Q1 2021 results and subsequent events

Page created by Grace Paul
Q1 2021 results and subsequent events
Q1 2021 results and subsequent events
June 2021
Q1 2021 results and subsequent events

    This investor presentation (the “Presentation”) has been prepared by Joint Stock Company Silknet (the “Company”). For the purposes of this disclaimer, “Presentation” shall mean this document, the oral presentation of the slides
    by the Company and the related question-and-answer session and any materials distributed at, or in connection with, that presentation. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and past performance
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    This Presentation contains projections and forward looking statements. The words “believe”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “intend” and “plan” and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. All statements other than
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                 Contacts:                                 LILI PSHAVLISHVILI                                  MARIAM JAVAKHIA                                             GIORGI SURAMELASHVILI
                                                           CFO                                                 Deputy CFO, Head of Budgeting and Reporting                 Investor Relations
                                                           +995-577-149700                                     +995-598-553335                                             +995-568-858585
                                                           bpshavliishvili@silknet.com                         mjavakhia@silknet.com                                       investorrelations@silknet.com
Q1 2021 results and subsequent events
1   Silknet at a Glance                         3

    2   Q1 2021 Highlights and Covid-19             9

    3   Business Overview                          14

        Appendix & Q1 2021 Financial Information   22

Q1 2021 results and subsequent events
Silknet at a glance
Overview                                                                                                     Key financials
      One of the leading convergent telcos in Georgia1                                                                                                   w/o IFRS 16                                              with IFRS 16

              •   #1 fixed line with 57% market share1
                                                                                                            GELm               2017 PF 2018 PF         2019 A    2020 A Q1 20 A Q1 21 A             2019 A      2020 A Q1 20 A Q1 21 A
              •   #2 fixed broadband with 31% market share1                                                 Commercial revenue    319      332           346       348      87      87                346         348      87      87
                                                                                                            Carrier services           80        67        41           35         9         9          41         35             9      9
              •   #2 pay television with 33% market share1
                                                                                                            Total revenue            399        399       387           382       96        96         387        382             96    96
              •   #2 mobile with 34% market share1

      Network of 4,000km+ fibre backbone across Georgia; FTTH network passing ~61% of                      EBITDA                   165        188       203           198       49        47         216        211             52    50
       households; 98% 4G population coverage
                                                                                                            EBITDA margin            41%        47%       52%       52%         51%       49%         56%         55%        54%       52%

    Pay TV            Fixed broadband                     Fixed line           Mobile
                                                                                                            Credit ratings
           33%                        31%                                                34%                                                                            Long-term credit rating                 Last update
                                                                 57%                                          Moody’s*                                                        B1/Negative                       March 2021

                                                                                                              Fitch                                                            B/Stable                      December 2020
224 thousand              298 thousand                210 thousand       1,667 thousand
  services2                 services2                   services2             SIMs2                           * Silknet’s credit rating of B1 affirmed by Moody’s and outlook changed to negative from stable

4    Source: Company information, GNCC
     Note: ¹ Based on the number of subscribers as of 31 March 2021; Pay TV market share does not include mobile streaming application subscribers;
     2 As of 31 March 2021.
Financial performance
    GELm               399                                387                                 382                                       96                                96                       Maintaining commercial revenue despite :
                        67                                 41                                  35                                        9                                 9
                                                                                                                                                                                                             •   …Covid-19 impacting mobility of people, macro
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 environment, tourism activity…
                       332               +4%              346                +1%              348                                       87               -1%              87
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Decline in EBITDA and margin due to:

                    2018PF                               2019A                              2020A                                    Q1 20A                            Q1 21A                                •   …GEL depreciation against USD by 13% in Q1 21 y/y
                        Commercial revenue                    Carrier services                                                                                                                                   (calculated on average exchange rates)…
                                                                                                                                                                                                             •   …increased electricity tariffs
                                                           52%*                              52%*                                      51%*
    EBITDA                                                                                                                                                               49%*

    GELm                47%                                13                                 14                                          3                                3
                                                                                                                                                                                                 IFRS 16
                       188               +8%              203                -2%             198                                        49               -4%              47
                                                                                                                                                                                                 IFRS 16 was adopted from 1 January 2019. Impact on
                                                                                                                                                                                                 EBITDA is positive GEL 13m in 2019, positive GEL 14m
                                                                                                                                                                                                 in 2020, positive GEL 3m in Q1 20 and positive GEL
                     2018PF                             2019A                              2020A                                     Q1 20A                            Q1 21A                    3m in Q1 21.
                              EBITDA margin                  Impact of IFRS 16              *EBITDA margin without

    Capex1                                                                                  giving effect to IFRS 16

                                                                                              30%                                      33%
                       25%                                 26%
                                                                                                                                                                         26%                          Approximately 80% of the capex in Q1 21 was related to network
                                                                                                                                                                                                       development, mostly the final stages of the projects initiated in
                                                                                                                                                                                                       2020 and accounted for as PP&E additions in 2021. As the
                        99                                102                                 114                                       32
                                                                                                                                                                         25                            company has not initiated new capital expenditure programs in
                                                                                                                                                                                                       2021, we expect the capex rate to decline in the course of 2021.

