Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE - European Parliament

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Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE - European Parliament
Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE

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                          Mot-clé "politique de l'environnement de l'UE"

                     221 Résultat(s) trouvé(s)

                   Date de création : 06-10-2022
Revision of the Renewable Energy Directive: Fit for 55 package
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 09-09-2022
                 Auteur WILSON Alex Benjamin
      Domaine politique Environnement | Énergie
                Mot-clé consommation d'énergie | directive (UE) | gaz à effet de serre | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | politique
                        énergétique de l'UE | production d'énergie | proposition (UE) | rendement énergétique | ressource renouvelable |
                        réduction des émissions de gaz | économie d'énergie | énergie renouvelable
               Résumé On 14 July 2021 the European Commission adopted the 'fit for 55' package, which adapts existing climate and energy
                        legislation to meet the new EU objective of a minimum 55 % reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030.
                        The 'fit for 55' package is part of the European Green Deal, which aims to put the EU firmly on the path towards
                        climate neutrality by 2050. A key element in the 'fit for 55' package is the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive
                        (RED II), to help the EU deliver the new 55 % GHG target. Under RED II, the EU is obliged to ensure at least 32 % of
                        its energy consumption comes from renewable energy sources (RES) by 2030. The revised RED II strengthens these
                        provisions and sets a new EU target of a minimum 40 % share of RES in final energy consumption by 2030,
                        accompanied by new sectoral targets. As part of the REPowerEU plan (May 2022), the Commission proposes to
                        further raise this RES target to a 45 % share by 2030. In the European Parliament, the file was referred to the
                        Committee for Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), with the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food
                        Safety as associated committee under Rule 57. The ITRE committee adopted its report on 13 July 2022, which has
                        been referred to the September plenary session. The Council adopted a general approach on 29 June. Second edition.
                        The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.
               Briefing EN

EU carbon border adjustment mechanism: Implications for climate and competitiveness
     Type de publication Briefing
                   Date 14-07-2022
      Domaine politique Commerce international | Environnement | Industrie
               Mot-clé carbone | changement climatique | gaz à effet de serre | importation (UE) | neutralité carbone | pays tiers | permis de
                        pollution négociable | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | proposition (UE) | surveillance à l'importation | échange de
                        droits d'émission
              Résumé The EU has implemented the world's largest carbon-pricing system, the emissions trading system (ETS). While pricing
                        emissions can encourage industrial decarbonisation, it also risks carbon leakage, whereby EU companies move their
                        production abroad. To date, the EU has mitigated carbon leakage through free allocations to certain industries, but with
                        rising climate ambition and higher carbon prices, the Commission seeks to phase out free allocations. In parallel, a
                        novel carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) would be introduced, requiring EU importers, as of 2026, to
                        purchase certificates equivalent to the weekly EU carbon price. The CBAM would initially apply to imports in five
                        emissions-intensive sectors deemed at greater risk of carbon leakage: cement, iron and steel, aluminium, fertilisers,
                        and electricity. The CBAM charge would cover imports of these goods from all third countries, except those
                        participating in the ETS or a linked mechanism. The CBAM aims to contribute to the EU's climate neutrality objectives,
                        and encourage partner countries to decarbonise their production processes by levelling the playing field in carbon
                        pricing between the EU and third-country producers; less developed countries could be supported in their climate
                        transitions. Following publication of the Commission proposal on the CBAM in July 2021, Parliament referred the file to
                        the Environment Committee. On 22 June 2022 the Parliament adopted its position, while on 15 March 2022 the
                        Council had adopted its general approach. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key
                        stages throughout the legislative procedure.
               Briefing EN

Aviation's contribution to European Union climate action: Revision of EU ETS as regards aviation
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 13-07-2022
                 Auteur JENSEN LISELOTTE
      Domaine politique Environnement | Transports | Énergie
                Mot-clé droits d'émissions UE | gaz à effet de serre | lutte contre la pollution | Mécanisme UE d'échange de droits d'émission |
                        Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale | permis de pollution négociable | politique de l'environnement de l'UE |
                        proposition (UE) | réduction des émissions de gaz | transport aérien | vente aux enchères
               Résumé As part of the 'Fit for 55' package, the Commission is proposing a revision to the EU's emissions trading system (ETS)
                        as regards carbon dioxide emissions from aviation. The proposal seeks to ensure that the sector contributes to the
                        EU's climate targets through increased auctioning of allowances, with an end to free allowances from 2027, and by
                        applying the linear reduction of aviation allowances. The proposal will also integrate, into the revised ETS, the
                        International Civil Aviation Organization's agreed global market-based Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for
                        International Aviation (CORSIA) and apply it to international flights departing from or arriving at an airport inside the
                        European Economic Area (EEA). For domestic flights in the Member States or flights within the EEA, the ETS would
                        continue to apply. In the European Parliament, the file has been referred to the Committee on Environment, Public
                        Health and Food Safety (ENVI), with Sunčana Glavak (EPP, Croatia) appointed rapporteur. Parliament adopted its
                        position during the June I 2022 plenary session. The Council adopted its general approach during its meeting of 28
                        June 2022. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the
                        legislative procedure.
               Briefing EN
             Multimédia Revision of EU ETS as regards aviation: 'Fit for 55' package

