Using Avaya Collaboration Control for iOS - Release 9.2 Issue 1 January 2020 - Avaya Support

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Using Avaya Collaboration Control for iOS - Release 9.2 Issue 1 January 2020 - Avaya Support
Using Avaya Collaboration Control for

                                   Release 9.2
                                       Issue 1
                                  January 2020
Using Avaya Collaboration Control for iOS - Release 9.2 Issue 1 January 2020 - Avaya Support
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Using Avaya Collaboration Control for iOS - Release 9.2 Issue 1 January 2020 - Avaya Support
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Using Avaya Collaboration Control for iOS - Release 9.2 Issue 1 January 2020 - Avaya Support
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Using Avaya Collaboration Control for iOS - Release 9.2 Issue 1 January 2020 - Avaya Support

Chapter 1: About Avaya Collaboration Control..................................................................... 7
   Choosing Between Core and Extended Features....................................................................... 8
   Minimum Requirements......................................................................................................... 10
   Securing your Mobile Device in a Conference Room................................................................ 12
Chapter 2: First Time Setup of Avaya Collaboration Control............................................. 13
   Installing and launching Avaya Collaboration Control on your mobile device............................... 13
   Pairing Avaya Collaboration Control to your endpoint............................................................... 14
   Connecting Avaya Collaboration Control to Scopia Desktop Server........................................... 16
   About the Endpoint Virtual Remote Control Unit....................................................................... 17
Chapter 3: Starting or Joining a Meeting.............................................................................. 19
   Starting a Meeting by Directly Dialing an Endpoint................................................................... 19
   Starting a Meeting from the Directory...................................................................................... 21
   Joining a Meeting.................................................................................................................. 23
   Joining a Meeting from the Endpoint Calendar......................................................................... 24
   Using Chat............................................................................................................................ 25
Chapter 4: Participating in Meetings with Avaya Collaboration Control........................... 28
   Setting the PTZ Camera's Position......................................................................................... 28
   Blocking Your Own Audio and Video....................................................................................... 32
   Adjusting Volume.................................................................................................................. 32
   Sharing Content.................................................................................................................... 32
   Using the Presentation Slider................................................................................................. 34
   Using the Presentation Pointer............................................................................................... 35
   Using the Whiteboard............................................................................................................ 36
   Changing Your Own Video Layout with Avaya Collaboration Control.......................................... 37
   Blocking Incoming Calls......................................................................................................... 38
Chapter 5: Moderating Meetings with Avaya Collaboration Control................................. 39
   Inviting Participants............................................................................................................... 39
   Managing participants in a meeting......................................................................................... 42
   Viewing Call Statistics............................................................................................................ 43
   Changing a Participant's Video Layout.................................................................................... 45
   Recording a Meeting ............................................................................................................. 48
   Disconnecting a Participant.................................................................................................... 50
   Leaving or Ending a Meeting.................................................................................................. 51
Chapter 6: Resources............................................................................................................. 53
   Documentation...................................................................................................................... 53
        Finding documents on the Avaya Support website............................................................. 57
        Accessing the port matrix document.................................................................................. 57
        Avaya Documentation Portal navigation............................................................................ 58
   Training................................................................................................................................ 59

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Using Avaya Collaboration Control for iOS - Release 9.2 Issue 1 January 2020 - Avaya Support

   Support................................................................................................................................ 59
      Using the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base........................................................................... 60

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Using Avaya Collaboration Control for iOS - Release 9.2 Issue 1 January 2020 - Avaya Support
Chapter 1: About Avaya Collaboration

