Student se lyk in rivier gevind

Student se lyk in rivier gevind
Webblad:   28 Januarie 2021         Free
Student se lyk                                                                         drowns at
in rivier gevind                                                                          P5

                                                  Klarissa Joubert (19) langs die
                                                  Oranjerivier in Orania. Foto: Ver-
                                                  skaf                                 repeatedly
                                                                                         call for
                                                                                        pality P4
                                                                                        rebel P9
                                                                                       gebring aan
                                                                                        Potch Dorp
                                                   Bl.3                                    Bl.2
Student se lyk in rivier gevind
2                                    Potchefstroom Herald                                                                 28 Januarie 2021

Potch Dorp legende sal
vir altyd onthou word

Die oud-Potch Dorp flank, Piet Liebenberg is op die ouderdom van 59 jaar oorlede. Foto:   Piet Liebenberg (middel agter) tydens sy speeldae vir Wes-Transvaal in die 80's. Foto: Supa-
Verskaf                                                                                   Rugby/Facebook

Wouter Pienaar                              op en van die veld.                           daarna vir Potch Dorp Rugbyklub en             woonte gehad om met die afslaan die
                                               Dit is hoe rugbylui van Potch Dorp         later op provinsiale vlak in 50 wed-           gholfbal net so voor sy linkervoet te
‘n Rugbyspeler met ‘n groot hart, ‘n        en Wes-Transvaal die voormalige               stryde vir Wes-Transvaal uitgedraf.            sit en glo my, hy kon ‘n bal behoorlik
fantastiese humorsin en ‘n ware yster       flank, Piet Liebenberg, sal onthou.              Sy boesemvriend en spanmaat in              ver slaan. Die twee stel toe voor dat
                                               Liebenberg is verlede week weens           die lostrio, Don Berry, het ‘n hegte           hy die bal eerder tussen sy twee bene
                                            orgaanversaking in die ouderdom van           band met Liebenberg gehad en                   moet sit, aangesien hy dalk ‘n sterker
                                            59 jaar oorlede. Hy het ten tyde van          onthou al die goeie tye wat hulle op           swaai sal hê.
                                            sy dood in Potchefstroom gewoon en            en van die rugbyveld gedeel het.                  “Piet sê toe droogweg vir hulle: ‘Dis
                                            sal deur baie mense binne en buite               “Ek het Piet vanaf 1980 in Wes-             waarvoor ek bang is.’ Ek dink hulle
                                            rugbykringe gemis word.                       Transvaal se o.20 spanne leer ken.             het eers later agtergekom wat hy
                                               Dit is in rugby waar Liebenberg sy         Van daar af het ons gereeld saamge-            bedoel het,” skerts Berry.
                                            grootste nalatenskap het. Hy het in           speel. Piet was ‘n iemand wat altyd               Prof. Manie Spamer, oud Wes-
                                            1979 aan Volkies matrikuleer en het           grappies gemaak het en ‘n sterk sin            Transvaal afrigter het ook ‘n hulde-
                                                                                                               vir humor gehad           blyk aan Liebenberg gebring:
                                                                                                               het,” vertel Berry.          “As afrigter sal ek Piet onthou as
                                                                                                                  Berry onthou           een van die mees lojale en hardwer-
                                                                                                               ook ‘n staaltjie          kendste spelers. Altyd gelag en ‘n
                                                                                                               op die gholfbaan          grappie gemaak. Hy, Don Berry en
                                                                                                               wat hy altyd sal          Kierie Barnard was ‘n gedugte lostrio.
                                                                                                               onthou.                   Rus in vrede my vriend. Jou nagedag-
                                                                                                                  “Ek en Piet            tes is vir ewig in ons gedagtes gegiet.”
                                                                                                               Lieb het een keer            Die voormalige Wes-Transvaal stut
                                                                                                               saam met Anton            en huidige Potch Dorp president,
                                                                                                               du Preez en               Sakkie Raath, onthou ook vir Piet
                                                                                                               Albert Rabie              Lieb as een van die ysters van die
                                                                                                               (twee professore)         spel.
                                                                                                               op die gholfbaan             “Wat ‘n boytjie - lojale en vriendeli-
                                                                                                               scramble gespeel.         ke mens. Ek sal ook graag ‘n stout
                                                                                                               Piet het ‘n ge-           op hom wil drink.”


Student se lyk in rivier gevind
28 Januarie 2021                                                      Potchefstroom Herald             3

   Puk-student verdrink
   in Oranjerivier

 Van links: Nico
 Stapelberg, hoof
 paramediese beampte
 van OraniaMED24 en
 Derik Coetsee, ‘n
 rivierkenner. Foto: Verskaf

Venessa van der Westhuizen                                    ter en hommeltuie is ook vir die soektog ingespan.”
                                                                 Strydom het vertel dat die polisie aan hom verduidelik het
‘n Sielkunde student aan die Noordwes-Universiteit,           dat dit aanvanklik moeilik is om ‘n liggaam te vind nadat ‘n
Klarissa Joubert (19), het verlede week verdrink toe sy       persoon pas verdrink het omdat dit tot op die bodem sak.
en haar vriende op binnebande in die Oranjerivier             Eers na ‘n paar dae styg die liggaam na die oppervlak wat
afgedryf het. Dié tragiese ongeluk het Donderdag, 21          dit makliker maak om dit te op te spoor, soos
Januarie laatmiddag in die dorpie Orania gebeur waar          dit ook in die geval met Klarissa was.
Klarissa by haar ouers gewoon het. Orania strek tot              Die soektog na Klarissa het sowat vier dae
teen die Oranjerivier.                                        geneem.
  Haar liggaam is eers Maandag, 25 Januarie om-                  “Orania se amptelike veiligheidsgroepe,
streeks 13:00, sowat ‘n kilometer van die plek waar sy        OraniaMED24, die Suid-Afrikaanse
in die water verdwyn het, deur veiligheidspersoneel           Polisie, boere uit die omgewing en
van Orania en lede van die Kimberley-polisie gevind.          honderde vrywilligers het dag en nag
  Joost Strydom, die uitvoerende hoof van die Orania          saamgewerk om Klarissa te vind.
Beweging, het Vrydag vertel dat die watervlakke van           Tydens die soektog is daar ‘n wye
die rivier besonder hoog was en dat daar heelwat              ondersteuningsnetwerk gevorm wat
stroomversnellings in die rivier was. Klarissa het van        alles, van kos en brandstof tot
haar band afgeval. Haar vriendinne het haar probeer           gebede, gedeel het,” sê Strydom.
red, maar sy is deur die stroom meegesleur en het uit            Die familie het die gemeen-
die sig verdwyn. Nadat haar vriende aan wal gekom             skap van Orania, die polisie,
het, is die veiligheidspersoneel van Orania in kennis         elke helper, asook hulle
gestel en gou was die hele gemeenskap betrokke om te          vriende van Ermelo vir hulle
help soek.                                                    hulp en ondersteuning be-                           Klarissa Joubert het
  Volgens Strydom het roeiers en veiligheidsdienste die       dank. Die Jouberts het                              haar eerste jaar studies
area gefynkam, waarna die polisie se soek-en-redding-         onlangs van Ermelo na                               in sielkunde verlede jaar
span van Kimberley ook by hulle aangesluit het.               Orania verhuis. Klarissa het in                     aan die NWU in Potchef-
  “Die gemeenskap was baie ondersteunend. Boere               2019 aan die Hoërskool Ermelo              ma-      stroom voltooi. Foto’s:
langs die rivier het in die nag by hulle pompstasies          trikuleer. Volgens Strydom het hulle nog nie        Verskaf
met flitsligte help soek. Mikroligte vliegtuie, ‘n helikop-   eens ‘n jaar in Orania gewoon nie.