06-10-2022                                     Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                                1
Revision of the LULUCF Regulation: Strengthening the role of the land use, land-use change and forestry
sector in climate action
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 05-07-2022
                 Auteur JENSEN LISELOTTE
      Domaine politique Environnement
                Mot-clé effet de serre atmosphérique | impact sur l'environnement | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | règlement (UE) |
                        réduction des émissions de gaz | stratégie de l’UE | surveillance de l'environnement
               Résumé To align regulations and policies with the legally binding goals – delivering, by 2030, a 55 % net greenhouse gas
                        emissions reduction compared to 1990, and reaching climate neutrality in Europe by 2050 – on 14 July the European
                        Commission presented its first proposals under the 'fit for 55' package. One of these proposals involves amending
                        Regulation (EU) 2018/841 on emissions and removals from land use, land-use change and forestry (the LULUCF
                        Regulation). Among the main changes envisaged are to merge, as of 2030, the LULUCF sector with the non-CO2
                        agricultural sector in a new climate pillar, which would have to achieve climate neutrality by 2035. Moreover, by 2030,
                        LULUCF carbon removals would have to increase to 310 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (CO2e). For the post-2025
                        period, the Commission would set individual targets for each Member State. The proposal was referred to the
                        European Parliament's Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI), which appointed Ville
                        Niinistö (Greens/EFA, Finland) as rapporteur. ENVI adopted its report on 17 May 2022, and Parliament adopted its
                        position in plenary on 8 June. The Environment Council adopted its general approach during its meeting of 28 June
                        2022. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative
               Briefing EN

Review of the EU ETS: 'Fit for 55' package
     Type de publication Briefing
                   Date 05-07-2022
                Auteur ERBACH Gregor
      Domaine politique Environnement
               Mot-clé droits d'émissions UE | gaz à effet de serre | lutte contre la pollution | Mécanisme UE d'échange de droits d'émission |
                        permis de pollution négociable | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | pollution par les navires | proposition (UE) |
                        réduction des émissions de gaz | réserves | transport maritime
              Résumé As part of the 'Fit for 55' package, the Commission presented a legislative proposal to review the EU Emissions
                        Trading System (ETS). The aim of the review is to align the EU ETS Directive with the EU target set out in the
                        European Climate Law to reduce net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 55 % by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. To
                        this end, the amount of emission allowances would be reduced, fewer allowances would be allocated for free, and the
                        ETS would be extended to maritime transport. This would reduce emissions in the ETS sectors by 61 % by 2030,
                        compared to 2005. A separate new emissions trading system would be established for fuel distribution for road
                        transport and buildings. The Innovation Fund and the Modernisation Fund would be enlarged, and Member States
                        would be obliged to spend all of their ETS revenues on climate action. In the European Parliament, the proposal has
                        been referred to the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI), with Peter Liese (EPP,
                        Germany) as rapporteur. The Parliament adopted its position in the June II 2022 session, and the Council adopted its
                        general approach on 29 June 2022, enabling the launch of trilogue negotiations. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in
                        Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.
               Briefing EN
             Multimédia Review of the EU ETS: 'Fit for 55' package

CO2 emission standards for new cars and vans: 'Fit for 55' package
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 05-07-2022
                 Auteur ERBACH Gregor
      Domaine politique Environnement
                Mot-clé automobile | combustible de remplacement | consommation d'énergie | gaz à effet de serre | politique de
                        l'environnement de l'UE | pollution automobile | proposition (UE) | réduction des émissions de gaz | véhicule non
                        polluant | véhicule utilitaire léger | véhicule à moteur | énergie renouvelable
               Résumé On 14 July 2021, as part of the 'fit for 55' package, the Commission presented a legislative proposal for a revision of
                        the Regulation setting CO2 emission performance standards for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles (vans).
                        To raise the contribution of the road transport sector to the EU's climate targets, the proposal sets more ambitious
                        2030 targets for reducing the CO2 emissions of new cars and vans and allows only zero-emission vehicles from 2035.
                        In the European Parliament, the proposal has been referred to the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food
                        Safety (ENVI), with Jan Huitema (Renew, the Netherlands) as rapporteur. The Parliament adopted its position during
                        the June I 2022 plenary session, and the Council adopted its general approach on 29 June 2022, meaning trilogue
                        negotiations can commence. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages
                        throughout the legislative procedure.
               Briefing EN

06-10-2022                                    Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                              2
Revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 29-06-2022
                 Auteur HALLEUX Vivienne
      Domaine politique Environnement
                Mot-clé gestion des déchets | impact sur l'environnement | lutte contre la pollution | neutralité carbone | politique de
                        l'environnement de l'UE | pollution de l'eau | pollution du sol | pollution industrielle | proposition (UE) | protection de
                        l'environnement | qualité de l’air | économie circulaire
               Résumé Covering some 52 000 large agro-industrial installations EU-wide, the Industrial Emissions Directive is the main EU
                        instrument regulating pollutant emissions from industry. The proposal for a revision tabled by the European
                        Commission on 5 April 2022 aims to bring it into line with the EU's zero pollution ambition, energy, climate and circular
                        economy policy goals under the European Green Deal. The main changes include expanding the scope (in terms of
                        sectors covered and thresholds), strengthening permit requirements to authorise installations to operate, and
                        measures to promote innovation. Stakeholders' reactions to the text were mixed. Industry and farming representatives
                        expressed strong concerns about the added complexity, timeliness and practical implementation of the proposal. While
                        welcoming many improvements, non-governmental organisations criticised the missed opportunity to make the
                        directive fit for climate protection, and the proposed new regime for intensive livestock rearing. In Parliament, the file
                        has been referred to the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI), which appointed
                        Radan Kanev as rapporteur. First edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages
                        throughout the legislative procedure.
               Briefing EN

