GLOBAL TRADE - Euler Hermes

Page created by Mathew Webster
GLOBAL TRADE - Euler Hermes
Economic Research

                                      GLOBAL TRADE
                                      November 2018
Photo by Benjamin Child on Unsplash

                                      THE SHOW MUST GO ON
                                      04   Global trade: It’s the cycle, stupid!

                                      06   3 reasons to believe a trade war can be

                                      09   2019: Where to go and who will grow?

                                      12   What should businesses watch out for?
GLOBAL TRADE - Euler Hermes
Global trade by Euler Hermes Economic Research

      EXECUTIVE                                                 Global trade of goods and services remained quite resilient this year
                                                                 despite the US’ protectionist rhetoric. In 2019, trade momentum is set
                                                                 to soften to +3.6% (down from +3.8% in 2018) in line with global
      SUMMARY                                                    growth. Protectionism will stay under control but further escalation to
                                                                 a trade feud (average US tariffs above 6%) could cost half a point of
                                                                 GDP growth. The price tag of an all-out trade war (average US tariffs
                                                                 above 12%) could reach two points of GDP and precipitate a global

                                                                There are three reasons to believe a trade war can be avoided. First,
                                                                 pragmatism in America. Second, the Chinese trade safety net plays a
                                                                 role. Third, protectionism fatigue might kick in. We expect a more
                                                                 constructive approach to trade on the US's side. Moreover, China’s
                                                                 retaliation has not wreaked havoc on global trade so far. At the
     Mahamoud Islam, Senior Economist for Asia
                                                                 same time, trade facilitation reforms and new agreements are some-
     +852 3665 8989
                                                                 what compensating for the US-China quarrel.

                                                                In 2019, the top five destinations for exporters will be the US
                                                                 (+USD193bn of additional demand for imports), China (+USD161bn),
                                                                 Germany (+USD67bn), India (+USD58bn), and Japan (+USD48bn).
                                                                 The best performing sectors will be services (+USD365bn of export
                                                                 gains) and electronic and electric (E&E) products (+USD337bn). Ser-
                                                                 vices will benefit from the rise of the middle class in emerging mar-
     Ana Boata,, Senior Economist for Europe
                                                                 kets and the ongoing servitization of the manufacturing sector which
     +33 184 11 4873
                                                                 is accelerated by digitalization.

                                                                In spite of trade tensions, Chinese exporters could gain as much as
                                                                 +USD146bn in new exports in 2019. American (+USD134bn), Indian
                                                                 (+USD71bn), German (+USD64bn), and Dutch (+USD52bn) compa-
                                                                 nies might also make significant export gains. Asian and African new-
                                                                 comers could rise to the Export Wall of Fame.

     Ludovic Subran, Global Head of Macroeconomic Research      Apart from the impact of protectionism, businesses should prepare
     at Allianz and Chief economist at Euler Hermes              for a higher cost of trade, trade diversion, and rising political risk.
     +33 184 11 5399                                             First, the trade financing gap (USD1.5tn) will rise as monetary and
                                                                 financial conditions tighten (in USD terms), while currency, political
                                                                 and non-payment risks will increase. Second, trade diversion could
                                                                 create winners and losers. Asian trade pivots should benefit the most.
                                                                 Last, we expect 400 new protectionist measures globally (compared
                                                                 to 560 in 2017). Yet sophistication, as well as confiscation and expro-
                                                                 priation risks, could increase as the economy experiences a soft land-
     Francois de Panisse Passis
     +33 184 11 4873

GLOBAL TRADE - Euler Hermes
November 2018

                              Photo by Joakim Honkasalo on Unsplash

Global trade
in 2019        USD   1.3 trillion
GLOBAL TRADE - Euler Hermes
Global trade by Euler Hermes Economic Research

               Global trade of goods and services remained relatively resilient
               this year despite the US’ protectionist rhetoric

               In 2017, global trade recovered by                          In 2019, trade momentum is set to       etary policy in the US is expected to
               USD1.9tn after losing c.USD3tn over                         soften in line with the softening of    lead to slower investment growth
               2015-2016., helped by a synchro-                            GDP growth. Not more, not less.         and less momentum – especially in
               nized improvement of demand from                                                                    Emerging Markets.
                                                    The growth in the volume of global
               major economies.
                                                    trade of goods and services is esti-                           We expect two additional rate hikes
               In 2018, trade is expected to grow   mated to decelerate to +3.6% in                                next year in the US and a first rate
               by +3.8% as the volume of merchan- 2019 (from +3.8%) and value growth                               hike in Q4 2019 in the Eurozone; and
               dise trade continued to rise above   is set to slow to +6.3% (from +7.2%).                          third, with regard to trade prices,
               the 2012-16 average performance      In USD terms, trade is expected to                             though we expect Brent oil prices to
               in a range of 2 to 4% supported by a increase by 1.3tn in 2019 (from 1.7 in                         decrease to USD69/bbl in 2019 on
               solid growth in global demand1.      2018).                                                         average, resilient currencies and
                                                                                                                   stronger inflation should support
               Trade prices continued to expand                            The economic assumptions behind
                                                                                                                   trade growth in value terms. As for
               supported by more elevated com-                             this forecast are: First, global eco-
                                                                                                                   our policy assumptions, all eyes on
               modity prices. Protectionism has had                        nomic growth decelerates slightly in
                                                                                                                   America First.
               a very limited impact so far; yet sen-                      2019 (+3.1% from +3.2% in 2018).
               timent, as reflected by the decline of                      Such deceleration can be attributed
               major economies’ manufacturing                              to the US (+2.5%; -0.4pp), the Euro-
               PMIs, has been affected by trade                            zone (+1.7%; -0.2pp), and China
               threats.                                                    (+6.3%; -0.3pp). Second, tighter mon-
              Figure 1 Global Trade Growth
                                       Price          Volume       Value


