ROAD TRANSPORT NEWS - Road Transport Association NZ

Page created by Brett Mckinney
ROAD TRANSPORT NEWS - Road Transport Association NZ
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                           December 2020


Studies have shown fatigue to be a major cause of road accidents; now a major NZI report aims to help the
industry better understand the issue and how to tackle it.

Fighting fatigue
TIME TO TALK BUSINESS                                   A new report from NZI has delivered
                                                        a surprise result, revealing that
CELEBRATING TOY TRUCKS                                  fatigue impacts drivers differently
                                                        than many people would expect. The
HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES                                  insurer has practical advice.

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                     December 2020

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                       December 2020

From the Chief Operating Officer

Simon Carson reflects on the challenges of 2020 and gears up for the year ahead.

In-depth report probes causes and effects of driver fatigue

NZI and partners Fit Fleet have produced a major report, entitled NZI Improving Driver
Safety & Performance.

Museum showcases much-loved toys

The New Zealand Museum of Toys and Collectibles, in Christchurch, celebrates
childhood nostalgia.

Around the regions

RTANZ Area Executives round up news and developments from around New Zealand.

Hall of Fame

Six individuals have been inducted into the 2020 New Zealand Road Transport Hall of

Events                                                Contact Us
May 7-8 May 2021: Eworld Expo, Trusts Arena,          0800 367 782
                                                      Chief Operating Officer: Simon Carson,
                                            , 027 55 66 099
                                                      Editor: David Killick, Communications Manager,
August 27-28, 2021: RTANZ Region Three      , 027 55 44 272
AGM, Wairakei Resort, Taupo.
                                                      Administration: Victoria Higgs,
                                            , 027 365 2075
                                                      Membership Benefits Coordinator: Vicki Harris,
                                            , 027 534 3848
                                                      We welcome contributions and feedback for this

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Chief Operating Officer

Let’s celebrate success, but more work ahead
By Simon Carson

                                                            We are seeing progressive gains in the wider
                                                        economy but there is still an air of caution on
                                                        what is yet to come. Communication among
                                                        industry suppliers, forwarders, transport
                                                        businesses, and the customer needs to be a
                                                        critical part of what we do, and is equally
                                                        important as having the trucks to do the job.
                                                            I continue to work with Waka Kotahi NZTA on
                                                        regional roading projects across the country. We
                                                        are still receiving changes to infrastructure and
                                                        roading which simply do not suit our industry.
                                                        The same has happened with some of our
                                                        councils, where projects have been started,
                                                        finished, ripped up, and started again.
                                                            There’s a lot to be said for shovel-ready
                                                        projects, but if they aren’t fit for purpose then

   received a well-written letter in late November      they should not proceed. We have pushed for a
  from a member of the public voicing their             better use of the dollar on our roads and a much
  appreciation of the work and the value the            more effective consultation process. Whilst I feel
transport industry has in New Zealand, but also         there has been some progress made, there is still
asking what happened to the “glory months”              a long way to go to get to where we need to be.
earlier this year when transport businesses and              Membership involvement is critical for us to
the industry were held in the highest regard in the     be able to correctly address and action industry
public domain.                                                              concerns. The three big topics
    The days of the transport heroes                                        for us as an association always
were here, then appeared to be just
                                            “The pandemic,
                                                                            have been: roading and
as quickly forgotten. When the              colliding with the              infrastructure; compliance; and
industry waded into a period where          already pressured               driver shortage.
we were reluctantly thrust into the
                                            transport network,                  Early adopters of the “Road
spotlight, the country celebrated us.                                       to Success”   program and good
Outside that, we never have been            has created the
                                                                            support from the industry to
an industry even slightly good at           perfect storm.”                 sign up for trainees are an
celebrating our successes. We need
                                                                            indicator that transport
to get much, much better at doing
                                                                          operators see this as a positive
this and retain the momentum that we have
                                                        step in the right direction. Roading and
recently seen.
    The national supply chain has cracks showing        compliance issues are often harder to extract
in every link and with no immediate solution, this      from industry. Ultimately we need to know what
is expected to continue well into next year. The        your concerns are if we are to be able to work on
pandemic, colliding with the already pressured          providing a solution, or escalating as required.
transport network, has created the perfect storm.           Recently RTANZ has implemented a new
Disruption in key global markets, major port            CRM tool which went live on December 1 as well
congestion, and the pre-Christmas rush to put           as a new website introduced in late November. A
goods on shelves has created significant                change in staff in Region 2 and Region 5 have
pressure on the transport industry which in 12          left opportunities available for dynamic people to
months has experienced a 7 per cent increase in         join the team and plans are underway for regional
heavy traffic volume on our roads just to keep up.        seminars once again in mid-2021.

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                            December 2020

    Our connection to the Road Transport Forum
is strong and offers a real value proposition for
members at all levels.
    Finally, I am happy to have been given the
opportunity to lead the association in 2020
through a period of significant change, to meet
members from across the country, to work with
an innovative and proactive board, and to set a
new standard for you as members of our
Association. As the year comes to a close, I
would like to extend best wishes and a peaceful
festive season to all our members as we look
forward to a productive 2021.
    All the best, and safe journeys to all.

