CO2 emissions from commercial aviation, 2018 - International ...

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CO2 emissions from commercial
aviation, 2018
Authors: Brandon Graver, Ph.D., Kevin Zhang, Dan Rutherford, Ph.D.
Date: September 2019
Keywords: aviation; aircraft; fuel efficiency; carbon dioxide

SUMMARY                                                 Using historical data from OAG                transport-related CO 2 emissions.
                                                        Aviation Worldwide Limited, national          On a national level, flights depart-
Greenhouse gas emissions from                           governments, international agencies,          ing airports in the United States and
commercial aviation are rapidly in-                     and the Piano aircraft emissions mod-         its territories emitted almost one-
creasing, as is interest among fliers                   elling software, this paper details a         quarter (24%) of global passenger
in reducing their carbon footprints.                    global, transparent, and geographi-           transport-related CO2, and two-thirds
Under a business-as-usual trajecto-                     cally allocated CO 2 inventory for            of those emissions came from do-
ry, the United Nations’ International                   commercial aviation. Our estimates            mestic flights. The top five countries
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)                      of total global carbon emissions,             for passenger aviation-related car-
expects aviation emissions to roughly                   and the operations estimated in this          bon emissions were rounded out by
triple by 2050, at which time aircraft                  study in terms of revenue passenger           China, the United Kingdom, Japan,
might account for 25% of the global                     kilometers (RPKs) and freight tonne           and Germany. CO 2 emissions from
carbon budget.                                          kilometers (FTKs), agree well with            aviation were distributed unequally
                                                        aggregate industry estimates.                 across nations; less developed coun-
Although ICAO and the International
                                                                                                      tries that contain half of the world’s
Air Transport Association (IATA)                        Nearly 39 million flights from 2018 were      population accounted for only 10%
publish annual summary statistics                       analyzed, and 38 million of these were        of all emissions.
of aircraft operations and econom-                      flown by passenger aircraft. Total CO2
ics, respectively, relatively little data               emissions from all commercial opera-          This paper also apportions 2018
is available about fuel burn, fuel ef-                  tions, including passenger movement,          emissions by aircraft class and stage
ficiency, and carbon emissions at                       belly freight, and dedicated freight,         length. Passenger movement in nar-
the regional and national levels.                       totaled 918 million metric tons (MMT)         rowbody aircraft was linked to 43%
Policymakers cannot determine the                       in 2018. That is 2.4% of global CO 2          of aviation CO2, and passenger emis-
precise amount of carbon emissions                      emissions from fossil fuel use and a          sions were roughly equally divided
associated with flights departing                       32% increase over the past five years.        between short-, medium-, and long-
from individual countries, nor can                      Further, this emissions growth rate is        haul operations. The carbon intensity
they distinguish the proportion                         70% higher than assumed under cur-            of flights averaged between 75 and
of emissions from passenger-                            rent ICAO projections.                        95 grams (g) of CO2 per RPK, rising
a n d - f re i g h t a n d a l l - f re i g h t o p -                                                 to almost 160 g CO2/RPK for regional
e rat i o n s , o r f ro m d o m e st i c a n d         Th e d at a s h ows t h at p a ss e n g e r   flights less than 500 kilometers.
international flights.                                  transport accounted for 747 MMT,
                                                        or 81%, of total emissions from com-
To better understand carbon emis-                       mercial aviation in 2018. Globally,
sions associated with commercial                        two-thirds of all flights were do-            Greenhouse gas emissions from com-
av i a t i o n , t h i s p a p e r d eve l o p s a      mestic, and these accounted for               mercial aviation are rapidly increasing.
bottom-up, global aviation CO 2 in-                     approximately one-third of global             If the global aviation sector were
ventory for calendar year 2018.                         RPKs and 40% of global passenger              treated as a nation, it would have been

Acknowledgments: We thank Sola Zheng for her assistance in preparing the data file and graphics associated with this paper, and Dale Hall, Jennifer
Callahan, Joe Schultz, Annie Petsonk, and Bill Hemmings for providing constructive feedback on an initial draft. This work was conducted with generous
support from the Aspen Global Change Institute.

© INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION, 2019                                                                        WWW.THEICCT.ORG

