HOUSTON EMPLOYMENT FORECAST - 2019 December 2018 - Greater Houston Partnership

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HOUSTON EMPLOYMENT FORECAST - 2019 December 2018 - Greater Houston Partnership

Greater Houston Partnership Research | December 2018         December 2018
HOUSTON EMPLOYMENT FORECAST - 2019 December 2018 - Greater Houston Partnership
Publication Underwritten by:

This forecast was prepared by Patrick Jankowski with assistance from Elizabeth Balderrama, Roel Gabe Martinez, Bo Nie, Josh Pherigo, Skip Kasdorf,
                    Nadia Valliani and Melissa Verhoef. This publication was designed by Marc Keosayian and Suzanne Morgan.

                                                           Cover image: Bryan Malloch
HOUSTON EMPLOYMENT FORECAST - 2019 December 2018 - Greater Houston Partnership
INTRODUCTION                                                    METRO HOUSTON FORECAST, JOB GAINS
                                                                     December ’18 - December ’19
                                                       Health Care | 9,000
The Greater Houston Partnership
forecasts the nine-county metro
Houston area will create 71,000 jobs                   Construction | 8,900
in ’19. Employment will grow in all
sectors, with health care, construction                Administrative Support and Waste Management | 7,600
and administrative services turning in
the strongest performances. Energy
                                                       Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 7,200
will continue to recover. Manufactur-
ing output will grow. Construction
activity will pick up. Retail will benefit             Manufacturing | 6,300
from population growth. Profes-
sional services will find new clients                  Restaurants | 6,000
throughout the region. And health
care will recapture its crown as the
region’s leading job generator. The                    Retail | 5,600
year should end with 3.2 million
payroll jobs, a net increase of more                   Government | 5,100
than 600,000 over the past 10 years.
Only New York, Los Angeles and
                                                       Transportation, Warehousing, Utilities | 2,600
Dallas have created more jobs over
the same period.
                                                       Wholesale | 2,400

WHERE ARE                                              Oil and Gas | 1,900

WE NOW?                                                Other Services | 1,800

Houston has emerged from one of                        Real Estate and Rental and Leasing | 1,800
the worst energy downturns of the
past 35 years. Oil prices fell by 75                   Educational Services | 1,500
percent, the rig count by 80 percent
and exploration budgets by 62                          Finance and Insurance | 1,400
percent. One in every four energy
jobs in Houston was lost.
                                                       Arts and Entertainment | 1,000
In previous downturns, a collapse in
energy prices would have devastated                    Hotels | 700
the entire economy. This time, Hous-
ton held up quite well. Job losses
in energy were offset by job gains                     Information | 200
elsewhere. Maybe the jobs didn’t pay
as well as the ones lost, but they did        Source: Greater Houston Partnership
offer opportunities for employment.
Home sales plateaued but never                options for filling it. The Federal        What does all this tell us? Oil is still
plummeted. Weaker demand helped               Deposit Insurance Corporation didn’t       important, but it no longer determines
slow the escalation of home values            step in to take over any insolvent         Houston’s fate. We survived the
that had priced many would-be                 Houston banks, unlike the ’80s, when       downturn with minimal damage to the
buyers out of the market during               all the city’s largest banks failed.       overall economy because Houston’s
the energy boom. The plunge in oil            And the local unemployment rate            ties to the U.S. and global economies
prices didn’t precipitate a collapse          rose above the national rate, but it       are as strong as its ties to the oil
in commercial real estate. However,           never reached the levels of the Great      and gas industry.
some office building owners found             Recession and stayed well below the
themselves with too much empty                peak experienced during the ’80s.
space on their hands and few good

Greater Houston Partnership Research | December 2018
HOUSTON EMPLOYMENT FORECAST - 2019 December 2018 - Greater Houston Partnership

    All forecasts are based on assump-                 •     Fluctuations in the U.S. stock                     •    People continue to move here
    tions―some reasonable, others                            market are short-lived and share                        from other cities, counties, states
    outlandish. The Partnership’s outlook                    values continue to rise.                                and countries.
    is based on the following realis-                  •     The appreciation of the dollar                     •    And the region avoids another
    tic assumptions:                                         against other major currencies has                      natural disaster like Hurricanes
    •   Real U.S. gross domestic product                     a negligible impact on trade.                           Harvey or Ike.
        (GDP), the broadest measure of                 •     Houston exporters subject to                       If a single assumption proves wrong,
        the nation’s economic activity,                      tariffs levied in the trade war                    the Partnership’s forecast would
        grows 2.7 percent or better in ’19.                  find alternate markets for their                   still hold. If two prove wrong, the
    •   U.S. job creation averages                           products.                                          forecast would need to be tweaked.
        200,000 per month, sustaining                                                                           But if three or more prove wrong,
                                                       •     Political turmoil in Washington has
        domestic demand for products                                                                            the entire forecast would need to
                                                             minimal influence on business or
        and services from Houston.                                                                              be revisited. The greatest risks to
                                                             consumer confidence.
    •   The price of West Texas Intermedi-                                                                      Houston in ’19 are from plummeting
                                                       •     Any tax law changes or environ-
        ate (WTI), the U.S. benchmark for                                                                       oil prices, interest rates that rise too
                                                             mental or business regulations
        light sweet crude, averages $55                                                                         quickly, a U.S. trade war that expands
                                                             that emanate from Washington
        per barrel or better over the year.                                                                     beyond China, or a collapse of the
                                                             have minimal repercussions on
                                                                                                                U.S. stock market that pulls business
    •   Any rise in interest rates has a                     the industries that drive Houston’s
                                                                                                                and consumer confidence down with
        minimal impact on construction or                    economy.
                                                                                                                it. Those events are possible, but not
        capital investments.
                                                                                                                probable, in ’19.


