Beautiful Connected World - The Internet of Things drives automation - also in payments page 6 - Computop

Page created by Terrance Castro
Beautiful Connected World - The Internet of Things drives automation - also in payments page 6 - Computop
                  DRIVES US                                           BIG DATA.
                                                                    BIG BUSINESS.
                                                                    The Computop

                     Connected World
                     The Internet of Things drives
                     automation – also in payments
                     • page 6

                     Delegated                       3D Secure and
N0. 7 – 2019/20

                     Authentication                  Data Protection
                     Secret weapon for               Risk assessment and
                     better conversion               GDPR in harmony
                     • page 22                       • page 32
Beautiful Connected World - The Internet of Things drives automation - also in payments page 6 - Computop

                                                                         Fast, simple and
                                                                         secure payments
                                                                         across Europe
                                                                         With Trustly’s direct bank transfers, you can
                                                                         accept payments from over 400 million potential
                                                                         users in 29 European markets.

                                                                         Users simply pay by online bank transfer using
                                                                         their bank login details they know by heart.

                                                                                  Instant payments

                                                                                  Simplified and automated refunds

                                                                                  Unrivalled coverage

     Established in 2008, Trustly is a payment institution regulated        Trustly's products are a perfect fit for online retail, ticketing,
     by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. As a PSD2              travel, financial services and digital payments.
     licensed provider of Payment Initiation Services (PIS) and
     Account Information Services (AIS), Trustly ooers online banking       With Trustly, merchants can increase the eeciency of their
     payment solutions for e-commerce.                                      entire payment process. The high speed of handling for both
                                                                            national and international bank transfers gives merchants in 29
     In 2017, Trustly received the TÜV certificate for data protection,      European countries important competitive advantages,
     which proves the security of personal data for customers and           including speedy refunds.
     partners alike.

    For more information please contact
Beautiful Connected World - The Internet of Things drives automation - also in payments page 6 - Computop

Content                                          20                                          31
                                                           MARKETING @                                 PSD2 EASED
                                                           COMPUTOP                                    Same target, less pressure

                                                 22        DELEGATED
6              IOT
               Beautiful Connected World

                                                 28        AI AS A SERVICE
                                                           Big Data by Computop

                                                                                             32        3D SECURE 2.0 AND

                                                                                             34        THAT WAS
                                                                                                       ­PLANET TRADE 2019

12             CHINA AND INDIA
               GOING CASHLESS


                                                 The thing
Computop Wirtschaftsinformatik GmbH
Schwarzenbergstraße 4 • 96050 Bamberg •

                                                 in itself
Frank Arnoldt, Ralf Gladis

Henning Brandt

Holger Kellermann, Donata Noack,
Paul Reiche, Sebastian Zelada Ocampo
                                                 Can your car already shop? By itself?       The Internet of Things will equip many
                                                 Probably not, but it won‘t take long. My    things around us with magical skills.
Henning Brandt, Martin Schmid                    dishwasher can do a lot more than just      But not with all that we want. Look
                                                 do the dishes: point out a shortage of      forward to it anyway!
Safner Druck und Verlags GmbH •                  salt, recommend the right programme,
                                                 report a malfunction and let me order
Computop, Andreas Herzau, Björn Seitz,
                                                 new detergent with just one click.
Shutterstock, Steffi Stagge

The editors accept sole responsibility under     This still happens in the app. But the
media law for published contributions.           hardworking device knows its location,
Despite careful checking by the editors,
the publisher cannot accept liability for the    has WiFi and my e-mail address. I would                          Henning Brandt
correctness of published information. No part
of this publication may be reproduced or pro-
                                                 entrust it with encrypted payment data,                          Head of PR &
cessed using electronic systems, duplicated or   give it a budget for consumables and                             Communication
disseminated in any form without the express
written consent of the publisher.                then say: „Have fun! You don‘t need me
                                                 anymore.“ And it will answer: „Yes, I do.
                                                 To remove the dishes.“
Beautiful Connected World - The Internet of Things drives automation - also in payments page 6 - Computop

    New Look for Computop
    See the Payment People
    through new eyes

                                         NEW LOGO, NEW MOMENTUM                   it into today‘s world. From now on
                                                                                  the Computop-C shines in a slightly
You may have noticed it                  Every end marks a new beginning.         abstract form. The combination of
by now: The look and feel                The rebranding marks the beginning       blue and green remains, but is given a
                                         of the next chapter in our company       powerful touch by the fresh accents of
of Computop has chan-                    history. The requirements for pay-       lime green and Caribbean blue.
ged since the beginning                  ment solutions have never been so
of September. With the                   complex, nor as demanding as they        OUR NEW CLAIM
rebranding, the payment                  are today. Omnichannel, artificial
                                         intelligence, biometrics, new payment    Your Gateway to Everywhere: This
people present themselves                methods and a new perspective on         new claim focuses on our most im-
as they are: dynamic, per-               the shopping experience challenge        portant product, Computop Paygate.
sonal and intuituve. One                 merchants and payment service provi-     The message: With us, you can go
                                         ders. Since the company was founded      anywhere. Computop Paygate is the
of the main objectives was
                                         in 1997, Computop has proven time        portal to the world of payments. It
also to create a stronger                and again that payment made in           sets no limits for you and opens the
core message, focused on                 Germany, paired with an international    way to new markets, payment met-
the essentials.                          mindset, is still in demand in today‘s   hods, countries, target groups and
                                         highly competitive environment. For      sales channels.
                                         over 20 years, we have been doing
                                         everything in our power to confirm       The visualization of our payment
Together with the Stuttgart-based        our claim as the leading payment         portal corresponds to the diversity
B2B marketing specialist Brainfacto-     service provider.                        of our Omnichannel payment and
ry, countless hours of intensive work                                             adapts to the needs of merchants and
were invested in the new corporate       The energy we bring to our approach      customers. From now on, Paygate is
identity. Among other things, we crea-   has found its expression in the swing    a connected circle that brings mer-
ted a fresh logo, our website relaunch   and colour gradient of our new logo.     chants and customers together across
and our new claim. ’Your Gateway to      It reinterprets the previous corporate   the payment environment. Across
Everywhere’.Our Computop Paygate         colours in a modern way, picks up on     countries and continents, across all
is at the centre of our communication.   our existing identity and transports     channels. With Computop you receive
Beautiful Connected World - The Internet of Things drives automation - also in payments page 6 - Computop