the sixth-largest source of carbon di-           largely unavailable, though, is ad-              all aviation CO2 in 2018, are both be-
oxide (CO 2) emissions from energy               ditional texture about the data,                 yond the scope of this work. 3 The
consumption in 2015, emitting more               including details of emissions based             non-CO 2 climate impacts of com-
than Germany (Air Transport Action               on where flights originate, emissions            mercial aviation linked to emissions
Group [ATAG], 2019; Olivier, Janssens-           from domestic versus international               of nitrogen oxides, black carbon,
Maenhout, Muntean, & Peters, 2016).              travel, and the proportion of emis-              and aviation-induced cloudiness
The International Civil Aviation                 sions from passenger-and-freight                 were likewise not quantified.4
Organization (ICAO), the United                  and all-freight operations. To help,
Nations organization with author-                this paper details ICCT’s compila-               GLOBAL AIRPORTS DATABASE
ity over global aviation, expects CO2            tion of a new data set and uses that
                                                                                                  We c r e a t e d a G l o b a l A i r p o r t s
emissions from international aviation            data to analyze the geographic
                                                                                                  Database, a database with geograph-
to approximately triple by 2050 if cur-          distribution of CO 2 emissions from
                                                                                                  ic information for all of the airports
rent trends hold (ICAO, 2019a). If other         commercial aviation. It also relates
                                                                                                  included in the Airline Operations
sectors decarbonize in line with the             emissions to operational variables
                                                                                                  Database. For each airport, the city,
Paris Agreement’s climate ambitions,             like aircraft class and stage length.
                                                                                                  country/territory, latitude, and lon-
aviation could account for one-quarter
                                                                                                  gitude were recorded from Great
of the global carbon budget by mid-
                                                 METHODOLOGY                                      Circle Mapper.5 Based on the coun-
century (Pidcock & Yeo, 2016).
                                                 Multiple publicly available data                 try/territory information, each airport
In 2009, the International Air                   sources were acquired and merged                 was assigned to one of ICAO’s sta-
Transport Association (IATA), the                to quantify commercial fuel con-                 tistical regions and subregions.
global trade association for cargo               sumption using Piano 5, an aircraft              (See Appendix A for more informa-
and passenger air carriers, set three            performance and design software                  tion on the countries and territories
goals for reducing CO 2 emissions                from Lissys Ltd.2 The data obtained              in each ICAO statistical region and
from aviation: (1) an average improve-           concerned airline operations, air-               subregion.)
ment in fuel efficiency of 1.5% per              ports, and demand, as detailed
year from 2009 to 2020; (2) a limit on           below. From that we modeled fuel                 DEMAND ESTIMATION
net aviation CO2 emissions after 2020            burn and estimated CO ­2 emissions,              We quantified the revenue pas-
(i.e., carbon-neutral growth); and (3)           and then validated the results.                  senger kilometers (RPKs) for every
a 50% reduction in net aviation CO 2                                                              airline-aircraft-route combination
emissions by 2050, relative to 2005              AIRLINE OPERATIONS                               using the number of departures from
levels (IATA, 2018a). According to               DATABASE                                         the Airline Operations Database; the
industry estimates, global CO2 emis-                                                              flight distance, itself calculated using
                                                 Global airline operations data for cal-
sions from the airline industry were                                                              airport latitudes and longitudes from
                                                 endar year 2018 was sourced from
862 million metric tonnes (MMT) in                                                                the Global Airports Database; the
                                                 OAG Aviation Worldwide Limited
2017, and fuel efficiency has improved                                                            number of seats for the particular
                                                 (OAG). The OAG dataset contained the
by 2.3% per year since 2009 (ATAG,                                                                airline-aircraft combination; and the
                                                 following variables for passenger and
2019). 1 For 2018, IATA (2019) esti-                                                              passenger load factor associated
                                                 cargo airlines: air carrier, departure
mated 905 MMT of CO2 from global                                                                  with the airline or ICAO route group.
                                                 airport, arrival airport, aircraft type,
aviation, an increase of 5.2% from its
                                                 and departures (number of flights).
2017 estimate of 860 MMT of CO2.                                                                  Total mass transported, in revenue
                                                 Operations data for cargo carriers
                                                                                                  tonne kilometers (RTKs), was quan-
The values that groups like IATA                 DHL, FedEx, and UPS was not avail-
                                                                                                  tified for both passenger and cargo
and ATAG provide annually only                   able from OAG due to restrictions put
give the public a single data point              in place by the companies. To com-
                                                 pensate, we utilized alternate data              3   General aviation, which includes business
with respect to fuel burn, fuel effi-                                                                 jets and smaller turboprop aircraft, is
ciency, and carbon emissions. ICAO               sources to identify the fuel burn asso-              estimated to account for about 2% of
(2019b) provides RPK and FTK data                ciated with these carriers’ operations               total aviation CO2 (GAMA & IBAC, n.d.).
                                                 (Deutsche Post DHL Group, 2019; U.S.                 Data on military jet fuel use is very sparse.
by country and geographic region,                                                                     According to one estimate by Qinetiq, in
and breaks down global scheduled                 Department of Transportation [DOT],                  2002, military aircraft accounted for 61
services into domestic and inter-                2019). All of these sources were                     MMT CO2, or 11% of global jet fuel use at the
                                                 combined to create our new Airline                   time and 6.7% of 2018 commercial jet fuel
national operations. What remains                                                                     use (Eyers et al., 2004).
                                                 Operations Database.                             4   Though considerable uncertainty persists,
1   Measured in terms of revenue tonne                                                                the non-CO2 climate impacts of aviation,
    kilometers (RTKs) transported per liter of   General and military aviation, which                 as measured by their contribution to
    fuel. Compounded annually, RTKs have         likely accounted for 10% or less of                  historical radiative forcing, are believed to
    increased by 6.4% since 2009, while fuel                                                          be comparable to those of CO2 alone. See
    use has increased by 4% over the same                                                             Lee et al. (2009).
    time period. See ATAG (2019).                2   5

