Space-based technologies - opportunities for the rural sector - April 2021

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Space-based technologies - opportunities for the rural sector - April 2021
technologies –
opportunities for
the rural sector

April 2021

By Paul Tregoning, Owen Atkin,
Simon McClusky, Nan Yang, Martin Amidy,
Sarah Adams, Jia-Urnn Lee and Julia Hammer
Space-based technologies - opportunities for the rural sector - April 2021

© 2021 AgriFutures Australia
All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-1-76053-160-7
ISSN 1440-6845

Space-based technologies – opportunities for the rural sector

Publication No. 21-020
Project No. PRJ-012670

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Researcher contact details
Paul Tregoning

Research School of Earth Sciences,
The Australian National University ACT

02 6125 5510

In submitting this report, the researcher has agreed
to AgriFutures Australia publishing this material in its
edited form.
                                                                                                                       technologies –
AgriFutures Australia contact details
Building 007, Tooma Way
Charles Sturt University                                                                                               opportunities for
                                                                                                                       the rural sector
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Electronically published by AgriFutures Australia at in January 2021.
AgriFutures Australia is the trading name for Rural Industries Research
& Development Corporation (RIRDC), a statutory authority of the
Federal Government established by the Primary Industries Research
and Development Act 1989.
Space-based technologies - opportunities for the rural sector - April 2021
04                                                                                                                             05                      Introduction


Space technology globally is becoming increasingly
accessible as hardware becomes cheaper, more satellites
are launched and its applications are improved and expanded.
While traditionally sectors like defence and mining have
been testing grounds for frontier space technology, recent
advances, namely in satellites, have opened a wealth of
opportunity for Australia’s rural industries.

Less well known is that everyday technologies found on          innovations with the potential to benefit the sector over a
Australian farms and on boats are powered by technology         five-to-10-year horizon and determines their relevance and/
from space – including satellite imaging, low-bandwidth         or transferability to Australia’s rural industries.
sensors, GPS tracking, autosteer machinery, paddock-level
imagery and weather forecasts. These technologies are a         Overall, this report arms producers, industry, governments
consequence of recent advances, though the scope and            and technology developers with a better understanding and
opportunity for rural industries is only just being realised.   appreciation of the breadth and depth of opportunity that
                                                                space technologies offer rural industries, as well as what’s
The application of space technology has already translated      coming, and delivers practical guidance on pathways to
to safer farms, more digitally enabled and connected            adoption.
rural businesses, improved environmental management,
increased water efficiency, better input management             This report has been produced under AgriFutures Australia’s

                                                                                                                                    We are only now on the
and better market integration. Importantly, industry            National Rural Issues (NRI) Program. Part of the National
experiencing these benefits encourages a more global            Challenges and Opportunities Arena, NRI focuses on
mindset. The opportunities are limitless.                       thought-provoking and horizon-scanning research to inform

But what else does it mean? As space technology evolves
                                                                debate and policy on issues of importance across rural
                                                                industries.                                                         cusp of realising the
and offers new ways of doing business, producers are
grappling with the scope and scale of opportunity. We are       Most of AgriFutures Australia’s more than 2,000 publications        extent to which space-
                                                                                                                                    based technologies
only now on the cusp of realising the extent to which these     are available for viewing, free downloading or purchasing
technologies can be pathways to increased productivity, or      online at
ways to solve producer pain points.

This report delves into technologies already deployed in                                                                            can be pathways to
rural industries – from livestock farming, horticulture and
broadacre crops to fishing, aquaculture and forestry. It aims                                                                       increased productivity,
                                                                                                                                    or ways to solve
to consolidate and prioritise space technologies with the
greatest potential and to understand barriers to adoption.

It is designed as a resource for producers and industry so
they can understand the various uses of space technology,                                                                           producer pain points.
and for technology developers so they are aware of the          Michael Beer
needs of industry. It analyses the technical and practical      General Manager, Business Development
considerations of technology adoption. It also scans for        AgriFutures Australia
Space-based technologies - opportunities for the rural sector - April 2021
06                                                                                                        07

About the authors

Professor Paul Tregoning is a geophysicist at The Australian National University (ANU) who uses
                                                                                                          This report scans, reviews
space-geodetic observations to study changes on Earth. He is a Mission Specialist of the ANU Institute
for Space, a member of the Leadership Group of the ANU Institute for Water Futures and a member of        and consolidates information
                                                                                                          on space-based technologies
the NASA GRACE Follow-On space gravity science team.
Professor Owen Atkin is the Director of the ANU Centre for Entrepreneurial Agri-Technology (CEAT) and
runs a research lab at ANU focused on understanding the interplay between plant metabolism and
environmental variation.
Dr Simon McClusky is an honorary faculty member at the ANU Research School of Earth Sciences and
                                                                                                          with the potential to benefit
                                                                                                          Australia's farmers, fishers
an employee of Geoscience Australia with research interests in the development and use of satellite-
based techniques for measurement and monitoring of the Earth.
Associate Professor Nan Yang leads the multi-scale communications research team and the Emerging
Communications Laboratory at the School of Engineering at ANU.
Martin Amidy is the Senior Fellow Agri-Technology at CEAT and a researcher specialising in agricultural
                                                                                                          and foresters.
finance and systems modelling.
Sarah Adams is the Business Development and Outreach Manager at CEAT and a science
communicator with an interest in space and agriculture.
Jia-Urnn Lee is the Business Development Lead for Earth Observation at the ANU Institute for Space
and has a background in geospatial sciences for resource exploration.
Julia Hammer is the Technical Assistant at the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in
Plant Energy Biology.

Acknowledgments                                                                                           Abbreviations
                                                                                                          agri-tech Agricultural technology                         NBN     National Broadband Network

