Page created by Ruby Frazier
Consulting Actuaries

Volume 5 | Spring 2021

OVERCOMING SPEED BUMPS                                    IN THIS ISSUE
Editor's words: Welcome to the Spring 2021 edition of     Executive Corner
our Prophet modeling newsletter. Modern regulatory        Optimizing Prophet: Balancing
                                                          Model Accuracy, Speed,
and internal reporting requirements place ever-
                                                          And Cost
growing demands on actuarial models. This edition
outlines tools to improve Prophet model runtime           In the Spotlight
and efficiency. You will find useful tips and tricks on   Liability In-Force Compression
Prophet diagnostics and queries along with a feature      In Prophet

on exciting developments in the US360 EMOs.               Tips & Tricks
We hope you enjoy the newsletter.
                                                          What's New in Prophet
                                                          2021 US 360
                                                          EMO Reorganization
Profiting From Prophet

Executive corner

Recent accounting and regulatory regime changes have resulted in increasingly complex reserving
requirements, often involving calculation-intensive stochastic projections. This has pressured companies to find
ways to balance actuarial model accuracy, speed, and cost.

This article outlines four considerations for improving Prophet model runtime and efficiency, viewed across the
dimensions of accuracy, speed, and cost.

Consideration                                  Purpose

Model scalability testing                      Identify the most efficient model setup and runtime environment to
                                               maximize model speed

Infrastructure planning                        Optimize a self-hosted Prophet environment or Prophet Managed Cloud
                                               Service ("PMCS") structure to ensure timely results while managing costs

Model streamlining                             Identify model design components that can increase speed without
                                               sacrificing model accuracy

Ongoing system improvements                    Identify the optimal cadence for inclusion and implementation of Prophet
                                               system improvements

Purpose: Identify the most efficient model setup and runtime environment to maximize
model speed

Model scalability testing helps identify the most           multiple processors. However, users will experience
efficient model setup and grid core usage. Optimizing       diminishing returns as the number of cores increases;
runtime allows actuaries and management to                  that is, the effort required for the system to distribute
spend more time analyzing and understanding                 data and consolidate results can eventually outweigh
results.Prophet runtime is typically scalable up to         the marginal gain of adding an additional core.
a point; products, scenarios, run numbers, and
even model point batches can be distributed across

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                            2
Profiting From Prophet

The exhibit below provides a hypothetical example           model scalability testing is complete, an infrastructure
of a range of core and runtime pairings. Model speed        plan can be developed to optimize grid capacity and
is optimized at the lowest point on the curve. Once         avoid bottlenecks.

Exhibit 1: Run Scalability Testing
 Higher Runtime
Runtime (Hours)

                                                       Maximum cores
                                                       leverage point

                                                                                          Higher Cores
                                     Number Of Cores

Source: Oliver Wyman analysis

Purpose: Optimize a self-hosted Prophet environment or Prophet Managed Cloud Service
structure to ensure timely results while managing costs

Optimizing Prophet structure and capacity is as             These services can be scheduled in advance during
important as optimizing model setup to manage               capacity planning or utilized dynamically via PMCS
runtime and costs; otherwise, there exists potential        elastic computing options. Multiple options are
for grid bottleneck and interruptions. Prophet allows       available in PMCS, allowing users to customize to their
the use of cloud services when additional temporary         cost, access, and speed needs. Below are certain key
grid capacity is needed.                                    considerations in designing a grid infrastructure.

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                     3
Profiting From Prophet

Consideration                                      Impact

Machine groups and priority options                Minimize delays in the production of model results due to low priority
Assign processing priority across business units   runs consuming grid capacity

Number of concurrent grid users                    Prevent bottlenecks due to insufficient grid capacity to meet the
Determine the maximum required capacity            requirements of different user groups
based on frequency of simultaneous model runs

Number of jobs and aggregate total runtime         Avoid cost of maintaining excess grid capacity during off-peak times
at peak-time                                       while ensuring sufficient capacity during peak-times
Determining grid capacity requirements during
peak versus off-peak times

Expected workspace, assumptions, and model         Balance speed of results retrieval with storage costs
output storage requirements
Determine whether results will be stored locally
or in a cloud environment
Allocation of computer resources required by       Reduce computing costs by only using PMCS when required
Prophet Enterprise (PE) Domain, Push to PE
Domains, and Prophet Professional users
Identify processes that can be performed in
local environments

In addition to the above considerations, companies should identify whether technical specifications of their
infrastructure satisfy cost and performance requirements. The specifications of compute and supporting
servers collectively contribute to performance of the Prophet ecosystem.

