A Global State of Emergency - EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS IN THE ARCTIC AND BEYOND - www.ccag.earth - Centre for Climate Repair at ...

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A Global State of Emergency - EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS IN THE ARCTIC AND BEYOND - www.ccag.earth - Centre for Climate Repair at ...

  A Global State
  of Emergency

A Global State of Emergency - EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS IN THE ARCTIC AND BEYOND - www.ccag.earth - Centre for Climate Repair at ...
Observations and Impacts
  of the Arctic Warming


It is difficult to explain the severity of     In addition, in recent years there has
the recent extreme floods in Europe            been record-breaking extreme heating
and the heatwaves in North America             across the Arctic region of astounding
merely with the additional heat                magnitude and the emergence of new
and moisture in the climate system             risks from wildfires and permafrost
caused by 1.2°C of global warming.             thaw, resulting in increased
                                               greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
It cannot be excluded that the rapid
warming and melting in the Arctic has          Agile international political and
triggered additional changes in how            financial action to mitigate the
our weather works, explaining the              consequences of climate change
extremity of these extremes.                   through the following measures
                                               are crucial for a manageable future
The effects of human-caused climate            for humanity:
warming are especially pronounced
in the Arctic, with devastating                > REDUCTION
consequences for people and                       deep and rapid emissions
ecosystems in the region and well                 reduction
beyond the Arctic. The global impacts
of Arctic warming will be felt first and       > REMOVAL
foremost in our weather systems as                removing GHGs from the
well as sea level rise. The Arctic region         atmosphere at scale
is warming faster than anywhere else
on the planet, resulting in rapid and          > REPAIR
irreversible sea ice loss as well as loss         refreezing the Arctic region
from the Greenland ice sheet.
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Warming of the Arctic is taking place                   global temperatures, and since around
    Figure 1              much faster than the global average                     1990 Arctic warming has risen above
                          temperature rise (see Figure 1) and                     the global average by a continuously
    Warming of
    the Arctic is         is having implications well beyond                      increasing margin. Over the last 30
    happening             the polar region. The dark blue                         years, the Arctic has warmed at a
    much faster           line shows the deviation of global                      rate of 0.81°C per decade – more than
    than the rise in
                          average temperature from average                        3-times faster than the global average
    global average
    temperatures.         pre- industrial annual temperatures                     of 0.23°C per decade. The Arctic
    Over the last 30      (taken as average temperatures                          Circle region had a more than 3.5°C
    years the Arctic      between 1850 and 1900), with a                          increase above the pre-industrial level
    has warmed at
                          gentle upward trend in temperature                      last summer (2020). The last few years
    a rate of 0.81˚C
    per decade, more      that becomes more marked and                            have experienced record temperatures
    than 3-times          sustained from about 1960. The                          over regions where permafrost resides
    faster than the       red line in Figure 1 shows annual                       and scientists have been shocked
    global average
                          deviation from pre-industrial average-                  that the warm weather conducive
    of 0.23˚C per
    decade.               temperature levels in the Arctic (using                 to permafrost thawing is occurring
                          the same baseline). Temperature                         roughly 70 years ahead of model
    Data from             variability in the Arctic has been                      projections.
    Berkeley Earth.       consistently more extreme than in

                          FIGURE 1

                           Amplificationof temperature changechange
                                            of temperature    in the Arctic
                                                                      in the                                 Arctic
                          ANNUAL ANOMALIES RELATIVE TO 1850-1900 AVERAGE
                          ANNUAL ANOMALIES RELATIVE TO 1850-1900 AVERAGE
                          Berkeley Earth surface temperature data


                                                                                                                           Temperature anomaly (°C)
                                                                                                                    1. 5

                            1860          1880          1900        1920   1940      1960    1980     2000     2020

                                      (60°N-90°N)TEMPERATURE CHANGE
                                                    temperature change                GLOBAL

