The Elephant in the Room: Methods, Challenges and Concerns in the Monitoring of Asian Elephant Populations - IUCN Asian Elephant Specialist ...

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Review article                                                                    Gajah 52 (2020) 39-47

The Elephant in the Room: Methods, Challenges and Concerns in the Monitoring
of Asian Elephant Populations

Sreedhar Vijayakrishnan1, 2,3*, Mavatur Ananda Kumar2 and Anindya Sinha1,4,5,6

 National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
 Nature Conservation Foundation, Mysuru, Karnataka, India
 Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, India
 Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata, Mohanpur, West Bengal, India
 Cotton University, Guwahati, Assam, India
 Centre for Wildlife Studies, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
*Corresponding author’s e-mail:

      Abstract. Increasing anthropogenic pressures has led to the fragmentation of Asian
      elephant habitats, affecting their numbers, demography and ranging patterns across their
      range. Baseline information on the demography and population dynamics of free-ranging
      Asian elephants is often unavailable. Population monitoring at the landscape level has
      many constraints, including those of visibility, habitat, terrain and field logistics, among
      several others. While knowing elephant numbers may be important for managing local
      populations, demographic parameters and distribution patterns are perhaps more crucial
      to ascertain long-term trends for conservation.

Introduction                                           Despite decades of research on Asian elephants,
                                                       information on their distribution, numbers,
The Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) is                demography and behaviour remain unavailable
classified as endangered by the IUCN (Choudhury        across most landscapes (Blake & Hedges 2004;
et al. 2008). Persistent poaching across several       Gray et al. 2014; Madhusudan et al. 2015).
landscapes contributes to selective removal            Such information is, however, vital for the long-
of males (Blake & Hedges 2004) while recent            term conservation of the species, especially
reports of poaching for skin suggests additional       in two of its major strongholds: India and Sri
emerging threats. Asian elephant landscapes            Lanka (de Silva et al. 2011; Jathanna et al.
are increasingly encroached upon, leading              2015). The paucity of information is primarily
to extensive habitat loss and fragmentation            due to visibility constraints in most Asian
(Leimgruber et al. 2003). Habitat availability for     elephant landscapes, which, unlike the African
the species has, in fact, almost halved over the       savannahs, are often densely vegetated with
past few decades (Choudhury et al. 2008).              deciduous to evergreen forests. Problems in
                                                       detectability can significantly downgrade density
In highly populated countries like India and Sri       estimates (Karanth & Nichols 1998) and affect
Lanka, around 60–70% of elephants share space          observational studies on elephant populations.
with humans, mostly in modified landscapes
(Madhusudan et al. 2015; Fernando et al. in press).    As conservation interventions depend heavily
This has resulted in increased encounters and          on effective monitoring techniques, there is an
interactions, most of which tends to be negative.      urgent need to develop reliable techniques and
Thus, conservation efforts need to extend beyond       evaluate their applicability across landscapes
protected areas and into human-dominated               and vegetation types. Although population-
landscapes that are increasingly becoming              monitoring techniques have improved in recent
critically important for the conservation of Asian     years, there continues to be a reliance on a few
elephants (Madhusudan et al. 2015).                    direct methods and on dung counts, primarily

© 2020 The Authors - Open Access                                      Manuscript Editor: Prithiviraj Fernando
owing to the unavailability of trained personnel        line-transect surveys, block counts, waterhole
and logistical constraints associated with other        counts, and photographic cataloguing-based
techniques, described later in this paper. Moreover,    capture-recapture surveys. These are primarily
while these traditional methods are usually             adopted in areas where vegetation is relatively
applicable across a wide range of landscapes,           sparse, allowing better sighting of animals. Most
newer methods, such as photographic cataloguing         direct sighting techniques are labour-intensive,
that effectively estimates numbers of elephants         however, and require trained personnel. Some
(Goswami et al. 2019), or alternate approaches,         of the more commonly adopted direct survey
such as assessing elephant distribution through         methods are discussed here.
questionnaire surveys (Fernando et al. in press),
may have wider applications.                            Line transects

