Thanks to all the sponsors and supporters of the Kathmandu Coast to Coast

Page created by Nancy Dixon
Thanks to all the sponsors and supporters of the Kathmandu Coast to Coast
Thanks to all the sponsors and supporters of the Kathmandu Coast to Coast

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Thanks to all the sponsors and supporters of the Kathmandu Coast to Coast
Thanks to all the sponsors and supporters of the Kathmandu Coast to Coast
                                  Title Sponsor

                                 Funding Partner

                                  Gold Sponsor

                                  Silver Sponsor

                                 Bronze Sponsors

                                 Service Partners

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Thanks to all the sponsors and supporters of the Kathmandu Coast to Coast

  Contents.............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
  Pre-race preparations ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
  Important times – One Day Event ...................................................................................................................................... 4
  Compulsory Gear ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
  General notes ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
  Medical Services ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
  Temporary Traffic Management....................................................................................................................................... 14
  Registration, Kumara Racecourse ..................................................................................................................................... 15
  STAGE 1a - Run 2.2km - Competitors ............................................................................................................................... 18
  STAGE 1b - Cycle 55km - Competitors .............................................................................................................................. 19
  Aickens Transition - Assistants.......................................................................................................................................... 20
  STAGE 2 – Mountain Run 30.5km - Competitors .............................................................................................................. 21
  Klondyke Corner - Assistants ............................................................................................................................................ 23
  STAGE 3-Cycle 15.5km & Run 1.3km - Competitors ......................................................................................................... 25
  STAGE 4 – Kayak 70km - Competitors .............................................................................................................................. 28
  STAGE 5 –Cycle 69.5 km - Competitors ............................................................................................................................ 32
  Prizegiving ......................................................................................................................................................................... 35
  Withdrawals & Non Completion ....................................................................................................................................... 35
  Cut-Off Times – One Day event ........................................................................................................................................ 35
  Prize Money ...................................................................................................................................................................... 36
  Lost Property..................................................................................................................................................................... 36
  Weather & River Forecasts ............................................................................................................................................... 37
  Plan B - Bad Weather Alternative ..................................................................................................................................... 37
  Railway Lines & Crossing Safety........................................................................................................................................ 41
  One Day Assistants Timetable .......................................................................................................................................... 42

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Thanks to all the sponsors and supporters of the Kathmandu Coast to Coast
Pre-race preparations                                      Friday

It is highly recommended you have completed the Two        7am        Two Day Race Start
Day Individual event in less than 15½ hours before         3pm        Race Briefing for the One Day event at
entering the One Day event because there are tight                    Kumara Racecourse
cut-off times in the One Day event. If you have any
                                                           3:30-5pm Registration open for the One Day event at
doubts about making the cut-off times then seriously
                                                                    Kumara Racecourse
consider entering the Two Day event instead.
Competitors must read and understand the event rules
– located on the website.                                  Note: Plan B bad weather alternate route times may
Competitors must understand the running, kayaking
and cycling stages – see descriptions in this Handbook.    4:30am     Bike transition opens at Kumara Junction for
                                                                      bike racking
Download this Handbook prior to leaving for the race –
make sure you have the latest version because it could     5:30am     Bike transition closes
be updated during the year.                                5:45am     Pre-start race briefing
                                                           6am        One Day RACE START
Important times – One Day Event
                                                           12:15pm Cut-off at Goat Pass
                                                           2:15pm     Cut-off at Klondyke Corner
3pm         Registration and Sponsor Expo open at
            Kumara Racecourse. One Day competitors can     3pm        Cut-off at Mt White
            also register on Friday, we recommend that     7pm        Cut-off at Woodstock
            you register on Thursday if possible
                                                           8:15pm     Cut-off at Gorge Bridge
4pm         Elite athlete media conference, Kumara
                                                           Midnight Course closes
4:30pm Kumara Community meal at Kumara
       Racecourse (tickets $28.75 per person,              8-9.30am Breakfast at Addington Raceway (tickets $27
       purchased via the website)                                   per person, purchased via the website)

7pm         Registration and Sponsor Expo closes           10am       Prize giving, Addington Raceway – all
Note: There is race briefing that is specific to the Two
Day events on Thursday at 5pm. One Day competitors         12pm       Moa Wrap BBQ, Welles Street Bar, 44 Welles
MUST attend the One Day specific race briefing on                     Street, Christchurch
Friday at 3pm.

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Thanks to all the sponsors and supporters of the Kathmandu Coast to Coast
Compulsory Gear

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Thanks to all the sponsors and supporters of the Kathmandu Coast to Coast
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Thanks to all the sponsors and supporters of the Kathmandu Coast to Coast
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Thanks to all the sponsors and supporters of the Kathmandu Coast to Coast
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Thanks to all the sponsors and supporters of the Kathmandu Coast to Coast
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Thanks to all the sponsors and supporters of the Kathmandu Coast to Coast
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competitors, assistants, or friends during the
General notes
                                                               Kathmandu Coast to Coast. Competitors and assistants
Assistants (support crew) cannot follow their                  should have their own personal property insurance.
competitors or offer assistance on any stage of the
                                                               Assistants must provide names and NZ cellphone
event. This includes both One Day and Two Day events.
                                                               numbers in case they or their competitor needs to be
Assistants are not allowed to enter any part of the
                                                               contacted in case of emergency during the Kathmandu
running or kayaking stages except at transitions.
                                                               Coast to Coast (required during entry process).
Competitors’ assistants must be on hand at the end of
                                                               Officials are an important part of the Kathmandu Coast
Stage 1b, 2, 3 and 4 to take charge of the competitor’s
                                                               to Coast safety system. Instructions by officials to
equipment. With the large numbers of competitors in
                                                               competitors and assistants must be followed. Failure to
the event and limited areas to affect the transitions, it is
                                                               do so will result in heavy time penalties or
critical that assistants remove their competitor’s
equipment immediately from the transition areas.
                                                               Assistants are advised to study the transition area
One competitor bib will be provided per individual
                                                               diagrams and prepare their competitor’s equipment,
entry. Bibs must not be altered in any way and must be
                                                               clothing, food and drink well in advance of their arrival.
worn throughout the event and in the finish chutes. The
bib must be your outermost garment at all times (i.e.          Given the cash prizes up for grabs in the One Day
over the top of any thermals, jackets, etc.). The bib can      event, rules will be strictly applied. Please do not put
be worn under your running backpack but the supplied           us in a situation where we must penalise you for
number must be attached to the rear of the running             something you OR YOUR CREW do. This applies to
pack, so officials can see the race number from behind.        assistant numbers, following correct routes and
                                                               locations for providing support, and includes pushing
The bib must be worn over the top of your kayaking
                                                               competitors through transitions. If you see something
PFD. Failure to clearly show the number when asked
                                                               you don’t think is right, inform the Race Director
will lead to the competitor being stopped until officials
                                                               immediately – there is nothing we can do two weeks
can accurately determine the bib number. Calling out
                                                               after the race. If in doubt, ask.
the number is not sufficient; a number of competitors
call out the wrong number each year.
Competitors are not allowed any help from assistants,
friends or family on any stages except in transitions. If
competitors have assistants, friends or family
monitoring their own or another competitor’s
behaviour they will be deemed to be assisting their
competitor and their competitor will be disqualified.
Any competitor or assistant who wishes to make a
complaint about another competitor must do so in
writing to a race official within an hour of the
complainant finishing. The Race Director’s decision
regarding the complaint is final.
No responsibility is taken by the Race Director or
sponsors for any loss or damaged property of