                          Amplified warming of the Arctic                         in ocean-absorption of the sun’s
 Marcianesi F, Aulicino
G and Wadhams             causes, and is caused by, the rapid loss                energy also accelerates long-term
P. 2021. Arctic sea       of sea ice from the Arctic ocean. As                    heating of oceans, pushing global
ice and snow cover
albedo variability and
                          sea ice melts, its highly reflective white              warming further and faster. The area
trends during the         surface is replaced by a highly heat-                   of exposed Arctic seawater, with
last three decades.       absorbing blue surface (sea water).                     its accelerating feedback into the
Polar Science. 28;
Schweiger A, Lindsay                                                              global heating process, has increased
R, Zhang J, Steele M,     The switch from reflection to                           accordingly. Figure 2 shows the 75%
Stern H and Kwok R.
2011. Uncertainty in
                          absorption of sunlight accelerates                      loss of summer volume of Arctic sea-
modeled Arctic sea        the local temperature increase,                         ice from the late 1970s to the present;
ice volume. Journal of    creating a dangerous feedback that
Geophysical Research:
                                                                                  the decline accelerates markedly from
Oceans. 116(8).           hastens climate change. The increase                    about 1990.1
A Global State of Emergency - EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS IN THE ARCTIC AND BEYOND - www.ccag.earth - Centre for Climate Repair at ...
                                                                                           Figure 2

                                                                                           Decline in Annual
    Arctic Sea Ice Volume in September                                                     Minimum Arctic
                                                                                           Sea Ice Volume
                                                                                           Data from
                                                                                           the Polar Science
1000s of km3

               1980 1985   1990 1995   2000 2005 2010 2015   2020

The loss of Arctic sea ice accelerates           of the Antarctic ice sheet, glaciers
the global warming process and, in               of the Hindu Kush Himalayas, and
turn, sea level rise. Global warming,            across the world’s mountain ranges,
90% of which is absorbed by the                  as well as expansion of the warming
oceans, causes thermal expansion                 oceans, global sea level is now rising
of seawater, responsible for about               at 3.6 mm each year, 2.5 times faster
a third of observed sea-level rise in            than the rate of rise during the 20th
recent decades (IPCC SROCC, 2019).               Century. Ice melt is now the dominant
Sea level rise from thermal expansion            source of sea level rise (exceeding
will soon seem a minor challenge                 that caused by thermal expansion of
when compared with the profound                  the ocean). Estimates and projections
developing threat of melting ice on              of sea-level rise and their impacts by
land as our climate warms.                       the 2050s have been radically revised
                                                 in recent years. By the end of this
The sheer scale of sea-level rise                century, global sea levels are now
produced by the Greenland and                    likely to rise by more than 1 metre
Antarctic ice sheets will dwarf current          unless ambitious action is taken to
dangers as warming and melting                   mitigate climate change.2
continues. There is enough ice in the
Greenland ice sheet alone to raise               Moreover, the Arctic also holds vast
global sea levels by 7.5 metres, or              amounts of stored methane that is
23 feet. While it may take several               locked within permafrost, frozen
centuries to millennia for ice loss              soils, and beneath the sea floor of the   2
                                                                                            IPCC. 2019. Special
                                                                                           Report on the Ocean
on this scale, we are now setting in             Arctic ocean. Rapid warming of the        and Cryosphere in
motion the process that will make                Arctic is causing permafrost to warm      a Changing Climate
multi-metre increases in future sea              and destabilise. The increasing carbon    [[H.-O. Pörtner,
                                                                                           D.C. Roberts, V.
level rise unstoppable. Ice loss from            dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4)           Masson-Delmotte,
the Greenland ice sheet, its peripheral          emissions from Arctic permafrost have     P. Zhai, M. Tignor,
                                                                                           E. Poloczanska,
glaciers and other mountain glaciers             resulted from it flipping from a carbon   K. Mintenbeck, A.
in the Arctic is accelerating and                sink to a source. In 2019, the Arctic     Alegría, M. Nicolai,
                                                                                           A. Okem, J. Petzold,
causing global sea levels to rise. With          is estimated to have contributed          B. Rama, N.M. Weyer
added contributions from melting                 roughly the equivalent of 6.3% of that    (eds.)] In press.
A Global State of Emergency - EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS IN THE ARCTIC AND BEYOND - www.ccag.earth - Centre for Climate Repair at ...
  IPCC. 2019. Special   year’s anthropogenic CO2 emissions.          continue as at present, up to 89% of
Report on the Ocean
and Cryosphere in       Permafrost thaw has also released            the planet’s near-surface permafrost
a Changing Climate      unspecified quantities of CH4 which,         could be lost by 2100, releasing tens
[[H.-O. Pörtner,
D.C. Roberts, V.
                        on a molecular basis, is 140 times           to hundreds of billions of tonnes of
Masson-Delmotte,        as powerful a warming influence              permafrost carbon as CO2 and CH4
P. Zhai, M. Tignor,     as CO2, and nitrous oxide, which is          to the atmosphere and exacerbating
E. Poloczanska,
K. Mintenbeck, A.       roughly 300 times more powerful per          climate change globally.3 This means
Alegría, M. Nicolai,    molecule a warming agent as CO2 on           that even climate intervention
A. Okem, J. Petzold,
B. Rama, N.M. Weyer     a 20-year basis. It has recently been        proposals may be unable to bring
(eds.)] In press.       estimated that around 12 times more          the global average temperature back
                        nitrous oxide is being released from         to near present levels. While the
                        permafrost than previously thought.          exact level of global warming that
                                                                     would lead to irreversible permafrost
                        With ongoing temperature increases           thaw and a tipping point feedback
                        due to human-caused warming,                 with climate warming is not known,
                        permafrost will continue thawing,            there are indications that as small a
                        releasing CO2 and CH4, adding to the         warming as 1.5°C to 2°C may trigger
                        warming. If greenhouse gas emissions         such a transformation.