                                                    Klarissa ontspan in Ora-
                                                    nia langs die Oranjeri-
                                                    vier. Foto: Verskaf
Student se lyk in rivier gevind
4                                   Potchefstroom Herald                                                            28 Januarie 2021

Members of the managerial committee of JBM-DRA are front left: Hajera Sooliman, Adélle Jerling and Friedemann Essrich. Back left: André de Villiers, Prof. Anné Verhoef,
Dirk Bloem and Rathata Matabane. Photo: Venessa van der Westhuizen.

Municipality ignoring its residents?
Venessa van der Westhuizen                  sful meeting on 23 September 2020           meeting with the administrator to             avoid saying things that will make
                                            to address urgent service delivery          take hands with the residents of J.B.         our envisaged meetings not
“The desperate attempts of the              matters in Potchefstroom and Ven-           Marks. He agreed to engage. Soon              happen …”
Potchefstroom and Ventersdorp               tersdorp. Stakeholders and inter-           afterwards, she sent a WhatsApp to               In December, Jerling only commu-
community to reach out and com-             ested parties were invited to the           ask for his email address to send             nicated with Mokhatla on service
municate with senior managers at            meeting, which was also shared via a        him documents. On 24 October, she             delivery problems, but she was
the J.B. Marks municipality are             virtual platform. During the session,       sent a WhatsApp again, mentioning             completely ignored when she wanted
falling on deaf ears,” says Adélle          valuable input was gained from              that Mokhatla had not answered her            to schedule a meeting again in
Jerling, the chairperson of The J.B.        stakeholders like the CID.                  email yet. She didn’t get a reply and,        January. He never answered any of
Marks Consumer and Ratepayers’                An executive committee of seven           on 26 Oktober, she wrote: “Thupi,             her messages.
Association (JBM-CRA).                      members was elected at the first            you’re not answering any of my                   The vice-chairperson of JBM-CRA,
   The organisation was established         meeting to address urgent service           questions. Should we, as the resi-            Friedemann Essrich, sent emails on
during the lockdown in June 2020            delivery matters in the towns. A            dents, then understand that even the          20 and 27 October as well as 2 and
to address different service delivery       representative sub-committee was            administrator does not want to work           12 November. He only received a
and other matters plaguing                                                                                                                    read receipt from the spokes-
the municipality’s residents.                                                                                                                 person, William Maphosa. He
The association is a non-                                                                                                                     continued to contact Infra-
racial, apolitical organi-                                                                                                                    structure’s Monnakgothu
sation that wants to protect                                                                                                                  afterwards, in his personal
and advance the interests of                                                                                                                  capacity, without mentioning
all the ratepayers, residents                                                                                                                 the JBM-CRA. According to
and consumers of munici-                                                                                                                      him, he received “slightly
pal services, as defined in                                                                                                                   better outcomes”.
the Constitution. Since                                                                                                                         On Monday, the Herald sent
June, many residents have                                                                                                                     enquiries to Maphosa, Mon-
joined the association                                                                                                                        nakgothu and Mokhatla, the
because they felt the need                                                                                                                    administrator, but had re-
to be represented by people                                                                                                                   ceived no feedback by Wed-
who would take their                                                                                                                          nesday. The Herald wanted to
interests to heart.                                                                                                                           know if the municipality was
   When the Herald spoke to                                                                                                                   willing to work with the
Jerling after the association                                                                                                                 representatives of the J.B.
was formed, she explicitly                                                                                                                    Marks Consumer and Rate-
stated that the JBM-DRA                                                                                                                       payers’ Association and, if not,
does not intend to take                                                                                                                       why not. Queries about why
over service delivery in the                                                                                                                  Mokhatla and Monnagothu
municipality because it                                                                                                                       were unwilling to meet with
would duplicate rates and                                                                                                                     the members of JBM-CRA
taxes and service provision.                                                                                                                  formally were also sent.
“The association aims to         Adélle Jerling talks to an Ikageng resident who has struggled for more than a month to clear the sewerage      The JBM-CRA has been
act as a mouthpiece for          spill in his yard near the cemetery. Photo: Venessa van der Westhuizen                                       involved in several interactions
members’ views to all                                                                                                                         in the J.B. Marks Municipali-
relevant authorities to identify             also formed for the different areas in with us?” Mokhatla’s answer was:                  ty, like the Mooi River’s sewage
service delivery problems. It wants          the greater J.B. Marks municipal               “It’s hectic, very pressing issues I’m    spillage and serious spills in Extensi-
to interact with the local munici-           area.                                          dealing with. I’m trying my best to       on 9 and Kanana, Ikageng. They
pality and other local authorities to          In October 2020, they wanted to              listen to all stakeholders.” He later     have also assisted residents of
share information,” she said.                arrange meetings with the admini-              wrote, “I have never refused to meet      Potchefstroom in addressing pro-
   She added that the association            strator, Thupi Mokhatla; the head of           with you guys, your turn will come        blems with the fibre trenching.
wants to work with local stake-              Infrastructure, Jack Monnakgothu               ...”, yet it never did. When Jerling         Jerling says they have been mee-
holders and businesses, harnessing           and Thomas Muswede, the head of                sent him a message on 24 November ting with local business people and
the residents’ expertise and experi-         the parks department. Only Muswe-              to schedule a meeting, she wrote the      other stakeholders and have built
ence within the greater municipal            de was willing to arrange a meeting            following: “The vice-chairperson has      good working relationships. “We are
area to assist the municipality in           and six members of the committee               sent numerous emails to William           still dedicated to positive communi-
rebuilding their failing service             met with him to discuss matters on             Maphosa as directed. Nothing. We          cation, should the municipality be
delivery.                                    the agenda.                                    are just ignored.” Mokhatla replied:      willing to come to the table”.
   The JBM-DRA had its first succes-           On 7 October, Jerling requested a            “The meeting time will come, let’s
Student se lyk in rivier gevind
28 Januarie 2021                                                           Potchefstroom Herald                                5

Teenager drowns at
Boskop dam

                                                                                                          The gate where the boys entered the walkway to the pump stati-
Angelo Phefo shows the Herald where they jumped off the walkway.      Photo: Venessa van der Westhuizen   on. Photo: Venessa van der Westhuizen

Venessa van der Westhuizen                  Saturday. Shorty Valipathwa, the
                                            councillor of Ward 28, says he was
On Wednesday (20 January), a boy            very upset when he heard of the
from Ventersdorp, Siswe Mokunke             drowning. He was also at the scene
(16), drowned in the Boskop dam             when the police arrived on Wednes-
when he, his brother, and two friends       day and the following day. He is
went swimming. Around 16:30, the            currently supporting the family in
boys got into the dam at the pump           their loss. Angelo told the Herald that
station opposite Tanglewood Nature          his fourteen-year-old brother and a
Estate.                                     friend had also drowned in 2017. He
   A cement walkway/bridge links the        and a friend went swimming in the
dam wall to the pump station in the         Boskop dam not far from the pump
water. According to Siswe’s friend,         station. According to the spokesper-
Angelo Phefo (20), the boys entered         son of the police in North West, Col
through a gate onto the bridge. They        Adéle Myburgh, an inquest has been
then jumped off the bridge and into         opened. The police are investigating
the dam.                                    the alleged drowning.
   Angelo, who was
swimming with the
other boys, says
Siswe’s feet got stuck
under the water and
he couldn’t move.
The boys tried to
pull him out and
when they couldn’t
free Siswe, they went
home for help.
According to Angelo,
Siswe’s head was
still above the water
when they left.
   However, when
they returned with
the police, Siswe was
no longer standing in
the water and had
disappeared. One of
the policemen got
into the water but
couldn’t find Siswe.
They called police
divers from Mahi-
keng and Hartebees-
poort who found the
body early the next
   Siswe and his
siblings are originally
from Tsing in Ven-
tersdorp. They were
visiting their aunt in
Boskop. His funeral
will be held at         A close-up of the area (near the vertical grey pole) where the
Ventersdorp on          boys jumped off the walkway. Photo: Venessa van der Westhuizen
Student se lyk in rivier gevind
6                                      Potchefstroom Herald                                                                  28 Januarie 2021