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Medical Services                                             to get in the water to hold their boat steady – a spare
                                                             pair of shoes that can get wet and some shorts will
SportsMed and ProMed will be available at every
                                                             come in handy! Supporters who are not critical to the
transition of the Kathmandu Coast to Coast for general
                                                             transition at Mt White (kayak put-in) are encouraged to
medical support and emergency response. Providing
                                                             continue their journey to Gorge Bridge (kayak take-out)
specialist paramedic staff and equipment, they
                                                             as parking space is limited at Mt White.
integrate with, and complement our river and mountain
safety teams. There are also medical crews on cycle          Make sure you know where to go – if you are not
stages.                                                      familiar with the course and area please make sure that
                                                             you have a good map of Canterbury and Christchurch
Assistants (Support crew)                                    and program the transitions into your GPS or check out
Assistants are an integral part of your team and should      the locations prior to the race – remember to obey all
be briefed by the competitor for their role. Competitors     official’s instructions (particularly for parking) at the
may only have two assistants – there is no limit on          different areas.
supporters but they will not have access to transitions      Familiarise yourself with pick-up areas such as Gorge
and they may not help with your transitions in any way       Bridge (kayak take-out) and directions through
(except for removal of gear at certain points and having     Christchurch to the finish line at New Brighton.
the kayak scrutineered - see the Stage Descriptions for
                                                             Ensure your competitor does not over-train. Keep a
                                                             balance between family, social, training and work
Assistants should be able to lift, carry and securely tie    relationships.
down kayaks. If you only have one assistant do not rely
                                                             Try to remain cheerful. Remember that competitors will
on officials to help with moving the kayak around. You
                                                             become ‘possessed of the devil’ during the event,
will only get two assistant wristbands so choose
                                                             totally irrational, and if things get really bad may even
carefully who gets them, as they will be the only ones,
                                                             blame assistants for their mistakes. Humour them at
besides the competitors, who can access the transitions
                                                             the time – then make their lives pure hell while they’re
to collect gear and provide support – it is not permitted
to swap wristbands between crew during the day.
                                                             Be nice to officials. Many of them are volunteers, so a
Children will be allowed to access transitions with
                                                             nice smile makes their day a lot happier.
supporters to cheer on their parents or vice-versa – no
wristband required but please keep kids close to you
and out of the way of competitors and other crews.
Transitions sometimes take place in paddocks and in
the dark, so assistants should wear sturdy footwear and
bring a torch or headlamp. You may need to walk up to
a kilometre from your car, with competitor gear. Any
assistants getting out of their cars at the Kumara bike
transition should wear reflective ankle bands and bright
reflective clothing. Thin beads of reflective material are
not sufficient.
At the kayak put-in at Mt White and take-out at Gorge
Bridge it is highly likely your competitor will expect you
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Toilets                                                      Klondyke Corner camping - toilets placed around the
                                                             camping area, plus toilets on a trailer. The trailered
Portable toilets are located along the course at various     toilets will remain on site until the last Two Day
venues. We try to position them to best meet demand.         competitor has departed for Mt White on Saturday.
The toilets are serviced to ensure they remain clean,        Mt White turn-off - a toilet placed near the highway.
fragrant and stocked, so at times will be unavailable. If    Support crews must not stop to use it as you drive
you find that toilets need servicing or are short of         down to Mt White Bridge.
supplies, please let staff know. Toilets do not have
                                                             Mt White Bridge - toilets located just over the bridge
lighting so if you’re using them at night, take a torch.
                                                             on the left-hand side.
While we endeavour to keep them stocked with toilet
paper it is highly recommended you bring a backup            Mt White Bridge catering - toilets located between the
supply!                                                      parking area and the bridge, near the Springfield School
                                                             catering area.
Toilets are located at:
                                                             Woodstock checkpoint – toilet located on river left,
Kumara Racecourse - permanent toilets at the Kumara
                                                             where marshal and timing point will be positioned.
Racing Club, adjacent to the kitchen. There are also
some portable toilets on-site, but these are generally       Gorge Bridge - toilets located in the riverbed, bike
not available for the Kathmandu Coast to Coast.              transition and assistants car park. There are permanent
                                                             Selwyn District Council toilets on the left-hand side of
Kumara Town - permanent toilets located at the rugby
                                                             the shingle road down to the river.
                                                             Gorge Bridge cycle stands - a toilet reserved for
Kumara Junction Bike Transition - toilets in transition.
                                                             competitors only, adjacent to the cycle stands.
Kumara Junction Bike Transition to Kumara Beach –
                                                             Finish – toilets under the south ramp of the pier, and at
toilets positioned at various locations on the way to the
                                                             various points around the finish area.
beach, all near the road on the northern side. Some
toilets are located on the beach side of the checkpoint.     Temporary Traffic Management
Aickens transition - there are toilets at the transition.    An extensive, approved traffic management plan is in
You pass them on your left as you drive to the car park.     operation. A variety of signs are used along the course.
There are also toilets at the car park. Please do not ‘go’   Some that you need to know for parking areas are:
in the trees
                                                                        Site access 150m - entrance to a car park on
Aickens transition competitors only – a reserved toilet                 your right, approximately 150m ahead,
for competitors only, located between the cycle finish                  followed by ...
and the timing tent.
Klondyke corner - toilets located across the shingle
                                                                        Site access - entrance to a car park on your
road on the grass (south of the finish chute) as well as a
                                                                        right, up to 75m ahead
permanent Department of Conservation toilet on the
edge of the bush.
                                                                        No stopping or waiting even for just a
Klondyke corner catering and medical only – toilets are
                                                                        minute! Do not park between the signs or
reserved for catering and medical staff only – please do
                                                                        on the road shoulder or grass verge behind
not use them.
                                                                        the signs.