The authors of this report would like to acknowledge the Ngunnawal and Ngambri peoples,                   ANU       The Australian National University              NavIC   Navigation with Indian Constellation
who are the Traditional Owners of the land upon which they live and work. They pay their respects         CEAT      Centre for Entrepreneurial Agri-Technology
                                                                                                                                                                    NDVI    Normalised difference vegetation index
to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and elders past, present and future.
                                                                                                          CSIRO     Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
                                                                                                                                                                    POES)   Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellites
The authors would also like to acknowledge the participants and presenters in the national                		        Research Organisation
workshops held in August and September 2020 who contributed to the report. Participants                   ESA       European Space Agency                           RDCs    Research and Development Corporations
included representatives from AgriFutures Australia, Grains Research and Development
                                                                                                          GNSS      Global Navigation Satellite Systems             RD&A    Research, Development and Adoption
Corporation, Sugar Research Australia, Meat and Livestock Australia, Forest and Wood Products
Australia, Hort Innovation, CSIRO, the Australian Space Agency, Geoscience Australia, universities        GPS       Global positioning system                       SPOT    Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre – Satellite for
and other research institutes, members of the space industry, startups, agronomists, and                  GRACE     Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment         		      observation of Earth
producers. In addition, the authors thank the facilitators of the workshops: Beck Davis, Mitchell
                                                                                                          IoT       Internet of things                              SBAS    Satellite-based Augmentation System
Whitelaw, Hannah Feldman, Denise Higgins, Rae Cooper, Jesse Newman, Oli Madgett and Ben
Baghurst.                                                                                                 LiDAR     Light detection and ranging                     SMOS    Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity
This research was identified through the Emerging National Rural Issues Forum. The forum                  LPWAN     Low Power Wide Area Network                     SWOT    Surface Water Ocean Topography
provides Rural Research and Development Corporations, the National Farmers’ Federation and
the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment with an opportunity to discuss and               NASA      National Aeronautics and Space Administration   VRT     Variable rate technologies
collaborate on cross-industry projects. This report was developed in close consultation with
workshop participants and the expert advisory group, and the outputs are designed for use by
producers, industry stakeholders and all levels of government. AgriFutures Australia would like to
acknowledge those who contributed to its preparation.
Space-based technologies - opportunities for the rural sector - April 2021
08                                                                          Section   1    09                                                          Introduction


             Foreward                                                                 04   Section 5   Technologies to locate us                                 42
             About the authors                                                        06               Costs and benefits				 44
             Acknowledgements                                                         06               Meet the missions behind geolocation                      45
             Abbreviations                                                            07                 Satellite-based Augumentation System (SBAS)             45
             Preface - A farmer's morning in 2050                                     12               Solutions on the market                                   47
             Executive summary                                                        14               Summary                                                   47

Section 1    Introduction                                                             18   Section 6   Technologies that connect us                              48
             The Australian space sector                                              20               Costs and benefits                                        50
             Satellite sizes                                                          21               Meet the missions in connectivity                         52
                                                                                                         Fleet Space Technologies                                53
                                                                                                         Myriota                                                 53
Section 2    Methodology                                                              22                 NBN Sky Muster                                          53
                                                                                                         Iridium                                                 53
                                                                                                         Immarsat                                                53
Section 3    Space-based technologies and the rural sector                            26                 Globalstar                                              53
             Agriculture                                                              28               Solutions on the market                                   54
             Fisheries                                                                28               Summary                                                   54
             Forestry                                                                 29
             Summary                                                                  29
                                                                                           Section 7   Barriers to adoption                                      56
                                                                                                       Lack of integration                                       58
Section 4    Technologies to view land and sea                                        30               Not meeting needs                                         58
             Costs and benefits                                                       32               Unclear return on investment                              58
             Meet the missions behind remote sensing                                  35               Lack of connectivity                                      59
               Landsat                                                                35               Need of new skills                                        59
               Sentinel                                                               36               Need for local support                                    60
               Terra/Aqua                                                             38               Need for consultation                                     60
               Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellites (POES)             38
               Himawari-8/Himawari-9                                                  38
               SPOT Image                                                             38   Section 8   Future scoping                                            62
               Digital Globe                                                          38
               PlanetScope                                                            38
               Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE)                        39   Section 9   Resources                                                 68
               Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity (SMOS)                                    39               Appendix A – Further reading                              70
               Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT)                                  39               Glossary                                                  71
             Solutions on the market                                                  40               References                                                72
             Summary                                                                  40
Space-based technologies - opportunities for the rural sector - April 2021
10                                                                                               011


Figure 1    Machine learning can transform low resolution images to high.
            Modified ESA Copernicus Sentinel data CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
                                                                                                       "There’s a lot of
Figure 2    Landsat imagery of eastern Australia acquired during the January 2020           35
                                                                                                       capacity in the space
            bushfires. USGS/NASA Landsat, public domain
                                                                                                       sector that’s not
Figure 3    Sentinel-2 image of Channel Country, a pastoral region in QLD.                  36         being tapped into by
                                                                                                       rural producers."
            The image was processed to include near-infrared, which makes vegetation
            appear bright red. Modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2019) processed by
            ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

Figure 4    Virtual fencing systems use GPS satellites and collars that emit a sound when   47
            cattle approach a ‘fence’ boundary. CSIRO/David McClenaghan, CC BY 3.0                     Martin Amidy,
                                                                                                       Senior Fellow Agri-Technology, CEAT
Figure 5    Satellite-connected sensors track groundwater use in one of the largest         51
            aquifers in North America. Flickr/IBM Research CC BY-ND 2.0

Figure 6    A satellite-backhaul system 70 km out to sea provides effective two-way         52
            communication with instruments such as temperature buoys and cameras.
            Australian Institute of Marine Science, CC BY 3.0 AU

Figure 7    Satellite launches planned over the next five years.                            64
Space-based technologies - opportunities for the rural sector - April 2021
12                                                                          13


A farmer’s morning in 2050
Jamie Blakeman gets up with the rise of the sun and switches on her
computer. A quick check of the water tank levels indicates that tank
6E is getting low, so she opens the irrigation program and transfers
300 L water to it from the upper reservoir.
Next, she refreshes the soil moisture map of her property and notices
that the light rain squall in the past week has wet the north-western
paddock. Seeing that an updated satellite pass has become available,
she downloads the new grass quality data and compares it with the
soil moisture.
The correlation is good. It’s clear that it’s time to move the stock into
that pasture. She reconfigures the virtual fencing app and starts
the process of moving the stock from paddock 4 across to the
pasture. Knowing that it will take half an hour for the animals to be
encouraged along by the moving virtual fence, she gets up from her
desk and goes into the kitchen for breakfast.
After breakfast, she checks the real-time cameras to verify that the
stock has moved, checks the soil moisture in paddock 4 and decides
to irrigate only the lower third. She switches on the system, setting it
for a 30-minute watering.                                                        All this is plausible
With the immediate operational tasks complete, she turns her
attention to longer-term issues of weather prediction for the next
                                                                                 through the application
week and purchasing fertiliser and seed in preparation for the next              of existing technologies,
round of planting.
All the above is plausible through the application of existing
                                                                                 which have the potential
technologies, which have the potential to revolutionise the                      to revolutionise the
working day of tomorrow’s farmers.
                                                                                 working day of
                                                                                 tomorrow’s farmers.
Space-based technologies - opportunities for the rural sector - April 2021
14                                                                              15

Executive summary

Space-based technologies
                                                                                Who is the report targeted at?
                                                                                This report is for anyone working in Australia’s rural sector             • broadacre crops

have the potential to transform
                                                                                with an interest in understanding the opportunities
                                                                                                                                                          • extensive livestock
                                                                                available through the application of space-based
                                                                                technology. It introduces key ideas and gives examples                    • intensive livestock

Australia’s rural industries and
                                                                                of how these technologies can be applied to agriculture,
                                                                                                                                                          • horticulture
                                                                                forestry and fisheries.
                                                                                                                                                          • fisheries

enable innovation across the
                                                                                The report is supported by a series of fact sheets on
                                                                                                                                                          • forestry
                                                                                space-based technologies for:

agri-food value chain.
                                                                                This project aimed to provide producers and industry with                 This report explores pathways for agriculture, forestry and
                                                                                information on the depth and breadth of opportunities                     fishery industries to engage with space-based technologies
                                                                                from space-based technologies, current use cases and                      and service providers. It includes technical and practical
Space-based technologies and associated products
                                                                                an understanding of the scope of opportunity arising from                 considerations when adopting space-based technologies.
and services will need to play an increasing role                               space-based technologies now and into the future.

in rural businesses and value chains if Australian
agriculture is to reach its goal of being a                              2030
$100 billion industry by 2030.