Establishing an industrial emissions portal
     Type de publication   Briefing
                   Date    29-06-2022
                 Auteur    HALLEUX Vivienne
      Domaine politique    Environnement
                Mot-clé accès à l'information | communication des données | gestion des déchets | lutte contre la pollution | politique de
                        l'environnement de l'UE | polluant | pollution industrielle | proposition (UE) | protection de l'environnement | répertoire |
                        surveillance de l'environnement
               Résumé The European Green Deal envisages a review of measures addressing pollution from large industrial installations, with
                        a view to aligning existing legislation with the EU's zero pollution ambition, as well as its energy, climate and circular
                        economy policy goals. On 5 April 2022, the European Commission tabled a proposal to revise the Industrial Emissions
                        Directive, the main European Union instrument regulating pollutant emissions from industry, together with a proposal to
                        revise the Regulation establishing the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register, related to environmental
                        information. The proposal aims at upgrading the existing register to a more comprehensive and integrated industrial
                        emissions portal, enabling more accurate monitoring of the environmental performance of large industrial activities.
                        The main changes proposed include better alignment with the Industrial Emissions Directive, both in terms of activities
                        covered and reporting level; inclusion of reporting on the use of resources; and integration in the database of additional
                        relevant environmental data reported under other related EU legislation. In Parliament, the file has been referred to the
                        Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. The same rapporteur and shadow rapporteurs will
                        handle the revision of the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Regulation and that of the Industrial
                        Emissions Directive. First edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the
                        legislative procedure.
               Briefing EN

ReFuelEU Aviation initiative: Sustainable aviation fuels and the fit for 55 package
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 24-06-2022
                 Auteur SOONE Jaan
      Domaine politique Transports
                Mot-clé biocarburant | carburant d'aviation | mobilité durable | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | proposition (UE) | qualité
                        de l’air | réduction des émissions de gaz | transport aérien | énergie renouvelable
               Résumé On 14 July 2021, the European Commission presented a package of proposals to make the EU's climate, energy, land
                        use, transport and taxation policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 % by 2030, compared
                        with 1990 levels – the 'fit for 55' package. The package includes a proposal to ensure a level playing field for
                        sustainable air transport, also known as the ReFuelEU Aviation initiative. In the draft regulation, the Commission
                        proposes obligations on fuel suppliers to distribute sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), with an increasing share of SAF
                        (including synthetic aviation fuels, commonly known as e-fuels) over time, in order to increase the uptake of SAF by
                        airlines and thereby reduce emissions from aviation. The proposal also includes obligations on airlines to limit the
                        uptake of jet fuel before departing from EU airports to what is needed for safe operation of flights, with the aim of
                        ensuring a level playing field for airlines and airports, and avoiding additional emissions related to extra weight of
                        aircraft carrying excessive amounts of fuel. In the European Parliament, the file has been referred to the Committee on
                        Transport and Tourism (TRAN) as the lead committee. The Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food
                        Safety (ENVI) and the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) are associated under Rule 57. Third
                        edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.
               Briefing EN

06-10-2022                                     Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                               3
Review of the EU ETS: Fit for 55
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 20-06-2022
                 Auteur ERBACH Gregor
      Domaine politique Environnement
                Mot-clé droits d'émissions UE | gaz à effet de serre | lutte contre la pollution | Mécanisme UE d'échange de droits d'émission |
                        ménage | permis de pollution négociable | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | proposition (UE) | réduction des
                        émissions de gaz | transport maritime | transport routier
               Résumé On 14 July 2021, as part of the 'Fit for 55' package, the Commission presented a legislative proposal for a revision of
                        the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), to align it with the target set in the European Climate Law of a 55 %
                        reduction of EU net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. The report of the Committee
                        on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) was rejected in the June I plenary session, but has been re-
                        tabled for the June II session, including those amendments carried in June I. A new set of compromise amendments
                        was tabled on 15 June 2022, aimed at overcoming the impasse.
                En bref EN

Fit for 55 package: Reducing methane emissions in the energy sector
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 14-06-2022
      Domaine politique Évaluation de l''impact ex ante
                Mot-clé gaz | hydrocarbure | importation (UE) | industrie charbonnière | industrie pétrolière | politique de l'environnement de
                        l'UE | politique énergétique de l'UE | proposition (UE) | réduction des émissions de gaz | étude d'impact
               Résumé The IA clearly identifies the problem that needs to be addressed and details the problem drivers. Furthermore, the IA
                        discusses the evolution of the problem if the EU were to take no action. The IA relates the objectives with the
                        problem/problem drivers in a supported manner. The options for the different policy areas to tackle appear to be
                        sufficient and justified against the objectives. The assessment of the options retained for their economic, environmental
                        and social impacts is thorough, but could have benefited from the availability of more complete data, and from the
                        application of the Better Regulation Guidelines in assessing impacts on SMEs and on competitiveness. The indicators
                        for monitoring and evaluating the success of the initiative are supported by existing frameworks and can be considered
                        to be sufficient and effective. Consultation of interested parties occurred through an open public consultation and three
                        stakeholder meetings, the findings of which are in line with the preferred options in the IA. The analysis performed in
                        the IA seems to be well supported, and the comments from the RSB were addressed. In conclusion, the IA and the
                        proposal are consistent.
               Briefing EN

Fit for 55 package
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 03-06-2022
                 Auteur ERBACH Gregor | JENSEN LISELOTTE
      Domaine politique Environnement
                Mot-clé gaz à effet de serre | lutte contre la pollution | Mécanisme UE d'échange de droits d'émission | neutralité carbone |
                        politique de l'environnement de l'UE | politique des transports | politique énergétique de l'UE | proposition (UE) |
                        redevance environnementale | énergie renouvelable
               Résumé The 'fit for 55' package, presented in July and December 2021, is designed to realise the European Climate Law
                        objectives: climate neutrality by 2050 and a 55 % reduction of net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030,
                        compared with 1990 levels. It consists of 13 interlinked proposals to revise existing EU climate and energy laws, and
                        six proposals for new legislation. The proposals aim to accelerate emission reductions in the sectors covered by the
                        EU emissions trading system (ETS) and the sectors covered by the Effort-sharing Regulation, and to increase carbon
                        removals in the land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector.
               Briefing EN