2   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                                      WORKING PAPER 2019-16

operations. For passenger aircraft,                    (2014). Changes in aircraft weight              for passenger mass and checked
RPKs were converted to RTKs by as-                     due to varying seat configurations              baggage (ICAO, 2019c).
suming 100 kg per passenger with                       were incorporated by adjusting the
luggage (ICAO, 2019c) and incorpo-                     default number of seats in Piano,               As a default, ICAO passenger load
rating the ICAO passenger-to-freight                   using 50 kilograms (kg) per seat                and passenger-to-freight factors
factor. (See Appendix B for details of                 (ICAO, 2017). The number of seats               were used for each route (ICAO,
both passenger load and passenger-                     per aircraft type for each airline was          2017). If an air carrier’s passenger
to-freight factors.) Airline-specific                  determined based on airline websites            load factor and/or freight carriage
data were utilized, if available, to es-               or other public data sources. If no in-         data for 2018 were not available from
timate the average passenger and                       formation was found for a specific air          data purchased from ICAO (2019d),
cargo distribution of payload (ICAO,                   carrier and aircraft type combination,          from publicly available data (e.g., U.S.
2019d). For cargo aircraft, either                     then the Piano default for number of            DOT), or from data published by the
publicly available average payload                     seats was used.                                 airline, then the ICAO subregional
data was used, or average payload                                                                      average passenger load and passen-
was estimated by using available ca-                   The departure and arrival airports in           ger-to-freight factors were used. For
pacity and a global average weight                     the Airline Operations Database were            freighter aircraft, if freight carriage
load factor of 49% (IATA, 2018b), in                   matched to the geographic informa-              data was not available from data pur-
conjunction with calculated flight                     tion in the Global Airports Database.           chased from ICAO or published by
distance. RTKs from cargo carriers                     The latitude and longitude for the de-          an airline, then the industry average
not included in the Airline Operations                 parture and arrival airports of each            freight load factor of 49% of available
Database were quantified from the                      route were used to calculate great-             capacity was used.
other sources mentioned previously.                    circle distance (GCD), or the shortest
                                                       distance linking two points on the              For each combination of route, air
FUEL BURN MODELING AND                                 surface of a sphere. Aircraft will typi-        carrier, and aircraft type, fuel burn
CO2 ESTIMATION                                         cally fly as close as possible to GCD           was modeled in Piano 5, using an
                                                       between airports in order to minimize           air carrier and aircraft type-specific
Each air carrier and aircraft combi-
                                                       travel time and fuel use. However, to           Piano aircraft file; the ICAO cor-
nation (e.g., United Airlines Boeing
                                                       account for variability in actual flight        rection factor-adjusted GCD, itself
777-300ER) in the Airline Operations
                                                       paths due to weather conditions, the            calculated using the latitude and lon-
Database was matched to an aircraft
                                                       GCD of each route was adjusted using            gitude of the departure and arrival
in Piano 5. In cases where the spe-
                                                       ICAO correction factors of 50 km to             airports; and the payload calculated
cific aircraft type was not included in
                                                       125 km, based on GCD (ICAO, 2017).              as described above. To determine
Piano 5, it was linked to a surrogate
                                                                                                       the total yearly fuel consumption,
aircraft. Default Piano values for op-                 Payload for each passenger air car-             the modeled fuel burn was multiplied
erational parameters such as engine                    rier and aircraft combination was               by the number of departures in the
thrust, drag, fuel flow, available flight              estimated by the number of aircraft             Airline Operations Database. Fuel
levels, and speed were used because                    seats, the passenger load factor,               burn from cargo carriers not included
of the lack of airline- and aircraft-spe-              and the passenger-to-freight factor.            in the Airline Operations Database
cific data. Cruise speeds were set to                  Passenger-to-freight factor is the              were identified from other sources
allow for a 99% maximum specific air                   proportion of aircraft payload that             mentioned previously.
range, which is believed to approxi-                   is allocated to passenger transport.
mate actual airline operations.                        Passenger payload was calculated                For passenger aircraft, fuel burn
Taxi times were set to 25 minutes, as                  by multiplying the number of aircraft           was apportioned to passenger and
estimated from block and air-time                      seats by the passenger load factor              freight carriage using the following
data of United States air carriers in                  and the industry average of 100 kg              three equations.
2018 (U.S. DOT, 2019).6 Fuel reserve
values to account for weather, conges-                   Equation [1]
tion, diversions, and other unforeseen                   Total Passenger Fuel Use [kg] =   (      Total Weight [kg]   )
                                                                                            Total Passenger Weight [kg]
                                                                                                                          (Total Fuel Use [kg])
events were based on United States
Federal Aviation Administration                          Equation [2]
O p e ra t i o n s S p e c i f i c a t i o n B 0 4 3     Total Passenger Weight [kg] = (Number of Aircraft Seats)(50 kg) + (Number of
6   This value is similar to the 26 minutes of
    taxi time ICAO defined in its landing and            Equation [3]
    takeoff cycle, derived from operations data          Total Weight [kg] = Total Passenger Weight [kg] + Total Freight Weight [kg]
    from the 1970s. See ICAO (2011).