    The purpose of this forecast isn’t to              A clearer understanding of the trends                    surrounding oil prices, global trade
    score a bull’s-eye, though the Part-               driving growth or decline should help                    and politics in Washington, the more
    nership would be pleased if it did.                the business community make better                       insight, the better. Now the details
    Rather, the purpose is to highlight the            investment, staffing and purchase                        behind the numbers.
    forces shaping Houston’s economy.                  decisions. Given the uncertainty

                                METRO HOUSTON JOB GROWTH, December to December, (000s)
                                                                                                 118.8              116.7
                                        91.1               90.7                                          90.0
                                                                                         83.1                                                    85.4
    59.7                                                                                                                                  62.9
                  -1.7                                                                                                      -2.5   -2.2

    ’00     ’01    ’02    ’03    ’04    ’05     ’06        ’07    ’08     ’09      ’10     ’11    ’12     ’13        ’14    ’15    ’16    ’17    ’18*   ’19**
    Sources: Texas Workforce Commission and Greater Houston Partnership           *October YTD ** Partnership forecast

                                                                                                  Greater Houston Partnership Research | December 2018
HOUSTON EMPLOYMENT FORECAST - 2019 December 2018 - Greater Houston Partnership
in November are discussing an oil                 well and still make a profit with oil at
                                              glut. Concerns that sanctions against             $52 per barrel.
                                              Iran will create supply shortages
                                              have evaporated. Russia and Saudi                 Another period of low oil prices is
                                              Arabia, who six months ago agreed                 unlikely to lead to significant layoffs.
                                              to boost output, now hope OPEC                    After three years of job cuts, staff-
                                              will agree to production cuts at its              ing levels are thin. There’s already
                                              December meeting.                                 a worker shortage in the industry,
ENERGY                                        And the U.S. keeps on drilling. The
                                                                                                especially in the field. Firms worried
                                                                                                about losing their crews or losing
                                              U.S. rig count has inched up 34 rigs              their leases will continue to drill wells.
Oil is in the black again. In Q3/18, the      from early September to mid-No-
                                              vember. The U.S. Energy Information               Minor job cuts will still occur in ’19, but
combined profits of the 25 largest
                                              Administration (EIA) forecasts the                these will be in response to compa-
exploration, oil field service, and
                                              U.S. will produce 1.2 million more                nies selling assets or making strategic
equipment manufacturing firms
                                              barrels per day in ’19 than it did in ’18.        decisions to exit certain plays. The
exceeded $28.5 billion. Granted, the
                                              Though WTI traded in the mid-$50s                 layoffs will be offset by hiring else-
earnings of ExxonMobil, Chevron,
                                              in November, EIA expects crude to                 where, especially in oil field services,
Shell, Halliburton, Schlumberger
                                              average $65 a barrel in ’19. And a                equipment manufacturing and digital
and BP inflate the total, but even
                                              recent survey by the Federal Reserve              analysis. Hiring will more than offset
the majority of smaller firms are
                                              Bank of Dallas found that most firms              job losses. On net, the Partnership’s
profitable again.
                                              in the Eleventh District can drill a              forecast calls for the energy industry
The downturn cost Houston 86,400                                                                to add 1,900 jobs in ’19.
high-paying energy jobs. Since the
recovery began, about 24,400 jobs
have been recouped, that’s less than
                                                                                ENERGY OVERVIEW
a third of the region’s losses. More
than 160 exploration, oil field service                                                     Peak              Trough          Most Recent
and midstream companies in Texas
filed for bankruptcy during the down-          U.S. Rig Count                             1,931                   404                1,081
turn. Three years of layoffs, cost-cut-
ting and restructuring has made                Oil Prices (WTI, $/bbl)                 $107.95                $26.19                $59.93
those which survived leaner, more              U.S. Exploration Budgets
productive and more cost-conscious.            (Billions)                              $231.80                $88.20               $132.50
That’s a good thing since the indys-           Houston Energy
                                                                                       300,100              213,700                237,700
try’s outlook changes rather quickly.          Employment
In less than six weeks, the price of
                                               Sources: Baker Hughes, U.S. Energy Information Administration, Oil & Gas Journal,
domestic crude has fallen by $20 per           Texas Workforce Commission
barrel. Analysts that in September
spoke of the markets finally balancing

                                              Depending upon which report one                   when job losses and energy bank-
                                              reads, in Q3/18 Houston recorded                  ruptcies peaked.
                                              either its first positive or least nega-
                                              tive absorption in nearly four years.             The office market, however, has a
                                              The timing of the reports fits the                long way to go before it recovers.
                                              historic pattern for the region. Office           Brokerage reports place the amount
                                              activity tends to lag behind the rest of          of vacant space at 50 to 60 million

CONSTRUCTION                                  the economy by two years going into               square feet. That’s equivalent to
                                              a recession and two years coming                  1,300 acres of office space, which
                                              out. For Houston, the bottom of the               would be a decent size ranch in most
                                              most recent downturn was mid-’16,                 Texas counties.

Greater Houston Partnership Research | December 2018
The office vacancy rate currently                              OFFICE SPACE UNDER CONSTRUCTION
    stands in the low 20s. A healthier                                      Million Square Feet
    rate would be in the mid-teens. In
    a normal year, the market absorbs                                                    20.0
    2 to 4 million square feet of space,
    suggesting that Houston needs four
    to five years of healthy absorption to
    bring the direct vacancy rate down to
    a less concerning level.                                                                          10.2

    The good news is that builders have                                5.5
    stopped building, at least in the             3.4
    office market. As of Q3/18, less than                   2.6                                                   2.1     2.4         2.9
    three million square feet was under
    construction, much of it preleased.
                                                Q3/10      Q3/11      Q3/12   Q3/13    Q3/14        Q3/15        Q3/16   Q3/17       Q3/18
    And CoStar projects less than 2.0
    million square feet will be built in ’19   Source: Transwestern
    and again in ’20.

    The industrial market (warehouse,          More than 11 million square feet of                    HOUSTON INDUSTRIAL
    distribution and manufacturing) has        space is currently under construction
    fared much better. Developers have         and will be delivered in the next six
                                                                                                        SPACE DELIVERED
                                                                                                             Million Square Feet
    delivered 53 million square feet of        to 12 months. That volume equates
    space since over the past five years       to about two percent of existing                 Year                                  Peak
    yet the current vacancy rate stands        inventory. Only a third is preleased,
    at 5.1 percent. The needs of e-com-        however. The speed at which the                  ’14                                    8.5
    merce, Houston’s growing population        speculative space is leased will signal
    and activity at the Port of Houston        whether the market is overbuilt or               ’15                                   13.3
    continue to drive industrial demand.       warrants more warehouses and distri-
                                               bution centers.                                  ’16                                   13.8

                                                                                                ’17                                    8.8
    The onslaught of e-commerce                square feet is under construction,               UC**                                  11.2
    hasn’t dampened demand for retail          of which 75 percent is preleased.
    space. The vacancy rate was 5.4            Given projected population, income               Total                               53.164
    percent in Q3/18 compared to 6.3           and job growth, developers should                Source: CoStar
    percent in Q3/13, and that’s after         face no difficulty leasing space now
                                                                                                ** Under Construction as of Q3/18
    developers have added 28.2 million         under construction or any that breaks
    square feet of space to the market         ground next year.
    over the period. Another 4.7 million