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 Northeastern Siberia – a Region in Flux

Northeastern Siberia, meaning the       have shifted in profound ways.4
geographies of Republic of Sakha-       Mercury leaches from the permafrost
Yakutia, Magadan and Chukotka in        into the rivers and ultimately to the
the Russian Arctic, are some of the     ocean and into marine circulation. It
most dynamic regions for Arctic         then transforms into methylmercury
climate change.                         and accumulates in the food chain (for
                                        example in fish and top predators).
NE Siberia has been called the “pole
of cold” as the coldest temperature     Infrastructure, such as buildings,
in the Northern Hemisphere was          pipelines and airfields suffer
recorded in Verkhoyansk (−67.8°C in     from permafrost melt. During the
1892). However, in 2020 temperatures    extended 2020 Siberian heatwave, oil
soared to a new high of 38.7°C          repositories leaked in Central Siberia
in the same community. This was         and polluted a river as the ground
part of a sustained heat wave that      gave away under the containers.
impacted Siberia in 2020, where the     The nuclear power plant in Bilibino
average warming was more than 6°C       has been identified as a potential
above pre-industrial levels over the    threat as it has been constructed on
six months from January to June.        permafrost in Chukotka. In Magadan,
Attribution studies have concluded      new large hydrodams are also built
that this prolonged heatwave would      on permanently frozen soils and if
have been practically impossible        thawed events worsen, putting the
without human-caused climate            Kolyma river hydropower at potential
warming, and was made at least 2°C      risk. Across the Russian tundra, new
worse by climate change.                craters have exploded. These craters,
                                        most likely the result of permafrost
This is also the home region of         melt and released gas explosion
the nomadic Indigenous Chukchi,         from the soils, were first detected by
Yukaghir, Even, Dolgan and              Indigenous reindeer herders.
other peoples, who are facing
unprecedented changes each year.        Meanwhile, taiga forest species are
It is important to understand that      on the move as they shift towards the
the Russian Arctic still has unique     tundra.5 Tundra is also becoming more
nomadic lifestyles. These UNESCO-       green – willows, bushes and other
recognised communities, often led       plants are moving northwards. This
by women, carry ancient wisdom and      has implications for carbon budgets
knowledge about the tundra and the      and sequestration, wildlife and tundra
northern taiga.                         ecosystems, as well as nesting areas
                                        of migratory birds which arrive in the
A combination of tundra and forest      Arctic in millions during the spring
fires, extreme temperatures over        and summer.                              4
                                                                                  Mustonen T and
extended periods, and the long-                                                  Shadrin V. 2021. The
                                                                                 River Alazeya: Shifting
term Arctic warming trends, have        In 2016 in the region of Yamal,          Socio-Ecological
caused the region to show system        anthrax was released from an ancient     Systems Connected
                                                                                 to a Northeastern
change implications. First off, the     nomadic campsite and burial area,        Siberian River. Journal
permafrost is melting across Sakha-     as the permafrost thawed. This killed    of The Arctic Institute
Yakutia fast, and has been doing so     one Indigenous Nenets boy and            of North America.
for the past 10-15 years. Mustonen      thousands of reindeer – a central
and Shadrin (2021) explored a           animal for the food security of the      5
                                                                                   Pecl G T et al.
century of recorded temperatures,       Indigenous nomadic peoples of the        2017. Biodiversity
Indigenous oral histories and flood     region. In Sakha-Yakutia, expectations   under climate
events, especially in 2007 on Alazeya   of smallpox outbreaks emerge as          change: Impacts
                                                                                 on ecosystems and
River, and discovered how the water     gravesites and animal burial sites       human well-being.
patterns and terrestrial ecosystems     surface from the thaw.                   Science. 355(6332).
A Global State of Emergency - EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS IN THE ARCTIC AND BEYOND - www.ccag.earth - Centre for Climate Repair at ...