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Registration, Kumara Racecourse                            • Race numbers for bikes & kayaks. These must be
                                                             applied before starting the race. Remove all old
                                                             stickers and event numbers from the kayak.
                                                           • Run number to be attached to the back of
                                                             backpack for the Mountain Run stage
                                                           • Competitor wristband. This must be worn at all
                                                             times during the event
                                                           • Kathmandu Coast to Coast t-shirt
                                                           • Assistant vehicle sticker
                                                           • Assistant wristbands (2). These must be worn to
                                                             allow assistants to collect gear from transitions.
                                                             This is for the security of competitor’s gear: no
                                                             wristband = no gear collection. Assistants will
                                                             only be able to collect gear corresponding to the
                                                             wrist band number
                                                           • Meal tickets you ordered
                                                           • If a GPS tracker was ordered, collect it at

                                                        Bike & Gear checks
Welcome to Kumara, West Coast, South Island, New
                                                        You can complete your compulsory bike check at
                                                        selected AvantiPlus bike retailers around the country
Thursday                                                and run gear checks at Kathmandu stores. These checks
3-7pm          Registration and Sponsor Expo open at    open 3 weeks from race dates. You can also do these
               Kumara Racecourse. One Day competitors   checks at registration but avoid the queues and get it
               can also register on Friday.             done prior to the race, if possible. Refer to the
                                                        compulsory check lists for what will be checked. Make
We highly recommend One Day competitors register
                                                        sure to bring any gear not pre-checked to registration
on Thursday if possible
                                                        with you.
                                                        NOTE – kayak equipment can only be scrutineered on
3.30-5pm Registration open at Kumara Racecourse         the Saturday morning at Mt White (kayak put-in) after
                                                        Two day competitor kayak checks are completed.
Registration pack
                                                        Cycle crews will be in attendance for repairs at
During registration competitors will be provided with
                                                        registration on Thursday, but note that the bike
the following;
                                                        mechanics will be busy, with the bike checks as their
   • Kathmandu race bag (doubles as the gear bag for    priority. Repairs are at the cost of the competitor.
     the start line)
                                                        Meals and camping
   • Race bib
   • Timing transponder                                 The Kumara Community offer a meal on Thursday from
                                                        4.30pm at Kumara Racecourse, tickets are $28.75 per
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person and can be purchased on the event website.            The second part is optional. It will explain the race from
Please support the community and their efforts.              start to finish and be an opportunity for competitors
Limited on-the-day meal tickets will be available, make      and crew to get more information about what to expect
sure you bring cash. The meal will be served from            and to ask any questions.
4.30pm until 7pm or when the meals run out. We               Medical
highly recommend you purchase a meal ticket in
advance.                                                     SportsMed will tape/strap ankles at the Kumara
                                                             registration from mid-afternoon on Thursday – you can
Assistants and competitors can set up camp at the            also get this done at Klondyke Corner on Friday from
Kumara Racecourse. Campervans may stay overnight at          about 11am (SportsMed will not be at Kumara
the Kumara Racecourse. There are no powered sites. It        registration on the Friday). No bookings are taken. The
is not compulsory to stay at Kumara Racecourse. There        price is $15 for one ankle or $20 for two ankles.
is a fee of $10.00 per person, which is collected by the
racecourse staff for overnight stays (fundraising activity   The SportsMed Massage Team will work at Klondyke
for the Kumara Racing club). Free short-term parking.        Corner on Friday and New Brighton Beach on Saturday.
                                                             Massages are $35 for 20 minutes (no double bookings).
Registration checklist                                       Bookings can be made by phoning SportsMed on (03)
Before going to Kumara                                       366 0620 or 0800 INJURY up to 3 weeks in advance.
 •   Download the Event App                                  Fuel & Supplies
 •   Mountain Run gear check                                 The Kumara Service station is self-service, credit card or
 •   Bike check                                              eftpos-only fuel facility. You can also fuel up at Arthurs
 •   Vehicle fuelled up                                      Pass (no LPG), Hokitika or Greymouth. The Kumara
 •   Water containers filled                                 Store will be open until 8pm on Thursday night and re-
At Kumara Racecourse (registration)                          open at 7am on Friday.

 •   Register                                                Kumara Racecourse Facilities
 •   Collect GPS tracker, if ordered                          • Campsite - no bookings required ($10 cash per
 •   Gear check, bike check, if not already completed           person)
 •   Sticker on cycle                                         • Showers
 •   Sticker on cycle helmet                                  • Water
 •   Stickers on kayak                                        • Toilets
 •   Sticker on kayak helmet                                  • Camp kitchen
 •   Number attached to backpack for Mountain Run             • Friendly neighbours
 •   Ankle strapping
 •   Purchase merchandise
Race Briefing – Friday 3pm, Kumara Racecourse
A copy will be emailed to competitors, and available to
download from the website before the event.
The briefing will be split into two parts – the first will
cover safety-related information and key times, it is
compulsory to attend this portion of the race briefing.

