Page created by Enrique Little
November 2019
  1. Purpose & Objectives.............................................................. 3

  2. The Caravan & Camping Market............................................ 3

  4. The Gladstone Region............................................................ 4

  5. Consultation Priorities........................................................... 4

  6. Current Situation.................................................................... 4
    6.1 Existing Sites (non-commercial)
  		 on Council controlled land...............................................4
    6.2 Commercial Caravan Parks
  		 and Campgrounds..............................................................6
    6.3 State Forests, National Parks
  		 and Recreation Areas......................................................... 7
    6.4 Roadside Rest Areas for
  		 Drive Fatigue Management............................................... 7
         6.5 Unauthorised Sites.............................................................8
         6.6 Wastewater Policy...............................................................8
    6.7 Effluent Dump Points and
  		 Potable Water Fill Points...................................................9
         6.8 Designated Long Vehicle Parking (Day Use)............... 10

  RV Friendly Town Program........................................................11

  RV Friendly Destination.............................................................12

  CMCA RV Park Network............................................................13

  7. Into the Future........................................................................14
         7.1 Attractions & Experiences.............................................. 14
         7.2	RV Friendly Towns & Destinations................................ 14
         7.3 Overflow Policy.................................................................. 14
         7.4 Welcome and Volunteer Host Programs..................... 14
         7.5 Increasing Gladstone Region’s RV Profile................... 15

  Gladstone Region RV Strategy 5-Year Action Plan..................16

  Consultation & Process.............................................................19


  Appendix 1.................................................................................. 20

  Appendix 2................................................................................. 22

  Appendix 3................................................................................. 24

  Appendix 4................................................................................. 25

  Appendix 5................................................................................. 26

                                                                                         Gladstone Region Recreational Vehicle Strategy   2
1. PURPOSE &                                          There is a trend towards self-                     2. THE CARAVAN &
OBJECTIVES                                            contained recreational vehicles
                                                                                                         CAMPING MARKET
                                                      as evidenced by environmentally
                                                      sustainable policies such as ‘Leave No             Australia’s RV industry enjoyed a
One of the Destination Tourism Plan
                                                      Trace’ that have been adopted by the               record year in 2018, with domestic
priorities for the Gladstone Region
                                                      Campervan and Motorclub of Australia               caravan and camping trips exceeding
is the Drive Market of which the
                                                      (CMCA) which serves to mitigate                    12.8 million overnight trips equating
RV market has been identified as a
                                                      the damage done to the natural                     to a 7.1% increase from 2017 2. The
potential growth market for the region,                                                                  RV market generates 21.8 Billion in
                                                      environment by the drive market.
based on current and projected                                                                           economic impact to the Australian
growth of the market in Australia.                                                                       economy annually and in 2018.

Currently, locations such as Agnes                    A RECREATIONAL VEHICLE                             Queensland had the largest fleet
Water and Town of 1770 have                           AS DEFINED BY THE                                  of Caravans and Campervans in
carrying capacity issues during                       QUEENSLAND CAMPING                                 Australia, totalling 180,092 3. This
high seasons, with caravan parks                      OPTIONS TOOLKIT IS:                                equates to 26.5% of all registered
experiencing 100% occupancy and                                                                          Caravans and Campervans Australia-
illegal free camping occurring.                       ‘A CARAVAN, MOTORHOME                              wide. In addition, Queensland
                                                      OR CAMPERVAN THAT HAS                              experienced the largest significant
Within Gladstone City there are no                    BUILT IN EATING, SLEEPING,                         growth in terms of RV visitor numbers
free camping/RV friendly sites.                       FOOD STORAGE AND                                   from 2017 – 2018 making the state

Particularly to help increase
                                                      PREPARATION FACILITIES                             the most attractive region for

economic return from this market,
                                                      AND ALSO CONTAINS A                                visitation from the RV market.

it is recommended to develop RV
                                                      TOILET, SHOWER AND
                                                                                                         In terms of activities undertaken
friendly sites in the region to grow
                                                      HOLDING TANKS FOR BOTH
                                                                                                         by domestic campers whilst on
Gladstone Region’s reputation as an
                                                      GREY AND BLACK WATER,
                                                                                                         their trip, eating out was the most
RV Friendly destination, particularly
                                                      CLEAN WATER STORAGE                                popular activity, with 6.5 million
to address:
                                                      AND HOT WATER SERVICE.’                            trips involving this activity. Other
                                                                                                         activities that followed included
→ To increase visitation near retail                                                                    outdoor sightseeing, going to the
   CBD of Gladstone                                   THE OBJECTIVES OF THIS                             beach and bush-walking all being
                                                      STRATEGY ARE TO:                                   involved in more than 4 million
→ Address overflow and illegal
                                                                                                         caravan/camping trips.
  free camping for areas currently                    → Ascertain economic outcomes
  experiencing capacity issues                           and discover opportunities
                                                         to attract RV travellers to the                 3. RV TRENDS –
This strategy has been developed
as a support document for the
                                                         Gladstone Region and drive                      SUPPLY + DEMAND
Gladstone Region Visitor Economy
                                                         repeat visitation                               ISSUES
Strategy based on a need to identify                  →E
                                                        valuate Council or CMCA owned
current opportunities that exist                                                                         The rapid growth in sales of self-
                                                       RV/overnight sites and identify
                                                                                                         contained caravans, outstripping
within the Gladstone Region for                        current facilities available for
                                                                                                         that of motorhomes, has
attracting the recreational vehicle                    each site
                                                                                                         significantly increased demand
(RVs)1 market.
                                                        ecommendations that can be                      for low-cost, no-frills parking and
The report is influenced by the                        made towards an enhanced                          camping options.
recommendations made by the                            visitor experience for such sites
                                                                                                         At the same time of this rapid
Queensland Camping Options Toolkit
                                                        rovide marketing opportunities                  growth in the number of self-
which outlines industry supported
                                                                                                         contained vehicles, the number of
solutions for local government,                        for the Gladstone Region to
                                                                                                         caravan parks offering “no frills” has
including land management                              the RV market and improve
                                                                                                         declined, and in some areas, such as
issues that can be adapted and                         the quality of information
                                                                                                         Gladstone City, other users, such as
implemented to the many changing                       disseminated to RV travellers
                                                                                                         fly-in/commercial traveller demand
needs of RV travellers.                                                                                  has seen the number of non-
                                                                                                         powered sites decrease, and often
                                                                                                         replaced with self-contained cabins.
    A recreational vehicle is ‘a vehicle that combines transportation and temporary living quarters
    for travel, recreation and camping’ as defined by the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association      Manned caravan parks are no longer
    2019 Caravan and Camping State of Industry - Caravan Association of Australia                        low-cost accommodation providers
    Caravan and Campervan Data Report – BDO