While this offers great opportunity, there are also barriers to                 Results/key findings
adoption that need addressing for industry to fully harness
the available opportunity.                                                      •    The large-scale nature of extensive livestock farming                      $2.2 billion over a 30-year period2. Satellite
                                                                                     and broadacre cropping in Australia lends itself well                      connectivity will assist in furthering the application of
To remain internationally competitive while meeting broad
                                                                                     to space-based remote sensing, as satellites can                           internet-enabled technologies, with such technologies
social, economic and environmental goals, Australia’s rural
                                                                                     scan large areas relatively quickly. In contrast, more                     having the potential to add $15.6 billion to gross value
sector needs to ensure that it is making the best use of
                                                                                     intensive farming systems – including horticulture                         of production in agriculture, fisheries and forestry
space-based technology.
                                                                                     and dairy – can be better served by drones or in-field                     industries each year3.
Previous reports have assessed the impact and potential                                                                                                   •     Existing and emerging satellite and communications
of individual space-based technologies for particular                           •    Earth and marine observing (including satellites,                          technologies have been used to efficiently monitor
industries. This report consolidates this information to                             drones and sensors) had an estimated value to                              our vast swathes of ocean and to improve forecasting
identify the technologies and applications that are suitable                         agriculture, fisheries and forestry in the Asia-Pacific                    of events affecting the management of commercial
for the Australian context. This report focuses on three main                        region of $37 billion in 20191. Improvements to                            fishing.
components of space-based technologies that can help                                 geolocation could benefit agriculture by
address challenges in the rural sector – remote sensing,
connectivity and geolocation.

                                                                                 Australian Government/Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Current and future value of earth and marine observing to the
                                                                                Asia-Pacific region,
                                                                                observing-to-asia-pacific-region.pdf, Australian Government, 2019. 2Frontier SI/EY, SBAS Test-bed Demonstrator Trial, Frontier
                                                                                SI, 2019. 3NBN, Connecting Australia, Future of farming [PDF], NBN, 2020.
Space-based technologies - opportunities for the rural sector - April 2021
0016                                                                                                                         17                                                                                           Executive summary

Executive Summary

•   In the case of forestry, satellite observations can            •   rural locations may lack enabling technology,         •    Reliable, robust and fast internet connections are vital        networks in the rural sector. Greater collaboration
    provide information to foresters on canopy height and              such as a reliable internet connection                     so that the rural sector can access data, information           and coordination are required across the agricultural
    density, vegetation cover and accurate locations of                                                                           and telecommunication services. This is a major barrier         innovation ecosystem to maximise the value that
    individual trees. There is great potential                     •   the identified pain point is not operation-critical        to the uptake of some space-based technologies.                 these opportunities provide.
    for existing precision agriculture and geolocation                                                                            Emerging satellite connectivity technologies may
                                                                   •   investment to solve other problems provides a                                                                         •    Growth in Australia’s domestic space industry has
    solutions to be adapted for forestry.                                                                                         also provide a solution to this challenge.
                                                                       better return.                                                                                                             created opportunities for the rural sector to engage
•   The adoption of research and development outcomes,                                                                       •    Just as producers require assistance to navigate                directly with space technology companies and
                                                               • The technologies that have seen broad uptake have the
    and subsequent products and services, in the rural                                                                            the increasingly complex and crowded technology                 service providers.
                                                                  following characteristics:
    sector is a multifaceted and complex issue. Barriers                                                                          market, tech companies need assistance to navigate
    to adoption for space-based technologies include:              •   integrate relatively seamlessly into existing
                                                                       production systems and infrastructure
    •   solutions that are complex and do not fit within
        existing production systems                                •   often involve incremental improvement on an
                                                                       existing activity or practice
    •   solutions that do not integrate easily, or at all,
        with existing software or infrastructure
                                                                   •   are robust and effective and have a clear value
                                                                       proposition and return on investment                  The objective of this project was to identify the current and   4.   Address skills and capability gaps to capture the value
    •   solutions that only address one need of many that
        would otherwise have been done on a single trip,                                                                     emerging ways that the Australian rural sector can benefit           of space-based technology applications. Mechanisms
                                                                   •   make operations easier, more efficient, reduce risk
        and hence do not save a producer much time (for                                                                      from space-based technologies.                                       also need developing to increase the agricultural
                                                                       or provide peace of mind
        example, checking water levels in a tank could be                                                                                                                                         literacy of solutions providers from other sectors,
                                                                                                                             For the rural sector to benefit from space-based                     to reduce barriers to entering the rural sector.
        done while checking on livestock)                          •   products have local service support or associated
                                                                                                                             technologies, it is recommended to:
                                                                       distributors or advisor networks.
    •   producers have limited time available to source                                                                                                                                      5.   Provide incentives and support greater collaboration
                                                                                                                             1.   Develop industry data standards and architecture to             and coordination across the agricultural innovation
        and trial new technologies
                                                                                                                                  facilitate the establishment of data interoperability           ecosystem to maximise the value that these
    •   adoption requires skills or training to implement                                                                         and common frameworks for data sharing.                         opportunities provide. Existing rural sector Research,
        and/or use                                                                                                                                                                                Development and Adoption (RD&A) networks, such
                                                                                                                             2.   Establish demonstration sites to showcase practical
                                                                                                                                                                                                  as farming systems groups, universities, CSIRO,
                                                                                                                                  implementation and integration of space-based
                                                                                                                                                                                                  state primary industry departments, agronomists
                                                                                                                                  technologies, so that return on investment can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and other rural advisors, can be useful resources for
                                                                                                                                  understood and validated.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  tech companies seeking advice and feedback as they
                                                                                                                             3.   Improve connectivity for the rural sector. Connectivity         develop new solutions.
Implications for relevant stakeholders                                                                                            solutions need to be reliable, fast and cost-effective.
                                                                                                                                                                                             6.   Support engagement activities between the Australian
                                                                                                                                  Without appropriate connectivity, many technologies
                                                                                                                                                                                                  rural sector and the growing domestic space industry
The following implications are identified in the report:           possible to quickly tease out insights from data and           have limited practical value despite their theoretical
                                                                                                                                                                                                  to support development of products and services
                                                                   make them accessible to producers to inform timely             capability.
•   Space-based technologies are already being used in                                                                                                                                            optimised for the Australian market.
                                                                   on-ground decisions.
    rural industries to create better value for producers,
    but many opportunities are being underutilised.            •   In 2025, a major change to Australia’s use of global
                                                                   positioning system (GPS) will improve real-time
•   New satellites are being launched regularly, ranging           positioning accuracy from a couple of metres to
    from nanosatellites for sensing water to an improved           about 10 cm, opening opportunities for applications
    positioning system that is accurate to a few
    centimetres. The rural sector will need to keep across
                                                                   such as virtual fences and automated vehicles.
                                                                                                                             In 2025, a major change to Australia's use of
    advances in the rapidly developing space sector if it
    hopes to remain internationally competitive.
                                                               •   Some satellite technologies, such as GPS, are already
                                                                   embedded in agricultural solutions. Possible uses of
                                                                                                                             global positioning system (GPS) will improve
•   Data from existing satellites is being used in new ways.
                                                                   new technologies and return on investment is often
                                                                   unclear. Demonstration sites and field trials can
                                                                                                                             real-time positioning accuracy from a couple
    Machine learning and artificial intelligence make it           assist with local validation.                             of metres to about 10 cm.
Space-based technologies - opportunities for the rural sector - April 2021