    Conventional wisdom holds that             developers build Class A apartments,         The market signals are somewhat
    the apartment market shifts from           typically those in the best loca-            muddled because of Hurricane
    tenant-favorable to landlord-favor-        tions with a high level of amenities.        Harvey. Thousands of Houstonians
    able whenever occupancy tops 90            Class A occupancy stood at 87.8              with flood-damaged homes moved
    percent. Landlords can then raise          percent in October ’18, well above           into apartments immediately after the
    rents without losing tenants and           the May ’16 nadir of 76.5 percent            storm, boosting occupancy and lifting
    developers can break ground on new         but below the inflection point for a         rents. Many in the real estate commu-
    projects, confident they will lease up     landlord-favorable market. Class A           nity took this as a sign the market
    quickly once completed.                    rents have trended up since late-’17,        needs more apartments. But the
                                               but flattened in mid-’18 and even            Harvey effect is fading. Leases signed
    With a few exceptions, most Houston        slipped a bit since.                         immediately after the storm are now

                                                                                  Greater Houston Partnership Research | December 2018
expiring. Some renters are renewing           packing during the holiday season. A         21,300 added in ’16 and the 20,300
while others are moving back home.            clearer picture of the market should         added in ’15, the height of the build-
Complicating matters, absorption              emerge after the first of the year.          ing boom. If the Partnership’s jobs
always turns negative in the fourth                                                        forecast proves accurate, the market
quarter. Families are reluctant to            The good news is that apartment              could absorb another 12,000 units
relocate once the school year begins.         construction remains subdued.                in ’19 without negatively affecting
Others want to avoid the chaos of             Developers are on pace to add                rents or occupancy.
                                              8,200 units in ’18, well below the

New home construction also has held           difficult for some families to qualify       ton are for homes priced between
up well. As of Q3/18, Houston was             for a mortgage, local builders have          $200,000 and $400,000. Popula-
second in the nation in housing starts,       become resourceful at controlling            tion and job growth next year will
behind Dallas-Fort Worth. Though              costs and maintaining affordability.         support an increase in single-family
rising interest rates will make it more       Seventy percent of all starts in Hous-       starts in ’19.

A number of large projects are in the         •   Construction could begin in late         •   And in the four elections held
works that could boost construction               ’19 on the first phase of the $15-bil-       since November ’17, local vot-
activity in ’19 and ’20:                          lion bullet train between Houston            ers approved $8.7 billion in
                                                  and Dallas.                                  city, county and school district
•   Germany-based Convestro plans
                                                                                               construction bonds. This figure
    to start construction in ’19 on a         •   Houston City Council recently
                                                                                               includes the $2.5 billion Harris
    $1.7 billion methylene diphenyl               approved $1.23 billion for improve-
                                                                                               County voters approved in August
    diisocyanate plant in Baytown.                ments to Mickey Leland Inter-
                                                                                               ’18 for flood control.
                                                  national Terminal, the Federal
•   LyondellBasel recently broke
                                                  Inspection Services building and         Other than the office and multifam-
    ground on a $2.4 billion propylene
                                                  other facilities at Bush Interconti-     ily sectors, construction activity is
    oxide and tertiary butyl alcohol
                                                  nental Airport.                          holding steady or picking up. Hiring
    plant in Channelview.
                                                                                           should benefit. The forecast calls for
•   McNair Interests plans to break
                                                                                           the sector to add 8,900 jobs in ‘19.
    ground next year on a $500-mil-
    lion, high-end mixed-use develop-
    ment in the Uptown/Galleria area.

                                              commercial clients. Wholesale falls          jobs in ’15 and ’16. Nondurables fared
                                              into two categories, durables (goods         much better, with job growth essen-
                                              typically lasting three or more years)       tially flat in ’15 and showing marginal
                                              and non-durables (goods easily               growth in ’16.
                                              consumed or that become compo-
                                              nents of another good).                      As noted earlier, the outlook for
                                                                                           energy is improving. For manufac-

WHOLESALE                                     In Houston, wholesalers’ fortunes
                                              tend to follow one of two paths—they
                                                                                           turing it’s the brightest it’s been in
                                                                                           years. That growth should spill over
TRADE                                         track manufacturing, which tends to
                                              track the oil and gas industry, or they
                                                                                           into durables wholesale trade. Strong
                                                                                           employment and population growth
                                              follow retail sales, which tend to track     should lift nondurables as well. The
Wholesalers are the classic middle-           population, income and job growth.           forecast calls for wholesale trade to
men, buying in bulk from manufactur-                                                       add 2,400 jobs in ’19.
ers, consolidating their purchases into       The recent downturn in the oil and
warehouses, then reselling in smaller         gas industry was hard on durables
quantities to retail, industrial and          goods wholesalers, the sector losing

Greater Houston Partnership Research | December 2018
reached during the fracking boom.         Asian nation. The dollar continues
                                                In October ’18, the typical manufac-      to strengthen, making U.S. goods
                                                turing worker logged a 44.9-hour          more expensive to foreign buyers.
                                                week, up from 41.3 hours in March         And two-thirds of the respondents
                                                ’16, the bottom of the downturn. And      to a recent manufacturing survey by
                                                the May ’17 issue of Site Selection       the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
                                                rated Houston the top global metro        reported difficulty in hiring workers.
    MANUFACTURING                               for metals, machinery and equip-
                                                ment, and chemicals and plastics          The forecast sees continued growth
                                                manufacturing. Evidently, others have     in manufacturing tied to upstream
                                                read the report. Since the begin-         energy, but at a slower pace than in
    The outlook for manufacturing is the
                                                ning of the year, 60 manufacturing        ’18. Shipments of chemicals, plas-
    brightest it’s been in years. The surge
                                                concerns have announced plans to          tics and refined products should
    in exploration activity is driving the
                                                locate, expand or consolidate opera-      expand as plants constructed during
    demand for oil field equipment. The
                                                tions in Houston.                         the building boom find markets for
    recent $60-billion expansion of the
                                                                                          their products overseas. And the
    region’s chemical industry has led to
                                                On the downside, growth in the U.S.       strong U.S. economy should spur
    increased exports of plastics, resins
                                                rig count may have peaked. Orders         further demand for goods “Made
    and refined products. The region
                                                for new pumps, pipes and engines          in Houston.” The forecast calls for
    created 11,400 manufacturing jobs
                                                may slow as a result. The ongoing         the manufacturing sector to add
    in the first 10 months of ’18, but it’s
                                                U.S.-China trade dispute will eventu-     6,300 jobs in ’19.
    still 30,000 jobs short of the peak
                                                ally impact Houston’s exports to the