   Avaya Collaboration Control is an Apple® iPad™/iPhone™ app which enables you to control the
   following endpoints:
      • Avaya IX™ Room System XT Series
      • Avaya IX™ XT Telepresence
      • Personal Avaya XTE240
      • Avaya IX™ CU360 Collaboration Unit
   The intuitive user interface of Collaboration Control makes it easy to start calls, moderate meetings
   and view presentations, while the integrated calendar and enterprise directory make it easy to join
   meetings and invite others.
   With Collaboration Control you can access the calendar of the physical conference room, view
   scheduled meetings, and then join directly by tapping its entry. In most endpoint models, you can
   control your endpoint's camera by simply tapping the screen, or even control a remote camera in the
   meeting via far end camera control (FECC).
   You can moderate videoconferences whether they are hosted on the endpoint's built-in MCU, on
   Avaya Equinox® Media Server, or on Scopia Elite MCU. Moderators can manage the meeting's
   participants, including hiding their video, muting their audio, and changing the video layouts.
   Collaboration Control also enables you to view shared data like presentations or spreadsheets
   directly within the app on the device. When in an Avaya meeting, you can review previously shared
   content without interrupting the presenter.
   Collaboration Control supports:
      • Automatic detection of nearby endpoint using sonic pairing
      • Recording
      • Endpoint calendar
      • Endpoint contacts and contact groups
      • Presentation view and zoom
      • Remote control emulation and touchpad
      • Email invite to an Avaya meeting.
   Collaboration Control is a free app that you can download from the App Store.

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Using Avaya Collaboration Control for iOS - Release 9.2 Issue 1 January 2020 - Avaya Support
About Avaya Collaboration Control

   This guide describes Collaboration Control features that relate to Avaya IX™ Room System XT
   Series release 9.2.1 and Avaya IX™ CU360 release 10.2. Earlier releases might have limitations or
   not work as described in this guide.
Related links
    Choosing Between Core and Extended Features on page 8
    Minimum Requirements on page 10
    Securing your Mobile Device in a Conference Room on page 12

Choosing Between Core and Extended Features
     Avaya Collaboration Control has a core set of features when it is connected only to an endpoint,
     including controlling the endpoint and moderating the built-in MCU. The built-in MCU is available
     by license on some endpoint models.
     You can enable more features by additionally connecting the app to your organization's Scopia
     Desktop Server, to add viewing the physical meeting room's calendar and moderating meetings
     on the external MCU, which can be Equinox Media Server or Scopia Elite MCU. These features
     are enabled because Scopia Desktop Server opens access to other video components like
     Equinox Media Server and Equinox Management (previously called Scopia Management).
         Scopia Desktop Services are supported up to Scopia Solution 8.3.x and Equinox Solution
         9.0.2. You can use Collaboration Control with previous versions of the solution and configure
         the Scopia Desktop Server in the Settings section of the application for that purpose.

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Using Avaya Collaboration Control for iOS - Release 9.2 Issue 1 January 2020 - Avaya Support
Choosing Between Core and Extended Features

       Figure 1: Extending the functionality of Collaboration Control by connecting to Scopia Desktop

    Without Scopia Desktop Server, the core functionality of a standalone Collaboration Control paired
    only with an endpoint is as follows:
        • Controlling your local endpoint:
          - Dial to another endpoint or answer an incoming call with Collaboration Control. You can
            dial an IP address, endpoint number, or select from the endpoint's internal directory.
          - Share content like presentations or documents.
          - Toggle the status on your endpoint, send DTMF, mute, privacy, do not disturb.
          - Change your local videoconferencing layout, or enabling picture-in-picture.
          - Start and stop recording to a local USB storage device or to a network location when
            participating to an Equinox meeting.
          - Control your endpoint's camera or a remote camera by panning, tilting or zooming (PTZ).
            With the Avaya XTE240, PTZ is digital, not optical, while with Avaya IX™ XT Telepresence,
            PTZ is unavailable because camera positions are fixed.
        • Moderating a meeting hosted on the local built-in MCU, if available. This includes muting,
          inviting or disconnecting participants on the built-in MCU, or changing the video layout of all
          participants on the built-in MCU.
        • Activating a pointer tool in the XT Series presentation and move it by dragging. The pointer
          tool icon is shown locally on the XT monitor and is sent to remote parties when sharing

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Using Avaya Collaboration Control for iOS - Release 9.2 Issue 1 January 2020 - Avaya Support
About Avaya Collaboration Control

        • Controlling your endpoint with the mouse pointer.
        • Using the whiteboard and its tools when connecting to an Avaya meeting with Web
        • Sending and receiving chat messages when connecting to an Avaya meeting with Web
        • Saving the references of the three latest controlled endpoints to quickly connect to any of
     To get the core functionality, your administrator must have added the endpoint to Equinox
     The extended functionality with a Scopia Desktop Server connection is as follows:
        • Using Avaya Scopia Content Slider functionality to review previously shared content without
          interrupting the presenter.
        • Managing video layouts of the external MCU, locking/unlocking a meeting, sending an email
        • Streaming.
     For more information on connecting Collaboration Control to an XT Series endpoint and Scopia
     Desktop Server, see First Time Setup of Avaya Collaboration Control on page 13.
Related links
    About Avaya Collaboration Control on page 7