Executive Summary


0020                                                                                               Section   1   21


                                                                                                                 The space sector in Australia is growing, with the Australian           Satellite sizes
Innovation is key to the success of Australia’s rural sector, and                                                Government identifying the importance of the sector and

agriculture, fisheries and forestry industries are embracing                                                     allocating $260 million in the 2018 Federal Budget to develop
                                                                                                                 satellite technologies. The SmartSat CRC leveraged $55 million
technology to sustainably manage land and marine environments.                                                   from the Australian Government, with $190 million in partner
                                                                                                                                                                                         There is a surprising variety of satellites in our skies today. The
                                                                                                                                                                                         International Space Station is so large that six people live in it,
                                                                                                                 investment, to develop a seven-year, $245 million research
                                                                                                                                                                                         while the smallest satellite could sit on the palm of your hand.
                                                                                                                 program in advanced telecommunications, intelligent satellite
                                                                                                                                                                                         For producers, there are benefits to using large-scale and small-
                                                                                                                 systems, Earth observation and remote sensing analytics4.
Space-based technologies, enabled by easier access to space         The space sector                                                                                                     scale satellites, as both have strengths and weaknesses.
and the rapid growth of the commercial space sector, are an         in Australia is growing                      The Australian Space Agency was established in 2018 to develop
exciting aspect of that innovation. This report focuses on three                                                                                                                         Large-scale satellites take about 10 years from initial planning
                                                                                                                 the civil space sector through strategy, policy, coordination and
main components of space-based technologies that can help                                                                                                                                to launch. This inhibits quick solutions to industry challenges,
                                                                                                                 legislation in high-priority areas. It also leads our engagement with
address agricultural challenges – remote sensing, connectivity                                                                                                                           however the quality of data produced is excellent. Industry
                                                                                                                 international space agencies, such as the United States’ National
and geolocation.                                                                                                                                                                         sometimes finds new, unexpected uses for such data. For

                                                                                                                 Aeronautical and Space Association (NASA) and the European
                                                                    Allocated in the 2018                                                                                                example, GPS technology was first developed for military
                                                                    Federal Budget to                            Space Agency (ESA). The Australian Space Agency has a mandate
Remote sensing uses sensors and cameras to detect                                                                                                                                        purposes – not for many of the things we use it for today.
                                                                    develop satellite                            to triple the size of the domestic space industry by 20305.
characteristics of an area from a distance, usually through         technologies
observations of Earth taken by satellites, aircraft or other                                                                                                                             Small satellites, such as cubesats and nanosats, are relatively
                                                                                                                 The Australian Space Agency does not build satellites nor launch
high-altitude platforms. These could be images of crops,                                                                                                                                 new and provide cheaper and quicker access to space. They can
                                                                                                                 missions into space. Rather, the agency leads the development of
pastures, forests or coral reefs, and can provide information on                                                                                                                         be built and launched for less than one million dollars, which
                                                                                                                 the Australian space sector through strategy and technical road
temperature, water currents, vegetation cover, crop health,                                                                                                                              opens the possibility of small and medium enterprises and
                                                                                                                 maps so that industry can make decisions on where to invest time
water quantity and soil moisture.                                                                                                                                                        university groups being able to launch their own satellites.
                                                                                                                 and energy.