                                         METRO HOUSTON MANUFACTURING EMPLOYMENT
                                                                                 Machinery and Metals
                                                                          44% 99,450 Jobs

                                                                          26% Chemicals, Refining, Plastics
                                                                                 58,960 Jobs
                                                                                 Computers and Electronics
                                                                            8% 18,970 Jobs
                                                                                 Food and Beverages
                                                                            7% 15,610 Jobs
                                                                                 Printing and Paper
                                                                            3% 6,510 Jobs
                                                                                 Cement and Concrete Product Manufacturing
                                                                            2% 4,760 Jobs
                                                                                 Transportation Equipment
                                                                            2% 5,100 Jobs

                                                                             1% Furniture and Appliances
                                                                                 2,650 Jobs
                                                                                 Wood Products
                                                                            2% 3,160 Jobs
                                                                                 Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing
                                                                             1% 1,920 Jobs
                                                                                 Textiles and Apparel
                                                                             1% 2,110 Jobs
                                                                                 Miscellanous Manufacturing
                                                                            3% 6,700 Jobs

    Source: Texas Workforce Commission

                                                                                 Greater Houston Partnership Research | December 2018

                                               Sector                                                        Jobs     % of Sector

                                               Freight Forwarding, Cargo Handling                          30,322           24.5

                                               Trucking                                                    25,876           20.9

                                               Air Transportation                                          19,631           15.9

                                               Warehousing                                                 17,481           14.1
The jobs in this sector come in all
                                               Pipelines                                                   11,259               9.1
modes—air, water, trucking, rail, pipe-
line, couriers, bus, freight forwarding        Couriers                                                    11,207               9.1
and stevedoring. Each has a different
economic driver:                               Water Transportation                                         3,993               3.2
•   AIR: business and leisure travel
                                               Buses and Taxis                                              3,945               3.2
•   WATER: international trade, fuels
    and chemicals production                   Total                                                  123,714             100.0
•   TRUCKING: manufacturing,
                                               *As of June ’18
    wholesaling and port traffic
                                               Source: Texas Workforce Commission
•   PIPELINES: oil and gas
•   WAREHOUSING: manufacturing                           HOUSTON-GALVESTON CUSTOMS DISTRICT TRAFFIC
    and wholesaling                                           September YTD, Millions of Metric Tons
•   SUPPORT SERVICES: all the                                                                                            215.6
•   UTILITIES: commercial and resi-
    dential construction

With the improvement of Houston’s                198.2
economy, business and leisure travel
has picked up. The Houston Airport
System will likely set a record for                                                         189.4
passenger traffic in ’18. Trade via the                                             184.7
region’s four ports continues to grow.
Through September, overall tonnage                                                                  180.2
is up 9.9 percent compared to last
year. Midstream companies can’t
build pipelines fast enough to bring
crude from the Permian Basin to the
refineries and export terminals on
the Texas Gulf Coast. And the region
continues to add new homes and
commercial buildings that will require
service from the local utilities. The
forecast assumes these trends will
continue and calls for this industry               ’11           ’12    ’13          ’14     ’15     ’16        ’17       ’18
group to add 2,600 jobs in ’19.               Source: WISERTrade

Greater Houston Partnership Research | December 2018

                                                                                                         $62,580     $62,552

    RETAIL                                          $59,827

    The fundamentals that drive
    retail—jobs, population, income,
    home construction, access to                       ’11          ’12           ’13          ’14            ’15       ’16           ’17
    credit and consumer confidence—                Source: U.S. Census Bureau
    all favor Houston.
                                              INCOME: After several years of stag-               CONSUMER CONFIDENCE: Data
    JOBS: After two years of stagnation,      nation, average household income                   from the Federal Housing Finance
    job growth returned to Houston in         rose in ’17, and total salaries paid to            Agency show home values in Hous-
    late ’17. Employment is forecasted to     workers in the Houston area in Q2/18               ton have risen 15.1 percent over the
    grow above trend through the end of       were up $2.2 billion, or 5.0 percent,              past three years. Not withstanding
    ’18 and likely through ’19, and―barring   from Q2/17. They’re still down from                the recent drops, the Dow Jones
    a collapse in oil prices or a national    the historic peak, however.                        Industrial Average is up nearly 65
    downturn―into ’20 as well.                                                                   percent from five years ago. As a
                                              HOME CONSTRUCTION: Develop-                        result, Houstonians should have
    POPULATION: Metro Houston                 ers will build more houses in ’19 than
    added nearly 950,000 residents                                                               more in their IRAs, 401(k)s and mutual
                                              they did in ’18. As the adage goes,                funds, and their homes are likely
    between April 1, 2010 and July 1, 2017.   “Retail follows rooftops.” New home
    Roughly 55 percent of the growth                                                             worth more now than at the begin-
                                              construction will draw retailers to                ning of the decade. Consumers who
    came from natural increase (births        Houston’s suburbs.
    minus deaths) and 45 percent from                                                            feel they are financially better off are
    net migration (people moving here                                                            likely to spend more.
                                              ACCESS TO CREDIT: According
    minus those moving out). Various          to Equifax, the share of the region’s              All factors that support retail growth
    forecasts suggest the region will add     population with subprime credit                    align in Houston’s favor. The fore-
    600,000 to 700,000 residents over         scores continues to decline, suggest-              cast calls for the sector to add
    the next five years.                      ing local consumers are finding it                 5,600 jobs in ’19.
                                              easier to finance their purchases.