                     2018A                               2019A                              2020A                                   Q1 20A                            Q1 21A
                                                                                      % revenue

5   Note: 1 Capex in this presentation represents recurring capex and is sum of property and equipment and intangible asset additions. Capex does not include non-recurring projects: 1) IT transformation
    of GEL 8m and GEL 2m in 2019 and 2020, respectively 2) Euronews operating license of GEL 5m in 2020 3) Acquisition of subscriber contracts from local operator in amount of GEL 5m in 2020.
-0.6%                                                   Commercial revenue evolution

                          +1.8%         -1.3%

                                        1.2           -0.4%
                                                      0.3                         -0.7%         +0.6%        -0.8%
                                                                    0.2                                                    +0.6%
                                                                                  0.6            0.5          0.7           0.5


            Q1 20     Mobile data   Mobile voice   Roaming     Other mobile       Fixed          Pay TV    Fixed line   Other fixed    Q1 21
                                                                 services      broadband                                 services
                                                       Percentage changes attributable to each component

    Factors affecting the evolution of commercial revenue:

        •      Mobile services – voice revenue under pressure with Covid-19 impacting mobility of people; roaming affected by significant
               decrease in tourism activity; negative movements in macro environment offset by increased data consumption resulting in mobile
               data revenue growth.
        •      Fixed services – impacted by slowdown in new customer acquisition and temporary suspension of fixed services by HoReCa, retail,
               entertainment and other businesses.

Quarterly performance
Quarterly financials
GELm                 Q1 20      Q2 20     Q3 20     Q4 20   2020   Q1 21
Commercial Revenue        87        81        90     89     348     87                                              Telecommunications remains one of the most resilient sectors. However, the lockdown
Carrier Services          9          8         8     10     35       9                                               has significantly impacted other sectors, resulting in slight decline in the demand for
Total revenue             96        89        98     99     382     96                                               some of our services
                                                                                                                    We managed to achieve some cost optimization through temporary closure of shops and
EBITDA                    52        50        55     55     212     50                                               offices and adaptation of other administrative processes. However, the optimization
EBITDA margin         54%       56%           56%   55%     55%     52%
                                                                                                                     impact was netted against the increased cost of certain operating expenditures as a
                                                                                                                     result of GEL depreciation against USD & EUR
CAPEX                  32        19            23    41     114      25
% of revenues         33%       21%           24%   41%     30%     26%

   Commercial revenue growth y/y                                             Commercial Revenue                                 EBITDA     -3%

                                                                                                                                            56%     55%                                             41%
                                                                                                                                   56%                      55%
                                                                                            90      89                                      55       55                                              41
                                                                            87                              87             52
                                                                                    81                                              50                       50
                                         8%                                                                                                                              32
                               7%                                                                                                                                                                          26%
                                                                                                                                                                                  21%                       25


  Q1 19 Q2 19 Q3 19 Q4 19 Q1 20 Q2 20 Q3 20 Q4 20 Q1 21                    Q1 20   Q2 20   Q3 20   Q4 20   Q1 21          Q1 20   Q2 20    Q3 20    Q4 20   Q1 21       Q1 20   Q2 20    Q3 20     Q4 20   Q1 21
 7                              -2%
                                                                                                                                          EBITDA margin                                   % of revenues

                                                                                                                                                                                            R E VE N U E



 Note: 1 Cash capex proportion

                                                                                                                                                                                      L E AS E S )
                                                                                                                                                                                     O P E X (I N C
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              F X BREAKDOWN


                                                                                                                              GE L / U S D H IST ORIC A L EXCH ANGE R ATE

                                                                                                                                                                                            C AP E X 1








Source: Bloomberg



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          GROSS DEBT


                                                                                                                              E X CH A N GE RA T E S RE L A T IV E T O U S D



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      USD unhedged

                                                                                                                                (1 JAN 2020=100)


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     USD hedged with cash balance

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              USD hedged with cross-currency swap

