Roto Safe cable junction - Matching hardware technology everything about doors Window and Door Technology Installation, maintenance and operation ...

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Window and Door Technology

Roto Safe cable junction
Matching hardware technology everything about doors

Installation, maintenance and operation instructions
for timber, PVC and aluminium profiles

Roto Frank
Fenster- und Türtechnologie GmbH
Wilhelm-Frank-Platz 1
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Phone +49 711 7598 0
Fax +49 711 7598 253

2 · 05 / 2020 · IMO_502_EN_v2      Roto Safe - Cable junctions   Subject to change.
Table of contents

                1         General information.................................................................................................6

                1.1       Version history........................................................................................................................ 6

                1.2       Instructions............................................................................................................................. 6

                1.3       Symbols.................................................................................................................................. 7

                1.4       Pictographs............................................................................................................................. 7

                1.5       Abbreviations.......................................................................................................................... 7

                1.6       Explanation of terms............................................................................................................... 8

                1.7       Target groups..........................................................................................................................8

                1.8       Fabricator................................................................................................................................ 9

                1.9       Target groups’ obligation to give instructions........................................................................ 9

                1.10      Copyright protection............................................................................................................. 10

                1.11      Limitation of liability.............................................................................................................. 10

                1.12      Preserving the surface finish.................................................................................................10

                2         Security................................................................................................................. 12

                2.1       Presentation and structure of warning instructions..............................................................12

                2.2       Security levels of warning instructions................................................................................. 12

                2.3       Basic safety information........................................................................................................12

                2.3.1     Installation.............................................................................................................................13

                2.3.2     Use........................................................................................................................................13

                2.3.3     Ambient conditions...............................................................................................................14

                2.3.4     Stipulated use....................................................................................................................... 15

         Misuse.................................................................................................................................. 15

                2.4       Operation.............................................................................................................................. 15

                3         Information on the product................................................................................... 17

                3.1       Overview............................................................................................................................... 17

                3.2       Technical data....................................................................................................................... 18

                3.3       Bush and connector..............................................................................................................19

                3.4       Overview of variants............................................................................................................. 20

                4         Installation.............................................................................................................24

                4.1       Processing instructions.........................................................................................................24

                4.2       Dimensions........................................................................................................................... 24

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Table of contents

                4.3             Drilling and routing dimensions............................................................................................ 26

                4.4             Installation.............................................................................................................................28

                5               Connection diagram.............................................................................................. 32

                5.1             Eneo A / AF with Phone & Code, power supply unit in general........................................... 33

                5.2             Eneo C / CC / CF with Phone & Code, power supply unit in general....................................34

                6               Operation...............................................................................................................35

                6.1             Fault assistance.....................................................................................................................35

                6.2             Performance test...................................................................................................................35

                7               Maintenance..........................................................................................................36

                7.1             Maintenance intervals...........................................................................................................37

                7.2             Cleaning................................................................................................................................ 37

                7.3             Performance test...................................................................................................................37

                7.4             Repair....................................................................................................................................39

                8               Dismantling........................................................................................................... 40

                8.1             Dismantling...........................................................................................................................40

                9               Transport............................................................................................................... 41

                9.1             Transporting elements and hardware................................................................................... 41

                9.2             Storing the hardware............................................................................................................ 42

                9.3             Transport inspection............................................................................................................. 42

                10              Disposal.................................................................................................................43

                10.1            Disposing of packaging........................................................................................................ 43

                10.2            Disposing of hardware..........................................................................................................43

                10.3            Electronic waste....................................................................................................................43

                11              Accessories........................................................................................................... 44

                11.1            Cable..................................................................................................................................... 44

                11.2            Retaining bracket.................................................................................................................. 44

                11.3            Cover plate............................................................................................................................ 45

                11.4            Eneo power supply unit........................................................................................................ 47

                11.5            Eneo connector set............................................................................................................... 47

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Table of contents

                12     Additional information...........................................................................................48

                12.1   Declaration of Conformity.....................................................................................................48

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General information

1     General information

1.1     Version history
                                Version     Date            Changes
                                v0          17.04.2019      Publication
                                v1          12.11.2019      Overview drawing of installation situation  from page 20
                                v2          26.05.2020      Cable junction 820255 with built-in cover plate  from page 17

                                                            Routing dimensions corrected  from page 26

1.2     Instructions
                                This manual contains important information, instructions, application
                                diagrams (max. sash sizes and weights) and assembly instructions for the
                                installation, maintenance and operation of hardware.
                                The information and instructions contained in this document refer to
                                products belonging to the Roto hardware system named on the front page.
                                All steps must be completed in sequence.
                                The following documents apply in addition to these instructions:
                                ■     Roto Safe catalogue: CTL_86
                                ■     Roto Safe Eneo connection diagrams: IMO_310
                                ■     Roto Safe Eneo C / CC / CF installation instructions: IMO_438
                                ■     Brief instructions
                                      Roto Safe Eneo A / AF and Eneo C / CC / CF: SUG_11
                                      Power supply unit specifications: SUG_3
                                ■     Instructions and information relating to the individual hardware
                                ■     The applicable regulations, directives and national laws

                                Storing the instructions
                                These instructions are an important part of the product. The instructions
                                must be stored so that they are always to hand.

                                Explanation of the markings
                                The manual uses the following markings for emphasis (e.g. in figures or
                                Marking             Meaning


                                                    Drill holes, routing or screw positions

                                                    Unaffected components

                                                    Indirectly affected components
                                                    Components that have just been described

                                                    Arrows or movements
                                 1                  Item number

                                [1]                 Legend
                                [A]                 Steps

6 · 05 / 2020 · IMO_502_EN_v2             Roto Safe - Cable junctions                                          Subject to change.
General information

                                      Any dimensions without a unit in the instructions are given in
                                      millimetres (mm). Other units of measurement are clearly
                                      indicated by the presence of the differing unit.

                                      Figures are provided in the right-hand version (DIN 107).