                   5%           3.6%           3.8%
                         3.0%                                           2.1%
                                                  2.2%                              4.8%    3.8%     3.6%



                                                                                            18f       19f

               Source: Euler Hermes
                Global economic growth rose by +3.2% in 2018 helped by stronger economic growth in the US (+2.9% in 2018 from +2.2% in 2017), a solid
               growth in China (+6.6%) and the Eurozone (+1.9%).
GLOBAL TRADE - Euler Hermes
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Protectionism will stay under control.                               to an estimated 5.2% (which corre-     situation, milestones include a US im-
Earlier this year, we introduced a pro-                              sponds to the level of tariffs of the  plementation of 25% tariffs (currently
prietary analytical framework around                                 1980’s). Another way to look at it is to
                                                                                                            at 10%) on USD200bn worth of im-
growing trade threats – Protectionism:                               consider the amount of trade that is   ports from China; and a US slap of
Trade Games, Trade Feud or Trade                                     covered by tariffs currently. The WTO  25% tariffs on USD50bn imports from
War?. We defined three scenarios                                     estimates that new import-restrictive  China and USD200bn imports of vehi-
based on a sensitivity analysis of the                               measures imposed by G20 countries      cles. With such measures, the average
average US tariffs ([3.5-6%]; [6-10%];                               from mid-May 2018 to mid-October       US tariffs would go above 6% and the
and close to 12%); the number of pro-                                2018 cover USD481bn of trade (more     volume of global trade growth would
tectionist measures; and the resulting                               than six times the amount reported     be cut by -2pp over two years. Growth
global trade dynamics ([2-4%]; [0-2%],                               from mid-October 2017 to mid-May       would be hit by one third to half a
or contracting). We called them re-                                  2018). We are now getting closer to a  point in the three major economies.
spectively trade games, trade feud,                                  trade feud situation but our main as-  For a trade war scenario to manifest,
and trade war. While the first half of                               sumption is that protectionism contin- the average tariffs to 12% due to 25%
2018 pointed to prolonged trade                                      ues to be under control.               tariffs on all imports from China and
games with negligible impact (on                                                                            25% tariffs on USD200bn of total US
                                                                     An escalation to a trade feud scenario
growth, trade, inflation, and financial                                                                     automotive imports. Global trade
                                                                     could cost half a point of GDP in
markets) apart from defiance and                                                                            growth would be cut by -6pp over two
                                                                     growth; a trade war would cost two
volatility, President Trump’s Septem-                                                                       years and a global recession becomes
                                                                     points of GDP growth. For our base-
ber 23rd announcements bumped the                                                                           very likely.
                                                                     line scenario to move to a trade feud
average US average tariffs by +1.7pp
Figure 2 US average tariffs
                                         Average tariff on dutiable imports (%)

                                                                                                          Trade games
                       GATT 1st round, Geneva 1947 -35%
                                                                                                          Trade feud
                       tariff reduction
50                                                                                                        Trade War

                                                                      Foreign Trade & Competitiveness Act, Pdt
                                                                      Reagan, 1988
                                                                                                WTO & proliferation of
        Reopening of                 WW II & post-war            Restructuring U.S.
                                      liberalization               trade policy
30         trade
                                                                                          NAFTA signing, Pdt
                                                                                          Clinton, 1994

                                                          Trade Act of 1974

                                                                                               Steel Tariffs, Pdt
                                                                                               Bush, 2002
                                                                      1979-1980: +1.7
10                                                                      pp vs 2017

                                         GATT 6th round, Kennedy 1967 -38%
                                         tariff reduction

Sources: National Statistics, Euler Hermes
GLOBAL TRADE - Euler Hermes
Global trade by Euler Hermes Economic Research

