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EN consumer-nonwovens 03/2018
EDITORIAL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               PREVIEW

                                                                                                                                                                                                    IN USE
                                                                                                                                             Full automation in China: For the Asian
                                                                                                                                                                                                    4	 Innovative paperboard cans The InlineCan proves itself at JTI
                                                                                                                                             market, Brita - the world market leader for
                                                                                                                                             water filters - has commissioned a produc-             14	Turnkey in China Automatic water filter assembly to palletization
                                                                                                                                             tion and packaging plant, including palle-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    20	Free spaces New system for bags and cartons
                                                                                                                                             tization. Turnkey provider Optima to offer
                                                                                                                                             additional servicing options from its site in          24	Oils and additives Old plus new means high flexibility

                                                                                                                                                                                                       In-house trade show How non-wovens customers help shape

                            DYNAMIC MARKETS,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       the future

                                                                                                                                                                                                    OPTIMA TOTAL CARE

                            FLEXIBLE SOLUTIONS                                                                                                                                                      30   Train the Trainer Training concept for high system efficiency

                         Dear readers,                         and shorter time-to-market. In         production line for water filters up
                         An exciting trade show fall has       Nuremberg and Chicago, we will         and running in only 16 months –                                                               VR CENTER
                                                                                                                                             One plant that can do it all: Identical
                         begun. Two top-level shows, Pack      find the solutions for your require-   from the individual components                                                                33 Site planning with VR How best to fit the line into the hall?
                                                                                                                                             products are offered in a wide variety of
                         Expo and FachPack, are creating       ments. With passion. In this o-com,    through to the ready-to-ship pal-      packaging types. This example applica-
                         a stir. Changing Markets. Your        you can read how these solutions       let. News from Optima Total Care       tion illustrates how incontinence products
                         Needs. Our Passion. – Our motto       can look.                              rounds off this edition.                                                                      COMPANY
                                                                                                                                             can be packaged both in cartons and in
                         for these two trade shows reflects    Optima Nonwovens set new               On that note: Be faster than the       film bags on one plant.                                28	Smart Production Students plan automated planting system
                         the challenges of our day.            trends in summer with the in-          market. Stay flexible. We have the
                         Word of new product trends            house fair “Partnering with the        smart solutions to help you do                                                                   Optima is growing New subsidiary plans new building
                         spreads faster than ever before.      Packaging Pioneers.“ Here, the fo-     this. I hope you enjoy reading this                                                              Makeathon Training camp, networking and prototypes on Gran Canaria
                         And these trends have worldwide       cus was also on flexible, modular      edition and that the trade shows       o-com ist der aktuelle Kommunikations-Service der
Hans Bühler              effects. Globally networked influ-    machine concepts for dynamic           this fall leave you with lasting im-   OPTIMA packaging group GmbH

Managing Director / CEO, encers, bloggers and YouTubers        markets. Carton or bag? This is one    pressions.                             OPTIMA packaging group GmbH
                         can send the demand for speci-        question the manufacturers of in-                                             Steinbeisweg 20 | 74523 Schwäbisch Hall | Germany      HISTORY
OPTIMA packaging
                         fic product groups skyrocketing.      continence products for men will       Yours                                                                                         35	Continuous operation Since 1981 at Hakle: Roll packaging using an
group GmbH                                                                                                                                   OPTIMA consumer GmbH
                         Orders flood in from all over the     no longer have to ask themselves.                                             Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 89 | 74523 Schwäbisch Hall |       OPTIMA LBV4R
                         world, putting increasing pres-       A new stacker type from Optima
                         sure on producers. But what if        that can handle both promises ad-                                             OPTIMA nonwovens GmbH
                                                                                                                                             Steinbeisweg 20 | 74523 Schwäbisch Hall | Germany
                         the manufacturer’s filling and pa-    ded scope in production. This ma-
                         ckaging machines are not up to        kes it easy to accommodate mar-                                               Redaktion
                                                                                                                                             Jan Deininger
                         the task?                             ket trends. You can also read how,                                            Felix Henning
                         That is why our focus is on provi-    with support from Optima, the Bri-                                            Dr. Ulla Reutner

                         ding flexible solutions for shorter   ta company managed to get a new        Hans Bühler                            V.i.S.d.P.
                                                                                                                                             Sabine Gauger

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A look into the production hall at Japan Tobacco
International (JTI) proves that the OPTIMA CFS and the
InlineCan manufacturing machine from Hörauf are a
great team. JTI is one of the largest manufacturers of
tobacco products and uses the InlineCan machine to
package some of their products since May 2017. Why the
concept of Optima and Hörauf is the right concept for JTI
and what role the inductive sealing plays, was explained
by Martin Feilen, Project Manager at JTI in Trier.

    Tobacco is one of the oldest, popular        to the switch from the round packaging       “Tobacco is a very sensitive product, that
and versatile cultivated crops. Already          solution to the square carton the “Inline-   has to stay fresh”, explained Martin Feilen.
known to the indigenous people of the           Can” (more about the InlineCan: see info      Tobacco loses its moisture during storage
Americas as a medicinal plant, tobacco          box). The EU-wide regulation is in effect     and therefore, a moisture barrier is a key
started its success story as a stimulant in     since 2016 and regulates that 95 percent      factor. The InlineCan has an additional
the 15th century. Dried it serves as a basis    of the product package have to contain        advantage for JTI – it is less expensive.
for different products: fine cut, chewing,      warning messages. According to Martin         Regular cans are up to six or seven times
pipe and snuff tobacco, and the most po-        Feilen, this was one of the reasons for the   more expensive than the InlineCan. In ad-
pular product – the cigarette. Cigarettes       change from the round carton package          dition, no transport costs occur since the
are still the most popular tobacco product      to the square InlineCan – it allowed for      carton can is directly manufactured in the
in Germany.                                     more advertising space and less warning       production facility. Traffic at the factory
    The tobacco market is fast moving.          references on the can. Hörauf, the carton-    premises is significantly less: instead of 40
Packaging trends are constantly chan-           manufacturing expert, introduced JTI to       trucks, only one truck is needed to deliver
ging and manufacturers have to react in a       Optima Consumer. In order to provide          the paper rolls for manufacturing the Inli-
timely manner to consumer requirements.         the InlineCan packaging solution, Hörauf      neCans. The storage space that was nee-
This also applies to JTI, which is one of the   and Optima Consumer worked together           ded for the former cans can now be used
world’s leading tobacco product manu-           ­closely.                                     for other purposes.
                                                                                                                                               Martin Feilen, Project Manager
facturers. The facility in Trier manufactures                                                                                                 at the JTI plant in Trier and Ulrich
                                                THE INLINECAN REDUCES 40                      INDUCTION VERSUS THERMAL: THE
tobacco products for the German market
but also for export. JTI was looking for a      TRUCKLOADS TO ONE                             SEALING AS A DECISIVE ADVANTAGE
                                                                                                                                               Burkart, Sales Director for Food
machine manufacturer who was able to               The coordinated approach of Optima            Since May 2017, JTI is gaining experi-       Solutions at Optima, discuss the
provide a packaging solution for a square
tobacco can. Besides market trends, the
                                                and Hörauf made sense to JTI according
                                                to Martin Feilen. The most relevant requi-
                                                                                              ence with the two OPTIMA CFS machines
                                                                                              that fill the Inline Cans with Make-Your-
                                                                                                                                                    final technical details.
TPD 2 – tobacco guidelines contributed          rement for the package was air tightness.     Own (MYO) tobacco and closes them. This

