MEDIA PACK 2021 Supporting farmers in Scotland since 1893 - REACH A PRINT AND ONLINE AUDIENCE - The Scottish Farmer

Page created by Tyler Casey
MEDIA PACK 2021 Supporting farmers in Scotland since 1893 - REACH A PRINT AND ONLINE AUDIENCE - The Scottish Farmer
Supporting farmers in Scotland since 1893

        MEDIA PACK 2021

                          NOBODY could’ve          all play a part in informing readers in new       called ‘The Farmer’s Bible’ for nothing! We
                          written the script for   ways to deliver the promise that this great       have some of the most respected names in                                                                                                                                                             Farm Sales.

                          2020. What a year        industry has. We all face many challenges,        the industry as columnists and we are, and                                                                                                                                                           Tom Stewart-Moore
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          0131 268 9751
                                                                                                                                                        Supporting farmers in Scotland since 1893
                          we have had with, of     however one thing that is certain is that food    will continue to strive to be, the No 1 stop       November 28, 2020                                                                                                £3.40 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE £2.35

                                                                                                                                                         BLACK SUBSCRIPTION                                                          1 YEAR PRINT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SUBSCRIPTION            ONLY £109                                                                                  £20

                          course, the Covid-19     production remains as one of the basics of        for the Scottish industry and play a vital role     FRIDAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                  DEAL SAVING £87 See pages 14-15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PLUS FREE M&S £20 GIFT CARD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               IN THIS ISSUE:

                          pandemic affecting       life.                                             in knowledge transfer during the years that                                                                                                                                                                               Lock up
                                                                                                                                                        light at                                                                                                                                                               your Land
                          every sector of home        You cannot put a face mask over the fact       post-Brexit issues will arise.                     Lauder                                                                                                                                                                 Norman
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PAGE 5

                          life, industry and       that farming remains a fundamental business          We will, as usual, lead the way in news of                                                                                                                                                                             Douglas in
                                                                                                                                                        A STUNNING sunrise for                                                                                                                                                 of our Time’
                          leisure time.            that no one in this planet, never mind            the ‘what’s happening’; ‘why it’s happened’;
                                                                                                                                                        these sheep near Lauder, in
                                                                                                                                                        the Scottish Borders (Pic: Phil                                                                                                                                                                 PAGE 13

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Going with
                             Luckily for           Scotland, can be without. This year, 2021,        and ‘what it means’ for the industry, not          Sheep export shutdown
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               robots at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Blyth Farms

agriculture, what it did do was highlight          is going to be one of constant change and         just in Scotland, but on a wider UK and EU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PAGE 32-34
                                                                                                                                                                                                  travel to Ireland, as from that date,   but if they have nowhere to go, it         of sheep that go for slaughter or
                                                                                                                                                                                                  all breeding sheep for export as well   could become a serious welfare             further finishing.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  as being tested for MV, also have to    issue,” added Ms McFadzean, who               “As our flocks will have to become      CLASSIFIED                 p41
                                                                                                                                                        By Patsy Hunter                           come from a scrapie monitored flock,     highlighted the huge number of             scrapie monitored, we will obviously

what a professional, productive and caring         with change comes opportunity. While there        stage. We also have, every week, a special                                                                                                                                                                                Plus 8 pages
                                                                                                                                                                                                  or be genotyped ARR/ARR.                Blackface gimmers and ewes that are        lose up to seven years of trade, which
                                                                                                                                                                                                     The problem is there are only        sold annually across the Irish Sea, that   is a colossal amount of money”
                                                                                                                                                        THOUSANDS of Blackface ewe                around 220 flocks of all breeds in       will no longer be able to be exported
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               of the best
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        As a result, she called for a seven-
                                                                                                                                                        lambs and other breeds bought             GB registered as scrapie monitored      under the new rules.                       year derogation to allow British
                                                                                                                                                        by Northern Ireland’s farmers             through the SRUC and none of them          The problem is accentuated by the       farmers to become scrapie monitored
                                                                                                                                                        now face a lifetime stranded on           are Blackface. Therefore, the new       fact that, under the current scheme        and also asked ScotGov to look at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               farming buys
industry that we work in. We’ve coped with         remain many fears of what our post-Brexit         feature which focusses on specific aspects
                                                                                                                                                        Scottish soil due to changes in the       rules will have massive ramifications    rules, it takes up to seven years for a    current scheme in place in the UK.
                                                                                                                                                        export requirements for sheep             for the entire sheep industry.          flock to become scrapie monitored.             Backing those statements, National
                                                                                                                                                        moving from the Great British                Breed secretary of the Blackface        “There have been circa 9000             Sheep Association chief Phil Stocker,     Subscription hotline
                                                                                                                                                           As the rules stand, such ewe lambs
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sheep Breeders’ Association, Aileen
                                                                                                                                                                                                  McFadzean, said: “There are up to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          breeding sheep exported to NI this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          year, the majority from Scotland and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     said: “The new ruling on exports
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     are a result of the NI Protocol in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               0141 302 7718
                                                                                                                                                        can only be exported to Northern          7000 ewes lambs purchased by NI         most are Blackface sheep, bought           EU withdrawal agreement which
                                                                                                                                                        Ireland once they are a year old and      breeders wintered in Scotland and       through both the auction marts and         mean exports to Northern Ireland