                                                                                               Gladstone Region Recreational Vehicle Strategy     3
and generally do not offer products                 → I NCREASING DEMAND - there                       →C
                                                                                                          ouncil owned overnight sites
priced to meet the “no-frills”                         is an increasing demand for                       and facilities
requirements of the self-contained                     overflow sites especially relating
                                                                                                        → Roadside Rest Areas
RV market. They are heavily reliant                    to the Agnes Water area during
on a family market (representing over                  peak season.                                     →C
                                                                                                          ommercial Caravan Parks and
50% of their market), with growth in                                                                     Campgrounds
auxiliary facilities and services such              →R
                                                      V FRIENDLY – the need to
                                                     provide more RV sites in general                   →C
                                                                                                          ampgrounds within State
as self-contained cabins, children’s                                                                     Forests, National Parks and
splash pools and sandpits, games                     with regards to Gladstone City
                                                     where there is an identified lack                   Recreations Areas
rooms and internet kiosks.
                                                     of sites and facilities to cater for               →U
                                                                                                          nauthorised sites popular
                                                     this market.                                        amongst the RV market
REGION                                              →G
                                                      LADSTONE REGION PROFILE                          6.1 EXISTING SITES (NON-
                                                     – the need to increase the                         COMMERCIAL) ON COUNCIL
The Gladstone Region is an                           Gladstone Region on third-party                    CONTROLLED LAND
indisputably popular spot for the                    camping apps such as YouCamp.
                                                                                                        There are five sites in the region for
Caravan, Camping and RV market.
                                                                                                        RV travellers where overnight stays
The region is a popular fishing                     6. CURRENT                                          are permitted on land that is either
destination and the gateway to                      SITUATION                                           owned or managed by Council. Of
the Southern Great Barrier Reef                                                                         these sites, three are paid sites and
which includes Heron Island,                        There are a number of sites                         two are free resting sites. A minimum
Lady Musgrave Island, Masthead                      located around the Gladstone                        level of standards for these existing
Island, North West Island, and                      Region where travellers can stop                    facilities will be introduced under
Wilson Island. In addition, there                   to rest or stay overnight. Such                     the proposed hierarchy of stops
are are a number of national parks                  locations can range from rest                       (Refer to Section 6). In addition, The
that surround the region such                       areas on highways to existing                       Action Plan attached to this Strategy
as Kroombit Tops National Park,                     Council sites and facilities, and                   identifies a series of actions that will
Eurimbula National Park, and                        campgrounds within a National Park.                 include improvements to existing
Deepwater National Park. Popular                                                                        sites (e.g. infrastructure and signage)
camping and RV destinations include                 The following section splits                        as well help establish a minimum
Agnes Water and Town of 1770 as Balaclava           overnight camping Curtis
                                                                       sites     in to the
                                                                             Island                     standard of what to expect for
                                   Island                             National park
well as Lake Awoonga, Tannum                        following categories:                               facilities at planned future sites.
Sands, Calliope and Mt. Larcom.                                   Curtis Island
                                      Creek     Rundle   1: Existing overnight facilities on Council owned/controlled land,
                                                National Park
5. CONSULTATION                                     numbered  below in Table 1
                                                         The Narrows

                                                                                  South End

The consultation phase for Ambrose
                                                          Targinnie               4     4
                                                                                  Facing Island
                                                                  Port Curtis
strategy involved workshops for                      Yarwun
                               Mount Larcom
the Visitor Economy Strategy
and Destination Tourism Plan                                                     5
                                                                              Boyne Island
(DTP), interviews with individuals                          2                           Tannum Sands
that represented local Council,                                                            Wild Cattle Island
                                                                                             National Park
the tourism businesses, and RV                                                                   Hummock Hill
market. The input provided helped
                                              N HIG
                                                    HW A Y
                                                            Calliope Benaraby                        Island
gauge Gladstone Region as a travel D A W                              Lake
                                                                   Awoonga                                    Turkey Beach
destination for the RV market,                                                                                                   Eurimbula
evaluating the state of the industry                                                                                            National Park

and improving visitor experience for                                      Castle Tower                                                     Seventeen Seventy
the drive market.                                              1         National Park
                                                                                                                                                Agnes Water

THE FOLLOWING KEY THEMES                                                                                Bororen                           3
WERE IDENTIFIED:                                                                                                                                    Deepwater
                                                                                                                                                   National Park
                                                  Kroombit Tops
                                                                                                              Miriam Vale
→ DUMP POINTS - there should be                  National Park                       Nagoorin
                                                                                                           Mount Colosseum
   an increase of dump points around                                                   Ubobo                National Park                           Broadwater
                                                                                                                                                  Conservation Park
   the region (E.g. Gladstone City,
   Boyne Tannum, and Miram Vale).                                                                                                       Baffle Creek        Rules
                                                                                                                           Lowmead      Baffle Creek
                                                                                  Many Peaks Gladstone Region Recreational Vehicle Strategy          4


           SITE                                INFRASTRUCTURE/               COST                           COMMENTS

 1. Futter Creek Camping    Calliope         → Rest area              No Charge         →N
                                                                                              ot a popular site compared to Calliope
 Reserve, Boynedale         (Approximately                                                   River Picnic Area or Boynedale Bush
                                             → Toilet
 Gladstone-Monto Rd         20.9 km)                                                         Camp a few KM down the road
                                             → Picnic
                                                                                              ite is well located to extend
                                             → 72-hour
                                                     time limit                            travellers stays in western region
                                             → No
                                                fires allowed                              due to alternative free camping relative
                                             → Dogs
                                                  not allowed                              to commercial paid sites
                                                                                              ecommend increasing visibility of
                                                                                             signage for site
                                                                                              any remnants of fire pits by visitors
                                                                                             around the reserve
                                                                                              ecommend increasing enforcement
                                                                                             of the “No Fires Policy” in addition to
                                                                                             additional maintenance on-site to collect
                                                                                             charcoal from ground
                                                                                              ecommend extending time limit
                                                                                             to 5 days

 2. Calliope River Picnic   Calliope         → Toilets available        No Charge         →W
                                                                                              ell-used site
 Area, River Ranch          (Approximately   → Non-potable water                          →H
                                                                                              ighly recommend more signage
 Two Sites (or sides):      12.5 km)           available on site                             especially relating to the South site
 North Side:                                 → Dogs allowed (but                          →P
                                                                                              erhaps include a sign informing visitors
 Calliope Historical                           must be on leash)                             of the turn-off point instead of relying on
 Village (Entry Via Bruce                                                                    a small street sign on a major highway
                                             → 48-hour time limit
                                             → Nearby Calliope                            →R
                                                                                              ecommend developing potable water on
 South Side:                                                                                 site due to popularity of site
                                               Village provides
 Old Bruce Highway, River
                                               refreshments such                            →S
                                                                                              takeholder engagement revealed time
 Ranch (Entry via Bruce
                                               as tea, coffee, and                           limit is not strictly enforced. Caravans
                                               soft drinks.                                  overstaying time limit. – Recommend
                                             → Markets are held at                          more enforcement during peak season
                                                Calliope Village on a                        and increasing duration of stay during
                                                frequent basis                               off-season
                                                                                            → Recommend to investigate possible
                                                                                               partnership with Calliope Historic Village
                                                                                               to potentially manage site and provide
                                                                                               packaging with village to raise funds for
                                                                                               ongoing upkeep and development of village.
                                                                                            →Consider working towards being an “RV
                                                                                              Friendly Destination” as outlined by CMCA.