Minimum Requirements
     This section details the minimum requirements for Avaya Collaboration Control:
        • Operating system:
          iOS 8.1 or later
        • Supported phones:
           - iPhone 5, 5c, 5s
           - iPhone 6, 6 Plus
           - iPhone 6s, 6s Plus
           - iPhone 7, 7 Plus
           - iPhone 8, 8 Plus
           - iPhone X, XR, XS
           - iPhone 11
          Connect the phone to a network that can reach the target endpoint.

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Minimum Requirements

        • Supported tablets:
          - iPad 2, 3, 4, Air, Air 2, Pro
          - iPad Mini 1, 2,3, 4
         Connect the device to a network that can reach the target endpoint.
         The Collaboration Control application for iPad supports both portrait and landscape mode.
         The Collaboration Control application for iPhone supports landscape mode for presentation
        • Licenses:
          - Download the Collaboration Control app for free from the App Store.
          - Some endpoint models require a separate license to use Collaboration Control. For more
            information, download the latest product user guide from the Avaya Support site at http://
  , or contact Avaya Support.
        • Some XT Series require a Scopia Control license to enable Collaboration Control. Connect
          the iPad/iPhone to the endpoint via its network, and switch on the endpoint to pair with
          Collaboration Control.
        • Access to additional conferencing features
         To enable access to the calendar of the physical meeting room or to the corporate directory
         housed in Equinox Management, or to moderate meetings on the external MCU, your
         deployment must include either:
          - Scopia Desktop Server. Your administrator has configured this server in Equinox
            Management. You must enable Scopia Desktop Services in Collaboration Control.
          - Equinox Management. To get the services, your administrator has added the XT Series as
            a managed endpoint in Equinox Management.
               Scopia Desktop Services are supported up to Scopia Solution 8.3.x and Equinox Solution
               9.0.2. You can use Collaboration Control with previous versions of the solution and
               configure the Scopia Desktop Server in the Settings section of the application for that
               Collaboration Control supports only a subset of the extended functionalities in the SMB
               Solution using the Scopia XT Desktop Server (see Choosing Between Core and
               Extended Features on page 8).
Related links
    About Avaya Collaboration Control on page 7

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About Avaya Collaboration Control

Securing your Mobile Device in a Conference Room
     Leaving an expensive mobile device like an Apple® iPad™/ iPhone™ in a meeting room brings
     security risks. Follow these guidelines to ensure a secure setup of Collaboration Control in your
     meeting room:
        • Ensure the device does not contain any personal information or usernames and passwords,
          including emails, contacts, calendar entries, notes, messages or documents. The easiest way
          is to perform a reset (Settings > Reset > Reset All Settings) before installing Collaboration
        • House the device in a third-party secure casing with a lock, attached via cable to the meeting
          room table.
        • The wireless login must have a dedicated network username and password for the device, to
          avoid exposing someone's mail or documents.
Related links
    About Avaya Collaboration Control on page 7

January 2020                          Using Avaya Collaboration Control for iOS                          12
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Chapter 2: First Time Setup of Avaya
           Collaboration Control

   This section details the installation and initial configuration of Collaboration Control, including how to
   pair Collaboration Control to an endpoint, and how to configure the application for additional
   functionality by connecting it to Scopia Desktop Services (SDS).
Related links
    Installing and launching Avaya Collaboration Control on your mobile device on page 13
    Pairing Avaya Collaboration Control to your endpoint on page 14
    Connecting Avaya Collaboration Control to Scopia Desktop Server on page 16
    About the Endpoint Virtual Remote Control Unit on page 17

Installing and launching Avaya Collaboration Control on
your mobile device
         1. Download and install Avaya Collaboration Control from Apple Store.
         2. Tap the Avaya Collaboration Control logo        to launch the application.
         3. Accept the End User License Agreement.
               The application displays the Welcome screen.
    Next steps
    Pairing Avaya Collaboration Control to your endpoint on page 14
Related links
    First Time Setup of Avaya Collaboration Control on page 13

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First Time Setup of Avaya Collaboration Control

Pairing Avaya Collaboration Control to your endpoint
     About this task
     To use Collaboration Control, you must first connect or pair your application to the endpoint.
          You can pair Collaboration Control and the endpoint only via their Wi-Fi network connections,
          not via Bluetooth or the mobile network.

