric powertrain. For                  to drive propellers or ducted fans. Electricity
    optimized flight patterns and optimized taxi                      from biomass or waste, or power-to-liquid fuels                           a combustion engine or via the use of a                                 a truly zero-carbon cycle, hydrogen must be                      must be produced without emitting carbon.
    operations (or use of electric systems).                          synthesized from hydrogen and CO2).                                       combustion engine to drive an electric                                  produced without emitting carbon.
                                                                                                                                                generator powering an electric motor.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Hydrogen-based                                                 Battery based
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 propulsion aircraft                                            propulsion aircraft

                                                                                                 Out of scope                                                                                                                                                     Focus of this publicationiii

Notes:   i) The timeline indicates dates at which the first pilot projects or new propulsion systems are expected to be implemented by commercial passenger airlines.
         ii) Zero-emissions (battery-powered) aircraft are expected to have the energy capacity to serve the short-haul market, whereas zero-carbon (hydrogen-powered) aircraft have the potential to serve long-haul routes. These technologies are therefore expected to coexist for the foreseeable future.                                   9
         iii) The developments in net-zero and hybrid-electric technologies are not covered in this publication as they primarily represent transitional solutions towards true zero-carbon and zero-emissions technologies.
Europe's future aviation landscape - The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040
Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

Key features of zero-carbon and                                                                                                                                          Battery and hydrogen propulsion technologies represent the most promising paths towards
                                                                                                                                                                         a zero-carbon and zero-emissions aviation industry. While there is no all-round answer to
                                                                                                                                                                         decarbonize aircrafts’ operations, batteries and hydrogen can offer sustainable solutions across

zero-emissions aircraft by 2040                                                                                                                                          the different distance segments of the market. Therefore, this combination of technologies
                                                                                                                                                                         has the potential to greatly decrease the overall climate impact of the aviation sector.

                                                                                                                Zero-carbon aviation                                                                                                                                      Zero-emissions aviation

                                            Hydrogen-powered                                              Up to 2000 km                            Hydrogen fuel cell                                          Up to 1000 km                              Battery-powered                                            Up to 500 km
                                            combustion aircraft                                           Distance range                           electric aircraft                                           Distance range                             electric aircraft                                          Distance range

Technology                    Hydrogen, and oxygen captured from the air, are                                                         hydrogen is reacted in a fuel cell to provide electricity to electric                                  Electric batteries are used to power electric motors
overview                      combusted in modified engines to generate thrust                                                        motors than spin propellers or ducted fans to generate thrust                                          that spin propellers or ducted fans to generate thrust

Performance                                 – 50-75%                               + 5-15%                      + 10-35%                            – 75-90%                               + 20-30%                      + 0-15%                           – 100%                                 + 20-30%                  + 0-20%
                                            Climate impact                         Flight                       Ticket                              Climate impact                         Flight                        Ticket                            Climate impact                         Flight                    Ticket
indicatorsi, ii
                                            reduction potential                    time                         price                               reduction potential                    time                          price                             reduction potential                    time                      price

Benefits                        	No carbon emissions (water and NOx are still produced)                                                	Near-Zero emissions (water is still produced)                                                         	Zero emissions
                                	Scalable technology derived from conventional                                                         	Quieter engines                                                                                       	Quieter engines
                                  aircraft designs and engines                                                                          	Economy of scale benefits from synergies with other                                                   	Reduced maintenance costs (fewer moving parts)
                                	Economies of scale benefits from synergies with other                                                   hydrogen dependent industries                                                                        	Economy of scale benefits from synergies with other
                                  hydrogen dependent industries                                                                                                                                                                                   battery dependent industries

Constraints                       	The low energy density of battery and hydrogen propulsion systems will decrease the flight range and optimal cruise speed                            	By 2040, higher energy costs (hydrogen), capital costs (energy storage, propulsion system) and maintenance costs (landing gear,
                                    compared to conventional kerosene systems                                                                                                              battery replacement) of hydrogen and battery aircraft compared to conventional kerosene aircraft will lead to increased ticket
                                                                                                                                                                                           prices. However, these costs are expected to decrease with the large-scale implementation of hydrogen and battery technologies.

Required                       1. Significant increase in sustainable hydrogen production capacities                                                                                                                                          1.	Further improvement of battery technologies,
                               2. Development of large-scale hydrogen supply chains (transport) and required airport infrastructures (storage)                                                                                                     especially in terms of energy density
development                    3. 	Important Innovations required to adapt aircraft for the use of liquid hydrogen as a fuel (adapted aircraft designs                                                                                       2. 	Significant increase in renewable electricity production
                                    and engines, power-dense fuel cells, light hydrogen storage systems)                                                                                                                                      3. 	Innovations required to adapt aircraft to large battery systems
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (design, electrical systems, electric motors)