1.3      Symbols
                         Symbol                    Meaning
                                                   First-level list
                                                  Second-level list

                                                  Result

                                                  Unnumbered step
                         1.                        Numbered step
                         a.                        Numbered second-level step
                                                  Requirement

1.4      Pictographs
                         Symbol                                  Meaning
                                                                 Timber, PVC and aluminium

                                                                 Material number

                                                                 Packaging unit

                                                                 Additional information

1.5      Abbreviations
                         Abbreviation                                 Meaning
                         A                                            Amperes
                         W                                            Width

                         C                                            Celsius
                         approx.                                      approximately
                         CTL                                          Catalogue
                         etc.                                         et cetera
                         H                                            Height
                         IMO                                          Installation instructions
                         kg                                           Kilograms
                         m                                            Metres
                         Mat. no.                                     Material number
                         max.                                         Maximum
                         mm                                           Millimetres
                         mm2                                          Square millimetres
                         D                                            Depth
                         V                                            Volts

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General information
Explanation of terms

                                Abbreviation                         Meaning
                                e.g.                                 for example

1.6     Explanation of terms

                                The term “locking” refers to the deadbolt in the main lock and the additional
                                locking systems, used to lock the door securely.

                                Door secured
                                The term “door secured” means that the door is secured using the latch in
                                the main lock but is not locked. Actuating the door lever handle causes the
                                latch to retract, allowing the door to be opened.

                                Door locked
                                The term “door locked” means that the door is secured by an unsprung rigid
                                deadbolt that has been pushed out of the main lock, and / or additionally by
                                other additional locking systems. All locking elements engage in corre-
                                sponding recesses in the door frame, or striker plates, the lock casing, etc.

1.7     Target groups
                                The information in this document is directed at the following target groups:

                                Hardware dealers
                                The “hardware dealers” target group includes all companies and individuals
                                that purchase hardware from hardware manufacturers for resale, without
                                modifying or further processing the hardware.

                                Door manufacturers
                                The “door manufacturers” target group includes all companies and
                                individuals that purchase hardware from hardware manufacturers or
                                hardware dealers and further process the hardware by integrating it in doors.

                                Building element dealers or installation companies
                                The “building element dealers or installation companies” target group
                                includes all companies and individuals that purchase doors from door
                                manufacturers for resale and installation in a construction project, without
                                modifying the doors.

                                The “builders” target group includes all companies and individuals who place
                                orders for the manufacture of doors for installation in their construction

                                End users
                                The “end users” target group includes all individuals who use the installed

8 · 05 / 2020 · IMO_502_EN_v2          Roto Safe - Cable junctions                              Subject to change.
General information

1.8      Fabricator
                               All installation work must be carried out by experts. Experts are persons who
                               have sufficient knowledge in the area of cable junctions for doors due to their
                               training and experience.
                               Only an electrician may connect the frame component (mat. no. 817028) to
                               the 230 V power supply.
                               Experts are persons who are also sufficiently familiar with the relevant
                               statutory occupational health and safety regulations, accident prevention
                               regulations, directives and generally recognised rules of good engineering
                               practice (e.g. VDE regulations, BGR guideline, DIN standards) to be able to
                               evaluate whether cable junctions for doors are safe to operate.
                               Adherence to the relevant local installation regulations and provisions is
                               required for installation.

1.9      Target groups’ obligation to give instructions

                                         Each target group must fulfil their obligation to give instructions
                                         in full.
                                         Unless specified otherwise in the text below, documents and
                                         information can be passed on as a printed document, on a data
                                         storage device or via the Internet.

                               Responsibility of hardware dealers
                               Hardware dealers must pass the following documents on to the door
                               ■   Catalogue
                               ■   Installation, maintenance and operation instructions

                               Responsibility of the door manufacturer
                               The door manufacturer must pass the following document on to building
                               element dealers or the builder, even if a subcontractor (installation company)
                               is involved:
                               ■   Installation, maintenance and operation instructions

                               They must ensure that the end users are provided with the documents and
                               information intended for them in printed format.

                               Responsibility of building element dealers / the installation company
                               Building element dealers must pass the following document on to the
                               builder, even if a subcontractor (installation company) is involved:
                               ■   Maintenance and operation instructions

                               Responsibility of the builder
                               The builder must hand over the following document to the end user:
                               ■   Maintenance and operation instructions

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General information
Copyright protection

1.10      Copyright protection
                                    The contents of this document are copyright-protected. This content can be
                                    used when working with the hardware. Any other use is not permitted
                                    without written permission of the manufacturer.

1.11      Limitation of liability
                                    All information and instructions contained in this document have been
                                    compiled in consideration of the applicable standards and regulations, the
                                    latest developments in technology and many years of knowledge and
                                    The hardware manufacturer assumes no liability for damage caused by:
                                    ■   Failure to comply with this document and all product-specific documents
                                        and other applicable directives (see the chapters entitled “Security” and
                                        “Stipulated use”).
                                    ■   Improper use / misuse (see the chapters entitled “Security” and “Stipu-
                                        lated use”).
                                    ■   Insufficient invitation to tender, non-compliance with installation specifi-
                                        cations and non-compliance with the application diagrams (where
                                    ■   Increased contamination.

                                    Claims made by third parties against the hardware manufacturer on account
                                    of damage resulting from misuse or failure to comply with the obligation to
                                    give instructions on the part of hardware dealers, window, door and balcony
                                    door manufacturers and building element dealers or the builder are passed
                                    on accordingly.
                                    The obligations agreed in the delivery contract, the general terms and condi-
                                    tions, the hardware manufacturer’s terms and conditions of delivery and the
                                    legal provisions applicable when the contract was concluded shall apply.
                                    The warranty only covers original Roto components.
                                    We reserve the right to make technical changes as part of improvement to
                                    performance characteristics and further development.

1.12      Preserving the surface finish

                                              Surface treatments may cause property damage.
                                              Surface treatments (e.g. painting and varnishing) on elements can
                                              damage components or prevent them from working properly.
                                              u For masking, only use adhesive tape that does not damage
                                                 the paint coats. Consult the manufacturer if in doubt.
                                              u Protect components against direct contact with the surface
                                              u Protect components against contamination.

