GRADUATE STUDIES COURSE LISTING SUMMER 2021 - May 17-August 16, 2021 - Immaculata University

Page created by Willie Barker
GRADUATE STUDIES COURSE LISTING SUMMER 2021 - May 17-August 16, 2021 - Immaculata University

May 17–August 16, 2021

IMPORTANT DATES                     Dear Students:

MONDAY                              We are pleased to invite new, continuing and prospective students
MARCH 22, 2021                      to preview the Summer 2021 College of Graduate Studies Course
6:00 a.m.                           Listing.
Online registration begins.
                                    Immaculata University offers master’s, doctoral and certification
Directions for registering online   programs in the areas of Education, Psychology, HealthCare and
can be found on page 10.            Business. All of our programs are rooted in academic rigor, ethical
                                    integrity, and Christian core values and encourage a commitment
MONDAY                              to lifelong learning and professional excellence. Students are
MAY 17, 2021                        supported by an engaged and professional faculty who create
Summer 2021                         opportunities for growth through teaching-learning relationships,
Semester Begins                     research and service.

                                    To meet student needs, graduate courses are offered in
                                    face-to-face, online and hybrid formats. The course listing is
                                    arranged by department and provides specific details for each
                                    course offering. Course descriptions can be found in the Graduate
                                    Catalog available on the website at

                                    New and current students needing assistance with registration
                                    may contact the Graduate Office at 484-323-3211 or

                                    There is still time for prospective master level students to apply for
                                    the Summer semester. Apply online at
                                    or contact Sandra Rollison, Associate Dean, at 484-323-3215 or

                                    Wherever you are in your academic journey, we are dedicated to
                                    helping you achieve your academic and professional goals!


                                    Dr. Marcia Parris
                                    Dean, College of Graduate Studies

SUMMER I - Monday, May 17 - Monday, June 28

Monday                            Wednesday                          Tuesday                   Thursday
May 17                            May 19                             May 18                    May 20
May 24                            May 26                             May 25                    May 27
May 31 - OFF                      June 2                             June 1                    June 3
June 7                            June 9                             June 8                    June 10
June 14                           June 16                            June 15                   June 17
June 21                           June 23                            June 22                   June 24
June 28                           ---------                          ----------                ---------

SUMMER FULL - Monday, May 17 - Monday, August 16

Monday                            Wednesday                          Tuesday                   Thursday
May 17                            May 18                             May 19                    May 20
May 24                            May 25                             May 26                    May 27
May 31 - OFF                      June 1                             June 2                    June 3
June 7                            June 8                             June 9                    June 10
June 14                           June 15                            June 16                   June 17
June 21                           June 22                            June 23                   June 24
June 28                           June 29                            June 30                   July 1
July 5 – OFF                      July 6                             July 7                    July 8
July 12                           July 13                            July 14                   July 15
July 19                           July 20                            July 21                   July 22
July 26                           July 27                            July 28                   July 29
August 2                          August 3                           August 4                  August 5
August 9                          ----------                         ----------                ----------
August 16                         ----------                         ----------                ----------

SUMMER II - Tuesday, July 6 - Monday, August 16

Monday                            Wednesday                          Tuesday                   Thursday
----------                        July 7                             July 6                    July 8
July 12                           July 14                            July 13                   July 15
July 19                           July 21                            July 20                   July 22
July 26                           July 28                            July 27                   July 29
August 2                          August 4                           August 3                  August 5
August 9                          August 11                          August 10                 August 12
August 16                         ----------                         ----------                ----------

Immaculata University is committed to the principle of equal educational opportunity without unlawful
discrimination because of an applicant’s or student’s race, gender, ethnicity, religion, age, national
origin, color, disability, marital status, familial status, veteran status, ancestry, genetic characteristics,
pregnancy, or other classifications protected by law or University policy.

                                                               IMMACULATA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES | 1

       The Summer 2021 registration process begins with the publication of this listing for graduate course
       offerings. Please refer to the “Class Meeting Dates” on page 1 for specific term dates.

       Online Registration: Graduate students may register online using (SSIU) - Self-Service Immaculata
       University. Please refer to pages 10-11 for step-by-step instructions on “How to Register Online.”

       Online registration will open at 6:00 a.m. on Monday, March 22, 2021. Wait lists will be managed
       through the Registrar’s Office. All financial obligations must be met prior to online registration and
       office registration.

       Your advisor will receive a copy of your course selections for review and approval and will contact you if

       If you would like to meet with your advisor prior to submitting course selections, please call as soon as
       possible to schedule an appointment.