 3. Workman’s Beach         Agnes Water      → 38 camp sites                Family        →E
                                                                                              xtremely popular site
 Camp Grounds, Agnes        (Within Town)      available for tents        (2 adults and     → Money is collected on site by two rangers
 Water                                         and caravans             2 children under       who alternate throughout the week
 (Entry via Springs Road,                    → Unisex and disabled         17 years):
                                                                         $27 – per day      →R
                                                                                              ecommend ability for visitor to book
 Agnes Water)                                  toilets                                       and check online and keep manager
                                             → Cold water beach         Per person:        on site. Ability to do so will make it
                                               shower                   $9.60 – per day      exponentially easier for visitors who are
                                             → Picnic tables                               coming in without knowing what capacity
                                                                                             campgrounds are at
                                             → Free gas barbecues
                                                                                              ecommend having a designated female
                                             → Bins provided                               area for toilets
                                             → Drinking water                             →R
                                                                                              ecommend building fire cover over the
                                             → Unpatrolled beach                           BBQ for cooking
                                               adjacent                                     →A
                                                                                              dvise 42-day limit remain; however, with
                                             → 42-day time limit,                          a caveat that it is 42 days for the entire
                                               with a minimum of 7                           year without a reset. Can deter campers
                                               days vacated before                           and squatters who live long-term which
                                               usage again                                   can be detrimental during peak season
                                             → Dogs must be                               → Stakeholder engagement with
                                               leashed and                                     caravanners and rangers reveal an
                                               tethered                                        interpretation stand conveying fauna,
                                                                                               wildlife, and indigenous information
                                                                                               would be an educational asset to the area
                                                                                              dvise having signage added at entrance
                                                                                             of town directing towards campgrounds

                                                                                  Gladstone Region Recreational Vehicle Strategy            5

               SITE                            INFRASTRUCTURE/                 COST                            COMMENTS

  4. Gladstone Harbour       Facing Island/   → Composting
                                                          toilets      Overnight campers     →G
                                                                                                 reat that a booking system
  Islands                    Curtis Island      on both sites             require a permit.     is set up online
  Two Sites:                                    cleaned regularly be      Family (2 adults     →P
                                                                                                 ermit can be obtained online
                                                caretakers                 and 2 children       or through the Gladstone Visitor
  The Oaks Camping
  Ground, Facing Island                       → 32
                                                 camp sites             under 17 years):      Information Centre
                                                available at “The         $20.50 per day       →C
                                                                                                 onflicting information on length of
  South End Camping
                                                Oaks”                       Per person:         stay permitted. Gladstone Council page
  Ground, Curtis Island
                                              → 20
                                                 camp sites              $6.80 per day        listed 42 days while booking page on
                                                available at “South        School groups lists 14 days.
                                                End”                       – attending an      →B
                                                                                                 oth sites based in beautiful scenic
                                              → Dogs
                                                   must be              approved school       locations that requires a ferry to reach
                                                leashed and                excursion per       →B
                                                                                                 igger size camp-sites available for those
                                                tethered                       person:          who drive campervans
                                                                           $3.20 per day
                                                                                                 ecommend keeping a longer duration of
                                                                                                stay on site

  5. Lilley’s Beach, Boyne   Boyne Island     → Camping
                                                       only               Permits cost       →P
                                                                                                 ermit can be obtained online through
  Island                                        permitted in the            $50/year or         Gladstone Council website
                             (Within Town)
  (Entry via Handley Dr,                        enclosed area at the         $10/week.         → Only accessible by 4x4
  Boyne Island)                                 northern end             A $5 charge applies   → Beach fires are strictly prohibited
                                              → Site
                                                   is very basic.        for replacement
                                                No facilities or                permits.       →G
                                                                                                 iven the nature and environment of
                                                rubbish bins.                                   where this camp site is, recommend
                                                                                                ensuring proper signage is placed along
                                              → Dogs
                                                    must be on                                Handley Dr directing users to it
                                                leash and well-
                                                trained to voice

6.2 COMMERCIAL CARAVAN PARKS AND CAMPGROUNDS                           the Discovery Coast region), it would be well within
                                                                       Council’s interest to establish an overflow policy
Commercial caravan parks and campgrounds are numerous
                                                                       and ensure the maximum number of RV tourists are
and there are 12 commercial caravan parks spread across                retained. Such a policy would help establish locations
the region. Such parks and campgrounds differ from                     that would be suitable for any excess number of RV
Council sites in that commercialised sites usually provide a           travellers that cannot be accommodated in the region
higher level of services and infrastructure such as showers,           due to available sites being at full capacity. In addition,
laundry facilities, communal areas, powered and non-                   such a policy would provide conditions and guidelines
powered sites, on-site potable water and a dump point                  that have to be followed in the establishment of such
to dispose of wastewater. In addition, such facilities may             sites. For example, the Queensland Camping Options
provide additional infrastructure and services such as                 Toolkit includes a template for such a policy and lists
swimming pools, activities for the family, and playgrounds.            requirements such as ensuring overflow sites to be only
                                                                       used during peak periods or when all available RV parks
As commercial caravan parks can fill up quite                          are at capacity, therefore providing an interim space for
quickly during peak season (especially in regards to                   caravanners until sites becomes available again.

                                                                                    Gladstone Region Recreational Vehicle Strategy            6
6.3 STATE FORESTS, NATIONAL               • Bustard Head Camping Area                  6.4 ROADSIDE REST AREAS FOR
PARKS AND RECREATION AREAS                                                             DRIVER FATIGUE MANAGEMENT
                                          • Eurimbula Creek Camping Area
There is a plethora of day-use and        • Middle Creek Camping Area                  In order to curb driver fatigue,
camping areas that exist within           •R
                                            odds Peninsula Camping Area               roadside rest areas exist as spaces
State Forests, National Parks,                                                         usually throughout major highways
and Recreation Areas within the        → Mouth of Baffle Creek                        and roads where motorists can stop
region. Such areas are utilised          Camping Area                                  to take breaks. Roadside rest areas
quite frequently by visitors and the                                                   are not long-term camping sites
                                       → Kroombit Tops National Park                  and the duration of stay for each
Gladstone Region has no shortage
                                         (There are 3 camping areas                    site can differ with such information
of National Parks for camping.
                                         within the park. Note that this               being locatable on signage on-site.
The following camping areas are
                                         park shares land with the                     Camping may not be permitted in
within the Gladstone Region with
                                         North Burnett Region and the                  some areas and the maximum length
the managing authority being the
                                         Banana Shire)                                 of stay is usually capped at 20 hours.
Department of Environment and
Science. However, permits are             • Griffiths Creek Camping Area               The driver reviver program is
managed and enforced by the               • The Razorback Camping Area                 a campaign launched by the
Queensland Parks and Wildlife                                                          Department of Transport and Main
                                          • The Wall Camping Area
Service (QPWS).                                                                        Roads (DTMR) in order to promote
                                       → Wild Cattle Island Remote                    drive fatigue awareness. Within this
→ Bulburin National Park (There are                                                    program, they have established the
                                         Bush Camp
3 camping areas within the park.                                                       “stop, revive, survive” slogan which
Note that this park is partly within   While these sites help form a                   is visible around state highways and
the North Burnett Region as well)      diverse range of accommodation                  roads and driver reviver sites which
                                       options across the region, it should            offers refreshments to motorists
   • Old Forestry Camping Area
                                       be noted that the RV travellers                 that stop by to rest.
   • Range View Camping Area           may not choose to stay in National
                                                                                       While Roadside rest areas are
   • Zampia Camping Area               Parks due to the limitations that
                                                                                       integral to the safety and well-being
                                       such parks possess. For example,
→ Castle Tower Bush Camping Area                                                       of the drive market, its purpose
                                       distant proximity to services and
                                                                                       is not ideal to meet the needs of
  urtis Island National Park and      shops, possible restrictions (such
                                                                                       travellers aside from providing a
  Conservation Park (There are 3       as prohibited domestic animals
                                                                                       place of refuge and rest.
  camping areas within the park)       or generators), and difficulty in
                                       accessibility, are all factors that             There are 3 roadside rest areas
   • Joey Lees Camping Area            can deter RV travellers from visiting.          in the Gladstone Region with two
   • Turtle Street Camping Area        As visiting these sites typically               under control by local Council and
                                       involve the acquisition of permits              one by the DTMR. While rest areas
   • Yellow Patch Camping area
                                       online, these overnight stays are               suitable for overnight camping are
  eepwater National Park              pre-planned.                                    listed on the Gladstone Council
  Camping Area                                                                         website, the 2 rest areas run by
                                       The minimum level of services applied           Council listed below are not and it
→ Eurimbula National Park             to Council controlled or managed                is recommended that such sites be
  (There are 4 camping areas           sites detailed later in the document            added as “Day Rest Areas” on the
  within the park)                     does not apply to state facilities.             Council website.