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Kumara Junction Transition - Competitors                       Please minimise the amount of extra gear you take to
                                                               the beach. Make sure it all fits in your supplied gear
4.30am to 5:30am
                                                               bag. No extra bags please, we have limited space.
Arrive at the cycle transition at Kumara Junction and
place you cycle in numerical order in the cycle stands.
                                                               Kumara Junction Transition - Assistants
The area is well lit. All racks are numbered - you must        Assistants are not allowed in the cycle transition –
place your bike in the position marked for your number.        competitors only. Remember, if you are walking to the
Make sure you remember which row you need to run               transition with your competitor you must also have
down to get to your bike, flagpoles, flags or balloons are     reflective clothing and a light. Assistants should wear
NOT allowed on the cycle stands.                               bright reflective clothing if working around vehicles and
You can be driven by car to the cycle stands from              unloading cycles in the dark.
Kumara but you must continue past the transition and           Once you have dropped your competitor off, drive to
turn around at the roundabout and along the north side         the end of the first cycling stage at Aickens Corner and
of road, opposite the transition. NO PARKING on the            park in the designated car park at, not on the roadside.
transition side of the road – it will be very busy there. If   Please do not park in the Taramakau Valley Department
you are staying in Greymouth or Hokitika, it is okay to        of Conservation (DoC) car park. Do not delay - leave
stop near the transition to unload the cycle – there is        early! No stopping on the side of the track to the car
plenty of parking near the roundabout, check it out on         park. Assistants cannot follow their competitor or offer
the Thursday or Friday. Vehicles arriving from Hokitika        assistance on any cycle stage.
and Greymouth may enter the roundabout only when               NOTE: There is a road closure on the Saturday from
there is room for them on State Highway 73.                    the Kumara roundabout through to Jacksons. Officially
You must have front and rear lights on your bike. You          this starts at 5am but you will be able to drop your
must wear your timing transponder, reflective ankle            competitor off and continue through this route as long
bands/or specific reflective socks (you need to supply         as you leave the Transition Area prior to 5:30am. The
your own) and cycling helmet for the 2.2km walk to the         transition closes for bike racking at 5:30am.
beach and the run to the cycles. Don’t forget to wear
                                                               Start Times
your bib and cycle helmet.
                                                               Plan B bad weather alternate route start times may
Bring the gear bag that came with your race pack to put
your warm-up clothes in prior to the start. This gear will
be collected at the start line and taken to New Brighton,      4:30am Kumara bike transition opens for bike racking
and will be available for you to collect in the recovery       5:30am Kumara bike transition closes
area at the end of the race.
                                                               5:45am Pre-start race briefing at Kumara Beach
Wear reflective gear and lights for the walk down – it
                                                               6am     One Day RACE START (all categories)
will still be dark while you’re walking to the beach.
You should use running shoes for the run from the
beach to the start of the cycle stage. Leave them at the
bike racks - they will be collected and can be reclaimed
at the finish in New Brighton. Make sure they are

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STAGE 1a - Run 2.2km - Competitors                    Kumara Beach
                                                      There is no start order on the beach. There will be two
                                                      flags set back as far as practical on the beach or road
                                                      (depending on access to beach) and you will have to
                                                      start between these. Please be sensible and seed
                                                      yourselves, if you anticipate taking 2 hours on the ride
                                                      don’t start at the front, you will get run over!
                                                      The course
                                                      Run up the gravel road and turn left onto the main
                                                      road, there is a slight rise before you reach Kumara
                                                      Junction. Here head straight through towards the cycle
                                                      transition. Turn right into the transition area and run all
                                                      the way around the outside of the bike racking area and
                                                      enter on the far right hand corner. From here you can
                                                      go directly to you bike.
                                                      DO NOT ride in the transition, run with your bike to the
                                                      exit point and mount your bike where the sign indicates
                                                      you can do so.


Kumara Beach (start line) to Kumara bike transition
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STAGE 1b - Cycle 55km - Competitors
Kumara Junction to Aickens Corner

 • No assistants on the cycle course
 • No iPods or similar audio devices to be used by          circumstances – if we see you do this we will disqualify
   competitors on the course                                you. There will also be media and race staff vehicles on
 • Keep to the left, do not cross the centre line and       the road and it is highly likely you will also encounter
   obey the road code                                       local traffic. KEEP TO THE LEFT!
 • Stop for trains, and follow instructions from            The transition is on the left hand side about 2km after
   officials                                                the railway crossing. You will see a gravel run-off
The course                                                  heading into a paddock and the bike transition. You
The cycle stage is 55km following the Taramakau valley      must follow the signage and instructions from officials.
towards the Main Divide. The route is flat or undulating    Dismount where indicated, then run with your bike
and has a net elevation gain of 250m. There is one          through as far as possible and rack your bike. Exit the
railway crossing and several one-lane bridges – if you’re   racking area to the far left of the transition and run
in a bunch please indicate to cyclists of approaching       down the chute to your crew. Crews can set up on
bridges or hazards. There are several very fast downhills   either side of the chute – make a plan of where to find
and large bunches often form on this ride, please be        them. Keep an eye out for them and be aware of other
very careful in bunches – this is usually the most          competitors running through. Make sure you collect
dangerous part of the race.                                 your running gear and you are wearing your bib before
There is a road closure from Kumara Junction until just     departing onto the Mountain Run stage (and leave your
before Jacksons (10km to go). Do not count on it            cycle helmet behind). The timing point is after the
working. You MUST obey all road rules and keep to the       transition under the inflatable arch as you head onto
left, DO NOT cross the centre line under any                the Run course.

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Aickens Transition - Assistants                               your competitor. Make sure they have their backpack
                                                              with safety gear, bib and timing transponder before
                                                              they go.
                                                              Once your competitor has transitioned and left on the
                                                              run, gather up their cycling and transition gear, and
                                                              don’t forget to collect their bike. Collect their cycle
                                                              from the transition entry point once officials advise the
                                                              transition is open to do so – it will be possible to collect
                                                              bikes in-between waves of competitors coming
                                                              through. Please be quick.
                                                              NOTE: You will need your Assistant wristband to
                                                              collect the bike. You will only be able to collect your
                                                              competitor’s bike that corresponds to the number on
                                                              your wristband.
                                                              Officials can make spot checks of competitor’s
                                                              compulsory mountain safety equipment at any time. Do
                                                              not discard any equipment, it could be spot checked at
                                                              any time.
                                                              There is a compulsory check of gear at Goat Pass for
On arrival at Aickens Corner, turn left and take the          EVERYONE. Penalties or disqualifications will be given to
vehicle track to the riverbed car park. Park in the car       all competitors not carrying correct equipment - make
park, not on the roadside. No stopping on the side of         sure your competitor is organised and has everything.
the track to the car park. Prepare your competitor’s
                                                              Assistants cannot leave the Aickens Corner car park
Mountain Run equipment well before the event. Please
                                                              until after 8am. Don’t panic, there is plenty of time!
do not bring any flags on sticks or sharp objects to the
                                                              Assistants must not stop at the Otira Footbridge and
transition area to attract your competitor’s attention.
                                                              must not use the Otira Footbridge (by DoC request).
Assistants are not allowed to offer assistance or enter
any part of the Run stage except at transitions.
                                                              Lake Brunner School will have breakfast for sale at the
Competitors will finish cycling, (the last 100m is gravel),
                                                              Aickens Corner transition – whitebait patties, bacon,
dismount before the farm gate run under the transition
                                                              eggs, Blackball sausages, omelettes, hash browns,
banner and rack their bikes before running through to
                                                              coffee, tea and milo. These meals are not included in
the transition change-over area. Please keep gear bins
                                                              the entry fee, bring cash.
and deck chairs away from the main transition chute
area, set them up behind the main change-over area.           .
Assistants cannot enter the running chute –
competitors must go to their crew. Elite support crew
are to set up the right-hand side (as competitors see it)
of the transition chute and age groupers on the left-
hand side. There will be bib number ranges signposted
along the chute indicating where to stand and wait for