Purpose: Identify model design components that can increase speed without sacrificing
model accuracy

Prophet offers solutions to reduce runtime without              • Calibration and testing are required to
requiring model changes, including in-force                         identify the optimal balance of accuracy and
                                                                    speed improvements.
compression, variable targeting, and dynamic
period specification.                                           • Variable targeting allows the user to specify a
                                                                    subset of variables for calculation within a model
• In-force compression performed through the                        structure. Prophet will calculate only those
    Prophet Data Conversion System (DCS) allows                     variables in the subset, increasing model speed
    model points to be grouped together according                   without impacting accuracy.
    to similar features. These features can be selected
    by the user to balance compression ratios with
    accuracy of key results/metrics.
• Dynamic period specification allows for the
    specification of the frequency at which Prophet will
    dynamically recalculate model outputs. Frequency
    options range from annual to monthly.

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                              4
Profiting From Prophet

Optimizing models with respect to structure and run settings will ensure that Prophet is not performing
unnecessary computing tasks. E.g., compiling Prophet code when not required, logging diagnostic details that
are not being used, etc.

Purpose: Identify the optimal cadence for inclusion and implementation of Prophet
system improvements

There are frequent Prophet functionality and            user acceptance testing, and execute governance
architecture improvements that may affect accuracy,     controls should be weighed when evaluating a system
speed, or cost. While it is expected that these         improvement. Additionally, improvements to model
improvements will be generally beneficial, the impact   accuracy may lead to more complex or more frequent
on model speed and implementation costs of any          calculations, potentially increasing runtime. The
potential updates should be considered.The resources    tradeoff between accuracy and speed should always
required to implement model updates, perform            be considered before implementing improvements.

A smart way to accelerate model runs

Liability in-force compression can shorten model        k-means and hierarchical agglomerative clustering.
runtime by reducing the number of model points. In      Section 2 outlines how to implement model point file
this article, we will dive into advanced compression    compression in Prophet software, specifically DCS
approaches, specifically clustering algorithms,         and Prophet Professional ("PP"). Section 3 illustrates
and outline how compression can be implemented          runtime savings achieved in a Prophet model under
effectively in Prophet.                                 different levels of policy data compression. Definitions
                                                        of certain technical terms are provided; these terms
Section 1 provides an overview of cluster analysis      are bolded the first time they are used.
and describes two common clustering algorithms:

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                   5
Profiting From Prophet

Compression is a type of cluster analysis that groups data points into clusters based on sets of similar
characteristics. Clusters can be defined as groups of data points with short distances among members or as
dense areas in the data space. While clustering algorithms differ in the methodology used to combine data
points, all share common properties:

• Clustering is accomplished by setting specific              • The chosen clustering algorithm then iteratively
    characteristics of data points as location variables         groups data points to optimize a defined
                                                                 objective function

Exhibit 2: Plot Of Data Points Based On Two Location Variables

Location Variable 2

                                        Location Variable 1

Source: Oliver Wyman analysis

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                     6
Profiting From Prophet

Clustering Algorithms
Two of the most common clustering algorithms are k-means and hierarchical agglomerative clustering,
which are illustrated below in Exhibits 3 and 4.

Exhibit 3: K-Means Clustering Algorithm

Step 1                   Randomly select k data points as centroids, where k represents the
                         desired number of clusters

Step 2                   Assign every data point to its nearest centroid

Step 3                   Redetermine the centroid of each cluster based on available data
                         points in the cluster

Step 4                   Repeat steps 2 and 3 until clusters reach their target state, which is
                         when additional iterations have no impact on the cluster selection

Source: Oliver Wyman analysis

A k-means clustering algorithm is simple to define and illustrate. It partitions the data into a well-distributed set
of clusters when k is relatively small. However, this technique can be sensitive to outliers and the random initial
assignment of the k data points.