       Following the submission of either an official add/drop form or a withdrawal form (after the third
       session), tuition refunds for semester length courses are made on the following basis:

               prior to first class                                                                 100%
               after the first but prior to the second class                                         80%
               after the second but prior to the third class                                         60%
               after the third but prior to the fourth class                                         40%
               after the fourth but prior to the fifth class                                         20%
               after the fifth class                                                            no refund

       Students may add and drop classes online for Summer until May 16, 2021.
       After this date, you must process registration updates through the Graduate Office.

       • Refund policies for 7-week courses can be found at
       • Refunds for special topics and other courses scheduled in special formats will be pro-rated.

       Call 610-647-4400 x3005 for Application Information

Monday, May 17–Monday, June 28, 2021

CRN      COURSE NO. AND TITLE                             CREDIT    DAY/TIME                      LOCATION           INSTRUCTOR

CORE/GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPORT COURSES                                Dr. Marcia Parris, Dean
50284  GEN 501A Human Development (5/18 – 6/29)           3         T 5:00-7:00 pm                OL/SYNC            Dr. Dawn Kriebel
50283  GEN 503A Interpersonal Relations                   3         T Th 4:30-7:10 pm             6 GC               Bernadette Dougherty, MA

EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP                                               Dr. Karen Miscavage, Director
50215   EDL 599 Comprehensive Examination                 0         Submit on Moodle no later than Tuesday, July 6   Dr. Karen Miscavage
50209   EDL 626 School Community Relations                3         Login to Moodle              Online              Dr. Melissa Reed
        (Online 5/17 thru 6/28)                                     M 5/17 by 10:00 pm
50218   EDL 629 Introduction to Special Education         3         Login to Moodle              Online              Dr. Laura Eisemann
        (Online 5/17 – 6/28)                                        M 5/17 by 10:00 pm
50210   EDL 640A Instructional Accommodations             3         T 4:30-8:30 pm                212 LH             Dr. Karen Miscavage
        (Hybrid 5/20 thru 7/1)                                      FF: 5/18; 6/1, 15, 29
                                                                    OL:5/25, 6/8, 22
50211    EDL 640B Instructional Accommodations            3         Login to Moodle              Online              Dr. Karen Miscavage
         (Open only to students enrolled in                         M 5/17 by 10:00 pm
         Pupil Personnel Services program. Online 5/17 thru 6/28)
50288    EDL 645 Language Arts Methods (Grades 5-12)      3         M 4:30 – 8:30                 217 LH             Dr. Kelly Doyle
         (Hybrid 5/18 – 6/29)                                       FF: 5/17, 5/24, 6/14, 6/28
                                                                    OL: 5/31, 6/7, 6/21
50212    EDL 661 Literacy in Education                    3         Login to Moodle               Online             Dr. Kelly Doyle
         (Online 5/17 thru 6/28)                                    M 5/17 by 10:00 pm
50213    EDL 662 Instructional Strategies for Standards   3         Login to Moodle               Online             Dr. Melissa Bream
         Aligned Curriculum in Mathematics                          M 5/17 by 10:00 pm
         (Online 5/17 thru 6/28)
50214    EDL 676 Integrated Application of Wellness Ed.   4         Login to Moodle               Online             Dr. Thomas O’Brien
         (Online 5/17 thru 6/28)                                    M 5/17 by 10:00 pm

DOCTOR OF EDUCATION-K-12-LEADERSHIP                                 Sr. Carol Anne Couchara, Director
50011   EDL 730 Pupil Personnel Services                  3         Log into Moodle              Online              Dr. Thomas O’Brien
                                                                    T 5/18 by 10:00 pm
50013    EDL 735 The Superintendency                      3         Th 5:00 - 9:00 pm            216 LH              Dr. Marc Bertrando
                                                                    5/20, 27; 6/3, 10, 17, 24

HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT                                               Dr. Anne Marie McCauley, Director
50106  MHCM 610 Health Economics                          3         Log into Moodle             Online               Michelle Green, MBA
       (Online 5/17 – 6/28)                                         M 5/17 by 10:00 pm

CLINICAL MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING                                                 Dr. Tracy Stinchfield, Director
50127    COUN 511A Topics in Psychology:                  1         F 5/21 4:00-6:30 pm            OL/SYNC           Dr. Tracy Stinchfield
         Introduction to TeleMental Health Counseling               Sa 5/22 9:30 – 11:30 am & 1:00 – 3:00 pm
50124    COUN 511B Topics in Psychology:                  1         F 6/4 4:00-9:00 pm             OL/SYNC           Jane Brown, MA
         Trauma and Addiction                                       Sa 6/5 8:00-5:00 pm
50125    COUN 511C Topics in Psychology:                  3         M W 7:20 – 10:00 pm            OL/SYNC           Dr. Joshua Baker
         Psychopharmacology: Medication Uses
         and Side Effects
50287    PSYC 610 Children with Exceptional Needs         3         T Th 4:30-7:10 pm              116 LH            Dr. Tammy Campli
DOCTOR OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY                                          Dr. Jed Yalof, ABPP, Chair
50252    PSYC 713 History & Systems in Psychology         3         T Th 7:20-10:00 pm            217 LH             Dr. Erica Avello