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STAGE 2 – Mountain Run 30.5km -                             WARNING: The run course is very rough and there are
                                                            many places where the majority of people simply
                                                            cannot run. If you haven’t been over the course prepare
Aickens Corner to Klondyke Corner                           yourself by doing a lot of training on the roughest
Stage cut-off times:                                        ground you can find. See the race YouTube channel for
                                                            some footage from the running stage. Expect A LOT of
12:15pm         Goat Pass
                                                            running on rocks with no track.
2.15pm          Klondyke Corner
                                                            NOTE: There is no access to the run course for any
                                                            supporters or crew on the Friday while the Two Day
 • Take sufficient food for the run, and a little bit       event is taking place. If an assistant is caught on the
   extra                                                    run course their competitor will be disqualified
 • Drink – many competitors chose to drink directly
                                                            The course
   out of the rivers. The water is generally very good
   and safe to drink but we cannot guarantee this,          Head out of the Aickens Corner transition chute and
   however, when you get close to the stockbank and         through the timing point under the arch. Follow a farm
   power lines towards the end of the run you will          track for about 2.5km until you reach the Deception
   cross the Bealey River – there is Giardia in the river   Footbridge. Continue straight ahead for about 15m
   so do not drink water directly from the Bealey           before turning left through the trees, down the bank
   River.                                                   and into the river. Cross to the far side and start up the
 • Wear sun protection                                      Deception Valley. You don’t have to follow a set route
 • No iPods or similar audio devices to be used by          but generally follow a mix of rough tracks and the main
   competitors on the course (phones Ok to use for          riverbed up the valley – there are multiple river
   photos – there is no cell coverage on the majority       crossings.
   of run course)                                           After about 13.5km, there is a succession of bush tracks
 • No walking poles                                         that mark the start of the upper Gorge, here the valley
                                                            steepens significantly and the next 4km to Goat Pass
There is some race-specific mountain run course
                                                            take even the quickest athletes close to 40 minutes.
marking during the event, but competitors are still
                                                            This is one of the most stunning sections of the run and
responsible for their own navigation over the course
                                                            has many routes – following the wet foot prints is
and should familiarise themselves with the terrain.
                                                            usually a safe bet.
Competitors who have not been across the course
should consider carrying a map and compass or GPS to        About 500m from Goat Pass you turn right up a smaller
use as a reference during the Kathmandu Coast to            creek and scramble and wade your way up the final part
Coast. Get a topographical map of the mountain run          of the climb. Goat Pass elevation is 1070m so you will
stage Topo50 Map BV20-Otira and email                       have climbed around 800 vertical metres and run about for a downloadable GPS file of      17.5km from Aickens Corner transition to this point.
the route. The course marking is a mix of DoC marking       There is a compulsory gear check at this point and you
and race-specific marking – it is a fast, efficient route   will have to show a set number of items that will be
but is not compulsory to follow, you may self-navigate if   displayed on a sign at the bottom of the final climb. This
you think you know a better route – you are solely          is the same for everyone. Missing gear will attract major
responsible for your course through the Mountain Run        penalties or disqualification.
21 | P a g e
From Goat Pass it is around 13km to the transition at
Klondyke Corner, the track is generally much better
formed and includes some boardwalks over fragile
ground. It is also mainly downhill with the exception of
a few short, sharp climbs, the largest being Dudley’s
Knob where you will often find photographers. The final
5-6km is flat but is some of the roughest riverbed to run
over. When you reach the stock-bank you get some
respite for about a kilometre, then the final 1.5km is
real ankle-rolling stuff, especially if you are tired.
Concentrate and focus on getting safely to the cheering
crowds waiting at the finish of the stage.

22 | P a g e
Klondyke Corner - Assistants

On arrival at Klondyke Corner turn right off the State      and remember no dogs are allowed in the National
Highway to the parking area. Do not park in long grass,     Park.
as hot exhausts can start fires. Park your vehicle in the   Assistants must not run down the riverbed with
designated mown areas and where directed by the             Competitors or take equipment from them or assist
officials. A few mobility and disabled parking spaces are   them in any way. There will be a clearly marked point
available near the finish line. Keep emergency access       (close to the rotunda – about 50m from bike racks)
ways (4m wide lane) clear. For the safety of all please     indicating where you may enter the run chute and begin
do not exceed 5kph within the parking area or on gravel     helping your competitor, penalties apply for anyone
roads.                                                      providing assistance before this. Spot checks of
DO NOT PARK ON THE ROAD VERGE OF STATE                      competitor’s compulsory equipment may be made after
HIGHWAY 73 UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES                          they finish the Run stage at Klondyke Corner.

There is Giardia in the Bealey River. Don’t drink water     Make sure you have all your competitors gear and rack
from the Bealey, we recommend that you fill up water        their bike in the racks beside the road – please don’t
containers prior to the race start. Klondyke Corner is      interfere with other competitors gear.
inside a National Park so take all rubbish away with you

23 | P a g e
Competitors must unrack their own bike – assistance
can be given from the assigned point up until the
competitor exits the transition.
There will be four or so live-feed cameras and timing
points on the Mountain Run stage. There is also 3G
coverage (Vodafone & Spark) and paid WiFi network.
You should be able to see the live coverage via the app
and live website but there will be no big screen on the
Saturday at Klondyke Corner.
There are very few services at Klondyke Corner for the
One Day event, but the Event HQ will be set up there
for any medical requirements.
 • Bring insect repellent
 • Bring rubbish bags and take all rubbish away with
 • No open fires or solid fuel barbeques
 • Dogs are not allowed in the National Park (not
   even in your car)
 • Do not park in long grass, as hot exhausts can start
 • Park vehicles in the designated mown areas and
   where directed by officials
 • Giardia is present in the Bealey River. Don’t drink
   water from the Bealey River
 • Do not exceed 5kph in the camping area or on the
   gravel roads
 • Pedestrians must take GREAT CARE when crossing
   the State Highway from the campsite to the finish
 • Portable toilets are available
 • 3G phone coverage (Vodafone and Spark) and WiFi
   network (paid)
 • Information point