Solution spaces exist in scales.        in those parts of the Arctic (European
Maintaining and supporting Indigenous   North) where permafrost melt is
nomadic lifeways and working with       not yet under way remains critically
Indigenous knowledge provides a         important. The rights of the Indigenous
much-needed observational network       peoples and decisions on how the
of changes, both present and past,      lands are used should be centered to
which remote sensing cannot provide     allow local peoples to make decisions
in detail. Rewilding and preservation   regarding their own futures in this time
of peat and soil-based carbon stocks    of transformation.
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The Arctic and northern boreal                fishing (which may imply better
have evolved over the past 10,000             financial gains).
years to be one of the most
unique habitats on the planet,                Loss of the Arctic and northern boreal,
with the traditional Indigenous               which is often included in the northern
communities adapting in the                   view, implies a planetary ecology and
process – the Arctic socio-ecological         system shift both in the oceans and on
systems of fishing, hunting, and              land. Nobody has the compass for the
nomadic reindeer herding.                     new century. Large populations have
                                              not yet come to terms that humanity
Understanding the impacts of several          will have a newly open ocean soon on
“never before” events in the Arctic           the planet – the Central Arctic Ocean.
and their implications further south          A recent international diplomatic
is urgent and very complex. For               treaty6 banning fisheries and
species, both in the terrestrial and in       advocating precautionary principles
the marine realms, southern biota is          between the Arctic Countries, China,
moving into the tundra and into the           South Korea, the EU and others shows
previously occupied niches of the             that good governance can happen.
adapted cold weather species. Often           Equally so, the Arctic has “made
these localised northern populations          in the region” solutions that work,         6
                                                                                          Agreement to Prevent
have nowhere to run – for example,            from the observational capacity of          Unregulated Fishing
in Finland when red foxes move                the Indigenous peoples with their           in the High Seas of
northwards, the endemic Arctic Fox            knowledge, adaptation solutions that        the Central Arctic
                                                                                          Ocean, signed in 2018
has to retreat further north, until it        “fit the shoe”, rewilding capacity of       by Canada, Iceland,
meets the Arctic Sea and cannot               carbon sinks and most importantly,          the Kingdom of
                                                                                          Denmark, Norway, the
move any further. In Greenland, cod           the need to preserve and maintain the       United States and the
move further north and sea ice is             still existing poles of cold and habitats   Russian Federation, as
                                                                                          well as China, Japan,
being lost, meaning communities have          such as the large intact forests and        South Korea and the
to switch from seal hunting to primary        tundra ecosystems, as long as we can.       European Union.
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                     ARCTIC AND BEYOND

                    Loss of ice in the Arctic is               In the Northern Hemisphere, extreme
                    accompanied by significant changes         weather is often associated with
                    across the globe as weather systems        meanders in the Jet Stream that allow
                    react. Climate change is happening         warm air to be pushed further north
                    faster than anticipated; one               than usual and to stall over a location
                    consequence – the loss of ice in the       for many days bringing persistent
                    Arctic – is also a driver for more rapid   extreme conditions. It is believed
                    global heating and disastrously rapid      that the amplification of Arctic
                    global sea level rise and extreme          warming, and the reduced north-
                    weather events.                            south temperature gradient that this
                                                               is causing, could be allowing the Jet
                    Extreme temperature events are the         Stream to meander more than it used
                    combination of long-term climate           to. The rapid warming of the Arctic,
                    warming, and the weather. The              combined with weather extremes
                    impact of global warming on daily          from the Jet Stream, have resulted
                    temperatures is now observable             in record-breaking heat and rainfall
                    across the globe, and heat extremes        in parts of the Northern Hemisphere
                    are becoming hotter and occurring          that has severe impacts on people, the
                    more often.                                environment and infrastructure.