                                                                                  IMMACULATA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES | 3
Summer Full 2021 Course Schedule
Monday, May 17, 2021 – Monday, August 16, 2021

CORE/GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPORT COURSES                                  Dr. Marcia Parris, Dean
50281  GEN 502A Methods of Research (online 5/20 – 7/7) 3             Log into Moodle                Online               Dr. Kathryn Soeder
                                                                                 Th 5/20 by 10:00 pm
50282     GEN 502B Methods of Research (online 5/20 – 7/7) 3          Log into Moodle                Online               Dr. Jeffrey Rollison
                                                                                 Th 5/20 by 10:00 pm

EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP                                                  Dr. Karen Miscavage, Director
50217   EDL 653 Low Incidence Disabilities (hybrid)          3         Th 4:30 – 8:30 pm            333 LH                Dr. Karen Miscavage
                                                                       FF: 6/24; 7/8, 22; 8/5
                                                                       OL: 7/1; 7/15, 29

DOCTOR OF EDUCATION-K-12-LEADERSHIP                                  Sr. Carol Anne Couchara, Director
50008   EDL 723 School Business Management                   3        T 5:00-9:00 pm                   216 LH          Dr. Joseph O’Brien
                                                                      5/18, 25; 6/1, 8, 15, 22, 29
50009     EDL 724 Organizational Development &                 3      W 4:00-8:00 pm                   216 LH          Dr. Joseph Corabi
           Change Theory                                              5/19, 26; 6/2, 9, 16, 23, 30
50012     EDL 734 Dissertation Research Seminar                3      T 5:00 – 9:00 pm       Online Synchronous        Dr. Mary Calderone
          (Open only to students who have completed EDL 797)          5/18; 6/1, 15; 7/6, 20
EDL 798, 799, 800 Dissertation I, II, III *                    3, 3, 3By arrangement with Dissertation Chair.
EDL 000 Dissertation Continuation *                            0      Open only to students having completed EDL 798, 799 & 800.
Fee equivalent to one doctoral credit: $955 (first enrollment)
Fee equivalent to three doctoral credits: $2,865 (subsequent enrollment)
*Dissertation students will receive their CRN number via Immaculata email. Registration questions may be directed to ext. 3215.

DOCTOR OF EDUCATION-HIGHER EDUCATION                                     Sr. Ann Heath, Director
10053     HED 766 Doctoral Competencies                        1.5     Sa 5/8 9:00 am – 1:00 pm        OL/SYNR            Dr. David Parkyn/Sr. Ann Heath
          & Professional Ethics: Part 2                                (online 5/5 – 5/15) Listed in Spring 2021 semester
HED 820 Applied Field Experience                               3       By arrangement with Sr. Ann Heath
HED 798 Dissertation I *                                       3       By arrangement with Dissertation Chair
HED 799 Dissertation II *                                      3       By arrangement with Dissertation Chair
HED 800 Dissertation III*                                      3       By arrangement with Dissertation Chair
HED 000 Dissertation Continuation *                            0       Open only to students having completed HED 798, 799 & 800.
Fee equivalent to one doctoral credit: $955 (first enrollment)
Fee equivalent to three doctoral credits: $2,865 (subsequent enrollment)
*Dissertation students will receive their CRN number via Immaculata email. Registration questions may be directed to ext. 3215.

MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP                                                                Dr. Brian Petersen, Director
Pre-course assignments will be posted on Moodle at least one week prior to course start date. In addition to campus meetings, instruction will be
delivered through Moodle.

50031     MML 600 Executive Development (hybrid)             3         T 6:00-10:00 pm              3 GC                  Dr. Brian Petersen
                                                                       5/18; 6/1, 15, 29; 7/13, 27
50032     MML 612 Leadership Ethics (hybrid)                 3         T 6:00-10:00 pm              333 LH                Susan Petrocelli, MA
                                                                       5/18; 6/1, 15, 29; 7/13, 27
50033     MML 615 Emerging Technologies                      3         T 6:00 10:00 pm              3 GC                  Luis Colmenares, MBA
          & Cybersecurity (hybrid)                                     5/25; 6/8, 22; 7/6, 20; 8/3
50034     MML 618 Research Methods                           3         W 6:00-10:00 pm              116 LH                Dr. Brian Petersen
          & Data Analytics (hybrid)                                    5/26; 6/9, 23; 7/7, 21; 8/4
50035     MML 627 Leading Change (hybrid)                    3         W 6:00 – 10:00 pm            116 LH                Dr. Brian Petersen.
                                                                       5/19; 6/2, 16, 30; 7/14, 28
50036     MML 635 Master’s Comprehensive                     0         By arrangement with Dr. Brian Petersen