    Rampbestuur help nie met riool
    M. Pretorius skryf:                       omdat daar geen afloop verder is           woord met ‘hallo’ en op my vraag              luck for reporting’.
                                              nie. Die rioolblokkasies was nie in        watter instansie dit is, het sy gevra           Daar kon veel meer skade aan die
    Ek is 75-jarige vrou wat Sater-           ons erf nie, maar die riool het            ‘why?’ Ek het bevesig of dit munisi-          huis gewees het. Die ergste is Covid-
    dag, 16 Januarie stoksielalleen by        enkelhoogte in ons erf gestaan. Dit        pale rampbestuur is en gesê dat               19 en ander siektes wat ek op 75-
    my dogter se huis was toe riool           het vermoedelik van die huis               niemand nog hier was en dat dit               jarige ouderdom kan opdoen met
    by toetsgate uitgespoel het. Dit          langsaan opgestoot.                        donker word. Sy het gesê hulle is             sulke absolute trae, onprofessionele
    het oor die plaveisel waar ons by           Ek het die aand vir ‘n vyfde keer        net baie besig en kom nog. Sy was             diens en ‘frontline werkers’.
    die deur moes uitstap en in die           geskakel en gesê dit is uiters             glad nie behulpsaam nie. Uit vrees              Waar lê die probleem? Het ons die
    tuin gespoel.                             dringend dat daar hulp verleen             het ek deur die nag gekyk of die              foutiewe nommer vir rampbestuur
       Ek het die JB Marks munisipa-          word. My regterhand is geopereer.          riool weer opstoot en vroeg Son-              geskakel, of is dit Potchefstroom se
    liteit se rampbestuur om 15:00            Ek moes in die riool trap om met           dagoggend weer geskakel.                      munisipale riool rampdienste waar-
    by (018) 299 5343 geskakel en             besems te help om die riool na ‘n            Ek het haar meegedeel dat die               voor betaal word? Ek sal dit op prys
    Debbie het my meegedeel dat sy            afloop te probeer vee om te ver-           riool nie meer oorloop nie, maar              stel as iemand vir my ‘n antwoord
    ‘n loodgieter sou uitstuur.               hoed dat dit in die huis inloop.           dat niemand nog hier was om my                kan gee.
       Ek het sowat ‘n uur daarna               Later die aand het die riool self        mee te deel wat die oorsaak was                 * Die Herald het die munisipaliteit
    weer geskakel, want die riool het         ophou opstoot. Die stank was erg.          nie. Ek wou weet hoe rampbestuur              vir kommentaar genader, maar teen
    erger begin opstoot. Ek was bang          Ek het weer geskakel en ‘n nuwe,           dienste lewer, want dan gaan ek dit           druktyd nog geen terugvoer ontvang
    dat dit in my kamer sou inloop            onprofessionele dame het geant-            rapporteer. Sy het net gesê: ‘Good            nie.

Herald spog met mooi                                                                                                   In Memoriam
matriekafskeidrokke                                                                                                    Anna Magaretha (Annette) Beukes:
                                                                                                                         Gebore: 22 Junie 1961:
                                                                                                                         Oorlede: 24 Januarie 2021:

van 2020                                                                                                                 Annette (59) is in Potchefstroom gebore en was
                                                                                                                       vir 30 jaar ‘n administratiewe klerk by die polisie.
                                                                                                                       Sy het weens Covid-19 komplikasies gesterf. Sy
                                                                                                                       word oorleef deur haar ma, drie broers, twee
Venessa van der Westhuizen                              matriekmeisies om ‘n foto van hulself in hul                   susters, ‘n seun en ‘n dogter en drie kleinkinders.
                                                        rok in te stuur. Daar word voorlopig beplan
Na verskeie versoeke van die publiek het die            om die foto’s in die Herald-uitgawes van 4 en
Herald besluit om vir twee weke foto’s van              11 Februarie te publiseer.
rokke wat graad-12 meisies verlede jaar                    Skryf só in:
tydens hul matriekafskeid gedra het, te                    • E-pos ‘n vollengte foto in JPEG-formaat
publiseer. In die verlede het die Herald ‘n             aan Venessa van der Westhuizen by venes-
kompetisie geloods en foto’s van meisies in   
hul rokke geplaas, waarna die publiek vir hul              • Merk die onderwerp van die e-pos: Ma-
gunsteling rok kon stem. Só kon almal hulle             triekafskeidrok 2020.
ook aan die mooi rokke verwonder. Pryse is                 • Skryf in die boodskap van die e-pos die
ook aan die wenner en naaswenner van die                meisie in haar rok se naam, van en die naam
mooiste rok oorhandig.                                  van haar hoërskool.
  Verlede jaar kon die Herald egter nie                    • Foto’s wat in die uitgawe van Donderdag,
dieselfde matriekafskeidsrok-kompetisie loods           4 Februarie verskyn, moet teen Sondag, 31
nie, omdat die media finansieel ook onder die           Januarie gestuur word. Foto’s wat op Donder-
pandemie ly. Tog wil ons steeds aan die                 dag, 11 Februarie verskyn, moet teen Sondag,
publiek die geleentheid gee om die mooi                 7 Februarie gestuur word.
rokke te waardeer en nooi ons hiermee alle                 • Alle inskrywings is gratis.

                                                                                                                       Wyle Annette Beukes. Foto: Verskaf

                                                                                                                       In Memoriam
                                                                                                                       Machiel van Deventer:
                                                                                                                         Gebore: 12 September 1946:
                                                                                                                         Oorlede: 19 Januarie 2021
                                                                                                                         Machiel (74) is in Kroonstad gebore en het by ‘n
                                                                                                                       myn gewerk. Na sy aftrede het hy geboer. Hy het
                                                                                                                       weens kanker gesterf. Hy word oorleef deur sy vrou
                                                                                                                       Friede, drie kinders, Annete, Retha en Johann en
                                                                                                                       vier kleinkinders.

                                                                                                                       Wyle Machiel van Deventer.   Foto: Verskaf
Daniella du Preez, Hoër Volkskool. Foto: Verskaf      Charlise du Preez, Hoërskool Ferdinand Postma.   Foto: Verskaf
Student se lyk in rivier gevind
28 Januarie 2021   Potchefstroom Herald   7
Student se lyk in rivier gevind
8                             Potchefstroom Herald                                                       28 Januarie 2021

                                                                                     Werkers van plaaslike kon-
                                                                                     trakteurs besig om te grawe
                                                                                     Foto: Venessa van der Westhuizen