                    FIGURE 3

                     Important Circumpolar Natural Processes in the
                     North Polar Region

                                                                                   10-30 miles above
                                                                                         the surface

                                                                                         5-9 miles above
                                                                                             the surface

Figure 3

Graphic adapted
from the Bulletin
of the American
DOI: https://doi.
A Global State of Emergency - EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS IN THE ARCTIC AND BEYOND - www.ccag.earth - Centre for Climate Repair at ...
                                                                                        Figure 4

                                                                                        Graphic adapted
 How do the Recent Warming Trends in the                                                from Paul Horn
                                                                                        Inside Climate
 Arctic Affect the Jet Stream?

                                                   When there is a large stable
                                                   temperature difference between
                                                   the equatorial region and the
                                                   North Pole the Jet Stream tends
                                                   to remain in the higher regions of
                                                   the northen hemisphere.

 There can be a =/- 15°C
 temperature differences
 between one regiong
 and another.

 As the temperature difference
 between the equator and the Pole
 is reduced then the Jet Stream
 begins to oscillate southward
 (sometimes stalling), creating
 hot/cold region weather extremes,
 which tends to enhance droughts
 and flooding in some locations at
 lower latitudes.

There are two important circumpolar      Polar Jet Stream are active year-
natural processes in the north polar     round, and hence have an influence
region, one in the stratosphere and      on Northern Hemisphere weather
the other in the troposphere, both of    on the order of days to weeks
which are affected by energy moving      to months. As the temperatures
northward from equatorial regions and    increase in the lower levels of the
affected by climate change processes.    troposphere, particularly in the Arctic
The Polar Vortex affects Northern        and high northern regions, the polar
Hemisphere weather processes on          Jet Stream becomes destabilised
long time-scales, mostly in the winter   and able to meander into lower and
seasons and over years. The time-        higher latitudes as it circles the globe
scales of the the dynamics within the    from west to east.
Graphic adapted
from Climate
                   The Sandy storm in New York City on                 This allowed heavy rains to persist
                   October 29, 2012 provided insights                  over the US northeast for many days.
                   on the importance of the Jet Stream.                Over the course of 48 hours, wind,
                                                                       rain, and ocean inundation destroyed
                   This event began with a combination                 homes and affected hundreds of
                   of a stalled Jet Stream, a hurricane                thousands of New Yorkers with loss
                   from the southeast that also stalled                of electrical power, access to food,
                   in place and a classical “nor'easter”               drinking water, healthcare, and other
                   arriving from the northeast (figure 5).             critical services.

                   FIGURE 5

                    The combination of these three concurrent
                    storms “pinned” them over New York City

                                                                                            A classical Nor’easter
                                                                                             came from the East

                                                                                               Strong Hurricane
                                                                                            came from the south

                                                                                   Note the jet stream was locked
                                                                                       and pushed into the coast

                   FIGURE 6

                    Extraordinary Local Extreme Temperatures in the
                    Pacific Northwest and Canada

Figure 6                                    LYTTON, BRITISH COLUMBIA

Lytton, British
on June 29,
2021 recorded
Canada’s highest
ever temperature
of 49.6°C
Graphic adapted
from 2021 KNOE,
Jun 29, 2021