MUSIC THERAPY                                                 Corey Olver, MA, MT-BC, LPC, Director
50224   MUT 504 Theories & Practices in                      3         F Sa Su 9:00-4:00 pm         208 VM     Kathleen Summers, MA, MT-BC
        Medical Music Therapy                                          6/4, 5, 6 Sa Su 9:00-4:00 pm
                                                                       8/7, 8
50225     MUT 506 Theories & Practices                       3         F Sa Su 9:00-4:00 pm         208 VM                Corey Olver, MA, MT-BC, LPC
          in Psychiatric Music Therapy (Hybrid. Online as assigned.)   5/21, 22, 23
                                                                       Sa Su       9:00-4:00 pm
                                                                       7/17, 18
50226     MUT 512 Clinical Training I                        1         T          4:30 – 5:30 pm    208 VM                Daniel Benonis, MA,MT-BC
          Integrating Theory & Prac
50227     MUT 513 Clinical Training II                       1         T          4:30 – 5:30 pm    208 VM                Daniel Benonis, MA, MT-BC
          Integrating Theory & Prac
50228     MUT 514Clinical Training III                       1         T          5:30 – 6:30 pm    208 VM                Daniel Benonis. MA, MT-BC
          Integrating Theory & Prac

50229   MUT 521 Graduate Internship I                        2         T         7:30 – 8:30 pm      OL/SYNC              Daniel Benonis, MA, MT-BC
50230   MUT 522 Graduate Internship II                       2         T         7:30 – 8:30 pm      OL/SYNC              Daniel Benonis. MA, MT-BC
50231   MUT 523 Graduate Internship III                      2         T         7:30 – 8:30 pm      OL/SYNC              Daniel Benonis, MA, MT-BC

50232   MUT 524 Graduate Internship I                        2         T         7:30 – 8:30 pm      OL/SYNC              Daniel Benonis, MA, MT-BC
50233   MUT 525 Graduate Internship II                       2         T         7:30 – 8:30 pm      OL/SYNC              Daniel Benonis, MA, MT-BC

Notes:   -*Seminars include both on-campus and online meetings. Additional meetings may be arranged.
-Schedule and location of on-site clinical training to be arranged. Contact Corey Olver at Must register through the College of
Graduate Studies.

50234     MUT 530 Music Skills for Therapy - Piano          1          By arrangement                                     Keva Melvin
50235     MUT 532 Music Skills for Therapy - Guitar         1          By arrangement                                     Dr. Bryan Muller
50236     MUT 534 Music Skills for Therapy - Voice          1          By arrangement                                     Keva Melvin
Please discuss individual music skills requirements with Corey Olver prior to registration:

50237     MUT 599 Comprehensive Examination                  0         Return no later than Tuesday, July 6 to the Graduate Office.
50238     MUT 606 Songs in Psychotherapy                     2         Sa 6/5 9:00-6:00 pm            MH VM         Christopher Igidbashian, MA, MT-BC
                                                                       Sa Su 7/17 & 7/18
                                                                       9:00-6:00 pm
50239     MUT 613 Music Biofeedback Research                 2         Sa Su 6/12 & 6/13              MH VM               Dr. Eric Miller
                                                                       9:00 am – 5:00 pm
                                                                       Sa 7/24 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

50240     MUT 610 Advanced Music Therapy Practicum            1         W         8:00 –9:00 pm      OL/SYNC            Corey Olver, MA, MT-BC, LPC
50241     MUT 621 Advanced Music Therapy Internship I         1         W         8:00 – 9:00 pm     OL/SYNC            Corey Olver, MA, MT-BC, LPC
50242     MUT 622 Advanced Music Therapy Internship II 1                W         8:00 – 9:00 pm     OL/SYNC            Corey Olver, MA, MT-BC, LPC
Students scheduled for MUT 610, 621, 622 will participate in a weekly supervision online meeting and periodic on-campus meetings. Please contact
Corey Olver at

50243     MUT 630 Advanced Music Skills for Therapy          1         By arrangement.   Please contact Corey Olver at
50244     MUT 652AResearch Colloquium                        1         By arrangement.   Please contact Corey Olver at
50245     MUT 652B Research Colloquium                       1         By arrangement.   Please contact Corey Olver at
50246     MUT 690ACulminating Project in Music Therapy       3         By arrangement.   Please contact Corey Olver at
50247     MUT 690B Culminating Project in Music Therapy      3         By arrangement.   Please contact Corey Olver at

NURSING                                                                 Dr. Pamela Hudson, Director
50104   NURS 645 Advanced Pathopharmacology                  3         Log into Moodle              Online                Dr. Linda Roy
                                                                       M 5/17 by 10:00 pm

