MassDEP's Clean Energy Results Program Makes Progress Recycling Organics for Fuel

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MassDEP's Clean Energy Results Program Makes Progress Recycling Organics for Fuel
MassDEP’s Clean Energy Results Program Makes Progress
Recycling Organics for Fuel

The Massachusetts Clean Energy Results Program
(CERP) is an innovative, first-of-its-kind new
program that was launched in November 2011
by the Department of Environmental Protection
(MassDEP) and the Department of Energy
Resources (DOER). The program is designed
to maximize the combined resources of both
                                                  An anaerobic digester in Rutland, Mass. Photo by Randy
agencies to better advance the siting and
                                                  Jordan, owner of Jordan Dairy Farm.
successful implementation of renewable energy
and energy efficiency projects. A key goal of     CERP is to promote an increased capacity in the
                                                  Commonwealth for anaerobic digestion (AD) - a
                                                  process that breaks down food and other organic
  This issue                                      material to produce a renewable biogas (largely
                MassDEP’s Clean Energy            comprised of methane). This biogas is then
                Results Program Makes             combusted to generate electricity and heat. Just
                Progress Recycling Organics       over a half-year from launch of this new program,
                for Fuel
                                                  the agencies are making great strides toward this
                MassDEP, Environmental            goal.
                Agencies Advance Sustainable
                Water Management Efforts          Diverting commercial organic wastes (such as
                                                  vegetable waste from farms, food processers,
                Western Mass. Recycling           grocery stores, institutions, and restaurants) from
                Effort Gets ‘Greener’ with        the waste stream and converting them to a useful
                Installation of Solar Panels at   fuel has many significant benefits. Removal of
                Springfield MRF
                                                  these materials from the waste stream saves them
                MassDEP’s News Briefs             taking up limited capacity in the state’s landfills. In
                & Updates                         addition, because Massachusetts has some of the
                                                  highest solid waste disposal rates in the country
                                                  (ranging from $60-$90 a ton, nearly double the
MassDEP's Clean Energy Results Program Makes Progress Recycling Organics for Fuel
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                     MassDEP Newsletter Summer 2012

national average), recycling organic material         MassDEP is in the final stages of amending
for reuse can considerably off-set disposal           its solid waste regulations to facilitate
costs for the businesses that generate                significant expansion of the state’s capacity
these materials. Furthermore, producing               to process and recycle source-separated
renewable biogas from anaerobic digestion             organics and other recyclable materials.
is a sustainable, renewable energy solution.          Concurrent amendments to regulations
Active capture and use of methane from                governing municipal wastewater treatment
the breakdown of organic material reduces             plants will allow those facilities to accept
emissions of greenhouse gases and                     appropriate source-separated organics for
diminishes our dependency on fossil fuel.             AD processing, which will in turn boost
                                                      their energy production and reduce their
MassDEP is working with DOER, the                     operating expenses. The agency has been
Massachusetts Department of Agriculture,              working with stakeholders to address the
the Mass Clean Energy Council, and the                thoughtful comments received on draft
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to               regulations earlier this year, and MassDEP’s
ensure that, by 2020, the Commonwealth                final AD regulations are expected to be
is generating 50 megawatts of electricity             published by the fall of 2012.
from this renewable source - up from the
less than 10 megawatts being generated                In addition, agencies have made great
now. These partners also have a goal of               progress conducting a preliminary
diverting 350,000 tons per year of organic            evaluation of sites on public lands that may
material from landfills and incinerators to           be well-suited for new anaerobic digestion
anaerobic digestion and other organics-               facilities. We have narrowed the sites to a
processing facilities; organic material               manageable list of eight, and are meeting
represents more than 25 percent of the                with the state Division of Capital Asset
total amount of waste currently being                 Management, agency heads, and host
thrown away in Massachusetts.                         communities to talk about the feasibility for
                                                      siting these demonstration projects.
MassDEP and its partner agencies have
identified specific steps to increase diversion       Massachusetts has already made significant
of organic material for productive reuse via          progress in diverting organics from the
anaerobic digestion and other processing              waste stream and has been a leader in
facilities. Those actions include: streamlining       working with commercial generators of
and clarifying regulatory requirements;               organics on building an infrastructure
increasing diversion of food waste at large           for collection. Over the past decade,
businesses and institutions to ensure a               MassDEP has worked extensively with major
supply of material for anaerobic digestion;           supermarket chains in Massachusetts,
and encouraging appropriate siting of more            and as a result more than 300 of the
anaerobic digestion projects across the               600 supermarkets are diverting organics
Commonwealth.                                         (produce, breads) from disposal for
                                                      compost at nearby farms. MassDEP has also