06-10-2022                                    Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                               4
Climate Change and International Security
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 03-06-2022
                 Auteur LAZAROU Eleni
      Domaine politique Affaires étrangères
                Mot-clé changement climatique | impact sur l'environnement | politique de défense | politique de l'environnement de l'UE |
                        politique de sécurité et de défense commune | prévention des conflits | stratégie européenne pour la croissance |
                        sécurité internationale
               Résumé The risks climate change poses to global stability and international security are becoming increasingly palpable.
                        Today, in Europe and beyond, countries are increasingly aware of the challenges entailed by global warming and
                        environmental degradation. The European Union has been at the forefront of raising climate concerns for over two
                        decades. Among the sectors affected, security and defence is not spared: climate change not only acts as a threat
                        multiplier, but also impacts capabilities and operational considerations. In the field of security and defence, the
                        changing environmental conditions are creating a necessity for international actors, including the EU, to expand their
                        conflict prevention tools, including defence-related instruments, and reassess existing policies in the light of new
                        realities. In that context, the EU is in a process of reconceptualising the link between climate change and defence, and
                        is endeavouring to increase renewable energy use, foster energy efficiency, reduce the carbon footprint of the defence
                        forces, and avoid exacerbating climate-induced conflicts and crises. The European Green Deal, along with the 'concept
                        for an integrated approach for climate change and security', the climate change and defence roadmap and initiatives
                        like the Strategic Compass, are setting ambitious goals for the EU's external and climate action for years to come. The
                        European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs has adopted a report welcoming the climate change and defence
                        roadmap. Among other things, the report underlines the link between climate change and state fragility; emphasises
                        that the armed forces need to be more energy efficient; and calls for the climate-security nexus to be included as a
                        new priority area for the United Nations–European Union strategic partnership on peace operations and crisis
                        management. Members are due to vote on the report during Parliament's plenary session in June.
               Briefing EN

Revision of the Effort-Sharing Regulation
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 01-06-2022
                 Auteur YOUGOVA Dessislava
      Domaine politique Environnement
                Mot-clé contrôle de la pollution | droits d'émissions UE | gaz à effet de serre | Mécanisme UE d'échange de droits d'émission |
                        politique de l'environnement de l'UE | proposition (UE) | règlement (UE) | réduction des émissions de gaz | surveillance
                        de l'environnement
               Résumé The EU's effort-sharing legislation covers greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in sectors not included in the EU
                        emissions trading system (ETS). To reduce the emissions in these sectors for the 2021-2030 period, the Effort-Sharing
                        Regulation (ESR) establishes binding national targets and sets up annual emissions allocations (AEAs) for each
                        Member State, defining the trajectory it should follow to cut the emissions. On 14 July 2021, the European Commission
                        submitted a proposal for a regulation amending the current legislation. The European Parliament is due to vote on the
                        proposal during the June I plenary session, setting its position for trilogue talks.
                En bref EN

Revision of the EU emissions trading system: Aviation
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 01-06-2022
                 Auteur JENSEN LISELOTTE
      Domaine politique Adoption de la législation par le Parlement européen et le Conseil | Environnement
                Mot-clé carburant d'aviation | droits d'émissions UE | gaz à effet de serre | lutte contre la pollution | Mécanisme UE d'échange
                        de droits d'émission | permis de pollution négociable | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | proposition (UE) |
                        réduction des émissions de gaz | transport aérien | vente aux enchères
               Résumé Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from aviation have been included under the EU emissions trading system (ETS) since
                        2012. Because of international pressure, a derogation is in place for emissions from flights to and from third countries.
                        With aviation emissions projected to increase to 2050, the European Commission's proposal for a revision of the EU
                        ETS for aviation, part of the 'fit for 55' package, aims to ensure the sector contributes to reaching the climate goals.
                        The European Parliament is due to vote its position during the June I plenary session.
                En bref EN

06-10-2022                                    Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                            5
The Green Deal ambition: Technology, creativity and the arts for environmental sustainability
     Type de publication   Étude
                   Date    31-05-2022
         Auteur externe    DG, EPRS
      Domaine politique    Culture | Environnement | Industrie | Éducation | Énergie
                Mot-clé    changement climatique | neutralité carbone | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | recherche | stratégie de l’UE
               Résumé      Responding to the challenge of rebuilding a resilient, sustainable, beautiful and more socially inclusive Europe, while
                           facing a climate crisis and a pandemic, the New European Bauhaus has been launched as a comprehensive
                           programme to break down silos and go beyond innovation within specific sectors. In its efforts to foster collaboration
                           between arts, technology, science, social and cultural enterprises, citizens and institutions, the New European
                           Bauhaus wishes to be open to insights, ideas and constructive criticism. This study combines knowledge gleaned from
                           a literature review of the most up to date publications dealing with innovation in the technology and arts sectors with
                           understanding gained from interviews with players from a diverse range of industries, professional sectors, institutions
                           and societal groups.
                  Étude EN