NUTRITION EDUCATION                                                           Dr. Qian Jia, Director
50007   NED 664 Internship Experience in Nutrition III       3         By arrangement with Dr. Danielle Kronmuller-Harvey

                                                                                     IMMACULATA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES | 5
CLINICAL MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING                                                    Dr. Tracy Stinchfield, Director
50126    COUN 511D Topics in Psychology:                     3         M 7:20 – 10:00 pm             116 LH                 Dr. Kristy Brumfield
         Introduction to Play Therapy (hybrid)
50123    COUN 511E Topics in Psychology:                     1         F 7/16 4:00 – 9:00 pm           OL/SYNC              Dr. David Martinson
         Proactive Grief Counseling Strategies                         Sa 7/17 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
50113    COUN 599 Comprehensive Examination                  0         Due Tuesday, July 6             Online               Dr. Tracy Stinchfield

50110     COUN 600 Research & Program Evaluation (hybrid) 3            Th 4:30-7:10 pm                 3 GC                 Dr. David Hunt

50109     COUN 601 Counseling Skills & Techniques (hybrid) 3           M 4:30-7:10 pm                  123 LH               Dr. Rachel Vannatta

50111      COUN 602 Theories of Counseling (hybrid)            3         M 4:30-7:10 pm              116 LH             Jen Urbine, MA
50112      COUN 604 Group Process (hybrid)                     3         M 7:20-10:00 pm              216 LH            Dr. Rachel Vannatta
50114      COUN 606 Family Counseling (hybrid)                 3         T 4:30-7:10 pm              217 LH             Dr. David Martinson
50115      COUN 608 Psychopathology (hybrid)                   3         Th 4:30-7:10 pm             217 LH             Shelby Krupka, MA
50116      COUN 609 Career & Vocational Counseling (hybrid) 3            W 7:20-10:00 pm             217 LH             Dr. David Hunt
50117      COUN 614 Substance Abuse Education                  3         Th 4:30-7:10 pm             212 LH             Jane Brown, MA
           & Counseling (hybrid)
50118      COUN 618 Professional Orientation & Ethical Issues 3          M 7:20-10:00 pm             OL/SYNC            Abby Connor, MA
50119      COUN 630 Crisis Intervention & Trauma (hybrid) 3              W 4:30-7:10 pm              333 LH             Dr. David Martinson
50289      COUN 640 Diversity Counseling                       3         T 4:30-7:10 pm              OL/SYNC            Dr. Kristy Brumfield
50298      COUN 641 Assessment for Counselors                  3         T 7:20-10:00 pm             OL/SYNC Dr. Kristy Brumfield
50120      COUN 691 Practicum in Clinical Mental               3         M 4:30-7:10 pm              OL/SYNC            Seminar Faculty*
           Health Counseling
50121      COUN 692 Internship I in Clinical                   3         M 4:30-7:10 pm              OL/SYNC            Seminar Faculty*
           Mental Health Counseling
50122      COUN 693 Internship II in Clinical                  3         M 4:30–7:10 pm              OL/SYNC            Seminar Faculty*
           Mental Health Counseling
*Seminar faculty includes Dr. Stinchfield, Dr. Brumfield, Dr. Martinson, Jane Brown and Abby Connor. Section assignments will be emailed one week
prior to start of class.

DOCTOR OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY                                            Dr. Jed Yalof, ABPP, Chair
50248   PSYC 697 Clinical Comprehensive Examination          0         Petition must be on file. Be sure to register as well.            Dr. Jed Yalof
50249   PSYC 702AProfessional Issues & Ethics                3         M 7:20-10:00 pm                 333 LH                Dr. Jillian Threadgill
50297   PSYC 702B Professional Issues & Ethics               3         M 7:20 – 10:00 pm               FC Lounge             Dr. Krystal Gamez
50250   PSYC 705 Human Development                           3         T 4:30-7:10 pm                  OL/SYNC               Dr. Janet Etzi
50251   PSYC 709 Group Dynamics                              3         M 4:30-7:10 pm                  212 LH                Dr. Candace Irabli
50253   PSYC 731A Assessment V: Neuropsychological           3         T 4:30-7:10 pm                  316 LH                Dr. Julie Keaveney
50254   PSYC 731B Assessment V: Neuropsychological           3         T 4:30-7:10 pm                  FC Lounge             Dr. Jessica Reinhard
50255   PSYC 740 Clinical Psychopharmacology (hybrid)        3         M 4:30-7:10 pm                  FC Lounge             Dr. Julie Keaveney
50256   PSYC 741 Clinical Supervision                        3         M 4:30-7:10 pm                  1 GC                  Dr. Francien Richardson
        Consultation & Mgmt (hybrid)
50266   PSYC 797 Comprehensive Examination                   0         Petition must be filed in the Graduate Office.       Dr. Jed Yalof