MassDEP's Clean Energy Results Program Makes Progress Recycling Organics for Fuel
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worked with a number of other business              MassDEP, Environmental
sectors that generate significant quantities
of food waste to help them establish                Agencies Advance
diversion programs. Sectors with active             Sustainable Water
diversion programs include hotels, colleges
                                                    Management Efforts
and universities, convention centers,
hospitals, and large restaurants.
                                                    For many years, there has been an
                                                    absence of clear, predictable, science-
Given the importance of diverting
                                                    based standards to answer the question:
organic materials away from landfills and
                                                    How much water can be taken out of the
into beneficial renewable energy, the
                                                    ground before causing significant harm to
Commonwealth will soon be proposing
                                                    our streams and rivers?
adding commercial organics to the other
materials currently banned from landfills
                                                    MassDEP has been working closely
and incinerators.
                                                    with the Executive Office of Energy
                                                    and Environmental Affairs (EEA), the
The Patrick-Murray Administration seeks
                                                    Department of Conservation and Recreation
to put all of these pieces together so
                                                    (DCR), the Division of Fish and Game (DFG),
that, before too long, all commercially-
                                                    and a number of important stakeholders,
generated organic waste is diverted from
                                                    on the Sustainable Water Management
disposal and processed through AD to
                                                    Initiative (SWMI). This major undertaking
harvest the renewable fuel source. In
                                                    is intended to balance the sometimes
many European countries, large-scale
                                                    competing needs in the Commonwealth -
anaerobic digestion of organic waste
                                                    water supply for human use and protection
has proven successful in the creation of
                                                    of fish habitat. To do this, the agencies have
jobs, improving energy independence,
                                                    been working on developing predictable,
stimulating economic growth, and
                                                    science-based, and protective standards for
being an important component of the
                                                    high-quantity water withdrawals.
renewable-energy strategy. Through the
combined efforts of DOER, MassDEP, and
other key stakeholders, Massachusetts is
leading efforts to make this a reality in the

For more information on the recycling of
organic wastes, go to: http://www.mass.

                                                    The SWMI Interactive Map application is available

MassDEP's Clean Energy Results Program Makes Progress Recycling Organics for Fuel
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                    MassDEP Newsletter Summer 2012

The underpinning for the standards was             restoration and monitoring in some of
a USGS report that used extensive fish-            the pilot communities and evaluating the
sampling data and sophisticated modeling           potential for the same in all of them.
to demonstrate that as water is withdrawn
in August, and the percentage of                   The process of developing revised WMA
impervious area in a watershed increases,          regulations is proceeding on a parallel track.
the abundance of sensitive fish populations        In this way, the pilot analyses will serve to
decline. While some stakeholders                   inform and guide the development of those
challenged some of the findings, MassDEP           regulations. In addition, MassDEP and DCR
is in the process of obtaining two                 have been improving data management to
independent peer reviews.                          better assist with the permitting process.

In the winter of 2012, the agencies released       The SWMI team expects to prepare and
a draft framework for stakeholder review.          disseminate a final framework later in
This framework consists of a scientific            the summer of 2012, while the revised
categorization of 1,400 stream and                 WMA regulations should be out for public
river basins, criteria to ensure adequate          comment by early 2013. For more details
streamflow, a revised formula to calculate         on SWMI, go to:
safe yield, and concrete proposals to              water/resources/swmi.htm.
embody this work into regulations under
the Water Management Act (WMA). EEA
                                                   Western Mass. Recycling
and its agencies received many thoughtful
and useful comments, and are now                   Effort Gets ‘Greener’
reviewing those comments to inform the             with Installation of Solar
development of the final framework and
proposed revisions to the WMA regulations.
                                                   Panels at Springfield MRF
                                                   Recycling in western Massachusetts became
In order to evaluate how the SWMI
                                                   “greener” this spring when the state-
framework will play out in the real world,
                                                   owned Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) in
the draft framework is being applied in
                                                   Springfield began operating its new solar
a handful of pilot communities, which
                                                   panel system and utilizing that renewable
are going through a “mock permitting”
                                                   energy in the MRF’s operations.
exercise. Through these public water
supply system pilots in Amherst, Danvers-
                                                   The Commonwealth utilized federal
Middleton, Dedham-Westwood, and
                                                   American Reinvestment and Recovery Act
Shrewsbury, the SWMI team will be able
                                                   (ARRA) funds and Clean Energy Renewable
to see potential costs of implementation
                                                   Bonds to install 616 roof-mounted solar
and environmental benefits that could
                                                   panels, resulting in a 130-kilowatt photo-
result from water management actions
                                                   voltaic (PV) system that will supply up to
under the framework. DFG, with MassDEP
                                                   35 percent of the MRF’s annual energy
funding assistance, is also supporting river