Veselaanleg binnekort
Venessa van der Westhuizen                 Teen 15 Desember verlede jaar            Dit kan ook nie geaffekteer word       daarom kan dit duurder as ADSL-
                                         was alle werk weer gestaak omdat         deur die afstand van ’n sentrale nie     breëband wees.
As alles vlot verloop, behoort die       siviele werke nie in die feesseisoen     en kan baie hoër volumes verkeer           Inwoners wat graag toegang tot die
Vumatel-veselaanleg teen die einde       toegelaat word nie en het werksaam-      hanteer sonder dat jou aflaaispoed-      veselnetwerk wil hê, kan Vumatel se
van Februarie in Potchefstroom           hede eers weer op 11 Januarie            stellings geaffekteer word.              webwerf by
afgehandel te wees en kan mense vir      vanjaar volstoom begin. Volgens            Vesel-internetgebruikers kan           dophou sodat hulle kan sien watter
veselverbinding begin aansoek doen.      Marais is Grimbeekpark, Mieder-          spoedstellings tot by 200Mbps            areas gereed is. Die aansoeke kan
Só sê Danie Marais, areabestuurder       park, Potchefstroom Suid en Pot-         geniet. Dit is baie betroubaar en        aanlyn gedoen word.
van Britelink.                           chefstroom Noord se veselaanleg
  Onderhandelings met plaaslike          grootliks afgehandel en is Britelink
kontrakteurs het verlede jaar tot
gevolg gehad dat die veselaanleg vir
weke tot stilstand gekom het. Groot-
                                         nog besig om in Dassierand te werk.
                                         Afrondingswerk en toetswerk moet
                                         nog gefinaliseer word. Marais sê
                                                                                   Municipality explains
skaalse intimidasie van plaaslike
kontrakteurs het plaasgevind en
werkers van Britelink is met ‘n
                                         hulle is tans in ‘n beplanningsfase
                                         vir veselaanleg in Ikageng en Promo-
                                                                                   prolonged water shutdown
sambok geslaan.                            Volgens Marais is vesel-internet ‘n     Onalenna Kenosi                         thrown into the network and then
  Twee plaaslike kontrakteurs,           relatief nuwe tegnologie in Suid-Afri-                                            flush the system.
Stephen Tsebela en Vincent               ka. Anders as ADSL wat ons tans           Water is a vital commodity and all         According to a municipal state-
Johnson, het namens die plaaslike        gebruik, is vesel-internet baie meer      living organisms, including hu-         ment, the water pumps had to be
klein-, medium- en mikro-onderne-        betroubaar en vinniger. ADSL              mans, need it to survive. The           migrated from the old to new ones.
mings (KMMO’s) onderhandel. Hulle        gebruik telefoonlyne om data oor          community of Ikageng was without        On the morning of Saturday, 23
het ooreengekom dat slegs plaaslike      koperkabels vanaf jou naaste tele-        bulk water supply from the mor-         January, the municipality had to
kontrakteurs, teen R60 per meter,        foonsentrale te stuur. Vesel-internet     ning of Tuesday, 19 January to          commission a new pump. This was
gate mag grawe en na die tyd die         gebruik weer optiese veselkabels om       Saturday, 23 January, with the          because the 40-year-old pump
gate moet toemaak. Buitekontrak-         data oor te dra wat die potensiaal        industrial area experiencing low        could not fill the reservoirs, even
teurs mag slegs die kabels lê en al      het om teen die spoed van lig te          water pressure.                         though they ran at full capacity.
die herstelwerk doen.                    beweeg.                                      On Wednesday, 13 January, the        Worn out propellers may have
                                                                                   J.B. Marks Local Municipality           caused the problem.
                                                                                   informed the community of the              “If the cleanup were not done,
    Report damage caused by potholes                                               shutdown. According to the munici-
                                                                                   pality, the water shutdown was
                                                                                                                           the contractors would have run the
                                                                                                                           risk of losing the pump. The
                                                                                   because work had to be done to          (initial) plan had not foreseen these
    The J.B. Marks Consumers and         road conditions in the greater            connect the newly-upgraded Ika-         challenges as the contractors would
    Ratepayers’ Association (JBM-        J.B. Marks municipal area. For            geng pump station to the main line      not have disturbed, but rather
    CRA) has been inundated with         possible litigation, please send          that supplies water to Ikageng          connected the pipeline to an exis-
    complaints of people who have        Adélle Jerling a WhatsApp on 072          Proper and Potch Industria. The         ting system. However, the inter-
    lost multiple rims, tyres and        920 0788 with the following               Ikageng buffer reservoirs also had      vention was necessary to secure a
    suspensions. Someone had even        inform-ation: Your name and               to be cleaned and modified. The         reliable, safe and sustainable water
    been in an accident due to the       surname, cell phone number,               water was expected to be restored       supply,” read the statement.
    poor road conditions in the          details like dates, what happened,        at 07:00 on Thursday, 21 January.          The water was fully restored to
    municipality.                        what damages and the costs you            However, this was not the case and      all the areas in Ikageng Proper and
      The association is now doing a     in-                                       the taps were still dry at that time.   the industrial area by sunset on
    survey on people who have in-        curred. You are also welcome to              Council explains that the contrac-   Saturday. The municipality regrets
    curred damage to their vehicles or   send photos as proof. You will be         tors had to strip the pumps and         the inconvenience caused to the
    person due to the potholes and       contacted after the survey has            remove debris and plastic bottles       residents.
                                         been completed.
Student se lyk in rivier gevind
28 Januarie 2021                                                        Potchefstroom Herald                                9

Business owners rebel
against neglected
Venessa van der Westhuizen                 trees are a huge problem because
                                           they lift the cobblestone road and
Business owners in the Wandellaan          street children climb into them and
are fed up with the neglected shop-        jump on and rob unsuspecting
ping centre in the heart of Potchef-       customers walking past. “The drug
stroom and want to stand together          dealers in the alleys are dangerous,
to do something about their                not only to the customers, but also
situation.                                 to the shop-keepers. I have been
   Frank Ponte, the owner of Frank’s       threat-ened by them many times”,
Sports Bar Mr Chips, says the              Frank says.
owners pay rates and taxes, yet               I have been to the municipality
nothing is being done about the            numerous times, but nothing has
terrible condition of their business       been done so far. I have approached
environment. “We hardly have any           the J.B. Marks Consumers and
customers because nobody wants to          Ratepayer’s Association to help us
visit a neglected, dirty and dange-        with possible solutions.
rous shopping centre. The Wandel-             Frank wants to get all the shop
laan is in dire need of a facelift.”       owners on board and has many
   Frank says a broken water pipe at       plans to clean-up the Wandellaan.
one end of the one-way street has          He wants all the owners of the
not been fixed in two years and is         buildings and the landlords, lawyers
creating huge water pools. He says         and agencies that collect rent from
all the street lights have been bro-       all the shops in the Wandellaan to
ken and the open wires are live and        contact him to arrange a meeting.
dangerous for passers-by. “When it         Call Frank at 072 637 7603.
rains, the wires start smoking.”              * The Herald sent an enquiry
   Frank adds that that there are no       regarding the situation in the Wan-
waste facilities for the shopkeepers       dellaan to the municipality. How-
and most of them dump all their            ever, no response had been received                              Frank Ponte pointing at the live wires on the
filth in front of the shops. The large     by the time of going to print.                                   pavement where lamppoles once stood. Photo:
                                                                                                            Venessa van der Westhuizen

 A broken waterpipe under the cobblestone road was
 reported two years ago, but has never been fixed. Photo:
 Venessa van der Westhuizen

                                                              Frank Ponte in
                                                              front of a unused
                                                              flower bed where
                                                              keepers dump
                                                              their waste. Photo:
                                                              Venessa van der

                                                              The roots of the
                                                              trees are lifting
                                                              the cobblestone
                                                              road. Photo: Venessa
                                                              van der Westhuizen
Student se lyk in rivier gevind
10                Potchefstroom Herald                               28 Januarie 2021