In this perspective paper, we outline some of           Line-transect surveys continue to be one of the
the more important challenges that confront             most widely accepted and reliable methods for
the currently employed elephant population              population monitoring of elephants across their
evaluation techniques. We believe that acknow-          range (Varman & Sukumar 1995; Buckland et
ledging some of these constraints may allow for         al. 2001; Kumara et al. 2012). Synchronised
more effectively designed population-monitoring         elephant surveys, carried out at the national level
exercises, which could contribute to informed           by the Project Elephant in India, for instance,
decisions on the management and conservation            rely primarily on this technique (MoEF & CC
of elephant populations in the future.                  2017). Line-transect surveys involve two or more
                                                        surveyors walking along paths of fixed length,
Censusing elephants                                     recording species sightings, along with other
                                                        parameters, such as sighting angle and distance,
The counting of elephants is an exercise widely         to arrive at the perpendicular distance of the
prioritised across elephant range states. Routine       animal from the surveyor (Varman & Sukumar
population monitoring, however, is limited by the       1995; Kumara et al. 2012).
feasibility of large-scale surveys and methodolo-
gical sampling constraints in obtaining reliably        Although the method provides reliable estimates
comprehensive estimates. Depending on whether           of distribution and population characteristics
the counts are made based on direct sightings           (Jathanna et al. 2015), it requires the involvement
of the animals and recording their numbers              of large groups of trained volunteers to ensure
or estimating the same from animal signs,               large spatial coverage. The management and
population estimation techniques have been              coordination of high numbers of volunteers could,
classified as direct and indirect respectively. The     however, pose logistic difficulties. While this
direct methods that have been improvised and            particular method is fairly robust, it is difficult
implemented for elephant population monitoring          to execute in undulating and hilly terrains or
include line-transect surveys (Jathanna et al.          in habitats with closed vegetation, where the
2003; Kumara et al. 2012), total block counts,          laying of linear transects is a challenge. Poor
waterhole counts, simultaneous observer counts          visibility and detection problems could further
(foot counts) and vehicle road counts while             bias estimates. To arrive at robust estimates, a
the indirect sign-based abundance estimations           minimum of 60–80 detections is usually required
include dung counts (Kumaraguru et al. 2010;            (Buckland et al. 2001) and this may be difficult
Baskaran et al. 2013) and DNA-based capture-            to achieve in many tropical habitats, especially
recapture surveys (Chakraborty et al. 2014; Gray        evergreen forests with dense vegetation and low
et al. 2014).                                           densities of elephants.

Direct sighting methods                                 Block counts

The direct methods commonly deployed include            In the block-count method, surveyors typically