24 | P a g e
STAGE 3-Cycle 15.5km & Run 1.3km -

Klondyke Corner to Mt White                                 a competitor. Once you pass someone it is their
                                                            responsibility to drop back the required 10m.
  • No assistants allowed to stop on the cycle course
  • No iPods or similar audio devices to be used by         Once you reach the Mt White turn-off, turn left onto
    competitors on the course                               the gravel road, rack your bike at the top of the road
  • Keep to the left, do not cross the centre line and      and run for about 1km. You may also leave your
    obey the road code                                      helmets here.
  • Stop for trains, and obey instructions from officials   It is highly recommended that you use running shoes or
                                                            sturdy river booties, or use mountain bike shoes for this
The course
                                                            section – it is not a pleasant run in socks, bare feet or
Once you have transitioned at Klondyke Corner, turn         road cycle cleats!
left and cycle along the main road for 15km to the Mt
                                                            Your assistants may give you food and drink on the run
White turn-off. The ride is undulating with several very
                                                            as long as they are one of your dedicated crew, with a
fast down hills – please take extra care if it is wet or
windy. Also be aware the steep downhill once you have
climbed past the bluffs is often in poor condition and      At the bottom of the road is a railway crossing – you
should be treated with extra caution.                       must obey the officials here, if a train is coming, STOP.
                                                            Failure to obey officials will result in disqualification.
This ride is NON-DRAFTING, you must keep at least
                                                            Once it is clear, you can cross the bridge.
10m between cyclists or you have 30 seconds to pass by

25 | P a g e
The One Day transition is generally immediately after      participate in the transition once the competitor
the bridge, turn right and follow your crew to the         arrives.
transition point. You cannot remove your bib or            You must park at the top of the Mt White Bridge road
transition any gear until after the bridge, this must be   and walk with your competitor’s kayak down to the
done on the riverbank near your kayak. Make sure the       kayak transition. The Two Day assistants will be leaving
bib goes over top of the PFD and remember you can          Mt White from about 9am onwards. There will be a lane
only have two assistants to help you get into the kayak.   set up for pedestrians to walk down but it is likely there
Mt White Bridge - Assistants                               will be a delay at the one lane bridge as there is not
                                                           enough space for cars and pedestrians. If your
                                                           competitor will be slower than 4 hours on the
                                                           Mountain Run please don’t arrive at Mt White until
                                                           after 10am, when all the Two Day assistants should
                                                           have left.
                                                           Do not pack equipment into the kayak before
                                                           scrutineering. Officials need to check it is all there. Have
                                                           it on display, and then pack it in dry bags once
                                                           scrutineering is complete. All compulsory equipment
                                                           must remain in the kayak once checked.
                                                           It is highly recommended that competitors have
                                                           additional warm clothing to put on for the kayak stage –
                                                           it can be very cold* on the river especially if they have a
                                                           swim, we recommend having this extra clothing
                                                           available in transition. Do not underestimate the river
                                                           and remember all compulsory thermal gear is in
                                                           addition to what is being worn by the competitor
                                                           when they leave Mt White.
You must drop off your competitor’s kayaks down to Mt      *Talk about this with your competitor before the race – if assistants
White Bridge prior to them transitioning at Klondyke       & supporters are in a down jacket it is very likely your competitor
                                                           will need more than a cycle top!
Corner – you will not have time to help your
competitor at Klondyke, then transport kayak and           Competitors will rack their bike at the top of Mt White
have gear scrutineered in time for them to have a          road, and they can leave helmets there. You may meet
seamless transition.                                       your competitor there and a non-wrist banded assistant
                                                           can remove the bike from the racks ASAP, as long as
If your competitor expects to be one of the front-
                                                           you have clearly communicated this to the marshals at
runners it may be best to hand over the kayak and
                                                           the cycle rack. Please help other assistants out if you
kayaking gear to competitor supporters to take down to
                                                           have capacity and they are flying solo!
Mt White Bridge and have the kayak scrutineered, while
you return to Klondyke Corner for the Run to Bike          You may run down with your competitor and give them
transition.                                                food and drink as long as you are one of the assistants
                                                           who is involved in the whole transition (i.e. you have a
NOTE: Non-wrist banded assistants can take the kayak
                                                           wristband). To avoid confusion please don’t have
down to be scrutineered as long as they don’t
26 | P a g e
supporters run down with you. It is 1km from the top of    Checklist
the road to the bridge.                                     • Kayaking gear scrutineered and loaded in the boat
Help your competitor with their kayaking equipment,         • Food and drink for the expected duration, plus a
and launch them onto the river. Check that they have          bit more
their bib over the top of their buoyancy vest. Kayaking     • Competitor bib over their buoyancy vest
                                                            • Kayak helmet on
helmets must be worn.
                                                            • Paddle, spray deck on, drink system connected
After your competitor has left make sure you collect all    • Sunblock (keep it off the paddle)
their gear including bike, shoes and helmet before          • Collect all transition gear, cycling gear, bike
proceeding to the Gorge Bridge transition.                 Breakfast/lunch
                                                           Springfield School will have breakfast and lunch for sale
                                                           at Mt White Bridge from 5-10am on Saturday. These
                                                           meals are not included in the entry fee. Have cash

27 | P a g e
STAGE 4 – Kayak 70km - Competitors

Mt White Bridge to Gorge Bridge                           If you are expecting to swim you should be paddling a
                                                          more stable boat or getting more time on Grade 2
Stage Cut-off times:
                                                          water. There is a significant amount of river safety on
3pm      You must be on the water at Mt White             the course especially at recognised trouble spots, but
7pm      Woodstock cut-off, you must be past this point   they cannot be everywhere and are there first and
8:15pmYou must be off the river at Gorge Bridge.          foremost to deal with emergencies – expect to self-
Officials will remove competitors from the river after    rescue if you swim. If you see someone in trouble on
this cut-off time.                                        the river you must help them, but ensure you don’t put
The River stage is generally classified as Grade 2. You   yourself in danger while doing so.
are likely to encounter wave trains, strong eddy lines,
bluff turns, braid options, midstream rock hazards and
tree hazards.