Exhibit 4: Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm

Step 1                   Treat every data point as an individual cluster. Calculate the distance between
                         each cluster

Step 2                   Merge the closest pair of clusters

Step 3                   Repeat step 2 until the target clustering level is reached

Step 4                   The result is a set of clusters meeting the target clustering level

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                        7
Profiting From Prophet

Centroid: The arithmetic mean position of a given Distortion: Alteration of the original characteristics of the data. In
set of data points                                Prophet, it is the difference in measure variable between the full
                                                  seriatim and grouped model points. As a clustering algorithm is
                                                  applied, distortion is inherently introduced into the data model

Children: Member policies of a cluster that are not Grouping factor: A factor used to scale the measure of the parent to
the parent                                          be equal to the sum of the measures of the children when running a
                                                    compressed data model

Cluster analysis: Data analysis technique that       Location variables: Location variables reflect policy characteristics or
groups data points into clusters                     risk drivers of the underlying policies in the clustering algorithm

Compression: Type of cluster analysis technique      Measure: A metric an actuary attempts to control, or preserve, between
that compresses large sets of data points into       the full seriatim and compressed data models (e.g., total reserves)
more compact sets

Compression ratio: Number of data points (e.g.        Parent: The representative policy of the cluster. Location variables of
in-force model points) after compression relative this policy are used to represent the cluster as a whole
to the original number of data points (e.g., in-force
seriatim records)

Distance: The Euclidian distance between two         Weight: Importance assigned to each location variable used to
data points in terms of their location variables     determine the measure metric

Key Considerations
Careful consideration is required when choosing                  For an extreme example, consider the loss of
location variables. The performance of a Prophet                 accuracy when attempting to group all in-force
model utilizing compressed data depends on how well              insurance policies into a single model point. Thus,
location variables represent the underlying policies.            the compression process should involve a tuning
For example, for a valuation model, one should                   phase specific to the intended application. This
choose location variables that drive reserve levels.             phase involves selecting location variables and
If policies are not well represented by the location             their respective weights based on trial runs and
variables, the degree of distortion can be significant           may require several iterations to achieve adequate
even with minimal compression.                                   calibration. However, once a satisfactory compression
                                                                 model is established, significant efficiency can be
Furthermore, once a compression process continues                achieved without material loss of fidelity in results.
beyond compression ratios supported by the
underlying data and attempts to cluster policies that
differ more significantly, the level of distortion will
increase. This is called “over-clustering”.

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                                  8
Profiting From Prophet


Model point file (“MPF”) compression can be performed using either DCS or Prophet Professional. Exhibit 5
outlines key steps involved in compressing in-force data.

Exhibit 5: Compressing In-Force Data In DCS/Prophet Professional

                      Step 1                                                                Step 2
     Set up compression rules and parameters                                         Execute compression

    Seriatim                            DCS/PP                             DCS/PP                          Grouped
      data                             Grouping                           Grouping                           MPF
                                        set-up                              run

                                                          Step 3
                                                  Compare model results

Source: Oliver Wyman analysis


DCS has standard functionality to create grouped MPFs, which can be appended to an existing seriatim MPF
creation DCS program or designed as a standalone DCS program. Relevant DCS user interface sections are
outlined below.

Exhibit 6: DCS Grouping Sections

   Seriatim                              DCS                                DCS                            Grouped
     data                              Grouping                           Grouping                           MPF
                                        set-up                              run

    Run Settings         Code Editor      Output Format            Grouping

Source: Oliver Wyman analysis

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                       9
Profiting From Prophet

   Run Settings                                          Exhibit 7: Age Grouping Code
The Run Settings tab contains a switch to enable
grouping. Optionality exists, such as defining a
minimum number of policies in each grouped
model point.

   Code Editor
The Code Editor allows flexibility in creating and
modifying variables for grouping. DCS provides
flexibility to support clustering algorithms,
such as those detailed in Section 1, and other
grouping approaches.

   Output Format
Grouping variables are selected by
checking the “Sort/Group” checkbox.

For a simple grouping example, whereby AGE_
AT_ENTRY is grouped into 10-year age bands, the
                                                         Source: Oliver Wyman analysis
following snippet of code can be used:

The new variable AGE_GRP would be included in the MPF as a grouping variable and used temporarily; after
executing the grouping, AGE_GRP and similar variables can be removed via DCS.