MassDEP's Clean Energy Results Program Makes Progress Recycling Organics for Fuel
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usage. The new system reduces demand                     The solar panels were manufactured
for electricity generated from fossil fuels,             in Massachusetts by Evergreen Solar,
and also cuts back on greenhouse gas                     and the 28 solar system inverters were
emissions.                                               manufactured by Solectria Renewables in
                                                         Lawrence. Ostrow Electric of Worcester was
                                                         the installation contractor.

                                                         DOER Commissioner Sylvia said the MRF
                                                         solar project is one of many funded by
                                                         DOER with federal ARRA funds. “Together,
                                                         these clean energy installations at 24
                                                         state facilities represent almost four
                                                         megawatts of solar electricity, enough to
                                                         power 633 homes for a year,” he said.
Workers installing solar panels on the roof of the       The Commissioner added that these solar
Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) in Springfield
                                                         projects will lower state energy bills by
                                                         more than $500,000 annually, and reduce
The new PV system installation was                       greenhouse gas emissions by more than
celebrated in May at a ceremony featuring                1,900 metric tons.
MassDEP Commissioner Ken Kimmell,
Department of Energy Resources (DOER)                    The Springfield MRF was built in 1989, and
Commissioner Mark Sylvia, officials from                 is operated by Waste Management Recycle
the Division of Capital Asset Management,                America (WMRA) under a contract with
and the Springfield MRF Advisory Board.                  MassDEP, which owns the facility.

“The Springfield MRF greatly benefits                    At the ceremony, Commissioner Kimmell
the environment and the economy for                      also announced that that the WMRA
communities in western Massachusetts,”                   operating contract has been extended until
said Commissioner Kimmell at the                         June 30, 2020. The extension provides
ceremony. “The new solar panels are the                  that a single-stream recycling option will
next step in the ‘greening’ of the recycling             be offered to those MRF communities that
services offered here, and the alternative               adopt the program. Approximately 700,000
energy generated will help to reduce                     tons of waste will be diverted from area
emissions from fossil fuel use.”                         landfills and incinerators over the life of the
                                                         WMRA contract. The contract also ensures
It was pointed out at the ceremony                       that both dual-stream and single-stream
that the recycling and reuse industry in                 municipalities will receive a revenue share
Massachusetts employs nearly 14,000                      from the sale of recyclable materials, and
people, with annual receipts topping $3                  each community is guaranteed a zero-dollar
billion a year.                                          tipping fee at the facility.