• Call Simon Carson on 027 55 66 099,
0800 367 782, or email


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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                   December 2020

Road Transport Forum

Government needs to talk to business
By Nick Leggett, Road Transport Forum chief executive

                                                   possible, given our disadvantage of being so far
                                                   away from the rest of the world.
                                                       This is a well-oiled, logistics-driven machine,
                                                   and the government could learn a lot from the
                                                   businesses involved. They only have to open the
                                                   door and ask.
                                                       We believe the COVID-19 experience has
                                                   highlighted the need for a formalised Freight
                                                   Strategy for New Zealand. For example, we saw
                                                   the major issues that arose from trying to
                                                   distribute a flu vaccine around New Zealand
                                                   earlier this year; how does the Government plan
                                                   to distribute a COVID-19 vaccine should one
                                                   ever get to market?
                                                       And if there is no COVID-19 vaccine, what

                                                   are the government’s plans? We can’t be cut off
       he trucking industry wants to see Labour    from the rest of the world for much longer—the
       engage better with the business             strain is starting to show in both the supply
       community in its second term of             chain of goods and of skilled workers. Without
government.                                        materials from offshore and skilled workers, the
    Solutions to the issues and opportunities that big ticket projects to boost the economy won’t
COVID-19 has thrown up lie in the                                      get off the ground.
knowledge and expertise held by                                            We are keen to hear what
New Zealand’s businesses, rather      “There are some                  the government is planning in
than its bureaucracy.                 significant supply               its response to COVID-19 and
    COVID-19 has highlighted a
critical need for better
                                      chain issues ahead               can only hope it asks for
                                                                       advice before making
understanding by government           and we have asked
                                                                       decisions with broad sweeping
and its officials about how the         the government for               adverse impacts.
global supply chain works and         immediate attention                  The Road Transport
how that flows through to moving                                       Forum’s briefing is available
goods into, out of, and around        to this.”
New Zealand. There are some
significant supply chain issues                                        When no, means no

ahead and we have asked the government for                here are shades of outgoing US President
immediate attention to this.                              Donald Trump’s behaviour in those behind
    Both through the New Zealand government’s             the Yes lobby to legalise recreational
lockdown of New Zealand and its Level 3            cannabis in New Zealand. Neither seem to be
lockdown of Auckland, little consideration was     able to accept the outcome of democratic
given to the supply chain and no intelligence      elections.
from relevant businesses was sought. That can’t        Sure, the cannabis referendum result was
happen again.                                      close, but the No vote won the majority of 50.7
    As we do with each incoming government,        per cent. Most parties, including Labour which
we have sent the new Transport Minister,           is now the majority party in government, said
Michael Wood, a briefing about the critical role   prior to the election that they would consider the
road freight transport plays in the New Zealand    result of the referendum to be binding.
economy.                                               Some of the Yes lobby will try and re-litigate
    Our economy is driven by exports and           the referendum result. They’ve already started
imports—goods that need to get where they are      the allegations of too much money on the other
going as efficiently and cost-effectively as

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lobbying side, and misinformation.                   the first step to doing something about that is to
   They might want to look in the mirror on          give the Police powers and tools to roadside
some of that; just saying it doesn’t make it true.   test drivers for drugs in their system.
   We just know from our engagement—which                We hope that one of the first pieces of
didn’t cost anything and was not to tell people      legislation the new Government turns its
how to vote, but to suggest they be aware the        attention to is the Land Transport (Drug Driving)
legislation was not complete, medicinal              Amendment Bill, which was introduced in July
cannabis was already legal, and there were           this year.
unexplored, unintended consequences—how                  This new law will allow Police to test if drivers
well-armed the Yes lobby was with social media       are under the influence of drugs, just as they do
warriors. Much of the information they pushed        for alcohol. We will certainly support this Bill as
was completely incorrect. And let’s just say, they   it goes through the proper processes to become
weren’t kind.                                        law, which were delayed by the election.
   The referendum result is a success for the            While our industry has strict protocols around
RTF as we worked hard to ensure people were          drug and alcohol testing, we cannot account for
aware of some of those unintended                    the other road users that share the road with
consequences of legalising recreational              professional drivers. We rely on the Police to do
cannabis, including the impact on road safety        that; we need them to have the right tools to
and the implications for workplaces. These were      keep the road safe.
the concerns of those we represent.                      For the record, the total number of votes
   We know New Zealand has a problem with            received in the cannabis referendum was
cannabis use, but legalising it was not going to     2,908,071–-a total of 1,406,973 Yes and
help those who have to manage workplace              1,474,635 No. There were 26,463 votes where
health and safety within pretty strict laws, or      the voter has not clearly indicated the option for
those drivers for whom the road is their             which they wished to vote.
   None of the policy work around the
unintended consequences had been done
before putting the Cannabis Legislation and
Control Bill to the vote. That left too many
unanswered questions. People like a bit of
certainty around big decision making and it just
wasn’t there with this Bill.
   More deaths on our roads are caused by
drug-drivers than purely drunk drivers. We think

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                         December 2020

 Cover story

 A new NZI report shows that the effects of driver fatigue are different to what many might expect—however,
 there are tools that businesses can use to alleviate risk.