Exhibit 8: DCS Output Format

Source: Oliver Wyman analysis

The Grouping tab is used to specify grouping calculation type, weighting variables, and decimals for each
output variable. For each variable, DCS uses one of three calculation types when grouping:

• Average                                                • Sumlog (sums the exponential of each value and
• Sum                                                        then takes the natural log of the sum)

Up to two weighting variables can be specified. The following example calculates AGE_AT_ENTRY
using an average weighted on the variable TOTAL_ACCVAL.

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                              10
Profiting From Prophet

Exhibit 9: DCS Grouping Calculations

Source: Oliver Wyman analysis

  Prophet Professional
Prophet Professional also has grouping functionality, as defined via three main components.

Exhibit 10: Prophet Professional Grouping Sections

   Seriatim                        PP                       PP
                                Grouping                 Grouping                   Grouped
     data                                                                             MPF
                                 set-up                    run

Grouping         Grouping       Grouping
Rules            Calculations   Run Settings

Source: Oliver Wyman analysis

   Grouping Rules
Grouping rules are set at a library level and can be          • For “fixed type”, the size of each range, starting
applied to each product within that library, with up to             point, and ending point can be specified, along
five pairs of grouping rules and grouping calculations              with treatment of values outside of the range
specified for each product.                                   • For “variable type”, the modeler can specify
                                                                    specific end points for each range
Grouping rules specify variables by which to group
policy data, limited to integer-type variables. “Type”        A Prophet Professional example of a grouping rule
can be “fixed” or “variable”, which determines how            using “fixed type” to group AGE_AT_ENTRY in 10-year
grouping ranges are set:                                      bands is shown in below

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                        11
Profiting From Prophet

Exhibit 11: Age Grouping Rule

Source: Oliver Wyman analysis

   Grouping Calculations
Grouping calculations govern rules to be applied to              five calculation types for non-text variables, as
each output variable. Prophet Professional allows for            summarized in Exhibit 12.

Exhibit 12: Prophet Professional Calculation Types

Calculation type         Description                             Example
Average                  Average value in the grouped model      AGE_AT_ENTRY averaged over model points
                         point. Up to two variables can be
                         selected to apply weighting
Count                    Number of model points in the grouped   NO_POLS_IF set to count of model points
                         model point

Fixed                    Fixed value is specified                SPCODE set to fixed value of 1

Range                    Fixed value assigned to each range      AGE_AT_ENTRY set to midpoint of each 10-year age band
                         Must be a grouping variable

Sum                      Sum of values in the grouped model      TOT_VOLUME summed over model points
                         point. Up to two variables can be
                         selected to apply weighting

Source: Oliver Wyman analysis

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                           12
Profiting From Prophet

Exhibit 13: Age Grouping Calculation

Source: Oliver Wyman analysis

   Grouping Run Settings
A Grouping Run Setting must be created to         Setting include the location and formatting of
execute grouping rules and calculations for a     the input MPFs, desired output file format and
product. Grouping Run Settings are executed as    location, and which model point groupings are to
an independent run from typical Calculation Run   be run, as shown below.
Settings. Parameters set in the Grouping Run

Exhibit 14: Grouping Run Setting

Source: Oliver Wyman analysis

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                       13
Profiting From Prophet

Comparing DCS to Prophet Professional
Exhibit 15 outlines key differences between compression in DCS and Prophet Professional:

Exhibit 15: Grouping Comparison

Component                    DCS                                       Prophet Professional
Compression support        Simple grouping or clustering             Simple grouping
                           algorithms developed in Code Editor.
                           Custom code provides much greater
                           compression flexibility and support for
                           clustering algorithms
Group/Output               None                                      Unable to group on non-integer variables and
variable limitations                                                 cannot output text variables in grouped MPFs
Calculation type           3 types:                                  5 types:
                           • Average                                 • Average
                           • Sum                                     • Sum
                           • Sumlog                                  • Count
                                                                     • Fixed
                                                                     • Range
Variable flexibility       Code Editor allows new variables          Limited to existing variables
                           specific to grouping

Product flexibility        Applies the same calculation type for     Can set separate grouping calculations for
                           each variable within the DCS program      each product

Seriatim MPF               Can create grouped MPF from in-force      Requires seriatim MPF to apply grouping
                           data source without first creating the
                           seriatim MPF


To perform DCS compression, the program must first be compiled and then the executable can be run.