real omnichannel payment, i.e. un-      our website in particular. You should      ment methods and partners can be
complicated processing and uniform      know: We want to be there for you          seen, forms the entrance to our stand.
evaluation of e- and m-commerce         – in consultations, on the phone or
payments as well as payments at POS     through the continuous optimisation        ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED:
terminals or via MOTO (mail order &     of our processes and payment solu-         EVEN EASIER TO FIND
telephone order).                       tions. To capture this commitment,
                                        a professional photography team            If you have not yet taken a look at our
OUR NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE                 accompanied our payment people             freshly designed website, then we
                                        through their daily work for several       cordially invite you to go on a journey
Computop‘s outstanding position in      days. These candid shots make it clear     of discovery to find our solutions and
the field of payment has always been    to visitors to our site just what makes    helpful service articles now even ea-
based on its employees. The Payment     us special and what payment made in        sier and clearer to use. From now on
People give their best every day to     Germany means to us: focused work,         we offer you additional added value
provide customers and partners with     passion for quality and, yes, lots of      on our company blog. Here you can
the highest quality solutions and       fun!                                       read all about new trends and interes-
excellent service. That‘s why we have                                              ting facts in order to keep your finger
consciously decided to focus more       THE PAYGATE IS FOUR METRES HIGH            on the pulse of the times.
on our most important resource. In
stylish black-and-white photography,    You will not only encounter our com-       And if you find all this so interesting
our employees now feature across        pletely revised corporate image on         that you are thinking about joining
                                        the Internet and in our print materi-      The Payment People, you will find all
                                        als, but also at trade fairs and events.   current vacancies in our brand new
                                        Together with Brainfactory, we have        HR section.
                                        created a very special eye-catcher that
                                        was presented for the first time at
                                        dmexco 2019 in Cologne: our Paygate
                                        in physical form. Four metres high, it
                                        will tand out at our exhibition booths
                                        in future. The illuminated archway, on
                                        the inside of which many of our pay-
Beautiful Connected World - The Internet of Things drives automation - also in payments page 6 - Computop

Connected World
Beautiful Connected World - The Internet of Things drives automation - also in payments page 6 - Computop

Debit and credit cards disappear from the
physical world as do coins, banknotes, parking
tickets and transportation passes. All this is
replaced by software, by the app in the mobile
phone or in the fitness tracker on the wrist.
Even our cars will soon be able to pay for their
own fuel or electricity by themselves. This
is still only a vision. For it to become reality,
standardized interfaces, nationwide mobile
communications without gaps and above all
more customer orientation are needed.

Shopping can be a pleasure. But if you      its contents - including the lettuce head
have forgotten to get something you         wilting in the vegetable compartment.
should never run out of - toilet paper,     This, in turn, is only possible if people
printer cartridges, coffee or fresh milk    help them - for example by scanning
for breakfast - shopping becomes hec-       everything they put in or take out with
tic and stressful. The Internet of Things   meticulous care and by setting a mini-
(IoT) promises relaxation and peace of      mum stock level. But this takes more
mind, with technology built into ever-      effort than writing an old-fashioned
yday objects ensuring that these provi-     shopping list.
sions are always supplied on time…as
if by magic . For 20 years now,
all management consultants,
nerds and journalists who are
supposed to explain the IoT
have been raving about a future
in which a smart refrigerator
automatically replenishes the
milk (and of course pays for it
right away). But to this day, not
a single household appliance
manufacturer in the entire
world has built the fairytale

There are good reasons for
this. Firstly, consumers notice
themselves when they run out
of milk or orange juice: the pack
is becoming lighter. Secondly,
the idea that a delivery service
would be called in just for a ridi-
culous litre of milk is completely
absurd. In order for its mini-
mum order quantity to coinci-
de, the autonomous network
refrigerator would also have to
„know“ the large remainder of
Beautiful Connected World - The Internet of Things drives automation - also in payments page 6 - Computop

nternet of Thin
         1-CLICK ORDERING BY BELL                       there are very few „things“ in the sense    a mobile phone is a computer, then a
         BUTTON IN THE BATHROOM                         of „objects“ that play any conceivable      modern automobile is a rolling data
                                                        role here. By far the most important        center.
         Another good example of IT progress            thing associated with the Internet is the
         planned to pass customers by is Ama-           mobile phone, which actually makes          TECHNOLOGY IS THE SMALLEST
         zon‘s „Dash Button“ - a self-adhesive          the term IoT absurd. Because it serves      PROBLEM
         mini transmitter for the IoT that looked       exactly the same purpose as a compu-
         like a bell button with a name tag and         ter, but with a smaller display. The role   In this respect, IoT is, today, only a syn-
         was simply clipped to a wall somewhe-          of the physical thing is taken over by an   onym for the contact between mobile
         re. With this 1-Click-Order hardware,          app. But nobody speaks of the IoA, the      electronics and services somewhere
         members of the regular customer                Internet of Apps.                           in the cloud - whereby „Internet“ says
         program Prime were able to order a                                                         nothing about whether things even
         certain consumer good free of charge           “Things“ are networkable devices
         at the push of a button. Unfortunately,        and products that are not
         the Dash inventors hadn‘t considered           computers, such
         that there were more than three or four        as electronic
         products in real laundry rooms and             door
         bathrooms that had to be reordered             locks,
         sporadically: Heavy duty, wool, colour         re-
         and low duty detergents, stain remo-
         vers, decalcifiers, fabric softeners; toilet
         paper, cosmetics, all kinds of brands
         and types of deodorant, shower gel,
         shampoo, toothpaste and hygiene
         articles for the whole family. The
         icing on the cake of blindness
         was, however, overlooking the
         fact that a perfect delivery target
         group like stressed parents of
         small children would be mad dis-
         tributing many colorful buttons
         in their homes that would tempt
         the little ones to push them.
         Since Dash literally made online
         shopping child‘s play, they wouldn‘t
         have been able to keep up with the
         order cancellations.