food shortages, major market realignment,          world will be, the industry has shown that        of agriculture, covering the majors like
                                                                                                                                                        have been blood tested for maedi          as the rules stand, they will not be    privately,” said Ms McFadzean.             are treated as if they are going to the
                                                                                                                                                        visna, which means that they cannot       allowed to move there, which will          “The value of these sheep will be       EU. We need a seven-year derogation
                                                                                                                                                        legally be shipped across the Irish Sea   have a serious impact on hill sheep     in the region of £1.8m, which is a         period and we need to push hard to
                                                                                                                                                        until 2021.                               farmers in Northern Ireland and in      huge loss not only to the Scottish hill    get this through.”
                                                                                                                                                           However, the new post-Brexit           Scotland.                               farmers that rely on this trade as one
                                                                                                                                                        export requirements which come               “Many of these lambs are wintered    of their main income streams, but

distribution disruption and that’s even before     it is resilient, professional and adaptable.      Livestock, Arable, Dairying, Tractors and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               9   770036      919249
                                                                                                                                                        into force on January 1, 2021, mean       by dairy farmers who need the grass     to the Scottish economy – and this
                                                                                                                                                        such lambs would not be able to           early in the year to make silage,       figure does not include the thousands       Continued on page 3                                    No. 9410 Vol.128

we got into the meat of the next BIG issue,        Together, we can meet any challenge.              Lifestyle, but also covering niche areas
Brexit. Deal or no deal, the consequences of          So, we want to be part of the many             such as Renewables, Fencing, Solicitors and
this are more profound for agriculture than        changes ahead. Our media pack reflects the        Precision Farming, etc .
just about any other industry                      ever-changing facets of what the publishing          We also have a range of sibling newspapers
   That’s why newspapers like The Scottish         industry can offer – everything from bespoke      and periodicals dotted throughout England,
Farmer are so important for farmers to keep        print and digital packages, to print only,        Wales and Ireland, which can be used as part
abreast of what’s happening on a daily,            digital only and inserts. We have a package       of a national reach strategy, so it’s not just    PUBLISHED BY
weekly and long-term basis. We’re committed        that will suit everyone and anyone. If it’s not   a Scottish national market that we can help       Newsquest Media Group
to sifting through the news, generating            listed in this communique, then enquire …         you ‘hit’. We have the capability to reach all    125 Fullarton Drive, Glasgow,
unique content and supporting Scottish             that’s what we are here for.                      farmers in the UK. Let us be part of your         Lanarkshire G32 8FG
farmer in their decision-making processes.            Political, social and professional changes     aspirations and needs for your business.
   Our loyal readership – both in print            are part and parcel of modern agriculture            Our professional editorial and advertising     ADVERTISING
and increasingly on-line – appreciate our          and it’s something that we and our                team are only a phone call or e-mail away.        For all your advertising enquiries
reliability and knowledge, all without being       readers embrace with gusto. We promise                                                              please contact our sales team who
preached to! The Scottish Farmer’s position        continual editorial change to reflect the way                                                       will be happy to tailor any advertising
of offering readers a reliable source of           agriculture is adapting to political upheaval,                                                      solutions to suit your individual needs.
information, news, top tips and features, also     the unending demands of pressure groups
means that you, our advertisers are able to        and the positive influence a really modern                                                          See Advertising page for
benefit from the ONLY reliable way to reach        industry can have on mitigating climate
all aspects of the industry in Scotland.           change.                                                                                             individual contact numbers
   Covid-19 notwithstanding, as we head               Our aim is to remain part and parcel of        Ken Fletcher                            
into our Brexit year, it is important that we      the industry in this respect … we are not         Editor, The Scottish Farmer             
THE FACTS                                                                     WELCOME | THE FACTS | FEATURES | ADVERTISING | SIZES | DIGITAL

