Measurement Making Sense of Metrics - Seeking to create a compelling work experience? Use big data and thick data for better outcomes - Steelcase

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Measurement Making Sense of Metrics - Seeking to create a compelling work experience? Use big data and thick data for better outcomes - Steelcase
Making Sense
of Metrics
Seeking to create
a compelling work
Use big data and
thick data for
better outcomes.

The months spent                     Given the renewed importance of
                                     the office and the changing nature
                                                                               Measuring the
in the pandemic                      of what we define as effective,           work experience
provided the                         efficient, safe and compelling
                                     spaces, measuring the workplace           In the past, measurement was
opportunity                          and the work experience will be           most effectively applied to tracking
                                     key to our learning and continuous        output on the factory floor. But
for plenty of                        improvement.                              today’s technology allows metrics
learning—and high                    Historically, the metric that
                                                                               to permeate the office environment,
                                                                               with many efforts underway to
on the list is the                   mattered most when measuring the
                                     effectiveness of a workplace was
                                                                               explore how evidence-based
importance of the                    square feet per person. Real estate
                                                                               research can help shape a work
                                                                               culture where people are fulfilled and
work experience                      and facilities professionals justified
                                     proposed workplace changes largely
as organizations                     on how convincingly they promised
                                                                               Today, data is so dominant it is
                                     to save money per square foot.
seek to attract                                                                possible to measure just about
                                     If any other consideration came into
people to the                        play, it was most likely the opinion of
                                                                               every aspect of the white-collar
                                                                               experience—and the workplace’s
workplace, foster                    a HiPPO—the highest-paid person
                                     in an organization. Senior leaders
                                                                               contribution to it.

their commitment                     who advocated for change—even             In some cases, white-collar
and motivation                       if based on little more than a gut
                                     feeling— usually got their way.
                                                                               measurement is tangible. Gathering
                                                                               data regarding market share
and develop them                     Today, the bar is higher. Workplaces      and other aspects of financial
successfully. But                    are expected to contribute to             performance, for instance, is
                                                                               straightforward. Many aspects of the
what made for a                      organizational effectiveness by
                                     influencing things like culture,          white-collar experience, however,
great workplace                      collaboration, engagement and             seem a bit nebulous — things like
                                                                               engagement, satisfaction, wellbeing
                                     productivity, all while continuing to
pre-pandemic has                     demonstrate efficient use of every        and employees feeling valued.
shifted, because                     square foot. The stakes are high,
                                     as many business leaders report a         Information we use to guide the
work has changed,                    deterioration of morale and culture       business has differing levels of
and employee                         as a result of the pandemic. Facilities
                                     and real estate professionals are
                                                                               visibility, and a model developed by
                                                                               Ikujiro Nonaka describes three levels
expectations have                    increasingly being held accountable       of knowledge. People are aware of
                                                                               explicit information and can describe
expanded. As the                     to create places which contribute
                                     to engagement and constructive            it and their needs when you ask.
saying goes, “What                   cultures.                                 Information that is tacit is just below
                                                                               the surface and people do not often
got you here, won’t                  With demands so daunting—not
                                                                               discuss it, but we can learn about it
                                     to mention the investment required
get you there.”                      for significant workplace change—
                                                                               through observation. Finally, people
                                                                               are less aware of latent information
                                     organizations are seeking to
                                                                               and we can develop insights through
                                     reduce the risks of big decisions by
                                                                               designing pilots and experiences. In
                                     leveraging evidence-based data.
                                                                               order to measure all three forms of
                                     Fortunately, technology has made
                                                                               information, a methodology which
                                     unprecedented amounts of data
                                                                               includes a mixture of approaches
                                     available. The challenge now is to
                                                                               is most effective. In particular,
                                     harness this data to inform decisions
                                                                               leveraging things like interviews,
                                     that can lead to greater performance
                                                                               focus groups or workshops,
                                     of people and place.
                                                                               observation or surveys of employee
This and other white papers have
been developed by the Steelcase                                                sentiment or work modes work well.
Applied Research + Consulting team
to share what we’ve learned with

© Steelcase Inc.                                                                          Making Sense of Metrics / 02