Notes:   i) Comparisons are made for similar routes and aircraft within the mentioned distance segments         Sources:   –   Schäfer et al. (2018), Technological, economic and environmental prospects of all-electric aircraft. Nature Energy                                                                                     10
         ii) Ticket prices do not consider potential increase in carbon tax until 2040                                    –   European Commission. Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (2020), Hydrogen-powered aviation - A fact-based study of hydrogen technology, economics, and climate impact by 2050
Intra-EU Market
Potential for Passenger
Air Travel in 2040
Zero-carbon and zero-emissions airliners are expected
to mainly serve short routes due to limited flight ranges.
The intra-European market therefore represents a great
opportunity for these technologies.
Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

The key market segments for                                                                                                                           However, configured to best maximize the passenger-
                                                                                                                                                      range ratio, battery- and hydrogen-based airplanes
                                                                                                                                                      can be operated on key market segments where both
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Following the assumption that the use of aircraft with
                                                                                                                                                                                                            the highest climate impact reduction potential needs
                                                                                                                                                                                                            to be maximized, battery-powered airplanes should

zero-carbon and zero-emissions                                                                                                                        passenger demand and climate impact reduction
                                                                                                                                                      potentials are the highest.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            serve routes up to 500 km, followed by hydrogen fuel-
                                                                                                                                                                                                            cell-powered planes from 500 km to 1000 km, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            hydrogen combustion airplanes covering distances

aircraft in 2040
                                                                                                                                                      Based on expected technology advancements and         between 1000 km and 2000 km (based on performance
                                                                                                                                                      the development roadmap announced by aircraft         and limitations expected by 2040, these ranges are
                                                                                                                                                      manufacturers, it is possible to determine what       expected to be extended with further technology
                                                                                                                                                      aircraft designs could be available by 2040           developments).
                                                                                                                                                      (i.e., entry into service around 2040), as well
By 2040, the energy and power density of battery- and hydrogen-based
                                                                                                                                                      as their performance and seating capacity.
propulsion technologies will still be lower than existing kerosene-based
systems, resulting in zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft being
limited in terms of passenger capacity and flight range.

                                                                                          – 100%
                                            Up to 500 km                                                                         100 - 120                                  Battery-powered
                                                                                          Climate impact
                                            Distance range
                                                                                          reduction potential
                                                                                                                                 Seat capacity                              electric aircraft

                                                                                                                 – 75-90%
                                                                         Up to 1000 km
                                                                                                                 Climate impact
                                                                                                                                                      60 - 100                                 Hydrogen fuel cell
                                                                         Distance range
                                                                                                                 reduction potential
                                                                                                                                                      Seat capacity                            electric aircraft

                                                                                                                                       – 50-75%
                                                                                              Up to 2000 km
                                                                                                                                       Climate impact
                                                                                                                                                                        100 - 180                               Hydrogen-powered
                                                                                              Distance range
                                                                                                                                       reduction potential
                                                                                                                                                                        Seat capacity                           combustion aircraft

Source:   Wright Electric, Airbus, CleanSky2 & FCH2, Deloitte Analysis
Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

The intra-EU passenger
air travel market in 2040
                                                                                                                                                     Number of passengers (in millions) on
                                                                                                                                                     intra-EU flights, per flight distance segments

                                                                                                                                                                         (2,5% CAGR)

Almost 90% of intra-European passenger air transport would fall into the operating                                                                                                     1,181
segments of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft in 2040.                                                                                                                            124
                                                                                                                                                                                       (11%)         Best-suited technology per
                                                                                                                                                                                                     segment to reduce overall
As explained previously, zero-                        2040, flights up to 500 km would                       25 years). As shown in the past, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                     climate impact
carbon and zero-emissions                             absorb 25% of passengers, while                        again with the Covid-19 crisis, the
aircraft are expected to mainly                       routes of up to 1000 km and 2000                       renewal rate can be accelerated                                            379
serve short routes due to limited                     km would cover 47% and 89% of                          by different factors12 – mostly                                           (32%)
flight ranges. The intra-European                     demand, respectively (see figure on                    economic, such as: increasing                                             -59%                          Suitable for hybrid-electric
market (i.e. flights from and to an                   the right). These numbers show                         fuel prices, variation in air traffic                                                                   and sustainable fuels
EU airport) therefore represents                      that, despite allowing shorter                         demand, higher maintenance costs,                                                                       (not covered in this publication)
a great opportunity for these                         flight ranges than kerosene-                           and the availability of more fuel-      2000 km       72
technologies. Boosted by seamless                     powered aircraft, zero-carbon and                      efficient aircraft. Furthermore,                                                                        Hydrogen combustion
                                                                                                                                                     1000 -
airport operations and low-cost                       zero-emissions airliners have the                      the implementation of stricter
                                                                                                                                                     2000 km      220                    72
                                                                                                                                                                                        380    89%                   propulsion
offerings, the European population                    potential to absorb a significant                      environmental regulations
has increasingly chosen air transport                 part of the intra-European                             and financial incentives by                                               (32%)
to travel within Europe and the                       passenger market.                                      governments to influence
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Hydrogen fuel cell
demand for flights between EU                                                                                these factors can play a                                                   35                           electric propulsion
                                                                                                                                                     500 -
airports will continue to increase.                   It is important to note that with the                  fundamental role in accelerating                     221
                                                                                                                                                     1000 km
                                                      first deliveries of hydrogen- and                      the replacement of kerosene                                                                             Battery-powered
As presented earlier, different                       battery-powered passenger aircraft                     airplanes with zero-carbon and                                             298
                                                                                                                                                                                         29                          electric propulsion
distance segments could be served                     expected between 2035 and 2040,                        zero-emissions alternatives.                                              (25%)
                                                                                                                                                     up to
by battery- and hydrogen-powered                      the complete renewal of the fleet                                                              500 km       173
aircraft. Taking the total number of                  might take decades (the current                                                                                                   8            – Passengers in 2018: Eurostat. News release. 6
intra-EU passengers forecasted for                    average lifetime of an aircraft is                                                                                                                December 2019. Air passenger transport in the EU
                                                                                                                                                                  2018                 2040          – Forecasted CAGR: Eurocontrol. (2018). European
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Aviation in 2040 - Challenges of growth (Annex 1 - Flight
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Forecast to 2040) – “Regulation & Growth” Scenario
                                                                                                                                                                                                     – Flight distance distribution: Electric Leap. (2020). Zero-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        emissions Commercial Air Transport – Let’s get started
Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