The Jet Stream can also become               heat, but several hundred still died
locked in place in what is called            as a result of this heatwave. Within
an “Omega Block”. This type of               the affected areas, over 31 million
weather event led to the extraordinary       people were under a National Weather
heatwave in the Pacific Northwest            Service “Excessive Heat Warning”
and Canada in late June of 2021,             (A heat index of 105 °F or greater)
as depicted in figure 5 where the            or a “Heat Advisory” (where human
“Ridge” is trapped between two low           health can be seriously affected by the
pressure regions on the outside of the       extreme temperatures if precautions
Jet Stream and a high pressure inside        are not taken). Rapid attribution has
the “Ridge”. Within the omega block,         shown that a heatwave of this severity
extreme temperatures were able to            would have been virtually impossible
develop from Canada to California            without human-caused climate change.
within a “heat dome” 7, where high-          It is possible that climate change
pressure circulation in the atmosphere       impacts on the weather (including on
acts like a dome or cap over a region        the Jet Stream) have increased the
and it traps heat at the surface.            chances of this type of extreme heat,
                                             beyond what could be expected from
In the states of Oregon and                  climate warming alone.
Washington and the western
provinces of Canada, recorded                Heatwave conditions in the western
temperatures during this event were          United States this year have been
far above 40°C (104 °F), in many             made even worse by the intense
places breaking previous heat records        drought currently being experienced,
by 5°C. Normally heat records are            threatening water resources and
only broken by tenths of a degree, not       fuelling devastating wildfires. When
by several degrees – highlighting the        the environment is dry, there is
exceptional severity of this event. A        limited evaporation of water that
new all-time Canadian temperature            would normally provide a cooling
record of 49.6°C (121.3 °F) was set in       effect to ameliorate heat. In mid-July,
the village of Lytton, which the next        Death Valley was reported to have
day was all but destroyed by wildfire.       a 130 Degree F (54°C) maximum             7
                                                                                         NOAA. What is a
Heatwaves are deadly events and              temperature; this is believed to be       heat dome? https://
cooling centres were established             the highest temperature ever reliably     gov/facts/heat-
to try to protect citizens from the          measured on Earth.                        dome.html


In mid-July this year, parts of western      this clearly unprecedented flooding.
Europe experienced extremely heavy           This work will determine the degree
and long-lasting rainfall, causing           to which human-caused climate
catastrophic floods as rivers rapidly        change played a role in the unusual
swelled and burst their banks. The           intensity, duration and spatial extent
scale of subsequent devastation              of this rainfall event. Nevertheless,
and death toll (over 200 to date on          it is scientifically well established
20 July 2021) has far surpassed any          that precipitation is intensified due
earlier documented experience of             to global warming because of an
extreme flooding in the region.              exponential relationship between
                                             atmospheric warming and the
A number of localities registered            amount of moisture the air can
new daily maximum rainfall records.          hold. In other words, there is a
One particularly striking example is         large body of scientific evidence
the weather station Hagen-Nahmer             making us highly confident that the
that was in the area of the strongest        intensity of this weather event was
precipitation. There, 167.8mm of             strengthened by global warming,
rain was measured in the course of           and that further warming will lead
only three hours, more than double           to further intensification of extreme
the average monthly rainfall for the         precipitation events.
whole of July. Another outstanding
rainfall record was set in Cologne           It has already been found that the
(Stammheim weather station):                 past several decades have been
153.5mm over 24 hours, compared              one of the most flood-rich periods
to the previous all-time daily high of       in Europe in the last 500 years, and
95mm (in 2017), and before that 91mm         a climate-change signal has been
on 30th August 1968, for a location          identified in shifting European river
where rainfall events on average are         flooding patterns. At the same
well below 10mm/day.                         time, the magnitude and extent of
                                             the most recent extreme rainfall in
The amount of rain that fell in a single     western Europe, and the subsequent
day during this extreme rainfall event       flooding and damage, outstrip climate
was about as much as the affected            scientists’ expectations under the
area normally receives over the course       current global warming of 1.2°C above
of two months in the summer. So              the preindustrial average temperature.
much rainfall in a short period of           Relatively straightforward
time raised water levels in a number of      thermodynamic processes, which
small regional rivers running through        form the basis of climate models, do
townships to all-time highs that were        not offer a full explanation for extreme
multiple times above the normal values.      outlier phenomena such as this or
                                             indeed the next-to-impossible heat
It will take some time for scientists        wave in the western North America
to complete attribution analyses of          presented in the previous section.