               Figure 2: Collaboration Control pairs to the endpoint via network connection only

     This section describes how to configure pairing between Collaboration Control and your target
     After you complete the procedure, Collaboration Control connects automatically to the endpoint
     every time you activate the app. The endpoint exits the screen saver when paired via sonic
     You can logout any time to pair to a different endpoint.
     Every time the app is paired with an endpoint, it automatically creates a list of favorite endpoints.
     Next time you launch the app, choose one of the favorites and you will be automatically
     Before you begin
     Verify the following:
         • Connect your iOS device to the endpoint Wi-Fi network.
         • You have user rights to access the target endpoint.
         • Your endpoint has a Collaboration Control license installed.

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Pairing Avaya Collaboration Control to your endpoint

        • Your endpoint is connected to the same network as your Collaboration Control. Your endpoint
          must be switched on, and its IP address must be reachable from Collaboration Control
        • (Only for manual pairing) Make a note of the IP address of the target endpoint. This
          information is located on the top bar of the endpoint’s home screen. For more details, ask
          your system administrator.
         1. Download Collaboration Control as explained in Installing and launching Avaya
            Collaboration Control on your mobile device on page 13.
         2. Tap Continue in the Welcome page.
         3. If sonic pairing is available:
               a. The system performs an automatic detection of all endpoints that it can reach using
                  automatic sonic pairing. The system displays a list of nearby detected endpoints. If
                  the detection is unsuccessful, try to increase the device volume or to position it closer
                  to the Microphone Pod.
               b. Tap on the relevant endpoint.
         4. (Manual pairing) On the app connection screen, tap Choose it manually.
               a. Choose from the list of the three more recently used enpdoints, or enter the IP
                  address and the password in the corresponding fields.

                  Table 1: Fields to enter details of the target endpoint

                   Field                                Description
                   IP Address                           Enter the endpoint’s IP address. It is located on the top
                                                        bar of the endpoint screen.
                   Password                             Enter the endpoint’s password for connecting
                                                        Collaboration Control as the remote control of the
                                                        The default password is 1234.. You can change it in
                                                        the endpoint itself by navigating to Configure >
                                                        Advanced > Utilities > Remote Access > Scopia®

               b. Tap Connect.
         5. Tap Continue to complete the setup.
         6. Select Get started.
Related links
    First Time Setup of Avaya Collaboration Control on page 13

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First Time Setup of Avaya Collaboration Control

Connecting Avaya Collaboration Control to Scopia
Desktop Server
     About this task
     If your organization's deployment includes Scopia Desktop Server, you can additionally connect it
     with Collaboration Control to provide the following additional features:
         • Using Avaya Scopia Content Slider functionality to review previously shared content without
           interrupting the presenter.
         • Managing video layouts of the external MCU, locking/unlocking a meeting, sending an email
         • Streaming.
     Collaboration Control uses its connection with the Scopia Desktop Server to access other Equinox
     Solution components, like Equinox Management and Equinox Media Server.
     The Scopia Desktop Server connection requires that you enter the server's name or IP address,
     and any valid Scopia Desktop login. Collaboration Control does not access the personal virtual
     room details of that login. It is solely used as a means of accessing the server. Nevertheless we
     recommend creating a login specifically dedicated to Collaboration Control's use.
     Before you begin
     Verify the following:
         • Your video deployment must include Scopia Desktop Server and Equinox Management, and
           verify the name of the Scopia Desktop Server. For more information, ask your system
         • You must have a Scopia Desktop login and password, preferably a dedicated login for
           Collaboration Control.
         • If you want the ability to moderate meetings hosted on an external MCU, your deployment
           must also include Equinox Media Server .
          1. Launch Collaboration Control.
               The app automatically attempts to connect using information already defined in its settings.
               If it cannot connect, for example, when you start the app for the first time, it displays the
               Welcome panel.
          2. Enable Scopia Desktop Services in Settings > Scopia® Control by entering the relevant

January 2020                             Using Avaya Collaboration Control for iOS                        16
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About the Endpoint Virtual Remote Control Unit

               Table 2: Fields to enter details of the Scopia Desktop Server

               Field                                        Description
               Scopia Desktop Server Address                The name or IP address of your organization's
                                                            Scopia Desktop Server. For example,
                                                   If you are not sure, ask your
                                                            system administrator.
               Scopia Desktop user name                     Any Scopia Desktop user name. We recommend a
                                                            dedicated username for this device's connection.
               Scopia Desktop user password                 The password associated with the Scopia Desktop
                                                            user name.