MassDEP's Clean Energy Results Program Makes Progress Recycling Organics for Fuel
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During 2011, the 77 MRF communities                         News Briefs & Updates
recycled more than 31,000 tons of
plastic, paper, metals and glass, with the
communities receiving more than $1.4
                                                            Draft Regulations
million in payments for the recyclables                     Coming Soon for
delivered. Also last year, the estimated                    Regulatory Reform
avoided-disposal cost savings for the
MRF municipalities by recycling was
approximately $2 million.
                                                            In the spring of 2011, MassDEP kicked off a
                                                            major Regulatory Reform Initiative designed
                                                            to maintain the agency’s current high
                                                            standards of environmental protection with
                                                            the present level of staff - which has been
                                                            reduced by more than 30 percent during
                                                            the last decade. MassDEP’s Regulatory
                                                            Reform Initiative also was a mechanism for
                                                            reviewing existing regulations to identify
                                                            efficiency improvements as required of
SPRINGFIELD MRF: MassDEP recently celebrated                all state agencies under the Economic
the installation of solar panels on the roof of the         Development Reorganization Act of 2010.
Springfield Materials Recycling Facility. Shown (l-r)       We developed a range of regulatory reform
are: Department of Energy Resources
Commissioner Mark Sylvia; Springfield MRF                   ideas with input from environmental
Advisory Board Chairman Eric Weiss holding a                advocates, business leaders, and municipal
solar panel sample; MassDEP Commissioner Ken                officials, and released a draft action plan for
Kimmell; DCAM Acting Deputy Commissioner
Hope Davis; and Waste Management Recycle                    broad public comment over this past winter.
America Area Director Terry Bennett.
                                                            After considering public comments
Since the Springfield MRF began operation,                  received, MassDEP issued its final
the facility has processed nearly two                       Regulatory Reform Action Plan in March
billion pounds of recyclables, and during                   2012. The agency has worked closely with
that time, the member communities have                      its external advisory committees and other
received approximately $11.5 million in                     stakeholder groups to flesh out each of
revenue sharing.                                            the reforms in detail. Now the agency is
                                                            preparing draft changes to regulations to
For more information on the Springfield                     implement the reforms.
MRF, go to:
php.                                                        The draft regulations under the Regulatory
                                                            Reform Initiative will be released in waves
                                                            over the coming months. MassDEP is eager
                                                            to have robust public review and comment

MassDEP's Clean Energy Results Program Makes Progress Recycling Organics for Fuel
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on these proposed regulatory changes.
Notice of availability of draft regulations
for public review will be made through the
normal channels and also via the agency’s
free e-mail service for Regulation Updates
and Related Notifications.

More information on MassDEP’s Regulatory
Reform Initiative and the Final Regulatory
Reform Action Plan is available at: http://       A portion of the Housatonic River.
regreform.htm.                                    EPA and the states have been in discussions
                                                  in recent months to reach the best cleanup
You can sign up to receive notice of draft        solution for the PCBs contained in the
regulations out for public comment at:            river banks, floodplains, and in the waters           that flow south from Pittsfield through
htm.                                              Connecticut and into Long Island Sound.
                                                  Those discussions continue. However, a
State, Federal                                    10-page updated report outlining some of
                                                  the proposed cleanup options was issued
Environmental Officials                           during the recent public meetings, and the
Issue Update on                                   report is available at this link: http://www.
Housatonic River Cleanup
                                                  The Housatonic River is contaminated with
Massachusetts environmental officials,            PCBs and other hazardous substances
including MassDEP and the Department              released from the General Electric Co.
of Fish and Game, recently hosted two             facility in Pittsfield over many decades. Over
public information sessions along with U.S.       the past 10 years, EPA and GE have cleaned
EPA Region 1 and Connecticut officials            up a portion of the river adjacent to the
to update the public on the cleanup in            GE facility. Now the agencies, the public
the “rest-of-the-river” segment of the            and river stakeholders, and officials from
Housatonic River. The meetings were held          communities along the river are seeking
in Lenox and Connecticut, and the agencies        to finalize cleanup plans that will remove
were able to report that EPA and the states       PCBs from the river areas, while ensuring
of Massachusetts and Connecticut have             that nearby wetlands, floodplains and river
come a long way in bridging the differences       resources are not seriously damaged in the
in approach to the cleanup of PCB                 process. Once the agency discussions are
contamination in the Housatonic River.            finalized, EPA will issue a proposed cleanup

MassDEP's Clean Energy Results Program Makes Progress Recycling Organics for Fuel
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plan for the river, and that plan will be
open for public comment before the plan is