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IN USE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   IN USE

                                                                                                                                          was the perfect time for the Optima edito-      minute leave the machine, independent          ma is worth it”, commented Martin Feilen.
                                                                                                                                          rial staff to check: how satisfied is JTI and   on the format size. The machine efficiency         In addition, a well-coordinated pro-
                                                                                                                                          why is the OPTIMA CFS the perfect soluti-       reaches 97 percent. The JTI specifications     ject management from both sides was
                                                                                                                                          on for the company?                             were far exceeded. The reject rate is also     very important since JTI was the general
                                                                                                                                               Martin Feilen emphasized the induc-        less than required by JTI with 0.3 percent.    contractor and had to rely on its suppliers.
                                                                                                                                          tion sealing: “The membrane is the key          Format changes are completed without           This was very well structured through se-
                                                                                                                                          factor for the freshness of the tobacco.” If    tools within ten minutes since the Inline-     veral design reviews at Optima. Martin
                                                                                                                                          the membrane is damaged, the tobacco            Cans are only different in height, but the     Feilen commends the cooperation as a
                                                                                                                                          loses moisture. The inductive seal ensures      footprint is the same. An additional ad-       “showcase management project”. Due to a
                                                                                                                                          that the cans are correctly sealed. An ad-      vantage resulting from the quick format        constant communication, new ideas were
                                                                                                                                          ditional benefit of this process is that only   change overs is it permits tests and small     implemented immediately.
                                                                                                                                          the film is heated and not the product. Ul-     batch production.
                                                                                                                                          rich Burkart, Sales Director Food Solutions          What about cleaning and hygiene? To       PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE WILL BE
                                                                                                                                          at Optima Consumer added: “the challen-         fulfill the hygienic requirement the Opti-     AN IMPORTANT SUBJECT
                                                                                                                                          ge of inductive sealing is the need for ab-     ma engineers made sure that the machine             In the future JTI will place great im-
                                                                                                                                          solute tightness and the requirement to         does not have any cavities. “The cleaning      portance on line management and the
                                                                                                                                          remove the film in one piece without any        and cleanliness of the machine is very im-     digital interaction, reported Martin ­Feilen.
    Martin Feilen and Ulrich Burkart in conversation in front of the     Martin Feilen is very happy with the project progression. He
    OPTIMA CFS that has been filling the InlineCans with Make-Your-      emphasizes the inductive seal: “The membrane is the key to the   remnants.” Only Optima was able to offer        portant. This was an emphasis during the       Maintenance, service and support are
    Own (MYO) tobacco since May 2017. ­The re-sealable plastic lid       tobacco’s freshness.”                                            this extremely high tightness said Mar-         design phase”, said Martin Feilen. An anti-    becoming increasingly important to the
    makes the paperboard can exceptionally practical for c­ onsumers.
                                                                                                                                          tin Feilen. Induction sealing requires less     static puck cleaning ensures cleanliness       company since the storage of expensive
                                                                                                                                          cleaning time and rarely leads to downti-       during the return transport and avoids         spare parts such as components for con-
                                                                                                                                          mes compared to thermal sealing.                product contamination.                         trol units is problematic. More than once
                                                                                                                                               The machines run in a three-shift ope-                                                    the parts didn’t work when they were nee-
                                                                                                                                          ration, six days a week. The installation       QUALITY AND PRODUCTION SECURITY                ded.
                                                                                                                                          was completed within four weeks without         WERE KEY FACTORS                                    This confirms that Optima is on the
                                                                                                                                          any problems. “The Optima service tech-             “JTI is very particular and expects the    right track with its Life Cycle Manage-
                                                                                                                                          nicians knew what they were doing,” said        highest quality”, said Martin Feilen. Tobac-   ment Optima Total Care (as reported in
                                                                                                                                          Martin Feilen.                                  co customers are demanding and therefo-        the o ­ -com special edition Total Care). It
                                                                                                                                               Due to the modular design, the pa-         re quality is a special focus. Optima Consu-   fulfills the high requirements for a life-
                                                                                                                                          ckaging machine is flexible and JTI is          mer relieved initial concerns regarding the    long s­ervice of packaging machines, as
                                                                                                                                          able to react quickly to new market re-         high demands of a tobacco packaging so-        described by Martin Feilen. With WEmain-
                                                                                                                                          quirements. For example, leaflets can be        lution quickly. “The biggest challenge was     tain and TCAP Optima Total Care offers
                                                                                                                                          inserted or moisture-containing sponges         the dust that causes wear on everything        a ­system for a cycle based, as well as a
                                                                                                                                          can be glued to the inside of the closure.      inside the packaging machine” noted            ­condition based maintenance.
                                                                                                                                          Martin Feilen praises the machine in ad-        Martin Feilen. Optima Consumer maste-               Based on this overall positive expe-
                                                                                                                                          dition for its easy accessibility that makes    red this challenge. The Optima machine          rience JTI decided to buy two additional
                                                                                                                                          the cleaning simple and benefits the work       seamlessly integrates into the production       OPTIMA CFS machines. “In close coopera-
                                                                                                                                          ergonomics during repair work.                  process. Besides the package quality the        tion with Optima and Hörauf we develo-
                                                                                                                                                                                          production security was a deciding fac-         ped a solution and we want to continue
                                                                                                                                          THE MACHINES ACHIEVE A 97 PERCENT               tor for JTI. The Optima and Hörauf design       on this path,” so Martin Feilen. The story of
    The carton can is produced inline in the machine.                   Tablets visualize individual machine parts so they can be         EFFICIENCY                                      were the most convincing in this regard.        the successful duo is far from over. 
                                                                        ­discussed right at the machine.                                     Very positive is the output of the ma-       That Optima was not the least expensive
                                                                                                                                          chine for Martin Feilen: 150 products per       vendor was only a secondary issue: “Opti-