walk in a zigzag manner and record all elephant        recapture models are verified and accounted
sightings within a sampling unit, called a block;      for. Considering the large-scale distribution of
these are often defined and demarcated a priori        elephants in closed habitats across tropical Asia,
by the surveyors themselves. While the method          however, the applicability of this method is
assumes perfect detectability, not all individuals     restricted only to certain areas, where individual
within a block get detected during surveys,            elephants can be conveniently photographed,
thereby violating its underlying assumption            within typically expansive elephant habitats.
(Jathanna et al. 2015). This method is logistically
convenient, especially for government forest           Indirect counting methods
departments, owing to their familiarity with
an area but such surveys in habitats, without          In the wake of difficulties encountered with direct
systematic stratification, could significantly bias    sighting-based methods, indirect sign-based
estimates (Kumara et al. 2012). For instance,          surveys have often been adopted to estimate
blocks may not even spatially cover the different      elephant counts. The most widely used of these
habitat types across particular landscapes, owing      methods include dung count surveys, DNA-
to improper placement of the sampling units.           based capture-recapture techniques and camera-
                                                       trap-based monitoring exercises.
Waterhole counts
                                                       Dung count surveys
Waterhole counts, where surveyors remain
stationary near water bodies counting all              Dung surveys are one of the most commonly
elephants that visit the area, reflect an inherent     adopted techniques across tropical Asia,
bias in its sampling approach. Many dry habitats       typically in areas constrained by direct visibility
across elephant ranges are today dotted with           of elephants and characterised by low-density
numerous human-made water sources, leading to          populations. Dung-based density estimates rely
enhanced congregations of elephants (Dzinotizei        primarily on three components: dung encounter
et al. 2019) and enhanced estimates of their           rates, defecation rates and dung decay rates. Dung
densities. Moreover, waterhole counts are often        encounter rates are primarily determined by dung
practised in areas where natural water sources,        deposition rates and the disintegration of dung
such as streams, are aplenty and elephants do          piles. A range of abiotic and biotic factors, such
not necessarily frequent waterholes. In fact,          as temperature, rainfall, humidity, shade, animal
elephants are known to preferentially use natural      activity and various anthropogenic disturbances
water bodies, such as streams or rivers, in dry        influence dung encounter rates (Dawson 1993;
forests (Pastorini et al. 2010; Lakshminarayanan       Barnes 2001; Nchanji & Plumptre 2001; Breuer
et al. 2015) or dry streambeds to access subsoil       & Hockemba 2007; Pastorini et al. 2007;
moisture (Sukumar 1989). The failure to take           Baskaran et al. 2013). Single-site estimations of
these behavioural strategies into account while        dung decay rates, used in population estimations,
planning surveys thus leads to the appearance of       can affect density estimates (Nchanji & Plumptre
systematic biases in waterhole counts.                 2001), warranting site-specific assessments.
                                                       Additionally, the standardisation of the method
Photo-based capture-mark-recapture surveys             by using defecation rates of captive elephants
                                                       rather than from those in the field could influence
Photographing elephants to build a database and        the final estimates. Similarly, dung production,
assessing their population size through capture-       defecation rates and dung decay characteristics in
recapture techniques have increasingly gained          a particular landscape are all strongly dependent
momentum in recent years (Goswami et al.               on seasonality, type of diet, representative age
2007, 2019; de Silva et al. 2011). This method         classes of the elephants, their overall health
helps obtain robust estimates, provided there          as well as on certain abiotic factors, such as
is adequate spatial coverage of the landscape          water availability in the area (Nchanji et al.
and the various assumptions of the capture-            2008). Theuerkauf & Gula (2010) discuss how

seasonality and rainfall can be accounted for by       Population monitoring: Size, structure or
extensive sampling in the dry season, although         dynamics?
there could well be seasonal influences on the use
of certain habitats by elephants.                      One of the primary objectives of elephant
                                                       population estimation, routinely carried out
DNA-based capture-recapture surveys                    across range countries, is to understand how
                                                       the populations are responding to increasing
DNA-based estimations of elephant population           anthropogenic pressures and to understand their
characteristics involve dung sample collection and     changing ranging patterns (Nichols & Karanth
individual identification in a capture-recapture       2012; Jathanna et al. 2015; MoEF & CC 2017).
framework (Hedges et al. 2013; Chakraborty et          The loss of elephants to threats such as poaching
al. 2014; Gray et al. 2014). While this method         for ivory or the recent increase in the demand for
usually generates reliable estimates once              elephant skin in southeast Asia (Sampson et al.
dedicated laboratories with skilled technicians are    2018) warrant regular monitoring. Poaching for
able to standardise the molecular techniques, it is    ivory has also led to skewed sex ratios (Sukumar
largely applicable to small elephant populations       et al. 1998) and increase in numbers of tuskless
and areas with low animal densities. It is usually     males in certain populations (Sukumar 2003).
difficult to implement over large areas with high      Baskaran et al. (2013) have also reported a
elephant densities, primarily owing to the costs       significant female bias amongst individuals in
involved. The other constraints typically involve      the older age classes in the Anamalai landscape
the logistics of collection, handling and storage      of the Western Ghats, indicating a possibly
of dung in the field, which would ensure the           targeted removal of males in the past, as has been
availability of non-degraded, uncontaminated           described from other landscapes as well (Kumara
faecal samples for sound laboratory analyses.          et al. 2012).