                                                                             Gladstone Region Recreational Vehicle Strategy     7
Balaclava                                           Curtis Island
                         Island                                             National park

                                                           Curtis Island
Figure 2: Designated  Road Rest
                   Creek    RundleArea
                                  Range within Gladstone Region according to the DTMR
                                 National Park
                                                       The Narrows

                                                                                   South End
                 Ambrose                                                                    Facing Island
                                      3              Yarwun                Port Curtis

                   Mount Larcom

                                                                                         Boyne Island
                                                                                                  Tannum Sands
                                                                                                     Wild Cattle Island
                                                                                                      National Park
                                                                                           1               Hummock Hill
                                               IG   HWAY          Calliope          Benaraby                   Island
                                           N H
                                 AW                                           Lake
                                                                            Awoonga                                   Turkey Beach
                                                                                                                                             National Park

                                                                                  Castle Tower                                                          Seventeen Seventy
                                                                                  National Park
                                                                                                                                                             Agnes Water
                                                                                                             2 Bororen
                                                                                                                                                                National Park
                                  Kroombit Tops
                                                                                                                          Miriam Vale
                                  National Park                                           Nagoorin
The rest areas within the Gladstone                           6.6 WASTEWATER POLICY                                             discharge,
                                                                                                                    Mount Colosseum       bacterial loads, salinity
                                                                                            Ubobo                    National Park                            Broadwater
Region that are designated as such                                                                                             impacts, and biologicalConservation
                                                                                                                                                            oxygen Park
                                                              Council’s website currently does
by the DTMR are (Numbered above                                                                                                demand. Under Schedule 9 of the
                                                              not display any policies that are                                                 Baffle Creek Regulation
on Figure 2):                                                                                                                  Environmental Protection
                                                              in place regulating Builyan
                                                                                   the disposal of                                                                  Beach
                                                                                                                               2009 in Queensland,
                                                                                                                                                     Baffle Creek
   1.	Boyne River Rest Area, Bruce                           wastewater (such as greywater) at
                                                                           Many Peaks                                          (wastewater) is constituted as a
       Highway, Benaraby (DTMR)                               Council owned/controlled    sites. This
                                                                                                                               prescribed water contaminant.
   2.	Bororen Memorial Park Rest                             is especially problematic for sites
                                                                                                                               The disposal of aRosedale
       Area, Bruce Highway, Bororen                           that are unsupervised with limited
                                                                                                                               water containment in waters or
       (Local Council)                                        space as it would be ideal to rotate
                                                                                                                               in any other place where it could
                                                              disposal points to allow sites to “dry
   3.	Mount Larcom Park Rest Area,                                                                                            reasonably be expected to wash
                                                              out” to avoid possible environmental
       Raglan Street, Mount Larcom                                                                                             back in to waters is an offence
                                                              and health risks. Due to an increase
       (Local Council)                                                                                                         within the state.
                                                              of campers using RV sites and
6.5 UNAUTHORISED SITES                                        water-based appliances on board                                  This strategy recommends that
                                                              self-contained vehicles (such as                                 Council-controlled sites include
The Gladstone Region has areas                                sinks, washing machines, showers)                                a bylaw or condition of usage
where unauthorised camping                                    the issue of greywater contamination                             that greywater is not disposed of
happens on an intermittent basis.                             is much more serious.                                            illegally. Instead, campers would
At certain times of the year, such                                                                                             have to be self-sufficient and store
illegal camping may happen more                               Disposing of wastewater on open
                                                                                                                               any wastewater on-board either
frequently (such as Agnes Water                               ground can contain an assortment of
                                                                                                                               purpose-built storage tanks or
when Caravan parks are at capacity).                          risks to both human health, flora and
                                                                                                                               smaller portable storage tanks.
Such a scenario may result in                                 fauna and the natural environment.
                                                                                                                               Another alternative is that Council
Council receiving complaints from                             For example, greywater is used from
                                                                                                                               builds some variant of a storage
neighbouring residents.                                       sinks, showers, hand basins and hold
                                                                                                                               tank on-site where it can then be
                                                              harmful chemicals, fats, oils, and
                                                                                                                               emptied at a dump point facility.
Areas where unauthorised roadside                             bacteria. When disposed of on the
camping transpires includes areas                             ground, greywater can be absorbed                                This is particularly important for
such as the parking lot by Main                               in to the soil or washed off in to                               sites of high use, e.g. Calliope
Beach; the SES grounds near the                               nearby surface water bodies such as                              River and peak seasons around
township of 1770; Barney Point                                creeks and rivers where an adverse                               Workman’s Beach.
Esplanade; and the Gladstone                                  growth of algae can negatively
Duckponds (opposite the Croquet                               impact the ecosystem.
Grounds). It is recommended to
increase signage of designated RV                             In addition, greywater is detrimental
sites to assist in the region’s attempt                       to both human health and the
to mitigate unauthorised camping.                             environment through nutrient

                                                                                                                   Gladstone Region Recreational Vehicle Strategy               8

Effluent dump points are facilities that are built with the intention of letting self-contained RV
travellers dispose of any wastewater they are carrying while Potable Water Fill Points are sites
where travellers have access to water safe for personal consumption.

Due to an increase in self-contained RV travellers, the demand for these sites around the region
have increased.

The Gladstone Region provides 4 dump points in the region accessible by the public below:

*Please note that while some caravan parks provide dump points, these are not listed below as they may not be accessible by the public

                  LOCALITY                                                                 SITE ADDRESS

  Calliope Caravan Dump Point                       Cnr Taragoola Road and Dawson Highway, Calliope

                                                    Cnr Blomfield Street and Dougall Street, Miriam Vale

  Miriam Vale Caravan Dump Point                    *The CMCA has highlighted the existing Miriam Vale dump point
                                                    needs realignment of the curb to meet the dump point as larger
                                                    vehicles can’t access it.

  1770 Caravan Dump Point                           Cnr SES Access and Captain Cook Drive, Seventeen Seventy

  Benaraby - Boyne River Rest Area                  Bruce Highway, Benaraby
  Caravan Dump Point                                *Note that this dump point is maintained by the DTMR


Gladstone has several water fill stations situated in localities around its region. It is highly advisable to
inform users that the potable water is accessible side by side with dump point locations on Council’s website.