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                                             WHAT CAN BE FILLED
                                             INTO THE INLINECAN?
                                                                                            THE INLINECAN ALSO
                                                                                            CONQUERS THE COFFEE
     InlineCans are carton containers that
                                                 Sweets, snacks, cereals, coffee, tea,
are manufactured in a consistent process
                                             milk powder, dry pet food and other
and immediately filled and closed. This
                                             dry product can be packaged with the

means that the manufacturing of the
                                             InlineCan. Depending on the product,
­package is completed at the packaging
                                             the ­appropriate dosing systems are ins-
 location. If required a complete process
                                             talled. In connection with the calibrated
 chain, including secondary packaging,
                                             weighing technology highly accurate
 can be created: without extra transporta-
                                             weighing results are created that reduce
 tion, intermediate storage and cleaning
                                             product loss to a minimum. The closed              The InlineCan proved its versatility
 processes. The InlineCan can be square,
                                             cans can be transported directly to the        at Aldi Süd. The ground organic coffee
 rectangular or polygon. It can combine
                                             ­secondary packing.                            “COFFEE3” is available in the cubic-shaped
 round and angular forms and it can be
                                                                                            containers at these Aldi stores since the
 oval or round.
                                                                                            middle of March. “Several years of intense
                                                                                            team work with Optima took place from
                                                                                            the first idea to the final product. Now we
                                                                                            are really looking forward to present the
                                                                                            result in our stores,” said Michael Körnig,
                                                                                            Managing Director of NewCoffee GmbH &
                                                                                            Co. OHG. NewCoffee is a subsidiary of Aldi
                                                                                            Süd and produces coffee at its location in
                                                                                            Mühlheim at the Ruhr and in Ketsch for
                                                                                            the food corporation. An OPTIMA CFS fil-
                                                                                            ling and closing machine takes over the
                                                                                            semi-completed package from a Hörauf
                                                                                            production machine at these locations.
                                                                                            The Optima machine then fills, pre-gasses
                                                                                            and closes the InlineCans.
                                                                                                “We responded to the market requi-
                                                                                            rements,” explained Ulrich Burkart, Sales
                                             WHAT ARE THE                                   Director food Solutions at Optima. After                                Outstanding barrier properties make the InlineCan the ideal packaging s­ olution
                                                                                                                                                                                 for products that are sensitive to air and humidity, such as coffee.
                                             ADVANTAGES?                                    several years of development, the Inline-
                                                                                            Can celebrates its first success in the cof-
WHO INVENTED THE                                  Everyone profits from the InlineCan.
                                              Manufactures have a wide variety of for-
                                                                                            fee sector. The InlineCan can be used for

INLINECAN?                                   mats to choose from since the format
                                                                                            ground coffee but also for instant coffee
                                                                                            and whole beans”, added Ulrich Burkart.
                                                                                                                                           keeps the flavors fresh in the packagage.
                                                                                                                                           “The gas-tight InlineCan is ideal for air and
                                                                                                                                                                                               tion, permanent brand messaging can be
                                                                                                                                                                                               achieved since the original package will
     The manufacturing process is based on   change is easy due to the unchanged
                                                                                            Like tobacco, coffee has high require-         humidity sensitive products like ground             remain and no refilling is necessary.
the packaging machine suppliers Hörauf’s     footprint of the InlineCan. A high ­quality
                                                                                            ments to the packaging since the valuab-       coffee,” said Ulrich Burkart. Mainly due to               If the InlineCan will replace the estab-
and Optima’s expertise. Both companies       and trendy look excites consumers. B­ arrier
                                                                                            le aroma has to be protected. “Up to 800       the excellent barrier features. The packa-          lished vacuum package is yet to be seen.
introduced their leading technologies and    features protect sensitive products and
                                                                                            different flavors are hidden in the beans”,    ge is appealing with its trendy design and          Several companies have been showing
experiences with this project: Hörauf is a   keep the aroma. The environment is
                                                                                            informed Aldi Süd. Optima Consumer             large area that leaves space for product            interest in the package solution. The
specialist for the manufacturing of carton   another winner of the InlineCan system:
                                                                                            guarantees the flavor by filling under ni-     information. Coffee manufacturers are not           ­objective of Optima is the recyclability of
containers and Optima’s expertise is the     only film material has to be transported
                                                                                            trogen directly after the coffee is ground     bound to the usual standard weights of               the InlineCan. An aluminum-free version
filling and weighing of powder, granulate    and the trucking of ready-to-use, empty
                                                                                            and roasted. The protective membrane           250 gram and 500 gram anymore. In addi-              is the goal.
and solid products, as well as the closing   ­packages is not needed anymore. At the
of containers.                                same time the transport and storage cost
                                              are reduced.
                                              Additional information can be found at:
EVENT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          EVENT


Higher expenses, a shorter time-to-market, digitalization
and more complex packaging processes – the hygienic
paper industry faces huge challenges. “Partnering with the
Packaging Pioneers” – is the Optima Nonwovens answer. This
was the motto of an in-house show from June to August at
Optima in Schwäbisch Hall. New concepts for modularity,
automation, communication and service were presented by
the Optima experts and the course for future technologies
was set, in collaboration with the users.                                                                Markus Urich (Key Account Manager at
                                                                                                        Optima Nonwovens and Organizer of the
                                                                                                                                                                              Wilfried Laser, Key Account Manager at Optima Nonwovens explains to Martin Gärtner and his team how Ontex can adjust their machines
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               easily with modular machines to meet the new market requirements.
                                                                                                                               in-house show.)

Mr. Urich, what is new with this show         fore, increasing the success rate of our        lenges. There are new, agile project ap-           Why did you pick the topic modularity?            lity and a presentation. With the prepared               at one aspect more closely – the resta-
concept?                                      products. It is also conceivable to start the   proaches and methods. During the course                Our understanding of modularity is            procedures and target oriented questions,                cking of bags. This is the only work requi-
    Until now, we showed existing tech-       dialog for a development partnership du-        of these changes, we recognized that it is         that the user receives a machine that ad-         we want to check how customer oriented                   red at our machines and needs the most
nologies and looked far into the future       ring the in-house show.                         important to get in touch with the users           apts without difficulties to changing mar-        our designs are.                                         labor performance.
during shows. This year’s in-house show                                                       of our machines and software solutions, in         ket requirements. The market, and there-
“Partnering with the Packaging Pio-                                                           order to offer customized products. These          fore, the consumer needs are changing             Keyword automation – how is this topic                   How can this effort be reduced?
neers” also looks into the future but with
                                                   “We want to get in                         were the reasons for our in-house show.            constantly hence, the machines have to            implemented?                                                 We have two concepts. For the first
a healthy dose of realism. We want to in-      touch with the machine                                                                            adjust easily and in a timely manner. We              Most of our machines still have a HMI                concept the operator is supported by a
clude our customers early on to develop                                                       What are you trying to find out?                   are successful in this area, but believe we       (Human Machine Interface) during the                     cobot – a robot that is designed to phy-
future concepts.
                                               users in a timely manner                           We are convinced that the concepts             can and have to move the subject to an            production. Due to faster running machi-                 sically interact with humans in a shared
                                                 to offer customized                          that are presented will give our custo-            even higher level to sustain our success.         nes and high labor costs, the importance                 workspace. The operator will only fill a
What are the objectives of Optima Non-                                                        mers added value. Whether or not our                                                                 of reducing personnel is increasing. Au-                 buffer while the cobot will take care of the
wovens with the in-house show?
                                                        solutions”                            customers feel the same way - will have to         How are you going to present the                  tomation can help to reduce the need for                 restacking.
    We want to start discussions with our                                                     be seen during the in-house show. If the           topic at the show?                                operator personnel, make it more efficient                   The second concept is an “end-to-end-
customers at an early stage of the design     Why is this so important?                       technologies are not what the customers               We are visualizing our solution approa-        and lastly, eliminate the need for operator              solution”. This design has the objective
phase and get their immediate feedback.           The industry is changing. People are        want, we have the option, with this event,         ches with live demonstrations, a video clip,      personnel altogether. We presented the                   to have no operator personnel at all. This
We want to know if we are on the right        changing. Our time is fast moving and we        to find out early and change the course of         VR-applications in which the customers            Optima Zero concept during our previous                  might be solved with the fully automatic
track with our ideas for the future, there-   are constantly confronted with new chal-        our developments.                                  can observe the concepts in a virtual rea-        shows. We will revive this subject and look              delivery of bags to the machine.