                                              M ETRO HOUSTON POPULATION
                   Population                                                              Change from Prior Year      Annual Growth Rate
    ’11                  6,057,947                                                               110,528                      1.9%

    ’12                          6,183,726                                                       125,779                       2.1%

    ’13                                6,329,553                                                 145,827                       2.4%

    ’14                                       6,496,862                                          167,309                       2.6%

    ’15                                                      6,664,187                           167,325                       2.6%

    ’16                                                            6,798,010                     133,823                       2.0%

    ’17                                                                   6,892,427                  94,417                   1.4%

    Source: U.S. Census Bureau

                                                                                        Greater Houston Partnership Research | December 2018
in the city. Corpus Christi-based
                                              American Bank and Kansas City-
                                                                                                    METRO HOUSTON
                                              based Commerce Bank plan to enter                     BANK OVERVIEW
                                              the Houston market, but each will                                          Deposits
                                              open a single branch. Most out-of-           Year           Branches
                                                                                                                         $ Billions
                                              town banks are entering the market
                                              by acquiring an existing Houston
                                                                                          ’08                 1,545           109.3
                                              bank. Six such deals have been
FINANCE AND                                   announced over the past 12 months.          ’09                 1,542           118.2

INSURANCE                                     Meanwhile, JPMorgan Chase plans to
                                              close its fraud protection and work-
                                                                                          ’10                 1,558           137.1
                                              force management units in Houston           ’11                 1,534            154
Finance and insurance includes                eliminating 102 jobs. And Wells Fargo
commercial banks, credit unions,              has announced plans to cut head-            ’12                 1,530           179.1
insurance brokers, insurance carriers,        count nationwide by 10 percent over
investment advisors, mortgage bank-           the next three years. More cuts will        ’13                 1,526            208
ers and security brokerages.                  come as the industry reassesses the
                                              role branches and staff play in a world     ’14                 1,514           242.5
Employment growth has been flat               where most customers handle their
in recent years as banks close                banking on mobile phones.                   ’15                 1,492           215.2
branches, replace tellers with ATMs
and devote more resources to                  On the finance and insurance side,          ’16                 1,483           219.2
online banking. Houston now has               Houston’s population continues to
125 fewer branches (an 8.1 percent            grow, expanding the potential pool of       ’17                 1,450           240.9
drop) than it did 10 years ago. Bank          auto, home, life and health insurance
deposits, however, are up $136.3              customers, and the need for addi-           ’18                 1,420           245.6
billion (a 124.7 percent increase) over       tional agents, claims processors and        *As of June 30 th each year.
the same period.                              managers to service those accounts.         Source: Federal Deposit Insurance
                                              Though banking will likely cut jobs in      Corporation
A handful of institutions have expan-         ’18, insurance will add enough jobs to
sion plans in the works. Frost Bank           offset those losses. The forecast calls
will build 25 new financial centers           for the sector to gain 1,400 jobs in ’19.
in Houston over the next two years,
nearly doubling its current presence

                                              Real estate and rental and leas-            ments to the market. Home sales will
                                              ing includes the sale, leasing and          remain strong in ’19. Consumer rent-
                                              management of real property                 als have grown with the population.
                                              (single-family homes, apartments,           Heavy equipment rentals saw a boost
                                              office buildings, warehouses) plus          from post-Harvey cleanup, but that
                                              the rental of vehicles, appliances,         activity has wound down.
                                              furniture, construction and industrial
                                              equipment. All depend on growth of          ’19 should be a year when real estate
REAL ESTATE AND                               the broader economy.                        sales activity picks up and equip-
                                                                                          ment leasing benefits from strong
RENTAL AND                                    Leasing of office space has begun to        construction activity. The subsector

                                              pick up. The industrial market is the       should finish the year with a net gain
                                              strongest of all commercial sectors.        of 1,800 jobs.
                                              Developers continue to add apart-

Greater Houston Partnership Research | December 2018
•   Lower reimbursements by the             to visit the doctor, the clinic and the
                                                  federal government for patients         hospital more frequently.
                                                  treated under Medicare and
                                                  Medicaid;                               With Democrats now controlling
                                                                                          the U.S. House of Representatives,
                                              •   Consumers, facing higher deduct-        Congress is unlikely to repeal the
                                                  ibles, who become more selective        Affordable Care Act. The ACA has
                                                  about when and how they seek            substantially increased the number
     HEALTH CARE AND                              treatment; and                          of Houstonians with health care

                                              •   Competition from health care pro-       insurance. But with Republicans
                                                  viders outside traditional settings.    controlling the senior leadership
                                                                                          positions in Austin, Texas is unlikely
                                              Twenty years ago, most patients             to expand Medicaid coverage. Texas
     Several health care providers—CHI        received their care in a doctor’s office    is one of only 14 states not to do so.
     St. Luke’s, Memorial Hermann Health      or hospital. Now, patients might visit      As a result, Texas still has the larg-
     System, University of Texas MD           a clinic inside a pharmacy, an urgent       est population without insurance
     Anderson, Bay Area Medical Center,       care facility in a shopping center or       coverage in the U.S. The resistance
     East Houston Medical Center, Kindred     seek diagnosis and a prescription via       to expanding Medicaid will continue
     Hospital—announced layoffs in ’17        teleconference over the internet.           to place a strain on hospital budgets
     and the sector lost jobs for the first
                                                                                          and local property tax payers.
     time in Houston’s history. Though        While the industry is under constant
     the loss was small, only 1,400 jobs,     pressure to control costs, its patient      The forecast assumes population and
     it was a loss nonetheless and a          load continues to expand. The region        job growth will continue, U.S. and
     shock for a sector that added 10,000     records 100,000 births each year.           state legislators make no significant
     or more jobs each of the previous        Each baby begins a cycle of check-          changes to the ACA, Medicare and
     three years. The loss challenged the     ups, vaccinations and treatments            Medicaid programs, and there won’t
     widely held belief that health care in   for typical childhood illnesses. The        be mass layoffs at area hospitals. The
     Houston will grow ad infinitum and       region adds population every year           sector should create 9,000 jobs in ’19.
     cushion the region against downturns     through net migration. Each arrival
     in other sectors.                        will eventually need to find a doctor,
                                              dentist or preferred clinic in their new
     Health care faces a number of            hometown. And Houston’s over-
     ongoing challenges:                      65 population expands by 30,000
     •   Pressure from insurance compa-       residents each year. As seniors deal
         nies to control costs;               with the maladies of aging, they tend

                                              The sector includes employment              can be attributed to the long-term
                                              services (contract workers), services       trend of firms outsourcing as many
                                              to buildings (janitors and maids),          non-core operations as possible
                                              investigation and security services         and relying on contract workers for
                                              (guards and watchmen), administra-          functions once performed by perma-
                                              tive and business support services          nent full-time employees. This is true

                                              (back office operations), and waste         for both blue-collar and white-col-
                                              collection and treatment (garbage           lar occupations.

     SUPPORT AND                              collection and disposal).
                                                                                          As Houston’s economy continues

                                              From the bottom of Great Reces-             to improve, firms will hire additional
                                              sion (January ’10) until September          contract workers to handle increasing
     MANAGEMENT                               ’18 (the most recent data available
                                              at this writing), the sector added
                                                                                          demand, outsourcing will expand and
                                                                                          firms will sign new contracts to main-
     AND REMEDIATION                          75,900 jobs, a 50.0 percent increase.
                                              Only the restaurant sector added
                                                                                          tain their landscaping and protect
                                                                                          their properties. The forecast calls for
     SERVICES                                 more―79,300 jobs, a 44.1 percent
                                              increase. Much of the sector’s growth
                                                                                          the sector to create 7,600 jobs in ’19.

