Mathiness in the Theory of Economic Growth

Page created by Sam Warren
American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings 2015, 105(5): 89–93

                        Mathiness in the Theory of Economic Growth†

                                                      By Paul M. Romer*

         Politics does not lead to a broadly shared con-                   politics when she waged her campaign against
      sensus. It has to yield a decision, whether or not                   capital and the aggregate production function.
      a consensus prevails. As a result, political insti-                     Academic politics, like any other type of pol-
      tutions create incentives for participants to exag-                  itics, is better served by words that are evocative
      gerate disagreements between factions. Words                         and ambiguous, but if an argument is transpar-
      that are evocative and ambiguous better serve                        ently political, economists interested in science
      factional interests than words that are analytical                   will simply ignore it. The style that I am calling
      and precise.                                                         mathiness lets academic politics masquerade
         Science is a process that does lead to a broadly                  as science. Like mathematical theory, mathi-
      shared consensus. It is arguably the only social                     ness uses a mixture of words and symbols, but
      process that does. Consensus forms around the-                       instead of making tight links, it leaves ample
      oretical and empirical statements that are true.                     room for slippage between statements in natu-
      Tight links between words from natural lan-                          ral versus formal language and between state-
      guage and symbols from the formal language of                        ments with theoretical as opposed to empirical
      mathematics encourage the use of words that are                      content.
      analytical and precise.                                                 Solow’s (1956) mathematical theory of
         For the last two decades, growth theory has                       growth mapped the word “capital” onto a vari-
      made no scientific progress toward a consensus.                      able in his mathematical equations, and onto
      The challenge is how to model the scale effects                      both data from national income accounts and
      introduced by nonrival ideas. Mobile telephony                       objects like machines or structures that some-
      is the update to the pin factory, the demonstra-                     one could observe directly. The tight connection
      tion that scale effects are too important to ignore.                 between the word and the equations gave the
      To accommodate them, many growth theorists                           word a precise meaning that facilitated equally
      have embraced monopolistic competition, but                          tight connections between theoretical and empir-
      an influential group of traditionalists continues                   ical claims. Gary Becker’s (1962) mathematical
      to support price taking with external increas-                      theory of wages gave the words “human capital”
      ing returns. The question posed here is why the                     the same precision and established the same two
      methods of science have failed to resolve the                       types of tight connection—between words and
      disagreement between these two groups.                              math and between theory and evidence. In this
         Economists usually stick to science. Robert                      case as well, the relevant evidence ranged from
      Solow (1956) was engaged in science when he                         aggregate data to formal microeconomic data to
      developed his mathematical theory of growth.                        direct observation.
      But they can get drawn into academic politics.                          In contrast, McGrattan and Prescott (2010)
      Joan Robinson (1956) was engaged in academic                        give a label—location—to their proposed new
                                                                          input in production, but the mathiness that they
          * Stern School of Business, New York University, 44 W.
                                                                          present does not provide the microeconomic
      4th St, New York, NY 10012 (e-mail: promer@stern.nyu.               foundation needed to give the label meaning.
      edu). An appendix with supporting materials is available            The authors chose a word that had already
      from the author’s website,, and from the web-         been given a precise meaning by mathemati-
      site for this article. Support for this work was provided by        cal theories of product differentiation and eco-
      the Rockefeller Foundation. .
            Go to to visit        nomic geography, but their formal equations are
      the article page for additional materials and author disclo-        ­completely different, so neither of those mean-
      sure statement.                                                      ings carries over.
90                               AEA PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS                                         MAY 2015