The climate impact reduction
potential of zero-carbon and
                                                                                                                                                     Climate Impact (in MtCO2-eq) of
                                                                                                                                                     Intra-EU passenger flights in 2040

zero-emissions aircraft in 2040                                                                                                                                      177                                    Most suitable technology
                                                                                                                                                                                                            per segment to reduce
In 2040, replacing all kerosene aircraft with zero-carbon and zero-emissions                                                                                                                                overall climate impact
alternatives could decrease the intra-EU climate impact by up to 59%                                                                                 Above            35
                                                                                                                                                     2000 km        (20%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Emissions from flights above 2000 km
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            could be further reduced with hybrid
Looking at the intra-EU passenger                     of liquid hydrogen storage tanks,                      This roadmap should also promote                                                                               technologies (hydrogen or electric)
air travel market in 2040, up to 80%                  the development of powerful light-                     intermediary technologies, such                                             -59%                               and sustainable aviation fuels

of the forecasted CO2-equivalent                      weight electric motors and hydrogen                    as hybrid-electric and sustainable
emissions fall into the operating                     compatible engines, the redesign of                    aviation fuels (SAFs), both                                                                                    Hydrogen combustion
segments of future hydrogen- and                      aircrafts’ fuselage to fit these new                   representing important transitional                                                                            propulsion
                                                                                                                                                     1000 -           78
battery-powered airplanes (see figure                 technologies, the development of                       solutions to reduce emissions until     2000 km        (44%)                                                   – 49 MtCO2-eq
on the right, first column). Replacing                safe and reliable high-voltage                         zero-carbon and zero-emissions                                                                                 (avg. –62.5% emissions)
all aircraft in those segments with                   electricity and liquid hydrogen                        technologies take over the entire
zero-carbon and zero-emissions                        distribution systems, and the                          sector. The development of smaller                                                                             Hydrogen fuel cell
                                                                                                                                                                                             72                             electric propulsion
variants would represent a                            integration of ground infrastructure                   battery- and hydrogen-powered
substantial decrease of 59% in                        for battery charging or swapping,                      aircraft will also play an important                                                                           – 39 MtCO2-eq
emissions. With conventional aircraft                 as well as hydrogen supply and                         role in demonstrating the feasibility                                                                          (avg. –82.5% emissions)
development cycles of 15-20 years,                    refuelling systems.                                    of such systems, as well as gauging                                             35
it is crucial to invest significant                                                                          the certification processes. The                                                                               Battery-powered
                                                                                                                                                     500 -            47
effort into developing propulsion                     To achieve these technological                         aviation industry also needs to                        (27%)                                                   electric propulsion
                                                                                                                                                     1000 km
technologies and to optimize the                      breakthroughs, a sector-wide                           support the increase of renewable                                                                              – 17 MtCO2-eq
time to market of zero-carbon and                     roadmap aligning the private and                       energy production needed to                                                                                    (–100% emissions)
zero-emissions aircraft in order to                   public sectors needs to be agreed                      charge batteries and produce green
ensure their entry into service by                    upon to foster research and                            hydrogen, which is essential to         up to            17                                    Notes:
2040. To do so, several technological                 innovation activity and funding,                       truly guarantee the overall climate     500 km          (9%)                     8             – The data illustrates the direct in-flight climate impact,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               taking into account CO2 and non-CO2 related climate
advancements are required: a                          as well as the implementation of                       impact reduction potential of                                                                     impact (other GHGs, water vapour, high altitude
                                                                                                                                                                                                               contrails) translated to CO2 equivalent (source:
significant increase in the energy and                an adequate policy framework and                       these technologies.                               Forecasted intra-EU    Resulting emissions      EcoPassenger Methodology)
power density of battery and fuel cell                optimized certification processes                                                                        CO2-eq emissions       from 100% market      – A 2% per year efficiency improvement of conventional
                                                                                                                                                               in 2040, by distance   penetration in 2040      aircraft is considered in order to derive 2040 baseline
systems, a major weight reduction                     for these new technologies.                                                                              segment                (hypothetical)           values (source: ICAO)
Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

Electric propulsion to unlock
the regional short-haul market

In addition to the existing air travel market, battery- and
fuel-cell-powered aircraft have the potential to further
develop regional short-haul air transport.