Data for                                  Though workplace metrics can                            Big data,
                                          help optimize an organization’s
workplace decisions                       investment in real estate, a more                       thick data
For employees, a big part of the          compelling purpose is to make                           For measurement to merit reliable
work experience is the workplace.         real estate optimal for the people                      influence over workplace design,
Consequently, researchers are             using it. After all, personnel                          it needs to be both big and
developing and honing workplace           expenses account for about 80%                          thick. Big data is quantitative—
metrics, often with the aid of            of a company’s budget on average,                       voluminous statistics which allow
technology, to better understand          whereas real estate requires a                          for deep processing or advanced
how a workplace is being used and         tenth of that. In addition, since the                   analytical approaches. Thick data
how it might be improved.                 pandemic it is likely we will see                       is qualitative—contextual insights
                                          shifts in the ways the workplace is                     providing greater depth than
The advent of occupancy sensors           used. For the majority of companies
and badging systems in particular,                                                                numbers alone.
                                          implementing hybrid work, people
unleashed a torrent of data space         may choose to do some kinds of                          Including measurement
planners can analyze to craft             work away from the office and other                     methodologies from both categories
workplaces that use square footage        types of tasks at the office. While                     is important. There is a tendency
efficiently and productively. This data   we may predict most in-office work                      today to favor quantitative data
provides insight into how physical        will be collaborative, we also know                     because technology has made it so
space can be designed to support          people will still need places where                     readily available. The danger is more
teamwork, provide privacy, boost          they can focus, learn, socialize                        data does not necessarily equate
collaboration, encourage healthy          and rejuvenate. The real value of                       to greater insight. More sources,
movement or right size conference         workplace measurement lies in how                       however, often do.
rooms—whatever contributes to             it can be used to understand how
organizational goals and employee                                                                 By using a variety of big and thick
                                          people are using space and in turn                      data sources—both quantitative
effectiveness.                            support them and all the types of                       and qualitative—space planners can
                                          work they seek to accomplish.                           more effectively draw conclusions
                                                                                                  about how a workplace can best
                                                                                                  support its occupants. Big data
                                                                                                  shows what is happening, thick data
                                                                       8%                         tells why it is happening, and the
                                                                       Real Estate
                                                                                                  juxtaposition of both provides insight
                                                                                     12%          into so what—not just what is going
                                                                                                  on, but what to do about it.
                                                                                                  Case in point: Steelcase conducted
                                                              Company                             a sensor study that uncovered
                                                                                                  extremely low occupancy in a
                                                                                                  team area at a client organization.
                                                                                                  The client’s facilities manager
                                                                                                  immediately wanted to repurpose
                                                  People                                          the space. First, though, Steelcase
                                                                                                  workplace experts examined
                                                                                                  employee surveys and found that
                                          ABSIC, Carnegie Mellon University
                                                                                                  employees would love to use the
                                          Revaluing Buildings Report                              space but didn’t feel comfortable
                                                                                                  doing so because of a perceived
                                                                                                  lack of privacy. A few tweaks were
                                                                                                  all it took to reconcile the what with
                                                                                                  the why— the quantitative with the
                                                                                                  qualitative— thereby making the
                                                                                                  space more functional.

© Steelcase Inc.                                                                                             Making Sense of Metrics / 03