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General information
Preserving the surface finish

                                  Using incorrect cleaning agents and sealing
                                  compounds may cause property damage.
                                  Cleaning agents and sealing compounds may damage the
                                  surfaces of components and gaskets.
                                  u Do not use aggressive or flammable liquids, acidic cleaners or
                                      abrasive cleaners.
                                  u Only use mild, pH-neutral cleaning agents that have been
                                  u Apply a thin protective film to the components, for example
                                      using a cloth soaked in oil.
                                  u Avoid aggressive vapours (e.g. produced by formic acid,
                                      acetic acid, ammonia, amine compounds, ammonia
                                      compounds, aldehyde, carbolic acid, chlorine, tannic acid)
                                      around the element.
                                  u Do not use any acetic acid-crosslinking or acid-crosslinking
                                      sealing compounds or those with the aforementioned constit-
                                      uents as both direct contact with the sealing compound and
                                      its fumes can corrode the surface of the components.

                                  Contamination may cause property damage.
                                  Contamination prevents components working properly.
                                  u Remove deposits and contamination caused by construction
                                     materials (e.g. plaster, gypsum).
                                  u Keep components free of deposits and contaminants.

                                  (Permanently) damp room air may cause property
                                  Damp room air can lead to mould growth and corrosion caused
                                  by condensation.
                                  u Provide adequate ventilation for components, particularly
                                     during the construction phase.
                                  u Intensively air out the room several times per day by opening
                                     all elements for approximately 15 minutes. If intensive airing is
                                     not an option, place the elements in the tilt position and
                                     provide airtight masking inside the room, e.g. if there is fresh
                                     screed that cannot be walked on or must not be exposed to
                                     draughts. Discharge any humidity present in the room air to
                                     the outside using condensation dryers.
                                  u Establish a ventilation plan for more complex construction
                                     projects if necessary.
                                  u Provide adequate ventilation during holiday periods as well.

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2     Security
                                 This manual contains instructions relating to safety. The principal safety infor-
                                 mation in this chapter includes information and instructions relevant to the
                                 safe use or maintaining the safe condition of the product. Warning instruc-
                                 tions that relate to handling warn of residual risks and are located before
                                 steps that are relevant to safety.
                                 u   Follow all of the instructions in order to prevent personal injury and
                                     property and environmental damage.

2.1     Presentation and structure of warning instructions
                                 The warning instructions relate to individual actions and are structured as
                                 follows with a warning symbol:

                                           Nature and source of the danger.
                                           Explanation and description of the danger and the implications.
                                           u  Measures to take to avert the danger.

2.2     Security levels of warning instructions
                                 The warning instructions that relate to handling are identified differently
                                 according to the severity of the associated danger. The signal words and the
                                 associated warning symbols used are clarified below.

                                           Immediate risk of death or serious injuries.
                                           u    Observe these warning instructions to avoid personal injuries.

                                           Potential risk of death or serious injuries.
                                           u    Observe these warning instructions to avoid personal injuries.

                                           Risk of injuries
                                           u    Observe these warning instructions to avoid personal injuries.

                                           Reference to property or environmental damage.
                                           u    Observe these warning instructions to avoid property or
                                                environmental damage.

2.3     Basic safety information
                                 The following hazards may arise when handling the product:

12 · 05 / 2020 · IMO_502_EN_v2           Roto Safe - Cable junctions                              Subject to change.
Basic safety information

2.3.1      Installation

                           Incorrect installation poses an immediate risk of death or serious
                           Incorrect installation or assembly of hardware can lead to hazardous situa-
                           tions or property damage. Depending on the height of the fall, this can result
                           in serious to life-threatening injuries and glass breakage.
                           u   Only use hardware combinations that have been approved by the
                               hardware manufacturer.
                           u   Only use original accessories or those that have been approved by the
                               hardware manufacturer.
                           u   Always have installation performed by a specialist company.

                           Heavy loads pose a risk of injury.
                           Lifting and carrying heavy loads may lead to injuries in the event of a fall or
                           physical overexertion.
                           u   Note the applicable accident prevention regulations.
                           u   Transport heavy loads with two people and use suitable transportation
                               means (such as an industrial truck).

                           Physical strain may cause damage to health.
                           Moving heavy loads for extended periods leads to physical injury in the long
                           u   When carrying and lifting by hand, comply with a maximum weight of
                               25 kg for men and 10 kg for women.
                           u   Carry and lift even small loads with an ergonomically correct posture.

2.3.2      Use

                           Falls from open windows and balcony doors present an immediate
                           risk of death and pose the risk of serious injuries.
                           Opened sashes of windows and balcony doors create a danger zone.
                           Depending on the height of the fall, this can result in serious to life-threat-
                           ening injuries and glass breakage.
                           u   Take care when in the vicinity of open windows and balcony doors.
                           u   Keep children and anyone unable to understand the risks away from the
                               hazardous area.

                           Trapping body parts in the opening between sash and frame may
                           lead to serious injuries.
                           Gripping between the sash and frame when closing windows and balcony
                           doors poses the risk of crushing injuries.
                           u   When closing windows and balcony doors, never grip between the sash
                               and frame and always exercise caution.

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Basic safety information
Ambient conditions

                                 u   Keep children and anyone unable to understand the risks away from the
                                     hazardous area.

                                 Opening and closing sashes improperly poses the risk of injury and
                                 property damage.
                                 Incorrect opening and closing of sashes can result in serious injuries and
                                 substantial property damage.
                                 u   When moving the sash, ensure that it will not slam against the frame or
                                     other sashes once fully opened or closed.
                                 u   Ensure that the sash is slowly guided by hand throughout its entire
                                     movement range, until it has been brought into a fully closed or opening
                                 u   When closing a sash and locking the hardware, the gasket counter force
                                     must be overcome.