With current aircraft, airlines                                  However, thanks to shorter
struggle to operate short routes                                 and quieter take-off and landings,
economically due to higher fuel                                  as well as reduced operating and
burn rates and increasingly tight                                maintenance costs (expected in                                  Reduced noise                                  Shorter take-off distance    Lower operating costs            Lower maintenance costs
profit margins.i Therefore, short-                               the long-term), electric aircraft                               Thanks to the absence of                       Thanks to increased static   Thanks to reduced energy         Thanks to decreased system
haul flights are usually operated                                can overcome the current                                        a combustion core, slower                      thrust leading to improved   costs and to the simplicity      complexity and a significantly
as connections with large hubs to                                challenges of regional routes                                   propeller rotation speed,                      acceleration                 and longevity of electricity-    smaller number of moving
further serve the more profitable                                and serve smaller airports                                      and significantly fewer                                                     powered motors and               parts
medium- and long-haul markets.13                                 economically.14, 15 Additionally,                               moving parts                                                                drivetrains
Furthermore, in contrast with busy                               they can contribute to fast, safe, and
short routes between hubs (such                                  effective mobility in less populated
as Amsterdam-London), regional                                   areas, where the investment in
routes to tier-2 and tier-3 airports                             alternative transport solutions is not                                                                                                                    Benefits expected in the longer term
come with several challenges: lower                              justified from a traffic density, cost,                         Note: F
                                                                                                                                        rom a technology and operations perspective, hydrogen                               thanks to future innovation and
and seasonal demand, shorter                                     or environmental and landscape                                        combustion-powered airplanes don’t differ significantly from                                 economies of scale
                                                                                                                                       kerosene-powered ones, and therefore, the benefits of electric
runway length, and limited airport                               impact point of view.                                                 propulsion systems mentioned here do not apply.


Notes:   i)   Low-cost carriers rely on ancillary services (e.g. extra luggage, in-flight sales
              and internet services, insurance) to make profit on short-haul flights                                                                                                                                                                                           15
Comparing Modes
of Transport
Zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft
will disrupt journeys throughout Europe
Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

Comparing conventional kerosene aircraft with
zero-carbon and zero-emissions alternatives

Significant environmental benefits, but slightly increased
travel time and costs.

When looking at the different key distance segments, the                                                  Remarkably, the increase in price and total travel time (i.e.
                                                                                                                                                                                     See analysis on next page
environmental benefits of zero-carbon and zero-emissions                                                  considering the inbound and outbound travel between the airport
airplanes compared to conventional kerosene airplanes are                                                 and the city centre, as well as the advised arrival time prior to
evident, even considering the potential use of non-renewable energy                                       flight departure) is limited to a maximum of a 23% increase in ticket
to produce electricity and hydrogen. Battery-powered flights could                                        price for hydrogen combustion flights, while keeping the travel time
lead to the complete elimination of emissions below 500 km, while                                         extension below 11% in all cases. This increase in price and travel time
hydrogen-powered aircraft could reduce the emissions of flights up                                        represents a reasonable contribution from customers compared to the
to 1000 km by 89% and flights up to 2000 km by 68% when using                                             significant environmental benefits of zero-carbon and zero-emissions
green hydrogen (i.e. produce with renewable energy), a substantial                                        travel on the entire intra-European air travel sector.
improvement compared to current kerosene aircraft.

Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

    Air Route Distance                                                                   Climate Impact                                                                     Travel Cost                           Travel Time
                                                                                          (in gCO2-eq/km/PAX)                                                               (in Euros/PAX)                        (in minutes)

    500                  km                                                                   186                                                                                                    77                                     274
                                                                                                                                                                                70                                   255
                                                                                                                                                                                                           +10%                                                             +7%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      75                     94
    Annual passenger volume in 2040 for this segment: 298 million                                                  -94%                   -100%
    Example of equivalent route: Barcelona–Madrid
                                                                                              120                                                                                                                     180                   180
                      Battery-powered electric
                      (BPE) propulsion                                                     Kerosene                 BPE                BPE (green)                           Kerosene                BPE           Kerosene                 BPE