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EVENT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      EVENT

How are the customers experiencing                      is happening right now and discuss how         for industrial applications?
these concepts?                                         we can further develop this concept. Con-          Absolutely correct, that is the intent.
    With the help of “use cases”. We will               tinuous improvement is the keyword.            And of course how these solutions should
introduce them and our customs have                                                                    be further developed in order to be intu-
the opportunity to take part. An automa-                    This includes, for example, a new hu-      itively operable. Industrial developments
tic bag stacker and a cobot will offer the              man machine interface and a completely         are, in part, still in its infancy. Augmented
possibility to reproduce any application                new operation philosophy. This is the con-     realty applications, for example, have to be
directly. Virtual reality supports the expe-            cept we want to check on its practical ap-     checked for practicality. We want to set an
rience of the second concept.                           plication and future viability.                example and be pioneers and therefore,
                                                                                                       we need the feedback of our customers.
What is the story behind the topics,
communication and service?                                     “We want to be a                        This sounds like a paradigm shift?
    Here, we will focus on Optima Total                                                                    Yes, that is correct. We want to be more
Care, continue with it and discuss it with
                                                             machine supplier and                      than just a machine supplier, we also want
our customers. However, we don’t want to                      service provider”                        to be a service provider that is the correct    The cobot places packaging material onto the bag infeed under the watchful eyes
                                                                                                                                                       of the visitors. A cobot is an industrial robot that is designed to physically interact
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The visitors listen intently to the explanations of Wilfried Laser
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   regarding the topic of modularity.
just look into the future, but also concen-                                                            contact for any concern. This is our aspira-    with humans in a shared workspace.
trate on developments at the beginning.                                                                tion and motivation.
We have many pilot projects with custo-                 In other words: you want to know which
mers. We will gather feedback, show what                Industry 4.0 solutions are really suited       Mr. Urich, thank you for the information

                                                          “The focus during in-house shows is more on the cus-
                                                        tomers and their requirements”

                                                            Martin Gärtner, Group Manufactu-           are increasing. The presentation with the
                                                        ring Director at Ontex visited the in-         three topics was also very interesting.
                                                        house show with a five-member dele-                I can only recommend in-house shows         Martin Gärtner describes his impressions during the in-house                              What will the communication of the future be? Dominik Roll, Project Manager at
                                                        gation. He describes his experience for        since the focus is more on the customers        show in the interview with the editor Jan Deininger.                                          Optima Nonwovens has some answers. One possibility: augmented reality.
                                                        the o-com readers.                             and their requirements - different than
                                                            “I didn’t have any specific expectations   large shows where one can say “hello” and
                                                        for the in-house show, I came to see what      “good bye” and cannot discuss p    ­ rojects
                                                        is new with Optima Nonwovens. I saw            or problems in detail. Shows are their
                                                        some approaches that are very interes-         own industry. They are expensive for the
                                                        ting and we will continue to follow them       exhibitor and the visitor. Therefore, in-
                                                        over the next few months and years. It is      house shows are a great alternative to
                                                        always interesting to be inspired by new       conventional shows. I would prefer them
                                                        approaches. We were especially intrigued       anytime over larger shows, maybe even in
                                                        by the cobot. When we saw how it placed        combination with virtual impressions on
                                                        the stack of pre-made bags onto the bag        the website in advance. I am sure this will
                                                        infeed conveyor, it made us think. This is     become even easier and more common in
                                                        an approach worth thinking about, espe-        the future.
Martin Gärtner is the Group Manufacturing Director at
Ontex Headquarters in Belgium. He was convinced of      cially for countries where the labor costs
the Optima concept during the in-house show.

                                                                                                                                                       The automation topic presents the advantages of robots during the bag                     Mixed-reality glasses are used during the presentation for the automation topic.
                                                                                                                                                       infeed. “An interesting approach in times of expensive labor costs”, remarked                           The glasses help to better understand the utilization of the cobots.
                                                                                                                                                       Martin Gärtner.

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From individual components, to ready-to-use water filters,
to the ready-to ship palette. This complex undertaking was
performed by a complete line with 60 meters of completely
automated functions. OPTIMA was selected as a turnkey
vendor for Brita at its China facility. Almost all modules and
technologies for this project are supplied from Optima. The
technical design was completed within just a few months.

    “A project of this magnitude is only        ridges. This machine produces 120 filters       that sufficient components and filter ma-      retrofitting the cartoning machine, the       machine. The product transfer from the        fication. Each of the complex machines
feasible if the customer and vendor work        per minute. Currently, the machine pro-         terial is consistently fed into the line and   case packer can still process individual,     clean room to the conventional environ-       has an HMI that forwards the order speci-
closely together”, said Stefan Bauer who        cesses one cartridge format. However, ad-       are taking care of the final transport pa-     flow-wrapped cartridges. This is accom-       ment takes place in this zone.                fic information to the modules. Typically,
managed the commercial aspects of the           ditional formats are easy to set-up. Seven      lette.                                         plished by using a bypass through the OP-                                                   this information is entered manually. The
project. To illustrate the scale of the pro-    different sales packages from the indivi-                                                      TIMA CBF cartoning machine.                   EVERYTHING IS UNDER CONTROL                   information is elaborate and can result in
ject again: first the filter cartridge is as-   dual carton to the multipack with 15 cart-      DEVELOPING COMMON POTENTIALS                       With an appropriate production sche-      WITH OPAL                                     errors when inputting manually. In con-
sembled, consisting of plastic parts and        ridges per carton are presently packaged.           The entire process was designed to be      dule, downtimes are minimized. The auto-          The software OPAL is used to conti-       trast, OPAL takes the complex data from
activated carbon, followed by sterilization                                                     as efficient as possible. Due to the close     clave also shows the close collaboration      nuously determine the efficiency of the       the customer’s ERP system and prepares it
in an autoclave. The filter is then packaged        Eight additional machines are integ-        collaborative effort between Brita and         of the companies. The design to load and      machine OEE (Overall Equipment Efficien-      for the machine.
into a flow-wrap pouch, inserted into car-      rated in the automated line besides the         Optima engineers, the line uses state-of-      unload the filters for sterilization, batch   cy). In addition, OPAL analyzes systemati-
tons (sales package) in different counts        OPTIMA CFL machine (see overview). The          the-art technology and maximizes per-          by batch, was developed by Brita and          cally occurring process or operator errors,       Similarly, recipe changes are made
and sizes. Finally, the full cartons are pa-    modular design proves itself all along the      formance potential. Stefan Bauer repor-        Optima.                                       like error frequency and error duration.      centrally and automatically with the OPAL
ckaged into various size cases and palle-       line (literally) providing easy accessibility   ted about ideas that went even further:            Processes with different cycle times                                                    software, which adjusts each individual
tized for transport.                            via guard doors that extend all the way         “Today the line produces sales packs that      can be handled separately and allows for           An additional function of OPAL is the    machine and module of the line based
                                                to the floor. All component hoppers and         are in cartons which are subsequently re-      the machine output to remain at the de-       batch specific controlling and scheduling     on the format settings. The machine then
    The base machine solution that was          bunkers are designed to allow the machi-        packaged by a case packer into transport       sign speed of 120/min. The sterilized pro-    of the production orders. The order quan-     provides confirmation of proper adjust-
used for filling of the activated carbon        ne to run for 30 minutes autonomously.          cases. However, the line can also packa-       ducts are cooled automatically at the rear    tity and format have to be defined, as well   ment before the OPAL system will release
is an OPTIMA CFL machine, adjusted to           The entire line is overseen by two to three     ge the individual flow-wrapped cart-           of the autoclave, they are then unloaded      as country specific labels or prints that     the entire line for production. If a size
accommodate the large size of the cart-         operators. These employees are ensuring         ridges directly into transport cases while     and transported to the flow-wrapping          have to be inspected according to speci-      part needs to be changed manually, the