         3. Select Connect to establish the connection.
Related links
    First Time Setup of Avaya Collaboration Control on page 13

About the Endpoint Virtual Remote Control Unit
    The app’s Control page that emulates the functionalities of a simple or advanced infrared remote
    control unit and also provides a touchpad page for using the finger as a mouse pointer to control
    the endpoint’s graphical user interface.

    Each page may have additional pages. To browse pages, swipe left/right on the Dots                  at the
    bottom of the current page.

    To access the simplified page, tap        on the button panel. To access the advanced page and the
    touchpad page, swipe on the Dots            at the bottom of the page.

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First Time Setup of Avaya Collaboration Control

                                     Figure 3: Navigating the touchpad page

     For information on how to use the virtual remote control unit, see the endpoint’s user guide.
Related links
    First Time Setup of Avaya Collaboration Control on page 13

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Chapter 3: Starting or Joining a Meeting

   Depending on the information you have about the endpoints or where the meeting is hosted, there
   are several ways you can start or join a meeting using Avaya Collaboration Control.
   To start a videoconference with several participants, start a meeting with one participant as detailed
   in this section, and then add or invite others to join (see Inviting Participants on page 39). For
   videoconferences, your endpoint must be connected to the external Equinox Media Server, or your
   endpoint must have a license to activate its built-in MCU.
Related links
    Starting a Meeting by Directly Dialing an Endpoint on page 19
    Starting a Meeting from the Directory on page 21
    Joining a Meeting on page 23
    Joining a Meeting from the Endpoint Calendar on page 24
    Using Chat on page 25

Starting a Meeting by Directly Dialing an Endpoint
    About this task
    You can start a new videoconference with Avaya Collaboration Control by dialing directly the
    address of the target endpoint. You can dial an endpoint in one of several ways:
        • Enter its dial number.
          You may need to add a dial prefix before the phone number to reach an endpoint. For
          example, if a user's phone extension is 1234, you may need to insert 89 before their number
          to access their endpoint: 891234. For more information on dialing endpoints in your
          organization, ask your system administrator.
        • Enter its H.323 name, or alias.
          Aliases can have any format, and do not conform to any rigid pattern. For example, an
          endpoint may be named johnsmith_1. For more information about the list of endpoint aliases
          in your organization, ask your system administrator.
        • Enter its IP address.
          If you know the exact IP address of the participating endpoint, you can dial it directly. For
          example 12.345.67.89. Verify with the endpoint's user that the address is valid from your

January 2020                           Using Avaya Collaboration Control for iOS                          19
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Starting or Joining a Meeting

         • Enter its URI address.
           URI is an address format where the address consists of the endpoint's name or number,
           followed by the domain name of the server to which the endpoint is registered, such as
          1. Launch Collaboration Control and wait for it to establish a connection to the endpoint. For
             more information on pairing, see First Time Setup of Avaya Collaboration Control on
             page 13. Alternatively, tap choose it manually.
          2. Tap the Call       button to view the list of recently dialed endpoints.
               Collaboration Control displays the list of recently dialed endpoints (Figure 4: Direct dial or
               choose a recently dialed endpoint on page 20).
          3. Enter the IP address, URI address or number you wish to dial. Alternatively, tap an entry
             from the list of recent dials (Figure 4: Direct dial or choose a recently dialed endpoint on
             page 20), so its address appears in the dial field.
               Before dialing, you can edit the final dial string by tapping it or change the settings if
               required. The current dial string, protocol and call type is displayed in the Advanced
               Calling Options page. Swipe right to change page.

                                  Figure 4: Direct dial or choose a recently dialed endpoint

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Starting a Meeting from the Directory

         4. (Optional) Edit the settings of the dial and swipe left to change page.