                                                                                 Greater Houston Partnership Research | December 2018
smorgasbord of activities—amuse-           With the exception of the major
                                              ment parks, arcades, botanical             institutions, like the Houston Texans,
                                              gardens, bowling centers, fitness          the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
                                              and sports centers, golf courses and       or 24-Hour Fitness, most firms in the
                                              country clubs, marinas, museums,           sector are modest enterprises with
                                              musical groups, parks, racetracks,         small staffs. Additions to payroll come
                                              spectator sports, theaters and zoos.       one or two employees at a time.

                                                                                         Significant growth occurs only when
                                              Employment in the sector is highly         a new museum or amusement park
                                              seasonal, peaking in the summer
ENTERTAINMENT,                                months when children are out of
                                                                                         enters the market. The Partnership
                                                                                         doesn’t anticipate any major events
                                              school, families are on vacation and       of this nature in ’19. Growth will be
                                              Houstonians are spending more              organic and based on the same
                                              time outdoors. The start of the arts       factors influencing retail growth—
The sector might be more appro-               season offsets some of the losses          income, population and employment.
priately named “Culture, Play and             in outdoor activities in the fall, and     The forecast calls for the sector to
Fitness,” or “Things Houstonians Do           the sector almost always ends up           add 1,000 jobs in ’19.
in Their Spare Time.” It includes a           with net job gains.

                                              sound recording; radio and television      it is, tends to occur in years in which
                                              broadcasting; telecommunications;          Houston is already experiencing
                                              data processing; news services and         strong gains elsewhere in the econ-
                                              internet publishing. The sector has        omy. The forecast assumes Houston’s
                                              lost jobs in 12 out of the last 20 years   robust economic health causes this
                                              and overall employment is substan-         downward trend to pause, the sector
INFORMATION                                   tial lower than it was two decades         adding 200 jobs by year’s end.
                                              ago. Social media has reduced the
                                              roles of print and broadcast media
The information sector includes               and technology continues to replace
newspaper, magazine and book                  labor in telecommunications. Still,
publishers; software publishers;              the sector does occasionally add
motion picture and video production;          employment. Job growth, meager as

                                              The sector includes private elemen-        of public education, workers seek-
                                              tary, middle and high schools; private     ing to upgrade skills to pursue new
                                              junior and senior colleges and univer-     careers or hang on to the ones they
                                              sities; for-profit business, vocational    have, and aggressive marketing by
                                              and technical training programs; and       private universities. The forecast
                                              education support services.                assumes all these factors remain in
EDUCATIONAL                                   A number of factors drive enrollment:
                                                                                         place in ’19 and calls for the sector to
                                                                                         create 1,500 jobs.
SERVICES                                      a growing school age population,
                                              parents’ concerns about the quality

Greater Houston Partnership Research | December 2018
tific, technical services,” category, the     growth provides opportunities for
                                              catchall for any service that doesn’t         firms throughout the sector. Over
                                              fit in the categories neatly outlined         the past 20 years, the sector has
                                              above. This is one sector, however,           added on average 4,700 jobs a year,
                                              where the Partnership believes job            substantially more in boom years,
                                              growth has been overstated and will           significantly less in lean times. Job
                                              be revised downward in March.                 growth throughout Houston should
     PROFESSIONAL,                            The forecast assumes that U.S.
                                                                                            be better than average next year. The
                                                                                            forecast calls for professional, scien-
     SCIENTIFIC AND                           economic growth remains strong,
                                              that the energy industry continues
                                                                                            tific and technical services to create

                                                                                            7,200 jobs in ’19.
                                              to improve, and that local economic

     SERVICES                                            METRO HOUSTON PROFESSIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND
                                                                   TECHNICAL SERVICES*
     Identified with white-collar jobs and
     billable hours, professional, scien-
     tific and technical services includes     Sector                                                                 #    % of Total
     accounting, engineering, architec-
     ture, law, computer systems design,      Management and technical consulting services                      4,890           24.5
     management consulting, research
     labs, advertising, marketing and         Legal services                                                    3,647           18.3
     public relations firms.
                                              Computer systems design and related services                      3,627           18.2
     During the fracking boom, the sector
     added 44,600 jobs, a 25.6 percent        Architectural and engineering services                            3,035           15.2
     increase. During the bust, the
     sector lost 5,700 jobs, a 2.6 percent    Accounting and bookkeeping services                               2,350           11.8
     decrease. Most of the job losses
     occurred in architecture and engi-       Other professional and technical services                         1,037             5.2
     neering as energy firms delayed or
     cancelled projects and chemical plant    Specialized design services                                         538             2.7
     and office construction wound down.
                                              Advertising, PR, and related services                               474             2.4
     Growth returned in mid-’17, and the
     year finished strong with a net gain     Scientific research and development services                        338             1.7
     of 9,400 jobs. The biggest gains are
     in management consulting, followed       Total                                                           19,936          100.0
     by the “all other professional, scien-   *As of June ‘18
                                              Source: Texas Workforce Commission

                                              Other services includes repair shops          nizations. The sector is dominated
                                              (automotive, electronic equipment,            by small firms with few employees.
                                              household appliances), personal care          Employment growth here tends to
                                              (barber and beauty shops, nail salons,        mirror that in the overall economy.
                                              weight loss centers), funeral parlors         The forecast calls for the sector to
                                              and cemeteries, dry cleaners and              create 1,800 jobs in ’19.
                                              laundries, and membership orga-


                                                                                   Greater Houston Partnership Research | December 2018
boost demand in ‘18, occupancy and        FOOD SERVICES
                                              revenues have slipped.
                                                                                        Restaurants and bars have a notori-
                                              Future growth will depend on the          ously high failure rate, but every year
                                              opening of new hotels and motels,         the region gains more than establish-
                                              each needing additional manag-            ments it loses. Houston has 3,200
                                              ers, clerks and maids to operate.         more bars and restaurants today
                                              CBRE estimates there are 40 hotels        than it did a decade ago, along with
ACCOMMODATION                                 (15 upper-priced, 25 lower-priced)        79,300 additional jobs in those eating
AND FOOD SERVICES                             currently under construction. These
                                              will add another 5,200 rooms to the
                                                                                        and drinking places.