                                       Transparency                             be evident when it takes hold.
                                                                                What will you see people do and
                                       is key                                   hear them say? Example: In a
                                       Whatever methods you employ, be          collaborative culture, you will
                                       sure to let employees know what,         see regular usage of informal
                                       when and why you are measuring.          meeting areas and hear people
                                       If you undertake observation (also       talking about key work topics or
                                       known as ethnography), let people        customer needs during chance
                                       know they are being observed. If         encounters.
                                       you deploy sensors, be upfront
                                       about how you plan to use the data     3. Determine how to measure
                                       collected and who will have access        desired behaviors. Consider
                                       to it. It will help make people more      both quantitative and qualitative
                                       comfortable and you won’t come            methods. Example: To quantify
                                       across as Big Brother.                    usage of informal meeting
                                                                                 areas, occupancy sensors are
                                       The key is to portray measurement
                                                                                 especially effective. Spontaneous
                                       as a win-win. Communicating
                                                                                 interaction, however, might
                                       the data will not only help your
                                       organization achieve better results,      be measured via qualitative
Occupancy sensors and badging                                                    approaches, including surveys,
                                       but also provide value to employees
systems deliver big data.              by leading toward a more fulfilling       observation and interviews. Also
Workplace Advisor Subscription is      work experience or more supportive        consider both leading and lagging
an ongoing engagement, collecting      workplace.                                measurements. For example, a
data continuously over a long period                                             leading metric for safety is the
to help organizations optimize                                                   number of workers wearing hard
workplace performance over time.                                                 hats, while a lagging metric is
Complementing big data is thick        A step-by-step                            the number of accidents. In the
data, characterized by qualitative     strategy                                  workplace, a leading indicator for
measures such as employee                                                        collaboration might be the number
interviews, focus groups and           With so many measurement methods          of spaces that support people
                                       available to gain insight into the        working together, while a lagging
observation. Surveys are qualitative
                                       work experience, it can be tough          indicator would be people’s
too and the Workplace Advisor
                                       to determine which will be most           feedback about the extent
services contain elements of both      beneficial. The following is a step-
big and thick data.​                                                             to which they feel the space
                                       by-step strategy for deploying a
                                                                                 supports collaboration.
                                       measurement program that unlocks
                                       greater value from your real estate    4. Prioritize measurement
                                       and facilities.                           methods. Evaluate potential
                                       1. Know what matters most.                measurements identified in step
                                          What are the primary goals for         three based on the effort they
                                          your organization—productivity,        would take and the impact they
                                          engagement, retention, wellbeing?      would have. Interviews are easy
                                          To get the best return on              to conduct but probably will have
                                          investment, focus on measuring         limited impact on a company that
                                          those things that can have the         prefers data-driven decisions.
                                          greatest impact on your key            Sensor studies require more
                                          business drivers. Example: If          effort, but can make a compelling,
                                          collaboration is a high priority,      quantitative case for change.
                                          you will want to dig into usage     5. Don’t overdo it. Seek to
                                          patterns in shared meeting areas,
                                                                                 measure as much as necessary
                                          seeking clues that can help you
                                          fine-tune size, configuration,         but as little as possible. You
                                          location and amenities.                want to gather just enough
                                                                                 information to demonstrate results
                                       2. Determine what behaviors you           and inform improvement. Avoid
                                          want. For each business driver         devoting resources to collecting
                                          identified in step one, determine      data that will never be used.
                                          which behavioral attributes will

© Steelcase Inc.                                                                        Making Sense of Metrics / 04

Extracting value                                                                        Hierarchy of
from measurement                                                                        data value
True Story: Year after year, an HR exec compiled a mountain of data into a report       The pyramid below represents the
that scrutinized personnel matters from every angle. Year after year, she slipped       hierarchy of data value. Data itself
an offer into page 28: “If you’ve read this far, contact me and I’ll send you $5.”      is the foundation, whereas insight—
                                                                                        what you need to know to take
Only one person ever did. The moral of the story: Collecting data simply for the
                                                                                        action—resides at the top.
sake of collecting data is pointless. It’s bad enough that hardly anyone read
the report. Even worse, far too much work went into compiling data that simply          To climb the pyramid, you need
died—no one was using it to make decisions.                                             to add meaning to the data to get
                                                                                        information. Next, interpret the
Without interpretation—analysis that makes sense of measurement—data is a
                                                                                        information and apply it to your
burden. Collecting even more data won’t help; it just becomes an even bigger
                                                                                        organization to get insight.
burden. After all, finding a needle of insight in a haystack of data won’t get easier
if the haystack keeps getting bigger.
For measurement to be effective, you must distinguish the signal from the
noise. Think of data as a lighthouse in which the beacon is the signal and the
surrounding fog represents the noise. Providing a significant amount of data
won’t do much good because it just looks like noise. If you first make sense                            Insight
of the data, however, provide insights— the signal—you’ll have a compelling
business case to take decisive action toward a workplace that improves the work
experience.                                                                                           Information


                                                                                        Here is an example of how this
                                                                                        progression might work:
                                                                                        Level 1: Examine the data. An
                                                                                        examination of sensor data reveals
                                                                                        that, on average, private offices are
                                                                                        occupied just 20% of the time.
                                                                                        Level 2: Add meaning to get
                                                                                        information. The fact that executives
                                                                                        travel a lot gives the data meaning.
                                                                                        This context gives you information:
                                                                                        Considering executive travel
                                                                                        demands, it is reasonable to assume
                                                                                        many private offices will often be
                                                                                        Level 3: Apply information to get
                                                                                        actionable insight. Eliminating
                                                                                        executive offices may not be
                                                                                        a realistic solution—but here’s
                                                                                        an alternative that might work:
                                                                                        Employees frequently complain
                                                                                        about difficulty finding small meeting
                                                                                        areas. Perhaps we could let them
                                                                                        know it is okay to use private offices
                                                                                        as meeting rooms when executives
                                                                                        are out of town.

