Evaluation of the genotoxic or mutagenic effects of thermal stress on cultured human lymphocytes

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Turkish Journal of Biology                                      Turk J Biol
                                                                                                        (2015) 39: 98-103
                                                                                                        © TÜBİTAK
                                               Research Article                                         doi:10.3906/biy-1404-55

               Evaluation of the genotoxic or mutagenic effects of thermal stress on
                                   cultured human lymphocytes
                          1,                        1                    2                          3                        1
         Hasan Basri İLA *, Mehmet TOPAKTAŞ , Mehmet ARSLAN , Mehmet BÜYÜKLEYLA , Erman Salih İSTİFLİ
                     Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Letters, Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey
                       Department of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Ardahan University, Ardahan, Turkey
                  Natural and Applied Science Institute, Department of Biology, Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey

       Received: 15.04.2014          Accepted: 14.07.2014           Published Online: 02.01.2015           Printed: 30.01.2015

Abstract: This study was performed to determine the cytogenetic effects of short-term thermal stress in human cultured lymphocytes.
Experimental heat shock (39 °C) was performed alone or with the addition of mitomycin C (MMC) to determine the synergistic or
antagonistic effects of heat shock on genotoxicity induced by MMC. In this study, during culture periods of 72 h, human peripheral
blood lymphocytes were exposed to heat shock for specified durations (30, 60, 120, and 240 min) 24 or 48 h before harvest. According to
our results, the selected temperatures did not show genotoxic or mutagenic effects. In summary, the heat shock tested did not show any
cytogenetic effect on the cultured blood cells and did not cause significant alterations in genotoxicity induced by MMC.

Key words: Heat shock, mitomycin C, in vitro, sister chromatid exchange, chromosome aberration, micronucleus

1. Introduction                                                       lethality was observed to increase. In other words, it was
All organisms in the ecosystem are in engaged in the                  stated that there was an increased sensitivity to heat at pH
effort of maintaining the optimal balance in their internal           7.4 and the temperature sensitivity of the cells was low at
environment as long as they survive. Acid–base balance                pH 6.9 (Li et al., 1990). While temperature applications in
and body temperature regulation are 2 of these balances.              Japanese fish exposed to heat shock at various levels (34
This concept, defined for the first time by C. Bernard in             °C, 36 °C, and 38 °C) produced DNA single-strand break
1865 (Cross and Albury, 1987), was named homeostasis                  and micronuclei, 38 °C heat inhibited cell proliferation.
by W.B. Cannon (1926). In particular, balance in the body             In addition, chromosome abnormalities were detected
temperature of an organism is important for life activities.          in metaphase at temperatures of 34 °C and 36 °C (Anitha
The normal internal body temperature of a human is in the             et al., 2000). Similarly, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells
range of 36.3 to 37.3 °C (Mackowiak et al., 1992), but it is          exposed to lethal heat stress (50 °C), oxidative stress was
possible for these ranges to have small deviations because            observed and anaerobic cells were observed to be more
of physiological reasons.                                             resistant to this stress than aerobic cells. It has been
    Temperature changes in an organism may be caused by               reported that aerobic heat stress causes degradation in
exogenous factors, but they may also depend on endogenous             the mitochondrial membrane (Davidson and Schiestl,
sources like pathological and hormonal phenomena.                     2001). In addition, it was stated that for triploid induction
Whatever the reason is, development of thermal stress                 in shrimp, which have economic importance, heat shock
(heat shock) as a result of sudden temperature changes is             (29–32 °C) was very effective (Li et al., 2003). In another
unavoidable. As a result of thermal stress, transcriptional           study performed on the same organism in fertilized shrimp
discrepancies and extraordinary RNA processing merge,                 (Fenneropenaeus chinensis), some abnormal chromosome
synthesis of mRNAs is stimulated, and various molecular               behaviors (3 pronuclei and triploid embryo development)
responses like heat shock protein accumulation occur                  were observed in eggs exposed to 10 min of heat shock
(Wu, 1995). In one of the limited studies investigating the           (30 ± 0.5 °C) (Zhang et al., 2003). The small number of
cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of thermal stress in Chinese          publications on this subject and the inadequate number of
hamster ovary (CHO) cells treated with 7 mM procaine                  studies investigating the effects of heat shock on known
HCl under alkaline conditions, temperature-dependent                  mutagens acted as the inspiration for our study.
* Correspondence: milenium@cu.edu.tr
İLA et al. / Turk J Biol