         IoT-based solutions for fast purchase
         or uncomplicated payment are pro-
                                                                                                                                                  Illustration: Steffi Stagge

         blem-free wherever they do not conflict
         with the competition and the price or          mote-controlled lamps, thermostats,         speak a common language with the
         tariff is transparent for the customer         surveillance cameras or wearables. At       infrastructure to be used. It is not only
         - for example when parking, refueling          the other end of the size spectrum,         a question of the technical way in which
         or using public transport. However,            the vehicle becomes a „thing“. But if       communication takes place (i.e. directly
Beautiful Connected World - The Internet of Things drives automation - also in payments page 6 - Computop

or indirectly and via NFC,
WiFi, 3G, 4G or 5G), but also
whether the user‘s electronic
means of payment are actually

So even the new contactless
readers won‘t help against an
annoyance that foreign drivers
know from French toll stations.
If the terminal only recognizes
the Carte Bancaire, but neither
the Mastercard nor the Maes-
tro-compatible Girocard, it is of
no use to pull out the iPhone on which        the receipt to print, because the invoice   from almost all over the world can pay
the American Express is stored. The           is sent by e-mail.                          safely without their analogue purses
barrier remains closed while the owner                                                    are already in almost every jacket bag
of a telematics radio chip (badge télé-       THE VISION: ALL PAYMENT­                    or handbag. They only need to be used
péage) passes unhindered through the          ­METHODS FOR ALL AUTONOMOUS                 more frequently and more consistently.
checkpoint on the next lane as many            CARS                                       So far, the same effect has been seen
French residents pay the toll virtually                                                   as with contactless credit and debit
and automatically, without need of the        Should the forecasts prove true that in     cards: As long as they cannot be used
Internet, via a proprietary system.           a few years the trend will move from        nationwide or as long as not all cards of
                                              owning one‘s own car to providing           a customer are equipped with NFC, no
THE CAR PAYS ITS OWN FUEL                     mobility services with electric vehic-      routine develops.
                                              les („Mobility as a Service“), this will
There are still other ideas being discus-     probably result in the coexistence of       The fact that things can be done
sed around the car. An autonomous             two payment models: on the B2B side,        differently is shown by examples as
electric car would be able to make ap-        the fleet operator leaves the payment       different as Sweden and China. In both
pointments with the repair shop to put        of running costs to the on-board            countries, retailers, restaurants and
on the winter tyres or have the automa-       computer, while on the B2C side the         transport companies made early invest-
tically ordered wearing parts installed.      user‘s smartphone is used to bill the       ments in advance. The technology is
                                              rent, which in turn is networked with       up and running, and all consumers can
A first step towards the self-paying          the on-board computer. Consequently,        conveniently make cashless payments
car is likely to be the fuel pump, which      vehicles of all operators would have        anywhere. In the EU and North Ameri-
communicates with the on-board info-          to be usable with any digital payment       ca, more payment methods - i.e. more
tainment system. Since the 2018 model         method, otherwise the traffic volume in     players - can be reconciled. But there
year, several Jaguar models have offe-        a city that wants to cover its transport    are payment service providers who not
red their owners the option of making         needs with fewer private cars cannot        only have the right solution for smart-
an in-car payment on the dashboard            be optimized. In his app, company A‘s       phones, but also for every ordering or
touch screen via Paypal, Apple Pay or         customer would not be able to see           paying „thing“ all the way to the car.
Google Pay at participating Shell petrol      company B‘s car though it’s standing in
stations. As with a cashless supermar-        front of him and would instead have to
ket filling station with a Girocard reader,   call an A car from somewhere.
the customer can drive off immedia-
tely after returning the nozzle to the        After all, sophisticated devices with
pump. He doesn‘t even have to wait for        which business travellers and tourists
Beautiful Connected World - The Internet of Things drives automation - also in payments page 6 - Computop

siness Intellig
            Big Data.
            Big Business.
                                                         COMPUTOP ANALYTICS: BASIS FOR                 With the goal of providing Computop
            With the new Computop                        INDIVIDUALISED EVALUATIONS                    Paygate users with a functional and
            Dashboard you will receive                                                                 intuitive analysis tool, a project team
                                                         Computop Paygate‘s transaction data-          of experienced data scientists and UX
            all relevant information                     base offers the best solution for this.       designers spared no time and effort.
            about your transactions                      Every transaction – regardless of the         With the help of customer interviews,
            and the development of                       sales channel – is processed centrally        the first step was to determine the cen-
            your sales within seconds.                   via the Paygate platform. There is no         tral requirements that end users have
                                                         need for time-consuming data con-             for such a tool. Since many customer
            Anytime, anywhere.                           solidation. Computop customers can            requests could be combined into hig-
                                                         use the proven Computop Analytics             her-level functionalities, it was possible
            Have you already successfully integra-       tool to quickly and conveniently track        to incorporate almost all requirements
            ted Computop Paygate into your sys-          their transactions in near real time. By      in the product development process.
            tems? Congratulations! Your customers        using data exports and
            can now shop quickly and conveniently        corresponding EXCEL
            with all desired payment methods on          knowledge, it‘s at this
            all channels. Many payment service           point to examine the
            providers would consider their services      progress of transac-
            to have already been completed at this       tions based on time,
            point.                                       channel and sales
            We at Computop are convinced that
            your payment data can do more!               But this approach is
            Strictly speaking, they data is a treasure   very cumbersome and
            trove that is just waiting to be tapped.     resource-intensive
            Because behind every payment process         in practice and does
            lies valuable information about the per-     not meet our requi-
            formance of your sales channels and          rements. We aim to
            the user-friendliness of your checkout       ensure that customers
            processes. But how can the relevant          invest as little time and
            data be structured and interpreted in a      effort as necessary in
            meaningful way?                              the area of payment
                                                         in order to be able
                                                         to concentrate fully
                                                         on their operational
                                                         business.                   Example 1: How are transactions distributed among individual pay-
                                                                                     ment methods? Overview of successfully completed transactions.

Example 2: How do revenues from different payment methods develop
over time? Detailed analysis of selected months.

THE COMPUTOP DASHBOARD GIVES                       truly relevant for your particular needs.
YOUR PAYMENT DATA A FACE                           The Computop Dashboard makes the
                                                   targeted selection of data child‘s play.
The result is the Computop Dashboard.              The easy-to-use data filter allows you
Like Computop Analytics, the tool is               to exclude unneeded time periods and
completely browser-based and allows                transaction properties from the view
access to your transaction data at any             in just a few steps. The remaining data
time and from any place. However, the              required for your evaluation is auto-
dashboard is not a mere extension of               matically summarized by the tool in
Computop Analytics. Both tools per-                the form of a chart. Depending on the
form different tasks. While Computop               intended use, the type of graphical re-
Analytics enables detailed checking and            presentation can be flexibly configured,
subsequent adjustment of individual                for example by different diagram types
transactions, Computop Dashboard                   or data arrangements.
allows payment transactions to be
displayed cumulatively over time and               WHO IS THE COMPUTOP
processed visually.                                ­DASHBOARD FOR?