Ikageng superstar launches
charity foundation
     Onalenna Kenosi

     “DJ Zodi”, as most people know him, took the
     city by storm when he launched a charity
     foundation on his birthday. His real name is
     Thabo David Mamogwa (27) and he hails from
     Ikageng. David grew up and was schooled in
     Potchefstroom. He completed his tertiary
     education at North-West University (NWU) Vaal
     Triangle Campus and completed his Marketing
     Management Degree in 2015. David then
     enrolled for a PR course with Sedibeng College,
     which he completed in 2017. He describes
     himself as a very humble, talkative and funny
     person with a good personality. He strives to
     inspire other people.
        Thabo is known for his deejaying and musi-
     cal talent. He says he became aware of this
     talent at a young age and decided to use it to
     change the world.
        “I learnt how to deejay using Virtual DJ and
     Automix on my brother’s computer. That was
     before I was introduced to the decks.” As the
     saying goes, practice makes perfect and he
     polished his skills by practising every day until
     he was ready to enter the club scene, where he
     gained exposure.
        This young local artist decided to use his
     small earnings from deejaying to establish a
     charity organisation known as “DJ Zodi Foun-
     dation”. Why form a charity foundation at such
     a young age, especially given the society we live
     in? This is how DJ Zodi defends his decision:
     “I have always wanted to give back to the
     community. However, I could not because I did
     not have enough resources and did not know
     how to go about it. I was not ready until now
     as I have an idea of what a charity foundation
     is all about and the purpose it serves,” he said.
     The foundation was formally established on DJ
     Zodi’s birthday, 21 December 2020, and was
     announced on all his social media platforms.
        “I did not grow up having everything as a
     kid, which triggered me to establish the DJ
     Zodi Foundation. Due to my unstable financial
     background, my family struggled to afford
     school shoes for me. It was painful in winter; I
     know the pain,” he explains. Thabo says he
     does not want other learners to experience the
     same pain and, therefore, he came up with the
     back to school campaign.
        David says they have not yet partnered with
     anyone or stakeholders and will fund the
     foundation from his pocket. He has a team of
     close friends, however.
        “They do PR/marketing, promotion and
     content creation, among other things. Even if
     we play a different role, our vision is one,
     which is to give back to the community,” he
        As a future-oriented group of young people,
     one of the challenges they anticipate as they
     form a foundation from scratch is gathering a
     sustainable team to ensure the foundation
     functions optimally. Another is securing spon-
     sorships and funds to execute the plans they
     have. DJ Zodi says he draws inspiration by
     picturing the end goal of what he is doing when
     things get tough. This motivates him never to
     stop and always to keep going. “I don’t have
     any role model besides the person I see when I
     look in the mirror. That is the best version of
     me and I want to grow and develop myself to
     become someone better through this foun-
     dation,” he explains.
        “Our plans for 2021 include more com-
     munity outreach work. I will drop my new
     music and people should look out for that.
     When things get back to normal, we will host
     Campus Jump Off and DJ Zodi One-Man Show
     (OMS) events,” he says.
        The community can help identify schools that
     are most in need – those with learners who
     need school shoes, to be specific. “Donations in
     the form of shoes can also be made,” said
        If you want to contribute to the foundation,
     contact DJ Zodi on 063 066 3231 or his
     Facebook handle, David DJ Zodi.                                            Thabo David Mamogwa.   Photo: Provided
28 Januarie 2021                                                        Potchefstroom Herald                              11

Double the trouble? How to stretch
your budget when expecting twins
Having a baby is expensive. Having         mix, costs can skyrocket and leave        generic because they won’t be worn       nappy,” she advises. “There are many
more than one baby is even more so!        you strapped for cash. “The idea of       for long,” says Sister Yolanda.          examples of these kinds of packages,
Here’s how to make your budget             making your baby food should not            It’s also not necessary to buy         so parents of twins should look out
work if you’re expecting more than         be daunting. It may seem like a           double of everything or have identical   for any and all deals that help them
one bundle from the stork.                 massive effort, but all it requires is    outfits.                                 buy more and save more.”
   We’re living in crazy times, but that   steaming veggies on a stove, adding         Things like a changing table, baby        Grab pregnancy benefits
doesn’t mean that you can’t get the        some water and sticking it in a           gym and baby swing can be shared            Some services that parents sub-
most out of growing your two, three        blender. That’s it,” says Sr Yolanda.     between the babies.                      scribe to, also offer pregnancy bene-
or even four bundles of joy.                 Buy plastic baby food containers to       “Now that you are furnishing a         fits.
   Preparing for a newborn, whether        store the food in and stick them in       room for more than one infant, there        Check with your medical aid
you’re expecting one, two, or more is      the freezer. This will give you a         are plenty of pre-owned items that       providers and retailers if they have
an exciting, but also uncertain time       week’s worth of food and a lot more       are perfectly fine.                      pregnancy programmes or benefits
in your life. However, the over-           money left in your pocket. “This is         Look at pre-owned changing tables,     that you can take advantage of. Some
whelming realities of the cost may         often much healthier for your chil-       cribs, car seats, prams and high         offer expectant parents hospital bags
start to trigger your worry, especially    dren and introduces them to a wider       chairs for a start. Most people sell     (filled with supplies for mom and
in these uncertain economic times.         variety of flavours in their diet,” she   these items after one use, but be        baby’s stay at the hospital), while
   Stretch your budget if you’re a         says.                                     sure to test their integrity before      others have Nappy Rewards pro-
family of ‘multiples’.                       Find great second-hand bargains         handing over the cash,” says Sr          grammes. Dischem is a great ex-
   Pampers Parenting Institute expert,       New clothes are another financial       Yolanda.                                 ample of programmes that do not
Sister Yolanda Mpilo, shares some          stress for parents. If you walk             Look out for great shopping deals      cost an extra cent.
tips on how parents of multiples can       through the aisle of any major baby         Some items simply cannot be               “Having a baby is a life-changing
stretch their budget to lessen your        store, you realise that the cost of       bought pre-used. Nappies are a           experience, let alone having two.
stress about your finances and             raising children is much higher than      prime example of this. Luckily, there    Don’t be shy to ask for help from
growing family:                            you thought.                              are products out there that cater to     loved ones and make some time for
   Steer away from pre-made foods            Yet, much like cars, buying new is      this.                                    yourself whenever you can. Pre-
   While you’ll be exclusively breast-     not always the way to go.                   “Retailers sometimes have twin-        planning, including setting a budget,
feeding for the first six months, you’ll     “New parents won’t understand,          pack promotions, like the current        is key to ensuring that you don’t find
need to start introducing solids after     but you will be surprised at how fast     Pampers special on Takealot, where       yourself financially, physically and
that. Buying baby food off the shelf       your children grow out of their           parents of twins can buy nappies in      emotionally overwhelmed trying to
won’t give you value for money. When       clothes. Unless you have a special        sets of two and even receive a dis-      take care of two babies at once,”
you add more than one baby to the          occasion, keep your babies’ clothes       count if you look at the cost per        concludes Sister Yolanda.

 Mooimed still doing elective surgeries amid the Covid pandemic
Sya van der Walt Potgieter                 patients are accommodated.                excellent cooperation from our           currently undergoing massive
                                             Dr Slabber says the safety and          tenant doctors and services, ensu-       internal changes under the new
Mooimed Private Hospital is conti-         security of patients and staff are        ring that access and exposure to         board and management. This will
nuing with elective surgeries amid a       foremost on the hospital’s mind           the facility are kept to a minimum.      once again ensure that Mooimed
low intake of Covid-19 patients at         and strict measures are followed          We are very thankful to our frontli-     attracts the best surgeons and
its facility in Potchefstroom. The         for admitting patients and visitors       ne workers for the pedantic man-         doctors from around the country
hospital, equipped with 83 medical,        to the facility.                          ner in which they assert our safety      while offering a full turnkey medi-
surgical and ICU beds, provides              “We have a satellite Covid-19           protocols to keep Mooimed Hospi-         cal service to patients and the
excellent medical services to the          station, managed by Ampath lab-           tal and its occupants safe.              broader community at the same
greater North West region. The             oratories, in the parking area              Their selfless attitude, endless       time. We are excited about the
director and head of the Covid-19          outside the hospital. Patients being      optimism and tireless work ethics        future of Mooimed and the impact
task team, Dr Kobus Slabber, says          admitted to our facility are tested       are admirable in these difficult         it will have on our service delivery
unlike other hospitals in the pro-         before they can come for a pro-           times.”                                  to the community. The new mana-
vince and around the country,              cedure. We have also adopted                Dr Slabber says MooiMed Hospi-         gement team is dedicated to ma-
Mooimed’s services and particularly        safety measures that include the          tal is open to negotiations around       king sure our hospital is the pre-
its surgeries are continuing uninter-      compulsory wearing of a mask,             providing a Covid-19 vaccination         ferred medical facility for Potchef-
rupted. He says the resources at           sanitising your hands before ente-        programme, should the Department         stroom and the surrounding areas.”
their disposal determine its capa-         ring the building, maintaining social     of Health need assistance from the          Henning says more details on the
city and services.                         distancing and the compulsory             private sector.                          new direction Mooimed is moving
   “We are fortunate that our facility     screening and monitoring of tempe-          Meanwhile, the board chair, Dr         in will be made available over the
did not have to postpone the               ratures to name a few. We have            Pieter Henning, says the hospital is     next few weeks.
various elective surgeries on offer
at Mooimed Hospital. We specific-
ally focus on surgeries in the
disciplines of orthopaedics, like
knee and hip replacements, urolo-
gy, including lithotripsy and prosta-
te procedures and our ophthal-
mology,” he says.
   Dr Slabber says because the
hospital is currently not inundated
with Covid-19 patients, they can
continue with their normal
   “Mooimed is not a dedicated
Covid-19 hospital. We do not admit
acutely sick Covid-19 patients and
only accommodate the overflow of
stable patients from neighbouring
hospitals if needed, as per mutual
agreement. We work in close colla-
boration with other role players in
the community to ensure that we
deliver the best care to the pa-
tients. Our Covid-19 admissions
are thus determined by the needs
of the community,” he says.
   Should the need arise to open a
Covid-19 ward, the hospital will
follow stringent isolation protocols
to ensure that no patient or per-
sonnel are exposed to transmission
risk. According to Slabber, these
include but are not limited to strict
access control to isolation area;
dedicated staff assigned to the
isolation ward; separate kitchen,
pharmacy and cleaning access and
sterilising areas where positive
12                               Potchefstroom Herald                                                     28 Januarie 2021