Connectivity is the ability of sensors, devices and computer                                                                                                                             While small satellites may be cheaper, they have shorter lifespans
                                                                                                                 While a long-term and fully-operational satellite space mission
systems to communicate with each other. It enables people                                                                                                                                as they cannot carry thrusters and fuel to keep them in orbit.
                                                                    Value of a seven-                            can cost hundreds of millions – or even billions – of dollars, the
to access data, video or voice services from their computer,                                                                                                                             The mission duration of these small satellites is typically 4-12
                                                                    year research                                expense can be eclipsed by the value that such a mission can
phone or other devices. In remote areas, satellite services allow   program in advanced                                                                                                  months, rather than 3-20 years for large-satellite missions.
                                                                                                                 deliver to a sector like agriculture. The key to getting high-cost
greater connectivity to support decision making, environmental      telecommunications,
                                                                                                                 missions funded is to create a compelling business case for
monitoring and land management.
                                                                    intelligent satellite
                                                                    systems, Earth
                                                                    observation and remote
                                                                                                  245m           government or venture capitalists, demonstrating the value of
                                                                                                                 the proposition. This is not easy and requires sustained effort
                                                                                                                                                                                         Small satellites also have smaller sensors, requiring them to
                                                                                                                                                                                         be in low Earth orbits to collect good quality data. In low Earth
Geolocation is information on positioning, navigation and timing,                                                                                                                        orbits, it takes days for a satellite to return to the same place
                                                                    sensing analytics                            over many years, working towards a single vision.
including the real-time location of fishing vessels, vehicles,                                                                                                                           over the Earth, meaning it can be days between measurements
equipment, paddocks and livestock. Satellite technologies deliver                                                                                                                        in particular locations on the ground. A constellation of small
                                                                                                                 Developments in satellite and rocket technology over the past
precise information, which unlocks applications such as virtual                                                                                                                          satellites, rather than a single satellite, can overcome this
                                                                                                                 decade have enabled the launch of cost-effective small-scale
livestock fencing, precision agronomy and autonomous vehicles.                                                                                                                           problem by providing more frequent repeat measurements, but it
                                                                                                                 satellites. Lower capital requirements and shorter development
                                                                                                                                                                                         is an expensive solution.
                                                                                                                 and launch timeframes have led to an increase in private sector
                                                                                                                 investment in an area which had previously been the domain of
                                                                                                                                                                                         Nonetheless, small satellites are an exciting addition to the sky.
The Australian space sector                                                                                      large government-led initiatives.
                                                                                                                                                                                         There are launches each year of satellites of all sizes. A blend of
                                                                    Partner investment in
                                                                    the seven-year research       190 m          An increase in government and private sector investment in
                                                                                                                                                                                         missions of big and small satellites will be important in the future.
                                                                    program                                      Australia’s domestic space industry has created an environment
Australia has largely been an end user of satellite technology,                                                                                                                          The number of satellite-enabled solutions available to
benefiting from free and publicly available data from missions                                                   where a vibrant local space startup ecosystem has emerged6. This
                                                                                                                                                                                         Australian rural industries has increased recently, and there are
launched internationally.                                                                                        provides an opportunity for the rural sector to engage directly with
                                                                                                                                                                                         opportunities for adoption. Satellites have the potential to make a
                                                                                                                 locally based satellite companies to develop solutions optimised
                                                                                                                                                                                         greater impact on Australian agriculture if we can:
Australian scientists and engineers have contributed to missions                                                 for Australian deployment to meet specific industry needs.
                                                                    SmartSat CRC investment
by creating instruments and software. Among our greatest                                                                                                                                 • improve connectivity
                                                                    in the seven-year research
contributions are ground-based measurements that calibrate          program, leveraged from the                                                                                          • make demonstration sites and outcomes more accessible
in-orbit sensors and validate the accuracy of satellite             Australian Government          55 m          4
                                                                                                                  Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation and
                                                                                                                 Science, SmartSat Cooperative Research Centre, Supporting               • clarify the value proposition
observations. Australia’s ground stations, such as the Parkes
                                                                                                                 Australia’s Space Industry [PDF], Australian Government                 • simplify the way people access data.
telescope, are important for collecting and distributing data.                                                   Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, 2020. 5CSIRO,
                                                                                                                 Space Roadmap, CSIRO 2018 6KPMG, Investment in the Australian
                                                                                                                 Space Sector [PDF], KPMG, 2020


0024                                                         Section   2   25


This report has been developed through a process of                             Space-based
identifying, in existing literature, the technologies and
applications that are suitable for the Australian context.
                                                                                innovations present
A summary of key reports is included in Appendix A.                             unlimited opportunities
                                                                                for rural industries
We solicited input from industry representatives,
primary producers and end users through public                                  through fine tuning
workshops held in 2020. More than 100 people                                    of food and fibre
from industry, government and academia attended
these workshops.
                                                                                production, connectivity
                                                                                efficiencies, data
Through this process, we were able to identify problems                         collection, food
facing different industries, barriers to adoption of
new technologies, and challenges for which solutions                            traceability, and
already exist.                                                                  improved monitoring
We engaged with an expert panel to seek independent
                                                                                and response to natural
advice on the collated information. The expert panel                            disasters, water
members were Darren Price and Sean Starling (Price                              management and land
Rural Management), Graeme Kernich (Frontier SI),
Professor Bob Furbank, Dr Tim Brown and Dr Luigi                                degradation.
Renzullo (ANU College of Science) and Associate
Professor Salman Durrani (ANU College of Engineering
and Computer Science).

Executive Summary

                    and the rural

0028                                                                                                                   Section           3   29                                                                                             Space-based technologies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and the rural sector

Space-based technologies and the rural sector

The space industry in Australia is rapidly growing. Australia
has an emerging satellite communications ecosystem
but relies heavily on resources from other countries and                                                                                     Forestry contributes $9.2 billion to Australia’s economy annually14.
                                                                                                                                             Sustainability continues to be a key factor in the management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Strategically placed networks of sensors could also enable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       individual tree health parameters to be sent to a central platform
commercial partners for remote sensing satellites. Satellite                                                                                 of Australia’s forests, with space-based technologies potentially         for better stand management.
                                                                                                                                             able to assist in best practice management processes.
data is crucial for managing Australia’s agriculture, fisheries                                                                                                                                                        In addition, satellite observations can provide foresters with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       information on canopy height and density, vegetation cover, and
and forestry industries.                                                                                                                     Satellite data can be used to track changes in the forest, such
                                                                                                                                             as monitoring recovery after bushfires or harvesting, stand               accurate locations of trees. There is great potential for existing
                                                                                                                                             inventory and environmental monitoring. Satellite data has been           solutions in the areas of precision agriculture and geolocation to
                                                                                                                                             used to count trees in forests and in plantations, with the aim of        be adapted for forestry.
Satellite-based technologies have the potential to significantly       Fisheries                                                             improving harvesting decisions.
increase the productivity, sustainability and profitability of the
sector. It is estimated that:

                                                                       Australian fisheries and aquaculture is a $3 billion industry12.
• Earth and marine observing (including satellites, drones and
                                                                       While the proportion of aquaculture has grown steadily over the
  sensors) had a value of $37 billion to agriculture, fisheries and
  forestry in the Asia-Pacific Region in 20197
                                                                       past two decades, wild catch fisheries still account for most of      Summary
                                                                       the industry’s gross value of production.
• improvements to geolocation could benefit agriculture by $2.2                                                                              Agriculture, fisheries and forestry industries can benefit from space-based technologies.
                                                                       Globally, commercial fishing covers more than four times              The technologies that can benefit the rural sector fall into three main categories:
  billion over a 30-year period8
                                                                       more ocean surface than land area used for agriculture13.
• satellite connectivity will assist in the increased application of   High consumer demand for fish in Australia and internationally        •    technologies to view land and sea (known as remote sensing)
  internet-enabled technologies in the rural sector, which could       brings with it the need to efficiently harvest our oceans, and
  add $15.6 billion to the agriculture, fisheries and forestry         to sustainably manage our fish and seafood stocks.                    •    technologies to locate us (known as geolocation)
  industries’ gross value of production each year9.
                                                                       Existing and emerging satellite and communications technologies
                                                                                                                                             •    technologies to connect us (known as connectivity).
                                                                       have been used to efficiently monitor our marine estate and to
                                                                       improve forecasting of events that affect the management of
Agriculture                                                                                                                                  The following three sections look at each of these technologies in the areas of:
                                                                       commercial fishing.