AND ONLINE                                93% of our readers agree that The
AUDIENCE OF                               Scottish Farmer provides up to date           71% of our readers agree that if          The Scottish Farmer is an excellent
                                          information on farming issues – our           they were to read only 1 farming          sales driver with 87% of our readers
MORE THAN                                 reader loyalty remains strong and             publication it would be The Scottish      having purchased goods and services
100,000 READERS                           constant, with 73% of our readers
                                          engaged with us for 10 years or more.
                                                                                        Farmer.                                   advertised in the magazine.

The Scottish Farmer has
been a fundamental part
of farming life in Scotland
since 1893. Supplying news                Our award winning editorial team
and information, the paper                ensures you have the reassurance of           With a total Scottish agricultural        91% of our readers read The Scottish
is in close contact with the              using the widely recognised and leading       coverage, 87% of our readers are the      Farmer every week.
industry through a team of                industry publication that provides            main buyers of agriculturally related
highly qualified and very                 excellent coverage on key topics such         products and agree that The Scottish      98% of our readers state that up to
experienced journalists. This             as livestock, arable, renewables and          Farmer helps with business and            7 persons read their copy of The
is complemented by technical              business - not forgetting our superb          purchasing decisions.                     Scottish Farmer.
and scientific writers from               show and sales coverage.
Scotland’s agricultural colleges
and research institutions.

The Scottish Farmer is read by
                                          Our features list reflects the vital
more Farmers in Scotland than
                                          timings within the unique agricultural        88% of our readers shop online
any other Farming media.
                                          market. 83% of our readers agree that         (22% every week and 65% every
12,647 paid for copies                    The Scottish Farmer gets involved in          month).                                   97% of our readers stated that The
every week. 100% actively                 Scottish farming life better than any other                                             Scottish Farmer offers better value
purchased.                                publication or media. For businesses          80% of our readers use the internet       for money than any other farming
                                          looking to reach Scotland’s agricultural      every day. This allows you to reach the   publication.
(1st January 2019 - 31st December 2019)
                                          community our title is second to none         maximum audience who are financially
                                          and offers a superb advertising platform      active within your sector.
                                          to promote products and services.
                                                                                                                                                (*Source: TSF readers survey.) 2018
FEATURES 2021                                                    WELCOME | THE FACTS | FEATURES | ADVERTISING | SIZES | DIGITAL

