T.U.R.I.N.G the lost pages of a computer maniac - CESS

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T.U.R.I.N.G the lost pages of a computer maniac - CESS

     the lost pages of a computer maniac
T.U.R.I.N.G the lost pages of a computer maniac - CESS
T.U.R.I.N.G the lost pages of a computer maniac - CESS
from editor’s desk
“Where the mind is without fear,              very lucky to have interviewed our vener-
And the head is held high,                    able professors throughout this year for
Where knowledge is free…”                     our monthly newsletters. Interacting with
                   -Rabindranath Tagore       them, getting to know the story of their
                                              lives, the struggles they’ve gone through
Dear readers,                                 to reach this stage of building generations
                                              have been truly an enlightening experi-
The treasure of knowledge is really amaz- ence for all of us. And we feel glad to have
ing. The more you share it, the more you shared their stories through the medium
gain it. Those mesmerizing words of Tag- of TURING.
ore as quoted earlier may create a picture
of utopia in our minds, but they are total- This Annual Magazine is a toast to all our
ly justifiable. Where there is knowledge, authors who have shared their insights
there comes fearlessness. Where there is with the readers by writing articles. We
knowledge, there comes confidence to congratulate our authors for being a part
lead. And where there is knowledge, there of this enlightening odyssey. To my Edi-
comes thirst to dive deeper in the ocean of torial Teammates Mandar Mhaske, Mu-
knowledge. TURING is just a small drop in nish Khurana, Bharat Nair, Prathamesh
this ocean, but without which the ocean Sawant, Vishal Bisht and Hargun Singh
is incomplete. In making this little drop all I feel worthy of saying is, this journey
shine bright, there has been considerable would never have been completed with-
effort of various people who spent their out you, and you know it. My hearty con-
time, energy and thoughts, and it is only gratulations to our Sports Team for ruling
because of that, we are proudly present- the Olympia this year. Our Dance and Dra-
ing The TURING Magazine 2018 to you.          ma teams were equally spectacular. We
                                              have a special tribute for them towards
My humble gratitude to our Principal Dr. the end of this magazine.
Uddhav Bhosle, our HOD Dr. Satish Ket,
and all the professors of Department of Although, this Annual Magazine marks
Computer Engineering for constantly en- the end of our academic year, the time is
couraging and guiding us through.             ripe for a new beginning. Let’s dream big-
                                              ger and make it count. To quote Dr. A.P.J
In this edition of our Annual Magazine, Abdul Kalam, “Dream, Dream, Dream.
we are proud to present for the first time Dream transforms into thoughts and
ever, the interview of our Principal, Dr. Ud- thoughts result in action.”
dhav Bhosle. I hope our readers will find it
insightful and enjoy reading it. We were               -Anindya Vinayak, Editor-in-Chief
T.U.R.I.N.G the lost pages of a computer maniac - CESS
EDitor’s note
     “ Sharing Knowledge is not about giving
     people something, or getting something           Over the few years we have been trying
     from them. This is only valid for informa-       to fulfill this motive by publishing articles
     tion sharing. Sharing knowledge occurs           that have included various diverse do-
     when people are genuinely interested in          mains in the field of technology. On this
     helping one another develop new capaci-          note I would like to congratulate each and
     ties for action; it is about creating learning   every member of TURING and CESS who
     process. ”                                       have helped in making this feat possible
                                      -Peter Senge    and also to have taken TURING to the lev-
                                                      el it is currently at.
     Dear Readers,
                                                      My humble gratitude to our Principal Dr.
     TURING is now presenting its 3rd annual          Uddhav Bhosle, our HOD Dr. Satish Ket,
     magazine. It has come a long way since its       and all the professors of Department of
     inception. So, what is the motive of “TUR-       Computer Engineering for constantly en-
     ING”? What’s the purpose of publishing a         couraging and guiding us through.
     newsletter every month? Ever wondered?
                                                      I would like to thank my Editorial Team-
     Humans are the only species that are alive       mates Mandar Mhaske, Anindya Vinay-
     who have a fully developed brain. It is our      ak, Bharat Nair, Vishal Bisht, Prathamesh
     duty to increase its capacity. The only way      Sawant and Hargun Singh. I would like to
     to do that is to keep learning something         apologize for any misunderstandings or
     new. TURING is a medium for its readers to       neglect and thank you all from the bot-
     learn something new from its articles that       tom of my heart for you hard work, ded-
     are published. We at TURING believe at ex-       ication and support.
     ploring the rise of technology and put it in
     words so that our readers can gain aware-                          -Munish Khurana, Editor
     ness and expand their domain of knowl-
     edge. For example, we in our newsletters/
     magazine also incorporate international
     technologies that are not available in In-
     dia so that a reader can be aware of the
     same and the knowledge is not restricted.
     This knowledge will help them to gener-
     ate solutions that are more advanced as
     they have the awareness of existence of
     such technology.
T.U.R.I.N.G the lost pages of a computer maniac - CESS
editor’s note.............................................i
editor’s note.............................................ii
mqtt an iot protocol......................... 2
meteor......................................................... 3
project soli.............................................. 4
5g-the next gen.......................................5
ai- a solution?......................................... 7
mind reading computer........................9
brain print..................................................10
li-fi- wifi evolved.....................................11
oled- refined viewing............................ 12
is your data safe ?.................................. 13
a star in the galaxy.............................. 15
a sacred tree............................................ 17
achievements............................................ 19
founder’s note........................................ 21