ReFuelEU Aviation initiative: Summary of the Commission proposal and the Parliament's draft committee
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 30-05-2022
                 Auteur SOONE Jaan
      Domaine politique Transports
                Mot-clé biocarburant | carburant d'aviation | mobilité durable | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | proposition (UE) | rapport |
                        réduction des émissions de gaz | transport aérien
               Résumé On 14 July 2021, the European Commission presented the fit for 55 package – including a number of proposals to help
                        cut emissions from transport. The package includes a proposal to increase production and use of sustainable aviation
                        fuels (SAF), also known as the ReFuelEU Aviation initiative. In this proposal, the Commission puts forward obligations
                        on fuel suppliers to distribute SAF when supplying fuel at EU airports, in order to enhance SAF uptake by airlines and
                        so help reduce emissions from aviation. The Commission also wants to ensure that jet fuel uptake does not go beyond
                        what is needed for safe operation of flights, to prevent additional emissions related to extra weight of aeroplanes
                        carrying excessive amounts of fuel. This, in conjunction with the SAF supply obligation, is intended to ensure that all
                        flights departing from larger EU airports carry a minimum amount of SAF. In the European Parliament, the Committee
                        on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) is responsible for the file. In his draft report, the rapporteur Søren Gade (Renew
                        Europe, Denmark) has proposed several changes to the Commission's approach. The TRAN committee draft report
                        aims, inter alia, to provide aircraft operators and fuel suppliers with more flexibility to arrange SAF distribution, initially
                        extending the transition period. Moreover, it suggests widening the rules' scope to encompass more airports; wants to
                        encourage investment in electric and hydrogen propulsion technology; and calls for the development of an
                        environmental labelling scheme to further encourage SAF use. The vote in the TRAN committee is tentatively
                        scheduled for June 2022.
               Briefing EN

Revision of the market stability reserve for the EU emissions trading system: Fit for 55 package
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 03-05-2022
      Domaine politique Environnement
                Mot-clé droits d'émissions UE | gaz à effet de serre | lutte contre la pollution | Mécanisme UE d'échange de droits d'émission |
                        politique de l'environnement de l'UE | proposition (UE) | réduction des émissions de gaz | réserves | vente aux
               Résumé The proposal to revise the market stability reserve (MSR) for the EU emissions trading system (ETS) consists of
                        prolonging its current parameters. Under the current rules, the intake rate of allowances to the MSR and the minimum
                        allowances placed in the reserve have been doubled until the end of 2023, to allow for a quick removal of surplus EU
                        ETS allowances. The proposal is aimed at maintaining the current doubled intake rate (24 %) and minimum number of
                        allowances placed in the reserve (200 million) until 31 December 2030, the end of Phase IV of the EU ETS. In
                        Parliament, the file has been assigned to the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI).
                        The committee adopted its report on 15 March 2022, with 65 votes in favour, 20 against and one abstention. During
                        the plenary sitting of 5 April 2022, the Parliament adopted, with amendments to the recitals, the institution's position for
                        negotiations, by 490 votes in favour, 127 against and seven abstentions. The Council is currently debating the
                        proposal. Its December 2021 progress report notes delegations' differing views. Third edition. 'EU legislation in
                        progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.
               Briefing EN

06-10-2022                                       Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                               6
Revision of the Ecodesign Directive
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 13-04-2022
                 Auteur BACIAN Izabela Cristina
      Domaine politique Adoption de la législation par le Parlement européen et le Conseil | Environnement | Transposition et mise en œuvre
                        de la législation | Énergie | Évaluation du droit et des mesures politiques dans la pratique
                Mot-clé droit de l'environnement | impact sur l'environnement | label écologique | politique de l'environnement de l'UE |
                        écoconception | économie circulaire | étiquette énergétique de l’Union européenne
               Résumé Ecodesign and energy labelling policies play an important role in the decarbonisation of the energy system. Ecodesign
                        bans the least-efficient products from the market, while energy labelling guides consumers towards the most energy
                        efficient products. While the Ecodesign Directive focused largely on energy aspects, its revision became necessary in
                        light of the transition to a circular economy where the use of natural resources is reassessed to maximise their value
                        and minimise their waste. The recently proposed regulation on ecodesign for sustainable products will extend the
                        scope to a wider range of products, strengthen sustainability and circularity criteria, and introduce new information
                        requirements for products. Following the adoption of the regulation, the Ecodesign Directive will be repealed. The new
                        legal framework aims to put in place a harmonised set of rules for sustainable products across all Member States and
                        ensure a level-playing field for businesses.
               Briefing EN

Climate Mainstreaming in the EU Budget: 2022 Update
     Type de publication Étude
                   Date 12-04-2022
         Auteur externe François LEVARLET, t33 srl Michele ALESSANDRINI, t33 srl Margit SCHRATZENSTALLER-ALTZINGER, WIFO
                         Nicolò FRANCESCHELLI, Blomeyer
      Domaine politique Budget | Contrôle budgétaire
                Mot-clé biodiversité | budget de l'UE | cadre financier pluriannuel | changement climatique | impact sur l'environnement |
                         politique agricole commune | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | surveillance de l'environnement
               Résumé This study is an update of ‘Documenting climate mainstreaming in the EU budget’ published in 2020. The methodology
                         used by the European Commission for tracking climate change and biodiversity related expenditure at EU level is
                         reviewed again in the light of the Multiannual Financial Framework approved in 2021 and the new regulatory
                         framework covering the period 2021-2027. This confirms the main strengths and weaknesses pointed out by the initial
                         study. Recommendations for improving the tracking mechanisms are updated considering the new requirements of the
                         Interinstitutional Agreement (2020).
                  Étude EN

New EU own resources: possibilities and limitations of steering effects and sectoral policy co-benefits
     Type de publicationÉtude
                   Date 07-04-2022
                 Auteur SCHWARCZ András
         Auteur externe Margit SCHRATZENSTALLER, Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) Danuše NERUDOVÁ, Mendel
                        University Brno Veronika SOLILOVÁ, Mendel University Brno Mario HOLZNER, Vienna Institute for International
                        Economic Studies (wiiw) Philipp HEIMBERGER, Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) Niko
                        KORPAR, Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) Ambre MAUCORPS, Vienna Institute for
                        International Economic Studies (wiiw) Bernhard MOSHAMMER, Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
      Domaine politique Budget | Contrôle budgétaire | Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union | Planification
               Mot-clé accord interinstitutionnel (UE) | adaptation au changement climatique | impact sur l'environnement | Mécanisme UE
                        d'échange de droits d'émission | neutralité carbone | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | programme de l'UE |
                        prévention de la pollution | taxation de l’économie numérique
              Résumé This study was prepared at the request of the Budget Committee and assesses the Commission’s recent legislative
                        proposals for the new own resources included in the interinstitutional roadmap agreed together with the
                        NextGenerationEU programme. These are a plastic-based contribution as well as own resources based on the EU
                        Emission Trading System and a carbon border adjustment mechanism. Also, own resources based on the reallocation
                        of taxation rights on profits of large MNE according to Pillar I. of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS as well
                        as the taxation of corporations and financial transactions, as further options stipulated in the IIA roadmap, are
                        analysed. Finally, the study briefly reviews further own resource options which could create co-benefits and steering
                        effects supporting a sustainable, inclusive, green and digital transition.
                Étude EN