                                              market, boosting inventory by 4.5         Growth depends on several factors—
ACCOMMODATION                                 percent. Unfortunately, CBRE also         increases in budgets for business
                                              forecasts demand to grow only 4.3         entertaining, growing consumer confi-
Hotel occupancy depends heav-                                                           dence, healthy job growth, increas-
                                              percent, resulting in a drop in occu-
ily on business travel and tourism.                                                     ingly hectic lifestyles, consumers’
                                              pancy rate and revenue. The new
After struggling for two years under                                                    willingness to try new concepts, and
                                              hotels will need to be staffed, but not
the weight of the energy downturn,                                                      lack of will or skill to cook at home.
                                              to the levels they would be if demand
occupancy and revenues picked up in                                                     Houston should see a net gain of 300
                                              were stronger. The forecast calls for
’17, first with the onslaught of visitors                                               bars and restaurants next year, as
                                              the sector to add 700 jobs in ’19.
for Super Bowl LI, then again when                                                      strong economic, population and job
flood victims displaced by Hurricane                                                    growth support a host of new open-
Harvey sought shelter in hotels and                                                     ings. The Partnership forecasts food
motels. Absent any similar events to                                                    services to add 6,000 jobs in ’19.

                                                                                                TOTAL TAXABLE
                                              As the region’s population grows,                PROPERTY VALUE*
                                              so does the need to expand police
                                                                                         9 -County Houston Metro Area
                                              and fire protection, water and sewer
                                              services, libraries and road repairs.                  (Billions)
                                              The ability to expand those services
                                              depends on funding. Local munici-         ’13                    $460.2
                                              palities depend heavily on property

GOVERNMENT                                    and sales taxes, counties mainly on
                                              property taxes and school districts       ’14                        $506.6
                                              on property taxes, state funds and
                                              federal grants.
The public sector employs 400,000
Houstonians, making it the leading                                                      ’15                            $566.1
                                              Property values in all nine metro
employer in the region. Approx-               counties have grown substantially
imately two-thirds work at state-             over the past five years. For example,
funded universities, community                                                          ’16                               $611.0
                                              appraised property values in Harris
colleges and school districts. Cities,        County, the City of Houston and the
counties and state and local agen-            Houston Independent School District
cies employ another 90,000. Fewer             (HISD) are up 48.3 percent, 48.6          ’17                                 $636.6
than 30,000 Houstonians, less than            percent and 52.1 percent respectively
1.0 percent of all workers, are on the        over the past five years.                               Change ’13-’17
federal payroll.                                                                                    $176.4       38.3%
                                              Sales tax revenues tend to mirror the
                                                                                        Source: Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Greater Houston Partnership Research | December 2018
business cycle. Collections for the 10     disadvantaged and one-third are                   Federal employment―NASA, the U.S.
     most populous metro areas stagnated        English Language Learners (ELL) and               Postal Service, U.S. district courts,
     during ’15 and ’16 and began improv-       require a higher level of engagement              and more―has grown marginally over
     ing in ’17. Through the first 11 months    and resources to educate. For the                 the past decade, federal payrolls
     months of ’18, collections for the         ’18-’19 school year, HISD’s recapture             expanding by 200 to 300 in a typi-
     group were up 9.2 percent.                 payment exceeded $240 million.                    cal year, an insignificant increase in
                                                HISD is not alone. More than 400                  a region with more than 3.1 million
     The trends in property values and          districts across the state, 18 in the             jobs. State employment in fields
     sales tax collections suggest the          Houston area, are considered proper-              other than education has followed a
     region’s municipalities should have        ty-rich and required to send money to             similar pattern.
     the revenues to expand services,           Austin. This limits their ability to hire
     which translates into expanding            additional teachers and staff to serve            Given all these factors, even with a
     payroll. But the City of Houston is a      the larger populations. Over the past             healthy economy Houston is unlikely
     special case. In ’04, residents voted      five years, enrollments in the Houston            to see a surge in public sector
     to amend the city charter to limit         area school districts have increased              employment in ’19. Any growth will be
     the annual growth of property tax          by more than 120,00 students.                     modest. The forecast calls for 5,100
     revenue to the combined rates of                                                             jobs to be added next year.
     inflation and population growth, or
     4.5 percent, whichever is lower. Fiscal
     year ’17 was the third year the char-                                  SALES TAX ALLOCATIONS
     ter amendment capped property tax
                                                                          Millions, November Year To Date
     revenues. That will likely occur in ’18
                                                                       10 Most Populous Houston Area Cities
     and ’19 as well.

     And in the November ’18 election,                                                                    Change From Previous Year
                                                 City                                           YTD '18
     voters approved Houston firefight-                                                                            $                  %
     ers receiving pay parity with Hous-
     ton police officers. Mayor Sylvester
                                                Houston                                     630.658            48.139                8.2
     Turner estimates the cost to the city
     at roughly $100 million. Given that
                                                Pasadena                                        31.493           2.185               7.4
     Houston is not allowed to raise taxes
     to pay for the salary increase, the city
     will need to cut expenses elsewhere.       Pearland                                        30.881           2.825              10.1
     Mayor Turner has said this could
     lead to layoffs of as many as 800          League City                                     21.523           2.447              12.8
     city employees.
                                                Sugar Land                                      48.982           4.750              10.7
     HISD faces similar constraints. In ’93,
     the Texas State Legislature created        Baytown                                         19.710           1.504               8.3
     a recapture system, more commonly
     known as “Robin Hood,” to redistrib-       Missouri City                                    9.038           1.149              14.6
     ute tax money from school districts
     with high property values to districts
                                                Conroe                                          45.254           5.540              13.9
     with low property values. The Texas
     Education Agency (TEA) has desig-
                                                Galveston                                       19.721           1.029               5.5
     nated HISD a property-rich district,
     meaning HISD must share its wealth
     with property-poor districts in the        Texas City                                      21.891           3.353              18.1
     state. No consideration is made for
     the fact that three-fourths of Hous-       Friendswood                                      7.778           1.445              22.8
     ton ISD’s students are economically
                                                La Porte                                         9.322           1.259              15.6