T.U.R.I.N.G the lost pages of a computer maniac - CESS

    Bioinformatics elaborates various methods           standing cellular mechanisms and metabolic
                                                        pathways. It too focuses on cellular and mo-
    and software tools exploring the biological
                                                        lecular levels of biology and it has numerous
    data. It uses the combination of various fields
                                                        applications in life sciences.
    like Computer Science, Biology, Mathematics,
    Statistics and Engineering and thus these all
                                                        So basically it can be described as an applica-
    fields helps in analyzing and interpreting Bi-
                                                        tion of the technology in computer field to get
    ological Data. Uses of Bioinformatics includes
                                                        the information that is stored in certain types
    identification of genes. Bioinformatics tech-
                                                        of biological data. So it thus provides global-
    niques consists of image and signal processing
                                                        ly accessible databases that help scientists to
    which allows in extracting useful outputs from
                                                        submit, search and analyse the information.
    raw data sets. The key aspect of bioinformat-
                                                        Current biological labs produce large data and
    ics is to create algorithms and using software
                                                        it cannot be analyzed by hand just for e.g. se-
    to identify the biological system components.
                                                        quencing haploid set of chromosomes of hu-
    So it is basically use of IT for data storage, data
                                                        man beings. Bioinformatics approaches would
    warehousing and analyzing DNA sequences.
                                                        make research in the area of genetic diseases
                                                        more possible.
    Bioinformatics focuses to develop method-
    ology to explore large volumes of biological
                                                        Bioinformatics is a great career option because
    data, thus helping to store, organize and inter-
                                                        it focuses on employing resources on bioinfor-
    pret complex data. There are usually problems
                                                        matics such as web based programs and da-
    which are usually at molecular level and can-
                                                        tabases, So Network Analyst, Biomechanics,
    not be solved by other methods so the use of
                                                        Database Programmer are different available
    this field plays an important role.
                                                        field options for the students who want to en-
                                                        ter in the field of Bioinformatics. It is one of the
    It was first understood by Hogewag and
                                                        highly paid sectors in India as well as abroad.
    Hasper in 1978 for processes in informatics in
                                                        The present and future scope of Bioinformat-
    biotic systems. And it uses have been in ge-
                                                        ics is increasing as the need of medical science
    netics particularly involving DNA sequencing.
                                                        is rapidly increasing.
    Bioinformatics has also gained attention from
    many as it has also entered in the field of drug
                                                                                               -Bharat Nair
    discovery. Now in the future it will like under-
T.U.R.I.N.G the lost pages of a computer maniac - CESS
mqtt-an iot protocol
Ever imagined a smart washing machine rec-           to multiple topics. Every client subscribed to a
                                                     topic receives every message published to the
ommending a repairman? Or your wardrobe
                                                     topic. It has a Client/server model, where ev-
tweeting you about a sale in a nearby store
                                                     ery sensor is a client and connects to a server,
that has the perfect jeans for you? All this in
                                                     known as a broker, over TCP. It provides hier-
today’s world is possible with interconnec-
                                                     archical structure for topics and different lay-
tion of uniquely identifiable embedded
                                                     ers of subscriptions. Security is implemented
computing devices within the existing Inter-
                                                     through username and password authentica-
net infrastructure, viz. Internet of Things (IoT).
                                                     tion from clients, to connect to brokers. It im-
                                                     plements 3 levels of Quality of Service (QoS):
As the number of devices getting connected
to the Internet continues to grow every day
                                                     0 - At most once W- Messages are delivered
(by the year 2020 approximately 57,000 new
                                                     according to best efforts of environment. Mes-
objects per second getting connected to net-
                                                     sage loss can occur
works), IoT brings in new challenges like a re-
al-time&      event-driven model, listening
                                                     1 - At least once - Messages are assured to ar-
every event as it happens, publishing infor-
                                                     rive but duplicates can occur.
mation one-to-many, sending small packets of
data from small devices, etc. For mobile and IoT
                                                     2 - Exactly once - Message is assured to arrive
applications, instant messaging is much more
                                                     exactly once.
efficient&    fast than the traditional HTTP re-
quest/response which requires response sta-
                                                     Some client platforms utilized include C / C++,
tus of publisher, exact destination of publish-
                                                     Embedded MQTT-SN (for Sensor Networks),
er and for the consumer to be available at all
                                                     Android, JavaScript, Python, PHP, etc. while
times which brings in latency for the needed
                                                     some major brokers are IBM Message Sight,
instant communication with IoT. This is where
                                                     Mosquitto, Eclipse Paho , RabbitMQ , Apache
MQTT takes over the HTTP protocol.is required
                                                     ActiveMQ, HiveMQ, etc.
and/or network bandwidth is at a premium.
For example, a message to be sent using HTTP
                                                     The operation of MQTT is on Publish/ Sub-
requires 0.1-1 kB and the same message using
                                                     scribe. So, when a client connects to a broker,
MQTT can be sent in 2 to 4 bytes, thus assuring
                                                     it can either publish messages or subscribe
faster communication.Operation:
                                                     to receive messages from various channels.
                                                     Persistent messages are supported (upto 18
An MQTT control packet consists of a fixed
                                                     hours). Most recently, updatedmessages are
header, variable header and a payload that
                                                     only persisted on client request. The clients
are available. The fixed header represents the
                                                     can define a particular “last will and testament”
type of control packet, content of the variable
                                                     message which is sent to them by the broker if
header varies depending on the packet type
                                                     they disconnect. This is used to signal the sub-
and payload contains final part of the pack-
                                                     scriber when the device is disconnected from
et which also depends on packet type. Some
                                                     the broker.
of the MQTT control packets are CONNECT,
PUBLISH,Every message is published to an ad-
                                                                               -Prathamesh Sawant
dress, known as a topic. Clients may subscribe

T.U.R.I.N.G the lost pages of a computer maniac - CESS

    The Google’s Node.js which provides a run-         built pre-written and self-contained modules.
                                                       If you want to build smaller and reactive appli-
    time environment for running various Ja-
                                                       cation with speed being its priority on Node.js
    vaScript frameworks has increasingly gain
                                                       platform, then Meteor is the best choice. For
    popular demand in recent time for backend
                                                       the full stack developers, Meteor has already
    development. Node.js ‘s frameworks are giv-
                                                       assembled the compatible parts of the stack,
    ing tough competitions to all the other lan-
                                                       from the database integrations to the front-
    guages like Python, Ruby and Java in terms
                                                       end framework. For full functionality, Mon-
    of efficiency, speed and support facilities. The
                                                       goDB is the database to connect with Meteor.
    credit goes to its event-driven, non-blocking
                                                       Meteor best suits for real-time applications
    I/O model which basically means that all the
                                                       like social networking or collaborative plat-
    input requests coming to node.js enabled
                                                       forms like messaging where users want up-
    server will be blocked as the current thread is
                                                       dates shared right as they are happening.
    busy with some other process.
                                                       Meteor is still growing, so it lacks scalability,
    So now we are going to have a look at one of
                                                       robustness and it cannot be integrated with
    the fastest growing framework of Node.js, that
                                                       SQL databases. But as a developer you should
    is, Meteor. Meteor is JavaScript’s open-source,
                                                       be able to understand not all frameworks are
    model-view controller (MVC) framework for
                                                       best when it comes to build a specific appli-
    building amazing web/mobile applications.
                                                       cation and that your application decides the
    The amazing part is, you can write your both
                                                       framework you are going to use. Because,
    client as well as server side code in same lan-
                                                       a framework is designed to do one or more
    guage, JavaScript. If you are a person who
                                                       things very well. So choose your one well !
    likes to write application codes, then Meteor
    will help you by providing its large set of in-
                                                                                         -Vishal Bisht
T.U.R.I.N.G the lost pages of a computer maniac - CESS
project soli