06-10-2022                                    Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                             7
Social and environmental impacts of mining activities in the EU
     Type de publicationÉtude
                   Date 31-03-2022
         Auteur externe MONONEN Tuija (lead author) Sonja KIVINEN, Juha M. KOTILAINEN, Johanna LEINO
      Domaine politique Emploi | Environnement | Politique sociale | Pétitions au Parlement européen | Santé publique | Transposition et mise
                        en œuvre de la législation | Énergie
                Mot-clé droit de l'UE | exploitation minière | impact social | impact sur l'environnement | politique de l'environnement de l'UE |
                        pétition | ressource minérale sous-marine | zone protégée | étude d'impact
               Résumé This study, commissioned by the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs for the Committee on
                        Petitions, provides a brief overview of the main social and environmental impacts of mining activities in the EU. It also
                        gives an overview of the most important relevant EU legislation and a short assessment of implementation and
                        compliance by Member States. It discusses and assesses a number of petitions on mining, as well as possible
                        measures to reduce unwanted impacts of mining, and the future of mining. Finally, the study provides conclusions,
                        policy recommendations and suggestions to help improve the existing EU mining policy and legislation.
                 Étude EN

Revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive and update of the European Pollutant Release and Transfer
Register (E-PRTR)
     Type de publication   Briefing
                   Date    28-03-2022
                 Auteur    KARAMFILOVA Ekaterina
      Domaine politique    Environnement
                Mot-clé    accès à l'information | collecte de données | gestion des déchets | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | pollution
                           industrielle | pollution par l'agriculture | protection de l'environnement | prévention de la pollution | réduction des
                           émissions de gaz | surveillance de l'environnement | économie circulaire
               Résumé Industrial pollution is regulated by the EU directive on industrial emissions (IED). It lays down rules designed to
                        prevent, or, if impracticable, to reduce emissions into air, water and land and to prevent the generation of waste, in
                        order to achieve a high level of protection of the environment taken as a whole. The European Pollutant Release and
                        Transfer Register (E-PRTR) ensures public access to data on emissions from major industrial activities. The ex-post
                        evaluations of the directive and the regulation setting the register show they are generally performing well in practice.
                        However, there are implementation issues, including inconsistences between the directive and the register. This
                        briefing presents findings of publicly available sources on the implementation of both pieces of EU law and thus aims
                        at informing their upcoming revision in the context of European Green Deal, in which Parliament will be a co-
               Briefing EN

Sustainable aviation fuels
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 24-03-2022
                 Auteur CLAROS GIMENO Eulalia | SOONE Jaan
      Domaine politique Transports
                Mot-clé adaptation au changement climatique | biocarburant | carburant d'aviation | changement climatique | développement
                        durable | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | polluant atmosphérique | technologie propre | transport aérien
               Résumé As part of the fit for 55 package to make the EU's policies fit for the EU's climate targets, on 14 July 2021, the
                        European Commission presented a proposal to increase the production and use of sustainable fuels in aviation, also
                        known as the ReFuelEU Aviation initiative. In the draft regulation, the Commission proposes placing obligations on fuel
                        suppliers to distribute sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) and growing the share of SAFs (including synthetic aviation
                        fuels, also known as renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBOs)) over time. This infographic offers a brief
                        overview of the targets set by the Commission, types of fuels considered in the proposal, and their sustainability,
                        market readiness, feedstock availability, production pathways and production cost projections. More information on the
                        proposal is available in the related EPRS EU legislation in progress briefing, PE 698.900.
                En bref EN

The future of climate migration
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 24-03-2022
                 Auteur NOONAN EAMONN
      Domaine politique Environnement | Politique sociale
                Mot-clé aide humanitaire | changement climatique | HCR | intempérie | migration forcée | pauvreté | politique de
                        l'environnement de l'UE | politique migratoire de l'UE | protection civile | réfugié
               Résumé Climate change is threatening to displace millions of people, creating new migrant flows also across borders. The EU
                        has a leading role in reducing global warming, mitigating its effects, improving knowledge about consequences for
                        vulnerable populations, and working with partners to build resilience. Success depends not just on adopting forward-
                        looking strategies, but also on adequate resources and effective implementation.
                En bref EN

06-10-2022                                        Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                             8
Access to justice in environmental matters: Amending the Aarhus Regulation
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 21-03-2022
                 Auteur HALLEUX Vivienne
      Domaine politique Environnement
                Mot-clé accès à l'information | accès à la justice | communication des données | convention internationale | droit de
                        l'environnement | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | proposition (UE) | règlement (UE) | surveillance de
                        l'environnement | transparence du processus décisionnel
               Résumé The European Union is party to the Aarhus Convention on access to information, public participation in decision-
                        making and access to justice in environmental matters. The Aarhus Regulation applies the Convention's provisions to
                        EU institutions and bodies. In 2017, the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee, reviewing implementation by the
                        parties, found that the EU fails to comply with its obligations under Article 9, paragraphs 3 and 4 of the convention
                        concerning access to justice by members of the public. To address this non-compliance issue, on 14 October 2020 the
                        European Commission put forward a legislative proposal to amend the Aarhus Regulation. The Council and Parliament
                        adopted their positions on 17 December 2020 and 20 May 2021, respectively. Interinstitutional negotiations, launched
                        on 4 June 2021, concluded on 12 July with a provisional agreement. Parliament approved the agreed text on 5
                        October 2021. The regulation was published in the Official Journal on 8 October 2021, and entered into force on 28
                        October 2021. Fourth edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the
                        legislative procedure.
               Briefing EN