28 | P a g e
The course                                                    of the race. Significant landmarks to look for are the
Enter the river and paddle downstream on a section of         Hamilton Rapids, which is roughly the mid-point of the
generally easy grade 1 riffles and multiple braids. Good      kayak stage, and the Red Bridge which is about 12km
river reading skills will help you take the most efficient    from the exit of the Gorge. The Woodstock checkpoint
and fastest lines. The river is typically low around the      marks the end of the Gorge and you will have about
race date so expect it to be somewhere around 35-70           15km down to the kayak exit at the Gorge Bridge. Make
cumecs, measured at the Otarama Gauge - which is              sure you go between the two buoys so that the timing
after the main Gorge so the top section has significantly     system picks up your timing transponder, and your
less volume. The river flow cut-off for the kayak stage is    support crew will know you’ve been past. The river
about 180 cumecs but depends on a lot of other factors        becomes braided again and requires some good
as it approaches this level. After about 30 minutes of        navigation at times to avoid running aground. There are
paddling you will reach the first significant rapids,         often sections with willow trees lining the river, stay
commonly known as the Rock Gardens, which change              away from the trees!
yearly and are usually a mix of easy manoeuvring              On this stage there may be signs on the river bank to
around boulders and punching through some of the              send you in a particular direction – if you see signage or
larger wave trains on the river.                              are directed by an official to take a particular route, you
Soon after this you pass the first timing checkpoint at       MUST do so – failure to follow instructions could put
Gooseberry Stream. Gooseberry Stream is the last              you outside of the safety managed area.
opportunity to voluntarily pull out from the kayak stage      The kayak exit is on the river right; paddle under the
before committing to the Gorge section. At all the            Gorge Bridge and turn in towards the bank shortly after
checkpoints you must move to the left of the river and        – look for all the people.
paddle between the two buoys which read your timing           Get out of your kayak and leave it with your assistant.
transponder – also shout out your number to the               Cross over the timing mat, run up the small track that
manual timing crew.                                           starts near the bottom of the gravel road on the right by
Continuing down, the river gradually increases in size        the permanent toilets, and go around the outside of the
though maintains multiple braids in places, so keep           trees in the centre of the transition area to your bike.
your wits about you.                                          Your assistants must not cross the timing mat with you
You will then pass the Esk River confluence and shortly       – they must go around the outside.
after the Esk checkpoint, once you pass here you enter        Training
the main Gorge section. At this point, you’ve covered         Kayakers practicing the Waimakariri River prior to the
approximately 25km from Mt White Bridge. The main             event should wear highly visible clothing to be obvious
Gorge is about 30km long, the river is narrower and the       to jet boats, especially in low light conditions.
flow swifter through this section, with larger wave
trains, bluffs and strong eddy lines. Good skills for the
Gorge are picking appropriate lines for your ability, bluff
turns and dealing with strong eddies. If the river is
higher there are more options, often with ‘chicken
routes’, but as the river drops the options are fewer and
the river is a little more technical, but with much less
power. The Gorge is absolutely stunning and if you are
comfortable in your boat it will be one of the highlights
29 | P a g e
Gorge Bridge - Assistants                                    Flagpoles, flags or balloons are NOT allowed on the
Assistant vehicles with kayak racks, campervans and          cycle stands. Don’t delay, but also don’t panic, the first
trailers will be turned right at the milk shed about         One Day kayaker will not appear until around 3pm.
1.5km prior to Gorge Bridge, where you will be directed      Please be on the riverbank when your competitor
to the parking area. Do not park on the Northern side of     arrives – there will be a timing display with a list of
the bridge. There may be the opportunity later to drive      competitors as they pass through the various
down and park in the river bed (conditions dependent)        checkpoints on the river, and numbers will be
to pick up kayaks only. Spectator and other support          announced when competitors are about 5 minutes from
vehicles follow through the 30km/h area and will be          the transition. This information will also be on the App.
directed to park in the paddock on the left-hand side of     There will also be 3G coverage (Vodafone and Spark)
the road. Please follow the directions of the marshals. If   and a paid WiFi network.
you are crossing the road, please make sure you use a        Note: Mobile coverage is patchy down in the riverbed at
designated crossing and follow directions from officials.    Gorge Bridge.
After parking your vehicle, place your competitor’s bike
and cycling transition gear in the cycle racks (first-in
first-served – there is no numerical order).

30 | P a g e
When your competitor arrives, help them out of their
kayak – often their legs won’t work and they’ll need
some support to get on their feet. If you wish to help
your competitor with their cycle transition before
loading the kayak, make sure the kayak is carried well
away from the beach and outside the transition area. A
non-wrist banded supporter may remove the kayak
from the transition area as long as they don’t have any
other involvement in the transition process. Please help
out crews who are flying solo.
DO NOT cross over the timing mat with your competitor
– you must go around the outside and meet them on
the other side of the timing arch.
You are NOT ALLOWED to assist your competitor to run
up the track, help them onto their bike, or push them
up the road. Only assistants with wrist bands may run
up the track with their competitor and give any support
in the transition.
Don’t forget to collect the kayak, paddle and any other
gear left down by the river.
Overdue competitors
If your competitor is overdue arriving at Waimakariri
River Gorge Bridge, approach the information point to
find out where they are. Do not set off looking for
them. The team will advise you if your competitor has
had to pull out and where to collect them.
The Oxford Lions will have lunch for sale at Waimakariri
River Gorge Bridge from 11am on Saturday. These
meals are not included in the entry fee. Have cash
Support crews and competitor supporters are not
permitted on the Gorge bridge, our priority is keeping
the bridge clear for cycle competitors and other traffic.
Any competitor whose support crew or associated
supporters are found on the bridge will receive a