We all have seen puppet masters controlling          jects within the beam scatter energy, reflect-
                                                     ing some portion back towards the radar an-
the movement of puppets through various
                                                     tenna. Properties of this signal, such as energy,
hand gestures to keep their spectators en-
                                                     time delay, frequency shift etc are captured
tertained. Is it possible to control technology
                                                     that determine the characteristics and dynam-
with a similar fashion? The answer is yes, now
                                                     ics of the object such as size, shape, distance
it is. The credit for this innovation goes to Goo-
                                                     from the sensor, velocity, orientation etc. This
gle’s Project Soli that uses the concept of Vir-
                                                     helps Soli track and recognize dynamic hand
tual tools to mimic familiar interactions with
                                                     gestures and fine movement of fingers.
physical world.
                                                     The Soli libraries extract real time signals from
Soli is a new sensing technology to detect
                                                     radar and output signal transformation pa-
touchless gesture interactions using miniature
                                                     rameters at frame rate from 100-10,000 frames
radar. The hand gestures we make in our daily
                                                     per second. The Soli sensor is fully integrated,
life like turning a door knob, pressing a button,
                                                     low power radar operating in 60GHz ISM band.
moving a slider etc can be recognized by Soli
                                                     The Soli chip has enormous potential when
and the output is generated accordingly. For
                                                     embedded in modern day gadgets like smart
eg, the volume of music you’re listening can
                                                     phones, smart watches, cars, computers and
be increased or decreased with a similar hand
                                                     other IoT devices.
gesture as rotating an invisible dial, clockwise
and anti-clockwise respectively, without even
                                                     Soli breaks the convention of operating the
interacting with the GUI.
                                                     gadgets without deviating from the modus
                                                     operandi. Work is done with the snap of your
So how is this possible?
                                                     fingers. So, why fantasize about Aladdin’s Ge-
                                                     nie? Soli is the reality.
The answer lies in the simple reflection theo-
ry of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic
waves are emitted in a broad beam and ob-
                                                                                   -Anindya Vinayak
T.U.R.I.N.G the lost pages of a computer maniac - CESS
5g- the next gen
    At the end of 2017, the wireless industry         ing up to 5G where it’s available.
    came up with the first official 5G standard.
                                                      4G will continue to improve with time, as well.
    AT&T plans to launch mobile 5G in the US
                                                      The upcoming Qualcomm X20 modem will
    this year.But a standard doesn’t mean that all
                                                      support 4G speeds up to 2Gbps. The real ad-
    5G will work the same or that we even know
                                                      vantages of 5G will come in massive capacity
    what applications 5G will enable. There will
                                                      and low latency, beyond the levels 4G tech-
    be slow but responsive 5G, and fast 5G with
                                                      nologies can achieve.
    limited coverage. Let us take you down the 5G
    rabbit hole to give you a picture of what the
                                                   That symbiosis between 4G and 5G has caused
    upcoming 5G world will be like.
                                                   AT&T to get a little overenthusiastic about its
                                                   4G network. The carrier has started to call its
    1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G
                                                   4G network “5G Evolution,” because it sees im-
                                                   proving 4G as a major step to 5G. It’s right, of
    The G in 5G means it’s a generation of wire-
                                                   course. But the phrasing is designed to con-
    less technology. While most generations have
                                                   fuse less-informed consumers into thinking
    technically been defined by their data trans-
                                                   5G Evolution is 5G, when it isn’t.
    mission speeds, each has also been marked
    by a break in encoding methods, or “air inter-
                                                   How 5G Works
    faces,” which make it incompatible with the
    previous generation.
                                                   Like other cellular networks, 5G networks use
                                                   a system of cell sites that divide their territory
    1G was analog cellular. 2G technologies, such
                                                   into sectors and send encoded data through
    as CDMA, GSM, and TDMA, were the first gen-
                                                   radio waves. Each cell site must be connected
    eration of digital cellular technologies. 3G
                                                   to a network backbone, whether through a
    technologies, such as EVDO, HSPA, and UMTS,
                                                   wired or wireless backhaul connection.
    brought speeds from 200kbps to a few mega-
    bits per second. 4G technologies, such as
                                                   5G networks will use a type of encoding called
    WiMAX and LTE, were the next incompatible
                                                   OFDM, which is similar to the encoding that
    leap forward, and they are now scaling up to
                                                   4G LTE uses. The air interface will be designed
    hundreds of megabits and even gigabit-level
                                                   for much lower latency and greater flexibility
                                                   than LTE, though.
    5G brings three new aspects to the table:
                                                     The standard will work all the way from low
    greater speed (to move more data), lower la-
                                                     frequencies to high, but it gets the most ben-
    tency (to be more responsive), and the ability
                                                     efit over 4G at higher frequencies. 5G may also
    to connect a lot more devices at once (for sen-
                                                     transmit data over the unlicensed frequencies
    sors and smart devices).
                                                     currently used for Wi-Fi, without conflicting
                                                     with existing Wi-Fi networks. That’s similar to
    The actual 5G radio system, known as 5G-NR,
                                                     a technology that all the carriers except Sprint
    won’t be compatible with 4G. But all 5G devic-
                                                     are currently launching, called LAA.
    es, initially, will need 4G because they’ll lean
    on it to make initial connections before trad-
                                                     5G networks are much more likely to be net-
works of small cells, even down to the size of     a lamppost to another car. (One light-millisec-
home routers, than to be huge towers radiat-       ond is about 186 miles, so most of that 1ms
ing great distances. Some of that is because of    latency is still processing time.)
the nature of the frequencies used, but a lot of
that is to expand network capacity. The more       Another aspect of 5G is that it will connect
cells you have, the more data you can get into     many more devices. Right now, 4G modules
the network.                                       are expensive, power-consuming, and de-
                                                   mand complicated service plans, so much
So 5G networks need to be much smarter             of the Internet of Things has stuck with Wi-Fi
than previous systems, as they’re juggling         and other home technologies for consumers,
many more, smaller cells that can change size      or 2G for businesses. 5G networks will accept
and shape. But even with existing macro cells,     small, inexpensive, low-power devices, so it’ll
Qualcomm says 5G will be able to boost ca-         connect a lot of smaller objects and different
pacity by four times over current systems by       kinds of ambient sensors to the internet.
leveraging wider bandwidths and advanced
antenna technologies.                             What about phones? The biggest change 5G
                                                  may bring is in virtual and augmented reality.
The goal is to have far higher speeds available, As phones transform into devices meant to be
and far higher capacity per sector, at far low- used with VR headsets, the very low latency
er latency than 4G. The standards bodies in- and consistent speeds of 5G will give you an
volved are aiming at 20Gbps speeds and 1ms internet-augmented world, if and when you
latency, at which point very interesting things want it. The small cell aspects of 5G may also
begin to happen.                                  help with in-building coverage, as it encour-
                                                  ages every home router to become a cell site.
What’s 5G For?
                                                  We’re looking forward to testing the first im-
Driverless cars may need 5G to really kick into plementations of 5G as soon as they are live.
action, our editor Oliver Rist explained after Every year we drive around the country eval-
CES this year. The first generation of driverless uating network speeds for our Fastest Mobile
cars will be self-contained, but future gener- Networks feature, and as 5G rolls out, the re-
ations will interact with other cars and smart sults are sure to get more interesting and ex-
roads to improve safety and manage traf- citing than ever before.
fic. Basically, everything on the road will be                                  -Mandar Mhaske
talking to everything else.