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       FX exposure



1   Silknet at a Glance                         3

    2   Q1 2021 Highlights and Covid-19             9

    3   Business Overview                          14

        Appendix & Q1 2021 Financial Information   22

Country’s response to COVID-19
     Daily cases in Georgia:                                                                                                     Economic outlook :
                                                                                                                                              International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts 3.5% real GDP growth in
                                                                                                                                               2021, after the 2020 decline. The government of Georgia freshly
        5,000                                                                                                                                  updated its forecast to 6.5% growth in 2021
                                                                                                                                              The growth is expected to be driven by internal demand, as tourism
                                                                                                                                               is unlikely to rebound in a significant fashion. We see encouraging
                                                                                                                                               signs of the economic activity picking up as the economy has been
                                                                                                                                               gradually opening up (see slide 11)
        2,000                                                                                                                                 With the opening of the land borders, the very few remaining
                                                                                                                                               restrictions are unlikely to stem economic activity. However, the still
                                                                                                                                               low vaccination rate in Georgia and in its neighboring countries
              -                                                                                                                                poses a challenge. There are some encouraging indications on the
                                                                                                                                               availability of vaccines in Georgia in Q3 and Q4 2021
                                                                                                                                              The sizeable aid and financing from the IMF, World Bank and other
                                                                                                                                               international organizations and financial institutions (IFIs), directed at
     After reopening of the economy accompanied with heavy internal tourism activity in August, the                                            both public and private sectors, helped the government to manage
     number of infected cases accelerated, but from the beginning of the new year, the number of cases                                         the crisis prudently
     have relatively stabilized. During the past two months, the government has been trying to ease recently
     imposed restrictions, which drives the number of infected cases a little bit upwards.
                                                                                                                                              The NBG and the banking sector have jointly implemented various
                                                                                                                                               measures to help the banking sector stay healthy. Despite the
     Georgia’s real GDP growth forecast:                                                                                                       pandemic, bank loan portfolio grew by 9% in December 2020 y/y
                                                                                                                                               (excluding the currency effect) and continued to grow by 3% in
                                                                                                                                               April 2021 compared to December 2020 and by 9% compared to
                         6.2%          6.4%                                                                                                    April 2020
                                                                          4.8%   4.8%   5.1%
                                                     4.4%                                                                                     Georgian Lari depreciated in Q1, reaching 3.41 GEL/USD at the end
                                              3.6%                                                    3.5%
                                                            3.0%   2.9%                                                                        of the quarter and 3.45 at the peak in early May. As the currency
                                                                                                                                               depreciation affected the inflation, the NBG increased the
                                                                                                                                               refinancing rate to 9.5% and announced the plan alter foreign
                                                                                                                                               currency reserve requirements for banks. As the result, exchange
       2008       2009   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020   2021 F 2022 F                            rate reacted and came down to 3.27 GEL/USD at the end of May
                    -3.7%                                                                                                                     Stable currency, growing economy YTD and prudent fiscal and
                                                                                                                                               monetary policy are likely to be conducive to healthy economy in
                                                                                                                                               2021 and beyond
     Source: Geostat, IMF

         Note: Detailed information about the pandemic statistics and responsive plans of the country can be found on the website introduced by the Government – www.stopcov.ge
Economy on the right track
                                                                                                                                                                                    Recovery of the economic activity reflected in
                                                                                                                                                                                    macroeconomic data:
Exports (y/y change):                                                                    Imports (y/y change):
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Economic activity has been accelerating YTD,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     hand-in-hand with the gradual reopening of the
                                                                                                                                                                            56.5%                   …after the second-wave downturn in Q4 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                     and January 2021
                                                                               30.6%                                                                                                                8.1% 4m 2021 real GDP growth bodes well with
                                             8.3%                                       3.9%
                                                    -2.2%         2.9%                                                                                                                               the prospects for the year
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Increased tourist activity, albeit far from the 2019
                                                                                           4.9%                                                                                                      peaks, is likely to further contribute to growth
                            -13.7%   -7.5%                      -16.2%
   -0.9%                                              -13.4%                                        -17.1%        -17.6%                      -11.9%          -8.2%
           -23.4%                                                                                                     -10.4%              -21.0%         -12.9%
                -28.5%         -15.3%                      -17.7%
                                                                                                             -33.3%        -16.6%                   -15.5%
Source: GeoStat                                                                                Source: GeoStat

  VAT turnover (y/y change):                                                                   Real GDP growth:                                                                      Remittances (y/y change):



14.6%                                                                                                                                                                                                            22.1% 25.8%      18.6%         19.3%
                                                                                         5.1%                                                                                                                                                         17.6% 49.5%
                                             3.2%                                                   2.2%                                                                            8.6% 9.4%                17.8%                     12.5%15.9%
                         -6.2%                                           21.5%                                                           -0.7%                              4.0%
                               -3.9%-7.4%     -2.3%-4.2% -5.1%
                                                                                                      -2.7%               -7.7% -5.3%           -3.9%                                       -9.0%        -9.6%
                     -22.2%                                                                                                   -5.5%                 -7.7%           -5.1%
                -32.8%                                           -8.1%                                                                                  -7.9%                                       -42.3%
                                                                                                                 -13.5%                                      -11.5%

  Source: GeoStat                                                                                  Source: GeoStat preliminary data                                                          Source: NBG

Proactive COVID-19 response limited potential impact
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Gradual restart of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Curfew for all    reopening of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           big cities     shopping malls,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           imposed.       cinemas, sports
                                                              Full lockdown and                                                                                                                                         Shopping malls, facilities, cafes &
                                                                     state of                                                                       Hotels and                   Borders with some                        hotels and    restaurants in open
                              All international                 emergency in                                        State of                        restaurants                       countries                           restaurants   spaces; reopening
                              flights banned                          place                                      emergency lifted                    reopened                        reopened                               closed        of land borders.