 Better fatigue management in your business

            hen thinking about fatigue in             produce the NZI Improving Driver Safety &
            commercial drivers, people naturally      Performance report with the aim of helping the
            picture a tired driver nearing the end    industry better understand why this occurs.
 of their 14-hour shift. It is easy to assume that,   This report sets out to provide businesses with
 as their shift draws to a close, they are at their   an in-depth look into how fatigue affects
 most fatigued and most likely to have an             commercial drivers and the risk it poses to their
 accident. However, a new report from NZI has         safety.
 revealed that fatigue impacts drivers differently         Taylor comments: “The report is a great step
 than common wisdom assumes.                          towards safer driving practises. There is a large
     NZI’s dedicated Fleet Risk                                            misconception that driver
 Management (FRM) team has                                                 fatigue is something
 analysed NZI’s Torque Data*,            “Drivers are failing to           management has no control
 investigating five years of data        get adequate rest and             over. With this report, we
 across 16,757 commercial                                                  have set out to change that
 vehicle claims and incidents.           turning up to their shift
                                                                           thinking, helping educate
     Forty eight per cent of all         fatigued.”                        businesses and drivers on
 accidents identified in the data                                          the risks involved and how
 occurred in the first two hours                                          they can better manage their
 of a driver’s shift. Ian Taylor, IAG’s Manager       exposure.”
 CMV & Value Propositions, who heads the                  Through better management and awareness
 team, puts this down to fatigue: “A key insight      of the impacts of fatigue, NZI hopes to see a
 from this investigation is that drivers are failing  reduction in the number of accidents occurring
 to get adequate rest and turning up to their         in commercial fleets around the country.
 shift fatigued. They are compromised from the            Ultimately, the onus sits with drivers to
 get-go and are having accidents when they            ensure they get the rest they need but the NZI
 should be at their most rested and most alert.”
                                                      Improving Driver Safety & Performance report
     Having identified fatigue as a major cause of
                                                      helps inform businesses about the tools and
 accidents early in a driver’s shift, NZI has
 worked closely with its Fleet Fit partners to        training they can implement to support drivers.

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    “NZI works hard to upskill New Zealand’s        * NZI’s Torque Data is a subset of NZI’s claims
commercial drivers, the Fleet Fit programme         data. Data is collected via an online tool which
partners with leading fleet safety businesses       collates data for claim and accident analysis.
around the country to provide the tools and         Data is based off five years of claims and
training to help keep drivers safe,” says Taylor.   incident stats from January 1, 2014 to December
“Accidents will always continue to occur, but if    31, 2019. It covers accidents for trucks and
we can tailor training around the most prolific     heavy vehicles (5,746), buses and coaches
causes of accidents, we will see the biggest        (7,486), and light vehicles (3,525). Higher values
improvements.”                                      do not represent increased levels of risk, but
    NZI’s Fleet Fit programme is available to all   greater levels of reporting and use of Torque
businesses holding a Commercial Motor Vehicle       Data across segments.
Insurance Policy with NZI.
• For more information on fatigue and how your
  business can better manage its risk and the
  safety of your drivers, and to download a copy
  of the NZI Improving Driver Safety &
  Performance report, see: https://

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Sleep essential for performance at work
By Rob Thomson, Health & Safety Consultant, Safe Business Solutions Ltd

         y bed and I are
         perfect for each
         other, but my alarm
clock keeps trying to break
us up!
    As an employer, you
would hope that your
employees are coming to
work each day refreshed
and energised to perform at
their best.
    In a recent Australian
data survey involving more
than 8,000 employees, it
was found that 39 per cent
of those employees
surveyed were sleeping six
hours or less a night. The
data indicated these
employees were more               ‘Sleep hygiene refers to the environment and routines needed to get a good
stressed, had less energy,        night’s sleep.
and were working more
than employees who
achieved the recommended eight to nine hours                    In our “new normal” of COVID-19 life, there
sleep per night.                                            are  many things beyond our control that may
    “Sleep hygiene” is the new term that refers to          leave  us feeling anxious and can impact sleep
having both a bedroom environment and daily                 patterns.  Anxiety, combined with excessive
routines that promote consistent, uninterrupted             workloads, is impacting the ability of employees
sleep. Signs of poor sleep hygiene include                  to switch off from work, their sleep quality, and
having a hard time falling                                  their work/life balance.
asleep, experiencing                                                                        The good news is
frequent sleep                                                                           that employers can
                                                  “The good news is that take action to
disturbances and
suffering daytime                                  employers can take                     promote better sleep
sleepiness.                                       action to promote                      habits for employees.
    We have heard the                                                                    Employers can
                                                  better sleep habits for                reduce the long
stories of Margaret
Thatcher, former UK
                                                  employees.”                            hours employees
Prime Minister, who                                                                      work and promote
                                                  —Rob Thomson, SBS
could get by on four                                                                     balance between
hours of sleep a night—                                                                  work and life through
however, this is a human rarity and it’s a very                                         encouraging
different story for most of the rest of us.                  employees to switch off from work emails in the
    For the vast majority of shift workers and              evenings, on weekends, and holidays. During
employees, research shows that they need                    the working day, employers can encourage
around eight to nine hours of sleep to function             employees to exercise on breaks, take a short
properly. It is well recognised that having a good          walk, and make lunch breaks compulsory to
sleep cycle will positively impact mood, energy             ensure employees get downtime during their
levels, concentration, memory, and the ability to           working day.
handle stress.