                                 Misuse poses a risk of injury and property damage.
                                 Misuse can lead to hazardous situations and may destroy the hardware,
                                 frame materials or other individual components within the windows or
                                 balcony doors.
                                 u   Do not introduce any obstacles in the opening area between the frame
                                     and window or balcony door sashes.
                                 u   Do not place additional loads on windows and balcony door sashes.
                                 u   Refrain from intentionally or uncontrollably slamming or pushing the
                                     window or balcony door sash against the window reveal.

                                 Improper maintenance poses the potential risk of injury and property
                                 Windows and balcony doors, including the hardware, require expert mainte-
                                 nance (care, cleaning, maintenance and inspection) in order to guarantee
                                 their proper condition and safe use.
                                 u   Keep the hardware free of deposits and contaminants.
                                 u   Carry out care and cleaning tasks as specified in these instructions.
                                 u   Always have regular maintenance, adjustment and repair work carried
                                     out by a specialist company.

2.3.3     Ambient conditions

                                 Physical and chemical influences may result in property damage.
                                 Hardware components can be permanently damaged to the point that they
                                 can no longer function in a saline, aggressive or corrosive environment.
                                 u   Do not use the hardware components in a saline, aggressive or corrosive
                                 u   Carry out care and cleaning tasks as specified in these instructions.
                                 u   Corrosion protection must be inspected by an authorised specialist
                                     company as part of regular maintenance work.

                                 Moisture may cause property damage.
                                 Depending on the outside temperature, relative humidity of the room air and
                                 installation conditions for the windows and balcony doors, a temporary build-
                                 up of condensation may occur. This can lead to corrosion on the hardware
                                 and mould growth on the frame or wall. Ambient conditions that are too

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Stipulated use

                            damp, particularly during the construction phase, can lead to timber
                            elements warping.
                            u   Avoid preventing the circulation of air (e.g. due to deep reveals, curtains
                                and unfavourable positioning of heaters or the like).
                            u   Intensively air out the room several times per day.
                                Open all windows and balcony doors for approximately 15 minutes so
                                that the air in the room can be completely replaced.
                            u   Provide adequate ventilation during holiday periods as well.
                            u   Create a ventilation plan for construction projects if necessary.

2.3.4      Stipulated use
                            The cable junctions can be used for supplying power to electrical multipoint
                            locking systems.
                            The stipulated use also includes compliance with all information contained in
                            the product-specific documentation, such as:
                            ■   These installation, maintenance and operation instructions
                            ■   Product catalogues
                            ■   Information, specifications from profile manufacturers (e.g. light metal
                                profiles, etc.)
                            ■   Applicable national laws and directives.      Misuse
                            Any use and processing of the products that goes beyond or differs from the
                            stipulated use is considered misuse and can lead to hazardous situations.

                                       Misuse may pose a risk of death!
                                       Misuse and incorrect installation of hardware can lead to serious
                                       u Only use hardware combinations that have been approved by
                                           the hardware manufacturer.
                                       u Only use original accessories or those that have been
                                           approved by the hardware manufacturer.
                                       u Note the product-related documentation  from page 6.

2.4      Operation
                            The safety symbols and markings and the associated warning instructions
                            explained below apply to the safe operation of windows and balcony doors.

                            Safety symbols and markings
                            Symbol                            Meaning
                                                              Falls from open windows and balcony doors present an
                                                              immediate risk of death and pose the risk of serious

                                                              Take care when in the vicinity of open windows and balcony

                                                              Keep children and anyone unable to understand the risks away
                                                              from the hazardous area.

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                                 Symbol                            Meaning
                                                                   Trapping body parts in the opening between sash and
                                                                   frame may lead to serious injuries.

                                                                   When closing windows and balcony doors, never grip between
                                                                   the sash and frame and always exercise caution.

                                                                   Keep children and anyone unable to understand the risks away
                                                                   from the hazardous area.

                                                                   Placing additional loads on the sash may lead to minor
                                                                   injuries and property damage.

                                                                   Avoid placing additional loads on the sash.

                                                                   The impact of wind may lead to minor injuries and
                                                                   property damage.

                                                                   Avoid exposing the open sash to wind.

                                                                   Close and lock the window and balcony door sash in windy or
                                                                   draughty conditions.

                                                                   Introducing obstacles into the opening between sash
                                                                   and frame may result in minor injuries and property

                                                                   Avoid introducing obstacles into the opening between sash
                                                                   and frame.

                                                                   Pressing the sash against the edge of an opening
                                                                   (reveal) may pose a risk of minor injuries and cause
                                                                   property damage

                                                                   Refrain from pressing the sash against the edge of an opening

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Information on the product

3     Information on the product

3.1      Overview

Frame side

Frame component              Description                                                              Mat. no.
                             Properties           ■    6-pin, detachable plug connection              820187
                                                  ■    Connector side with 4 m cable
                                                  ■    Can be used with timber, PVC and aluminium
                                                  ■    Moulded-on cable
                                                  ■    Bracket available
                                                  ■    Without power supply unit
                                                  ■    The join between the frame and leaf has IP67
                             Scope of delivery    ■    1x cable junction

                             Properties           ■    6-pin, detachable plug connection              817028
                                                  ■    Can be used with timber, PVC and aluminium
                                                  ■    Moulded-on cable
                                                  ■    Built-in power supply unit
                                                  ■    Connector side with 3 m cable for connection
                                                       to 230 V
                                                  ■    Plug & Play
                                                  ■    Clamp strip for external access control
                                                  ■    Voltage check by means of visible LED
                                                  ■    Can be connected directly to 230 V power
                                                  ■    Earthed cover
                                                  ■    No ventilation slot required for timber
                                                  ■    The join between the frame and leaf has IP67
                             Scope of delivery    ■    1x cable junction

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Information on the product
Technical data

Leaf side

Leaf component                                         Description                                                                   Mat. no.
                                                       Properties              ■   6-pin, detachable plug connection                 820194
                                                                               ■   Can be used with timber, PVC and aluminium
                                                                               ■   Moulded-on cable
                                                                               ■   Can be used with a limited rebate clearance
                                                                               ■   Mounting casing with plate
                                                                               ■   180° turn angle
                                                                               ■   The join between the leaf and frame has IP67
                                                                               ■   Bush side with spiral fitted to mounting casing
                                                                                   (installation in U-shape)
                                                       Scope of delivery       ■   1x cable junction
                                                                               ■   1x set of screws
                                                       Required acces-         Cable – type E                                        633291
                                                                               Cable – type EZ                                       633292