                                                                                                                                             •    costs and benefits
                                                                       Data on weather patterns, visible identification of runoff to
Australian agriculture (excluding fisheries and forestry) is a         predict algal bloom events, fish migration patterns, and tracking
diverse sector, operating on more than 58% of the continental
                                                                                                                                             •    the missions and key satellites
                                                                       of fishing vessel activity have been instrumental in improving the
land mass10, and contributing more than $60 billion per annum to       sustainability of fish stocks and fisheries.
the Australian economy11.
                                                                                                                                             •    solutions on the market.
                                                                       For the fisheries sector, satellite technology is being used to
Satellites have applications in a variety of farming types,            build more accurate pictures of commercial fishing globally.
                                                                                                                                             Case studies are included throughout to show how the technologies have been applied.
including broadacre farms growing cereal and other crops,              Geolocation is used to precisely position fishing vessels and
horticulture businesses, and farms where the focus is livestock        to track migratory species.
production. The large-scale nature of broadacre and livestock
farming in Australia lends itself well to remote sensing, as
satellites can scan large areas relatively quickly. By contrast,
small-scale farming, including horticulture and small-scale dairy,
may be better served by drones or on-field technologies.                                                                                     7
                                                                                                                                              Australian Government/Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Current and future value of earth and marine observing to the Asia-Pacific
                                                                                                                                             region [PDF], Australian Government, 2019. 8Frontier SI/EY, SBAS Test-bed Demonstrator Trial, Frontier SI, 2019. 9NBN, Connecting
                                                                                                                                             Australia, Future of farming [PDF], NBN, 2020. 10T Jackson, S Hatfield-Dodds, K Zammit, Snapshot of Australian Agriculture 2021, ABARES,
                                                                                                                                             2020 11Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Value of agricultural commodities produced, Australia, ABS, 2020 12AH Steven, D Mobsby, R
                                                                                                                                             Curtotti, Australian fisheries and aquaculture statistics 2018, Fisheries Research and Development Corporation project, ABARES, 2018.
                                                                                                                                               D Kroodsma et al, “Tracking the global footprint of fisheries”, Science Vol: 359, Iss: 6378, pp. 904-908, 2018. 14L Whittle, Snapshot of
                                                                                                                                             Australia’s forest industry, ABARES, 2018

Executive Summary

                     to view land
                          and sea

0032                                                                                                                    Section         4     33                                                                                 Technologies to view land and sea

Technologies to view land and sea
                                                                                                                                                    Key Terms

                                                                                                                                                       Precision agriculture refers
                                                                                                                                                    to methods of making farming                                         While free satellite images are generally low-resolution, image
Space-based remote sensing technologies are increasingly                                                                                            techniques more accurate through
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         processing can actually improve the resolution even after an

used to quantify many components of the Earth’s ecosystems,                                                                                         technology. Remote sensing supports
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         image has been captured. Because satellites repeatedly visit the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         same area, small differences in multiple low-resolution images
including vegetation types, land coverage, soil moisture and                                                                                        precision agriculture through precise                                can be used to build high-resolution images. Machine learning is
                                                                                                                                                    positioning and as a means of creating                               driving improvements in this area.
changes in water resources. There is significant scope to                                                                                           maps of variation across the land.
improve the management of agricultural, fisheries and                                                                                                                                                                    To produce images of higher value, computers can also integrate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         satellite imagery with other data sets, such as visual images and
forestry industries by exploiting existing and future data.                                                                                             Variable rate technology is one                                  soil moisture estimates. The latter are insensitive to cloud cover
                                                                                                                                                    example of precision agriculture in                                  but have very low resolutions. Combining them with visual images
                                                                                                                                                    action. It allows farmers to deliver                                 creates a more useful product.
                                                                                                                                                    different amounts of inputs such as
Historically, satellite-based remote sensing has been of limited      In forestry, remote sensing can partially replace manual surveys                                                                                   On-demand remote sensing by satellites is another option to
                                                                                                                                                    pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers
use to the rural sector due to the high spatial resolution required   and site visits, resulting in considerable cost savings. Satellites                                                                                obtain high-resolution images, but these come with a price tag.
                                                                                                                                                    across areas. Inputs are applied where                               Costs depend on how much land needs to be imaged and the
for decision making. The number of satellite-based remote             can image an entire stand, replacing manual counting of a
sensing solutions available on the market has significantly           sample area and extrapolation of data.
                                                                                                                                                    they are needed most, improving                                      type of sensor needed.
increased recently, due to advances in instrumentation and                                                                                          sustainability, saving costs on inputs
computational power, the launch of new commercial satellites,         There are also fewer risks to employees by them not being in the              and/or increasing yield.
and enabling technologies such as machine learning.                   field. It will become possible to identify a particular tree from its
                                                                      spatial location, then quickly retrieve the history of the tree.
Visible light cameras can map crop distributions at local to
national scales. Infrared cameras can give insights into plant        Examples of how remote sensing satellites are used in
health, vegetation moisture content and soil moisture content.        agriculture include:
Other sensors can detect the temperature of land and water.
                                                                      • crop mapping and classification
Satellites can estimate plant growth by using the normalised
difference vegetation index (NDVI), which measures the difference     • yield mapping and forecasting
between the near-infrared light reflected by green vegetation and
the red light absorbed by green vegetation. A higher value on         • soil, water and pasture monitoring
NDVI indicates more green plants.
                                                                      • pest and disease detection
NDVI can show which fields are performing best and worst, and
help identify stressed plants. Some pests and diseases can be         • plant and tree health
spotted in remotely sensed data using NDVI, along with
other calculations.                                                   • support of precision agriculture and variable rate technology.

                                                                      Some satellite products are free and publicly available, but
                                                                      these have limited usefulness because their coarse resolution is
Costs and benefits
                                                                      generally 5 m. Examples of the different resolutions needed for
                                                                      different purposes include:

Remote sensing can be used to track sea level and temperature,        • variable rate technology requires 5-10 m spatial resolution
as well as wave and ocean current activity. This is useful for fish
migration modelling, which benefits researchers and fishers.          • biomass and yield estimates require 1-3 m resolution
                                                                                                                                              Figure 01. Machine learning can transform low-resolution images to high. Modified ESA Copernicus Sentinel data CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
                                                                      • weed detection requires 5-50 cm resolution .    15

                                                                                                                                               R Sishodia, R Ray, S Singh, “Applications of remote sensing in precision agriculture: A review [PDF]”, Remote Sensing, 2020, 12, p 3136.
34                                              35                                                                              Technologies to view land and sea