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IN USE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    IN USE

operator confirms the correct execution at                                                         in other projects and upon recommendati-                were visiting Optima in Schwäbisch Hall        or more from the first initial conversation     of our customer, flexibility, output, and
the HMI. This system brings the machine to                                                         on of Brita Optima integrated them in the               often, to get to know the machine. German      to the FAT. Together Brita and Optima suc-      process safety are imperative and require
production mode in a very short time.                                                              line solution – Optima still acting as the              and Chinese employees performed the in-        ceeded in reducing the time to 16 months.       specialized expertise from the machine
     Guaranteed Traceability: Batches are                                                          main contact for all parties.                           stallation and the training in China. In the   A significant contribution to the success       builder. Profound expertise was required
diligently separated from each other. This                                                                                                                 meantime, the line is completely serviced      of this project was the close and trusting      for the installation and the service duties
is done by coding, starting with the prima-                                                        FAR AWAY BUT STILL FAMILIAR                             by the Chinese Optima subsidiary.              cooperation. Brita started its regular pro-     in China. Last but not least, without the
ry packaging to the palette.                                                                           Besides the technical expertise and the                                                            duction in August 2017, approximately 20        close collaboration of Brita and Optima,
     Only the line structure in combinati-                                                         turnkey aspect there is another important               TIME TO MARKET – TIME IS MONEY                 months after order placement.                   the line could not have been completed in
on with the OPAL line control permits the                                                          characteristic to this project: “the China                  Projects of this magnitude and comple-         Conclusion: This line stands for techno-    such a short time. 
parallel production of a batch in the front     A reject discharge ensures high product quality.   competence”. Starting with customs: how                 xity usually have a duration of three years    logical variety like no other. In the opinion
of the machine while the back of the line                                                          can a machine be shipped to China fast
is still retrofitted. Thus OPAL provides the
system that allows bulk production into         contact. On the Optima side, this contact
shipping cases while a format change is         partner coordinates all concerned depart-
being performed at the cartoning machi-         ments. During the entire project duration,
ne.                                             weekly meetings with Brita took place.
     In the Chinese and Asian markets, the-     The customer didn’t have to worry about
se water filters are a premium product. The     which company is responsible for what.
product quality is the most important is-       Technical interfaces – mechanical, electri-
sue for the customer. This is evident with      cal and software – are not easy to manage
the stringent fill accuracy, package quality    when multiple vendors are used for one
control, and packaging material require-        project. This is also not an issue anymore,        The OPTIMA TFL punches the cartridge lid mesh for the
ments. Therefore, the line has various qua-     if the equipment is designed according to          the water filters.                                       INTERVIEW WITH LUKAS PLATZ (DIRECTOR GROUP MANUFACTURING
lity control sensors that inspect the pro-      consistent standards.                                                                                       GROUP TECHNOLOGY & OPERATIONS AT BRITA GMBH)
cesses and parameters for each individual            As a result, it is much easier to integrate   and cost effective? Whoever understands
cartridge and monitor the primary and se-       and adjust the various technologies in an          the country specific procedures has a clear              How was your experience of the coope-           more important to BRITA than the con-           ferent vendors. Both companies can be
condary packaging as well as the palettes.      automated process. The only third party            advantage, emphasized Stefan Bauer. The-                 ration with Optima in the realization           tract. Although a contract is necessary.        proud of the result.
     The quality requirements also have an      equipment, the flow wrapping machine               re are several departments at Optima that                phase of the project?                           Both companies have known each other
impact on the machine’s construction ma-        and the autoclave, were integrated under           are experts on this subject.                             Our cooperation was characterized by            for a long time. We know how to treat           Functional scopes in this magnitude and
terials. Product contact parts and materi-      Optima’s direction into the process. Last              Technical qualified support is impor-                mutual trust, respect for the task and a        each other, what we have to pay attention       variety in one line are still the exception
als that are in contact with the filter media   but not least, the uniform logic of the HMIs       tant for the successful operation of such a              common goal. The level of the line quality      to and how to manage the ups and downs          today. As far as you are able to answer:
require materials that are already certified    is easier to understand for the Brita opera-       complex line. A local subsidiary and quali-              and maintaining schedule were the cons-         that are normal in each project.                Would you go for a fully automatic sys-
to be used in the machine building pro-         tors than if it would be different HMIs that       fied employees on both sides in China are                tant focus.                                     It is too early for long-term proficiencies     tem again?
cess. Asia has similar legal regulations as     are all structured differently.                    imperative to success. Optima has had its                                                                but what are first experiences with the         Now more than ever :-). The internal over-
Europe or the U.S.A.                                 The selection of the non-Optima com-          own subsidiary in China since 2012, but                  What were the decision criteria to give         line since the SAT and thereafter?              head is less. We were able to test the entire
                                                ponents, also showed the close coope-              the market was served by Optima before                   the order to Optima?                            I am sure that we would not have been           line before shipping and saved both com-
CENTRAL RESPONSIBILITY: OPTIMA                  ration with Brita. The company had good            that. The employees from both companies                  Trust in the Optima management, es-             able to realize the timeline nor the pro-       panies an expensive and lengthy start-up
    The first advantage for the customer        experiences with the manufacturer of the           were involved early on in the project. Chi-              pecially into Rainer Feuchter who I have        duction readiness if we would have indi-        in China.
in a turnkey project is to have a central       autoclave and the flow wrapping machine            nese employees from Brita and Optima                     known for almost 20 years. His word was         vidually ordered the machines from dif-

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IN USE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  IN USE


                                                                                                                      OPTIMA CFL20 | Dosing module                                   OPTIMA CBF | Carton transfer

                                                                                                                      OPTIMA CFL20 |
     OPTIMA TFL | Mesh rolls                                                        OPTIMA CFL20 | Container hopper                                                                   OPTIMA CBF | Carton loading                            OPTIMA CPF2 | Carton feed hopper
                                                                                                                      Lid presence monitoring

PRE-FABRICATION OF THE                                                 FILLING, MANUFACTURING AND                                                                                           SALES (CARTONED) PACKAGE,
CARTRIDGE COMPONENTS                                               PACKAGING LINE FOR FILTER CARTRIDGES                                                                                    CASE PACKING AND PALLETIZING