                                                       Properties              ■   6-pin, detachable plug connection                 820255
                                                                               ■   Can be used with timber, PVC and aluminium
                                                                               ■   Moulded-on cable
                                                                               ■   180° turn angle
                                                                               ■   The join between the leaf and frame has IP67
                                                                               ■   Bush side with spiral for lengthways instal-
                                                                               ■   Pre-assembled cable with connectors for
                                                                                   joining the cable junction, the Eneo multipoint
                                                                                   locking system and the access control system,
                                                                                   length of 0.3 m and 3 m
                                                                               ■   Including cover plate
                                                       Scope of delivery       ■   1x cable junction
                                                                               ■   1x set of screws
                                                                               ■   1x cover plate

3.2      Technical data

Technical data for power supply unit Cable junction 817028
Cable                                                   H03VV-F 3x1.5 mm2
Input                                                   230 V AC; 50 - 60 Hz
Output                                                  24 V DC; 2.5 A DC
Degree of protection in accordance with DIN 40050       IP67 (when inserted and only the plug connection between leaf and frame)
Temperature range                                       When idle: -10 °C to +70 °C

                                                        When moving: -10 °C to +50 °C
Standards                                               CE conformity

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Information on the product
Bush and connector

3.3      Bush and connector

Schematic diagram of bush

Cable: LIF9Y11Y, 6 x 0.34 mm2

Schematic diagram of connector

Cable: LIF9Y11Y, 6 x 0.34 mm2

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Information on the product
Overview of variants

3.4     Overview of variants
Variant 1 – rebate clearance 12 / 16 mm

Mat. no. 820187                      Mat. no. 820255

Installation situation

                                                             [1] Frame component
                                                             [2] Leaf component
                                                             [3] Cover plate ( from page 45)



20 · 05 / 2020 · IMO_502_EN_v2            Roto Safe - Cable junctions                           Subject to change.
Information on the product
Overview of variants

Variant 2 – rebate clearance 4 / 12 mm

Mat. no. 820187                             Mat. no. 820194

Installation situation

                                                              [1] Frame component
                     4                                        [2] Leaf component
                                                              [3] Retaining bracket ( from page 44)
                                                              [4] Cover plate ( from page 45)




Subject to change.                        Roto Safe - Cable junctions                 IMO_502_EN_v2 · 05 / 2020 · 21
Information on the product
Overview of variants

Variant 3 – rebate clearance 12 / 16 mm

Mat. no. 817028                      Mat. no. 820255

Installation situation

                                                                            [1] Frame component
                                                                            [2] Leaf component


22 · 05 / 2020 · IMO_502_EN_v2                Roto Safe - Cable junctions                         Subject to change.
Information on the product
Overview of variants

Variant 4 – rebate clearance 4 / 12 mm

Mat. no. 817028                             Mat. no. 820194

Installation situation

                                         [1] Frame component
                                         [2] Leaf component
                                         [3] Retaining bracket ( from page 44)



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4        Installation

4.1       Processing instructions
■    Due to the large number of profiles and hardware variants on the market, it is not possible to make any generally
     applicable statements about installation, because some of the dimensions of these systems differ.
■    Before starting installation, inspect the installation location and the available space in the rebate area.
■    Installation location: door frame or door rebate
■    Prevent torsion (twisting of the cable) along the entire length of the cable, specifically in the metal spring.
■    Drill holes for routing the cable Ø 16. Deburr the drill holes and remove swarf.
■    In addition to the generally applicable rules of good engineering practice, the following technical regulations must
     be complied with, in particular: VDS 2311, VDE 0100.

4.2       Dimensions

Frame components
Frame side without power supply unit

          Ø 4.9



24 · 05 / 2020 · IMO_502_EN_v2                    Roto Safe - Cable junctions                             Subject to change.

Frame side with power supply unit

        Ø5                                   19.4





Sash components
Sash side without casing (lengthways installation)
                  Ø 4.9



                                  3         10                   16

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Drilling and routing dimensions

Sash side with casing (U-shape)


         25                       20


4.3       Drilling and routing dimensions

              The drill holes must be free from burr and swarf.

              Only tighten screws by hand.
              Recommendation: predrill screw holes.

Frame component without power supply unit + leaf component without casing




[1] Routing depth: 30 mm

26 · 05 / 2020 · IMO_502_EN_v2                      Roto Safe - Cable junctions         Subject to change.
Drilling and routing dimensions

Frame component without power supply unit + leaf component with casing



                                                                                                 194 1
                                                                                                         230 2

[1] Routing depth: 60 mm
[2] Routing depth: 1 mm

Frame component with power supply unit + leaf component without casing


                   400 2

           350 1



[1] Routing depth: 42 mm
[2] Routing depth: 3 mm
[3] Routing depth: 30 mm

Subject to change.                      Roto Safe - Cable junctions      IMO_502_EN_v2 · 05 / 2020 · 27

Frame component with power supply unit + leaf component with casing

                    400 2


                                                                                                      194 3
                                                                                                              230 4
            350 1

               24                                                                                20

[1] Routing depth: 42 mm
[2] Routing depth: 3 mm
[3] Routing depth: 60 mm
[4] Routing depth: 1 mm

4.4        Installation

1. Carry out the routing and drilling work  from
   page 26.

                      Only tighten screws by hand.
                      Predrilling the screw holes is recom-

2. Route the cable [1] through the leaf or frame.
   Lay a cable loop, ensuring that there is enough
   spare cable.

                      Do not crush or damage the cable
                      when installing the frame.

3. Secure the mounting casing with screws [2].

28 · 05 / 2020 · IMO_502_EN_v2                           Roto Safe - Cable junctions             Subject to change.

    Leaf side





    Frame side



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4. Secure the connector side with a screw.