WORKING PAPER 2019-16                                                                     INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION          3

It is assumed that total fuel use is pro-                                            Dedicated Freighter
portional to payload mass. Carbon                                                       70 MMT (8%)
emissions were estimated using the                    Freight Operations
accepted constant of 3.16 tonnes of                       171 MMT CO2
                                                         (19% of total)
CO 2 emitted from the consumption
of one tonne of aviation fuel.
                                                                           Belly Freight
                                                                          101 MMT (11%)
Previous studies (Graver &                                                                               Passengers:
Rutherford, 2018a and 2018b;                                                                            Narrowbody
                                                                                                       395 MMT (43%)           747 MMT CO2
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate                                                                                             (81% of total)
Change [IPCC], 1999a) established                                             Passengers:
that aircraft performance models                                               Widebody
tend to underestimate real-world                                            305 MMT (33%)
fuel consumption. To develop cor-
rection factors by aircraft type, fuel
burn per RPK was modeled for U.S.
passenger airlines in Piano and vali-
dated by operations and fuel burn                                                             Passengers: Regional
data reported by U.S. carriers to the                                                             47 MMT (5%)
U.S. DOT. 7 Modeled fuel burn per                     Figure 1. CO2 emissions in 2018 by operations and aircraft class
RPK was adjusted upward by cor-
rection factors for individual aircraft               DATA ANALYSIS                                years from the 694 MMT emitted in
types. These ranged from 1.02 to 1.20                                                              2013 (IATA, 2015). The implied annual
by aircraft class, and averaged 9%                    TOTAL GLOBAL OPERATIONS                      compound growth rate of emissions,
across all classes. If a specific air-                                                             5.7%, is 70% higher than those used
                                                      Nearly 39 million flights were includ-
craft type in the Airline Operations                                                               to develop ICAO’s projections that
                                                      ed in the Airline Operations Database
Database was not operated by a U.S.                                                                CO 2 emissions from international
                                                      for 2018, and of these, 38 million were
passenger airline, then the fuel burn                                                              aviation will triple under business as
                                                      flown by passenger aircraft. The glob-
correction factor for a comparable                                                                 usual by 2050 (ICAO, 2019a).8
                                                      al operations modeled in this study
aircraft was used.                                    agreed well with industry estimates.         As shown in Figure 1, passenger
                                                      Our estimate of the total passenger          transport accounted for 747 MMT, or
I n a d d i t i o n , d at a f ro m t h e C i v i l
                                                      demand by global passenger airlines          81%, of commercial aviation carbon
Aviation Administration of China
                                                      was 8,503 billion RPKs, about 2%             emissions in 2018. Passenger move-
( 2 0 1 9 ) a n d J a p a n ’s M i n i s t r y o f
                                                      higher than IATA’s published value           ment in narrowbody aircraft was
Land, Infrastructure, Transport and
                                                      of 8,330 billion RPKs. The total cargo       linked to 43% of aviation CO 2, fol-
Tourism (2019) was used to validate
                                                      demand transported was estimated             lowed by widebody jets (33%), and
the results for these two nations. If
                                                      as 260 billion freight tonne kilometers      regional aircraft (5%). The remaining
aviation fuel consumption was re-
                                                      (FTKs), within 1% of IATA’s published        19% of total aviation emissions, 171
ported as a volume (i.e., in gallons
                                                      value of 262 billion FTKs.                   MMT, were driven by freight carriage
or liters), a density of 0.8 kg per liter
                                                                                                   and divided between “belly” freight
was used (ICAO, 2019c). Alternative
                                                      TOTAL GLOBAL CO2 EMISSIONS                   carriage on passenger jets (11%) and
jet fuels, which accounted for only                                                                dedicated freighter operations (8%).
0.002% of global jet fuel use in 2018                 We estimate that global aviation
(Hupe, 2019), were not included in                    operations for both passenger and            G i ve n t h at p a ss e n g e r t ra n s p o r t
this analysis.                                        cargo carriage emitted 918 MMT of            emitted four times as much CO 2
                                                      CO 2 in 2018, about 2% higher than
7   Previous ICCT studies compared the                IATA’s published value. This equals          8   ICAO projects a 2.2 to 3.1-fold increase
    relative, not absolute, fuel consumption          2.4% of the estimated 37.9 giga-                 in CO2 emissions from international
    of airlines, and did not apply fuel burn                                                           aviation from 2015 to 2045, or a 2.7%
    correction factors to modeled Piano values.
                                                      tonnes of CO2 emitted globally from              to 3.9% annual compound growth rate,
    This is because doing so was not expected         fossil fuel use that year (Crippa et al.,        depending upon assumptions about
    to influence the relative rankings of carriers.   2019). Using industry’s values, CO 2             fuel-efficiency gains. A simple average of
    However, these correction factors were                                                             the compound growth rates implies a 3.3%
    required for this paper, as absolute fuel         emissions from commercial flights                annual increase and a 2.8-fold increase in
    burn and CO2 emissions were assessed.             have increased 32% over the past five            emissions from 2018 to 2050.

4   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                                       WORKING PAPER 2019-16

than freight transport in commercial           Table 1. CO2 emissions from passenger transport in 2018, by operations
aviation, the focus of the rest of this
                                                                            Departures                         RPKs                       CO2
paper is on passenger transport and
                                                  Operations            Million     % of total    billions       % of total       [MMT]     % of total
aircraft. Future work can refine the
                                                Domestic                  25            67             3,115           37          296            40
data on cargo carriage, and recall
                                                International             13            33            5,388            63          451            60
from above that analysis of such
activity is somewhat impeded by                 Total                     38           100        8,503               100          747          100

data availability constraints applied
by carriers.                                   operations accounted for a large                         territories included in the Airline
                                               majority of departures in a number                       Operations Database, a total of 83
                                               of countries, including Brazil (92%),                    had domestic flights account for 1%
                                               the United States (91%), China (91%),                    or less of total departures.
                                               I n d o n e s i a ( 8 9 % ) , a n d A u s t ra l i a
Globally, two-thirds of all flights in         (86%). These are all countries                           Since the Airline Operations Database
2018 were domestic, as shown in                with large total area. Conversely,                       includes the departure and arrival
Table 1. These account for approxi-            nearly all flights from the United                       airports for every commercial pas-
mately one-third of global RPKs and            Arab Emirates, a comparatively                           senger flight, the carbon emissions
40% of global passenger transport-             smaller country, are international                       from passenger air transport can
related CO 2 emissions. Domestic               operations. Of the 230 nations and                       be allocated to specific regions and