    1000                        km                                                            193                                                                                                    106                                    343
                                                                                                                   -41%                                                         98                                   310
                                                                                               19                                                                                                          +8%                                                             +11%
                                                                                               81                   113                                                                                               130
    Annual passenger volume in 2040 for this segment: 380 million
    Example of equivalent route: Barcelona–Frankfurt
                                                                                               93                                                                                                                     180                   180
                      Hydrogen fuel cell                                                                             21
                      (HFC) electric propulsion                                            Kerosene                 HFC               HFC (green)                            Kerosene                HFC           Kerosene                 HFC

                                km                                                            135
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     370                    389

                                                                                                                                          -68%                                                                        190                   209
    Annual passenger volume in 2040 for this segment: 379 million                                                    94
    Example of equivalent route: Paris–Athens
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      180                   180
                                                                                               50                    43
                      Hydrogen combustion
                      (HC) propulsion                                                      Kerosene                  HC                HC (green)                            Kerosene                HC            Kerosene                 HC

                                                                                                     CO2 emissions from kerosene consumption during the flight                      Ticket price                          Flight time

                                                                                                     Non-CO2 global warming impact (water, contrails, NOx, SOx)                                                            Pre- and post-travel time: time between final
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             destination and airport or train station, advised
                                                                                             Emissions generated during the production of the required amount of kerosene
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             arrival time at airport or train station, mandatory
Note:    he travel cost and time are based on the data retrieved
        T                                                                                     missions generated if using non-renewable energy to charge the batteries
                                                                                             E                                                                                                                               breaks during road travel
        from the online travel calculator                                       or produce the required amount of hydrogen
Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

                          Comparing different modes of
                          transport for 500 km journeys

The relevance of battery-powered aircraft on short
routes depends on the existing rail network.

Routes of 500 km represent a critical distance segment in which                                           air travel remains one of the fastest options and the potential
                                                                                                                                                                                 See analysis on next page
all modes of transport can be considered as viable alternatives.                                          development of regional air routes enabled by electric propulsion
In terms of emissions, electric forms of transport, including                                             might further reduce the pre- and post-travel time necessary for air
battery-powered aircraft, clearly offer the lowest emitting                                               travel. The travel time of rail strongly depends on the network in
alternatives, whereas kerosene airplanes are by far the most                                              place on selected routes. Journeys between cities connected by
polluting mode of transport.                                                                              an efficient high-speed rail network might be faster by rail than
                                                                                                          by air, whereas less developed rail services could lead to longer
In terms of cost, the competitiveness of cars depends on the                                              travel times than air alternatives, and sometimes even longer
number of passengers splitting the costs. While the travel prices for                                     than road travel.
battery-powered aircraft are the highest of all modes, they remain
within the range of those of kerosene airplanes and rail (and two-                                        Notably, on short routes electric vehicles represent one of the best
passenger cars), but above bus prices.                                                                    alternatives in terms of emissions and travel costs, and the advent
                                                                                                          of autonomous driving could mitigate the burden of long driving
For distances of around 500 km, the differences in travel time                                            times and boost the adoption of EVs by travellers.
between the modes of transport is not considerable. However,

Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

    500                   km Air Route
                          (e.g. Barcelona–Madrid)
                                                                                Climate Impact
                                                                                (in gCO2-eq/km/PAX)
                                                                                                                                                                    Travel Cost
                                                                                                                                                                    (in Euros/PAX)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Travel Time
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          (In minutes)

                                                                                        12                                                                                                                          77                              180                94           274 (~4h30)

    Battery-Powered Electric Propulsion Airplane
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Actual time on selected route

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            60            150               210 (~3h30)
                                                                                    7                                                                                                                     63
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            60                     291                    351 (~5h45)
    Electric Rail                                                                                                                                                                                                                         EU average intercity rail

                                                                 1 passenger            16                                                                            22               38                       48            108
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           45                          362                       407 (~6h45)
                                                                 2 passengers       8                                                                               11       19         24           54
    Electric Car

                                                                                         59         12    71                                                                                    44                                         45                                 454                            499 (~8h15)

    Diesel Tour Bus

                                                                 1 passenger                     116                      22        138                                    32                38                          64         134
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           45                          362                       407 (~6h45)
                                                                 2 passengers            58        11    69                                                          16         19           32            67
    Petrol Car

                                                                                                  120                          32         34       186                                                         70                                   180                75      255 (~4h15)

    Kerosene Airplane

                                                                                   CO2 emissions from kerosene consumption during the flight                             Fuel or ticket costs                                                   Flight or drive time

Notes:   –    ravel cost and travel time are derived
             T                                                                     Non-CO2 global warming impact (water, contrails, NOx, SOx)                            Road tolls                                                             Pre- and post-travel time: time between final destination
             from EU averaged data (see appendix)                                                                                                                                                                                                and airport or train station, advised arrival time at airport
                                                                                   Emissions generated during the production of the required amount of kerosene           wnership costs (depreciation,
         –   Travel costs are calculated per passenger,                                                                                                                                                                                         or train station, mandatory breaks during road travel
                                                                                                                                                                         maintenance, insurance, tax)
              distributing the total costs over the number of                       missions generated if using non-renewable energy to charge the batteries
              passengers (for average occupancy, see appendix)                     or produce the required amount of hydrogen (via electrolysis in this analysis)
Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

                          Comparing different modes of
                          transport for 1000 km journeys

The speed advantage of air travel becomes evident.