The progress of your transactions                  The Computop Dashboard was deli-
can either be tracked within freely                berately designed so that no previous
definable time periods or as a compa-              knowledge of databases or other soft-
rison of relevant time periods, such as            ware is required – because payment
years, quarters or months. Trends and              data is not only useful for e-commerce
patterns with regard to sales, payment             managers and internal controlling.
methods, payment channels and sales
countries can thus be identified easily            The dashboard also proves to be a
and with just a few clicks.                        valuable and unbureaucratic source of
                                                   information for company management.
CLEAR GRAPHIC REPRESENTATIONS:                     Thanks to its ease of use, managers
LOOK ONLY AT THE THINGS THAT                       can gain a quick overview of the de-
ARE RELEVANT                                       velopment of sales and payment met-
                                                   hods without having to wait for reports
Wherever data needs to be processed                from the specialist departments.
and visualized in a meaningful way,                                                            Example 3: Variable filter for targeted
extensive filter functions are indispen-                                                       selection of transaction types

sable. After all, you only want to select
those data and time periods that are

 Goodbye to cash?
 What India and China have
 ahead of Europe

For a long time, Europe and Germany in special were regarded as bastions
of cash. Alternative payment methods that did not rely on hard coins and
printed notes did not really seem to be accepted here. The Germans never
wanted to use credit cards with the same intensity as is customary in similar
advanced nations like the USA or the UK.
If you take a closer look, however, you will notice that with the right
innovations, our willingness to embrace new payment methods is increasing.
The use of contactless card payments in particular has risen sharply thanks
to the increasing spread of NFC technology.

                         Meanwhile, many societies, especially       rather they pay with their mobile pho-
                         in Asia, are already thinking in a more     nes. The seller usually points to a sheet
                         visionary way. The smartphone is the        of paper with the QR code printed on it.
                         most important payment instrument           If the customer scans it, it transfers the
                         for many people in Asia. China and          purchase amount directly from his or
                         India show how the road to a cashless       her bank account to that of the dealer.
                         society can affect people‘s everyday
                         lives - often, but not always, for the      This is usually done via WeChat or
                         better.                                     Alipay, two e-wallet solutions developed
                                                                     in China that are as ubiquitous as card
                         PROGRESS IN CHINA BECOMES                   payments at European petrol stations.
                         AN OPPORTUNITY FOR GERMAN                   The big advantage for the merchants
                         ­COMPANIES                                  is that the implementation costs them
                                                                     almost nothing. All they need is a bank
                         The fruit stand in China differs from its   account, which they link to the app.
                         German counterpart not only by the          Those who pay in the powerful social
                         exotic fruits available. When it comes      app WeChat can even follow the mer-
                         to payment, things are quite diffe-         chants‘ WeChat accounts directly in the
                         rent in the People‘s Republic. While in     application, chat with them and ask for
                         Germany coins and notes at the local        products and promotions.
                         market are often the only way to pay,
                         in China customers can make cashless        The simple and inexpensive setup of
                         payments. They don’t do this with a         a wallet in WeChat has led to many
                         card, as fruit and vegetable merchants      beggars asking for cashless alms.
                         cannot afford expensive terminals, but      Instead of a coffee mug or a worn cap
                                                                     filled with coins, they put up a sign
                                                                     with a QR code and have the money
                                                                     transferred by app. This is an impres-
                                                                     sive example of the central role played
               Street kitchen in Chengdu: the QR code-based mobile   by the smartphone in Chinese everyday
               payment procedures allow merchants a technically
               low-threshold entry into cashless payment. Customer   life. And the expansion of WeChat and
               acceptance is also high.                              Alipay abroad is already in full swing.
                                                                     The providers are benefiting from the

 explosive growth in prosperity in China           directly to the user‘s smartphone. While   and came into force immediately. Those
 and the desire of the Chinese to travel.          in Europe brochures are still stuffed in   who did not want the value of their
 Especially in popular European destina-           letterboxes, in China customer loyalty     cash to go up in smoke had to deposit
 tions such as Rome, Prague, Salzburg              is much more digitalized and there-        or exchange their money with the
 or Barcelona, many souvenir shops and             fore much more effective. A growing        banks by the end of the year and were
 restaurants at tourist spots are able to          number of European suppliers are also      also obliged to prove that the money
 accept QR payments and thus increase              offering their products on Chinese         supply had been taxed in accordance
 their turnover, because guests from the           online marketplaces and can thus par-      with the law.
 Far East are not fans of cash and prefer          ticipate in this progress. This benefits
 to pay with their familiar methods from           not only their operators, the merchants    Nevertheless, the drastic measure had
 home.                                             themselves, but also the payment           only a limited effect. It is reasonable
                                                   service providers and importantly the      to assume that many tax fraudsters
 More and more retailers in Europe                 customer.                                  reduced their cash assets by many
 are also recognising the potential.                                                          small amounts rather than by one large
 If Chinese people buy products in a               CASHLESS INDIA – SUCCESS OR                amount, for those who paid compara-
 store and pay with WeChat, retailers              FAILURE?                                   tively small amounts were not prosecu-
 can keep them up to date with product                                                        ted by the tax investigators. A substan-
 information even if they have long since          India wants to go one step further.        tial part of illegal earnings reside in real
 returned home. As soon as the custo-              At the end of 2016, the government         estate or abroad, according to expert
 mer carries out a transaction with the            declared banknotes worth 500 and           opinion.
 payment app, he automatically follows             1000 rupees invalid. This corresponded
 the dealer‘s channel integrated into              to 86 percent of the country‘s cash or     In other areas, too, society has not yet
 the app. This works because WeChat                12 percent of India‘s gross domestic       fully implemented its cash abolition
 is basically like PayPal and Facebook in          product. A drastic decision, which was     policy. In small villages, for example,
 one. Sellers then send new information            also communicated without warning          card readers too often fail due to server
                                                                                                           problems, should they
                                                                                                           even exist. This even ap-
                                                                                                           plies to places like Dhasai,
                                                                                                           India‘s first cashless village
                                                                                                           with a high public profile
                                                                                                           and strong media cover-
                                                                                                           age. Almost half of the
                                                                                                           population is still without a
                                                                                                           bank account, despite the
                                                                                                           fact that the government
                                                                                                           ensured that over 300 mil-
                                                                                                           lion people received free

                                                                                                           Another criticism of the
                                                                                                           system is the fear of a
                                                                                                           surveillance state. The new
                                                                                                           „Aadhaar“ ID card now
                                                                                                           stores 1.2 out of 1.3 billion
                                                                                                           Indians with iris scans,
                                                                                                           fingerprints and more in a
                                                                                                           central database. Although
                                                                                                           it is not officially allowed to

 Queue in front of an Indian bank in Mandawa:                                                                           Continued on p. 14
 Millions of Indians had to deposit a large part
 of their cash into accounts or exchange it for
 other banknotes within a short space of time
 when the 500 and 1000 rupee banknotes were
 declared invalid in November 2016.