   The mathiness in their paper also offers lit-     will be worth little, but cheap to produce, so it
tle guidance about the connections between its       might survive as entertainment.
theoretical and empirical statements. The quan-         Economists have a collective stake in flushing
tity of location has no unit of measurement. The     mathiness out into the open. We will make faster
term does not refer to anything a person could       scientific progress if we can continue to rely on
observe. In a striking (but instructive) use of      the clarity and precision that math brings to our
slippage between theoretical and the empirical       shared vocabulary, and if, in our analysis of data
claims, the authors assert, with no explanation,     and observations, we keep using and refining the
that the national supply of location is propor-      powerful abstractions that mathematical theory
tional to the number of residents. This raises       highlights—abstractions like physical capital,
questions that the equations of the model do not     human capital, and nonrivalry.
address. If the dependency ratio and population
increase, holding the number of working age                             I. Scale Effects
adults and the supply of labor constant, what
mechanism leads to an increase in output?               In 1970, there were zero mobile phones.
   McGrattan and Prescott (2010) is one of sev-      Today, there are more than 6 billion. This is the
eral papers by traditionalists that use mathiness    kind of development that a theory of growth
to campaign for price-taking models of growth.       should help us understand.
The natural inference is that their use of mathi-       Let ​q​ stand for individual consumption of
ness signals a shift from science to academic        mobile phone services. For a​ ∈ [0, 1],​ let​
politics, presumably because they were losing        p = D(q) = ​q​−a​ be the inverse individ-
the scientific debate. If so, the paralysis and      ual demand curve with all-other-goods as
polarization in the theory of growth is not sign     numeraire. Let ​N​denote the number of people in
of a problem with science. It is the expected out-   the market. Once the design for a mobile phone
come in politics.                                    exists, let the inverse supply curve for an aggre-
   If mathiness were used infrequently to            gate quantity ​Q = qN​take the form ​p = S(Q)
slow convergence to a new scientific consen-         = ​Q​b​for ​b ∈ [0, ∞].​
sus, it would do localized, temporary damage.           If the price and quantity of mobile phones are
Unfortunately, the market for lemons tells us        determined by equating ​D(q) = m × S(Nq),​so
that as the quantity increases, mathiness could      that ​m ≥ 1​ captures any markup of price rela-
do permanent damage because it takes costly          tive to marginal cost, the surplus S​ ​created by the
effort to distinguish mathiness from mathemat-       discovery of mobile telephony takes the form
ical theory.
   The market for mathematical theory can sur-                                             a(1+b)
                                                                 ​S = C(a, b, m) × ​N​​ a+b ​,​​

vive a few lemon articles filled with mathiness.
Readers will put a small discount on any article
with mathematical symbols, but will still find       where ​C(a, b, m)​ is a messy algebraic expres-
it worth their while to work through and verify      sion. Surplus scales as ​N​ to a power between ​a​
that the formal arguments are correct, that the      and ​1​. If ​b = 0,​so that the supply curve for the
connection between the symbols and the words         devices is horizontal, surplus scales linearly in​
is tight, and that the theoretical concepts have     N .​If, in addition, ​a = __
                                                                                ​12 ​,​the expression for sur-
implications for measurement and observation.        plus simplifies to
But after readers have been disappointed too
often by mathiness that wastes their time, they                         ​S = ​_____
                                                                              2m − 1
will stop taking seriously any paper that contains                               2
                                                                                 ​m​ ​
mathematical symbols. In response, authors will
stop doing the hard work that it takes to supply     With these parameters, a tax or a monopoly
real mathematical theory. If no one is putting in    markup that increases m  ​ ​from ​1​to ​2​causes ​S​to
the work to distinguish between mathiness and        change by the factor ​0.75​. An increase in ​N​from
mathematical theory, why not cut a few corners       something like ​10​​2​ people in a village to ​10​​10​
and take advantage of the slippage that mathi-       people in a connected global market causes S​ ​to
ness allows? The market for mathematical the-        change by the factor ​10​​8​.
ory will collapse. Only mathiness will be left. It     Effects this big tend to focus the mind.
VOL. 105 NO. 5                      MATHINESS IN THE THEORY OF ECONOMIC GROWTH                             91