                                              Early March 21 March                   8 April       14 April                         Late May                         13 July                          4 August

                                18 March                                                                             21 May                         8 June                            1 August                          9 November          From late

                                               Most of the        Closure of      Installation fee Silkschool                   Start of Step-by-                 Launch of digital                  Installation fee
                                                workforce        shops and       on new FBB/IPTV available for                 step reopening of                  onboarding and                         on new
                                               switching to     switch to the      connections         free                           shops                         SIM delivery                         FBB/IPTV
                                              remote work        digital sales   imposed, turning                                                                     services                        connections
                                                                  channels           postpaid                                   Donation of GEL                                                        terminated
                                                                                   customers to                                 2m to StopCOV


       Source: Various official information; company information
Direct COVID-19 impact
 FBB and IPTV total bandwidth (Gbps)1:                                                                                                    Comments:
                                                                Commercial revenue change y/y:
 650                                                                                                                                       Even as the economy stuttered, demand for our
 600                                                          11%                                                                            services has mostly endured, while consumption of
                                                               9%                                                                            certain services has increased significantly
 550                                                           7%
 500                                                           5%                                                                          As our consumers’ dependence on OTT services
                                                               3%                               Impact of Covid-19                           grows, demand for fixed and mobile services
 450                                                           1%
                                                      2019                                                                                   follows suit
 400                                                          -1%
                                                      2020    -3%                                                                          While some of these behavioral shifts may be
 350                                                          -5%                                                                            temporary, the accelerated digitalization patterns
 300                                                          -7%                                                                            will stay with us, providing additional headroom to
          Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec             Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar            benefit from elevated consumption and growing
                                                                       20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21                          demand for digital services in the long-run
                                                                                               Actual revenue change y/y
                                                                                                                                           So far, we see that data traffic, for both mobile
 We secure connectivity through closely monitoring and           We calculate the impact of the Covid-19 as the difference between           and fixed services, remains significantly higher y/y
 managing our network load. Our network capacity enables us      y/y revenue growth between pre-Covid-19 and post-Covid-19
 to handle the elevated traffic                                  periods. Our estimated impact of Covid-19 on total revenue of 2020 is
                                                                 approximately 8%, or GEL 32m.

 Mobile voice traffic (m minutes):                                      Mobile data traffic (terabytes):
 320                                                          7,000
 280                                                          4,000
                                                                                      Unlimited data
 260                                                          3,000                     packages
 220                                                              -
          Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec               Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun           Jul   Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

                        2019        2020       2021                                     2019           2020      2021
                                                                      To promote mobile data consumption and compensate for heavy Wi-Fi
                                                                      usage during the home confinement, we launched unlimited data
     Note: 1 Average of daily traffic peaks;
1   Silknet at a Glance                         3

     2   Q1 2021 Highlights and Covid-19             9

     3   Business Overview                          14

         Appendix & Q1 2021 Financial Information   22

2021 highlights

     • Silknet’s credit rating of B1 affirmed by Moody’s and outlook changed to negative
       from stable

     • USD 10m private placement bond was repaid upon maturity at 31 March 2021
     • David Birman joined Silknet as the Chief Brand Officer, a newly created position
       reporting to the CEO. David has >20 years experience in leading banks and telcos in
       Georgia and Azerbaijan, with focus on branding, digital product development and
       customer experience

     • Ookla recognized Silknet as the fastest mobile network operator in Georgia (see
       slide 16)

     • We completed the deployment of 230 gigabit-LTE sites in major cities and
       communicated heavily around this, hand-in-hand with significant promotional

     • We reached an agreement with Adjarasport on sharing the UEFA about broadcasting
       rights of various UEFA competitions (Champions League, Europa League,
       Conference League and Junior Champions League) for the next three years

     • Silknet signed the agreement on partnership with SAS, a world leader in customer
       data analytics. Silknet will implement SAS campaign management solution,
       including a loyalty system, which will afford Silknet to provide tailored offers based
       on customers’ needs. In addition, the companies will join forces to offer various SAS
       products and solutions to Silknet clients