                  LOCATION                                        SITE ADDRESS                                       COMMENTS

  Calliope Water Fill Station                       Cnr Taragoola Road and Dawson                     →N
                                                                                                        o usage charge associated
  (Placed at Calliope Dump Point)                   Highway, Calliope                                  with it

  Miriam Vale Water Fill Station
                                                    Cnr Blomfield Street and Dougall                  →P
                                                                                                        otable water available on
  (Placed at the Miriam Vale
                                                    Street, Miriam Vale                                site but no signage to show it
  Dump Point)

                                                                                                      → Water is designated as
                                                                                                         “Non-potable” as there is no
  1770 Water Fill Station
                                                    Cnr SES Access and Captain Cook                      back-pressure valve installed.
  (Placed at 1770 Caravan
                                                    Drive, Seventeen Seventy                             A regulator would need to
  Dump Point)
                                                                                                         be fitted for it to be safely
                                                                                                         designated as drinkable.

Additional dump sites and water filling stations are recommended in Gladstone City precint area and Tannum Sands,
with further investigation for Mount Larcom lookout area and near Lake Awoonga.

                                                                                            Gladstone Region Recreational Vehicle Strategy   9
6.8 DESIGNATED LONG VEHICLE           access of essential services that        The proposed new Marina Car Park at
PARKING (DAY USE)                     RV travellers would use, by such         Agnes/1770 will require RV/Caravan
                                      as supermarkets, main streets of         parking and turnaround area.
Long-vehicle parking (day use only)
                                      towns and beach frontages/fishing
is sparse within the Gladstone                                                 Other locations identified during
Region and not well documented.                                                consultation for designated long
It is recommended that a review       Research conducted shows long-           vehicle parking (day use) includes:
of existing Long-vehicle parking      vehicle parking exists in Agnes Water
                                                                               → Mt. Larcom look-out
is conducted identifying current      with an official parking bay outside
car vehicle bays for long vehicles    the Caltex on Captain Cook Drive.        → Mt. Larcom township (northern
and subsequently posting such         Parking is also possible at both            entry to region)
information on the Gladstone          the Marina and Visitor Information
Regional Council and tourism          Centre in Agnes Water, Lion’s Park at    → Miriam Vale (southern entry to
websites. In addition, further        Miriam Vale, and the Mt Larcom rest         region)
investigation should be made on       area. Informal parking spots exist
                                                                               → East Shores (Gladstone City)
potential spots where additional      outside of the Headlands and SES
long-vehicle parking spaces can       grounds at the Town of 1770.             → The Gladstone Marina
be made.
                                      Feedback was made during
In order to maximise the economic     stakeholder engagement that
impact of this market and increase    a lack of long-vehicle parking
the Gladstone Region’s reputation     spaces is readily apparent especially
as being RV friendly, it is highly    in regards to peak seasons where
advisable to ensure long-parking      such designated bays are often full.
vehicle bays exist within easy

                                                                      Gladstone Region Recreational Vehicle Strategy   10
RV FRIENDLY                                                    →P
                                                                 rovision of short term, low cost overnight parking
                                                                (24/48 hours) for self-contained recreational vehicles,
TOWN PROGRAM                                                    as close as possible to the CBD.
What is it?                                                    → Access to potable water.
The RV Friendly Town™ (RVFT) program is                        → Access to a free dump point at an appropriate location.
a Campervan and Motorhome Club of
Australia Limited (CMCA) initiative.                           Desirable Criteria

An RVFT is one that has met a set of guidelines to             →P
                                                                 rovision of long term parking for self-contained
ensure they provide a certain amount of amenities, and          recreational vehicles.
level of services for these travellers. When RV tourists       →A
                                                                 ccess to medical facilities or an appropriate
enter a town displaying the RVFT sign, they know they           emergency service.
will be welcome, certain services will be provided and
they will have access to a safe place to stay overnight,       →A
                                                                 ccess to a pharmacy or a procedure to obtain
and possibly for a longer period.                               pharmaceutical products.
                                                                 isitor Information Centre (VIC) with appropriate
CMCA promotes RV Friendly Towns by dedicating one
                                                                parking facilities.
page to the town on the Club website, publishing a one-
off article on the town in the Club’s monthly magazine,        →V
                                                                 IC to provide a town map showing essential facilities,
The Wanderer, and listing the town in each edition of the       such as short and long term parking areas, dump
magazine.                                                       point and potable water.

CMCA also offers council 2 x 600mm x 690mm roadside            → RVFT signs to be erected within the town precinct.
‘RV Friendly’ signs free of charge. These signs will display
                                                               Other considerations
the abbreviated ‘RV’ symbol, followed by the words
‘Friendly Town™’.                                              Other considerations by the CMCA when assessing an RV
The CMCA RV Friendly Town™ (RVFT) program is used by           Friendly Town is the general attitude of the council and
more than 36% of councils across Australia as a tool for       the business people. The program is intended to offer
managing the provision of low-cost accommodation.              town business owners the opportunity to be innovative
                                                               in meeting the needs of RV tourists, while at the same
How does a town qualify?                                       time growing their businesses.
For a town in the Gladstone Region to be appointed to the      A consideration may be to consider tendering of sites
program, the following set of guidelines that must be met:     following consultation and confirmation of potential sites
                                                               with council approval that meet minimum standards for
Essential Criteria
                                                               overflow and potential RV parking.
  rovision of appropriate parking within the town
 centre, with access to a general shopping area for
 groceries and fresh produce.

                                                                          Gladstone Region Recreational Vehicle Strategy    11
RV FRIENDLY                                                   The essential and desirable criteria are listed below.

DESTINATION                                                   Essential Criteria

An RV Friendly Destination is a “one-off”                     →P
                                                                rovision of short term, low cost overnight parking
place of interest, such as a homestead                         (24/48 hours) for self-contained recreational vehicles
or country pub, that is friendly towards                       (RVs) in a safe location.
all mobile travellers. They are generally                     →T
                                                                he nominated parking area needs to be on a solid
businesses where you can visit in any size rig and in          level surface with enough room for large vehicles to
many cases, stay overnight.                                    manoeuvre safely.
It is aimed at assisting those towns and communities
                                                              → If the nominated site is a campground, then it needs
not able to meet the criteria of the CMCA RV Friendly
                                                                 to be well maintained and offer facilities such as BBQ
Town™ (RVFT) program.
                                                                 areas, toilets, power, covered seating, refuse bins and
Local councils, community organisations and businesses           commercial element eg. cafe or restaurant.
can participate by selecting a suitable site within the
                                                              Desirable Criteria
town precinct to become the RVFD.
                                                              → Access to a dump point.
Sites considered for inclusion in this program could
include: hotels and pubs, clubs, wineries, tourist            → Access to potable water.
attractions and businesses that meet the essential criteria
                                                              → Longer term parking.
as listed below.
                                                              All RVFD applications are assessed on an individual
In respect to camp sites it needs to be demonstrated
                                                              basis with the final decision being made by CMCA. The
that the nominated site has a commercial element
                                                              CMCA reserves the right to review any RVFD at any time
and or has undergone a significant upgrade to facilities
                                                              and withdraw the site from the program should an
and provides a level of amenity that sets it apart from
                                                              acceptable standard not be met or charges levied fall
a normal campground or roadside rest area. Existing
                                                              outside the criteria of low cost.
campgrounds that lie outside town and community
boundaries will not be considered for inclusion in the        The RVFD will be promoted on the CMCA website, in
RVFD program.                                                 the Club’s monthly magazine, The Wanderer, and on the
                                                              GeoWiki online database.