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                                                                        December 2020

For employees, considerations for a better                                Of most interest to employers, increased
sleep cycle include:                                                 sleep tends to cause employees to be happier,
                                                                     more engaged and more creative in the
• Taking a hot shower just prior to going to bed                     workplace. Sleep (quality and quantity) may in
                                                                     fact be the ultimate performance enhancer—one
• Staying off phones/devices for at least an hour                     that reinforces good health instead of sacrificing
      before bed, as the bright light impacts the
      ability to fall asleep                                         it (as much as it pains the writer to state) as
                                                                     coffee, tea and energy drinks do!
• Avoiding caffeine in the evening
                                                                     • For more information, see:
• Exercising outside in fresh air
• Limiting daily “power naps” to 30 minutes                
• Waking up and going to bed at the same time              
      each day
• Developing a sleep ritual/routine
• Reading (non-work books) prior to sleep                            Safe Business Solutions Ltd (SBS) offers Health
                                                                     and Safety and HR consultancy services across
• Avoid watching TV or gaming in bed                                 New Zealand. If you are unsure if your
    For employees, eating healthily and at regular                   company’s Health & Safety obligations are being
intervals, connectedness with people—family,                         met or have queries regarding employee
friends, and colleagues (either in person or over                    performance in your workplace, call the SBS
video-chat mediums)—looking after their                              Team: Freephone 0508 424 723 or email
physical and mental health, and seeking                    
counselling support are other ways employees
can maintain a sense of purpose and wellbeing,
and the achievement of a relaxed and positive

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                     December 2020

Ask a lawyer

Employers’ responsibilities over holidays
By Amanda Douglas

                                                      One of my employees has been here 14
                                                      months now and has applied for annual leave
                                                      over Christmas. But I’ve been paying her 8
                                                      per cent this whole time so I thought she
                                                      doesn’t get to apply for annual leave?
                                                          You are only allowed to include 8 per cent
                                                      holiday pay in an employee’s wages/salary if
                                                      they are on a fixed term contract for less than 12
                                                      months or if they work on an intermittent/
                                                      irregular basis.
                                                          If that employee has been on more than one
                                                      fixed term agreement of less than 12 months,
                                                      you can keep paying them 8 per cent holiday
                                                      pay and their “leave” over Christmas is unpaid.
                                                      However, if they are a permanent employee,

                                                      then unfortunately, they are now entitled to four
   have an employee on a driving shift partly         weeks annual leave, even though you’ve been
  overlapping with Christmas Day. Someone             paying them 8 per cent already. You will have to
  said we can agree to move Christmas Day             let them take leave and pay them their annual
to a different 24-hour period. Should I do             leave payments as you would any other
that?                                                 permanent employee.
    Check your employment agreement. Some                 You should check your other employment
agreements have a clause in there that                agreements to make sure that you are only
effectively agrees to do this.                                            paying 8 per cent holiday pay
Otherwise, you need to get your                                          for fixed term or irregular
employee’s written agreement.
                                          “An   employer  is   not       employees, so you don’t run
    You can agree with your               allowed to try to avoid into this issue again in the
                                          giving employees               future. If you do have that
employee to transfer the public
                                                                         problem for other employees,
holiday to cover a 24-hour period         their holiday                  you will need to consult with
that begins or ends at any time on
what would have been a public
                                          entitlements.”                 them to agree a variation to
                                                                         their employment agreements
holiday but to cover their whole
                                                                         to fix the problem.
shift rather than just part of their
shift.                                                I was planning to have some outdoor games
    This can mean that they would have a whole        for staff to play at the Christmas party this
shift off for the public holiday, not just part of it. year. But someone said what about health
It can be useful for the employer as they won’t       and safety—should I just not bother because
end up having to pay the employee different            the health and safety makes it too hard?
rates for different parts of their shift and they
                                                          Having a safe Christmas party doesn’t mean
would get time and a half for the whole shift, not
                                                      you have to have a boring Christmas party, but
just part of it.
                                                      there are some factors to take into account.
    However, you don’t have to do this. An
                                                          Even if you hold the party offsite, wherever
employer is not allowed to try to avoid giving
                                                      you hold it becomes part of your “workplace” for
employees their holiday entitlements, so care is
                                                      the purposes of your health and safety
needed. Regardless of what happens, ultimately
                                                      obligations. All your usual hazard identification
employees are still entitled to receive 11 days
                                                      processes need to happen, as they would in
public holiday in total.
                                                      your workplace.

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                    December 2020

    If your games are physical (think cricket or       • If you are a member of RTANZ and have an
pétanque), then make sure you have a                     employment or health and safety related
brainstorm about ways they could go wrong and            question, please submit it to Amanda Douglas
the hazards arising from that. You would need to         at Wynn Williams:
make sure you bring some first aid equipment    with the
with you from the office. It would also be
                                                         subject line: RTANZ Ask a Lawyer.
worthwhile thinking about how you would get
someone to after-hours/emergency room if that
was needed. For example, will there be a car
close by? Will there be someone sober to drive
    Obviously, there is also a range of other
things to think about, too, for any Christmas
party, such as if there will be alcohol, how it will
be managed safely, how you will encourage
people to get themselves home safely, and
managing behaviour of intoxicated people to
ensure no harassment or illegal behaviour. We
can assist with more complicated situations and
guidance if you require it.

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Classic Coca-Cola delivery truck models on display at the NZ Museum of Toys and Collectibles.