Silknet – the fastest mobile network operator in Georgia

Silknet received the Speedtest Award for
Fastest Mobile Network from Ookla, the global
leader in internet testing and analysis
Based on the results of thousands of consumer-
initiated tests taken using Speedtest,
Silknet’s network was revealed as Georgia’s
fastest mobile network, based on analysis of
Speedtest Intelligence® data for Q3–Q4 2020
This is yet another external recognition of the
quality of our mobile network, after the
Communications Commission drive tests results
in 2020

     Silknet’s monthly    15,000
         retail revenue
             GEL ‘000s
                          12,000                                                                                                                                Key takeaways
                                     Jan     Feb      Mar      Apr    May      Jun     Jul      Aug   Sep      Oct   Nov   Dec                                        Silknet’s mobile revenue demonstrated y/y growth in
                                                                        2020           2021                                                                            March, despite the pandemic effects, especially on
         MNO’s retail                                                                                                            2020 change y/y                      In Q1 we heavily promoted our new Gigabit-LTE
            revenue                         114                          120                           121                                                             networks (230 sites in major cities), offering our
              GELm                          20                           22                            22                        Silknet
                                                                                                                                           Market w/o
                                                                                                                                            Silknet                    subscribers much more data for usual tariffs. As a
                                            54                           54                            56                                                              result, our revenue was temporarily impacted while the
                                                                                                                                                                       data traffic increased significantly
                                            40                           44                            43

                                           Q1 19                        Q1 20                         Q1 21
                                                                                                                                                                      Mobile services comprised 47% of Silknet’s total
                                                     Silknet     MagtiCom            Veon (Beeline)
                                                                                                                                                                       revenue in Q1 21

                                                                        10.4                 10.0
          Evolution of              9.0               8.6

           B2C ARPU                                                     10.0                 9.6              9.2                                       Subscribers evolution1
                                    8.5               8.3
                                    5.4                                 5.8                  5.6              5.4
                                                      5.0                                                                                                  1,953                           1,955          1,972            1,997
                                   Q1 20            Q2 20              Q3 20            Q4 20               Q1 21                                          1,705            1,647          1,658          1,656            1,667
                                                  Silknet            MagtiCom           Veon (Beeline)

                                                                                                                                                           1,246            1,223          1,242          1,251            1,266

                                                                                                                                                           Q1 20            Q2 20          Q3 20          Q4 20            Q1 21

17                                                                                                                                                                        Silknet       MagtiCom         Veon (Beeline)
                                      Source: GNCC
                                      Note: 1 Number of subscribers (SIM cards) at the end of the period
Mobile data usage
     Key takeaways
     • Significant growth in mobile data traffic in Q1 21, +89% y/y
     • Average consumption per mobile data user now >6.0GB/m
     • The growth is facilitated by the ongoing network modernization, with population coverage reaching 98%, the launch and promotion of pioneering gigabit-LTE
     • Data promotion campaigns

                                                                                                                              6,119           6,443
                                                                                                                                      5,612                                         5,878                         5,718
                                                                                                                                                      5,269 5,327           5,170                         5,267
      Evolution of mobile internet subscribers1                                                     Silknet’s monthly                                               4,526                   4,622 4,753

      ‘000s                                                                                         mobile internet traffic 3,195             3,604
                                                                                                                                      2,816           Unlimited data
                                                                                                    terabytes                                           packages
                                         1,022         1,016
              975          985
                                                                         955                                                  Jan     Feb     Mar      Apr    May   Jun     Jul     Aug     Sep   Oct     Nov     Dec
                           849                                                                                                                                      2020            2021
                                                        901              920
              843          832

           Q1 20          Q2 20          Q3 20         Q4 20            Q1 21
                                                                                                    Evolution of mobile                                                                    64
                        Silknet       MagtiCom         Veon (Beeline)                               internet traffic                          34
                                                                                                    ‘000 terabytes                                                                         34
                                                                                                                                              10                                           18

                                                                                                                                            Q1 20                                     Q1 21

                                                                                                                                              Silknet        MagtiCom       Veon (Beeline)
        Source: GNCC
        Note: 1 Number of subscribers (SIM cards) at the end of the period
Fixed broadband
Key takeaways
 •   c.83% household fixed broadband penetration in Georgia1                               Revenue evolution
                                                                                                                                         69                                          72
 •   Silknet has 31% subscriber market share1                                              GELm
 •   c.15k new FTTH homes passed by Silknet in YTD 2021, c. 675K homes                                                                   13                                       14
     passed in total (c. 61% of households)
                                                                                                                                         32                                       33
 •   Fixed broadband comprised 26% of Silknet’s total revenue in Q1 21
                                                                                                                                         24                                       25