      Computop wins
      mpe award for
      best customer

      Computop earned the accolade thanks         payment channels, including the POS          The integration of Computop into
      to its role as the central payment ser-     terminals, and enable cross-channel          the Sixt system landscape, which
      vice provider of international mobility     transactions.                                has a high number of transactions
      service provider Sixt. Thanks to the bro-   The use of standard P2PE card termi-         and the special process require-
      ad range of financial service providers     nals in the Sixt corporate countries         ments of car rental business, was
      that the payment platform offers, Sixt is   simplifies its system landscape and also     only possible due to the extreme
      now able to centrally control its various   offers its customers maximum security.       flexibility of the Computop Paygate.

    From the

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 merge bank data and Aadhaar informa-        However, the extent to which the UPI         their respective national borders. Other
 tion, there are reports of leaks in which   will affect India‘s economy is not yet       creative approaches, which are more
 sensitive data was sold for very small      clear. What is certain is that this is one   likely produced by start-ups than the
 amounts.                                    of the most interesting experiments          established players in the financial
                                             in the area of payments, the course          sector, lack market penetration.
 But the move to the Cashless Society        of which is being closely observed in
 also brings benefits to India. From a       many places. However, over 800 million       Anyone looking for success stories
 technical point of view, one of the major   transactions in the first three years        from the West will inevitably have to
 achievements is the Unified Payment         after introduction already speak a clear     look to the USA at the moment. What
 Interface (UPI), one of the biggest inno-   language. By the way, the amount of          seems certain is that the coming years
 vations in electronic payments in recent    cash in circulation has since been in-       will have a decisive impact on develop-
 years. It allows payment initiation and     creased again. The new notes that were       ments in the field of digital payments.
 receipt between banks and requires          issued are equipped with additional          Experience to date from the Asian re-
 only the mobile phone number of the         security features.                           gion shows, on the one hand, that seri-
 respective account holder or their virtu-                                                ous upheavals in the area of payments
 al ID. As this is an open standard, users   ALL QUIET IN THE WEST?                       may not necessarily lead to order, but
 do not even have to use the same app                                                     sometimes to even more chaos. On the
 to process transactions between each        Most Europeans are still a long way          other hand, it is just as clear that such
 other. This is a convenience from which     from such visionary and disruptive           innovations can also serve as an econo-
 the European payment landscape is far       interventions in payment habits. Mobile      mic engine and can cultivate the fields
 away. More than 140 banks are already       payment is still in its infancy here and     for new industries. At the moment
 on board in India and use the interface.    is primarily carried out via the Apple       there is every indication that the future
 Many payment providers offer their          Pay and Google Pay payment methods.          of digital payment is emerging east of
 services on this interface. These include   Europe must ask itself whether it has        Europe. It is therefore worth taking a
 WhatsApp and Google, who use the            enough innovative power to produce           closer look at these developments. It
 interface for instant payments.             an internationally successful and pro-       would be foolish to ignore them becau-
                                             mising payment method. Well imple-           se progress cannot be stopped. But we
 It is assumed that the innovation will      mented solutions such as MobilePay           can help shape it.
 also have a significant impact on len-      by Danske Bank (Denmark) and Swish
 ding, especially to private customers.      (Sweden) do not play a role outside

How local payment boosts global sales
Basket abandonment is a lose-lose situation. Customers lose by leaving without
completing their purchase. Merchants lose a sale. It’s alarmingly common,
especially online.

Abandonment rates are 77% across all sectors, according to                Payment-powered commerce
e-commerce company Salescycle. That’s more than seven-in-ten              Generalising hugely, plastic cards are popular in the US and UK,
customers adding items to their baskets and then leaving without          whereas in Europe with a high banked population, bank transfers
completing a purchase. Imagine the equivalent in a physical               are popular. In Africa, it’s mobile money. In Asia, it’s e-wallets and
store. Customers discarding their baskets in the shop. Staff having       in Latin America, e-cash. There are more local payment methods
to find and tidy them away and replace items on shelves. And this         now than ever before — around 350 of relevance worldwide.
happening again and again as only three in every ten customers            These follow customers wherever and however they shop, at home
actually check out.                                                       or abroad, online or in-store. However, there is no such thing as
                                                                          a simple payment system. If payments is not their core business,
Online retailers don’t have to imagine this. It’s their reality. It’s     merchants must find a solution to payment integrations, refund and
frustrating, particularly when competition is so fierce. Other sites      reconciliation headaches and regulatory updates.
are only a mouse-click away. It’s also taken so much into getting
customers to the site: advertising, design, merchandising and             How PPRO can help
logistics. So, it’s a real shame when customers visit, are close to       PPRO gives payment providers like its long term partner Computop
buying, yet leave with nothing.                                           and their merchants access to local payment methods worldwide.
                                                                          Our engineers, lawyers and commercial experts deal with every
Don’t leave me this way                                                   aspect of payment service integration, so our partners don’t have to.
Some abandonment is unavoidable. Customers may be unready                 We offer an end-to-end service that includes technical integration,
to commit. They are researching products and comparing prices.            collection and reconciliation of funds, remittance and reporting.
However, cumbersome check-outs, long forms and high shipping
costs may be preventable. What’s more, around one-in-twenty               As new payment methods become available, we integrate them
customers get as far at the check-out, but abandon due to a               within our technical platform. As regulations change, we update
lack of payment options, according to Salescycle. This is entirely        our processes and inform our clients. And as the market changes,
preventable.                                                              we develop new payment and e-commerce-related products and
                                                                          services to meet our customers’ changing needs.
Merchants can accept a range of payment methods to close sales.
Frequently this means localising payment. E-tailers diversifying into     Online commerce works better when it’s powered by PPRO.
different countries often conflate international commerce with
international payment types. In fact, there is no single, global way to   To find out more about what PPRO can do for your business, get in
pay. Global payment brands such as Visa and Mastercard account            touch with us today at |
for only 23% of global e-commerce payments. This will fall to 15%
by 2021, Worldpay research suggests. Unless they can offer local
payment methods, merchants will miss out on sales.
The Computop Paygate.
Your gateway to the bor-
derless world of payment.

The comprehensive payment solution from Computop
along with in-house support are all you need for processing
your national and international customer payments.
We provide everything from the one source – with a modular
structure, so that we can guarantee to configure the best
solution for you.