                                        FLOODING IN ENGLAND. PHOTO: CHRIS GALLAGHER, 2021
                                                                                             Kornhuber K et
 EXTREME WEATHER BEYOND EXPECTATIONS                                                        al. 2019. Extreme
                                                                                            weather events in
                                                                                            early summer 2018
                                                                                            connected by a
                                                                                            recurrent hemispheric
As explained in the previous section,          region, a meandering Jet Stream and          wave-7 pattern.
when the temperature difference is             extreme weather, particularly during         Research Letters.
reduced between a rapidly warming              the Northern hemisphere summer.              14(5); Coumou D et al.
                                                                                            2018. The influence of
Arctic and warm air from the                   Similar connections have been found          Arctic amplification on
Equatorial region, this slows down             for the extreme heatwave and forest          mid-latitude summer
                                                                                            circulation. Nature
the Northern Jet Stream.                       fires over Europe in 20188, the California   Communications.
                                               fires in 20189, and the droughts and         9(2959).
The Northern Jet Stream then                   heat over Russia in 201010.
starts meandering in wide so-called
                                                                                             Mann M et al. 2018.
                                                                                            Projected changes in
Rossby waves, which can lock-in                We cannot exclude that this is what          persistent extreme
high- and low-pressure weather                 we are experiencing again. Not               summer weather
                                                                                            events: The role
systems, explaining why warm                   least as we simultaneously witness           of quasi-resonant
and dry high-pressure or wet and               weather disaster in Germany, the             amplification. Science
                                                                                            Advances. 4(10).
cooler low-pressure systems get                highest temperatures ever observed
stalled in one geographic location             for June in Finland and the US, the          10
                                                                                               Lau W K M and Kim
for longer time periods. There                 catastrophic heatwave in British             K. 2012. The 2010
                                                                                            Pakistan Flood and
is, so far, no conclusive scientific           Columbia, and extreme heat in Siberia.       Russian Heat Wave:
agreement that a slow-down of                  These are all outlier events that            Teleconnection of
the Jet Stream due to Arctic melt              exceed what one would expect if it           Hydrometeorological
                                                                                            Extremes. Journal of
contributed to the magnitude of                were "only" a 1.2°C warming impact.          Hydrometeorology.
the 2021 summer extremes in the                It is likely that there are additional       13(1).
Northern Hemisphere. But there are             interactions between the climate
an increasing number of scientific             system and tipping elements (in this
publications making the connection             case the Arctic and the Jet Stream)
between a rapidly warming Arctic               occurring simultaneously.


                           THE RISK OF TIPPING CASCADES:

                           What happens in the Arctic does
                           not stay in the Arctic

                          There is rising scientific evidence         water, which in the North Atlantic
                          that the Arctic is not only the most        expresses itself as the Gulf Stream.
                          rapidly warming region on Earth, but        So far, Arctic ice melt has contributed
                          that it may also be a key "ground           to a 15% slow-down of the AMOC11
                          zero" for cascading impacts across          that is unprecedented over at least
                          the planet. The Arctic is one of some       the past 1,000 years. This slow-
                          15 known tipping elements of the            down of heat flux in the Atlantic
                          Earth system. These tipping elements        impacts on the South American
                          are each big biophysical systems that       monsoon, which can explain the
                          contribute to regulate the state of         higher frequency of droughts and
                          the climate system on Earth.                fires in the Amazon rainforest, causing
                                                                      loss of biodiversity, natural capital
                          A stable Arctic controls temperature        and increased CO2 release to the
                          on Earth by reflecting back incoming        atmosphere. A slow-down of the
                          solar radiation from white ice sheet        AMOC also leads to warmer surface
                          and sea ice surfaces, and through           water being held in the Southern
                          modulating the distribution of heat         Ocean, which may explain the
                          and salinity in the global oceans           accelerated melting of West Antarctic
                          through flows of ice melt. Now this         Ice Sheet. Observations recently
                          is being disrupted, as the melting          have indicated that the "Doomsday
                          Greenland ice sheet is releasing large      glacier", the Thwaites glacier, may
                          volumes of cold freshwater into the         have already crossed a tipping point
  Caesar L et al. 2021.
Current Atlantic
                          North Atlantic. This contributes to         of unstoppable ice loss, already at
Meridional Overturning    slow-down of the Atlantic Meridional        1.2°C of global warming, potentially
Circulation weakest in
last millennium. Nature
                          Overturning Circulation (AMOC),             accelerated by dynamics triggered in
Geoscience. 14.           the heat conveyor belt of ocean             the Arctic.