                                               Figure 5: Editing dial settings

               Option                                 Description
               Protocol                               Tap and scroll to select the protocol of the destination
                                                      endpoint you wish to dial. Video deployments are either
                                                      based on H.323 or SIP protocols. For more information,
                                                      ask your system administrator.
               Call Rate                              Tap and scroll to change the call rate.
               Audio Only                             Tap to choose between an audio only call and an audio-
                                                      video call. Video cannot be added to an audio-only call
                                                      during the meeting.

         5. Tap the Phone        button to contact the endpoint using the dial string you entered.
         6. Invite other participants as required.
               To start a videoconference with several participants, start a meeting with one participant as
               detailed in this section, and then add or invite others to join (see Inviting Participants on
               page 39). For videoconferences, your endpoint must be connected to the external
               Equinox Media Server, or your endpoint must have a license to activate its built-in MCU.
Related links
    Starting or Joining a Meeting on page 19

Starting a Meeting from the Directory
    About this task
    You can start a new videoconference by calling an endpoint selected from the directory list. Avaya
    Collaboration Control can access several directory lists depending on your deployment:
        • Browse the endpoint contacts.
        • Browse the corporate directory hosted in Equinox Management, when Collaboration Control
          is connected to the Scopia Desktop Server. You can access either Equinox Management's
          local directory or its link to an external LDAP directory, depending on Equinox Management's

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Starting or Joining a Meeting

          Collaboration Control does not access iPad's native contacts.

          1. Launch Collaboration Control and wait for it to establish a connection to the endpoint. For
             more information on pairing, see First Time Setup of Avaya Collaboration Control on
             page 13. Alternatively, tap choose it manually.
          2. Tap the Contacts      button.
               If Collaboration Control is not connected to Scopia Desktop Server, it displays only the
               paired endpoint's current directory. However, when connected to Scopia Desktop Server it
               displays also the corporate contacts in an additional page.
               Swipe left or right to change pages and view contacts.
               • The Contacts page displays the directory as configured on the paired endpoint.
                 Favorite contacts are represented by a star icon. Contacts from a remote directory are
                 represented by a book icon.
                 If a contact is part of a group, the group name is displayed. If a contact has multiple
                 associated numbers to calls, you can choose from a pop-up panel. You can also search
                 a specific contact or filter a group of contacts.

                                         Figure 6: Viewing the Enterprise Directory

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Joining a Meeting

               • The Corporate Contacts page displays the Equinox Management’s directory of users.
                 In the Corporate Contacts Page, the person icon is used for a person contact, while the
                 terminal icon is used for an endpoint contact.

                                            Figure 7: Viewing Corporate Directory
               Enter text in the search field to display endpoints whose name contains the text you
               entered. Search by Group is not available in corporate contacts.
         3. Tap a contact to dial.
               The directory stores all the information needed to place the call for each endpoint,
               including its protocol, number and IP address. To cancel the dial, tap Disconnect at the
               top right corner of the screen.
         4. Invite other participants as required.
               To start a videoconference with several participants, start a meeting with one participant as
               detailed in this section, and then add or invite others to join (see Inviting Participants on
               page 39). For videoconferences, your endpoint must be connected to the external
               Equinox Media Server, or your endpoint must have a license to activate its built-in MCU.
Related links
    Starting or Joining a Meeting on page 19

Joining a Meeting
    About this task
    You can use Avaya Collaboration Control to join a videoconference, using the direct dial feature.
    Before you begin
    Verify you have the meeting ID or the contact information of the endpoint hosting the meeting.

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Starting or Joining a Meeting

          1. Launch Collaboration Control and wait for it to establish a connection to the endpoint. For
             more information on pairing, see First Time Setup of Avaya Collaboration Control on
             page 13. Alternatively, tap choose it manually.
          2. If the meeting was scheduled in Equinox Management, you can join the meeting by
             selecting it from the endpoint's calendar. For more information, see Joining a Meeting from
             the Endpoint Calendar on page 24.
          3. If the meeting is hosted on the endpoint’s built-in MCU, dial the endpoint's name or
             address. For more information, see Starting a Meeting by Directly Dialing an Endpoint on
             page 19.
          4. If the meeting is hosted on an external Equinox Media Serveror MCU, dial the meeting ID
             of the videoconference which was given by the meeting's host. For more information, see
             Starting a Meeting by Directly Dialing an Endpoint on page 19.
          5. If access to the meeting requires a PIN, use the keyboard. If it is not displayed, tap the
             Control System     button to enter the numeric PIN from the remote control emulation.
Related links
    Starting or Joining a Meeting on page 19