                                                                         Gladstone Region Recreational Vehicle Strategy    12
CMCA RV PARK                                                 CMCA RV PARK BUNDABERG
NETWORK                                                      A new CMCA RV Park has been opened in Bundaberg
                                                             in Burrum St (via Civic Ave). With shaded or open
A CMCA RV Park is on land owned
                                                             sites, a happy hour shelter, dump point (cassettes
or leased by the CMCA with:
                                                             only) and potable water. It is conveniently located
→ Approximately one hectare of flat ground.                 close to the local shopping district, only a short stroll
→ Space for 30 to 50 RVs.                                   for travellers to stock up on supplies or dine in and
                                                             explore the town. This park is only open to people
  dump point with a wash down tap, with potable
                                                             travelling in self-contained vehicles.
 water taps around the site.

→ One (1) powered site for the 24/7 volunteer custodian.

→ A shelter shed for gatherings and an assembly point.

  ccess available to CMCA members and a limited
 number of the general public for vehicles that meet
 the CMCA Self-Contained Vehicle Policy.

  ll operational costs including grounds maintenance
 and rubbish collection met by CMCA.

  n administration/booking fee of $3 per person or $6
 per vehicle, per night for members and $15 per site for

The infrastructure development consists of:

  ccess and roadways into and within the park,
 as required.

→ Fences or bollards to restrict access to the main gate.

→ Main gate and signage.

→ Dump point and wash down tap.

→ Potable water taps as required around the site.

  ne powered site including the power connection for
 the custodian.

→ A shelter shed and concrete pad.

→ Any required levelling, landscaping and planting

All infrastructure development is organised and funded
by the CMCA. Based on our experience this cost will vary
depending on the site, but we expect development costs
generally to be in a range of $50,000 to $100,000.

CMCA will consider purchasing or leasing any suitable
land, however we see mutual opportunities and benefits
in partnering with local councils.

                                                                    Gladstone Region Recreational Vehicle Strategy       13
7. INTO THE FUTURE                                           Currently Miriam Vale is recognised on the Caravanning
                                                             Queensland site. Such programs will assist with
With an ageing population and increasing leisure time,       promoting the region as an attractive RV destination to a
future trends for the recreational vehicle and caravan and   wider audience.
camping market are likely to continue its upward trend.
With this in mind, it is imperative Gladstone Regional       7.3 OVERFLOW POLICY
Council develop a more proactive approach to non-
                                                             Consideration should be given to establishing a
commercial recreational vehicle accommodation
                                                             policy to manage overflow of existing facilities during
within the region to:
                                                             peak seasonal periods, particularly for the Agnes Water
  arness the potential of the market growth for the         / Town of 1770 area which often experiences a greater
 economic benefit of the region,                             demand during peak periods and could benefit from
                                                             an overflow area that could be utilised during period
→ Adequately manages the market growth for potential        of peak demand.
   environmental impacts, and
                                                             Feedback from caravan park operators indicates that
→ Promotes the opportunities and sites available with its   during peak times visitors are being turned away as
   key partners, including GAPDL and DCTC.                   commercial sites are generally at capacity.

7.1 ATTRACTIONS & EXPERIENCES                                Allowing areas to be utilised for camping during peak
                                                             times only, when commercial sites are fully booked would
The Gladstone Region offers attractions and experiences      enable a greater number of travellers to stay in the region
the RV market strongly desires.                              and avoid them potentially moving on out of the region.
With stunning coastal villages and a renowned fishing        The Queensland Camping Options Toolkit outlines a
destination, this is already evident in the demands          suggested model that can be developed and other RV
experienced at the Discovery Coast (including Town of        Strategies have adopted this model or committed to
1770 and Agnes Water) with access, carrying capacity         further investigation.
and illegal camping issues arising, especially during
peak seasons.                                                This approach has been successfully used in locations
                                                             where there is insufficient demand year-round for
In addition to the Discovery Coast, Gladstone also
                                                             an additional facility but demand is consistently too
offers existing experiences that would cater for this
                                                             great during peak periods to be accommodated in
market, including industry tours, Feast on East Markets
                                                             existing facilities.
and the Coffee Cruise. The Art Gallery is centrally
located with library in the CBD and the marina is walking    The aim is to offer an alternative to camping in a rest
distance to CBD.                                             area by providing a safe camping environment for visitors
                                                             while protecting the viability of permanent commercial or
Other attractions include – Boyne Valley, Calliope
                                                             low cost facilities.
Historical Village and markets, Tannun Sands and
BAM Markets, climbing Mount Larcom, the new                  The policy would provide direction on suitable overflow
Gladstone Region Tours and proposed Boyne Burnett            sites and would outline restrictions on use i.e. only
Inland Rail Trail.                                           when there are no vacancies available at any caravan
                                                             park within the location. Terms of use, time limits,
                                                             management of the site would also need to be addressed
The Gladstone Region needs to become known and               in the policy.
marketed as RV Friendly to meeting growing market trends.
                                                             A ‘camp host’ program may also be utilised for overflow
Neighbouring regions, including Bundaberg and the            sites, to ensure guests are welcomed, general visitor
Gympie Region have been recognised as supportive of          information is provided and to provide a presence on
RV tourism and has received ‘RV Friendly Town’ status        the site to assist with any security and unlawful stay/
from the CMCA for the townships of Gympie and Goomeri        overstay concerns.
with Tin Can Bay recognised under the ‘Community
                                                             An Overflow Camping Policy Template from the
Welcomes Recreational Vehicles’ program from
                                                             Queensland Government Camping Options Toolkit is
Caravanning Queensland.
                                                             included in Appendix 1.
There are opportunities to develop the towns across the
                                                             7.4 WELCOME AND VOLUNTEER HOST PROGRAMS
region to determine if appropriate as RV Friendly towns
or destinations under the CMCA program or under the          It is recommended that a ‘camp host’ program be
Community Welcomes Recreational Vehicles program by          investigated which may be beneficial for sites such
Caravanning Queensland.                                      as Calliope.

                                                                              Gladstone Visitor Economy Strategy 2025      14
This would allow for a volunteer to act as a host for        Just a sample of other networks include:
the site with duties that may include greeting travellers
                                                             WIKI CAMPS
on site, providing basic visitor/tourism information
                                                             Website and a very popular APP
and in return would be able to stay on the site for a
short period.
                                                             FREE RANGE CAMPING
This program has been developed in other Council
                                                             (including where up dump points are)
areas. For example with McKinlay Shire, for their park
at Julia Creek.
The local CWA in Julia Creek also provides morning teas
                                                             An Air BnB for Caravanners
and the Visitor Information Centre volunteers organise a
weekly “Welcome to Julia Creek” camp oven dinners to
increase length-of-stay and spend.                           THE GREY NOMADS
A “Welcome to Gladstone” campaign, like the “Welcome
to Noosa” campaign to make a visitor and RV Friendly
atmosphere (e.g. Welcome to Boyne/Tannum, Welcome
to Calliope, Welcome to Agnes/1770, Welcome to Miriam
Vale etc.).
                                                                KEY RECOMMENDATIONS
                                                                The following recommendations are seen as
This could be developed or extended from the greeters
                                                                key drivers to capture the potential of the RV
program with GAPDL volunteers. To be successful, local
                                                                market into the future for the success of the
leaders in each town/location would be required.
                                                                Gladstone Region:
                                                                KEY RECOMMENDATIONS
Currently the region’s presence in RV forums and media          1.	Attract a commercial major chain leisure
is limited.                                                         based Caravan Park/RV Park Resort in
                                                                    Gladstone City (e.g. BIG 4/Discovery Parks)
To harness the growth in the market, as RV friendly sites,
facilities and parking are confirmed, Council should work           and promote expansions on Discovery Coast.
with its marketing and industry partners, particularly          2. D
                                                                    evelop an RV Friendly site or Official RV
GAPDL and DCTC to give them the facts and content to               Friendly Destination in easy walking distance
promote the locations and region within this network.              of Gladstone CBD