50257      PSYC 704 Pre-Practicum Seminar *                 0
*This is an as-needed course for students who are beginning their first practicum before the scheduled start date. Please contact Sr. Monica Acri: if you plan to register for PSYC 704

50258     PSYC 716 A Practicum & Seminar III              3          W 4:30-7:10 pm                    OL/SYNC              Seminar Faculty*
50259     PSYC 716B Practicum & Seminar III               3          Th 4:30 – 7:10 pm                 OL/SYNC              Seminar Faculty*
50261     PSYC 725A Practicum & Seminar VI                3          W 4:30-7:10 pm                    OL/SYNC              Seminar Faculty*
50262     PSYC 725B Practicum & Seminar VI                3          Th 4:30-7:10 pm                   OL/SYNC              Seminar Faculty*
          PSYC 784 Practicum Continuation                 0          As needed per advisement                               Sr. Monica Acri
*Section assignments will be emailed approximately one week prior to start of class.


50270     PSYC 792 Internship in Clinical Psychology V       1.5       By arrangement with Internship Coordinator
50269     PSYC 793 Internship in Clinical Psychology VI      1.5       By arrangement with Internship Coordinator

*Internship students will receive their CRN number via Immaculata email. Registration questions may be directed to ext. 3215.


PSYC 799 Doctoral Dissertation II *                          3        By arrangement with Dissertation Chair.
PSYC 000             Dissertation Continuation *             0        Open only to students having completed PSYC 798, 799 & 800.
Fee equivalent to one doctoral credit: $990 (1st enrollment)
Fee equivalent to three doctoral credits: $2970 (subsequent enrollment)
*Dissertation students will receive their CRN number via Immaculata email. Registration questions may be directed to ext. 3215.

Summer II – 2021 Course Schedule
Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - Monday, August 16, 2021
CORE/GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPORT COURSES                                            Dr. Marcia Parris, Dean
50285  GEN 501B Human Development                           3          Log into Moodle                Online             Dr. Steve Catrambone
       (online 7/6 – 8/23)                                             T 7/6 by 10:00 pm
50286  GEN 503B Interpersonal Relations                     3          Log into Moodle                Online             Dr. Angela Tekely
       (online 7/7-8/17)                                               W 7/7 by 10:00 pm

ATHLETIC TRAINING                                                           Dr. Kelly Stalker, Director
50206   ATP 501 Foundations in Athletic Training            3          W Th 9:00-12:00 pm              114 AH            Dr. Michele Monaco
        (Hybrid)                                                       8/11, 12
50207   ATP 503Structural & Functional Kinesiology          3          M T 9:00-12:00 pm               114 AH            Dr. Kelly Stalker
        (Hybrid)                                                       8/9, 10

50208     ATP 504 Emergency Medical Care                    4          M T W Th 1:00-5:00 pm         114 AH              Dr. Michele Monaco
          (Hybrid)                                                     8/9 thru 8/12
                                                                       F 8/13 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP                                                  Dr. Karen Miscavage, Director
50216   EDL 615 Contemporary Professional                   3          Log into Moodle              Online               Dr. Thomas O’Brien
        Ethics (online 7/6-8/26)                                       T 7/6 by 10:00 pm
50220   EDL 621 Administration                              3          July 12-16                   116 LH               Dr. Joseph Corabi
                                                                       8:00-4:00 pm
50221     EDL 622 Curriculum and Instruction                3          July 19-23                   116 LH               Dr. Joseph Corabi
                                                                       8:00-4:00 pm
50222     EDL 623 Supervision                               3          July 19-23                   216 LH               Dr. Kelly Doyle
                                                                       8:00 am-4:00 pm
50223     EDL 625 School Law and Legal Process              3          July 26-30                   116 LH               Dr. Cathy Taschner
                                                                       8:00-4:00 pm

DOCTOR OF EDUCATION-K-12 LEADERSHIP                                  Sr. Carol Anne Couchara, Director
50010   EDL 726 Political, Economic, and Social             3          Log into Moodle              Online               Dr. Siobhan Leavy
                Structures of the Culture (online)                     T 7/6 by 10:00 pm

HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT                                                           Dr. Anne Marie McCauley, Director
50108  MHCM 612 Risk Management & Patient Affairs           3          Log into Moodle              Online               Dr. Anne Marie McCauley
       (online 7/7 thru 8/11)                                          W 7/7 by 10:00 pm

NOTES: The University reserves the right to change the courses offered, enrollment caps, times, and faculty. All classes have limited enrollment. You
are encouraged to register early. The College of Graduate Studies supports and encourages the use of technology as a part of the learning process.