Table 2. CO2 emissions and carbon intensity from passenger transport in 2018, by regional route group

                        Route Group                                               % of Total        RPKs              % of Total     Carbon Intensity
 Rank             (Not directional specific)               CO2 [MMT]                 CO2          (billions)            RPKs          [g CO2/RPK]
   1    Intra-Asia/Pacific                                      186                   25              2,173                 26              86
  2     Intra-North America                                      136                   18             1,425                  17             96
  3     Intra-Europe                                            103                    14              1,189                 14             86
  4     Europe 1 North America                                 50.0                   6.7              597                  7.0             84
  5     Asia/Pacific 1 Europe                                  43.4                   5.8              523                  6.1             83
  6     Asia/Pacific 1 North America                           38.7                   5.2              459                  5.4             84
  7     Asia/Pacific 1 Middle East                             33.5                   4.5              388                  4.6             86
  8     Intra-Latin America/Caribbean                           29.1                  3.9              303                  3.6             96
  9     Europe 1 Middle East                                    25.1                  3.4               291                 3.4             86
  10    Latin America/Caribbean 1 North America                23.4                   3.1              290                  3.4              81
  11    Europe 1 Latin America/Caribbean                         21.1                 2.8              259                  3.1              81
  12    Africa 1 Europe                                         16.5                  2.2               197                 2.3             84
  13    Intra-Middle East                                       9.18                  1.2              79.0                 0.9             116
  14    Middle East 1 North America                            8.84                   1.2              98.8                 1.2             89
  15    Intra-Africa                                           8.62                   1.2              72.6                 0.9             119
  16    Africa 1 Middle East                                    7.75                  1.0              84.8                 1.0              91
  17    Africa 1 Asia/Pacific                                   2.73                  0.4              30.0                 0.4              91
  18    Africa 1 North America                                  1.90                  0.3              19.4                 0.2             98
  19    Asia/Pacific 1 Latin America/Caribbean                  0.91                  0.1              10.2                 0.1             89
  20    Latin America/Caribbean 1 Middle East                  0.79                   0.1              8.29                 0.1             96
  21    Africa 1 Latin America/Caribbean                       0.46                   0.1              4.73                 0.1             97
Total                                                           747                  100              8,503             100                 88

WORKING PAPER 2019-16                                                                  INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                    5

countries by the departure airport. 9                   Table 3. CO2 emissions from passenger transport in 2018 – top 10 departure countries
Table 2 lists all 21 route groups, using
                                                                    Departure                       CO2         % of Total        RPKs           % of
ICAO-defined regions. Note that                             Rank     country      Operations       [MMT]           CO2          (billions)    Total RPKs
ICAO further breaks the regions into
                                                                                 Domestic             126              17         1,328             16
subregions. For example, the Asia/                                  United
                                                              1                  International        56.1            7.4          650             7.6
Pacific region is made up of Central                                Statesa
and South West Asia, North Asia, and                                             Total                182             24          1,976            23
Pacific South East Asia.                                                         Domestic            65.9            8.8            781            9.2
                                                             2      Chinab       International       29.0            3.9            361           4.2
Flights within the Asia/Pacific re-
                                                                                 Total               94.9             13          1,142             13
gion emitted the largest share of
                                                                                 Domestic             1.51           0.2           12.0           0.2
passenger transport-related CO 2                                    United
at 2 5 % o f t h e g l o b a l to t a l . Th i s             3                   International       28.3            3.8            328           3.9
re g i o n co n t a i n s fo u r o u t o f t h e                                 Total               29.8            4.0           350             4.1
10 nations with the most aviation                                                Domestic             9.41            1.2          95.5             1.1
R P K s i n Ta b l e 3 (C h i n a , J a p a n ,              4      Japan        International       14.0             1.9           172           2.0
India, and Australia). Intra-North                                               Total               23.4             3.1          267             3.1
A m e r i c a f l i g h t s — U. S . d o m e st i c ,                            Domestic             1.53           0.2            12.4           0.1
Canada domestic, and transbor-
                                                             5      Germany      International       20.7            2.8            235            2.8
der flights—emitted nearly 18% of
                                                                                 Total               22.2            3.0           247            2.9
global passenger CO 2 emissions.
Collectively, the 28 current mem-                                                Domestic