MassDEP Tornado
Response Team Honored
with Carballo Award for
Public Service Excellence                             One of MassDEP’s emergency response vehicles
                                                      on the scene of the June 1, 2011 tornado.
A little more than one year ago, on June 1,
2011, Massachusetts experienced nature’s              MassDEP set up an Emergency Operations
deadly force, as the first in a string of three       Center in their Springfield office, and
tornados touched down in Westfield. As                established a unique Point-of-Contact
these storms moved eastward, they left                (POC) program for each of the affected
behind a destructive path that stretched 39           communities in order to provide direct
miles across 10 communities.                          technical assistance to local officials and
In the wake of these storms - most notably
an F3 tornado - the toll was profound:                For all of the great work accomplished in
three dead, more than 200 people injured,             the wake of the tornadoes, the MassDEP
and more than 1,500 homes destroyed or                Tornado Response Team was nominated
severely damaged. In addition, electrical             for and this month will receive the Manual
power was knocked out to more than                    Carballo Governor’s Award for Excellence
50,000 customers, thousands of trees were             in Public Service. Here is a link to the award
leveled and more than $100 million in                 announcement:
damage was left to the infrastructure and             anf/employment-equal-access-disability/
environment of these communities.                     employee-prog-and-training/performance-
Twenty-two staffers from MassDEP’s                    carballo-award/massdep-tornado-team.
Western Regional Office in Springfield, with          html.
help from a staffer each from the Central
and Northeast regional offices, immediately           The Manuel Carballo Governor’s Award
jumped into action with a plan to assess              for Excellence in Public Service is the
the environmental damage and help local               Commonwealth’s highest honor for
officials and residents address that damage.          Executive Department employees. The
MassDEP and other first-responders helped             award recognizes and honors state
with vital recovery efforts in helping the            employees who personify excellence
victims of this terrible storm to get their           in public service. A special Selection
lives back to normal as quickly as possible.          Committee reviews nominations

MassDEP's Clean Energy Results Program Makes Progress Recycling Organics for Fuel
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received from state agencies and makes                    The members of MassDEP’s Tornado
recommendations to the Governor. The                      Response team are: Eva Tor, Dave Howland,
committee is comprised of the Speaker of                  Brian Harrington, Dave Slowick, Stacey
the House of Representatives, the President               Dakai, Joel Rees, John Bourcier, Joanne
of the Senate, and various appointees                     Flescher, Tony Kurpaska, John Ziegler, Dan
chosen by the Governor from business,                     Laprade, Mike McGrath, Paul Nietupski,
labor, academia, media and community                      Dan Kurpaska, Doug Paine, Catherine
groups.                                                   Skiba, Brian Bordeaux, Bob Shultz, Peter
                                                          Czapienski, Rick Larson, Cathy Wanat,
As Secretary of the Executive Office of                   Kellie Niemiec, John Fitzgerald (NERO) and
Health and Human Services, Manuel                         Dino DelleChiaie (CERO).
Carballo oversaw 14 state agencies.
His dedication and commitment to the                      Tornados and storms can be terrifying
physically and mentally challenged, older                 and devastating, and weather disasters
citizens and children, families in crisis and             like this will always be an unfortunate
the less fortunate is remembered through                  and seemingly-random part of life.
these annual awards.                                      MassDEP recognizes there is a need for the
                                                          Commonwealth to prepare and to plan
                                                          for the worst that can happen. MassDEP
                                                          remains committed to being part of the
                                                          emergency response infrastructure in
                                                          Massachusetts, and having an effective
                                                          emergency response team at MassDEP is an
                                                          integral and essential part of the mission
                                                          to protect the environment and the public

Tornado Response Team Accepting the Manuel
Carballo Award: From left - Governor Deval                New Guide Available
Patrick, Eva Tor, Catherine Skiba, Catherine Wanat,
David Slowick, Kellie Niemiec, David Howland,
                                                          for Developing Solar
Secretary Jay Gonzalez, Secretary Richard Sullivan,
Commissioner Ken Kimmell, John Ziegler, Brian
                                                          on Closed Landfills;
Harrington, Michael McGrath, Brian Bordeaux,              Another Solar at Landfills
John Bourcier, Daniel Kurpaska, Anthony
Kurpaska, Dino Dellechiaie. Not pictured: Daniel          Workshop Slated for July
Laprade, Douglas Paine, Joanne Flescher, Joel
Rees, John Fitzgerald, Paul Nietupski, Peter              26, 2012
Czapienski, Richard Larson, Robert Shultz, Stacey
Dakai                                                     The Clean Energy Results Program
                                                          (CERP), a joint initiative of MassDEP
                                                          and the Massachusetts Department of
                                                          Energy Resources (DOER), harnesses the
                                                          expertise of both agencies to advance