     OPTIMA                          OPTIMA                       OPTIMA                        Autoclave                    Flow-wrapping             OPTIMA                       OPTIMA                             OPTIMA                       OPTIMA
     TFL                             CFL20                        Tray Stacker                                               machine                   CBF                          CPF1                               CPF2                         P300

cutting and sealing of            cartridge components         a gantry system loads         performs the sterilization   packages the sterile and   the cartoning machine       the sales packages are             With a bypass of the         palletizer with three
metal screen/mesh into            are fed into the machine     the filter cartridges onto    of the filter cartridges.    individual filter cart-    erects the carton bottom    multi packed in a large            OPTIMA CBF cartoning         pallet positions. The
cartridge lids.                   in multiple lanes, the       a tray and the loaded         Automatic infeed and         ridges in bags.            and lid from pre-cut        carton and labeled.                machine, the cartridges      transport packages/
                                  dosing system fills gra-     trays are stacked. The        transport to the flow-                                  carton material. Flow-                                         packaged in film are         cartons from both case
                                  nulated activated carbon     filter cartridges are         wrapping machine.                                       wrapped filter cartridges                                      transported to the           packers are palletized in
                                  into the cartridges. The     unloaded from the tray                                                                are placed by a pick                                           case packer 2. The case      a parallel pattern.
                                  lid is fed into the machi-   after sterilization. The                                                              and place system into a                                        packer 2 places the          All modules are equip-
                                  ne and sealed onto the       empty trays are stacked                                                               carton. The lid is placed                                      individual cartridges into   ped with a quality
                                  filled cartridges.           and returned to be loa-                                                               on the carton and closed                                       a carton. The cartons are    process control system.
                                                               ded again.                                                                            with hot adhesive. The                                         labeled.                     The automated line is
                                                                                                                                                     ready-to-go carton pa-                                                                      adjusted and controlled
                                                                                                                                                     ckages (seven formats:                                                                      with OPAL using batch
                                                                                                                                                     1 to 15 cartridges) pass                                                                    specific production data.
                                                                                                                                                     a check-weigher and                                                                         The OEE analysis is also
                                                                                                                                                     coding station.                                                                             completed by OPAL.

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IN USE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 IN USE


A new stacker type from Optima promises added
scope in production without compromising
on processing speed. The special feature: a
manufacturer of incontinence products can switch
the process to carton packaging or bag packaging
at the touch of a button. In addition, with this new
product, Optima has significantly increased the
processing stability of the stacker and the cartoning

                                                                                               Now for the first time, paper hygiene products can                                                                                                Carton and foil packaging; the new line can handle both.
                                                                                               be packaged both in plastic bags and in cartons. The
                                                                                               central innovation on the new line is a new type of

     One product – countless packaging         packs for care facilities are a further vari-   of increased output. Today’s system pro-               system within the stacker. The larger this    an expanded product format range. To           shed into the carton. This also increases
 types and sizes: a common practice with       ant for which there is growing demand.          cesses 80 cycles per minute, an increase               buffer is, the higher the output.             achieve this, for the first time, O­ ptima     tolerances for the product dimensions
 today’s paper hygiene products. Incon-        Last but not least, marketing campaigns         of around 250 percent compared to the                      The stacker itself is equipped with two   Nonwovens has integrated a height              that can be processed. Incontinence pro-
 tinence products for men are a relatively     further increase the range of variants.         previous performance.                                  discharges positioned diagonally. They        adjustment in the bridging conveyor            ducts, in particular, vary greatly in thick-
 new market segment. But here, too, there          On the other side, there is the manu-           That kind of increase is not possible              mark the transition points to an OPTIMA       between the stacker and cartoner. The          ness, with a maximum product thickness
 is already great variety. Ideally, a system   facturing and packaging process that has        simply by adjusting a few set screws. One              OS2 packaging machine for plastic bags        correct lateral guide can now be quickly       of 14 mm, tolerances of plus/minus 4 mm
 should be capable of packaging large and      to map this diversity. Together with the        challenge of the new design is that on one             or to an OPTIMA CM 180/10 cartoner. The       set up for each product size. In this way,     are now possible with the new system.
 small packs and almost every size in bet-     multi-stage packaging process, the con-         side of the stacker, the incontinence pro-             advantage of this diagonal constellati-       incontinence products with the current         This further increases processing stability.
 ween. And of course, a system needs to        verter forms an integrated line with high       ducts flow in a continuous stream from                 on is that it ensures the ‘right’ direction   product dimensions (additional formats             Process reliability has also been clear-
 master a wide range of product variants,      output. How is it possible to implement         the converter into the paddle chain. On                of processing in each case. The bagger        will be added in the future) are transpor-     ly increased during cartoning. To do this,
 which are equivalent to product formats.      this wide range of requirements into            the opposite side of the stacker, the padd-            receives the products in a linear fashion.    ted onward with high reliability into the      the Optima developers have decoupled
     When it comes to packaging sizes, the     highly flexible processes without a loss of     le chain with the product stack (count)                In contrast, the products are pushed late-    next process station.                          the process. The carton blanks are ext-
 paper hygiene product manufacturers’          performance?                                    needs to be stopped briefly for transfer               rally onto the cartoner, which docks on at        The stacker is equipped with another       racted, then spread, erected and inserted
 marketing experts know exactly whether                                                        and transport into the packaging process.              a 90-degree angle. This makes an additi-      new feature at the transition point in the     into the transport system. Previously, this
 consumers prefer to buy products in car-      (R)EVOLUTION                                    The challenge is that there is continuous              onal change in direction at this point su-    cartoning process; a second compression        was virtually one continuous procedure.
 tons or plastic bags and precisely how the        An initial user already employed a          movement on one side of the stacker                    perfluous.                                    station has been added after the initial       This, however, meant that minor devia-
 products should be aligned inside the pa-     previous version of the new stacker, it also    and brief stopping of the paddle chain                                                               pre-compression process. The second            tions from the defined parameters trig-
 ckaging. The color of the sales packaging     allowed packaging both in cartons and           on the other side to allow discharging of              PROCESSING STABILITY TIMES THREE              compression process takes place at the         gered errors. The clear separation of this
 is also immensely important in the case       bags. But the new project represents a          the count. This is achieved with the help                  The customer also profits from greatly    end of the bridging conveyor which is          sequence has slightly increased the di-
 of incontinence products for men. Bulk        major step forward, especially in the form      of a new, improved intermediate storage                increased processing stability and from       shortly before the product stack is pu-        mensions of the cartoner, but the process

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                                                                                                                                                                          ON PROCESS
                                                                                                                                                                      This has been increased significantly.