          II. The Fork in Growth Theory                       As many growth theorists followed trade
                                                           theorists and explored aggregate models with
     The traditional way to include a scale effect         monopolistic competition, the traditionalists
was proposed by Marshall (1890). One writes                who worked on models with a microeconomic
the production of telephone services at each               foundation maintained their commitment to price
of a large number of firms in an industry as               taking and adhered to the restriction of 0 percent
​g(X ) f (x)​, where the list ​x​ contains the inputs      excludability of ideas required for Marshallian
 that the firm controls and the list X   ​ ​ has inputs    external increasing returns. Perhaps because of
 for the entire industry. One obvious problem              unresolved questions about the extent of spill-
 with this approach is that it offers no basis for         overs, attention turned to models of idea flows
 determining the extent is of the spillover bene-          that require face-to-face interaction. Because
 fits from the term ​g(X )​. Do they require face-to-      incentives in these models motivate neither
 face interaction? Production in the same city, the        discovery nor diffusion, agents exchange ideas
 same country, or anywhere?                                in the same way that gas molecules exchange
     If we split x​ = (a, z)​ into a nonrival input a​ ​   energy—involuntarily, through random encoun-
 and rival inputs z​ ,​ a standard replication argu-       ters. Given the sharp limits imposed by the
 ment implies that ​f​ must be homogeneous of              mathematics of their formal framework, it is no
 degree ​1​ in the rival inputs ​z​. Euler’s theorem       surprise that traditionalists were attracted to the
 then implies that the value of output equals the          extra degrees of freedom that come from letting
 compensation paid to the rival inputs z​ .​In a full      the words slip free of the math.
 equilibrium analysis, anything that looks like
 producer surplus or “Marshallian rent” is in fact                    III. Examples of Mathiness
 part of the compensation paid to the rival inputs.
     It follows that there can be no nonrival input​          McGrattan and Prescott (2010) establish
 a​ that the firm can use yet exclude other firms          loose links between a word with no meaning
 from using. Production for an individual firm             and new mathematical results. The mathiness
 must take the form ​A f (z)​ where ​A​ is both non-       in “Perfectly Competitive Innovation” (Boldrin
 rival and fully nonexcludable, hence a public             and Levine 2008) takes the adjectives from
 good.                                                     the title of the paper, which have a well estab-
     I started by my work on growth using price            lished, tight connection to existing mathemati-
 taking and external increasing returns, but               cal results, and links them to a very different set
 switched to monopolistic competition because              of mathematical results. In an initial period, the
 it allows for the possibility that ideas can be at        innovator in their model is a monopolist, the sole
 least partially excludable. Partial excludability         supplier of a newly developed good. The authors
 offers a much more precise way to think about             force the monopolist to take a specific price for
 spillovers. Nonrivalry, which is logically inde-          its own good as given by imposing price taking
 pendent, is the defining characteristic of an idea        as an assumption about behavior.
 and the source of the scale effects that are cen-            In addition to using words that do not align
 tral to any plausible explanation of recent expe-         with their formal model, Boldrin and Levine
 rience with mobile telephony or more generally,           (2008) make broad verbal claims that are discon-
 of the broad sweep of human history (Jones and            nected from any formal analysis. For example,
 Romer 2010).                                              they claim that the argument based on Euler’s
     In models that allow for partial excludability        theorem does not apply because price equals
 of nonrival goods, ideas need not be treated as           marginal cost only in the absence of capacity
 pure public goods. In these models, firms have            constraints. Robert Lucas uses the same kind of
 an incentive to discover a new idea like a mobile         untethered verbal claim to dismiss any role for
 phone (Romer 1990) or to encourage interna-               books or blueprints in a model of ideas: “Some
 tional diffusion of such an idea once it exists           knowledge can be ‘embodied’ in books, blue-
 (Romer 1994). In such models, one can ask why             prints, machines, and other kinds of physical
 some valuable nonrival ideas diffuse much more            capital, and we know how to introduce capital
 slowly than mobile telephony and how policy               into a growth model, but we also know that
 can influence the rate of diffusion by changing           doing so does not by itself provide an engine
 the incentives that firms face.                           of sustained growth.” (Lucas 2009, p.6). In
92                                   AEA PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS                                           MAY 2015