Revision of Regulation (EC) 1005/2009 on substances depleting the ozone layer
     Type de publication   Briefing
                   Date    16-03-2022
                 Auteur    KARAMFILOVA Ekaterina
      Domaine politique    Environnement
                Mot-clé gaz à effet de serre | lutte contre la pollution | ozone | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | polluant stratosphérique |
                        pollution stratosphérique | produit chimique | règlement CE | réduction des émissions de gaz
               Résumé The depletion of the ozone layer affects negatively both humans and the natural environment. It is provoked by
                        chemicals known as 'ozone depleting substances' (ODSs), which are also potent greenhouse gases. They have been
                        subject to legal regulation at international level for several decades (the Vienna Convention and its Montreal Protocol,
                        adopted in the second half of the 1980s under UN auspices). EU has always spearheaded global efforts in the field of
                        ODSs, adopting its first rules in the early 1980s and later addressing them specifically through Regulation (EC)
                        1005/2009. The ex-post evaluation of the implementation of the regulation published at the end of 2019 shows that
                        overall performance matches expectations and that the regulation is thus fit for purpose, despite some aspects in need
                        of improvement. A Commission proposal for revision of the regulation is expected in the spring of 2022. This
                        implementation appraisal presents findings on the implementation of the regulation.
               Briefing EN

Fit for 55 package: Reducing methane emissions in the energy sector
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 14-03-2022
      Domaine politique Environnement | Énergie
                Mot-clé gaz | gaz à effet de serre | hydrocarbure | importation (UE) | industrie charbonnière | industrie pétrolière | marché de
                        l’énergie | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | politique énergétique de l'UE | proposition (UE) | réduction des
                        émissions de gaz
               Résumé On 15 December 2021, the Commission presented a proposal to regulate methane emissions reductions in the energy
                        sector. The proposal is part of the second batch of proposals in the 'fit for 55' package, aiming to align EU climate and
                        energy laws with the EU Climate Law's 2030 target. The proposal aims to address gaps in current legislation: those
                        relating to methane emissions from upstream exploration and the production of oil and fossil gas, but also those from
                        the gathering and processing of fossil gas, the transmission, distribution and underground storage of gas, and liquid
                        gas terminals operating with fossil and/or renewable methane. The proposal furthermore introduces provisions on
                        methane emissions from coal mines and those originating from outside the EU in relation to importer information
                        requirements, the methane transparency database and the methane-emitters monitoring tool. Similarly, it sets out
                        requirements for methane emissions reduction, monitoring and reporting, leak detection and repair, and limits to
                        venting and flaring. In Parliament, the proposal was referred to the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and
                        Food Safety (ENVI), with the rapporteur still to be appointed. First edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings
                        are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.
               Briefing EN

06-10-2022                                     Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                              9
Eighth Environment Action Programme
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 02-03-2022
                 Auteur YOUGOVA Dessislava
      Domaine politique Environnement
                Mot-clé biodiversité | gaz à effet de serre | lutte contre la pollution | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | programme de l'UE |
                        proposition (UE) | protection de l'environnement | réduction des émissions de gaz | économie circulaire | économie
               Résumé The eighth Environment Action Programme (EAP) has been designed to provide a framework for the overall
                        development of EU environmental policy and to guide policy-making by identifying priorities and goals for the 2021-
                        2030 period. The aim is to achieve the EU 2050 vision: 'living well, within planetary boundaries'. A provisional
                        agreement on the legislative proposal was reached in trilogue on 2 December 2021, and is due to be voted on by
                        Parliament at first reading. The debate is scheduled for plenary in March.
                En bref EN

Fit for 55 package: revising the EU Emissions Trading System as regards aviation
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 02-03-2022
                 Auteur VETTORAZZI STEFANO
      Domaine politique Évaluation de l''impact ex ante
                Mot-clé droits d'émissions UE | gaz à effet de serre | lutte contre la pollution | Mécanisme UE d'échange de droits d'émission |
                        permis de pollution négociable | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | proposition (UE) | réduction des émissions de
                        gaz | transport aérien | vente aux enchères | étude d'impact
               Résumé The IA identifies three problems that need to be tackled, but the analysis regarding how to promote broad and effective
                        participation by states in CORSIA would have benefited from further explanation. The section of the report dealing with
                        the objectives seems less than comprehensive and insufficiently developed. While the options considered appear to be
                        sufficiently broad, a clear and transparent ranking based on the various elements considered is missing. The IA
                        appears to reflect a satisfactory analysis of the main impacts of the retained options. The indicators proposed do not
                        appear fully convincing in measuring the success of the initiative. The stakeholders' preferred option for implementing
                        CORSIA is different from the one selected by the IA. Overall, the reasoning of the IA appears to be well grounded, and
                        the IA appears to have addressed most of the RSB's comments. Finally, the proposal envisages an increase in the
                        share of auctioned allowances that does not correspond to any of the retained options
               Briefing EN