JANUARY                              Issue Date     MARCH                                 Issue Date      MAY                                    Issue Date
Show & Sale Directory                    02.01.21   Grass & Silage Special                    06.03.21    Ayrshire Focus                             01.05.21
                                                    Maize Establishment                       06.03.21    LAMMA Preview                              01.05.21
Renewables                               09.01.21   Fencing/Field Boundaries                  06.03.21    Carlisle Bull Sales Preview (wk2)          01.05.21
Forestry                                 09.01.21   Meet the Surveyors                        06.03.21    Pigs and Poultry                           01.05.21
ATV Special                              16.01.21   Dairying Special                          13.03.21    Recycling                                  01.05.21
Motoring                                 16.01.21   Disease and Weed Control                  13.03.21
Finance                                  16.01.21   Renewables                                13.03.21    Shearing                                   08.05.21
Scottish Horse                           16.01.21   Forestry                                  13.03.21    Property                                   08.05.21
                                                    Tractor World Sale                        13.03.21    Beef Expo preview                          08.05.21
Lambing Special                          23.01.21   Motoring                                  13.03.21    Motoring                                   08.05.21
Stirling Bull Sales Preview (wk1)        23.01.21   Skills Training and Apprenticeships       13.03.21
Health & Safety                          23.01.21                                                         Grass and Muck                             15.05.21
Independent Schools                      23.01.21   Property                                  20.03.21
                                                    Materials Handling                        20.03.21    Scottish Horse                             15.05.21
Dairy Tech Preview (TBC)                 23.01.21
                                                    Potato Planting Focus                     20.03.21    Renewables                                 15.05.21
Waste Management/Recycling               23.01.21
                                                    Power of Attorney                         20.03.21    Forestry                                   15.05.21
Galloway Cattle                          30.01.21   Scottish Horse                            20.03.21
Highland Cattle                          30.01.21   Country Lifestyle Scotland A4             20.03.21    ScotSheep Preview A4                       22.05.21
Luing Cattle                             30.01.21                                                         Tractor Special                            22.05.21
                                                    Hill Lambing Preview                      27.03.21
Succession Planning & Inheritance        30.01.21   Sheep Health                              27.03.21
Farm Diversification                     30.01.21                                                         Further Education/Agri Careers Guide       29.05.21
                                                    YFC Special                               27.03.21
                                                    Farm Buildings                            27.03.21
FEBRUARY                             Issue Date                                                           JUNE                                   Issue Date
Stirling Bull Sales Preview (Wk2)        06.02.21   APRIL                                 Issue Date      Cereals Live Preview                       05.06.21
Renewables                               06.02.21   Livestock Smart Farming                   03.04.21    2nd Cut Silage                             05.06.21
Forestry                                 06.02.21   Soil Health and Fertiliser                03.04.21
                                                                                                         		RHS                                       12.06.21
Spring Livestock Special                 13.02.21   Livestock Nutrition                       10.04.21
                                                                                                           Motoring                                  12.06.21
Royal Northern Spring Show Preview       13.02.21   Slurry Management                         10.04.21
                                                                                                           Renewables                                12.06.21
Motoring                                 13.02.21   Carlisle Bull Sales Preview (wk1)         17.04.21     Forestry                                  12.06.21
                                                    Renewables                                17.04.21     Potatoes                                  12.06.21
Spring Arable Special                    20.02.21   Forestry                                  17.04.21
Precision Farming                        20.02.21   Rural Retirement/Pensions                 17.04.21    Calf & Heifer Rearing                      19.06.21
Contractors Special                      20.02.21   Scottish Horse                            17.04.21    Arable                                     19.06.21
Scottish Horse                           20.02.21
Wedding Special                          20.02.21   Spring Crop Spraying                      24.04.21    Scottish Horse                             19.06.21
                                                    Cereal Disease Control                    24.04.21
UK Dairy Expo Preview                    27.02.21   All Energy Preview                        24.04.21    RHS Special                                26.06.21
FEATURES 2021                                                      WELCOME | THE FACTS | FEATURES | ADVERTISING | SIZES | DIGITAL

 JULY                                Issue Date      SEPTEMBER - continued                     Issue Date     NOVEMBER                                Issue Date
		Agri College Graduation Special        03.07.21     Independent Schools                          04.09.21   Farm Maintenance                              06.11.21
  Great Yorkshire Show                   03.07.21     Men’s Health                                 04.09.21   Renewables                                    06.11.21
  Agricultural Solicitors                03.07.21                                                             Forestry                                      06.11.21
  Drones and GPS Systems                 03.07.21     Tillage                                      11.09.21   Christmas Gift Guide                          06.11.21
                                                      Autumn Livestock Special                     11.09.21
  Sheep Special                          10.07.21     Renewables                                   11.09.21   AgriScot Programme A4                         13.11.21
                                                      Forestry                                     11.09.21   Croptec Preview                               13.11.21
  Livestock Nutrition                    17.07.21     Scottish Horse                               11.09.21   LiveScot Preview                              13.11.21
  ATV Special                            17.07.21                                                             Scottish Horse/Christmas Gift Guide           13.11.21
                                                      Soil Management & Fertiliser                 18.09.21
  Scottish Horse                         17.07.21
                                                      Livestock Housing and Health                 18.09.21
                                                                                                              Genetics                                      20.11.21
                                                      Using Antibiotics Responsibly                18.09.21
  Renewables                             24.07.21                                                             Breeding and Disease                          20.11.21
                                                      Potato Storage                               18.09.21
  Forestry                               24.07.21                                                             Christmas Classic Preview                     20.11.21
                                                      Blackface Sheep                              25.09.21   Legacies                                      20.11.21
  NCC                                    31.07.21     South Country Cheviot                        25.09.21   Country Lifestyle Scotland A4                 20.11.21
  Agri College Special                   31.07.21     Country Lifestyle Scotland/Weddings A4       25.09.21
                                                                                                              Farm Buildings                                27.11.21
                                                                                                              Fencing                                       27.11.21
 AUGUST                              Issue Date      OCTOBER                                   Issue Date
  Arable Special (Varieties Focus)       07.08.21     Precision Farming                            02.10.21
  Beltex Sheep                           07.08.21     Pest/Vermin Control                          02.10.21
                                                                                                              DECEMBER                                Issue Date
  Potatoes                               07.08.21                                                             Muck and Slurry                               04.12.21
                                                    		Stirling Bull Sales Preview                  09.10.21   Renewables                                    04.12.21
  Texel Sheep                            14.08.21     Tractor Special                              09.10.21   Forestry                                      04.12.21
  Renewables                             14.08.21     Renewables                                   09.10.21
  Forestry                               14.08.21     Forestry                                     09.10.21   Spring Crops/Seeds                            11.12.21
  Scottish Horse                         14.08.21                                                             Scottish Horse                                11.12.21
                                                      Borderway Expo Preview                       16.10.21
                                                      Combines                                     16.10.21   LAMMA Preview                                 18.12.21
  Property                               21.08.21
                                                      Salers Cattle                                16.10.21   Scottish Farmer Wallchart (A1)                18.12.21
                                                      Scottish Horse                               16.10.21   Scottish Horse Wallchart (A1)                 18.12.21
  UK Dairy Day Preview                   28.08.21
                                                      Cultivation Equipment                        23.10.21
                                                      Telehandlers Guide                           23.10.21   That Was The Year That Was                    25.12.21
 SEPTEMBER                           Issue Date
                                                      Succession Planning                          23.10.21
  Kelso Ram Sales Preview                04.09.21
  Bluefaced Leicester                    04.09.21     Stars of the Future                          30.10.21
  Autumn Sowing - varieties              04.09.21     Tyres                                        30.10.21   PLEASE NOTE: Due to the on-going Covid-19 restrictions
  Autumn Herbicides                      04.09.21     Balers                                       30.10.21   dates are subject to change or cancellation.
ADVERTISING RATES                                               WELCOME | THE FACTS | FEATURES | ADVERTISING | SIZES | DIGITAL