MassDEP's Clean Energy Results Program Makes Progress Recycling Organics for Fuel
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the development of renewable energy                   covered include: physical requirements
and energy efficiency projects. One goal              of photovoltaic (PV) systems; PV system
of CERP is to achieve 50 megawatts of                 economics; landfill considerations; public
new solar photovoltaic energy generation              procurement; and PV system development,
by 2020 on environmentally challenged                 design, and installation. The complete
land (closed and capped landfills and                 guide can be found on DOER’s web site at:
Brownfields). Achieving this goal will      
help reduce air pollution associated with             communities/pubs-reports/pvlandfillguide.
electricity production from fossil fuels,             pdf.
while also cutting energy costs, creating
green jobs, and generating tax revenue for            Across the Commonwealth, there are more
Massachusetts communities.                            than 400 inactive or closed landfills. To
                                                      date, more than 20 of these closed landfills
Generating solar power on closed municipal            have received “post-closure use” permit
landfills makes both environmental and                approvals from MassDEP for solar PV, and
economic sense. There has never been a                one closed landfill has been approved for
more opportune time for municipalities                a wind turbine. If each of these projects
to develop solar PV systems on landfills.             advances to completion, they will total
Although not every closed landfill is suitable        more than 48 megawatts toward the CERP
to host a solar PV system, municipal landfills        50 megawatt installation goal.
with advantageous site characteristics
may provide an opportunity for cities and             To supplement the new Guide, MassDEP
towns to generate revenue from otherwise              and DOER, with support from the
undevelopable land.                                   Environmental Business Council of
                                                      New England, are presenting another
MassDEP and DOER have been working                    “Renewable Energy at Closed Landfills”
hard to provide cities and towns with the             workshop in July 2012. At this event,
tools they need to explore whether their              experts will provide municipalities with the
closed landfills are well-suited for solar            tools needed to assess the redevelopment
arrays and wind turbines. The agencies                potential of closed landfill sites, navigate
held two workshops for communities                    the permitting process, and harness state
and solar developers in June 2009 and                 renewable-energy incentives. The workshop
January 2010. Now, with help from                     agenda will highlight successful renewable-
MassDEP and other agencies, DOER has just             energy installations on closed municipal
released the “Guide to Developing Solar               landfills, including the first Massachusetts
Photovoltaics at Massachusetts Landfills.”            solar-on-landfill project to begin operation -
This guidebook will help municipal officials          a 2.3-megawatt solar array in Easthampton.
identify, evaluate, and pursue opportunities          The workshop will take place on Thursday,
to harness the sun’s power to generate                July 26, 2012 at the Boxborough Holiday
electricity and revenue from undeveloped              Inn. For details on the upcoming workshop
space over closed, capped landfills. Topics           and for more information about developing

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renewable energy on closed landfills, please
visit MassDEP’s web site at: http://www.

MassDEP Contemplates
Improvements to
Requirements under the
Public Waterfront Act,
‘Chapter 91’
The Commonwealth’s primary tool for                   MassDEP is now reviewing the policy covering
protection and promotion of public use                Facilities of Public Accommodation under Chapter
of its tidelands and other waterways is               91 for buildings built over state tidelands.
the waterways licensing program under
the Massachusetts Public Waterfront Act               In February 2012, MassDEP Commissioner
(Mass. General Laws Chapter 91). Through              Ken Kimmell convened a stakeholder
“Chapter 91,” the Commonwealth                        group to examine the agency’s “facilities of
guarantees that private uses of tidelands             public accommodation” (FPA) rules under
and waterways serve a proper public                   Chapter 91. FPAs under Ch.91 require that
purpose. Specifically, the MassDEP                    when constructing non-water-dependent
Waterways Regulation Program preserves                buildings, no less than 75 percent of the
pedestrian access to and along the water’s            ground floor must accommodate the
edge for fishing, fowling and navigation              transient public in order to draw people to
and, in return for permission to develop              the waterfront. This can be in the form of
non-water-dependent projects on filled                retail stores, restaurants, community space,
private and Commonwealth tidelands,                   and public restrooms.
to provide publicly-accessible ground-
floor facilities to enhance public use and            While FPAs have been successful in most
enjoyment of the water. Other objectives              instances, according to the development
of the program include: protection of                 community, in certain cases they may
public strolling and public navigation rights;        result in under-utilized ground-floor space,
promotion and protection of tidelands as a            which represents a lost opportunity for
workplace for commercial fishing, shipping,           the public and landowners. The purpose
passenger transportation and other water-             of the Commissioner’s FPA group is to
dependent activities; and protection of               assess the results of the current rules and
Areas of Critical Environmental Concern               to provide recommendations to the agency
and other ecologically sensitive areas from           on modifications that will better activate
unnecessary encroachment by fill and                  the waterfront and encourage its use and
structures.                                           enjoyment by the public.