In terms of emissions, the climate impact per kilometer of                                                Therefore, compared to road and rail transport costs which grow
                                                                                                                                                                                   See analysis on next page
kerosene airplanes approaches a peak at distances of around                                               proportionally with the distance travelled, the increase in air travel
1000 km, with the ratio of CO2 and non-CO2 related emissions                                              cost is not as significant, and for a 1000 km travel distance, petrol
reaching a maximum. Compared to battery powered airplanes,                                                cars and rail become the most expensive alternatives (for distance
the climate impact of hydrogen fuel-cell-powered airplanes is                                             of 1000 km and more, it can be assumed that two passengers will
slightly more important due to the production of water when                                               usually be present in the cars).
reacting hydrogen in fuel cells, leading to an increase in high altitude
contrails. Furthermore, the production of hydrogen requires large                                         Longer travel routes exacerbate the different in travel time between
amounts of energy, which could lead to significant emissions                                              ground and air transport, and air travel clearly becomes the
if non-renewable energy is used in the process.                                                           fastest option for journeys above 1000 km. Trains and tour buses
                                                                                                          increasingly suffer from fixed segmented networks which
As distances grow, air travel benefits from improved                                                      require several stopovers to reach the final destination.
aerodynamics at high altitudes, which lowers the
average kerosene consumption over the flight.

Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

    1000                        km Air Route
                                (e.g. Barcelona–Frankfurt)
                                                                                Climate Impact
                                                                                (in gCO2-eq/km/PAX)
                                                                                                                                                                    Travel Cost
                                                                                                                                                                    (in Euros/PAX)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Travel Time
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (In minutes)

                                                                                 21                   92                 113                                                                         106                              180      163      343 (~5h45)

    Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Propulsion Airplane
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Actual time on selected route

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    60                  719                     779 (~13h00)
                                                                                    7                                                                                                                  125
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    60               583                643 (~10h45)
    Electric Rail                                                                                                                                                                                                                   EU average intercity rail

                                                                 1 passenger              16                                                                          44               78                    96         218
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    90                     716                  806 (~13h30)
                                                                 2 passengers         8                                                                             22       39         48           109
    Electric Car

                                                                                          59          12   71                                                                                87                                       180                                1160                             1340
    Diesel Tour Bus

                                                                 1 passenger                        116                   22      138                                      66                   78                130         274
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    90                     716                  806 (~13h30)
                                                                 2 passengers             58         11    69                                                        33         39              65         137
    Petrol Car

                                                                                               93                           81                19     193                                         98                                   180      130     310 (~5h15)

    Kerosene Airplane

                                                                                   CO2 emissions from kerosene consumption during the flight                             Fuel or ticket costs                                            Flight or drive time

Notes:   –    ravel cost and travel time are derived
             T                                                                     Non-CO2 global warming impact (water, contrails, NOx, SOx)                            Road tolls                                                      Pre- and post-travel time: time between final destination
             from EU averaged data (see appendix)                                                                                                                                                                                         and airport or train station, advised arrival time at airport
                                                                                   Emissions generated during the production of the required amount of kerosene           wnership costs (depreciation,
         –   Travel costs are calculated per passenger,                                                                                                                                                                                  or train station, mandatory breaks during road travel
                                                                                                                                                                         maintenance, insurance, tax)
              distributing the total costs over the number of                       missions generated if using non-renewable energy to charge the batteries
              passengers (for average occupancy, see appendix)                     or produce the required amount of hydrogen (via electrolysis in this analysis)
Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

                          Comparing different modes of
                          transport for 2000 km journeys

The relevance of ground travel solutions
over longer distances is debatable

For distances of 2000 km and above, the use of hydrogen                                                   Following the trend observed for routes of 1000 km, the travel costs
                                                                                                                                                                                 See analysis on next page
combustion engines increases the need to ensure the                                                       of ground transport continue to increase for routes of 2000 km,
production of green hydrogen from renewable energy. As                                                    following a steeper curve than air travel. Hydrogen combustion
the combustion of hydrogen releases water vapour and nitrogen                                             air travel represents one of the cheapest options, even with the
oxides at high altitude, the non-CO2 effects of airplanes powered                                         expected increase in ticket price for first generation hydrogen
by hydrogen combustion engines become more apparent, nearing                                              combustion aircraft compared to conventional kerosene airplanes.
the emission level of petrol powered road transport. Furthermore,
if hydrogen is produced with non-renewable energy, the combined                                           Reaching a distance of 2000 km, the relevance of ground
emissions of a hydrogen combustion-powered airplane could even                                            transport becomes uncertain, with travel times usually well
exceed the ones of conventional kerosene aircraft.                                                        above 24 hours, depending on the available rail network.
                                                                                                          The fragmentation of the rail and bus network on long distances
                                                                                                          greatly impacts the overall travel time and car travel becomes
                                                                                                          faster than train travel on some routes.

Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

    2000                        km Air Route
                                (e.g. Paris–Athens)
                                                                                Climate Impact
                                                                                (in gCO2-eq/km/PAX)
                                                                                                                                                                    Travel Cost
                                                                                                                                                                    (in Euros/PAX)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Travel Time
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (In minutes)

                                                                                         43                            94                        137                                              190                                  180 209       389 (~6h30)

    Hydrogen Combustion Propulsion Airplane
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Actual time on selected route

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       60                          1.980                               2004      (~34h00)
                                                                                    7                                                                                                                    250
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       60              1.166                   1226      (~20h30)
    Electric Rail                                                                                                                                                                                                                      EU average intercity rail

                                                                 1 passenger             16                                                                               88             154                   194         436
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        225                        1608                          1833        (~30h30)
                                                                 2 passengers        8                                                                               44        77         97           218
    Electric Car

                                                                                              59            12    71                                                                             175                                        360                              1980                               2340
    Diesel Tour Bus

                                                                 1 passenger                            116                              22       138                       130                  154                 258         542
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        225                        1608                          1833        (~30h30)
                                                                 2 passengers                 58           11    69                                                   65          77             129         271
    Petrol Car

                                                                                          50                           75                 10    135                                         155                                        180 190       370 (~6h10)

    Kerosene Airplane

                                                                                   CO2 emissions from kerosene consumption during the flight                              Fuel or ticket costs                                              Flight or drive time

Notes:   –    ravel cost and travel time are derived
             T                                                                     Non-CO2 global warming impact (water, contrails, NOx, SOx)                             Road tolls                                                        Pre- and post-travel time: time between final destination
             from EU averaged data (see appendix)                                                                                                                                                                                            and airport or train station, advised arrival time at airport
                                                                                   Emissions generated during the production of the required amount of kerosene            wnership costs (depreciation,
         –   Travel costs are calculated per passenger,                                                                                                                                                                                     or train station, mandatory breaks during road travel
                                                                                                                                                                          maintenance, insurance, tax)
              distributing the total costs over the number of                       missions generated if using non-renewable energy to charge the batteries
              passengers (for average occupancy, see appendix)                     or produce the required amount of hydrogen (via electrolysis in this analysis)
Key Takeaways
and Drivers
for Success
Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

Action is needed now

Zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft emerge as the                                                     The broad aviation ecosystem needs to start cooperating today               be fundamental in promoting both zero-carbon, zero-emissions
best solutions to seamlessly transport a large number of                                                  to ensure zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft will enter into           technologies and infrastructure with targeted subsidies and
passengers throughout Europe with a low climate impact                                                    service in time to meet the industry’s decarbonization targets              economic measures to accelerate the competitiveness of these
                                                                                                                                                                                      new sustainable aircraft.
As this report shows, zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft have the                                    Time is now of the essence to ensure these technologies are ready
potential to cover a significant part of the Intra-EU passenger market                                    to enter the large-scale commercial passenger market within short           Furthermore, the large-scale deployment of battery and
by 2040, dates at which these technologies will enter into service.                                       timelines. With development times between 15 to 20 years and                hydrogen-powered aircraft will substantially increase the need
Avoiding the large emissions inherent to today’s kerosene aircraft while                                  a broad deployment of large fleets usually taking up to 10 years,           for renewable energy production. Relying on non-renewable
taking advantage of fast air travel at reasonable costs would drive zero-                                 the aviation sector needs to invest significant resources today             energy would greatly hinder the overall climate reduction
carbon and zero-emissions aircraft away from current public concerns                                      to develop the required innovations and technologies allowing               potential of these aircraft and public entities must ensure that
and provide a strong argument in favour of the development of air                                         the sector to reach the decarbonization objectives for 2050                 the future aviation sector can be supplied with sustainable
travel for the future. Even with decreased flight range compared                                          set by the EU and ATAG.                                                     energy, along with other sustainable modes of transports.
to conventional kerosene aircraft, these future aircraft have
the potential to cover up to 89% of the intra-EU market in 2040,                                          Policy makers, industries, and stakeholders from the broader aviation
representing a potential climate impact reduction of up to 59%.                                           ecosystem need to cooperate to build the long-term regulatory and
                                                                                                          certification framework supporting the successful development of zero-
When looking at different distance segments, the attractiveness of air                                    carbon and zero-emissions technologies. The remaining uncertainties            By removing the negative climate impact
travel on very short routes mainly depends on the rail network available                                  around the extent of non-CO2 climate impact phenomena need to be
                                                                                                                                                                                         of air travel on short routes, zero-carbon
on different routes. In case two cities are connected by an efficient                                     clarified to allow clear target setting and development roadmaps that
high-speed rail network, travelling by rail can be faster than air. When                                  leverage the most efficient solutions. Laying out a long-term vision will      and zero-emissions aircraft will significantly
less developed rail services are available, rail travel will be slower than                               strengthen the sector’s ability to plan the development of necessary           disrupt future mobility strategies and
air alternatives, and sometimes even road travel. Furthermore, the                                        technologies, as well as provide clarity as to where investments are
advent of all-electric VTOL and small aircraft16 in the coming years                                      most needed. Clearer perspectives will in turn attract funds more easily       position aviation at the heart of the
will also play a role in shifting parts of the ground commuting travel                                    into innovation and pioneering R&D activities. On top of this, these new       sustainable mobility ecosystem
towards the air. On longer routes, the benefits of hydrogen propulsion                                    technologies will drive the need to develop supporting infrastructures,
aircraft are unequivocal, offering low emissions, prices in the range                                     such as efficient battery charging/swapping systems at airports and
of other modes of transports, and travel times far below the ones of                                      large-scale hydrogen supply chains. Public support will therefore
ground travel.
Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