⸰   Access to over 350 methods of payment       ⸰   Central processing of payments on one
⸰   Free choice of acquirer for our customers       single platform for all sales channels
⸰   Individual requirements catered for         ⸰   Access to all transactions on all channels,
⸰   Simple integration of ERP and shop              in a well-ordered and perfectly analyzable
    systems and of further payment services         form in one single backend system
⸰   Processing in over 70 currencies

MAXIMUM SECURITY                                AT YOUR SERVICE

⸰   A comprehensive range of tools for          ⸰   Personal, competent support from
    fraud prevention                                experts with many years of experience
⸰   PCI DSS certification and P2PE encryption    ⸰   Exclusively in-house support, from
    for secure POS solutions                        integration to regular business
⸰   Token service: anonymization of credit      ⸰   Catering for individual requirements
    card data (PKN) for one-click shopping          and implementation according to needs
                                                ⸰   Rapid, smooth realization of projects

     Marketing at Computop
     ”Essentially we are
                                                        In most business studies textbooks,
                                                        the theoretical tasks and functions of
                                                        marketing are similarly described. In
                                                        some form it is always about recrui-
                                                        ting new customers, retaining existing
                                                        customers and binding them to your
                                                        products and brand in the long term.

                                                        According to Olivia Stocks, Head of
                                                        Marketing at Computop, marketing
                                                        is defined by a completely different
                                                        main function: „Essentially, we are
                                                        translators! We turn complex technical
                                                        information about our Computop solu-
                                                        tions and e-commerce into easy-to-un-
                                                        derstand communication - both for our
                                                        customers and for internal purposes.
                                                        As the main person responsible for
                                                        the brand and the corporate identity,
                                                        Stocks cites the new campaign YOUR
                                                        GATEWAY TO EVERYWHERE as an exam-
                                                        ple (see also p. 4). „Here we consciously
                                                        say goodbye to the presentation of
                                                        hard facts such as highest security, real
                                                        Omnichannel or maximum flexibility in
                                                        payment methods and acquirers“.
           Try the following experiment: During
           your next coffee break, stroll through the   Going deep into these facts would
                                                        certainly be a good way to show off. But
           corridors and ask five colleagues what       whilst for many market participants and
           your company‘s marketing department is       customers, security standards such as
           actually doing. Prognosis? You‘ll get five   PCI P2PE or the definition of genuine
           different answers, ranging from „no idea“    Omnichannel remain important
                                                        decision-making criteria, in terms of
           to „something with the Internet“.            content they are still abstract terms
                                                        that require a great deal of background

                                                                                           THE TEAM

knowledge. The challenge for marke-          won‘t bore you with technical gibberish,
ting is therefore to find analogies or       we‘ll solve your problems if you choose
metaphors that transport the same            us“.
information: „Instead, in our world of
images we show how these abstract            But Computop‘s marketing department
constructs have a positive effect on the     sees itself more as a midwife than as a
everyday lives of many people. It shows      service provider. Jana Grassmee, Event
that many positive experiences are           Marketing Manager at Computop,                 Olivia Stocks
actually based on a smooth and secure        explains this with the company claim:          Head of Marketing
payment process. In this respect, we         „Our claim ‚The Payment People‘, which
even translate information into visuali-     is even part of our logo, came out of
zed emotions:                                the staff‘s sense of being a real com-
                                             munity - almost like a tribe or a family.
  ”Hey, look, thanks to us you can           We‘ve been running it for over ten
  stand in the middle of the subway          years and despite the tight organiza-
  and still buy clothes at your favor-       tion, we still try to maintain that special
  ite shop – fast, secure, completely        vibe, which feels like a school trip or
  trouble-free!“                             family celebrations when it comes to
                                             events like Planet Trade, where people
At the product level, it is possible to      come together. Our colleagues live and         Paul Reiche
break many things down into emotional        breathe this attitude, something that is       Product Marketing
communication in e-payment, but by no        only possible when you are not forced          Manager
means everything. This applies, in           into a tight corset, but rather get a lot
particular, to product sheets or brochu-     of freedom to solve problems your way.
res on new Computop solutions, some          Holger Kellermann, Online Marketing
of which are technically complex, such       Manager at Computop, agrees:
as the fraud prevention AI Fraud Score.
Since February 2019, Paul Reiche has           ”Basically, our colleagues are the
therefore been the Product Marketing           most important resource, our
Manager at the communicative                   central brand ambassadors. All we
interface between marketing, product           often have to do is record the mood,
management, product development                channel it, formulate it in texts or
and the customer. „Every person takes          visualize it in pictures.“                   Jana Grassmee
a certain perspective, solves problems                                                      Event Marketing
out of their respective roles. A technici-   Computop‘s new homepage, which                 Manager
an will always tend to technically define    went online on September 9, 2019,
and solve problems. My job at Compu-         shows that this principle is a living one.
top is therefore to take the perspective     „Just take a look at,“
of our customers - most of whom are          says Kellermann, „there will be many
not technicians.“ And from this angle        familiar faces of the payment people
Reiche produces up to 20 custo-              smiling at you!”
mer-oriented print products per year as
well as countless online texts. The
central message for everyone is: „We
                                                                                            Holger Kellermann
                                                                                            Online Marketing

     Delegated Authentication
     Secret weapon for better
                               There are a number of good reasons          Fortunately, the PSD2 payment directi-
                               why merchants should consider a SCA         ve and the major credit card schemes
     The possibility to        delegation. It gives them an advantage      allow authentication to be outsourced
     transfer the Strong       over the issuer banks that should not       from issuers to merchants. Computop
                               be underestimated: in most cases they       is one of the first payment service pro-
     Customer Authen-          provide the user with a much better         viders to give merchants the necessary
     tication (SCA) from       authentication experience. Although         infrastructure to set up the SCA dele-
     the issuer to the         the user interface for SCA in 3DS 2.0 is    gation in compliance with GDPR and
     merchant via 3DS 2.0      much more harmoniously integrated           PSD2. This applies to both smartphone
                               into the payment process than in 3DS        and browser payments.
     will become a reality     1.0, a native SCA embedded in the
     with version 2.2. The     checkout reduces the risk of jump-off       Important for SCA are biometric
     card-issuing bank can     significantly. This is not least due to     authentication options, for example
                               the fact that cardholders without SCA       via fingerprint or face recognition,
     be confident that the
                               delegation would have to authenticate       according to the FIDO standard. Ideally,
     authentication perfor-    themselves twice in certain cases. The      merchants should integrate the corre-
     med by the merchant       first time to log into their customer ac-   sponding step at which SCA delegation
     is valid, provided that   count at the merchant and the second        takes place as early as possible in the
                               time to initiate the payment.               purchasing process. For example, the
     the Regulatory Tech-                                                  moment customers log into the seller‘s
     nical Standards (RTS)     This additional hurdle could result in      app or online store. Once this step has
     prescribed for data       consumers turning to other payment          been taken, the relevant information
     collection are com-       methods for credit card payments and        can be sent to the issuer together with
                               the credit card losing popularity, or       the other data points relevant for 3DS
     plied with.               customers turning to other merchants        2.0 in encrypted form to prove that
                               where checkout works better.                the merchant has already provided
                                                                           PSD2-compliant authentication.