Insertion into the paddle chain is identical to other stacker                          In the cartoning section, too, Optima has now integrated
versions.                                                                              a second compression stage.

is now e ­ xtremely robust. Although there                      stacker picks up the products in its paddle         back again with little time required. The
is no long-term experience to fall back on,                     chain and positions them as ‘counts’ rea-           manufacturer of paper hygiene products
the paper hygiene product manufacturer                          dy for discharge. These pre-compressed              makes use of changeover times on the
is currently in the process of conducting                       product stacks exit the machine toward              bagger or cartoner, for example in order to
Product Acceptance Tests (PAT) and the                          the cartoner or bagger, where additional            configure different product or packaging
possibility of retrofitting existing lines                      compression is performed. Then the actu-            formats, for manual packaging.
with these new, improved features is al-                        al packaging of the products takes place,                In summary, the user benefits from the
ready being discussed. The new systems                          according to the respective principle. Fi-          very high process stability and, with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Carton and film packaging types:
are convincing from start to finish, which                      nally, the two lines converge in a case pa-         new stacker type, greatly increased flexi-                                      the new system can pack both.
is confirmed by the error-free PATs.                            cker. (A second case packer would not be            bility. The flexibility to react quickly to the
                                                                cost-efficient).                                    current market, customer or marketing re-
INTERLINKING: AN OVERVIEW OF THE                                     Here, the paper hygiene product                quirements, but also the flexibility within
PROCESS                                                         manufacturer profited from the close
                                                                ­                                                   the company that comes from the opti-
    Today, the converter and the pa-                            ­collaboration between the three suppliers          mum deployment of personnel and ma-
ckaging process are closely linked. After                        involved. The interfaces between conver-           chines without periods of inactivity. And
leaving the converter, the incontinence                         ter, packaging machines and case packer             last but not least, the new stacker does
products travel first into an Optima quali-                     were coordinated without problems. And              away with the need for a (conventional)
ty gate with a flipper. The converter has no                    if any problems should occur, the quali-            complete line (plus operating personnel)
separate reject after the folding functions,                    ty gate offers the user a further advan-            that could package products only in car-
but it does contain monitoring functions                        tage. All product parameters, that could            tons or only in plastic bags.
where signals are sent to the quality gate.                     have negative effects on the process, are                Finally, the new stacker is always an
This allows a rejected product to be di-                        precisely documented. This means that
                                                                ­                                                   interesting option when you want to in-
scharged independent of the process and                         sources of error can be pinpointed or               crease capacities but it is not possible to
manufacturer.                                                   ruled out.                                          clearly assess future market potential.
    The quality gate itself checks the di-                                                                          The stacker’s second discharge, whether
mensions of the products, which also                            WHAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE?                             for packaging in cartons or plastic bags,
allows conclusions to be drawn with re-                            On the new stacker, the changeover               does not have to be used right away, if
gards to correct folding and quality. In ad-                    between packaging in cartons or plastic             the potential for a second packaging me-
dition, the required spacing is monitored,                      bags is virtually seamless. Processing swit-        thod materializes, the financial threshold
without slowing the process down. The                           ches from one direction to the other and            is considerably lower. 

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Labeling unit for three-sided labels

Motor and gear oil flows smoothly into containers
ranging from one to twenty-five liters at Addinol.
Beginning in August 2016, Addinol’s new Optima
line handles this application while working
seamlessly with the existing integrated packaging
line. This combination solution provides maximum
flexibility for handling a complete range of new
containers and closures, providing more flexibility.

    Even at an automotive and industrial       visit to the Optima booth during a trade      This, paired with OPTIMA’s intelligent ma-    name: “project crab”. The existing con-                                                                     placed on the container and screwed-on.
lubrication manufacturer, not everything       show uncovered the opportunity to com-        chine design, was able to give Mr. Minke      veyors were modified to fit the dual-lane                                                                   During the closing process the containers
runs smoothly. A little over two years ago     bine two filling machines (one existing       the comfort and confidence to place the       upgrade. Bottles are loaded by layers onto                                                                  are continuously transported. The advan-
Addinol wanted to increase their product       and one new) in a dual-lane solution that     order with Optima.                            a buffer table where they are manually                                                                      tages: first, this prevents spillage from in-
and format range. The existing machine         supplies a single capping machine in dual-                                                  pushed onto the main transport conveyor                                                                     termittent transporting of the bottles and,
delivered in 2006, with a capacity from        lane execution. Effectively doubling the         WELL TESTED                                by the operators who are supported by a                                                                     secondly, the machine reaches an output
0.6 to 5 liters, was becoming fully utilized   line’s capacity and expanding the contai-         The final layout of the two lines that    lifting device.                                                                                             of up to 2,000 containers per hour with
and limited in the ability to handle new       ner range that can be processed.              meet at the double-laned closing machi-            The first addition to the new part of the                                                              one liter containers (both lines reach an
formats. These two issues pointed Addi-            Optima was also selected as the ven-      ne was created in close cooperation with      line is the OPTIMA SHF-4 filling machine                                                                    output up to 4,000 containers per hour).
nol executives toward a new investment.        dor of the first filling machine that would   Optima. Only the existing starwheel clo-      that accurately fills various oils with a ro-                                                               The output for 20 liter containers is 200
                                                                                                                                                                                            Siegmar Minke (Addinol) reported about challenges
The only problem: Where to place a new         be used as part of this project. However,     sing machine had to be eliminated for the     tary piston pump system and delivers reli-       but also of solutions, for example the restricted space.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       containers per hour (new part of the line).
machine?                                       Siegmar Minke (Head of Purchasing, Pro-       new concept. The project engineers were       able results. During the transport through                                                                      A labeler with three label dispensing
    Floor space is extremely limited in        duction and Logistics at Addinol) still       able to find the perfect solution to fit in   the filling machine a drip tray indexes un-                                                                 stations follows. An additional label will
Addinol’s manufacturing hall and a buil-       wanted to get a market overview and in-       the existing space while maintaining easy     der the filling nozzles to catch any drop of     a dual-lane design built as a single frame                 be placed on the rear of the large 20-liter
ding expansion was not an option. In or-       vestigate solutions from other possible       access to the machine.                        product that may hang from the closable          capping machine capable of processing                      containers to give the container an ap-
der to move ahead with the project the         vendors. Eventually he gravitated toward          From above the line has the outline       nozzle ends and prevents contamination           containers ranging from one to 25-liter                    pealing design. A checkweigher controls
new system had to fit into the existing        the proven solution. “We know what is         of a “crab” where each “claw” indicates the   of the machine.                                  containers. The closures are sorted and                    the contents and ensures that any under-
space. The team’s initial thought was to       possible, especially in the service area.     placement location for the containers.             The second step in the process is a li-     transferred from two separate cap un-                      weight containers will be rejected. The last
simply replace the existing machine. A         This was the deciding factor”, he reports.    This outline gave the project its internal    near closing machine. The OPTIMA KVG is          scrambling hoppers with elevators then                     station is a group of inkjet p  ­ rinters that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The new and old system sections are merged
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              in the twin-track lid fitting unit.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          One Line – many formats:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the ­Optima line gives
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ­Addinol free reign for­
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the fill volume