Repositioning aviation
on very short-haul travels

Due to the synergies between battery-powered aircraft and                                                 • Electric autonomous cars could become the most convenient                Therefore, policy makers need to strongly support the development
other modes of transport on short routes of up to 500 km,                                                   mobility option on short distances, but road capacity challenges         of battery (and hydrogen) powered airplanes for the commercial
targeted actions are required from policy makers to support the                                             would be even more exacerbated than they are today with limited          passenger market on short routes and bolster the implementation
aviation industry in fully unlocking the immense potential of                                               network expansion possibilities.                                         of the required battery charging/swapping and hydrogen refueling
zero-emissions propulsion technologies                                                                                                                                               infrastructure on large and regional airports. At the same time, the
                                                                                                          • A significant portion of travellers could shift to rail, but the same    road infrastructure needs to be further optimized for EVs, policies
Whereas the benefits of hydrogen-powered aircraft over other                                                capacity constraints as for road would arise and the potential           encouraging carpooling have to be developed, and measures
modes of transport for routes of above 500 km is undeniable,                                                infrastructure investments could be significant to increase              increasing the capacity of the rail network need to be taken. A first step
distances below 500 km represent the most competitive segment                                               capacities only on targeted routes.                                      would be to investigate the infrastructure requirements to integrate
for which both ground and air transport hold compelling benefits                                                                                                                     battery- and hydrogen-powered aircraft in the existing air network and
and where the existing infrastructure between two travels points has                                      • Battery-powered airplane could represent a true game changer             compare them with investments required on the rail and road network
a significant impact on the advantage of a mode over another (i.e.,                                         by offering a sustainable and fast travel option at attractive costs     to support a potential modal shift towards ground transport.
efficient rail and road network, proximity to airports). The present                                        (which would further decrease in the future with new innovations
report highlighted the significant benefits brought by electricity and                                      and economies of scale). Furthermore, the limited infrastructure
battery-powered modes of transport (rail, EVs, battery-powered aircraft)                                    requirement needed to support battery swapping and charging
on short distances in terms of low emissions and climate impact,                                            systems would boost the development of the promising network of
while offering attractive travel costs and times. These three modes all                                     existing regional airports and unlock a seamless air travel over large       With the advent of zero-emissions aircraft
represent promising solutions for the decarbonization of short-range                                        geographies. Of course, the development of hydrogen aircraft for             on routes of up to 500 km, policy makers
mobility, but imply certain obstacles to their sole domination:                                             short routes also needs to be supported in parallel, as they would
                                                                                                            participate in the overall decarbonization of the 500 km segment             will need to define targeted mobility
                                                                                                            by increasing the rate of kerosene aircraft replacement.                     strategies that leverage the benefits of
                                                                                                                                                                                         battery powered aircraft, rail, and electric
                                                                                                                                                                                         vehicles based on infrastructure and
                                                                                                                                                                                         mobility requirements

Europe’s future aviation landscape – The potential of zero-carbon and zero-emissions aircraft on intra-European routes by 2040

Sources                                                                                                                          Contacts
1       Deloitte Article - Industry Disruption: Hybrid Electric Aviation                                                         Willem Christiaan van Manen
2       Destination 2050 (2021), A route to net zero European aviation                                                           NL Future of Mobility Leader
                                                                                                                                 Deloitte Netherlands
3	IATA (2019), Sustainable Aviation Fuels – Fact sheet
4	Scheelhaase, J. et al. (2019), Synthetic fuels in aviation–Current barriers and potential political
   measures. Transportation Research Procedia, 43, 21-30.
                                                                                                                                 Bryan Terry
5	Gnadt, A. R. et al. (2019), Technical and environmental assessment of all-electric 180-passenger
   commercial aircraft. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 105, 1-30.
                                                                                                                                 Global Aviation Leader
6       Deloitte Article - Will hydrogen be the surprise of this decade?
7	Clean Sky 2 JU and FCH 2 JU (2020), Hydrogen-powered aviation – A fact-based study of
   hydrogen technology, economics, and climate impact by 2050
                                                                                                                                 Eric Vennix
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