each case, well-known models show that these                  The mathiness here involves more than a
verbal claims are false. Any two-sector growth             nonstandard interpretation of the phrase “obser-
model will show how Marshall’s style of partial            vationally equivalent.” The underlying formal
equilibrium analysis leads Boldrin and Levine              result is that calculating the double limit in one
astray. Any endogenous growth model with an                            ​
                                                           order ​lim​β→0 ​(​lim​T→∞
                                                                                      ​g[β : B ⇒ P])​ yields one
expanding variety of capital goods or a ladder             answer, ​γ​, which is also the limiting growth rate
of capital goods of improving quality serves as a          in the ​P​ economy. However, calculating it in
counter-example to the result that Lucas claims            the other order, ​lim​T→∞​
                                                                                                   ​g[β : B ⇒ P]),​
that we know.                                              gives a different answer, ​0.​ Lucas and Moll
    In Lucas and Moll (2014), the mathiness                (2014) use the first calculation to justify their
involves both words that are disconnected from             claim about observational equivalence. An argu-
the formal results and a mathematical model that           ment that takes the math seriously would note
is not well specified. The baseline model in their         that the double limit does not exist and would
paper relies on an assumption P      ​ ​ that invokes a    caution against trying to give an interpretation to
distribution for the initial stock of knowledge            the value calculated using one order or the other.
across workers that is unbounded, with a fat
Pareto tail. Given this assumption, Lucas and                  IV. A New Equilibrium in the Market for
Moll show that the diffusion of knowledge from                        Mathematical Economics
random encounters between workers generates
a growth rate ​g[P](t)​that converges to ​γ > 0​as​           As is noted in an addendum, Lucas (2009)
 t​goes to infinity.                                       contains a flaw in a proof. The proof requires that
    Assumption ​P​ is hard to justify because it                       γ ​​be less than 1
                                                           a fraction ​__               ​ .​The same page has an
 requires that at time zero, someone is already            expression for ​γ,​​γ = α ​____​​, and because ​α, γ,​
 using every productive technology that will ever                                        γ+δ
 be used at any future date. So the authors offer                                                    ​αγ ​​is greater
                                                           and ​δ​are all positive, it implies that __
 “an alternative interpretation that we argue is           than ​1.​Anyone who does math knows that it is
 observationally equivalent: knowledge at time 0           distressingly easy to make an oversight like this.
 is bounded but new knowledge arrives at arbi-             It is not a sign of mathiness by the author. But
 trarily low frequency.” (Lucas and Moll 2014,             the fact that this oversight was not picked up at
 p.11). In this alternative, there is a collection of      the working paper stage or in the process leading
 economies that all start with an assumption B        ​​   up to publication may tell us something about
 (for bounded initial knowledge.) By itself, this          the new equilibrium in economics. Neither col-
 assumption implies that the growth rate goes              leagues who read working papers, nor review-
 to zero as everyone learns all there is to know.          ers, nor journal editors, are paying attention to
 However, new knowledge, drawn from a distri-              the math.
 bution with a Pareto tail, is injected at the rate ​β​,      After reading their working paper, I told
 so a ​B​ economy eventually turns into a ​P​ econ-        Lucas and Moll about the discontinuity in the
 omy. As the arrival rate ​β​ gets arbitrarily low,        limit and the problem it posed for their claim
 an arbitrarily long period of time has to elapse          about observational equivalence. They left their
 before the switch from ​B​ to ​P​ takes place. (See       limit argument in the paper without noting
the online Appendix for details.)                          the discontinuity and the Journal of Political
    For a given value of β  ​ > 0,​ let ​β : B ⇒ P​        Economy published it this way. This may reflect
denote a specific economy from this collection.            a judgment by the authors and the editors that at
Any observation on the growth rate has to take             least in the theory of growth, we are already in a
place at a finite date ​T.​ If T ​ ​ is large enough,      new equilibrium in which readers expect mathi-
​g[P](T )​will be close to γ
                           ​ ,​but ​g[β : B ⇒ P](T )​      ness and accept it.
 will be arbitrarily close to 0 for an arbitrarily            One final bit of evidence comes from Piketty
 low arrival rate ​β.​ This means that any set of          and Zucman (2014), who cite a result from a
 observations on growth rates will show that the​          growth model: with a fixed saving rate, when the
 P​ economy is observably different from any               growth rate falls by one-half, the ratio of wealth
 economy ​β : B ⇒ P​ with a low enough value               to income doubles. They note that their formula​
 of ​β.​They are not observationally equivalent in         W/Y = s/g​ assumes that national income
 any conventional sense.                                   and the saving rate ​s​ are both measured net of
VOL. 105 NO. 5                     MATHINESS IN THE THEORY OF ECONOMIC GROWTH                           93