              Pragmatism in America, the Chinese trade barriers between the EU and              keep trade balance in surplus.
              trade safety net, and protectionism the US and encourage the EU to buy
                                                                                                So far, US protectionist measures
              fatigue                                more US goods. November political
                                                                                                have been counter-productive. Past
                                                     developments tend to confirm our
              The determinants behind our central                                               trade spat with Japan can explain
                                                     view of a potential positive outcome
              assumption come from the practice                                                 why. The China-US trade deficit for
                                                     of this conflict: talks between China
              of trade agreement in the US, the                                                 the first 9 months of 2018 accounts
                                                     and the US have resumed; President
              decisive role that China plays as a                                               for -USD318bn, +10% higher than
                                                     Trump hinted at a potential trade
              trade safety net, and protectionism                                               last year in the same period.
                                                     deal by the end of this year with Chi-
              fatigue, whereby companies and
                                                     na. Yet, successive negative remarks       Moreover, one lesson learned from
              countries have been adapting to
                                                     from US officials (Pence, Lighthizer)      the past is that it takes more than a
              sophisticated protectionism in the
                                                     suggest that the process will be           price shock to revert a trade deficit.
              past years.
                                                     lengthy.                                   The Plaza accord shows a caution-
              We do expect a more constructive                                                  ary tale about the effect of price
                                                     China’s retaliation to US rivalry is not
              approach to trade from the United                                                 adjustment on the trade balance. In
                                                     breaking global trade. Domestically,
              States. The rebalancing of the politi-                                            September 1985, G5 countries dele-
                                                     a first step would be to maintain a
              cal landscape after the midterms                                                  gates met and announced that the
                                                     downward bias for the RMB. We
              calls for a less aggressive stance on                                             USD was undervalued and that they
                                                     estimate that -10% depreciation of
              trade. Moreover, the example of the                                               would correct the situation. The JPY
                                                     the RMB per USD would help ab-
              revamped NAFTA (with Mexico,                                                      appreciated by +46% between Sep-
                                                     sorb a tariff cost of USD50bn (c. 25%
              Canada) and KORUS (with South                                                     tember 1985 and December 1986.
                                                     tariffs on USD200bn imports from
              Korea) deals and the easing of ten-                                               Contrary to what could be expected
                                                     the US).
              sions with the EU tend to confirm our                                             from such a deterioration of price
              view that: the US uses threats as a    A second step would be to set a soft       competitiveness, the trade balance
              tool for negotiations; obtaining a     economic patriotism policy to force        against the US remained in surplus
              trade deal is the end-game. As the the US to negotiate. This could in-            (Figure 3). Non-price competitive-
              US is by far the largest outlet for    clude: (i) non-regulatory measures         ness elements such as productivity
              Canada’s and Mexico’s exporters, a such as an anti-US campaign, a boy-            and efforts to innovate mattered.
              major trade partner and political      cott of some US products; (ii) regula-     Indeed, the growth of GDP-to-
              ally for South Korea, the Trump Ad- tory measures that affect American            Employed Labor Force in Japan os-
              ministration had the upper hand in     companies operations in China.             cillated between +1.5% and +5.1%
              the negotiation.                                                                  between 1985 and 1991, while it
                                                     The latter could consist in tighter
                                                                                                ranged in the US from 0.8 to 2%. In
              Regarding China and the EU, the        regulation at the customs, more diffi-
                                                                                                our view, this example suggests that
              resolution of tensions may last a bit cult rules for basic and routine pro-
                                                                                                it would take more than a tariff
              longer as both markets are much        cedures (set up of a company, reve-
                                                                                                (price) shock to derail the Chinese
              larger and less dependent on the US nues repatriation to the US, e.g.).
                                                                                                export machine. Productivity growth
              than the previous ones.
                                                     China has already employed this            is strong and the country is continu-
              In that context, our scenario envi-    strategy in the past when South Ko-        ously investing in innovation. China's
              sions lengthy negotiations that could rea decided to install a US made            total expenditures on research and
              lead to an agreement by the end of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense            development have increased to
              2019, with: (i) China’s extending the anti-missile system (THAAD). A third        c.USD279 billion in 2017 (+14% y/y).
              opening of its domestic market to US step would be to encourage innova-           These account for 2.1% of GDP
              corporates; (ii) moves to reduce       tion and productivity in order to          against 2.8% in the United States.

GLOBAL TRADE - Euler Hermes
November 2018

Figure 3 JPY per USD and US-Japan trade balance
300                                                                                  0


                                           JPY per USD (left)

                                           Trade Balance with Japan (USD bn,
                                           right)                                    -30


150                                                                                  -50





  0                                                                                  -100