print ­specific information such as batch                                                   while the existing line remained in pro-      technology was integrated by Optima
numbers, day/lot codes, etc. Finally, the                                                   duction. First the existing line was disas-   and a third-party provider. The process
containers are transported to the final pa-                                                 sembled and relocated to its new location     prevents transfer errors, for example,
ckaging station equipped with a robot.                                                      and re-started to produce product in a        transposed numbers and also accelerates
                                                                                            transitional mode. Next, the new line was     the input process compared to the past
MACHINE DESIGN WITHOUT                                                                      installed and the “old” machine was then      manual versions. One scan, one push of a
PACKAGING MATERIAL                                                                          integrated into the new concept. The pro-     button, followed by a beep and the data is
    A special project challenge was that                                                    duction interruption was scheduled for a      transferred to all applicable components.
                                              Parallel lid fitting
Addinol was in the process of a compo-                                                      maximum of six days.                               What is the feedback from the custo-
nent redesign effort during the purchase      fine adjustments took place much later                                                      mer in regards to flexibility? “We achieved
of the machine, including the 1 liter clo-    than usual and several adjustments and        GLADLY TURNKEY                                the objective we had in mind. If needed,
sure that was especially designed for Ad-     optimizations were made during instal-            Addinol wanted a continuous, reliab-      we can add formats between 0.5 liter and
dinol. This meant that Optima had to de-      lation. However, after the startup process    le solution from one supplier who would       25 liter fill volume at a later date. Today
sign and build the machine with very few      was completed the operators are now           plan and implement the new line from          we are able to run different formats on
containers, closures or labels. Production    very happy with the machine, says the         A to Z with all its functions. At the same    the line. This means different fill volumes
samples were first made available for the     purchasing manager.                           time, proven components such as printers      and the new and the “old” containers
machine’s internal check-out (just before         The installation at the customer’s site   from a specified supplier had to be incor-    can be run on the machine. If we have a
FAT). “This was very challenging for both     was another challenge for the turnkey         porated.                                      new ­container design we definitely will
sides and created enormous pressure for       vendor: “We executed the entire project           Another highlight of the line was the     be more flexible and faster to implement
us”, said Siegmar Minke when reflecting       live”, remembers Siegmar Minke. This me-      wireless data transfer to the four printers   it.” Conclusion: The “crab” is ready for the
on the project challenges. Therefore, the     ant the installation had to be completed      for the containers and carton labels. This    ­future.                                      The filling machine for the new system section

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Packaging systems are expensive and extremely complex. The
goal of new systems is to deliver new products to the market
as quickly as possible. This goal is frequently not achieved
due to a lack of qualification and expertise on the part of the
customer. The training of operating personnel in the “start
phase” is an important part of Optima’s Total Care program.
The Optima Consumer service department has developed
various strategies to provide the best possible support during
this process with things such as an “embedded engineer”
who supports the customer over an extended period of time.
Another alternative is the new Train the Trainer concept: The
user’s project lead receives optimal training from Optima’s
project lead.                                                                                      Michael Weber, Service Director of Optima Consumer,                                                                                                          Isabell Majanguissa, developer of the Train the Trainer
                                                                                                   aims to maintain system efficiency at a high level in the                                                                                                          concept, explains to the customer’s future system
                                                                                                   future using the Train the Trainer concept: “To ensure                                                                                                          ­operator how the Optima installer will support him
                                                                                                   this, the customer must select his best man for training.”                                                                                                                                    over the days to come.

       The system has been installed and           MAINTAINING EFFICIENCY AT THE ORIGI-            know every detail of every system. Weber                     has at least one talented employee on          FACE-TO-FACE TRAINING PRODUCES                  operator’s expert can use them to pass on
a­ ccepted, it was put into operation and          NAL HIGH LEVEL - NOT AN EASY TASK               has a pragmatic solution: “We send the                       his team with a particular expertise,“ said    TARGETED TRAINING MATERIALS                     his expertise in the future. Weber pointed
 well tested, with the help of the ­Optima             System efficiency deteriorates over         ­installer, who knows the system best, out                   Weber. In the event of future productivity         Of course, operating manuals and            out the opportunities this presented: “For
 Consumer installers, and all machine              time. Everything can be running perfectly        to the customer.” Armed with this in-depth                  losses, this employee could “turn the right    training documents for individual sys-          some customers, we make these training
 ­operators are familiar with the system. In       but in just a few weeks, or even days, later,    knowledge of the specific system, the in-                   screws” and teach other system operators.      tem components already exist before this        documents and explanatory videos availa-
  short: The new system from Optima Con-           problems can arise. When this happens,           staller provides support during commis-                     This would ensure that there are no further    face-to-face training takes place. “Never-      ble online through the server. In addition,
  sumer is running with high output and the        the skilled Optima installer is deployed         sioning – and in many cases, whenever                       deficits caused by incorrect operation. This   theless,“ explained Isabell Majanguissa, “it    this database, also referred to as a “UIL“
  customer is completely satisfied.                to set things right. “There has to be a bet-     ­service is required in the future.                         Train the Trainer concept works – on one       is far more productive if all explanatory       (User Information Library) can be used in
       A few weeks later a phone call is           ter solution,“ said the Optima Consumer                                                                      condition: the customer, too, must assign      sketches and teaching videos are created        the future for the transfer of knowledge
  ­received from the customer, who is already      service team, and they asked themselves         STANDARD TRAINING COURSES ARE NOT                            his best man to this task.                     during the training process itself.“ This en-   between Optima and the customer. We
   somewhat annoyed. System production is          the question: “What can our installer do        ENOUGH                                                           If this condition is met, the Train the    sures that with the training documents,         add supplementary documents to the
   now falling far short of expectations and       that the customer can’t? Why is it that the          “Classroom’ seminars, no matter how                     Trainer program begins. The best-qualified     the system expert receives the precise          database as additional documents and
   the operators seem out of their depth. No       customer’s operating personnel, who have        didactically perfect, and despite the                        Optima installer passes on his expertise       support he or she personally requires. In       films are created.”
   problem, the people at Optima Consumer          been trained on the system, are unable to       support of technology such as virtual
                                                                                                   ­                                                            to the customer’s future system expert.        Majanguissa’s opinion, it is important that         And of course, the operator’s expert
   say, and they send one of their installers to   maintain its efficiency at a high level?”       ­reality, may be of great value, but they                    This takes place directly on the system, for   the Optima installer and the customer’s         can consult the former trainer if a problem
   the customer. A few hours later, the system         And Optima Consumer found answers.           are not enough. “The training concept of                    example during the run-in process. Expe-       employee would be able to talk face to          occurs that he or she cannot solve on their
   is running perfectly again. The operators       “In the Consumer sector, no two machines         Optima Consumer focuses on practical                        rience shows that one week of extremely        face. This ensures a quick and smooth           own. Often, it will not even be necessary
   now know where the problem was and              or systems are alike,” stated Michael Weber,     training,” emphasized Isabell Majanguissa,                  intensive instruction is required to exp-      transfer of knowledge.                          for the trainer to travel to the customer’s
   feel competent to handle any difficulties.      Service Director at Optima Consumer. He          who, as a training expert, is responsible for               lain all of the machines and functions, put        As a follow-up, the documents crea-         premises. The former teacher and student
   Everything is under control.                    said that even his own team would have           the ­training methodology.                                  them through their paces and answer all        ted during the Train the Trainer course are     have become a well-oiled team and ­master
                                                   difficulties if everyone was expected to             “Every customer, in our experience,                     questions.                                     processed in such a way that the system         any new challenge with ease. 

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