                                                                                     IMMACULATA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES | 7

       If you are a current graduate student at                        LOOK UP CLASSES
       Immaculata University, you can register online for              The online course schedule shows the most
       Summer 2021 courses through SSIU (Self-Service                  up-to-date information about remaining seats.
       IU) beginning at 6:00 a.m. on Monday, March 22,                 • Click on Look Up Classes.
       2021. Please note that some course registrations                • In the Search by Term box, select a term
       must be handled through the Graduate Office.                      and Submit.
       See the “Online Registration Restrictions/Notes”                • Click on the desired subject. All graduate
       on page 11.                                                       courses start with the prefix “Grad-”
                                                                         (i.e. Grad-Core, Grad-EDL, Grad-Psyc).
       PREPARING TO REGISTER                                           • Click on Course Search at the bottom of the
       Go to                                         screen to view results.
       Username: First initial of First name + Last Name               • Choose the Advanced Search feature to refine
       Password: Birthdate in MMDDYY format                              your results. (You must select at least one
       When logging into MyIU for the first time, you
       must first click the ‘Change Password’ link on                  Closed sections will have a “C” in the Select
       the login screen. Also, if you have a common                    column. Please call the Registrar’s Office if you
       last name, there might be a number after your                   wish to be placed on a wait list.
       username (i.e. jsmith2). Additional help is
       available on the MyIU login page or by calling                  ADD CLASSES
       the Graduate Office.                                            • Select a section by clicking on the checkbox and
                                                                         clicking the Register button. You can see the
       After you have logged into MyIU, click on the                     class you added in the Current Schedule listing.
       SSIU campus application.                                        • Classes that cannot be added successfully will
                                                                         appear under Registration Add Errors. Click on
       STUDENT FINANCIAL                                                 the Submit Changes button to clear the errors.
       RESPONSIBILITY AGREEMENT (SFRA)                                 • To select alternate courses or sections, click on
       All students must accept the Student Financial                    Class Search to return to the Look Up Classes
       Responsibility Agreement (SFRA) each term.                        screen and repeat the process.
       The agreement defines the financial terms
       associated with course registration, including                  Another way to add courses is to Return to Menu
       payment, IU email, billing, late fees, financial                after you review the courses on Look Up Classes.
       holds, financial aid, course add/drop/withdrawal,               • Click on Add or Drop Classes.
       change of name/address/phone number and debt                    • Enter the CRNs in the boxes under Add Classes
       collection.                                                       Worksheet.
                                                                       • Click Submit Changes.
       From SSIU, click Student, Student Financial
       Responsibility Agreement, and select Term. Click                You may add classes online for Summer until
       the Confirm Agreement button. You will then be                  May 16, 2021. If you need to add a class after
       able to move on to Look Up Classes.                             this date, please submit an add/drop form to the
                                                                       Graduate Office.

       If you have any questions about registration, please contact the College of Graduate Studies office at 610-647-4400 x3215.
       We will be glad to assist you with your registration.

       For technical support, please submit a ticket to the IU Support Center by clicking on that campus application in MyIU, and
       provide a brief description of your question or issue.

DROP CLASSES                                         Independent Projects
• Click on Add or Drop Classes.                      All students studying an independent project
• Select “Web Drop” from the Action pull-down        must complete and submit the registration
  list on the left.                                  form provided in this booklet as well as the
• Click Submit Changes.                              “Independent Project” form, which is available in
                                                     the Graduate Office.
You may drop a class online up until the day         Dissertations
before classes begin, May 16, 2021. If you need      Doctoral students studying Dissertation I, II, III or
to drop a class after this date, please submit the   continuous, will receive an email with the CRN
add/drop form to the Graduate Office. If you are     number for their section of dissertation so that
dropping all of your courses for a term, you must    they can register online.
contact the Graduate Office.
                                                     Doctoral Internships
PRINT YOUR SCHEDULE                                  Doctoral students on internship will receive their
Return to Menu, and select Student Detail            CRN number(s) via email from the Graduate
Schedule to view and print your schedule. The        Office. If you need internship registration
One Card office requires you to bring your           assistance, please call 610-647-4400, Ext. 3246.
printed schedule to obtain a student ID Card.        Offsite/Cohort Students
                                                     Offsite sections (CRNs) are not listed in this
ACCESS MY FINAL GRADE                                publication. You will receive registration
Final grades are posted on SSIU after the            instructions from the Special Programs
conclusion of your course. Visit Student, Student    Department.
Records, Final Grades, and Select a Term and
Submit.                                              Holds
                                                     You will be required to clear any financial or other
ONLINE REGISTRATION                                  holds on your account prior to registering online
RESTRICTIONS/NOTES                                   or through the Graduate Office.