   Therefore, in this study, in order to determine the            rpm and then the supernatant was removed. The precipitate
genotoxic or mutagenic effect of heat shock alone or heat         was homogenized, a warmed (37 °C) hypotonic solution
shock + mitomycin C (MMC) treatment on cultured                   (0.4% KCl) was added, and the cells were treated at 37 °C
human peripheral blood cells, in vitro sister chromatid           for 5 min. At the end of the period, the suspension was
exchange (SCE), chromosomal aberration (CA), and                  precipitated by centrifuging the tubes for 15 min at 1200
micronuclei (MN) tests were performed.                            rpm and the supernatant was removed. After the addition
                                                                  of a cold fixative (1:3 glacial acetic acid and methanol),
2. Materials and methods                                          the cells were held at room temperature for 15 min and
In this study, human peripheral blood was used in vitro           centrifugation was performed again for 10 min at 1200 rpm.
as the test material. Whole blood was taken from healthy          This process was repeated 3 times in total. The cell pellet
volunteer blood donors (1 female and 1 male) who did              in the tube was homogenized and dropped onto a cold
not smoke or use drugs, and the ages (25–30 years) of the         slide from a height of 50 cm. After the slides dried under
donors were close to each other. Blood samples were taken         room temperature, they were stained with a 5% Giemsa
from the donors in sterile conditions and were added to           stain prepared in a Sorensen buffer and covered with
a chromosome medium (GIBCO cat. no. 12552-013) in a               Entellan. In order to determine chromosome aberrations,
volume of 2.5 mL. For incubation of the cultures and heat         100 well-spread metaphase chromosomes from each tube
shock treatment, an adjustable incubator (Incucell) was           were evaluated. Chromatid and chromosome gaps were
used. In order to determine the alteration caused by heat         not evaluated as chromosome abnormalities (Mace et al.,
shock on the genotoxic effects of mutagens, MMC (Sigma,           1978). Mitotic index (MI) was calculated by counting 3000
CAS number 50-07-7; 0.25 µg/mL), a known mutagen,                 cells in total from the slides of each donor.
was used (Erboğa and İla, 2013).                                      To investigate SCE, the fluorescence plus Giemsa
2.1. In vitro sister chromatid exchange and chromosome            method, developed by Speit and Haupter (1985) and
aberration assay                                                  Speit (1984), was modified and used. From each tube, 25
Determination of the genotoxic effects of mutagens and            well-spread metaphase chromosomes were evaluated for
carcinogens that may have genotoxic effects on humans is          SCE average. Proliferation index (PI) was determined
possible primarily through the use of SCE and CA tests.           according to the following formula by evaluating 100 total
When this type of study is planned and executed, there is a       cells undergoing first, second, and third mitosis from each
requirement to follow international guidelines. Therefore,        application.
this study was performed according to the International
Programme on Chemical Safety instructions published by
                                                                               1 × (M1) + 2 × (M2) + 3 × (M3)
Albertini et al. (2000).                                              PI =                                      ,
     In this study, to determine SCE and CA, the preparation                              100
and cell cultures were conducted according to the methods
modified by Evans (1984) and Perry and Thomson (1984).
In order to determine the genotoxic and mutagenic effects         where M1 is the number of cells undergoing the first
of heat shock producing stress, peripheral blood samples          mitosis, M2 is the number of cells undergoing the second
taken from the volunteer donors were transplanted as              mitosis, and M3 is the number of cells undergoing the
6 drops (0.2 mL) into chromosome media that were                  third mitosis.
heparinized at a 1/10 ratio in sterile cabins (Labormed). To          The significances between percentages of the mean
determine SCE, the cells were incubated for 72 h at 37 ± 0.5      for SCE, CA, PI, and MI in the treated cultures and their
°C by adding fresh 10 µg/mL 5′-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine              controls were evaluated using the t-test. At P < 0.05, the
solution (Sigma, CAS number: 59-14-3) into culture tubes          results were interpreted as statistically significant.
at the beginning of the incubation.                               2.2. In vitro micronucleus assay
     For the heat shock treatment (24 or 48 h after blood         The potential of heat shock to exert a genotoxic effect
transplantation), tubes were exposed to 39 °C for 30, 60,         was also investigated using a micronucleus test in human
120, and 240 min in a water bath (BM 302). In a parallel          peripheral lymphocytes. For the in vitro micronucleus
series, in addition to the heat shock, an effective dose of       test, the method developed by Rothfuss et al. (2000) was
MMC (0.25 µg/mL) was added. In order to block mitosis             modified and used. In this test, blood taken from the
in the metaphase stage, colchicine (Sigma, CAS number:            same donors was added to the chromosome medium
64-86-8) was added (0.06 µg/mL) 2 h before harvesting             and incubated for 68 h at 37 °C. Cytochalasin B (Sigma,
(i.e. at the 70th hour of the culture).                           CAS Number: 14930-96) was added at the 44th hour of
     At the end of 72 h, the length of culture time employed,     incubation to a final concentration of 6 µg/mL in order to
cells were precipitated by centrifugation for 5 min at 2000       block cytokinesis.