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Based on the thoughtful input from this              designed to improve water quality, upgrade
stakeholder group, MassDEP staff will                or replace aging wastewater infrastructure,
craft a set of potential changes to the FPA          and cut energy use and costs.
requirements under Ch. 91. The agency
hopes that proposed changes will go out              The Commonwealth is offering these loans
for public review and comment in the fall            under the State Revolving Fund (SRF) to
of 2012, and be finalized by the end of the          assist financing for communities throughout
calendar year. Public notice about these             the state to fund necessary projects that
draft changes will be posted on MassDEP’s            cities and towns, regional water supply and
website and will also be distributed to              wastewater treatment districts, and the
interested parties via the agency’s “List-           Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Serve” for regulations and related updates.          (MWRA) submitted for consideration.
Sign up for notifications at: http://www.

$418M in SRF Funding
to Support 90 Drinking
Water, Wastewater
Life here in the Bay State requires a
substantial infrastructure to protect,
treat and distribute drinking water, and             The Lowell Wastewater Treatment Facility, as seen
                                                     from the air, has received SRF funding from this
to remove wastewater so that it can be               latest round.
treated and safely discharged. Doing this
requires treatment plants, large and small,          These projects include 55 clean-water
that all told provide a network that is quite        initiatives totaling more than $303 million
extensive, and expensive, to maintain. To            and 35 drinking water projects totaling
assist communities with the costs of fixing          nearly $115 million. Communities offered
or replacing these big-ticket projects, the          SRF funding in this round must decide to
Patrick-Murray Administration announced              move forward with the project by June 30
in May that nearly $418 million in loans             and secure local funding authority.
were awarded to help fund a total of 90
such projects across the Commonwealth.               In accordance with MassDEP’s Clean Energy
                                                     Results Program, 38 of the 90 projects, or
These recipients are now eligible to                 $124 million of the total $418 million, are
receive low-interest (2%) loans to fund              for green infrastructure projects or green
construction and planning projects that are          components of projects. Those projects

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would involve energy efficiency upgrades to          water requirements, while addressing the
treatment plants and the on-site installation        Commonwealth’s drinking water needs.
of renewable energy technologies for solar
and wind power.                                      To see the full listing, click on the following
                                                     links for either Clean Water or Drinking
Energy use at wastewater and drinking                Water projects.
water facilities is a major contributor to
overall energy consumption for many cities           Clean Water SRF projects for 2012, go to
and towns, with communities statewide                Table No. 1 at:
spending approximately $150 million        
per year on electricity to treat 662 billion         wastewater/cwsrf.htm.
gallons of wastewater and drinking water.
Approximately 30 percent of municipal                Drinking Water SRF projects for 2012, go to
energy use derives from water treatment.             Table No. 1 at:
This funding round also provides $6.44               wastewater/dwsrf.htm.
million in loan principle forgiveness on
$220 million in loans for 36 construction            Reducing Water Pollution
and planning projects in 25 municipalities,
which are considered Environmental Justice           from Lawn Fertilizing:
(EJ) communities with below average                  Northeast States Kickoff
Median Household Income levels.
                                                     Voluntary Initiative
The SRF is comprised of two programs:
                                                     In the fall of 2011, MassDEP Commissioner
the Clean Water Fund, which has awarded
                                                     Ken Kimmell, along with the environmental
approximately $4.8 billion in loans since
                                                     agency commissioners from the other
the program’s inception in 1991; and the
                                                     five New England states and New York,
Drinking Water Fund, which has awarded
                                                     agreed to pursue a voluntary regional
approximately $1.2 billion in projects since
                                                     initiative to reduce nutrient pollution
it began in 1999.
                                                     to water bodies from the use of lawn
                                                     fertilizers. The states have called upon the
This year, the Clean Water SRF funds 14
                                                     New England Interstate Water Pollution
planning and 41 construction projects,
                                                     Control Commission (NEIWPCC) to help
such as wastewater treatment facilities and
                                                     facilitate this endeavor. This Northeast
upgrades to existing sewer systems. The
                                                     States Voluntary Turf Fertilizer Initiative
Drinking Water SRF funds one planning
                                                     was formally launched into action in late
and 34 construction projects; these funds
                                                     May 2012 as these state partners, with
support the engineering, design and
                                                     strong support from the U.S. Environmental
construction of drinking water facilities
                                                     Protection Agency, began a series of issue-
and systems that protect public health
                                                     specific meetings with various stakeholders.
and strengthen compliance with drinking

E nv i roMatter s
                     MassDEP Newsletter Summer 2012

The goal is to jointly develop voluntary
guidelines for reducing nutrient pollution
to water bodies from lawn fertilizing, and
have broad stakeholder buy-in on these
guidelines by early 2013.

