Page created by Ronnie Webb
Society of Economic Geologists
                   Special Publication No. 6, 1998, pp. 217-218


                       The geological models presented herein evolved as                                      Terry appreciates the support of his colleagues Antony
                   we presented our ideas to our peers at short courses,                                      Coote, Graeme Corlett, and Michele Hawke. Geoimage
                   and in our consulting work, but have only been synthe-                                     assisted Greg with remote sensing imagery for research
                   sized during the writing of this manual. We thank those                                    purposes.
                   peers. The concept of this short course came from our                                          The following companies are thanked for permis-
                   associations with Ian Plimer (Melbourne University)                                        sion to publish work: Alkane Exploration N.L., Austpac
                   and Dave Semple (when at Highlands Gold) and only                                          Gold N.L., Australian Gold Fields, N.L., Aurora Gold
                   continued following positive reactions from our fellow                                     Ltd, Atapa Minerals, Barrick Gold Corporation, Car-
                   geoscientists-in    particular Max Baker, Pat Browne,                                      penters Pacific Resources, Chase Minerals (Philippines)
                   Mike Smith, John Thompson, Theo van Leeuwen, and                                           Corporation, Climax Arimco Mining Corporation,
                   Neil Phillips. We thank Alan Coope, who suggested the                                      Coeur Gold N.Z., Cyprus Gold Australia, Delta Gold
                   idea of publication to the SEG, Gary Sidder and Pat                                        N.L., Dome Resources N.L., Gympie Eldorado Gold
                   Sheahan who followed through, and Ray Coveney, who                                         Mines, Highlands Gold Limited, International Pursuit
                   shepherded it through the editorial process. Neil                                          Corporation, Kelian Equatorial Mining, Macraes Min-
                   Phillips, John Thompson and Jeff Hedenquist acted as                                       ing Co. Ltd., Misima Mines Pty., Misty Mountain Gold,
                   reviewers and their efforts are much appreciated. Ray                                      P.T. Newmont Indonesia, Newcrest Mining, Niugini
                   Merchant, David Hilyard, Tony Crawford, Pat Browne,                                        Mining Limited, North Exploration Limited, Pacific
                   Max Baker, Jorge Skarmeta, Paul Lennox and Bill Laing                                      Islands Gold, Placer Pacific, Porgera Joint Venture, P.T.
                   provided many useful comments to the text. Many                                            Fho Tinto Indonesia, RGC Exploration, Werrie Gold
                   clients and geologists have provided continuing encour-                                    N.L.
                   agement, especially Tony Williamson, Tony Bainbridge,                                          Denese Oates provided Greg with encouragement,
                   Kim Denwer, Mark Arundell, Gavin Thomas, Ron                                               painstakingly composited and proofread manuals, set
                   Stewart, Mike Erceg, David Heberlein, Colin Burge,                                         out references-with the assistance of Sue Ho-and
                   Mark Hartley, and Trevor Neale. In addition, Greg                                          drafted figures-with the assistance of Zanna Oates,
                   acknowledges the inspiration and technical assistance                                      Kerry Oates, and Andy Lidgard. Susan Pond's constant
                   of Richard Sillitoe, Max Baker, and Jorge Skarmeta, and                                    support and legitimate herbs kept Terry on track.

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Society of Economic Geologists
                   Special Publication No. 6, 1998, pp. 219-2.16

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