  Prophet Professional
To execute the compression program, run the desired Group Run Setting with a Structure containing the
products to be grouped. Only the product list is used from the Structure. The Group Run Setting needs to be
executed before a Calculation Run Setting can use the grouped MPFs.

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                      14
Profiting From Prophet


The compressed model should be evaluated by comparing model outputs between compressed and seriatim
model runs. Experimentation and iteration may be necessary to determine optimal grouping variables, rules,
and weights.


With the introduction of nested runs and associated       from the outer structure to the inner structure
computational requirements, runtime optimization is       through model point maps. The compression
critical. Prophet Professional supports compression       functionality executes a DCS script before model
functionality allowing a DCS script to create grouped     points are passed to the inner structure.
MPFs for use in inner loop runs (i.e., inner loop model
points are allowed to differ from outer loop model        The compression functionality is found within a Model
points). During a nested run, model points are passed     Point Map, as shown below.

Exhibit 16: Model Point Map

Source: Oliver Wyman analysis

The Group Inner Model Points checkbox shows a list of DCS scripts available to use in the Model Point Map.

Nested run compression functionality is supported in Prophet Enterprise, Push to PE, and Prophet Professional.
Some restrictions to keep in mind when using grouping within nested runs include:

• The DCS script must be compiled before the nested       • Binary MPFs are used instead of standard MPFs, in
    run is executed                                          order to optimize runtime
• DCS scripts not created from within Prophet             • The full range of DCS functionality is restricted,
    Professional cannot be used for nested                   e.g., reading external tables
    run compression

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                   15
Profiting From Prophet

Compression was performed on an illustrative joint annuity product in Prophet using DCS to group on a
range of variables. Exhibits 17 and 18 show resultant output metrics and model runtimes under a range of
compression ratios.

Four simple groupings were applied cumulatively to create grouped MPFs:

1. Primary age: weighted average in 5-year bands            3. Entry month: weighted average in 3-month bands

2. Secondary age: weighted average in 5-year bands          4. All ages and entry months: weighted average with
                                                            no bands

Runtime gains track closely to the in-force compression ratio, with any deviation largely attributable to the asset
portion of the ALM run.

Exhibit 17: Runtime vs. Compression

 Runtime                                                                                 Compression
(Minutes)                                                                                   Ratio





     0                                                                                       0%
              Baseline          Run 1           Run 2          Run 3           Run 4

                                             Grouping Run

    Runtime         Compression Ratio

Source: Oliver Wyman analysis

The simple banded groupings (runs 1-3) provide valuable compression while maintaining fidelity of results.
Run 4 (no banding) exhibits significant loss of fidelity.

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                    16
Profiting From Prophet

Exhibit 18: Distortion Of Grouping Runs

PV Accum Deficit                                                                   % Difference In PV
     ($MM)                                                                           Accum Deficit

       60                                                                               20.0%

       50                                                                               16.0%

       40                                                                               12.0%

       30                                                                               8.0%

       20                                                                               4.0%

       10                                                                               0.0%

         0                                                                              -4.0%
                 Baseline       Run 1       Run 2          Run 3          Run 4
                                        Grouping Run

Source: Oliver Wyman analysis

The in-force data grouping functionality available in DCS/Prophet Professional provides insurers a practical
solution to reducing model runtime. Intelligent grouping and custom clustering algorithms implemented in DCS
can realize even greater gains than out-of-the-box functionality. For computationally intensive tasks such as
stochastic modeling and forecasting, the efficiency achieved by developing a robust compression process could
outweigh the loss in model fidelity and upfront development costs.

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                  17
Profiting From Prophet

Tips & Tricks


Prophet queries are a powerful tool to analyze results   can be queried across multiple run numbers and
of one or more Prophet runs. Queries can be created      products to quantify the impact of different sensitivity
and saved to efficiently produce multi-dimensional       runs. Furthermore, results can be plotted on a graph
views of results for recurring analyses. Queries         and exported into reports. Queries can be viewed
provide the ability to create automated reports for      and created within Prophet’s Results window, as
a variety of use cases. For example, profit metrics      shown below.