and low passenger load factors in                   (a) ICCT-estimated passenger CO2 emissions,          (b) Global population data
these markets.                                            by source country income bracket                    from World Bank
                                                                         Low                                       Low
Table 3 lists the 10 countries with                  Lower Middle      Income                                    Income
the highest carbon emissions from                      Income             1%                                        9%
passenger transport by departure.                        9%
Overall, these countries and their
territories accounted for 60% of                                                                                            16%
both CO 2 and RPKs from global
co m m e rc i a l av i a t i o n p a ss e n g e r         Upper
transport.                                                Middle
                                                         Income                       High             Lower Middle
In 2018, flights departing an airport                      28%                      Income               Income             Upper Middle
in the United States and its territo-                                                 62%                 40%                 Income
ries supplied nearly 23% of global                                                                                              35%
RPKs, while emitting 24% of global
passenger transport-related CO 2 .
Domestic airline operations, where
both the departure and arrival air-                 Figure 2. CO2 emissions from passenger aviation operations and total population in
ports were located in a U.S. state                  2018, by country income bracket (United Nations, 2019; World Bank, 2019)
or territory, accounted for 16% of
global RPKs and 17% of global pas-                  Table 4. CO2 emissions and intensity from passenger transport in 2018, by aircraft class
senger CO 2 emissions. Flights that
departed China, Hong Kong, and                                       Departures         RPKs                          CO2
                                                                                                          Avg                        Carbon
Macau in 2018 accounted for 9% of                                           % of             % of      Distance         % of        Intensity
both demand and CO 2 from glob-                      Aircraft Class Million total billions   total       [km]     [MMT] total     [g CO2/RPK]
al commercial aviation passenger                     Regional        9.77     26       303       4        632        47       6       156
transport. Air travel within mainland               Narrowbody        25.1    66     4,629     54        1,330      395      53       85
China emitted 62 MMT of CO 2 and
                                                    Widebody          3.10      8    3,570     42       4,700      305       41       85
supplied 733 billion RPKs, both 8%
                                                    Total              38    100     8,503     100      1,425       747     100       88
of global totals.

Figure 2 shows the distribution                     CO2 EMISSIONS AND                                On average, transporting one pas-
o f CO 2 e m i s s i o n s f ro m p a s s e n -     INTENSITY BY AIRCRAFT TYPE                       senger emitted 88 g CO 2 /km of
ger aviation in 2018 across World                   AND STAGE LENGTH                                 flight distance, or 125 kg of carbon
Bank-defined income brackets: high                                                                   over the average flight distance of
                                                    Further analysis was conducted to
income (Organisation for Economic                                                                    1,425 km. An average narrowbody
                                                    determine the total CO2 and average
Co - o p e rat i o n a n d D eve l o p m e n t                                                       flight of 1,330 km emitted 113 kg
                                                    carbon intensity for each aircraft type
countries); upper middle income                                                                      of CO 2 per passenger. An average
                                                    included in the Airline Operations
(e.g., China); lower middle income                                                                   widebody aircraft flight of 4,700
                                                    Database. Table 4 analyzes flight op-
(e.g., India); and low income (e.g.,                                                                 km emitted 400 kg of CO2 per pas-
Uganda). High-income countries                      erations by aircraft class—regional
                                                                                                     senger. Round trips between two
were responsible for 62% of CO 2                    (turboprops and regional jets), nar-
                                                                                                     airports would emit twice as much
emitted from passenger aircraft                     rowbody, and widebody. Two-thirds
                                                                                                     CO2 over the full itinerary.
in 2018, followed by upper middle                   of all passenger flights were operated
(28%), lower middle income (9%),                    on narrowbody aircraft in 2018, ac-              Figure 3 shows the percentage dis-
and low income (1%). This means                     counting for 54% of all RPKs and 53%             tribution of passenger aircraft CO 2
that overall, less developed coun-                  of passenger CO2 emissions exclud-               emissions (the blue bars) and car-
tries that contain half of the world’s              ing freight. On average, narrowbodies            bon intensity by stage length (the
population accounted for only 10%                   and widebodies had the same carbon               orange line) in 500 km increments.
of all passenger transport-related                  intensity, with regional aircraft emit-          Approximately one-third of pas-
aviation CO2.                                       ting 84% more CO2 per RPK.                       senger CO 2 emissions occurred on

WORKING PAPER 2019-16                                                               INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION             7

short-haul flights of less than 1,500                                                           16%                                                       160

                                                  Percentage of total passenger CO2 emissions
km. An additional one-third occurred                                                                                     carbon intensity      % of CO2
on medium-haul flights of between                                                               14%                                                       140