In addition to the CMCA (website and The Wanderer               3.	Where appropriate, following needs analysis
Magazine) and Caravanning Queensland networks and                   and consultation, develop RV Friendly Towns
the Caravan and Camping Shows, there are numerous                   throughout the Gladstone Region.
websites and social media networks, particularly
                                                                4. D
                                                                    evelop overflow policies, sites and
Facebook groups in this market, some with exceptionally
                                                                   management structures, particularly for the
large followings.
                                                                   Discovery Coast area during peak seasons.

                                                                5. F
                                                                    urther dump points, water fill stations and
                                                                   designated long vehicle parking (day use) in
                                                                   key locations.

                                                                6.	Investigate potential RV Friendly Tourist
                                                                    Centres and Miriam Vale and Mount Larcom
                                                                    township as key entry and dispersal points for
                                                                    the Gladstone Region.

                                                                7.	Provide accurate and timely content with
                                                                    strategic partners, GAPDL and DCTC to
                                                                    actively promote the destination to this
                                                                    market and disseminate information through
                                                                    tourism networks.

                                                                8.	Investigate an RV volunteers host program
                                                                    and/or expansion of cruise ship ambassador/
                                                                    greeters program into targeted RV sites.

                                                                             Gladstone Visitor Economy Strategy 2025   15
                                                                                                             2019 -   2020 -   2023 -
STRATEGY               ACTION                                   STAKEHOLDER               KPI
                                                                                                              2020     2023     2025

Stakeholder            GRC and GAPDL to lead industry and           GRC         Industry and community
Consultation and       community consultation process for                       consultation undertaken
Collaboration                                                      GAPDL
                       RV Friendly sites.                                      for potential/identified RV
                                                                                     friendly sites.

                       Feature the RV Strategy Action            Destination   Implementation of Action
                       Plan as an ongoing item of               Tourism Plan    Plan with collaboration
                       implementation with the Destination       Committee      achieved across sectors
                       Tourism Plan committee of GAPDL.                          and relevant industry
                       Where appropriate bring in advice
                       from relevant industry bodies,
                       such as CMCA and CQ (for both RV
                       consumer and commercial operator’s
                       perspectives). Where needed,
                       advice to also be sought from local
                       government councils who have
                       undertaken any similar actions (e.g.
                       Bundaberg, Rockhampton).

Caravan Park/RV        Actively promote and attract a               GRC        Investment prospectus/
Park Resort            commercial major chain, leisure             GAPDL         preliminary feasibility
                       based Caravan Park/RV Park Resort                                 study.
                       in in Gladstone City (e.g. BIG 4/
                       Discovery Parks) and promote                            Attraction of major chain
                       expansions on Discovery Coast.                                leisure park.

                                                                                Expansion of park/s on
                                                                                Discover Coast to meet

RV Friendly Sites/     Confirm potential RV Friendly Sites          GRC          Confirm potential RV
Destinations                                                       GAPDL            Friendly sites.
                         tilise and build upon the
and Towns
                        information gathered from the                           Confirmation by CMCA
                        Gladstone RV Strategy and input
                        from consultation to identify                                  Insert line
                        potential RV Friendly Sites/
                        Destinations for the Gladstone
                         elect these sites based on
                        essential criteria provided by CMCA
                        (included in this document).
                         ndertake community/industry
                        consultation for each site.
                       • Potentially tender approved sites.

                       RV Friendly Town - commence                  GRC             At least one RV
                       process of developing RV Friendly           CMCA        Friendly Town in region by
                       Towns throughout the region                                    end of 2020.
                       following essential criteria, with the
                       target of a minimum one RV Friendly
                       town within the Gladstone Region by
                       end of 2020, with multiple towns by
                       end 2021.

RV Friendly Policies   Develop and/or clearly communicate           GRC           Policies developed
                       through council website and GAPDL           GAPDL        Information on policies
                       visitor website RV information for:                        communicated and
                       • Wastewater policy                                        publicly available.
                       • Overflow camping policy
                         (particularly for Town of 1770/Agnes
                         Water during peak holiday periods)
                       • Unauthorised camping policy
                         ommunicate, promote and sign
                        existing dump points and potable
                        water fill points/stations
                         ommunicate, promote and sign
                        designated long vehicle parking
                        (Day Use)

                                                                                        Gladstone Visitor Economy Strategy 2025         16
2019 -   2020 -   2023 -
STRATEGY                 ACTION                                     STAKEHOLDER                   KPI
                                                                                                                     2020     2023     2025

RV Friendly Facilities   Existing facilities:                            GRC              Existing Facilities
                           rection of sign at Calliope River                          Upgrade/update existing
                          free camping site                                                   facilities.
                           iriam Vale dump point (cnr.
                          Blomfiled & Dougall St) requires
                          realignment for larger vehicles
                           iriam Vale Water Fill Station
                          requires sign for potable water
                         • 1770 Water Fill Station
                            (at 1770 caravan dump point) is
                            currently “non-potable”. Requires
                            regulator to be fitted for water to
                            be potable

                         Undertake planning and                          GRC           Planning & Development
                         development of :                          GPC (East Shores)      Site identification,
                           ore designated long vehicle                                  planning, installation,
                          parking (Day Use), particularly for                                signage and
                          Gladstone (e.g. CBD, East Shores,                            communication of more
                          Tannum sands, Mount Larcom,                                  designated long vehicle
                          Lake Awoonga)                                                 parking locations (day-
                           ore strategically located dump                               use). Dump points &
                          points and potable water fill                                   water fill stations...
                          points/stations in line with long
                          vehicle parking locations
                         • Dump points and potable water fill

                         Review of sites and facilities                 DTPC
                         annually to monitor demand and                  GRC
                         management of sites

RV Welcome               Investigate an RV volunteers host              GAPDL             Incorporation of RV
Program/ volunteers      program and/or expansion of cruise             DCTC           facts and market needs
                         ship ambassador/greeters program                               into tourism volunteer
                         into targeted RV sites/locations.                                     training.
                         This could include pop-up services
                         in high demand areas (e.g. Calliope                           Development/ expansion
                         free camping area, Discovery Coast/                             of tourism volunteer
                         Miriam Vale during peak seasons).                             program into RV friendly
                                                                                           locations/ sites.
                         Educate current tourism volunteers
                         and ambassadors on RV friendly
                         facilities, locations, interests and
                         needs of the RV market.

RV Friendly Tourist      Undertake pre-feasibility of Miriam             GRC                Complete site
Centres                  Vale and Mount Larcom townships                GAPDL             identification and
                         as locations for RV Friendly Tourist                            pre-feasibility study.
                         Centres that could be developed
                         with long-vehicle parking, visitor
                         information to encourage dispersal
                         and length-of-stay throughout the
                         Gladstone Region. Provide ancillary
                         services e.g. electric car charging
                         station, free WIFI and digital charging
                         stations, dump point, water fill
                         station etc.