Joining a Meeting from the Endpoint Calendar
     About this task
     In the Calendar page you can see today’s scheduled meetings in which your paired endpoint has
     been invited. A similar page is available if you are using the Scopia Desktop Services with valid
     The endpoint’s calendar is different from the Scopia Desktop Server’s one:
         • The endpoint calendar shows the meetings hosted by the Equinox Management Server
           managing your endpoint. The calendar displays an alert when the meeting is about to start.
           You can join, snooze, or ignore those meetings.
         • The Scopia Desktop Server calendar shows the meetings hosted by the Equinox
           Management associated with your configured Scopia Desktop Server. You can join these
           meetings. The calendar does not display an alert when the meeting is about to start.
     With Avaya Collaboration Control you can only view calendar entries to join meetings. To create or
     edit a Equinox Management meeting, you must access the user portal, or use the 64-bit Avaya
     Equinox® Add-in for Microsoft Outlook.
     This procedure explains how to start a meeting from the calendar.
          1. Launch Collaboration Control and wait for it to establish a connection to the endpoint. For
             more information on pairing, see First Time Setup of Avaya Collaboration Control on
             page 13. Alternatively, tap choose it manually.

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Using Chat

         2. Tap the Calendar        button to view today's entry in the calendar.

                             Figure 8: Calendar view of meetings from Collaboration Control
         3. Tap Join Now to dial the meeting and participate.
               Joining a meeting is completely automatic. All dial information, including the MCU hosting
               the meeting, the protocol required to connect to it, and all other technical information is
               contained within the button.
         4. If access to the meeting requires a PIN, use the keyboard. If it is not displayed, tap the
            Control System     button to enter the numeric PIN from the remote control emulation.
Related links
    Starting or Joining a Meeting on page 19

Using Chat
    About this task
    (Requires chat support) When you are in an Avaya meeting, you can use Avaya Collaboration
    Control to send public or private chat messages to other participants and you can receive them. If
    multiple users are controlling the same endpoint, they can use the chat together, but all their
    messages are sent on behalf of the endpoint whose name is shown as associated to their
    Chat is also available in the endpoint’s web interface.

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Starting or Joining a Meeting

          When you use Avaya Collaboration Control to send a private message to someone, you are
          acting on behalf of the endpoint. All the users controlling the same endpoint as you, via
          Collaboration Control, can see the endpoint’s private messages.
     Before you begin
     Verify that your endpoint is upgraded to the latest release.
          1. Start the meeting.
               In the participants’s panel, tap       to access the panel allowing to start or view a chat.

                                             Figure 9: Starting or viewing a chat

               When in chat mode, the tab turns dark gray (        ).
          3. Tap the writepad icon       to send a private message. Otherwise, send a public message.

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Using Chat

         4. Tap the participant’s name.
         5. Compose the message.
         6. Tap Done.
               Tap   to send the message.
               Tap   to switch conversation.
Related links
    Starting or Joining a Meeting on page 19

January 2020                          Using Avaya Collaboration Control for iOS            27
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Chapter 4: Participating in Meetings with
           Avaya Collaboration Control

   This section details the features available from Collaboration Control during point-to-point meetings,
   or videoconferences hosted on an external Equinox Media Server, Scopia® Elite 6000 MCU, or
   built-in MCU.
Related links
    Setting the PTZ Camera's Position on page 28
    Blocking Your Own Audio and Video on page 32

    Adjusting Volume on page 32
    Sharing Content on page 32
    Using the Presentation Slider on page 34
    Using the Presentation Pointer on page 35
    Using the Whiteboard on page 36
    Changing Your Own Video Layout with Avaya Collaboration Control on page 37
    Blocking Incoming Calls on page 38

Setting the PTZ Camera's Position
    About this task
    You can change the position and zoom of the endpoint's camera paired to Avaya Collaboration
    Control by altering its PTZ settings (pan, tilt and zoom) at any time, both in and outside a meeting.
         Avaya XTE240's camera is static, and has only digital PTZ capabilities. As you increase the
         zoom, it crops the camera image (known as digital zoom), displaying a smaller portion of the
         original frame. This results in showing fewer pixels, which effectively lowers the resolution of
         the zoomed image. In addition, you can pan or tilt the image only after zooming in, enabling
         you to pan up to the width or length of the original camera image.
         Avaya IX™ XT Telepresence cameras disable their PTZ after setup, since the position and
         zoom of the cameras have been carefully calibrated and must remain constant to maintain the
         telepresence effect.