İLA et al. / Turk J Biol

    After the culture period elapsed, the tubes were                        Micronucleated binuclear cell percentages and NDI
centrifuged (2000 rpm for 5 min) and the precipitated                   values were determined in the controls and treated cultures
cells were incubated for 5 min in a warm (37 °C) hypotonic              and the significance of the values between the treated and
solution. The cell culture was then centrifuged (1200 rpm               control cultures was evaluated using the t-test. At P < 0.05,
for 10 min) and the precipitated cells were treated with a              the results were considered statistically significant.
cold first fixative (1:5:6 glacial acetic acid, methanol, and
0.9% NaCl) for 20 min. With the second and third cold                   3. Results
fixatives, treatment was repeated with the same principle
                                                                        3.1. Effects of heat shock upon sister chromatid exchange
(1:5 glacial acetic acid and methanol). Finally, slides were
                                                                        In this study, the findings of the group treated with heat
prepared by dropping cells onto the cold slides at close
                                                                        shock alone were compared to the findings of the control
range. These slides were stained with a 5% Giemsa stain
prepared in a Sorensen buffer and covered with Entellan                 group. Furthermore, findings of the heat shock + MMC
to be made permanent.                                                   treated group were compared with the findings of the
    In order to determine MN binuclear cells in the slides              MMC control.
prepared from the blood cultures of each group, 1000                    No significant differences were determined between
binuclear cells were examined. A total of 1000 cells were               SCE frequencies in the control group and in the cultures
scored to determine the frequency of the cells with 1, 2,               exposed to heat shock alone for various time durations (30,
3, or 4 nuclei and to calculate the nuclear division index              60, 120, and 240 min) after 24 or 48 h (P > 0.05). Although
(NDI) for the nucleus proliferation: NDI = (MI + 2MII                   there were increases in SCE frequencies in the cultures
+ 3MIII + 4MIV) / total, where MI, MII, MIII, and MIV                   where MMC was applied in addition to heat shock, no
represent the number of cells with 1–4 nuclei, respectively             significant difference was observed when compared to the
(Eastmond and Tucker, 1989).                                            MMC controls (Table 1).

Table 1. Frequency of chromosomal alterations (SCE, CA, and MN)* in human cultured blood cells treated with heat shock (HS) alone
or heat shock + MMC 24 or 48 h after blood transplantation.

                                                                     SCE ± SE mean %          CA ± SE mean %          MN ± SE mean %
Heat shock (39 °C)        HS duration (min)         Period (h)
Control (37 °C)           –                         –                5.36 ± 0.52              3.50 ± 1.50             0.30 ± 0.10
MMC (37 °C)               –                         24               40.42 ± 4.30             63.50 ± 7.50            0.50 ± 0.20
HS                        30                        24               6.18 ± 0.18              6.74 ± 0.27 (1)         0.05 ± 0.05
HS                        60                        24               6.14 ± 0.34              7.00 ± 4.00             0.65 ± 0.15
HS                        120                       24               6.06 ± 0.58              7.00 ± 1.00             0.35 ± 0.25
HS                        240                       24               6.34 ± 0.30              7.00 ± 0.01             0.30 ± 0.20
HS + MMC                  30                        24               40.82 ± 3.58             23.50 ± 1.50 b1         1.15 ± 0.35
HS + MMC                  60                        24               46.90 ± 7.30             50.00 ± 12.00           0.80 ± 0.80
HS + MMC                  120                       24               46.68 ± 5.96             55.00 ± 13.00           1.00 ± 0.10
HS + MMC                  240                       24               45.94 ± 1.54             59.50 ± 0.50            0.95 ± 0.35
MMC (37 °C)               –                         48               100.90 ± 6.62            206.90 ± 14.60 (2)      2.85 ± 0.55
HS                        30                        48               6.04 ± 0.28              13.00 ± 10.00           0.35 ± 0.25
HS                        60                        48               4.84 ± 0.68              8.50 ± 1.50             0.20 ± 0.10
HS                        120                       48               5.46 ± 0.30              14.00 ± 20.00           0.15 ± 0.05
HS                        240                       48               5.98 ± 0.46              10.50 ± 4.50            0.40 ± 0.30
HS + MMC                  30                        48               92.72 ± 8.55             179.70 ± 6.60 (3)       8.45 ± 5.45
HS + MMC                  60                        48               97.56 ± 4.76             137.00 ± 53.50          5.65 ± 0.55
HS + MMC                  120                       48               100.53 ± 6.25            162.50 ± 48.50          6.25 ± 0.85
HS + MMC                  240                       48               99.07 ± 1.07             188.60 ± 23.60 (4)      9.05 ± 0.45 b1
*A total of 50 metaphase chromosomes were examined for the detection of SCE, a total of 200 metaphase chromosomes were examined
for CA, and a total of 2000 binuclear cells were examined for MN. Due to toxicity, a total of (1)193, (2)120, (3)195, and (4)198 cells were
scored for CA examination. b1 =significant differences compared to MMC control at P < 0.05.