Sources: IHS, Euler Hermes

China acts as a global trade safety                    domestically; boost imports growth        2018. This new integrated market will
net and wants to open up faster. With                  and global trade ultimately. We esti-     account for 13% of global GDP, 7% of
full policy mix support, we forecast                   mate that: a tariff cut of 1pp could      the global population and 16% of
import growth in China to remain                       boost global trade by +0.3pp.             global trade. The Regional Compre-
strong at USD 161bn in 2019. In addi-                                                            hensive Economic Partnership, which
                                                       Trade facilitation reforms and new
tion, since December last year, China                                                            gathers almost all Asia-Pacific big
                                                       free trade agreements are partially
cut import tariffs (except for the US)                                                           players (China, Japan, India, South
                                                       compensating for the US-China quar-
for a certain number of consumer                                                                 Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and
                                                       rel. Out of the US, countries tend to
goods including food products, phar-                                                             ASEAN) is currently in negotiation and
                                                       favor free trade initiatives. The last
maceuticals, garments, cosmetics and                                                             a deal could be reached next year.
                                                       edition of the World Bank Doing Busi-
home appliances, and passenger                                                                   The grouping will represent nearly
                                                       ness (Doing Business 2019) points to a
cars. In November 2018 in particular,                                                            half of the global population, 32% of
                                                       positive trend: trading across borders
1585 industrial products, including                                                              global GDP and 30% of global trade.
                                                       sub-score have increased in almost all
machinery, electronic devices, textile                                                           Last, there are also free trade initia-
                                                       major economies (see Figure 4), and
and construction material, have seen                                                             tives that are ongoing and are ex-
                                                       especially in emerging markets that
a tariff cut. Moreover, China stepped                                                            pected to bear fruits gradually. The
                                                       used to have poor scores such as In-
up initiatives to open its market to                                                             Belt and Road, for instance, is getting
                                                       dia, Indonesia or even China. One-
neighboring countries, namely India,                                                             traction, with more countries getting
                                                       third of G-20 countries improved their
South Korea, Bangladesh, Laos, and                                                               involved, and enlarged financial ca-
Sri Lanka with significant tariffs cut for                                                       pabilities. The initiative gathers now
imports of soybeans, beef, liquefied                   Moreover, there is a certain number       80+ countries (60+ in its beginning)
petroleum gas, textiles, and medical                   of game-changing Free Trade Agree-        which represent nearly 36% of global
X-ray devices. While it is too early to                ments that could be effective soon.       GDP, 68% of the world’s population,
assess the impact of such moves,                       The Comprehensive and Progressive         41% of the global trade and 46% of
these measures are expected to: re-                    Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partner-      global savings.
duce input cost for corporates, sup-                   ship (TPP without the US) has already
port consumption growth as house-                      been ratified by six nations and is set
holds get access to cheaper products                   to come into force on 30th December

                                      “Protectionism should stay under control. Yet an escalation
                                      to a trade feud scenario could cost half a point of GDP in
Ludovic Subran, Global Head of
                                      growth; a trade war would cost two points of GDP growth.”
Macroeconomic Research at Allianz
and Chief economist at Euler Hermes

GLOBAL TRADE - Euler Hermes
Global trade by Euler Hermes Economic Research

              Figure 4 G-20 Trading across borders (100 = best score)
                                           DB 2018                    DB 2019                    OECD avg







              Source: World Bank Doing Business

              Could plurilateral agreements be                G20s are calling upon countries to              farmers, workers and companies, I
              the (trade) new normal? The World               come back to their senses and let go            have instructed our U.S. Reps not to
              Trade Organization (WTO) is at full             of tweet storms. At the same time—              endorse the Communique as we
              speed: its dispute settlement process           beware of protectionism fatigue.                look at Tariffs on automobiles flood-
              has functioned reasonably well.                                                                 ing the U.S. Market!”.
                                                              President Trump does not like to
              Efforts to modernize the WTO and
                                                              leave international summits without             At the 29th NATO summit, on July
              maintain the current international
                                                              flamboyance. On July 9th, 2017 (one             11-12 in Brussels, Donald Trump
              trading system are intensifying. Ma-
                                                              day after the G20 in Hamburg), he               once again hit the retweet record by
              jor disagreements between WTO
                                                              confirmed by tweet his will to “fix             opening the summit with blistering
              members relate to the way to ad-
                                                              bad trade deals” despite an adopt-              criticism of Germany, calling it a
              dress intellectual property rights,
                                                              ed declaration on further trade inte-           'captive of Russia'.
              industrial and agricultural subsidies
                                                              gration the previous day.
              and new realities such as digitaliza-                                                           These invectives detracted from the
              tion and e-commerce.                            In the same way, he instigated the              summit's goal of projecting unity in
                                                              trade feud with China three days                the face of Russian aggression.
              In September, the EU released a
                                                              before the Davos summit in January
              concept paper to improve the insti-                                                             In Buenos Aires on November 30th
                                                              by imposing the first tariffs on wash-
              tution with tighter rules on industrial                                                         and December, 1st 2018, leaders of
                                                              ing machines and solar panels.
              subsidies, new rules to reduce barri-                                                           the world will meet again.
              ers to services and investment, and a           While much of these imports do not
              more fine-tuned dispute settlement              come from China, the statement                  On the official agenda, trade; on the
              mechanism. One example of the                   made clear that Chinese dominance               officious agenda the so-called Thu-
              multilateral system pulling itself by           of the global supply chain was a                cydides’ trap: The US, worried about
              its bootstraps is the current platform          concern.                                        the growing influence of China, de-
              under negotiation around e-                                                                     cided to attack first economically.
                                                              At the G7 summit on June 8-9, Presi-
              commerce – which started in 1998
                                                              dent Trump had initially agreed to              Throughout history such situations of
              and has stalled because of categori-
                                                              sign on the communique traditional-             paranoia versus hubris have often
              zation issues and resuscitated in Bali
                                                              ly cobbled together by the countries            resulted in a military conflict - 12
              (2013) in line with the Trade in Ser-
                                                              at the end of the summit saying that            times out of 16 to be exact2.
              vices Agreement (TiSA). In spite of
                                                              America was still on board with the
              failing rounds, the WTO is now open                                                   The final declaration will certainly
                                                              liberal democratic project it helped
              about plurilateral agreements –                                                       advocate for trade liberalization
                                                              build in the ashes of WW2.
              which involve only some members –                                                     and against isolationism at a time
              or trade compacts which could re-               However, somewhere in the Pacific     when a soft landing is visible in the
              place consensus agreements. It cer-             on his way to meet KJU, the US Presi- three major economies.
              tainly is not enough to counter-                dent declared: “Based on Justin’s
              balance the many trade-related                  false statements at his news confer- But it is hard to predict what would
              risks but certainly shows that a new            ence, and the fact that Canada is     be the following morning’s tweet.
              model is possible.                              charging massive tariffs to our U.S.
                Out of the 4 which did not end into a conflict, 3 happened in the 20th Century: UK-US in the early 1900s, the Cold War or more recently Germa-
               ny versus the UK and France in the 1990s.
GLOBAL TRADE - Euler Hermes
November 2018