Camera-trap-based monitoring                           In addition to population estimates, therefore, it
                                                       may also be vital to evaluate the demographic
Varma et al. (2006) discuss the use of camera          responses of populations to various ecological
traps for large-scale population monitoring of         pressures, as changes in certain demographic
elephants. This method has also been used to           parameters allow for the prediction of population
understand crop-raiding patterns, demography           fluctuations, including the possibilities of
of populations in human-use areas and social           local extinction (Caswell 2000; González et
behaviour (Ranjeewa et al. 2015; Smit et al.           al. 2013). Although, globally, various studies
2019; Srinivasaiah et al. 2019). A critical aspect     have demonstrated the behavioural plasticity
of camera-trap surveys is the right placement          of different species populations (Hockings et
of the units to get usable pictures (Varma et al.      al. 2015), including those of Asian elephants
2006). This is evident from the large number of        (Srinivasaiah et al. 2019), which may allow them
generally uninformative elephant images that           to successfully adapt to current anthropogenic
are produced by camera traps that monitor other        regimes, their long-term survival appears to be
sympatric species across protected areas. The          bleak. Demographic declines have already been
rather elaborate process involved in its execution,    documented in several taxa, ranging from insects
its labour-intensive nature and often the low-         (Habel et al. 2019; Janzen & Hallwachs 2019),
capture rates obtained, accompanied by the             amphibians and reptiles (Falaschi et al. 2019;
high costs involved, could limit the application       Hill et al. 2019) to birds (Lee & Bond 2015;
of this method to relatively restricted areas and      Haché et al. 2016) and large mammals (Hervieux
small elephant populations. Camera traps can,          et al. 2013; Hockings et al. 2015). Such declines,
however, be useful in areas with extremely low         unfortunately, remain unknown for large-
animal densities and difficult terrains (Moolman       bodied species like Asian elephants, in which
et al. 2019).                                          demographic changes can be further pronounced
                                                       due to relatively longer life-history processes.