d­ epreciation. They observe that the formula has         organized their look at history without access
 to be modified to W    ​ /Y = s/(g + δ),​ with a         to the abstraction we know as capital? Where
 depreciation rate ​δ,​when it is stated in terms of      would we be now if Robert Solow’s math had
 the gross saving rate and gross national income.         been swamped by Joan Robinson’s mathiness?
    From Krusell and Smith (2014), I learned
 more about this calculation. If the growth rate
 falls and the net saving rate remains constant,
 the gross saving rate has to increase. For exam-
 ple, with a fixed net saving rate of 1​ 0 percent​       Becker, Gary S. 1962. “Investment in Human
 and a depreciation rate of 3​ percent,​a reduction         Capital: A Theoretical Analysis.” Journal of
 in the growth rate from 3​ percent​ to 1​ .5 percent​      Political Economy 70 (5): 9–49.
 implies an increase in the gross saving rate from​       Boldrin, Michele, and David K. Levine. 2008.
 18 percent​ to ​25 percent.​ This means that the           “Perfectly Competitive Innovation.” Journal of
 expression ​s/(g + δ)​ increases by a factor 1​ .33​       Monetary Economics 55 (3): 435–53.
 because of the direct effect of the fall in g​ ​and by   Jones, Charles I., and Paul M. Romer. 2010. “The
 a factor 1​ .38​because of the induced change in s​ ​.      New Kaldor Facts: Ideas, Institutions, Popula-
 A third factor, equal to ​1.09​, arises because the         tion, and Human Capital.” American Economic
 fall in ​g​also increases the ratio of gross income         Journal: Macroeconomics 2 (1): 224–45.
 to net income. These three factors, which when           Krusell, Per, and Anthony A. Smith. 2014.
 multiplied equal ​2,​ decompose the change in​             “Is Piketty’s Second Law of Capitalism
 W/Y​ calculated in net terms into equivalent               ­Fundamental.”
 changes for a model with variables measured in              piketty1.pdf (accessed March 31, 2015).
 gross terms.                                             Lucas, Jr. Robert E. 2009. “Ideas and Growth.”
    Piketty and Zucman (2014) present their data             Economica 76 (301): 1–19.
 and empirical analysis with admirable clarity            Lucas, Jr., Robert E., and Benjamin Moll. 2014.
 and precision. In choosing to present the theory            “Knowledge Growth and the Allocation of
 in less detail, they too may have responded to              Time.” Journal of Political Economy 122 (1):
 the expectations in the new equilibrium: empir-             1–51.
 ical work is science; theory is entertainment.           Marshall, Alfred. 1890. Principles of Economics.
 Presenting a model is like doing a card trick.              London: Macmillan and Co.
 Everybody knows that there will be some sleight          McGrattan, Ellen R., and Edward C. Prescott.
 of hand. There is no intent to deceive because             2010. “Technology Capital and the US Current
 no one takes it seriously. Perhaps our norms will          Account.” American Economic Review 100
 soon be like those in professional magic; it will          (4): 1493–1522.
 be impolite, perhaps even an ethical breach, to          Piketty, Thomas, and Gabriel Zucman. 2014.
 reveal how someone’s trick works.                          “Capital is Back: Wealth-Income Ratios in
    When I learned mathematical economics, a                Rich Countries 1700–2010.” Quarterly Jour-
 different equilibrium prevailed. Not universally,          nal of Economics 129 (3): 1255–1310.
 but much more so than today, when economic               Robinson, Joan. 1956. Accumulation of Capital.
 theorists used math to explore abstractions,               Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin.
 it was a point of pride to do so with clarity,           Romer, Paul M. 1990. “Endogenous Technologi-
 precision, and rigor. Then too, a faction like             cal Change.” Journal of Political Economy 98
 Robinson’s that risked losing a battle might               (5): S71–S102.
 resort to mathiness as a last-ditch defense, but         Romer, Paul M. 1994. “New Goods, Old Theory,
 doing so carried a risk. Reputations suffered.             and the Welfare Costs of Trade Restrictions.”
    If we have already reached the lemons market            Journal of Development Economics 43: 5–38.
 equilibrium where only mathiness is on offer,            Solow, Robert M. 1956. “A Contribution to the
 future generations of economists will suffer.              Theory of Economic Growth.” Quarterly Jour-
 After all, how would Piketty and Zucman have               nal of Economics 70 (1): 65–94.
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