31 | P a g e
STAGE 5 –Cycle 69.5 km - Competitors

Gorge Bridge to New Brighton                                The ride is NON-DRAFTING, you must keep at least 10m
                                                            between cyclists or you have 30 seconds to pass by a
  • No assistants on the cycle course
                                                            competitor. Once you pass someone it is their
  • No iPods or similar audio devices to be used by         responsibility to drop back the required 10m.
    competitors on the course
                                                            When you have completed your cycle transition, take
  • Keep to the left, do not cross the centre line and
                                                            your bike to the south-western corner of the transition
    obey the road code
                                                            (which will be signposted) where a small track will take
  • Stop for trains, and obey instructions from officials
                                                            you out onto the sealed road. Turn right and cross the
  • Cycle support may be available for competitors
                                                            one lane Gorge Bridge and head up the small incline,
    during the last cycling stage from the backup cycle
                                                            which is the only climb on the whole final cycle. After
                                                            8.8km on the main road you will be directed right onto
  • No drafting off vehicles
                                                            South Eyre Road. Continue down here for 41.2km
  • If you leave the Gorge Bridge transition on your
                                                            (including 26km without a turn).
    bike after 6pm, you must have:
      o A reflective high visibility safety vest            Turn right onto Tram Road and follow the road over the
      o Reflective ankle bands/or socks                     bridge that crosses State Highway 1 for 2.75km. Turn
      o Front and rear lights attached to the cycle,        right onto the Main North Road and follow this across
         that are visible from 100m                         the Waimakariri River and into Christchurch. After
                                                            7.75km you reach Prestons Road, where you turn left
       You will not be permitted to leave the transition
                                                            and ride for 2.5km and then turn left into Mairehau
       without these items.
                                                            Road. Continue for 2.2km then turn left into Beach

32 | P a g e
Road for 1.75km. The road turns to the right and              Final notes:
becomes Marine Parade - and the finish is within sight.
                                                               • Collect cycle from racks – you will need to show
Ride 2.3km down Marine Parade before dismounting                 your wristband. Please collect soon after your
directly in front of the New Brighton Pier, hand your            competitor finishes.
bike to the waiting marshals and run across the sand           • Remind your competitor to exchange their timing
and up the steps to the finish.                                  transponder for a finisher’s medal
There is an athlete recovery area, food, drink, massage        • Food and drinks available
and medical services there, as well as your start line bag     • SportsMed massage
with. Your crew (with wrist bands) will be able to meet        • Showers are available - follow the signs from the
you behind the finish line and you will also have direct         finish area.
access to the beach so you can walk down, touch the            • Big sleep for everyone!
water and complete your journey from Coast to Coast.          New Brighton’s Market
There are also showers available at the New Brighton
                                                              New Brighton’s Seaside Market is a true community
Rugby Club a short walk from the finish line.
                                                              affair offering a great variety of stalls including
New Brighton finish line - Assistants                         handmade crafts, vintage, local produce, live
After you have loaded the kayak onto your vehicle, you        entertainment and delicious food options. Situated in
must proceed immediately to the finish at New                 the New Brighton Pedestrian Mall. On the Saturday, the
Brighton Beach. You must travel from Gorge Bridge to          market will run from 10am to 2pm.
the New Brighton finish by SH73 (the Old West Coast
Road) – which will be signposted.
You must not follow any competitor on the course
through to New Brighton. You cannot offer assistance
to the competitors during any cycle stage or give splits
to you or other athletes – please help keep a level
playing field for everyone. You must not wait at sites
along the cycle course through Christchurch.
There will be a finish festival at New Brighton with a big
screen, entertainment and a variety of food and
beverage stalls. Event sponsors will also have an expo
set up where you can purchase event merchandise.
There will be a fireworks display at 10:30pm that
usually coincides with the last finishers in the One Day
Competitors dismount their bikes just to the south of
the New Brighton Pier, an official will rack their bike for
them, and they run through the finishing chute (a mix of
tar seal and then sand). You will be allowed into the
finishing are to welcome your competitor to end of
their Coast to Coast journey.

33 | P a g e
34 | P a g e
Prizegiving                                                  they can meet you. Kayaks will be brought out by Jet
                                                             boat at the end of the day and can be collected from
Sunday at Addington Raceway
                                                             Woodstock or the Waimak Alpine Jet Company on
  •   8-9:30am – Breakfast (ticketed event)                  Sunday (entrance off SH73 near Springfield). A fee may
  •   10am – Prize giving                                    apply.
  •   Last chance to purchase merchandise                    If you seek independent medical attention for any
  •   Find a new assistant - I’m entering the Kathmandu      incident in relation to the Coast to Coast please inform
      Coast to Coast next year!                              the race medical team or post-race through
Moa Wrap BBQ                                        It is very important for us to
                                                             know what medical issues people are encountering so
After the prizegiving, the Kathmandu Coast to Coast
                                                             we can assess and monitor these, and put preventive
Moa Wrap BBQ will be held at Welles Street Bar, 44
                                                             measures in place, if required, for future events.
Welles Street. It is the perfect time to sit back, relax,
listen to some good music and tell some tall tales!
                                                             Cut-Off Times – One Day event
                                                             12:15pm Competitors must have departed Goat Pass
The crew from will be                             (Mountain Run stage)
photographing the race. Your photos will be available        2:15pm Mountain Run stage will be closed, any
online within 24 hours of the race.                                   competitor still this stage after 2.15pm will
You can also pre-purchase your photos during the entry                be withdrawn, and may be removed from
process.                                                              the Mountain Run stage. Competitors
                                                                      cannot continue from Klondyke Corner to Mt
Withdrawals & Non Completion                                          White if they miss this cut-off
                                                             3pm      All kayakers must have left the Mt White
Any competitor withdrawing from any stage must
                                                                      Transition (in your boat and underway). An
report to a timekeeping official at the end of that stage,
                                                                      air horn will be used to signal this cut-off.
hand in their timing transponder and fill in a withdrawal
                                                             7pm      All kayakers must be past the Woodstock
form. This is critical as a search and rescue operation
                                                                      checkpoint (15km above Gorge Bridge) An
will be triggered if you are unaccounted for!
                                                                      air horn will be used to signal the cut-off.
If you withdraw on the last cycle leg into Christchurch,     8:15pm Competitors must have reached the Gorge
please phone or text the Race HQ, give them your                      Bridge. Officials can remove competitors
competitor number and name and tell them that you                     from the river after the cut-off times.
have withdrawn (the contact number will be available         Midnight Competitors must have finished the
at registration).                                                     Kathmandu Coast to Coast at New Brighton
If you are evacuated from any part of the course by          The Race Director reserves the right to close stages
helicopter or jet boat, you must report to an official       and alter official cut-off times for safety or other
immediately on disembarking. Do not try to find your         reasons.
assistants, team member or family until our officials
have checked you off the course. This is very important.
If you are withdrawn during the kayak stage your
number will be displayed at Gorge Bridge and your
support crew will be informed of your status and where
35 | P a g e
You can also read