To do this, you need extremely low latencies.
While the cars are all exchanging very small
packets of information, they need to do so al-
most instantly. That’s where 5G’s sub-one-mil-
lisecond latency comes into play, when a
packet of data shoots directly between two
cars, or bounces from a car to a small cell on

ai - a solution?

    The world is changing and with it so is the        That means professionals in the cybersecuri-
    internet. Or perhaps it’s the other way around.
                                                       ty profile will have to compensate either by
    The internet continues to create new busi-
                                                       working harder and tougher or by working for
    ness and social opportunities that massively
                                                       longer hours. Based on a survey , it has found
    scale and widely interconnect. The increasing
                                                       that IT professionals worked on an average
    depth and volume of personal and corporate
                                                       for 50 hours a week. This means that an over-
    data make it a more rewarding target for cy-
                                                       worked cybersecurity team will be tough to
    ber crooks and state-sponsored espionage or
                                                       respond to threats effectively.
    sabotage. At the same time, greater connec-
    tivity provides more potential attack vectors.
                                                       AI in cybersecurity:
    The common cyber-attacks which are taking
                                                      Artificial intelligence is the intelligence which
    place in different part of the world is that most
                                                      is displayed by machines which is similar with
    businesses and the cybersecurity industry is
                                                      the natural intelligence displayed by humans
    not prepared for the real challenge.
                                                      and other animals.
    The real problem is not the lack of prepared-
                                                       According to the research by Accenture – “AI
    ness on the business level, the cybersecurity
                                                       could boost average profitability rates by 40%
    workforce itself is also having a very hard time
                                                       and lead to an economic increase of nearly
    to keep up with its demand. It is estimated that
                                                       $14 trillion by 2035”.
    by 2025, there will be 4 million cybersecurity
    jobs available worldwide.
                                                       A critical element in helping companies inno-
vate faster are secure networks and Artificial solete, but it is reducing the need to have as
Intelligence and Machine Learning are playing many on staff and is increasing their effective-
a better role in ensuring security in innova- ness.
                                                 Another way AI systems can help is it catego-
A company’s attack surface is becoming much rizes attackswhich are based on threat level.
wider and subject to other entities’ security, While there’s still a fair amount of work to be
such as public cloud infrastructure and SaaS done here (almost 50% of cyber professionals
applications.                                    say systems aren’t accurate enough), when
                                                 deep machine learning principles are incorpo-
On an average, it is estimated that a compa- rated into your systems then they can adapt
ny suffers 130 breaches per year, nearly 28% over time thus giving a dynamic edge over cy-
increase over 2016 and approximately double ber terrorists.
what it was five years ago.
                                                 AI: The Future of Cybersecurity
Given the state of cybersecurity today, the im-
plementation of AI can really serve as a real We’ve never faced more than what we face cy-
turning point.                                   ber threats today. The worse situation is that
                                                 these are becoming more common, more im-
New AI algorithms use Machine Learning (ML) pactful and more sophisticated.
to adapt over time. Simon Crosby who is the
Co–founder and CTO at Bromium, feels that However, AI systems can help address some of
Machine Learning makes it easier to respond those problems and ultimately give your busi-
to risks in the cybersecurity. New types of mal- ness an advantage when facing a cyber-attack.
ware,viruses and cyber-attacks can be difficult Different solutions of Cybersecurity that rely
to detect with conventional cybersecurity pro- on AI can use the present and existing data to
tocols and the recent problem of ransomware handle new types of malware and cybersecu-
shows the real vulnerability.They evolve over rity attacks.
time, so more dynamic approaches and solu-
tions are necessary.                             In the near future, as artificial intelligence AI
                                                 will become more impactful and capable , we
Another great advantage of using AI systems will see more automated and increasingly so-
in cybersecurity is that they will free up an phisticated social engineering attacks. The cy-
enormous amount of time for tech employees. berattacks which are AI enabled will rise and
AI is most commonly used in detection simple is expected to cause an explosion of personal
threats and attacks. Given that the simplest at- data thefts ,network penetrations, and spread
tacks usually have the simplest solutions, the of intelligent computer viruses. Ironically,
systems are also likely be able to remediate the hopes in the future are to defend against
the situation on its own.                        AI-enabled hacking is by using AI.