             2019: IN SPITE OF RISKS
             WHERE TO GO?
             WHO WILL GROW?
The US, China, and the Eurozone           +2.4% in 2019 (from +2.2% in 2018),      Figure 5 Top 30 Additional Import Needs by Market
continue to be the best destinations      unemployment rate to decrease to                      (Goods & Services, in USD bn for 2019)
for exporters. Despite rising trade       7.9% (from 8.2%). In other large ad-
tensions, imports from major econo-       vanced economies namely Japan,                                0             100   200         300    400
mies – namely the US, the Eurozone,       South Korea, Switzerland, and Swe-            United States                             193
and China – are expected to remain        den, imports are expected to grow                    China                        161
essential.                                as firm currencies boost purchasing               Germany                    67
                                          powers.                                               India                 58
We pencil a rise of +USD193bn in                                                               Japan              48
2019 for the US, of +USD260bn for     In emerging markets, Emerging Asia
                                                                                         Netherlands              47
the Eurozone.                         will continue to record a solid import
                                                                                         South Korea             45
                                      growth, reflecting a burgeoning do-
                                                                                          Hong Kong              41
In the US, the fiscal stimulus of the mestic demand and a rise of capital
                                                                                              France             37
Trump administration and a rise in    and equipment goods imports as
                                                                                               Brazil            35
wages associated with the strength the region becomes more integrated                      Singapore             33
of the dollar will keep both domestic into global supply chains.                             Canada          29
demand and imports in-check. In       We particularly expect a rise of im-           United Kingdom          28
China, solid growth of private con-   ports of +USD108bn for the ASEAN-          United Arab Emirates        26
sumption and an opening of the        6 grouping and USD58bn for India                        Ireland        25
domestic markets are expected to      in 2019. In the eastern part of the                     Poland         25
support import growth (+USD161bn EU, demand will remain relatively                           Vietnam         21
in 2019). In the Eurozone, improving firm as the positive economic out-                       Mexico        21
job markets and resilience in both    look in the EU boosts income growth.                    Nigeria       19
investment and consumption will                                                             Malaysia        17
                                      Poland will continue to lead the
                                                                                               Spain        15
support the rise of imports.          trend with an import growth of
                                                                                              Taiwan        14
We expect wage growth to rise to      +USD25bn.
                                                                                           Indonesia        14
                                                                                             Belgium        14
                                                                                            Thailand        14
                                                                                                Italy       13
                            “China acts as a global trade safety                            Australia       11
                                                                                             Norway         11
                            net, and wants to open up faster. We                          Philippines       10
                                                                                            Romania     10
                            estimate that: a tariff cut of 1pp could
                                                                                                                             Source: Euler Hermes
hamoud Islam
Senior Economist for Asia
                            boost global trade by +0.3pp.”

                                                                                                                                    Photo by Negative Space, Pexels
Global trade by Euler Hermes Economic Research

Photo by Mikael Kristenson on Unsplash

                                 Thanks to servitization, services ex-   The Electronics and Electrical equip-                next year.
                                 ports are expected to post a growth     ment sector will benefit from the
                                                                                                                              The latter is under stress and could
                                 of +USD365bn (a pace relatively         economic resilience in the largest
                                                                                                                              be hit severely over the next months
                                 similar to 2018).                       electronics importers (China, US,
                                                                                                                              if the US were to impose a 25% tariff
                                                                         Germany, and Japan). The mass
                                 First, this will be driven by a contin-                                                      on USD200bn of automotive im-
                                                                         adoption of IoT devices and the arri-
                                 ued growth of the services sector in                                                         ports.
                                                                         val of 5G technology, which has al-
                                 emerging markets. China’s services
                                                                         ready started to be commercially                     For now, we expect demand to re-
                                 are expected to account for 53%
                                                                         deployed, will foster the trend in                   main resilient, sustained by solid
                                 GDP (from 52% in 2017) for instance.
                                                                         2019. Machinery and Equipment                        demand in advanced economies
                                 In these markets, the manufacturing
                                                                         exports are expected to post resili-                 and continued expansion in emerg-
                                 sector is becoming more service-
                                                                         ent growth supported by a rise in                    ing markets such as China and India.
                                 oriented with higher spending on
                                                                         infrastructure spending mainly led
                                 research & development, marketing                                                            Agrifood and textile industries hin-
                                                                         by China as part of its fiscal stimulus
                                 and sales, customer support and                                                              dered by strong price pressures.
                                                                         and its Belt and Road Strategy. The
                                 financial services.                                                                          Strong competition may act as a
                                                                         energy sector will be driven by two
                                                                                                                              drag on nominal growth.
                                 Moreover, services are developing       dynamics: a strong catch up in 2018
                                 at a fast pace as the rise of the mid- as oil price increases rapidly on year                Paper will continue to feel the heat
                                 dle class leads to new consumer         on year terms (around +31%), and a                   of the march towards digitalization.
                                 needs.                                  correction in 2019.
                                                                                                                              Last, lower demand in the agro-
                                 This trend is fostered by continued                   Ferrous and Non Ferrous metals         chemical industry (around 6% of
                                 digitalization, which enlarges oppor-                 and Vehicles are faced with signifi-   total output), lower prices in petro-
                                 tunities for corporates through new                   cant protectionist threats. The for-   chemical (around 50% of total out-
                                 trading platforms and a better offer-                 mer is already heavily targeted by     put) due to strong competition from
                                 ing of online services (online courses,               protectionist policies and we expect   the US will act as a drag on the sec-
                                 online consulting, e.g.)                              a moderation in trade performance      tor overall.