Museum celebrates childhood nostalgia
By David Killick

       o you have memories of racing cars on              might like to check it out online.
       the living room floor, building huge                   The museum features an eclectic collection
       structures with the help of cranes and             of toys from the 1920s to now. On show are all
bulldozers, or tearing to the rescue in fire trucks       kinds, from a working model railway display, to
and ambulances? Or maybe, like me, you had                Harry Potter, Star Wars, dragons, castles, pirate
World War 2 fighters and bombers flying over              ships, dolls and bears, warships and soldiers,
your head in your bedroom.                                aircraft, the Batmobile, and of course, lots of
    Remember the names? Corgi, Matchbox,                  cars and other vehicles. Many are beautifully
Lego, Meccano, Mattel, Tonka (“Boy oh boy, it’s           made and highly detailed. A shop also sells a
a Tonka toy!”) played an outsize role in many             range of products—just the thing for Christmas.
Kiwi kids’ childhoods, and some brands are still              After “many years of dreams and collecting”,
going strong.                                             Alan Preston, with support from his partner Ruth
                        For some, models grew             Fisher, opened The Toy Collector in 2016.
                     into larger full-sized               In December 2019, they moved to a new larger
“Seeing a            versions, while others have          site in Manchester Street, a Charitable Trust was
toy or               never  lost  their love for          established, and the museum was launched.
                     models. Long-
picture can          serving
instantly            southern
take you             RTANZ
back.”               Warren
                     Hamilton, for
example, the founder of
Cromwell Transport, has a vast
collection of model trucks.
    Anyone who still has fond
childhood memories of these
toys will appreciate a visit to the
New Zealand Museum of Toys
and Collectibles, which opened
this year in Christchurch. Or, if
you’re located further afield, you        Sometimes childhood toys can continue into a lifelong passion

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     Alan’s love for toys started in Dunedin with
Matchbox cars, the museum website says.
“Limited to four cars each, the whole family
would be dragged into the store to buy the
maximum number of cars allowed, to then be
shared between him and his brother Paul. While
those treasures were lost in the hills and growth
around their home in Dunedin (a fact that still
irritates him), he grew to have a fascination with
miniature from diecast to lead soldiers.
     “In recent years, their daughter introduced
him to new toys. He was also reminded that
nostalgia exists even in the very young when,
just as for adults, seeing a toy or picture can
instantly take you back to a memory you didn’t
even realise had been created.”
• See:

                                                     ABOVE: Boy oh
                                                     boy, it’s a Tonka

                                                     Transporters, a
                                                     tipper, a concrete
                                                     mixer, and fuel

BELOW: Heavy
celebrated in
scale models.

RTANZ NEWS                                                                15
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                                      December 2020

Essential information for members
The Road Transport Forum (RTF) is the central                                     for non-members. To purchase, please email
point of communication for the road freight                              or call (04) 472 3877.
transport industry. Visit the RTF website here to
keep up to date on media releases, Nick’s blog,
submissions, and advisories.                                                      WorkSafe signed off road freight transport
                                                                                  specific guidance and protocols developed by
General information                                                               the RTF to help businesses be safe during the
The COVID-19 website:                                    COVID-19 alert levels. These remain best
has general information including Government                                      practice at this time.
support available to businesses.                                                  WorkSafe—COVID-19 safety plan
2019 Operator Cost Comparison Report—                                             WorkSafe has developed a template to help
how to get your copy                                                              develop a COVID-19 safety plan, which you can
The latest operator cost comparison report is                                     find here.
now available for purchase from RTF. The report
presents the results of a confidential cost survey
of trucking businesses across New Zealand
conducted for the RTF by the New Zealand
Institute for Business Research (NZIBR),
University of Waikato.
The latest survey covers the financial year of
2019. The cost of copies of the report are:
       A division
$250+GST          of L&F Limited
             for members      of RTF and $400+GST                                              

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RTANZ NEWS                                                                                                                            16
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                         December 2020


Mercedes-Benz’s eActros battery-powered electric truck has undergone extensive testing in Europe. Series
production will begin next year.

Battery-electric truck hailed a success

         ercedes-Benz Trucks is continuing to trial  Mieghem Logistics, an esteemed logistics
         its battery-powered Mercedes-Benz           company in the country.”
         eActros electric trucks. Belgian logistics      Laurent Van Mieghem, of Van Mieghem
company Van Mieghem Logistics is testing the         Logistics, says protection of natural resources
eActros on daily distribution journeys of up to      was a priority for the company. “That’s why we
200 km near the company’s headquarters in            already invested in solar panels on top of our
Saintes, Belgium.                                    new warehouse and are also investigating the
    The Mercedes-Benz eActros                                            installation of wind turbines on
will be initially used for                                                  our company premises,
delivering pharmaceutical          “This…puts us in the driver              which would be ideal for
goods to hospitals and                                                      harvesting our own energy to
nursing homes. Additional          seat when it comes to                    power electric trucks and
tasks are planned to follow        modern and environment-                  logistics warehouses in
soon.                              friendly technology.”                    future.
    The 25-ton truck with a                                                    “Our interest in CNG or
range of around 200                                                         LNG powered trucks has
kilometres is equipped with a Schmitz Cargobull      always been very moderate, as they still use
refrigerated swap body, which is also electrically   fossil fuels. An all-electric truck, however, has
operated and therefore emission-free. The            always been on our minds and as a logistics
batteries of the truck are charged overnight at the  company with a 90 per cent Mercedes-Benz
company’s warehouse.                                 fleet, we were very eager to participate in the
    Peter Brock, CEO at Mercedes-Benz Trucks         Mercedes-Benz eActros tests.
Belgium and Luxembourg, says the eActros has             “This is for our company the way to go to
undergone intensive customer tests in Germany,       realize a CO2-neutral transport solution that
Switzerland, and the Netherlands since 2018.         meets our corporate values of sustainability and
    “We are proud to now have the first all-electric puts us in the driver seat when it comes to
eActros in Belgium to be tested with Van             modern and environment-friendly technology.”