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Setting the PTZ Camera's Position

    You can also control the camera of a remote endpoint in a point-to-point meeting if it complies with
    the FECC (far end camera control) standard protocols.
    You can save your PTZ camera's position before or during a call for later use as one of several
    presets. You can store up to 10 positions in the Camera panel. You can also recall presets for
    remote cameras if they support FECC.
    Before you begin
    If you connected more than one camera to the paired endpoint, tap the Camera     icon to decide
    which camera you want to control. The endpoint will switch among the available ones connected
    to the endpoint or to the remote endpoint supporting FECC. When hosting a multipoint call, you
    can move or zoom the far camera of the active speaker.
         1. Launch Collaboration Control and wait for it to establish a connection to the endpoint. For
            more information on pairing, see First Time Setup of Avaya Collaboration Control on
            page 13. Alternatively, tap choose it manually.
         2. Tap the camera     button to access the Camera page.

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Participating in Meetings with Avaya Collaboration Control

                          Figure 10: Controlling the camera settings from Collaboration Control
          3. Tap the controls on the screen to move your local endpoint's camera as shown in Figure
             10: Controlling the camera settings from Collaboration Control on page 30.
               • Tap the arrows up, down, right and left to move or pan the image in that direction.
               • Tap + or - to zoom in or out.
               The center of the camera controls displays whether you affect your local camera (Control
               Near) or the remote camera (Control Far). It also displays which input (USB, HD, DVI) you
               are controlling.
          4. If you connected more than one camera to the local endpoint, tap the Camera          button to
             select the video source.
               The camera selection switches among the available ones connected to the endpoint
               supporting FECC.
               To control a remote camera during a point-to-point meeting, tap the
               button (see Figure 10: Controlling the camera settings from Collaboration Control on
               page 30).

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Setting the PTZ Camera's Position

                   In a multi-party videoconference, you can only control the remote camera of the active
         6. To recall or store the selected input source and the position of the camera , swipe the Dots
                   from the Camera page and proceed as shown in the figure below.
               A preset is the combination of the input source and its PTZ position.

                                     Figure 11: Recalling or storing a camera position
Related links
    Participating in Meetings with Avaya Collaboration Control on page 28

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Participating in Meetings with Avaya Collaboration Control

Blocking Your Own Audio and Video
     About this task
     You can block your own video by toggling the Privacy  button displayed during a meeting. When
     blocked, your endpoint monitor displays the Privacy On button
     To block your audio by muting your microphone, toggle the Microphone button displayed during a
     meeting. When muted, your endpoint monitor displays the Mute     button.
Related links
    Participating in Meetings with Avaya Collaboration Control on page 28

Adjusting Volume
     About this task
     You can adjust the volume on your endpoint with Avaya Collaboration Control inside or outside a
     During a call, use the volume slider to adjust the overall volume of the endpoint, including audio
     received from remote endpoints during a meeting and any local audio transmitted from a
     connected computer (see Sharing Content on page 32).
     When not in a call, use the volume slider to adjust the ringtone when the endpoint receives an
     incoming call.
Related links
    Participating in Meetings with Avaya Collaboration Control on page 28

Sharing Content
     About this task
     Using Avaya Collaboration Control, you can share content from a computer connected to your
     endpoint. Shared content can include presentations, documents, spreadsheets, or any content
     displayed on the screen of the computer.
     With your iPad/iPhone, you can also see snapshots of the local or remote presentation. This
     feature is available only if Collaboration Control is paired with an XT Series. When Collaboration
     Control requires presentation snapshots, the web interface of the XT Series endpoint shows an
     eye icon on its graphical menu bar.
     Typically you share a presentation with other participants in a videoconference, but you can also
     display it locally only in the room without transmitting it.

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