Increasing Gladstone     Updating of existing RV friendly sites,        GAPDL            Sales and marketing
Region’s RV Friendly     parking and facilities/services (e.g.          DCTC           strategy developed and
Profile                  dump points, water fill stations) on                          implemented including
                         GRC, GAPDL and DCTC websites.                                    promotional tools,
                                                                        CMCA           activities and collateral.
                         Supply of this information, images
                         and destination information about                CQ
                         why Gladstone Region is great for a          National RV
                         caravan, camping and RV holiday for       networks/ media.
                         third party sites including (but not
                         limited to)
                         • CMCA
                         • Caravanning Queensland
                         • Wiki Camps
                         • Free Range Camping
                         • You Camp
                         • The Grey Nomads

                                                                                               Gladstone Visitor Economy Strategy 2025         17
2019 -   2020 -   2023 -
 STRATEGY               ACTION                                 STAKEHOLDER             KPI
                                                                                                          2020     2023     2025

 Increasing Gladstone   Further develop promotion to this          GAPDL           Inclusion of RV
 Region’s RV Friendly   market as part of annual regional                    information and content
 Profile                destination marketing, including:                       in wider destination
                          V information on Gladstone                         campaigns, promotions
                         Region visitor map and visitor                      and marketing collateral.
                        • Inclusion of RV information on
                           Gladstone Region in Southern
                           Great Barrier Reef campaign.
                          resence and promotion of
                         Gladstone Region at Caravan and
                         Camping shows (e.g. Brisbane,
                         Sydney, Melbourne), including RV
                         information, self-drive itineraries
                         and fishing – reef/coastal/inland
                          pdate and further develop RV
                         friendly content for destination
                         promotion from blogs, images and
                         media releases.
                        • Invite RV friendly media and
                           influencers to experience the
                           RV offering.


 GCR            Gladstone Regional Council

 GAPDL          Gladstone Area Promotion and Development Limited

 GPC            Gladstone Ports Corporation

 DCTC           Discovery Coast Tourism and Commerce

 DTPC           Destination Tourism Plan Committee

 CMCA           Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia

 CQ             Caravanning Queensland

                                                                                     Gladstone Visitor Economy Strategy 2025        18
The consultation process included industry workshops
with the Gladstone Region Destination Tourism Plan and
Visitor Economy Strategy in Gladstone and Agnes Water,
including over 30 representatives from the region.

One on one interviews were also conducted following the
workshops with council officers and councillors, GAPDL,

Site inspections for this strategy was conducted at
Calliope River Picnic Area, Futter Creek Camping Reserve,
and Workman’s Beach. Anecdotal feedback was gathered
from visitors staying at these sites helping contribute
to stakeholder engagement. In addition, the research
collected included visits to the Visitor Information
Centres in Agnes Water and Gladstone.

→ Queensland Camping Options Toolkit
   - Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business
  and the Commonwealth Games.

→ 2019 Caravan and Camping State of Industry
   - Caravan Association of Australia.

→ Caravan and Campervan Data Report 2018
   – Caravan Industry Association. ABS Motor Vehicle Census.

→ Environmental Protection Regulation 2009
   – Queensland Government.

→ Growth and Trends in the RV Sector in Australia
   – May 2019, CMCA.

  MCA RV Toolkit
 – CMCA, 2019

                                                               Gladstone Visitor Economy Strategy 2025   19
Overflow Camping Policy Template
OVERFLOW CAMPING POLICY (draft)          Public liability insurance                  Relocation/termination

Objective                                The council will arrange public risk        Campers may be asked to
                                         insurance to protect ratepayers             relocate to more appropriate sites
The purpose of this policy is to                                                     at the discretion of the council.
                                         from any and all costs incurred by
provide overflow facilities within                                                   Camping may be terminated or
                                         any accident or incident involving
[Insert Shire/Location] that will        campers that may result in claims           suspended at any time at the
accommodate additional numbers of        against the council.                        discretion of the council.
camping tourists when permanent
caravan parks and camping facilities     Sewer and sullage disposal                  Part A
within the local government area are     compliance
                                                                                     This section relates to the
operating at or near capacity.
                                         The dump points for disposal of             establishment and operation of
This policy will ensure that the         waste sullage and sewerage water            a recreational vehicles (RV)
operation of overflow sites/facilities   are to be inspected regularly and           emergency overflow facility within
within the local government              all fittings and hoses checked, and         [Insert Shire/Location].
area complies with legislative           maintained if necessary, to comply
                                                                                     For the purposes of this policy,
requirements. Also, it will ensure       with Australian standards.
                                                                                     an RV is a vehicle that combines
a consistency of regulation so that                                                  transportation and temporary
                                         Fire separation zone
all overflow site/facilities operate                                                 living quarters for travel, recreation
and meet an agreed minimum               Individual caravans, motorhomes             and camping.
standard, and will ensure the            or tents are to be sited on sites
operation of overflow sites/facilities   6 metres wide to ensure 3 metres            1. C
                                                                                         ouncil may establish an
does not impact on the viability of      separation from the next caravan               overflow area for RVs only
permanent facilities.                    motorhome, tent or building to                 when there are no vacancies for
                                                                                        vehicles of this nature available
                                         ensure fire safety. Hydrants and
Legislative requirements                                                                at any caravan park within
                                         hoses are to be checked regularly
                                                                                        [Insert Shire/Location]. A camper
Land Act 1994                            and must be able to reach all
                                                                                        is permitted to book into the
Queensland Caravan Park Policy           areas where vehicles are sited
                                                                                        overflow only if it is believed that
(PUX/901/102 version 3)                  when camped.
                                                                                        there are no available spaces in
Secondary Use of Trust Land
                                         Open fires                                     the caravan parks.
(PUX/901/209 version 5)
                                         No open fires are to be lit, or             2. Council may close the overflow
Workplace Health and                                                                    area for camping for the purposes
                                         fireworks discharged inside the
Safety Act 1995                                                                         of significant community events.
                                         overflow area at any time without
Local Law No. 16
                                         prior council approval.
(Parks and Reserves)                                                                 3. P
                                                                                         rimary-use activities at
Local Law No. 5 (Control of Animals)     Waste management                               the overflow area will take
                                                                                        precedence at all times.
General                                  Waste disposal bins are to be
                                         regularly serviced to ensure there is       4. The maximum stay at any RV
Risk management                                                                          overflow camping facility could
                                         no build-up of waste.
                                                                                         be a maximum of 7 consecutive
A regular risk management
                                         Grounds maintenance                             days or at the determination of
review will be carried out at the
                                                                                         [Insert Shire/Location]. Authorised
overflow area to ensure that all the     All grounds maintenance will be
                                                                                         camping ground hosts may stay
infrastructure components required       carried out by council staff or
                                                                                         longer than the maximum period.
in the camping areas comply with         contractors. Vegetation clearing
the requirements of legislation,         and mowing will be carried out by           5. C
                                                                                         amping by participants at
Australian standards, government         council staff as needed to ensure              community events may be exempt
policies and local laws.                 bushfire protection is maintained.             from some or all of the conditions

                                                                                 Gladstone Visitor Economy Strategy 2025       20
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