DISPLAY ADVERTISING                                            CONTACTING US
King Size Page                                        £2400    Advertising sales                                   Digital and Creative Services
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TESTIMONIALS                                                           WELCOME | THE FACTS | FEATURES | ADVERTISING | SIZES | DIGITAL

Alison Lawson                                                    John Spicer
“The Scottish Farmer is Bell Ingram’s “go to” publication        “We advertise fortnightly in The Scottish Farmer and
for targeting the rural and agricultural sector. It’s a key      have done for many years. We find that our adverts reach
part of our marketing mix and we’ve found it to be highly        the demographic we want to attract to our business
effective in terms of generating brand awareness for our         and helps raise our brand awareness amongst Scotlands
business. I can’t praise the Scottish Farmer team enough for     farming community.”
making the whole advertising process seamless from start
to finish.”

Alison Lawson                                                    John Spicer
Marketing Manager,                                               Partner, S&S Services,
Bell Ingram LLP                                                  8 Old Bridge Road, Heathfield, Ayr, KA8 9SX
Durn, Isla Road, Perth PH2 7HF                                   Email:
Email:                            Tel: 01292 880080
Tel: 01738 621121                                                         S&S SERVICES

Shirley Dodd                                                     Allan Patterson
“The Scottish Farmer offers excellent advertising for farms      “For the length of time that Threave Rural has been in business, The Scottish Farmer Sales Team have
and land and generates very useful leads. the staff are always   assisted us with our advertising with The Scottish Farmer and occasionally with the lifestyle magazine.
extremely helpful and very professional”                         We have always found the level of service to be extremely helpful, always managing to assist with our
                                                                 adverts, as well as the staff having a cheery disposition and being an absolute pleasure to deal with.
                                                                 They also keep us informed of any opportunity of adverts in other areas, such as the diary, year planner
                                                                 and other publications which we subscribe to. We have found that The Scottish Farmer advertising has
                                                                 worked well for us in marketing our farms and we will continue to use this title as our first choice given
                                                                 it’s effectiveness”
Shirley Dodd
Property Sales Administrator                                     Allan W Paterson FIA (Scot)
H&H Land & Property, Borderway,                                  Director, Threave Rural,
Carlisle CA1 2RS                                                 The Rockcliffe Suite, The Old Exchange, Castle Douglas, DG7 1TJ
Telephone: 01228 406260                                          Telephone: 01556 453453
DD: 01228 406274                                                 Mobile: 07736 165999
Email:                                 Email:                                       
DIGITAL                                                    WELCOME | THE FACTS | FEATURES | ADVERTISING | SIZES | DIGITAL