Steve Grobman, McAfee CTO states that AI                                             -Bharat Nair
won’t make human cybersecurity experts ob-
mind reading computer
    Humans have always feared dominance by             pairs. The potential difference between two
                                                       points is measured when a signal is passed by
    entities such as fellow humans, aliens or even
                                                       the brain, for instance, “Go left”. That value of
    supernatural entities. A certain futurist added
                                                       voltage is recorded and then this value is used
    another entry to this list with the onset of the
                                                       in an algorithm for, say, a prosthetic arm to m
    20th century, namely, artificial intelligence.
                                                       ake it move left. The only problem is that, this
    Ray Kurzweil sent the technological world
                                                       algorithm is a learning algorithm and needs a
    into frenzy with his hypothesis on technologi-
                                                       number of trials before the algorithm learns
    cal singularity and since then the human race
                                                       what value of voltage corresponds to which
    has tried to come up with innovative ideas
    to avoid such an event. While brain surgeries
    continued giving meek promises to paralysis
                                                       In 2006, 25 year old Matt Nagle, a tetraplegic
    patients and permanently handicapped pa-
                                                       (paralyzed in all limbs and torso) volunteered
    tients awaited for breakthroughs in the organ
                                                       for an experiment, where 96 electrodes were
    regeneration area, another interesting stream
                                                       inserted in his brain’s motor cortex. In the span
    began developing.
                                                       of a 114 day trial, he performed a number of
                                                       tasks successfully which included moving a
    As it turned out, humans had underestimated
                                                       cursor to a certain point on a screen and stay-
    the capability of the most intriguing organ of
                                                       ing on that point for 150 ms till the success
    their bodies - the brain. The basic work of the
                                                       was shown by a smiley. Others included the
    brain is done by its smallest units - the neu-
                                                       opening of email and reading of first and sec-
    rons. These neurons have an electrical meth-
                                                       ond messages, using a prosthetic as well as a
    od of passage of signals from the brain to- the
                                                       robotic arm.
    various organs it controlsthrough the respec-
    tive important nerves like optic and auditory
                                                       Although it sounds simple, this task was suc-
    nerves. These electrical impulses create poten-
                                                       cessfully concluded on the 98th day of trial.
    tial difference between two points in the brain,
                                                       Emotiv systems had another application for
    causing current to flow.
                                                       this ability. The device EPOC uses the electro-
                                                       encephalograph (EEG) to map the brain waves
    Brain waves map this current whenever an ac-
                                                       and then uses the prerecorded brain waves
    tion is being performed by the brain, which
                                                       received at several points on the scalp to per-
    is all the time. Earlier open brain surgeons,
                                                       form an action. It is a hardware which is sold
    through surgeries, made a person literally
                                                       to consumers and developers alike- to use for
    relive memories. Those surgeries involved a
                                                       different kind of applications like gaming or
    bunch of neurologists, passing current- at par-
                                                       controlling a robot.
    ticular points in the brain cortex- which were
    most active while remembering it. The pa-
                                                       The scientists’ technique, he said, is a step-
    tients recalled the exact taste, smell and feel of
                                                       pingstone for brain mapping, in that it could
    things around them from the memory.
                                                       be used to identify in real time which locations
                                                       of the brain are sensitive to particular types of
    Brain Computer Interfaces use the exact re-
    versal of this concept. A large number of elec-
    trodes are inserted directly in the brain in
                                                                                   -Prathamesh Sawanr
brain print

We all know that biometrics technology is         And it has also been confirmed by functional
                                                  MRI, by tracking blood flow changes thus mea-
that it can recognize people on the basis of
                                                  suring brain activity.
various physical as well as behavioural charac-
teristics such as our voice, face as well as fin-
                                                  But the major disadvantage is the cost of the
gerprints and speaking about the world today
                                                  fMRI scanner which is not practical to be used
these are important for an individual to com-
                                                  for an enterprise for biometric authentication
bat financial as well as security risks. People
                                                  everyday, Thus researchers have also used EEG
now have moved on from traditional methods
                                                  using electrodes to track the patterns of brain
such as pin numbers and passwords. Barclays
                                                  wave, But this is also having a disadvantage as
the multinational giant has introduced Touch-
                                                  individuals will be reluctant wearing gel based
ID where customers can login using finger-
                                                  electrodes cap to login into the database.
prints during net banking.
                                                      The alternative to this is recording EEG from
This is not even foolproof either as it is possible
                                                      the ear using standard earphones but it is
to forge them as fingers can be chopped off
                                                      not possible to perform all the processing re-
and placed to get fraudulent access by hack-
                                                      quired in a phone and the twin people cannot
ers or imposters or the prints acquired using
                                                      use as they have near identical EEG. And one
cellphone tape after getting prints can also be
                                                      time enrolment of brain to the database is not
used to prepare fake ones.
                                                      possible as they exhibit plastic behaviour and
                                                      changes over time.
So now the time has come where more ad-
vanced biometrics that are difficult to forge or
                                                 While finger prints and voice recognition are
hack and the solution to it is brain.
                                                 possibilities, thought based biometric tech-
                                                 nology is more advantageous as copying a
The biometric technology is based on the elec-
                                                 person’s exact though process is extremely
trical activity of the brain which have shown
                                                 very difficult.
resistance to fraud activities. Across the world
no of research are taking place on how brain
                                                 Now considering the advantages in the chang-
reacts to tasks and those of them varies from
                                                 es in the technology we will soon see biomet-
person to person. And these are almost close
                                                 rics based on fingerprints soon.
to that of fingerprints which is presently the
most used biometric method.
                                                                                   -Bharat Nair
li-fi - wifi evolved
     Can you imagine a video to be transmitted             Recent studies have demonstrated data rates
     from a standard off-the-shelf LED lamp to a
                                                           of 14 Gbps for Li-Fi using three off-the-shelf
     solar cell with a laptop as a receiver without
                                                           laser diodes (red, green and blue). It was
     Wi-Fi? Many would say no, but what I tell you
                                                           also predicted that a data rate of 100 Gbps
     it is possible! Here is where the new budding
                                                           is achievable for Li-Fi when the whole visible
     technology Li-Fi comes into picture.
                                                           spectrum is utilized. It supports multi-user ac-
                                                           cess and handover to enable mobile services.
     Li-Fi is short form for Light Fidelity which a
                                                           Since LED light emits incoherent light only in-
     technology for wireless communication be-
                                                           tensity modulation and direct detection can
     tween devices using light to transmit data. In
                                                           be used. Single carrier modulation techniques
     technical terms Li-Fi is a visible light commu-
                                                           are straightforward to implement , but for data
     nication system that is capable of transmit-
                                                           rates higher than about 15 Mbps computa-
     ting data at high speeds over the visible light
                                                           tionally complex equalization techniques are
     spectrum, ultraviolet, infrared radiations. In it’s
                                                           required in frequency selective Li-Fi channel.
     present state only LED lamps can be used for
                                                           Alternatively, multi-carrier modulation tech-
     transmission of visible light. It was introduced
                                                           niques offer a viable solution for high speed
     in 2011 by Harald Hass during a talk in Edin-
                                                           Li-Fi in terms of power efficiency,spectral effi-
                                                           ciency and computational efficiency.
     Now many will wonder what is the point of
                                                           It is predicted that future home and building
     this technology? The point is that there will
                                                           automation will be highly dependent on the
     be a massive extension of the Internet to close
                                                           Li-Fi technology for being secure and fast. As
     the digital divide and also to allow for what we
                                                           the light cannot penetrate through walls the
     call “IOT” or “Internet of Things” to pave way
                                                           signal cannot be hacked from a remote loca-
     into our lives with tens of billions of devices
                                                           tion. And therefore Li-Fi seems like it is going
     connected to the Internet; but such an exten-
                                                           to become the new Wi-Fi in near future, with
     sion of the Internet can only work if it’s almost
                                                           very promising benefits and a huge scope for
     energy neutral. This means we need to use ex-
     isting infrastructure as much as possible. And
     this is where the solar cells and the LED come
                                                                                         -Anushree Vaidya
     in. In Li-Fi, data is transported by the light, en-
     coded in subtle changes of the brightness.