                                                                                           This allows the mer-
                                                                                           chant to avoid any type
                                                                                           of problem that could
                                                                                           cause a conversion loss
                                                                                           during the payment
                                                                                           process without SCA
                                                                                           delegation. Finally, the
                                                                                           integration of biometric
                                                                                           authentication also
                                                                                           protects customers and
                                                                                           merchants from fraudu-
                                                                                           lent activities such as
                                                                                           identity theft.

Affordable, secure
and efficient!

                                                                              i n  t ouch
                                                                          Get       your
                                                                           w  i t h
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               paydirekt is the online payment solution created by the German banking sector.
               Benefit from the most cost-effective payment method according to „Complete Cost Study
               2019“ by ibi research, with access to a large customer base and a strong commitment
               to quality. For further information please get in touch with your Computop account manager
               or visit our website:

    at Computop Paygate
    The global Omnichannel
    payment platform
    Computop Paygate
    connects markets
    and sales channels,
    consolidates payments
    and ensures smooth data                      Computop Paygate is ready to process girocard

    flow in a dynamic industry.                  payments. Commercial network operators looking
    Over the past 12 months,                     for modern technical network operation for their
    Computop Paygate has                         terminal fleet can now connect to Paygate. A mo-
    once again seen a number                     dern CCV terminal fleet with PCI P2PE encryption
    of innovations – a selection                 is available for merchants, and also partners with
    of the most important                        their own terminal solution can connect and thus
    ones follows.                                merge the established German POS payment met-
                                                 hod with over 350 payment methods from all over
                                                 the world.
                                                 All payment transactions can be evaluated in real
                                                 time, and the daily girocard transactions can also
                                                 be combined into a single record item. Paygate is
                                                 approved for TA 7.1 and prepared for TA 7.2.

        3D Secure 2.0
        With the update of the 3D Secure protocol, the require-
        ments of the PSD2 have found their way into the credit card
        payment process. To ensure that customers are rarely con-
        fronted with two-factor authentication, merchants can now
        hand over many more data points and thus support a more
        precise risk analysis. The interface to Computop Paygate is
        ready to use.

                                                      New Partners in Asia
 Maybank2U and CIMB clicks are two      available in this emerging country has   100,000 local merchants process
 very popular online transfer payment   been expanded. With GMO, a power-        their payments via GMO; now it is
 methods in Malaysia. Through their     ful partner in Japan has been con-       available for credit card processing
 integration with Computop Payga-       nected, providing another payment        to Computop customers with local
 te, the range of payment methods       alternative in this market. More than    entities in Japan.

          Tokenisation                              The replacement of real card numbers with pseudo
                                                    card numbers (PCN), otherwise known as tokens,
                                                    was one of the first products that Computop in-
                                                    troduced into the still young online card payment
                                                    market at the beginning of the 2000s as a contri-
                                                    bution to greater payment security. In addition to
                                                    PCN, Computop Paygate now also makes VISA to-
VISA Direct                                         kens available to merchants.
                                                    The aim of the major card brand is to gradually
With a service for P2P (per-                        minimize the use of real card numbers for security
son-to-person) payments,                            reasons. The VISA tokens, on the other hand, offer
VISA provides money trans-                          the possibility of restricting the use to certain pur-
fer to credit, debit and pre-                       poses or periods of time up to one-time numbers,
paid cards independent of                           thus making payment transactions safer and more
the bank account. VISA Di-                          convenient.
rect also has great potential
for all companies that want
to pay out money quickly
and independently. Pay-
ments, such as insurance
benefits in emergencies and
compensation for delayed
flights or winnings, are paid
directly to the VISA card.
Computop has already con-
nected VISA Direct to Acqui-
rer as one of the first PSPs
to do so.
                                                     New Interface
                                                       Computop was one of the first PSPs to convert Paygate to
                                                       the new interface, Klarna Payments. The previously indivi-
                                                       dually linked services from purchases such as Billpay and
                                                       SOFORT have been merged and are now available in the
                                                       categories „Pay Later“, „Slice It“ and „Pay Now“. Which pay-
                                                       ment methods the customer sees depends on the merchant‘s
                                                       contract and the customer‘s risk assessment.

        at Computop Paygate

                                                                 The Computop terminal family from
                                                                 CCV makes the leap into the next
                                                                 generation. „The modern terminals
                                                                 include a high-resolution colour dis-
                                                                 play and fast 1 GHz processor (Base
           The German online payment system                      Next), with a large display for signatu-

           Paydirekt makes secure payment                        re capture and front camera for code
           even easier with its new OneKlick so-                 capture (Pad Next) or 2-band WiFi and
           lution. In the future, customers will be              full touch screen for PIN on Glass (Fly
           able to pay with this payment method                  Next). The new devices are also highly
           without having to log into their ac-                  secure thanks to PCI P2PE encryption.
           count. Registration for OneKlick can
           also take place during checkout. To
           launch this new service, Computop
           Paygate is making the functionality
           available to all merchants.

        FIDO                                                          Card Details
                                                                        Computop Paygate provides mer-
        Thanks to its own FIDO server, Computop now offers              chants with more information than
        biometric authentication for merchants. Contempo-               ever before on credit card payments:
                                                                        new card details enable evaluations
        rary services such as secure login to customer ac-
                                                                        and error analyses by card type. The
        counts or biometric protection on smartphones can               differentiation between the various
        now be easily set up. Of particular appeal, the custo-          card products of the leading brands
        mer‘s login can also be used as a PSD2-secure pay-              offers merchants new possibilities for
        ment trigger! Read more in the article on page 22.              customer information and individual

                                                               Germany’s easiest
                                                               installment purchase solution
                                                               Now also on the Base Next Terminal

                                                            • Purchase amounts from €200 to €10,000
                                                            • Payment terms of six to 60 months
                                                            • No lengthy checks; a debit card is enough

Activate it now for your chance to win a
Base Next Terminal + six months service package
Research shows that retailers offering the option of purchase by installments bring in more revenue.
But don’t take our word for it: The first ten businesses that register to try out ratenkauf by easyCredit at their point
of sale will receive the new Base Next Terminal including a six-month service package worth €500 free of charge.
Don’t miss the opportunity to drive revenue with Germany’s simplest installment purchase system.