The story is simple. Climate                       and by the financial sector, to ensure
change is happening faster than                    that all investments in infrastructure
anticipated; one consequence –                     are fit for purpose in a zero carbon
the loss of ice in the polar regions               world, are key pillars of priority
– is also a driver for more rapid                  action. In the business community
global heating and disastrously                    we must rapidly transition hard to
rapid global sea level rise.                       abate sectors onto a decarbonisation
                                                   path, whilst individuals must change
Consequences are increasingly                      habits which are inducive to
violent – whether methane explosions               continued loss of ecosystems, for
in the northern Arctic region, or                  example forests.
increasingly severe heatwaves, storms,
fires, droughts and floods across the              The current situation described in this
globe. This picture requires urgent                paper indicates that GHG levels are
recognition, and a rapid political and             already too high for a manageable
collective response.                               future for humanity. We must fast-
                                                   track the understanding and rapid
It is important to understand how bad              implementation of safe processes
things are, but no one should bury                 for GHG removal at scale from the
their heads in the sand in despair;                atmosphere. Such activity is now
concerted action right now at all levels           underway in many countries in
of global society and governance will              the world to investigate the most
enable the planet to stabilise, and                productive way forward to achieve
humanity to thrive. As climate change              this. In order to buy time we urgently
continues, largely unabated, the                   need to find safe ways to recreate ice
window of opportunity to remediate                 cover over the Arctic Ocean during
it is rapidly closing and options for              the Arctic summer. This work is in its
doing so are rapidly diminishing. The              infancy but has been initated.
Climate Crisis Advisory Group (CCAG)
was created in response to this                    The roll out of any of these processes
emergency, a new advisory group to                 must be done in a way that is sensitive
help inform the public, governments                to the needs of the Indigenous
and financial institutions, providing              peoples of these regions. We need the
them with the most comprehensive                   Indigenous communities to be active
science, and more crucially, guiding               partners in these processes.
them towards action for climate repair.
                                                   Reduction activities will benefit
The Climate Crisis Advisory Group                  from a better situational view – the
believes we need agile international               Arctic communities and Indigenous
political and financial action to                  communities could be central partners
mitigate the consequences of climate               in sharing, on their terms and consent,
change through Reduction, Removal                  their wisdom, knowledge and real time     12
                                                                                                Huntington H et
and Repair measures.                               observations (ranging from tundra fire    al. 2017. How small
                                                                                             communities respond
                                                   early warning systems to permafrost       to environmental
Focused action by governments,                     melt events and tipping points). This     change: patterns
                                                                                             from tropical to polar
particularly looking at regulatory                 can enpower the communities from          ecosystems. Ecology
procedures to speed up transition,                 victims to partners in solutions.12       and Society. 22(3).


One third of the world’s soil based         regions, where it has been lost due to
carbon is still locked up in the northern   man-made changes.
peatlands, forests and ecosystems.
Sweden, Finland, Canada and                 The thawing of permafrost and
Northwestern Russia have potential to       its consequential emissions of
rewild and restore degraded peatlands       carbon dioxide and methane can
back into carbon sinks, enabling the        be addressed only by direct cooling
trapping of millions of tonnes of CO2       measures and refreezing of the Arctic:
in a speedy manner. More broadly the        this approach is designed to buy time
ecosystem restoration of Arctic rivers      until the rate of permafrost-thaw and
(removal of hydrodams, restoration of       ice-melt is automatically slowed down
habitats) could alleviate and buy time      by emissions disappearance, adapted
for cold-water adapted species and          farming methods and GHG removal
re-start carbon circulation in the          from the atmosphere at scale.

All of these transitions and changes demand policy
interventions to kick-start new market preferences, reward
desired behaviours, or to discourage undesirable outcomes.
Many technical solutions already exist, but political will is
required to push them through.
This report was authored by the Climate Crisis

 Advisory Group with Dr. Tara Shirvani



   www.ccag.earth           Climate Crisis Advisory Group     @climatecrisisag

   @climatecrisisag         Climate Crisis Advisory Group


> This series of open meetings will be livestreamed on social media
  on the last Thursday of each month.
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