          ARPU dynamics                                                                                                                Q1 20                                    Q1 21
          •   ARPU rebounded and grew y/y after the dip in Q2 20 and Q3 20                                                                     Silknet     MagtiCom          Other
              as a result of the temporary suspension of services and shrinking
              disposable income of the households due to the pandemic                                                                                                                                 19.7
          •   Significant pricing difference still remains between Tbilisi and             B2C ARPU evolution3                  19.4

              other areas. Further expansion in small towns and rural areas may            GEL                                                    19.0                18.9
              lead to overall ARPU decline                                                                                                                                                            19.2

                                                                                                                                18.7                                                  18.8
                                                                                                                                Q1 20            Q2 20            Q3 20              Q4 20            Q1 21

                                                                                                                                                     Market w/o Silknet                Silknet
       Subscribers evolution2
       ‘000s                                                                               Silknet’s subscribers by key technologies: DSL and wireless continues to be cannibalized by FTTH
                                                                                           ‘000s                                                                                             292         298
               450          455           458           462                                                                                                       278           288
                                                                                                                                        266          278
                                                                                                                                                                                 18              11          11
                                                                                                                                         22          23               21         35              22
               289          291           293           292            298                                                 13                                         61
               190          183           189           190            187                                                                                                      235          259          266
                                                                                                                                                     165          196
                                                                                                                           95           124
              Q1 20        Q2 20         Q3 20         Q4 20          Q1 21
                                                                                                                         2015           2016        2017          2018         2019          2020        Q1 21
                           Silknet        MagtiCom            Other
                                                                                                                                                         FTTH     DSL        Wireless
                                                                                  Source: GNCC
                                                                                  Note: 1 As of 31 March 2021; 2 Number of subscribers at the end of the period.
Pay television

      Key takeaways
      •   c.62% household pay television penetration
      •   Silknet holds 33% subscriber market share1 compared to 31% in fixed broadband on the back of the superior content offering and successful service bundling
      •   Pay TV comprised 12% of Silknet’s total revenue in Q1 21

      Subscribers evolution1
           337             342             344             344             348
                                                                                                                                                30                                   31
           224             229             230             228             224
                                                                                                     Revenue                                    3                                    3

                                                                                                     evolution                                  16                                   16
                                           100             105             105
            90              97
                                                                                                     GELm                                       11                                   12

                                                                                                                                              Q1 20                              Q1 21
          Q1 20           Q2 20           Q3 20           Q4 20           Q1 21                                                                       Silknet   MagtiCom      Other
                             Silknet        MagtiCom         Other
                                                                                                    ARPU evolution
                                                                                                    GEL                                                                                      16.7
                                                                                                                                                         15.6              15.8

                                                                                                                                      14.8                                 14.6              14.6      14.5

     Source: GNCC                                                                                                                    Q1 20              Q2 20              Q3 20            Q4 20      Q1 21
20   Note: 1 Number of subscribers at the end of the period; Excluding mobile streaming
                                                                                                                                                                Market w/o Silknet        Silknet
     application subscribers.
Unique content portfolio

            Unrivalled sports proposition with the widest selection of sports competition on the Georgian market
            From the 2021/2022 seasons will share the UEFA competitions (Champions League, Europa League, Conference League
             and Junior Champions League) with Adjarasport for a three-year period. In addition, Silknet has a revenue-sharing
             agreement with Adjarasport with respect to the English Premier League
         Exclusive rights to 25 Russian-language entertainment channels
         Attractive VOD/ streaming offering through Amediateka on an exclusive basis
         Exclusive sports content including our in-house sports channels already available at silksport.ge and silkgo.ge
         We continue to evolve our content offering with Euronews Georgia, launched in Georgian language in August 2020
         Rights to Setanta sport channels owned by Adjarasport with various sports content available on its two channels including
             German Bundesliga, Italian Serie A, France Ligue 1, Formula 1, UFC and other.
            Digital pioneer in the Georgian market and continuously developing streaming applications for Android, iOS and PC

            Source: Company information
1   Silknet at a Glance                         3

     2   Q1 2021 Highlights and Covid-19             9

     3   Business Overview                          14

         Appendix & Q1 2021 Financial Information   22

Statement of financial position
     GELm                                                             31 Dec 2019   31 Dec 2020   31 Mar 2021

     Non-current assets
     Property and equipment                                                  378           394           393
     Intangible assets and contract costs                                    200           196           193
                                                                                                                    1   Silknet repaid the USD10 mln private placement bond in Q1. as the result,
     Other non-current assets                                                 42            40            40             our cash and cash equivalents, as well as current loans and borrowings
     Other financial instrument at FVTPL – net change in fair value            -            13            16             decreased. Other changes in these captions are primarily due to the
     Investment property                                                      30            63            66             currency depreciation
     Rights-of-use assets                                                     53            45            43
     Prepayments related to IRU contracts                                     10            10            10
     Total non-current assets                                                712           761           760
                                                                                                                    2   Increase in trade and other payables in Q1 2021 was primarily due to the
     Current assets                                                                                                      currency depreciation, while the increase in 2020 was mainly driven by:
     Inventories                                                              11            11            10
     Prepayments related to IRU contracts                                      2             2             2                    Effort to maintain the strong cash liquidity in uncertain market
     Trade and other receivables                                              37            30            31                     conditions of 2020. We were able to negotiate extended payment
     Cash and cash equivalents                                                75            78            69    1                terms with some of our major vendors
     Total current assets                                                    125           121           112
     TOTAL ASSETS                                                            837           882           872                    Heavy capital investments in network

     EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                                                                     Local currency depreciation against USD and EUR. Due to our
     Equity                                                                                                                      heavy dependence on international network equipment &
     Share capital                                                             84            84            84                    software providers, the major part of payables are foreign
     Additional paid-in capital                                                 8             8             8                    currency denominated
     Accumulated losses                                                      (64)         (151)         (178)
     Equity attributable to owner of the Company                               28          (59)          (86)
     Non-controlling interests                                                  0           (0)             0
     TOTAL EQUITY                                                              28          (59)          (86)

     Non-current liabilities
     Loans and borrowings                                                    618           668           694
     Lease liabilities                                                        45            40            38
     Trade and other payables                                                 13            33            27    2
     Advances received related to IRU contracts and subscribers               15            14            14
     Total non-current liabilities                                           691           755           773

     Current liabilities
     Loans and borrowings                                                     17            54            42    1
                                                                                            96           108
     Trade and other payables
     Advances received related to IRU contracts and subscribers
                                                                              22            23            23
     Lease liabilities                                                        12            12            12
     Total current liabilities                                               118           186           184
     TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                       810           941           958
     TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                                            837           882           872

Capital structure

                                                     31 Dec 19                 31 Dec 20                  31 Mar 21
Facility (GELm)

Eurobond                                            1     571.4                    641.8                       685.4                    a)1   On 2 April 2019 the company issued USD 200m Eurobonds and refinanced all outstanding bank
Silknet 2017 Bond                                          34.5                     34.5                  2         -                         loans and promissory notes.
Silknet Private Placement Bond                             28.7                     32.8                        34.4
Gross debt                                                634.8                   709.1                        719.8                                   Transaction costs of USD 3.9m deferred over a 5-year period, which resulted in the
Cash and cash equivalents                                 (74.9)                   (77.8)                      (68.5)                                   carrying amount of USD 196.1m
Net debt2                                                 559.9                   631.3                        651.3
                                                                                                                                                       During the 2019 the company repurchased its Eurobonds in amount of USD 2.6m
Leverage1                                                  2.59                     2.98                        3.11

                                                                                                                                        2     USD 10m private placement bond was repaid upon maturity at 31 March 2021

                  Net Debt                  EBITDA
                                             (LTM)                               Leverage1
              GEL651.3m                                                            3.11X

Leverage evolution                                                                                                             Debt maturities (GELm)
                                 31 Dec 2019   31 Mar 2020     30 Jun 2020   30 Sep 2020    31 Dec 2020       31 Mar 2021        Silknet Private Placement Bond           Silknet 2017 Bond              Eurobond
Gross debt                            634.8         727.8           669.0         730.3          709.1             719.8
Cash and cash equivalents             (74.9)       (116.0)          (63.1)         (95.4)        (77.8)            (68.5)
Net debt2                             559.9         611.8           605.9         634.9          631.3             651.3
Leverage1                              2.59             2.78         2.78           2.98          2.98              3.11

                                                                                                                                       2021                       2022                        2023                         2024
Source: Company information
Note: 1 Leverage is calculated based on the methodology defined in Eurobonds Terms & Conditions: EBITDA with IFRS 16 divided by the net debt; 2 Other than the debt disclosed above, the company has unused credit facility
(RCF) of USD20m with the sole purpose to serve coupon payments of USD200m Eurobond, in addition to letters of credits & guarantees with the aggregate amount of GEL36.0m (most of these guarantees are part of the
company’s ordinary course of business and are already included in working capital (trade payables)).
Statement of profit or loss
GELm                                                        Q1 20    Q1 21      Y/Y    Y/Y %

Revenues:                                                    95.7     95.9      0.2      0%
Commercial revenue                                           87.2     86.7     (0.5)     -1%
Carrier services                                              8.5      9.2      0.7      8%

Costs and expenses:
Interconnect fees and roaming expense                        (4.4)    (4.3)     0.1      -2%
Pay TV content cost                                          (3.2)    (3.1)     0.1      -4%
Costs of SIM cards, scratch cards and other cost of sales    (0.3)    (0.2)     0.1     -33%
Advertising and marketing                                    (1.6)    (1.8)    (0.2)     9%
Depreciation and amortisation charges                       (29.3)   (29.5)    (0.2)     1%
Salaries and benefits                                       (14.5)   (15.8)    (1.3)     9%
Purchased services                                           (8.9)   (10.8)    (1.9)    22%
Network management and maintenance costs                     (4.1)    (4.0)     0.2      -5%
Infrastructure capacity rentals, IRU and lease expenses      (2.1)    (1.5)     0.6     -28%
Other expenses                                               (7.2)    (5.1)     2.1     -29%