İLA et al. / Turk J Biol

3.2. Heat shock effects on chromosome aberration and                       in the other treatments were found not to be statistically
micronucleus                                                               significant (Table 1).
When CA and MN percentages obtained from the cultures                      3.3. Effects of thermal stress on cell proliferation
exposed to heat shock alone 24 or 48 h after initiating                    parameters
incubation were compared with the control, no significant                  There were slight but not significant differences in PI and
differences were found (Table 1). No significant difference                MI in the groups treated with heat shock + MMC or heat
was observed between the positive control and the group                    shock alone (Table 2).
where heat shock + MMC were applied, with 2 exceptions.                    The values calculated in the 3 applications in terms of NDI
CA frequencies obtained over 30 min in the heat shock +                    showed significant alterations compared to the controls.
MMC applied cultures 24 h after treatment were found to                    From these, in the treatment where 120 min of heat shock
be significantly lower when compared to the MMC control.                   was applied alone after 24 h of initiation of the culture,
Furthermore, in the group in which 240 min of heat shock                   the NDI value was found to be higher compared to the
+ MMC was applied 48 h after initiating of the culture,                    control; however, in the cultures that were exposed to 30
MN percentage was found to be significantly higher (P <                    and 240 min of heat shock + MMC 48 h after initiation
0.05) when compared to the positive control. Relatively                    of the culture, NDI was found to be significantly reduced
high CA as well as abnormal cells and MN values observed                   compared to its own control (Table 2).

Table 2. Evaluation of cell proliferation parameters (PI, MI, and NDI) in human cultured blood cells treated with heat shock (HS) alone
or heat shock + MMC 24 or 48 h after blood transplantation.

                                                                           PI ± SE (x) mean       MI ± SE (y) mean        NDI ± SE (z) mean
Heat shock (39 °C)           HS duration (min)        Period (h)
Control (37 °C)              –                        –                    2.430 ± 0.060          6.165 ± 0.435           1.290 ± 0.180
MMC (37 °C)                  –                        24                   1.635 ± 0.245          2.830 ± 0.100           1.450 ± 0.050
HS                           30                       24                   2.375 ± 0.015          6.580 ± 1.050           1.475 ± 0.125
HS                           60                       24                   2.320 ± 0.080          7.045 ± 0.485           1.305 ± 0.235
HS                           120                      24                   2.285 ± 0.055          6.715 ± 0.215           1.535 ± 0.005 a1
HS                           240                      24                   2.260 ± 0.090          6.860 ± 1.100           1.515 ± 0.105
HS + MMC                     30                       24                   1.790 ± 0.090          3.815 ± 0.415           1.260 ± 0.020
HS + MMC                     60                       24                   1.885 ± 0.155          3.180 ± 0.320           1.310 ± 0.080
HS + MMC                     120                      24                   1.775 ± 0.065          3.095 ± 0.435           1.412 ± 0.024
HS + MMC                     240                      24                   1.710 ± 0.130          2.715 ± 0.485           1.532 ± 0.153
MMC (37 °C)                  –                        48                   1.340 ± 0.150          2.080 ± 0.081           1.216 ± 0.655
HS                           30                       48                   2.285 ± 0.165          5.900 ± 1.400           1.350 ± 0.079
HS                           60                       48                   2.480 ± 0.040          6.350 ± 0.950           1.587 ± 0.127
HS                           120                      48                   2.370 ± 0.070          5.780 ± 1.320           1.663 ± 0.137
HS                           240                      48                   2.365 ± 0.175          6.380 ± 0.850           1.383 ± 0.097
HS + MMC                     30                       48                   1.225 ± 0.065          2.630 ± 0.730           1.137 ± 0.003 a1b1
HS + MMC                     60                       48                   1.300 ± 0.010          2.450 ± 0.750           1.087 ± 0.075
HS + MMC                     120                      48                   1.310 ± 0.050          2.815 ± 0.485           1.203 ± 0.106
HS + MMC                     240                      48                   1.280 ± 0.080          2.615 ± 0.285           1.096 ± 0.004 a1b1