Abundance estimates: Is just counting ele-             elephant groups or individuals that often use the
phants enough?                                         matrix of human-dominated areas outside parks
                                                       while mapping their distribution (Madhusudan et
Issues with extrapolation                              al. 2015; Fernando et al. in press). The human-
                                                       dominated Valparai plateau, which forms part
Population estimation exercises typically provide      of the Anamalai Tiger Reserve in the Anamalai
density estimates for the sampling areas alone and     hills of southern India, for example, supports
not exact numbers of elephants, which require          about 100–120 elephants annually (Kumar et al.
further extrapolation. The landscape features          2010) but is typically ignored during the annual
and distribution patterns of elephants, however,       population estimation exercise in the reserve;
confound such estimations (Baskaran et al.             about 5% of the resident elephant population
2013). Issues of extrapolation thus constitute an      of the region is thus never evaluated. Mapping
important concern when population estimations          such populations is nevertheless crucial, as
are conducted. Similarly, a unified approach           the prevailing human-elephant conflict could
in estimating critically important population          significantly threaten the persistence of some of
parameters is still to be arrived at, although         these unaccounted groups in the long term. Long-
synchronised surveys are regularly conducted           term monitoring and reliable mapping exercises
across elephant range countries. The differences       could also reveal potential range expansion or
in spatial scales at which surveys are generally       reduction over time, as has been observed in
executed and the varying methodologies adopted         certain populations in Sri Lanka (Fernando et al.
thus often make comparative analyses difficult,        in press).
as, for example, in the case of the Anamalai
elephant populations, for which variable estim-        Conclusions
ates have been obtained by different studies
(Sukumar et al. 1998; Leimgruber et al. 2003;          Asian elephant populations are subject to a
Baskaran et al. 2013). Elephant distributions          wide range of influences that threaten their very
at the landscape level often tend to be non-           survival across their distribution range. These
uniform, especially in large, contiguous, often        could be direct threats like poaching and conflict-
heterogeneous landscapes, such as those in the         related mortalities, or more indirect ones, such as
Western Ghats, with elephants not using several        certain management measures, including drives
of its mountainous slopes and human-populated          and captures. Indiscriminate drives, followed
valleys. These problems thus need to be addressed      by the subsequent confinement of individuals in
by conducting rigorous surveys that would first        protected areas, leading to increased competition
effectively establish the distribution patterns of     and eventual mortality of large numbers of
the concerned elephant populations across their        elephants, as has happened in Sri Lanka, is an
range.                                                 example of such persecution (Fernando 2015).
                                                       In India, population control measures, including
Understanding fine-scale distribution patterns of      immunocontraception, are now being suggested
elephants                                              to attempt the mitigation of rapidly rising negative
                                                       interactions between elephants and humans
Although one of the most studied of all                across their shared habitats. These practices
mammalian species, our understanding of the            are reminiscent of those being implemented in
fine-scale distribution patterns of Asian elephants    African elephant populations that are now largely
still remains limited. The available information       being maintained within private game reserves
on elephant distribution patterns across Asian         with their numbers managed through selective
countries have predominantly been located              culling and immunocontraception (Pimm & van
within protected areas, largely ignoring groups or     Aarde 2001).
individuals outside parks (Baskaran et al. 2013;
Fernando & Pastorini 2011). Several recent             Reliable countrywide estimates should be made
studies have, however, considered wide-ranging         available prior to consideration of such strategies.

There is also no conclusive evidence that               and dynamics of local populations in the long
increased instances of human-elephant conflict          term. Finally, informal observation networks can
are related to an increase in elephant numbers.         cumulatively produce meaningful group-level
Increase in conflict instances is possibly more a       data that can be used to understand the structure
reflection of changing distribution and ranging         and dynamics of elephant populations across
patterns of the species.                                entire landscapes (Araujo et al. 2017).

Given that certain management interventions             Acknowledgements
have direct bearing on elephant populations,
their long-term monitoring becomes crucially            We would like to thank the Elephant Family, Oracle
important, particularly to take informed                India, Whitley Fund for Nature, Rohini Nilekani
decisions in conservation policies. Our own             Philanthropies and Arvind Datar for financial
personal observations and a review of the               and logistic support. SV has been supported
existing literature indicate that there is no single    by a doctoral fellowship from the National
method that can be reliably applied across              Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore. The
landscapes while stand-alone survey techniques          authors wish to thank the Elephant Conservation
may not work as well, even at finer landscape           Group for creative discussions on conservation
levels. Madhusudan et al. (2015), on the other          issues across the elephant range countries. SV
hand, ably demonstrate how data from various            is grateful to Ganesh Raghunathan and MAK
sources, ranging from systematic surveys to             to his colleagues at the Nature Conservation
newspaper or other informal reports, can be             Foundation for useful discussions. Finally, we
used to successfully map elephant distributions         acknowledge the support of the Tamil Nadu
over large regions. Camera-trap- or sign-based          and Kerala State Forest Departments, and the
abundance estimates and distribution mapping            plantation managements of Valparai for research
could similarly be coupled with questionnaire           permits. We also acknowledge comments from
surveys (Fernando et al. in press), especially          Prithiviraj Fernando in considerably improving
outside protected areas. Different sources of           this manuscript.
information, therefore, collectively contribute
to our knowledge of elephant populations across         References
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