 Platinum opportunity
 for province’s artists
Onalenna Kenosi                           winner per category with a max-          music and not re-released from           awards by voting for the nominees
                                          imum of three nominees, for which        “best of” compilations. In genre-        once they are announced on 1
The nominations for the inaugural         the number of votes will publicly be     specific categories, 70 per cent of      February 2021 and following the
Platinum Music Awards (Plamas)            disclosed.                               the music must be relevant to the        awards on Plama’s social media
will take place from 1 to 7 Feb-            Their main marketing strategy for      genre. There are 20 categories           platforms.
ruary this year.                          this virtual provincial event in-        including Best Gospel album, Best          “The Plamas are the first step to
  These awards aim to provide             cludes using social media platforms      Female Artist and Song of the Year,      greater initiatives. We urge young
support for artists. Kgethang Ko-         and participating in national radio      to name just a few. A complete list      people to stand up and do things
nese, the founder, is a                          interviews. “We have part-        of all available categories may be       themselves without waiting for
young entrepreneur,                                  nered with The Black          found on Plama’s social media            external help. We hope for joint
musician and family                                     Bird Multimedia, which     platforms.                               ventures with business people in
man. He says he                                           specialises in mark-       The community and the rest of          support of upcoming talent,” Kge-
has been orga-                                              eting and print        the country can form part of these       thang concluded.
nising events                                                media. We have
around the                                                    also partnered
province since                                                 with HM Enter-
2007 and has                                                   tainment, specia-
worked with                                                    lising in PR,”
many talented                                                  states Konese.
events orga-                                                     The inaugural
nisers                                                        Plamas will con-
nationally.                                                  sider music re-
  He says the                                              leased from 1
Covid-19 pandemic                                        January 2018 to 30
has affected them                                      December 2020. Quali-
negatively because they                             fying musicians must be
cannot host physical events.                    South African citizens who
“We will not have live performances       were born, raised, or live in North
or the traditional red carpet walk.       West. Artists who have been gran-
On the positive side, we could            ted permanent resident status in
reach a wider audience due to the         North West for a minimum of six
virtual nature of the awards,” he         months will be eligible.
said.                                       If in doubt, a musician will be
  According to Konese, the awards         expected to produce a birth certifi-
are internally funded by KST              cate or an affidavit to prove their
Multimedia, HM Entertainment and          place of birth or a permanent
The Black Bird Multimedia. “Be-           residence permit.
cause this is the inaugural event,          The artist must also own or
our biggest challenge has been to         control the master recording of the
acquire capital. Not being able to        project concerned.
meet with stakeholders physically           Konese says an album is a re-                                                         Kgethang Konese, the foun-
also makes it a bit difficult to plan     lease that is available commercially,                                                   der of this awards program-
the awards effectively. Our meetings      with no fewer than five original                                                        me. Photo:
have been online thus far,” he says.      tracks and no remixes. Fifty per                                                        Provided
He adds that there will only be one       cent of the release should be new

Pre- and post-preggy fitness apps you’ll love
We’ve scouted the best fitness apps       App. The app has 72 exercises and        with illustrations and a timer, but if   you can exercise anywhere. It offers
to help you get your pre-pregnancy        22 workouts you can customise to         you’re still confused, there’s a link.   more than 900 workout variations,
body back. The coronavirus pan-           create over 1,000 variations – from         Cost: Free (limited amount of         covering all your muscle groups for
demic has made working out at a           easy to hard.                            workouts). However, there’s a sub-       continuous and fast progression.
gym facility during and after preg-         Cost: Free on IOS.                     scription to become a premium            Follow the video tutorials to ensure
nancy tricky. The good news is you          Sworkit                                Sworkit Fitness member that gives        you are doing the correct moves.
can get strong and healthy in the           This app can take you from             you access to an effective and simple    The strength-training option guides
comfort of your home with these           beginner to advanced – depending on      fitness experience you can do any        you through workouts at a gym –
fitness apps.                             the intensity of the workout you         time and anywhere.                       like your own personal trainer. If
   Baby 2 Body                            choose and the time you have avail-         Freeletics Bodyweight                 flexibility is more your thing, there’s
   This app helps pregnant and new        able. To begin, choose between              This training programme adapts to     a routine for that, too.
moms stay fit, eat well and live more     strength-training or yoga-stretching     your schedule, fitness level and goals      Cost: Free on Android or iOS.
mindfully in pregnancy and beyond.        workouts. This app is amazing as it      – whether you want to lose weight,          Fitnet
The app’s free features include one       adapts the workouts according to         build muscle, or simply get in better       Fitnet is the perfect workout app
stage-specific workout for each week,     your available time. There’s anything    shape.                                   for busy new moms who can’t carve
healthy activity tracking, daily perso-   from a quick five-minute workout to         Choose from five- to 30-minute        out time to go to the gym. Workouts
nalised tips, breathing, pelvic floor     an intense 60-minute session. Swor-      workouts, based on your bodyweight       are light, medium or intense, ranging
exercises and much more. The app          kit walks you through each move          only. There’s no need for equipment;     from cardio- and strength training to
also has the option to upgrade to                                                                                           yoga. All workouts are five to seven
Premium, which acts as your nutri-                                                                                          minutes, and you can mix and
tionist, personal trainer and well-          We’ve scouted the best                                                         match exercises from any category to
being coach. The tips, workouts,             fitness apps to help you                                                       suit you. You also have access to a
recipes and mindfulness exercises            get your pre-pregnancy                                                         personal trainer to encourage you to
are tailored to your stage, goals and        body back.                                                                     keep moving.
preferences.                                                                                                                   As the workouts are quick and
   Cost: Free on iOS and Google                                                                                             convenient, the app is perfect for
Play.                                                                                                                       those who don’t want to sacrifice
   Johnson & Johnson 7-Minute                                                                                               time with their little ones to achieve
Workout                                                                                                                     their fitness goals.
   The workout library contains 22                                                                                             It uses your phone’s camera for a
preset workouts, varying in intensity                                                                                       whole new kind of selfie – this one
and duration. These are designed to                                                                                         measures how closely you follow the
fit your schedule, ranging from seven                                                                                       moves shown on the screen. You can
to 32 minutes – perfect for busy                                                                                            adjust the intensity of the workouts
moms!                                                                                                                       – for those days when you are a little
   The Smart Workout feature gauges                                                                                         tired, to when you have loads of
your fitness and motivation level and                                                                                       energy to burn.
creates various workouts, especially                                                                                           Cost: Free, with optional in-app
for you. They are tracked and can be                                                                                        purchases and available for both iOS
integrated with your iPhone Health                                                                                          and Android.
28 Januarie 2021                                                   Potchefstroom Herald                                    13