U.S. EPA estimates that roughly half of the
nation’s water bodies suffer from some
level of water pollution caused by excessive
amounts of the nutrients nitrogen and                 The Northeast Voluntary Turf Fertilizer Initiative
phosphorus. The Charles River is a high-              aims to reduce nutrient pollution that causes
                                                      excessive algae in streams.
profile example of a water body that is
highly impacted by nutrient pollution, and
                                                      The first stakeholder meetings in late
countless local ponds, lakes, streams and
                                                      May 2012 focused on manufacturers
bays throughout the Northeast face similar
                                                      of synthetic and organic turf fertilizers.
nutrient problems. In the majority of cases,
                                                      Subsequent sessions, targeted for early fall
polluted runoff is the primary source of
                                                      2012, will include professional landscapers,
nutrients to our waters. When it rains and
                                                      retailers, watershed associations,
when snow melts, the rain or snowmelt
                                                      and others. The northeastern state
picks up pollutants as it travels across
                                                      commissioners hope to have voluntary
developed land. Eventually, this runoff will
                                                      agreements between the stakeholders
enter a storm drain, which empties into a
                                                      and the agencies that will address fertilizer
local water body. When homeowners or
                                                      formulations, labeling, and consumer
professional landscapers apply too much
                                                      education regarding application guidelines
fertilizer on lawns, and when they apply
                                                      in place near the end of calendar 2012.
fertilizer while the ground is frozen or right
before a heavy rain storm, nutrients in the
                                                      For more information about the Northeast
fertilizer are carried off to the nearest body
                                                      States Voluntary Turf Fertilizer Initiative,
of water. There, nutrients over-feed algae,
                                                      please visit the NEIWPCC web site at: http://
contributing to problematic algae blooms
and declining aquatic health.
                                                      asp. For more information about water
                                                      pollution coming from run-off and what
                                                      we can all do to prevent it, please visit
                                                      MassDEP’s web site at: http://www.mass.

E nv i roMatter s
                    MassDEP Newsletter Summer 2012

MassDEP Fetes Top
Achievers Among State’s
Many Notable Public
Water Systems
As part of National Drinking Water Week
in May, MassDEP announced a total of
29 winners of the annual Public Water
Systems Awards, which are given each                MassDEP Commissioner Ken Kimmell presents the
                                                    Energy Conservation and Water Conservation
year to systems large and small across the          awards to the Chelmsford Water District,
Commonwealth. Since 1991, MassDEP has               represented by (left to right) Ronald W. Wetmore,
annually awarded citations to acknowledge           Chairman, Board of Water Commissioners, Todd
                                                    Melanson, Environmental Compliance Manager,
the silent, hard-working, and mostly                and Robert J. Delaney, Superintendent, during
invisible accomplishments provided by those         Drinking Water Day ceremonies at the Waterworks
systems that help provide safe, reliable and        Museum in Chestnut Hill.

clean drinking water to Bay State citizens
every day.                                          For more information on the Drinking
                                                    Water Awards, go to: http://www.mass.
“We rely on the protection, treatment               gov/dep/public/press/0512wsad.htm.
and distribution of water by public water
systems, and the constant attention to              This year also marks the 38th Anniversary
these tasks by these systems is worthy of           of the Safe Drinking Water Act that forms
special commendation,” said MassDEP                 the core of the nation’s efforts to provide
Commissioner Kenneth Kimmell. “These                quality drinking water and protect the
systems were chosen from 1,477 public               public health. MassDEP works with drinking
water systems in Massachusetts, because             water utilities to make sure that the water
their effort was particularly noteworthy.”          delivered to consumers meets all federal
                                                    and state standards and is clean and
                                                    abundant. These efforts are vital to the
                                                    Massachusetts economy and to the public
                                                    health of our citizens.

Printed July 2, 2012

Kenneth Kimmell, Commissioner
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
One Winter Street, Boston, MA 02108
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