Profit from operating activities                             20.0     19.8     (0.3)    -1%

Finance income                                                1.2      1.2      0.0      2%
Finance expense                                             (23.0)   (23.5)    (0.5)     2%
Other financial instrument at FVTPL – net change in fair
                                                             12.7      2.6    (10.2)
Net Foreign exchange gain /(loss)                           (95.0)   (26.6)    68.4

Profit/(loss) before income tax                             (84.0)   (26.6)    57.4

Income tax expense                                           (0.3)    (0.1)     0.2

Total profit/(Loss) for the period                          (84.4)   (26.7)    57.7

Statement of cash flow
GELm                                                               Q1 20   Q1 21   Y/Y    Y/Y %

Cash flows from operating activities
Cash received from subscribers                                      101     100     (1)    -1%
Cash received from other telecom operators and for IRU contracts       5       6      1    12%
Salaries and benefits paid to and on behalf of employees            (13)    (16)    (3)    20%
Interconnection fees and expenses paid                               (2)     (3)    (1)    66%
Purchase of inventory                                                (3)     (2)      1   -29%
Taxes paid other than on income                                      (8)    (12)    (4)    47%
Income tax paid                                                        -     (0)    (0)     0%
Network management and maintenance costs paid                        (3)     (3)      0    -5%
Other operating expenses paid                                       (17)    (19)    (2)    14%
Net cash from operating activities                                    60      51    (9)   -15%
Cash flows from investing activities
Acquisition of property and equipment                               (17)    (12)      5   -29%
Acquisition of investment property                                     -     (0)    (0)     0%
Acquisition of intangible assets                                     (9)    (11)    (2)    25%
Proceeds from disposals of property and equipment                      -       0      0     0%
Interest received                                                      1       1    (0)   -23%
Net cash used in investing activities                               (26)    (23)      3   -12%
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from borrowings                                               -       -      -     0%
Repayment of borrowings                                                -    (34)   (34)     0%
Interest paid                                                        (2)     (3)    (1)    44%
Net payments of other financial instruments at FVTPL                   -       -      -     0%
Lease payments                                                       (3)     (2)      1   -26%
Dividends paid                                                         -              -     0%
Net cash from financing activities                                   (5)    (39)   (34)   679%

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents          12       2   (10)   -86%

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                             41     (9)

Cash and equivalents at the beginning of the period                   75      78

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                   116      69

Adjusted EBITDA

     GELm                                                             Q1 20    Q1 21      Y/Y
     Profit/(loss) for the year                                       (84.4)   (26.7)    57.7
     Depreciation and amortisation                                     29.3     29.5      0.2
     Finance costs                                                     23.0     23.5      0.5
     Finance income                                                    (1.2)    (1.2)    (0.0)
     Net foreign exchange loss                                         95.0     26.6    (68.4)
     Other financial instrument at FVTPL – net change in fair value   (12.7)    (2.6)    10.2
     Income tax (benefit)/expense                                       0.3      0.1     (0.2)
     Specific items (see below)                                         2.7      0.9     (1.8)
     Adjusted EBITDA                                                   52.0     50.2     (1.8)

     GELm                                                             Q1 20    Q1 21      Y/Y
     Loss on disposals of property and equipment                        0.7     (0.0)    (0.7)
     Professional fees, one-time consulting expenses                    0.9      0.6     (0.3)
     Charity                                                            1.2      0.3     (0.9)
     Other (income)/expenses                                           (0.1)     0.1      0.2
     Total specific items                                               2.7      0.9     (1.8)

Sources of financial information

      •   2017 and 2018 are pro forma financial statements compiled by Silknet to illustrate the impact of the
          Geocell acquisition on company’s financial statements and are based on the assumption that the
          acquisition was completed at the beginning of the period. For further details and the basis of
          preparation of pro forma financial information refer to the prospectus document of USD 200 million
          Eurobonds on Silknet’s website
      •   2019 and 2020 figures are based on audited Consolidated Financial Statements, unless otherwise
      •   Q1 20 and Q1 21 figures are based on unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements, unless otherwise
      •   EBITDA in this presentation means adjusted EBITDA as per audited Consolidated Financial Statements
      •   Figures are with giving effect to IFRS 16, unless otherwise stated
      •   Certain figures included in this presentation have been subject to rounding adjustments; accordingly,
          figures shown for the same category presented in different tables may vary slightly and figures shown as
          total in certain tables may not be an arithmetic aggregation of the figures which precede them

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