A perfect team at the point of sale – ratenkauf by easyCredit and the new Base Next Terminal

Modern consumers like their shopping          available at the point of sale have proved   authenticated with the customer’s debit
to be flexible and simple – they want to      extremely cumbersome.                        card at the point of sale. For the retailer,
shop whenever, wherever, and however                                                       there is no risk and no paperwork.
it suits them. This is evident from the       The ideal installment purchase option,
growth in omnichannel retail, with the        both online and offline: ratenkauf by
number of companies adopting an omni-         easyCredit                                        Activate and test it now
channel or crosschannel approach having
increased by 14 per cent in the last year     Whether in a bricks-and-mortar store or        Here’s what you need to do
alone (source: EHI 2019). Having a broad      an online shop – ratenkauf by easyCredit
presence has long since ceased to be a USP.   offers a fair and transparent solution. As     1. Send an email with the subject line
                                              a TeamBank AG product, it comes under          #omnichannelfit
People now also want flexibility in how       the umbrella of Germany’s Volksbanken          to
they pay. A comprehensive choice of pay-      Raiffeisenbanken cooperative financial         (deadline October 30, 2019)
ment options is particularly appealing        network. It allows customers to pay for
for customers when larger sums are rung       shopping carts worth between €200              2. Activate ratenkauf by easyCredit on
up at the virtual or real-life checkout.      and €10,000 over a minimum of six              your Computop point-of-sale terminal
Finance solutions present an attractive       months and a maximum of 60 months,             and you’ll be automatically entered into
solution here, with the installment           with no hidden costs or fees. In online        our competition!
purchase option becoming increasingly         stores, only a few personal details need
popular. Indeed, when TeamBank con-           to be entered in order to complete the         Terms and conditions:
ducted a survey of German consumers           purchase.                            
in 2017 it found that nearly two thirds
could imagine making a payment in             It’s just as straightforward in a bricks-
installments.                                 and-mortar shop. All the customer has
                                              to do is scan the product’s QR code with
After all, customers taking advantage         their smartphone, choose their desired
of this payment option get the products       installment amount, and then enter
they want immediately – without having        a few personal details. The decision
to save up and wait. Until now, however,      is made in seconds. The purchase is
most installment purchase solutions           completed as soon as the transaction is

 Artificial intelligence as a

 In which city will demand                     „Computop manages 160 billion
 be particularly high next                     data points for its customers. Com-
                                               putop‘s artificial intelligence helps
 weekend? How strong is                        retailers evaluate data and rela-
 the impact of weather or                      tionships to better understand and
 major events on your on-                      predict buyer behavior.“
 line sales? And under what
                                             Data is the oil that organisations like
 circumstances is the pro-                   Amazon, Google and other BigTechs
 bability of fraud or returns                are using to lubricate their sales
 particularly high? Why                      machines. The data volume of a
                                             medium-sized company is smaller - but
 does the customer behave
                                             just as valuable. Only when we evaluate
 like this and not different-                our data does the treasure that it
 ly? The answer is in your                   contains become truly valuable.
 data. Do you need artifici-                 Computop has made it its business to
                                             support its customers with AI and Big
 al intelligence to answer                   Data as a service.
 such questions or are good
 old statistics not enough?                  DOES THE MEDIUM-SIZED BUSINESS
                                             HAVE A CHANCE AGAINST GOOGLE
 Many questions can be answered with         & CO.?
 Big Data and statistics. If you know your
 data and the relationships between the      Although Google has more data and AI
 data, the statistics can answer many        experience, Google‘s AI is no smarter
 questions. But not every company has        than that of a mid-sized company.
 the necessary Big Data tools and a          Every question and every AI project
 statistics specialist in-house. And the     is based on specific knowledge with
 larger the database, the more difficult     specific data regardless of size, so with
 it is to understand the data and the        the right questions and the right data,
 relationships between the data. Statisti-   a medium-sized retailer can be just as
 cians are powerless without knowledge       successful as Google.
 of the connections. This is the point
 at which artificial intelligence (AI) can   Computop offers AI as a service
 help to uncover previously unknown          because as a payment service provi-
 relationships in your data.                 der we are only as successful as our

customers. AI can help here. From a          „Our customers‘ data is stored            AND WHY SHOULD YOU OUTSOUR-
technical perspective, data is the basis     securely and GDPR-compliant in our        CE THIS TO A SERVICE PROVIDER?
of all AI. Computop already stores a lot     Big Data Tool. The combination of
of sales data for its customers, which,      the Computop Dashboard with AI            Several Gartner studies show that
for example, allows conclusions to be        tools such as Python and TensorFlow       today AI is at the point that IT was back
drawn about customer behaviour - and         has resulted in the Computop AI           in 1960. We do need AI, but the techno-
this in a GDPR-compliant manner and          platform.“                                logy is still in its infancy. Only a few
strongly encrypted according to the                                                    companies have the data competence,
highest PCI security standards.            Very important first steps in every AI      the big data tools and qualified person-
                                           project are the selection of the relevant   nel with statistics and AI competence.
                                           data, followed by GDPR-compliant            Computop has developed all this for its
                                           anonymisation and AI data preparation.      customers. If you have an AI project,
                                           The prepared data is then transferred       talk to us. Your data is already here, just
                                           to AI tools such as Python and Tensor-      like big data and AI tools. We look for-
                                           Flow to test suitable mathematical          ward to supporting you with AI projects
                                           models. All this is automated for you on    as a service in addition to payment in
                                           the Computop AI platform.                   the future.


                                                                                                        Photo: Andreas Herzau
         Cultural treat for
          Bamberg, Computop‘s headquarters, has ambassadors
          not only in the world of payments, but also in culture.
          Twice this year, the Payment People have combined

          The Bamberg Symphony Orchestra              musical enjoyment, and shortly before
          has been regarded as one of the best        the concert there was an introduction
          orchestras in Germany for many years        by the artistic director Marcus Rudolf
          and brought their music into the world      Axt. The celebrated oboist Albrecht
          on numerous concert tours, led by           Mayer enchanted the audience in Ham-
          Jakub Hrůša since 2016. As a concert        burg, while we listened to superstar
          sponsor, Computop supported the             violinist Joshua Bell in the BBC proms.
          Symphoniy at two performances last          Our guests said ”...a truly amazing ex-
          season and was able to invite a circle of   perience with a great company to enjoy
          customers and partners to the Elbphil-      it with!“.
          harmonie in Hamburg and the famous
          Royal Albert Hall in London. A meal was                                               Video
          provided, strengthening the guests‘

You can also read