                                                Source: Texas Comptrollers of Public Accounts

                                                                                      Greater Houston Partnership Research | December 2018

The Partnership’s forecast for 71,000         be included in the 12-month calcula-          administrative records, especially
jobs in ’19 may seem low in light of          tions and TWC will report substan-            unemployment insurance premiums
recent Texas Workforce Commission             tially lower numbers.                         which more accurately reflect the
(TWC) reports that the region created                                                       number of workers on payroll. These
114,000 jobs in the 12 months ending          Second, employment estimates will             annual “benchmark” revisions are
October ’18. One must take those              be revised in March, and because              often significant. That will likely be
reports with a grain of salt.                 current estimates don’t comport with          the case with the ’18 data because
                                              other indicators such as office and           the recent monthly TWC estimates
First, the October 12-month total             apartment absorption, the revisions           paint a picture of regional job growth
includes November and December                likely will show slower growth than is        that seems both implausible and
’17, months in which Harvey recovery          currently being reported. The monthly         unsustainable. In anticipation of
efforts helped to stimulate the local         TWC report is based on a survey               downward revisions in the estimates,
economy. Construction, retail, restau-        of employers. Like any survey, it’s           the Partnership has elected to base
rants, wholesale trade and employ-            subject to error, especially when TWC         its ’19 forecast on a more subdued
ment services set records for job             estimates employment for nonreport-           picture of regional job growth in the
growth at the end of ’17. As Houston          ing establishments. The revisions             wake of Harvey.
moves into ’19, those months won’t            released in March will be based on

                                               Jobs (000s)

                                     33.9                                            34.3


                                                                            7.3               8.0


                                                             -18.1                                                   -18.3

 ’02      ’03      ’04     ’05       ’06    ’07        ’08   ’09     ’10    ’11      ’12      ’13     ’14     ’15     ’16     ’17
Source: Texas Workforce Commission

Greater Houston Partnership Research | December 2018

     The Partnership’s forecast represents                     have overreacted to news of the                           STOCK MARKET
     the organization’s best efforts to                        exemptions. Given the cost-cutting
     explain the factors influencing activ-                    measures and efficiency gains of                          The Wall Street Journal reported in
     ity, and more specifically job growth,                    the past three years, the U.S. energy                     late November that stocks, bonds
     in Houston’s economy. Like all fore-                      industry is better prepared to handle                     and commodities are staging a rare
     casts, the Partnership’s prognosis                        a low-price scenario should it last                       simultaneous retreat, deepening a
     runs the risk that emerging trends                        more than a few months. However,                          sense of unease on Wall Street. In
     might derail the analysis. As we put                      OPEC, Russia and their allies have                        late November, the Dow Industrial
     the forecast to bed and prepared                          called a meeting in early December                        Average traded 2.2 percent below
     to send the final document to the                         to discuss crude production cuts.                         where it began in January. The selloff
     printer in late November, three such                      Should they reach an agreement―                           reflects a healthy but painful readjust-
     trends made the news.                                     and as we go to press news reports                        ment of investor expectations. The
                                                               indicate that seems likely―oil prices                     Federal Reserve’s gradual raising of
     •   WTI fell to near $52 per barrel,
                                                               should ratchet up again.                                  interest rates is also diminishing the
     •   The OECD proclaimed that global                                                                                 appeal of the stock market to many
         growth has peaked, and                                                                                          investors. And technology stocks
                                                               GLOBAL GROW TH                                            continue to take a beating over
     •   The Dow fell to its lowest level of
         the year.                                                                                                       concerns about privacy issues and
                                                               In late November, the Organisation
                                                                                                                         the peaking of growth in the sector.
                                                               for Economic Co-operation and
     All three suggest the engines                                                                                       Almost no one, however, is predicting
                                                               Development (OECD) issued a report
     that drive Houston’s growth are                                                                                     a recession next year. The consensus
                                                               stating that global growth peaked
     sputtering. A closer look at the                                                                                    among forecasters at the National
                                                               in ’18 and has begun to slow amid
     details behind each report shows                                                                                    Association for Business Economics
                                                               rising trade and financial risks. That
     that’s not the case.                                                                                                is that real U.S. GDP growth will aver-
                                                               theme was picked up by most news
                                                                                                                         age 2.7 percent in ’19, only slightly
                                                               outlets. The slowdown comes from
                                                                                                                         lower than the 2.9 percent in ’18.
     OIL PRICES                                                an outflow of capital from emerging
                                                                                                                         Houston ties to the U.S. economy will
                                                               economies, the weakening of their
                                                                                                                         continue to foster growth in ’19.
     Global oil prices surged above $70                        currencies, and the withdrawal of
     per barrel in the fall of ’18 as the                      fiscal and monetary stimulus in the
     Trump Administration, having pulled                       world’s advanced economies. What
     out of the Iran nuclear deal, threat-                     was lost in media coverage was that                       The external factors that drive
     ened sanctions on any country that                        the OECD still expects the global                         Houston’s economy―energy prices,
     purchased crude from Tehran. Trad-                        economy to grow some 3.5 percent                          the ongoing U.S. expansion, global
     ers expected a global crude shortage                      in ’19 and 3.5 percent again in ’20.                      growth―still align in Houston’s favor.
     and bid prices up. In early Novem-                        That’s only slightly off the pace of 3.7                  The internal factors―net migration,
     ber, however, the administration                          percent for ’18. Houston is not facing                    construction, consumer confidence―
     announced temporary exemptions                            the economic collapse of its major                        fall into place as well. Houston should
     from the sanctions for eight countries,                   trading partners.                                         enjoy healthy economic growth in ’19,
     including the two largest buyers of                                                                                 and barring a U.S. or global downturn
     Iranian crude, India and China. These                                                                               or a collapse in oil prices, that growth
     waivers erased any uncertainty                                                                                      should continue into ’20.
     premiums that had propped up oil
     prices. Just as traders overreacted
     to news of the sanctions, they likely

     Data used in the analysis and forecast came from the following sources: Apartment Data Services, Baker Hughes, CBRE, CenterPoint Energy, City of Houston Aviation
     Department, City of Houston Building Permit Department, Colliers International, CoStar, Dodge Data & Analytics, Equifax, FMI Corporation, Federal Deposit Insurance
     Corporation, Federal Housing Finance Agency, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Haynes and Boone, Houston Business Journal, Hous-
     ton Chronicle, Houston Association of Realtors, Institute for Supply Management, JLL, John Burns Real Estate Consulting, MetroStudy, Meyers Research, NAI Partners,
     National Association for Business Economics, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Oil & Gas Journal, Port Houston, TexAuto Facts, Texas Comptrol-
     ler of Public Accounts, Texas Workforce Commission, The Wall Street Journal, Transwestern, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Census
     Bureau, U.S. Energy Information Administration, WISERTrade and various company websites.

                                                                                                             Greater Houston Partnership Research | December 2018
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Greater Houston Partnership Research | December 2018
Patrick Jankowski, CERP
           Senior Vice President, Research

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