                                 Figure 6 Sector gains for merchandise goods (USD bn)
                                                              0                                           200                                       400

                                                  Services                                                                                 365

                                    Electronic and Electric                                                                        337

                                                   Energy                                      148

                                  Machinery & Equipment                                 110

                                                  Vehicles                        74

                                  Ferrous and non-ferrous                         73

                                                 Chemical                    49

                                                 Agrifood                   47

                                                    Textile            38

                                             Wood Paper           24

                                 Source: Euler Hermes

November 2018

Heavyweight exporters – China, the      mand. In the Eurozone, the perfor-          Figure 7 Top 30 – Potential Export Gains by Market
US, and Germany – are best posi-        mance will be mainly driven by de-                     (Goods and Services in USD bn for 2019)
tioned to benefit from trade growth.    mand from the EU (60% of trade is
China, the US, and Germany remain       intra-regional) as emerging markets                             0         50        100        150     200
on top of our export gains. In China,   show signs of weakness and a weak                      China                                           146
currency depreciation and front-        euro encourages corporates to look              United States                                        134
loading of exports to the US help       for local suppliers. Germany, France,                   India                        71
explain the strong rise of exports in   and Italy, in particular, are expected              Germany                         64
2018. In the medium term, we ex-        to post a rise of export of USD64bn,             Netherlands                   52
pect Chinese trade initiatives, name-   USD28bn, and USD16bn respective-                     Vietnam                  40
ly the Belt and Road and potentially    ly in 2019.                                            Brazil             36
                                                                                          Hong Kong               35
the RCEP, to help diversify exports.
                                      Asian and African newcomers could                    Singapore              34
Note that China’s exports to Belt     make it to the Export Wall of Fame.                    Canada               31
and Road markets account for a        We expect strong performance from                        Japan              30
third of total China’s merchandise    manufacturing countries in Asia,                        Ireland             30
exports while the US accounts for     Eastern Europe, and Africa. These                       France             28
19% of merchandise exports. In the    markets will likely benefit from: the                 Malaysia             27
US, the export acceleration of 2018   rise of protectionism in the US (as                South Korea             26
should be based on higher capacity    corporates will look for new suppli-                    Poland         22
to export energy, alongside higher    ers out of China and the Eurozone),                     Taiwan         22
oil prices, as well as a stable de-   the advancement of the Belt and            United Arab Emirates        20
mand at a global level.               Road project (which should improve                   Indonesia         20
                                      connectivity within these three re-                     Mexico         18
The same factors should explain the gions), and the development of Chi-                     Thailand        18
deceleration of exports in 2019, with na’s value chain (which should bene-                     Spain        18
lower energy prices and an ex-        fit low-end producers in both emerg-                Philippines       18
pected deceleration of global de-     ing Asia and Africa).                                  Norway         17
                                                                                              Nigeria       17
                                                                                            Australia       17
                                                                                     United Kingdom         17
                                                                                                Italy       16

                    “The US, China, and the Eurozone will                               Saudi Arabia
                    continue to be the best destinations for
                                                                                                                                 Source: Euler Hermes
 Ana Boata,
                    exporters in 2019. We expect a rise of
 Senior Economist
 for the Eurozone
                    imports of goods and services of
                    +USD193bn from the US, +USD161bn
                    from China and +USD260bn for the Eu-