If you have not completed the appropriate
prerequisite for a course, you will get an error.
Please contact the Graduate Office for assistance.
Take care not to register for a course that you
have already taken. If you are required to repeat
a course in order to achieve a higher grade,
please contact the Graduate Office for assistance.
Leave of Absence
If you are on a leave of absence and want to
return, please notify the Graduate Office, and we
will change your status to Active student to allow
you to register.
Enrichment Status
Students who are studying only as enrichment are
not permitted to register online. Please fill out
the registration form provided in this booklet and
submit to the Graduate Office.

                                                          IMMACULATA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES | 9

       Tuition, Charges and Fees (2020-2021)                  Practicum and Internship Fees (per semester)
       Application Fee (Master’s)                      $50    Student Teaching                         $230
       Application Fee (Doctoral                       $75    Music Therapy                        $50/$100
       Management and Leadership Course Fee            $95    Nursing                                  $110
       PSY Exam/EPPP                                 $1099    Dietetic Internship                      $260
                                                              Psychology Field Site                    $200
       Tuition (per credit)
       Master’s Courses                     $710 per credit   Comprehensive Examination Fee
       Doctoral Ed.D. Courses               $955 per credit   Master’s                                  $75/$100
       Doctoral Psy.D. Courses              $990 per credit   Doctoral                                 $100/$160

       General Fees
       Graduation Fee: $150 | Late Payment Fee: $30 | Returned Check Charge:$30

       PAYMENT INFORMATION                                    To avoid account holds and monthly late fees of
       Tuition and fees are due in full by April 23,          $30 be sure to make your payment on time. All
       2021 to avoid late fees and account holds. For         financial aid recipients must ensure their financial
       additional information regarding billing and           aid is available by April 23, 2021.
       payment policies, please refer to page 15.
       Contact or              Once registered, a student assumes financial
       610-647-4400, ext. 3174 with any payment               responsibility for charges (see SFRA). Students
       questions.                                             with outstanding financial obligations are not
                                                              permitted to attend class, occupy University
       How to make a payment                                  Housing, and receive grades, teacher certification
       • Online at SSIU: Click STUDENT, STUDENT               transcripts or diplomas. Immaculata reserves the
         ACCOUNT, then STUDENT ACCOUNT                        right to assign outstanding balances to collection
         CENTER. Select MAKE PAYMENT tab at top.              agencies.
         Credit card and check payments are accepted.
       • By mail, make check payable to Immaculata            Students who are reimbursed by employers
         University and mail to: Business Office, Villa       may obtain a course enrollment document that
         Maria #14, Immaculata, PA 19345.                     includes course information, grade and cost. This
       • In person at the Business Office located in          document is available online at SSIU; accessible
         Room #14 in the terrace level of Villa Maria Hall.   through MyIU. Immaculata University offers an
         A payment drop box is located in the hallway if      employer billing option to those who qualify.
         the office is closed.                                Information is available through MyIU under
                                                              Student Finances.
       Tuition and fees are due to be paid in full by         The CAPS and Graduate Student Course
       April 23, 2021. Initial term bill will be generated    Reimbursement form is available to view and print
       electronically and in paper beginning April            from the Student menu. This form summarizes
       8, 2021. If registering after April 17, make           course-related charges and grades by term and
       payment at time of registration. Subsequent            can be used for reimbursement.
       monthly billing statements will be available only
       electronically through SSIU.

IU INSTALLMENT PAYMENT PLAN                        holds and a monthly late fee of $30, please
You may choose to enroll in the IU Installment     remit payment at time of enrollment. For your
Payment Plan which distributes payment             convenience payments are accepted online
across 3 due dates within the term. Enrollment     through Self Service IU (SSIU).
forms are available online through MyIU under
Student Finances. There is a $25 non-refundable    Installment payments due:
installment plan enrollment fee that is due        April 23, 2021
immediately; this fee is not included as part of   May 23, 2021
the installment payment plan. To avoid account     June 22, 2021


                                                                    17. Tennis Courts
                                                                    18. Draper Walsh Stadium
                                                                    19. Mighty Macs Training Facility
                                                                    20. Softball Field
                                                                    21. Baseball Field
                                                                    22. Lourdes Grotto
                                                                    23. Power House

1. Lillian P. Lettiere Center       9. Good Counsel Hall
2. Lourdes Hall                    10. Mary A. Bruder Center
3. Villa Maria Hall                11. Faculty Center
4. Nazareth Hall                   12. Alumnae Hall
5. DeChantal Residence Hall        13. Loyola Hall
6. Marian Residence Hall           14. McIntyre Greenhouse
7. Gillet Hall                     15. West Campus Housing
8. Gabriele Library                16. IHM Student Center


                                                       IMMACULATA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES | 11
1145 West King Road
   Immaculata, PA 19345
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