     The key technical difference between Wi-Fi
     and Li-Fi is that Wi-Fi uses radio frequency to
     transmit data whereas the latter uses light
     to do the same. Using light to transmit data
     allows Li-Fi to offer several advantages like-
     working across higher bandwidth, working in
     areas susceptible to electromagnetic interfer-
     ence (for example- aircraft cabins and hospi-
     tals) and offering higher transmission speeds.
oled- refined viewing
OLEDs are a great breakthrough in dis-             tions such as a dark room an OLED screen can
                                                   achieve a higher contrast ratio than an LCD,
play technology .Also a new promising tech-
                                                   whether the LCD uses cold cathode fluores-
nology with high expected profitability on the
                                                   cent lamps or LED backlight. Due to its low
display market. They show low driving volt-
                                                   thermal conductivity, an OLED typically emits
ages in combination with unrestricted view-
                                                   less light per area than an inorganic LED.
ing angles, high color-brilliance, light weight,
small film-thicknesses and low production
                                                   What is the use?
costs. Organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs)
operate on the principle of converting electri-
                                                   OLED has much better response time than
cal energy into light, a phenomenon known
                                                   other displays. So these screens often pro-
as electroluminescence. This paper focuses on
                                                   vide better user experience. This advantage
structure of OLED, how it works, comparison
                                                   will lead great use of OLEd screens in mobile
with other display and applications.
                                                   phones and other handheld devices where
                                                   fast response time is usually required.
What is OLED technology?
                                                   OLED displays consume less energy as com-
An OLED (organic light-emitting diode) is a
                                                   pared to LCD displays and other display
light-emitting diode (LED) in which the emis-
                                                   screens. No backlit is required in these screens
sive electroluminescent layer is a film of or-
                                                   which is the biggest OLED advantage for use
ganic compound which emit light in response
                                                   in portable gadgets.
to an electric current. This layer of organic
semiconductor material is situated between
                                                 Viewing angle is always an issue in flat screens.
two electrodes. Generally, at least one of these
                                                 But with OLED displays, viewing angle could
electrodes is transparent.
                                                 be as large as 170 degree because they pro-
                                                 duce their own light which increases their
There are two main families of OLEDs: those
                                                 viewing angle. Now you get displays which
based on small molecules and those employ-
                                                 you can bend.
ing polymers. Adding mobile ions to an OLED
creates a light-emitting electrochemical cell
                                                 OLED screen is slimmer than LCD display.
or LEC, which has a slightly different mode
                                                 While LCD and Plasma displays could be few
of operation. OLED displays can use either
                                                 inches thick, but OLED advantage is that it is
passive-matrix (PMOLED) or active-matrix
                                                 only few millimeters thick.
addressing schemes. Active-matrix OLEDs
(AMOLED) require a thin-film transistor back-
                                                 The price of OLED screens may be much high-
plane to switch each individual pixel on or off,
                                                 er now but it will come down as the technol-
but allow for higher resolution and larger dis-
                                                 ogy becomes popular. OLED screens could
play sizes.
                                                 become cheaper than LCD screens incoming
An OLED display works without a backlight.
Thus, it can display deep black levels and
                                                                                -Priyank Verma
can be thinner and lighter than a liquid crys-
tal display (LCD). In low ambient light condi-
is your data safe ?

     What is Data?                                      data collected by the application was not only
                                                        of those people who had agreed to share their
                                                        information with the application, but also of
     Data is anything that represents information.      their Facebook friends which later cumulated
     Data is the most valuable asset today. Every-      to a data of around 50 million users. This data
     thing in this world is made up of data. Data       was sold to a data mining firm Cambridge An-
     was traditionally represented on paper. This       alytica that had helped Trump run for the mar-
     is before the dawn of the digital age. Today,      keting of the Presidential campaign.The data
     everything is available in the form of data.       such as a user’s likes were used to more active-
     Data can be personal, it can be informative or     ly target political advertising. Cambridge An-
     productive. With the rise of social media it has   alytica was violating Facebook privacy rules.
     become challenging to monitor the activities       Facebook back in 2015 went to the creater of
     of the Tech giants. Today data is used to learn    Your Digital Life application and Cambridge
     about a person’s behaviour to target him with      Analytica and asked them to delete all the
     advertisement that he may find appealing and       data of Facebook users they had. Both of the
     attractive. Majority of Google’s earnings come     entities failed to keep up to the promises of
     from advertisement through Goole Adsense.          deleting their data. Also, it was not until the
     Facebook also can afford providing its appli-      #deletefacebook campaign caught heat that
     cation for free by charging companies fees for     Mark Zuckerberg admitted to the existence
     advertising on its platform.                       of such activity. Facebook had made it easi-
                                                        er for applications to access user data, friends
     Facebook Data Scandal?                             data and using it without asking permission
                                                        for access and also to share it . This made peo-
     The Your Digital Life App was downloaded by        ple angry. Earlier, Facebook was criticised as it
     270,000 people who had agreed to share their       was unable to stop fake advertisements from
     data through their Facebook account. The           spreading. It was one of the reasons believed
to have affected the American presidential cation which may pose a threat to people’s life.
election significantly.                            Today we have self driving and programmed
                                                   cars. It would pose a great threat if the data is
Is this the first instance of illegal data breach? leaked regarding the location of users.
We need to know that this kind of illegal data
usage is not new. Google had done a similar Conclusion
thing recently by tracking the user’s device
even when the location access was not en- As the technology is growing and the Tech
abled and even when the SIM was not insert- firms are making use of data to generate large
ed. Google requested the Cell ID along with profits it is their duty to ensure that the con-
the mobile country code and mobile network sumers data is safe and there is no violation
code(to know which mobile operator is used). of basic right to privacy for the people. It is
This data was used to ensure the phone stays important that the large Tech firms such as
properly connected to Google’s Firebase Facebook, Google set a right example by fol-
Cloud Messaging system, which handles the lowing their ethical duties.
delivery of messages and notifications to the
smartphone.                                        “With great power comes great responsibility”.