5. Hinge the leaf and establish the plug connection.

               A short-circuit may cause
               property damage.
               Chips in the connector or bush may
               cause a short-circuit.
               u Keep the bush and connector clean.

               Note the anti-twist protection of the
               plug connection.

30 · 05 / 2020 · IMO_502_EN_v2                    Roto Safe - Cable junctions   Subject to change.

6. Secure the plug connection with a screw [3].


7. Check that the cable junction is working properly
    from page 35.

               Do not exceed the technical values
               (voltage, current, power).

           Only an electrician may connect the frame component with built-in power supply unit (mat. no. 817028) to
           the 230 V power supply.

           Risk of death caused by electric shock!
           Current can lead to fatal injuries.
           u Take extra care when handling live components.
           u Only an electrician may connect the power supply unit to the mains voltage.
           u Observe and comply with the respective national regulations (in Germany VDE 0100 and others).

Subject to change.                              Roto Safe - Cable junctions               IMO_502_EN_v2 · 05 / 2020 · 31
Connection diagram

5     Connection diagram
The following diagrams are non-binding application examples.
These are only intended to provide guidance for customers and do not represent customer-specific solutions.
Proper operation is the responsibility of the customer.
The customer is obligated to ensure safe installation, use, maintenance and operation. The customer is furthermore
obligated to ensure that the equipment is only installed by a qualified electrician; failure to do so may result in a risk of
fire or risk of electric shock.
Compliance with the applicable standards and provisions must be ensured at all times; the installation company of
the system bears full responsibility for this.
The system may not be operated if compliance with the applicable standards and provisions cannot be ensured.
No guarantee is given for the application examples provided. Roto Frank Fenster- und Türtechnologie GmbH shall
assume no liability for damage caused by use of the application examples, unless we are obligated to bear liability in
accordance with legal provisions in cases of wilful intent.
Other connection diagrams: IMO_310

           Installation and maintenance work may only be carried out by a company specialising in electrical
           systems. There is a risk of death when using a mains voltage of 230 V (or 115 V). Only carry out work
           when the power supply is disconnected.

           For a cable junction with built-in power supply unit, external components are clamped directly on to the
           cable junction on the frame. The cable junction must be removed so that you can do this.

To connect external components, connect a 6 x 0.34 mm2 cable to the cable junction and route it outwards.

Terminal assignment of cable junction with built-in power supply unit:
Terminal 1 IN1 / input 1 (OPEN)
Terminal 2 +24 V
Terminal 3 GND
Terminal 4 IN2 / input 2
Terminal 5 K1a pot.-free contact
Terminal 6 K1b pot.-free contact

           Terminals 5 and 6 are connected to one another internally via a relay and a 47 ohm resistor. The maximum
           load of the contacts is 24 V / 40 mA.

The following basic circuits are used as examples.

32 · 05 / 2020 · IMO_502_EN_v2                     Roto Safe - Cable junctions                               Subject to change.
Connection diagram
Eneo A / AF with Phone & Code, power supply unit in general

5.1        Eneo A / AF with Phone & Code, power supply unit in general

                                                       Eneo A / AF

                                                                                                           +24 V

                                                                    black                                green



                           JST plug connection
Outside                                                                                                                                Connector / cable assignment


                                                                                                                                       white:   IN1 / input 1 (OPEN)
                                                                                                                                       brown:   +24 V
                         white                 brown                                                                                   green:   GND
                         brown                 green
             Black Box                 White                                                                                           yellow:  IN2 / input 2
                         green                 white                                                                                   grey:    unassigned
                                                                                                                                       pink:    unassigned
                Phone & Code cable assignment
 Access         (between JST connector and Black Box)
 control        white:    +24 V
 system         brown:    GND
                green:    control (OPEN)
 Phone &
 Code                                                               EZ cable




                           Sash side                           1             2             3         4          5           6
                                                                                                                                                cable junction
                           Frame side                          1              2            3         4          5           6    +24 V GND



                                                                                                                                                            The 24 V side
                                                                                                                                                            must not be wired.



                                                                                                            Video system
                          brown                                                                                                                                      +24 V GND
                                                                                                                                                                 supply unit

                                                                                  white                                                                          IN:
                                                                                                                 potential-free contact                          100-230 V AC
Inside:                                                                                                                                                          OUT:
The “Unlock door” push-button                                                                                                                                    24 V DC
can be used as an option.
                                                                                                           Intercom                                              230 V AC
                                                                                                                                                                 Cable, 3 m
                                                                                  brown                                         Signal (e.g. 12 V)

                                                                                                                    potential-free contact

Subject to change.                                                         Roto Safe - Cable junctions                                                      IMO_502_EN_v2 · 05 / 2020 · 33
Connection diagram
Eneo C / CC / CF with Phone & Code, power supply unit in general

5.2       Eneo C / CC / CF with Phone & Code, power supply unit in general

                                                  Eneo C / CC / CF

                                                                                                +24 V



                                                                  Black                       Green                             Switch
                                   JST plug connection                                                                          “Day / night”



                                White             Brown
                                                  Green                                                                Green
                      Black Box Brown       White
                                Green             White                                                                Brown

           Access         Phone & Code cable assignment                                                                         can be used
           control        (between JST connector and Black Box)                                                                 as an option.
           system         White:    +24 V
                          Brown:    GND                                                      EZ cable,
           Phone &                                                                           3m
                          Green:    control (OPEN)
           Code                                                                                                                 Connector / cable assignment
                                                                                                                                White:   IN1 / input 1 (OPEN)
                                                                                                                                Brown:   +24 V
                                                                                                                                Green:   GND
                                                                                                                                Yellow:  IN2 / input 2
  Outside:                                                                                                                      Grey:    K1a pot.-free contact
  “Unlock door”                                                                                                                 Pink:    K1b pot.-free contact


  access control system


                          Leaf side                          1        2        3        4         5         6
                                                                                                                                  cable junction
                          Frame side                         1        2        3        4         5         6     +24 V GND


                                                                                                                                                The 24 V side
                                                                                                                                                must not be wired.

