Turning banking upside down - Virgin Money Digital Bank is using the cloud to create a faster, more responsive, customer-centric bank of the future

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Turning banking upside down - Virgin Money Digital Bank is using the cloud to create a faster, more responsive, customer-centric bank of the future
Case study

                                             Turning banking upside down
                                             Virgin Money Digital Bank is using the
                                             cloud to create a faster, more responsive,
                                             customer-centric bank of the future
Deliver personalized, on-demand
digital banking services based on
real-time insights from customer data

Validate public cloud suitability and
build a fully automated and secure AWS
environment, using a Minimum Viable
Cloud methodology

IT matters
• Maximized agility, security, and
  manageability of the cloud
• Proved effectiveness of analytics
  required for a data-driven
  banking platform
• Created a new, highly dynamic
  cloud-aligned operating model              Virgin Money is a financial    Banking in the UK has traditionally been
                                                                            an old-school industry, slow to change and
Business matters                             services brand used            marked by entrenched business practices
• Proved the viability of a cloud platform
  to improve customer insights               by three independent           and stable competition. Virgin Money is
                                                                            pursuing a plan to buck this system. The
• Met aggressive timeline for rolling out    brand licensees in             bank says it is aiming to transform banking
  new digital banking service
                                             the United Kingdom,            the same way successful technology
• Ensured compliance with regulatory                                        platform businesses like eBay, Facebook, and
  requirements such as GDPR                  Australia, and South Africa.   Spotify have evolved their industries.
                                             Virgin Money UK offers
                                                                            The new venture, known as Virgin Money
                                             savings, mortgages, credit     Digital Bank (VMDB), will leverage real-time,
                                             cards, current accounts,       deep analysis of data to create a
                                                                            customer-centric, digitally enabled service.
                                             currency services, pensions,   The service aims to “re-imagine the basics
                                             investments, and protection    of banking” by delivering new, on-demand,
                                                                            targeted services based on real-time
                                             products to over three         insights it derives from customer data.
                                             million customers across       Services will include universal accounts,
                                                                            money pools, and digital assistance. Plans
                                             the country.                   call for a 2019 rollout with 200,000
                                                                            customer sign-ups in the first year, and one
                                                                            million by 2024.
Turning banking upside down - Virgin Money Digital Bank is using the cloud to create a faster, more responsive, customer-centric bank of the future
Case study            Industry                                                                                                    Page 2
Virgin Money          Financial services

       “Working with CTP, we were able to produce an enterprise-class cloud
        development platform in less than four months—less than 20 percent of
        the time we estimated that it would have taken building the platform in its
        existing onsite operating model.”
         – Jem Walters, Director of Digital Enablement, Virgin Money

                                              Demonstrating what                            components. The MVC passed multiple
                                                                                            third-party security audits to establish the
                                              the cloud can do                              AWS platform as a secure environment for
                                              To create the VMDB, Virgin Money              future development.
                                              needed to prove that the cloud could
                                                                                            The foundational services in the MVC
                                              handle the large volumes of data necessary
                                                                                            addressed key concerns common to all
                                              to enable their services. The bank
                                                                                            applications for highly regulated, enterprise
                                              engaged Cloud Technology Partners, a
                                                                                            clients, including security, compliance,
                                              Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, to
                                                                                            availability, manageability, transparency,
                                              study the issue, create proofs of concept
                                                                                            and scalability, similar to the build-out of a
                                              (POCs) for an analytics and Big Data
                                                                                            new data center. The MVC implementation
                                              platform, and partner on a project to build
                                                                                            goes beyond those typical data center
                                              out the cloud and data platforms.
                                                                                            capabilities to include “Defense in Depth”
                                                                                            level security, extensive security and
                                              Could the cloud handle all the demands?
                                                                                            operations logging and monitoring, full
                                              And could the bank stand up a new cloud
                                                                                            stack provisioning and configuration
                                              environment in time to meet the aggressive
                                                                                            automation, cost management, and creation
                                              rollout goal?
                                                                                            of a new cloud-aligned operating model
                                                                                            designed to manage a highly dynamic
                                              VMDB brought in Cloud Technology
                                              Partners (CTP) for a series of engagements
                                              to help answer these questions, starting      The new cloud platform is based on
                                              with the build-out of a Minimum Viable        CTP methodologies, AWS, and industry
                                              Cloud (MVC).                                  best practices to maximize the agility,
                                                                                            security, and manageability of the cloud
                                                                                            deployment. In addition to leveraging the
                                              Creating a Minimum                            AWS extensive portfolio of services, CTP
                                              Viable Cloud                                  deployed technology from Trend Micro,
                                                                                            HashiCorp, Sumo Logic, Dome9, Chef,
                                              Working with VMDB, CTP built a fully          Jenkins, Atlassian, JFrog, and a variety of
                                              automated deployment of an MVC on             open-source tools.
                                              AWS, addressing core infrastructure,
                                              security, operations, and automation
Case study     Industry                                                                                                     Page 3
Virgin Money   Financial services