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                   December 2020

Swap body with electric cooling unit from             The eActros in series production
Schmitz Cargobull                                         The series-production eActros will be
    The swap body of the eActros used by Van          significantly superior to the prototype in a
Mieghem Logistics is the W.KO COOL model              number of respects, such as range, power, and
from Schmitz Cargobull. It has optimized              safety. The eActros will be launched as a two-
insulation for the energy-efficient transport of        and three-axle vehicle. Series production is
refrigerated goods. Its robust construction is        scheduled to start in 2021 in Germany. In
ideal for intensive daily use. The purely             addition, Daimler Trucks will embed the vehicle
electrically powered refrigeration unit operates      in a “holistic ecosystem” that also includes
completely emission-free and is specially             consulting services relating to e-mobility.
designed for use in distribution transport.
Insights gained from the first phase
    During practical tests the eActros’s range of
about 200 kilometers has proven to be
absolutely realistic—regardless of payload,
route, or topography. The eActros is in no way
inferior to a conventional diesel truck in terms of
availability and performance in urban traffic, on
highways or overland routes.
    The cooling system for the cargo, but also
the air conditioning—both electrically operated
—have been functioning without any limitation in
both extreme heat and winter conditions.
    Drivers are very pleased with the continuous
availability of torque across the entire speed
range. They also like the quiet driving style and a
pleasant, smooth driving experience. In addition,
when driving with foresight, electrical energy can
be recovered through recuperation—motor
braking. It is then rarely necessary to use the
brake pedal.
The eActros: locally CO2-neutral alternative
for urban distribution traffic
    While the eActros is based on the chassis of
the Mercedes-Benz Actros, the vehicle’s
architecture is completely geared to electric
drive and has a high proportion of specific parts.
Drive is provided by two electric motors close to
the rear-axle wheel hubs with an output of 126
kW each and a maximum torque of 485 Nm
each. This results in 11,000 Nm each after the
transmission ratio, which is a performance
equivalent to that of a conventional truck.
Lithium-ion batteries with 240 kWh supply the
energy for the eActros. Depending on the
available charging power, the batteries can be
fully charged within three hours (at 80 kW).
    The development and testing of heavy-duty
electric trucks in distribution transport is being
funded partially by Germany’s Federal Ministry
for the Environment and partially by the Federal
Ministry of Economics and Energy as part of the
Concept ELV² project.

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                     December 2020


 EROAD’s telematics system saves you money

         he cost benefits of GPS telematics are
         many; choosing just five in a system of
         EROAD’s calibre is no easy feat. While
 some of the ways EROAD can save you money
 are more obvious, like fuel savings and reduced
 road user charges (RUC), Ehubo2’s best-in-
 class technology enables a world of possibilities
 you may be less aware of.
     Many of these benefits are interrelated and
 fall into multiple categories. The good news is
 that once you start using EROAD to track one
 thing, you’ll enjoy knock-on benefits in other
 areas without much, or any, additional input on
                                                      and associated vehicle maintenance costs.
 your part.
                                                      More on that later.
     With EROAD’s super-accurate locational and
                                                           Posted Speed displays current speed
 distance tracking and a host of built-in features,
                                                      against road network speed for driver
 you’ll be able to spend less, get more money
                                                      awareness and self-correction. Drive Buddy
 back, and even earn more in the first place by
                                                      provides real-time feedback on speeding, idling,
 delivering exceptional service.
                                                      and harsh steering or braking, alerting the driver
 Benefit 1: Reduced fuel consumption                  and logging any events for review. And at the
                                                      fleet level, EROAD’s idle reports can highlight
     Everyone wants to spend less on fuel, one of
                                                      excess fuel use due to idling or a poorly tuned
 a fleet’s largest expenses, and EROAD helps
                                                      vehicle. Reducing idle time and speed just a
 customers do that in several ways. Innovative
                                                      little each day can add up to massive savings—
 software features help you understand your
                                                      in many cases, thousands of dollars per year
 fleet’s fuel consumption, identify possible
                                                      (depending on the size of your fleet).
 waste, and encourage driver safety. Using
 EROAD, you can:                                      Increase driver compliance:
 Monitor speeding and idling:                             Electronic monitoring increases
                                                      accountability, motivating drivers to do the right
    Did you know that driving at 90 km/hr
                                                      thing—and do it consistently. This includes
 requires 20 percent less power, and therefore
                                                      better, safer driving (less speeding, harsh
 less fuel, than driving at 100 km/hr? Reducing
                                                      braking, and non-productive idling, all of which
 peak speeds by just 8 km/hr can reduce fuel
                                                      waste fuel) as well as using the vehicle for
 consumption by 10 to 15 per cent, not only
                                                      authorised trips only.
 saving fuel but also reducing wear and tear—
                                                          When you can see who is driving, how fast,
                                                      where, and when, you’re going to enhance
                                                      driver compliance with safety best practices
                                                      and company policies. Organisations that use
                                                      EROAD’s Driver Behaviour Analytics have 38
                                                      per cent fewer speeding events than
                                                      organisations that don’t, and Driver ID alone,
                                                      linking data to a specific operator and vehicle,
                                                      has been shown to reduce overspeeds by up to
                                                      85 per cent.