                                                Meet the missions behind
                                                remote sensing
     Remote sensing without
                                                Several key existing satellite systems are described below.                           Case study — Rapid mapping
       Satellites aren’t the only technology    Some commercial products/services/companies are named                                 of wildfire damage
     available for remote sensing. Aircraft     to provide examples of how the data is used. The list is not
                                                exhaustive and is not meant as an endorsement of any particular
     and drones can do it too.
                                                product or enterprise.                                                         Data from Landsat satellites was used
                                                                                                                               in Australia during the 2019-20 NSW
        Aircraft and drones can provide         Landsat                                                                        bushfires to map the extent of wildfire
     more detail over smaller areas, while
                                                                                                                               damage. The Google Earth Engine
     satellites can image more land in          Landsat is the longest Earth observation program in operation,
                                                providing a half-century record of global land cover and land-use
                                                                                                                               Burnt Area Map measures colour
     less detail. Satellites can give regular
                                                change. There are two Landsat satellites in operation (Landsat 7               change in vegetation before and
     reports on the same area, showing
                                                and Landsat 8), with a third (Landsat 9) scheduled for launch in               after a fire, and was a rapid way to
     changes over time. Drones and aircraft
                                                September 2021.                                                                support environmental management
     can operate on cloudy days, when
                                                                                                                               decisions and to understand impacts
     satellite images would be impacted.        Google Maps and Google Earth images are based on enhanced
                                                                                                                               on forestry resources.
     Costs are variable and depend on the       and colour-balanced Landsat imagery. Landsat data is freely
     size and location of a farm.               available from the US Geological Survey (USGS) website and
                                                Geoscience Australia website.

        It can be difficult to decide which     Resolution: 15-100 m, revisits every eight days.
     technology is right for the job. Here,
     individuals need to determine what
     success would look like and think
     about what resolution they might need.
     This might include a farmer asking
     questions such as: “Do I need to see
     individual trees?” or “Is it useful to
     have one image that captures a
     whole paddock?”

        It may be necessary to try a few
     options to find which work best for
     given needs. Combining different
     services might provide the most
                                                Figure 02. Landsat imagery of eastern Australia acquired during the January 2020 bushfires. USGS/NASA Landsat, public domain

                                                     NSW Government Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (NSW DPIE), The Google Earth Engine Burnt Area Map, NSW DPIE, 2020.
0036                                                                                                              Section          4   37                                                                               Technologies to view land and sea

                                                                                                                                             Sentinel in action

                                                                                                                                       Sentinel data is being used to support
                                                                                                                                       a range of agricultural activities.

                                                                                                                                       Livestock: Sentinel-2 optical imagery, updated every five days, is        An integrated smart farming platform in Greece, Gaiasense,
                                                                                                                                       being used by CiboLabs to monitor land condition and to provide           uses Sentinel imagery to calculate vegetation, plant health and
                                                                                                                                       advice on stock rates for available pastures. Technologies can            soil moisture, and is reported to have increased crop production
                                                                                                                                       reduce operational and feed management costs by up to 9%,                 by 10% and to have decreased the application of inputs (water,
                                                                                                                                       depending on the type of livestock17.                                     fertiliser, herbicides) by 19% over two years. Data is being used to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 help shape farming subsidy policy and food security policies20.
                                                                                                                                       Crops: Early signs of crop stress can alert growers to potential
                                                                                                                                       pest and disease outbreaks, irrigation issues, soil nutrient              Forests: The UK Government is exploring the use of Rezatec to
                                                                                                                                       deficiencies and weeds, among other pressures. FluroSat creates           identify and track outbreaks of sweet chestnut blight in England.
                                                                                                                                       insights into crop health, which are derived from free Sentinel           Sentinel data is used to distinguish sweet chestnut trees from
                                                                                                                                       data or from on-demand high-resolution images from satellites             oak trees and to identify stressed sweet chestnut trees for
                                                                                                                                       such as KOMPSAT-2 and TripleSat. Case studies have shown                  targeted inspection21.
                                                                                                                                       yield improvements of 10-25%18.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Fishing: In Greece and North Macedonia, the Satellite Near
                                                                                                                                       Farmers in Denmark and Sweden can use CropSAT to view                     Real Time Monitoring Network uses Sentinel data to produce
                                                                                                                                       biomass maps of farms to assist with precision agriculture and            maps of sea surface temperature and water transparency. This
                                                                                                                                       inputting nitrogen fertiliser as required, reducing input costs           provides decision support for fishers and fish farms in the area by
                                                                                                                                       and harmful runoff .                                                      monitoring algal events and water quality22.

Figure 03.Sentinel-2 image of Channel Country, a pastoral region in QLD. The image was processed to include near-infrared, which
makes vegetation appear bright red. Modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2019) processed by ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

                                                                                                                                       Sentinel missions include radar and multi-
Sentinel                                                                                                                               spectral imaging for land, ocean and atmospheric
Sentinel missions include radar and multi-spectral imaging for                                                                         monitoring. There are six missions in the Sentinel
land, ocean and atmospheric monitoring. There are six missions
in the Sentinel family, and each is based on a constellation of
                                                                                                                                       family, and each is based on a constellation of
satellites to fulfil coverage requirements. Sentinel-2 is the most                                                                     satellites to fulfil coverage requirements.
relevant to agriculture as it monitors plant growth and land cover.
Sentinel data is publicly available.

Resolution: 10 m, revisits every five days.
                                                                                                                                        Geoscience Australia, Frontier SI, Digital Earth Australia, Harvesting the benefits of Earth observation [PDF], Digital Earth Australia, 2020

                                                                                                                                        Australian Government Business, FluroSat – growing better crops through remote sensing, Australian Government Business, 2020. 19European

                                                                                                                                       Commission, NEREUS, ESA, The ever growing use of Copernicus across Europe’s regions: a selection of 99 user stories by local and regional
                                                                                                                                       authorities, European Commission, NEREUS, ESA, 2018 20European Commission, NEREUS, ESA, The ever growing use of Copernicus across
                                                                                                                                       Europe’s regions: a selection of 99 user stories by local and regional authorities, European Commission, NEREUS, ESA, 2018 21European
                                                                                                                                       Commission, NEREUS, ESA. 22European Commission, NEREUS, ESA.
0038                                                                                                                    Section        4       39                                                                                   Technologies to view land and sea