Global trade by Euler Hermes Economic Research

         WATCH FOR IN 2019?
              Opportunities should continue to                The trade finance gap is estimated              Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partner-
              attract companies ready to interna-             at USD1.5tn.                                    ship and the Regional Comprehen-
              tionalize but there are three main                                                              sive Economic Partnership. This
                                                              Second, trade diversion has already
              risks they should prepare for: a high-                                                          offers new opportunities in terms of
                                                              started and could disrupt supply
              er cost of trade, trade diversion, and                                                          organization for corporates. In the
                                                              chains. Corporates could focus on
              political risk beyond protectionism.                                                            case of the RCEP for example, we
                                                              local markets and secured trade
                                                                                                              expect Chinese corporates to invest
              First, the cost of trade will mechani-          routes, to keep revenues in check as
                                                                                                              and build factories in Cambodia,
              cally increase in 2019. On top of               the risk of supply chain disruptions
                                                                                                              Laos, and Myanmar in order to man-
              increased tariffs, and time to clear            has increased with US-China trade
                                                                                                              ufacture low-end products (textile
              customs because of uncertainty,                 tensions.
                                                                                                              and electronic).
              trade financing is expected to be-
                                                    While the value of global trade con-
              come more costly, in line with tight-                                                           This would make the Chinese supply
                                                    tinues to grow in both 2018 and
              ening monetary and financial condi-                                                             chain more competitive but will also
                                                    2019, foreign direct investment
              tions in dollar terms, as well as a                                                             open new markets for Chinese com-
                                                    worldwide could decrease by -14%
              specific increase of currency, politi-                                                          panies. Both external strategies
                                                    in 2018 before a modest uptick in
              cal and non-payment risks.                                                                      would lead to a diversion of supply
                                                    2019 (+5%)3. In the US, companies
                                                                                                              chains. Intermediate consumption
              For every 100 basis points of in-     are experiencing a boom – and a
                                                                                                              hubs will be scrutinized.
              crease in US 10 year interest rates,  lesser incentive to go after trade
              trade finance costs increase by 80    outlets abroad. Out of the US, past                       Asian pivots will benefit the most
              basis points. Currency depreciation the wait-and-see mode, corporates                           from global trade re-wiring.
              risks come on top, as most emerging try to secure their supply chain.
                                                                                                              Figure 8 and 9 help identify the loca-
              markets’ currencies are expected to
                                                    Blue wire trade – red wire trade:                         tions that could benefit the most
              depreciate (to the dollar) by another
                                                    Duplicating supply chains or bank-                        from the trade’s new normal.
              5 to 10% in 2019.
                                                    ing on competitive and neutral
                                                                                                              Figure 8 shows the countries that
              Policy mistakes (miscommunication trade hubs to avoid tariffs?
                                                                                                              have recorded the largest gains in
              on macro-policies and pro-cyclical
                                                    In the face of growing trade threats,                     global market share for intermedi-
              macro-policies) have become very
                                                    and political risks including Brexit                      ate goods exports (electronic com-
              costly for demand; the cases of Ar-
                                                    and bilateral tensions as in the Gulf                     ponents, engines, e.g.) over 2006-
              gentina and Turkey where recession
                                                    countries, company boards and the                         2016. This is a crucial indicator of
              prevails are important to note. Vul-
                                                    risk managers’ community have                             countries integration in the global
              nerable countries include Brazil,
                                                    started to discuss secured trade                          supply chain.
              Russia, South Africa, and to a lesser
                                                    routes either banking on neutral and
              extent India, Philippines, Indonesia,                                                           China tops the ranking by far. The
                                                    competitive trade hubs that are not
              Romania, and Hungary.                                                                           markets that follow (South Korea,
                                                    subject to protectionist measures
                                                                                                              Vietnam) are solid contenders but
              In addition, insolvencies have been   from major economies, or by region-
                                                                                                              catching up to China will take time.
              up for the third consecutive year     alizing their value chains along
              globally by more than +5% with Asia trade areas. For instance, a compa-                         Figure 9 shows the average growth
              and Latin America contributing the    ny could decide to operate: in the                        of stock of Inward FDIs and average
              most to the number of companies       USMCA FTA (US Mexico Canada                               growth of trade for selected coun-
              going bust. Last, trade to/from       Free Trade Agreement) world; along                        tries over 2014-17 (post Taper Tan-
              emerging markets is already affect- mega trade agreements such as the                           trum and after the start of the Belt
              ed by the scarcity of trade finance.  Comprehensive and Progressive                             and Road Initiative).

                Global foreign direct investment inflows fell by 41% y/y in H1 2018 because of the repatriation of foreign earnings by US companies from their
12             foreign affiliate after the tax reform. Short-term indicators provide a more nuanced picture with M&A sales decreasing by -1% y/y in H1 2018
               and announced Greenfield investment growing by +42% y/y.
November 2018

Figure 8 Intermediate goods exports: Change in global market share, % – Top performers

                                            China                                                                       //
                                      South Korea                                                                     1.59
                                         Viet Nam                                               0.94
                                           Mexico                                               0.92
                                           Taiwan                                       0.75
                                         Malaysia                                     0.67
                                         Thailand                              0.52
                                             India                             0.51
                                           Poland                       0.39
                                    Czech Republic                      0.37
                                         Romania                   0.31
                                          Slovakia               0.26
                                           Turkey                0.25
                                             Israel       0.12
                                          Hungary        0.09
                                         Indonesia      0.07
                                            Egypt       0.05
                                         Lithuania     0.05
                                          Bulgaria     0.05
               Serbia and Montenegro                   0.04

Sources: IHS, Euler Hermes

One feature of new manufacturing                                                                          It is unlikely that China will be re-    In Asia, these markets are found in
hubs is a strong growth of foreign                                                                        placed soon as the key supplier. The     ASEAN. Malaysia, Thailand, and
direct investment associated with a                                                                       market is still extremely competitive    Indonesia are already integrated
strong growth of trade. Corporates                                                                        (taking market share aggressively),      into the global supply chain and are
invest in factories in the new mar-                                                                       foreign investment is strong, and its    competitive; Vietnam, Philippines,
kets, import capital goods and start                                                                                                               Cambodia, and Laos are becoming
                                                                                                          position in the global supply chain is
selling from these markets. We use                                                                                                                 more integrated.
China as a benchmark. In the North                                                                        crucial. In the longer term, we see
East part of the graph, we see the                                                                        new players emerging and diversion       In Europe, Romania and Poland are
new manufacturing hubs which are                                                                          effects due to new trade policies        the best positioned with modest
mainly Asian markets (Bangladesh,                                                                         and corporates strategies will likely    growth of investment and strong
Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, e.g.).                                                                           exacerbate this trend.                   growth of trade.