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                    December 2020

Benefit 2: Reduced insurance costs
    Because the insurance game is all about
risk, anything you do to reduce your risk profile
will be taken into account. In fact, some
companies won’t cover transport fleets unless
they get telematics installed. As with home
insurance, your insurer assesses your risk
based on factors including the nature, size, and
location of your business to determine what
your insurance costs will be.
    While installing a telematics system certainly
improves your risk profile, be aware that it
doesn’t automatically entitle you to a discount.     finding additional savings from the more
Work with your broker to review your risk profile    accurate record keeping.
every year, examining any improvements made              In New Zealand, the NZ Transport Agency
and where the opportunities lie. For example, if     requires heavy vehicles to pay road user
organisations have EROAD units installed, are        charges (RUC)—a hassle to buy and administer
insured by NZI, and their drivers rank among         manually. Using EROAD to buy RUC
EROAD’s top 25 per cent, then NZI will waive         electronically and track off-road usage means
the excess in event of an incident as part of its    you won’t overpay, you’ll receive the RUC
Safe Driving Rewards programme.                      refunds you’re entitled to, and you’ll save time
    Then actually use your telematics system!        and money on RUC administration.
Improved driver behaviour and a positive culture
shift spurred by Ehubo2 will naturally lead to       Benefit 4: Reduced repair and maintenance
fewer accidents and a better overall safety          costs
profile, with lower premiums as an indirect
                                                        As discussed earlier, better driving achieved
                                                     through driver monitoring and real-time
                                                     coaching reduces collisions and vehicle wear
                                                     and tear. Another way EROAD saves you money
                                                     on maintenance is by proactively managing
                                                     servicing and repairs. In our cloud-based
                                                     ecosystem, the driver, fleet manager, and
                                                     workshop team are always on the same page,
                                                     seeing the same thing at the same time.
                                                        Drivers can perform vehicle inspections
                                                     using EROAD’s Inspect app on any mobile
                                                     device or by using Ehubo2 to record any
                                                     actions required. A pre-start inspection
                                                     checklist helps you stay on top of things like
                                                     tyre inflation and tread, existing scrapes, and
                                                     turn signal function so you know you’re safety-
Benefit 3: Reduced road user charges, bigger         compliant before you leave the yard. While a
fuel rebates                                         weekly pre-start inspection may suffice for light
   By automatically and accurately                   vehicles, a truck necessitates at least a daily
documenting how and where you use your fuel,         check. In cases where multiple operators are
you can recover the maximum rebate you’re            using the same vehicle, pre-start inspections
entitled to—and put that money back into your        may be needed several times a day.
business. And if you use contractors you pay
based on distance, rather than relying on the
driver to read the odometer, you could be

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                              20
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                  December 2020

                                                        Track usage and billable hours by identifying
                                                    the closest asset, the most suitable person for
                                                    the job, or if anyone is available. See which jobs
                                                    were completed, how long workers spent on
                                                    site, how far they travelled, and when auxiliary
                                                    equipment was used. And in the case of pooled
                                                    vehicles, know who is using them, when, and for
                                                    how long to determine whether you actually
                                                    need more vehicles before you purchase them.
                                                        EROAD can also monitor vehicle idle and
                                                    working time to identify under-performing assets
                                                    or drivers, improve fuel economy, and reduce
                                                    engine wear and tear. While driving efficiencies is
    EROAD Inspect also tracks vehicle defects,      fundamental to good fleet management, a more
logging them on a defect board in MyEROAD           productive fleet also means happier customers,
Fleet Maintenance for you, or your team, to take    which can translate into business growth and a
action. Captured data can be enriched with          healthier bottom line.
photos and driver comments and forwarded to
the service provider in real time from any
    Scheduled notifications, including warrant of
fitness (WOF) and certificate of fitness (COF),
can be automatically sent to Ehubo2 to keep
maintenance on track—and your fleet in top
condition. Ensure a solid compliance record,
minimise unexpected maintenance costs, and
reduce unnecessary vehicle downtime.

Benefit 5: Increased productivity and                      Keep track of your assets
efficiency                                                   with EROAD Where
    Fleetwide visibility allows fleet managers to
maximise assets by ensuring their optimal use.             • Reduce the risk of lost productivity
With MyEROAD, you can track every aspect of                • Improve asset utilisation
your operation and manage all your vehicles and            • Speed up customer billing
assets using one platform. Fuel consumption,
fleet scheduling, vehicle activity, driver
                                                               Get in touch today
behaviour, maintenance schedules, and more                     to learn more:
can be displayed on a cloud-based portal,           
allowing you to respond to events as they
                                                              0800 437 623
happen and identify areas for future

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                        21
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                    December 2020

Membership benefits

iCOS LIVE prepares to launch major upgrade

        oad transport operators, their                   CEO and founder Kathy Ross says iCOS
        subcontractors, and their clients all stand   LIVE’s distinct features set it apart from
        to benefit by joining iCOS LIVE, a web-       competing systems. “We have real-time track
based solution hosted in the cloud that offers a       and trace—from online or electronic data
work-flow solution for the                                                 interchange bookings through
freight and logistics industry.                                            dispatch to proof of delivery
     iCOS LIVE is transforming      “We enable transport                   with signature or camera
the transport sector by taking      operators to grow better               capture.
it from a paper-based world                                                    “What we do, we do
to a paperless world—and for        businesses effectively.”                exceptionally well. We
businesses, that means              —Kathy Ross, iCOS LIVE founder         understand the transport
significant efficiency gains                                                 business. We enable
and costs savings.                                                        transport operators to grow
     The company was extremely proud to be            better businesses effectively.
announced as the Winners of the “Outstanding             “Our unique point of difference is bringing
Contribution to Innovation Award 2016” at the         leading-edge technology and R&D together to
RTF Conference in Tauranga. However, it is not        connect and streamline all transport processes,
standing still and is now getting ready to launch     offering total transparency for our customers.”
a new version and website which will bring even          iCOS LIVE is easy to operate. Kathy says
more benefits to users.                               iCOS LIVE has created a spider’s web of B2B