Terra/Aqua                                                            SPOT Image                                                                                                                                            Gravity Recovery and Climate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Experiment (GRACE)
Terra and Aqua are a pair of satellites that collect multi-spectral   SPOT satellites can be reactively programmed to meet client                            Case study — Forestry and
imaging of land, sea and sky. Over land, they can monitor surface     requirements. SPOT satellites are commercially available in                            bark beetles                                                   GRACE measures changes in total water storage on Earth,
temperature and estimate the rate of photosynthesis across the        Australia through SPOT Imaging Services. Australian agencies                                                                                          including melting of polar ice sheets, ocean mass increase and
globe. Over water, they detect ocean colour and phytoplankton. In     have used SPOT-5 imagery for mapping land cover, forestry,                                                                                            groundwater depletion. Data has been used to quantify drought
the sky, they detect cloud properties and greenhouse gases in the     topography and water23.                                                        Planet Labs’ PlanetScope and SkySat                                    in Australia.
atmosphere. Data is publicly available.
                                                                                                                                                     constellations provide high-resolution,
                                                                      Resolution: 1.5-6 m, revisits 2-3 days.                                                                                                               Improved accuracy in root-zone and groundwater stores has led
Resolution: 250 m to 1 km, revisits every two days.                                                                                                  high-frequency satellite imagery for                                   to improved prediction of vegetation state up to five months in
                                                                                                                                                     forestry. The data is used for early                                   advance, which could aid preparations for fire seasons.
                                                                                                                                                     identification of bark beetle infection in
Polar-orbiting Operational                                                                                                                           forest stands in the Czech Republic24,                                 Resolution: 200-300 km but can be downscaled to tens of
                                                                                                                                                     forest inventories for Pan Pac Forest                                  kilometres when used in conjunction with other data sets. Data
Environmental Satellites (POES)                                       Digital Globe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            products are typically monthly estimates.
                                                                                                                                                     Products in New Zealand25, and to
POES are a constellation of weather satellites that monitor severe    Digital Globe offers satellite imagery and radar that can be                   monitor forest carbon stocks and
weather and ocean events. Data is freely available and used           integrated with other maps. Data is commercially available
by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Applications include         and has applications for autonomous vehicles, disaster                                                                                                Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity (SMOS)
monitoring cloud cover, fire detection, sea surface temperature,      response and crisis management, defence and intelligence,
                                                                                                                                                     The Queensland Government has an                                       SMOS measures the amount of soil moisture in the top 5 cm layer.
ice, snow and vegetation cover.                                       telecommunications, and security.
                                                                                                                                                     agreement with Planet Labs for whole-                                  When used in conjunction with land surface/hydrology modelling,
Resolution: 1-20 km, revisits twice daily.                            Resolution: 30 cm to 2 m, revisits 1-3 days.                                   of-government subscription-based                                       observations of the soil moisture content improve the accuracy of
                                                                                                                                                     access to PlanetScope imagery27.                                       modelling shallow, root zone and groundwater resources.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Resolution: 10-25 km, revisits every three days.
Himawari-8/Himawari-9                                                 PlanetScope

Himawari-8 and Himawari-9 are geostationary satellites with           All Planet Labs satellites are CubeSats (small satellites under
coverage over Japan that provide information on weather events        5 kg). They operate about 150 optical satellites and they launch                                                                                      Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT)
for the Japan, East Asia and Western Pacific regions. Himawari-8      new satellites into orbit every year. PlanetScope’s ‘Doves’ satellites
provides the core of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s           make up the world’s largest constellation of Earth-imaging                                                                                            Scheduled for launch in September 2021, SWOT will survey
satellite data intake. Data is freely available.                      satellites.                                                                                                                                           Earth’s surface water and ocean topography. The mission will be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            capable of resolving changes in heights of water bodies wider
                                                                      PlanetScope data is commercially available. PlanetScope market                                                                                        than 100 m.
                                                                      their imagery as providing tools to boost agricultural productivity
                                                                      and profitability. Their data is used for monitoring crop growth and                                                                                  Resolution: Initially about 250 m but expected to improve to
     Key term: Geostationary                                          health, yield forecasting, precision agriculture and as a tool for                                                                                    about 100 m.
                                                                      deforestation compliance.

         A satellite in geostationary orbit                           Resolution: 5 m, revisits up to 12 times daily.
     is orbiting Earth around the equator
     at the same rate as the Earth spins,
     so that the satellite remains above
     the same point on the Earth’s
     surface at all times.

                                                                                                                                                 A Forghani, S Reddy, C Smith, Evaluating SPOT-5 satellite imagery for national mapping division’s topographic mapping program
                                                                                                                                               [PDF], Geoscience Australia, 2003. 24S Doshi, Bark beetles are decimating forests: Satellite data can help, Planet, 2019. 25 Interpine,
                                                                                                                                               Automated cutover mapping with satellite imagery – case study, Interpine, 2020. 26O Csillik et al, “Monitoring tropical forest carbon
                                                                                                                                               stocks and emissions using Planet satellite data”, Scientific Reports, 9, 2019. 27Queensland Government Business Queensland,
                                                                                                                                               Satellite imagery, Queensland Government, 2020.
0040                                                                                                                Section         4    41

Solutions on the market

Remote sensing applications in agriculture have the potential to    • FarmMap4D uses high-resolution imagery from DigitalGlobe
improve crop productivity while minimising the use (and cost) of      and other digital tools to provide land managers with online
resources and environmental impacts.                                  access to detailed maps of their properties.

There are many service providers of remote sensing for farm         • Farm Doctors, a precision agriculture company, uses remote
enterprises. Examples include:                                        sensing of NDVI to measure plant health.

• Digital Agriculture Services, in partnership with CSIRO,          • Cibolabs uses remote sensing data coupled with machine
  delivers rural intelligence through satellite imagery. It           learning to provide farmers with information on pasture
  provides a powerful visualisation tool, allowing people to          productivity, land condition and stocking rates.
  geo-locate farms, rivers, dams and buildings, and assess
  yield and soil type.                                              • uses satellite imagery to improve pasture
• FluroSat uses remote sensing of NDVI to create crop health
  reports and to send automatic crop stress alerts to farmers.      • Indufor uses satellite imagery to monitor forest and landscape
  Their high-resolution images allow farmers to see individual        changes, including continuous plantation monitoring.
  trees, meaning the service is suited to orchards, vineyards and
  high-value crops on drip-irrigation.                              This is not an exhaustive list and is provided to show the variety
                                                                    of offerings in Australia.
• DataFarming uses Sentinel data to identify where crops are
  performing well.

                                                                                                                                              The adoption of
• Hummingbird Technologies provides broadacre farmers in
  Australia with insights into drought damage to soy and maize
  crops, grass weeds in canola and wheat fields, and nitrogen
  needs for barley.
                                                                                                                                              remote sensing
                                                                                                                                              technologies has not
Summary                                                                                                                                       been fully realised
There are many applications of remote sensing technologies, particularly in
agriculture. New advances in machine learning are making it easier for people to
                                                                                                                                              across the rural sector.
access and use data from existing satellites to make on-farm decisions. Remote
sensing has a strong role to play in understanding and monitoring the environment,
                                                                                                                                              This represents a
including that of marine estates and forests.
                                                                                                                                              great opportunity
As the precision and coverage of space-based remote sensing continues to advance,
and development and deployment costs reduce, these technologies are likely to become                                                          for Australia.
more cost competitive with drone imagery solutions. Remote sensing is an active area
of growth and exploration, and the adoption of these technologies has not been fully
realised across the rural sector. This represents a great opportunity for Australia.
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