ADVERTISING                                                                                   THIN SKIN                    £1000 per month
                                                                                              Takes over a majority of advertising space -
                                                                                              strong brand awareness.
As Scotland’s leading weekly agricultural title The
                                                                                              Dimensions: 1280 x 970 x 106,
Scottish Farmer has a growing online audience and
                                                                                              File Formats: GIF, HTML5, Max File Size: 150KB
offers advertisers an excellent opportunity to reach
a relevant and specialist audience. Whether you want                                          THICK SKIN                   £1200 per month
to complement your existing print offering or create
                                                                                              For added impact and visual display
a standalone bespoke campaign, Scotland’s foremost
                                                                                              maximised to its fullest potential.
agricultural news provider has a solution for you.
                                                                                              Dimensions: 1280 x 970 x 250
Increase response through the use of high impact                                              File Formats: GIF, HTML5, Max File Size: 150KB
interactive creatives to local audiences. Skins,
Expandable Leaderboards or MPUs offer an eye-catching,                                        BILLBOARD ADVERTISING £700 per month
attention grabbing way to increasing Click Through
                                                                                              Appears across the top of the entire width of
Rate to advertiser websites. These can appear on the
                                                                                              the page creating page dominance.
homepage or any other relevant page and can be used to
                                                                                              Dimensions: 970 x 250,
target relevant content including takeover campaigns.
                                                                                              File Formats: GIF, HTML5, Max File Size: 60KB

WEEKLY NEWSLETTER /                                                                           LEADERBOARD
                                                                                              & MOBILE BANNER               £395 per month
Email Marketing - the fastest and most cost effective                                         Appears across the top of the entire width of
way to reach an audience with a targeted message.                                             the page creating strong brand awareness.
Why not get your message delivered directly to                                                Dimensions: 728 x 90 Expandable: 728 x 300
farmer’s mailboxes every Thursday with our weekly                                             Mobile banner dimensions: 320 x 50
newsletter, which can have its own hyperlink to your                                          File Formats: GIF, HTML5 Max File Size: 40KB
website. Newsletter Banner prices from £250 per
weekly mailing.
                                                                                              DOUBLE HEIGHT MPU             £650 per month
E-shot Mailer - your message can be targeted up
                                                                                              Can be used to play video clips, competition
to 12k named contacts in the industry. For more
                                                                                              adverts, with a high CTR (click through rate)
information on how these digital platforms can
                                                                                              Dimensions: 300 x 600,
help promote your business or to discuss a more
                                                                                              File Formats: GIF, HTML5, Max File Size: 60KB
tailored bespoke package please email farmer.sales@ or speak to your regular
contact here at The Scottish Farmer.                                                          MPU                            £350 per month
Native Content - We can also offer native content                                             Can be used to play video clips, competition
advertorial which would be included on the website and                                        adverts, strong call to action with direct
can be placed under a relevant heading i.e. machinery or                                      response
on the home page. This would include 200-300 words,                                           Dimensions: 300 x 250, Expandable: 500 x 300,
an image/logo, and URL. Cost start at £550                                                    File Formats: GIF, HTML5, Max File Size: 40KB
OUR AUDIENCE          41% of our audience intend to purchase    87% agree                                 HOW OUR USERS
                      vehicles or machinery in the next         TSF helps with                           INTERACT WITH US
Beef                  12 months                                 business and                                i-Pad – 52%
                                                                purchasing                                 i-Phone 43%
                                                                decisions                                    Tablet 32%
Sheep                                                                                                       Mobile 48%
                                                                                                             Other 12%

10%                                                     gets involved in Scottish Farming life
                                                        better than any other publication or media.


Other                               PAGE VIEWS
                                                                       UNIQUE MONTHLY USERS

87% of our
audience have
purchased good or                                                                                         97% access the
services advertised                                                 88% OF TRAFFIC IS LOCAL (SCOTLAND)   internet from home
within the brand in
the past 12 months                                                                                         45% from work
                      EVENTS COVERED ON               READERSHIP
                      RHS, AgriScot                             91% of users                                 51% from a
                      ScotSheep, Scot Grass                     reference                                   mobile device
                      Beef Events                               The Scottish Farmer                       88% Shop online
                      Local Shows
                                                                every week                                22% every week
                      Local Auctions
                      As well as many more                      Editorial Satisfaction                    65% every month
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