Inside                                                                                                                                                       Black


                                                                                              Video system
                                                                                                                                                        +24 V GND
                                                                                                                                                   supply unit

                                                                                                                                                   100-230 V AC
                                                                                                 Potential-free contact                            24 V DC
  “Unlock door” push-button,
  optional for Eneo CC.
                                                                                                                                                    230 V AC
                                                                                                                                                    Cable, 3 m
             INFO!                                                             Brown                            Signal (e.g. 12 V)
             The yellow wire must remain
             unassigned; otherwise this will
             bridge the switch on the leaf.
             Terminals 5 and 6 are connected
             to one another internally via
             a relay and a 47 ohm resistor.
             The maximum load of the contacts                                                     Potential-free contact
             is 24 V / 40 mA

34 · 05 / 2020 · IMO_502_EN_v2                                    Roto Safe - Cable junctions                                                                 Subject to change.

6       Operation

6.1 Fault assistance
Fault                Cause                     Corrective action                               To be carried out by
No power supply.     Loose plug connection.    Plug in the connector so that it is secure.     ■

                                               Check the power supply (LED must be lit).
                     Cable breakage.           Replace the cable.                              ■
                     No power connection.      Check the plug connections.                     ■

                                               Check the power supply (LED must be lit).

                                               Check the power supply unit.

■ = Must be carried out by a specialist company

6.2      Performance test
1. Check the power supply at the power supply unit.
    LED is lit up green when there is voltage.
2. When the door is installed, test the electrical multipoint locking system and any access control systems that are

Subject to change.                              Roto Safe - Cable junctions                  IMO_502_EN_v2 · 05 / 2020 · 35

7      Maintenance
           Performing maintenance work incorrectly can lead to injuries.
           Performing maintenance incorrectly can lead to injuries.
           u  Ensure that there is sufficient space for installation before starting work.
           u Ensure that the installation site is clean and tidy.
           u Always have hardware adjustment and replacement work performed by a specialist company.
           u Secure the sash against unintentionally opening or closing.
           u Do not unhinge the sash for maintenance.

           Incorrect or improper testing may cause property damage.
           Incorrect or improper testing of the hardware may cause the element to malfunction.
           u  Have the hardware checked by a specialist company when installed.
           u If defects need to be remedied, have the element unhinged and remounted by a specialist company.

           The manufacturer must draw the attention of builders and end consumers to these maintenance instruc-
           Roto Frank Fenster- und Türtechnologie GmbH recommends the manufacturer conclude a maintenance
           agreement with their end users.

No legal claims can be derived from the following recommendations; their application is to be based on the specific
individual case.
Maintenance interval                                                               □                 from page 37
Cleaning                                                                                             from page 37
Clean hardware                                                                     □
Lubricate movable parts                                                            □
Lubricate locking points                                                           □
Performance test                                                                                     from page 37

Check that hardware components are fitted securely                                 □
Inspect hardware components for wear                                               □
Check that movable parts work properly                                             □
Check that locking points work properly                                            □
Check ease of movement                                                             ■
Repair                                                                                               from page 39

Retighten screws                                                                   ■
Replace damaged components                                                         ■

□ = May be carried out by a specialist company or the end user
■ = Must be carried out by a specialist company

36 · 05 / 2020 · IMO_502_EN_v2                       Roto Safe - Cable junctions                              Subject to change.
Maintenance intervals

7.1      Maintenance intervals

           Failure to adhere to maintenance intervals may cause property damage.
           The maintenance interval for all tasks relating to the hardware components is annually at the least. In
           hospitals, schools and hotels, the maintenance interval is six-monthly.
           Regular maintenance is necessary in order to maintain the proper and smooth-running operation of the
           hardware and to prevent premature wear or even defects.
           u Determine and adhere to the appropriate maintenance interval in accordance with the ambient condi-

7.2 Cleaning

           Using incorrect cleaning agents and sealing compounds may cause property damage.
           Cleaning agents and sealing compounds may damage the surfaces of components and gaskets.
           u Do not use aggressive or flammable liquids, acidic cleaners or abrasive cleaners.
           u Only use mild, pH-neutral cleaning agents that have been diluted.
           u Apply a thin protective film to the components, for example using a cloth soaked in oil.
           u Avoid aggressive vapours (e.g. produced by formic acid, acetic acid, ammonia, amine compounds,
              ammonia compounds, aldehyde, carbolic acid, chlorine, tannic acid) around the element.
           u Do not use any acetic acid-crosslinking or acid-crosslinking sealing compounds or those with the
              aforementioned constituents as both direct contact with the sealing compound and its fumes can
              corrode the surface of the components.

Cleaning the hardware
u   Clean deposits and contaminants off the hardware using a soft cloth.

u   Lubricate movable parts and locking points after cleaning.

u   Apply a thin protective film to the hardware, for example using a cloth soaked in oil.

7.3      Performance test

           The sash and frame must be vertical for the performance test.

When the door is open
Fixing screws

           Over-tightened screws may cause property damage.
           Over-tightened screws lose their hold and no longer provide the necessary strength.
           u Do not over-tighten screws. Note the torque.

 Use a screwdriver to check that all fixing screws have been tightened.

Door lever handle function
 Push the door lever handle all the way down and release.

u   The door lever handle must automatically return to the initial position.

Subject to change.                                Roto Safe - Cable junctions                IMO_502_EN_v2 · 05 / 2020 · 37
Performance test

Latch function
1. Push the door lever handle all the way down.

u   The latch must retract.
u   When pushed down, the latch may protrude over the lock faceplate by a maximum of 2 mm.
2. Release the door lever handle.

u   The latch must extend fully.
3. Turn the key in the profile cylinder in the unlocking direction.

u   The latch must retract fully.
4. Turn the key in the profile cylinder in the locking direction.

u   The latch must extend fully.

Deadbolt function
 Insert the key into the profile cylinder and turn in the locking direction:
 Push-back safeguard: turn once
 Locking: turn twice

u   The deadbolt must be extended fully (11 mm or 20 mm).
u   All additional locking points must be in the locking position.
u   It must be possible to remove the key.