Figure 9 FDI Inward Stock and Trade of Goods and Services (growth average over 2014-2017)

Trade of goods and services

                              12%                             Côte d'Ivoire

                              10%                                                                  Bangladesh

                                                                    Sri Lanka
                                                       Poland       Morocco

                              6%                 Mexico
                                                                                        Costa Rica                           Lao P.D.R.
                                                  Malaysia                                       Myanmar
                                         Germany      Italy             Turkey
                              4%                                                        China
                                                      Australia Japan                                     India
                                             United Kingdom
                                                                         United States
                                                    Canada       Kenya
                              2%           South Africa
                                       Argentina Saudi Arabia
                                                      Brazil Nigeria   Colombia
                                 -5.0%          0.0%             5.0%                10.0%      15.0%                20.0%          25.0%
                                                                               FDI inward stock

Sources: UNCTAD, IMF, Euler Hermes

Global trade by Euler Hermes Economic Research

              Last, tariffs are the tip of the iceberg.       ist rhetoric did not concern trade   restrictive measures among the G-20
              Other forms of protectionism, politi-                                                countries recently (+40 from mid-
                                                              directly but the benefits from critical
              cal risk, and Fait du Prince could              sectors such as energy, and agricul- May to mid-October). Globally, our
              increase further in 2019. On top of             ture. As the economy enters a soft   calculations indicate that the US
              more costly trade routes, transaction           landing, more interventionism and    tops the ranking accounting for 20%
              risks as exemplified by growing                 defensive strategies could be enact- of the implemented measures. Pro-
              sanctions or targeted regulatory                ed.                                  tectionist measures are very specific.
              risks on highly visible and strategic                                                They targeted specific countries such
                                                              Cautious optimism prevails on pro-
              sectors – such as automotive –, as                                                   as China, followed by Canada and
                                                              tectionism-at-large. Figure 10 shows
              well as confiscation and expropria-                                                  the US, as well specific sectors.
                                                              the number of protectionist
              tion risks on assets, especially critical                                            China was targeted by 369
                                                              measures that have been imple-
              infrastructure could be a second
                                                              mented by country since 2014 with a measures during the period 2014–
              phase to mounting protectionism.                                                     18.
                                                              focus on top contributors.
              From the United States to Germany                                                                On top of the US and China, several
                                                              The number of protectionist
              and France, to China, government                                                                 economies have also adopted non-
                                                              measures kept increasing since
              interventions against foreign takeo-                                                             tariff trade barriers especially in
                                                              2014, yet the pace is slowing. After
              vers have increased, in both number             560 measures in 2017, the first nine             Metals, Chemicals, and Construc-
              and visibility4.                                months of 2018 saw an increase of                tion, or Agrifood, and Machinery &
              In several countries in Latin America           294. And based on current trends,                Equipment. Going forward, visible
              (Mexico, and Brazil), in Asia                   we could end the year with 400                   and strategic sectors could face sig-
              (Indonesia e.g.), in Europe (Italy), in         measures implemented. The WTO                    nificant headwinds.
              Africa (South Africa), the protection-          figures indicate an increase of trade

              Figure 10 Number of protectionist measures adopted by year and distribution by sector

                                              1193                                                                               26%
                  1200                                                                                                                     Protectionist measures
                                                             1095                                                                          worldwide
                                                                                                                                           Other sectors
                                                                               909                                                         Energy
                   800                                                                                                                     Transport

                   600                                                                          560                              11%

                                                                                                                                           Machinery &
                   400                                                                                                                     Metals

                             14%                                                                                                           Agrifood
                                               12%            12%                              13%
                   200                                                         11%                              10%
                                                                                                                                           Share impacting the
                                                                                                                                           US and China

              Sources: GTA, Euler Hermes calculations

               Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States or CFIUS, Außenwirtschaftsverordnung, and Decret Montebourg are the names in the
              US, Germany in France respectively of the legal proceedings which help limit foreign acquisitions of critical companies and assets domestically.
               Our estimates are based on Global Trade Alert Database. We adopted a broad definition (similarly to GTA) of protectionism and include all
              initiatives that can hinder another country’s commercial interest. We focus on measures that have been initiated and implemented by national

November 2018

Photo by Charles Deluvio    on Unsplash

Director of Publications: Ludovic Subran, Chief Economist
       Euler Hermes Allianz Economic Research
       1, place des Saisons | 92048 Paris-La-Défense Cedex | France
       Phone +33 1 84 11 35 64 |
       A company of Allianz


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