Om anders te bid
Johan Thiart                            om anders te dink oor God, myself
                                                                                  Johan Thiart. Foto: Verskaf

                                        en andere.
Om anders te bid, sal ons anders           Dus om nie te bedink wat gods-
moet begin dink. As daar ‘n behoef-     diens ons geleer het dat ons moet
te ontstaan om anders te bid of         ophou rook, vloek, drink en eg-
dink, gaan die afleiding dalk wees      breuk pleeg en moet kerk toe gaan
omdat ons verkeerd gebid het.           nie. Ander groepe het die woord
  Nou staan ‘n hele paar mense se       “repentance” ingevoer om die mense
hare dalk regop. Wil ek nou kom sê      nog verder van die waarheid te
dat ons al jare verkeerd geleer was     vervreem en onder boetedoening en
om te bid? As ons kyk na Jesus se       skuldgevoel te hou.
uitsprake oor verkeerd bid in Luk          Voortaan wil ons kyk na ‘n paar
20:47; Mat 6:5+7 en ook Jak 1:6         geestelike aspekte oor hoe dit ons
en 4:4, asook die feit dat die wêreld   manier van bid gaan verander.
na Christus eintlik ‘n slegter plek        Vir eeue al bid ons oor sekere
geword het, moet ons dalk oor           goed. As ons mooi kyk, het hierdie
hierdie stelling besin.                 goed (huwelike, families, korrupsie,
  Ons motivering om anders te           dwelmmisbruik, pornografie, rampe
dink, lê in Hand 2:38. Na die mense     en siektes, te veel om op te noem)
diep in die hart getref was deur        en eintlik die hele mens se bestaan,
Petrus se boodskap en gevra het wat     agteruit gegaan en ons sien niks van
hulle nou te doen staan, was Petrus     die lewe en oorvloed waarvan Jesus
se antwoord: Bekeer julle… Hierdie      self gepraat het nie.
is vir my die spilpunt in die gods-        Het jy die moed van jou oortuiging
diensgeskiedenis van die mens. Van      om saam te kyk na die aspekte wat
‘n ou bedeling na ‘n nuwe, ou           ons gaan aanspreek en dan anders
testament na ‘n nuwe, ou verbond        te bid as gevolg van anders te dink?
(wet en werke) na ‘n nuwe verbond       Die Woord sê ons moet met sagmoe-
(genade en geloof).                     digheid die ingeplante Woord ont-
  Hier is dit belangrik om te onthou    vang wat in staat is om ons siel
dat die ou testament eintlik tot by     (denke) te red. Jak. 1:21 - Alleenlik
Handelinge strek en dat die nuwe        wanneer ons denke of siening oor
testament/verbond eintlik in werking    God, onsself en andere vernuwe of
gekom het met Jesus se kruisiging,      verander, kan ons anders en verse-
begrafnis en hemelvaart. Jesus se       ker meer effektief bid.
lewe was toegewyd om die wet na te         As ons ons denke vernuwe met
kom (anders kon Hy nie die vol-         die ware karakter van God asook
maakte offer wees nie) en dat ‘n        wat Hy met ons kom doen het deur
testament eers van krag word            Sy kruisdood en opstanding, gaan
wanneer die testamentmaker sterf…       ons verseker anders en, glo ek meer
  Nou verstaan ons die kritiese         effektief bid. Vir lank het godsdiens
belangrikheid van Petrus se uit-        vir ons net geleer oor wat God in
spraak oor bekering. Om dit regtig      Christus VIR ons kom doen het en
te verstaan, moet ons mooi kyk na       ons nooit gewys wat Hy MET ons in
die woord bekering (metanoia). Dit      terme van ons Stand Seunskap en
beteken om anders te dink, anders       Gesag kom doen het nie. Wanneer         waarhede kry, gaan ons verseker              oor om eksklusief te wees nie, maar
te dink oor die oue en die nuwe en      ons ‘n openbaring van hierdie           anders bid. Weer eens gaan dit nie           wel meer effektief.

                                                                 Mother shares her
                                                                 blood love story
                                                                                                  Hi, I am Moira Fourie, a 58-year-old mother and grand-
                                                                                                  mother. This is my blood love story.
                                                                                                     In 2018, I fell ill while attending a concert with my
                                                                                                  mother. I was rushed to the hospital due to severe blood
                                                                                                  loss caused by a tear between my stomach and oesopha-
                                                                                                  gus. I then received four units of blood that saved my life.
                                                                                                     I want to thank the dedicated blood donors for dona-
                                                                                                  ting their love in liquid form.
                                                                                                     If it were not for selfless heroes like you, my life story
                                                                                                  could have been so different. Because of you, I can add
                                                                                                  many more chapters to my life story and, for that, I will
                                                                                                  be forever grateful.
                                                                                                     Donating blood takes about 15 minutes of your time,
                                                                                                  but it has given my loved ones and me a future to look
                                                                                                  forward to.
                                                                                                     I want to encourage all regular donors to keep on do-
                                                                                                  nating regularly as there are many patients just like me
                                                                                                  in dire need of blood and blood products daily. Your
                                                                                                  cation to saving lives makes a difference in thousands of
                                                                                                     The SANBS will be hosting a blood drive at Mooi River
                                                                                                  Mall from 09:00 to 17:00 on 30 January 2021. We aim
                                                                                                  to collect 80 units of blood to ensure that current bloods-
                                                                                                  tock levels increase.
                                                                                                     We want to reassure the public that strict protocols are
                                                                                                  in place to ensure all donors’ safety when donating blood.
                                                                                                  Each blood donor will receive a token of appreciation on
                                                                                                  the day.
                                                                                                     We look forward to seeing regular and new blood
                                                                                                  donors at the blood drive and weekdays at the Potchef-
                                                                                                  stroom Donor Centre at 2 Esselen Street, next to the post
                                                                                                  office on the Bult.
                                                                                                     It is not just blood; it is giving patients like Moira a
                                                                                                     For more information, contact the Klerksdorp donor
                                                                                                  relations practitioner, Refiloe Tsotetsi, on 082 419
        Moira Fourie.                                                                             1148/018 462 5351.
14   Potchefstroom Herald   28 Januarie 2021
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18                                    Potchefstroom Herald                                                             28 Januarie 2021

                                               Potch gholfspeler behaal
                                               ‘n puik tweede plek by
                                               Gauteng Noord-Ope
                                               Wouter Pienaar                             rondte beleef toe hy 64 gespeel het             toe voorgeloop in die toernooi.
                                                                                          en met vyf houe voorgeloop het,                   “Die laaste dag het ons 36 gate
                                               Die Potchefstroomse gholfspeler,           maar het in die latere rondtes meer             gespeel. Ek het toe 70 gespeel en
                                               Christiaan Burke, het die afgelope         gesukkel. Die algehele wenner,                  steeds met een hou voorgeloop. Die
                                               naweek, 22-24 Januarie by die              Christiaan Maas, het die tuistoestan-           laaste rondte het ek ‘n bietjie gesuk-
                                               Gauteng Noord-Ope in Pretoria              de goed benut om die toernooi met               kel met die weer wat moeilik was,
                                               bewys waarom hy tans onder die             -17 (271) te wen.                               maar ek het baie daaruit geleer,”
                                               top 10 amateurgholfspelers in die            Burke was steeds in sy noppies                verduidelik Burke.
                                               land is.                                   oor die toernooi, al kon hy nie die               Dié 20-jarige kan trots wees op sy
Christiaan Burke slaan 'n dryfhou tydens         Burke, ‘n voormalige Volkie, het         trofee lig nie.                                 uitslae, aangesien hy saam met die
die Gauteng Noord-Ope wat by die               ‘n welverdiende tweede plek met ‘n           “Ek het goed begin met ‘n 68 in               top 15 amateur spelers in die land
Pretoria Buiteklub aangebied is. Foto: Gholf   telling van -12 (276) behaal.              die eerste rondte. In die tweede                deelgeneem het en sy kop kon hoog
RSA                                              Hy het ‘n uitstekende tweede             ronde het ek ‘n 64 gespeel en het               hou.