Have malfunctions remedied by a specialist company.

When the door is closed

Locking process
 Close the door.

u   The latch must run into the frame component and keep the door closed.

Opening using the door lever handle
 With the door closed, push the door lever handle all the way down.

u   The latch must retract fully so that the door can be opened.

Locking using the key
 With the door closed, turn the key in the locking direction.

u   The key must be easy to turn.
u   The latch and all deadbolts must run smoothly and extend fully.

Unlocking using the key
 With the door locked, turn the key in the unlocking direction.

u   The key must be easy to turn.
u   The latch and all deadbolts must retract fully.

38 · 05 / 2020 · IMO_502_EN_v2                     Roto Safe - Cable junctions               Subject to change.

Have malfunctions remedied by a specialist company.

7.4      Repair

           Improper repair work may pose a risk of death!
           Improper maintenance may prevent the element from working properly and make it less safe to use.
           u  Always have repairs performed by a specialist company.

           Improper screw fixings may cause property damage.
           Loose or faulty screws can prevent the hardware from working properly.
           u Check that the individual screws are secure and seated correctly.
           u Tighten or replace loose or faulty screws.
           u Use only the suggested screws.

Repair work includes replacing and repairing components and is only necessary if components have become
damaged after wear or as a result of external circumstances. The hardware must be secured reliably in order to
ensure that the element works properly and is safe to use.
The following tasks must only be performed by a specialist company:
■   All adjustment work on the hardware,
■   Replacing hardware or hardware components,
■   Installing and removing windows, doors or balcony doors

The specialist company must observe the following:
■   Perform the necessary repair work properly, according to generally recognised engineering practice and in
    accordance with the applicable regulations.
■   Do not perform makeshift repairs on worn or damaged components.
■   Only use original or approved spare parts for repairs.

Subject to change.                              Roto Safe - Cable junctions                IMO_502_EN_v2 · 05 / 2020 · 39

8     Dismantling
           Improper dismantling may pose a risk of death!
           The sash may fall during dismantling.
           u Secure the sash to prevent it from falling, e.g. by using two people.
           u Always have dismantling work performed by a specialist company.

           Physical strain may cause injury and damage to health.
           Carrying and lifting heavy loads for extended periods leads to physical injury in the long term.
           u  When carrying or lifting loads, maintain an ergonomically correct posture. The maximum permissible
              load is 25 kg for men and 10 kg for women.

           Unless otherwise stated, dismantling is performed in reverse order to installation.

8.1 Dismantling

1. Stop the power supply. Pull out the connector.

2. Undo and remove the screw.

3. Undo the plug connection with a hex key or suitable screwdriver.

               A faulty spring may cause property damage.
               Undoing the plug connection in an uncontrolled manner may damage the spring.
               u Do not pull on the spring to undo the plug connection.
               u Use a hex key or suitable screwdriver to undo the plug connection.

4. Unhinge the sash.

5. Protect the plug connection against dust and moisture.

40 · 05 / 2020 · IMO_502_EN_v2                    Roto Safe - Cable junctions                        Subject to change.

9     Transport

9.1      Transporting elements and hardware

                                       Improper transport poses a risk of death!
                                       Improper procedures for transporting, loading or unloading
                                       elements may cause serious injuries and glass breakage as a
                                       result of the elements swinging open, falling or becoming
                                       u Note the applicable accident prevention regulations.
                                       u Note force application points and reaction forces.
                                       u Prevent the sash from opening uncontrollably.
                                       u Avoid jerky movements.
                                       u Use suitable transportation means and protective devices.
                                       u Watch out for protruding components.
                                       u Transport heavy loads with two people and use suitable trans-
                                          portation means (such as an industrial truck).

                                       Trapped limbs may result in injuries.
                                       The transported goods can skid, open, close or fall during trans-
                                       portation tasks. This can result in limbs being trapped and
                                       seriously injured.
                                       u Never reach near the scissor stays.
                                       u Close the sash after installation and secure it in place for
                                       u Wear safety gloves and protective footwear.

                                       Physical strain may cause injury and damage to
                                       Carrying and lifting heavy loads for extended periods leads to
                                       physical injury in the long term.
                                       u When carrying or lifting loads, maintain an ergonomically
                                          correct posture. The maximum permissible load is 25 kg for
                                          men and 10 kg for women.

                             Hardware is supplied to the specialist company as complete sets. The
                             components are packaged accordingly for each shipment. The instructions
                             for safely transporting the hardware are described below.
                             Observe the following basic instructions when transporting hardware:
                             u   Transport larger scopes of delivery using appropriate transportation
                                 means (such as industrial trucks).
                             u   Note the transport weight in order to select appropriate transportation
                             u   Immediately check the delivery for completeness and transport damage
                                 on receipt.

                                       Submit a complaint about any defects as soon as they are
                                       identified. Claims for damages may only be made within the
                                       reclamation period.

                             Use the following transportation means for support when transporting,
                             loading and unloading larger scopes of delivery:
                             ■   Industrial trucks, e.g. forklifts, telescopic handlers, pallet trucks

Subject to change.                   Roto Safe - Cable junctions                     IMO_502_EN_v2 · 05 / 2020 · 41
Storing the hardware

                                 ■   Lifting equipment, e.g. transport nets, carry straps, round slings
                                 ■   Protective devices, e.g. edge protection, spacer blocks

                                           Industrial trucks and lifting devices may only be operated by
                                           qualified persons.

                                           Lifting equipment and protective devices may only be used if they
                                           are in full working order.

9.2     Storing the hardware
                                 Store all hardware components as follows until they are installed:
                                 ■   Dry and protected
                                 ■   On a level surface
                                 ■   Protected against sunlight

9.3     Transport inspection
                                 Immediately check the delivery for completeness and transport damage on

                                           Strong vibration may cause property damage.
                                           Strong vibration can permanently damage the magnet and
                                           contact element.
                                           u Avoid vibration during transport.

42 · 05 / 2020 · IMO_502_EN_v2           Roto Safe - Cable junctions                             Subject to change.
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