What this means about your data in the fu-                                       -Munish Khurana

Events like these pose a great threat to data
integrity and trust worthiness. If tech compa-
nies continue to illegally use user’s data with-
out their consent then the time is not very far
when companies like Uber would sell users lo-
A star of the galaxy

      The news of Stephen Hawking passing away       knowing his disease is going to make him lose
                                                     control of his body parts one by one.Even at
      has shaken the entire world. It’s on our Face- a stage when he was almost completely par-
      book feed, WhatsApp status, Insta updates alyzed, he made no excuses, had no self-pity,
      and almost all social media platforms. And just worked with all his passion and is dedicat-
      why wouldn’t it be?                            ed to his research.
      Stephen Hawking was one of the most brilliant     An interesting news of his day of passing
      and revolutionary minds of our time. His ideas    away being same as Albert Einstein’s birthday
      and theories have changed the landscape           is something being talked, but what if I were
      of theoretical physics world. He had such an      to tell you that he was born on Jan. 8, 1942,
      amazing passion for his work that he never al-    which happened to be the 300th anniversary
      lowed his disease of amyotrophic lateral scle-    of Galileo’s death. Isn’t that ironic?
      rosis(ALS), that gradually paralysed him over
      the decades come in his path.                     Another interesting fact about him was that he
                                                        was a children’s book author. In 2007, Stephen
      Even if he was confined to a wheelchair and       and his daughter, Lucy Hawking, collaborated
      unable to move, his brain was always travelling   to write “George’s Secret Key to the Universe”.
      the depth of cosmos, to find answers to ques-     The book is a fiction story about a young boy,
      tions unanswered by science.Stephen Hawk-         George, who rebels against his parent’s aver-
      ing has taught me the true meaning of the         sion to technology. He begins to befriend
      words ‘passion’ and ‘dedication’ towards what     neighbours, one of whom is a physicist with a
      your dream and aspiration are. Whatever be        computer. This turns out to be most powerful
      the challenge, we must stand tall and face it.    computer in the world, which offers portals to
      Stephen Hawking solved the toughest mathe-        see and enter into outer space.This book is a
      matical and physics theorems and equations,       series with the next book published in 2009.
“Quiet people have the loudest minds”             was his optimism that helped him live so long
                                                  with ALS. Just 5% of ALS patients live longer
The legend described his entire wisdom in         than 20 years, according to the ALS Associ-
that one quote. He was not the loud and bois-     ation, and it’s virtually unheard of to survive
terous one in a group, but when he spoke his      for 50 years or more. Hawking was also able
words were the point of interest of the groups.   to evade dementia that some people with ALS
He used to believe that one must be sure of       experience toward the later phases of the dis-
what they are saying, his one of the famous       ease. Such was the power of his mind.
                                                  When one looks at the journey of Stephen
“The Greatest Enemy of Ignorance is not bliss Hawking, you can feel only admiration for
but the Illusion of knowledge itself”             him. I admire the way he lived his life and
                                                  achieved such great heights in his career, that
I feel Stephen Hawking has been a guide for his name is taken with the legends of the sci-
us. He has given many theories which have entific world, Albert Einstein, Galileo etc.
changed the way scientists think about con-
cepts in physics. Here is another lesson I learnt We have lost one of the most bright minds of
from him, to always have a curious mind and our century and a great human being.
question things around us, we never know
what we might discover.                           He has taken his place in the depths of cos-
                                                  mos as the brightest shining star in the sea of
His optimism towards life was something I the unknown.
really admire.It had been some time since he
had been diagnosed with ALS when he got                                          -Hargun Singh
engaged with Jane, and he cited their engage-
ment as giving him “something to live for”.It
A sacred tree
     There is always someone in our lives who plays the role of a mentor when in doubt, a guide when the
     mind becomes chaotic, a friend when the world within seems isolated. Just like a tree, always ready
     to offer itself in different roles depending on our needs and circumstances, when all you need to do,
     is just ask! This month, we got an opportunity to talk to that someone, who plays a similar role in our
     lives. Here is an excerpt of our little talk with our Principal, Dr. Uddhav Bhosle Sir.

     1. Sir you have been involved with this insti- serve in managing both the institutes?
     tute for how long now?
                                                      A. System or procedure are more or less the
     A. It has been about 12 years since I joined same, but I do believe after taking charge of
     RGIT as the principal . I still remember the ex- RGIT I felt a drastic increase in my responsibil-
     act date of joining i.e on 31st may 2007 .       ity and authority.

     2. What changes do you feel this institute has 5. What is your opinion after student opting
     gone through under your leadership over the for masters rather than selecting job after
     years?                                         graduation?

     A. There have been may changes that I am            A. Persuing masters is a very good choice do
     proud of, we have conducted many facul-             not restrict to graduation . This is my wish that
     ty development programs to enhance our              atleast 25% students from our college should
     teaching standards with regards to courses,         do research, and not just on paper. They
     we have started additionally 3 M.E , 3 PHD          should make sure that their research is fructi-
     and 2 undergraduate programmes over the             fied in the form of product that will do good to
     past decades, to top all these we have also         our society at large.
     accomplished National accreditation for 3 un-
     dergraduate programmes and also there have          6. Don’t you think the government should
     been modulate changes in the college infra-         create an environment where the research of
     structure.                                          hardworking student are actually fructified ?