2015 Rewind: The birth of new stars with first Varsity Cricket tournament
Wouter Pienaar

The Varsity Cup rugby competition’s
success gave other sporting codes an
opportunity to follow the same model
with the country’s top universities
battling it out for the top spot.
   In February 2015, the debut of the
Varsity Cricket tournament in Potch-
efstroom gave young up-and-coming
cricketers the chance to showcase
their talent on live television.
   These cricketers who shone so
brightly in the first edition of the
tournament went on to play franchise
cricket and represent their country
at various levels. Thus, it is no
coincidence that the Varsity Cricket
tournament provided cricketers with
a platform to grow in the game.
   The first tournament saw a strong
Tuks team beat Maties by five wic-
kets in the final. This team included
the current Proteas, Heinrich Klaas-
en, Aiden Markram and Lungi Ngidi,
among others, and it was hard to see
Tuks not getting their hands on the
trophy. This was also the start of
Tuks’ dominance in the competition,
winning the past four of five editions,
only missing out in 2017 when NWU
finally triumphed over Tuks by four
wickets in a pulsating final.
   In the inaugural 2015 edition, the
hosts, NWU-Pukke, bowed out by                 NWU-Pukke celebrate a wicket in the 2015 edition of the competition.   Photos: Mario van de Wall
four wickets in the semi-final against
   This was a game in Pukke’s cont-
rol, but needless run-outs, including
that of Janneman Malan on 99,
effectively halted their surge to a
larger total of 200 runs. Pukke
managed 177/7, but Maties claimed a
superb win, thanks largely to their
captain, Dewald Botha, hitting a
quick-fire 80 (48).
   The top run-scorer of the 2015
edition was Jean Marais (Maties)
who hit 347 runs with a top score of
107*. Tuks’ Murray Coetzee (292)
and Aiden Markram (260) of Tuks
were also top performers with the
bat. Wihan Lubbe was the top scorer
for the NWU-Pukke with 235 runs at
an average of 29.38 and a strike rate
of 121. It is also quite interesting
that Lubbe was the only NWU bats-
man in the top 20 run-scorers
during the tournament, showcasing
the heavy reliance on his runs. Niel
Botha (Maties) impressed with his
off-spin bowling in the bowling
department, picking up 19 wickets.
The top bowler for Tuks was Ruben
Claassen with 16 wickets. Jovaun
van Wyngaardt took 16 wickets for              Lungi Ngidi (Tuks) was one of the top stars in the 2015 edition   Armand Erasmus of the NWU on the attack against Maties in 2015.
Pukke at an average of 11.69. Bjorn            of the tournament.
Fortuin also chipped in with nine                                                                              NMU: Edward                  UFS: Corné Dry, Leus du Plooy,
wickets for the home side.                     participated in Varsity Cricket 2015       Moore, Anrich Nortje, Onye Nyaku,               Michael Erlank, Andries Gous
   It is amazing to see the number of          and then represented SA or com-            Solo Nqweni, Stefan Tait                          UJ: Grant Roeloefsen, Delano
talented cricketers who participated           peted at a franchise level:                  NWU-Pukke: Marques Ackerman,                  Potgieter, Yaseen Valli
in the first tournament in that week             Tuks: Heinrich Klaasen, Aiden            Wihan Lubbe, André Malan, Janne-                  University of Stellenbosch:
of cricket mania in Potchefstroom.             Markram, Corbin Bosch, Lungi               man Malan, Bjorn Fortuin, Kagiso                Ismaeel Gafaldien
   Here is a list of players who               Ngidi, Jacques Snyman                      Rapulana
28 Januarie 2021                                                             Potchefstroom Herald                                19

Former NWU cricket stars shine
in Momentum One Day Cup
Wouter Pienaar

NWU Cricket has
always been known to
produce cricket
players who compete
with the best at a
national franchise and
international level.
   This statement was
eloquently emphasised
during the pool B
phase of the 2021
Momentum One Day
Cup in Potchefstroom
last week, featuring
the Lions, Warriors
and Cobras.
   Nicky van den Bergh
and Bjorn Fortuin
have impressed for the
Lions, while Janne-
man Malan (Cobras)
and Wihan Lubbe
(Warriors) have also
shown their class in
the first couple of
   Van den Bergh hit a     Bjorn Fortuin of the Lions is another former NWU-Puk-
classy 73 against the      ke player currently making waves at a franchise level.
Warriors and Fortuin
has impressed with
his tight left-arm spin
at an economy rate of
only 3.70.
   Malan hit a valiant
67 in his team’s defeat
against the Lions on
Friday. His former
teammate, Wihan
Lubbe, hit 42 against
the Lions on Sunday
and both players will
look to pile on the
runs in the matches
ahead, in the battle for
a semi-final spot.
   These three teams
are currently battling
for the group’s top
position in six mat-
ches from 22 to 30
January. The Lions
currently lead the way,                                                                             Janneman Malan
with two wins from                                                                                  of the Cobras is
two matches. At the                                                                                 in good form
time of going to print,                                                                             with the bat.
the Cobras and War-                                                                                 Photos: Wouter
riors are still playing,                                                                            Pienaar
with each team wan-        Two former NWU Cricket stars, Wihan Lubbe and
ting their first win of    Nicky van den Bergh, in action for their respective
the competition.           franchises.

                                         Wouter Pienaar                                ment in Mauritania in February and        stated.
                                                                                       March this year. This will also be the      “My favourite match for my country
                                          Tjipenandjambi Karuuombe –                   first time that Nambia will have an       yet was the semi-final game against
                                           better know as Tjipe by his team-           u.20 representative at Afcon. “The        Angola in PE last year. That same
                                            mates and friends – is one of the          tournament will begin on 14 Februa-       team had beaten our u.17s 7–0 in
                                            North-West University’s top young          ry and will continue until 6 March.       Mauritius in 2018 and they had
                                             up-and-coming football players            We’re going to do our best, but we        several players who played the u.17
                                             who recently got national Nami-           won’t have high expectations as it’s      World Cup and who play in Europe.
                                              bian football colours.                   our first time taking part in a tourna-   Beating them and making history by
                                                 Karuuombe was selected for            ment of such magnitude. The draw          being the first-ever Namibian u.20
                                               the Namibian Football Associ-           for the groups hasn’t taken place so,     team to qualify for Afcon was ama-
                                                ation’s u.20 squad in Novem-           right now, we’re more focused on          zing,” he added.
                                                ber and will now represent his         training and doing that right before        His biggest role models are his two
                                                 country at the African Cup of         we can think about our opponents at       uncles (mother’s two younger bro-
                                                  Nations (Afcon) u.20 tourna-         all,” stated an excited Karuoombe.        thers) who have supported him since
                                                                                       For this talented central midfielder at   starting football at the age of six. The
                                                                                       NWU Tawana and second-year                central and defensive midfielder
                                                     Tjipenandjambi Karuuombe,         engineering student at De Wilgers, it     believes he possesses several skills
                                                     a second-year Engineering         was truly a dream come true to            that will come in handy, come Afcon
                                                     student at the NWU,               achieve national recognition. “I’ve       2021. “I have an excellent passing
                                                      recently received a call up      worked and waited for such an             range (short and long), tactical
                                                      to the Namibia u.20              opportunity and it felt great, even       awareness, good shooting range and
                                                      squad. Photo: Nambian Football   though the nerves were there as it is     excellent stamina,” he explains when
                                                                                       a much bigger stage; in fact, the         asked about the skills he brings to
                                                                                       biggest stage I’ve played at yet,” he     his country.
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