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                           22
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                            December 2020

connections, integrated
other software packages,
and collaborated with
competitors, to provide the
best possible customer
    “Our entire team is
taking the opportunity to re
imagine ICOS LIVE for our
customers. We are building
a customer centric, intuitive
solution that will enable our
customers to use our
platform in new ways and
access their data more
easily and efficiently. This
new platform includes
incorporating 10 years’
worth of wish list features
and functionality that we
plan to roll out.”               iCOS LIVE is easy to operate, providing transport operators with real-time data.
    The new iCOS has been
developed in Microsoft web
services running on the Azure platform and will           • Photos on Delivery
be released in the first quarter of 2021.                 • Signature on Delivery
Customers will see a new web interface, more
                                                          • Back to Depot
responsive and informative data flows, and
integrations with Port Connect and others as              • Driver Update Actual Items
more and more features are rolled out.                    • Record Swap Pallets
    “You can think of this as us taking all our
                                                          • Record Temperature
knowledge and experience in transport industry
and asking the question ‘what could iCOS do for           • Record Unique References
our customers in 2020 and beyond?’,” says                 • Colour Code Job Status
Kathy.                                                       If you are an existing iCOS LIVE customer
iCOS DRIVER                                                and you haven’t yet downloaded the iCOS driver
    A new addition to iCOS LIVE is also available          from the App store, check it out, or contact the
now—a brand new mobile app called iCOS                     iCOS LIVE help-
DRIVER.                                                    desk,, and they will assist
    This new mobile application has a refaced              you and send you a manual.
interface, which features new and improved                 For more information, see:
functions including:
• Reject a Job                                             • RTANZ has partnered with iCOS LIVE to offer
                                                             members a special subscription fee. For
• Reassign a Job to another Vehicle
                                                             details, call 0800 367 782.
• Multi Uplift
• Signature on Pickup
• Photos on Pickup
• Transfer Job to Another Vehicle
• Add Extra Charges
• Multi job Delivery

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                                    23
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                      December 2020

Roads getting worse while costs going up
Sandy Walker, Region Three: Gisborne, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington, Wairarapa, Manawatū-
Whanganui, Taranaki

                                                        must be the priority for us all—to build safe roads
                                                        that are fit for purpose and get our R&M costs
                                                        back to a realistic cost where it becomes
                                                        preventative maintenance rather than required
                                                        maintenance to obtain a COF.
                                                            The news can only be good for New Zealand
                                                        with ex-patriates returning home to work or invest
                                                        in businesses and hopefully in our industry, which
                                                        not only needs drivers but all parts of a transport
                                                        operator’s business. None of us are getting any
                                                        younger, including management, and this may give
                                                        businesses the opportunity for succession
                                                        planning or perhaps a sale if the family no longer
                                                        wants to remain in the industry and enjoy a good
                                                        life whilst they can after many years of hard slog.
                                                            This in itself will increase our population by

   read with interest Nick’s comments on “What          500,000 over the next four years on top of the
  happened to the Safe Network Programme”,              predicted natural growth from 5 million to 6 million
  which spells it out clearly as to what is going on    in the next 10 years, so tax and income streams
with our roading network, with no one from Waka         will be on the up with even more congestion on
Kotahi able to give answers on where the $1.4           substandard infrastructure if we do not get this
billion has been spent after the 2018                   right.
announcement.                                               Remember to get sorted for the beginning of
     The state of our roads says it all—it has not                        2021 with renewed permits,
been spent and repairs and                                                  logbook stocks, and any other
maintenance costs to operators are                                          requirements needed during
up 55 per cent between 2015 and
                                            “Repairs and
                                                                            holiday shutdowns. I will be on
2019. The volume of resurfacing             maintenance costs to annual leave from the December
work is down 33 per cent on Waka            operators are up 55             19 through to January 18 and our
Kotahi’s own targets with seal only         per cent between                head office will be shut from
lasting 50 per cent of its life. That                                       midday on December 24 until
pretty much sums up what we are             2015 and 2019.”                 January 11.
hearing daily from you the operator                                             Thank you to everyone for the
and your professional drivers.                                             support you have given me during
     There is a very big part of the puzzle missing     2020 and I take this opportunity to wish you your
here. Obviously with COVID costs soaring and no         families and staff all the very best for the festive
other way to pay this back other than increased         season and look forward to catching up in the new
taxes, why do we have a shortfall in infrastructure     year.
when we have had three years of a 6 per cent                “Rudolph don’t worry about Trump
increase in Road User Charges and a drop in             —he is already on his bike.”
resurfacing of 33 per cent, which only lasts half
the distance?
     I am a regular reviewer of the contractor          —Sandy Clause
magazine which publishes the results of
successful tenderers for infrastructure New
                                                        Call Sandy Walker on 027 485 6038,
Zealand-wide and guess what—Waka Kotahi
                                                        0800 367 782, or email:
selects the cheapest tenderer every time but
usually costs just as much as the dearest one
because all sorts of variations get included in the
fine print. Money should not be the issue; quality

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                             24
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