     3. These are surely tremendous accomplish- A. I think the government is already concerned
     ment, how do you feel student progress are about this issue which reflects in their scheme
     affected by them?                               like Transform India, Transform Maharashtra,
                                                     Make In India, Digital India etc also the fund-
     A. I believe our students are provided with all ing for research are almost doubled since the
     the basic activites to excel in academic and co past few years. But yes, if we want to compare
     curricular. We have well qualified professors ourselves with the research culture in the top
     with tremendous teaching skills under whose universities across the world we still have a
     guidance a student is sure to learn many long way to travel.
                                                     7. The HRD ministry recently announced that
     4. We got to know that previously you were it will be mandatory for engineering students
     the principal of MGM college before teaching from this year onwards to do atleast three in-
     charge of RGIT. What difference did you ob- ternship before graduating what is your opin-
ion on this ?                                       the best for all round development.

A. This is a very good decision students will get   10. What do you do in part time? Please tell
first hand industrial experience before they go     us about your recreational activities and hob-
out to seek jobs. They will also be introduced      bies?
to new technology and learn how to use them
which will enhance their learning and under-        A. I like to read technical books I do daily morn-
standing, this is something you won’t get by        ing and evening walk .I love to spend quality
reading books.                                      time with my family and watch movies.

8. The number of enginners graduate through-        11. What is your domain of interest and how
out the country is drastically increasing .do       do you keep yourself updated with the prog-
you see this as a good sign for a program or        ress in it?
a bad sign that there aren’t enough resources
and most of them are unemployed?                  A. My specialized domain is signal processing
                                                  . I have 4 PHD students under my guidance
A. Actually to tell you the truth, there has been doing research. Interaction on daily basis with
a considerable decline in the number of stu- them, discussing in depth various topics is the
dents wanting to pursue engineering since best way I find to keep myself updated.
last few years there are two primary resource
for them:                                         12. Lastly we are at the end of our academic
                                                  year, what is your message to the students?
1. Many engineering college have opened
2. Lack of opportunity for students               A. I want my students to be job creators and
                                                  not just job seekers. I want them to give em-
Because of these factors 40% of the seats re- ployment to others. They have to be deter-
main vacant in most college fortunately this is mined and be patient, these are 4 main reason
no such issue in RGIT so far.                     why startup fails:

9. We enthusiastically celebrated our annual 1. Overconfidence
cultural festival Zodiac 2018 last month where
most of the students actively participated. Do 2. No networking
you believe in encouraging students in partic-
ipating in other activities as well apart from 3. Financial crunch
course activities ?
                                                 4. Poor marketing
A. Yes, participation of students in such activ-
ities is important and very much appreciated. Also the investor wants the outcome immedi-
This helps them to build leadership qualities, ately which is also wrong. Our students should
learn team work and management that will not lose hope. They are leaders in themselves.
help them in the future, but they must also Patience is the key.
make sure to balance with their studies. This is

     sports   dance   drama
     “I would like to quote a verser from Bhagwad Gita, “Karmanye Vadhikaraste Maa Phaleshu
     Kadachana”. You have authority only on your duties, not on the fruits. So, work sincerely
     without bothering how things will turn out.”

                                                                                    -Prof. Satish Ket

     “I will always say, be disciplined, give respect to your elders, and most importantly, be a per-
     son with high values. This alone will shape your future.”

                                                                             -Prof. Sunil Wankhade

     “I really expect from my students to make RGIT reach new heights and make us proud. RGIT
     must be a brand name. In future, it should be the dream of every aspiring engineer to study
     in this institute. For this to fructify, hard work and dedication of students is required. “

                                                                          -Prof. Dyaneshwar Kapse

     “I would like to tell them that preparing for exams, submitting assignments and journals,
     getting passing marks or failing a subject are all a part of the engineering life. Do not wor-
     ry, you will get through. Do not restrict yourself to just the curriculum. Do something extra
     and utilize your vacation. Do internships, write technical papers and always strive for more
     knowledge. An engineer should be an all rounder. Being the Training and Placement incharge
     I would say that we have points for students with co-curricular records. So spread your wings
     and do everything you possibly can. Remember, when a student shines, the teacher is the
     one whole feels the proudest.”

                                                                           -Prof. Sharmila Gaikwad

     “My message to my students is that they should work hard, always try to gain knowledge,
     and be sincere with whatever they are doing.”

                                                                              -Prof. Swapnil Gharat

founder’s note
The last page of the of the computer maniac,

The pages were compiled from various sources by many bloggers
and the students of Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology. We started
as a small team who wanted to make knowledge of the gadgets as
lucid as possible.

The era we live in encourages drastic technological advancements
which makes a man’s life inseparable from the use of gadgets. Hence,
the goal has been to make technology understandable to a layman.
As we grew in number and ideas, we thought, why stick to technol-

We then started writing about music we have been listening to, the
one-liners we had been reading and the debates we had been living

This is going to be the end of the magazine, or the start of something

We genuinely hope the upcoming batches shall take TURING to new
highs, and wish them all the good luck.

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

                        -Vineet Trivedi, Pranav Reddy, Shreyans Jain.

team cess rgit
                         2017 - 2018
head of the department        :   Prof. satish ket

founder                       :   prof. sunil khachane

student’s co-ordinator        :   prof. bhushan patil
                                  prof. anita lahane
student’s convener                prof. dilip dalgade

president                     :   shoumik majumdar

vice president                :   shubham tapadiya

general secretary             :   nidhi vora
                                  yash shah

assistant general secretary   :   mohammad madhia

treasurer                     :   aishwarya sontakke

technical secretary           :   yash badani

digital creative secretary    :   aakanksha chaudhary

content management            :   samina boxwala
secretary                         rushabh nisher

event management              :   aparna parab
secretary                         rushabh shah

publicity secretary           :   parinita badre

webmaster                     :   seher khan

chief editor                  :   munish khurana

editorial secretary           :   anindya vinayak

magazine design & layout      :   mandar mhaske
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