Climate change, environment and health - Citizens' recommendations and the EU context: Panel 3 of the
Conference on the Future of Europe
     Type de publication
      Domaine politiqueEnvironnement
                Mot-cléchangement climatique | démocratie participative | initiative citoyenne européenne | politique de l'environnement de
                       l'UE | politique de la santé | prise de décision | ressortissant de l'UE | transparence du processus décisionnel
               Résumé In the framework of the Conference on the Future of Europe, four European Citizens' Panels have discussed the
                       development of European integration in broad subject areas. For each of the 51 recommendations put forward by
                       European Citizens' Panel 3: Climate change, environment and health, the present paper sets out a selection of the
                       most recent and relevant European Parliament resolutions on the matter and looks at existing EU legislation and other
                       EU funding programmes, supporting and coordinating actions. However, this paper is not intended to serve as an
                       exhaustive list of all European Parliament resolutions and EU-level action in the area, but rather aims at feeding
                       debate and discussion during the Conference plenary.
                 Étude EN

New EU forest strategy for 2030
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 22-02-2022
                 Auteur CAPRILE ANNA
      Domaine politique Agriculture et développement rural
                Mot-clé biodiversité | changement climatique | gaz à effet de serre | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | politique européenne
                        de la forêt | protection de la forêt | réduction des émissions de gaz | stratégie de l’UE | sylviculture durable | économie
               Résumé In July 2021, the European Commission adopted its communication on the new EU forest strategy for 2030, pursuing
                        the biodiversity and climate neutrality objectives enshrined in the European Green Deal and the EU biodiversity
                        strategy for 2030. The strategy aims to improve the quantity and quality of EU multi-functional forests, by reversing
                        negative trends and increasing their resilience against the high uncertainty brought about by climate change. The
                        strategy has sparked heated debate amongst various stakeholders and policy-makers.
                En bref EN

06-10-2022                                      Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                             10
'Fit for 55' package: Revising the Regulation on land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF)
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 22-02-2022
                 Auteur VIKOLAINEN Vera
      Domaine politique Environnement | Évaluation de l''impact ex ante
                Mot-clé adaptation au changement climatique | gaz à effet de serre | lutte contre la pollution | neutralité carbone | politique de
                        l'environnement de l'UE | politique européenne de la forêt | proposition (UE) | secteur agricole | surveillance de
                        l'environnement | utilisation des terres | étude d'impact
               Résumé This briefing provides an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission’s impact
                        assessment (IA) accompanying the proposal to amend the land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF)
                        Regulation (EU) 2018/841. Despite the effort involved, the IA contains a number of shortcoming that significantly limit
                        its potential to usefully inform policy-making. The impacts of the preferred option, its costs and benefits remain unclear,
                        despite the estimates provided in the IA. Moreover, the baseline used in this IA does not appear to be dynamic or
                        harmonised with the 'fit for 55' package, while one of the options does not appear to be a real alternative. Finally, the
                        proposal does not seem to follow the recommendations of the IA, which suggests that relatively less ambitious
                        LULUCF targets under Option 2 combined with ESR-LULUCF flexibility would be more coherent if the ESR targets are
                        significantly raised (which is the preferred option in the ESR IA and the proposal for ESR revision).
               Briefing EN

EU taxonomy: Delegated acts on climate, and nuclear and gas
     Type de publication   Briefing
                   Date    21-02-2022
                 Auteur    SPINACI STEFANO
      Domaine politique    Affaires économiques et monétaires | Environnement
                Mot-clé    changement climatique | neutralité carbone | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | protection de l'environnement |
                           stratégie de l’UE | surveillance de l'environnement | économie verte
               Résumé The EU's commitment to the objectives of the Paris Agreement, and the ambitious European Green Deal, require
                        significant investment. It is estimated that hundreds of billions of euros are needed in the current decade to reach the
                        carbon reduction targets. The EU taxonomy is a classification system that aims to channel public and private
                        investment into environmentally sustainable economic activities in order to achieve environmental objectives, such as
                        those in the fight against climate change. It establishes a dynamic list of economic activities considered to be
                        environmentally sustainable, provided they contribute substantially to at least one environmental objective and do not
                        significantly harm any other. The European Commission claims that such a common understanding of what constitutes
                        environmentally sustainable investment can facilitate the funding of the transition to a more sustainable economy by
                        bringing clarity to investors, avoiding market fragmentation and reducing the risk of greenwashing. While the basic
                        legal act for the taxonomy is already in force, the process of establishing detailed criteria on how to classify activities
                        as green is ongoing. A first delegated act on reporting obligations of companies was adopted on 6 July 2021. The
                        focus of this briefing is the two delegated acts determining which activities should be considered as sustainable and
                        contributing to the fight against climate change, and be reported as such. The first climate delegated act came into
                        force on 1 January 2022, establishing criteria for activities helping to mitigate or adapt to climate change. Activities in
                        the nuclear and gas sectors are the subject of a complementary delegated act proposed by the European Commission
                        on 2 February 2022.
               Briefing EN
             Multimédia EU taxonomy: Delegated acts on climate, and nuclear and gas

Study on the Harmonisation of EU Environmental Law
     Type de publicationÉtude
                   Date 15-02-2022
         Auteur externe Lorenzo Squintani
      Domaine politique Environnement | Législation de l''Union: système et actes juridiques | Évaluation du droit et des mesures politiques
                        dans la pratique
                Mot-clé droit de l'environnement | gestion de l'eau | gestion des déchets | politique de l'environnement de l'UE | principe de
                        proportionnalité | principe de subsidiarité | protection de l'environnement | qualité de l’air | rapprochement des
               Résumé This study analyses the clarity and adaptability of EU environmental law and how these could be improved by means
                        of regulatory options, by looking at four core EU environmental directives, in the field of water, air, nature and waste.
                        Recommendations are made to improve the effectiveness of environmental law in European Union The research has
                        been prepared at the request of the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional
                        Affairs as asked by the Committee on Petitions (PETI).
                 Étude EN

06-10-2022                                       Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                          11
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