A total of (x) 200, (y) 6000, and (z) 2000 cells were counted for PI, MI, and NDI, respectively. a1 = significant differences compared to control
and b1 = significant differences compared to MMC control at P < 0.05.

İLA et al. / Turk J Biol

4. Discussion                                                            to 40 °C heat shock in the first hour of seed germination
The body heats of organisms are prone to instantaneous                   was reduced, and a preheating process was determined
rises owing to internal and external reasons. It is inevitable           not to change nitrosomethylurea sensitivity (Mashkina
that these sudden and transient rises, occurring within the              and Gus’kov, 2002). Various stresses such as heat shock
thermal tolerance limits of the organism, will trigger some              induced germ cell apoptosis of Caenorhabditis elegans
molecular and cellular response mechanisms.                              but did not involve genotoxicity (Salinas et al., 2006).
    The temperature tested in this study (39 °C) was lower               However, it was reported that 30 min of preheat shock can
than the denaturation temperature of biological molecules.               inhibit γH2AX foci formation induced by an alkylating
However, in some studies, it was stated that endonucleases               agent, N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. These
(S1 nuclease) that were activated in the presence of                     data suggest that although heat shock might influence the
denatured DNA (a single-stranded molecule) that arose                    γH2AX foci formation process, it does not stimulate DNA
by increased temperature caused DNA breakages (Hunter                    damage in the different cells lines (including HeLa, CHL,
et al., 1976), and also that the DNA of a metaphase cell                 HepG2, and 293 other cells, as well as human spermatozoa)
is denatured at approximately 8–10 °C lower temperatures                 (Dong et al., 2007). Likewise, heat can induce γH2AX foci
than are interphase cell DNAs (Darzynkiewicz et                          formation in many mammalian cell lines (Takahashi et al.,
al., 1977). Expression increases in the genes of heat
shock proteins come at the beginning of the molecular
                                                                             The type of alterations in the parameters related to
mechanism alterations as a response to the temperature
                                                                         chromosome morphology in cells exposed to heat shock
increases (Kelley and Schlesinger, 1978). It was reported
                                                                         (39 °C) for certain time periods and the alterations in the
that heat shock applied to Drosophila melanogaster caused
                                                                         response of cells to heat stress + a genotoxic compound
expression of a small number of RNA transcripts; some of
                                                                         (MMC) constitute the backbone of this study. The
them coded proteins (Bonner and Kerby, 1982). In CHO
cells, molecular changes such as aggregation or protein                  temperature level tested in this study, 39 °C, is a level
denaturation as a result of exposure to temperature and                  that can induce stress for humans. However, according
also radiation for various times at 43 °C caused cell cycle              to our study, it would be plausible to say that the tested
delay, chromosome aberrations, and cell death events.                    temperature generally does not have any clastogenic effect.
In addition, the S phase was found to be more sensitive                  The insignificant effects shown by heat shock on various
to heat shock than the G1 phase (Dewey et al., 1990).                    indexes (PI, MI, and NDI) lead us to the impression that
Temperature-dependent increases in the expression levels                 thermal stress does not affect the cell proliferation course.
of some genes like estrogen in some salamander larvae and                In summary, it was concluded that the heat shock (39 °C)
the early stages of reptile embryos were determined to play              did not have any genotoxic or mutagenic effect on cultured
an important role in sex differentiation (Dournon et al.,                human peripheral lymphocytes, and it also failed to alter
1990). It was stated that, in CHO cells, the effect of lethality         the sensitivity of lymphocytes to MMC. The clear effect of
and chromosomal damage after cisplatin treatment at 37                   heat shock in this study was not apparent.
°C or 41.5 °C were similar and the S phase was detected
to be more sensitive in terms of damage affinities than the              Acknowledgment
G1 phase (Krishnaswamy and Dewey, 1993). Proliferation                   This work was funded by the Çukurova University
activity in the root meristem cells of sunflower exposed                 Research Fund: FEF2011BAP4.

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