                                    Building analytics                              build a graph database, generate graphs
                                                                                    of customer transactions, and look for
                                    proof of concepts                               patterns that are fraudulent. As customer
                                    Once the first set of approvals was secured,    transactions reach high volumes, it’s harder
                                    VMDB engaged CTP to work jointly with its       to do in a transitional database. CTP tested
                                    client analytics team to create five separate   the system at one million users, using a
                                    POCs dealing with issues surrounding the        graph database management system.
                                    Big Data environment. The bank set out to
                                                                                    In parallel, CTP tested out scenarios
                                    assess the array of available analytics tools
                                                                                    comparing the bank’s ability to migrate
                                    and models to demonstrate the value of a
                                                                                    part of an existing data warehouse onto the
                                    data-driven banking platform. The VMDB-
                                                                                    cloud vs. building it from scratch. It took four
                                    CTP team pushed through the POCs,
                                                                                    weeks to shift the data onto the cloud—a
                                    validating the efficacy of the overarching
                                                                                    quarter of the time it would have taken to
                                    analytics function and four separate
                                                                                    build in a traditional environment.
                                    underlying use cases.
                                                                                    Finally, CTP tested the bank’s ability to
                                    The most pressing POC involved the ability
                                                                                    control the flow of data and metadata.
                                    to process advanced text-based analytics.
                                                                                    With all the regulatory requirements the
                                    VMDB needed to prove it could build
                                                                                    bank faces—including new regulations,
                                    machine-learning models, so it developed
                                                                                    such as the EU’s General Data Protection
                                    a “topic model” based on data stored in an
                                                                                    Regulation (GDPR)—the bank needs to be
                                    Amazon S3 cloud service. CTP ingested
                                                                                    able to extract the metadata from the data
                                    the data, and then used a Latent Dirichlet
                                                                                    processing pipeline and create an end-to-end
                                    Allocation (LDA) statistical model to show
                                                                                    view of the technical metadata. CTP used a
                                    how documents can be categorized into
                                                                                    metadata management system to create a
                                    different topics.
                                                                                    system that harvests metadata throughout
                                    The second POC examined the use of              the data pipeline, understands the data
                                    graph databases. For instance, if the bank      lineage, and does impact analyses.
                                    wants to mine data based on fraud, it can
Case study                   Industry
Virgin Money                 Financial services

Customer at a glance                              Clearing the way for                                              A platform for the future
Solution                                          implementation                                                    The financial services industry is a
Cloud-based, customer-centric digital
banking services                                  Following the POCs, CTP, and the VMDB                             competitive business—and a slip-up in
                                                  client team partnered on a new project:                           planning or execution can set a bank back
HPE Pointnext services
• HPE Cloud Advisory and                          creating a business case for the cloud and                        years. Virgin Money Digital Bank is taking
  Professional Services                           data components. They performed a cost                            a progressive approach, going all-in on
                                                  analysis and a high-level risk analysis report                    cloud in an effort to create a unique banking
                                                  to justify the final build-out. That project                      platform for the future. Working with CTP
                                                  concluded in December 2017, clearing the                          and other partners, VMDB is validating its
                                                  way for a third and final 18-month project to                     vision, removing risk and charting a new
                                                  implement the cloud and data strategy.                            course for success.

                                                  Throughout the multi-step process, AWS
                                                  validated the architecture and advised on                         Learn more at
                                                  further services, such as Service Catalog, AI,                    hpe.com/services/cloud
                                                  ML, Managed Services, and security best
                                                  practices. The AWS Services mix includes
                                                  multiple accounts and VPCs, VPN Gateway,
                                                  VPC Peering, IAM, Security Groups, KMS,
                                                  Encryption, Route 53, IGW, Directory
                                                  Services, CloudWatch, Config, CloudTrail,
                                                  Lambda, EC2, EMR, S3, and RDS.

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                                                  a00053748ENW, August 2018
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