                                                                                                                                                                Carbon intensity [g CO2 / RPK]
1,500 km and 4,000 km, and the
remaining third on long-haul flights                                                            12%                                                       120
greater than 4,000 km. 10 Regional
                                                                                                10%                                                       100
flights less than 500 km, roughly
the distance where aircraft compete
                                                                                                8%                                                        80
directly with other modes of passen-
ger transport, accounted for about
                                                                                                6%                                                        60
5% of total passenger CO2 emissions.
                                                                                                4%                                                        40
The carbon intensity of medium- and
long-haul flights varies between 75
                                                                                                2%                                                        20
and 95 g CO2/RPK, with a minimum at
about 3,000 km and a slight upward                                                                                                                        0
slope as flight length increases.11 On
                                                                                                                0 - 500
                                                                                                             501 - 1,000
                                                                                                           1,001 - 1,500
                                                                                                          1,501 - 2,000
                                                                                                          2,001 - 2,500
                                                                                                          2,501 - 3,000
                                                                                                          3,001 - 3,500
                                                                                                         3,501 - 4,000
                                                                                                         4,001 - 4,500
                                                                                                         4,501 - 5,000
                                                                                                          5,001 - 5,500
                                                                                                         5,501 - 6,000
                                                                                                         6,001 - 6,500
                                                                                                          6,501 - 7,000
                                                                                                          7,001 - 7,500
                                                                                                          7,501 - 8,000
                                                                                                         8,001 - 8,500
                                                                                                         8,501 - 9,000
                                                                                                         9,001 - 9,500
                                                                                                        9,501 - 10,000
                                                                                                      10,001 - 10,500
                                                                                                       10,501 - 11,000
                                                                                                         11,001 - 11,500
                                                                                                        11,501 - 12,000
                                                                                                       12,001 - 12,500
                                                                                                       12,501 - 13,000
short-haul flights, the average car-
bon intensity is roughly 110 g CO 2/
RPK, or about 35% higher than the
medium-haul average. On regional
flights of 500 km or less, the carbon
                                                                                                            Flight distance [km]
intensity of flying roughly doubles,
                                                      Figure 3. Share of passenger CO2 emissions and carbon intensity in 2018, by stage length.
to 155 g of CO2/RPK. This is because
the extra fuel used for takeoff be-                   software. Both the airline opera-                                emissions’ impacts and data about
comes relatively large compared to                    tions estimated in this study and                                where those emissions are originat-
the more fuel-efficient cruise seg-                   the estimates of total global carbon                             ing from, is needed.
ment, and also because of the use of
                                                      emissions agreed well with highly
less fuel-efficient regional jets on the                                                                               The ICCT aims to update this work
                                                      aggregated industry estimates.
shortest flights.                                                                                                      annually to provide global, national,
                                                      This data set is provided at a time                              and regional policymakers with the
CONCLUSIONS AND                                       when the climate impact of air trans-                            data needed to develop strategies
                                                      port is coming under increasing                                  that will reduce carbon emissions
                                                      scrutiny. Airlines and governments                               from commercial aviation while still
This paper provided an up-to-date,                    are beginning to take heed, but ex-                              accommodating future passenger
bottom-up, and transparent global                     isting policies such the ICAO’s CO 2                             and freight demand. We envision
CO 2 inventory for commercial avia-                   standard for new aircraft and its                                several avenues for refinement of
tion. Multiple public data sources                    Carbon Offsetting and Reduction                                  this data. One, we will identify bet-
were acquired and merged to quan-
                                                      Scheme for International Aviation                                ter data sources to improve the
tify the amount of fuel burned and,
                                                      are not expected to reduce aircraft                              analysis of air freight, in particular
therefore, CO 2 emitted, using an
                                                      emissions significantly (Graver &                                to support allocation of air freight
aircraft performance and design
                                                      Rutherford, 2018c; Pavlenko, 2018).                              to regions and countries. Two, we
                                                      Additionally, the ICAO has yet to cod-                           will pursue expanded work on model
10 EUROCONTROL’s distance definitions for
   short-, medium-, and long-haul flights were        ify a 2050 climate goal in the way the                           validation, particularly for domestic
   used. See       International Maritime Organization                              operations, using international, na-
                                                      (IMO), its sister agency governing                               tional, and airline-level data. Three,
11 This phenomenon, known colloquially as             international shipping, already has                              data on projected emissions over
   “burning fuel to carry fuel,” occurs because       for oceangoing vessels (Rutherford,                              time based upon annual, updated
   longer flights are disproportionately heavy
   at takeoff due to the extra fuel needed to
                                                      2018). Further action, supported by                              inventories may be integrated into
   travel long distances.                             the best available science on aviation                           future reports.

8   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                                                          WORKING PAPER 2019-16

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Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism of       Pidcock, R., & Yeo, S. (2016, August 8). Analysis: Aviation
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   J.A.H.W. (2016). Trends in global CO2 emissions: 2016 report
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10   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                         WORKING PAPER 2019-16

APPENDIX A: ICAO Statistical Regions                                                 Europe Region, Europe Subregion
                                                                                     Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
and Subregions                                                                       Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia,
                                                                                     Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe
Africa Region, North Africa Subregion
                                                                                     Islands, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Gibraltar,
Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Western Sahara
                                                                                     Greece, Greenland, The Holy See, Hungary, Iceland,
                                                                                     Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein,
Africa Region, Sub Saharan Africa Subregion
                                                                                     Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Republic of Moldova,
Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi,
                                                                                     Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia,
Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad,
                                                                                     Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation,
Comoros, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of
                                                                                     San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
the Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia,
                                                                                     Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom
Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya,
Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania,
                                                                                     Latin America/Caribbean Region, Central America/
Mauritius, Mayotte, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria,
                                                                                     Caribbean Subregion
Reunion Island, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal,
                                                                                     Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas,
Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South
                                                                                     Barbados, Belize, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Cayman
Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Togo, Uganda, United Republic
                                                                                     Islands, Costa Rica, Cuba, Curacao, Dominica, Dominican
of Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe
                                                                                     Republic, El Salvador, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala,
                                                                                     Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, Montserrat,
Asia/Pacific Region, Central and South West Asia
                                                                                     Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico,
Af g h a n i s t a n , B a n g l a d e s h , B h u t a n , C h i n a , I n d i a ,
                                                                                     Sint Maarten, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macau SAR, Mongolia, Myanmar,
                                                                                     and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and
Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,
                                                                                     Caicos Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands

                                                                                     Latin America/Caribbean Region, South America
Asia/Pacific Region, North Asia
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Hong Kong SAR,
                                                                                     Argentina, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Brazil, Chile,
Japan, Republic of Korea, Chinese Taipei
                                                                                     Colombia, Easter Island, Ecuador, Falkland Islands,
                                                                                     French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, St. Helena and
Asia/Pacific Region, Pacific South East Asia                                         Ascension, Suriname, Uruguay, Bolivarian Republic of
A m e r i c a n S a m o a , Au st ra l i a , B r u n e i D a r u ss a l a m ,        Venezuela
Cambodia, Coco Islands, Cook Islands, Fiji, French
Polynesia, Guam, Indonesia, Johnston Island, Kingman’s
                                                                                     Middle East Region, Middle East Subregion
Reef, Kiribati, Lao People’s Democratic Republic,
                                                                                     Bahrain, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan,
Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Federated States
                                                                                     Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian
of Micronesia, Midway, Nauru, New Caledonia, New
                                                                                     Arab Republic, Under Palestinian Authority, United Arab
Zealand, Niue Islands, Norfolk Island, Palau, Palmyra,
                                                                                     Emirates, Yemen
Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Saipan (Mariana Islands),
Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Thailand, Timor-
                                                                                     North America Region, North America Subregion
Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Wake Island,
                                                                                     Bermuda, Canada, St. Pierre and Miquelon, United States
Wallis and Futuna Islands

WORKING PAPER 2019-16                                                                       INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION    11

APPENDIX B: Passenger Aircraft Load Factors by Route Group (ICAO, 2017)
                              Route Group               Passenger Load   Passenger-to-Freight
                        (Not directional specific)          Factor             Factor*
North Africa - Central and South West Asia                 72.90%              83.90%
North Africa - North Asia                                  72.90%              83.90%
North Africa - Pacific South East Asia                     72.90%              83.90%
Sub Saharan Africa - Central and South West Asia           72.90%              83.90%
Sub Saharan Africa - North Asia                            72.90%              83.90%
Sub Saharan Africa - Pacific South East Asia               72.90%              83.90%
North Africa - Middle East                                  71.10%             83.09%
Sub Saharan Africa - Middle East                            71.10%             83.09%
North Africa - North America                               77.28%              90.74%
Sub Saharan Africa - North America                         77.28%              90.74%
North Africa - Central America/Caribbean                    79.21%             84.41%
Sub Saharan Africa - Central America/Caribbean              79.21%             84.41%
Middle East - Central America/Caribbean                     79.21%             84.41%
North Africa - South America                               60.20%              84.41%
Sub Saharan Africa - South America                         60.20%              84.41%
Middle East - South America                                60.20%              84.41%
Central America/Caribbean - Europe                         83.00%              86.96%
Central America/Caribbean - North America                  81.05%              92.96%
Central America/Caribbean - South America                   77.10%             89.68%
Central Asia - Europe                                      82.08%              63.49%
Central Asia - Middle East                                 76.40%              81.26%
Central Asia - North America                               82.85%              62.28%
Central and South West Asia - North Asia                   73.50%              79.99%
Central and South West Asia - Pacific South East Asia      76.96%              80.65%
Europe - Middle East                                       74.38%               77.17%
Europe - North Africa                                      75.08%              82.16%
Europe - North America                                      82.16%             79.63%
Europe - North Asia                                        80.50%              63.49%
Europe - Pacific South East Asia                           79.50%              63.49%
Europe - South America                                     82.20%              77.10%
Europe - South West Asia                                    81.10%             63.49%
Europe - Sub Saharan Africa                                76.00%              82.16%
Intra-North Africa                                         60.35%              84.41%
Intra-Sub Saharan Africa                                   60.35%              84.41%
North Africa - Sub Saharan Africa                          60.35%              84.41%
Intra-Central America/Caribbean                            66.92%              94.90%
Intra-Central and South West Asia                          75.60%              79.99%


                               Route Group                                             Passenger Load                  Passenger-to-Freight
                         (Not directional specific)                                        Factor                            Factor
 Intra-Europe                                                                               80.89%                            96.23%
 Intra-Middle East                                                                          71.13%                             84.41%
 Intra-North America                                                                        81.78%                            93.34%
 Intra-North Asia                                                                           76.50%                            79.99%
 Intra-Pacific South East Asia                                                              76.05%                            79.99%
 Intra-South America                                                                        77.40%                            82.64%
 Central America/Caribbean - North Asia                                                     72.50%                            84.63%
 Central America/Caribbean - Pacific South East Asia                                        72.50%                            84.63%
 Middle East - North America                                                                77.91%                            79.56%
 Middle East - North Asia                                                                   77.50%                             81.26%
 Middle East - Pacific South East Asia                                                      77.50%                             81.26%
 Middle East - South West Asia                                                              77.90%                             81.26%
 North America - North Asia                                                                 80.44%                            66.34%
 North America - Pacific South East Asia                                                    77.50%                            84.44%
 North America - South America                                                              79.66%                            77.50%
 North America - South West Asia                                                            80.61%                            62.28%
 North Asia - Pacific South East Asia                                                       77.58%                            79.99%
*Passenger-to-freight factor is the proportion of aircraft payload that is allocated to passenger transport.
Note: For some route groups, the Central and South West Asia region has been separated into two subregions (e.g., Central Asia - Europe, Europe -
South West Asia).

WORKING PAPER 2019-16                                                               INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                  13
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