Query creation
Queries are comprised of two components —                the first five years of a projection run. Cell widths
dimensions and parameters — both of which are            and alignment, fonts, number formats, and other
defined within the query header. In the example          formatting options can be set within the ‘Properties’
below, ACC_VAL_IF, N_VUL_/N_ULG_, and 2021-2025          dialog box. To access these properties, click
are all parameters that define the query to summarize    Properties within the Home tab of the query results
year-end account values for two products during          viewer window.

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                   18
Profiting From Prophet

Charting queries
Charting queries can be useful to provide quick           life blocks during the first five years of a projection
visualizations across runs, products, variables, or       run.Chart types that are currently supported within
other dimensions. For example, the chart below shows      Prophet queries include line, column, and point charts.
year-end account values for two different universal

Exhibit 19: Life Account Value

     Account Value

8,000,000                                                                     Product




        0                                                                    Time Period
                         2021    2022        2023         2024        2025

Source: Oliver Wyman analysis

Types of queries
Various types of queries support different Prophet use    policyholder characteristics while stochastic summary
cases. For example, valuation queries can be executed     queries can be used to summarize results across
to summarize valuation results across different           simulations within a stochastic projection.

Query considerations
Model developers should consider creating query           within stochastic projections, a stochastic query could
templates for model users to easily analyze and view      be used to drill down into these results and provide
results. For example, if there are specific simulations   meaningful insights.
of interest

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                      19
Profiting From Prophet

Tips & Tricks


Diagnostic files provide a modeler with information      files provide details on variable calculation order,
to enhance model performance and write cleaner           time references, dynamic types, and loop statuses.
code. Prophet can produce two types of diagnostics       Generated during the run phase, runtime diagnostic
files: codegen and runtime diagnostics. Generated        files provide information on variable contributions
during the run preparation phase, codegen diagnostic     to runtime.

Generating diagnostic files
Diagnostic file generation controls are specified in     module link. When the runtime diagnostics option is
the Advanced— Optimisations section of the Run           selected, additional information on run performance
Structure Configuration tab. Enabling the codegen        is appended to the codegen diagnostic files.
diagnostics option creates a file for each product and

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                  20
Profiting From Prophet

Using diagnostic files
Diagnostic files are useful debugging tools for                           Prophet model improvement, generating runtime
products and modules that error during a run or                           diagnostics increases runtimes itself; thus, it is
generate unexpected results. Additionally, diagnostics                    generally considered best practice to only generate
provide a modeler with variable calculation order,                        runtime diagnostics for purposes of model debugging
time references, number of calls, and other                               and optimization. Diagnostic files can be found on
helpful information to better understand variable                         the Results pane of the Prophet Professional Explorer
relationships. While diagnostics provide variable-level                   and within the run’s results folder within Windows
runtime statistics and insights into opportunities for                    explorer (e.g., results/Run#).

Interpreting diagnostic files
Key fields within the diagnostic files are:                               with multiple looping methods that iteratively
                                                                          calculate a set of variables, with variations between
• Group and AscOrDesc— Identifies the group
                                                                          each iteration. For example, Prophet can iteratively
    of variables and time direction (ascending =
                                                                          solve for premium rates that result in a pre-defined
    prospectively, descending = retrospectively) that
    variables are calculated                                              profit margin. CalcLoop, Rebase, and GoalSeek
                                                                          each identify where a variable is being used in the
• TReferences and T-Offset— TReferences indicate
                                                                          associated looping functionality (either ‘Pre’, ‘In’, or
    how time, t, is used in references of that variable,
                                                                          ‘Post’ loop)
    and T-Offset indicates the offset used within
    these references                                                      • Calls, Runtime, Runtime%— Added when runtime
• CalcFrom and CalcTo— Indicates the range of time                            diagnostics are generated; provide the number
    periods for which the variable is calculated                              of times the variable is executed, the runtime
                                                                              in milliseconds, and the percentage of overall
• CalcLoop, Rebase, GoalSeek— Prophet is equipped
                                                                              time used

Note, enhancements to diagnostic files are set to be released with Prophet Professional 2021Q2

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                                       21
Profiting From Prophet

What's New in Prophet


Since the February 2021 US 360 library update, the example model office (“EMO”) has been separated into
multiple workspaces to demonstrate different contexts:

• STAT EMO— similar to the previous PBR EMO                    our Spring 2019 newsletter edition: WELCOME TO
    without the inclusion of the GAAP Cohort 360               OUR PROPHET NEWSLETTER!
    library. The traditional EMO includes US 360,           • GAAP LDTI Disclosure EMO— includes US 360
    ALS, and other supporting libraries with example           and US GAAP Cohort Disclosures 360 libraries.
    products for plain-vanilla insurance products              The workspace also contains sample run pairs
• GAAP LDTI EMO— includes US 360 and the GAAP                  to support LDTI rollforward calculations and
    Cohort libraries and base products for whole life,         disclosure requirements along with the LDTI
    immediate annuity, universal life, and variable life       toolkit to illustrate an end-to-end LDTI modeling
    products. LDTI rollforward ‘history’ and ‘cohort’          environment. Additional detail on this toolkit
    products are also included for all four sample             can be found in the Spring 2020 version of this
    products. For additional information on the                newsletter: MODEL HOUSEKEEPING
    structure of GAAP LDTI modeling in Prophet, see


FIS has released a new library to support LDTI              necessary disclosures. Each rollforward step leverages
disclosure reporting. This library supports liabilities     the US L&A 360 library for liability projections and
for future policy benefits (“LFPB”), deferred acquisition   the US GAAP Cohort Disclosures 360 library for
cost (“DAC”), and deferred profit liability (“DPL”) as      LDTI calculations.
well as commonly associated disclosures. Additional
liabilities and market risk benefits (“MRB”) are also       An additional run step reads results from the prior
supported and can be toggled on or off. The library is      runs to generate balances, cash flows, and metrics
available to users licensed for both the US 360 library     that are needed for LDTI reporting. A separate
and the Prophet Insurance Data Repository (“IDR”).          disclosure product with the new indicator US_GAAP_
                                                            TARG_IMP_DISCL is used to aggregate these values.
The disclosure EMO contains separate runs for each
step in the LDTI rollforward process to produce the

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                     22
Profiting From Prophet

For ease of disclosure customization, flags     The EMO also supports variable-level
in the model point file are included to allow   customization through the addition of
high-level disclosure categories (LFPB, DAC,    disclosure configuration tables. These
and DPL) to be toggled “on” or “off” for        tables— one each for DAC, LFPB, and DPL—
certain products or reporting cohorts.          allow the user to select the variable that
                                                fulfils each disclosure requirement.

Supplementing the disclosure library are two new Excel templates that can be accessed via
the Prophet Excel add-in ribbon.

• US GAAP LDTI Disclosure Reports—              • US GAAP LDTI Disclosure Accounting
    templates used to read disclosure results      Entries— used to organize LDTI
    and generate disclosure exhibits               results such that they can be fed into a
                                                   downstream ledger system

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                23
About Oliver Wyman

Oliver Wyman is a global leader in management consulting. With offices in 60 cities across 29 countries,
Oliver Wyman combines deep industry knowledge with specialized expertise in strategy, operations, risk
management, and organization transformation. The firm has more than 5,000 professionals around the world
who work with clients to optimize their business, improve their operations and risk profile, and accelerate their
organizational performance to seize the most attractive opportunities. Oliver Wyman is a business of Marsh
McLennan[NYSE: MMC].

The Actuarial Practice of Oliver Wyman has life, health, and property & casualty actuaries that advise financial
institutions, insurance companies, regulators, and self-insured entities across a broad spectrum of risk
management issues. With almost 400 professionals in over 20 offices across North America, the Caribbean and
Europe, the firm’s consulting actuaries provide independent, objective advice, combining a wide range of expertise
with specialized knowledge of specific risks.

Fidelity National Information Services, Inc., shall have no liability in respect of the views and opinions expressed in
this report.

For more information, please contact:

Dean Kerr, FSA, ACIA, MAAA                                     Matthew Zhang FSA, MAAA, CERA
Partner                                                        Senior Consultant                            

Justin Meade, FSA, MAAA                                        Craig Maly FSA, MAAA, CERA
Principal                                                      Consultant                         

Copyright ©2021 Oliver Wyman
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Oliver Wyman – A business of Marsh McLennan                                                            
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