© Steelcase Inc.                                                                                   Making Sense of Metrics / 05

Tips for                                 —   Make space accountable. If          —   Productivity isn’t just about
                                             data indicates space usage              results. Be careful about
managing metrics                             is other than expected, don’t           focusing too narrowly on
Here are eight tips to bear in               assume you need to nudge                productivity metrics that you
mind as you develop a workplace              people toward a preferred               lose sight of what motivates
measurement strategy.                        behavior. More likely, the              people to be productive in
                                             space itself needs to change.           the first place. Leaders need
                                             Employees should not be                 to show they care about
—   Start at the end. Identify your          held accountable to space.              the complete employee
    organization’s core business             Rather, the space should be             experience— an inspiring
    drivers and your goals for how           accountable to what employees           workplace, stimulating
    you seek to work together.               need.                                   professional development, a
    Remember to focus on bigger                                                      sense of purpose—not just how
    issues such as attraction,                                                       proficiently their people check
    retention and culture as well as     —   Use data to experiment.
                                                                                     tasks off a to-do list. Striking a
    the spatial connections to these         Data can bring clarity to a
                                                                                     balance between accountability
    broader goals. From there, work          proposed workplace solution.
                                                                                     and caring ensures employees
    backward to determine what               Example: A Steelcase client with
                                                                                     know what is expected and have
    needs to be measured to help             benching configurations once
                                                                                     a deep desire to succeed.
    achieve desired outcomes. This           wondered if installing overhead
    approach will help you stay              canopies would make them
    focused on metrics that can              more appealing. Researchers         —   Keep improving. Workplace
    make a difference.                       conducted a small experiment,           metrics are not a one-and-done
                                             by setting up both ways and             proposition and the experience
                                             using sensors to measure                of the pandemic has caused the
—   Incorporate multiple points              occupancy. Result: Canopies             need to reflect and reimagine
    of view. Collect both big and            clearly increased utilization.          the role of place. Set the
    thick data—quantitative and              Thanks to indisputable data,            expectation with employees that
    qualitative—to fully understand          the client was able to cascade          you will be seeking to learn and
    what is happening in your                the strategy throughout its             improve continuously. Chances
    workplace. Multiple sources              operations with confidence.             are you won’t get things
    of data lead to richer insights.         Workplace change should not             perfectly right immediately and
    However, data has a cost. Be             be based on hunches or trends.          you’ll need to keep seeking
    vigilant against the temptation          Actionable data helps ensure            opportunities to get better.
    to collect data just because you         you invest in the right kind of         Continue collecting data to keep
    can. Collecting data irrelevant to       change— the kind that makes             abreast of your evolving work
    your business goals produces             efficient use of your real estate       experience. Data delivers the
    excess noise that makes the              investment and better supports          most value when used on an
    signal harder to find.                   employees. It removes the risk          ongoing basis to fine-tune your
                                             of creating a space that does           work environment.
—   Take the numbers with a grain            not meet employee needs.
    of salt. Be careful about putting
    too much stock in quantitative       —   Measurement can improve
    data without adding context with         engagement. Qualitative
    qualitative insights. Decisions          measures like workshops, focus
    made prematurely—before you              groups, surveys and interviews
    see the big picture—can be               do more than add insight. They
    counterproductive and costly.            also make employees feel
                                             valued. When employees know
                                             their opinions matter, they are
                                             more likely to keep an open
                                             mind about workplace change.

© Steelcase Inc.                                                                           Making Sense of Metrics / 06

improvement for
greater value
Back when workplace metrics rarely
ventured beyond square footage,
standard operating procedure at
most organizations involved major
capital investment on a periodic
basis. Millions might be spent to
overhaul a workplace, which then
remained static for a decade or two
before the next spend.
But work has kept changing and the
experience of the pandemic—and
all we’ve learned about work, work
process, work preferences and
workplace—demand that we seek to
measure and improve.

                                      In addition, the data revolution is making it possible for organizations to make
                                      workplace decisions faster, more frequently, and with greater confidence than
                                      ever before.
                                      The future of work promises to be faster, more ambiguous and more
                                      competitive—and the workplace will be a critical part of business success
                                      as well as the employee value equation. Measuring, monitoring and making
                                      appropriate changes will help ensure success in the near term and in the
                                      bright future we’ll all share.

© Steelcase Inc.                                                                             Making Sense of Metrics / 07
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